
rexbronhey everyone03:26
ScottLdoh, that's the second time i missed rexbron before he left again04:44
persiaMemoServ was designed to address that specific concern :)04:48
astraljavaScottL: I'm not e[c]static over g-n-a being fixed, as I can't use it myself. :) 3G connection requires NM. :)06:26
astraljavaScottL: But yeah, I haven't had time to put into US this cycle muchly, what with the house, the puppy, now univ. studies and work overtime. I would expect things to get better for the next one.06:27
astraljavaScottL: Might even get DSL for that, w00t! :)06:27
quadrisproScottL, swh-lv2 seems working fine09:38
quadrisproScottL, I'm about to upload it to Debian NEW09:38
* abogani waves10:55
quadrisprociao abogani 11:03
astraljavaHiya guys. :)11:07
aboganiquadrispro: Ciao!11:14
scott-workgood morning everyone :)13:23
scott-workastraljava: thanks for the email to the list :)13:23
scott-workperhaps i should have been much more succinct and explained that networking should work out of the box13:24
scott-worki tend to try to explain too much13:24
scott-workgetting swh-lv2 packages is awesome :)13:38
scott-workwill there be any reason to ship swh-plugins (ladspa) with studio if we have swh-lv2 ?13:39
astraljavascott-work: By out of the box, do you mean also 3G connections?16:11
scott-workastraljava: actually, probably not for 3g17:40
scott-workbut previously, unless you were connecting the computer directly to a router (with dhcp) via a network cable then you probably didn't have network since you couldn't configure your connection17:41
scott-workat least now those with wireless (i.e. a lot of users with laptops) should be able to configure their settings to connect :)17:41
scott-workholstein: when would a meeting work for you?18:13
scott-workholstein: and i remember us talking about making a wiki page for apps that are not included in studio, was there another one we were discussing as well ?18:13
falktxhey guys18:39
holsteinfalktx: hey18:39
falktxi already spoke about this some time ago18:39
holsteinscott-work: should it be evening?18:39
falktxI'm about to make an ubuntustudio live dvd, for testing18:40
holsteinfalktx: nice18:40
falktxshould it be lucid or maverick?18:40
holsteinim going to get some help from a friend on chroot18:40
holsteini say lucid18:41
scott-workmaverick has a gnome-network-admin that works though :)18:41
scott-workand maverick has jack218:41
* holstein changes mind18:41
falktxyep, I think maverick is the one that needs testing18:41
scott-workholstein: i don't expect too many people in the meeting, if you intend to attend the meeting then i say we work around your schedule ;)18:42
falktxguys on the forums are asking about a maverick PPA18:42
scott-worki'll make it at almost any time18:42
scott-workfalktx: for which applications ?18:42
falktxwould you guys consider a team PPA?18:42
falktxscott-work: mostly US ones18:43
scott-workfalktx: for applications that are already in studio ?  i'm not sure i'm understanding the purpose of the ppa then18:43
falktxscott-work: for updates18:44
falktxscott-work: oh, of course, for apps not in the official repos too18:44
holsteinscott-work: wednesdays are usually good18:45
astraljavascott-work: Looks like I won't be able to test today; this 3G is just too unreliable and slow...18:46
holsteinscott-work: not the next few though18:46
holsteinastraljava: :/18:46
scott-workfalktx:  i think that is an idea we should explore18:47
scott-workholstein: you want to try in about three weeks ?18:48
scott-workastraljava: that's okay, sorry you are having problems though18:48
falktxscott-work: my biggest problem is that I dont have easy acess to the internet (no net at home)18:49
falktxscott-work: I wont be able to maintain a maverick PPA18:49
falktxscott-work: even for my lucid one, it's a very big task already...18:49
falktxso I suggest a team PPA18:49
falktxusers will appreciatte it18:50
scott-workfalktx: i agree, users will agree with a unified ppa for studio applications18:52
scott-workarghh, 2nd "agree" should be "appreciate"18:52
falktxscott-work: we should talk to AutoStatic too18:52
scott-workand possible philip5 as well18:53
scott-worki have a concern about trying to indicate that this is an "official" ubuntu studio ppa however if we are including applications that are not in the archives due to licensing issues18:54
scott-worki would also like to push updates back into debian so that they get into the archives as well18:54
falktxscott-work: there should be no licensing issues on the PPA, launchpad/canonical does not allow that18:56
falktxscott-work: btw, I have an external non-free repository...18:56
falktx(top secret!)18:56
scott-workfalktx: lol, this channel logged by the way ;)18:57
falktxscott-work: it's ok18:57
falktxscott-work: the devs game me permission to put them on kxstudio18:57
falktxscott-work: and that means put them online on a repo...18:57
scott-worki feel very strongly about providing a ubuntu studio ppa , even for an official repo, if nothing else as for updates/backports18:58
* holstein got busy for a minute18:58
holsteinscott-work: you want to go for the 29th?18:58
scott-workphone call, be right back18:59
falktxhave to go, bye guys!18:59
holsteinfalktx: laterx18:59
falktxoh, and holstein, I have a deb in my PPA with mumble+jack output18:59
falktxholstein: there's a patch in debian/patches19:00
scott-workback, trying to refinance our house19:04
scott-workrate is going from 5.96% to 4.625% :)19:04
scott-workholstein: 29th sounds great19:04
scott-workhmm falktx is gone already19:04
holsteinyeah, we got 4.6 something fixed on ours19:05
holsteinwe were stoked19:05
scott-worki was going to tell falktx that nothing is stopping him, phillip5, autostatic and anyone else from making a an unofficial ubuntu studio team ppa19:05
scott-workthey can all work together and even include things that are not in the archives19:05
holsteinthat would be handy19:06
scott-workholstein: yeah, hoping to save $100-200 a month on mortgage, that would be pretty sweet over 30 years :P19:06
holsteintotally :)19:06
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