
hipstersandwichGh0st75: I am using it on an Intel iMac, wanna PM me for a step by step?00:00
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jaybeeIs there an easy way to get rid of all the unnecesary processes in ubuntu? I've noticed it has a ton or stuff that I can't see a need for, ie xfs,jfs, etc....00:00
area51pilotany email client preferences for working with Exchange???    ...anyone?00:00
jaybeeI think it may be the kernel loading all of this stuff, rcconf isn't the thing...00:00
jaybeeThis is ubuntu server, so having * hardware support is quite a nuisance00:01
test34jaybee, xfs process? do you mean package?00:01
macoIdleOne: thanks00:01
macohipstersandwich: you too00:01
jaybee1 S root     25596     2  0  80   0 -     0 worker Sep07 ?        00:00:00 [xfslogd/1]00:02
hipstersandwichmaco: Of course... but what did I do?00:02
jaybeeand so on....00:02
IdleOnemaco: yup00:02
macohipstersandwich: said /join would take me to it00:02
hiexpowow spam is getting bad in here thanks for whoever kicked him00:02
nakhlawiarea51pilot: I heard that evoluion has a plugin which works with M$ exchange00:02
hipstersandwichmaco: Oh.  Right.00:02
IdleOnemaco: until you figure out a better way of doing it that is :)00:02
Dwade09ok guys i get this error when ever i try to install stuff with out having the cd inserted or mounted. http://pastebin.com/qnL4afJJ00:02
area51pilotnakhlawi: thans...i tried it but there were some issues. Using gmail, pop3 and exchange on the same client00:03
jaybeeanyone know if that is possible? to trim down all these kernel userland processes?00:03
jaybeeI see the problem00:03
jaybeewhoever made the ubuntu kernel mod has configured it to load all modules by default00:04
yorkie_ianarea51pilot: I assume you have tried Thunderbird....00:04
jaybeethat's odd, when i used to compile my own I never has problems with autoloading00:04
jaybeeexcept in extreme circumstances00:04
Dwade09can anyone help me figure out how to make this error go away without having to have the cd/dvd mounted or inserted? http://pastebin.com/qnL4afJJ00:05
jaybeeis there a recommended, and relatively pain free way of having it so that the ubuntu kernel doesn't load * modules00:05
area51pilotyorkie: yes..I am currently using Thunderbird00:05
h00kjaybee: I'm pretty sure the kernel only loads the modules necessary for your hardware.00:05
ben_qHey, I have a problem. I un-encrypted my home folder by moving everything out, renaming that auto-mount-file, relogging and then moving back. now rtorrent won't start anymore claiming "Starting rtorrent: rtorrentkeyctl_search: Required key not available00:05
ben_qPerhaps try the interactive 'ecryptfs-mount-private'00:05
ben_qkeyctl_search: Required key not available"00:05
FloodBot1ben_q: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:05
jaybeeWell, for me, it has done stuff like loaded every single fs module, fat, ntfs, xfs, etc, I only need ext and those weird memory ones, etc00:05
yorkie_ianarea51pilot: it might worth checking their website to see if they have already had this asked on there00:06
jaybeeand /etc/modules only contains 3 modules that don't appear to be fs00:07
area51pilotYorkie: I checked around a other users suggestions....still working with Thunderbird.  It works well, but I am mapped to Exchange with IMAP00:07
amadewshy  how can i delet all files from machine  theat conteins a custom extension ?00:07
thune3jaybee: you have 1000s of modules loaded? Ubuntu compiles much of the kernel as modules and loads them as required. you could blacklist modules you don't want loaded, though frankly i don't think fretting over 1MB of memory is worth the effort.00:08
jaybeeWell, why the hell is it loading every single fs module?00:08
nakhlawiarea51pilot: If you are using IMAP, why not download your mails using a script then importing them into thunderbird?00:08
yorkie_ianarea51pilot: sorry I can't be of any other help, I use Thunderbird and it works for aall my requirements00:08
jaybeethune3: any unnecesary code inexecution is not only a drain on resources, and an obfuscator, but also increases the chances of a security breach (ie one of those modules might have a privilege eselation hack) and instability00:09
subspidermy printer is giving some error is 501200:09
area51pilotnak & york: I am using T-bird just fine.  The Evolution email and calendar interface seem to be a bit more refined00:09
jaybeeand 1mb of memory, is an assumption00:10
nakhlawiarea51pilot: actually, If IMAP is enabled in your Exchange server, you don't need the script at all. Just Thunderbird.00:10
subspideri tryed so many things can someone help00:10
area51pilotnak: yes, I have IMAP enabled and am using tbird just fine with it00:10
nakhlawiarea51pilot: I understand, M$ products are a necessary evil in some offices. What to do.00:11
area51pilotnak: Im a network admin really just looking into alternatives for some users. Pretty new to the linux arena as far as the admin side00:12
hiku!hi | subspider00:13
ubottusubspider: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:13
jaybeeIs there a list of the kernel modules somewhere?00:14
nakhlawiarea51pilot: you want to remove exchange server? that is a good idea :-)00:14
subspiderguys my printer doesn't print it's an hp i tryed evrything but doesn't work00:14
hipstersandwichpoor ubottu has to do everyone elses references.00:14
jaybeeThese names aren't realyl descriptive00:14
estragibsubspider, you need to supply more details. what have you tried, what didn't work and how.00:15
area51pilotnak: Yeah...trying to convince the boss man of that. What a hassle00:15
subspiderii tryed the hp-setup00:15
hipstersandwich!printer | subspider00:15
ubottusubspider: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows00:15
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
subspideri already went there to evrysite00:15
nakhlawiarea51pilot: look, when the salesman comes and tries to sell you an update, then you can ask your Boss to convince him.00:16
subspiderit seems that the printer is detected and then not and is like theses ramdomly00:16
subspiderif i try to print it start but then it stops00:16
hipstersandwichsubspider: Have you thought of wether the printer itself was the problem?00:16
subspidernot until now00:17
subspidernow i'm thinking it can be the printer right00:17
subspiderhipstersandwich, how i'm sure if it is the printer00:18
snow_usasubspider, fot00:18
xcyclistCan I change my local hostname by some standard GUI?00:18
estragibsubspider: can you hook it up to another machine to test whether it's the priter itself?00:18
snow_usasubspider, fot you00:18
hipstersandwichsubspider: Try it with another printer/00:18
snow_usahipstersandwich, fot you00:18
ralliasdoes anyone know off the top of their heads of how to send a packet from an ipv6 only machine to an ipv4 only machine?00:18
hipstersandwichfot me?00:18
hipitihopDespite disabling screensaver, despite changing power management for screen sleep to never.. my laptop monitor and external hdmi monitor still blank, can someone suggest anything00:18
hipstersandwichsnow_usa: What might that mean>00:19
_artist_m_hi all00:19
subspiderhipstersandwich, i think he is being mean00:19
snow_usahehe, jsut guess00:19
thune3jaybee: you can try "modinfo <modulename>"00:19
hipstersandwichsnow_usa: I don't care to guess.00:19
subspiderhipstersandwich, i think he wanted to say "fu*k you"00:19
_artist_m_how can I customize ubuntu?00:20
rwwsubspider: I think we should change the subject.00:20
hipstersandwichsubspider: I caught wind of that, but was wanting confirmation.00:20
jaybee_artist_m_: vim something in etc00:20
subspidersorry yes00:20
headkase314_artist_m_, exactly what would you like to customize?  Themes, installed packages?00:20
hipstersandwich_artist_m_: Try http://lifehacker.com/5590624/lifehacker-pack-for-linux-our-list-of-the-best-linux-downloads00:20
rallias_artist_m_ what do you mean by customize?00:20
rww!attitude > snow_usa00:20
ubottusnow_usa, please see my private message00:20
_artist_m_yess,software while after boot the system00:21
headkase314_artist_m_, what kind of software are you looking for?00:21
snow_usa!attitude > rww00:21
ubotturww, please see my private message00:21
headkase314!troll | snow_usa00:21
ubottusnow_usa: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel00:21
_artist_m_id like to run mapserver00:21
estragib/ignore snow_usa00:21
rallias_artist_m_ I personally like my anachron trick: using shutdown -r now at midnight and then running the specific software at 5 minnutes after midnight00:22
hipstersandwichI think some are angered with others here.00:22
h00ksnow_usa: Please consider reading the Code of Conduct, as you are expected to abide by these.  Are there any questions?00:22
snow_usaok ok00:22
h00k!coc | snow_usa00:22
land0rzhello you all, i wanted to know how i can return to style of debian in ubuntu, putting the password of the root in sudo, and not of the user00:22
ubottusnow_usa: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ .  For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct .00:22
snow_usajust make a joke00:22
snow_usaand then, all of u attack me ?00:22
hipstersandwichsnow_usa: I didn't understand the joke.00:22
bovinecould any one offer up an idea as to why this entry in my fstab causes my ubuntu 10.04 install to only allow file/folders created as read only? "//    /media/drobo      cifs    username=X,password=X     0       0" where X is obviously removed for the purposes in here :)00:22
hipstersandwichsnow_usa: Care to explain?00:22
h00kNext topic please.00:22
rwwThe last UCSD people I met were funnier :(00:22
hikusnow_usa: this is a support channel, not comedy central00:23
estragibhipstersandwich: don't feed, please00:23
xcyclistI can change the hostname in /etc, but is there a way to set it from a GUI?00:23
snow_usaok, then just ignore it00:23
hipstersandwichestragib: Right, right. I get carried away at times.00:23
land0rz hello you all, i wanted to know how i can return to style of debian in ubuntu, putting the password of the root in sudo, and not of the user??00:23
bovinei had been using "mount -t cifs -o uid=1000 // /media/drobo" on ubuntu 9 but that doesn't seem to work to mount it in 10.04. works fine with sudo though00:23
_artist_m_ id like the system to run mapserver00:23
chetnickHello, I just installed amd64 Ubuntu 10.04 on my laptop. I noticed that flash is eating up a lot of my CPU (npviewer.bin). Now I know that 64bit flash for linux sucks, and I'm guessing that is where the high CPU usage problem comes from. Is this the case with 32bit flash as well?00:23
rwwland0rz: the instructions are on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:23
land0rzrww, thank you00:24
hiexpohello all00:24
hikuchetnick: no issues here with 32bit 10.04 and flash for me on my laptop00:24
rwwland0rz: as is the fact that doing so is not recommended or supported here, and the reasons for that00:24
hikuhi hiexpo00:24
headkase314_artist_m_, your first stop for finding software should be the Ubuntu Software Center under the Applications menu.  You'll find lots of different software there.00:24
chetnickhiku: Do you know if I can install 32bit firefox/adoble-flash on 64bit Ubuntu to avoid this issue?00:25
hikuchetnick: I tried that once along time ago. It might work, but, I'd just install 32bit and not look back until adobe fixes flash for 64bit00:26
* hipstersandwich is away00:26
hiku!away > hipstersandwich00:26
kgsIs anybody here running Lucid on a Dell Mini 10v?00:26
ubottuhipstersandwich, please see my private message00:26
snow_usa!away > snow_usa00:26
ubottusnow_usa, please see my private message00:26
h00k!anyone | kgs00:26
ubottukgs: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:26
headkase314chetnick, installing "ubuntu-restricted-extras" under 64-bit will install 32-bit flash automatically too.  Firefox will also be set up to use it.00:26
rwwkgs: I have, yes.00:26
soreauI am trying to remember what the package is providing the standalone volume control in gnome-panel, not the default 10.04 one where it sits next to the envelope (evolution?) in the 'tray'00:27
hikuheadkase314: odd, I tried that last friday and it was a no go.00:27
kgsrww: Cool. My built-in mic is not working. Have you experienced that too? I remember it working before at some point, though it might have been when I was on Karmic.00:27
rwwkgs: no idea, I've never used the mic. sorry :(00:27
chetnickheadkase314: that's it? Just install it? No need to relink *.so and similar crap?00:27
kgsrww: That's cool. Thanks anyway.00:28
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hiexpo!mint > hiexpo00:28
cockatriceI need to install sdl to run dosbox.00:28
ubottuhiexpo, please see my private message00:28
trismsoreau: it is in gnome-media: gnome-volume-control-applet (although it isn't an applet anymore, but a notification area icon)00:28
headkase314hiku, I've always had it work.  Now I'm on 64-bit with Chrome and Chrome comes with flash built in but still needs the 32-bit libraries from ubuntu-restricted-extras00:28
cockatriceHow would I go about doing so?00:28
hikuheadkase314: hmm... now you got be thinking... thanks00:28
headkase314chetnick, that should be it.  In a terminal: "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" without the quotes should be all you need for 32-bit flash under 64-bit00:28
h00kubottu: tell hiexpo about msgthebot00:29
ubottuhiexpo, please see my private message00:29
=== ShapeShifter499 is now known as ShapeShifter499|
soreautrism: No, there is a different package not installed by default that provides a separate volume icon not in notification area00:29
=== ShapeShifter499| is now known as ShapeShifter|AFK
headkase314hiku, you're welcome.00:29
chetnickheadkase314: ok thanks.00:29
Dwade09hey guys anyone tell me how to auto mount with read/write on bootup my ntfs partition?00:29
hikuDwade09: man fstab00:30
headkase314chetnick, you're welcome.  That should do it and if by chance it doesn't just post back again.00:30
hiku!fstab > Dwade0900:30
ubottuDwade09, please see my private message00:30
cockatriceI don't think I stated my last question right; I shall say it once more:  To run dosbox, I need to install SDL, and I don't know how. Could you please tell me what package it is so I can just use apt-get?00:30
snow_usa!fstab > snow_usa00:30
ubottusnow_usa, please see my private message00:30
h00ksnow_usa: you can /msg ubottu !factoid for investigating and searching00:31
h00k!msgthebot > snow_usa00:31
ubottusnow_usa, please see my private message00:31
snow_usa!gcc > snow_usa00:31
trismsoreau: I'm not sure that exists anymore, if you are talking about the default actual volume control applet that used to be in gnome, see http://lwn.net/Articles/323977/00:31
snow_usahook, thanks00:31
headkase314!info libsdl1.2debian-all00:31
ubottulibsdl1.2debian-all (source: libsdl1.2): Simple DirectMedia Layer (with all available options). In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.14-4ubuntu1.1 (lucid), package size 210 kB, installed size 512 kB00:31
hikucockatrice: try libsdl-console maybe?00:31
cockatricehiku: Thanks even if it doesn't work!00:31
headkase314cockatrice, try "sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2debian-all"00:32
hikucockatrice: I just did apt-cache search sdl | less00:32
hikuheadkase314: nice, ty00:32
bovinecould any one offer up an idea as to why this entry in my fstab causes my ubuntu 10.04 install to only allow file/folders created as read only? "//    /media/drobo      cifs    username=X,password=X     0       0" where X is obviously removed for the purposes in here :)00:32
cockatriceThank you both.00:32
cockatriceI did that too, hiku, but I couldn't tell which one to get.00:32
headkase314cockatrice, you're welcome.00:32
hikubovine: in your options you need "rw"00:32
hikucockatrice: yeah,it's a huge list00:33
cockatricehiku: I assume your name is purposefully not spelled like "haiku?"00:33
snow_usawhat ?00:33
hikucockatrice: yes. it was an old wow toon name I liked00:33
bovinehiku: where at? after cifs?00:33
headkase314hiku, you're welcome too but I'm not sure for what.. ;)00:33
hikubovine: //192.x.x.x/bla /media/bla cifs rw,username=,password= 0 000:34
rascal999I've got a LAN server with wondershaper installed (traffic shaper). I've set it to 'shape' traffic on eth0 (one and only ethernet port) and wondershaper does it's job, locally. From any other machine on the LAN which goes through this box, wondershaper doesn't seem to apply. Why is this?00:34
hikubovine: also make sure the user that you are using as the auth for mount as permissions to write to that share00:34
hikuheadkase314: the sdl package question. I couldn't find it in the search list00:35
bovinehiku: thank you :) now, any idea why i cant just use a simple mount command like i used previously in ubuntu 9?00:35
headkase314hiku, ah I see now! ;) =)00:35
hikubovine: single mount command? like on the cli?00:35
bovinethis one worked beautifully and will actually STILL work using sudo. "mount -t cifs -o uid=1000 // /media/drobo"00:35
bovinebut it wont load up using fstab any more00:35
hikubovine: so that same command your saying doesn't work in 10.04?00:36
bovinehiku: thats correct00:36
KittyBootsI am trying to use GPS software titled Viking ( http://viking.sourceforge.net/ ) to interface with a Garmin nuvi 1690.  The manuel for Viking instructs me to do this: You must have write permission to the port used. /dev/ttyS0 is the first serial port.  How do I make that happen?00:36
hikubovine: so the same command doesn't work on 10.04? what's the error?00:36
dan86hey, can anyone help me get my mic working, first day of using ubuntu00:36
dan86i have a toshiba laptop00:36
jaybeedoes ubuntu server provide a tool for moving apache confs from available to enabled, etc?00:37
billy_connollyYo. So I'm movin from Windows to Ubuntu... all the tutorials for formatting the drive involve reinstalling windows... how do I just clear everything and put a completely empty ubuntu on the computer?00:37
jaybeelinking, whatevrt00:37
dan86billy_connolly do you want to keep windows?00:38
bovinehiku: i never get an error returned from fstab insofar as i know. it just never mounts the drobo using that command when fstab loads on system boot. no errors and works fine when using sudo from terminal though00:38
jaybeeIt's just that I can't imagine the current system intended to be used by hand00:38
rwwjaybee: if I remember correctly, a2ensite, a2enmod, and replace "en" with "dis" for the opposites00:38
jaybeeno ncurses?00:38
billy_connollyDan, no i want it all gone. I want linux and nothing else00:38
dan86ok just boot off the linux disc00:38
dan86and it will give you an option00:38
dan86to format the entire drive00:38
hikubovine: hmm, that is odd... very odd. I wish I was at work I could test that out here. sorry.00:38
billy_connollyI read somewhere that formatting just deletes tables or something, what do I do to just clear everything?00:38
dan86just format the drive through the installer you will be fine00:39
bovinehiku: no worries. i figured it was something to do with the new distro so maybe it'll be fixed in the next release. i'm going to test out that RW command right quick. thank you very much00:39
dan86set up two partitions00:39
dan86one ext3 main drive00:39
yorkie_ianbilly_connolly: formating the drive will get rid of window00:39
dan86and one matching the amount of memory you have in sizde00:39
dan86for swap00:39
hikubovine: anytime...=)00:39
dan86mount point: /00:40
billy_connollyOkay. Thanks. Do you rec---  dan86 are you talking to me00:40
yorkie_ianoops windows00:40
billy_connollyAbout the two partitions?00:40
billy_connollyWhy do I need that?00:40
dan86http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=185312 billy00:40
dan86how big is your HD?00:40
billy_connollyHmm. Not sure. It will end up being an apache webserver00:41
dan86can anyone help me get a mic working?00:41
KittyBootsHow do I set write permission for /dev/ttyS0?00:41
yorkie_ianbilly_connolly: if you just want Ubuntu on the machine, do a complete install and let the software do the business00:41
dan86yorkie_ian it will setup swap partition for him?00:41
razz1I just imaged my disk and saved it to an external disk using clonezilla, but all the files saved with root permissions. would I have any issues restoring them if they are owned by root?00:41
skkeeperhi everyone, can anyone tell me what package serves gtk+-x11-3.0 ?00:41
yorkie_iandan86 yes00:41
dan86yorkie_ian i have a toshiba u305 laptop00:42
dan86everything works except the mic00:42
dan86any idea00:42
snow_usaoh dear00:42
snow_usaoh dear00:42
hikurazz1: no, just use sudo to change the permissions00:42
yorkie_iandan86 unfortunately no, never encountered that before00:42
headkase314dan86, on my Acer Aspire 5100 everything works too but the mic.  I spent like 2 hours yesterday with no success.00:42
hikurazz1: sudo chown -R yourid.yourid /path/to/backup/files00:42
dan86Is there a resident ubuntu Microphone expert present?00:43
yorkie_ianI shall investigate tho!00:43
yorkie_iandan86 have you tried an external mic??00:44
hikudan86: what type of laptop?00:44
dan86hiku toshiba u30500:44
cockatricedan86: it might be a driver issue.00:44
dan86yorkie_ian no, it has an internal mic i would prefer to use00:45
dan86cockatrice any idea how to solve it?00:45
cockatricedan86: Lemme look.00:45
dan86Thank you cockatrice!00:45
dan86i need to use gmail phone for work00:45
cockatricedan86: That's what hackers do. :300:45
dan86i'm a life hacker00:45
razz1hiku: so you reckon I will have issues restoring them? I always use sudo -i before I run clonezilla. I guess I can leave them that way.00:46
hikudan86: check this link. under the "notes section it talks about the sound card. http://www.linlap.com/wiki/toshiba+satellite+u300-u30500:46
cockatricedan86: First, please find your top panel and go to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers00:46
hikurazz1: no, if you change the permissions on the files you should be fine00:46
dan86thank you hiku00:46
cockatricedan86: The microphone driver might be listed there.00:46
hikudan86: hope that helps.00:46
bodwickdan86 when you go to system preferences sound , in input tab you have a mic?00:46
dan86cockatrice it says i have no proprietary drivers00:47
dan86in the hardware manager00:47
cockatricedan86: :/00:47
cockatricedan86: Have you looked at hiku's link?00:47
dan86i am right now00:47
bodwick dan86 when you go to system preferences sound , in input tab you have a mic?00:47
dan86bodwick yes00:48
=== ShapeShifter|AFK is now known as ShapeShifter499
razz1hiku: no worries, I will leave it as is, if I have issues when restoring I can change the permissions. this is the first time the files were saved with root permissions. not sure why. all the previous images were saved under my account. I am a bit puzzled??00:49
yaaarhey guys. i'm setting up a new server, and recently came across a "shortcut" to getting the typical LAMP packages: 'apt-get -s install lamp-server^' ...that certainly selects a lot of stuff, and it all looks fine to me...but now I'm wondering: how does it work? Reading the man page the only reference to the carat is in using regex to match package names...but lots of the packages selected by...00:49
yaaar...this command don't seem to match. can anybody enlighten me as to what's up here?00:49
skkeeperits problaby a  virtual package00:49
cockatriceThe carat means at the end of the match.00:49
skkeeperjust like ubuntu-desktop00:49
hikurazz1: I've done stuff like that. thought I was using my id and later found out I was using root.00:49
dan86hiku sound works, but the volume knob does not00:49
skkeeperbut im just guessing i have no idea, but i use that lamp-server^ trick too00:50
dan86hiku moving the volume knob causes gnome to crash00:50
skkeeperthe strange part is that only works with apt-get, try aptitude00:50
hikudan86: hmm, yea I'm finding alot of folks with that laptop are having issues with the mic, and so far, no resolution.00:50
skkeeperit will fail00:50
skkeeper: \00:50
brainproxyis there a utility like md5sum or sha256sum for calculating RIPEMD-160 hash sums?00:50
yaaarskkeeper: yeah i noticed that aptitude didn't work....suggests to me that it's not a virtual package00:51
cockatricebrainproxy: Have you checked the man pages for those to see if there's a RIPEMD-160 switch?00:51
razz1hiku: how can you use your ID in clonezilla, I use root because I run screen before clonezilla to save the output.00:51
skkeeperoh well00:51
brainproxycockatrice: yes, there isn't one as far as I can tell, but I'll look again00:51
skkeeperproblably apt-get magic00:51
cockatricebrainproxy: Just use grep.00:52
hikurazz1: =) trade secret00:52
skkeeperanyone here can compile clutter-gtk on ubuntu?00:52
bodwickdan86 can you adjust volume using gnome-alsamixer ?00:52
yaaarcockatrice: i know what a carat means in a regex. these packages don't appear to match. something else is going on and I'm asking what00:52
dan86bodwick yes00:52
dan86bodwick that works fine00:52
dan86just not the knob00:52
cockatricebrainproxy: iirc, the complete command should be man md5sum | grep 'RIPEMD-160'00:52
manuel_hello everybody00:52
AlexnovHey all, im trying to get conky to display my CPU temp. When I run "sensors" I can see the temp as "coretemp-isa-0000", how do I get conky to see this?00:53
manuel_hi cockatrice,00:53
trismbrainproxy: quick search of the repo brings up jacksum and gtkhash, perhaps one of those? they both lis ripemd explicitly00:53
razz1hiku: ok, lets get one thing clear, if i run clonezilla as root I should not have any problems restoring the image back. right?00:54
brainproxytrism: thanks00:54
hikurazz1: correct00:54
razz1hiku: thankyou.00:55
dan86bodwick any ideas?00:55
land0rzrww, i was reading the documentation, but here... . Just remember, when sudo asks for a password, it needs YOUR USER password, and not the root account password.00:56
jaybeeFor default (fallback vhosts) apache usually will take the highest vhost in the file (the first) as the default if no other potent retard snacks match, but ubuntu fragments the vhosts files... how can I know any longer the precedence?00:56
land0rzrww, can i change this?00:56
razz1Alexnov: add this to your conkyrc file ${acpitemp}C00:56
bodwickdan86 there's a problem with mic volume knob?00:56
yorkie_iandan86 I assume you have tried the different settings in the sound preferences00:57
bodwickdan86 both in pulse audio config and gnome-alsamixer ?00:57
bsmith093is there a way to open a partial rar archive, meaning i have part 2 and 3 but not PART 100:58
dan86where's pulse audio bodwick?00:58
ben_qHey I un-encrypted my homedir, now I cannot start screen anymore using this:00:59
ben_qsudo su -c "screen -dmS test" username00:59
ikeysudo su -c ??00:59
ben_qi get error: "keyctl_search: Required key not available"00:59
ben_qyah, ikey, it's inside a bash script that runs as init01:00
RastafariHi , whats the name of the packet to make ubuntu read the following formats wmv , mpeg , mpg , avi ?01:00
ikeyRastafari, ubuntu-restricted-extras ?01:00
bovinehiku: I added rw to my fstab and no dice. it maps but everything is still just read only. the drobo shouldnt require any sort of permissions since its an open device for me01:00
AlexnovRastafari you can just search mp3 in the software center and install from there01:01
icerootRastafari: vlc :)01:01
ikeyJust install the ubuntu-restricted-extras .. should be ok then01:02
ikeyidk if that still pulls in w32codecs, if not, install manually01:02
icerootRastafari: dont use restricted-extras! its a overkill for that01:02
ikeyiceroot, Maybe true. Still quicker.01:02
icerootRastafari: use vlc (which is using its own codecs) or the w32codec package01:02
icerootikey: its pulling java, acroread and so on...01:02
ikeyiceroot, it pulls java now? wth?01:03
RastafariThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or01:03
Rastafariis only available from another source01:03
RastafariE: Package vlc has no installation candidate01:03
icerootikey: it was pulling sun-java-6 some time ago01:04
icerootikey: imo the jre + plugin01:04
hiexpowhat is mints channel01:04
ikeyiceroot, Yer I been fiddling with Debian too long sorry :S01:04
ikeyhiexpo, irc.spotchat.org #linuxmint-help but you coulda found that with google lets be honest.01:05
hiexpoikey,  thanx and yes i could have01:05
ikeyIts ok i'll see you there :p01:05
hiexpoikey, thats not right 2 people there01:06
ikeyhiexpo, PM me. Tis a lil offtopic01:07
RastafariE: Couldn't find package w32codec01:07
=== sudokode is now known as msixpo
PPeessccaaddoorrjá fiz apt-get build-dep --no-install-recommends linux-image-$(uname -r) mas nunca vem a versao que eu quero....apesar de já ter a versao do kernel rodando....01:10
icerootRastafari: apt-cache search w32 codec01:10
a3Dmanany help with this Gwibber startup error http://pastie.org/1144821 ?01:10
Rastafariice799, I installed gstreamer01:11
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron53672
RastafariFFmpeg plugin for GStreamer01:11
puffWhat package do people recommend for converting an audio CD to mp3?01:12
icerootpuff: gripper01:12
iceroot!info gripper01:12
ubottuPackage gripper does not exist in lucid01:12
icerootpuff: great, i dont know the correct name anymore01:12
cage_raphelpuff:  use sound convertor.. its in the Ubuntu software center Respositry01:13
headkase314iceroot, apt-cache search gripper returns nothing01:13
pufficeroot: Yeah, I've found that annoying in the past.  They renamed ipodder, they leave various packages out of a release  (k3diff comes to mind), and you're left there scratching your head and trying to remember what the heck it was called.01:13
headkase314!hi | Livin4Jesus01:14
ubottuLivin4Jesus: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!01:14
puffHm, k3b?01:14
icerootpuff: i dont have ubuntu here, so i cant check, maybe try apt-cache search gnome cd ripper01:14
icerootpuff: it was a great program01:14
pufficeroot: search on ripper comes up with ripperx.01:15
Livin4Jesushttp://pastebin.com/KQy8H3gE    <---- This happens whenever I try to install Wubi. Also, question: Is it possible to install the full version of Ubuntu in the Wubi version?01:15
icerootpuff: hm, that was not the package i mean01:16
headkase314Livin4Jesus, that paste tells you a different file to look for the exact error.  Can you paste from the file it says?01:16
iceroot!info karmic gripper01:16
ubottu'gripper' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable01:16
puffFound a tutorial about k3b, since I already have k3b installed, might as well give it a whirl.01:16
iceroot!info gripper karmic01:16
ubottuPackage gripper does not exist in karmic01:16
icerootpuff: ok i am sorry, i memory is very bad01:17
cage_raphelLivin4Jesus: use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/01:17
fuppI get the error "ACPI: EC: input buffer is not empty, aborting transaction" every few seconds after I upgraded ubuntu and each time the computer hangs a bit01:18
pufficeroot: grip?01:19
Livin4Jesushttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/490090/    <---- Happens whenever I try to install any version of Ubuntu, Wubi or Full. :{01:19
cage_raphelfupp: pls follow http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=125706701:19
AndrewMCLivin4Jesus: did you check the md5 on the ISO01:19
AndrewMC!md5 | Livin4Jesus01:20
ubottuLivin4Jesus: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:20
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:20
Livin4JesusSorry, I'm kinda n00bish at this stuff, so...01:21
cage_raphelLivin4Jesus: try xset dpms force off01:21
Dwade09hey guys i got  abig problem01:21
cage_raphelLivin4Jesus: try xset dpms force off in the Terminal01:21
iceroot!info grip jaunty | puff01:22
ubottupuff: grip (source: grip): GNOME-based CD-player/ripper/encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.3.1-16 (jaunty), package size 449 kB, installed size 1276 kB01:22
Dwade09i installed ubuntu, but then wanted to go back to windows full ntfs but it will not let me boot into ntfs side says theres no Os, also it wont let me do the gparted on the partitions01:22
headkase314!yay | iceroot01:22
ubottuiceroot: Glad you made it! :-)01:22
icerootpuff: no longer in karmic and lucid as it seams but its a great tool for ripping audio cds01:22
RastafariLivin4Jesus, do you know a decent bible software for ubuntu?01:23
headkase314Rastafari, Xiphos01:23
headkase314!xiphos | Rastafari01:23
cage_raphelDwade09: could u pls post your gparted screen shot in pastebin?01:23
headkase314!info xiphos | Rastafari01:23
ubottuRastafari: xiphos (source: xiphos): environment for Bible reading, study, and research. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.3-1 (lucid), package size 357 kB, installed size 852 kB01:23
headkase314Rastafari, it's the best01:23
Livin4Jesushttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/490092/   <--- When I tried the xset thing.01:23
Dwade09cage_raphel,  how do i take a screen shot in ubuntu?01:23
icerootDwade09: the print-key01:24
cage_raphelDwade09: use print scr key on ya keyboard01:24
icerootDwade09: alt + print-key for the current window01:24
Rastafariheadkase314, thx01:24
headkase314Rastafari, you're welcome.01:24
Dwade09ok cage_raphel it is working now, gparted is. seems i wasnt using it as root01:25
cage_raphelDwade09: ok01:25
Dwade09cage_raphel,  however i have 226gb of unallocated space if i turn it to ntfs how do i extend my main ntfs partition to take up that free space?01:25
=== msixpo is now known as sudokode
icerootis ubottu able to use apt-cache search for a specific release here?01:26
AndrewMCiceroot: please test in a PM with it01:27
icerootAndrewMC: yeah great... testing thins without knowing the command..01:28
jribiceroot: yes, !info PACKAGE RELEASE01:28
icerootjrib: that is not apt-cache search, that is apt-cache show01:28
jribiceroot: download his source and check :)  or just use packages.ubuntu.com01:28
jribiceroot: although, it seems he can with "find" instead of "info"01:29
icerootjrib: thx, packages.ubuntu.com is what i was looking for01:29
Dwade09how do i take my main partition and put it as the other partition? ie i have sd2 which is my win7 partition and sd5 which is a blank partition, how do i expand sd2 to cover all of sda5?01:29
dv6000I need a little help setting up dialup for a friend01:30
bastidrazor Dwade09 are there any partitions in between? if so you can not connect the two.01:30
dv6000I have never used dialup on linux before01:30
dv6000can anyone help?01:31
Dwade09bastidrazor, the sda5 is now fully unallocated. no space inbetween01:31
dv6000im on  ubuntu 9.10 if that helps01:31
n9xphdwade09 I hope your win7 on sd2 is backed up01:32
Dwade09n9xph,  why?01:33
hiexpodv6000, dialup is tough especially with all the updates and all01:33
jwm123hello.  can anyone offer help with zeitgeist/gnome activity journal?01:33
CkhiKuzadBecause it's common sense Dwade09. you should always back your system up01:33
n9xphI have had issues resizing win7 and vista ntfs partitions01:33
Dwade09and bastidrazor there is 6.71 mib of unallocated space between the sd2 and sda501:33
dv6000hiexpo: im searching for a driver01:34
hiexpodv6000, what driver ?01:34
intraderDwade09, I would use gpartd to delete the unallocated partition and then expand the one where win7 is. But first backup.01:34
Dwade09n9xph,  and CkhiKuzad i cant even get into the the ntfs side it wont boot into it says something about the grub is missing01:34
Dwade09intrader, i got  aback up of it on my external. i done a month ago01:35
CkhiKuzadDwade09, boot up an ubuntu LiveCD, you can install grub from it01:35
dv6000hiexpo: i downloaded gnome-ppp and it doesnt recognize my modem01:35
dv6000it's a winmodem i think01:35
Dwade09CkhiKuzad,  i am in live cd01:35
dv6000this is for a laptop01:35
dv6000HP dv600001:35
hiexpowhat wireless service01:35
dv6000hiexpo: sorry i didnt use your name the last posts01:35
headkase314!aptoncd | dv600001:36
ubottudv6000: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline01:36
Dwade09and the screen shot is not working for gparted01:36
CkhiKuzadDwade09, try grub-install /dev/sda01:36
hiexpodv6000, np01:36
CkhiKuzadit should restore grub.01:36
intraderDwade09, good - as to your partition problems, be careful as you may miss what you have in win7.01:36
jwm123My gnome activity journal is empty even though zeitgeist is running.  any advice?01:36
headkase314dv6000, you may want to download and burn the 300MB or so of updates from a fast computer, burn them, and bring them to the dialup machine using AptOnCD01:36
dv6000hiexpo: no i already got the updates, i am using it right now at my home on my internet, he lives in the middle of nowhere and he cant even get online with it01:37
headkase314dv6000, ok then!01:37
dv6000hiexpo: this is my friends laptop01:37
dv6000hiexpo: that i sold to him actually01:38
Redeemedhey,  i'm having problems with my usb ports on an hp pavillion s7520n. no device i plug in will read.01:38
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headkase314dv6000, when he gets it he may not want to update it at all, a new kernel sits at what 30MB?  I can't imagine downloading one of those every two weeks or so!01:38
headkase314dv6000, (on dialup)01:39
dv6000headkase314: I just need to get the dialup working01:39
Livin4JesusI have a problem here...  Happens whenever I try to install Ubuntu, both Inside Windows and the Full version. :{  -------->   http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/490096/01:39
amabohow do i navigate into a folder when dragging a file with the mouse in nautilus?01:40
headkase314Livin4Jesus, this is the file you need to pastebin from your computer -> c:\docume~1\christ~1\locals~1\temp\wubi-10.04-rev189.log01:40
headkase314Livin4Jesus, wherever you see a ~1 just match it against whatever starts before that01:40
Livin4JesusGot it. :)01:41
headkase314Livin4Jesus, so the first one (docume~1) will be: "Documents and Settings" or similar01:41
donnkeyyHi room01:42
donnkeyyI have a really annoying problem01:42
Redeemedhey,  i'm having problems with my usb ports on an hp pavillion s7520n. no device i plug in will read. also, I get a warning on start up about a usb being unable to start and it say the usb cable might be bad, but nothing is plugged in.01:42
donnkeyyI jut installed a driver for wireless card and everything is working.... I turn the pc off and restart and now it reads no networks01:42
chrowedoes icewm work on lucid?01:43
Livin4Jesusheadkase: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/490097/01:44
hiexpodv6000, you said ppp are you trying to use like cricket etc01:44
AndrewMCchrowe: if it is in the synaptic package manager you cna install it01:44
chroweAndrewMC: well, there seem to be several packages you need to get it working and some of them don't seem to be available01:45
headkase314Livin4Jesus, ok I don't know how to read that but now you have the correct file for someone who hopefully can!  So keep posting your situation every five minutes or so along with that pastebin link until someone answers.  ok?01:45
donnkeyycan someone plz help with my wirless network card not being read???01:45
Dwade09CkhiKuzad,  intrader bastidrazor n9xph http://tinypic.com/r/331lzrp/7 that is my gparted.01:45
donnkeyyI instaled the driver and it was working01:46
donnkeyysuddenly it stos01:46
Dwade09when i try to move the sda5 to the unalocated it wont let me01:46
Dwade09it also wont let me format it to ntfs01:46
Livin4JesusSo keep posting your situation every five minutes or so along with that pastebin link until someone answers.  ok?   <--- Is that supposed to be sarcasim, or...01:46
AndrewMCchrowe: hmm try a little later the repos may be having issues... i read online that it works in 10.0401:46
headkase314Livin4Jesus, have you considered installing Ubuntu as a dual-boot system instead of using Wubi?01:47
RedeemedError when I plug in any usb device, even those working on the xp side of my machine[ 7233.400105] hub 1-0:1.0: Cannot enable port 8.  Maybe the USB cable is bad?01:47
headkase314Livin4Jesus, nope not sarcastic at all face value - trying to help!01:47
Redeemedthat's given by dmesg01:47
Livin4Jesusheadkase314> Livin4Jesus, have you considered installing Ubuntu as a dual-boot system instead of using Wubi?  <------ I'm trying to do that, but I can't seem to boot from the CD drive, so I'm hoping I01:48
CkhiKuzadLivin4Jesus, a dual boot system is also safe if you get a windows virus that may attempt to delete the wubi "partition" on your system.01:48
mehworkhow can i install the old mysql functions (not mysqli, but the old mysql) for php5 in ubuntu?01:48
Livin4Jesus*,so I'm hoping I can install it from Wubi.01:48
donnkeyyHow do you start your wireless network card in ubuntu??!??!01:49
wedwoLivin4Jesus, you should be able to resolve it if your CD is loaded while you start up wubi01:49
Dwade09http://tinypic.com/r/331lzrp/7 can someone help me turn my sda2 itno all of sda5 and the unallocated as well?01:49
CkhiKuzadLivin4Jesus, when you boot your system, hold down the Delete key, if it does not work, try F12, it will allow you to get into your BIOS. dont mess with it until you know what you are doing. a simple way would be to take a picture of the BIOS screen, then once we are able to tell you which one the boot order is in, we can help you to set CDs to be bootable01:50
headkase314Livin4Jesus, to install Wubi-wise you insert the CD while Windows is running, to install dual-boot you insert the CD and ignore the Wubi message and reboot and then the computer should boot off the CD.  Sometimes you have to go into what is called your BIOS to select the CD to boot before the hard drive.  Booting off the CD there is also a "try" option so you can see if everything works before you commit to an ac01:50
headkase314tual installation.01:50
CkhiKuzadand in some cases you could just use your arrow keys to select the CD Icon on your bootscreen.01:50
pushpopHi all, when I mount a windows share to a directory on my ubuntu box, I'm not able to chmod the mounted share.  I can't write to the mounted share.  Is there something I'm missing when mounting the share?01:50
wedwoLivin4Jesus, there's a corrupted python file and it's trying to repair it by reading the original off the CD, then it tries to download it but since youre not connected to the web it can't so it aborts01:51
monokromeHey. Does anyone know where I can change my sources.list?01:51
Dwade09ok i have sda2 and sda5 and nothing inbetween them how do i make the sda2 all of sda5?01:51
CkhiKuzadmonokrome, Administration>Software Sources01:51
monokromeCkhiKuzad: I'm on the server01:51
monokromeUbuntu Server01:51
donnkeyyhow do you start your wireless acrd?01:51
Livin4JesusI changed the CD-ROM to be booted first in the BIOS menu, but for some odd reason, it won't boot. :/01:51
monokromeand nobod is talking in #ubuntu-server01:51
CkhiKuzadalright, etc/apt/sources.list01:51
CkhiKuzadmonokrome, ^01:51
monokromeCkhiKuzad: Yea, but I need to know where to find the new mirrors.01:52
Dwade09can someone help me expand my sda2 to cover all of sda5?01:52
UncleDUsing "grep", "head" & "tail", how can I tail and head the match from a grep by 5 lines?01:52
CkhiKuzadAh, well i cant be of much help there, monokrome01:52
Livin4Jesus<wedwo> Livin4Jesus, there's a corrupted python file and it's trying to repair it by reading the original off the CD, then it tries to download it but since youre not connected to the web it can't so it aborts   <----- I am on the web.01:52
wedwoLivin4Jesus,  hit F8 (or somesuch) while booting01:53
headkase314Livin4Jesus, wedwo says you have a bad cd, you should redownload the ISO, MD5 sum check it and reburn the disc.  Or if you still have the ISO skip directly to the MD5 sum to see if it is good and then reburn.01:53
headkase314!md5 | Livin4Jesus01:53
ubottuLivin4Jesus: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:53
Livin4Jesusheadkase314> Livin4Jesus, wedwo says you have a bad cd, you should redownload the ISO, MD5 sum check it and reburn the disc.  Or if you still have the ISO skip directly to the MD5 sum to see if it is good and then reburn.  <--- What's the Windows Terminal command01:54
wedwoLivin4Jesus, you're on the web, but not while the script is running01:54
headkase314Livin4Jesus, this should help you to check the MD5Sum -> http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:54
headkase314wedwo, you seem to know more than me here so I'm gonna defer to you.01:55
wedwoheadkase314, OK, the poor guy is getting flooded01:55
headkase314wedwo, yup I'll mute myself now!01:55
balleynehaving some screen resolution display issues with 10.04. guess dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg has been deprecated? what do I use instead?01:56
donnkeyycan someone plz help..why cant I connect to the internet01:56
CkhiKuzad!details donnkeyy01:56
CkhiKuzadD:< why do i never get those right01:56
donnkeyyits not reading my wireless network01:57
donnkeyyI just installed drivers and everything was working01:57
CkhiKuzaddonnkeyy, try powercycling EVERYTHING. Whenever i was switching from Xbox live to ubuntu with my wi-fi, it seemed to mess up. so try to powercycle it to make them reset.01:58
donnkeyywhats powercycle01:58
balleynecan anyone help me with a screen resolution issue?01:58
CkhiKuzaddonnkeyy, turn off, wait 30 seconds, turn back on01:59
donnkeyyturn what off01:59
CkhiKuzad!details | balleyne01:59
ubottuballeyne: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:59
Livin4Jesuswedwo, headkase: http://paste.ubuntu.com/490101/01:59
CkhiKuzaddonnkeyy, router, modem, computer, everything that connects to the netterwebs.01:59
donnkeyychik...the same pc was working before02:00
donnkeyyjust an hour ago it was working02:00
balleyneCkhiKuzad: I tried to above, sorry. Screen resolution too low after upgrade to 10.04, looking for the equivalent of dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:00
donnkeyyI moved the pc a lil farther from the modem and now it reads nothing02:00
CkhiKuzaddonnkeyy, check the router's antenna.02:00
nanzaloneI'm running Lucid on a Gateway laptop.  When the computer hibernates, it kills the touchpad.  Does anyone know where I can look for a fix?02:01
CkhiKuzadif it isn't screwed in all the way, it might be lowering the range drastically.02:01
donnkeyychik...the same pc has windows on it and the card works fine02:01
donnkeyyit reads wireless networks and everything02:01
CkhiKuzaddonnkeyy, microsoft stuff and Ubuntu tend to conflict.02:01
donnkeyybut on ubuntu it does not02:01
wedwoLivin4Jesus,  now check that string against the one where you downloaded the iso (there'll be an MD%Checksum file you can download which should match)02:01
donnkeyyno no its on a usb02:01
* CkhiKuzad repeats: donnkeyy, try powercycling EVERYTHING. Whenever i was switching from Xbox live to ubuntu with my wi-fi, it seemed to mess up. so try to powercycle it to make them reset.02:01
=== dome is now known as domer
CkhiKuzadand it's Ckhi, not Chik.02:02
donnkeyyubuntu is on a usb02:02
ultrazIs there a way to install 32bit firefox and flash on 64bit Ubuntu?02:02
CkhiKuzaddonnkeyy, it's possible that you didnt configure ubuntu to use the router.02:02
Calmcacili need some help, or i need to know if somethings possible02:02
CkhiKuzad!details Calmcacil02:02
donnkeyyI did02:02
Livin4JesusLivin4Jesus,  now check that string against the one where you downloaded the iso (there'll be an MD%Checksum file you can download which should match)   <----- Ummmmmhhhhhhhhmmmhmhmhmhmhmmhmh....02:02
CkhiKuzad!details | Calmcacil02:02
ubottuCalmcacil: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."02:02
donnkeyyit was configured and wotking02:02
donnkeyyjust an hour ago it was all working02:03
Livin4Jesus>How do I do that?02:03
donnkeyythen I turned the pc off02:03
donnkeyyand turned it back on02:03
donnkeyyand now it just says scanning...no networksfound02:03
ubuntuhey guys when i try to reboot into my ntfs i get system error file not found grub rescue how do i fix this so my ntfs win 7 boots up?02:03
CkhiKuzadRestart the router, and modem.02:03
Calmcacilim running ubuntu server 10.04, and i was wondering if i can run a VNC based xorg service for fluxbox. without actually using a screen, as i dont have a monitor connected to the box anymore, but i would like to use xorg for some things ^^.02:03
wedwoLivin4Jesus, just goto any 10.04 download site and download the MD5 file02:03
donnkeyyok im going to do that now02:03
st__ubuntu it dependes on what you broke and why02:04
CalmcacilCkhiKuzad, that enough details? ;p02:04
hiexpoikey, why you try to hack me like that and aLL my friends in channels like bt and aircrack-ng  & pentoo /// bad decision02:04
ikeywth are you talking about?02:04
ubuntust__,  i was just trying to turn all of my ubuntu partition into the ntfs and then combine it all back to my main sda2 partition02:04
wedwoLivin4Jesus, its a txt file, open it and check the string against the one you pasted here02:05
mortsmeli have enabled bridge'n w/ two interfaces ... mail, http traffic all report coming from the ip of the bridge filter while looking at logging... what setting do i change for it to not modify this info02:05
Livin4JesusSorry, I am very n00bish.. :[02:05
st__ubuntu, you probably formatted the Ubuntu partition which had grub stage202:05
CkhiKuzadCalmcacil, i dont know exactly what you plan to do, so i cant really help ._. sorry man.02:06
ubuntust__,  how do i fic this?02:06
wedwoLivin4Jesus,  against the pasteall string you pasted earlier (that long number)02:06
ubuntust__,  i just want my winbox back. how i get it to where it will auto load that.02:06
st__ubuntu boot from Windows CD and run recovery console; then issue fixmbr commaand02:06
Calmcacilwell its fairly simple CkhiKuzad, i just want a fluxbox X session running that i can connect to with VNC, but i don't know if i can use VNC as a "screen"02:07
Livin4JesusOK, let e see if I got this straight: Find the the text file, open it and find the sitring, correct?02:07
ubuntust__,  my partition is not on a cd but on another partition, which is f12 key and i can not even get that to load02:07
st__ok what happens when you use F12 to switch on your windows partition?02:07
ikeyhiexpo, With accusations like that it's a wonder you even have any friends. If you wish to lodge some formal complaint about me do it via the proper channels. But as the whole thing is an attention-seeking show I'd advise you to keep your maliciousness to yourself.02:07
ubuntust__,  nothing ti says the same thing02:07
st__that cannot be02:08
IdleOne!ot | ikey hiexpo02:08
ubottuikey hiexpo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:08
Johnmrename u7_ u7_fb02:08
u7_ok chik02:08
u7_ck I mean02:08
ubuntust__,  it is02:08
hiexpoikey,  sorry ment that some where else so sorry02:08
ubuntust__,  ill brb ill try it again.02:08
ikeyIdleOne, Well aware of the rules thank you. Perhaps if someone took the initiative and told hiexpo then I wouldn't have to.02:08
u7_I restarted the routure and modem02:08
u7_and it did nothing02:08
CkhiKuzadCalmcacil, I understand what you mean now, but i dont know how to do it.02:09
Livin4Jesuswedwo: OK, I have the md5sum thing open, now which strings do I paste again?02:09
* CkhiKuzad is unable to help02:09
IdleOneikey: I also told hiexpo.02:09
* CkhiKuzad loses 5 awesome points02:09
wedwoLivin4Jesus, you pasted this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/490101/ It consists of the Md5Checksum you extracted from the CD. Now you need to download the Md5Checksum.txt file from Ubuntu to check that the one you extracted matches the one you downloaded02:09
Calmcacilthanks anyways.02:09
u7_how do I change my nae02:09
ikeyIdleOne, Aware of that also. I'm not sitting here to argue with you. You should have told him and then I wouldn't have to. </offtopic>02:10
=== u7_ is now known as donkeyy
CkhiKuzadCalmcacil, if I was able to help you with that issue, i would.02:10
CkhiKuzadno problem donkeyy02:10
donkeyyCk I restarted everything02:10
Livin4Jesuswedwo> Livin4Jesus, you pasted this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/490101/ It consists of the Md5Checksum you extracted from the CD. Now you need to download the Md5Checksum.txt file from Ubuntu to check that the one you extracted matches the one you downloaded   <----  Where on the site is it?02:10
hiexpoikey,  i said sorry mate went to wrong person and channel mate    > again sorry02:11
CkhiKuzadLivin4Jesus, it should be on the ISO download page.02:11
CkhiKuzadDonkeyy, and the results are?02:11
Livin4JesusOK, I'll check.02:11
IdleOnehiexpo: Please just drop the offtopic.02:11
headkase314Livin4Jesus, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes <- choose the one with the same filename you downloaded.02:11
donkeyyit did nothing02:11
CkhiKuzaddonkeyy, did you restart both the modem and the wifi router?02:11
donkeyyusually it always pickup other networks02:12
donkeyyweather it would connect to them or not02:12
donkeyybut nothing is showing02:12
CkhiKuzaddonkeyy, does your laptop, desktop, etc, have an external "wifi on/off" switch?02:12
donkeyyits a internal pci02:13
CkhiKuzadok, because at my school a common prank that was pulled was shutting that switch off, which would make people unable to connect. but if your card is internal, then that changes it.02:13
mobasherhow do you setup a different background for each workspace ?02:14
Livin4Jesusheadkase: OK, where do I paste the code?02:14
Livin4JesusOn the Ubuntu Pastebin thing?02:14
donkeyyCK everything was working02:14
RastafariWhat I have to do to install flashplayer.deb on my 8.04 ubuntu02:14
headkase314Livin4Jesus, the whole point of checking the MD5Sum by the way is that it is an error detection method.  By comparing what is published on the website against what gets calculated on your machine with the actual file you received you can tell if your download is corrupt or not.02:14
donkeyyI made no changes to anything02:14
donkeyymaybe I have to enable something in ubuntu?02:14
CkhiKuzadpossibly donkeyy. let me check something02:15
Livin4Jesusheadkase: http://paste.ubuntu.com/490111/02:15
headkase314Livin4Jesus, you need to generate an MD5Sum of the file you downloaded to compare against what is published on the web-site.02:15
CkhiKuzadalright, open network connections (system>preferences>network connections)02:15
RastafariWhat I have to do ..to install flashplayer.deb on my 8.04 ubuntu02:15
Livin4Jesusheadkase: Where do I find the string of code that's supposed to match??02:16
Redeemedhow do you change folder ownership from command prompt?02:16
balleyneI'm having screen resolution issues -- what's the new equivalent for sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? Only getting low resolution options after upgrade to 10.0402:16
st__Livin4Jesus, on the download page02:16
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CkhiKuzadRedeemed: chmod02:16
wedwoLivin4Jesus,  ok, i did it for you and the checksum didn't match. You will have to download another iso and burn it to a new CD (don't use CD-RW, use only CD-R)02:16
m310I ran apt-get update, the last thing that happend was "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place". should I reboot or is something going on ?02:16
CkhiKuzadRedeemed, man chmod should allow you to learn about it02:16
Livin4Jesus<wedwo> Livin4Jesus,  ok, i did it for you and the checksum didn't match. You will have to download another iso and burn it to a new CD (don't use CD-RW, use only CD-R)  <--- OK.02:16
CkhiKuzad'man chmod' **02:17
headkase314Livin4Jesus, http://download.cnet.com/MD5-Checker/3000-2092_4-10410639.html <- download.com is a safe download source for the program02:17
ubuntuhey st__ i get this error: unknown filesystem grub rescue >02:17
Livin4Jesusheadkase314> Livin4Jesus, http://download.cnet.com/MD5-Checker/3000-2092_4-10410639.html <- download.com is a safe download source for the program   <----- Which program?02:17
st__ubuntu do you have a bootable windows cd/dvd?02:17
ubuntust__,  no i do not, its all on partition sda1 and only way to access it is via f8 or f12 and those do not work02:18
peepsaloti'm having some trouble with network shares in nautilus.  does anyone know what config files this affects? (right-click, properties, "sharing" tab)02:18
headkase314Livin4Jesus, the MD5 checking program you run to compare what is published on the web-site against what it calculates from the file you downloaded.  Listen to wedwo now - too many cooks again ;)02:18
st__ubuntu is it OEM computer?02:18
CkhiKuzad!hello | rafase28202:18
ubotturafase282: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!02:18
Livin4JesusI think I already have it...02:18
ubuntust__,  no02:18
* CkhiKuzad did it right this time! \o/02:18
rafase282Can anyone help me install ubuntu lucid for armel using debootstrap?02:18
balleyneI'm having screen resolution issues -- what's the new equivalent for sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg? Only getting low resolution options after upgrade to 10.0402:19
donnkeyyyySorry CK I got disconnected02:19
CkhiKuzadIts alright donnkeyyyy02:19
st__do you use ubuntu livecd now?02:19
donnkeyyyyso is there something you said I missed?02:19
Livin4Jesusheadkase: I think I already have the MD5Sum thing...02:19
ubuntust__, yes im on it now and im installing grub02:20
RastafariUnpacking adobe-flashplugin (from install_flash_player_10_linux.deb) ...02:20
Rastafaridpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of adobe-flashplugin:02:20
Rastafari adobe-flashplugin depends on libpango1.0-002:20
CkhiKuzaddonnkeyyyy, you need to open your network settings. system>preferences>network connections02:20
Rastafariwhat I do ?02:20
st__what windows version do you have?02:21
donnkeyyyyCK I ise WiCD02:21
headkase314Livin4Jesus, wedwo says your download is corrupt.  So you'll need to redownload.  Do the MD5Sum check again when your redownload is finished and then burn the new ISO to a CD-R02:21
donnkeyyyySomeone here said thats a better one02:21
ubuntust__, ? asking me what windows version i have?02:21
donnkeyyyyso he made me install it02:21
Livin4Jesusheadkase: OK, the new Ubuntu OS is downloading. ;)02:21
wedwoLivin4Jesus, yes you have it, don't delete it! when you download the ubuntu 10.04 i386 32bit iso look just below it and you will see a .txt file for the Md5Checksum (or Md5-Hashes). download it too and when you check your downloaded iso the number must match the one in the .txt file02:21
st__ubuntu yes02:21
CkhiKuzaddonnkeyyyy, I cant help with that, i've never used it02:21
ubuntust__,  win 702:21
Livin4Jesuswedwo: Wait, what?02:21
sacarlsonubuntu: can you mount your sda1 partition from your live boot cd >Places>Computer click your normal boot drive.02:22
Livin4Jesus>I thought I had a bad ISO?02:22
ubuntusacarlson,  it is mounted02:22
donnkeyyyywicd is just like networks manager02:22
st__ubuntu i'm thinking02:22
CkhiKuzaddonnkeyyyy, i haven't used it. so i can't help.02:23
wedwoLivin4Jesus, read it again - in fact copy and paste it somewhere02:23
sacarlsonubuntu: cool then your grub install should work fine.02:23
CkhiKuzadthough i do need some help now.02:23
donnkeyyyyok chik02:23
Rastafari adobe-flashplugin depends on libpango1.0-0 .............02:23
Rastafariwhat I do02:23
donnkeyyyysorry SK02:23
donnkeyyyyThanks for your help anyway02:23
root__how would i go about copy a live cd to hard drive? My own made from lucid but ubiquity not working.02:23
ubuntusacarlson,  im about to go try it now, will be back if it does or doesnt work.02:23
Livin4Jesuswedwo: Ohhhhh, I get it now.02:23
CkhiKuzadHow do i check the battery charge in a USB based device while it's plugged into my system?02:23
CkhiKuzadand i'm sorry i couldn't help donnkeyyyy02:23
donnkeyyyyits Ck02:24
donnkeyyyytrying is the most important02:24
st__ubuntu as for now, install grub and you should be able o boot into windows02:24
Livin4Jesus<wedwo> look just below it and you will see a .txt file for the Md5Checksum (or Md5-Hashes). download it too and when you check your downloaded iso the number must match the one in the .txt file  <----- I don't see anything below the download button for the ISO.02:25
mortsmeli have enabled bridge'n w/ two interfaces ... mail, http traffic all report coming from the ip of the bridge filter while looking at logging... what setting do i change for it to not modify this info02:26
dclakehey I'm having some problems with my ubuntu istall02:28
dclakehow do I make gwibber startup automatically02:28
dclakelook like that got disabled02:29
cromagdan512: there is an option in administration called startup programs i believe02:29
cromagdclake: there is an option in administration called startup programs i believe02:29
rafase282can anyone help me install ubuntu lucid for armel?02:29
FirefisheI'm using ubuntu 10.04, kde 4.4.5.   I have two user accounts, the normal user that was created during the install, and another I created for my wife.  Both accounts are set up as admins.  The problem:  When using dolphin to transfer files from one desktop to another (something we do frequently), I find that I can only transfer from her desktop to mine, but not vice versa.  What's wrong here?02:29
balleyneI'm getting a "Failed to load module 'fglrx' error after upgrading to 10.04" -- help?02:29
Izinucshow come byobu is so hard to remember an screen isn't?02:30
edbianFirefishe, file permissions.  You should read about them more in depth: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/filepermissions.html02:31
JohnSQHow do I access a Ubuntu filesystem in a different partition from my current partition?02:31
Thqmthow do I troubleshoot a program that stops work? It's shredder12 and it was working fine until recently when it stopped opening02:31
Rastafariadobe-flashplugin depends on libpango1.0-0 How to fix it02:31
jrib!debug | Thqmt02:31
evan0if im running a server on ubuntu where is the logical place to place files that shouldn't be public but are needed to render pages (e.g. PHP)02:31
ubottuThqmt: For help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures02:31
edbianJohnSQ, Start it using the terminal and it will explain to you why it isn't opening.02:31
edbianJohnSQ, You mount it in a folder :)02:32
Firefisheedbian: I have my wife's user name on my group, but for some reason, she doesn't have a group to add to mine.02:32
=== hipstersandwich1 is now known as hipstersandwich
iluminator101i am trying to recover this ecrypfs /home....please help?02:32
IzinucsJohnSQ: does it auto mount currently?02:32
Thqmtjrib ok thanks, should I go to "gnome apps"?02:33
IzinucsJohnSQ: if you haven't turned off the feature, it should show up on your desktop if it's mounted02:33
donnkeyyyydpes anyone know Wicd??02:33
donnkeyyyyhow do you start your wifi in ubunt??02:33
JohnSQNot sure.  I have Windows, Xubuntu, and Ubuntu installed on other computer.  I want to reach into Ubuntu from Xubuntu and retrieve files.  Can't get into Ubuntu cuz of low-graphics mode.02:33
wedwoLivin4Jesus, download from here : http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/http://paste.ubuntu.com/490101/  and you'll find the Md5's at the bottom half of the page02:33
IzinucsJohnSQ: ah.. ok.. do you know what the partition name is for the ubuntu side?02:34
jribThqmt: if it's a gnome app you are debugging, you should make sure to read that too, yes02:34
edbianFirefishe, there is userNameA and userNameB  there is groupA  you're saying this isn't a groupB ?02:34
etherealitesudo echo " www.jobeet.com.localhost" >> /etc/hosts02:34
Livin4Jesuswedwo: The requested URL /lucid/http://paste.ubuntu.com/490101/ was not found on this server.02:34
etherealitewhy does this not work? sudo echo " www.jobeet.com.localhost" >> /etc/hosts02:34
headkase314Livin4Jesus, http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/02:35
balleynehelp with fglrx module in 10.04? Ubuntu's telling me it doesn't exist. Help?02:35
JohnSQIzinucs: Yes02:35
wedwoLivin4Jesus,  http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ sorry bout that02:35
Rastafariadobe-flashplugin depends on libpango1.0-0 How to fix it ?@02:35
Livin4Jesuswedwo: No problem. :)      btw, I found the MD5Sum, now what?02:36
