
=== kracker[BDC] is now known as T4nkKiII3r[BDC]
holsteinprep: HEY02:30
holsteinmissed you earlier02:30
holsteinwhats new?02:30
prepNo worries, just downloaded Clementine, and  iTunes like app, I extracted, how do I complete the install?02:31
dtcrshran anyone help me? i got sound when i check the pcm metter bridge, but no sound at all on the 1010 outputs02:32
dtcrshral cables / fisic tests done02:32
holsteinhey dtcrshr02:32
holsteindtcrshr: double check your routing in JACK02:32
holsteinprep: are you running 64bit ubuntu?02:33
=== BDC-kracker is now known as kracker[BDC]
prepNo 32 bit, just updated to Meerkat 10.1002:33
holsteingood luck :)02:34
holsteinprep: just make sure you download the proper package02:34
holsteinthe i386.deb02:34
prepso now what?02:34
holsteinand just click on it02:34
holsteintheres a GUI that'll pop up02:35
holsteinand walk you through the rest02:35
holsteinassuming all the dependancies are satisfiable02:35
holsteinyour good to go02:35
holsteinyou can just click on .deb's like that02:35
* holstein looking dtcrshr 02:35
prepit's not, two folders, DEBIAN , usr02:36
* persia idly notes that one ought take great care with random .debs one finds on the internet, as installing any .deb grants root temporarily to the person who created it.02:36
holsteinlet me look02:36
holsteinpersia: word02:36
persiaI think gdebi has to be installed for the double-click thing to work.02:37
holsteinand thats not in ubuntustudio then persia ?02:37
holsteinprep: you can still use dpkg from the command line if you want02:38
persiaNot for maverick (only xubuntu-desktop, mythbuntu-*, and ubuntu-netbook)02:38
holsteinprep: what are you wanting this for?02:38
prepiTunes replacement, it's based on Amrok02:38
holsteinthis is a very good point persia is making02:38
prepstill tire kicking02:38
persiaIf one is running something else, the command to check is `apt-cache show gdebi | grep ^Task`02:38
holsteinpart of the awesomeness of linux is the way all the software comes from and is updated by the repositories02:39
prepyeah I'm picking up some books to understand better02:39
holstein'trusted sources' are great because you know the system will be stable02:39
persiaUm, no.  That's the awesomeness of Debian and derivatives.  linux doesn't require that in any way (and is probably the most-forked project out there)02:39
persia(Well, and other distros acquired the habit some time back)02:40
holsteinwell, i should say, part of what i think is awesome about debian deriviatives02:40
holsteini was helping a friend update skype in windows today02:40
prepis that a vagina?02:40
holsteinwe had to go the the skype site02:40
persiaSupposed to be hands-up-in-the-air-celebrating02:40
holsteinand download something02:40
holsteininstall it02:41
prepaha, sorry02:41
holsteinquite strange process from what ive gotten comfortalbe with02:41
prepso this app wont run on my system?02:41
holsteinprep: i would assume since its on OMGubuntu02:41
holsteinsomebody got it running on ubuntu02:41
prepbut how to....02:42
holsteinprep: you could google.. how to install .deb file in ubuntu02:42
persiadpkg -i02:42
holsteinthere are lots of options02:42
prepthere's a thought02:42
holsteinwell, not lots02:42
* holstein likes VLC02:43
holsteini always install that pretty quickly02:43
prepfound a good replacement for Logic, EnergyEXT02:43
preppicking up HP atom 550 dual core02:44
holsteinthat'll do it02:45
holsteinyou know what i really like about i tunes?02:45
holstein 02:45
prepwhat's that02:46
holsteinbut i dont have an ipod or anything that needs syncing02:46
preperror: pkg: error processing clementine_0.5~rc1_i368.deb (--install):  cannot access archive: No such file or directory Errors were encountered while processing:  clementine_0.5~rc1_i368.deb02:46
holsteinare you sure you got the path right?02:47
prepadded the PPA, yes, I'm a bad boy. Just tire kicking02:48
holsteinprep: go for it02:48
holsteinthats how you learn02:48
prepLike I said, picking up books to learn more on what, why and where02:49
holsteini got a great book02:49
holsteinsorry about that giant link02:49
prepno worries, its a book02:50
prepFailed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/me-davidsansome/clementine-dev/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/me-davidsansome/clementine-dev/ubuntu/dists/maverick/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.02:51
holsteinthat doesnt look good02:51
holsteinmaybe its down02:51
holsteinor moved02:51
holsteincould just be down02:51
prepI followed the OMGUbuntu instructions02:51
holsteintheres your problem ;)02:52
holsteinnah, it really could just be down for a bit02:52
prepSo the dpkg way, w?here/how to I point it to the .deb02:53
holsteinyou gotta make sure the path is right02:53
prepit's in my downloads folder02:54
holsteini just drag the .deb over in the gnome terminal02:54
holsteinit'll input the path02:54
holsteinthats a good way to learn some command line foo02:54
prepI also just used gdebi to install, got this error : Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libimobiledevice0 (>= 0.9.7)02:55
