
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
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duanedesignmorning all11:47
mkarnickimorning duanedesign :)11:48
duanedesignhey there mkarnicki11:49
mkarnickiI'm thinking of taking part in tomorrows bug day, I'll read the wiki today11:50
duanedesignmkarnicki: cool11:53
mkarnickiduanedesign: I always wanted to take part, but never had courage and time to start11:54
duanedesignmkarnicki: i need to do some bug work. Been really busy lately...11:54
mkarnickiduanedesign: good luck :)11:54
duanedesignrye: what should we do about Maverick bug reports having trouble authenticating? Is their a master bug report? Should we be recommending the workaround with the ubuntuone-auth-old.py script?12:13
ryeduanedesign, as of yesterday, the fix was deployed to staging and  staging is used by the sso client... and let me see what is the current status of sso client12:14
ajmitchduanedesign: something like bug 628118?12:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 628118 in ubuntuone-servers "OAuth tokens are not added to Ubuntu One after /sso-finished-so-get-tokens/ (affects: 13) (heat: 72)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62811812:14
ryeduanedesign, the bug with sso client is bug 62770012:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 627700 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "pinging of ubuntuone url is done using http address resulting in 403 FORBIDDEN response (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62770012:17
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mkarnickisweet, I like the new pastebin :)12:58
ryeduanedesign, nessita just confirmed that the updated sso client will be available today, the update is the only missing link between maverick and ubuntuone14:04
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* popey files some bugs in u1 :)16:31
popeywhere "some" = 216:31
beunowhat?!  we have no bugs!16:33
popeybug 63328016:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 633280 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "U1 Preferences sign up screen, captcha never loads (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63328016:34
* beuno pokes nessita 16:34
popeynote that I'm behind a proxy16:34
popeyso at a wild guess the preferences dialog takes no notice of my gnome proxy settings16:35
nessitabeuno: hum16:35
nessitabeuno: we're not dealing with proxys, as far as I know, let me grab some opinions16:36
nessitapopey: could you please file a bug?16:37
popeylook up16:37
nessitapopey: for ubuntu-sso-client project16:38
popeywell, i just filed bug 633285 also, which may be related I guess16:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 633285 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "U1 Preferences sign up screen, T&C doesnt load (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63328516:38
popeyand bug 63328016:38
ubot4Launchpad bug 633280 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "U1 Preferences sign up screen, captcha never loads (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63328016:38
nessitapopey: I'll handle that, thanks!16:38
barryhi all.  on a maverick desktop i go to System -> Preferences -> Ubuntu One and get the pref window, but see no way to register my computer.  under Account, i see Unknown for name, email, plan, links to manage account and support options, but that's it.  i've run thru the faq but u1sdtool -c does nothing.  thoughts?16:39
popeybarry: there's a link at the bottom "Already have an acount? Click here to sign in"16:39
barrypopey: nope, i don't have that link :(16:40
popeyoh, sorry, i thought you got the create account thing, sorry, ignore me16:40
popeybarry: is your system fully up to date? I had to uninstall/purge ubuntu-desktop and then reinstall to get the new sign up dialog16:40
barrypopey: i think the preferences window is borked16:40
popeyno, its blank like that normally :)16:41
popeyi suspect you just dont have the new code which has the "Create Ubuntu One account" thing in it16:41
barrypopey: i just apt-get updated and rebooted on this box16:41
popey^^ that thing16:41
barrypopey: i don't see anything like that :/16:41
popeyyou could try:-16:42
popeysudo apt-get remove --purge ubuntu-desktop16:42
popeysudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop16:42
popeysee if you get any new ubuntuone related packages come down16:42
popey(I did this 10 minutes ago and I did)16:42
barrypopey: nod, trying... thx16:42
barrypopey: no new u1 packages coming...16:43
barryno change in preferences window either :(16:44