IzinucsJohnSQ: JohnSQ then you can "sudo mkdir /media/ubuntu" .. then .. "sudo mount /dev/<partition name like sda2> /media/ubuntu"02:36
JohnSQI can access the whole partition like that?02:36
JohnSQDo I need the password for that?02:37
IzinucsJohnSQ: yes..02:37
etherealitewhy does this not work? sudo echo " www.jobeet.com.localhost" >> /etc/hosts02:37
IzinucsJohnSQ: no02:37
sacarlsonevan0: most files in your sever that are seen by your site (appache2) default from the root being in /var/www you can keep files in there and they won't be ran unless you have links to them start start from your index.html or php.02:37
edbianJohnSQ, Was the filesystem encrypted?02:37
JohnSQNothing that important lol02:37
Thqmtjrib I took a look at that site and wasn't able to find what you're trying to point me to towards02:37
jribetherealite: because the redirection is done by your shell, being run by your user.  Instead, pipe to tee -a02:37
IzinucsJohnSQ: well.. I take that back.. if your user name is different on xubuntu than it was on ubuntu then yes.. you'll be asked for user name and password02:37
JohnSQThat is fine.  I just had concerns it could be a potential security flaw02:38
donnkeyyyySo no one here knows Wicd???02:38
jribThqmt: you asked how to debug, and I pointed you to the page about debugging :P02:38
JohnSQDoes this work for extracting files out of Windows as well?  I don't need to, but just curious02:38
wedwoLivin4Jesus, once your iso has downloaded run it thru the .exe program in windows to get the Md5Checksum and see that it matches the sum in the .txt file you just found02:38
jribThqmt: ah sorry, I actually misread your question.  What program?  What happens when you try from a terminal02:38
donnkeyyyywhats the command to startup your wifi??02:39
Thqmtjrib I donno how to run programs from the terminal but I do so through double clicking. nothing happens. sometimes it will appear as a sleeping process.02:39
IzinucsJohnSQ: yes but you'll need another file (aka something like a dll) for NTFS partitions.. I think ntfs-3g or similar..02:39
MadWhiteNerdI have a question: I have an HP G60 Laptop running Lucid, but when I close the lid and the computer sleeps, when I wake it up again, the screen is extremely dim and won't brighten again. I think the thread here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1529557&highlight=screen+is+dim+after+wake+up is potentially the answer, but I'm a noob and don't really understand what the answer means. Can someone help?02:39
jribThqmt: and my first question?02:39
Thqmtjrib shredder1202:39
IzinucsJohnSQ: if it's fat32/16 whatever.. then it should be painless.02:39
jribThqmt: well figure out the command for it (edit your menu)02:40
wedwoLivin4Jesus,  the two must match exactly or its not worth burning it. if they match all should be right as rain and you can then use that CD to run ubuntu02:40
edbianThqmt, a good guess is "shredder12"02:40
Livin4Jesuswedwo: Cool.02:40
edbianThqmt, or typing sh then hitting tab to make the computer auto-complete for you02:40
IzinucsJohnSQ: you can also include a line in /etc/fstab so the ubuntu and/or windows side is mounted on boot.02:40
wedwoLivin4Jesus, cool - over and out02:41
Thqmtedbian: neither of those do anything on my computer02:41
edbianThqmt, Those were just guesses :)02:41
Livin4Jesuswedwo: What's that supposed to mean?02:41
Thqmtjrib which menu should I edit?02:41
edbianThqmt, Edit the menu.  See what is the command line of the entry for shedder1202:41
wedwoLivin4Jesus, i'm off to the spanish chanel02:42
edbianThqmt, System -> preferences -> Main Menu02:42
JohnSQIzinucs: What line would I need to include in /etc/fstab?02:42
Thqmtedbian i'm there02:42
IzinucsJohnSQ: I'll have ubottu give you a private message with a couple of links that will clue you in on that.02:42
edbianThqmt, Find the shredder12 icon in this sub lists.  Right click it, hit properties.  A box comes up.02:42
Izinucs!mount > JohnSQ02:43
ubottuJohnSQ, please see my private message02:43
edbianThqmt, In the box is a "command" line.  That command is what is run in a terminal window.  It actually is the command that is run when you click that entry in the menu.02:43
acc_Hello, #Ubuntu.  A few years ago, I set up a Dell machine for my father-in-law.  At the time, it was pre-installed with LTS (Hardy).  I switched the machine over to Intrepid to get a few bleeding edge software upgrades installed.  I want to bring the machine up-to-date now.  Should I start making my way towards Lucid or Maverick?  Thanks.02:43
Thqmtedbian it's not in the sublists02:43
tensorpuddingLucid is the current stable, so that is what you want.02:43
edbianThqmt, Then it isn't in the Applications menu.02:44
wedwoacc_,  Lucid02:44
tensorpuddingI don't think that intrepid -> lucid is a supported upgrade path02:44
acc_tensorpudding: Okay, figured as much.  Thanks.02:44
Izinucsacc_: if you have a separate /home I suggest just getting the latest LTS and fresh install leaving the old /home02:44
ldurdenwhats up with the flood bot?02:44
ldurdenYou guys getting hit?02:44
tensorpuddingSo you might consider reinstalling.02:44
MadWhiteNerdacc_: Lucid has been extremely nice to me so far. :)02:45
acc_tensorpudding: I couldn't go Intrepid -> Jaunty -> Karmic -> Lucid?02:45
Izinucsacc_: it'll save you hours of upgrading through several releases and the agony that can bring when things don't work right.02:45
evan0var/www/html, var/www/htdocs, var/www/public_html, differences?02:45
tensorpuddingOf course you could do that.02:45
acc_Izinucs: ah, ok02:45
tensorpuddingBut that would take a really long time.02:45
balleyneif I have no xorg.conf file, how can I see what xorg settings are being used?02:45
tensorpuddingIf you had stuck with Hardy, there is a path for LTS-to-LTS jumps02:45
Izinucsballeyne: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:45
balleyneIzinucs: cat: /etc/X11/xorg.conf: no such file or directory02:46
AlbertoPtensorpudding: sorry to get in the middle. Do you have a link to that migration path?02:46
balleyneIzinucs: I'm running 10.04 live off usb, there's no xorg.conf file, but I'm trying to see what the settings it's using are...02:47
MadWhiteNerdAnyone know what I can do to get my display to brighten back up after my laptop has been asleep and wakes up?02:47
Izinucsballeyne: then you don't have a xorg.conf.. ah.. live cd then xrandr is handling the video02:47
tensorpuddingAlbertoP: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades02:47
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balleyneIzinucs: is there a way to tell which driver it's using? Off my actual install, I'm getting a complaint about fglrx, but things work fine on the live CD. Trying to compare.02:47
Izinucsballeyne: xrandr is the new default way of handling video even on a full install.  you can create an xorg.conf to override it but it's not always necessary02:48
AlbertoPtensorpudding: thanks!02:48
Izinucsballeyne: did you do a full install and it's not working correctly?02:48
balleyneIzinucs: it's not working after upgrading to 10.04, trying to compare with a live CD. Maybe I'll try renaming my xorg.conf to let xrandr take over a see what happens...02:49
Izinucsballeyne: you might try that.. what did you upgrade from? which release?02:49
balleyneIzinucs: 9.10, but before that, 9.04, etc... might have started with Feisty or Hardy a few years back?02:50
donnkeyyyyis there any wireless network card you can just plugin and ubuntu reads???02:50
gryllidaThe command `dpkg --configure -a` when running as root returns errors  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/490118/ , what can I do?02:50
wasnikhi guys, i want to remove wicd but cannot find it in synaptic magarer02:51
donnkeyyyyhow did you start wicd02:51
Izinucswasnik: sudo apt-get remove --purge wicd02:51
wasniki did that it says no package wicd exist02:52
donnkeyyyyI just got wicd?? but its not reading any networks???02:52
donnkeyyyyits annoying!02:52
Izinucswasnik: weird.. apt-cache shows that's the package02:52
donnkeyyyywasnik, how dyou start your wifi??02:53
donnkeyyyydo you02:53
wasnikdonkeyy, i am removin wicd because i cannot start wifi02:53
donnkeyyyyohh you too eh?02:53
donnkeyyyyim having the exact problem02:53
IzinucsMadWhiteNerd: Fn uparrow?02:54
wasnikdonkeyyy, had deleted some 2.14. generic files and lost wiki connection02:54
donnkeyyyyI did nothing02:54
donnkeyyyyand its not reading02:54
MadWhiteNerdIzinucs: I have a question: I have an HP G60 Laptop running Lucid, but when I close the lid and the computer sleeps, when I wake it up again, the screen is extremely dim and won't brighten again. I think the thread here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1529557&highlight=screen+is+dim+after+wake+up is potentially the answer, but I'm a noob and don't really understand what the answer means. Can someone help?02:54
donnkeyyyyhow do you start wifi02:54
donnkeyyyydoes it automatically do it02:54
balleyneIzinucs: that worked. thanks. lol.02:54
wasnikIzinucs: the reason i am remocin wicd is because the wifi networks or not been read02:55
wasnikIzinucs:  i deleted and re installed some 2.14.32-generic modules and this caused the mess02:55
Izinucsballeyne: :)02:55
donnkeyyyyIz tell us what we should do plz02:55
Calmcacili really wonder how to make my fluxbox start, it can use a screen but primarily it will be used as a VNC02:56
IzinucsMadWhiteNerd: basically that mean create a file (the last mentioned on the path line) in the path mentioned.. and in that file put the line mentioned... with values up to 3002:57
Izinucswasnik: sorry I don't have an answer for you..02:57
MadWhiteNerdIzinucs: The option for create document is grayed out in file browser.02:57
IzinucsMadWhiteNerd: yes.. you're using the nautilus file manager?02:58
MadWhiteNerdIzinucs: I believe so, whatever came preinstalled with Lucid :P I'm still fairly new to Linux02:58
gryllidaThe command `dpkg --configure -a` when running as root returns errors  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/490118/ , what can I do to fix it?02:59
donnkeyyyywhats a good place for linux software03:00
IzinucsMadWhiteNerd: that location is protected and you need "root" access to that location to do that with the file manager.. you can open a terminal and type gksudo nautilus .. and the file manager will open with root privilidges.. navigate to the right location and create the file then open it and put that line inside.. save.. and then close that nautilus window.. it's dangerous using the file manager as root..03:00
LogicFandonnkeyyyy, www.getdeb.net03:00
cage_rapheldonnkeyyyy: good place as in a chat room?03:00
donnkeyyyyno to download software03:00
netbkneutrinoMy track pad always doulbe clicks when I move from the task bar of open apps on the bottom, going up on my screen. Dose any one know a fix for this.03:00
LogicFandonnkeyyyy, also, don't forget ubuntu software center03:01
JohnSQHow do I encrypt my filesystem and what are the advantages of doing so?  Besides the obvious...03:01
donnkeyyyyI have to donload it from here03:01
donnkeyyyya windows pc03:01
cage_rapheldonnkeyyyy: try http://www.softlookup.com/03:01
IzinucsJohnSQ: nothing beyond the obvious..03:01
MadWhiteNerdIzinucs: Didn't know that... is that what the .d means on the power.d folder?03:01
JohnSQIzinucs:  How do I encrypt filesystem?03:01
cage_rapheldonnkeyyyy: however i would suggest  Ubuntu software center.. i feel thats the best!03:02
donnkeyyyywhats the site03:02
IzinucsMadWhiteNerd: not sure how what you mean.. but .. no :)03:02
cage_rapheldonnkeyyyy: click on applications > Ubuntu Software Center03:02
IzinucsMadWhiteNerd: any location outside of /home typically requires root privilidges03:02
donnkeyyyycage...I dont have internet on my linux pc03:02
donnkeyyyyI have to get it from here03:02
IzinucsJohnSQ: sorry I've never done that..03:02
MadWhiteNerdIzinucs: Ah. Was just wondering if the .d was meant as protected. Thanks for the help!03:03
donnkeyyyyim trying to get my wifi to work03:03
JohnSQAnyone know how I encrypt my filesystem in Ubuntu?03:03
cage_rapheldonnkeyyyy:  download it to your current machine , copy it in a cd/dvd/usb stick and move it to ya linux machine03:03
sacarlsondonnkeyyyy: if you need to do it from within windows maybe you could install virtualbox in windows and install software you need for ubuntu normaly from within virtuabox with apt-get install.03:03
IzinucsMadWhiteNerd: nope.. file names in linux don't always have the extensions that you're use to in windows.. everything is basically a text file.. sort of03:03
Livin4Jesus91% of the new ISO is downloaded! ^0^03:03
donnkeyyyycage...whats a good wifi03:04
etherealitewhats does the ** mean in direcotory/**/*03:04
n0a1iashey im copying my home folder to an external from a live cd with chroot, and i dont have permissions to do that, how do i get them?03:04
cage_rapheldonnkeyyyy: wifi radar is a good one.03:04
cage_raphel!wifi radar03:05
donnkeyyyywhere can I get it03:05
jribetherealite: globs anything including multiple subdirectories03:05
donnkeyyyyya thats what I thought also03:05
etherealitejrib thanx03:05
cage_rapheldonnkeyyyy: go to http://www.xirrus.com/library/wifitools.php03:06
donnkeyyyycage..is there one for ubuntu..lol03:07
donnkeyyyyIts for ubuntu03:07
Livin4JesusDOWNLOAD FINISHED!!! :P03:07
Izinucsdonnkeyyyy: wicd, network-manager, wifi radar03:08
cage_rapheldonnkeyyyy: yup! the one i just mentioned is for Ubuntu03:08
n0a1iashey anybody up for a pm on permisions?03:08
jshsuhelp : lsusb outputs nothing (neither does sudo lsusb), tried reinstalling usbutils, same thing =(03:08
Izinucsdonnkeyyyy: and manual cli connections03:08
donnkeyyyywhat about wifi radar...where can I download that03:08
n0a1iasi have a long questoion and dont wana post it here03:08
Izinucsjshsu: try sudo lshw03:08
Izinucs!pastebin > n0a1ias03:08
ubottun0a1ias, please see my private message03:08
cage_rapheln0a1ias: post it in paste bin then ! :P03:09
marc__quick question: do you guys see any problems about installing Webmin and IspConfig on the same computer?03:09
n0a1iasdonnkeyyyy, sudo apt-get install wifi-radar maby?03:09
jshsuIzinucs: says no command for `lshw`03:09
donnkeyyyyNo internet connection03:09
Livin4Jesuswedwo: What was the command for the thing again?03:09
donnkeyyyytthats what this is all about03:09
n0a1iasits like a long story but ok03:09
donnkeyyyyI cant get wifi to read03:09
Izinucsjshsu: you got issues with your system that I can't fix.. maybe someone else will be able to03:09
donnkeyyyyI have the driver installed03:09
cage_raphelmarc__: I don't think you should have any problems. I have webmin installed on my Mandriva 2006 Perfect setup and it works fine03:09
jshsuIzinucs: ok thanks, i guess i'll try to get lshw first03:09
gryllidaThe command `dpkg --configure -a` when running as root returns errors  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/490118/ , what can I do to fix it?  hello? am I asking in the right place?03:10
rockhopperIs ubuntu netbook remix any lighter than Ubuntu desktop edition except its UI?03:10
sacarlsondonnkeyyyy:   what I think you need is the drivers for your wifi device.  you need to boot your ubuntu and do a lspci and/or lshw and find out what wifi device it is.  Then google that to find if it has linux support.03:10
=== techhelper1 is now known as th1_
donnkeyyyysacarlson I have a driver03:11
donnkeyyyyits installed03:11
marc__cage_raphel, thanks, I'll try that then :D03:11
MadWhiteNerdIzinucs: It appears that that exact fix worked. Thanks for the help!03:11
cage_raphelmarc__:  :)03:11
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: can you do lspci | grep net and pastebin?03:11
donnkeyyyyim on a windows pc03:12
sacarlsondonnkeyyyy: what device is it?  does it have a history of problems in linux/ubuntu?03:12
donnkeyyyyit was just working a few hours ago03:12
etherealitewhy does 'less -R' not produce colors?03:12
jdefI have a feeling I've been hacked... any gurus care to pm me to talk about it?03:12
donnkeyyyysacarlson...how can I check if the device is installed03:13
donnkeyyyyjust to confirm with you03:13
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: can you do lspci in the terminal?03:13
TutTut89Is there a way to use a cdrw as a hard drive?  Is there a certain term I should be looking for?03:13
IzinucsMadWhiteNerd: :) glad it did03:14
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: and pastebin?03:14
donnkeyyyyrockhopper im on windows03:14
rockhopper!paste | donnkeyyyy03:14
ubottudonnkeyyyy: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:14
donnkeyyyyi know my chipset03:14
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: You'll have to boot into ubuntu and check it yourself03:14
ZykoticK9TutTut89, you really can't use a cdrw as a hard drive no, optical writing is not the same as HD writes03:14
donnkeyyyyits a Marvel Technologies Group 88w833503:15
sacarlsondonnkeyyyy: device as in hardware?  driver?  you can see what is driving the device from sudo modprobe -l,  the hardware can be seen from the lspci command.03:15
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: do iwconfig03:15
rockhopperand see if wlan0 or something like that's listed03:15
amabohow can i prevent the screen from dimming to lock out when idle?03:15
donnkeyyyyit says no woreless extentions03:15
ZykoticK9sacarlson, rockhopper you're both waisting your time is donnkeyyyy is in Windows03:15
sacarlsondonnkeyyyy: rockhopper: that's a good idea the iwconfig will show that the driver for your wifi is probly working03:16
TutTut89ZykoticK9: Ok- thank you03:16
donnkeyyyyrockhopper it says lo and eth0 no wireless extentions03:16
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: ok then the wifi device's not being detected03:16
earthmeLonHey! I'd like to remove a daemon from startup without removing it from the service list (ie not deleting it's entry from init.d/)  Any solutions or should I grab BUM?03:17
sacarlsonZykoticK9: donnkeyyyy: he will have to boot linux and collect the info then return to windows if needed.  can you fix it from inside windows?03:17
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: can you do 'sudo rfkill list'03:17
ZykoticK9sacarlson, +103:17
etherealitewhy does piping through 'less -R' not produce colors?03:17
rockhopperand see if its hardblocked?03:17
donnkeyyyyrockhopper now I see this >03:17
trismetherealite: less -R doesn't color anything, it just doesn't filter the color codes03:17
earthmeLonWhat are you piping 'less -R' through, etherealite ?03:17
n0a1iashttp:// www.pastbin.com/1rfnnqtT03:18
mobashercan anyone help me pinging a server please :) it appears to be up but i can't get to it..
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: Is it hard or softblocked?03:18
etherealitetrism  earthmeLon I'm piping color ouput from tree03:18
earthmeLonmobasher nogo03:18
donnkeyyyysrr for caps03:18
BiggFREEIs paying about 100$ CDN for an ACER monitor a good deal ?03:18
donnkeyyyyit just says >03:18
KerrickIs there some way to put a script to mount a sshfs computer in the Places menu?03:18
mobasherearthmeLon, thanks bro..i donno what's wrong it's up and running internet is connected but can't ping to it03:19
Kerricka sshfs drive03:19
etherealiteearthmeLon does the pipe take the color characters out?03:19
mobasherearthmeLon, even the ports are open on the router..it's basically a router03:19
BiggFREEIs paying about 100$ CDN for an ACER monitor a good deal ?03:19
earthmeLonIm pretty sure that piping does remove the colours. etherealite mobasher03:19
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: Ok can you do lspci | grep -i net03:19
etherealiteBiggFREE arbitrary question03:20
trismetherealite: works for me, what comand are you using exactly? I see color with tree -C | less -R03:20
earthmeLonmobasher lots of routers block pinging to prevent attacks.  What type of router do you have?03:20
ZykoticK9Kerrick, Places / Connect to Server... / select SSH from dropdown, add required info - then check "add a bookmark"03:20
BiggFREEetherealite: No hint03:20
donnkeyyyyagain it does nothin and just shows > ..rockhopper03:20
mobasherearthmeLon,  no no it was working yesterday now it changed ip and i can't get to it with new ip that was given03:20
etherealiteBiggFREE Acer Monitor? that could be anything.03:20
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: doing lspci | grep -i net shows nothing?03:21
earthmeLonmobasher You are indeed blocking pings.  If you nmap the host, you will see that ftp, rtsp and realserver are open :D03:21
etherealiteBiggFREE be more specific03:21
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: is the physical switch for the wireless connection switched on?03:21
BiggFREEetherealite: No more information for now :(  I will check it out  Thanks03:21
donnkeyyyythere is no physical switch03:21
earthmeLonmobasher try installing nmap and then issuing "nmap -PN YOURIPHERE"03:21
donnkeyyyyits internal03:22
mobasherearthmeLon, i just did nmap and it didn't work03:22
donnkeyyyyit just shows lights03:22
itermobasher: cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all03:22
ZykoticK9donnkeyyyy, if you are seeing a > instead of your regular $ prompt - something was wrong with your command, ctrl-c to exit03:22
mobasherearthmeLon, ohh my ip..lol03:22
KerrickZykoticK9, sweet, thanks03:22
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: run it in a new terminal03:22
olskolircwhen I open up a program, my desktop get brighter - im reading its somewhere in the HAL or PowerSave Options to turn it off but I can't find it03:22
samuel2010Does anyone know why everytime i reboot i have to change the settings in alsamixer to get my sound working?  is there no way to save?03:23
ZykoticK9Kerrick, did it work?03:23
KerrickZykoticK9, yep03:23
earthmeLonSorry mobasher.  Working from my house and from my server ;\03:23
earthmeLonmobasher If you're trying to connect locally, make sure you have that allowed03:23
donnkeyyyyohhh there we go03:23
mobasherearthmeLon, cat thing showed 003:23
olskolircsave your setting in the volume control properities to keep on boot samuel201003:23
ZykoticK9Kerrick, cool - good to know that works for sshfs as well (I assumed it would, but you know what happens when you assume ;)03:23
mobasherearthmeLon, no no it's office PC03:23
itermobasher: iptables -L03:24
donnkeyyyyrockhopper its a marvell technologies group03:24
samuel2010olskolirc,  how do i save?  there is no option in alsamixer to save~03:24
earthmeLoncat thing?  just nmap -PN
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: now try sudo rfkill list03:24
iterearthmeLon: he was talking to me03:24
olskolircyour volume icon in your system tray samuel2010 go in those properities03:24
mobasheriter, FATAL: Error inserting ip_tables (/lib/modules/2.6.28-19-generic/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.ko)03:24
KerrickZykoticK9, where does it mount it?03:24
itermobasher: can you ping out?03:24
ZykoticK9Kerrick, my guess would be ~/.gvfs03:24
itermobasher: from that machine03:24
mobasheriter,  yea i can03:25
donnkeyyyyrockhopper it takes me back to a new line03:25
samuel2010olskolirc,   system > preferences > sound that area there?03:25
mobasheriter, i just pinged yahoo it worked03:25
donnkeyyyyit asked for a password and i typed it in, and it just went to another line03:25
itermobasher: first guess is a firewall of some sort03:25
rockhopperdid it show anything like soft blocked or hardblocked donnkeyyyy ?03:25
KerrickZykoticK9, OK, now how do I edit it?03:26
donnkeyyyyrockhopper no03:26
mobasheriter, earthmeLon can't ping to it then i'm sure there's something wrong (ip is:
KerrickI can't rename it or anything.03:26
KerrickZykoticK9, nvm figured it out03:26
ZykoticK9Kerrick, ;)03:26
earthmeLonping isn't a good test of availability, mobasher.  Most routers and lots of servers block ping requests03:26
KerrickDid it inside Nautilus window instead03:26
itermobasher: can you ssh to it and ping
KerrickRight click in Places menu only re-opens it03:26
mbrigdanAnyone know if there is a firewall that will let me see the connections that are established through my computer (When it's acting as a router)?03:27
itermobasher: also might try ping from the same machine03:27
mobasheriter, it's not a LAN pc..it's on the net03:27
mobasheriter, not there otherwise i would try to ping to it03:27
itermobasher: it's connected to both the Internet and to your LAN, correct? (it's a router, right)03:27
mobasheriter, no i'm at home that's office router 20 KM away03:28
sacarlsonmobasher: I can't ping from here eater.03:28
itermobasher: but you can ssh to it, correct?03:28
etherealiteoff topic. but does anyone know git?03:28
olskolircno samuel2010 - the sound icon in your panel03:28
mobasheriter, nah it's not setup03:28
mobasheriter, i did it yesterday but stupid bell people changed ip03:28
Izinucsmobasher: can you ssh to a machine on that remote lan?03:28
=== look_ is now known as look
olskolircsnoop around in there samuel2010 there should be checked to save sound settings on boot or you wont be able to keep it03:28
samuel2010olskolirc,   i upgraded to 10.10 a couple days ago and i didnt see the sound option since then haha03:29
Izinucsmobasher: next time you're there setup dyndns.com in case the ip changes again..03:29
sacarlsonmobasher: I think you need a dns like http://no-ip.com03:29
samuel2010ill have to find it get it back then have a look ~03:29
itermobasher: when I nmap it I only see vnc running03:29
mobasheryea i should do that...it's my office PC thought i could vnc it or something but darn thing is down03:29
itermobasher: tightvnc is on port 5800 and 590003:29
olskolircgo into multimedia and click your sound icon samuel2010 and it will pop back into the system tray then play with the properities in there03:30
itermobasher: you sure that's the correct machine?03:30
mobasheriter, i used my neibour's wireles it worked yesterday today i can't do it03:30
Livin4JesusRestarting. brb!03:30
mobasheriter, today i'm at my pc with my LAN03:30
mobasheriter, let me try that03:30
Rosbuntuwhish song should i download03:31
mobasheriter, seems like it's getting it03:31
itermobasher: give it a sec and it should pop up a tightvnc auth window03:31
mobasheriter, that's really wierd03:31
Calmcacilanyone with any experience in vncserver or the similar that lets you use a session for VNC instead of actually using X locally?03:31
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:31
donnkeyyyyrockhopper can you not figure it?03:31
mobasheriter, trying now03:31
rockhopper!wireless | donnkeyyyy03:31
ubottudonnkeyyyy: please see above03:31
rockhoppertry that wifi docs link03:32
mobasheriter, all I see www.TightVNC.com03:32
sacarlsoniter: wow cool that came up with tightvnc.  so I guess his ip didn't change03:32
donnkeyyyyevent not found03:32
samuel2010Does anyone know how to get the Mail and Sound icon back onto the panel?  i deleted it  ~~ :(03:32
itermobasher: I saw that page and after about 10 seconds the tightvnc auth window popped up03:32
olskolircmobasher, TeamViewer makes a teamviewer for Linux users now - it has many remote control options and vnc03:32
itermobasher: it's a java applet03:33
mobasheriter, hmm..nothing popuped here03:33
itermobasher: well, if you have a vnc client you could probably try connecting directly to that IP03:33
mobasheriter, i'm using mozilla maybe i have to turn java ON03:34
sacarlsonmobasher: maybe you need java installed?03:34
jdefwhats the command to see the process tree?03:34
itermobasher: yeah java is necessary :p03:34
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: what does the iwconfig show?03:34
mobasheriter, Server is not configured properly03:34
donnkeyyyyno wireless extentions rockhopper03:34
donnkeyyyythats what it ays03:34
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: then your wireless device's not working!!03:34
donnkeyyyyI knoow rockhopper03:35
mbrigdanAnyone know if there is a firewall that will let me see the connections that are established through my computer (When it's acting as a router)?\03:35
itermobasher: is the password set?03:35
mobasheriter, java is installed03:35
donnkeyyyyit was a few hours ago03:35
mobasheriter, yea03:35
rockhopperBut on doing lspci | grep i net shows the wireless device?03:35
ubuntuhey guys im following this guide http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/15/how-to-fix-your-windows-mbr-with-an-ubuntu-livecd/ but when i dot he sudo apt-get install ms-sys it tells me it can not find the package.03:35
donnkeyyyyyes rockhopper03:35
mobasheriter, hehehe...don't hack my pc please :)03:35
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: then its the driver problem03:36
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: try reinstalling them03:36
jdefexe is a child of chromium.. can any one running chromium run pstree and tell me if they have an exe child process hanging off of chromium?03:36
ubuntucan anyone help me with getting my windows mbr fixed im on ubuntu live cd i do not have a windows install cd. they say its doable by that guide but i cant get it to work03:36
xanguaubuntu well it's a guide from 2008, a lot of things had change since that03:37
sacarlsonrockhopper: what device did he say he had?  it could be that firmware thing you need to install that separate on ubuntu since it's considered not free.03:37
mobasheriter, let me restart my PC up maybe it's my PC brb in 2 mins03:37
itermobasher: so you can't login with vnc then?03:37
rockhoppersacarlson: donnkeyyyy has some marvel thing03:37
ubuntuxangua,  how i get it to work?03:37
donnkeyyyyyes rockhopper03:37
sacarlsonrockhopper: never heard of it.03:37
donnkeyyyyIts a marvel technologies group03:38
donnkeyyyythe name is 88w833503:38
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: google for the drivers and reisntall them03:38
ubuntuxangua,  any other ideas?03:38
mawstCan someone tell me what the buttons on the upper left corner here are? http://box-look.org/CONTENT/content-pre1/120386-1.jpeg03:38
donnkeyyyyrockhopper,would you have an idea how a driver can dissapear?03:38
xanguaubuntu go to ##windows ¿03:38
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: you can use ndiswrapper if you have windows drivers03:38
ubuntuxangua,  im there as well03:39
Typhis there an accepted way to unlock the keyring on login?03:39
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: Nope!! you must have deleted it!03:39
xanguamawst: screenlets¿03:39
donnkeyyyybasically rockhopper it was working a few hours ago03:39
rockhopperor some program must have, which's not likely03:39
donnkeyyyyI  moved it a little farther from the router and this is happeneing03:39
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: try reinstalling the drivers and check it!03:40
mawstI don't think it's screenlets.03:40
mawstI think it's a task managing app of some kind03:40
donnkeyyyywell tracy was helpig me with that03:40
mawstI want it03:40
donnkeyyyyinstalling the driver took us like 2 hours03:40
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: though you move away from the router, your device must work..03:40
jdefchrome browser opens exe process when playing flash03:40
PPeessccaaddoorrbuy guys...03:40
donnkeyyyyrockhopper ageed03:40
somethingintereshi all, I am trying to make a USB startup disk in Lucid for Maverick beta but it seems to be stuck at "80% complete" - any help?03:40
sacarlsondonnkeyyyy: rockhopper: seems your device has a history  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=705043 and you must be running it from ndiswrapper ?03:41
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: you don't have any other choice but to reinstall them drivers and check it out!03:41
donnkeyyyyyes sacarlson03:41
donnkeyyyyis that how I start it?03:41
ubuntuwhen i do     sudo apt-get install ms-sys i get couldnt find package ms-sys03:41
mobasheriter, no luck bro03:42
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: try reinstalling and start it as usual..03:42
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: like you did for the first time..03:42
Izinucsubuntu: yea.. so what is that package..?03:42
gryllidaI can't install ca-certificates-java , Ubuntu Hardy, trying `apt-get install ca-certificates-java` as root and getting http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/490138/  ? how do I fix it?03:42
itermobasher: so you error out when trying to vnc to that ip?03:42
TakyojiI have a laptop with XP and 10.04, with GRUB2 as a bootloader. When XP is booted, all there is a blank screen; used to be able to boot XP in the past with 10.04 installed.03:42
ubuntuIzinucs,  its the mbr for windows03:42
donnkeyyyyrockhopper it was soo many things to rememebr,lol03:43
donnkeyyyytracy helped me03:43
mobasheriter, Server is not configured properly03:43
Izinucsubuntu: DOH! yea.. you won't find that in linux03:43
pfifoIs there a way to install nvidia drives from cli?03:43
itermobasher: and vnc worked in the past?03:43
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:43
mobasheriter,  yea just yesterday03:43
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: I never tried using ndiswrapper, coz i had free drivers that comes with ubuntu installation cd!03:43
ubuntuIzinucs,  it shows on a site from a old post it works in ubuntu live03:43
jdefah figured it out... firefox was running an nx sametime java plugin.03:43
mobasherlet me try to reconfigure it again03:43
mobasheriter, let me try to reconfigure it again03:43
itermobasher: any updates in the meantime?03:43
donnkeyyyyI see rockhopper03:44
Izinucsubuntu: what's it suppose to do?03:44
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: try following sacarlson's link. It might be helpful03:44
mobasherjust compiz thing for display i was playing with03:44
jdefmy university website was running it for an online class webpage.. bastards03:44
ubuntuIzinucs,  its supposed to reinstall my windows main boot load03:44
ubuntuwith out having the windows cd Izinucs03:44
ubuntuIzinucs, http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/15/how-to-fix-your-windows-mbr-with-an-ubuntu-livecd/03:44
mobasheriter, it's 9.04 ubuntu by the way...just rest the compiz to normal again to default but no luc03:44
itermobasher: 9.04 is vnc client or
mobasher9.04 is my PC ubuntu ..connecting to windows03:45
mobasheriter, i just removed ccsm from my PC03:46
Izinucsubuntu: use your windows disk to do that.  that package is no longer in the repositories that I can find.. are you eliminating ubuntu? or just want the windows bootloader instead of grub?03:46
renedoxare you using vncserver or vncviewer to log in remotely?03:46
renedoxshould be vncviewer03:46
ubuntuIzinucs,  its oem doesnt come with a disk its partitioned in03:46
donnkeyyyyman I cant even install what ubuntu already had!03:46
pfifoplease, someone must know, how to install nvidia binary drives from cli (im using ubuntu 8.04.4 base with fluxbox and xfce so i dont have System->Administration -> Hardware Drivers)03:46
Izinucsubuntu: so why do you want the windows boot loader?03:46
donnkeyyyyim trying to reload the network manager and it says it has to redownload it03:47
ubuntuIzinucs,  i turned on my laptop and it gave me that error and my bootloader is gone, i need to reinstall it to use my windows03:47
ubuntubut i know nothing of ubuntu to do it Izinucs03:47
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: lol03:47
renedoxpfifo: you can download the drivers from nvidia.com then install it03:47
ZykoticK9pfifo, assuming you can use the current driver just use "sudo apt-get install nvidia-current" or you could try running "jockey" which is Hardware Drivers executable03:47
donnkeyyyyrockhopper lol03:48
ZykoticK9pfifo, don't download the drivers unless you really need to - using apt is much more supported (at least here)03:48
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: I never got problems with wifi other than getting hardblocked!!03:48
Izinucspfifo: download the correct driver.. sudo apt-get install build-essential .. look in synaptic for the correct linux-headers for your kernel .. then sudo chmod +x <nvidia driver file> .. then .. ctrl+alt+F2 .. login .. sudo gdm stop .. then ..sudo /.NVI<the rest of the file name for the driver>03:48
donnkeyyyyyour lucky rock03:48
Izinucsubuntu: when you installed ubuntu did you do a dual boot setup?03:49
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: In that case, i just boot windows and enable wireless03:49
ubuntuIzinucs,  didnt install ubuntu03:49
pfifoZykoticK9, Izinucs, renedox thanks03:49
donnkeyyyyI prefer ubuntu because its much faster03:49
Izinucsubuntu: so you're just trying to use the live cd to fix your current windows install?03:49
Dice-Manmandriva is pretty too03:49
donnkeyyyywindows is slow as anything03:49
ubuntuIzinucs,  yes03:49
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: and ubuntu takes way too less resources compared to win 7 or vista03:50
donnkeyyyyand internet is soo fast03:50
guest0001i'm using ubuntu 10.04 and i can't play youtube videos with totem media player, can someone please help?03:50
donnkeyyyyfirefox takes about 5 seconds in windows to load03:50
Izinucsubuntu: without that file available I'm not sure what you can do other than use the live cd to save off all your data and then use the recovery partition to reinstall windows fresh.. you might ask in ##windows03:51
donnkeyyyyin ubunti a little less than 203:51
ZykoticK9guest0001, youtube changed something a while ago, and i believe it broke Totem (and other players/downloaders)... i have no suggestions other then, don't use Totem right now (there could be a solution, i just don't know it)03:51
ubuntuIzinucs,  i can not acces the recovery partition03:51
guest0001thank you very much03:52
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: I'd rather use chrome, it loads faster and takes lesser resources03:52
donnkeyyyythe internet browser rockhopper?03:52
Izinucsubuntu: why? it's usually a hot key combination03:52
=== th1_ is now known as abc_
=== abc_ is now known as techhelper1
ZykoticK9!away > techhelper103:53
ubottutechhelper1, please see my private message03:53
techhelper1who cares03:54
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: yes the chromium browser03:54
ZykoticK9techhelper1, wrong attitude03:54
donnkeyyyyrockhopper thats cool03:55
donnkeyyyyOpera seems to be fast too03:55
techhelper1ZykoticK9: well you are the only one that seems to care03:55
seidostechhelper1, ZykoticK9 i care03:55
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: yes.. after the turbo's come, its faster! but i like using chromium03:55
donnkeyyyyrockhopper is openbsd a good OS?03:56
Izinucstechhelper1: just because everyone isn't berating you doesn't mean others don't care.. that rule is in place because there are 1000+ people in here.. if they all had away messages the channel would be spammed and non productive03:56
rockhopperDoes anyone know what window manager does Ubuntu netbook remix uses?03:56
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: Yes, It depends on your usage donnkeyyyy03:57
rockhopperBut i preffer linux, coz it has better support03:57
donnkeyyyyyes thats very true03:57
donnkeyyyygreat support on linus03:57
donnkeyyyyrockhopper is there a wiifi card that ubuntu just picks up and installs itself?03:59
donnkeyyyyon my laptop it installed itself automatically and worked instantly03:59
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: there're many wifi devices that ubuntu has its drivers..04:00
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: most of the free drivers're in ubuntu04:00
Izinucsdonnkeyyyy: you might find some answers here.. http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33204:00
rockhopperonly those non free drivers, you gotta instal by yourself04:00
tefxhey guys im just abit curious im usign a macmini as of the moment and im wanting to be able to us persistance yet live usb dont seem to want to boot for me so im wonderign if i have a livecd and a usb drive with a casper-rw file  will the live scd detect the casper0-rw on the usb pen drive before it decides to boot04:01
tefxi hope that makes sense04:02
Blue1tefx: none to me, maybe someone else04:02
DilbertoWTF Are you idiots doing talking about this shit just 4 days before 911? Have you forgotten?04:02
DilbertoDarryl Worley is what I have on my VLC.04:02
FloodBot1Dilberto: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:02
ZykoticK9!ot | Dilberto04:02
ubottuDilberto: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:02
donnkeyyyyrockhopper, you never had to install any drivers manually?04:03
donnkeyyyyrockhooper is it a wifi USB?04:03
tefxBlue1: what im tyrign to say is im usign a mac mini and i been tryign to make a bootable liveusb with persisrtance then relised efi dosent leik bootign external drives04:04
tefxso what im wodnerign is if i have a lvie cd04:04
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rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: If you've connected a wifi device through usb interface04:04
tefxand a persiatnce file on my usb pen04:04
mobasheriter, i think i got it04:04
donnkeyyyyrockhopper I have not04:04
tefxwill the livecd fidn my pen drive and load the casper-rw04:04
donnkeyyyymine is in PCI04:04
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: Yes!!04:04
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: You don't need the wifi usb!04:05
mobasheriter, seems like there is no password setup on the server and due to that it gives that error message...not sure what has happened i do remember setting it up04:05
Blue1tefx: I understand bootable and livecd.  I have no idea what you mean by persistance or efi.04:05
=== cheesemuffin is now known as sudokode
tefxefi is intel aleternative to bios which mac's use04:05
donnkeyyyywell If I cant get this working I might as well get a card or usd wifi that does work rockhopper04:05
tefxand persiatnce is a fiel that u normaly use on a lvie usb so it rnemebrs everythign you been doign04:05
tefxwhen ever you boo t it04:06
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: did you reinstall the drivers?04:06
donnkeyyyyrockhopper I dont know how04:06
donnkeyyyythats the truth04:06
glickhey is there a commandline version of php04:06
glickso i can play around with it?04:06
tefxanyopne here have any experiance with persistence and live cd's04:06
Blue1tefx: okay I don't use usb devices for that -- when I created the netbook remix usb flash drive, I just created it.  everything I do, just ends when I remove/reboot the system.04:07
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:07
Izinucstefx: check the link out above04:07
Blue1tefx: someone here can problem help, but unfortunately not me.04:07
IdleOneDilberto: Please keep the language clean and stay on topic04:07
tefxIzinucs: i woudl btu that dosent explain ym problme04:08
tefxas i am using a mac04:08
tefxlive usb's04:08
tefxDOO NOT WORK04:08
FloodBot1tefx: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:08
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:08
rockhopperdonnkeyyyy: try googling how to isntall drivers with ndiswrapper!04:08
tefxwhat imm wodnerign is if i can use a livecd04:08
tefxand get that to use the persistance file on the usbpen04:08
bullgard4tefx: What does the acronym »efi« stand for. You said that it is the Intel name for Mac's equivalent BIOS. But what do the letters stand for?04:09
ZykoticK9bullgard4, Extensible Firmware Interface - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensible_Firmware_Interface04:10
tefxbullgard4: if i renmber rightly extensive firmware interface04:10
Izinucstefx: http://www.google.com/linux?hl=en&q=create+live+usb+on+macmini&btnG=Search04:10
RastafariI was not going to say nothing to anyone but ... Im Linus Torvalds.04:10
itertefx: might be easier to clone the hdd, install ubuntu to play with, then clone back when you're finished04:11
Blue1Rastafari: and monkeys might fly.....04:11
* Izinucs thinks Linux doesn't speak english well04:11
tefxhumm i read on refit site that if i can gt it to boto genrally the chance of refit helping are slim to non04:11
bullgard4ZykoticK9, tefx Thank you very much for your help.04:11
RastafariBlue1, its me04:11
IdleOne!ot | Rastafari04:11
ubottuRastafari: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:11
RastafariIm here with Khaled04:11
Blue1thank you!04:13
iterJah! I-an-I a rude boy heah04:14
Blue1thank you k-line deity04:14
iterunaffiliated/rastafari indeed04:14
firstgearonedoes anybody know a good screen capture, video recorder, that shows key presses for doing video tutorials?04:14
Rastafariiter, :]04:15
Blue1firstgearone: dr_willis knows that I don;t see him around though04:15
JarlyOh hai04:19
Dice-Manneed some help guys ?04:20
Blue1Dice-Man: sup?04:20
Dice-ManBlue1, cool04:21
Livin4JesusI'm having problems booting from the CD-ROM drive. I have a Compaq Presario 5000, and the CD-ROM is set to boot first, but it won't work. The MD5Sum it correct, everything should be working, but it's not. What am I doing wrong?04:21
Livin4JesusI've tried everything.04:21
renedoxwhat do you mean by everything?04:21
Blue1Livin4Jesus: have you tried another bootable cd?04:21
iterI had that problem with a Sun Enterprise 250 and the drive needed a firmware update04:21
lulu7Was the CD made correctly?04:22
GrumpsI'm having issues accessing my printer remotely on my Mac OS...the printer is attached to the other system (ubuntu)...i'm in local host, and when i click on the printer, it's stuck on loading...anyone?04:22
Blue1lulu7: another good point.  how was the cd created.04:22
Livin4JesusI've tried pressing every button that should take me to the boot menu, but nothing has worked.04:22
Blue1Livin4Jesus: what about another bootable cd?04:23
Livin4JesusBlue1: What do you mean?04:23
Blue1Livin4Jesus: have you tried another bootable cd, to see if that works.  this way we can isolate it to hardware or software.04:23
renedoxLivin4Jesus: have you tried USB?04:23
Livin4JesusI think so.04:24
offsense01any recommended twitter client ?04:24
Livin4JesusIs there a way to install the official one from the Wubi installation?04:24
renedoxoffsense01: gwibber?04:24
lulu7Gwibber is good04:24
Livin4JesusThat would make it much easier.04:24
FlynsarmyHow do i do a useradd with no shell access? was it -s false ? or -s /bin/false or something04:24
offsense01othen than gwibber? seems it suck cpu load too much04:25
GrumpsI'm having issues accessing my printer remotely on my Mac OS...the printer is attached to the other system (ubuntu)..I can see it in cups when clicking on the printers tab, but when i click on the printer itself, it just sits there waiting...ideas anyone?04:25
macooffsense01: i use choqok04:25
lulu7Living4Jesus: What distro are you installing?04:25
Livin4JesusThe latest desktop edition, 10.0404:25
lulu7Do you have another OS on the Compaq already?04:26
ridinmy internet is very slow.04:26
Livin4Jesus<lulu7> Do you have another OS on the Compaq already?   <---- Yes.04:26
Livin4Jesus>Windows XP.04:26
GrumpsI'm having issues accessing my printer remotely on my Mac OS...the printer is attached to the other system (ubuntu)...i'm in local host, and when i click on the printer, it's stuck on loading...anyone?04:26
Blue1Grumps: you might have better luck on a mac channel04:26
Grumpsok, but it's the cups server04:27
lulu7Livin4Jesus: 10.04 is glitchy if you do not burn the ISO right, Beyond that I would suggest what Blue1 said and try another LiveCD to isolate the issue.04:27
mobasher_is there anyway to set this nickserv thing as a user command so i don't have to type this stupid thing everytime ?04:29
macomobasher_: what client are you using? should be able to set the password in it04:29
FlynsarmyIf i do useradd -d <dir> -ou 10001 -g ftp <user> it gives them both ftp and ssh access. how can i give just ftp? i tried adding -s /bin/false but that stopped FTP working aswell04:30
renedoxmobasher_: check the preferences, it can be set04:30
renedoxmobasher_: it's been a few years since I used xchat but I do remember doing it04:30
ZykoticK9mobasher, this shows info https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XChatHowto04:30
latagoreI can't get the ethernet and wireless working on my netbook04:30
macomobasher_: go into the configuration thing and select the freenode server04:31
lulu7latagor: what distro are you using?04:31
macomobasher_: click edit, then enter your password in the "nickserv password" box04:31
latagoreUbuntu 10.04.104:31
latagore@ lulu704:31
Blue1Flynsarmy: should be controllable in vsftpd.conf iirc04:32
mobasher_i see no configuration and i don't see no edit04:32
Blue1Flynsarmy: or whatever ftp server you are using04:32
ZykoticK9mobasher, are you using xchat or xchat-gnome?04:32
mobasher_i like this better than that04:33
lulu7latagore: if your drivers are installed, you may need to edit the CMD line in your grub file.04:33
ZykoticK9mobasher, Xchat menu at top, then Network List - then follow maco's directions04:33
Livin4JesusI'm trying to use RawWrite to force the computer to boot from the CD-ROM, but it's asking for a Image file (*.img), but where would that be?04:33
latagorelulu7: I wouldn't know how to check if my drivers are installed04:33
mobasher_ZykoticK9, u da man...i hated this stupid thing kept coming up for no reason04:34
Blue1Livin4Jesus: this begs the queston - what are you using to created the livecd (software wise?)04:34
lulu7living4jesus: It sounds like the ISO was not burned right04:34
ridinmy internet is very slow.04:35
ZykoticK9mobasher, lol really maco is "da man" teehee04:35
macoZykoticK9: except not a man :P04:35
Livin4JesusBlue1: Nero SmartStart.04:35
ZykoticK9maco, i know thus the "teehee"04:35
mobasher_ZykoticK9, naaa buddy u have to take credit for this one...u were like a hawk there :)04:35
Blue1Livin4Jesus: that works quite well, but I dont use the smart start...04:35
latagoreHow can I check if the hardware on my computer has drivers installed for them?04:36
Livin4Jesus<Blue1> Livin4Jesus: that works quite well, but I dont use the smart start...  <---- Should I use a different burner instead?04:36
mobasher_maco...ops i did it again lmao04:36
Blue1Livin4Jesus: I would use the nero cd burning rom or k3b04:37
mobasher_maco..hard to know sometimes u know...names are deceiving here :)04:37
Blue1Livin4Jesus:  have a nero linux express here (linux)04:37
Blue1Livin4Jesus: burning an iso image is differenty then copying the files04:38
ipv5lookin to setup a postfix virtual users/domains setup. any opinions as to dovecot vs. courier?04:39
Blue1Livin4Jesus: do you have k3b installed?04:39
dpac_Livin4Jesus: k3b works good04:39
* renedox agrees with k3b04:39
Livin4JesusOh, guess I'll install that. :)04:39
Facepalmx2Hey guys. I'm looking for a alternative for Winamp, I found a few like streamtuner, but it crashes without even trying to do anything. Does anyone have any suggestions? (I'm trying to run an internet radio stream)04:39
Blue1Livin4Jesus: cool then we can talk you through burning the image.04:40
Livin4Jesus<Blue1> Livin4Jesus: do you have k3b installed?  <------ Isn't that for Linux?04:40
ZykoticK9Facepalmx2, audacious is similar to old-school winamp04:40
Blue1Livin4Jesus: yes but I also have nero both windows and linux installed04:40
Livin4Jesus<Blue1> Livin4Jesus: yes but I also have nero both windows and linux installed   <---- ?04:41
Blue1wow a parrot04:41
Livin4JesusWhat's KDE?04:41
latagoreHow can I check if my hardware has drivers?04:41
ridinmy internet is very slow.04:41
sinmanhi Blue104:41
Blue1Livin4Jesus: kde is another desktop environment04:41
Livin4JesusIs it Windows?04:41
Facepalmx2ZykoticK9, actually I skipped right over that alt.. I don't see anywhere that I could put in stream information04:41
macoLivin4Jesus: no04:41
lulu7KDE is like Gnome04:42
wendBased on QT.04:42
mobasher_latagore, lshw to see hardware04:42
dpac_!kde | Livin4Jesus04:42
ubottuLivin4Jesus: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde404:42
wendNot GTK04:42
Livin4JesusWell, how would I install it?04:42
macoLivin4Jesus: its the desktop, menus, default apps, etc in kubuntu (see http://kubuntu.org) as opposed to gnome which does those things for ubuntu04:42
dpac_lulu7: KDE is nothing like Gnome04:42
Blue1ridin: maybe if you would be more specfiic someone would help.  saying my internet is slow, is like saying my car won't start.  battery could be dead, out of gas, or 1000 other things......04:42
macoLivin4Jesus: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:42
latagoremobasher_: What about the drivers?04:42
macodpac_: its a corollary to it04:42
lulu7Not in comparison, but as Blue1 said, another desktop environment04:43
Livin4Jesus<maco> Livin4Jesus: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop   <---- I don't have Linux. Just Windows.04:43
mobasher_latagore, you will see all just use | grep04:43
ridinBlue1: downloading is slow, and i need to have a video loading on youtube to make it start, i want a older kernel, but 10.04 doesn't have it.04:43
dpac_maco: Yeah, got it04:43
ZykoticK9Facepalmx2, right click - Open Location (or Ctrl+L)04:43
mobasher_latagore, like >>> lshw | grep vga04:43
macoLivin4Jesus: oh. um in that case check kde.org there is kde for windows04:43
latagoremobasher_: Okay04:43
macoLivin4Jesus: why are you asking in here about stuff if your on windows though?04:43
Blue1ridin: okay but are we talking a wired internet, wireless, what?  i mean we can play 20 question if you'd like but frankly, I've not the time, nor inclination.04:44
kevdoganybody here that knows me?04:44
ZykoticK9mobasher, latagore "lspci | grep -i vga"04:44
Facepalmx2ZykoticK9, that would read a stream. I'm looking to host a stream.04:44
ridinBlue1: wireless usb adapter, ralink rt2500 or rt73usb04:44
ZykoticK9Facepalmx2, ahhh sorry, no idea then.04:44
Blue1ridin: thank you!04:44
Livin4Jesusbtw, I burned the contents of the ISO, not the ISO file.04:44
Blue1Livin4Jesus: you need to burn the iso file not the contents04:45
Facepalmx2Okay thanks ZykoticK9 :P Another question, do you happen to know why the bluetooth on a dell studio 1737 might not be working with Ubuntu 10.10?04:45
mobasher_ZykoticK9, i was just showing him grep..lol04:45
Livin4Jesus<Blue1> Livin4Jesus: you need to burn the iso file not the contents   <----- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromCD04:45
lulu7Living4Jesus: the ISO needs to be saved as an Image if I remember right (there would be an option) Magic ISO also burns ISO images04:45
ZykoticK9mobasher, ahh just the vga wouldn't work without the -i for case insensitive, sorry ;)04:45
|Sacred|or just use imgburn, it's free04:45
mobasher_ZykoticK9, hehee04:46
ZykoticK9Facepalmx2, no idea, but you should ask in #ubuntu+1 for 10.10 questions04:46
Facepalmx2Okay thanks :)04:46
sinmanLivin4Jesus: when i was using windows I use imgburn does a great job burning iso images to blank disk04:46
macoLivin4Jesus: microsoft has a powertoy for windows to burn iso's too04:47
wendLivin4Jesus: You can install Ubuntu from ISO on harddisk04:47
Livin4Jesus<wend> Livin4Jesus: You can install Ubuntu from ISO on harddisk  <----- How?04:47
Facepalmx2Livin4Jesus, you could use Wubi.04:48
Livin4JesusCan I install the full version from there?04:48
lulu7Windows XP though04:48
Blue1ridin: this might be relevant:  http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=21358104:48
kevdogwhat --- winxp -- what's the problem04:48
Livin4JesusOK, installing Wubi.04:48
ZykoticK9Facepalmx2, WUBI is good for initial testing of ubuntu, to see if someone likes it, but it's a poor "install" alternative...04:48
Livin4JesusGotta shut down soon, though.04:49
Facepalmx2ZykoticK9, that's true. But for some people, it's the only alternative if someone doesn't have a cd/dvd available. Had to do that for a while :/04:49
wendNot wubi04:49
ridinBlue1: no. it works on older versions of ubuntu, and i can connect, just painfully slow and frustrating04:49
Blue1ridin: I had problems with an atheros drive, backporting solved the issue04:49
Blue1ridin: let me find the article hang on04:50
kevdoghate wubi04:50
sinmanwhat #ubuntu channel for the 10.1004:50
wendLivin4Jesus: Copy the ISO into drive C: of windows04:50
macoBlue1: linux-backports-modules-lucid-generic?04:50
macosinman: #ubuntu+104:50
Blue1ridin: maco:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=152  YMMV applies04:50
sinmanmaco: thanxs couldn't remeber it.04:50
Livin4Jesuswend: OK, it's copying.04:50
offsense01what the gnome-shell do actually?04:51
Blue1ridin: let me see what's on my ftp04:51
kevdogI used to run daemon tools in windows that could run iso files directly.  alcohol52% is another option for free to run ISO files04:51
Livin4Jesuswend: Done.04:51
macoBlue1: yep same thing i said. though 31 = karmic, not lucid...04:51
latagoremobasher_: I don't see the purpose for grep; it only shows me the line it is on04:51
wendLivin4Jesus: get menu.lst and initrd.lz from the ISO.04:52
ZykoticK9latagore, grep is used to search inside a document/stream/etc for the occurrence of X04:52
canbulaalso magicdisk is a free alternative04:52
mobasher_latagore, just use either lspci or lshw > output.txt   then you can go thru the details of the drivers there04:52
Blue1ridin: I have some old 9.10 distros here:  ftp://wayno.ath.cx/LINUX/UBUNTU/9.10/04:52
kevdogor lspci04:53
kevdoglspci | more04:53
ridinBlue1: i already have 9.10 based distro on this hd.04:53
wendLivin4Jesus: Edit the menu.lst04:53
Blue1ridin: and you tried the backporting exercise?04:53
latagoremobasher_: I don't see anything on the driver though D:04:53
ridinBlue1: i tried with that link you provided, no go, yes before you showed me04:53
Blue1ridin: and you rebooted after doing that, yes?04:54
Livin4Jesuswend: Where do I find them?04:54
ridinBlue1: yes.04:54
wendtitle Install Ubuntu Harddisk Install04:54
wendroot (hd0,0)04:54
wendkernel /vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/Ubuntu YOUR ISO.iso ro quiet splash04:54
wendinitrd /initrd.lz04:54
FloodBot1wend: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:54
mobasher_latagore, what are you specifically looking for ??04:54
Blue1ridin: best I can do, someone more experienced then I might be able to help, sorry.04:54
Livin4JesusUh, actually, I have to log off. We'll continue this tomorrow, K?04:54
Livin4JesusGood Night!04:55
latagoremobasher_: I asked "How can I check if my hardware has drivers?"04:56
latagoremobasher_: quite a few times D:04:56
dpac_latagore: If your hardware works, it has drivers.04:57
bovineany ideas why this line "mount -t cifs -o uid=1000 // /media/drobo" would be considered bad in fstab when using "sudo mount -a" to get some sort of verbage from ubuntu to find out why my drobo isnt mounting on boot up? just recently upgraded to 10.0404:57
ZykoticK9latagore, what hardware?  most hardware is supported by the linux kernel and you don't need to add any drivers.  for other stuff, especially graphics cards and wireless - first check System / Admin / Hardware.  Does your hardware work?  If yes - then you have drivers already.04:57
mobasher_latagore, as I said before what hardware are you trying to see drivers for ??04:58
_Techie_is there a way to stop 10.04 prompting me for the keyring password when connecting to the wireless at boot?04:59
latagoreZykoticK9: Well my hardware DOESN'T work, otherwise I wouldn't be asking04:59
ChogyDan_Techie_: blank out your master password04:59
latagoremobasher_: Oh, sorry, wireless adapter04:59
gryllidaI can't install ca-certificates-java , Ubuntu Hardy, trying `apt-get install ca-certificates-java` as root and getting http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/490138/  ? how do I fix it?04:59
mobasher_latagore, sudo lshw | grep ATI05:00
ChogyDan_Techie_: Apps > Acces > Passwords...05:00
mobasher_ops sorry05:00
mobasher_lshw | grep wireless05:00
ZykoticK9_Techie_, http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2010/01/16/reset-gnome-keyring-password-on-ubuntu/05:00
_Techie_ChogyDan, thanks, will have to remeber for next time in in town05:00
latagoremobasher_: Just a moment05:01
sinmanI have 2 desktop gnome & kde, How can I keep the KDE stuff from showing up in my gnome menu?05:02
latagoremobasher_: no output05:03
kevdogsinman: uninstall kubuntu-desktop05:03
ZykoticK9sinman, http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/18/removing-kde-icons-in-gnome-remove-gnome-icons-in-kde/05:03
mobasher_latagore, lshw | grep wlan005:04
PleceboI get a permission denied error when trying to mount my usb thumb drive using sudo05:04
sinmankevdog: I want to play around in kde for a little bit05:04
Pleceboalso can't create a dir under /media/udb05:04
latagoreMobasher_: doesn't it need quotes05:04
sinmanZykoticK9: thanxs05:04
mobasher_latagore, try with a sudo in the front05:04
mobasher_latagore, no05:04
latagoremobasher: no output for all of them05:05
latagoremobasher: Oops, missed the ATI one05:06
masterBIGwillywhere can i get all the sourc ecodes for all the utiltiies found in /bin?05:06
mobasher_latagore, don't worrya about ATI05:06
mobasher_latagore, that was example anyway05:06
ipv5hey, i just restarted mysql on this new 10.04 box and see it telling me not to use /etc/init.d/mysql, but rather 'service mysql restart' or even just 'restart mysql' ...what's the deal? are these idioms pervasive? that is...can i use them on everything?05:06
mobasher_dpac_ ZykoticK9 ...latagore is not able to find his wireless in lshw can you help please :)05:06
FlynsarmyWhat's the best app for drawing visual database diagrams? forgot the technical term. table structures and links between them05:07
mobasher_Flynsarmy, dia05:07
ZykoticK9mobasher_, lshw doesn't work to find wireless on my system either!  latagore try "lspci | grep -i ethernet"05:07
masterBIGwillywhere can i get the source codes for the shell utilities ?? like sh scripts etc05:07
dpac_latagore: lspci and paste the output in pastebin05:08
mobasher_latagore, don't use the qoutes ""05:08
Flynsarmymobasher_: can it hook into mysql and automatically generate teh tables or is ther eone that does that?05:08
kevdogZykoticK9: What are you looking for05:08
mobasher_Flynsarmy, not sure mate you have to read about it check it out on the net for docs05:08
ZykoticK9kevdog, latagore & mobasher_ are trying to find a wireless card of some sort05:08
kevdoglshw -C network05:09
mobasher_ZykoticK9, latagore is having problems finding his wireless card for which he wants to see the drivers are installed or not05:09
latagoreZykoticK9: No output05:09
latagoreZykoticK, mobasher: I can find it in lspci...05:09
lulu7latagore: no output for lspci | grep Ethernet ?05:09
mobasher_latagore, as dpac said paste your lspci to pastebin05:10
kevdogso that tells me you are missing a driver?  or is it a usb device?  lsusb05:10
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:10
latagoremobasher_: This IRC client doesn't highlight people who are talking to mew05:10
kevdoglspci -nn05:10
iluminator101i get this error when i try to decrypt my private home Check the system log for more information from libecryptfs ???05:11
ZykoticK9LOL - lshw just locked up my system05:11
mobasher_latagore, you need to paste your output to PASTEBIN website so he can determine what you see on your hardware (http;//pastebin.com)05:11
latagoredpac_: I'm not running IRC on the computer I have problems with... considering wireless/ethernet is the exact problem we are trying to solve...05:11
bovineany ideas why this line "mount -t cifs -o uid=1000 // /media/drobo" would be considered bad in fstab when using "sudo mount -a" to get some sort of verbage from ubuntu to find out why my drobo isnt mounting on boot up? just recently upgraded to 10.0405:12
mobasher_ZykoticK9, lol05:12
ZykoticK9latagore, if "lspci | grep -i ethernet" didn't return anything that suggests it doesn't see either wired or wireless cards in your system (exactly the problem you seem to be experiencing)05:12
kevdogWell run the ethernet on that computer05:13
bovinethe line works flawlessly using just "sudo" on it in terminal05:13
dpac_latagore: I guess, you'll have to type the pastebin url then. :)05:13