persiaCould be that the OMBUbuntu instructions assume folks are running lucid...02:55
holsteinyeah, i bet thats the deal02:56
prepI posted on OMG, maybe they'll know. Ok, GF wants my attention, be on tomorrow. Thanks for the time/space and link. Easy killa03:01
holsteinprep: laterx03:01
codewizzrdSir Hakk Alot06:53
codewizzrdwht kind of name is that06:54
holsteinbartje: hello08:37
bartjegot some lilypond trouble here, and I don't get it anymore....08:40
holsteinbartje: im going to refer you too #opensourcemusicians08:43
* holstein is heading to bed08:43
bartjeah, ok :-)08:43
holsteinand ive only dabbled with lilypond a bit08:43
holsteini know it looks great though08:43
* holstein usually just grabs a pen and paper :)08:43
bartjegood night08:44
prep__I cannot get Jack to run after Maverick update: 11:37:35.692 Patchbay deactivated. 11:37:35.796 Statistics reset. Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory Cannot connect to server socket jack server is not running or cannot be started 11:37:35.958 ALSA connection graph change. 11:37:37.046 ALSA connection change. 11:37:37.066 ALSA connection graph change. 11:37:40.710 Startup script... 11:37:40.710 artsshe17:39
holsteinyeah, you got JACK2 in there i think17:42
* holstein is burning some live CD's today to make sure JACK2 works17:42
holsteinwith my hardware17:42
holsteinprep__: you could try running17:43
holsteinsudo qjackctl17:43
holsteinsee if the permissions got funky from the update17:43
holsteinwell, we can assume its not permissions then17:44
holsteinprep__: didnt you need to install some packages to get your card working?17:45
prep__can't remember17:45
holsteinthat could be the case17:45
holsteinsomething you need to reinstall17:45
prep__how do I check?17:45
holsteinafter the update17:45
holsteinOR something that is just not built in to maverick17:46
holsteinor the newer kernel17:46
holsteinprep__: HEY17:46
holsteinhow about that17:46
holsteinwhat kernel are you running now?17:46
holsteindo you have that 'realtime' check box checked?17:46
holsteinyou could try un-checking it17:46
holsteinmaybe you had -rt and now have -generic17:47
prep__not checked17:47
prep__how do I check which Kernel?17:47
holsteinuname -a17:47
holsteinits a good way to learn17:48
holsteinupdating to the beta17:48
holsteinbut these are things you should think about in the future17:48
holsteinyou can download a daily image17:48
holsteinand get the current maverick live17:48
holsteinand see if you hardware is supported17:49
prep__what exactly is that?17:49
holsteinbefore getting out there in the deep17:49
prep__so how do I fix this?17:52
holsteinwho knows17:54
holsteinmaverick is quite a way from being done17:54
holsteinit might be fixed on its own17:54
holsteinwith a kernel update17:54
prep__well crap.17:55
holsteinprep__: you should look and see if any of your old kernels are still there17:55
holsteinthat would rule that out17:55
prep__how do I look?17:55
holsteinprep__: yeah, i ran lucid VERY early17:55
holsteinfrom alpha on17:55
holsteinthere was lots of days of not booting17:55
holsteinbroken packages17:55
holsteinbut i went in knowing that17:55
holsteinand i wanted to try and help report bugs17:56
holsteini feel like i might do it again in a few years17:56
holsteinbut not something id want to do every release17:56
prep__where can I see a list of kernels?17:56
holsteini would go where ever your comfortalbe17:57
holsteinor software center17:57
holsteinand search linux17:57
prep__ok, what file am I searching for in the list?18:00
holsteinor linux-rt-something18:01
prep__I see a
holsteinyeah, thats probably the new one18:04
holsteinyou can look at /boot/grub/grub.cfg18:05
holsteinthat has a list of kernels18:05
prep__wich folder does that start in?18:06
* holstein doesnt no how to answer that ;)18:06
holsteinin terminal18:06
holsteingedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg18:07
holsteinand you can look at that file in read-only mode18:07
prep__### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ### menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.35-20-generic' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os { recordfail insmod part_msdos insmod ext2 set root='(hd0,msdos1)' search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set 031caeac-7dab-4cf7-a4f0-c0c0259b57d6 linux/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-20-generic root=UUID=031caeac-7dab-4cf7-a4f0-c0c0259b57d6 ro   quiet splash initrd/boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-20-generic }18:10
holsteinthats probably one of them18:11
holsteinif thats the only one18:11
holsteinthen you cant boot a different kernel to test18:12
holsteinyou can try installing linux-rt18:12
holsteinor linux-lowlatency18:12
holsteinand booting that18:12
holsteinbut i dont think thats the issue18:12
holsteinso i probably wouldnt waste too much time on it18:12
prep__think anyone on the Ubuntu IRC may be up to date?18:14
holsteinmaybe #ubuntu+118:15