popeyhave you ever used u1 on that machine before?16:44
barrypopey: nope16:44
popeybarry: do you have a package called ubuntu-sso-client installed ?16:45
barrypopey: apparently yes :)16:45
barrypopey: interestingly, on my other mav desktop, i have no u1 entry under System -> Preferences.  but u1 still works (e.g. tomboy sync).  doing the apt-get dance above definitely does install a bunch of new u1 packages16:46
popeytomboy sync is a bit different from u1 file sync16:46
popeyi suspect you can make tomboy file sync work without actually having any of the u1 packages installed16:47
barrypopey: ah.  on that other desktop, the preferences panel comes up and i do see that i have the free plan, but still unknown name and email (which is odd, but that machine's an upgrade from lucid - the broken machine is clean mav from alpha)16:49
barrymy browser has all the right account info though16:50
popeybarry: what happens if you open a terminal and run "/usr/bin/python /usr/lib/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-login" ?16:51
barryUbuntu One login manager already running, quitting16:52
barry(on the broken mav desktop)16:52
popeywell, I'm afraid you've exhausted my level of expertise here, sorry16:53
barrypopey: no worries, thanks for the help :)16:53
* beuno summons rye 16:53
popeyunless you open a terminal and "ps aux | grep sso" and then kill the existing ubuntu-sso-login16:53
popeyand try starting it again?16:53
beunorye barry is one of my personal heroes, can you help him out?16:53
popeyoh, blimey, I just realised to barry is16:54
beunopopey, so you where being all nice for free?16:54
* popey waves a stick at barry after he just had to moderate 2700+ mails in a mailman list16:54
* beuno pokes Chipaca in the knee16:54
popeythats how i roll16:54
barrypopey: oh shit. i guess i'm glad you didn't realize who i was :)16:54
beunonessita, maybe you know?16:56
barrybeuno: the feeling is definitely mutual :)  and i like feeling the pain so our other users won't have to.  i am the Breakor of Systems, but it's usually the case that i'm not alone16:56
* beuno hugs barry 16:56
barrypopey: ftr, on the other mav machine, the one with the weird, but working preferences panel, i can definitely connect to u1 in nautilus and see my files16:57
nessitabeuno: one sec, hasta las manos16:57
beunobarry, hold tight, I'll find someone who can help  :)17:01
popeyPriority service huh17:01
beunorye is our ninja suport guy17:01
barrybeuno: no problem.  just ping me, i've got 5 irc sessions going on :)17:02
beunopopey, anyone who feeds me for a week gets priority anything!17:02
barrypopey: you're welcome at my place anytime.  ask beuno: every meal was a winner :)17:03
beunoyes it was!  I never thought I'd associate washington with good food, but there you go17:03
popeyVery kind of you!17:03
barrywe *really* should have a uds here :)17:04
* popey wonders how barry would house 300+ geeks, let alone feed them17:05
* barry has nice neighbors17:06
* Chipaca pokes beuno back17:11
Chipacabeuno: qué?17:11
Chipacabeuno: I'm stopping for lunch. Holler if it's urgent (you've got my phone#)17:12
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beuno-lunchrye, if you check back, please help barry  :)17:12
nessitabeuno-lunch: shoot17:19
Chipacabarry: what's the issue?17:23
barryChipaca: hi!  i have a maverick desktop that i cannot register w/u117:23
Chipacabarry: ok!17:24
Chipacanessita: is the sso with the https ping url out?17:24
barryChipaca: i see no link/option to register from System -> Preferences -> U117:24
Chipacabarry: give me a sec17:25
Chipacabarry: /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ubuntu_sso/main.py17:25
Chipacabarry: at the top of that there is a PING_URL='http://...', yes?17:26
nessitaChipaca: nopes17:26
nessitaChipaca: I'm trying to have it released, can I have a couple of reviews?17:26
barryPING_URL = "http://edge.one.ubuntu.com/oauth/sso-finished-so-get-tokens/"17:26
Chipacabarry: ok, change that to https17:26
Chipacabarry: killall ubuntu-sso-login17:26
Chipacabarry: and you should find peace :)17:26
barryChipaca: hmm, i'm a little unconfortable hacking a file from a package.  is there something i should be installing/reinstalling instead?17:27
Chipacaumm... you might have to close down all the ubuntuone stuff you might have upp, for them to pick up the new ubuntu-sso-login. Not sure.17:27
Chipacabarry: or you can wait for nessita to package that fix17:27
nessitabarry: I can give a fresh .deb package17:27
nessitabarry: but you'll need latest ubuntuone-client17:27
barrynessita: if it's coming soon, i can wait til the new packages hit the archive17:28