mobasher_ZykoticK9, the pc must be saying what the fish r u looking for i have got it all installed perfectly fine..lol05:13
kevdogsudo lspci -nn05:13
coldguybovine: that line is a terminal command, fstab has a different format05:13
latagoreZykoticK9: I found my ethernet + wireless by manually searching05:13
coldguysometing like: // /media/drobo cifs uid=100005:13
bovinecoldguy: the entry worked fine in ubuntu 9. its only been since i upgraded has it been an issue05:14
nimbioticshello all. Is there a channel for quand estions on magicjack & mjproxy? TIA05:14
coldguybovine: dunno, never seen an actual command in an fstab before05:14
coldguyjust the "# <file system> <mount point>   <type>   <options>       <dump>  <pass>" format05:14
hanasakihow can I get motd to update?  it still says 783 packages can be updated.05:15
hanasaki but I have done a dist-upgrade05:15
kevdogsudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade05:15
bovinethat leads to the next half of my issue. i can use this line "// /media/drobo cifs rw,username=X,password=X 0 0" and it mounts but any file i create has the lock icon and the perms are set to ---05:15
WXZanyway I can change a files metadata?05:15
latagoremobasher_: Fudgesicles, caps matter -.-05:16
bovinenow if i reboot and have that lien commented out and do a normal mount command any of the files that were previously locked are readable and can be modified fully... oO05:16
nimbioticshello all. Is there a channel for questions on magicjack & mjproxy? TIA05:16
coldguyyou have to add your uid=1000 option onto the username=X,password=X05:16
coldguyso username=X,password=X,uid=100005:16
Roasted_hey guys - anybody ever use the simple backup config in software center? Trying to get it to work via ssh, I get the green light, but when I hit backup, no documents go to my desktop...??05:17
iluminator101i get this error when i try to decrypt my private home Check the system log for more information from libecryptfs ???05:17
Colloguyis there a channel where I can ask privoxy questions?05:17
bovinehrmmmmm.... I'll give it a try, coldguy. I've done all kinds of odd things thus far to try and fix it. :) brb05:17
mobasher_latagore, yes in unix it does05:17
coldguybovine: good luck :)05:17
Colloguyis there a channel or irc server that specializes in net privacy stuff?05:19
iluminator101i get this error when i try to decrypt my private home Check the system log for more information from libecryptfs ???05:19
Colloguy#eff unfortunately doesn't exist05:20
ZykoticK9related to what hanasaki asked, i went looking for my motd file - it's a dead link motd -> /var/run/motd and /var/run/motd doesn't exist - does anyone using 10.04 have this file?  and/or know why it's missing?05:20
hanasakiZykoticK9:  wish I could he'll p LOL .. have an answer for me?05:21
ZykoticK9hanasaki, sorry no... what version of Ubuntu are you using?05:21
bovinecoldguy: freakin A, that worked. :) thanks man; this has been driving me nuts for about a week05:22
mobasher_Colloguy, what stuff r u looking for just surfing ?05:22
mobasher_Colloguy, check out Tor or Privoxy i think that's what it's called05:22
VespertinaHiya.... Wow, lots of users. >.>05:23
Vespertina(First time here, folks.)05:23
Roasted_can back in time back up files to a network resource? It seems to me it can only back up to local disks connected to the machine.05:23
ZykoticK9!hi | Vespertina05:23
ubottuVespertina: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:23
hanasakiZykoticK9:  the current.. 10.4.105:23
Colloguymobasher_: hrm maybe #tor, but I know none of these exist: #eff, #privacy, #privoxy, ...05:23
bovine<=== mostly newb as well. been using ubuntu for about a year or so05:23
ZykoticK9hanasaki, i assumed05:23
mobasher_Colloguy, google it bro...r u on ubuntu or ??05:24
VespertinaI'm trying to get Ubuntu (Aurora precisely) running on my Eee PC. Would this be the most appropriate channel, or should I join something a little more specific?05:24
mobasher_Colloguy, you won't find no channel for such things05:24
mobasher_Colloguy, i think you do   "sudo apt-get install tor"05:24
mobasher_just visit tor website05:24
WXZhow can I change the metadata of a file?05:25
xanguaVespertina: aurora is not ubuntu, there is a support forum in it's web05:25
mobasher_Colloguy, http://www.torproject.org/05:25
VespertinaI thought it was a derivative, originally known as Eeeubuntu... Maybe I'm wrong?05:25
mobasher_have a good night everyone...see ya tomorrow ;-) cheers05:26
mobasher_thanks all for the help and support ;-)05:26
tensorpuddingThis channel doesn't deal with all Ubuntu derivatives, anyway.05:26
VespertinaThe installation process compared to another Ubuntu installation tutorial seems identical.05:26
VespertinaI see...05:26
PleceboAnyone know why I seem to have lost the ability to mkdir with the root account?05:26
VespertinaI was just wondering if anyone was familiar with the grub-install error. Because that's where I got stuck.05:26
bovinePlecebo: what kind of error do you get?05:27
tensorpuddingPlecebo: Do you have write permission in the directory?05:27
LoshkiColloguy: uh, perhaps ##security.  Disclaimer: i've never used it myself...05:28
Plecebobovine, permission deneid05:29
Plecebotensorpudding, sudo mkdir /media/usb gives permission denied05:29
tensorpuddingPlecebo: there is a decent chance that the usb was mounted read-only05:30
Plecebotensorpudding, I have tried formatting and unmounting /remounting and it won't mount05:30
tensorpuddinguse mount to check the mount options for all mounted filesystems05:30
Plecebotensorpudding, ultimately I'd just like to create a usb startup disk, but I'm not able to05:31
Plecebotensorpudding, mount doesn't say anything about the usb device05:32
vanirahtohi all..05:32
tensorpuddingIn order to make a directory on the filesystem it needs to be mounted.05:32
tensorpuddingWhat error does it give when you try to mount it?05:32
chris_osxwhat tool should i use to create a bootable usb stick?05:33
VespertinaI can tell you how to make a USB startup disk...05:35
glickhey is there an ubuntu utility that will let me join a split up zip file?05:35
Plecebotensorpudding, sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/usb05:37
Plecebomount: mount point /media/usb does not exist05:37
rafter chris_osx i used uni-usb -install to make a live session bootable usb05:37
Plecebotensorpudding, sudo mkdir /media/usb05:37
Plecebomkdir: cannot create directory `/media/usb': Permission denied05:37
tensorpuddingwhat are the permissions on /media05:38
Plecebotensorpudding, drwxr-xr-x   6 root root  4096 2010-08-24 19:04 media05:38
tensorpuddingdoes /media/usb exist?05:39
Plecebotensorpudding, no it does not05:40
chris_osxcool got it05:40
detcader|laptopWhat is the best way to browse file directories like these: http://asterix.msp.univie.ac.at/05:40
chris_osxi overlooked usb-creator05:40
detcader|laptopbesides using a browser05:40
tensorpuddingthat doesn't much make sense then05:40
Plecebotensorpudding, I'm certainly stumped05:40
rafterPlecebo what dev is your usb in /etc/fstab ex. /dev/sda105:41
rafterchriss_osx good05:41
bovinethanks again for the help folks ^_^ you guys are great05:42
Pleceborafter, fstab pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nFS6VYXE05:42
Pleceborafter, I don't see the usb in there05:43
Roasted_just tried to run gksudo nautilus and it said unable to because of xauthorization file - uhhh??????????????05:43
UbubeginHi, what is the way to enable java applets in firefox.. Using Ubuntu 10.04.. I have already installed java.. Googling didnt help.. thanks05:43
ubuntu_hi im working on a friends laptop and im booted up with a live usb stick i ran the disk utility program and it said that a few sectors on the harddrive are bad is the hd still stable to use?05:44
ubuntu_i mean i know theres an increased chance of data lose but should i tell him to think about buying a new one?05:45
grumblyhey, I'm having some interesting weirdness with my mouse...05:45
grumblyi'm on an asus laptop05:45
rdw200169ubuntu_, considering the amazing cheap-ness of drives nowadays, its probably safer just to replace it...05:45
rafterPlecebo your / is on sda1 is that what u booted from05:45
ubuntu_alright well thanks for the advice i'll see what he says.05:46
Pleceborafter, correct05:46
masterBIGwillywhere cna i get shell source files for the utilities?05:46
rdw200169ubuntu_ you could also check the S.M.A.R.T. information on the drive to get more in depth diagnostic information05:46
masterBIGwillyin the shell05:46
rjbwhere can i get an ubuntu 10.10 advertisement, i want to add it to my site05:47
dpac_masterBIGwilly: What do you mean by that?05:47
rafterPlecebo i believe that is your usb05:47
samuel2010rjb,  Is there none on the website?05:47
ubuntu_thats what im gonna do right now i'll tell u how it turns out.05:48
rjbsamuel2010: i havent found one yet05:48
masterBIGwillydpac_, i want the shell source codes for utilities like ls and cd etc05:48
masterBIGwillydpac_, is it even possible to get that?05:48
Pleceborafter, according to the disk utility /dev/sda is my ssd (boot disk) and /dev/sdb is my usb drive05:48
dpac_masterBIGwilly: Those are compiled binary files. try this: cat `which ls`05:48
samuel2010rjb,  well its still in testing so maybe it wont be available untill its out 10.10.10... might have to wait till then or open gimp and make ur own !!  im also using 10.10  and its too buggy i think to advertise. it needs to be tested a lot yet...05:49
grumblywith 2.632-X, trackpad is recognized as a PS2 mouse. no trackpad options...  With 2.6.35 it is recognized as a trackpad but it behaves soooo weird... it will randomly start acting like i'm twofingering05:49
rdw200169rjb or you could look at this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/MaverickCountdownBanner05:49
rjbsamuel2010 rdw200169 thank you05:49
masterBIGwillydpac_ doesn't work05:49
grumblyor that i'm scrolling in a direction other than the way i'm going... in the middle of the scrollings05:50
UbubeginHi, what is the way to enable java applets in firefox.. Using Ubuntu 10.04.. I have already installed java.. Googling didnt help.. thanks05:50
dpac_masterBIGwilly: It is a part of coreutils. You can download coreutils source to see the source code05:50
samuel2010rjb,  i have 10.10  and i want to go back to 10.04 hehe   too many bugs on 10.10.05:50
rjbsamuel2010 yes still beta version, i havent tested 10.10, i am a little worried about netbook version and ubiquity05:51
rafterPlecebo ok try this mkdir /home/usb     ....  mount -t  (your filesys) /dev/sdb /home/usb05:51
dpac_masterBIGwilly: cat /bin/ls05:51
samuel2010rjb,  yeah.  i didnt like ubiquity  ~ at all..   so if u wanna help the community maybe posting a 10.04 ad would be better :D05:52
masterBIGwillydpac_, that's not source05:52
Pleceboahhhh mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/usb': Permission denied05:52
masterBIGwillythat's some wierd binary stuff, dpac_05:52
Pleceborafter, that doesn't look good LOL05:52
rjbsamuel2010 good idea05:52
nowimprovedi am trying to run dolphin-emu and get this error lassInfoE, version WXU_2.8.9 not defined in05:52
Pleceborafter, so strange, i could create the folder via nautalis05:53
BadAssPensHello all, I am very new to ubuntu so i will apologize for my ignorance right up front.  I have been wading through many web sites trying to figure out how to get vmplayer installed and just cant seem to get it.  I am sure my problems are basic commands as I am very unfamiliar with ubuntu/unix/linux or any other such dirrivative. Can anyone help and am i an the right place to be asking these kind of questions?05:53
rafterPlecebo ok whats in /etc/mtab05:53
dpac_masterBIGwilly: Yep, thats compiled. Here's the source http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/coreutils/coreutils-8.5.tar.gz05:53
UbubeginHi, what is the way to enable java applets in firefox.. Using Ubuntu 10.04.. I have already installed java.. Googling didnt help.. thanks05:54
Pleceborafter, /etc/mtab http://pastebin.com/j54aWp0305:54
PaytonHarrow #ubuntu, I just installed Ubuntu server edition for testing and tried to install Apache, but I was told that the package couldn't be found. I went and looked through Apache's documentation and tried to download the package but couldn't. New to all of this, so I'm sorry if this question's been asked >9000 times before, but does anyone know of a fix or know what I'm doing wrong, so I can get Apache and hopefully LAMP installed?05:54
xangua!java | Ububegin05:54
ubottuUbubegin: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.05:54
macoPayton: its called apache205:54
ChogyDanPayton: did you install lamp-server?05:55
Paytonmaco: sudo apt-get install apache205:55
PaytonI tried it, no dice05:55
macoPayton: you may want to just install tasksel and use it to select the LAMP Server task05:55
rdw200169Payton, yeah, tasksel is best05:55
Paytonmaco: Tried it, didn't work. Let me get the error message05:55
rwwPayton: do "sudo apt-get update" if you haven't recently.05:55
Ububeginxangua: i hava already installed java... ( java -version cmd  gives me 1.6)05:55
macoPayton: is this a brand new install? you'll ne.... what rww said05:55
xanguaBadAssPens: vmplayer¿ i only know mplayer and some fronted (gnome-mplayer, smplayer)05:55
xanguaUbubegin: please read the link, have you already installed the browser java plugin¿05:56
hanasakiwhat iptables commands are needed to let a computer inside the firewall connect across the internet to a pptp windows server?05:56
ZykoticK9xangua, perhaps BadAssPens is referring to VMWare Player?05:57
rdw200169hanasaki thats a pretty wide open question... depends on a lot of things ;)05:57
PaytonI tried sudo tanksel install lamp-server - "sudo: tanksel: command not found" - what am I doing wrong? Again, new to this, so... yeah05:57
BadAssPenswell some basic stuff the install instructions are asking me to to i cant seem to get to work.  It asks me to mount the vmware player bundle file, but i cant even get to the directory its in05:57
hanasakirdw200169:  like what05:57
BadAssPensi can do an ls and look at the directory structure05:57
rwwPayton: 1) do "sudo apt-get update", it's probably why it's not finding apache2. 2) It's called tasksel.05:57
macoPayton: spelling it wrong and using it wrong05:57
rdw200169hanasaki well, what firewall are you running?  homebrew iptables? firestarter?05:57
BadAssPenscan get to the home directory but it tells me the next directory does not exist yet i can see it05:57
hanasakirdw200169:  homebrew iptables05:58
rafterPlecebo ok i don't see it is there any file system on your usb stick?05:58
macoPayton: with tasksel you just "sudo tasksel" and it gives you a menu. but youd need to install tasksel first and if you havent done apt-get update like rww said, nothing will be installable05:58
Paytonrww: ... oh. Yeah, sleep deprivation and such. Thanks for pointing that out05:58
rdw200169hanasaki well, the most standard firewall configuration is "input deny, output allow" as far a main policy is concerned.  thus, there shouldn't be anything stopping you from getting out and accessing whatever you want...05:58
PaytonI'll update too05:58
ZykoticK9BadAssPens, cAsE iS iMpOrTaNt05:58
Pleceborafter, I have tried various options for the fs, currently there is a fat filesystem, but i've tried with none05:59
hanasakirdw200169: I want to NAT from internal eth1 to external eth005:59
rdw200169hanasaki is your computer directly attached to the internet connection? usually there is a router performing that task.  its not necessary in most situations06:00
hanasakirdw200169:  yes.. and this is the router I wish to configure06:00
varunhello everyone06:00
BadAssPensthat helps i had no idea case ment anything being a windows user =)06:00
varunI had a quick question06:00
BadAssPenswhat does the blue text for folders mean in the terminal window06:00
macoBadAssPens: that theyre folders06:01
macoBadAssPens: its just to make it easier for you to tell when you have lots of stuff which are folders (blue) or executable (green) or symlinks (red) or broken symlinks (red with black background)06:01
varunplease direct me to the necessary reading if there is any .The question is that chrome is already installed in my ubuntu intrepid ibex and it the 6 beta06:01
macovarun: intrepid isnt supported06:01
rafterPlecebo put this in /etc/fstab /dev/sda2 vfat  auto rw  0  006:02
masterBIGwillymaco, where do i get source files for shell utilities??06:02
masterBIGwillyaren't the commands in the shell... shell scripts?06:02
Pleceborafter, /dev/sda2?06:02
macomasterBIGwilly: some are06:02
BadAssPensthat is great information,  the more i learn about ubuntu the more I am liking it,  Just an initial difficult change from windows06:02
macomasterBIGwilly: some are built into the shell though06:03
BadAssPensthank you i found the directory i needed06:03
rafterPlecebo yea06:03
masterBIGwillywhere could i find those?06:03
masterBIGwillymaco, i'm aware of that06:03
rdw200169hanasaki, fair enough, NAT is pretty easy to configure, something like `iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --out-interface eth0 -j MASQUERADE06:03
BadAssPensnow it says to mount the file, so I just /mnt and file name06:03
masterBIGwillymaco, but many aren't... most aren't correct?06:03
ritleeBadAssPens, congrats ;)06:03
macomasterBIGwilly: you can always type "which command" and itll tell you where they are06:03
Pleceborafter, according to disk manager that is a container for my extended partition on /dev/sda06:03
Pleceborafter, putting in fstab06:03
=== ZNC_DoubleString is now known as DoubleString
hanasakirdw200169:  however that NATs EVERYTHING.. not just th eminimum needed for pptp06:04
ritleeBadAssPens, congrats to the move to ubuntu06:04
rafterPlecebo  that what the 2 is for a new dev06:04
ZykoticK9BadAssPens, mount is a command, while /mnt is a location - two very different things!06:04
Pleceborafter, now sudo mount -a ?06:04
macoPlecebo: yep06:05
BadAssPensdoes that mean mnt is a directory in the main structure?06:05
rafterPlecebo or mount -t vfat /dev/sda2 /media06:05
Pleceborafter maco,  sudo mount -a06:05
Plecebomount: mount point vfat does not exist06:05
Plecebomount.nfs4: /media is busy or already mounted06:05
hanasakirdw200169:  the idea is to only let the min through06:05
ZykoticK9BadAssPens, correct06:05
BadAssPensok, ty06:06
macoPlecebo: you did your fstab wrong then. missed a field sounds like06:06
rdw200169hanasaki i don't understand why your tunnel needs NAT... the pptp encapsulation only requires a path... are you trying to nat the stuff you're throwing down the tunnel?06:06
PaytonWent through the updates, then tried to install LAMP, but I'm just getting payton@ubuntu:~$ on a new line06:06
hanasakirdw200169:  what do you mean pptp encapsulation?06:07
BadAssPenswhat does the -a mean for the mount command06:07
macoBadAssPens: all06:07
ChogyDanPayton: can you pastebin?06:07
DoubleStringhey all06:07
ZykoticK9BadAssPens, "mount -a" is a special mount command to mount everything in your fstab file06:07
hanasakiits internalclient ->firewallNAT(these are the rules to be written)-> internet -> company pptp server06:07
PaytonChogyDan: Yeah, hold on06:07
macoBadAssPens: it tries to mount everything in /etc/fstab that isnt marked "noauto"06:07
=== alakoo is now known as alakoo_
Pleceborafter maco, new fstab: http://pastebin.com/k01T6vhh06:07
=== alakoo_ is now known as alakoo
rafterPlecebo by the way what's in your /media dir?06:07
BadAssPenswhat does fstab mean?06:08
ritleeBadAssPens, file system table06:08
macoBadAssPens: filesystem table06:08
ZykoticK9BadAssPens, /etc/fstab is a file that controls what is mounted and where06:08
Pleceborafter, my /media directory http://pastebin.com/1MCxSZJk06:09
ZykoticK9!manual | BadAssPens06:09
ubottuBadAssPens: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:09
PaytonChogyDan: http://pastebay.com/10428206:09
ChogyDanPayton: try `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lamp-server^`06:10
BadAssPensok, still a little fuzzy, but i will check out that manual, i was struggling to find a good simple resource that sounds like it will work06:10
PaytonAlright, goin' and tryin'06:10
BadAssPensthank you06:10
rafterPlecebo could your usb fat3206:10
ZykoticK9ChogyDan, there is no package lamp-server06:10
Pleceborafter, you mean I should format to fat32?06:11
rafterPlecebo no06:12
PaytonChogyDan: Looks like I didn't even get to update in the first place, my server's not connecting to the Internet correctly.06:12
Pleceborafter, sorry, I misunderstood it is fat3206:12
LinuxFetusHey I'm running 10.10 Beta or whatever right now.  When I first installed 10.04 or whatever, and I would hcange my desktop resolution to something other than my native LED/LCD (whatever my laptop was), it would freak out and my colors would go all funky and blurry and eventually my computer would stop responding.  Anyway, I upgraded to 10.10 this morning and it started doing that again...I can't really take a screen shot because I th06:12
LinuxFetusink it's hardware or firmware or something related because when I make a screan shoot and zoom in, everything appears to be fine (it's hard for me to tell 100% because my colors keep freaking out, but yeah.)  Can anyone06:12
Paytoni.e. W: Failed to fetch <address> Could not resolve <domain>06:12
LinuxFetusI'm not sure if this part went through: can anyone help me diagnose/treat?06:12
dougbis there a light version of ubuntu 10.04? kind of vanilla, but still has all the hardware support?06:13
ZykoticK9LinuxFetus, #ubuntu+1 for 10.10 support06:13
dliLinuxFetus, what video card?06:13
hooberhow do i make .bundle files install vmplayer like they should.06:13
rafterPlecebo ok try changing vfat to fat3206:13
LinuxFetusATI FigreGL and the model V5200 I think.06:13
Plecebofdisk output:    Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System06:13
Plecebo/dev/sdb1   *           1        1022     1964253    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)06:13
Pleceborafter, ok one sec06:13
ChogyDanPayton: ok, er, can you fix that?  I mean, if you want to run apache, you certainly need internet connectivity06:13
tesseracter_I'm using 2 raid0 64GB SSDs, but baobab and du both say that i'm using about 22gb of space, with only 4 gigs left till they are full. any ideas why its so inaccurate? disk utility shows the partition correctly at 112GB.06:14
gorp[171098.509220] usb 1-7: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice06:14
gorphow can i mount my usb device? it doesn't have a /dev/ name06:14
=== lerio is now known as scriptwarlock
tesseracter_and the access speed is correctly at 400mb/s, .2 ms access time.06:14
rafterPlecebo and change /dev tosdb106:14
PaytonChogyDan: When I went through installation things *seemed* to be working fine, I'm not sure what the problem is. I'll go back and look at my configuration (assuming I don't blow the whole computer up in the process) to see what's wrong06:14
rafterto /dev/sdb106:15
tensorpuddingtesseracter_: what does df -h say?06:15
gorphelp me06:15
tensorpuddinggorp: does it appear in dmesg at all06:16
mccHow does one tell if a machine is spending all of its time swapping? Would very high "wa" in top denote this?06:16
gorptensorpudding: does <what> appear?06:16
Pleceborafter, sudo mount -a06:16
Plecebomount: mount point fat32 does not exist06:16
Plecebomount.nfs4: /media is busy or already mounted06:16
hooberHow Do i run .bundle files? I download vmplayer for my 64bit Ubuntu 10.04. But it won't run.06:16
gorptensorpudding: that was a line pertaining to the device in question from dmesg06:16
tensorpuddinggorp: does any information regarding it being inserted, any error messages about it, etc. appear06:16
Pleceborafter, from my fstab: /dev/sdb1 fat32  auto rw  0  006:16
gorptensorpudding: are you unable to recognize where that line is from?06:17
tensorpuddinggorp: i see that line, but i doubt that's the only one, could you paste the full dmesg to a pastebin?06:17
tesseracter_tensorpudding, it says that 103GB are used, 4G available.06:17
tensorpuddingtesseracter_: that is for the RAID 0 SSD device?06:18
gorphere are the other two lines06:18
rafterPlecebo ok where back to mkdir06:18
gorp[171082.027558] usb 1-7: USB disconnect, address 9 [171098.376079] usb 1-7: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 1006:18
tesseracter_tensorpudding, yep, striped, and i see the doubled speed. du says I have 22gb with 4G free, df says I have 103 used and 4G free.06:19
FirefisheI'm using ubuntu 10.04.  I notice that I can have two users logged in simultaneously and switch between them efforlessly--using the gnome desktop.  However, when I try to do the same in kde (4.4.5), I am only able to get the screen to lock and the re-login prompt.  Why can't kde do what gnome does effortlessly?06:19
tensorpuddingWhat options are you invoking du with?06:19
Firefisheheya baz06:19
gorpFirefishe: because you didn't configure it how to do that06:20
gorpit's not inheritedly complicated or anything like that  - to have the function you're describing06:20
Firefishegorp: Where do I configure kde to do that?06:20
gorpi don't know, i don't even use X !06:20
ZykoticK9hoober, are you sure you downloaded the linux version of VMPlayer?  .bundle seems to be a Mac thing?  VirtualBox is a really good alternative to VMWare.  With both an open source and closed source (with USB support) versions available as native Ubuntu installs/repositories.06:20
Firefishegorp: k06:20
tesseracter_tensorpudding, du -sk *06:20
tensorpuddingdf should be correct.06:21
tensorpuddingAre you actually using 100+ GB?06:21
gorptensorpudding: do you understand?06:22
hooberVirtualBox can't do 3d software. I need hardware accelerated graphics in order to use the intelligence gathering data for our top-level research06:22
researcher1can we send fax from ubuntu system06:22
tesseracter_tensorpudding, then the problem is, I can't FIND the stuff! I store all my videos and music on an external drive, so i can't imagine how I have 103GB of stuff.06:22
Pleceborafter, still not sure why I can't mkdir with sudo06:22
rafterPlecebo try sudo -i06:23
ZykoticK9hoober, actually VBox can do 3d (not well, but vbox is generally faster then VMware)  good luck then.06:23
tensorpuddingtesseracter_: try using du -s * in the directory, and seeing where the bulk of the files are06:23
hooberWe do major simulations in 3d06:23
hooberout of this world06:23
hooberbut thankyou06:23
Pleceborafter, denied06:23
researcher1is there a facility to send fax fro ububuntu06:23
LinuxFetus_Hey what's the channel for ubuntu 10.10?  I was here a second ago on a different computer.06:23
dlihoober, or, another virtual machine: openvz06:23
ZykoticK9LinuxFetus, #ubuntu+106:23
tensorpuddingtesseracter_: err that should be du -h06:23
pvl1is it possible to install 64bit over a 32 bit?06:24
ZykoticK9pvl1, clean install (deleting 32bit install) yes06:24
macoFirefishe: if i go to K -> leave -> switch user it offers to open a new session. if from that new session i do the same it lists both the old session and an option to create yet another new one... i can switch back and forth in this way06:24
rafterPlecebo are u useing the terminal ir the gui06:24
tensorpuddinggorp: I'm afraid not. It would seem that if that is all there is that the USB port doesn't work, or somehow Ubuntu can't communicate with it properly.06:24
pvl1ZykoticK9, good thing i partitioned my /home06:24
tesseracter_tensorpudding, I have 2 virtualbox instances, but they are scalable, both max at 20gb, but right now they are 3gb and 7gb. here is the output: http://dpaste.com/240314/06:25
Firefishemaco: let me try that06:25
Firefishemaco: thanks06:25
Pleceborafter, Im in the terminal06:25
tensorpuddinggorp: Generally it needs to settle before the USB device gets assigned a block file, usually a couple seconds or so06:25
gorpi'm waiting at least 3006:25
rwwEmry: you are, but you identified after attempting to /join #ubuntu instead of before, so you got redirected as an unidentified user.06:26
rafterPlecebo sudo -i enter06:26
tesseracter_tensorpudding, looks pretty suspicious, right?06:26
Firefishemaco: I can't get to the new login screen.  It just locks the desktop06:26
EmryI think there may be a bug.  I logged into the network and was shunted immediately to the #ubuntu-unregistered without trying to join any channel, where a bot asked me a security question and told me how to register.06:26
macoFirefishe: mm odd. thatd be a bug. can you ctrl+alt+f8 or f9?06:26
Pleceborafter, gives me a root prompt06:26
ZykoticK9Emry, not a bug - i haven't seen that (but i registered) - other's have mentioned your experience06:27
tensorpuddingtesseracter_: is the RAID 0 device have just / on it?06:27
rafterPlecebo ok try to make the dir u want06:27
ZykoticK9Emry, it's to cut down on bots06:27
Firefishemaco: Yes.  And I can ctrl-alt-f1,2,3,4,5,6 to the virtual terminals for that matter.06:27
EmryZykoticK9, My client may be logging in here automatically, I will check the settings. :)06:27
EmryZykoticK9, if that is the case, and the services are slow to respond, that could cause it. ^_^06:27
macoFirefishe: but only 1-6 are VTs. 7+ should let you switch between X sessions06:28
Pleceborafter, strangely there is a usb in /root/usb06:28
Firefishemaco:  f7 seems to be output, f8 is the x session ,and 9 is just a blank windows with an underline prompt06:28
Plecebocreated a short time ago06:28
gorpmaco: do you know?06:28
macoFirefishe: 8's the session? odd. usually first is on 7. i find they tend to skip one though, so is 10 the new session?06:28
Plecebomkdir /media/usb06:28
Plecebomkdir: cannot create directory `/media/usb': Permission denied06:28
Firefishemaco:  hmm...let me check that06:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:29
macoFirefishe: once you have two sessions going that should let you switch between them, whether youre on gnome or kde06:29
tesseracter_tensorpudding, there are 2 raids, a 5gb mirrored raid for /boot, and the 112gb combined raid0 for /06:29
tensorpuddingand I suppose that the massive part in /media includes the external drive?06:30
tesseracter_for those wishing to join in on the raid-problem party, http://dpaste.com/240315/06:30
macoFirefishe: if kde's session switching isnt working for you, id consider that a bug though. it /should/ work. ive never tried switching back and forth (just switch user, do stuff, log out, back to first user) before though so maybe it didnt work in 4.4? you can install kde 4.5 from the kubuntu team ppas if you like. 4.5 works for me06:30
tesseracter_tensorpudding, yep, thats the 2tb external drive.06:30
rafterPlecebo what is the drive that / on a floppy cdrom.......06:30
Firefishemaco: gnome isn't an issue.  kde is where it's not doing it.  I do the K -> Leave -> Switch User but it doesn't work.06:30
Pleceborafter, ssd drive06:30
FirefisheWell, I need to skedaddle...my other user (wifey) is back from errands...puter's hers now ;) hee06:31
macoFirefishe: does it even bring up the "new session?" window?06:31
tesseracter_tensorpudding, and all the other disk-usage programs use du, so they come out the same.06:31
dougbis there a version of ubuntu with all of the hardware support, but a vanilla look similar to debian?06:31
rafterPlecebo i don't know what that is06:31
Firefishemaco:  thanks for the help, I'll look into everything you've suggested.06:31
maco!info stracciatella06:31
ubottuPackage stracciatella does not exist in lucid06:31
Firefishemaco: including 4.5.x ;) (but I hear it's still a bit buggy)06:31
tensorpuddingtesseracter_: try du -h /media/* maybe06:31
ZykoticK9maco, not sure if this helps at all - but recent Ubuntu will not allow the same user to be logged in twice (at least not in Gnome), using a second user on gdmflexiserver works just fine though...  Firefishe06:31
rww!info gnome-stracciatella-session06:32
ubottugnome-stracciatella-session (source: stracciatella-session): GNOME session without Ubuntu specific components. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.0.3 (lucid), package size 2 kB, installed size 56 kB06:32
BadAssPensI am trying to mount a file and i get an error message saying its not in fstab, how do i add it to that in order to mount it?06:32
FirefisheZykoticK9: What is gdmflexiserver?06:32
rdw200169dougb: ubuntu does still include all those gnome default themes if thats what you want06:32
rwwthough if I remember correctly, that still uses Ubuntu theming. I'd go with the "gnome" or "gnome-desktop-environment" packages instead.06:32
Pleceborafter, it is a solid state device, similar to a hard drive but no moving parts06:32
ZykoticK9Firefishe, in gnome used for multiple sessions F7 & F8 sorta thing06:32
itertesseracter_: what kind of raid? md raid?06:32
sebsebsebdougb: closest your going to get when it comes to still supported, is 8.04,  however you can remove the downstream Gnome changes, to look more like what your after06:32
Pleceborafter, an 80GB drive connected via sata06:32
tesseracter_iter, yes, software raid.06:33
sebsebsebdougb: with later versions06:33
FirefisheZykoticK9: I'll google around and look into the setup...might be what I'm looking for.06:33
Firefishethanks :)06:33
rafterPlecebo ok06:33
Firefishebye for now, all...tbaks again :)06:33
ZykoticK9Firefishe, are you on KDE?06:33
rdw200169sebsebseb: he left, quick! like a fox!06:33
macoFirefishe: well im on maverick, so my idea of buggy is uh... i expect them. but the only bug i know of in 4.5 thats annoying some folks is that semantic desktop search is broken. if you dont use it, doesnt matter06:33
macohey wait... i wonder...06:33
sebsebsebrdw200169: yeah I saw06:33
macoif firefishe was using kde inside gdm06:33
itertesseracter_: have you fsck the filesystem ?06:33
sebsebsebrdw200169: right bang before the bit I didn't type in that I was meant to, ah well06:33
macobecause gdm cant do switch user with kde and kdm theoretically cant do it with gnome, iirc. gdm uses unix sockets, and kdm uses dbus.06:34
bbigrasIs this call-trace from my kern.log from the iwlagn driver? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/gejMQbkY06:35
BadAssPensis there a way to temporarily mount a file without adding it to fstab?06:35
tesseracter_tensorpudding, now that IS interesting! http://dpaste.com/240317/06:35
macoBadAssPens: yep06:35
ZykoticK9BadAssPens, yes - just use the mount command06:35
rdw200169BadAssPens: sure, you just run the mount command06:35
tesseracter_iter ^06:35
macoBadAssPens: sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt   <-- replace /dev/sda1 with the block device you mean06:35
macoBadAssPens: or if you want to mount an iso, out the iso file there06:35
rdw200169BadAssPens: i believe you got you answer in triplicate ;)06:35
macoBadAssPens: if an iso may need to put -t iso9660 ... but autodetect should work06:36
tesseracter_tensorpudding, iter: 74GB is just about the hidden number....06:36
itertesseracter_: is it mounted? 'mount' to show06:36
BadAssPenswell my understanding is the file is a cd image, but it is a .bundle, not listed as an iso06:37
tesseracter_iter, no, not mounted. the __ versions are mounted.06:37
ZykoticK9BadAssPens, are you sure this is for linux?  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundle_(NEXTSTEP)06:38
itertesseracter_: file /media/Ouroboros06:39
BadAssPenspretty sure, i tried to mount the file and got this error, i am running 10.4 ubuntu . /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER BadAssPens rmlnrjwmdaqh06:39
tesseracter_iter, directory.06:39
BadAssPenspasted the wrong thing06:39
tensorpuddingtesseracter_: if the thing isn't mounted, then files that are placed there end up in the root filesystem06:39
macoBadAssPens: password changing time06:39
tensorpuddingtesseracter_: so that would explain it06:39
BadAssPenscan't find VMware-Player-3.1.1-282343.x86_64.bundle in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab06:39
BadAssPensthats the error i get06:40
rdw200169BadAssPens:i knew i saw that somewhere, totally mac-proprietary ... ;)06:40
itertesseracter_: can you cd to it?06:40
tensorpuddingtesseracter_: you should should mv everything under Ouroborus to Ouroborus__06:40
macoBadAssPens: did you list where you want it mounted? or just the filename?06:40
tensorpuddingtesseracter_: and also rename those directories to something less confusing06:40
macoBadAssPens: if you dont list where it should be mounted, it tries to check in fstab06:40
BadAssPensoh, i did not do that06:40
tesseracter_tensorpudding, iter: excellent. now to figure out how to get those files. I get permission denied, even with sudo.06:40
BadAssPensso i just give it a directory name and it will mount it there?06:40
ZykoticK9maco, can a .bundle be mounted (in linux)?06:41
macoBadAssPens: yep06:41
macoZykoticK9: no idea06:41
BadAssPensgreat, ty06:41
macoZykoticK9: i just know whats wrong with syntax ;-)06:41
itertesseracter_: I suggest mounting Ouroboros__ as something else06:41
tensorpuddingtesseracter_: check the permissions of that directory06:41
OneMillionDollari installed  firestarter it shows alot of attacker06:41
tesseracter_tensorpudding, i didn't name it, ubuntu named it that for some reason, must be when I take the drive out(correctly, of course) but maybe the system shut down at some point?06:41
macoZykoticK9: really, i suspect it could be unzipped06:41
OneMillionDollarand blocked them all06:41
mneptokBadAssPens: that is not an .iso, and it's not even any kind of disk image.06:41
mneptokBadAssPens: what are you trying to accomplish?06:42
OneMillionDollardoes this mean before i install firestarter all these attcker are allow ?06:42
tesseracter_tensorpudding, drwx------  3 root        root Ouroboros06:42
macoOneMillionDollar: you mean traffic06:42
rdw200169OneMillionDollar: i also really like firestarter.   no, by default, ubuntu has a "INPUT DENY" policy in iptables06:42
BadAssPensi am trying to install vmplayer06:42
macordw200169: no it doesnt06:42
BadAssPensand haveing a hell of a time following the instructions06:42
mneptokBadAssPens: and you do not want to use a repository?06:42
macoOneMillionDollar: ubuntu has no services listening by default, which is /just as good/ as input deny06:42
rdw200169maco you may be right06:42
ilovefairuzmaco is right06:43
itertesseracter_: can you cd to it?06:43
macordw200169, OneMillionDollar: also, firestarter hasnt been maintained in years. try gufw06:43
rdw200169i was thinking of older versions of ubuntu06:43
itertesseracter_: cd /media/Ouroboros && ls06:43
BadAssPensyes i am in the directory and can see the file06:43
macordw200169: pre-2006?06:43
rdw200169maco: yeah... i haven't used a default firewall in many years ;)06:43
macordw200169: cuz ive been using since 2006 and as long as ive been using it...firewall has never been configured by default06:43
mneptokBadAssPens: chmod +x VMware-Player-3.1.1-282343.x86_64.bundle && sudo ./VMware-Player-3.1.1-282343.x86_64.bundle06:44
OneMillionDollarmaco if i stop firestarter now will it leave all port open ?06:44
tesseracter_iter, ah ha! I got is via sudo su. its a bunch of automated backups.06:44
rdw200169maco: no no, i'm referring to the default *policy*06:44
OneMillionDollaror not blocking attacker ?06:44
macordw200169: sudo iptables -L      shows that it is ACCEPT06:44
macordw200169: it always has been06:44
ZykoticK9mneptok, thanks - know i know what to do with a .bundle06:44
ilovefairuzOneMillionDollar: by default, no programs are running that the attackers would be able to connect to, even if allowed06:45
ZykoticK9mneptok, s/know i know/now i know06:45
BadAssPensthank you mneptok, hours of reading and trying stuff to come down to one line =) thank you thank you06:45
=== veovis_muaddib is now known as Veovis_AWAY
macoOneMillionDollar: if nothing is listening on any ports, there's nothing attackers can do, except maybe attack your interface at the firmware/driver level, which would require them to know your hardware and do a targetted attack, and a firewall wont stop that06:45
mneptokZykoticK9: i grokked it :)06:45
mneptokBadAssPens: *bow*06:46
rdw200169maco: you can stop now, i already bowed down to your obvious brilliance.  take my offer of deference, please06:46
tesseracter_tensorpudding, iter: thank you very much for the help! I'm moving the huge amount of backups to the external drive, and getting the naming schema settled down.06:46
magedragon25maybe someone here can help or point me in the right direction. I tried to upgrade to 10.10 and got an error, couldn't mark ubuntu-desktop....went into the logs, and said something about held broken packages06:46
gorphi help me pls?06:46
ilovefairuz!details | gorp06:46
ubottugorp: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:46
gorpilovefairuz: i did scroll up again06:46
rwwyay factoids06:46
ilovefairuz!maverick | magedragon2506:46
ubottumagedragon25: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+106:46
magedragon25yes...running lucid now06:47
OneMillionDollarwhat i mean is that does firestarter change anything in iptable ? if i stop the firewall service what would happen ?06:47
gorpmagedragon25: i wish there was a way to just ignore ubottu since he's always being abused06:47
ilovefairuzgorp: just came in06:47
macoOneMillionDollar: i think itd revert to the default iptables setting which is allow all06:47
gorpilovefairuz: how to mount blackberry if no /dev/ interface exists?06:47
macoOneMillionDollar: you can check with "sudo iptables -L" to see what the settings currently are06:47
gorpilovefairuz: do i need some driver or something?06:47
gorpit should be acting as a block device (usb stick)06:47
ilovefairuzOneMillionDollar: FireStarter and most other firewall frontends just generate an iptables script that gets loaded on boot06:48
ilovefairuzgorp: is it listed in lsusb?06:48
tesseracter_tensorpudding, iter: kablam! down to 24gb used, 78gb free space! ahh, so much better.06:48
gorpit is also listed in dmesg06:48
gorp[172069.178442] usb 1-7: USB disconnect, address 15 [172074.472053] usb 1-7: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 16 [172074.605612] usb 1-7: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice06:49
OneMillionDollarok what's the best firewall for ubuntu right now ? how to uninstall firestarter ?06:49
ilovefairuzgorp: what's the ID in lsusb?06:49
gorpbus 001 device 1506:49
gorpor device 16 rather06:50
OneMillionDollarbtw how many attack you guys receive ? is it alot ?06:50
ilovefairuzOneMillionDollar: sudo apt-get purge firestarter; sudo apt-get install gufw06:50
ilovefairuzgorp: pastebin06:50
gorpilovefairuz: what?06:50
gorpBus 001 Device 016: ID 0fca:8001 Research In Motion, Ltd.06:50
OneMillionDollarmine it's like every second 1 or 206:50
macoOneMillionDollar: to be honest, i dont bother with reading kern.log's output to see what stupid script kiddies and windows worms are port-scanning, because i know that with no services,  there are pretty much no attacks thatll stick... and a port scan ain't an attack06:51
macoOneMillionDollar: though most of the traffic you're seeing probably *is* just port scans06:51
ilovefairuzgorp: are you running lucid?06:51
rdw200169OneMillionDollar: firestarter is a specially designed iptables script that logs pretty much everything that is dropped06:51
gorpilovefairuz: why are you asking me that?06:51
macoOneMillionDollar: if you want to see /actual/ attacks not just "oh look there's traffic on a network, who's surprised?"  try an intrusion detection system, like snort06:51
gorpilovefairuz: i'd like to know the purpsoe of every question in this debugging process, so i can understand it better06:52
ilovefairuzgorp: for google-fu06:52
gorpthe problem has to do with blackberries an dlinux06:53
magedragon25I know that maverick is still in beta and unstable, but the problem I have with upgrading deals with my current install......06:53
ilovefairuzgorp: for optimizing google searches06:53
gorpnah i don't believe it06:54
BadAssPenshow do i change my nickserv password, the instructions i keep finding tell me to use /nickserv set passwd, but it doesnt recognise it06:54
GneaBadAssPens: better to ask in #freenode06:54
rwwBadAssPens: see /msg nickserv help set password06:55
BadAssPensthank you06:55
ilovefairuzgorp: you don't believe what exactly?06:56
gorpthat you know what you're doing06:56
ilovefairuzgorp: ah, suit yourself then06:56
OneMillionDollarwhy after i type  sudo apt-get install it show  gufwE: Couldn't find package gufw06:56
p1oooopyou work for google or something?06:57
gorpilovefairuz: thank you06:57
Redeemedanybody in here use rpgmaker successfully on wine?06:57
ilovefairuz!appdb | Redeemed06:57
ubottuRedeemed: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help06:57
gorpRedeemed: should be documented on the wine website06:57
p1oooopOneMillionDollar: because they can't find it...06:57
RedeemedNot everybody documents thier stuff.06:57
OneMillionDollarwhy after i type   sudo apt-get install gufw it show  E: Couldn't find package gufw06:58
Redeemedit is on there, but there is one function i can't get working06:58
p1oooopRedeemed: I prefer video instead...06:58
OneMillionDollarhow to solve it ?06:58
p1oooopOneMillionDollar: find the package06:58
blagmy computer won't normally boot the install CD.  im not entirely sure what the problem is, but my computer is a very old (~10 years) 1.2 GHz Athlon.  Will any of the acpi=off, noapic, nolapic, edd=on, nodmraid, or nomodeset flags on the live CD help it boot?06:58
ilovefairuz!info gufw | OneMillionDollar06:58
Redeemedploooop: video?06:58
ubottuOneMillionDollar: gufw (source: gui-ufw): graphical user interface for ufw. In component universe, is optional. Version 10.04.5-0ubuntu0.1 (lucid), package size 213 kB, installed size 1216 kB06:58
ilovefairuzOneMillionDollar: running lucid?06:59
rafterPlecebo is ther anything in your /mnt06:59
Pleceborafter, nothing in /mnt07:00
ilovefairuzOneMillionDollar: the package is in lucid only07:00
ilovefairuzblag: has it ever booted a CD/is that supported by the BIOS?07:00
OneMillionDollarthen is it still ok to use firestarter as firewall ?07:01
ilovefairuzOneMillionDollar: it has not been maintained for years, so you decide for yourself07:01
greenmang0hello friends i am running 10.04.1 , just installed slapd ... may i know how to setup the admin password for ldap? cause "dpkg-reconfigure slapd" doesn't prompt for setting password07:02
rdw200169OneMillionDollar: it should be fine.  iptables hasn't changed in years ;)07:02
ilovefairuzOneMillionDollar: you could use the command line interface to ufw if the GUI is not available, type: man ufw07:02
ilovefairuz!hi | gschwepp07:03
ubottugschwepp: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!07:03
doug__i just installed ubuntu 10.04.1 and im in the ubuntu software center.  i typed in adobe flash and there are two options "adobe flash plugin" and "adobe flash plugin 10"07:03
doug__which one should i get?07:03
rafterPlecebo try mount -t fat32 /dev/sdb1 /mnt07:03
blagilovefairuz: yes, booting the from CD is supported.  it will start to boot from the CD, but then it will error out with "(initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squahfs failed: Input/output error"07:04
cybichello everybody07:04
ilovefairuzblag: that's a hardware error which could mean a number of things: scratched cd, faulty driver or cable or a bad burn07:05
cybicdid anyone ever use fprint? i have some trouble unlocking the screensaver in gnome (everything else works just fine)07:05
Pleceborafter, mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt worked07:05
ilovefairuzblag: did you verify the ISO before burning?07:06
blagilovefairuz: okay, so check the CD for defects, and hope the hardware isn't failing me?07:06
blagilovefairuz: no, how do i do that?07:06
=== Veovis_AWAY is now known as veovis_muaddib
ilovefairuz!verify | blag07:06
ubottublag: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:06
rafterPlecebo  finely07:06
ilovefairuzblag: yes, try07:06
Pleceborafter, mounted, and finally got the ability to click the "make startup disk" in the usb startup disk maker... but it failed07:08
Pleceborafter, any ideas?07:08
varunanyone who could help a bit with a silly problem?07:08
ilovefairuz!details | varun07:09
ubottuvarun: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:09
rafterPlecebo 1 thing i noticed in your /etc/fstab your / is ro not rw change that so u can write to /07:11
cybicdid anyone ever use fprint? i have some trouble unlocking the screensaver in gnome (everything else works just fine)07:12
rafterPlecebo are u trying to make an install disk or a live session usb07:12
Pleceborafter, yes a live usb stick to install ubuntu on another system07:12
varunsure I am doing it. I am running ubuntu intrepid ibex with google-chromium version 6 beta which I installed thru apt-get and then I installed google voice plugin but he problem is when I open google chrome using bash then the plugin works but when I set up a custom application launcher with the same path as the one which bash shows then it tells me to install the plugin07:12
greenmang0can anybody tell me how to setup ldap admin password?07:13
rafterPlecebo ok get uni-usb-installer07:14
dkannanwhat is lib32 and lib64 - i am using ubuntu 10.0407:14
gschwepp!ldap | greenmang007:14
ubottugreenmang0: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer07:14
rdw200169gschwepp: dang, you beat me to it :(07:15
dkannando i need /var/lib64 when i already have a /var/lib07:15
ilovefairuzvarun: try dragging the launcher from the applications menu to the panel07:15
ilovefairuzdkannan: these are system libraries to run applications compiled for the 32- and 64-bit architectures07:16
dkannanilovefairuz: so if i have a 64 bit machine - i can make a /var/lib32 if i have compiled it to 32 bit?07:17
varun@ ilovefairuz I tried that but there is another complication which is that there is a folder named chrome in /opt/google/  and there is a chrome launcher there but the one the bash uses is in /usr/bin/07:18
ilovefairuzdkannan: lib32 is to run 32bit applications on your 64bit OS07:18
greenmang0gschwepp: ok... but /etc/ldap/slapd.conf doesn't exist07:18
ilovefairuzvarun: type: 'which google-chrome'07:19
Pleceborafter, I think i'm on my way now... something is broken with this system, I'll be looking to fix it07:19
p1oooopthis is strange... I can ping from my internal network to my external network, but I cannot connect to a DNS server...07:19
ilovefairuzp1oooop: dig google.com @
Pleceborafter, thank you so much for your help :)07:19
ilovefairuznope, dig07:20
p1oooopsome random command?07:20
varun@ilovefairuz I assume you mean I should type it in bash which is what i did and it says /usr/bin/google-chrome07:20
ilovefairuz!man | p1oooop07:20
ubottup1oooop: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/07:20
p1oooopnot geting anything...07:20
rafterPlecebo you are welcome good luck ps did u make the change in fstab07:20
ilovefairuzp1oooop: no error messages?07:21
p1oooopconnection timed out ilovefairuz07:21
ilovefairuzp1oooop: ok: mtr
Pleceborafter, im currently offloading my /home to my server and i'll be reinstalling fresh... just not comfortable with being locked out like that, so hopefully I'll not need it :)07:21
ilovefairuzp1oooop: 'sudo' before that07:22
rafterPlecebo ok bye07:22
p1oooopilovefairuz: I did...07:22
ilovefairuzp1oooop: pastebin07:22
p1oooopilovefairuz: I can't ping my DNS servers...07:22
FloodBot1p1oooop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:23
p1oooop;;connection timed out; no servers could be reached07:23
p1oooopFloodBot1: sorry07:23
p1oooopwoah, 4 flood bots.07:24
ilovefairuzp1oooop: is the default gateway setup correctly? check the output of 'route'07:24
p1oooopmy network consists of 2 gateways07:25
rdw200169p1oooop: can you ping a DNS server, like ?07:25
ilovefairuzp1oooop: pastebin the output of the mtr command07:25
p1oooop1 leading to the internal network, and another leading to the internal internal network07:25
p1oooopand from my internal internal network, I can ping my internal network, but nothing beyond that...07:27
p1oooopDNS servers included...07:27
p1oooopperhaps it's something wrong with my configuration?07:27
varun@ilovefairuz advise for me?07:27
classical_hey ppl i cant install bind from source ./configure works just fine but make says No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.07:27
rdw200169p1oooop: it is possible.  is ubuntu acting as the 'router' in your configuration? or is there an actual router?07:28
classical_there is a make file in my working directory actually :-)))07:28
iterp1oooop: your internal internal router needs a route to
iterp1oooop: that is to say a default gw07:28
ilovefairuzvarun: 'which google-chrome' will show you the full path that you should use in the launcher07:28
=== DoubleString is now known as ZNC_DoubleString
=== ZNC_DoubleString is now known as DoubleString
p1oooopiter: you mean my internal router?07:31
p1oooopor something...07:31
DoubleStringhey all07:31
p1ooooprdw200169: I'm using a ubuntu router07:31
ilovefairuzp1oooop: a route to the interface that routes to the internet07:31
doc|homeanyone had trouble with lirc under the 10.10 beta?07:32
p1oooopilovefairuz: i make one?07:32
DoubleStringguys, I'm having problems with plug'n'play for my mouse07:32
DoubleStringit works in other os'es07:32
ilovefairuzp1oooop: pastebin the output of 'route'07:32
DoubleStringyet fails at ubuntu07:32
rwwdoc|home: #ubuntu+1 for Ubuntu Maverick discussion and support07:32
DoubleStringworks only in the case if the pc in restarted07:32
doc|homerww: thank you sir07:32
Ardinhey, anyone know if theres a way to dock pidgin to the side of the screen like you can in windows?07:32
rdw200169p1oooop: well, you could make your life easy and NAT the internal-internal network into the internal network, then, ensuring you have a default route than points to the interface that runs into your internal network, everything should work07:33
classical_Someone help me please :-)))07:33
rdw200169p1oooop: this implies, of course, that no one on the internal network will be able to see anyone on the internal-internal network direclty07:33
p1ooooprdw200169: that's what I did...07:33
avi_Hello, I want to install compiz-plugins-unsupported. They aren't in the repos. However, a while ago someone on here posted a link to a script he wrote that automatically downloads and installs them. Are you there, or does anyone know what I'm talking about? Thanks!07:34
p1oooopsorry, I was being a bit ambiguous.. :P07:34
ilovefairuzclassical_: are you typing './configure' or 'make' ?07:34
rdw200169p1oooop: yeah, we diagnosed that that was going to be an issue if you can't ping outside the internal-internal network07:34
classical_ilovefairuz, ./configure then make07:34
p1oooop192.168.1.1 is the gateway for my internal network, is my router/gateway for internal internal07:34
p1ooooprdw200169: I can, but I cannot ping outside of the internal network...07:35
ilovefairuzp1oooop: i asked for the pastebin of 'route' not 'dig' and there should be a space before the @07:35
p1oooopperhaps my other gateway isn't being very friendly...07:35
classical_make says No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop. but there is a make file and i'm in a working dir07:35
iterp1oooop: on the internal internal do 'sudo route add default'07:35
p1oooopiter: okay.07:35
trollboyfor some reason, I'm getting an invalid cert for dummy-enterprises.org when checking pop.gmail.com07:35
rdw200169p1oooop: yeah, i would have done it with ip, but that works too07:36
p1oooopiter: no such device... 0.o07:36
p1oooopSIOCADDRT: No such device07:36
Failicanhey, how do I change my desktop layout? right now i have like this, tabs on the right side of the screen and I what to have more like windows type of layout07:37
iterp1oooop: hmm maybe I got syntax wrong-- try 'sudo add default gw'07:37
iterp1oooop: you may also want to add the if there at the end, for example eth007:37
FailicanI would like to have the main menu on at the bottom07:37
ilovefairuzclassical_: type ./configure only and pastebin it's output07:38
Failicannot on the right side of the screen07:38
p1oooopiter: okay.07:38
Shvonderhi. Is it possible to tune dhcp server getting some information from dhcp-client but including its own WINS?07:38
n00bs4uceI have a quick question on running Wow within wine on an Ati card, mainly concerning the fix for the post log in crash.07:39
classical_ilovefairuz, http://pastebin.com/qe2hfrga07:39
rdw200169p1oooop: perhaps you would have more luck with: sudo ip route add default via dev ethX07:39
blagilovefairuz: the ISO and the burned CD both md5sum just fine.  are there any kernel flags that might help?07:40
fatsopithi all07:40
rdw200169p1oooop: but you need to make sure that the network is referenced in your route table...07:41
fatsopitmay I ask something for my ubuntu 8.04?07:41
varunilovefairuz I am using the same path in the launcher but it is not able to start the google voice plugin there but when running in bash the plugin starts07:42
ilovefairuzclassical_: sudo apt-get install libssl-dev ... and ./configure again.. pay attention to the last few lines07:42
p1ooooprdw200169: I must apologize to you and iter and ilovefairuz07:43
gschwepp!question | fatsopit07:43
ubottufatsopit: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:43
ilovefairuzvarun: what path are you using? and why don't you just drag and drop the launcher from menu?07:43
rdw200169p1oooop: quite alright07:43
p1oooopit was a stupid mistake I made...07:43
p1oooopI accidentally disabled my eth0 on my gateway07:43
rdw200169p1oooop: it works :) ! :)07:43
* p1oooop knocks head on wall07:43
p1oooopyes :)07:43
p1oooopthanks :)07:43
p1oooopand sorry :P07:43
FloodBot1p1oooop: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:44
classical_ilovefairuz, oKay thanks im installing now :-) i dont know what i need to compile software from source beside gnu's c compiler gcc07:44
n00bs4uce!question | n00bs4uce07:44
ubottun00bs4uce, please see my private message07:44
ilovefairuz!compile | classical_07:45
ubottuclassical_: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)07:45
varun@ilovefairuz I am using the correct path /usr/bin/google-chrome.I am not sure how but I have have another launcher present in /opt/google/google-chrome and the custom launcher somehow starts the second chrome even if I set the path for the first one ,or atleast that is what I assume.07:45
SilentDisbit of a pre-emptive question here.  Got a SSD drive on order.  Looking to transfer the OS over.  My plan was to boot LiveCD, format the SSD Ext4, mount sda1 and the SSD, then copy everything over.  Set bios to boot the SSD, and then update /etc/fstab with the proper info.  am i doing this right, or is there an easier/better way?07:45
dpac_rdw200169: I want some networking help too. Can I go ahead?07:45
rdw200169dpac_: sure, go ahead07:45
doug_on gwibber, i try to add facebook and it authorizes but after that there is no 'add' button07:46
doug_and it doesnt add it to the list of accounts07:46
ilovefairuzvarun: it's a symlink: /usr/bin/google-chrome: symbolic link to `/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome'07:46
n00bs4uceI need help with the World of Warcraft Ati card post log in crash fix07:46
ilovefairuzvarun: just drag and drop the launcher07:46
classical_ubottu, Actually server is running  on debian/lenny  :-)07:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:47
dpac_rdw200169: I've got an adsl connection. I connect my router in PPPoE mode because there are other computers which need the connection too. My ISP provides a customer care service on but I am not able to access that when router is in PPPoE mode. When I connect in bridge mode and make a connection using pppoeconf, I can surf the customer care website. Any idea whats going wrong?07:47
varun@ilovefairuz in that case why is the plugin working when using bash but not working when I use the launcher.I already dragged and dropped the launcher07:48
doug_now it says "An invalid API key was specified" in gwibber07:48
p1oooopsudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.32 && cd /usr/src/ && tar jxf linux-source-2.6.23.tar.bz && cd ./linux-source-2.6.32 && make menuconfig07:48
dpac_rdw200169: Local IP address of router is
p1oooopwoah, longest line I've ever written :P07:48
ilovefairuzvarun: probably depends on a hard-coded path07:48
ilovefairuzclassical_: use backports: http://packages.debian.org/lenny-backports/bind907:49
varun@ilovefairuz thanks and how do I solve this problem?07:50
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz07:50
rwwclassical_: Try #debian, then.07:50
classical_rww, there is limmit07:50
ilovefairuzdoug: twitter made some changes to their auth system, not sure if the fix is in ubuntu yet but try: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade07:50
p1ooooplet's see how my TFTP, NFS, DHCP, PXELINUX boot system works ;)07:51
rwwclassical_: you need to register/identify with nickserv to join there right now.07:51
offsense01any advantage of using gnome-shell instead of the normal composition??07:51
rwwubottu: tell classical_ about register07:51
ubottuclassical_, please see my private message07:51
rdw200169dpac_: simple answer: according to the rules of the internet, a 192.168.X.X subnet is Class C.  this means that when you create a private there can not be a subnet larger than  Thus, i *know* with an ip of you will not be able to access the 192.168.117.?/? network without some special routing tricks implemented at the ISP.  192.168... is a private network and unroutable on the internet proper.07:51
p1oooopI didn't change my nfs share location after I did some stuff...07:51
dpac_rdw200169: So is there a solution for this problem? Can a change in IP of my router fix it?07:52
rdw200169dpac_:  wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network) should make more sense than me in this regard07:53
rdw200169dpac_: well, if you can get yourself on the 192.168.117.? network then yes07:53
p1oooopit works!07:53
p1oooopand now, to not talk to a brainless node directly...07:53
rdw200169dpac_: but, in this situation, it would be better if you contact your ISP and explain to them your situation.  perhaps there is a workaround for accessing that Customer Service system07:54
dpac_rdw200169: Thanks, I'll try to contact the ISP.07:54
rdw200169dpac_: it seems to me rather silly that the ISP would offer access to a network that didn't also have some path to the Customer Service IP.  then again, I see that you're getting a private IP from your ISP, so your problems are several fold... why aren't you receiving a routable IP from your ISP?07:55
dpac_rdw200169: I am not getting a Private IP from ISP. is the IP of my private network. I mean, I use that IP to change router settings. The actual IP my router gets from my ISP is 113.199.x.x07:57
classical_ilovefairuz, i have installed thanks but now i want to uninstall it :-D how to do this ?07:58
tracy69dpac_, this is router adress everyone has the same thats how u access your router settings it isnt your IT adress07:59
rdw200169dpac_: right right i missed that.07:59
greenmang0can anybody tell me how to setup ldap admin password?07:59
greenmang0rdw200169: ^^07:59
dpac_tracy69: Yep, I know. :)07:59
rdw200169dpac_: regardless, what i was saying still applies.  you need to find a route from to or whatever08:00
ilovefairuzclassical_: make uninstall08:00
rdw200169dpac_: when your modem/router is operating in bridge mode, of course you can access the remote admin address(es)08:00
felichasHi, when using IMAP, hiding some folders using Folder Subscriptions works fine, but I lose Folder Subscriptions settings after restarting evolution (v2.28.1)08:00
felichas(talking about evolution, sorry) Is there a way to fix the folder subscription settings?08:01
rdw200169dpac_: really, you're not running into a 'problem'... this is more a consequence of the discord of function between a 'bridge' and 'router08:01
classical_ilovefairuz, make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.08:01
dpac_rdw200169: If I am able to access it while in Bridge mode, my router should be able to access the page as well while in PPPoE mode, isn't it? There's a ping utility on router admin page which times out when I ping to
classical_uninstall file is not here :-(08:02
gartralhow do i clear the list of waiting programs too install?08:03
SilentDishttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/dfDr2nSp - Going to transfer the OS to a new SSD drive.  How do I setup the new drive partition as bootable?08:04
p1oooopwoah. I optimized the kernel too far...08:04
p1oooopUSB doesn't even work anymore...08:04
cuddlefishp1oooop: yeah, but look how much free memory you have!08:05
p1oooopit barely works as it is...08:05
p1oooopI can't even use my keyboard...08:05
p1oooopI think I disabled USB for some reason...08:06
rdw200169dpac_: no, not really.  in bridge mode, your device thinks its a switch.  this means that 'router' rules don't apply.  once you throw in PPPoE it becomes a router08:06
rdw200169dpac_: the definitions of everything is rather vague.  PPPoE involves more, like IP address assignment to the DSL modem etc... ... ...08:07
p1oooopalright, back to reoptimization from the start :P...08:07
p1oooopor maybe I'll do that later...08:07
p1oooopyeah, I'm going to go do my homework... haha!08:07
p1oooopbye hey, I got my whole server figured out today, that's worth something :D08:08
rdw200169dpac_: once you do PPPoE instead of bridge mode, your DSL modem becomes a router; thus, it can't route private networks (i.e. 192.168.117.?) on the external side.08:08
dpac_rdw200169: I am understanding this. Thanks. Its clearer to me now.08:08
SilentDishttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/dfDr2nSp - Going to transfer the OS to a new SSD drive. How do I setup the new drive partition as bootable?08:09
rdw200169dpac_: if you don't like your DSL modem, just leave the sucker in bridge mode and put on a switch and get routable IP's to all the computers you want that way; or, put on a better router at the bridged DSL modem, thereby bypassing having your DSL modem act as a router. ...08:10
rdw200169dpac_: then, at least, you can have DMZ's or forwarded ports for user security i.e. firewalling08:11
=== DoubleString is now known as ZNC_DoubleString
ITSCOTTERhey is any one using aMSN?08:12
iceroot!anyone | ITSCOTTER08:13
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz08:13
ubottuITSCOTTER: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:13
ibrahim-kasemITSCOTTER: yes I am using it.08:13
ITSCOTTERdo you know how to copy the plugins to the aMSN folder because when i try it says in dont have to be root08:14
seidoscan i run autocad from wine?08:14
ITSCOTTERi need to be root* sorry08:14
=== jenda_ is now known as jenda
dpac_rdw200169: This is all very confusing to me. Networking n00b here. I'm trying to catch up all the stuff. Thanks for all the help. It seems router tries to ping the ip on my private network of computer rather than the ISP network.08:15
ibrahim-kasemITSCOTTER: in a terminal type sudo nautilus then browse the files and folders make your necessary changes.08:15
bazhang!gksudo | ibrahim-kasem08:16
ubottuibrahim-kasem: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)08:16
alabdGood day all , is using mms and mmsh against copyright law ?08:16
rwwalabd: Not that I'm aware.08:16
ITSCOTTERcheers mate08:16
ibrahim-kasembazhang: thnx dude08:17
rdw200169dpac_: yup, that makes sense.  according to the rules, your router is not allowed to send a packet destined for a private IP (i.e. 192.168.X.X) out to the internet...08:17
dpac_rdw200169: This makes a lot of sense. I see a routing configuration on my router. I'll try to configure that to fix this problem.08:18
TransmitterThe bot is discriminating against people who can't do math08:18
rdw200169Transmitter: you had to integrate the derivative function?08:19
ITSCOTTERuse a calculator08:19
SilentDishttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/dfDr2nSp - Going to transfer the OS to a new SSD drive. How do I setup the new drive partition as bootable?08:19
Out`Of`ControlHi, after UPDATE all my window borders are gone. How do i fix it?08:19
undifinedSilentDis, if you're just want to clone the disk to new ssd, the dd command may be fastest08:20
tracy69Out`Of`Control, are u useing compiz ?08:20
rafterSilentDis: does fdisk work on a ssd08:20
Out`Of`Controlyes and compiz is not working too08:20
SilentDisundifined: dd won't care if it's different sizes?  (sda1 is ~20GiB right now, going on to a 55GiB partition)08:21
tracy69there in aplications is compiz icon click it08:21
tracy69and it wirk again08:21
Out`Of`Controltracy69 All was working fine before i update it asked me to reboot08:21
SilentDisrafter: from my understanding, SSDs now just appear as drives to linux.  really, really fast drives :D08:21
undifinedSilentDis, yes there is a limit to the size of your ssd08:21
undifinedSilentDis, make sure you do not coppy too much :)08:22
SilentDisundifined: no no, dd won't care if /dev/sda1 is 20GiB, /dev/sdx1 is 55GiB, right?08:22
ibrahim-kasemcan I adjust skype messages to appear in the system notifications area?08:22
SilentDisundifined: /home is living on a 500GiB drive.  Movies/music live on a 2TiB drive, backups on an external 1TiB drive, I'm good :)08:22
=== veovis_muaddib is now known as Veovis_AWAY
rafterSilentDis: fdisk /dev/sda1 then make the partition bootable08:23
tracy69didnt found it Out`Of`Control  ?08:23
undifinedSilentDis, then just put the limt command inthere to make sure08:23
Out`Of`Controlno sorry08:23
SilentDisrafter: I intend to just use the partition tools off the LiveCD08:23
Out`Of`ControlI have compiz open what is next?08:23
tracy69Out`Of`Control,  in your panel top of your screen applications than i dont remember in what one is compiz icon so u have to click it08:24
pie_timewhat's sstp08:24
tracy69and u dont need to open compiz window08:24
SilentDisundifined: well, if dd won't 'care' if it's going from small to large, I'll just do that then.  shouldn't need much else :)08:24
undifinedSilentDis, do a disk check after dd on the sdd08:25
rafterSilentDis: maybe a boot loader08:25
undifinedSilentDis, and check partioning08:26
=== tonghuix is now known as tonghuix_
undifinedrafter, dd copiees all, including bootsector and partiontables08:26
SilentDisundifined: maint stuff such as that are a given with me.  I am just worried about getting the SSD bootable after I make the clone.  as I said, I do intend to do it all from a LiveCD, to avoid potential problems.08:26
=== tonghuix_ is now known as tonghuix
BODMAShi all08:27
BODMASpls a quick one08:27
Out`Of`Controltracy69 I dont see any icon of compiz, Only CompizConfigSettings Manager In /System/Preferences08:27
undifinedSilentDis, dd if=/dev/slowdisk of=/dev/sdd-disk bs=409608:28
SilentDisundifined: what's the bs=4096 for?08:29
BODMAShow can i synchronise my rythmbox (i.e the music I'm playing to be my status)to my pidgin08:29
undifinedSilentDis, that will include bootsector and partioning08:29
undifinedSilentDis, blocksize08:29
undifinedSilentDis, it is the default for ext blocks08:30
SilentDisundifined: ahh.  problem with that, /dev/sda1 (20GiB) and /dev/sda2 (400GiB).  I assume you mean /dev/slowdisk1 and /dev/ssd-disk1?08:30
SilentDisundifined: the actual partitions, rather than the drives themselves.08:30
BODMASis anybody talking to me pls08:31
gschweppBODMAS: i can talk to you but i cant help you with your problem did you try asking google ?08:31
undifinedSilentDis, if you just wat to do partitions, you need to do bootsector seperate and pre-make partions on the ssd08:32
Out`Of`ControlHow do i reset gnome settings?08:32
undifinedSilentDis, dd if=/dev/slowdisk of=/dev/sdd-disk bs=512 limit=51208:32
SilentDisundifined: I figured i'd have to, given my setup.  look here, i outlined it: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/dfDr2nSp08:32
undifinedSilentDis, that will do the bootsector08:33
=== MengXinHung is now known as MengXinHun
Fun_Houseany idea why phpize would give me this when using it? I have run it from its absolute path as well -> Cannot find config.m4.08:33
Fun_HouseMake sure that you run '/usr/bin/phpize' in the top level source directory of the module08:33
tasslehoffI've formatted a disk with fat32 and ext2 partitions in linux, but windows doesn't recognize the fat32 partitions. The output from fdisk is http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/UAMUMvXS08:33
undifinedSilentDis, mind if we pm08:34
BODMAShi all08:34
SilentDisundifined: I'm just doing pre-setup.  Usually, i like to keep stuff in channel, so others can learn, but tis your choice :)08:34
rdw200169BODMAS: this is what you're probably looking for.  its pretty old, and probably won't work: http://jon.oberheide.org/pidgin-rhythmbox/08:35
thelumberjackI want to lock my computer from booting unless it has a usb stick inserted. Suggestions?08:36
icerootthelumberjack: encrypted hdds with the key on a usb-stick08:36
pie_timeiceroot, how do you do that08:37
BODMAScan someone pls tell me how i can synchronise my my status on pidgin to the music im playing on rythmbox08:37
=== Fun_House is now known as Funhouse
icerootpie_time: encrypting the hdds and putting the key on the usb stick :)08:37
pie_timeiceroot, using what program08:37
bazhangBODMAS, apt-cache search pidgin turns up pidgin-musictracker08:37
Funhouseany ideas anyone?08:38
whosjosewhats your problem08:38
=== MengXinHun is now known as MengXingHun
rdw200169iceroot: i like that idea.08:38
alekwould that be ok?08:38
icerootpie_time: dm_crypt and luks08:38
rwwalek: if someone answered 'no'? I think it'd still go through, yeah.08:39
thelumberjackhmmm will look that up thanks08:39
alekheh funny08:39
rdw200169then, you just need a self destruct mechanism for the usb drive08:39
thelumberjackthermite :P08:39
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
BODMAS@rdw200169 tanx but that wont work ive tried it once08:44
BODMASi just need a plugin08:44
BODMASand ive forgotten the name of that plugin08:44
BODMASok bazhang08:44
bazhangBODMAS, apt-cache search pidgin  or ask in #pidgin08:45
BODMAStanx so much08:45
BODMASi tink that wld work08:45
leighmanhiya, anyone know a command I can use like apt-cache redepends but which only lists installed programs08:45
bazhangleighman, dpkg -l08:46
yhc3lSo I'm stuck at work and forgot to start transmission on my ubuntu 9.10 computer. I have the webinterface up and running at port 8888 and everything works well once the application is started. unfortunately i can only get the application up and running via the ssh -X command. But as soon as I close the shell transmission quits and the webgui stops working. any suggestions?08:46
xio3what happened to oem install in 10.04?08:46
leighmansorry, I want only the installed rdepends of a package08:46
BODMASbazhang hw can i join #pidgin?08:47
bazhangBODMAS, /join #pidgin08:47
xio3when i boot off the alternative cd or the desktop cd i don't see in the boot menu and option for oem install any more- did they get rid of it in 10.04/10.04.1?08:48
BODMASok good08:48
BODMAStanx man08:48
leighmanI needed the --installed tag08:48
xio3does anybody know what happened to the oem install in ubuntu 10.04?08:51
tracy69no what happen xio3  ?08:52
Funhousewhen compiling a program08:52
Funhousehow do i make it so i can add a shortcut so i dotn have to use full path name to binary08:53
xio3tracy69- it went byebye as far as i can tell!08:53
xio3tracy69- actually i think they moved it i just can't find it08:53
xio3tracy69- and i can't find any documentation on where they moved it08:53
tracy69<Funhouse> create launcher is its application08:53
tracy69if its application08:54
tracy69thats what u want to do Funhouse ?08:54
Funhousetracy69 with the command line yes08:54
tracy69if its app in terminal sure u can create launcher08:55
TransmitterOk cool. I've adjusted my bot to parse the question and do the math. Whew.08:55
=== Wi1d is now known as Wi1d_work
=== Wi1d_work is now known as Wi1d
bazhangTransmitter, what bot08:55
=== Wi1d is now known as Wi1d_sleep
Transmittermy bot08:56
Transmitterwhy do you ask?08:56
bazhangTransmitter, in this channel?08:56
Transmitteroh, of course not. That would contravene the regulations08:56
Transmitteroh my08:56
rww!ot | Transmitter08:56
ubottuTransmitter: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:56
bazhangTransmitter, have a support question?08:57
tracy69Transmitter,  who are you ?08:57
tracy69Transmitter, hacker? working for NSA or the KGB ?08:57
Transmitterbazhang I'm afraid we should discuss this in the off topic channel. I will allow you to PM me if you need to08:57
Transmitterlet's stay OT08:57
n00bs4uceI need some help with the post log in crash for World of Warcraft within Wine on the ATI graphics card08:57
tracy69n00bs4uce, i have ati too08:58
icerootn00bs4uce: #winehq is a better place i think08:58
n00bs4ucekk ty08:58
Mark__Hi, I need help with a 10.04 prob after updates. Can't use keyboard or touchpad in xsession login. Is this OK place to ask?08:59
Transmitteryep. Works well :)08:59
TransmitterI can go now. My bot will stay08:59
Transmitterbazhang please kick me08:59
TransmitterThat's how I leave.08:59
Transmitterbazhang I have told you to kick me.09:00
TransmitterYou will comply.09:00
X-2Critical error.09:00
TransmitterIf anyone else would like the patch for the bot, do not hesitate to PM me09:00
Transmitterbazhang and, in future, I would suggest you do not try to engage people in OT conversations within the channel09:01
bazhangTransmitter, please stay on topic09:02
tracy69Transmitter,  what does OT mean?09:02
tracy69off topic?09:02
Transmittertracy69 it means what bazhang was doing earlier.09:02
KeNakoHi Eveyrone!09:03
KeNakoJust jumping into it, I have to go to work soon09:03
tracy69KeNako, hi09:03
KeNakoHi Tracy09:03
tracy69dont go stay here pls KeNako09:03
KeNakoSo I am very new to Ubuntu...and was looking to study it a little further, I have downloaded some text books of teh net, namely LPIC-1 Linux Professional Institute Certification Study Guide~tqw~_darksiderg09:04
undifinedbazhang, a shame you did not +b as well09:04
KeNakoIs this a good place to start? Or ca somebody advise me of somethign else?09:05
=== Wi1d_sleep is now known as Wi1d
ajh5140i have a question: my screen is incredibly jittery09:06
ajh5140is there something i could do about that?09:06
billyhi folks - have a computer that wont boot usb sticks - grub2 is installed on hdd & working fine - can i configure grub to boot from the usbb stick?09:06
bazhangbilly, set that in bios09:07
Out`Of`ControlAny one can help me. My window borders are gone.09:07
whosjoseAnyone have a valid software url in eclipse?09:07
KeNakosoz was kicked off09:07
KeNakoanyone advise on traing route?09:07
bazhangbilly, but you can use grub2 to boot an iso on the hdd09:07
billybazhang: i just said the computer wont boot from usb devices - not supported!09:07
Out`Of`ControlI am using gnome Ubuntu 64 bit window borders gone.09:08
tracy69KeNako, there on the internet is so much info about ubuntu when i first started i just used google ubuntu forum09:08
billybazhang: not interested09:08
tracy69never used any books etc09:08
rdw200169KeNako: use it.  that has been my best instructor09:08
KeNakoI see all the stuff, but would liek a more structure dapproach09:09
KeNakobut hey, will carry on carrying on and see where I get09:09
rdw200169KeNako: well, Debian has some *fantastic* manuals that have a structured approach09:09
bazhang!manual | KeNako try this09:10
ubottuKeNako try this: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/09:10
rdw200169KeNako: or this: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/09:10
d4rkc4stI am somewhat unable to get the 'savedefault' option working with Grub 1.98 ....  [GRUB_DEFAULT=saved ; GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true] ... Ubuntu 10.04 LTS ... any food for thought?09:11
datuneDoes anybody know why (for example) top reports global cpu usage as follows: CPU 1: 1%, CPU 2: 3%, BUT shows 100% cpu usage for rm ?09:12
icerootdatune: that is %WA (io wait time)09:13
icerootdatune: look in top for %sys %user and %wa09:14
icerootdatune: normally %wa is the problem why a system is slow, because the cpu is waiting for the io devices like the hdd09:14
datuneiceroot: Thanks, I'll look into it. I am having some weird troubles with my Virtual Ubuntu Server on a ESX Server, it performs extremely poor, and for days I can't seem to find the cause...09:15
icerootdatune: we are running esx here to and the main problem is the io09:16
lordleemolordleemo@linux-elite:~$ cone09:16
lordleemoHave a nice day.09:16
lordleemolordleemo@linux-elite:~$ sudo apt-get update09:16
lordleemo[sudo] password for lordleemo:09:16
lordleemoHit http://archive.ubuntu.com lucid Release.gpg09:16
FloodBot1lordleemo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:16
lordleemoHit http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid/main Translation-en_GB09:16
datuneiceroot: I was afraid of that, but still, it#s basically not usable. Our production servers are dedicated machines, no problems what so ever, but I wanted to move my dev and test server onto ESX, but looks like I will have to go back to another dedicated...09:17
datuneiceroot: This has to be a specific Ubuntu problem though, cause we have like 30 CentOS machines running on that same esx, with no problems...09:18
Mark__Hi, I need help with a 10.04 prob after updates. Can't use keyboard or touchpad in xsession login (Grub is OK). Is this the right place to ask?09:22
tracy69<Mark__> do you see cursor?09:22
Mark__I see the graphical user logins, I just can't select anything as the touchpad and keyboard seem to be frozen09:23
DIFTOWHey, I have a quick question. I have 8 GB of system ram. How much HDD partition space for Swap drive?09:23
tracy69sometimes somethign freeze cuz u have to reinstall graphic card dirver if u upgraded kernel09:23
SlartDIFTOW: is this a laptop? will you be using hibernation?09:24
tracy69Mark__,  can u boot in safe graphic mode?09:24
DIFTOWDesktop, and yes.09:24
Mark__no, that seems to hang09:24
SlartDIFTOW: then at least 8 GB.. ie the same as the internal memory09:24
rwwDIFTOW: if you want hibernation, you need as much contiguous swap space as memory you'll be using. so, to be on the safe side, 8GB or more.09:25
DIFTOWShould I do more than 8? Or is more than 8 not needed?09:25
ljsoftnetwhats an alternative to macromedia flash, in creating flash or websites?09:25
ljsoftnetwhats an alternative to macromedia flash, in creating flash on websites?09:25
Funhousewheres a good folder to install your programs?09:25
rwwDIFTOW: assuming you're not tight on hard-disk space, I'd throw a little bit extra on there, just to avoid the partition creator rounding down and messing things up09:25
SlartDIFTOW: not sure.. I would go with a little extra.. 10 GB or so09:25
rww!ot | ljsoftnet09:25
ubottuljsoftnet: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:25
DIFTOWi have 1 TB09:26
SlartFunhouse: I use /opt for special hand installed stuff09:26
ljsoftnetrww: why am i off topic?09:26
xio3i found it i found it09:26
bazhangljsoftnet, there is none for linux09:26
Funhouseslart ah ok09:26
xio3f4 on the laternative cd gives you the oem install option09:26
ljsoftnetbazhang, really, on creating flash on websites?09:27
DIFTOWThank you for help. Install time :X09:27
bazhangljsoftnet, none09:27
Mark__tracy69: no, I can't boot into safe graphic mode. It seems to hang and I don't get to login09:28
tracy69Mark__,  dont knwo what else we could do. there can be many reasons u cant boot09:30
Mark__tracy69: Thx. I'll try on Ubuntuforums.09:30
tracy69Mark__,  what graphic card do you have?09:31
tracy69could please someone make coffee two sugar not milk for me ?09:32
rww#ubuntu-offtopic might, though I wouldn't drink it afterwards if I were you.09:32
ZaxEZsure, you got 4 buks to pay for it09:33
rwwx-izzy: there you go09:33
Mark__tracy69: hmmm... not sure. I've had trouble with the Graphics card with Lucid, but I don't think that is the problem, as I see the graphics change as login comes up. I think this is with touchpad and keyboard09:33
x-izzyrww sup09:33
tracy69Mark__,  u see login doesnt mean your graphic work:)09:36
acidflashhi guys09:37
acidflashi am having some trouble with libevent on ubuntu, i cant seem to get it to work, does anyone have any experience with libevent09:37
x-izzyacidflash hi  how are you doing?09:37
tracy69bonjour acidflash09:37
acidflashx-izzy: not too bad, you,09:37
acidflashtracy69: bonjour09:37
acidflashtracy69: commen ca va ?09:38
x-izzyacidflash good09:38
tracy69si mucho bien09:38
acidflashtracy69: tu habla espanol ?09:38
tracy69im mixing sorry09:38
acidflashyeah i noticed :)09:38
tracy69si um poco amigo09:38
JohnHeikkilatracy69: Please move to #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic chats09:41
acidflashJohnHeikkila: do you have any experience with libevent09:41
JohnHeikkilaacidflash: Some09:41
acidflashJohnHeikkila: ok well basically this is whats happening, i have tried using apt-get install and tried compiling from source09:42
Chr|show do I install login themes? art-manager does not work for me09:42
JohnHeikkilaacidflash: Go on09:42
acidflashJohnHeikkila: i want to ./configure a program to use libevent, but when i point to the dir where libevent is, it NEVER seems to be able to find it09:42
acidflashJohnHeikkila: with apt-get it was in /usr/lib and with source install i made --prefix=/usr/local/ so it installed to /usr/local/lib09:42
acidflashis there something im supposed to do to initiate the libevent? why cant any configure files find it ?09:43
JohnHeikkilahmmm...it could be that it adds a /lib before the libevent09:43
acidflashi am running as root09:43
acidflashJohnHeikkila: so try /usr/local/lib/ ?09:43
acidflashwith the extra / ?09:43
JohnHeikkilaYou could try09:44
acidflashchecking for libevent... configure: error: Cannot find the libevent library in /usr/local/lib/09:44
JohnHeikkilaAre you using an 64 bit machine?09:44
acidflashyes sir09:44
JohnHeikkilathen it's lib64, not lib09:45
JohnHeikkilaAt least should be if your ubuntu is 64 bit09:45
acidflashhrmm whats the commadn to find out ubuntu version ?09:46
JohnHeikkilaNo wait, that's the cpu09:47
=== Putr|Away is now known as Putr
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »09:47
* yrgd is powered by phIRC 1.0.0-cvs (WINNT/5.3.3) - (Plugins: Google search / PHP.net search / WXMetar) - (c)2002 Andrew Heebner (andrew@evilwalr.us)09:47
rwwyrgd: turn that off, please.09:47
Putrhey people.. i'm formating a disk with truecrypt... what file system should i use? ext3 or ext4 ?09:47
acidflashubuntu 9.10 karmic09:47
acidflashdoesnt mention x64 anywhere09:48
JohnHeikkilaDoes it say "No LSB modules available"?09:48
acidflashPutr: extension 4 imho offers better performance then ext309:48
rwwacidflash: to find out architecture, "uname -m", i686 = 32-bit09:48
Putracidflash: that's what i whanted to know, thanks!09:48
JohnHeikkilaand x86_64= 64-bit09:48
acidflashits 32 bit09:48
acidflashPutr: i have spent long hours reading about ext3, ext4, btrfs, etc...09:49
JohnHeikkilaThen it's not lib64. I can't help you with the libevent, I'm sorry :(09:49
acidflashPutr: google "ext4" performance tweaks09:49
acidflashJohnHeikkila: no problem09:49
avi_Hey guys, I'm using Wordpress+Apache2+vsftpd on Lucid. Everything works great, except for ftp+wordpress. For example, if I need have the wordpress web UI install a theme (which means writing to /var/www/wordpress), it asks for FTP login details. The only FTP account I have is my account, which obviously doesn't have write access to there. So how can I either make another account that can write to there or enable a "root" ftp account? Thank09:49
Putracidflash: will do09:50
chervacan someone tell me how to make iptables drop the connection if the ip IS NOT xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx09:51
xiacloacidflash: do you have libevent installed? or libevent-dev?09:51
acidflashxiaclo: i had both man09:51
acidflashxiaclo: right now i installed libevent from src, not libevent-dev09:52
acidflashxiaclo: libevent version is 1.4.14b09:53
xiacloacidflash: where is event.h? ... the official package has it at /usr/include/09:54
acidflashyou want me to look for it ?09:54
xiacloacidflash: find /usr/include -name event.h09:55
xiacloacidflash try find /usr -name event.h ... although that will take a bit longer09:56
acidflashits in /usr/local/include09:57
saulushi. for 2 days I struggle with grub2. After reboot I always get to the bash prompt. I know how to manually start my machine from there but I dont understand why the menu does not show up. Any ideas? I have /boot on the / partition on a lvm2 on a raid1.09:59
avi_I have given a user CHOWN of a directory, and he can create files in it. However, when that user logins in via FTP, he cannot. What gives?09:59
saulusthe ubuntu-server installer did not get it09:59
glebihanavi_, FTP permissions are specific10:00
acidflashxiaclo: its in /usr/local/include10:00
glebihanavi_, what FTP server are you using ?10:00
avi_glebihan, And therefore not attached to chowning and stuff?10:00
avi_glebihan, vsftpd10:00
mishersaulus: can you update grub with update-grub?10:00
avi_glebihan, Though I can change it if you feel there's a better choice.10:00
datuneis it normal for Ubuntu running on ESX not being able to read the disk tables, cause I found the following errors in my syslog: -snip- [sda] Test WP failed, assume Write Enabled -/snip-10:01
=== Putr is now known as Putr|Away
glebihanavi_, I don't know vsftpd do I couldn't tell if there's a better, I'm used to proftpd10:01
acidflashavi_: check the conf, it probably has read-only enabled10:02
avi_glebihan, That was the other one I read about in googling.. I installed vsftpd because that's what the Ubuntu man suggested, but it looked like it hadn't been updated in years. I'll install proftpd10:02
xiacloacidflash: try adding /usr/local as a prefix to the configure script, or /usr/local/include10:03
glebihanavi_, in that case also install gproftd, it's the GUI for administration of the server10:03
glebihanavi_, *gproftpd*10:03
vlad__Hi folks, I am about to install ubuntu 10.04 from my live dvd. I have three drives, sda-sdc. Sda is vista, I want to keep it in dualboot. Sdc is available, formated to reiserfs {just for fun}. I have tried installing ubuntu x before, but grub never started after installation. I had to repair mbr with vista dvd and install linux again. Where do I install the bootloader to keep both systems in dualboot? I have teamviewer ready in case anyone10:03
vlad__would look at my system. Also I wanted to know if there is any advantage in using reiserfs over ext4.10:03
avi_glebihan, removed and install proftpd.10:03
glebihanavi_, as a matter of fact the name is now gadmin-proftpd10:03
acidflashxiaclo: no luck, same error..10:04
ikonia*!*@p5B2A4F28.dip.t-dialin.net$#ubuntu-ops *!*@$#ubuntu-ops *!*@host18-62-dynamic.33-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it$#ubuntu-ops10:04
acidflashxiaclo: its almost as if libevent is not active or something ???10:04
avi_glebihan, without ANY modifications, it worked flawlessly.10:04
glebihanavi_, nice :)10:04
acidflashxiaclo: it should still be able to find the library though shouldnt it ??10:04
saulusmisher: I did but it did not solve the bug10:04
avi_glebihan, wordpress installed the theme via FTP via web UI10:04
xiacloacidflash: it should10:05
avi_glebihan, That's awesome. Thanks for your help! Any idea why vsftpd was being silly?10:05
vlad__hi darkas10:05
acidflashxiaclo: have you installed anything with the "--with-libevent=[libeventdir]" prefix and had it work ?10:05
glebihanavi_, you're welcome, and I don't know, and probably something in the configuration, I've read that vsftpd has allow lists for different operations, so maybe it was that10:06
sometuxHow to get ubuntu stickers?10:06
xiacloacidflash: nope, never worked with libevent before, but not finding things is a generic compile problem, and isn't related to libevent specifically10:06
vlad__nooo idea, i didnt know you coud get stickers10:06
acidflashxiaclo: yeah i know :D10:06
acidflashxiaclo: its a .so file, does that help.. or it should be anyways10:07
ajh5140Hey Op10:07
mishersaulus: can you remember after what actions this arised?10:07
vlad__Hi folks, I am about to install ubuntu 10.04 from my live dvd. I have three drives, sda-sdc. Sda is vista, I want to keep it in dualboot. Sdc is available, formated to reiserfs {just for fun}. I have tried installing ubuntu x before, but grub never started after installation. I had to repair mbr with vista dvd and install linux again. Where do I install the bootloader to keep both systems in dualboot? I have teamviewer ready in case anyone10:07
vlad__would look at my system. Also I wanted to know if there is any advantage in using reiserfs over ext4.10:07
avi_glebihan, Makes sense. I'm no sysadmin (i'm 14 lol) but I would just assume that it would make the most sense for FTP users to have the same rights as they would in a shell.10:07
ajh5140Transmitter is just about the most helpful guy I've ever met10:07
ajh5140quite patient too10:07
silv3r_m00nhi there10:07
ajh5140I don't think you pay him enough10:08
glebihanavi_, permissions are more configurable on FTP than on the base file system10:08
rww!ot | ajh514010:08
ubottuajh5140: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:08
ajh5140ahhh okay op10:08
silv3r_m00ngoogle chrome on karmic koala doesn't display hindi fonts , firefox is showing the fonts fine , how do fix ?10:08
darkasI'm having a problem with wine on 10.4: I don't have any 3D acceleration, but I do have it outside of wine (compiz runs for example). I have an Intel hd Graphics chip10:09
barisubuntui want a try google go language but i cant10:09
barisubuntuhow i can this?10:09
glebihandarkas, try #winehq10:09
darkasglebihan: ok10:09
vlad__can someone give me a hand with installing ubuntu?10:10
soreaudarkas: If compiz is working you have 3D working. What does 'sudo apt-get install mesa-utils && glxinfo|grep renderer' show?10:10
avi_glebihan, Right, but shouldn't ftp users have at least the same rights as shell ones?10:10
soreaudarkas: Chances are, you need to download some directX installer and install it with wine10:10
darkassoreau: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) IGDNG_M GEM 20091221 2009Q410:10
xiacloacidflash: you can try moving them or symlinking them into /usr/include ... i can't seem to find the variable that has the include paths10:10
glebihanavi_, in fact they have at *most* the same rights10:10
soreaudarkas: Right so install direct x and have fun10:11
darkassoreau: ok, thanks :)10:11
barisubuntuhello guys10:11
glebihanavi_, that's a security matter, file system permissions cannot be ignored10:11
avi_glebihan, Oooh. I see I see. That's so obvious, when I think about it :)10:12
acidflashFUDGE ME10:12
barisubuntui want try google go programmin language but i cant this. i see 1 error on compiling. How can i this?10:12
acidflashxiaclo: you want to know what the problem was ?10:12
acidflashxiaclo: it AUTOMATICALLY looks for lib\libevent10:12
avi_glebihan, The good news is I got apache+lamp+ftp+wordpress all running in < 20 minutes.10:12
acidflashxiaclo: so when i put /usr/local/lib10:12
glebihanavi_, nice :)10:12
acidflashxiaclo: its looking for /usr/local/lib/lib/libevent*10:12
avi_glebihan, Yeah the modularity and power of ubuntu/Linux never ceases to amaze me. Boggles my mind how it manages all those daemons and stuff totally elegantly and seamlessly, with literally NO user input..!10:13
xiacloacidflash: heh, figures ... got it working then?10:14
acidflashxiaclo: yes sir, thanks for your help10:14
glebihanavi_, it's taken a lot of hard work to get there10:14
acidflashxiaclo: checked the configure file, and immediately noticed that small misconception10:14
avi_glebihan, And it really does show. It kills me that more people don't use it though. It's literally perfect for the kids of the world.. learn about computers, security, and good administrative practice in an easy and "fun" environment...10:15
saulusmisher: this happened after a clean ubuntu-server 10.04 installation on a lvm2(raid1(/dev/sda /dev/sdb))10:16
glebihanavi_, yes but for many personal computers, linux is missing some more games...10:16
saulusmisher: I manually can boot the system when passing the right commands to grub2. #grub2 told me that the grub-menu is missing because of a wrong prefix.10:16
saulusmisher: thats what I am examing now10:17
mortsmelguys, i'm trying to figure out an issue with my bridge that i setup between eth1 and eth2. the bridge is working fine... as in bridging raffic ... however mail, http, all say that they're coming from the ip of the bridge filter box when looking at logging and a tcpdump ... why? my iptables is completely empty...10:17
avi_glebihan, That is true. But I really don't see PC gaming lasting much longer. Consoles, especially mobile ones, are a MUCH more logical alternative, with almost no down side. Though I myself don't use consoles and still keep a W7 partition around for Call of Duty.. shh.. ;)10:17
glebihanavi_, :)10:18
vlad__avi how are the games in wine performing?10:18
xiaclothis is kind of off-topic, but the new VMware is actually quite nice for gaming ... I've got windows 7 running in a vmware, and it's decent performance, with no wine compatibility issues =)10:19
vlad__sorry fot the ot question10:19
xiaclovlad: wine performance isn't usually an issue, it's getting the games to work properly in the first place ... what does work, usually works very well =)10:20
avi_vlad__, Well, I (who like many Ubuntu/Linux users) who likes to mess around with software, don't find it much of a problem. But its not really a viable alternative for games because of the extreme hacking needed to get good preformance out of them. I've gotten Starcraft I working flawlessly, and Call of Duty 4 worked pretty well for a while. But for normal apps, wine works great. It's just the porting of DirectX and all those wrappers that10:20
avi_ gums up the works..10:20
sacarlsonmortsmel: I'm not sure I see your problem.  it sounds like it works normally.  when you bridge you make 2 ethernets act as one with the same ip and mac as far as I know.10:21
vlad__avi thanks, I was eager to know if I could run MS flight simulator X in wine :D10:21
mortsmelsacarlson: the idea is for it to be transparent.10:22
vlad__avi, xiaclo, would you guys mind giving me a tip about how to install ubuntu?10:23
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avi_vlad__, Sure. And if you're unsure about certain app's compatibility in Wine, just search the "wine app-db", it has literally thousands of applications that have been reviewed for compatibility with Wine.10:24
vlad__avi, I am about to install ubuntu 10.04 from my live dvd. I have three drives, sda-sdc. Sda is vista, I want to keep it in dualboot. Sdc is available, formated to reiserfs {just for fun}. I have tried installing ubuntu x before, but grub never started after installation. I had to repair mbr with vista dvd and install linux again. Where do I install the bootloader to keep both systems in dualboot? I have teamviewer ready in case anyone would10:25
vlad__ look at my system. Also I wanted to know if there is any advantage in using reiserfs over ext4.10:25
avi_vlad__, And you'll have to give more information about wanting to install ubumtu :)10:25
vlad__thnx :D10:25
dodiwhat can I do when the touchpad doesn't work?10:25
avi_dodi, Plug in a mouse? :D10:25
dodiI just was away and had forgotten my mouse, and then I noticed that the touchpad is not working properly10:26
ectospasmdodi: make sure the touchpad is enabled10:26
dodiit's okay in the login dialog, but no more when I'm logged in10:27
xiaclovlad__, two ways to do that ... one, you can install grub on your main drive (sda) and pass off to windows using grub (it should detect it during the install) or you can install grub on sdc and choose which hard drive to boot to using your bios boot order10:27
avi_vlad__, Hmmm.. So my thought would to be to install it to the default location.10:27
dodiperhaps login uses BIOS?10:27
avi_vlad__, Have you considered Wubi?10:27
fdfviuHI, How to set up vim-gnome with vim 7.3?10:28
vlad__avi yes, wubi works fine, it just limits me to max 30 gb of linux space, I wanted to learn it the "correct" way, but got stuck with grub not loading twice10:28
mishersaulus: you can try to add your commands within menuentry block in  /etc/grub.d/*custom file10:28
xiaclomortsmel: it should be transparent ... briding shouldn't change anything at all about the traffic, it should make the interfaces act like a switch10:28
mishersaulus: and update grub again10:28
vlad__avi the default location would be sda?10:28
xiaclomortsmel: try a command for me, sudo iptables -vnL -t nat10:29
vlad__xiaclo, how do I pass of to windows?10:29
dodiectospasm, how can I force an hardware check, to install the touchpad driver?10:30
xiaclovlad__ during the install it should detect your windows installation before it installs grub, it will list what is detected, and then ask if this is everything ... make sure windows is listed in there before installing grub10:30
xiaclovlad__ as long as it detects it, you shouldnt have an issue, it will install grub over the windows mbr, then grub will give you an option to boot into windows or ubuntu10:30
vlad__xiaclo, I thought so too, but twice, installing in default settings though selecting sdc as linux drive failed either to install or initialize grub, i am afraid to do it just by guessing :-)10:31
saulusmisher: ty. I did lots of stuff, also changing device order in bios. It just booted for the first time. There is still no menu, but the system is booting, at least10:31
vlad__how can I make sure it loads?10:31
ectospasmdodi: I don't know off the top of my head, and my laptop isn't here10:32
Kimiskovhi, I want to scan my windows drive for virus. What anti virus program will you recommand for Ubuntu?10:40
glebihanKimiskov, the only one I know is CLAM, it works quite well10:41
glebihanKimiskov, but I don't know how it'll handle scanning your Windows system10:41
KimiskovAs I know Clam Is e-mail orintated!10:42
glebihanKimiskov, well yes it's its main function, but it also does file system scans10:43
seyfiHello, I used to change app language from terminal in the past like this ==> LC_ALL=fr_FR.utf8 gedit <== but it's not working now (karmic). Why? (locale -a command shows fr_FR support)10:43
glebihanseyfi, you have to set the LANGUAGE variable to "fr"10:44
Kimiskovok, then I will give it a try. Just wondering why they dont write anything about hard drives, but anyway.10:44
seyfiglebihan: ok, thanks, so LC_ALL and LANG vars are obsolete now?10:45
glebihanseyfi, no LANG is still used10:45
glebihanseyfi, actually, I'm myself having some trouble understanding the use of each variable10:46
glebihanseyfi, but I know that using both LANGUAGE and LANG works10:46
seyfiglebihan: LANG does not work for me, only LANGUAGE did. Anyway thanks.10:47
glebihanseyfi, you're welcome10:47
=== robins is now known as robinsmidsrod
zealiodi have a new dvi tv that im using with ubuntu, how ever all i see in monitors is default monitor... how can i configure it to see the TV?10:49
xiacloKimiskov clam was designed to scan emails, but can be used for just about anything, you can even get a win32 version of it now to run directly on windows, just without the automated features of most windows antivirus software10:50
bambrhi, i'm compiling one program on 64bit platform and get error about:  /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgzstream from10:50
unhackmeehey, how can you select multiple files like cntrl+clicking in ubuntu? ( I want it to work on mediafire...)10:51
glebihanunhackmee, it's done with Ctrl+click too (or Ctrl+Shift click in lists)10:52
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unhackmeeglebihan, thanks- i will try ctrl+shift... ctrl+click doesnt work10:53
tgywaHow can I unmount a busy device ...eg /dev/sda710:53
tgywaHow can I unmount a busy device ...eg /dev/sda7??10:53
xiaclotgywa it's usually a REALLY bad idea to force it to unmount ... try 'lsof /dev/sda7' to figure out what is using it10:55
Kimiskovxiaclo: thank you, just about to set it up on ubuntu. Actualy I allready have an Kaspersky internet security installed on Win. My intension is to make an AV scan like online scanning,but offline!10:55
unhackmee@glebihan , doesnt work- multi-uploader works in win, how to get it working in ubuntu?10:55
itbcn8tgywa: what is it busy with?10:55
glebihanunhackmee, it's on mediafire you're having trouble, right ?10:56
glebihanunhackmee, do you get to select multiple file in nautilus for example ?10:57
unhackmeeglebihan, yes- its a hassle to select every individual file, any workarounds are appriciated10:57
unhackmeeglebihan, yes.. nautilus works fine10:57
glebihanunhackmee, well in that case, it's probably something related to the Javascript code they're using, I'm sorry but I probably won't be able to help you10:59
unhackmeeglebihan, yeah, thanks- too bad i have to use the win box agiain.. thank you though,,10:59
glebihanunhackmee, you may find somebody who's used mediafire too around here10:59
glebihanunhackmee, you're welcome, sorry I couldn't help11:00
xiaclounhackmee: mediafire is probably using activex or some such ... your best bet would probably be to wine internet explorer *shudder* or something like that11:00
tgywaitbcn8, apache2, rsyslogd and many others11:00
karmelhow to run an application with another gtk theme?11:01
glebihantgywa, have you tried the "-f" option with umount11:01
tgywaglebihan, yes I have tried -f option with umount.11:02
tgywabut .. http://pastebin.com/B6cfVVw611:02
KartagisI transcoded a .mkv to .avi with embedded subtitles with mencoder, but the resulting avi is only 100mb less (2.1gb). any ideas how?11:03
glebihantgywa, you get this message with "umount" ?11:03
tgywaglebihan, xiaclo, itbcn8 ... my problem acutally is ... being unable to mount from backend nfs server.11:03
tgywaglebihan, xiaclo, itbcn8 ... my problem acutally is ... you may have a look if u can help me with my problem of mounting from a backend nfs server.11:04
glebihanKartagis, you want to make it smaller ?11:04
glebihantgywa, sorry, don't know much about nfs11:05
Kartagisglebihan if possible11:05
xiaclotgywa mounting or unmounting? there is a big difference11:05
glebihanKartagis, you may try changing the bitrate or the size of the video11:05
tgywaxiaclo, ... mounting ...11:05
tgywaxiaclo, ... mounting ...unable to mount11:05
nknhey, anyone know a way to run "sudo rm /dev/input/js0" at startup and without password prompt? i tried makeing a script and it would never work and if i opened it with terminal it would ask for password even if i added it to visudo11:05
glebihanKartagis, I don't know exactly about mencoder options as I usually use ffmpeg, but you should find those options in the manual11:06
Kartagisglebihan let me show you the line11:06
karmelnkn, add it to rc.local in etc/11:06
tgywaxiaclo,  mount X.X.X.X:/var/www/00 /var/www/0011:06
tgywa ...11:06
Kartagisglebihan mencoder Fringe-S01E01-Pilot.mkv -oac mp3lame -ovc copy -sub Fringe-S01E01-Pilot.srt -o Fringe-S01E01-Pilot.avi11:06
xiaclotgywa try 'showmount -e X.X.X.X'11:07
xiaclotgywa that *should* list all the possible mounts on the server, it'll at least make sure the nfs server is up and running ok11:07
glebihanKartagis, well here you just copy the video stream, so it's normal it's about the same size11:07
xiaclonkn add the command to /etc/rc.local ... it runs with root privs, so it will never ask for a password11:08
Kartagisglebihan do I remove -ovc copy?11:08
glebihanKartagis, do not remove it, but change copy to mpeg4 or something like that11:09
xiacloKartagis ovc is output video codec ... so it's not actually transcoding the video, just the audio11:09
tgywaxiaclo, thanks ... I had to install   nfs-common11:10
tgywathanks all ... get it to work now11:10
xiaclotgywa no problem, glad to help =)11:10
glebihanKartagis, you should try with "-ovc mpeg"11:11
nknthank you karmel and xiaclo11:13
Kartagisglebihan I want to convert to .avi, so I put in -of avi -ovc xvid11:14
Kartagisxiaclo do you happen to know if -sub works with .srt files too?11:14
rmnhello. Does Kubuntu hav a separate Channel?11:16
=== fusion_ is now known as FusionX_
xiacloKartagis i'm not seeing it listed as one of the accepted subtitle formats ... so i'm going to guess no11:16
Nach0zhello hello.11:17
yorkie_ianrmn: quassel irc goes straight there, if you have it installed11:17
rmnI do, noone answers there=( thanks11:18
Nach0zhey i've got a technical question about ubuntu. i know how to use the ImageX tool to apply a windows installer image to a drive, can the same thing be done for Ubuntu?11:18
ikoniaNach0z: nothig really to do with ubuntu, ask imageX support11:19
FusionX_i'm getting "unknown monitor" on my display preferences, i'm stuck with 800x600 resolution whereas my monitor supports 1280x1024. http://www.fileize.com/view/c8420ed9-732/  I use ubuntu 9.10 .11:19
xiacloNach0z that really depends what you are trying to do ... image a ubuntu disk for other computers?  or find a ubuntu utils to install imagex images?11:19
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nknrmn /join #kubuntu11:20
FusionX_how can i solve it? ^ ^ ^11:20
nanzaloneHi all.  I'm using 10.4 on a gateway laptop, and my touchpad keeps freezing after hibernate.  Anyone have any suggestions?11:20
Nach0zxiaclo: trying to install ubuntu indirectly, using the install disk with my desktop's hard drive wired to my laptop.11:21
xiaclonanzalone this thread has some ideas you might want to try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101790711:21
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nanzalonexiaclo - thanks so much for the lead!  I'll try that now.11:21
xiacloNach0z so you're trying to image your desktop drive onto your laptop?11:22
xiaclono problem11:22
Nach0z....? xiaclo i'm booted off of my latop's hard drive, but my desktop crashed, so i took its hard drive and USBd it to my laptop. it's like an external drive now, and i am trying to install Ubuntu on it without having to reboot and use the install disk. that make sense? cuz it doesnt much to me xD11:23
xiacloNach0z so the other way around, you are trying to copy your laptop's drive onto your desktop drive?11:24
xiacloNach0z going to have to be a little more clear, ultimately, what are you trying to do? recover the data from your desktop, or wipe it out, or something else?11:25
Nach0zxiaclo: not quite. i know how to clone. i downloaded the Ubuntu install disk, and want to install Ubuntu to the dektop's hard drive. i had win XP on it, but i want ubuntu lol11:26
Nach0zand i don't have any real CD's lying around to burn, or id do it the simple way11:26
ikoniaNach0z: it's worth buying some CD's11:26
ikoniaNach0z: any issues, they are used for recovery11:26
FusionX_i'm getting "unknown monitor" on my display preferences, i'm stuck with 800x600 resolution whereas my monitor supports 1280x1024. http://www.fileize.com/view/c8420ed9-732/  I use ubuntu 9.10 .11:26
Nach0zikonia: problem is, i'm kinda low on cash, so i'm trying to do this without having to go buy stuff11:27
ikoniaNach0z: I'd wait until you can afford a $2 pair of CD's11:27
ikoniaNach0z: they are invaluable for a recovery tool if you have any issues going forward11:28
Nach0z:| aight.11:28
Brandon__hi there, a usb flash drive got messed up and now I'm unable to retrieve any data from it, a friend made a .img file of it but then he had to go and I don't know what I should do next?11:29
Nach0zuse ImgBurn11:29
yorkie_ianFusionX_: try using your graphics card tool11:29
Nach0zImgBurn can retrieve the files outta the img file11:29
Brandon__Nach0z, can you explain step by step please?11:29
Nach0zyeah sure11:29
Brandon__let's pm11:29
ChuwieyHey, can anyone help me with poptop? I'm getting an error saying GRE isn't open (pty read or gre failed (6,7) - but I specifically opened it in iptables...11:29
Chuwieyalso, what's weird is that i can connect when i'm on wifi (as in any line that directly connects with my isp)... but the connection that's failing is a cellphone (3G network)11:31
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Chuwieyand another thing... if i look in iftop while trying to connect.. i can see my phone appear... but the connection gets dropped...11:32
SmokeyDhey everyone. If I use the nvidia binary driver under Lucid amd64 with my geforce 6600 gpu, the screen blinks a black screen allmost with every menu I open or window I move and stuff. The desktop usually also freezes then for like 10-20 secs. Everything boots normally, the desktop just doesn't work properly. Also sometimes buttons turn blue or some tekst get's garbled to colored squares and stuff. With the standard driver that doesn't happen, but that11:34
SmokeyDany clues how to fix the problem with the nvidia binary driveR11:34
SmokeyDI have all updates untill today installed11:34
avi_Grr. I've been trying to get 404 pages to work with apache2.. but I always get a message from the browser saying it couldn't follow the link.. I know that both .htaccess and the error page exist.. what am I doing wrong?11:36
GabbieHi, is it possible to encrypt my home directory after I've installed lucid? I chose not to encrypt it when installing11:36
tarzeauGabbie: what do you try to hide?11:36
ikonia!crypt > Gabbie11:37
jribavi_: permissions?  Try #httpd11:37
avi_jrib, Will do. thanks.11:37
xiacloavi_ sounds like a permission issue, can the apache user read off the 404 pages?11:37
yorkie_ianSmokeyD: have you tried the Nvidia X server settings tool11:38
Gabbieikonia, was that meant to do something?11:38
avi_xiaclo, What do you mean the "apache user"? You can get to the 404 page in a browser if that's what you mean.11:38
jribavi_: www-data is the default user apache runs as on ubuntu11:38
avi_jrib, So you're saying I should su to that user and chown /var/www?11:39
SmokeyDyorkie_ian: I can use it when I have the binary driver installed yes, but how could I fix the problem there with the binary driver that the screens blink black with every menu I open and the desktop freezing?11:39
jribavi_: no, if you can already get to the page, then it shouldn't be a permissions issue11:39
spencer_Hello everyone, I have a problem with a wubi-dual boot11:39
avi_jrib, Yeah that's what I was thinking.. hmm11:40
SmokeyDyorkie_ian: when I have the binary driver deactivated (and therefore use the standard ubuntu one) the nvidia settings tool can't be used anymore since I don't use the nvidia binary driver11:40
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory11:40
spencer_Is there a wubi/dual boot help room?11:40
Nach0zlater all11:40
GabbieThanks ikonia11:40
yoggDoes someone know an how to for installing openca on Ubuntu 10.04?11:41
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!11:41
yorkie_ianSmokeyD: all I did, and I am no techie, is go into the X Server settings and looked for the model of my monitor, changed that to suit, I still get monitor 'unknown' tho, but it works11:41
SmokeyDyorkie_ian: yeah I know. I am experiencing a problem with the driver though. As I said, the nvidia binary driver (which you need to enable in hardware drivers in order to use the nvidia settings tool) is causing my whole desktop to work properly. That is my main problem11:42
xiacloavi_ What is the path you are using for the document?  are you using the full path or a relative one?11:42
avi_xiaclo, my .htaccess contains: ErrorDocument 404 /notfound.html11:43
avi_xiaclo, and notfound.html is in /var/www11:43
xiacloavi_ and since you've changed the htaccess have you restarted apache?11:43
avi_xiaclo, Many a time, yes. sudo service apache2 restart, right?11:44
yorkie_ianSmokeyD: sorry I can't be of anymore help than that really11:44
SmokeyDthen there is the additional problem with the nouveau driver (when I have the nvidia driver disabled) that doesn't detect the screen (and native resolution) properly, but that is secondary. I just want the nvidia driver to work somehow.11:44
xiacloavi_ yep, that'll do11:44
SmokeyDyorkie_ian: ok, thanks for trying though :)11:44
avi_xiaclo, Any prospect of doing an old-fasioned sudo reboot? or would that be un needed?11:46
xiacloavi_ that almost sounds like windows =P ... and no, it won't help11:46
spencer_I have my laptop dual-booted with 7, and the 7 side blew up much to my great surprise. can ubuntu access the windows side to recover stuff?11:47
avi_xiaclo, Yeah, I figured ^.^ But what else could it be? I mean this is really baffling to me.11:47
jonnorspencer_: yes11:48
yoggspencer_: Only mount the windows drive to ubuntu11:48
spencer_How would I do that?11:49
spencer_Pardon my noobishness, I'm an average user11:49
nat_hello. i made a backup of all files in /var/lib/samba/* as root. now i upgraded the OS and i copied the files back. all the permissions are wrong. where can i find the correct permissions for files in /var/lib/samba/* please?11:49
yoggspencer_: sudo mount /dev/<Windows HD> mountpoint11:49
jonnorspencer_: Typically it just shows up under "Places" on the top panel11:49
jonnoryogg: please no.11:50
spencer_jonnor it doesn't11:50
jribnat_: wrong how exactly?11:50
yoggno good idea?11:50
jonnorspencer_: Did it use to do that?11:50
nicoiconhello, question about pinning: I'm on lucid trying to replace php5.3 with php5.2 from karmic. Followed a tutorial to add a sources.list.d/karmic.list and a preferences.d/php. Was able to install php5.2 by doing 'aptitude -t  karmic ...'. I can verify using 'apt-cache policy php5' that the karmic version is pinned (it shows 3 stars next to the karmic version. Now the problem: if I do 'aptitude upgrade', my php5.2 gets upgraded to php5.3.11:50
jrib!pinning | nicoicon11:50
ubottunicoicon: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto11:50
jonnorspencer_: Does it show up in your file browser?11:50
xiacloavi_ does it give you the standard 404 page?11:51
nat_jrib: well i made the backup as ROTT, so the files belong to user:ROOT. now i copied them back to the system, they still belong to ROOT. so it's wrong some files /var/lib/samba/* should be readable by users?11:51
nicoiconi already read the faq11:51
avi_xiaclo, No, and that's the odd thing. chrome just says that the link is broken..11:51
nicoiconI don't understand what "APT::Default-Release "hardy";" does so I didnt follow that advice11:52
nat_jrib: where can i find the permissions as they should be11:52
ChuwieyHi, I'm getting this error from pptpd: CTRL: PTY read or GRE write failed (pty,gre)=(6,7) --- can anyone help me understand what I should do? (Trying to connect to pptp vpn via iphone on 3G network)11:52
jribnat_: you should preserve permissions on your backup next time.  I have 1 file in /var/lib/samba/ called secrets.db with ownership root:root.  If no one around has what you need, use a live cd or virtual system11:52
spencer_jonnor not that I can tell, any guess as to what it would appear as?11:52
xiacloavi_ is this a live website? i just want to see what you're seeing11:52
nat_jrib: thank you. i know .. my bad.11:53
avi_xiaclo, ooh, this is interesting. I tried opening up a random nonexistant page in links, and I get the page..! Must be chrome..?11:53
xiacloavi_ dump cache?11:53
avi_xiaclo, About to, trying firefox11:53
jonnorspencer_: the label of the drive. It should be on the right hand side11:53
jonnorspencer_: anyhow, is the Window stuff on a separate harddrive?11:53
avi_xiaclo, Awww! Come on! I spent 20 minutes on this and it's stupid freaking chrome's over-excited cache system!!11:54
avi_xiaclo, bah. what a bummer. I'll have to remember to not use a daily build of a browser for web testing in the future lol.11:54
avi_xiaclo, thanks for your help :)11:54
xiacloavi_ heh11:54
xiaclono problem11:54
spencer_jonnor, no same HD, it's a netbook, and the onl ything is the ubuntu fileystems11:55
jonnorspencer_: Did you install Ubuntu from within Windows?11:56
spencer_jonnor thanks for all your help, I jsut checked in /host and it's there11:56
jonnorspencer_: yeah :)11:57
nicoiconReading the faq again. Should I use holding instead of pinning if what I want is lucid with just a few old karmic packages?11:57
spencer_now wait11:57
spencer_too long since I dived into the workings of windows, anyone remember which folder user stuff was stored in?11:57
xiaclospecer_ which version?11:58
rdw200169spencer_: Documents and Settings?11:58
spencer_Never mind11:58
spencer_It's all coming back ot me now11:58
spencer_you guys were a great help, thanks so much11:58
=== Putr|Away is now known as Putr
nicoiconanyone using lucid with php5.2 ?12:00
dri245this room is for reg'd ppl only, rite?12:02
xiaclonicoicon should be as easy as 'sudo aptitude hold php5.2'12:02
jribdri245: at the moment it's +r but people can enter by answering a security question12:02
nicoiconxiaclo: trying that12:02
dri245+r sucks. why would people have to register names on such a lame network just to get in here12:03
avi_xiaclo, Upon further investiagtion, it appears that chrome refuses to do the 404 page even with a total cache/data purge..12:04
jribdri245: let's move on, this channel is for support.  The reason is because freenode has been getting attacks from bots lately.12:04
hanmrlHello folks, I was wondering whether the ubuntu netbook edition allows for user interactions via touchscreen. So my question: does the ubuntu netbook edition support operating solely via touchscreen as with a tablet, i.e. with gestures etc.?12:04
xiaclohanmrl it does, assuming ubuntu can detect your tablet, which is a large assumption, I suggest you set it up with a keyboard initially until you get everything working ok12:06
hanmrlxiaclo: okay, thanks.12:07
xiacloavi_ really strange ... at least it's a chrome issue and not apache =)12:08
nicoiconjust found out the pinning setup I made works fine with apt-get (apt-get upgrade leaves php5.2 alone), but aptitude upgrade will try to upgrade to 5.312:09
nicoiconare there any aptitude-specific settings I need to look at?12:09
nicoicon(and I would prefer not to 'hold' a package version, because I still want security upgrades)12:09
xiaclonicoicon aptitude sitll uses apt as a backend, which is where you set the pinning, it really shouldn't be overriding it12:10
=== Greyscale is now known as Greysc[a]le
nicoiconwell it does12:10
jribnicoicon: pinning does what you want12:10
jribaptitude doesn't override pinning12:10
xiaclonicoicon if aptitude is the issue, fix it through aptitude ... sudo aptitude forbid-version php5.312:10
avi_xiaclo, Okay now I'm getting worried. I've just removed chromium daily and installed google-chrome from google.com, and I get the same error. Do you happen to have a chrome install that you could test this out on your end in?12:11
zealiodis it possible to change my kernel from lucid to jaunty?12:11
xiacloavi_ not yet, but gimme a min12:11
nicoiconlooking into forbid-version12:11
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
adolfohi everyone12:14
xiacloavi_ got chrome in linux and windows7, what page am i testing? =)12:14
kthhello guys - has anyone successful used an ati 5670 within lucid ? - with my card i cant use the live disc -> all black12:14
_NeriHi,can any one help me with NVidia driver? I tryed to updated and now it isnt loading anymore12:15
xiaclo_Neri what did you update?12:15
_Nerithe driver12:15
nicoiconthanks guys12:15
nicoiconfound this http://2bits.com/drupal-planet/various-ways-running-php-52-ubuntu-1004-lucid-lynx.html12:15
_Nerixiaclo: the nvidia driver to version x86_64-256.5312:16
nicoiconcorroborates the 'aptitude hold' technique12:16
yorkie_ianNeri have you tried the NVIDIA X server setting tool12:18
BODMAShi all12:19
nhawdgeHey, I'm having trouble getting mysql.h and company to stop complaining when I'm compiling my C12:20
jribnhawdge: what are you compiling?12:21
nhawdgeaccording to the almighty google the file it seems to be complainign about is depreciated12:21
_Nerixiaclo: I think I found the solution in a forum, going to try it12:21
_Nerijust to register: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=156528612:21
nhawdgejrib: it's just a 5 liner with an include for mysql.h and stdio.h with a print in main12:22
jribnhawdge: pastebin12:23
yrthhello... I have just installed ubuntu 10.04 on my desktop. The installation goes fine, but it won't boot up. I have two 1TB disks connected in a RAID array (settings are available just after choosing boot options or bios settings). I have even tried an installation with the RAID array removed, and one even physically disconnected... the results are the same, the system won't boot. Pls help!12:24
jribnhawdge: for the channel though as I must go.  Make sure you have -dev for mysql  and build-essential installed.   If you do, it's probably a ##c qusetion12:24
nhawdgejrib: Thank you much good sir!12:24
BODMAShow can i install a .so package12:24
meatbunwhat's da prob nhawdge ?12:24
BODMAShi all12:25
meatbunnhawdge, i can see one right there12:25
nhawdgemeatbun: I'm trying to compile some C that has an include for mysql.h12:25
BODMAShw can install a source package12:25
meatbunnhawdge, and?12:25
BODMAShow can i install a source package on ubuntu12:27
nhawdgemeatbun: gcc responds by telling me  http://pastebin.com/vm1U6mvc12:27
xiacloBODMAS if you're talking about a .tar.gz file ... it's usually './configure && make && sudo make install'12:27
gschwepp!compile | BODMAS12:27
ubottuBODMAS: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)12:27
nhawdgeand here is the source code12:27
gschwepp!source | BODMAS12:27
ubottuBODMAS: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html12:27
meatbunnhawdge, lol.... first of all. look at ur print statement12:27
meatbunnhawdge, 2ndly, what jrib  said12:28
BODMASok xiaclo12:28
BODMAStank gschwepp12:28
nhawdgeAlright, thanks for the help guys12:29
nhawdgeI guess i'll learn to type while i'm at it, lol @ prinft12:29
matteo1990hi all, when i start ubuntu i get only blank screen. I read that i have to change the grub file to eliminate quiet and splash. I changed default/grub with a livecd but nothing changed. Do i need to update the grub file? How12:29
yrthhello... I have just installed ubuntu 10.04 on my desktop. The installation goes fine, but it won't boot up. I have two 1TB disks connected in a RAID array (settings are available just after choosing boot options or bios settings). I have even tried an installation with the RAID array removed, and one even physically disconnected... the results are the same, the system won't boot. Pls help!12:30
xiaclomatteo1990 you need to run grub-mkconfig to update it, or manually edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg12:31
matteo1990xiaclo, i am in gentoo livecd and i have mounted the disk. How to run grub-mkconfig? Do i need the path of the prog?12:33
gnomefreakwhat is wrong with grub-update12:33
BluesKajHi folks12:33
xiaclomatteo1990 it should be /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig ... im not sure gentoo uses grub2 though12:33
gnomefreakhi BluesKaj12:33
yoggHas someone openca running on an Ubuntu 10.04 machine?12:34
xiaclognomefreak grub-update is for grub legacy, which considering he is editing files in /etc/default, i doubt he has12:34
matteo1990xiaclo, i need to run the program in the mounted disk with ubuntu12:34
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub212:35
xiaclomatteo1990 it's probably safer to just edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg ... make the same changes in there, that is the file grub actually reads off12:35
matteo1990xiaclo, is preety difficoult, dunno what to change, may you help me?12:36
yrthI'm running live CD at the moment, forgot to mention12:36
Vlad__hi there12:36
xiaclomatteo1990 sure ... it's very close to the bottom ... search for 'menuentry' and it should get you to the right place ... after that, you are removing quiet and splash from the end of the linux line12:38
Vlad__guys, i just have installed ubuntu, yet grub does not start again. it is the third isntallation with the same result, can someone help? I am in live dvd now12:38
xiacloVlad__ welcome back, does it get to grub at all?12:39
Vlad__xiaclo, hi man12:39