barryChipaca, nessita but what the heck, let me at least try that fix17:28
nessitabarry: it should land today, I'm chasing reviewers :-)17:28
barrynessita: cool.  i'll wait then.  time for lunch anyway :)17:28
barryi'll continue to hang out here though and will let you know how it goes17:29
barrythanks guys!17:29
nessitabarry: :-)17:29
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duanedesignmkarnicki: /3819:46
duanedesignoops :P19:46
mkarnickiduanedesign: what was that ^ ^?19:46
duanedesign  /38 is a shortcut in irssi. I know, i have too many irc windows open :)19:47
mkarnicki:O holy shoot :D19:48
mkarnickiduanedesign: (I'm using it too, but I'm at 10 windows at the moment :D)19:48
duanedesignmkarnicki: i was just telling someone about your project on the forums. I used tab complete to get the spelling of your name and forgot it was still in the window19:48
duanedesignso when I went to change windows...19:48
mkarnickiduanedesign: oh! I do the same thing sometimes :) thanks for sharing!19:48
mkarnickiduanedesign: I haven't been on the forums for quite a while..19:50
duanedesigni go in phases. few days on, few days off19:51
mkarnickiI've been learning about Bugs and bug triaging today. Read quite a chunk of the wiki19:52
duanedesignoh cool19:52
duanedesignmkarnicki: if you plan to do Ubuntu One bugs, this is helpful https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Bugs/WorkFlow19:55
mkarnickiduanedesign: quite a flow chart :D thanks for the link!19:55
duanedesignmkarnicki: this is another helpful one. Though this one is for bugs in general19:56
mkarnickiduanedesign: Oh yes, the Knowledge Base from wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs is on my lecture list :)19:57
duanedesignmkarnicki: need to do some of my C lessons :) pointer fun. have a good rest of your day if i dont see you again.20:07
mkarnickiduanedesign: thanks :) happy C coding!20:09
FishsceneHas anyone had any issues when purchasing songs from the Ubuntu One Music store in the past 24 hours?20:25
FishsceneThe status page says the services are running, but when I go to purchase music, it says "Your credit card couldn't be processed at this time. Please try again later, or use a different card or payment method."20:34
FishsceneI don't think it's a problem with my card as I was able to purchase a song 2 days ago and just yesterday, I purchased something else just fine.20:35
beunoFishscene, I haven't seen problems, but lets check with mattgriffin20:36
FishsceneHow would we do that? :P20:37
mattgriffinFishscene, beuno: checked the sales stats. purchases are going through for customers20:37
mattgriffinFishscene: what regional store are you using?20:37
Fishsceneuhhh... I have no idea. I'm in the United States though. I did have a question about the card information though..20:38
FishsceneFor example, it asks me for a start date on my card, but I do not have one.20:38
mattgriffinFishscene: yeah... confusing field and a long standing bug that needs to get fixed. you can ignore the firle20:38
Fishscenelol. That's what I did last time for my very first purchase and it worked :)20:38
Fishsceneok so, how do I tell which regional website I'm going to?20:39
mattgriffinheh. go to the home page of the store. it will say "US", "UK", etc.20:39
mattgriffinat the top20:39
mattgriffinif you're in the US, you are auto-routed to the US store20:39
Fishscene"US Top Picks"20:39
mattgriffinFishscene: so leaving the start date field blank doesn't work?20:40
FishsceneApparently not. O_o20:40
* mattgriffin tries... 1 sec20:41
mattgriffin Fishscene: do you get an error in the music store when you click the Continue button?20:43
FishsceneJust a second here.. lol20:43
FishsceneWhere is that continue button located? on the creditcard information screen?20:44
mattgriffinFishscene: it might not say continue for your. what is the button at the bottom of the credit card entry page for you?20:45
FishsceneIt says Continue.20:46
mattgriffinFishscene: ok. what happens when you type in your cc details and click Continue? Does an error message appear?20:47
FishsceneThere is also a field called "Issue Number" (switch only)20:47
FishsceneI assume I can ignore that too? (Since I did the last time I successfully purchased)20:47
mattgriffinFishscene: yeah. not for the US card types. ignore it20:47
Fishsceneok. When I click continue, the button turns orange and says "please wait" then it loads a webpage with the error saying my card couldn't be processed.20:48
FishsceneAlso, it let me correct the card information and all the fields in gray have been reset. (Card Type: Visa Credit) (Country: United Kingdom) (Start and end dates are all blank)20:49