Rajkohow do i stop ubuntu from auto-opening nautilus windows of each mounted partition once i plug in a usb device12:39
Vlad__no it doesnt, just black page12:39
xiacloVlad__ does it say loading stage 1.5 or anything like that?12:39
Vlad__nope. after bios start and finding the disks, exactlz when you would expect grub or vista to give the loader, it is just black and blinking cursor. I have tried installing grub to sda as you guys adviced12:40
Vlad__seems like my system is :special: lol12:41
matteo1990xiaclo, ok i have found menuentry, but still not splash12:42
Vlad__xiaclo, would you consider running teamviewer to lock to me?12:42
matteo1990xiaclo, found12:42
xiaclohmm, that may help12:42
yrthVlad__ I have a very similar problem, my disks are in the RAID array though... but had the same problem even when they were configured as 2 separate MS-DOS disks12:42
Vlad__yrth, it is frustrating when you trz and nothjing works, right?12:43
Vlad__xiaclo, if you would try 196 083 247 pass 150212:43
xiaclovlad__ sure, just a sec12:44
Chuwieycan anyone help me check why gre proto is getting blocked?12:44
Vlad__thanks a million12:44
hateballRajko: open anything in Places, Edit -> Settings -> Media12:44
yrthvlad__ yeah, I agree... spent 3 days on it now12:44
Vlad__yrth how did you create raid? onboard?12:45
RastafariI downloaded the ISO file to install the 10.04 LTS version .... what I have to do to install it ?12:45
littlepenguinRastafari, burn it and boot from it12:45
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto12:46
Rastafariburn on cd?12:46
Dr_WillisRastafari:  its a cd iso image file - so yes. 'burn' it to a cd. with a a program taht can burn 'image' files.12:46
Rastafaritotem may do it?12:46
yrthvlad__ not sure what that means, but I create RAID array just after bios loads, I can configure it. When I was installing ubuntu, it recognised the disk is one huge 2TB disk, which is correct, as  the array is set that way12:47
IchatVlad  stil there?12:47
Dr_Willistotem is a media player.. not a burner.12:47
littlepenguintotem??is a media player...12:47
Dr_WillisRastafari:  right click on the iso, select burn..12:47
Dr_WillisRastafari:  what OS are you using right now?12:47
Rastafarithan after the cd is ready , when Im going to install it , I will lose my files ?12:47
yrthvlad__ but I also removed RAID array and tried to install it on one of the "normal" ms-dos disks... still the same12:47
KalElhi i am building a new computer with ubuntu being the primary OS in it. is there any issues i should be aware of if i keep it on 24/7?12:47
RastafariIm using ubuntu 8.0412:48
yrthvlad__ even when I physically disconnected one disk, it wouldn12:48
yrthvlad__ make any difference12:48
Ichatyrth:  -  what mobo you have12:48
hateballRastafari: if you're using 8.04 you can just upgrade with update-manager12:48
Dr_WillisRastafari:  i think 'brassero' is the default cd burning app in 8.0412:48
Rastafarihateball,  why would I do that if Im with the ISO12:48
Dr_WillisRastafari:  you are wanting to do a clean install? or upgrade.. theres reasons to do one or the other..12:48
yrthIchat, what's mobo?12:48
RastafariI wanna to do upgrade , but , Im having trouble to do it ....12:49
rdw200169KalEl: not really... if you aren't gonna be around it every day, you could use something like monit to keep an eye on certain processes, or track CPU load, etc...12:49
Rastafarithats why I got the iso file12:49
yrthIchat, green LOL, I don't know12:49
yrthIchat, it's a work computer... from dell12:49
matteo1990xiaclo, ok i got it now when i boot the pc i get some lines and then black screen.. the last one is Running /scripts/init-bottom  Done. Any tips?12:49
chandru_inHas anyone got popups to work on IE6 isntalled using winetricks?12:49
RastafariI downloaded the packets from the 10.04 lts version ... but when it was installing it locked on "debus" something12:49
KalElrdw200169 i see thanks12:50
Vlad__yrth Ichat, sorrz, couldnt type, i have teamviewer connection open12:50
yrthvlad__ no problem :)12:50
Dr_WillisRastafari:  'you' downloaded what exactly? The system should of downloadd/installed the updates as needed..12:50
Ichatyrth:  - cuze that would matter ... as in you would probably want to find out how to disable  your fakeraid option in the bios making it   ata / sata  compatible mode...  and than try again.12:50
yrthichat, how can I check for the motherboard?12:50
RastafariDr_Willis, man lets clarify something , Im not retarded ...12:51
RastafariDr_Willis, I used the updating tool on the ubuntu system12:51
Rastafarion "system"12:51
yrthichat, so basically you want me to remove the RAID array?12:51
Dr_WillisRastafari:  then 'you' dident download  things. you used teh update tool..12:51
Rastafariwhat I downloaded ? O downloaded all packets from the 10.04 version12:51
Ichatyrth  YES12:51
Dr_Willisit dow3nloaded them.12:51
Ichatyrth:  -   motherboards usually use fake raid ...12:52
RastafariDr_Willis, well it totally ((****@)() my system12:52
RastafariDr_Willis, cause it had problems when installing it12:52
Rastafariso I got the ISO fil12:52
yrthichat, but I did that before and no change, the system would not boot... even when I installed it with the nofakeraid option ticked12:52
Ichatlinux is verry not compatible with that - so if you want raid youd be better of installing     it with   software (mdadm) instead12:52
Ichatyrth:  - did you use your drives with raid before?12:53
yrthichat, I don't really care for raid, I just want my system to work hehehe so I can finally do some work hehe12:53
yrthichat, yes12:53
Dr_WillisRastafari:  if you want to do a clean install. back up your imporntant data. burn the iso to cd.. boot the iso and reinstall.12:53
Dr_WillisRastafari:  that is proberly the easiest solution12:54
RastafariDr_Willis,  good idea , I will have to learn to back up so12:54
yrthichat, this is my 3rd day of trying different settings... I've installed the system at least 20 times with different hdd configurations12:54
simplexioyrth: just go into mobo raid setup, and delete fakeraid..12:54
Ichatah, - there we go, - now this is going to sound awfull but  try installing  your old windows xp (or vista or whatever to that drive,   and abort (just pull the plug) it right after the installer  has formatted the drive.12:54
JohnHeikkilaHow can I change the lock screen (CTRL+ALT+L)12:55
Ichative had this problem with drives before where even  GPARTED failed.   and the win installer just ignored it all   and formated the disk..12:55
Ichatafter that i just installed ubuntu No error at all12:55
yrthsimplexio, good to see you :) not sure where it is, I can access the raid setting just after bios by ctrl+I, and I can remove the raid array, that12:55
yrththat's all I know12:56
yrthhow to do it12:56
yrthichat, so should I use windows installation disc to format it all and then install ubuntu again?\12:56
Ichatyrth - also look into bios,  and check if there is a sata mode option that makes you chose   raid  or   ata mode  (or simular)12:57
yrthichat, I guess I haven't tried that yet, so maybe it's worth giving it a go12:57
simplexioyrth: on my old lanparty mobo, first in bios define that silicon chip is just sata drives and then in raid bios delete all raid stuff.. after that fdisk both harddrives and install12:57
Rastafariits possible to burn a CD-RW one time , and after it , burn it again with other files ?12:59
yrthbut I don't seem to have anything like that in my bios. when I use that other menu (just after bios is loaded) I can remove RAID and then in the bios I can see 2 separate disk, otherwise it only says: RAID array, and there is nothing I can change12:59
simplexioyrth: and if you really want somekind rad, use mdadm. with note that you cant boot from raid0, attleast /boot has to be on normal disk partition (assuming that you dump all needed modules into kernel or initrd image12:59
Rastafarior I can just burn cd-rw one time ?12:59
simplexioyrth: you need to see tw separate disk in there12:59
simplexioRastafari: cd-rw can be used several times13:00
JohnHeikkilaHey guys, anyone know how to change the lock screen?13:00
yrthsimplexio, yes, I was doing that before as well, but just did normal installation, and ubuntu was supposed to use the entire disk space of the 1st disk... it didn't boot after that either13:00
simplexioyrth: did you get grub loading stage 1.5... prompt when t stalle ?13:01
simplexioyrth: you did not boot from right harddisk13:01
yrthjust coursor in the top left corner and then the screen went off13:01
simplexiohmm.. usually it complains that ther is no system disk etc..13:02
yrthsimplexio, I thought about it, so I disconnected the other disk and then installed it again... still the same13:02
simplexioyrth: only 2 hard disk in machine .. are you sure it didnt try boot from cd13:02
yrthlol only? I'm used to have just one lol13:03
TopKatzanyone have ios 4.0.2 iphones working in 10.04 rythembox?13:03
yrthok... let me try it again....13:03
yrthI'll be back in about 20 mins LOL13:04
Ichatyrth:  gluck13:04
simplexioyrth: i dont see anyreason why it would not boot..13:04
yrththanks guys!13:04
yrthsee ya in a bit :)13:04
manhunterwhat's the command to instlal that gnome sound volume checker13:05
manhunterthat volume controller icon is at top of the panel13:05
manhuntergnome volume controller13:05
manhunterthat package to increase/decrease volume,that icon is at top of the gnome-panel13:06
Dr_Willismanhunter:  you mean -> gnome-volume-control         gnome-volume-control-applet13:06
manhunterwhat's the command to install that gnome volume controller13:06
Dr_Willismanhunter:  if you type the name of the command in the terminal and hit enter.. it shoudl tell you13:07
chetnickmanhunter: That one does not work for me. I had to move one from System>Preference>Volume Control to the panel13:07
Dice-Manyo all13:08
calphello, I would like to compile and include a single module (vga_switcheroo) that was not compiled for the kernel-ppa kernel 2.6.34.  Is there any way to do this, or do I have to install a whole new module?13:08
brotspinnehow can I disable the visual effect on minimizing windows?13:08
calp(that module is included in the source for that kernel, but was not compiled)13:09
Dr_Willisbrotspinne:  install and use the 'ccsm' tool. and turn off whatyou dont want. or use simple-ccsm13:09
Dr_Willis!ccsm | brotspinne13:09
ubottubrotspinne: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz13:09
brotspinneDr_Willis, on metacity13:09
Dr_Willisbrotspinne:  gnome used to have some  gconf setting to disable all the effects - but ive not seen it in ages..  i forget what it was even called.13:10
nknbrotspinne open gconf-editor and go to apps/metacity/general and enable reduced_resources and go to desktop/gnome/interface and enable accessibility so u can see the contents of the window while moveing13:16
TopKatzsince ios 4.0.2 rythembox is not seeing my iphone13:18
TopKatzis there a way to get this working13:18
brotspinnenkn, cool thanks!13:18
TopKatzI upgraded to libmobiledevice113:18
Brandon__hi there, how can I retrieve data from a .img file?13:19
evidenthello... i am having a subdomain which uses the folder /subdomains/domain/httpdocs and I would like to use /httpdocs/domain instead so I would like to set a symbolic link... can anybody tell me how I would do this?13:20
Dr_WillisBrandon__:  a CD disk image file? I think the fuseiso and fuseis09660 programs can mount those.13:20
Brandon__Dr_Willis, a friend made a .img file of my messed up usb flash drive13:21
Dr_WillisBrandon__:  if its a disk image file. Youy can mount it via the Loop feature of mount.13:21
Brandon__Dr_Willis, pm?13:22
Dr_WillisBrandon__:  You may have issues if the image was made of a drive that had more then 1 parittion. You will need to use the offset feature of mount then13:22
Dr_WillisBrandon__:  going to the dr in 3 min.. so i cant help much mopre13:22
Brandon__anyone else plz?13:22
Dr_WillisBrandon__:  theres tons of guides out there on mounting a 'hard disk image'13:22
Dr_Willisits basically the same as mounting an iso file image13:23
Brandon__I'm a newbie13:23
Homely_GirlHi can anyone help me install itunes on Karmic? I already have wine installed.13:24
Homely_GirlCan I apt-get install it? And if so how do I run it in wine?13:25
Brandon__download and install Homely_Girl13:25
Homely_GirlOkay Brandon, then how do I run it IN wine?13:25
Brandon__after installing, you just launch it from the wine menu13:26
littlepenguinacetone iso can mount nearly all kinds of images13:26
Homely_GirlThanks, will be back if I get stuck!13:26
Dr_WillisErr. itunes dont work in wine. last i heard13:27
Brandon__why would you want it anyways? :s13:27
Dr_WillisI want nothing from apple13:28
Dr_Willisbye all13:29
TopKatzHomely_Girl - rythembox worked before  ios 4.0.2 : (13:29
nknseem some versions work but not the store http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=134713:29
TopKatzI can not get it to see my phone13:29
Brandon__man screw the iphone13:30
Brandon__stupid lock-in13:30
Brandon__what did they change in ios 402?13:30
TopKatzits by far the best device13:30
TopKatznot sure what is causing the problem13:30
TommyTomso uh... my friend needs to install wine and non-root. anyone have tips or a link?13:31
TommyTomas non-root*13:31
Brandon__does it appear under Disk Utility?13:31
Brandon__you got any other OS besides Ub?13:32
rannermaybe using apt to download src of wine and dependencies, compiling and running from a non-root-necessary folder13:32
TopKatzand macs at home13:32
TommyTom•ranner• well, he has the deb and extracted. he just needs to know where to put the files to run as user13:33
Brandon__kk, so you're not completely stuck. lemme google a bit13:33
rannerah, ok13:33
rannerput it somewhere under your home folder13:33
rannerand add the folder where the binaries are to the path13:33
TommyTomok ill get him to try now13:33
Brandon__TopKatz, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-get-ios-4-iphone-os-to-sync-with-rhythmbox-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid.html13:33
Brandon__you tried that?13:34
TopKatzbut I did not run the dit upgrade after13:34
TopKatzlet me try that13:34
TopKatzI think that worked before 4.0.213:36
Brandon__I guess you'll have to wait till there's a fix13:36
TopKatznot a big deal13:36
TopKatzthanks though13:36
yrthichat, nope, still the same13:37
Brandon__no worries13:37
tcshHello. Is Ubuntu faster than Mac OS X Leopard?13:37
BluesKajyeah by 2 millisecs :)13:38
Brandon__yeah lol13:38
Brandon__I was gonna say slightly :P13:38
GerritjanHello all13:38
yrthbut slightly slower than mac os X leopard snow13:38
GerritjanWhich package do I need to get Java working on Firefox13:38
BluesKajusually ppl don't comment about dumb questions , but I couldn't resist taht one :)13:39
icerootGerritjan: sun-java6-plugin13:39
BluesKajGerritjan, install ubuntu-restricted-extras13:39
Brandon__yeah just do that :P13:40
tcsh ________________________________________13:40
tcsh/ Would you *______really* want to \13:40
tcsh| get on a non-stop flight?              |13:40
tcsh|                                        |13:40
tcsh\ -- George Carlin                       /13:40
FloodBot4tcsh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:40
yrthubuntu won't boot up, can anybody help?13:40
bazhangtcsh, stop that13:41
pksadiqIs there any codec like w64 codec?13:41
GerritjanI have the plugin, but Java applets aren't working in firefox for me13:41
bazhangGerritjan, enable partner repo13:41
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »13:41
yrthafter a successful installation, ubuntu 10.04 won't boot up on my desktop... just blinking cursor and then the screen switches off13:43
pksadiqYrth, your RAM?13:43
yrthpksadiq, I don't know... 4GB13:44
tcshHello. I have a problem with a channel. #C says it is invite only. What gives?13:44
bazhangtcsh, register13:44
bazhang!register > tcsh13:44
ubottutcsh, please see my private message13:44
BluesKajGerritjan, you can also enable the canonical partnersand other software sources in your package manager13:44
webbgroupGood morning everybody.13:44
tcshThanks > bazhang13:44
SmokeyDgood afternoon webbgroup :)13:45
dj_smileeany thoughts on why dhcp3-server takes around 10-15 seconds to lease an address?13:45
webbgroupDoes anybody have a working LDAP setup with Active Directory?13:45
pksadiq Could you load shell?13:45
pksadiqWithout booting13:45
razz1how can i change partition permissions, I can only access a partition from one account but not other, as it says it belongs to the other user, how can I make it accessible to both users13:45
yrthI'm on live CD now, pksadiq13:45
simplexioyrth: what happens when you hit esc few times when trying to boot13:46
simplexioyrth: so that you get into grub2 cmdline13:46
yrthI haven't tried that, simplexio13:46
rgnrhey ppl13:46
rgnrany1 uses smartphones here?13:46
yrthshould I be hitting esc after the bios?13:46
bazhangsimplexio, you mean shift at boot13:47
pksadiqAre you reserving a separate drive or installing inside windows?13:47
erdnaseI need help. Badly. GIMP is always telling me that I don't have enough memory to save things to .jpg.13:47
delinquentme.mov playing on VLC or chrome ... ?? anyone ... mines not working13:47
gschwepperdnase: buy more ram?13:47
delinquentmeSHOULD .mov play on chrome?13:47
erdnasegschwepp, I'd love to, but I can't, for now. :P13:47
GerritjanHow to get Java on Firefox, I do have the sun-java6-plugin13:47
Brandon__restart Fx13:48
yrthpksadiq, I've dedicated two 1TB HDDs for ubuntu only... no other os13:48
pksadiqYou may also try to unlock memory lock of GIMP13:48
pksadiqcan you try booting now?13:48
pksadiqWhile on chat?13:48
gschwepperdnase: how much ram do you have.13:49
BluesKajGerritjan, did you pay any attention to the advice we gave you , that is posted above ?13:49
yrthI just did, pksadiq... no, I'm on my desktop now, so have to reboot the system and if it won't work, I need to reload the live CD13:49
webbgroupactive directory, anybody.... anybody??13:49
webbgroupLDAP, anybody anybody??13:49
GerritjanWhat do you mean with Fx13:49
simplexiobazhang: right.. i was so used to goog old grub thati mix grub2 commsnds13:49
GerritjanYes, I restarted it13:50
pksadiqOh,time consuming-, ok, anyway  keep on pressing shift  key while booting and enter to grub13:50
yrthso, simplexio, shift at boot?13:50
yrthjust press it and hold it down?13:50
Brandon__enable the repos BluesKaj told you about13:50
yrthand then what?13:50
pksadiqselect  repair packages13:50
pksadiqThen select drop to shell13:51
BluesKajI'm gonna take a break , man this chat sure attracts some blockheads13:51
simplexioyrth: you should get cmdline some sort13:51
pksadiqif you can open shell type startx13:51
pksadiqhello, yrth, do you now a mobile phone?13:52
evidentcan anybody tell me how I can create a symbolic link that redirects from one directory to another?13:52
yrtha mobile phone? pksadiq13:52
simplexioyrth: if not. then grub2 install dosent ork. if you get then it works, so next you remove quiet from bootline options to see where it brokes13:52
yrthI have one13:52
Brandon__so anyone who can help me retrieving data from a .img file?13:53
pksadiqthen try downloading any java irc clients to chat13:53
Ichatevident:  -   google   symbolic link    ubuntu howto13:53
pksadiq 13:53
yrthsimplexio.... that just sounds a bit too complicated... "remove quiet"???13:53
pksadiqto your phone13:53
simplexioyrth: if its no grub2, then next option is that ubuntu default video diver just dont want work right13:53
yrthbut the live cd works fine13:54
simplexioyrth: ther is "text" line, in old grub you oculd just press e to edit and remove quiet option13:54
yrthshouldn't that indicate that the vid drivers are at least usable?13:54
Ichatyrth - correct,13:54
simplexioyrth: yes... but we are looking for problem now.. can you even get into grub2 cmdline ?13:55
yrthpksadiq... I've got a mac next to me... not sure what to use to connect to this chat though13:55
pksadiqI'm slow here in chat because  i'm on phone now13:55
yrthsimplexio, I don't know, let me check13:55
GerritjanOk, installing it now13:55
Ichatyrth -  if running firefox  chatzilla is an option else not sure...13:55
GerritjanI'm sorry this I didn't listened in the starting, I didn't had these problems in Ubuntu 9.1013:55
handjobHi. My headphones don't work but speakers are. I am running 10.04 netbook edition on eee 1001px.13:55
erdnasegschwepp, Amazingly, only 512mb. It's an old laptop.13:56
yrthyeah I got firefox,... haven't seen any chatzilla though lol13:56
pksadiqSearch for addons in firefox13:56
Ichatyrth -   firefox   >   extra  >  addons    >  search for:  chatzilla     >13:57
razz1how can I make a partition accessible to two users on the same system, right now it belongs  to one user but not the other13:57
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yrthichat... thanks working on it now... brb13:58
yrthok... and now what?13:58
kanguwhat bandwidth monitoring tools available for ubuntu ?13:59
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kryptykHI all! Does anyone have any information on speeding up Nautilus? Over the last couple of weeks it has gotten progressively slower to the point that it now takes over a minute to open any folder on my machine. This is a deal breaker for Ubuntu on this machine as it greatly impacts my productivity.14:01
yrthichat, what am I supposed to type now in chatzilla?14:01
yrthichat, "/join #ubuntu" isn't working lol14:02
yrthhold on\14:02
yrthfound it14:02
kryptykyrth: have you connected to freenode yet?14:02
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:02
erdnaseI need to work as productively as I can with GIMP with only 512mb of ram, any suggestions?14:02
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
yrth_yeah that's me hehehe14:03
=== yrth_ is now known as yrth
yrthI wish y'all could see me now laughing at myself :)14:03
yrthlol nevermind :)14:04
yrthok shifting.... it said for a sec "grub loading" then it disappeared and went to a blinking cursor and the screen is now off14:05
gsneddersI'm trying to use Mac keymap to get deadkeys working, but altgr seems to just give third level input and not act as a dead key14:05
inflexHey there folks, I know I should 'advertise' but I'd like you to know that my wife has finally finished and published her fantasy novel and it was done ALL on Ubuntu using OpenSource tools.  Anyhow, just thought I'd share so that people know Ubuntu really is quite fine for 'professional' applications.  We also did all the artwork in Ubuntu14:05
kevdogfantasy novel sounds dangerous14:06
inflexokay... erm... mythical-fantasy?14:06
inflexas opposed to adult-fantasy.14:06
kevdogartwork done using what?14:06
yrthpksadiq, ichat, I didn't get the command line14:06
inflexkevdog: Inkscape and GIMP14:07
DracoZAHi, I am having problems getting vsftpd to work for clients outside our network, local access works fine14:07
inflexkevdog: typesetting/editing done in LyX,  Website development done in vim (of course ;) ), all hosted on a ubuntu box14:07
inflexkevdog: we've also done an  eBook version using Calibre14:08
yrthpksadiq, ichat.... ok I was pressing shift and esc alternatively, and I got a table now: ubuntu with linux 2.6.32-24-generic; same but with recovery mode; and 2 memory tests.... so what should I choose?14:09
Buster_Ozwhat version of Ubuntu that support Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g [14e4:4315] (rev 01) to make the card set to monitor mode?14:09
pksadiqdo you have drop to shell ?14:10
red2kicinflex: Great. Now link us to the story. :)14:10
NokioHi all, I have a ubuntu10.04 that i installed edubuntu-desktop after ubuntu installation. Everything is working fine but for some reason xorg is taking 100% of my cpu. Can anyone help me ?14:10
yrthand can now pres "e" to edit command and "c" for command line, ichat, pksadiq14:10
inflexred2kic: erm... I don't actually have one14:11
pksadiqPress e14:11
inflexred2kic: ooooh, you mean the URL for the site of the -book- ( and not a new-story ) -  http://elitadaniels.com is the novelist site.14:11
pksadiqAnd delete14:11
yrthquiet splash?14:12
yrththat line contains more... just at the end it says quiet splash14:12
yrthshould I delete the entire line?14:12
Ichatno just quite splash14:13
yrthor just the "quite splash" phrase14:13
stewart_hello I am having a problem running remote SSH commands. When I run the ssh command remotley the terminal does not return control however  if i login and run the command on the server after logging in then the command does release the terminal. Why would SSH not release the  termnial when running remote commands?14:13
inflexstewart_: I've had this issue in the past - you might have to go to the #openssl channel to get an answer - or google14:14
DracoZAVSFTPD Question: Hi, I am having problems getting vsftpd to work for clients outside our network, local access works fine14:14
Ichat /away household_yes_for_reall_:(14:14
yrthnow... ctrl+x to boot or ctrl-c for a command line14:14
stewart_inflex: thanks i have already asked in the openssl channel... its very quiet in there. Can you remember how you solved it?14:15
Ichatsorry bb in about 1514:15
inflexstewart_: trying to remember... gimme a mo :)14:15
inflexstewart_: try invoking a bash shell and the command - or run a script that invokes a full shell.  It's probably the stderr output that might be causing things to 'hang'14:17
stewart_inflex: OK i will have a look in to that however the tool i am using "capistrano" a ruby on rails deployment tool does not invoke a shell as far as i know14:19
inflexstewart_:  ssh foo@machine  'bash -c "echo hello; sleep 4"'14:19
PriteshCONNECT irc.tucows.com 999914:19
jpdsPritesh: No.14:19
inflexstewart_: yes but you might need to force the remote session to run the command you want -in- bash like the above example14:19
DracoZAanyone good with vsftpd that can help me out ?14:20
stewart_inflex the command you pasted releases the terminal14:20
DracoZAor maybe there is a better ftp server I can run on ubuntu ?14:20
yrthit didn't save the line, pksadiq14:21
inflexstewart_: that is the behaviour you were seeking - correct?14:21
Brandon__can someone help me retrieving data from a .img file pl0x14:21
pksadiqsorry, I was eating14:22
pksadiqi'm back14:22
yrthlol ok14:22
vargadanisdoes anyone here uses DDD/gdb? I can't leave the display window once I click into that part of the window... any tips why?14:22
yrthpksadiq, I deleted that quiet splash... now what?14:22
pksadiqnow boot that opting14:23
yrthctrl x?14:23
brotspinneBrandon__, foo.img => foo.bin => bin2iso14:23
yrthI did and it showed some lines and then do screen died again14:24
Le-Chuck_ITAHi there. There must be a bug in lucid lynx that resets the keyboard settings every time I reboot. I tried everything but at each reboot my keyboard settings are back to USA and IT as an alternative, but I only want IT14:24
magnetronDracoZA: have you read this guide? https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html14:24
Le-Chuck_ITADoes anyone know how to solve this or at least did you already see it?14:24
pksadiqCan you see that line now-?14:24
brotspinnepkkm, yo14:24
yrththe edited one?14:24
pksadiqNo, the booted one14:24
DracoZAmagnetron let me check ive spent about 8 hours on the web so far today :P14:25
Brandon__brotspinne, no Debianese plz14:25
pksadiqAgain the screen went blank?14:25
inflexstewart_: the other option might be (if you can) to invoke the process using "nohup"14:25
yrthI restarted and went back to removing quiet splash14:25
inflexstewart_: "man nohup" should give you the details you want.14:25
yrthif I do boot, it will scroll some lines very quickly and then the screen is off14:25
pksadiqthen  try the next option in boot menu14:26
brotspinneBrandon__, try sudo mount file.img /mnt/theplace -o loop -t iso966014:26
yrthrecovery mode?14:26
yrthrunning script init/bottom... and then it went off14:27
yrthmanaged to read it this time14:27
pksadiqThen boot the live cd14:28
yrththere was one script before as well, but I didn't see it14:28
pksadiqAnd  re install14:28
yrthreinstall the system?14:28
BouchiHow to move from to 2.6.34 kernel ?14:29
yrthok I got the main menu, pksadiq14:29
xektrumcan I setup mxrecords without a dns or a mailserver on a ubuntu machine?14:29
yrthtry, install, etc, pksadiq14:29
yrthand options F1-F614:29
yrthno additional options?14:30
mrnamelesshi guys14:30
pksadiqWhat options?14:30
mrnamelessi need help on ubuntu14:30
mrnamelesscan some one help me14:30
mrnamelessto make an arm toolchain?14:31
fr0gger`NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! fr0gger` ripps samic hollyw00d mrnameless mobal lord_mezry hmca vitor-br zamba LinuxhelpsProfit sheenobu jpds xxploit TREllis extor JamesHarrison mfw dinya_ Le-Chuck_ITA LouisJB lillelykke{M} halvors Aioros vargadanis rwat overlord_tm Vivek ngocket boolean msanchez nibbier zombik Frozenball dashua An_Ony_Moose rizzuh wedwo progre55 rfolco dvaske styx__ kyleN esteeven stewart_ lu14:31
hmcaanyone here with a gnome "disk Utility" and a sata2 1TB disk give me the results, mine says Minimum Read Rate :2.9 Max 39.8, Average 33.5 , tanks14:31
yrthpksadiq, acpi=off, noapic, nolapic, edd=on, nodmraid, nomodeset, free software only - all this is under F6 (other options)14:31
DracoZAmagnetron double checked that, everything I have done is correct so far14:31
magnetronDracoZA: could you post your vsftpd config to a pastebin?14:32
DracoZAmagnetron sure one sec14:32
vargadanisanyone had problems with DDD under ubuntu 10.04? specificly I can't leave the display part of the window once I click into it14:33
yrthpksadiq, I can just leave it and install with all the default settings then14:33
yrththat's how I normally do it anywya14:33
pksadiqbut better to format and install14:33
yrthoh, this is before all that14:34
DracoZAmagnetron http://pastebin.com/K3Zf41VC14:34
yrththis is before you choose to try it or install it14:34
yrthor check for disc defects or memory test14:34
yrthok installing without any additional options14:36
DracoZAmagnetron sorry was using nano, http://pastebin.com/mhvsrnQd14:36
greenheadanyone actually out there14:38
yrthpksadiq, ok choosing the language, time zone and the keyboard14:39
haavarosHow do I check whether im running 32 or 64 bit Ubuntu?14:39
stewart_inflex: hey thanks again for the help. I tried both nohup and invoking bash however this issue remains. Might head back to google. Thanks again for your help :)14:39
BesogonHello. I don't know why but I can't ping by NetBIOS computers located in other network14:39
yrthpksadiq, now I'm where I'm preparing the disk space14:39
yrthso... specify partitions manually?14:40
pksadiqlet me pray, and I will be back within a few minutes14:40
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
pksadiqselect manually14:41
pksadiqbetter to select ext4 if you use only newer linux like ubuntu, if you older you may select ext3 for installing ubuntu14:42
DracoZAmagnetron external access seems to work once or twice and then stops entirely with Connection closed by remote host14:42
erdnaseI need to work as productively as I can with GIMP with only 512mb of ram, any suggestions? Because saving as .jpg is killing me.14:42
yrthwas selecting ext414:43
guest0001i am using ubuntu 10.04 and i changed my password but my login keyring is different can someone tell me how to make them the same?14:43
SmokeyDhey everyone, I created a script which I placed on the desktop. How can I always make it run in a terminal, or always make it run without a terminal? Now it asks me everytime I double click it.14:44
yrthpksadiq, so I've got now: sda(sda1 ext4 /; sda5 ext4 /home; sda6 swap) and sdb(sdb1 ext4 /backup)... let me know when you're back :)14:46
[zaf]-CoralHi guys, is there a verbose dd mode ?14:48
arunkumar413I'm finding it difficult to develop .NET applications on ubuntu using MonoDevelop14:48
yogg[zaf]-Coral: You can ask dd for the status     you have to sen a message with kill14:49
erdnasearunkumar413, I'm using wine. I find it difficult too.14:50
yogg[zaf]-Coral: kill -SIGUSR1 <dd PID>14:50
DracoZAmagnetron any ideas ?14:50
hanmrlDoes Ubuntu Netbook Edition ship with a handwriting recognition software?14:50
rwatSmokeyD: I think you might have better success if you add it as a launcher on the panel14:50
arunkumar413erdnase: i'm trying to develop a small text editor program.What r u trying to develop14:50
[zaf]-Coralyogg: thanks, I must admit, that sounds quite wierd14:51
glaucousIs there a way to add a ppa, but ignore packages except a few specified? https://launchpad.net/~samrog131/+archive/ppa - I want this PPA, but only one package. I don't want to accidentally update/install to his other packages.14:51
erdnasearunkumar413, Some inventory checking stuff. And other programs as a hobby. :P14:51
SmokeyDrwat: hmm, ok. I don't really want to though. But I'll check. So no way to do that with a desktop script?14:51
glaucousexcept a few*14:51
pksadiqbut I think it's better to keep at least one drive as fat32 or ntfs14:52
magnetronDracoZA: i think you need to use passive FTP when connecting outside of your network14:52
yrthwhy? pksadiq14:52
DracoZAmagnetron is there an option for that in conf ?14:52
magnetronDracoZA: it's a client option14:52
rwatSmokeyD: this is a shell script?14:52
arunkumar413k,which windowing system r u using,gtk or glade or something else14:52
yrthpksadiq, I can change that sdb to fat3214:52
yrthI just can't see the difference lol14:53
DracoZAmagnetron hmm im using plain dos command and linux terminal to try and connect14:53
pksadiqBecause, Once when I played with some bootloader, I had to repair mbr, which distroid my entire disk except fat3214:53
magnetronDracoZA: yes, the regular ftp command in linux has an option for passive mode14:53
yrthok... that's fine, I will make the /backup sdb a fat3214:54
DracoZAmagnetron thanks I will look into that, appreciate the time14:54
yrthok done... pksadiq, "next"?14:54
pksadiqIf you have enough storage, keep very important files in both fat and ext14:54
pksadiqnext carry on to install14:55
yrthok, got "ready to install" there is the summary of everything I've chosen so far.... now, there is an icon "advanced" which opens advanced options: boot loader, ticked box with install boot loader, device for boot loader installation: /dev/sda14:57
SmokeyDrwat: yes it is indeed a shell script. I fixed it by moving the scripts to ~/bin and then creating launchers on the desktop with the command 'gnome-terminal -e "~/bin/shellscript.sh"'14:57
yrthpksadiq, there is a drop box with different devices, but I can't choose /dev/sda1, only the main disk, sda14:59
yrthwell, when I hit install now, it will just install it15:00
richardsith /msg nickserv register 27luglio77 richardsith@email.it15:00
pksadiqhave you partitioned disk sda?15:00
yrthyes, hold on, let me copy it again15:00
pksadiqNice password richad :)15:00
yrthpksadiq, so I've got now: sda(sda1 ext4 /; sda5 ext4 /home; sda6 swap)15:01
yrthok... but this is exactly what I've been doing many times by now15:02
yrthexcept the fat32, but that is somehow irrelevant to the booting process15:02
yrthI can do it one more time though, no problem15:02
pksadiqyeah, but give a try, once more15:02
yrthit's installing15:03
ZubbPidgin just isn't working out for me.15:05
networmi can't send any files with pidgin in yahoo :( why?!15:05
AndrewMC!details | Zubb15:05
ubottuZubb: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:05
yrthoh... it failed to format in fat15:05
yrthbut I can continue with the installation as that was the sdb disk anyway15:05
Ichatyrth:  - stil no luck?15:06
[zaf]-Coralyogg: would you mind pointing me to a good location to learn more about sigusr and kill, I can't seem to find a comprehensive doc about it15:07
yrthno :(15:07
yogg[zaf]-Coral: only google "dd status"  first link      http://prefetch.net/blog/index.php/2006/06/11/printing-dd-status/15:07
yogg[zaf]-Coral: hope this helps15:08
[zaf]-Coralyogg: awesome thanks, checking it out :)15:08
yrthinstalling again with pksadiq, but I've been doing the exact thing before, so don't have high hopes it will work, ichat15:08
yogg[zaf]-Coral: np15:08
ZubbOn pidgin I'm running 2.7.3, My OS is ubuntu lucid. I got the newest pidgin for audio and video chat, I installed all the deps and libraries (gstreamer) (libnice) (farsight2) and all the gstreamer plugins, My webcam works fine but when I go to Pidgin plugins and configure voice and chat it closes pidgin15:08
TheBigSi've hosed apt, can someone help me rescue it?15:08
TheBigSi was installing KDevelop (Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit) and I got a segfault when processing shared-mime-info15:09
yrthichat... should I use windows to format both disks as they aren't in the raid array now, and then try linux?15:09
TheBigSnow apt is stuck on E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)15:10
TheBigSwith a bunch of error packages listed, how to i back apt out of this corner?15:10
Ichatyrth:   what does the installer say about your disk, ...  mine said it to be in  dev/mapper/somename    does yours show  dev/hda or  /dev/sda   or even /dev/hd015:11
yrthit shows them as sda and sdb15:11
jwm123can anyone help with zeitgeist and gnome activity journal?15:12
yrthso I partition them as follows: sda(sda1 ext4 /; sda5 ext4 /home; sda6 swap)15:12
Ichathmm,  at least thats not *fckd  than15:12
donnkeyyyytracy69 are you here?????15:12
yrthichat, there is absolutely nothing in the installation process that would suggest further problems15:13
ZubbI heard pidgin voice and chat works on slackware, I might reformat my laptop, I'm stumped15:13
pksadiqWow,wait, I forgot yrth, did you check the bios settings?15:14
yrthichat, live CD works great, installation goes smoothly, and then... bummer15:14
pksadiqWhether raid is activated?15:14
donnkeyyyywhats a wifi usb adapter that Ubuntu will ALREADY pick up???15:15
donnkeyyyyand you dont have to install drivers15:15
=== Guest36815 is now known as sloopy
Ichatpksadiq:  -  does the ubuntu live cd support something like   a hardware listing tool?15:15
yrthwhen I get to bios settings, there is nothing to choose about raid.... there is an additional menu (after bios page disappears) that I can there create or delete my RAID disks15:15
yrthhowever, depending on those setting, bios then sees the hdd confuguration as one RAID array or 2 separate disks15:16
pksadiqI remember , once I activated raid I experienced such a problem15:16
yrthat the moment, it's 2 separate disks, raid is not configured15:16
Patero-nghey guys15:16
Ichatdonnkeyyyy:  - not sure, but all drivers (even broadcom ones) are mostly in    /usr/share/local repository/     even when the  hardware tool doesnt seem to find them you could still manually install15:16
Patero-ngis ubuntu a secret OS can I watch my bank account, ebay, paypal on it15:17
Patero-ngwith 0 risk15:17
IchatPatero-ng:  -  thats not upto ubuntu  but up to your back15:17
Patero-ngfor the longest time I taught emails from mail.com were secure but is filling with connections from lots of adwares sites15:18
Ichatubuntu supports ssl and other sercured connections but its up to your banck to make them avail to you15:18
yrthpksadiq, ichat, there was a little bit of a strange question when I changed from raid to ms-dos, when it wanted to format the disks in the next tinstallation, it said that is15:18
Patero-ngwell I mean windows has lots of exploitable dll15:18
abhinav_singh1i am having a private ip address and i am using sendmail to send mail using php function but i am not able to do so..i mean mail is not being sent please tell me how to fix it15:18
Patero-ngno matter if u have a firewall things can get ruined so does ubuntu has a more secure interface15:18
yrthdamn.... it said that there is a GPT (or GTP) signature on the partition board (or something like that) indicating raid... but said if it's not raid to continue15:19
yrthso I did15:19
yrththen the second installation didn't complain about it any more15:19
donnkeyyyywell Ichat, do you know of any that it does pick up?15:20
kickingintenderwhat to do when kernel gets crashed15:20
tjubalubahow can i remove the keybinding "Ctrl+Scrollwheel" -> zoom?15:20
Ichatyrth: try installing windows . untill it starts coppying files..  than  reboot and try ubuntu again...  -    lets see what happends than15:20
tjubaluba.... gives very strange effects when you have a heavy wheel and minimal friction... wheel keeps spinning and you do Ctrl+Tab for example15:20
yrthjust got a windows cd out now lol, ichat15:21
Ichatthe bigg nice thing about the windows installer is that its so damn stupid that it  goes its way regardless what...15:21
yrthI just need to finish installing ubuntu again15:21
yrthlol yeah, ichat15:21
Gordon_GekkoHello! I have a scaner and a printer together, But the scanner has not been recognized. When I try to scan it says that I should connect a scanner. How can I fix that? It used to be working with Mint15:22
coz_yrth,  wait.. sorry   what was the original issue?15:22
yrthcoz_ after a successful installation, my ubuntu won't boot up15:22
yrthblinking cursor and then screen off15:22
yrththat's it15:22
coz_yrth,  oh ok... was it suggested that you check the cd for errors15:22
yrthand this is exactly what happened here now lol15:22
yrthcoz_ I did that before my first installation15:23
yrthno errors15:23
ciupicrimount -t cifs '//xxxx.local/androidRepo' /mnt/src -o ip=,user=uuu,rw,password=ppp gives me mount: block device //xxx.local/androidRepo is write-protected, mounting read-only |mount: cannot mount block device //xxx.local/androidRepo read-only15:23
TheBigScan someone help me fix apt, I think I hosed it: http://pastebin.com/P2EXDj7515:23
Ichatyrth - that happend with me once too,  and never got any clues of why,  but as soon as ms installed its bootloader ...  my probs went away15:23
coz_yrth,  ok and when you hit ctrl+alt+f115:23
jendaIt seems I have permissions set wrong in my home folder. Is there an easy way to set them to default? (e.g., a single command?)15:23
coz_yrth,   log in  then    sudo restart gdm    are there any error reported15:23
yrthand when do you want me to hit that, after it switches the screen off, or before?15:24
Ichatcoz_ SYSTEM didn't boot AT all -15:24
coz_yrth, let it go through the entire boot sequence  ...when you get to the black screen with cursor do th at15:24
Ichatyou could try chrooting but i doubt that would help15:25
ksbalajisuggest c tutor?15:25
coz_yrth,  oh this didnt boot even to black screen?>15:25
WhitorHaving a weird issue...  ping server2.avc.local ...  ping: unknown host server2.avc.local   --- Then  I : nslookup server2.avc.local  To which I get    Name:server2.avc.local   Address:  ....  If I ping I get very timely responses... Why won't this name resolve properly ?15:25
Gordon_GekkoHello! I have a scaner and a printer together, But the scanner has not been recognized. When I try to scan it says that I should connect a scanner. How can I fix that? It used to be working with Mint15:26
yrthhold on... just noticed something in the bios... 2 disk but raid was on... changed to ati and no chance in booting15:26
yrthok let me try ctrl-alt-f115:26
saulusI am using ubuntu 10.04 - server with / and /boot on an lvm2(on raid1( on /dev/sda & /dev/sdb) ). After I did a dist-upgrade from the fresh installation the kernel does not recognize my /dev/sdb (and thus the follow-up devices). Any Ideas?15:26
tjubalubahow can i remove the keybinding "Ctrl+Scrollwheel" -> zoom?15:27
Ichat!specific Gordon_Gekko15:27
WhitorThe terminal here shows the issue best: http://picpaste.com/pics/Screenshot-4-aBYfUyGh.1283956081.png15:27
saulusgrub tells "Gave up waiting for root device".15:27
Gordon_GekkoIchat what do you mean?15:27
iplaythisgame2Having Problems with vobcopy.  Had to redo my server install /drive failure.  Updated to 10.4 .     Vobcopy is throwing  Path thingy didn't work '/dev/loop0'        using the same commands I used under 8.4    Mount the .iso then rip to hard drive.   Anyone got any ideas?15:27
red2kictjubaluba: I imagine you want to install compizconfig-settings-manager -- then find and untick the cursed keybinding.15:27
yrthsorry coz_ it didn't react :(15:27
yrthok windows goes in lol15:27
coz_yrth,  is this a dual boot15:28
AndrewMCsaulus: try #ubuntu-server15:28
yrthno coz_ just ubuntu15:28
saulusty AndrewMC15:28
sid123hey I have heard vlc 1.1.2 has released.Has it been added to the ubuntu repository?If not then how i install it in 10.04?15:28
coz_yrth,  ok you may have to change the boot sequence let me find a post about this hold on15:28
yrthboot sequence?15:28
IchatGordon_Gekko:   be more specific, -  what brand, what version  etc etc.      do a lspci15:29
coz_yrth,  did you use a live cd intially?15:29
yrthworks fine15:29
coz_yrth,   ok15:29
yrthbeautiful :)15:29
pksadiqYrth, also try alt+contrl+del while blinking15:29
yrththat's why decided to go for it15:29
Gordon_GekkoIchat, it is an epson stylus DX445015:29
jendaIs "chown -R user:user /home/user" a bad idea? and chmod -R 644?15:29
Gordon_GekkoIchat, when I  give "sane-find-scanner" it detects the scaner15:29
coz_yrth,  which video card do you have on that system15:30
uRock!cookie > joeb45415:30
red2kic!latest | sid12315:30
ubottusid123: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are  only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.15:30
red2kicsid123: If you really really really need the latest bleeding stuffs, try your luck with finding VLC PPA at Launchpad.net15:30
yrthcoz_ nvidia quadro nvs 295 (just reading it off the card lol)15:30
Intrepdsid123, there is a ppa that has 1.1.4 i think - if you google for it, you'd probably find it15:30
iplaythisgame2join #vobcopy15:31
coz_yrth,  ok  try rebooting  and I believe befor it gets too far you have to ht the left shift key ...i believe to see the grub menu15:31
yrthcoz_ we've tried that....15:31
yrthI deleted "quiet splash"15:32
coz_yrth,   oh and you changed quiet splash to nomodeset15:32
yrthcoz_ no, just deleted quiet splash15:32
coz_yrth,  try putting in   NOMODESET  then hit ctrl+x15:32
coz_yrth,  if that boots to desktop then immediately go to system/administration/hardware drivers and install the nvidia driver   nvidia_current and reboot15:33
dpac_jenda: Yeah, you shouldn't really use that recursively. You never know what permission might break your system up.15:33
coz_yrth,  it should reboot onto the deskto0p15:33
Patero-nghello guys15:33
Patero-ngmmy question hasn't get answered hopefuly someone hears knows quite quiet15:33
Patero-ngI want to know if ubuntu is more secure then windows for seeing ur secret data such as bank or ebay, paypal15:34
TheBigSHelp! i broke dpkg, something about a seg fault when configureing shared-mime-info: http://pastebin.com/FJRxVZZj15:34
deepui had installed nvidia driver ............but i has a problem....my resolution is set to minimum15:34
yrthcoz_ too late now... I need to install it again15:34
th0rPatero-ng: there is nothing in linux that is special about the link between you and internet sites, so no....it isn't more secure15:34
yrthused windows CD to format it lol15:34
coz_yrth,  ooooo ok15:34
iplaythisgame2vobcopy error     Any takers?   http://pastebin.com/n9udNLe115:35
coz_yrth,  oh?  do you have maybe another system15:35
yrthcoz_ don't worry, it won't take long15:35
Patero-ngwindows has lots of vulnerable dlls that can be used to sniff ur data and perhaps screenshoot it15:35
yrthno, coz_ just ubuntu15:35
Patero-ngdoes ubuntu has such vulnerable material15:35
coz_yrth, well I was going to suggest using  Dban  ...you could possibly boot with live cd...download  Dban  and burn that to cd  then boot using the Dban disk15:35
th0rPatero-ng: you didn't ask about linux being more secure than windows...you asked about using ebay, bank, etc. The OS is more secure, the network link is not15:35
Patero-ngis everyone seeing my question of just th0r15:36
coz_yrth,  this will allow a complete wipe of the hard drive if you want something like that15:36
yrthwhat's Dban, coz_?15:36
IchatGordon_Gekko: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=627471 -  should stil work15:36
Patero-ngyea I know the security in theory lies on the browser and its protocols15:36
ciupicrihow can I find out which package provides a file?15:36
Patero-ngbut windows can betray dat so then is more secure to see that info on ubuntu15:36
Gordon_GekkoIchat, it is strange because it used to be working out of the box15:37
yrthcoz_ pls don't go for a while :)15:37
Gordon_GekkoIchat, thank you anyways :)15:37
Patero-ngmost spywares sit in ur pc and act in the shadows u don't see diaglog msgs or errors just slow downs15:37
Patero-ngthey want to know what u do quielt15:37
th0rPatero-ng: it would be much harder for linux to fall victim to a drive-by keylogger infection or such as that, yes. The design of the OS pretty much precludes the sort of infections windows encounters15:37
Intrepdiplaythisgame2, do you have a /dev/loop0?  and do you have permissions to read from it?15:37
coz_Patero-ng,  well linux of course in general is more secure.... and you can secure that even more if you like....but if you want more information about security in linux or any OS for that matter  you may want to go to blackhat.com  and take a few hours to read their reports15:38
Patero-ngdoes ubuntu has had security problems in the past is der a site I can look it up15:38
coz_yrth,  ok15:38
coz_Patero-ng,  all that information will be at blackhat.com15:38
tjubalubared2kic, seems the standard "zoom" bindings isnt listed in compiz... this is the standard  zoom that applications like browsers, adobe reader etc are using.15:39
coz_Patero-ng,  it will take some time to sort through the info on that site15:39
IchatPatero-ng:  -  spyware is only installed by the user ...  even windows running  without root user is quite safe against it if  not installing  'shady'  software...   but runnng ubuntu without untrusted  repsoitories  almost makes it imposible to  get spyware or any mallware for that matter15:39
yrthcoz_ why when I create partitions on that first sda disk, there is sda1 and then sda5 and sda6... where is 2 3 and 4?15:39
red2kictjubaluba: Enhanced Zoom Desktop?15:40
iplaythisgame2Intrepd,  sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /stuff/disk2/stuff.iso /stuff/iso/15:40
iplaythisgame2   this is the command I used to mount the iso.   I set all of it up so long ago, then forgot about it, I don't remember how exactly I had it set up before.15:40
th0ryrth: read up on primary and extended partitions...five is the first extended partition, and the system is saving 2-4 in case it needs additional primaries15:41
coz_yrth,  mmm that's interesting   not sure ...  how are you creating partitions?15:41
yrthcoz_ not sure that really matters, but it's been like that for the past 10 or so installations lol15:41
Oer!resetpanels > Oer15:41
ubottuOer, please see my private message15:41
Ichatyrth -  thats normall15:41
yrthcoz_ I do that while the installation process15:41
coz_yrth,  that is odd  ,,, I can see why someone asked if raid was on15:41
iplaythisgame2Intrepd, I'm not sure of the part the loop has in the funciton15:41
yrththannks ichat :)15:41
yrthcoz_ it was before15:41
coz_yrth,  understood15:41
Ichatits a bit of a long story but its logical ebcause of the way that  the  parttion table works15:42
coz_yrth,   if possible .download and burn Dban  it will boot and you can wipe the drive if you are that concerned15:42
yrththat's ok, ichat, if it's nothing to worry, then that's fine15:42
gpannwitzI installed apache, and put symbolic in /var/www/ which point to some directories in my home folder, but only some of them are listed when browsing to http://localhost/15:43
yrthperhaps this is what needs to be done.... coz_15:43
muzerRight. I've tried to fix this on a few occasions in the past, and never got anywhere, but it's irritating me again now. I use NVIDIA TwinView in KDE with the proprietary driver, but when an app wants to go in fullscreen, it ends up in a small window to the left side of my right monitor (so, if both monitors are counted as one continuous one, it would be in the middle). Is there a way to fix this?15:43
dpac_gpannwitz: Check Permissions15:43
muzerI can't use the FOSS driver with the funny French name that I can never spell because it doesn't support 3D acceleration for my card.15:43
Ichatyrth -  the win installer does about the same thing ...  try that if you have the disk first... if that doesn't work you can allways15:44
yrthI did that15:44
muzerwait, why the hell am I asking in #ubuntu? I don't even use *Buntu any more on this computer, I'm having a senior moment, lol :P15:44
yrthinstalling again ubuntu15:44
jendadpac_: somehow, I ended up with my home folder root-only - is there a better solution?15:45
Ichatyrth:  - no luck ?15:45
regeyahm muzer :->15:45
yrthI don't know yet15:45
iplaythisgame2Intrepd, ok I mounted it this way   sudo mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop=/dev/loop0 /stuff/disk2/stuff.iso /stuff/iso15:45
iplaythisgame2  and still getting the Path thingy didn't work.15:45
dpac_jenda: Recursively?15:45
Ichatlol it beter work cuz its getting quite anoying :P15:45
muzerstill, if someone CAN answer, that would be great - it would be roughly portable, I can use my intuition (I'm on Gentoo here, now)15:46
dpac_jenda: I mean all the files and folders inside home have become root only?15:46
yrthichat, still need a few minutes to finish the installation... I know, tell me about it, it's my 3rd day on it :(15:46
Trisoxany one knows if i can use htaccess to turnoff casesensetive for webservers?15:46
jmknsdaag,  I can't watch any flash video because flash keeps crashing.15:46
Trisoxits driving me nuts15:46
Ichatsorry im not laughting at you -  - no really im not  :P   -  stupid computer stuff brrrr15:47
jendadpac_: yep15:47
xiacloTrisox it's not an apache thing, its a filesystem thing ... easy fix, format a drive vfat, and use that for your web server15:47
jendadpac_: nevermind, will have to reinstall - I ran it recursively and it won't even start up properly now :)15:47
Trisoxi got no access to the webserver..15:47
muzerPM me if anyone has an answer - this channel is too noisy for someone with beeps enabled.15:48
xiacloTrisox then no ... there is no way via htaccess15:48
dpac_jenda: Well, you should be careful with that. I had done that once but I chmodded 777 fortunately15:48
Trisoxyea be carefull using su and cmod 77715:49
jendadpac_: well, then, off to reinstall :)15:49
dpac_jenda: you can chmod 775 and chown if you still want to make it reusable. There will be issues if there are other users using the box.15:49
regeya#ubuntu has a captcha bot now???!?15:50
jendaThe computer had an encrypted /home and swap - it used to be quite dificult. Is there an easy way to set that up now?15:50
gpannwitzdpac_: I made the directory in question readable by everyone.  Does it make a difference that the linked to directory is a mount point ?15:50
Ichatregeya:  -  use an irc client :P15:50
jendadpac_: no, it's a one-user laptop. I'll give that a try.15:50
iplaythisgame2Intrepd, thanks, you pointed me down the right path.  Got it figured out.15:50
regeyaIchat: uh...15:50
dpac_jenda: Well, you can use this system till maverick releases, I guess. Its just 30 days now.15:51
Ichatgpannwitz:  -   check your httpd.confg to  enable   follow symlinks   :???15:51
regeyaIchat: I thought irssi was an irc client--what do other people use, a dead badger?15:51
pksadiq\me "learning something"15:51
Ichatpksadiq:  - what?15:51
regeyathat would be a forward slash, pksadiq15:52
* pksadiq "learning"15:52
* regeya refers to himself in the 3rd person15:52
jendadpac_: true15:52
jmknsdIs there any way to get around flash crashing on 64 bit ubuntu? Or do  Ineed to switch operating systems to watch flash video?15:52
* Ichat thinks its stupid to use the /me command to often :P15:52
* regeya notes there is a difference between "to" and "too"15:53
dpac_gpannwitz: Do what Ichat suggested15:53
* Pici reminds folks that offtopic chat belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic15:53
* regeya nods, and quiets down15:53
yrthok... big moment15:53
yrthstill same crap15:54
jendadpac_: on the other hand, I would prefer this system to stay LTS15:55
Ichatyrth -  i hate your pc now - you do understand that dont you15:55
yrthok... coz_ can you tell me what you wanted me to replace quiet splash with?15:55
regeyasay, I've never learned much about my client; what have I got set wrong that I'm getting a notice every time the FloodBot1 asks someone a question?15:55
yrthlol, I've hated it since the day 1... nothing but problems with this shit.... ichat, I thought ubuntu would resolve all that15:55
regeyait's hard to help people if I keep seeing questions about how many letters there are in 'compile' or the first digit in 45615:56
dpac_jenda: Well, then you could replace the files with a recent backup. That would replace majority of the files if the backup was recent15:56
dpac_jenda: don't tell me you don't backup.15:56
Brandon__can someone tell me how I mount a .img file to my usb flash drive?15:57
Ichatregeya   did you register with nickservice15:57
regeyayears ago.15:57
Piciregeya: Then you aren't identifying until after you join the channel.15:58
=== JEEBcz is now known as JEEB
yrthnomodeset worked15:58
regeyaI'm seeing EVERYONE's security check.  EVERYONE's.  So because my client is joining the channel before it send the ident, I'm going to get flooded by the floodbot?15:58
regeyaI don't wanna /ignore because it might decide I'm not registered...15:59
Piciregeya: Will you please join #ubuntu-irc ? #ubuntu isn't really the place to discuss this.15:59
regeyano...no, I don't think I will.16:00
yrthcoz_ nomodeset worked!!! ichat, pksadiq :)16:00
Ichat yrth - thats strange\16:00
pksadiqK, yrth, i'll take care next time16:01
yrthjust rebooting to see if it worked again16:01
pksadiqsorry 4 I could not serve U16:01
yrthI wonder if raid is going to work now <devil?16:01
yrthoh yeah16:01
Ichatyrth:  -  you dont want fakeraid16:01
yrthit boots up!!!16:01
wesselhello, I'm wondering if its possible to start the Graphviz GUI, I installed Graphviz with sudo apt-get install graphviz, but I don't really know what it installed.16:01
yrthichat, is it really fake?16:02
Ichatyrth - if you do want raid used   mdadm to setup raid for you16:02
wesselWhen you install it on windows, you get a shortcut on your desktop to start the GUI.16:02
yrthpksadiq!!! you did help!!!16:02
yrthall of you did :)16:02
yrthbouncing ideas is great :)16:02
yrthI just love this chat hehehehe16:02
pksadiqk, my pleasure16:02
yrthichat, I don't know a lot about raid, why would I want that?16:03
wesselI think you start the GUI with dotty -V, but the entire menu is missing :-/16:04
julian__ok i finally got through this security check16:04
=== Calinou_ is now known as Calinou
Ichatyrth -  like i said IF you wnat it..   in some cases you'd want it to  have more spead ..  or  to be a bit more safe mirror of your hdd    bit  if you want it...16:05
dpac_wessel: Did you check in the menus?16:05
Ichatyou should installed it  from the ubuntu installer so not from the bios.16:05
yrthguys, what do you suggest to use for the cube effect etc?16:05
yrthok ichat, I think I'll skip it.... don't really need it16:06
=== ZNC_DoubleString is now known as DoubleString
wesseldpac_, no I don't know how :-/16:06
wesselright click brings up a menu16:06
Ichatyrth atm nothing, you should first fix  your driver problems     to be able to  remove the nomodset  stuff again16:06
dpac_wessel: Do you see 'Applications' on the top left of the screen?16:06
yrthI think it's fixed now, ichat16:06
Ichatproblem is,  what drivers need fixing :P16:07
DoubleStringhey all16:07
yrthI've downloaded and installed new drivers.... rebooted and it works fine16:07
yrthinstalling updates now :)16:07
ilovefairuz!hi | DoubleString16:07
ubottuDoubleString: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:07
coz_yrth,  well did you also install compizconfig-settings-manager?16:07
dpac_Ichat: I've been using my box with nomodeset fix since it released. I don't think that has any sort of issues.16:07
yrthcoz_ not yet16:08
HasemanHas any one here had any trouble with a bonded interface? for some reason mine doesn't arp resolve?16:08
Ichatyrth not really - you just told the kernel to  load a bunch of safe drivers..  and  it works but if you wnat more features / performanse it would help to be able to run in normal mode again with the right drivers.16:08
yrthso compiz not berel or whatever it was called16:08
Ichatdpac_   for realllly16:08
yrthoh ichat... so where can I get that driver?16:08
coz_yrth,  ok you need to   sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager  to get into the big settings  and that is opened with ccsm in terminal or   system/preferences/ compizconfig settings manager16:08
wesseldpac_, http://yfrog.com/epselection029j this is what I see16:08
dpac_Ichat: Since Lucid released*16:09
Ichatdpac_ strnage16:09
lpjhjdhis there a way to display multiple timezones with the standard gnome-applet clock16:10
yrthichat, it downloaded the proprietary drivers16:10
yrthfor my nvidia16:10
coz_yrth,  so the boot issue is solved now ...yes??16:10
dpac_wessel: well, my graphic chipset is old. Even ATI has stopped its support, so I don't complain. I can still play DoTA on Wine. So that works for me :)16:11
yrthcoz_ yes, it's great!!! thanks a lot!16:11
coz_yrth,  cool  now install compizconif-settings-manager16:11
dpac_wessel: Don't you see a menu on very top left of the screen16:11
wesseldpac_, why are grafics drivers a problem16:11
yrthcoz_ just did16:11
wesselno I don't16:11
coz_yrth,  ok you can meet me in #compiz if you like   ...less traffic16:11
yrthcoz_ but ichat said to find better drivers for my graphics card16:11
red2kiclpjhjdh: You can accomplish this easily with conky, I suppose.16:12
wesselwessel@wegumar7:~$ dotty -V16:12
wesseldotty version 96c (09-24-96)16:12
wessellefty version 10 Mar 200516:12
wesselgraphviz version 2.20.2 (Tue Mar  2 19:03:41 UTC 2010)16:12
coz_yrth,  oh?  which driver do you have now?16:12
FloodBot4wessel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:12
dpac_wessel: On the left of the panel where you see networking icons.16:12
lpjhjdhred2kic: hopin to stick with the standard applet, thanks though.  I'll take a look16:12
wesseloh, yes, here I see this!16:12
coz_yrth, hit alt+F2  type in nvidia-settings16:12
coz_yrth,  the driver version should be listed when that opens16:12
dpac_yrth: you did modify your /etc/default/grub file to include nomodeset?16:12
yrthcoz_ too fast... it didn't reboot after the updates :(16:12
coz_yrth, oooo16:13
yrthhold on, will do the nomodeset again16:13
wesseldpac_, there is no Dotty in this menus..16:13
hihihi100who can help me to configure virtual keyboard and other virtual organ programs? I cannot hear any sound16:13
Ichatcoz_  yrth   if hes running the  nomodset command -    to make it work  some driver most be incompatible with his hw.   it should be fixed (if possible)16:13
yrthwait.... it booted up again16:14
yrththis is so weird16:14
yrthseems ok now16:14
yrthonce it tells me it's tired of waiting for boot, and now it's ok16:14
dpac_yrth: http://goo.gl/at07  Do modify your /etc/default/grub so that a kernel update doesn't remove your nomodeset fix.16:15
dpac_wessel: The screenshot you showed me does show a GUI. What's wrong?16:15
wesselit has no menu's16:15
wesselit should have a menu16:15
wesselright click, add attribute does not work16:16
yrthdpac_ thanks.... let me do that a sec16:16
yrthcoz_ the diver is NVIDIAdriver Version 195.36.2416:17
yrthcoz_ is this what you wanted me to give you?16:17
coz_yrth,  ok that is not a bad driver  to use actually    there are newer ones but that one is real decent16:17
dpac_wessel: Well, I can't help you with application specific problem. I have never used graphviz. You should try its support forums.16:17
PutrHey what's the keyboard shortcut for the different works spaces?16:17
yrthok.... coz_ let me just go through what dpac_ said and I will meet you in compiz16:18
histoPutr: ctrl+alt+ arrow16:21
histoPutr: then if you have an app selected you can hit ctrl+shift+alt+arrow to move it to a different workspace16:21
needhelp1quick question, how can i tell if my pc is compatible with 64 bit version, or if i should be using the 32 bit version16:23
Tweakyhi. i used computer janitor and after reboot i have no window borders at all. any ideas?16:23
yrthdpac_ I've done it.... but not the rest the users have below, is that ok?16:23
Putrhisto: thanks!16:23
histoneedhelp1: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep size16:24
histoneedhelp1: look if the clflush size is 6416:24
dpac_yrth: Users have below? I am not sure if I understood you16:25
needhelp1clflush 6416:25
yrthdpac_ the link you sent me has got some posts regarding modifying some files....16:25
Tweakyhi. i used computer janitor and after reboot i have no window borders at all. any ideas? i cant alt-tab ti change windows, no resize or close buttons, no border at all. what did it uninstall /cry16:26
yrthok, I rebooted and it worked fine :)16:26
yrthat least now I know what to do if it plays up again!16:26
yrththanks guys :) all of you :)16:26
dpac_yrth: It says you should modify /etc/default/grub. Thats because when your computer does critical upgrade, your nomodeset fix will be lost. You'll have to do it all over again. If you put it in /etc/default/grub, your settings will be retained. So thats the main point. But now you know if it stops working again.16:27
yrththanks will try doing that now :)16:29
dk12548how can i uninstall a program i dont need16:29
estragibTweaky, you could have a look into /var/log/apt/history.log or /var/log/dpkg.log. maybe computer janitor logged what it removed.16:30
area51pilotTweaky: are u using COMPIZ?16:30
area51pilotwelcome duffy16:30
Tweakyarea51pilot: yes16:30
Tweakyestragib: thanks ill check16:30
dk12548please tell me how to uninstall a program16:31
histodk12548: you can use the terminal and sudo apt-get remove <packagename>  or you can use System > administration > package manager16:31
area51pilotTweaky: sounds like u enabled a feature or add-on in COMPIZ that caused the issue .. I have noticed that a lot and have had to back track and edit my Compiz settings backwards16:31
area51pilotTweaky: try to remember what u changed last and start reverting back to its original setting16:32
vladioxiaclo are you here16:32
Tweakyarea51pilot: hm ok ill go disable compiz and see what happens. ill have to leave irc however since i cant shrink this window. only thing i did was use computer janitor ><16:33
dk12548oh thanks histo but i figured it out. actually i am on kde16:33
Tweakyits as if there are no windows at all16:33
=== LouisJB_ is now known as LouisJB
dk12548i dont know how to use compiz. any suggetions, cause i tried alot to play around with that thing16:35
demersusNeed help with apache2 and x-sendfile16:35
dk12548i am on kde.16:35
demersusx-sendfile won't work over a samba share?16:36
area51pilotTweaky: u dont have to disable it per say, just disable or uncheck the items that dont look necessary16:36
tehoweHey, what's the right arena to advocate for having metatracker added back into Ubuntu? It's not in 10.04, and though it's in the repository it's a really old version.16:36
Tweakyarea51pilot: actually compiz was off. i changed to advanced settings and now i have borders again ^_^ thank you so much16:36
dk12548i want to increase the DPI of my screen please help me16:37
ejahow do i install ubuntu-desktop but still have it boot me into console mode?16:37
needhelp1how can i tell what version of ubuntu im running, 32 or 6416:37
xiaclouname -m16:38
totemwhich channel for ubuntu 10.10 beta?16:38
ejafile /bin/bash will work16:38
KritoslapHello, I'm running ubuntu 10.04 and ubuntu won't shut down.16:38
dk12548he when i used uname -m it says i686 what that mean?16:39
egsomeKritoslap, What problem you have when try to shutdown ? what happen ?16:39
Dr_Williseja:  disable the gdm service, or use the 'text' boot time option - if you dont want X or gdm to start at all.16:39
egsomeKritoslap, Also, How do you try to shutdown ?16:39
hsrDr_Willis: Hi! Which package can help me convert odt to pdf?16:40
hsrHello! Which package can help me convert odt to pdf?16:40
Kritoslapegsome,  Those bubbles, circles, get stuck, 3 of them turn into orange and the other two just stay white. It get's stuck there16:40
Kritoslapegsome,  Using gnome power manager.16:40
Dr_Willishsr:  never tried, Theres a print to pdf feature. that proberly can do it.16:40
Kritoslapegsome,  Clicked shut down.16:40
ejaDr_Willis: where do i set the text boot time option?16:41
Dr_Williseja: /etc/default/grub16:41
hsrDr_Willis: where is that feature available?16:41
Tweakykritoslap: not the power button in the top right corner?16:41
KritoslapTweaky,  Ahh yes, I was talking about that one.16:41
hsrHello! Which package can help me convert odt to pdf?16:41
KritoslapTweaky,  That's gnome power manager.16:41
KritoslapTweaky,  Indicator Applet Session 0.3.716:42
egsomeKritoslap, try `shutdown -t 0`, And notice any error messages that hang the process16:42
Kritoslapegsome,  Ok, be right back.16:42
egsomeKritoslap, tyt16:42
aprovenciohello guys, can anyone please tell me how to play amr files from ubuntu's firefox ? i need this because of evernote16:43
Kritoslapegsome,  that command doesn't work16:43
Kritoslapegsome,  shutdown: time expected16:43
hsrgot that16:43
egsomeKritoslap, try `sudo shutdown -t0`16:44
dk12548try shutdown -s -t 016:44
histohrm.. still not workign after recent updates. Intel sound card.16:44
Kritoslapdk12548,  doesn't work, invalid option -s16:44
dk12548use init 016:44
Kritoslapegsome,  doesn't work16:44
craunchWhy i can't edit Places menu with alacarte?16:44
egsomeKritoslap, What error you got ? it works for me16:45
Kritoslapegsome,  shutdown: time expected.16:45
ssd532man shutdown:   shutdown -h now16:45
dk12548kristoslap does 'init 0' worked???16:45
dk12548i mean have u tried?16:45
ssd532h for halt now is the time16:46
craunchI want modify Search files... app16:46
egsomeKritoslap, try `sudo shutdown 0`16:46
muzerxiaclo, I managed to sort it out, oddly enough by doing something I had attempted in the past... I changed the metamodes line in xorg.conf to add modes for only one monitor at all the common resolutions16:46
muzerI'll try flash now, actually, that was the main thing that didn't work16:47
craunchany idea?16:47
dk12548looks like something worked for kristoslap lol16:47
muzerxiaclo, no, flash still doesn't work :/. I'm willing to blame Adobe for that one, though :P16:48
egsomedk12548, Yeah :16:48
egsomedk12548, Yeah :)16:48
Trisoxcan't open file stupid webhosting :|16:48
egsomedk12548, There should be no `-t`16:48
dk12548lol we will ask when he come16:48
Trisoxworks on all hosting profiders but this one :@16:48
dk12548ohhhhhhhhhh kkkkkkkkkkk16:49
Kritoslapegsome,  I tried the command, it gets stuck at shutdown again:(16:49
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Kritoslapegsome, It does shutdown but not completely16:49
egsomeKritoslap, try `sudo shutdown -h 0`16:50
Kritoslapegsome,  No matter what I try, I still get stuck at ubuntu screen.16:51
Kritoslapegsome,  Shutting down from the terminal works but not completely.16:51
egsomeKritoslap, `sudo shutdown -h 0` should shutdown and halt, it works for me, without the `-h` it get hang on my computer also16:51
egsomeKritoslap, But the shutdown button on the right upper part of screen works for me with no problems16:52
Kritoslapegsome,  I'll try16:52
dk12548can anyone tell me how to increase DPI of my screen16:53
dk12548fonts are too small16:53
craunchany help?16:53
nibbierdk12548, you cannot do that, the dpi of your screen is a fixed value and a characteristic of your screen itself16:53
ssd532and dpi will not change the font size16:54
dk12548nibbier i was able to that when i was in windows16:54
dk12548no its not the property of screen16:54
egsomedk12548, `System >> Preferences >> Appearance >> Fonts >> Details`16:54
area51pilotTweaky: glad to hear you are back in business with the Compiz16:54
dk12548egsome i am on kde16:54
nibbierdk12548, ah okay, you can change the DPI which ubuntu assumes for your screen.... but not the actual DPI of your screen ;-) sorry for misunderstanding in the first place16:55
Tweakyarea51pilot: thank you16:55
sosyopathi there! i have problem with package list. i want to install libmp3lame-dev, but it fails. i've enabled universe and multiverse package list, but nothing changed. could anyone help me16:55
area51pilottweaky: yw16:55
dk12548yeah nebbier its ok16:55
dk12548but is there any other community for kde?16:55
Picidk12548: #kubuntu ?16:56
LicuadoraWhat is the topic?16:57
LicuadoraI love/Hate Ubuntu16:58
GJINHEUIAnyone here know how to get a Ricoh webcam(inbuilt on a HP Pavilion dv1000 laptop) to work/16:59
philinuxLicuadora: mainly support problems17:00
yaaarhey guys. i'm setting up a new server, and recently came across a "shortcut" to getting the typical LAMP packages: 'apt-get -s install lamp-server^' ...that certainly selects a lot of stuff, and it all looks fine to me...but now I'm wondering: how does it work? Reading the man page the only reference to the carat is in using regex to match package names...but lots of the packages selected by...17:00
yaaar...this command don't seem to match. can anybody enlighten me as to what's up here?17:00
ZombieI cannot get d2x-xl to build on Ubuntu. *grumble*17:01
egsomeGJINHEUI, check this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32373017:01
Lupus-SLEyaaar, You want to know what the meta-package does or what the lamp server does?17:01
GJINHEUIi've already seen that thread17:02
GJINHEUImost of the link in it are old and dont work17:02
KevinTENhello all! i'd like to try the beta of 10.10 but I downloaded some maverick-desktop-i386.iso17:03
KevinTENis this the correct versioN?17:03
KevinTENor i should get ubuntu-10.10-beta-desktop-i386.iso17:03
yaaarLupus-SLE: it doesn't appear to be a meta package. at least, aptitude doesn't recognize it, so it looks like some magic in apt-get; also it doesn't appear to just be a regex match...because lots of the packages that it selects don't match it17:03
marko-_-so i just installed ubuntu 10.04 and the first thing i don't like is rhythmbox when in tray, can't i set it up so that i only have to click on it's icon to pop it up?17:03
headkase314!maverick | KevinTEN17:04
ubottuKevinTEN: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:04
KevinTENYes, i understand...but i wanted to help17:04
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duffydackmarko-_-,  thats configurable in the plugin options.17:04
Lupus-SLEyaaar, In that case, might be easier for you to remove it, auto-remove packages and install just what you need. Apache, PHP and MySQL aren't too difficult to get your head around.17:04
phuzionFor some reason eth0 isn't coming up in my VM, any way to know for sure whether or not the system sees it as a valid NIC?17:05
philinuxKevinTEN: Go here. http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=38517:05
headkase314KevinTEN, type "/join #ubuntu+1" without the quotes and that will bring you to the proper channel for your question.17:05
KevinTENtweaky: ok thank you...do yuou know what maverick-desktop-i386 is?17:05
marko-_-i don't find it under plugins duffydack17:05
ubudhow to sync a htc desire android phone17:05
yaaarLupus-SLE: i haven't even installed it. i'm asking about the apt-get functionality that allows this "trick" because it doesn't make sense.17:05
duffydackmarko-_-, edit - plugins - status icon, configure?17:06
marko-_-i have found the tray plugin duffydack but there's nothing that points to change this17:06
KevinTENim actually on a pc right now that runs windows...and im going to dual boot17:06
Tweakykevinten: good choice17:06
Lupus-SLEyaaar, Oh... right in that case I've no idea. I searched Ubuntu packages for lamp-server and it revealed nothing.17:06
yaaarLupus-SLE: you need the carat17:07
Lupus-SLEOh... good point17:07
aprovenciohello guys, can anyone please tell me how to play amr files from ubuntu's firefox ? i need this because of evernote17:07
KevinTENI just wonder what the difference between ubuntu-10.10-beta-desktop-amd64.iso and ubuntu-10.10-beta-desktop-i386.iso is?17:07
marko-_-duffydack, any help?17:08
KevinTENjust processor support?17:08
Tweakykevinten: oh17:08
xiaclophuzion easiest way is 'sudo ifconfig -a' ... it will list all valid interface, even if they are down17:08
headkase314KevinTEN, amd64 is 64-bit and i386 is 32-bit17:08
Tweakykevinten: one is 32 bit one is 64 bit17:08
Dr_WillisKevinTEN:  one is 32bit17:08
KevinTENi have this maverick-desktop-i386.iso but i don't know where i got it from17:08
duffydackmarko-_-, yeah, I see its not changeable.. hmmm.  you can pop up the program but its not just a simple single click im afraid.  There are other players to try.  Banshee, Clementine, Amarok, Exaile, or a winamp style "Audacious"17:08
PiciKevinTEN : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Maverick/10.10 support/discussion.17:08
KevinTENohhhhh ok17:08
Lupus-SLEyaaar, That wields me an error... not entirely sure. Sorry.17:08
marko-_-duffydack, thanks17:08
KevinTENand then there is an alternate install17:08
KevinTENfor desktop17:08
estragibyaaar: it's a special feature of apt-get. the caret is to tell apt-get it's a magic task. try cat /usr/share/tasksel/ubuntu-tasks.desc | grep Task17:09
marko-_-great no channel for rhythmbox on freenode17:09
estragibyaaar: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel17:09
KevinTENso for desktops: there is amd64, an i386 (32 bit) and an alternate (32 bit)?17:09
FriarWhen I  boot up my computer I get a bunch of error messages that scroll across the screen really fast. Is there a way I can see what they are?17:09
FriarI think it has something to do with my hard drive.17:09
FriarKevinTEN, was that directed towards me?17:11
Tweakykevinten: you need the 32bit or 64bit?17:11
yaaarestragib: thanks! now it makes sense...i particularly like this line in the doc you linked: "And yes, you forgot the caret (^), and yes, it is magical."17:11
pradeephello everyone17:11
xiacloFriar more /var/log/dmesg and more /var/log/messages17:11
pradeepsorry what was with security qeustion17:11
yrthneed some help... just got this message: the panel encountered a problem while loading "oafiid:gnome_panel_trashapplet" do you want to delete the applet from your configuration?17:11
pradeepanyone have an idea17:11
yaaarestragib: too bad they didn't make it work with aptitude...17:11
KevinTENim sorry for not specifying who i was talking to...i know its a big channel17:12
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:12
Dr_Willisyrth:  you can always add the trash applet back.  For some reason it crashed17:12
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:12
KevinTENTWEAKY: im rather sure i need the 32 bit version17:12
KevinTENactually, my client privmsg's17:13
KevinTENsorry for the privmsg17:13
KevinTENwhen i hit tab17:13
yrthdr_willis, how I can add it back?17:13
estragibyaaar: i think it's ubuntu specific, and they seem to make their extensions to apt-get because aptitude is more debian's thing(?)17:13
Dr_Willisyrth:  right click on a panel, add to panel17:13
Dr_Willisyrth:  or reset the panels17:13
Dr_Willis!resetpanel | yrth17:13
ubottuyrth: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »17:13
Tweakykevinten: just take the normal 32 version then ubuntu-10.10-beta-desktop-i386.iso i would assume17:13
jairrsomeone help me with a prolem and php generated pdfs17:14
Lupus-SLEDear #ubuntu, I've got a problem with my system clock - it seems to be drifting out by several minutes. Having had my PC on for a few hours it's drifted backwards by 5 minutes. I keep using ntpdate to fix the clock but I don't know what's causing the drift.17:15
marko-_-can anyone tell me why i get a "tululu" sound every few minutes on 10.04? I don't know which program is making it17:15
yrththanks dr_willis! too many "&" in that line though lol17:15
popping-kamhello all i have a little probleme i want the plugin for screen saver flying windows17:15
popping-kamhow have that17:15
xiacloLupus-SLE it drifts while it is on?17:16
estragibmarko-_-: did you check ps -e|grep tululu?17:16
riz__Any1 has Ubuntu Studio?17:16
Lupus-SLExiaclo, I believe that's the only time it drifts.17:16
marko-_-estragib, that was funny17:16
yaaarLupus-SLE: that's almost certainly a hardware problem. But using ntpd instead of ntpdate will probably improve your situation17:16
estragibmarko-_-: scnr17:16
Dr_Willisyrth:  err.. no  && is exactly what is supposed to be there...17:17
c3ldoes ubuntu read from xinitrc?17:17
TweakyLupus-SLE:  maybe try replacing the lithium battery for your clock would be a start17:17
yrthdr_willis, oh, I did it with only one as 2 returned a syntax error17:18
linuxBoy2gostaria de passar para vcs esse link: http://blog.corujadeti.com.br/ está sendo sorteado livros linux para certificaçao LPI Linux... os livros sao ATUALIZADOS, faz 70 dias que foi lançado no Brasil... participem... há outros livros tbm...17:18
estragibmarko-_-: but seriously, if it's reproducible, i'd try opening pulseaudio volume control. there's a tab in there in which programs that output sound appear.17:18
yrthdr_willis, oh 2 of them with no space - that works, but it did the same... one worked just as well17:18
estragibmarko-_-: wait for the sound and see which app appears in the list17:19
Lupus-SLETweaky, Might try that, what's confusing me is the drift doesn't appear constant... it seems to drift by different amounts in different directions.17:19
TweakyLupus-SLE:  maybe your pc has a built in time traveling device o.o17:20
xiacloLupus-SLE that's the reason i'm confused ... drifting while it is off would be a faulty or dying battery ... but while it's on, it doesn't reference the hardware clock, so it can't be that ...17:20
Dr_Willisyrth:  time to check some bash docs.. & and && have radically differnt meanings17:20
Dr_Willisyrth:  you may of did some other typy wrong if && dident work17:20
xiacloyrth & runs the first command in the background, && waits for the first to finish, and if it works, then runs the second ...17:21
marko-_-estragib, thanks, it's emesene17:21
yrththanks guys :)17:21
estragibmarko-_-: glad to help17:21
TweakyLupus-SLE:  you dont use internet time sync?17:21
yrthdr_willis, I did && with a space in between...17:21
xiacloyrth so assuming the first is successful, they do the same thing, with & running faster, but sometimes you dont want to second to run without the first working17:21
Lupus-SLExiaclo, It could be drifting whilst off... I haven't noticed the time being wrong when first turning it on and I don't notice it being wrong in Windows but that could easily be ignorance on my part.17:22
yrthxiaclo, thanks... I redid the command with && just to be on the safe side lol17:22
Lupus-SLETweaky, I use ntpdate to update the clock... which I've had to do more regulary recently17:22
yaaarLupus-SLE: ntpd stays resident and not only keeps updating the clock like ntpdate, but also monitors how much it drifts and then adapts the clock to compensate. I recommend checking it out...it's super easy to set up17:23
phuzionInteresting, I've got eth2, but no eth1 or eth0.  How can I reassign it to eth0?  /etc/network/interfaces says eth0, no references to eth217:23
xiacloLupus-SLE install adjtimex ... it reads off the linux system clock for about 70sec on my system, then adjusts the internal clock rate ... won't fix hardware issues, but if its only drifting in linux, and not while off, that should fix it17:23
serhioHi everyone. I have trouble with level charge  on my notebook  Lenovo G460. Who can help me?17:24
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Lupus-SLEAlright... I'll give it a bit more testing to make sure it's not drifting whilst off and follow the appropriate suggestion to fix it... I hope it's not the hardware, it's only 9 months old! Thank you fellow people.17:24
xiacloLupus-SLE by hardware I mean you have to replace the battery on the motherboard, nothing major =)17:25
Lupus-SLExiaclo, I know but it's still a bit of a pain.17:25
xiaclofor sure17:25
Lupus-SLExiaclo, Thanks for the assist.17:25
xiaclono problem17:26
Guest24652kubuntu 10.1017:29
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PiciGuest24652 : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Maverick/10.10 support/discussion.17:30
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
yrththanks guys... bye bye :)17:30
ray9naHi, potentially silly question here: I somehow have a lot of GIMP-related files even though I don't have GIMP installed. Can I simply download and install the program and everything will take care of itself, or do I need to clear out the mystery detritus first?17:31
donnkeyyyyHi room17:31
jordo2323Has a fix been released for the Gwibber update issue that doesn't update twitter feeds?  And if so can someone point me in the right direction?17:31
donnkeyyyyI just bought a wireless usb card and was wondering if ubuntu will support it17:32
hporsehi. i've got a problem with nautilus. i want to change the program that opens jpg files when i doubleclick an image in nautilus. i tried Right Click --> Open With --> Other Application --> Remember this application for "JPEG" files. But nautilus won't remember the application. Why is that so?17:32
hporseit always opens files with Eye of Gnome whereas i want them to be opened with geeqie. for some reason nautilus refuses to remember geeqie as jpeg file opener. is that a known problem?17:34
estragibhporse: you'll have to open properties for that file. there's an open with tab. there you can set the default for that file type.17:34
logitechoh geek channel17:34
donnkeyyyyI bought a TP link wireless USB.... are there any ubuntu drivers for it??? Because ubuntu did not pick it up???17:34
=== Putr|Away is now known as Putr
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estragibhporse: does that work better?17:35
egsomedonnkeyyyy, this may help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55755717:35
hporseestragib: thanks a lot, it works.17:35
hporseestragib: but the open with dialog is obviously broken on my system, as i described above17:35
estragibhporse: yeah, i'd expect it to the same as you did, if it says "Remember this application"17:36
estragibhporse: maybe it's a bug. one could check with launchpad if one were so inclined.17:37
Semitonesi'm wondering where to send a bug report: my wlan disconnects often and has trouble reconnecting17:37
ray9naPotentially silly question here: I somehow have a lot of GIMP-related files even though I don't have GIMP installed. Can I simply download and install the program and everything will take care of itself, or do I need to clear out the mystery detritus first? (If this was merely in the queue, sorry for repeating.)17:38
hporseestragib: well, i tried google and launchpad in beforehand. when i wasn't successful, i came here.17:38
aeon-ltdray9na: ray9na only one way to know, sudo apt-get install gimp17:39
ray9naaeon-ltd: what results should i be on the lookout for?17:39
estragibhporse: uh, that might have come across wrong. i was just trying to say: i'm not inclined. :) if it's a bug, you could help out by reporting it though.17:39
Venkerhi there17:39
hporseestragib: ok ^^17:40
aeon-ltdray9na: nothing, if it works fine it works fine, if not tell us about the !details here17:40
ray9naaeon-ltd: okay, thanks. :)17:41
ray9naaeon-ltd: okay, it's saying there were some packages automatically installed that are no longer required, and "apt-get autoremove" will remove them. do i want to continue? I'm assuming yes?17:42
xiacloray9na that is exactly what it sounds like ... usually when you install a package, it pulls it a few others to be able to run, but when you delete it, it doesn't remove the others ... so that is just informing you that you have these libraries that can be safely removed since nothing else is using them anymore17:44
ray9naxiaclo: thanks. i rate my computer literacy as "slightly higher than average" -- i'm no guru. when in doubt, i like to seek confirmation :)17:45
xiacloray9na always better to ask questions when you don't understand, best way to learn17:45
ray9nathanks all :)17:45
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
melow01does anyone know how to stream the Google Announcement through Android?17:47
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pksadiqThis is ubuntu channel17:48
ray9naokay. i gave it the go-ahead and it did a bunch of stuff. i'm now back at my name@computer~$ prompt. all done? do i need to re-boot?17:48
histomelow01: wrong channel17:48
melow01histo, ok17:48
egsomemelow01, #android17:48
melow01histo, egsome i just installed xchat and for some reason i can't join #android17:49
=== Greyscale is now known as Greysc[a]le
egsomemelow01, What error you get ?17:49
pksadiqand so is here symbian channel?17:49
dev2I'm trying to set up vino vnc.  I really need to be able to log in to different user accounts but as it stands it always takes me into user1.  I need to access the user desktop for dev2.  Any suggestions?17:49
melow01egsome, no error... server > join channel > #android17:49
histomelow01: type /j #android17:49
melow01egsome, and i get nothing17:49
mhall119dev2: vino only displays the currently running desktop session17:50
histomelow01: or /join #android17:50
ray9naeh. i figure better to re-boot unnecessarily than not re-boot when needed. thanks for getting me to this point. bye!17:50
egsomemelow01, click on `freenode` in the left tree, and check any errors17:50
Anvoidis there a way to create a folder and insert today's date (yyyy-mm-dd) with a couple keystrokes? i'm searching for a simple way like shortcut in word document17:50
melow01histo, egsome opps... yes, there are errors in the freenode tree17:51
melow01histo, egsome apparently i need to be logged in17:51
glebihanAnvoid, where do you want to insert the date ? In the folder's name ?17:51
egsomemelow01, So, register your nickname, then try again17:51
melow01histo, egsome thanks, sorry for the waste of time17:51
odb|fidelahoi - short question: any big known issues with 10.10 ? i am wondering if i should (curious) jump with my netbook from 10.04 to 10.1017:51
bhavamitrahello, i can't mount a btrfs with user permissions using ubuntu lucid. the mount dir is owned by the user. i've tried the options user, users, user=user, uid=user, gid=gid with no success. not even hal/kde can do it!17:51
melow01histo, egsome it worked, i'm in #android17:51
egsomemelow01, Good17:52
Anvoidyes, when i create folder, i get to rename it and i want to use date as prefix name17:52
Anvoidglebihan: ^17:52
VenkerI've got a problem setting a custom screensaver in GDM. I changed /etc/gdm/custom.conf and restarted GDM but it always displays the Xorg logo17:52
VenkerBackgroundProgram=/usr/lib/gnome-screensaver/gnome-screensaver/slideshow --location=/usr/share/backgrounds/cosmos17:53
FloodBot1Venker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:53
glebihanAnvoid, so you would like something like a menu item allowing to do "Prefix name with date" ?17:53
Venkerow, sorry17:53
DIFTOWI'm in agony. Ubuntu freezes during installation and/or demo. Keyboard becomes unresponsive. I ran the install once, it froze. When I tried to reboot machine, Ubuntu had deleted my "bootmng" so now I can't even get back into Windows 7. And Windows 7 isn't recognizing my DVD when repairing.17:55
Anvoidglebihan: that would be nice. 1) create folder 2) right-click 3) (rename) select Prefix w/ Current Date yyyy-mm-dd17:56
vladioxiaclo U here?17:56
sriniwhat is MBR, Grub and Initramfs... How it is loading?17:57
glebihanAnvoid, ok, hold on I'm writing a little script which will allow you to do that17:57
magnetronDIFTOW: which version of Ubuntu are you using?17:57
DIFTOW10.4 the latest stable build. Not beta17:57
xiaclosrini MAGIC ... your BIOS searches for the MBR at the beginning of your hard drive, and passes to it (a very small program) it then loads grub from your hard drive, grub then loads initramfs which is a very small version of linux, which loads the rest of your linux system17:58
Anvoidglebihan: perfect! thanks. does this skip do all 3 step in a single right-click menu?18:00
glebihanAnvoid, it does not create the folder18:00
glebihanAnvoid, it renames it with the date as prefix18:01
donkeyyyHow do I check my chipset of my wireless usb???18:01
glebihanAnvoid, is it ok ?18:01
srinixiaclo:  is there be first stage and second stage in GRUB while booting?18:02
Anvoidglebihan: creating folder could be a step faster but prefix alone is dandy as well18:02
Arpad2my mic doesnt work from the fron plug, how to fix it?18:02
glebihanAnvoid, well creating the folder would be a little more complicated as it would require something to input the folder name18:03
xiaclosrini yes, although grub technically uses stage 1, 1.5 and 2 ... stage 1 is in the MBR, stage 1.5 is loading the drivers to read the hard drive, and stage 2 is what you actually see, the grub program displaying your boot choices18:03
glebihanAnvoid, so if this works for you this way, I can send you the script right now18:03
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glebihanAnvoid, http://paste.ubuntu.com/490448/, save this in "~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/prefix_name_with_date" and make the file executable18:05
Anvoidglebihan: yeah. that would be real nice. how long would you think it takes to get the folder creation down? i'd like to learn that18:05
vladioxiaclo ?18:06
glebihanAnvoid, you'll then find in the contextual menu a "Scripts" item with the "prefix_name_with_date" in it18:06
srinixiaclo:  MBR has partition table..  fstab file?18:06
glebihanAnvoid, well it would require to use some gtk programming, so it depends on your skills18:07
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=== LinuxNewbie is now known as New2Linux
xiaclosrini related, but no ... the MBR does contain the partition table, the fstab is a list of what partitions to mount inside linux ... which is actually loaded by the initrd when loading linux18:08
New2LinuxHi, Anyone know how to compile and install tar.gz files?18:08
ectospasmNew2Linux: is this a source package?18:08
ssd532tar.gz file is not meant to be compiles18:08
ssd532its just an compressed archive18:08
New2LinuxI Downloaded chromeplus browser, which came in a .tar.gz archive. I don't know how to install it.18:09
savidHi, I'm trying to understand how SSH keys work with gnome-keyring-daemon.   Does this mean I can have an ssh key and type in a password only once during my gnome session?  If so, how do I set this up?  I've tried using the password manager to do this, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right...18:09
ssd532tar xzvf file.tar.gz18:09
Yan_Nickhey guys, how can i replace evolution with thunderbird in the gnome panelß18:09
ssd532the cd to the directory18:09
ssd532read readme18:09
ectospasmNew2Linux: for source tarballs, you usually unpack the tar.gz with "tar -xvzf <file>.tar.gz", then cd into the source dir, run "./configure && make && make install"18:09
ChogyDan!checkinstall | New2Linux18:10
ubottuNew2Linux: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!18:10
langleyI need help with my USB wlan stick (rt2870 chipset)... I blacklisted the rt2800usb driver so only rt2870 can start. Wlan is still not working though18:10
New2Linux@ubottu, thanks.18:11
Yan_Nickno way?18:11
Slartlangley: dlink?18:11
langleyEDIMAX EW-7718UN18:11
Sunderphonlangley: I was trying for weeks to get that working, you might need NDIS-wrapper18:11
hihihi100who can help me to install alsa-driver-1.0.23? its via command line and Im totally lost18:11
Slartlangley: oh..nevermind then.. I just installed the drivers for my dlink usb stick and I used the ones from the realtek site18:12
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langleywell the thing is when rt2800usb is loaded i can at least see my network18:12
langleyit asks for password, tries to connect and then asks again for it18:12
donkeyyyI tried to install drivers for my TP LINK USB WIRELESS CARD, but it would not work... I get errors??18:12
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langleynow with it deactivated, I can't even see it. Did you have anything like that?18:13
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glebihanAnvoid, does it work ?18:13
=== AutonoCognisance is now known as Cognisance
donkeyyyI have a windows driver cd for my wireless network card.... can I get this to work on ubuntu somehow??18:14
donkeyyythe driver18:14
langleySunderphon: Did you get it to work?18:14
xiaclosavid it really matters what kind of ssh keys you are storing ... there is authentication keys, and server keys ... the server keys just allow you to ensure that noone has hijacked the connection, and is probably what is it storing .... authentication keys (for no password) takes a little more work to set up, both client and server side18:15
aeon-ltddonkeyyy: look up ndiswrapper18:15
SunderphonNo, I had to revert to wired18:15
langleyndiswrapper works though?18:15
donkeyyyI have it aeon18:15
donkeyyyWHen I use it it says Driver already installed18:15
donkeyyywhen I type the command18:15
savidxiaclo,  I'm not sure -- all I really want is to be able to log into my server and only have to type the password once during my gnome session...18:15
Anvoidglebihan: hold on. testing18:16
=== Greyscale is now known as Greysc[a]le
dirk_hi, what is the path to the nautilus icons?18:17
besogonHi. I stack in a problem of 'Personal File Sharing'. It not works even after installed 2 recommended packages.18:17
glebihanAnvoid, ok18:17
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
xiaclosavid because it doesn't interact with gnome-keyring, or anything else for that matter, you can't ... you can set up rsa keys, but like i said, it's a bit of work ... try this if you really want to get it working ... http://www.debian-administration.org/article/SSH_with_authentication_key_instead_of_password18:17
dirk_besogon, what do you want to do and what have u already done?18:17
kshatriyahow to find xorg.conf file and edit the video driver to intel....running 10.0418:18
DIFTOWCan someone please help? If I can't solve my issue.. I have to format my HDD.18:18
=== Greyscale is now known as Greysc[a]le
anAngelHello. How can i make tcpdump to start at boot time and run in the background? the tcpdump command im trying to run background is: tcpdump -vv -x -X -s 1500 'port 25' -n -i eth0 -C 2047 -w /home/tcpdump/tcpdump.eth0.pcap18:18
xiaclokshatriya it should be at /etc/X11/xorg.conf ... on a clean install, it should be set to vesa, so search for that, replace with intel18:18
besogondirk_: I had installed 'sudo apt-get install apache2.2-bin libapache2-mod-dnssd' As people suggested. But it seems to not work at all18:19
ssd532locate xorg.conf18:19
dirk_besogon, what did u wanna do?18:19
kshatriya@xiaclo..there is no xorg.conf in x11 folder...i have upgraded system from 9.1018:19
ChogyDanbesogon: can't you right click a file and click sharing or something?18:19
ohiohey i have installed the latest version of vlc(1.1.4),but after that mplayer doesnt start.On terminal error message is...........mplayer: relocation error: mplayer: symbol codec_wav_tags, version LIBAVFORMAT_52 not defined in file libavformat.so.52 with link time reference18:19
ChogyDanbesogon: s/file/folder/18:19
besogondirk_: I don't see any "personal file sharing" in Nautilus.18:20
ohiocan it be fixed?18:20
besogonChogyDan: I did it. You can trust me. But nothing was going on18:20
xiaclokshatriya ok ... never heard of it being elsewhere, but this should find it  ... find /etc -name xorg.conf18:20
valkyrenhi guys, I've a little problem installing compiz fusion on Ubuntu, I can't even get the freaking package!! everytime i try it tells me "unable to find the package18:20
ChogyDanbesogon: what did you do?18:21
dirk_besogon, sry but i dont understand what u are trying to do18:21
dirk_besogon, maby that helps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba18:21
Phong_i was wonder if there is any chat room for nokia development chat18:21
xiacloanAngel you could add it as a service, or at it to rc.local ... generally the service is safer, as it won't start multiple times like it probably will in rc.local18:21
ChogyDanvalkyren: what are you trying to do?18:21
Anvoidglebihan: ok. i got it. do you think it would work if we toss it something like os.cwd and os.mkdir?18:22
besogonChogyDan: I have installed: apache2.2-bin and libapache2-mod-dnssd and swich on the option in "Personal File Sharing". That all.18:22
kshatriya@xiaclo should i write "/etc -name xorg.conf" in terminal?18:22
ChogyDanbesogon: where is that option?18:22
aprovenciohello guys, can anyone please tell me how to play amr files from ubuntu's firefox ? i need this because of evernote18:22
donkeyyyif anyone asks just say your going to the washroon :)18:22
DIFTOWUbuntu 10.04 freezes upon trying to "run from CD". It goes to a wallpaper, with mouse. Nothing else. KEyboard is frozen/unresponsive. When I tried to run install.. it crashed and upon reboot it deleted my bootmng, so now I can not load Windows 7. I'm faced with either getting Ubuntu to work, or reinstalling Windows 7 for the 2nd time today. I'm running Intel Core 2 Duo @ 3.16 Ghz, with 8 GB of18:23
DIFTOWRam, No onboard graphics.. GPU is Nvidia GeForce 9800 GX2. Motherboard is ASUS P5E. I have latest BIOS update. Someone please PM me.18:23
glebihanAnvoid, yes the creation of the folder is not an issue in itself, the problem is to input the name you want to give it18:23
xiaclokshatriya nope, the whole thing ..... 'find /etc/ -name xorg.conf' ... it should tell you where it is18:23
Anvoidglebihan: "Choosing a script from the menu will run that script with any selected items as input."18:23
Anvoidglebihan: ^ i see18:23
spid3rcan i founde vmare player on ubuntu18:23
besogonChogyDan: I used this manual. http://creatazine.com/linux/how-to-enable-personal-file-sharing-in-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04-lts/18:23
besogonChogyDan: but in vain18:23
spid3ri try to work on nikto but ubuntu dot open tzg format18:24
glebihanAnvoid, I don't have much time right now, if you want, you can PM me an email address, and I'll try to improve the script to do what you want18:24
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Dr_Willis!info unp | spid3r18:24
ubottuspid3r: unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (lucid), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB18:24
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
valkyrenChogyDan I'm trying to activate the fire effect and I cant coz I dont have compiz fusion18:25
srinixiaclo: what are the main job of initramfs?18:25
ChogyDanbesogon: have you reboot?18:25
=== mentr_bnc is now known as mentr
spid3rubottu i don have inderstood18:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:25
ChogyDan!ccsm | valkyren18:25
ubottuvalkyren: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz18:25
kshatriya@xialco....i get this result on runnin "find /etc/ -name xorg.conf" find: `/etc/ssl/private': Permission denied18:25
kshatriyafind: `/etc/cups/ssl': Permission denied18:25
kshatriyafind: `/etc/ppp/peers': Permission denied18:25
kshatriyafind: `/etc/chatscripts': Permission denied18:25
FloodBot1kshatriya: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:25
valkyrenI have it!! both!!!18:26
spid3rfuck you bots18:26
DIFTOWIs there anyone who can help me?18:26
IdleOne!language | spid3r18:26
ubottuspid3r: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:26
Dr_Willisspid3r:  unp is a comnmand to extract archives.. Ubuntu DOES handle .tgz  = tared and gzipped...18:26
valkyrenbut i dont see the option of paint fire or whatever18:26
Dr_Willisspid3r:  good luck..18:26
kshatriyaThis is the output of find /etc/ -name xorg.conf18:27
kshatriyafind: `/etc/ssl/private': Permission denied18:27
kshatriyafind: `/etc/cups/ssl': Permission denied18:27
kshatriyafind: `/etc/ppp/peers': Permission denied18:27
kshatriyafind: `/etc/chatscripts': Permission denied18:27
FloodBot1kshatriya: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:27
hihihi100i cannot hear any sound in my computer18:27
Dr_Willis!manual | spid3r18:27
ubottuspid3r: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/18:27
ChogyDanvalkyren: try enabling animations addons18:27
hihihi100colume is up18:27
kshatriya@xialco i have pasted the result above...it does not find nything18:27
DIFTOWv_v this is bull18:28
Picikshatriya: Please stop pasting text to the channel like that.  xorg.conf does not exist by default, if you need it, you can create the file yourself.18:28
xiaclosrini initramfs (or initrd) is a small linux kernel that loads into RAM and loads everything else .... it's main job is making the root filesystem accessible ... on some systems, that's easy, on others it needs raid drivers, or worse, with strange filesystems as well.  Once it has that loaded, it passes off to the real kernel, and that takes over and loads the rest of the system18:28
besogonChogyDan: I've done it not one time. I think wether it can't be a problem of localization?18:28
DIFTOWI'm completely being ignored18:28
valkyrenwhere can i find that option?18:28
xiaclokshatriya one minute, ill figure out where they put it ...18:28
Dr_Willis!patience | DIFTOW18:28
ubottuDIFTOW: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com18:28
ChogyDanbesogon: yeah, I dunno18:28
valkyrenis the little aladin lamp?18:28
kshatriyasorry was not my intention to flood...my bad18:28
DIFTOWI did my searching. Ubuntu has screwed up my bootmanager.18:29
besogonChogyDan: *whether ;)18:29
DIFTOWI'm unable to fix it..18:29
kshatriya@xialco...ok....m waiting for this to solve my blank screen issue at startup....18:29
marko-_-hi whenever i run openarena in ubuntu 10.04 i get OpenAL default capture device is 'PulseAudio Capture'18:29
marko-_-Segmentation fault18:29
DIFTOWIf I can't get this god forsaken OS to stop freezing and actually install.. then im going to have to format and install Windows 7 all over again, just to get it to boot again, thanks to Ubuntu.18:29
vladioDIFTOW what is the problem?18:30
Dr_WillisDIFTOW:  ubuntu install should have not hing to do with a windows 7 cd booting or not.  But good luck. Im out of here.18:30
srinixiaclo: then when the root f.s will be mount as rw while booting18:30
Dr_WillisDIFTOW:  if you want help getting windows back on  - see #windows if you want help getting ubuntu working, then ask in here for help on that.18:30
DIFTOWWhen I tried to run Ubuntu, about 15 times.. all it does is load a wallpaper, with my mouse.. keyboard is unresponsive.. like shut down.. it doesnt load anything further..ever18:30
xiaclokshatriya you have a linux command-line?18:31
valkyrenhey ChogyDan so where do i find that option to enable?18:31
vladioDIFTOW are you on a live cd now?18:31
xiaclokshatriya run 'sudo Xorg -configure' ... that should generate an xorg.conf in /etc/X11/18:31
ChogyDanvalkyren: I dunno, I assume it is in one of the  settings managers18:31
DIFTOWI'm on a 2nd computer in the house, because Ubuntu screwed up my Bootmng file that Windows 7 had in place.18:31
kshatriya@xialco....ok give me a sec to run it and come back....18:31
DIFTOWSo Ubuntu can't run, cant install.. and in the process removes my ability to run my previously installed Windows.. so im left with a computer that runs nothing but BIOS18:32
vladioDIFT0W that is ok every OS overwrites the bootmng. What was your installation media?18:32
xiaclosrini the root filesystem initially will be mounted read-only, and during the boot process will be mounted read-write, after it has done checks to the filesystem journal to make sure it is intact ... because if it needs to check the filesystem, and it's read-write, it could damage it more18:32
kshatriya@xialco..it gave an error....fatal server error...server is already active for display 018:32
xoclafHello everybody. I have a little problem : I've Thunderbird on 2 PC and I would like that a modification that I do on one PC will be done on the other PC... (for example when I read or delete a mail on one PC, it will do it on the other automatically). Do anybody has a solution ? Thanks18:32
valkyrenthis is driving me crazy guys18:32
adacWondering why i get "too many authentication failures" from ssh on my pc, but with the same ip adress from another pc it does work. Something seems wrong here18:33
besogonDIFTOW: Yhe only thing I can suggest Did you check MD5 for ubuntu installation CD?18:33
DIFTOWWhat do you mean media?18:33
vladiocd, dvd, flash drive18:33
valkyrenI have followed every sintax and I just can find the compiz fusion package18:34
srinixiaclo: so the root partition will be mounted read-write using fstab file is it?18:34
DIFTOWmy memory is fine, and the disc is fine18:34
ChogyDanvalkyren: it is installed by default18:34
DIFTOWI checked both18:34
xiaclokshatriya yeah, you can't do that while X is running ... write this down .... ctrl-alt-F1 should bring you to a terminal, log into that.  then you want to 'sudo pkill gdm' which will kill your graphical environment ... then you can run 'sudo Xorg -configure'  ... and 'startx' will bring everything back up18:34
ChogyDanvalkyren: it is called "compiz"18:34
valkyrenit is estupid i can't get it and install it18:34
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xiaclosrini yes, but the root filesystem is also contained in the grub.conf to mount read-only, when it remounts it, it will use the options from the fstab18:35
phaedrahaving trouble with realtek chipset. anyone know how to force the module for 8169/8110 chipset instead of the r8189?18:35
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
srinixiaclo: ok thank you very much18:36
whosjosehow can i remove a software completely?18:36
ssd532use synaptic18:36
besogonDIFTOW: You said you couldn't use keyboard at all in time of installation. If you have other keyboard connect it. May be it will recognise automatically.18:36
egsomewhosjose, sudo apt-get remove --purge PACKAGE_NAME18:37
DIFTOWit works18:37
DIFTOWbut as soon as it gets a certain amount into the installation, it freezes18:37
DIFTOWive tried USB and PS/218:37
DIFTOWsame problem18:37
besogonDIFTOW: strange.18:37
xoclafHello everybody. I have a little problem : I've Thunderbird on 2 PC and I would like that a modification that I do on one PC will be done on the other PC... (for example when I read or delete a mail on one PC, it will do it on the other automatically). Do anybody has a solution ? Thanks18:38
ChogyDanxoclaf: imap?18:38
xoclafno pop18:38
ChogyDanxoclaf: yeah, but I think imap is what you want18:39
ssd532I think it is not possible with pop18:39
PiciDIFTOW: Have you tried using the alternate installer?18:39
DIFTOWWhich is what?18:39
xoclafyes but how can i switch from pop to imap ?18:39
ohioi have installed vlc 1.1.4.but after that mplayer does not work.Error message in termial.........."mplayer: relocation error: mplayer: symbol codec_wav_tags, version LIBAVFORMAT_52 not defined in file libavformat.so.52 with link time reference".How to fix it?18:39
besogonDIFTOW: Do you use ubuntu 10.04.1 or still 10.04 verision? Also you can try alternative installer. (It almost the same even not say better as not require graphical support in time of installation.18:39
Pici!alternate | DIFTOW18:39
ubottuDIFTOW: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal18:39
valkyrenok, plain and simple step by step, how do i enable compiz fusion on Ubunto 1018:40
xoclafso there is no solution if i have a pop server ?18:40
DIFTOWthis is going to be tough because18:40
DIFTOWi have no CD burner18:40
srinixiaclo: grub.conf using hd0 but fstab using sd1... so why sd0 is not in grub.conf18:40
whosjosehow do i install a .tar.gz?18:40
xoclafok thanks18:41
the_studentHow do I use ubuntu to boot windows over lan18:41
egsomewhosjose, depends, it may be a `make` or some `shell` code that do the installation18:41
xiaclosrini because grub just sees hard drives, it's getting information from the bios ... linux sees them as SCSI (sd) or IDE (hd) drives because it understands what controllers they are attached to18:41
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AudunWangenvalkyrien System -> Preferences -> Appearance -> Visual Effects18:42
kshatriya@xialco....i did that but it did not generate any xorg.conf..file.....if i want to create it manually and add a line for my video driver as intel what should i write?18:42
valkyrenok done18:42
valkyrenknow how do i get the fire effect?18:42
AudunWangenyou need to install compizconfig-settings-manager.18:43
phaedravalkyren, you might wan't to install ccsm too.18:43
srinixiaclo: ok thanks. which one is load first /etc/inittab file or fatab ?18:43
valkyreni have it18:43
IdleOnevalkyren: for more help with compiz try #compiz18:43
leafpilehi. i have an Intrepid desktop. is it possible to upgrade/convert this to the latest version of ubuntu server without doing a clean install?18:43
kshatriya@xiaclo i did that but it did not generate any xorg.conf..file.....if i want to create it manually and add a line for my video driver as intel what should i write?18:44
ohio<valkyren>open ccsm and enable paint fire18:44
AudunWangenyou'll find the compiz configuration tool in Preferences as well.18:44
Psychobudgieanyone spare a moment with regards to a USB issue I'm having with ubu18:44
alkisgHi, I'm connected with vnc to a remote system that is booted with the 9.10 live cd, and I want to install 10.04 on its empty disk! (Download the .iso, loop-mount it etc). Any clues?18:45
Psychobudgiein a nutshell USB is not working at all18:45
Tinman_usamy Ubuntu hardy heron is getting very slow ssh response18:45
valkyrenso is it system/preferences/ccsm?18:45
valkyrenor ccsm is inside compiz settings manager?18:46
egsome!ask | Psychobudgie18:46
ubottuPsychobudgie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:46
valkyrenok, i know now18:47
IdleOnevalkyren: watch your language please18:47
valkyrenccsm meas compiz configuration manager18:47
valkyrenlittle frustration here18:48
valkyrenok guys18:48
valkyrenso ccsm18:48
valkyreni have it18:48
xiaclokshatriya its a pain to generate it manually .... this page has an example one to get you started, its should at least work, but probably needs some tweaking for your setup .... http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/working-xorg-conf-file-for-intel-845g-graphics-393687/18:48
xiaclokshatriya i810 may work, but probably want to change that to intel for the driver18:48
valkyrenbut inside there is not option for fire!!!18:48
valkyrenjust water18:48
CaveManYo Guyz wazzap?!?18:48
ohio<valkyren> system->preference->Compiz config settings manager18:49
valkyrenand that is all18:49
Pici!enter | valkyren18:49
ohioi have installed vlc 1.1.4.but after that mplayer does not work.Error message in termial.........."mplayer: relocation error: mplayer: symbol codec_wav_tags, version LIBAVFORMAT_52 not defined in file libavformat.so.52 with link time reference".How to fix it?18:49
ubottuvalkyren: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:49
IdleOnevalkyren: now experiment with the settings in ccsm and you will figure it out.18:50
CaveMani want to buy a very very nice and cheap barebone... it is this one.. Asrock Nettop Ion 330 Pro (Nvidia ION mothermoard: http://www.asrock.com/nettop/overview.asp?Model=ION%20330Pro) does Ubuntu support all the drivers?18:50
IdleOnevalkyren: there is also #compiz you can /join #compiz and they can help18:50
CaveMani mean also the network driver and the audio driver?18:50
valkyreni did, many times!!! i dont see that option at all!!!!!18:50
PsychobudgieUSB is not working on a Nforce 3 250gb Motherboard using 10.04, has worked previously but it was with a much older version of Ubuntu, I seem to recall it was Gutsy but I may be mistaken. With NoApic added to grub2 it shows errors, without it it shows USB ports being there, but nothing is detected when plugged in. Has anyone any ideas?18:50
valkyrenI'll try that, thanks guys!!!!18:51
egsomePsychobudgie, pastebin your `sudo lsusb`18:51
howlatnightdoes anyone have a computer with hybrid graphics?18:51
Psychobudgienot on the machine at the moment18:52
Psychobudgiewill have to jump over to it18:52
CaveManguyz can somebody plz help me, cause when i buy that son of a gun before 9 `o clock (dutch time) i have that son of a b before tomorrow evening *wank wank*18:52
ohiois there a command to know the dependency of a softare in ubntu?18:52
egsomeohio, `ldd`18:52
soreauvalkyren: You will need to install compiz-fusion-plugins-extra18:52
donkeyyySo does anyone know where I can download ndiswrapper?18:52
CaveManegsome you is Nvidio ION motherboard wel supported by Ubuntu?18:53
st_CaveMan, do not buy laptops without oem linux support18:53
st_CaveMan, without vendor drivers linux will kill it soon18:53
CaveMani bought a laptop hp without linux support18:53
ohioegsome:like ldd software name?18:53
egsomeohio, Should work18:53
oCean_ohio: ldd is only for shared libraries18:53
CaveManbut st_ Nvidia is very well supported by Ubuntu?18:53
mblackm1anyone here can assist a newbie?18:54
oCean_ohio: use apt-cache depends and apt-cache rdepends on software packages18:54
CaveMani thought Nvidia was a *nix loving company18:54
Tweakymblackm1: ask your question and find out18:54
IdleOnedonkeyyy: sudo apt-get install ndisgtk18:54
egsomeCaveMan, Nvidia gfx cards specially GeForce is well supported by Ubuntu, but don't know about motherboards.18:54
CaveManok tnx18:54
egsome!ask | mblackm118:55
ubottumblackm1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:55
xiaclosrini sorry, not ignoring you, just trying to find something for you ... inittab is definately loaded first and defines what init runs ... before it loads the first runlevel, it runs everything in /etc/rcS.d/ ... which includes a mountall script, S11mountall.sh in my system ... which mounts the filesystems18:55
rockhoppercan anyone tell me whats the ubuntu off topic channel?18:55
CaveMani really wanted to buy that tiny little computer.... but i have discipline now egsome and i wait 24 hours for researching..18:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:55
whosjose./configure doesn't work18:56
srinixiaclo:  my doubts are cleared thank u very much18:56
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vulnaccidentally, I removed part of the top panel in my Ubuntu (10.4). Now I can't see the running applications/sound icon anymore. I looked it up a bit but it turns out that I don't have time anymore and I need it back fixed asap :(18:56
IdleOnewhosjose: have you installed build-essential package?18:56
vulnMay anyone help me, please?18:56
psychobudgie-2here is the response from lsusb18:56
mblackm1i just installed kubuntu lucid lynx on a laptop (dell c840) it is real slow any ideas how to perk it up?18:56
psychobudgie-2Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub18:56
psychobudgie-2Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub18:56
psychobudgie-2Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub18:56
donkeyyyidleone thank you... so this is for installing windows drivers on ubuntu right?18:57
egsomeCaveMan, Take care, One of the most things i hate is to buy new hardware, that isn't ( or bad ) supported by Ubuntu18:57
IdleOne!paste | psychobudgie-218:57
ubottupsychobudgie-2: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:57
CaveManegsome lol, it costed me allmost to years to buy a laptop :P18:57
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CaveManbut this pc is very cheap 229 euro...18:57
CaveManand it supports HD TV18:58
CaveManthat is also new for me lol18:58
xiaclohowlatnight i haven't looked into hybrid graphics for about a year, but last i checked, it was limited by a windows driver.  Assuming nothing has changed, the best you can do is detect the hardware that is enabled on boot and have two different xorg configs.  When you want to switch, you have to reboot, force one or the other off in bios and boot back into linux .... linux WILL see both, but only the bios can really disable either of them18:58
CaveMani only watch avi18:58
IdleOnedonkeyyy: I am not sure. I don't have use for any windows drivers but ndisgtk is a frontend to ndiswrapper that can install windows drivers18:58
egsomeCaveMan, Nice :), Just take care, and search fine, take your time till make sure18:58
donkeyyyideone I see18:58
CaveManok thanks :)18:58
travisgriggsi need debug variants of pango libraries, is there a way to install and use those?18:58
IdleOnedonkeyyy: try it out, may help you18:59
donkeyyyidleone can it be launched from the gnome desktop18:59
IdleOnedonkeyyy: yes18:59
mblackm1i just installed kubuntu lucid lynx on a laptop (dell c840) it is real slow any ideas how to perk it up?18:59
Tweakypsychobudgie-2: is this on a desktop pc18:59
donkeyyybecause idleone... I cannot see it18:59
howlatnight<xiaclo>I'm really  just looking to disable the nvidia card on my laptop. I've followed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1366605 this thread and i have the module to disable installed but I still see my nvidia card in the output from lspci18:59
nopethe c840 is not exactly the quickest machine as it is18:59
donkeyyyAFter I installed it19:00
st_donkeyyy, what os you had before?19:00
IdleOnedonkeyyy: in terminal type ndisgtk and that should launch it19:00
Tweakypsychobudgie-2: do you have usb ports on the front and back? if so try using the other usb ports19:00
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psychobudgie-2Tweaky, have done19:00
Tweakypsychobudgie-2: no dice?19:00
egsomemblackm1, I think Ubuntu or Xubuntu should be better for that laptop, Or check #kubuntu19:00
mblackm1it has a p4 2'2 g cpu how fast does it need to be to get good performance?19:00
psychobudgie-2Tweaky, other than power going to the webcam, nothing19:01
brandon420anyone know how to input 2 internet connections to one computer?19:01
mblackm1i will ty thay ty19:01
xiaclohowlatnight two questions, 1) do you have one of the exact models listed?  and 2) have you tested power usage before and after disabling it?19:01
donkeyyyst_ XP19:01
ssd532you can get two internet connections bu I think you can use only one at a time19:01
psychobudgie-2Tweaky, got 1 device plugged into each hub and nothing19:02
Tweakypsychobudgie-2: i have no idea then it should automatically recognize and in your pastebin each device should be listed ><19:02
psychobudgie-2Tweaky, all that's listed is the hubs19:02
egsomebrandon420, Yes, You need just to make the correct rules on your firewall19:03
Funhouse i have music stored on my ubuntu box, is it possible to play that music in windows somehow?19:03
psychobudgie-2Tweaky, I assume it is initialising or attempting to initialise them and it's failing but I can't find anything in the logs19:03
ohioi have installed vlc 1.1.4.but after that mplayer does not work.Error message in termial.........."mplayer: relocation error: mplayer: symbol codec_wav_tags, version LIBAVFORMAT_52 not defined in file libavformat.so.52 with link time reference".How to fix it?19:03
Tweakypsychobudgie-2: so you cant even get a keyboard or mouse to work?19:04
brandon420egsome, im talking about combining internet from 2 mondems.19:04
hb_ 19:04
hb_ 19:04
FloodBot1hb_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:04
hb_ 19:04
hb_ 19:04
hb_ 19:04
hb_ 19:04
|howlatnight|<xiaclo>I'm really  just looking to disable the nvidia card on my laptop. I've followed http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1366605 this thread and i have the module to disable installed but I still see my nvidia card in the output from lspci (in case that didn't send before i was disconnected)19:04
xiaclohowlatnight honestly, it looks as if there is a software disable for these models, which will not remove the card from the system, but simply power it down, the system still needs minimal access to the card to be able to power it back up.  Look into powertop, it will show you power usage, and gives tips on extending battery life too.19:04
egsomebrandon420, Yeah, Just connect them to two different LAN Cards on your pc, and you need some routing software to get them working19:04
ssd532brandon420, if you want to get combined b/w of both the connetions, it is not possible19:05
egsomebrandon420, there's commercial software called `mikrotik` does that19:05
xiaclohowlatnight it did, guess you didn't get my previous message ... check power usage with powertop, a system without a dedicated video card will show noticeably less power usage19:05
BoreumHi everyone, I recently tried installing Ubuntu Netbook Edition on my IBM Thinkpad R40 using unetbootin and now it seems I have no OS on it whatsoever. I can not get Ubuntu to boot from USB or CDROM. Yes I have edited the BIOS and am sure the CDROM and USB are both Bootable. When I try to start the laptop the IBM screen comes up with the option to hit the blue "Access IBM" button and then it goes black and there is just a blinking cursor at the top lef19:05
Boreumthe screen.19:05
egsomebrandon420, But that would be load-balancing only, not complete combining19:05
psychobudgie-2Tweaky, http://paste.ubuntu.com/490493/19:05
dev2sorry, wrong channel19:05
psychobudgie-2Tweaky, sat in the kernel log19:05
|howlatnight|xiaclo, well the posters say that power usage should fall from ~12 watts to ~8 but i cant drop below 11 even with the module installed19:06
renardohello, i need an advice : i fail to obtain sound over HDMI. the sound card is corectly seen and selected under "hardware" i already tried simple solutions found online, like editing .asoundrc, launcing alsamixer (there is no IEC958 channel though). I even tried to upgrade to the last certified nvidia driver but it gives error and falls back to default res. What would you do ?19:06
whosjose./configure doesn't work19:06
whosjoseI get a bash doesn't know the command19:06
Funhouse i have music stored on my ubuntu box, is it possible to play that music in windows somehow?19:06
IdleOnewhosjose: what are you trying to configure?19:06
egsomewhosjose, read the README file, or INSTALL19:06
whosjosethere isn't19:06
Tweakypsychobudgie-2: aha! well at least you found the error19:06
whosjoseI'm trying to install eclipse19:06
xiaclohowlatnight and you have one of the models listed?19:06
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egsomewhosjose, Why not `sudo apt-get install eclipse` ?19:07
IdleOnewhosjose: sudo apt-get install eclipse19:07
Tweakypsychobudgie-2: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79778919:07
IdleOnewhosjose: but if you insist on compiling it you will need to sudo apt-get install build-essential then try the ./configure19:07
xiaclohowlatnight and no issues loading the module19:08
Piciwhosjose, IdleOne: I don't believe  that the downloaded version of Eclipse requires you to compile it.19:08
whosjoseyes it does19:08
whosjoseat least 3.619:08
Piciwhosjose: Its been a while since I tried to install it.19:08
howlatnightxiaclo,  no its present in lsmod19:08
IdleOnePici: I don't if it does or not I was just telling him what he needs to ./configure :)19:08
whosjosei have it19:08
egsomewhosjose, I think you downloaded the source19:08
howlatnightxiaclo, so far as i can tell its installed, but I don't notice a change in power consumption19:09
psychobudgie-2Tweaky, think I may have tried that yesterday, but I'll give it another shot19:09
whosjosebuild-essentials is already installed19:09
IdleOnewhosjose: what is the exact error you are getting?19:09
whosjosebash: ./configure: No such file or directory19:10
Tweakypsychobudgie-2: hm.. its all i can find online. not sure what -62 error means19:10
egsomewhosjose, downloaded from which page ?19:10
IdleOnewhosjose: you are in the right directory?19:10
psychobudgie-2Tweaky, wish me luck19:10
whosjoseim in /desktop/eclipse19:10
brandon420ssd532, egsome but could i not run torrents on one, and browse on the other? thus allowing me to browse and torrent at full speed.19:10
whosjoseand eclipse is the extracted files19:10