mattgriffinFishscene: have you checked your email just in case? no payment confirmation messages?20:50
Fishsceneuhhhh let me double-check my spam folder20:50
mattgriffinFishscene: ok20:50
FishsceneNo e-mails. This would be the 5th time it has failed in the past 12 hours and I have not received any e-mails.20:51
mattgriffinFishscene: ok. did you do your first purchase through Paypal? the store should remember your card information from the first purchase.20:52
mattgriffinif you used a credit card20:52
FishsceneI used a card and it saved the information, however, that failed too. So in trying to diagnose the problem, I deleted the card and made a new one entry, however, since it won't go through, I seem to be unable to save the new card info.20:53
mattgriffinFishscene: gotcha. try closing and re-opening Rbox, add the song/album to your cart, and then try the purchase again (ignoring the extra fields like your first purchase)20:53
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mattgriffinFishscene: sometimes the store does funky session things if you leave it open for a while without doing anything20:54
FishsceneActually, I've done that several times20:54
mattgriffinFishscene: heh. ok :(20:54
FishsceneIncluding rebooting the computer, just to make sure it clears everything.20:54
Fishsceneone more thing20:55
FishsceneThis is all on Ubuntu Netbook Edition20:55
mattgriffinFishscene: 10.04 or maverick?20:55
FishsceneAll the latest updates as of last night.20:56
mattgriffinFishscene: hmm... that should work fine. tested it myself many times20:56
mattgriffinFishscene: i'm going to try a test purchase... gimmie a few min please20:56
FishsceneI didn't think there would be any difference, but I thought I'd mention it just the same in case there *was* something goony going on.20:56
mattgriffinFishscene: hmm... new Interpol for $5 :)20:58
FishsceneI'm going to try on a regular Ubuntu installation and see if that makes a difference.20:59
mattgriffinFishscene: what card type were you using?20:59
FishsceneMind if PM you?21:00
Chipacarye: ping21:17
ryeChipaca, pong21:18
Chipacarye: I'm fixing the "sd ends up not connected because it takes too long to local rescan"21:18
Chipacarye: :)21:18
ryeChipaca, how?21:19
Chipacarye: waiting for the READY state before telling it to connect :)21:19
Chipacarye: yes, I know you'd rather it not take 45 minutes to local rescan on some computers21:19
ryeChipaca, is there anything possible to delay syncdaemon startup ... i.e. not start it up on nautilus startup?... In order not to kill the login time?21:23
ryeChipaca, something like fake syncdaemon that will tell the nautilus that there's noone to pick up the phone...21:27
Chipacarye: that is a separate bug, worked on by rodrigo. The current behavior is a regression and he's fixing it.21:31
ryeChipaca, how about adding a new routine in libsyncdaemon that will check whether syncdaemon is running before autostarting it?21:50
ryeChipaca, by sensing the dbus21:50
Chipacarye: libsyncdaemon should not autostart it, that is the bug21:51
ryeChipaca, should i file it?21:51
Chipacarye: if the user has disabled it, she probably did it for a reason21:51
Chipacarye: rodrigo is already working on it21:51
ryeah wow21:51
Chipacagive me a sec to find it21:53
Chipacait's a critical in ubuntuone-client, shouldn't be hard to spot21:53
Chipacarye: #61321921:55
ryeChipaca, today I was bug report writer, not a bug report reader21:55
Chipacathe critical is a dupe of that one :)21:55
ryeChipaca, the one that i submitted with a different title and description :)... well, sorry about original wording21:57
Chipacahere, a clicky: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/61822522:04
Chipacarye: ^ that's a bugreport by you!22:04
Chipacawhich I totally revamped :)22:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 618225 in ubuntuone-client "nautilus plugin starts syncdaemon (and it shouldn't) (dup-of: 613219)" [Critical,Triaged]22:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 613219 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "ubuntuone-syncdaemon is started even if disabled from "Startup applications" (affects: 4) (dups: 1) (heat: 120)" [Medium,Confirmed]22:04
nessitarye: still around? get some sleep dude :-)22:06
ryenessita, will, unfortunately taking a day off tomorrow so no no more bug reports from me22:07
Chipacaso i have to get this branch up right *now*!22:07
Chipacarye: I forgot the --fixes, will commit that, push and do the merge. If you want to test?22:11
dobeyhrmm, it would be nice if we could mark autostart entries as "you can't disable this" someehow22:15