donkeyyywow ubuntu is soo fast even on a USB stick19:11
egsomedonkeyyy, Sure19:11
TweakyPsychobudgie-2 : gl19:11
egsomebrandon420, Yeah, All that can be done by the right configuration of the routing software like MikroTik19:11
BoreumDern, guess no one has any ideas?19:11
brandon420ssd532, egsome and what about a internet spilter, would that not combine the two connections, seeing as they are both using the same external ip's?19:11
howlatnightxiaclo, let me try a reboot after disabling the module and checking power use19:12
donkeyyyegsome how is it soo much faster than windows19:12
brandon420Boreum, what was your question? i was afk19:12
BoreumI recently tried installing Ubuntu Netbook Edition on my IBM Thinkpad R40 using unetbootin and now it seems I have no OS on it whatsoever. I can not get Ubuntu to boot from USB or CDROM. Yes I have edited the BIOS and am sure the CDROM and USB are both Bootable. When I try to start the laptop the IBM screen comes up with the option to hit the blue "Access IBM" button and then it goes black and there is just a blinking cursor at the top left of the scre19:12
donkeyyythe internet loads in less than a few seconds19:12
xiaclohowlatnight try this ... seems to have more hybrid scripts than your specific model19:13
egsomedonkeyyy, too much19:13
brandon420Boreum, maybe try to reinstall ubuntu netbook, from a cd? i havent ever been able to get unetbookin to work right.19:13
ssd532brandon420, it would be very useful. but if it is possible I do not have idea how can it be done.19:13
donkeyyyegsome what do you mean19:13
donkeyyyegsome... you mean too many reasons19:14
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egsomebrandon420, I don't know about `real` Internet splitter, Just you can do load-balancing using some routing software19:14
BoreumSadly can not boot from Live CD for some reason. I just get the same blinking cursor screen.19:14
VCooliowhosjose: is there a configure file (check with ls), else maybe an autogen.sh file, run that instead, and check the README19:14
IdleOnedonkeyyy: it has to do with how the linux kernel uses the flux capacitor. complicated and very technical. Just be happy it is faster :)19:15
brandon420egsome, well my problem is that i only have 1 ethrenet plug on my computer.19:15
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donkeyyyI am veru happy19:15
egsomedonkeyyy, I mean too much faster, and the reasons are known, and it's really too many19:15
egsomebrandon420, You should have two LAN Cards, and also two Routers, to get that working19:16
egsomebrandon420, Every router should have special IP Range also19:16
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ssd532brandon420, the problem is not the number of ethernet port. the problem is combining the b/w.19:16
egsomebrandon420, Then you get a computer connected to the twice, and setup routing software on it, and that can be Linux, with all required packages to do so.19:16
whosjose there is no autogen19:17
egsomebrandon420, This might help: http://www.stanford.edu/~fenn/linux/19:17
whosjosebut there is a configuration fold19:18
whosjosethere is no readme19:18
xiaclobrandon420 it CAN be done, but you have to be aware of the limitations ... you are using two separate connections, so anything that goes out one connection, has to reply though the same connection ... will this speed up browsing? probably not, torrents? hell yes ... why? because torrents don't use a single connection, they use many connections to many people ... if you set up your router correctly, it will load balance the connections over both ports19:18
psychobudgie-2Tweaky, no joy19:18
egsomewhosjose, Download ( Already Built ) from here: http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.6-201006080911/index.php19:18
TweakyPsychobudgie-2 : g19:18
psychobudgie-2same errors showing in the kernel log19:19
TweakyPsychobudgie-2 : thats too bad >< not sure how to help on that one19:19
icedoeHey, I'm trying to get a video file from a Flip Video camera to play through Ubuntu 9.10. It claims to be in the mp4 format, and I have ubuntu-restricted-extras. When I try to play the file I get a message saying "could not determine type of stream". What should I look for?19:19
ssd532xiaclo, I think you have a point in brandon's case19:19
egsomeicedoe, try `file FILENAME` to make sure what is it's type19:20
psychobudgie-2Tweaky, need to look a bit more, thanks anyway19:20
icedoeit says its ISO Media?19:20
egsomeicedoe, Show us the command you executed19:21
dogmeatim occassionally seeing error message, "There was an error creating the child process for this terminal" when trying to open a new gnome-terminal. the error went away last time, but now is back. any ideas?19:22
icedoeto determine the file type? file test.mp419:22
=== tulio is now known as __tulio__
icedoeit outputted test.mp4: ISO Media19:22
magnetronicedoe: try opening it in VLC19:23
=== bsod1_away is now known as bsod1
__tulio__can somebody please help configure my postfix to send email out of my domain?19:23
xiacloicedoe sudo apt-get install ffmpeg && ffmpeg -i test.mp419:23
egsomeicedoe, you may need `w32codec` package19:23
xiacloicedoe file works for the general file type, ffmpeg will give you all the information on what the video and audio codecs are19:23
icedoeok thank you, downloading stuff now19:24
xiacloicedoe it will complain about no output file, but it should still list the info you need19:24
__tulio__can somebody please help configure my postfix to send email out of my domain?19:24
icedoeusing ffmpeg -i:19:24
mobalhow can i add permissions to write /var/www folder without sudo?19:25
icedoeactually, wait, is there a particular prefered way to display this long output?19:25
__tulio__or maybe another smtp server19:25
xiacloicedoe should give you a few lines starting with stream at the bottom, one should be video, one should be audio19:25
Tweakymobal: right click on the folder, properties, permissions19:25
egsomemobal, Without sudo, You must login as root to do so19:25
icedoeStream #0.0(jpn): Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280x720, 30 tbr, 30k tbn, 60k tbc19:26
mobalso no way?19:26
icedoe    Stream #0.1(jpn): Audio: aac, 44100 Hz, mono, s1619:26
egsome!paste | icedoe19:26
ubottuicedoe: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:26
=== gmhoward is now known as britlak
mobalto own (read,write) /var/www folder without sudo?19:26
egsomemobal, Are you the root of that computer ?19:26
xiaclooh come on ... pasted two lines ... ease up mobal19:26
icedoeok, this plays inn vlc19:27
egsomemobal, So, you can use `su` to login as root in a terminal, then `chmod`19:27
icedoethank you everyone19:27
aeon-ltdxiaclo: the !paste is for future reference19:27
mobalegsome: yes chmod19:28
mobalegsome: thanks19:28
xiacloaeon-ltd ok ok ... i just know i've typed out things longer than that =P19:28
alienkid10hi I have ubuntu install on an externel HDD and want to add Fedora to the mix. Windows is on internel and I want to keep that untouched. How am I too install? (I have a 20GB partition mapped out as ext3 for it)19:28
xiacloicedoe 'sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad' should get it working in everything19:28
pradeep_pls i need a very light distro for p3 laptop19:29
alienkid10*install Fedora19:29
magnetronalienkid10: i think you will get better help in the fedora channel19:29
aeon-ltdalienkid10: i believe you can just install it without grub, then just edit/update grub on the ubuntu side19:29
dpac_alienkid10: The same way you installed Ubuntu.19:29
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
xiacloicedoe if you don't have multiverse, this guide will help you get it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu19:30
dpac_alienkid10: I mean, just put the CD while the drive is connected and let the computer boot into it. Then install from bootable CD. Select the partition and proceed19:30
icedoethank you19:30
__tulio__can somebody please help configure my postfix to send email out of my domain?19:30
afeijohi guys19:30
n0a1iashey, can somebody help me? i don't wana post my long question here so i did it threw pastbin: http://pastebin.com/1rfnnqtT19:30
afeijoanyone know a good php script that I could manage my crontab entries online?19:31
xiaclo__tulio__ it will by default, getting it to not be ignored by spam filters is another issue altogether ...19:31
Johnmrename u7_ u7_fb19:31
egsomeafeijo, try #php19:31
afeijoI will19:32
__tulio__xiaclo, I am trying to send an email to my gmail account using java, but it doesnt seem to be forwarding the message19:32
__tulio__xiaclo, any advice?19:32
xiaclo__tulio__ check your spam folder on gmail first off, because it takes a lot of work to get a mail server to be legit19:32
magnetron!ebox | afeijo i think this might help19:33
ubottuafeijo i think this might help: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox19:33
__tulio__xiaclo, yes, it was in my spam folder19:33
vladio primary or logical?19:33
__tulio__seems to be working fine19:33
afeijothanks magnetron19:33
__tulio__let try again19:33
n0a1iashey, can somebody help me? i don't wana post my long question here so i did it threw pastbin: http://pastebin.com/1rfnnqtT19:33
=== bsod1 is now known as bsod1_away
xiaclon0alias I would do a fresh install, but do NOT format the hard drive, just ignore any errors it gives you.  that will not overwrite anything in your home folder, but will restore a base system for you to build from19:35
hidensofthi every body , i trying to install LAMP with this command : sudo tasksel install lamp-server , i got " tasksel: aptitude failed (100) " Error , what is this ? how i can solve that ?19:35
s13o1q-NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! s13o1q- ramon pipeep alkisg dma-mode Fishscene zaid_h brishu HonkeyMagoo hidensoft stormblast Ljungmann skyred root__ Newa RonaldH u7_ syrius afeijo solid_liq aseem pting alem189 Hut m4dv0y1 Fuzzy tyranos TimeRider A1B2C3 k0ral Darwin4Ever sayanriju killer999 chosen n0a1ias mobal LohnS_ uvacav infid __tulio__ MystaMax JoshuaL OiPenguin dogmeat charley__ samrose blue_pearl offs19:35
s13o1q-NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! nilsBo Samplezt suprengr Petskull Benwa FiReSTaRT CreativeX YO9GJX bugh Varox patholio RoosterJuice aprovencio noisewaterphdmac zeltak eluxzen QJG Talyian Bauldrick mvn071 pradeep_ xkpe Natherul ring1 jaykub brandon420 ah-berg danopia amanita_ travisgriggs genewitch sick_fox ajamison5579 bt4 embla Thingymebob mblackm1 o0ze Chewtoy Stoil89 brianchidester awoodland shinao1 Tweak19:35
s13o1q-NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! mrhubrisje leafpile BokanoiD dri245 profsdk jenkins Beastmode epure_ jrolland-kubuntu [ND] rgreening Autonomiser vuln jeng DEMOSS^ yrgd wrektjet jagan185 adac m_tadeu Jake2|cfl MadAGu CadeSkywalker dpac_ DJ_HaMsTa ServerTechPro Neurotiquette lux` Freejack` generalen nryan Morten_ emc jdobrien zkriesse merkelis vinithra SegFaultAX valkyren lsp fibertech vladio frobisher prakrit19:35
__tulio__xiaclo, yes it is working, thanks man!19:35
dk12jq3p`NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! dk12jq3p` Claudinux flugsio ramon pipeep alkisg Fishscene zaid_h brishu HonkeyMagoo hidensoft Ljungmann skyred root__ Newa RonaldH u7_ syrius afeijo solid_liq aseem pting alem189 Hut m4dv0y1 Fuzzy tyranos TimeRider A1B2C3 k0ral Darwin4Ever sayanriju killer999 chosen n0a1ias mobal LohnS_ uvacav infid __tulio__ MystaMax JoshuaL OiPenguin dogmeat charley__ samrose blue_pearl off19:35
dk12jq3p`NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! nilsBo Samplezt suprengr Petskull Benwa FiReSTaRT CreativeX YO9GJX bugh Varox patholio RoosterJuice aprovencio noisewaterphdmac zeltak eluxzen QJG Talyian Bauldrick mvn071 pradeep_ xkpe Natherul ring1 jaykub brandon420 ah-berg danopia amanita_ travisgriggs genewitch sick_fox ajamison5579 bt4 embla Thingymebob mblackm1 o0ze Chewtoy Stoil89 brianchidester awoodland shinao1 Twea19:35
dk12jq3p`NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! mrhubrisje leafpile BokanoiD dri245 profsdk jenkins Beastmode epure_ jrolland-kubuntu [ND] rgreening Autonomiser vuln jeng DEMOSS^ yrgd wrektjet jagan185 adac m_tadeu Jake2|cfl MadAGu CadeSkywalker dpac_ DJ_HaMsTa ServerTechPro Neurotiquette lux` Freejack` generalen nryan Morten_ emc zkriesse merkelis vinithra SegFaultAX valkyren lsp fibertech vladio frobisher prakriti Funhou19:35
dk12jq3p`NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! jcorcuera progre55 kew Drone4four appi_uppi CyberGabber janek FrankLv ghostcube jasonb fcuk112 MeFraT ganja _raven_ henninb nikolam math_b Exavion Arpad2 jgay McPeter X-2 st_ New2Linux bsod1_away artiv aaron__ Daekdroom DIFTOW nico1038_ odb|fidel dev2 tankdriver xerox1 LifeLiner DavidLevin Matic`Makovec l34k nkn antonpiatek subzero2000 estragib duffydack Rinsmaster derp krypt19:35
dk12jq3p`NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! VCoolio Shurakai waremperor Terminator aeon-ltd hporse AoiKage sburjan__ sburjan` grodzilla markie- CodingDistrict HoudiniMan MaWaLe CARABOBO Frozenball edthix ezraw tripps phaedra jdpillon mindbeat buntunub imcsk8 jaypee_ trism Sonderblade ttl- Roasted @FloodBot1 Fudge FloodBot4 FlashKidd marko-_- fantasticulous AlbertoP lukaszg Janhouse spvensko lousygarua radioman-lt sosyo19:35
dk12jq3p`NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! FunnyLookinHat eja Osagasu dngr gr0tesk ChaosR chibihogoshino ssd532 benkevan madLyfe _s1gma Kardos kibibyte pure_hate mr-rich slow-motion flupke XuMuK iredux jumbers BunnyG alex__c2022 Zinom pkkm malnilion TopKatz lucascastro katsuru Xintruder Trisox riversky msanchez elb0w LjL thune3 KindOne vbabiy S00000 tails8 himuraken Whitor quake_guy ceej uRock_inalltray scj chalcedny 19:35
dk12jq3p`NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! saulus Error404NotFound hudnix xtr Haseman Scunizi glaucous boldfilter [zaf]-Coral [GuS] SimonP86 jwheare_local MetaBot ripps zamba LinuxhelpsProfit sheenobu jpds xxploit JamesHarrison mfw dinya_ Aioros overlord_tm wedwo rfolco kyleN esteeven stewart_ gaveen m` pmcgowan rad4Christ WindPower claw sideone jamur2 AaronMT kangu darko Bass10 ank fumanchu182 niku dj_smilee flasheeu19:35
st_what was that?19:36
JoshuaL##comment-on-spam <-- discuss it there19:36
FishsceneWow, spam bots are on the move today.19:36
hidensoftplease help me19:36
Drone4fourthat flood bot will be back soon19:36
macoJoshuaL: thats not really a rul #freenode, ya know19:36
n0a1iasxiaclo, im on the live cd now and i dont see the option for doing that, theres formant, select manually, and dule boot19:36
dri245i like floodbot19:36
egsome!ask | hidensoft19:36
ubottuhidensoft: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:36
macobut yeah, how about just ig, k?19:36
dri245he asks trivia questions whenever someone joins19:36
maco*inoring it19:36
alkisgHow does ubiquity work? Does it copy /cdrom to /target, or does it copy / to target? (I've booted the 9.10 live cd but I want to mount 10.04.iso to /cdrom and run ubiquity from there...)19:36
JoshuaLmaco, ah ok :)19:36
hidensoftegsome : i do that :|19:36
FishsceneIs anyone having trouble using the Ubuntu One Music Store? When I go to order, it says my card can't be processed at this time... I've been getting that message for over 24 hours.19:36
xiaclon0alias go with manual19:37
trollboyso I pop gmail, and its giving me an invalid cert ... Issuer: E=dummy@dummy-enterprises.org,CN=localhost,OU=Automatically generated stunnel SSL key,O=Dummy Enterprises Ltd.,L=New York,ST=NY,C=US19:37
dri245check ur card then :)19:37
hidensoftdid you see that ? -> hi every body , i trying to install LAMP with this command : sudo tasksel install lamp-server , i got " tasksel: aptitude failed (100) " Error , what is this ? how i can solve that ?19:37
n0a1iasand then just deleat the swap and make a new one?19:37
dpac_hidensoft: sudo apt-get install lamp-server^19:37
egsomehidensoft, No, Sorry :), I think the flood is the reason19:37
Fishscenedri245: Seems fine as I can order other products... I just ordered a 64GB flash drive from Newegg.. You'd think I could spend $25 on some songs :P19:37
dpac_hidensoft: don't forget the caret19:37
xiaclon0alias nope, there should be an option for 'use as' and set that to swap, and the main disk to / ... you dont have to format anything, just let the installer know where things are supposed to go19:38
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magnetronafeijo: maybe the easiest solution is to enable ssh access?19:38
hidensoftdpac_: thanks , itw work :)19:38
=== sudokrocker is now known as dream_team
FishsceneHas anyone ordered anything from the Ubuntu One Music store in the past 24 hours?19:39
afeijomagnetron: that is what I use for ages, but my colegue asked if we could have another way to do it19:39
whosjoseugh for some reason it doesn't work!19:39
macohidensoft: taskel doesnt take any arguments19:39
dpac_hidensoft: you're welcome. Caret means 'interpret it as task'19:39
whosjoseIs there a .deb for eclipse 3.6?19:39
afeijomagnetron: so he would not be dependent on me lol19:39
=== dream_team is now known as `whoami`
dpac_maco: it does19:39
maco*tasksel ..  (gah lag cant type)19:39
=== bsod1_away is now known as bsod1
=== `whoami` is now known as sudokode
dpac_maco: see manpage of tasksel19:40
macodpac_: noraln "sudo tasksel" and pck from the menu it gives, not putting "install foo" after it...19:40
hidensoftmaco : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP19:40
dpac_maco: both ways work. See manpage19:40
n0a1iasxiaclo, when i right click a partition i only see the options for delete, revert, and change19:41
macodpac_: hm ok then. interesting to se eitke apt-get19:41
maco*see it being used like19:41
* maco scowls at lag19:41
dpac_maco: There's something wrong with your keyboard?19:41
howlatnightxiaclo, turns out it was working.  The boot process was running a dkms auto install for the module and re-enabling it.19:41
macodpac_: no, im installing updates right now. the cpu isnt noticing me typing19:41
magnetronafeijo: hmm.. maybe help him install putty and set it to run crontab at boot?19:41
xiaclon0alias what options does change give?19:41
magnetronafeijo: not boot, ssh login.19:42
xiaclohowlatnight glad you got it working =)19:42
afeijogood idea19:42
macodpac_: *lots* of missed interrupts19:42
afeijoI will suggest it, he is not a n00b, he worked with unix 2 decades ago19:42
n0a1iasnew partition size, use as, format, and mount point19:42
dpac_maco: Ohh, ok :) I wonder if 'nice' could help you with that19:42
UberStudenterhello... i try different live cds and each time i have to download drivers and firmwares for my wireless.. is there a way to save a file on a usb and then just install it from there instead of the package manager19:42
xiaclon0alias that is what you want 'use as'19:42
whosjoseIs there a .deb for Eclipse 3.6? I can't run the ./configure on it19:43
macodpac_: eh but i want the update to hurry up and finish ;-)19:43
dpac_maco: Ohh alright.19:43
macodpac_: also, youd think with 8 CPUs it co..19:43
xiaclon0alias for your swap, use as swap ... for your / partition, it will be use as ext3, or whatever you formatted it as, and mount point will be /19:43
maco*could thread19:43
rwwmaco: go make some tea :(19:43
whosjoseIs there a .deb for Eclipse 3.6? I can't run the ./configure on it19:44
dpac_rww: lol19:44
FishsceneUberStudenter: I'm not sure if this would fix your problem, but have you tried making a live-USB drive?19:44
rww!repeat | whosjose19:44
ubottuwhosjose: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com19:44
amanita_My music players seemingly plays mp3, totem and xfmedia. My mixer is on full volume and I have no sound at all19:44
n0a1iasxiaclo, it still says no root file system defigned19:44
dpac_maco: You really should take a 10 minute break :)19:44
amanita_Ah wait, my cable is unplugged, nevermind.19:45
xiaclon0alias did you set your main disk to 'mount point' / ??19:45
UberStudenterFishscene: how is that going to help me19:45
n0a1iasyes, "/home"19:45
slybootsHm, Confused about something.. Imt rying to setup ufw firewall; But I think because I used Webmin to configure iptables that may be "overruling" ufw's configration19:45
slybootswhat would be the best way to test/fix that19:46
hidensoftwhosjose: did you looking in ubuntu software center ?19:46
xiaclon0alias did you choose the 'use as' as well? set it to ext4?19:46
FishsceneUberStudenter: I'm not sure if it would work, but if you use a live-USB key, you can save data on it so you don't have to set everything up again the next time you boot.19:47
hidensoftwhosjose: search eclipse in ubuntu software center then you find answer :)19:47
xiaclowhosjose what architecture?19:47
whosjosehidensoft: yes but it's 3.519:47
whosjoseI need 3.619:47
n0a1iasxiaclo, yea ive tryed all that19:47
rob_pslyboots: Use one or the other, not both.  Almost all utilities that manipulate iptables *need* to be the only one that does or you run into problems.19:48
whosjosethere is a few software addons i need but the updates dont work in 3.5 only 3.619:48
suprengrWhat's the easiest way to type "abc" in a terminal & have it display contents of the text file "abc" and then wait at command prompt?prompt19:48
hidensoftwhosjose: i have no idea19:48
slybootsWell, isnt ufw just a "frontent" for IpTables?19:48
xiaclowhosjose what architecture? amd64? i386?19:48
macosuprengr: uh you need to put "cat" before the filename19:48
jribsuprengr: what are you trying to accomplish?19:48
UberStudenterFishscene: i think maybe i dint' explain .. i try different live cd/dvd distros and i have to donwload the same drivers/firmware for my wireless in each distro...19:48
macoslyboots: yes, but it stores its rules in /etc/ufw/*.rules19:48
FishsceneUberStudenter: ah ok. My misunderstanding.19:49
slybootsSo.. how do I tell the system that ufw is the firewall configuration I want to use o.O19:49
macoslyboots: and webmin is storing its own somewhere. they're really just iptables-restore listings...19:49
macoslyboots: purge webmin?19:49
slybootsEhh.. I .. suppose I could remove webmin, but I would perfer to fix this19:49
rob_pslyboots: Sort of, but not exactly.  It builds a firewall policy and it utilizes the iptables utility to do it.19:49
xiaclowhosjose then this will help, near the bottom, links of a ton of different installs depending on what you need ... https://launchpad.net/~eclipse-team/+archive/debian-package/+build/186577319:49
maverickHi 4 all is there any one expirienced with ubuntu linux to help me ?19:50
macoslyboots: you'll have to delete the iptables-restore files webmin generated... and also, wy are you using webmin? it breaks ubuntu and debian systems...19:50
dpac_!ask | maverick19:50
ubottumaverick: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:50
rob_pslyboots: Just don't make use of that particular webmin module.19:50
slybootsmaco: it does?19:50
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.19:50
slybootsI tried ebox, was *terrible*19:50
mavericki can't play FPS games on my linux19:50
suprengrjrib: I want to open terminal [from a menu item] and display the contents of a text file [a list of bsd utils] and wait at normalprompt.19:51
slybootsI think it wanted money of me19:51
Ichatlol -  ebox terrible ??? its worse19:51
dpac_maverick: Which game are you talking about?19:51
* maco just edits whatever defaults arent good-nuff using vi19:51
rwwat least ebox isn't horribly incompatible with Debian-based systems19:51
maverickCS 1.619:51
slybootsOkay, I'll strip out webmin, but is that going to fix my issue?19:51
dpac_maverick: Well its a windows game. Did you try it in Wine?19:51
xiaclon0alias not sure to be honest, if you configured it correctly, it should install to that disk ... you can try copying the files out as root again, using cp -r ...19:51
macoslyboots: if the iptables-restore files it added are gone, then on a reboot they should no longer take effect19:51
suprengrjrib: I need to know the command to put in the menu item.19:51
histomaverick: you need to install steam via wine then you can play it19:51
maverickyes and insall, game start and just exit the game19:51
histomaverick: let me get you directions19:52
UberStudenterin ubuntu or its variations the steps are the same.. "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get install filename" but instead of me downloading the software everytime ..  i was wondering if i could save on a media and re-use it19:52
DIFTOWAnyone here know if there is an emulator of sorts for the old SGI IRIX operating system? Specifically IRIX 4.1 or up?19:52
macosuprengr: "cat" is the command to display contents of the file19:52
histomaverick: http://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Steam_under_Linux19:52
slybootsSee the issue is.. Im actually SSHing remotly19:53
dpac_!who | maverick19:53
ubottumaverick: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:53
jribsuprengr: check gnome-terminal's documentation19:53
macoUberStudenter: yes, you can "sudo dpkg -i filename" where the filename is something that ends in .deb and is in the same directory19:53
DIFTOWIt requires a "MIPS" processor to run IRIX, so it would need to be run ona  virtual machine19:53
slybootsIs there a way to test this without rebooting?19:53
macoUberStudenter: with apt-get you're actually giving the package name, not the filename19:53
classical_Please please help me  :-) what is incorrect here ? http://pastebin.com/WE6Hf0A3 here is error log http://pastebin.com/f04nrDHZ19:53
macoUberStudenter: the filename will be longer, like packagename-1ubuntu3_amd64.deb19:53
suprengrmaco: cheers & thanks19:53
UberStudentermaco: yes you are right.. i meant the package name19:54
macoUberStudenter: you can also use AptOnCD to create a CD which you can add as a repository and use apt-get with19:54
rob_pslyboots: Manipulating the system firewall remotely is a little risky!19:54
macoslyboots: sure, sudo service iptables restart19:54
=== Sup|Away is now known as Sup|Lobby
UberStudentermaco: but in a live environment how will i swap the cds19:54
slybootsrob_p: Yea.. hence not wanting to lock myself out lol19:54
c3lwhere is $PATH defined? its not in /etc/profile19:54
macoUberStudenter: boot with the "toram" option19:55
macoUberStudenter: then you can remove the live cd from which you booted19:55
suprengrjrib: iwas checking documentation but came up with wrong solution, but thanks anyway.19:55
UberStudenterhow do  you do that19:55
slybootsDidnt work anyway "iptables : unknown service"19:55
macoUberStudenter: alternatively, use a live-usb instead of live-cd19:55
whosjoseok now19:55
whosjoseError: Dependency is not satisfiable: eclipse-platform-data (>= 3.6.0-0ubuntu1~ppa0.1)19:55
macoUberStudenter: hit a key when it asks whether you want to install or run ubuntu, and there should be a way to set boot options. type in "toram"19:55
trismc3l: /etc/environoment (although possibly redefined other places)19:55
rob_pslyboots: I have done it before but I usually put a firewall purge script on the server and run it in a cron job.  That way, if I lock myself out, I just wait for 10 minutes and the rules get purged and I'm back in!  Just don't forget to remove the cron job afterwards!19:55
trismc3l: err /etc/environment19:56
c3ltrism: oh, thanks!19:56
slybootsWell, right now the default rules are "accept all"19:56
slybootsStill dont get why I cant restart the service19:56
gary_inNYChow do i disable 2 finger activates right click?  i enabled 2 finge rmultitouch vert/horiz scrolling, but i sometimes accidentally bring up context menu.19:56
rob_pslyboots: Just one iptables command can change that!19:56
macoslyboots: apparently there's no running iptables process. i just checked with ps19:56
xiacloDIFTOW this should point you in the right direction, and some places to start looking, but i doubt i'll be easy to get it set up http://www.linux-mips.org/wiki/Emulators19:56
UberStudentermaco: ok when i boot from teh live cd i get a menu .. what exactly am i doing at this menu?19:57
macoUberStudenter: is this one of the older livecds that lists like 6 things you can do or the new one that has an actual graphical window?19:57
xiaclomaco there is never an iptables process, it's part of the kernel, it's not like a windows firewall that is a userspace program19:57
suprengrjrib: iwas checking documentation but came up with wrong solution, but thanks anyway.19:58
jribsuprengr: what solution is that?19:58
c3ltrism: is that the file to edit if I want to add a folder to PATH or HOME, or should I use some file in my ~/, if so, what file?19:58
UberStudenterlist of 6 things..19:58
UberStudenteri din't know there was any other type19:58
UberStudentera live cd with a graphical window?19:58
quesadawhat's a good online coverter to get openoffice slides -> pdf?19:59
UberStudenterand all my distros are the latest ones.. from distrowatch19:59
suprengrjrib: "write" but terminal closes as soon as its done it19:59
macoxiaclo: hmm you're right. yet on red hat theres an iptables script in /etc/init.d/  *sigh* grr ubuntu doing things differently19:59
quesadathe build-in one (file>export) did a bad job19:59
suprengrjrib: ...& so it seemswith cat as well19:59
trismc3l: if it is just for my local user, I usually add it to the end of ~/.bashrc, although you can also use ~/.pam_environment, but it has a more complicated format19:59
=== bsod1 is now known as bsod1_away
jribsuprengr: you could do something silly like run bash again at the end, does that work at least?  There's probably a better way though20:00
macoUberStudenter: ubuntu 10.04 has a graphical window... though kubuntu doesnt (yet)20:00
xiaclomaco the one in red hat simply handles saving and restoring iptables around a restart, i'm sure someone has something similar for ubuntu, but it still runs in the kernel, that rc script is just minor management stuff20:00
jrib!away > bsod1_away20:00
ubottubsod1_away, please see my private message20:00
wesselhello, I'm installing torcs using apt-get install torcs, is this the same as downloading a bz2 file and then doing make, make install, make datainstall?  http://torcs.sourceforge.net/index.php?name=Sections&op=viewarticle&artid=3#linux-lokiinstaller20:00
xiaclomaco you can do something similar using 'iptables-save > file' and 'iptables-restore file'20:00
macoxiaclo: yeah i know it runs in the kernel, but i was expecting a script to do save/restore20:00
rob_pmaco: Even on redhat, that init script doesn't start a persistant process.  It just configures the kernel packet filtering via iptables and then it's done.20:01
UberStudenteri have 10.4.. i don't remember seeing a GUI20:01
macoxiaclo: trouble is i dont know where the file webmin created is20:01
nafrihello, how can I find and replace a word in all the files recursively in a folder?20:01
nafrilike I wanna replace A with B in all the files in my folder and subfolder20:01
c3ltrism: okay. Id like to add one more path to $HOME, but how do I make sure thir new definition of $HOME reads before the 'normal' home ~/?20:01
UberStudenteranyways.. i burn it on a cd coz they are cheap20:01
macoxiaclo: so i was expecting ubuntu to have a script there thatd unload all the junk webmin put on slyboots's system20:01
jribnafri: use find and sed20:01
xiaclonafri so you're just playing with file names? or did you actually want to search into the file contents?20:01
UberStudenterfor 10 distros i will have to have 10 usb20:02
trismc3l: you probably don't want to mess with the $HOME variable, it should point to the $HOME of the current user (what are you trying to do?)20:02
jshriverHow can  you specify the port for ssh to use in rsync?20:02
macoUberStudenter: but you can reuse USBs ;-) CDs you have to throw away when a new one comes out20:02
macoUberStudenter: anyway, ok hit F6 to get to the boot options20:02
nafrixiaclo: i want to search inside file and replace that word20:03
xiacloc3l this is a BAD idea, but it's a variable like any other ... so .... HOME="/newpath;$HOME"20:03
macoslyboots: ok well to delete all the existing rules, sudo iptables -F INPUT ; sudo iptables -F OUTPUT ; sudo iptables -F FORWARD20:03
UberStudenterok.. and then "toram"?20:03
macoUberStudenter: yep20:04
wesselhow do I install a tgz file?20:04
rockhopperHi, Is there a way to unlock the ubuntu netbook top panel?20:04
macoslyboots: then you can "sudo ufw enable" and give ufw whatever commands you want, view its rules with "sudo ufw status" and view iptables' interpretation of those rules with "sudo iptables -L"20:04
slybootsmaco: done that, rules are flushed20:04
rockhopperI've installed Netbook remix on an ubuntu desktop edition and I am getting two clocks in the top panel! Can anyone help me removing one clock?20:05
macoslyboots: is there a script somewhere in /etc/init.d or /etc/rc.d/ or /etc/rc.local that calls iptables restore on a webmin-generated file? if so, get rid of that call20:05
UberStudentermaco: ok.. sooo.. i should download the driver/firmware and save it somewhere.. right?20:05
rockhopperIs there anyone who knows about my problem?20:05
macoUberStudenter: sure20:05
FiReSTaRTrockhopper: right-click on one of them, left click on remove from panel20:05
masterBIGwillyis there a dictionary program in ubuntu where it doens't need to the net's assistance?20:05
c3ltrism: yeah, I want it to keep pointing to ~/ too, but I want another directory also used as $HOME. this is because I have a bunch of config files in a git repo, its a pain making symlinks for each file when im at a new computer or reinstalling etc, and I want those configs to be read before any possibly existing default configs, if I miss to delete some or so. But now I realise,a s xiaclo says, thats a bad idea as that ...20:05
macomasterBIGwilly: the "dict" command20:06
c3l... git repo will act as my primary HOME, and thatll mess stuff up. so how do I solve this in a nice way? :)20:06
masterBIGwillymaco, that needs the internet20:06
rockhopperFiReSTaRT: Its Ubuntu netbook panel.. Its locked i think. I cant remove it20:06
xiaclonafri no guarantee this will work ... and please back up the folder before doing this .... for file in *; do cat $file | sed "s/A/B/g" > $file; done20:06
UberStudentermaco: so what do you sugget i save on this cd20:06
macomasterBIGwilly: O_o hrmph. odd... i thought id used it offline...20:06
rob_pwessel: You don't.  You unzip/untar it.  Once you do that, you have the file(s) ready for whatever needs to be done with it/them.20:06
macoUberStudenter: whatever you want?20:06
rockhopperFiReSTaRT: the option's unavailable20:06
FiReSTaRTrockhopper: in that case sorry, can't help you (no experience with it).. someone else?20:06
masterBIGwillymaco, really, what option did you use with it?20:06
trismc3l: HOME isn't a search path, it is an actual directory string, you could add GIT_PATH or some other new variable to use though if you wanted20:06
jribxiaclo, nafri: that won't do it recursively20:07
UberStudenteri mean.. what all do you suggest .. so i can burn the cd one time20:07
macomasterBIGwilly: hmm the package description says i mustve been mistaken20:07
kain_hi all20:07
xiaclojrib nafri no, its very simple, it won't handle anything with spaces either ....20:07
xoverhi guys20:07
kain_i'm trying to print "two-sided" on ubuntu with my hp printer20:07
kain_the file is a pdf20:07
UberStudenterwireless drivers, graphics card dr, any utilities?20:07
rob_pwessel: To uncompress and unarchive a tgz file, a simple, "tar -zxvf filename" will do.20:07
xovermy fans are idling all the time now at 2000rpm, how can i sort this out or begin to figure out what went wrong?20:08
UberStudenteror shall i just save it to my hard drive20:08
BB`I removed the volume icon from the gnome task tray, is there a way I can get it back?20:08
jribxiaclo: just « find -exec sed 's/A/B/g' '{}' \; »  should do20:08
rob_pwessel: welcome20:08
FIQ|n900o hai20:08
UberStudentermy usbs are full at the moment :)20:08
FIQ|n900i've problem with wirless connection20:08
macomasterBIGwilly: stardict appears to allow you to download dictionaries locally to use20:08
masterBIGwillymaco, ah really20:09
masterBIGwillymaco, just sudo apt-get install stardict?20:09
macomasterBIGwilly: yep and then you can fetch dictionaries from http://stardict.sourceforge.net/20:09
jribxiaclo: erm, with -i of course :)20:09
FIQ|n900it required a firmware (from broadcom), now i've downloaded it and runned some config manually instead of using KNetworkManager20:09
FIQ|n900and i managed to assign correct router, and i can connect locally20:10
FIQ|n900but i've still no internet20:10
xiacloc3l trism yeah, what AM i thinking ... HOME="/newpath" ... it can't be multiple directories20:10
masterBIGwillywhat are some educational programs taht can crack wep/wpa keys?20:10
guntbert!enter | UberStudenter20:11
ubottuUberStudenter: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:11
FIQ|n900KNetwork wasn't able to find my router at all20:11
masterBIGwillykde frontend?20:11
FIQ|n900so i used iwconfig, and dhcpcd20:11
FIQ|n900so i can connect to now20:12
FIQ|n900but not to internet20:12
flowbeeis there a good photo manager?  for ubuntu in terms of importing photos from digital camera to m computer20:12
guntbertmasterBIGwilly: discussion of cracking keys is not welcome her20:12
xiaclomasterBIGwilly educational huh? that's what they all say .... in general look into kismet, aircrack-ng ... for WPA you can't brute force, but you can dictionary attack it, look into rainbow tables (not a software, just google it) and john (is a program)20:12
macoFIQ|n900: is it that you cant reach the outside net or that you have no name resolution?20:12
macoFIQ|n900: ie, can you ping ?20:12
rob_pFIQ|n900: Can you ping IPs on the internet?  If so, perhaps you have a DNS issue.20:12
UberStudenterFIQ|n900: i have broadcom too.. did you install the drivers through "Hardware Drivers"?20:12
c3ltrism: but then all thos config files wont be read correctly.. they should appear as in $HOME . is it not possible to achieve this?20:12
FIQ|n900@ maco20:12
macoFIQ|n900: ok you need to put a nameserver (such as the IP i just gave you) in /etc/resolv.conf20:13
macoFIQ|n900: just give it the line:     nameserver
FIQ|n900ah, works20:14
BB`I removed the volume icon from the gnome task tray, is there a way I can get it back?20:15
HopsaNice work with the security check/question. Good work!20:15
trismc3l: oh, I see what you're trying to do, I'm not sure of a method to do that, although one may be possible somehow...might be easier to just write a script that creates all the symbolic links automatically (and possibly one to remove them later)20:15
sebsebseb!panels | BB`20:15
ubottuBB`: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:15
slybootsRight, well.. I think that worked OK?20:15
UberStudentermaco: so what are my steps to make my experience more stream lines20:17
dpac_BB`: http://goo.gl/Kwv620:17
estragibBB, you can also try right-clicking the panel, "Add to Panel", "Indicator Applet"20:18
RoastedI installed the elementary nautilus mod. I want to revert back to regular nautilus. How do I do that? When I tried to remove it from synaptic it told me it would remove ubuntu-desktop as well. Whoa... how can I get this back?20:18
BB`Thank you sebsebseb and dpac_20:19
BB`estragib, I didn't know that was an option.. :D20:19
FredrIQo hai20:20
sebsebsebBB`: your welcome20:20
brandon420hiya freaky[t]20:20
harjotWhere are the backgrounds i download stored?? from get new wallpapers??20:20
FredrIQjust remembered a thing20:20
BB`estragib, that was exactly what I needed :D but defaults work too20:20
FredrIQi did random commands from terminal for getting WLAN20:20
FredrIQi'm pretty sure these wasn't saved?20:20
brandon420harjot, they will be downloaded to your default download directory, check /home/user/Downlaods20:20
FredrIQas in, still active after next boot20:21
estragibBB`: glad it worked :)20:21
harjotReally ?? let me check20:21
FredrIQso, how do i do it work automaticly20:21
FredrIQas KNetworkManager fails on this part20:21
benkong2hello all20:21
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dpac_FredrIQ: you can make a script and have it executed on startup. Not a big deal.20:21
harjotbrandon420: Nopee not there20:22
brandon420harjot, you using firefox?20:22
kain_i'm trying to print two-sided in ubuntu, i've put "two-sided long edge" in the printer properties for Document Viewer (pdf) but it doesn't print two-sided?20:22
benkong2arrg how can I tell which repo is causing an NO_PUBKEY error? 399D11E007B4A51820:22
harjotbrandon420: No im using kubuntu's get new wallpapers feature20:22
benkong2been working just fine and now an update gives this error20:22
brandon420oh, im not sure. why not just browse the web for one that you would like?20:23
schweegihow can i sync my contacts and dates from my lg mobile phone with ubuntu, like evolution?20:23
harjotbrandon420: Im wondering where those backrounds go when i hit install20:23
dpac_benkong2: you don't need to know20:23
benkong2dpac_: I don't? hm.... why?20:23
dpac_benkong2: http://goo.gl/NYX220:23
harjotbrandon420: Maybe. but i quite like one ive downloaded and wanna use it somewhere else20:24
FishsceneHas anyone had any issues when purchasing songs from the Ubuntu One Music store in the past 24 hours?20:24
brandon420harjot, im not sure, i havent ever used a automated wall paper app, nor kbuntu. sorry man.  =/20:24
harjotbrandon420: Ok nvm thx anyway20:25
PiciFishscene: You may want to ask in #ubuntuone20:25
Fishsceneoooo Thanks20:25
FishsceneI was hoping there was a channel for that :D20:25
Hopsakain_: So its a pdf document ?20:25
Gokul__how to connect photon data card in ubuntu 9.04 ?????20:25
Gokul__ #wvdial  not working20:25
Gokul__how to connect photon data card in ubuntu 9.04 ?????20:25
Gokul__  #wvdial  not working20:25
kain_Hopsa, yup20:25
kain_Hopsa, i read on the internet that i would have to do it manually by selecting even pages first then odd pages20:26
Hopsakain_: What printer brand ?20:26
Gokul__how to connect photon data card in ubuntu 9.04 ?????20:26
benkong2dpac_: problem the keys are not found at the keyserver and all I know is the are from: error: http://ppa.launchpad.net lucid Release:20:26
Slart!repeat | Gokul__20:27
ubottuGokul__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com20:27
kain_Hopsa, hp officejet j4580 all-in-one20:27
Gokul__help ME!!!!!!20:27
benkong2so is there such a thing as keys changing or how can I tell which repo says it has those keys20:27
Hopsakain_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103230020:27
SlartGokul__: you might want to include some information on what a "photon data card" actually is as well.. I've never heard of it20:27
Slart!patience | Gokul__20:27
ubottuGokul__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com20:27
pillar2012Any one here have success doing automated RAID installs with Ubuntu kickstart?20:27
Gokul__SORRY !!!!!20:28
HopsaGokul__: You must mean "sorry."20:28
leshastewhat can I see animated svg using?20:29
leshastehttp://www-user.uni-bremen.de/~felwert/inkscape/Animation01.svg for example20:29
dpac_benkong2: well, try this : sudo apt-get install gui-apt-key20:29
Gokul__how to connect Tata photon whiz card in ubuntu 9.04???   it is a HUAWEI EC121 card20:29
Gokul__Hopsa, din get u???20:29
HopsaGokul__: Ugaboogaloo ? :)20:30
IceFhi ... can anyone tell my why I need to do sudp apt-get install kvm , if I want to use KVM. I ought KVM is already part of kernel ?20:30
benkong2dpac_: aha ok thanks20:30
benkong2wait changing the keyserver did it for me20:30
c3ltrism: ah, well thanks anyways :) thats the method im using at the moment, I guess Ill have to stick to it =)20:30
dpac_Slart: Its a CDMA device. Its used to connect to internet by using CDMA. I forgot the exact name of tech20:31
benkong2maybe I should pool.sks-keyservers.net by default20:31
pillar2012Anyone here have experience with kickstart?20:31
Slartdpac_: ah, thanks20:32
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benkong2dpac_: worked thanks20:32
dpac_Slart: Its CDMA 1x. It can be configured using wvdial but I forgot the exact process. Maybe you know something about it.20:32
Gokul__wvdial is not working20:33
DoubleStringcya all20:33
dpac_benkong2: Actually I have similar problem and I couldn't find the keys either. Thanks you made me look for it in the right place :)20:33
Gokul__i tried tht first itself20:33
Hopsadpac_: Net1 maybe ?20:33
Slartdpac_: nope, sorry.. never used it myself20:34
dacresnihow do i allow a static ip address resolution on a lan ?20:34
dpac_Gokul__: Is the device detected as a modem. When you connect the device.. immediately do dmesg | tail20:34
dpac_Hopsa: Never heard of Net120:35
Hopsadpac_: Ok, what supplier ?20:35
=== DoubleString is now known as ZNC_DoubleString
dpac_Gokul__: Paste the output as pastebin.20:35
dpac_Hopsa: Are you talking about the photon device?20:35
Gokul__dpac_:  ya its recognized20:35
Hopsadpac_: CDMA device, yep20:35
dpac_Gokul__: Try this tut: http://goo.gl/gmqQ20:36
dpac_Hopsa: Its a huawei as Gokul__ said. I don't have the device either.20:36
Hopsadpac_: PCMCIA or USB ?20:37
Gokul__USB device20:37
dpac_Hopsa: USB20:37
Hopsadpac_: ok20:37
benkong2dpac_: man what search skills you have... cool20:37
Gokul__in my BT os its working perfectly with wvdial20:37
Gokul__but wvdial is'nt there in ubuntu20:38
oracle_how do i uninstall something i just make installed20:38
scrpngltchHello, can someone help me with the "remember this application for..." I can change default applications20:38
Hopsaoracle_: make unistall20:38
dpac_benkong2: Thanks :) But its really google.20:38
jriboracle_: you pray the author wrote an uninstall rule I guess...20:38
Hopsaoracle_: make uninstall20:38
dpac_Gokul__: did you see the tutorial I sent you?20:38
oracle_i thought it was make deinstall or make remove but thanks20:38
oracle_make: *** No rule to make target `uninstall'.  Stop.20:39
oracle_oh well20:39
oracle_nick kismet20:39
=== oracle_ is now known as oracle
FloodBot1oracle_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:39
Hopsaoracle_: Its always make uninstall if its a source package20:39
jriboracle_: it's up to the author.  "uninstall" is common but not required at all.  If it doesn't exist, either delete the files yourself or reinstall using !checkinstall and remove that20:39
trismscrpngltch: it usually works better to right click on a file of the type you want to set, go to properties/open with and set the default there20:39
Gokul__ya man i saw20:39
Gokul__but where do i get wvdial20:39
jribGokul__: wvdial is in the repositories20:39
jrib!dialup > Gokul__20:39
ubottuGokul__, please see my private message20:39
oraclewhat does checkinstall do?20:39
Hopsaoracle: Records what files are installed by source packages20:40
jrib!checkinstall > oracle20:40
ubottuoracle, please see my private message20:40
scrpngltchtrism: I do that, but it isn't permanent.20:40
dpac_Gokul__: sudo apt-get install wvdial20:40
trismscrpngltch: what type of file?20:40
=== dacresni is now known as dacres_
dpac_Gokul__: Its there in the tutorial. Read it step by step. You've to execute those in terminal20:40
scrpngltchmedia files, they open with totem, but i want vlc20:41
oracleHopsa, sounds like it installs by creating a  deb file20:41
Gokul__dpac_     thats ok20:41
Gokul__there is no repo to download the pckge from?????20:41
lidbjorkI'm trying to connect my ubuntu box to the internet through my other computer, running Slackware 12.2, using masquerading. But it won't work... what could be wrong? I'm using a simple rc.firewall script that should set up connections fairly open.20:41
lidbjorkSurfing works on the Slackware (server) box, through eth0. But I can't access the web from the ubuntu box which is connected to eth1 on the Slack box.20:42
dpac_Gokul__: which package? wvdial?20:42
Gokul__ya wvdial20:42
Hopsaoracle: Its not what it does, or did some years ago. Its primary function is to record what files and directories are installed. Does it make packages now as well ?20:42
dpac_Gokul__: which version of ubuntu are you using?20:42
Hopsaoracle: But itd be no hard task for it to do this as well.20:43
benkong2ok when a package is on hold or rather you get "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded" where do yougo ; or what command do you use to find out why?20:43
oracle!checkinstall > Hopsa20:43
ubottuHopsa, please see my private message20:43
icerootbenkong2: normally its a package only coming with apt-get dist-uprgade  like the kernel20:43
jribHopsa: it's made packages for years20:43
Hopsaoracle: Yep, feels like a natural continuation of that code.20:43
dpac_Gokul__: Whats the error that you get? What command did you run?20:44
trismscrpngltch: I'm not sure, if you change the radio button, it should remember it, although it won't apply to all media files, just the type you selected (.avi, .mp4, .flv, etc), so you may have to change the default more than once20:44
benkong2iceroot: this is the indicator-datetime package20:44
dpac_Gokul__: do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wvdial20:44
Gokul__since am not in online it doesnt work20:44
Hopsaoracle: Im using a bit of the void init__ (void) for a package manager.20:44
Gokul__it shows no such package20:44
Hopsaoracle: It was some years ago i checked the code for that.20:45
icerootbenkong2: will apt-get dist-upgrade -s install it? (-s is not installing the package just a simulation)20:45
dpac_Gokul__: if you're not online how would the package install?20:45
chris_osxhaha www.google.com/pacman20:46
Gokul__thats what the problem is?20:46
benkong2iceroot: nope just says package kept back20:46
amoebait looks like apt-get updated my kernel to 2.6.32-21, but i can't find headers for that version! how can i get those so i can compile a module?20:46
lurkI am trying to set up a lucid server but have run into "the" tftpd problem where the clients are not being given their environment. This was working on karmic but when I upgraded to lucid it broke. Might there be a way to back out the upgrade to tftpd-hpa?20:46
Gokul__i can use     dpkg -i    command20:46
A1B2C3do someone know if there is a tool to read or convert a visio file on linux ?20:46
icerootbenkong2: hm, then i dont know, sorry, maybe aptitude will tell you what is the reason20:46
Hopsaoracle: Sorry, i meant: log.c:void _init(void)20:46
benkong2k thanks20:47
scrpngltchtrism: I change it for one flv file; it opens in vlc; I close vlc; then open the file by double clicking and it's still opens in totem20:47
oracleHopsa, i dont really code20:47
trismscrpngltch: odd, I'm not sure what the problem is20:47
estragibscrpngltch: you're right, something doesn't seem to work with "remember". open the context menu and "properties". you can change the default app for the file type there.20:47
Tweakyhi. trying to share something, getting this error. not sure what to do or where this file is.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/490539/20:47
Hopsaoracle: Its better for me to give correct information as i could accidentally fool anyone reading etc.20:47
lurkI'll start over. I'm trying to get a lucid ltsp server to deliver the client environment but I keep getting tftpd errors about it (tftpd) not being able to find the files. The files are all there, right where they're supposed to be.20:47
dpac_Gokul__: Download from http://packages.debian.org/lenny/wvdial  .. copy paste the file onto that computer and double click it to install.20:47
estragibscrpngltch: there's an "open with" tab in properties20:48
oracleHopsa, i understand that20:48
Picidpac_, Gokul__: Please don't install packages like that blindly from debian.20:48
classical_lidbjork, commented lines are counted ? or only uncommented lines ?20:48
RanyAlbegHello, I've followed this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79588 tutorial on how to install ftp server. I guess everything is fine.I created the server, i have a user for the specific ftp account, a download and upload folders to store my files. but i dont know how to access the server. not from the server it is located on and not from a remote computer. thanks in advance.20:48
Gokul__Pici: why?????20:48
RoastedI installed the elementary nautilus mod. I want to revert back to regular nautilus. How do I do that? When I tried to remove it from synaptic it told me it would remove ubuntu-desktop as well. Whoa... how can I get this back?20:48
scrpngltchestragib: thank you that worked20:48
dpac_Pici: I was about to ask someone to print-uri but I thought that would work20:49
PiciGokul__: Because this is Ubuntu, not Debian.20:49
scrpngltchtrism: thank you for your time20:49
classical_lidbjork, ah sorry my bad20:49
PiciGokul__: Use http://apt.alturl.com/ or http://packages.ubuntu.com to find your package to download offline.20:49
Guest73730I need some help regarding agent based remote root login20:49
dpac_Pici: Sorry, I shouldn't have googled for the package and used packages.ubuntu.com instead20:50
kevinSJI have a major problem. I've bought a set of CD-R disks and want to burn Xubuntu on them. The problem is I havn't been able to do that since a few hours back. I've tried wodim, brasero, k3D, Gnome baker but all software give the same error. OPC failed. Any ideas?20:50
dpac_Pici: Thanks for correcting20:50
amoebaanyone know if 2.6.32-21 kernel headers are in repo yet? i auto-updated to that kernel and need the headers.20:50
Picidpac_: Sure thing :)20:50
Guest73730I need some help regarding agent based remote root login20:50
RanyAlbegHello, I've followed this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79588 tutorial on how to install ftp server. I guess everything is fine.I created the server, i have a user for the specific ftp account, a download and upload folders to store my files. but i dont know how to access the server. not from the server it is located on and not from a remote computer. thanks in advance.20:50
scrpngltchtrism: thank you, and i'm sorry I miss read your first post20:50
Gokul__how to ignore dependency problem.......20:50
Guest73730how do i implement it using C program20:50
jribGuest73730: dependencies aren't really optional...20:50
dpac_Gokul__: You shouldn't. You should download all the required packages and install them.20:51
Kartagismencoder gives me this: xvid: you must specify one or a valid combination of 'bitrate', 'pass', 'fixed_quant' settings. I looked and there's no bitrate option usable with xvid. any ideas?20:51
HopsakevinSJ: Some brands of cd's are using odd methods. One of those brands is "SKC" i think.20:51
jribKartagis: you should probably tell the channel what you give mencoder20:51
trismscrpngltch: you're welcome, and its okay, I'm just glad you fixed it20:51
dpac_!who | Gokul__20:51
ubottuGokul__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:51
Tweakyi need to edit my smb.conf yet this file exists in several places. which one do i edit?20:51
jribTweaky: /etc/samba/smb.conf20:52
Kartagisjrib mencoder Fringe-S01E01-Pilot.mkv -oac mp3lame -of avi -ovc xvid -o Fringe-S01E01-Pilot.avi20:52
jrib!samba > Tweaky20:52
ubottuTweaky, please see my private message20:52
HopsakevinSJ: Whats your cd's brand ?20:52
RanyAlbegTweaky: /etc/samba/smb.conf I guess20:52
Tweakyjrib, RanyAlbeg : thanks20:52
dlihow do I disable failsafe-x ?20:52
=== Gokul__ is now known as anand23
dpac_anand23: : initial few letters and press tab to autocomplete20:53
RanyAlbegTweaky: yw20:53
wensleydalehey up. what is it called when you put in CTRL + ALT + F1 and you get a terminal screen?20:53
anand23dpac_, got it20:53
jribKartagis: -xvidencopts probably20:53
=== AnxiousNut is now known as AnxiousD0od
kevinSJHopsa, The CD's I bought has the following brand: "Verbatim"20:53
estragibwensleydale: that's the linux console aka true TTY.20:54
dpac_wensleydale: TTY20:54
jk_wensleydale, that's a virtual terminal also known as TTY120:54
lidbjorkHmmm, I think I got an idea now. See ya'all!20:54
wensleydaletty, brilliant. thank you :-)20:54
RanyAlbegHello, I created an proftp FTP server but i dont know how to connect it. any help? thanks.20:54
=== MichealH is now known as Iizd0od
=== AnxiousD0od is now known as ConfusedNut
Ken2Quick question: I currently have a linux server running. My laptop runs the desktop but is about to die. Can I add basic desktop functionality to keep me going until my laptop gets back from repair by installing ubuntu-desktop packages, then remove them without much trouble to revert back to a "normal" server?20:55
=== Iizd0od is now known as MichealH
HopsakevinSJ: Should be ok. I couldnt burn the latest debian cd using gnome-baker or nautilus-burn or k3b or... Maybe wodim is hosed ?20:55
anand23dpac_, jaunty is 9.04 right20:55
dpac_anand23: yeah.20:55
dpac_anand23: Why don't you connect the other PC (on which you are configuring your photon) to ethernet or wlan and then install peacefully using apt-get?20:56
Kartagisjrib is that usable with -ovc lavc ?20:56
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jribKartagis: I don't know20:56
donnkeyyyyHi room my ubuntu keeps freezing20:56
anand23dpac_, wpa key making some problem in mine20:57
kevinSJHopsa, Hmm maybe. Any solutions out there? I tried brasero to. Got the following error log http://gist.github.com/57072920:57
donnkeyyyyIt loads fine on the desktop, but after a few mins it freezes20:57
donnkeyyyyand I cant click on anything20:57
donnkeyyyyThe mouse is still acuve though20:57
Ken2Anyone have experience of converting Ubuntu Server Install into something with Desktop functionality, then reverting back to Server?20:57
dpac_donnkeyyyy: Check /var/log/kern.log for errors20:57
donnkeyyyyI cant click anything dpac_20:57
dekroningwhere does ubuntu desktop 10.04 store the openvpn client config? when using the network manager GUI ?20:58
donnkeyyyyor type anything20:58
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: can you access terminal?20:58
dpac_donnkeyyyy: You can check after you reboot. The file will still contain the error.20:58
renedoxctrl + alt + f120:58
dekroningmy problem is that the GUI seems to use the default gateway on the remote network by default after it is connected to the remote openvpn server20:58
kevinSJHopsa, Line 67 is interesting: "BraseroWodim stderr: Errno: 5 (Input/output error), test unit ready scsi sendcmd: fatal error"20:58
dpac_donnkeyyyy: follow renedox20:58
donnkeyyyyno renedox20:58
HopsakevinSJ: BraseroWodim stderr: wodim: Operation not permitted. Warning: Cannot raise RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limits. // BraseroWodim stderr: Errno: 5 (Input/output error), test unit ready scsi sendcmd: fatal error20:58
donnkeyyyyrenedox, I will reboot and get to the terminal fast20:59
donnkeyyyyIt might freeze in the proccess though20:59
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: yes, or use a live CD if it's too fast20:59
kevinSJHopsa, Noticed that to.20:59
HopsakevinSJ: Yep... wodim has been a bit destroyed it seems.20:59
donnkeyyyyRenedox Im running ubuntu on a USB20:59
HopsakevinSJ: Or its because of a kernel change20:59
dpac_donnkeyyyy: As an installation or live?20:59
wesselhello, how do I restinstall a program?21:00
wesselI wish to return to default settings21:00
donnkeyyyyok Im in the terminal21:00
kevinSJHopsa, Okey so I'm lost then?21:00
HopsakevinSJ: A new wodim could work..21:00
dpac_donnkeyyyy: ohh, alright.21:00
renedoxwessel: use synaptic - complete removal21:00
donnkeyyyyhmm it does not show any path though21:00
Slartwessel: try, sudo apt-get purge --reinstall someprogram21:00
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: you should be able to boot up the USB as a live21:00
donnkeyyyythe terminal is blank21:00
voodootikigodhey, I have deployed a set of headless ubuntu boxes that under power outage conditions occasionally boot and lock in an ubuntu screen that says disk errors, press 'f' to fix. pressing 'f' does fix it, but I can't be there to press 'f' for them all the time, is there a grub boot option to force fix?21:00
voodootikigodor other such option21:01
donnkeyyyyrenedox, I am in terminal now21:01
donnkeyyyyits still active21:01
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: check the error log above21:01
benkong2bye all and thanks21:01
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: /var/log/kern.log21:01
ubottuAu revoir!21:01
HopsakevinSJ: This isnt good i think. Someone should investigate why wodim isnt burning cd's correctly or at all.21:01
anand23dpac_, thanks for hekping out21:01
kevinSJHopsa, Indeed21:01
anand23dpac_, *helping21:02
HopsaI will go thru some changelogs21:02
donnkeyyyyrenedox... everything just went dar and I get the error Failed to execute child preccess "wicd gtk21:02
wesselSlart, this did not return the game to default settings21:02
anand23dpac_, bye-bye21:02
wesselit was removed, then installed again21:02
dpac_anand23: You're welcome21:02
wesselbut the settings were saved21:02
dpac_wessel: You might have to remove the config files manually21:02
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: do you have a CD rom drive you can boot from?21:03
dpac_wessel: Which application is it?21:03
donnkeyyyyno renedox21:03
donnkeyyyyI can try off the usb21:03
renedoxyes, try that21:03
donnkeyyyyRenedox.... do you want me to be in live mode?21:03
amanita_Hi, I have audio only as root (alsamixer etc), or as user in the console, not after startx.21:03
Slartwessel: hmm.. you can check for a directory in your home-directory that starts with a .   for a game like AwesomeTetris I would search for a folder called .awesometetris or similar.. press CTRL+H in nautilus to see directories and folders starting with a dot  (ie hidden files)21:03
donnkeyyyyrenedox, I cant21:04
donnkeyyyy:( I can only go in recovery mode21:04
HopsakevinSJ: Doesnt work on Fedora either so it could be a kernel change causing a required wodim update.21:04
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: try recovery mode then21:05
donnkeyyyyok renedox21:05
Kartagiswhy do I get FATAL: Cannot initialize video driver. when I use xvid?21:06
wesselwessel@wegumar7:~$ ls .t*       .themes:     .thumbnails:   fail  normal      .torcs:21:06
wesselconfig  drivers  results21:06
wesselwessel@wegumar7:~$ ls .to*21:06
wesselconfig  drivers  results21:06
dominicdinadaQuestion I am always getting dbus error messages because when shutting down or what not the session file is not being flushed. How do i add an cron or upstart job to kill the dbus session so i dont get the errors21:06
donnkeyyyyok renedox... it says resume on boot, try to make free space, repair broken pckages,run in failsafe graphics mode, update boot grubber, drop to root shell with networking21:07
donnkeyyyyrenedox...which one??21:07
donnkeyyyythose are the options right now21:07
dominicdinadaQuite annoying that this problem has not been resolved and that such simple tasks are broken still in lucid21:07
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: last one21:07
renedoxroot with networking21:07
donnkeyyyyok renedox21:07
_L30_hey how to tweak my settings to modify the output of uname -a21:08
dpac_dominicdinada: Put the killing command in /etc/rc.local21:08
_L30_etc/motd used to work21:08
_L30_but looks this version doesnt have that file21:08
Kartagiswhy do I get FATAL: Cannot initialize video driver. when I use xvid?21:08
dpac_dominicdinada: It will be executed on startup as root.21:08
wesselwessel@wegumar7:~$ rmdir .torcs/21:09
wesselrmdir: failed to remove `.torcs/': Directory not empty21:09
wesselwessel@wegumar7:~$ rm .torcs/21:09
wesselrm: cannot remove `.torcs/': Is a directory21:09
dominicdinadawhat command since session files are unique hashes21:09
donnkeyyyyok renedox21:09
FloodBot1wessel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:09
dpac_Kartagis: Did you search for a solution on google?21:09
donnkeyyyyIts asking for commands now21:09
dominicdinada!flood | wessel21:09
ubottuwessel: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:09
dpac_wessel: rm -rf .torcs/21:09
dominicdinadadpac_: what command since session files are unique hashes21:10
jca1981can anyone help me modify my apache basedir? (Ispconfig3)21:10
dpac_dominicdinada: Ohh well, I dont know about that. dbus-cleanup-sockets should work21:10