Chipacadobey: what for?22:16
dobeyto keep people from thinking that it will actually disable the start-up of certain items22:17
Chipacadobey: it's a bug! we shouldn't be starting :)22:17
dobeyit's not a bug. beacause that dialog does not alter any actual configuration data anywhere22:18
Chipacadobey: which dialog?22:18
dobeySystem->Preferences->Startup Applications22:18
dobeyall it does is copy a .desktop file to the user's $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/autostart directory, and changes a key in it. the two ways to figure out if something is disabled or not, are: 1) evil and 2) more eviler evil22:20
Chipaca:) now I gotcha22:21
dobeysyncdaemon is going to start if something else in the session requests it to start. that's how DBus works. it's the same as if you disable the keyring or something, and then another app says "hey, guess what, i'm gonna poke at the keyring"22:22
dobeyi think for narwhal we should make it always start at log-in, and have people file a million bugs saying how slow logging in is, and assign them all to foundations+ so they can make syncdaemon fast ;)22:23
Chipacarye: is there a bug about syncdaemon metadata usage OM NOMming?22:23
ryeChipaca, bug #436612 ?22:24
dobeyi'm pretty sure there is an "ubuntuone ate my babies" bug somewhere on launchpad22:24
ubot4Launchpad bug 436612 in ubuntuone-client "Need to profile metadata loading to see if it's too slow (affects: 3) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43661222:24
Chipacaactually I think "syncdaemon blocks while doing local rescan" is a bug on its own22:25
Chipacarye: it was probably something about ubuntuone-launch not connecting or sth22:26
ryeChipaca, heh, if you search for dbus....22:26
* Chipaca searches22:26
ryebug #525743 , bug #51802722:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 525743 in ubuntuone-client "Syncdaemon should reply to dbus call first and then perform fsm metadata index (affects: 1) (heat: 7)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52574322:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 518027 in ubuntuone-client (Ubuntu) "ubuntuone-client doesn't start syncdaemon over DBus, timeout (affects: 1) (heat: 16)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51802722:27
Chipacarye: your launchpad fu is 3x mine.22:27
ryeChipaca, i filed some of them :)22:27
Chipacarye: ^22:29
ryeChipaca, hm... your offering pleases me22:31
Chipacaoh, forgot to mention, it also does not try to start syncdaemon if file sync is disabled (rather than trying and having syncdaemon come back with "nope")22:33
* rye is testing...22:33
Chipacadobey: question for you, god of tarmac22:35
* Chipaca grovels appropriately22:35
Chipacadobey: I've linked bugs to a branch, but those bugs are not fixed by the branch22:35
Chipacadobey: will tarmac get funny ideas?22:35
dobeylinked how?22:35
dobeyi don't think using the lp ui to create bug links adds the metadata to the bzr revision, so it should be ok22:36
dobeyif it does stick it in the branch's revision, tarmac will mark it fix committed22:36
dobeyso i guess we'll find out :)22:36
Chipacadear whateveritis: stop disconnecting me22:38
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ryeChipaca, are you 100% sure from ubuntuone.syncdaemon.clientdefs import APP_NAME as .. ?22:42
Chipacarye: gimme a sec22:43
dobeyYou have exceeded your quota for recipe ubuntuone-hackers/client-dailies for distroseries ubuntu maverick22:43
dobeywhat the heck22:43
Chipacagah, no22:43
* rye is preparing Needs Fixing stamp...22:44
Chipacarye: ubuntuone.clientdefs22:44
Chipacapushing fix22:44
Chipacamy ubuntuone.syncdaemon.clientdefs was bogus22:44
Chipacarye: pushed22:45
Chipacarye: r68622:45
ryehm, strange, even w/o launcher i get syncdaemon started22:47
ryebut launcher looks ok now22:47
Chipacarye: nautilus bug rodrigo is working on, remember?22:47
Chipacarye: not fixed yet22:47
ryeChipaca, i removed the nautilus module22:47
Chipacawee urd22:48
ryeback to testing22:49
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Chipacabarry: no release yet, i don't think23:01
Chipacaooh, a rye!23:04
ryeChipaca, well, i think that branch is ok, so approving it, yet I have something in my system that calls syncdaemon early on login - will find it later since that does not look like ubuntuone-launch23:06
ryeChipaca, and it definitely got connected after login, so it is awesome23:07
* rye will create 4K empty folders for syncdaemon login lag... but later23:07
ryeokay, later all, see you soon!23:09

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