dominicdinadadpac_: 7caaf78e09076ff212b88ed54bdb5584-0 <~ is the last session file but each time of course there is a new session file21:10
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: type "less /var/log/kern.log"21:11
dpac_dominicdinada: in which directory?21:11
Kartagisdpac_ http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/mencoder-cannont-initalize-video-driver-320804/ gives me a solution but I can't figure out where to put -xvidencopts21:12
donnkeyyyywoa it shows a lot21:12
dominicdinadadpac_: home/user/.dbus/sessions/21:12
donnkeyyyyrenedox... it shows a lot of lines21:12
_L30_hey how to tweak my settings to modify the output of uname -a21:12
_L30_etc/motd used to work21:12
_L30_but looks this version doesnt have that file21:12
dpac_dominicdinada: What if you just remove that directory on each startup? rm -rf?21:12
Kartagisdpac_ oh I got it, I forgot to prefix it with -21:13
dpac_Kartagis: I was just typing how to do that :)21:13
dpac_dominicdinada: I believe it doesn't contain any other files.21:13
dominicdinadadpac_: wont that break the next session. I always connect to a remote server. but the session hashes never flush and it is quite annoying taking an extra 10 steps to flush them each time21:14
Kartagisdpac_ yea, thanks21:14
dpac_dominicdinada: Well you can make a script which checks modified date and delete all the files except the latest one.21:14
dominicdinada1. click to connect. 2. connection fails. 3. exit out of failed connection window. 4. open up home folder. 5. ctrl+h 6. browse to .dbus. 7. goto session 8. delete session 9. attempt to connect. 10 fails at least 3 times till system realizes the session is flushed21:16
HopsakevinSJ: It can be interresting to see if growisofs works..21:17
dominicdinadadpac_: there should be no sessions in the folder on start up but it needs the folder to write new sessions so it just needs to delete the files in the folder wildcard....... not the folder21:17
UberStudentermaco: you there?21:17
dpac_dominicdinada: Alternatively, why not empty the directory while rebooting/shutdown. Put rm -rf /home/user/dbus/sessions/ in a script and put the script in /etc/rc0.d/21:18
jribdpac_: what kludge :P21:19
donnkeyyyydpac_ renedox left me on a screen do you know what I should do?21:19
sinisterstufecurity check wow... other channels i use don't have that but they require that you register a nick to use it at all21:20
dpac_jrib: Ahh, it is :). Its a xy problem really.21:20
dpac_dominicdinada: Did you try to find out what's causing the sessions not to be removed instead of a workaround? Maybe its a bug21:20
dpac_donnkeyyyy: Did you check the kern.log?21:21
dpac_donnkeyyyy: Do you see any errors?21:21
sinisterstufif i have a file that was made using "ls > filename.txt" is there a way for me to delete all files in another folder that occur in that file list??21:21
jribsinisterstuf: yes?21:21
donnkeyyyydpac_ I dont see any21:21
sinisterstufjrib: do you know what it is?21:22
jribsinisterstuf: while read line; do echo $line; done < filename.txt    is that enough for you?21:22
donnkeyyyydpac_ I see some error EDID21:22
dpac_donnkeyyyy: I suspect its because of your USB drive.21:22
jribsinisterstuf: erm, use "$line" if your file has spaces21:22
brett\hi .. how can i disable ubuntu 10.04 GUI/gdm from loading at bootup? e.g. i want to stay at a console login21:22
sinisterstufthe filenames are seperated by newlines21:22
Chr|s /set gui_usermenu ON21:22
jribsinisterstuf: run the command I said.  It should be enough of a start for you21:23
donnkeyyyydpac_ why wuld it do it?21:23
donnkeyyyyIt was working21:23
UberStudenterdpac_: maco had made some good suggestions but i think he may be away.. wondering if you could shed some light as to how can i minimize my work when i try various diff LIVE distros.  i have to hunt for my broadcom drivers and install them every distro i try21:23
STN-Hello. How I can disable my laptop indicator plate?21:23
sinisterstufjrib: thanks, a lot, i should be able to take it from there21:23
STN-There is no possibility to disable it in bios21:23
jribsinisterstuf: I should have put quotes around the $line though21:23
cablopi was using parcellite as clipboard manager, but i want to use a different alternative in my netbook... any good suggestion?21:23
jribsinisterstuf: apparently you should also use -r with read: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/00121:24
sinisterstufjrib: also, assuming all those files can be downloaded from the same uri, can i download them all with wget... or something like that?21:24
alex2222is there a way to disable and enable usb-devices without reboote?21:24
estragibsinisterstuf: be careful to execute that from the *same* dir, though. ls will not prepend absolute paths.21:24
donnkeyyyydpac_ all errors appear to be EDID21:24
sinisterstufestragib: thanks for the advice21:25
UberStudenteralex2222: mount and unmount i think21:25
jribsinisterstuf: not sure I understand your question, but yes, you can use wget in a while loop21:25
alex2222UberStudenter, but how do I umount internal devices?21:25
alex2222such as modems21:25
UberStudenteroh .. you din't say that :)21:26
hiexpouseup and down21:26
alex2222sorry :)21:26
STN-Please help: I need to disable my laptop's integrate mouse, does it called indicator plate?21:26
sinisterstufjrib: alrighty well thanks for the help, it shouldn't happen but if i get stuck i'll be back21:26
alex2222hiexpo, up and down?21:26
sisifHello guys. Any one has issues with e1000e module lately? And if yes, any ways to solve it?21:27
hiexpoalex2222, yes i am looking for the command21:27
dominicdinadadpac_: no i didnt no one has answered how to do this or pointed out a bug. not only that, this has been a problem with lucid from day 121:27
hiexpo1 min21:27
jribdominicdinada: did you find a bug?  Or file one if you didn't?21:28
hiexpoifconfig wlan0 up > down21:28
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: did you fix it? my connection when screwy21:28
donnkeyyyyI checked the log21:29
hiexpoalex2222, to stop use sudo iwconfig wlan0 down21:29
donnkeyyyyIt has Error raw EDID errors21:29
dominicdinadajrib: no i didnt. if i am the only person having a problem then the most likely idea would to be throughly trouble shoot it.21:29
jribdominicdinada: how do you know you're the only person?21:29
dominicdinadaand not flood launchpad with bugs21:29
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jrib!away > ratt|away21:30
ubotturatt|away, please see my private message21:30
dominicdinadajrib: i don't know that i am but asking and solving the problem is the first step21:30
jribdominicdinada: you said you had it since day 1 so presumably you've done the obvious things like trying to replicate it on a fresh install and if it happens there you should just file a bug21:31
estragibSTN-: as no one else seems to know (i don't exactly either), here's what i'd do: look in the bios if i can disable it there. if not torture google for "linux disable touchpad <laptop model>"21:31
Mrokiihello. Is there any way to make an already open (but minimized) application maximize itself? What I am looking for is a way to emulate Guake with the regular Gnome-Terminal, so I maximize/minimize it via a keystroke.21:31
jribMrokii: wmctrl21:31
=== Aaron5367|detach is now known as Aaron53672
dominicdinadajrib: no I get tired of asking without a fix so i deal with it until it pisses me off again then attempt to correct the problem. Was the same way with ufw enable not correctly setting the firewall to on on reboot. I did it constantly for a few months till i just hard wrote it21:32
Mrokiijrib:  Thank you, I will take a look at that.21:32
jribdominicdinada: this is what bugs are for21:32
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: it looks to be a bug with video drivers21:33
dominicdinadajrib: maybe but i am looking for a work around atm21:33
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: or it could be the install was corrupted some how21:33
donnkeyyyyrenedox thats very possible21:33
jribdominicdinada: then state your problem with details21:33
donnkeyyyyrenedox... the installation was working perfectly21:33
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: you may need to back up then reinstall - using a different device21:33
dominicdinadaworkaround for the ufw enable bug was to hard write it to on in the ufw.conf21:33
dominicdinadaQuestion I am always getting dbus error messages because when shutting down or what not the session file is not being flushed. How do i add an cron or upstart job to kill the dbus session so i dont get the errors21:34
jribdominicdinada: I read that already21:34
dominicdinada1. click to connect. 2. connection fails. 3. exit out of failed connection window. 4. open up home folder. 5. ctrl+h 6. browse to .dbus. 7. goto session 8. delete session 9. attempt to connect. 10 fails at least 3 times till system realizes the session is flushed21:34
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: if you get the same problem after a reinstall, it could be your monitor that isn't fully supported21:34
donnkeyyyyrenedox...its probably the video because I do get some error in startup21:34
jribdominicdinada: what error messages, etc.  Use a pastebin if you have to21:34
donnkeyyyysomething about the monitors21:34
dominicdinadajrib: so i do not know what is causing the problem exactly ? maybe shutting down without waiting 10 mins for the system to flush the session file or what21:34
donnkeyyyyrenedox.. its something like error on line one21:35
UberStudenterwondering if anyone could shed some light as to how i can minimize my work when i try various diff LIVE distros.  i have to hunt for my broadcom drivers and install them in every distro i try21:35
dominicdinadajrib: ugh i already flushed it using the dbus-cleanup-socket  command21:35
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: yeah, it looks to be a video driver problem21:35
jribdominicdinada: I have no clue where you are even clicking21:35
firefly2442Is there a way to query a process to determine which dynamic libraries were linked in at loadtime/runtime?21:35
steve_hi everyone, just popped in here to let you know how impressed i am with ubuntu on my laptop, i have not installed a version of linux for many years and i am absolutly amazed21:35
dominicdinadasftp via ssh21:35
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: but every once in a blue moon, someone reinstalls and it works fine :S21:35
steve_everything works its great lol21:35
dominicdinadajrib: to a remote computer.... remote mount......21:36
decosteve_: yeah :)21:36
donnkeyyyynow it says couldn't read file21:36
jribdominicdinada: read what you are writing.  You need to stop, collect your thoughts, and summarize your issue one ONE line while providing links to relevant commands, errors, etc. on a pastebin21:36
donnkeyyyyyou need to install the kernal first21:36
anAngelHello. How can i make tcpdump to start at boot time and run in the background? the tcpdump command im trying to run background is: tcpdump -vv -x -X -s 1500 'port 25' -n -i eth0 -C 2047 -w /home/tcpdump/tcpdump.eth0.pcap21:37
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: personally, the policy is software first then hardware since it's easier that way21:37
dominicdinadajrib: With the exception of the error i have written it all... and it is a dbus socket error. i will reboot to grab that error21:37
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: so I would recommend backup then reinstall21:37
steve_had a little trouble with samba but that is now running sweet and the hp printer support is brilliant, found my wireless touchsmart in seconds :D21:37
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: if it comes down to it, try sourcing another monitor and see what happens21:37
donnkeyyyyrenedox wow... now it doesn't even read the linux usb21:38
dominicdinadajrib: Also written that Work around but looking to have this make sure on upstart. HOW TO FLUSH the session cache on upstart or cron21:38
steve_windows 7 has gone from my machine :D21:38
Riottagood for ya21:38
jribdominicdinada: I can't help you this way, you need to do what I asked in my last message to you.  Otherwise, you are making it hard for yourself and the people trying to help you21:38
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: :'(21:38
donnkeyyyyok it read the usb21:39
donnkeyyyyrenedox.. it keep saying different errors21:39
sisifWhat does "e1000e: probe of 0000:00:19.0 failed with error -5" exactly means ?21:39
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: what were the last few things you did before you got this problem? did you do an update/upgrade?21:40
steve_can anyone recommend a theme with some transparency for window edges etc21:40
donnkeyyyyrenedox... now its saying kernal panic - not syncing VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown un-block21:40
coz_steve_,  you mean window borders?21:40
zeldhi all21:40
zeldi'm just try to install ubuntu on my eeepc by using usb install method..21:40
coz_steve_,   that's hard to think of one off the top of my head...you may have to go to gnome-look.org and sort through them21:40
steve_cool i will check it out :D21:41
renedoxsteve_: try compiz, it does transparency for most gnome themese21:41
renedoxdonnkeyyyy: not sure.. it's a bit above my ability now :\21:41
zeldafter preparing the usb disk with usb-creator, and ubuntu-alternate-10.04-i386.iso when my eeepc try to boot the usb it say to me " Unknown keywordn in configuragion file: gfxboot"21:41
davsankHi, is there a channel for Xchat support?21:41
firefly2442zeld, try http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/  it's really easy to use21:41
zeldso... the other message is  "vesamenu.32: not a COM32R image"21:42
zeldfirefly2442: thanks21:42
firefly2442zeld, all you have to do is specify the ISO you downloaded and it will create a bootable USB21:42
davsankGuys? anyone knows if there's a Xchat support channel?21:42
coz_davsank,  yes21:42
coz_davsank,   /join #xchat21:43
zeldfirefly2442: can i use an existing iso image21:43
firefly2442zeld, yes21:43
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bart_ /msg nickserv register aaaaa1 byates@tx.rr.com21:45
estragibbart_: try that again w/o the space and a different passwd :D21:46
uomobongaHi! How can I set up a partition to be shared between users, i.e. files saved to that partition can be readed and written by all the users, whithout having to set the permissions each time21:47
hiexpohello all21:47
Fishsceneuomobonga: Have you considered formatting it FAT?21:47
latagoreHey guys, I set up a driver but apparently it requires me to change something at boot time for it to start up every time so I would like some help21:47
jribuomobonga: you have two options.  setgid on the directory and change user's umasks to give group write permissions or use ACLs21:48
gnuskoolallo allo21:48
aeon-ltduomobonga: uhh, users of what?, the same machine?21:48
uomobongayes, all users are from the same machine21:49
aeon-ltduomobonga: you could just have a ext3 partition with folders in it, and read and write access for every user21:49
uomobongado you have a link with instructions for the umask solution jrib?21:50
nrp36Is there a filesystem for Ubuntu that supports versions like ZFS?21:50
jribuomobonga: nope, just what I said « man chmod » I guess for setgid part and for umask, edit the global profile: /etc/profile or /etc/profile.d/whatever21:50
HopsakevinSJ: There seems to be some kind of argument about wodim/cdrkit/cdrtools here: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=507108 (Maybe that has something to do with it) Itd be uncool if it was, but i understand Joerg as well.21:50
nrp36I liked the opensolaris feature of being able to look at a folder throughout time21:50
steve_anyone know how to make the backspace key go back a page when browsing the web or file system ?21:51
jribuomobonga: I like the ACL solution better imo21:51
xtremoxmplayer is good for pentium 3 pc whit 128mb in ram?21:52
uomobongaand how do I do that? (ACL)21:52
renedoxxtremox: yes21:52
aeon-ltdxtremox: depends what your trying to watch, but mplayer is nice and light so yeah21:52
jribuomobonga: you add the "acl" option in fstab for the partition you want to use ACLs on, and then you read « man setfacl », though here you can probably find some decent tutorials by searching for "linux ACL" too.  And there's some gui program for editing ACLs: eiciel21:53
aeon-ltdxtremox: but if i had a p3 i wouldn't be using ubuntu(not stock anyway)21:53
claydi am trying to download vmware server and was wondering if there is a way to download it dirrectly from the command line?  I am using ubuntu server 10.04 and cant seen to figure out how to make wget work21:53
myrkraverkHow do I install a .deb file?21:53
trismsteve_: I don't know about nautilus, but in firefox there is an about:config options for that: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Browser.backspace_action21:54
renedoxmyrkraverk: sudo apt-get install -i something.deb21:54
jribmyrkraverk: why aren't you using APT?21:54
hiexpomyrkraverk, double click it21:54
aeon-ltdmyrkraverk: sudo dpkg -i packagename21:54
myrkraverkjrib, didn't find mangler on an apt-server something.21:54
myrkraverkaeon-ltd, thank you.21:54
aeon-ltdmyrkraverk: your welcome21:55
uomobongathank you very much jrib, the ACL solution looks sweet, I'll goolge from here. ^^21:55
pjmanclayd: vmware requires you to log in before downloading vmware server. Since you have to log in I don't think you can download it with wget21:57
trismsteve_: oh, and for nautilus, in gconf-editor go to /desktop/gnome/interface and check can_change_accels then in nautilus, navigate somewhere so the back button works, go to the Go menu, hover over Back with your mouse and hit the backspace key to remap the binding21:57
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jribuomobonga: yeah, really you just need the -d option passed to setfacl21:57
joeyrenohow do i shut down a remote connection from a user in a different location?21:58
bogdomaniacheers guys.. anyone knows how to get the new ubuntu font on 10.04?21:59
claydpjman i just found it you can use links to access the site and log in.  then download22:00
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myrkraverkwhat the, why do people put a .deb for download with weird dependencies ;(22:01
joeyrenobasically i just want to shut down a users remote ssh connection22:01
tejaishothie...i am tryin to install...hplip-3.10.6 for my printer in 10.1022:01
tejaishotbut i am showing with a problem of cups-devel dependancy n/a22:02
tejaishotcan ny 1 help?22:02
jribjoeyreno: #openssh might know of a better way, but I would just kill their shell22:03
pjmanclayd: good 2 know :)22:03
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berot3hi, im looking for a way to use KDE/GNOME-keyboard-shortcuts (like play/pause/next title in amarok) while playing in a fullscreen-opengl-game, like ut2004 in my case22:03
avi_I'm having some touble with the -cut command. I'm passing it this text: [shortUrl] => http://bit.ly/123456, and I would like to be able to remove everything but the actual URL. I'm trying cut -d " " -f 3, but it is giving me blank.22:03
jribavi_: pastebin *exactly* what you are doing22:03
Slartavi_: works here22:04
lolrenany dev on?22:04
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Slartavi_: perhaps a pastebin will reveal what the problem might be22:04
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DavSankHi, i try to run something but it will not run. i used the ldd comand and it says i'm missing "libgomp.so.1" but when i use the apt-get install on it, it says it's the latest version. Any ideas?22:04
renedoxmyrkraverk: to recycle code22:04
kthakorehow do I get gnome to stop trying to use pulseaudio?22:05
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avi_Slart, Oh you're right, I just tried it in terminal proper. It's part of a script that I'm writing to take a file uploaded to my webserver and shorten the link via bit.ly (via a PHP script I downloaded, which works fine), and then copy it to the clipboard using xsel.22:06
DavSankHi, i try to run something but it will not run. i used the ldd comand and it says i'm missing "libgomp.so.1" but when i use the apt-get install on it, it says it's the latest version. Any ideas?22:07
Hopsakthakore: By removing or disabling it (If its handled correctly, dunno).22:07
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kthakoreHopsa: I removed it several times22:07
kthakoreHopsa: with purge22:07
kthakorebut gnome-volume-control still says 'cannot connect'22:08
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Hopsakthakore: Can you remove it several times ?22:08
kthakoreHopsa: no .. I mean ... the volume control only works with pulseaudio22:08
kthakorenow my applet is missing from the panel22:09
DavSankHi, i try to run something but it will not run. i used the ldd comand and it says i'm missing "libgomp.so.1" but when i use the apt-get install on it, it says it's the latest version. Any ideas?22:09
aeon-ltd!patience | DavSank22:09
ubottuDavSank: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com22:09
Hopsakthakore: Aha, yeah... this seem ok as it was probably compiled to use pulseaudio. Tricky! :)22:10
kthakoreHopsa: crap ..22:10
moronic_moronhi does anyone know if u can change the default gdm theme in ubuntu?22:10
Hopsakthakore: You must mean kde then right ? :)22:10
kthakoreI reinstalled the volume-control thing via gnome-media package right22:10
kthakoreHopsa: no gnome22:10
aeon-ltdmoronic_moron: yes22:10
berot3[23:02] <berot3> hi, im looking for a way to use KDE/GNOME-keyboard-shortcuts (like play/pause/next title in amarok) while playing in a fullscreen-opengl-game, like ut2004 in my case. ANY1???22:10
renedoxmoronic_moron: yes, gnomelook.org22:11
moronic_moronI mean ubuntu 10,0422:11
ThinWhiteDukeHello, everyone. I have a problem with mounting HDDs in Ubuntu. Editing Fstab, I assign a name to an HDD, but the DEV changes. It used to be SDC1 but it changed to SDD or something. How do I assign names to drives if the DEV changes?22:11
aeon-ltdmoronic_moron: gksudo gdmsetup22:11
jribberot3: I'm not sure if it will work but try xbindkeys22:11
berot3jrib: thx jrib, but no. im pretty sure i tried that alraedy a while ago22:12
jribberot3: k22:12
aeon-ltdmoronic_moron: or System->Administration->Login, Window local, add22:12
berot3jrib: but maybe i did something wrong or there is some hint... ill give it a second try :D maybe ill find some22:13
avi_Slart, Okay so upon further investigation the problem is that I'm actually feeding cut "          [shortUrl] => http://bit.ly/lalalal".. and having a delimiter of space is ruining it. How can I just chop out the first X characters?22:13
jribberot3: google suggests esekeyd too, never used it22:13
estragibThinWhiteDuke: id the drive with ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid22:13
ThinWhiteDukei have to type the word by22:14
snow_usaI want to find a program that sorts faster than sort in linux !22:14
ThinWhiteDukeor just the uuid22:14
snow_usais there any package available in ubuntu ?22:14
berot3jrib: oh never heard that 1! lol what the hell did u search for in google???22:14
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jribberot3: xbindkeys full-screen game22:14
estragibThinWhiteDuke: enter the command "ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid". it should list your drives in /dev/sdX fashion as well as their UUID.22:15
jribberot3: second hit22:15
estragibThinWhiteDuke: you can then edit /etc/fstab to mount by this uuid instead of the /dev/sdX path22:15
snow_usais there a  program in ubuntu that sorts faster than sort in linux (it may use parallel sorting ?) !22:16
kthakoreHopsa: is ubuntu supposed to use pulseaudio?22:16
kthakoreor alsa?22:16
Hopsakthakore: both, use alsamixer22:16
ThinWhiteDukehow do i find the uuid22:16
b4r14snow_usa, i think that sort use quick_sort. this is faster algorithm. but i don't know if sort parallelize22:17
giikerhas anybody been succesful in recording audio from  a stream playing using Audacity?22:17
estragibThinWhiteDuke: what does the ls -l command give as output? the uuids should be there22:17
snow_usab4r14, "this is faster algorithm" , faster than which program ?22:17
ThinWhiteDukei used blkid i got them22:18
ThinWhiteDukethanks estragib , think i got all i need, i'll try it out :)22:18
dixondfolks, what is gnome-power-manager, and why is it started for every user that logs in? It uses *gobs* of memory, like, hundreds of megs. WTH?22:18
estragibThinWhiteDuke: great. good luck :)22:18
kthakoreHopsa: reinstall pulseaudio22:18
Hopsakthakore: Yep22:19
kthakorenow my HDMI audio won't work22:19
kthakoreHopsa: sigh22:19
bencchow can I arrange icons on the desktop?22:19
dixondkthakore: use alsa-mixer from the cmdline22:19
kthakoredixond: for HDMI?22:19
dixondkthakore: probably the channel is muted.22:19
dixondkthakore: yes22:19
dixondkthakore: I had that with my revo + HDMI22:19
dixondkthakore: could only unmute with alsa-mixer22:19
VilasBoasHi :D22:19
Hopsakthakore: Shouldnt be much of a problem. Its a good ideea to google or ask for issues before removing packages.22:20
kthakoredixond: ok let me see22:20
hiexpopure_hate, sup22:20
giikerhow can irecord audio from a streaming radio online, using Audacity?22:21
VilasBoasHi how can we install a SQL database on ubuntu????22:21
jrib!lamp > VilasBoas22:21
ubottuVilasBoas, please see my private message22:22
zeldok now it works :)22:22
Hopsadixond: Did upstream or debian rename it to alsa-* or did ubuntu ?22:22
jribVilasBoas: if you want mysql ONLY, maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/mysql.html is a better resource for you22:22
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DavSankHi, i try to run something but it will not run. i used the ldd comand and it says i'm missing "libgomp.so.1" but when i use the apt-get install on it, it says it's the latest version. Any ideas?22:23
Hopsadixond: Im guessing debian..22:23
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VilasBoasubottu: thanks but in need SQL not MySQL22:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:23
kthakoredixond: this is what I have http://i.imgur.com/MWng1.jpg22:23
kthakoredixond: THere is no ... volume?22:23
dixondHopsa: kthakore: s/alsa-mixer/alsamixer/22:24
Hopsadixond: Aha, ok :)22:24
dixondkthakore: redditor ;)22:24
rafael__good night... there is less then a week that I'm using Linux, so I haven't experience yet, and I need to install a software called matlab on my system. So I downloaded Mathworks.Matlab.R2009b.UNIX.ISO-TBE.iso and now I'm looking for a help to install it22:24
kthakoredixond: OH HAI!22:24
dixondkthakore: F522:24
dixondkthakore: you want to see 'all'22:24
kthakoredixond: still I see same22:25
VilasBoasdoes anyone knows how to install a SQL database on ubuntu???22:25
BoreumWhat does it mean if when you turn on your computer and all you get is a black screen with a blinking cursor at the top left? I tried installing Ubuntu on an IBM Thinkpad R40 and that is what happens after the IBM Splash screen. I have also tried booting from a Live CD and Bootable USB both of which are not recognized(?) and I get the same black screen with blinking cursor. Any thoughts?22:25
dixondkthakore: well, unmute aall the channels anyhow and check. that is definitely different from mine, but...22:25
jribVilasBoas: I just told you how.22:25
Hopsakthakore: restart the pulseaudio init script first..22:25
kthakoreHopsa: how?22:25
jribVilasBoas: what do you mean by SQL?22:25
moronic_moronhi does anyone know if u can change the default gdm theme in ubuntu?22:25
dixondoh, pulse is stopped?22:26
kthakoredixond: dunno22:26
avi_Slart, Ah! Finally fixed it! I just kept space as the delimeter and made it use fields 23-24, which are the URLs.22:26
Hopsakthakore: /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart or so..22:26
dixondmoronic_moron: there used to be a preferences thing for that, but it vanished a few releases back.22:26
moronic_moronsad man22:26
dixondmoronic_moron: I know :(22:26
moronic_moronso there's no way to customise the login screen? :(22:26
kthakoredixond: same thing22:27
kthakoreHopsa: same thing with pulse started22:27
dixondmoronic_moron: probably 'by hand' replacing the files in the right place, but I don't know where...22:27
Hopsamoronic_moron: You get sad from knowing to little about themes ?22:27
VilasBoasjrib: i need to use a MS-SQL database to put a saotware working on linux and pass all the company to Linux22:27
dixondkthakore: so you have unmuted also?22:27
dixondVilasBoas: not gonna happen.22:27
jribVilasBoas: erm, ms-sql?  on linux?22:27
kthakoredixond: where is this unmuted ?22:27
Hopsakthakore: Rightclick the volume applet... Crank PCM etc UP22:27
moronic_moronHopsa: so how do u customise the login theme? -.-22:28
jribVilasBoas: you know what the MS stands for right?22:28
dixondkthakore: the MM in the squares indicates muted, IIRC the arrowms and spacebar can unmute22:28
VCooliomoronic_moron: try gdm2setup from launchpad.net, it has an ubuntu repo you can add22:28
Hopsamoronic_moron: I have had no need to do so.22:28
area51pilotmoronic_moron: have u tried replacing the image in the file system22:28
moronic_moronI can change the background using ubuntu tweak22:28
moronic_moronbut that's about it -.-22:28
kthakoredixond: ok I did them all but S/PDIF is still 022:29
VilasBoasjrib: i know it's very bad but i need to do it22:29
dixondkthakore: IIRC uparrow puts volume up also22:29
BoreumAny thoughts on my problem?22:29
Hopsakthakore: Fn+Volume up on the keyboard is also a way.22:29
dixondkthakore: has HDMI audio-out ever worked ok with this setup?22:29
jribVilasBoas: has nothing to do with badness, I highly doubt you can run ms-sql on linux.  Use mysql or postgresql.  If you can't, and you really need to use ms-sql, use windows22:30
kthakoredixond: nope22:30
giikeranyone knows how to record a stream using Audacity?22:30
dixondkthakore: :-(22:30
kthakoredixond: I am trying this now http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=654288&highlight=spdif22:30
rafael__good night... there is less then a week that I'm using Linux, so I haven't experience yet, and I need to install a software called matlab on my system. So I downloaded Mathworks.Matlab.R2009b.UNIX.ISO-TBE.iso and now I'm looking for a help to install it22:31
bsmith093is usenet worth it anymore ive never used it but im considering a free trial is giganews reputable?22:31
jrib!matlab | rafael__22:31
kthakoredixond: beright back gonna restart22:31
mbroekerVilasBoas, do you have the database scheme, eg the sql statements? does it use stored procedures?22:31
jribrafael__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB , also look into sagemath.org22:31
VilasBoasjrib: thanks but in Portugal all the account software use MS-SQL só i was trying to do the impossibel22:31
jribVilasBoas: you can connect to the database from linux, but you're not going to be able to install the actual server on linux22:32
giikeranyone knows how to record an online audio stream using Audacity?22:32
jfcaronWhat is the easiest way to get a more recent version of a package than is available in the Ubuntu repositories?  (In my case, Python)22:32
VilasBoasjrib: thanks for the help ;)22:33
jribjfcaron: python is easy to compile  (just compile it to your home so you don't mess stuff up)22:33
VilasBoasmbroeker:  thanks for the help ;)22:33
jribVilasBoas: viva o porto, eh?22:33
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VilasBoasjrib: Mas és Português???22:34
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giikeranyone knows how to record an online audio stream using Audacity?22:34
kthakoreHopsa: dixond great now no sound from rhythmbox either22:34
ThinWhiteDukedoes anyone here use xchat? i cannot get it to pin to the task bar panel22:35
Hopsakthakore: Missing the codecs ?22:35
kthakoreHopsa: no .. it was working before22:35
ThinWhiteDukeprob more an xchat question but since were on irc figured id ask22:35
latagoreSuspend doesn't seem to work for my netbook and I have no clue what the problem might be22:35
bsmith093is usenet still worth it  ive never used it before but im considering a free trial from giganews are they reputable?22:35
giikerbsmith093: I used to have Giganews, and it was reliable for the time I had it.22:36
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kthakoreHopsa: dixond can I reset everything to how ubuntu had installed it?22:38
berot3jrib: well here i found that its definitly not working with xbindkeys :/ http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-483004.html under III) c) and esekeyd doesnt look much better and i cant fond any howto or if its working but ill give it a try22:40
_Neytiri_i am haveing issues connectiong to my mysql server remotely and mysql is correctly setup and so is the user i am trying to connect with22:41
hiexpoIdleOne,  - thanx22:42
_Neytiri_any idea on how i can fix this22:44
FusionX__i was banned here earlier due to a bnc problem (join/quit spam, while i was away) Can the ops plz unban me?22:44
Hopsakthakore: You might be missing a package or package-plugin or so. Im not sure what commands you used so this makes it a bit hard.22:45
Hopsakthakore: Install "synaptic" and search for "alsa" and "pulse" Install those packages.22:46
kthakoreHopsa: ok22:46
latagoreCan anyone get their suspend command to work?22:46
Mike_FlipI get bcmwltry.exe has failed and must close repeatedly when ever I try to use wine any hints?22:47
b4r14snow_usa, i found this link http://linuxwebdev.blogspot.com/2009/02/howto-simple-parallel-sort-in-linux.html22:47
b4r14is not a real parallelize, but i think that helps you22:47
BoreumWhat does it mean if when you turn on your computer and all you get is a black screen with a blinking cursor at the top left? I tried installing Ubuntu on an IBM Thinkpad R40 and that is what happens after the IBM Splash screen. I have also tried booting from a Live CD and Bootable USB both of which are not recognized(?) and I get the same black screen with blinking cursor. Any thoughts?22:47
Hopsakthakore: Did you test that "Fn+Volume up" (if you have that on your keyboard)22:47
kthakoreHopsa: sound is all the way up22:48
kthakorein everything22:48
Hopsakthakore: Ok, good.22:48
Hopsakthakore: Let me know how this "recovery" works out.22:49
kthakoreok I am reinstalling everything ..22:49
Hopsakthakore: Synaptic etc.22:49
kthakoreHopsa: I tried that22:49
kthakorebut they are already installed22:49
latagoreBoreum: Heh, I'm having the same problem with my suspend and hibernate commands22:49
latagoreBoreum: Just won't flipping boot after put into suspend/hibernation22:49
Mike_FlipIm pretty sure it has to do with my broadcom wireless card22:50
HopsaBoreum: boot with -noapic -noacpi. Have you upgraded it with a new graphics card ?22:51
latagoreMike_Flip: What are you trying to do exactly (I don't know too much so don't expect too much help from me)22:51
BoreumHopsa: No I have not. How exactly would i boot with -noapic -noacpi?22:51
darwinhello guys I have a sound problem in my laptop, due to wless issue I installed kernel pae, which after some sc modules compilation worked out wless, however I have no sound now, have pasted bin some of the details amixer aplay -l http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/CX5TwKVr - can anybody help me?22:51
HopsaBoreum: Edit the grub command line, add that after the kernel boot line (use 'e' for edit) at startup22:52
Mike_Flipwell even with notepad I get this error Im trying to fix it22:53
giikeranyone knows how to record an online audio stream using Audacity?22:53
HopsaBoreum: Hmm, pressing ESC at grub post will get you there i think. Its been a while since ive done this.22:53
jribgiiker: why do you want to use audacity in particular?22:53
jribHopsa: shift in grub 222:53
HopsaBoreum: Use shift.22:53
Hopsajrib: thx22:54
jribHopsa: always22:54
darwinI have a sound problem in my laptop, due to wless issue I installed kernel pae, which after some sc modules compilation worked out wless, however I have no sound now, have pasted bin some of the details amixer aplay -l http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/CX5TwKVr - can anybody help me?22:54
foresteread file options.conf from /etc/modprobe.d/ my system ?22:54
jribforeste: master yoda?22:54
forestei configuring tv card aver tv go fm plus22:55
jribforeste: it was hard to parse your question, rephrase it22:55
giikerjrib: well it is the only gui available in Ubuntu that I know of, and I used it before too.22:56
BoreumHopsa: I will try that when I get home as I am on my ladies Macbook in a cafe right now. But i don't believe it will work because I am not sure if there is even an OS on my system at this point and when I try to boot with a USB or CD nothing seems to happen.22:56
Hopsaforeste: Use the correct -tuner=Number22:56
jribgiiker: use vlc22:56
giikerjrib: ok I'll try VLC and see.22:56
forestei use tuner=1222:56
giikerjrib: any settings recomendations22:57
forestegopod options ?22:57
jribgiiker: nope, I use the command line version but I know it has a gui for recording22:57
HopsaBoreum: There are options to bypass most anything, including bad drivers for Nvidia and ATI.22:57
forestecart 154 tuner 12 i i like usyng my system22:57
giikerjrib: well do you remember the command, this is better 'cause I'm using Lubuntu22:58
BoreumHopsa: So it is possibly just bad drivers or something to do with my Graphics card?22:58
Hopsaforeste: Check /var/log/messages and see the tv card listing. It changes once in a blue moon.22:58
forestewhat my writer options in system ?22:58
jribgiiker: cvlc ${RTSP_LINK} --sout '#transcode{acodec=mp3,ab=128}:std{access=file,mux=dummy,dst="'${NEWFILE}'.mp3"}' vlc://quit    is what I used.  Check vlc's documentation.  Their wiki has a page on this22:58
giikerjrib:  ok thanks a lot!22:59
HopsaBoreum: Its most likely not a problem with your graphics card. The live cd's etc have older drivers then the currently used ones.22:59
matcat_can anyone help with an open vpn issue?23:00
forestemy card good work in card 15423:00
giikerjrib: why didn't I think of VLC?23:00
jribgiiker: I cannot answer this :)23:00
jribgiiker: I said vlc because you asked for gui, but mplayer works well to with -dumpstream23:00
HopsaBoreum: But it doesnt hurt to reinstert the card (granted you have a electrostatic cable attached to your wrist:)23:01
forestewhat location ? writer my good options in system kubuntu23:01
forestewhat location writer my good options in system kubuntu23:01
Hopsadescr: Mobile Services and Mobile Terminals23:02
SeqDoes anybody know why I would have dmseg notices alternatingly informing me my write cache is enabled and disabled (seems to switch on suspend/resume maybe?)23:03
BoreumHopsa: hmm I see. This is quite frustrating not knowing exactly how to fix this and having a non function computer at the moment.23:03
darwinI have a sound problem in my laptop, due to wless issue I installed kernel pae, which after some sc modules compilation worked out wless, however I have no sound now, have pasted bin some of the details amixer aplay -l http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/CX5TwKVr - can anybody help me?23:04
foresteoptions saa7134 card=154 tuner=12 where write optioms ?23:04
matcat_anyone know anything about open vpn?23:04
latagoreSuspend and hibernating doesn't seem to work; is there a way I can fix this?23:04
pantheon_qualcuno mi puo' aiutare?23:05
HopsaBoreum: Yep, ive come across a few of these things. On an old compaq dual processor you had to tell it to initialize high mem even /Old things, atleast 14 years ago.23:05
Hopsabella! :)23:05
pantheon_ciao cristian23:05
cristian_come funziona sto programma23:05
giikerjrib: luckily mplayer it's already installed , so I'll try it first.23:05
cristian_ciao pantheon23:06
pantheon_ho un problema non riesco ad configurare la mia scheda video23:06
pantheon_mi da problemi23:06
neo_alguen sabe como usar el cable ads en ubuntu?23:06
pantheon_non sono esatti i driver ceh mi trova ubuntu23:06
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:06
FableflameIs there a way to rig your digital camera to act as a webcam on Ubuntu?23:06
latagoreFableflame: Is there a way to do that in any operating system? lol...23:07
cristian_qui parlano sono inglese o spagn pantheon23:07
pantheon_vai in privato23:07
Fableflamelatagore, I thought there was23:07
latagoreFableflame: You would probably know better than I do; google might have the answer23:07
BoreumHopsa: any ideas if shit doesn't work and I can not edit grub command line?23:08
HopsaFableflame: gqcam is one23:08
matcat_any vpn gurus?23:08
mblackm1 how can i disable the nvidia driver from alternate terminal?23:08
latagoreFableflame: lol there is your answer then xD23:08
FableflameHopsa, thanks, I'll check it out23:08
HopsaBoreum: No, youll need to be able to boot it for shit to happen at all :)23:09
mblackm1 x hasnt worked since i installed proprietary driver23:09
BoreumHopsa: yea thats what I was afraid of haha. I can edit BIOS but that seems to be about it.23:09
spunkHello, are there any ftp servers that handles user accounts by itself? I would like to not create system accounts for my ftp users...23:09
HopsaBoreum: Its very good to have another "googling" computer ready on the side.23:09
latagoreBoreum: What did you say happens with the Live CD?23:09
HopsaBoreum: Shouldnt be it, unless its a fujitsu ?23:10
Boreumlatagore: a whole lot of nothing. I tried a CDRW that i think was burned at too high of a speed and a CD-R that was burned at x8. both with no results23:10
richie086i am having an issue with apt-get failing to install packages due to some dependency issue and i was wondering how I could get around it.. http://pastebin.org/82836723:11
richie086seems easy enough to do23:11
latagoreBoreum: Got any USBs?23:11
BoreumHopsa: it is an IBM Thinkpad R40 I get the IBM splash screen then right to the black screen and blinking cursor23:11
latagoreWe need more ubuntu gurus to help out with the channel =(23:11
darwinrichie086, is a dependency issue23:12
Boreumlatagore: the bootable USB i tried doesnt seem to be recognized at boot23:12
richie086i am a dependency issue? :)  isn't darwin a bot?23:12
latagoreBoreum: did you change around the settings in your BIOS so that it will boot to USB before hard drive?23:12
jribrichie086: you have no clues why this is happening?23:12
richie086jrib: well, i tried to install winefish using apt-get earlier today23:13
Boreumlatagore: yes, although the USB is recognized as a Hard-drive, so i put it above the other hard drive23:13
jribrichie086: and?23:13
darwinrichie086, the error you pasebined is a dependency issue, are you running 64 bits?23:13
HopsaBoreum: Hmm, that should be when xorg should start after say newt has done its job of showing what it should show.23:13
richie086and ever since then apt-get has been spitting out errors saying that it cant do anyting due to being hung up on that install23:13
jribdarwin: it's not a dependency issue, tex-common is failing to configure23:14
FableflameWould a game run faster in Xfce then it would in Gnome?23:14
renedoxFableflame: what game?23:14
jribrichie086: you're using only official repositories?  What version of ubuntu?23:14
Fableflamerenedox, games like AssaultCube or Alien Arena23:14
darwinI have a sound problem in my laptop,  have no sound, have pasted bin some of the details amixer aplay -l http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/CX5TwKVr - can anybody help me?23:14
BoreumHopsa: I have let it sit for a long period of time to no avail as I could tell. just that taunting cursor that I can do nothing with.23:14
HopsaFableflame: No. If a few megabytes makes any difference, then yes.23:15
renedoxFableflame: oh ok, don't think the difference will be noticable23:15
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FableflameHopsa, renedox, thanks23:15
richie086is there any way to tell dpkg to forget about trying to install that app23:15
HopsaBoreum: Yep, you need to pass along xorg parameters23:15
richie086oh sorry ubuntu 10.04 i386 not x6423:15
jribrichie086: we're going to fix it -- but I can only do that if you answer my questions23:15
darwinI have a sound problem in my laptop,  have no sound, have pasted bin some of the details amixer aplay -l http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/CX5TwKVr - can anybody help me? jrib maybe you can help?23:15
richie086yeah sorry just saw ur question23:15
HopsaBoreum: Is this lice cd new or old... how new ?23:15
jrib!sound > darwin23:15
ubottudarwin, please see my private message23:15
HopsaBoreum: Is this live cd new or old... how new ?23:15
jribdarwin: that's all I know about sound23:15
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richie086and yes only official repos23:16
richie086no additional repos23:16
snow_usab4r14, "this is faster algorithm" , faster than which program ?23:16
BoreumHopsa: just a day or two old. burned it using the Netbook Edition .ISO23:16
jribrichie086: please try to keep responses on a single line and use my nick if you want my attention.  It makes it easier.  Pastebin /var/lib/dpkg/info/tex-common.config23:16
richie086jrib: kk sry will do... pasting brb23:17
HopsaBoreum: Ok... ill lookup the other parameters you can try...23:17
beefhearti'm having a weird issue with ubuntu 10.04.1: when i suspend and resume my network connection dies and dhcp won't get a new ip until i change interfaces to static, ifdown eth0/ifup eth0, and then change interfaces back to dhcp23:17
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kthakoreHopsa: I reinstalled Alsa ... and it works23:17
wOlfLinGCan anyone help me out? I'm trying to install the 10.10 beta ubuntu on a HDD partition, but it doesn't seem to be working :/23:17
kthakoreHopsa: but it no longer detects my HDMI audio ...23:17
jrib!10.10 | wOlfLinG23:17
ubottuwOlfLinG: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:17
kthakoreoh well23:17
latagoreSuspend and hibernate don't seem to work; they boot up to a black screen with a blinking cursor. Any way I can investigate the problem?23:17
HopsaBoreum: One is: Xdriver=vesa and one is: nomodeset23:18
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HopsaBoreum: One is: Xdriver=vesa and one is: nomodeset (pitch in on this, anyone...)23:18
b4r14if you know about notation O (big O), you know that the quick_sort is O[n lg(n)]23:19
BoreumHopsa: okay thank you23:19
HopsaBoreum: Np23:19
b4r14the faster algorithm to sort.23:19
richie086 jrib check it now i pasted the output23:19
b4r14independently form program23:19
forestemy correct23:19
BoreumHopsa: so what should I do exactly, if you don't mind me asking23:19
forestei  tunner 5523:19
Hopsab4r14: Have you a befallen template ?23:19
forestetda 82923:20
HopsaBoreum: write down the parameters i have given you and test with them all first.23:20
forestei where my options tv card in system ?23:20
HopsaBoreum: When you have booted sucessfully you can install and update the dist.23:21
beefheartanyone know why suspend/resume would screw up an eth0 connection?23:21
HopsaBoreum: I had no ideea the R40 was this hard to install on, hmm.23:21
bahadunnusb and ps2 keyboard not working in grub.  Seems to freeze up.  Any ideas?23:21
foresteoptions saa7134 card=154 tuner=55 where write optioms ?23:21
jribrichie086: edit the file and add "set -x" as the second line23:22
richie086jrib: kk let me do that brb23:22
latagorebahadunn: You sure it's not Grub that is freezing?23:22
BoreumHopsa: Okay will do. Yea I was surprised I ran into such a big issue.23:22
b4r14sorry, i don't understand.23:22
HopsaBoreum: The T-series works nicely though.23:22
bahadunnlatagore: well the count down continues and then ubuntu is booted23:24
richie086jrib: so before the installed_version=$2?23:24
bahadunnlatagore: if grub froze wouldnt the system not boot at all?23:24
jribrichie086: no, the actual second line right after #!/bin/sh -e23:24
richie086ahh gotcha23:24
Hopsab4r14: Your question has no meaning here. Might i suggest #c or #c++ ?23:24
latagorebahadunn: I see; I was just curious as to how you knew; unfortunately I am unable to help23:24
bahadunnlatagore: the only thing online I could find was to enable usb keyboard support in the bios which I did and it still dont work23:25
bahadunnand ps2 keyboards dont work either23:25
richie086jrib: kk done, now try to do a apt-get install again?23:25
jribrichie086: just run "sudo apt-get install tex-common"23:25
foresteoptions saa7134 card=154 tuner=55 where write optioms ?23:25
b4r14sorry, i was answer snow_usa23:25
foresteplease help23:25
fran_hi men23:25
richie086jrib: wow, even more errors now23:25
b4r14he is question about faster sort in ubuntu23:25
jribrichie086: no, you're just seeing them now :)23:26
richie086kk, pastbin'ing one sec23:26
BoreumHopsa: is there a way to edit the parameters in the LIVE CD before burning it  or can it only be done in the grub command line?23:26
latagoreb4r14: Why not go with timsort23:26
Hopsaforeste: check /var/log/messages. Determine that its saa7134 you have and load it accordingly.23:27
richie086jrib: http://pastebin.org/82855823:27
latagoreb4r14: And as someone else said; you're better off asking in a different channel23:27
forestewhere to save the configuration of the line tv card?23:27
HopsaBoreum: A CD-R as you have is static.23:27
foresteoptions saa7134 card=154 tuner=5523:27
b4r14thanks latagore. but the problem is not my. this is a question from snow_usa.23:27
BoreumBoreum: right but if I were to burn another?23:28
snow_usathanks b4r1423:28
Typhso, 32-bit or 64-bit? :)23:28
latagoreb4r14: sorry about that23:28
bahadunnnoone else has problems with grub?23:28
richie086jrib: if it is going to be too much trouble, dont sweat it, this is just a virtual machine i can re-do it.. not like its my main OS install23:29
bahadunncant switch OS in the menu man23:29
Typhhow's the 64-bit world? last time I tried 64-bit ubuntu, I had plenty of browser plugin problems, is this still a thing? (or was I going about it the wrong way?)23:29
b4r14latagore: no problem23:29
jribrichie086: ok we have to do the same for /var/lib/dpkg/info/tex-common.postinst  , up to you23:29
richie086jrib: but i would like to know how if it isnt too hard to do23:29
BoreumHopsa: right but if I were to burn another?23:29
Olytibarhi, are you able to delete a write-protected file (eg 444) within Samba? In the shell “rm: remove write-protected regular file `example'?” is asked. What will happen?23:29
HopsaBoreum: You could replace grub.conf or grub, or some package that installs grubs configuration file menu.1st or grub.conf as its symlink is called most often.23:29
hihihi100hi there i cannot hear sound in my 10.0423:29
richie086kk im down.. was a fedora/rh user for years just getting into using ubuntu so i dont know all the ins and outs of dpkg23:30
hihihi100its like the volume control, no matter what I do, is always muted23:30
HopsaBoreum: Do you have many of these R40's ?23:30
latagoreOlytibar: You are able to do that with super user privileges23:30
latagoreOlytibar: I think lol23:31
Olytibarlatagore: But not within Samba as a normal user?23:31
BoreumHopsa: sadly it is my only one. my brother works for an IT outsourcing company and threw one my way because I needed to replace my falling apart Dell23:31
area51pilotHow do I ad gDeb to the action list in a download box???23:31
bmoseley07The Universal USB Installer won't load Ubuntu onto my USB drive. Has anyone else encountered this problem?23:31
latagoreOlytibar: Why not create an empty file, give it 444 permisions and then try and delete it?23:31
area51pilot How do I add gDeb to the action list in a download box???23:31
Olytibarlatagore: Because I do not have any Samba shares I can access atm.23:32
brenlaehi, i have a lot of ports blocked with my net connection (wifi hotspot, and i can't unblock them) - how do i get a gpg key manually? i can't get it through the normal method since that port is blocked23:32
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HopsaBoreum: Then you only need to get it running with the options i provided and after that, installed.23:32
jribrichie086: basically these are just scripts dpkg runs at some point for the package installation and we're adding set -x so we can see exactly what gets run that fails23:32
latagoreOlytibar: I don't want to make assumptions in case I'm wrong, so I can't say anymore23:33
richie086sounds logical... pastebin is not refreshing for me for some strange reason hang on23:33
Olytibarlatagore: ok, thank you.23:33
brenlaeany way to manually get a gpg key through port 80 (via a web browser, maybe)?23:34
latagoreOlytibar: I can try it now myself, if you're still here to recieve the answer23:34
jribrichie086: you cane remove the set -x from the first file (I misread the original output)23:34
richie086jrib: try refreshing pastebin is it coming up for u?  it wont refresh23:34
BoreumHopsa: I think I cam going to download the .ISO again and burn a new CD-R and go from there. Sadly I am tempted to take it to my local Computer Repair shop but I think they will charge an arm and a leg to get it running.23:34
richie086jrib: kk23:34
Drunkenhello. is anyone familiar with coolkey or cackey?23:35
jribrichie086: use paste.ubuntu.com if you want23:35
jribDrunken: just ask your real question23:35
richie086jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/490590/23:36
jribrichie086: k, now add set -x and do the apt-get dance23:36
area51pilotBoreum: can uu boot from a USB stick?23:36
jribrichie086: this file is huge, no wonder it fails -_-23:36
Drunkenwell coolkey seems to have issues working under ubuntu 10.04 (i'm running 64 bit). i've tried using cackey, unfortunately dpkg and the gui installer claim the 64 bit is the wrong architecture for me. so i tried to compile cackey from source and firefox gives segmentation faults when the cac is inserted.23:37
Boreumarea51pilot: i have tried to no avail. changing the boot order in BIOS et al. no luck.23:37
Jordan_UBoreum: Is there no OS on the internal drive?23:37
area51pilotHow did u create the USB? Did u use Universal UB Installer?23:38
Olytibarlatagore: Yep, I’m still here23:38
BoreumJordan_U: been wiped from the initial install of Ubuntu i believe23:38
an0therus3ri cant skip forward in ubuntu 10.04 movie player .. playing a mp3 song?23:38
OlytibarJust create a single 444-file, if you want to, and try to delete. (or 444 folder23:38
Jordan_UBoreum: Ok, so there should be an Ubuntu install there but that isn't booting. And the media that you used to do that install before, isn't booting now. Correct?23:39
heoatar -xvf *.tar   <--- how can I untar them to their corresponding files like  "hello.tar to the hello-dir"?23:39
BoreumJordan_U: correct23:39
MrWGWif you want to do an automatic network install with Kickstart and preseeding23:39
MrWGWcan you use preseeding to have the install do a software RAID 1?23:39
MrWGWI read that kickstart in Ubuntu can't set it up23:40
Jordan_UBoreum: Does anything change if you hold boot when trying to boot from the internal drive?23:40
Jordan_UBoreum: *hold shift23:40
an0therus3ru can have the covernaout kil your eletricity23:40
Hopsaheoa mkdir hello-dir && cd hello-dir && wget FILE && tar -zxvf FILE23:40
latagoreOlytibar: If I can ask a favour of you while I'm doing it; any idea how to change the logon background?23:40
BoreumJordan_U: nothing until it starts beeping23:40
richie086jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/490593/23:40
yvaHi can somebody tell me where I can change my environment from sh to bash?23:40
Jordan_UBoreum: Beeping is good, somewhere in the documentation there should be information on what various beep patterns mean.23:41
Jordan_UBoreum: The documentation for your netbook that is.23:41
richie086yva: type bash23:42
jribrichie086: you see the issue?23:42
Hopsarichie086: No packages found matching texlive-base23:42
VCoolioyva: sh is a symlink in /bin, change that to bash if you need23:42
nouseyva, if you want to change it permanently, just run the command 'chsh', it will ask you what shell you want to use.23:42
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BoreumJordan_U: it is just an old IBM Thinkpad rather than a Netbook and I believe the beeping is just from it believe the shift key is stuck23:43
yvait a server so it's shared23:43
yvaI wanna change it myself23:43
richie086jrib: is there any way to tell dpkg to forget about tex-common all together?  it was a dependency of some other thing iwas tying to install23:43
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aseemwhat's the difference in print(a) and print('some string' + a + 'some string'),a being equal to  a  + 523:43
nouseyva, chsh will just change it for your user23:43
hihihi100i need help with my ALSA upgrade, what do I have to type in a terminal to tar xvf AlsaUpgrade-1.0.23-2.tar?23:44
richie086aseem: more typing :)23:44
jribrichie086: yeah, you can force it away if removing doesn't work...23:44
MarkSSIs it possible to install the entire Ubuntu system from source or do I just have to put up with an installer?  If so, how?23:44
yvanouse> excellent tahnks23:44
b4r14yva: you can edit /etc/passwd. the last fields have the shell assigned to you23:44
aseemlol damn my bad,sorry!23:44
jribrichie086: but the issue is it runs that dpkg-query for texlive-base and doesn't.  /why/ it thinks the situation should be different, well, I don't know23:44
Hopsaaseem: " some string". Goto channel php or perl ?23:45
richie086jrib: using dpkg or apt-get?  like i said still getting familiar with how dpkg works23:45
Olytibarlatagore: Maybe (I am not sure) you just have to replace /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png Just rename the original file and create a new one with the name.23:45
jribrichie086: well the command to just remove is "apt-get remove tex-common"23:45
aseempython,yeah i typen at the wrong channel.23:45
BoreumHopsa: thanks again. if i am back on here and your on i'll let you know how it went.23:46
richie086jrib: lol guess what23:46
richie086that worked!  much easier that way23:46
jribrichie086: asks you to configure tex-common?23:46
jribrichie086: heh23:47
richie086jrib: i do appreciate ur help tho...  not used to being the person asking questions :)23:47
jribrichie086: anyway, if you install texlive-base now it should work ok.  I'm not sure why it broke, though it looks like it's probably a bug.  You can check bugs.ubuntu.com\23:47
Jordan_UBoreum: Did you get that beeping when it was booting successfully?23:47
richie086jrib: kk,  ty again for ur help23:48
jribrichie086: no problem23:48
BoreumJordan_U: never held shift when it was booting successfully to Windows XP Pro23:48
BadAssPenshow can i verify my printer port is install properly in ubuntu, after i installed vmware player it says my printer port does not exist.23:48
richie086BadAssPens: what type of port?  paralell?  usb?23:48
Jordan_UBoreum: Ok, so it doesn't beep when it fails to boot but you're not holding shift.23:49
richie086vmware player jacked ur paralell port..  :)23:49
BoreumJordan_U: Indeed23:49
BadAssPenscrap i need it for a dongle for my software23:49
richie086so in vmware u cant access ur para port or u cant access it in ur host OS?23:49
acxty_1Hi guys, I have all the computers on the lan passing through a ubuntu computer that share the internet connection. How can I save in logs all the web pages that each ip had access?23:49
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.23:50
BadAssPenswell i dont know about the host, dont know enough about ubuntu yet to know how to check that23:50
yvaI'm trying to login using private and public keys, it not working. I added my public key to .ssh/authorized_keys, anything else I need to do?23:50
richie086acxty_1: setup a proxy on the ubuntu machine..  are u trying to monitor what goes on?23:50
BadAssPensis there a hardware manager in ubuntu somewhere that i can see what hardware is working and what isnt?23:51
hihihi100who can help me to upgrade my ALSA drivbers?23:51
b4r14yva: check in your configuration about login without password23:52
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b4r14yva: i think that you need enable this feature in ssh configuration file23:52
egsomehihihi100, try to do, and if you got problems, ask23:52
HopsaBoreum: Np23:52
hihihi100well, i follow the instructions dound at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=658981023:53
hihihi100im stuck in number 323:53
egsomehihihi100, `tar xvf AlsaUpgrade-1.0.23-2.tar` ?23:54
ridinok hihihi100, where's the script23:54
Jordan_UBoreum: Can you completely remove the internal HD from the boot order?23:54
offsense01i try to use gnome-shell but my box freezes after couple of minutes, any idea??23:54
hihihi100sudo apt tar xvf AlsaUpgrade-1.0.23-2.tar23:54
egsomehihihi100, there's no `apt`23:54
hihihi100yes, is that what I have to type?23:54
hihihi100so could u please write the correct command line?23:55
duffydackapt tat?23:55
ridinhihihi100: tar xvf AlsaUpgrade-1.0.23-2.tar23:55
RealOptyso there i am looking at lscpu23:55
egsomehihihi100, type: tar xvf AlsaUpgrade-1.0.23-2.tar23:55
RealOptythen i see CPU op-mode(s):        64-bit23:55
BoreumJordan_U: No i don't believe that is an option. I an put it last in line but that is about it.23:55
RealOptydoes that mean my cpu is a 64bit processor?23:55
richie086BadAssPens: check ur pm23:55
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HopsaRealOpty: A bit probable23:56
RealOptyI see23:56
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richie086RealOpty: do u have a dual core processor?23:56
RealOptyive been running 32 bit cause i never thought it was a 64 bit processor23:56
egsomeRealOpty, What processor do you have ?23:57
hihihi100im not gonna deny im a noob, this is what I get: hihihi100@hihihi100-laptop:~/Downloads$ tar xvf AlsaUpgrade-1.0.23-2.tar23:57
hihihi100tar: AlsaUpgrade-1.0.23-2.tar: Cannot open: No such file or directory23:57
hihihi100tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now23:57
latagoreOlytibar: If you're still here, you can't delete from samba shares23:57
DoyleDoes anyone know if there are plans to add "Do Nothing" as an option when the laptop lid is closed to the power management app?23:57
hihihi100but in the download directory there IS that file with that name23:57
RealOptyegsome, amd sempron23:57
egsomehihihi100, Check the file name, and the file name23:58
jribDoyle: I don't know but isn't that kind of dangerous?23:58
area51pilotduffydack: how do I add a program to "open with" in a dialog download box?23:58
Doylejrib: why would it be dangerous?23:58
egsomehihihi100, pastebin `ls -l`23:58
Jordan_UBoreum: I can't think of any thing not hardware related that would cause the LiveCD that booted before to no longer do so, and I expect whatever is preventing the LiveCD from working is also what's preventing the internal HD from booting.23:58
burlingtonhey all - I am a novice/intermediate linux user.   I installed windows xp 64 and then installed ubuntu 10.4  on the same drive selecting "choose at start-up"...   the only problem is that it infact never lets me see grub.. It goes right into windows..  anyideas?23:58
duffydackarea51pilot, there is a open with23:58
hihihi100where do I have to paste that? in what part of the command line?23:58
duffydackarea51pilot, Open with other app.. or just set one in right click properties..23:59
Jordan_Uburlington: Do you have more than one hard drive?23:59
area51pilotI want to ad the debian installer as an option for those package types23:59
burlingtonI do..23:59
orbithow do I stop the screen from locking and requiring a pw  on the timeout?23:59
burlingtonJordan_U: I do.23:59
Jordan_Uburlington: Change the boot order in the BIOS, you're not booting from the drive grub is installed to.23:59
an0therus3rhi guys... i using ubuntu 10.04 with some default updates .. so up-yo-date-  i cant scroll in my fac mp3 player anymore: totem movie player 2.30.223:59
egsomeRealOpty, I think it's `AMD64` processor, Right ?23:59

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