prep__Ok,  I'll try them. Next time, with the new machine, I'll streamline the install.18:17
holsteinprep: you get it sorted out?19:07
prepI deleted my launcher/applet panel by mistake, how do I get it back?19:07
holsteinyou got no panels now?19:08
holsteinif you still have a panel19:09
holsteinyou can right click on it and add whatever back to it19:09
holsteinif not...19:09
prepno panels19:09
prepI need to buy that Ubuntu book stat19:09
holsteindo alt-F219:09
holsteinand run...19:10
prep_alt 2 and run what?19:11
prep_I dropped net, didn't get that last bit19:13
holsteinprep: actually19:13
holsteintry https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+question/775919:13
prep_not working19:15
holsteindid you try https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+question/7759 ??19:15
holsteinthe first post?19:15
prep_yep, followed, error19:15
holsteinwell, what error?19:16
holsteinafter alt+F219:16
holsteingo to gnome-terminal19:16
holsteinthen put in those commands19:18
holsteingnome-session-remove gnome-panel19:18
holsteinso on19:18
prep_moved to the top, all messed up19:20
prep_commands aren't working19:20
holsteinbut you got a panel?19:21
prep_yes, the one on bottom is now on top, mated with the launchers/applets19:22
prep_all screwy19:22
holsteinso thats progress19:22
holsteinyou probably need to reapply the themeing19:23
holsteinand now, you can right click and move things around19:23
holsteinBUT i would just log out and back in19:23
prepstill wacked out19:27
prepchanged theme, same19:27
holsteinprep: im not sure i understand what is 'wacked out'19:28
holsteinbut try adding another panel19:28
prepNothing will change, or return back to it's place19:28
holsteinyou can also try deleting you .gnome2 dir19:29
* holstein wonders if your running gnome panel as root somehow19:29
prepI can do that, but the "open windows" like Firefox what not, are ll up top in the panel area, when they use to be in the bottom with the Trash, Workspaces etc19:30
prepis the .gnome2 dir located?19:31
prepthat first script will not run, says command not foun19:34
holsteinprep: run them seperately19:35
holsteinand see which one19:35
prepThe second did19:35
prepthats how I got to here, but how to fix the way it was?19:35
holsteinthat one?19:35
prephad panel at end19:36
prepI can't find that file to delete19:42
holsteinyou'll have to sudo remove it19:44
holsteinand it might not work19:44
prepSo it's just broke permanently?19:45
holsteini would try that19:46
holsteinremoving /home/you/.gnome219:46
prepso sudo then gnome-session-remove-panel?19:46
holsteini hate to give advice because im not totally sure what the issue is19:46
holsteini could get you in more trouble19:47
holsteinBUT in theory19:47
holsteingnome just stores its settings there19:47
holsteinand if you delete it19:47
holsteingnome will just make a new one next boot19:47
prepwhere is removing/home/you/ .gnome2? Not sure I follow19:48
holsteinin the GUI19:48
holsteingo to ...19:48
holsteinplaces - home folder19:48
holsteinassuming you still have those options from your panel19:49
holsteinwhen in there19:49
holsteinyou can go to view or something up there19:49
holsteinand show hidden files19:49
holsteinyou should then see all these .whatever dir's19:50
holsteinyou'll see one19:50
holsteinor .mozilla19:50
holsteinthats the settings for your firefox browser19:50
holsteinif you were to delete that dir19:50
holsteinnext time firefox starts19:50
holsteinit looks there for settings19:50
holsteinand if there are none19:50
holsteinit will just make a new one19:51
holsteinwith defaults19:51
prepso delete gnome2?19:51
holstein*in theory*19:51
holsteinprep: well, thats my suggestion19:51
holsteinand im really not sure if that will do anything19:51
holsteinbut it seems plausible19:51
prepdeleted, lemme reboot, see what goes, thanks19:51
prepWell, got red of the top system tray, but now I have no tray at all19:56
holsteintry alt+F219:57
holsteingnome-panel &19:57
prepnothing happened19:58
holsteinso try doing the thing you did before19:58
holsteingnome-session-remove gnome-panel19:59
holsteingconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel19:59
holsteingnome-panel &19:59
prep_crap minimized window, couldn't get our convo back up, geesh19:59
prep_and you were saying20:00
holstein14:58 < holstein> alt+F220:00
holstein14:58 < holstein> gnome-terminal20:00
holstein14:58 < holstein> gnome-session-remove gnome-panel20:00
holstein14:59 < holstein> gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel20:00
holstein14:59 < holstein> gnome-panel &20:00
holsteinlike before20:00
prep_no such file or directory20:01
prep_the first command20:01
holsteinit could have been changed20:01
holsteini would go to #ubuntu+120:02
holsteinor #ubuntu-beginners20:02
holsteinand say, 'i deleted my panel.. help'20:02
holsteinor install LXDE :)20:02
prep_One last thing, I cannot get my drives to mount to desktop anymore. Suggestions? I think I will backup, download Maverick Live, reinstall without all the old crapp20:03
holsteinprep_: maybe add yourself to the disk group ??20:03
holsteinsudo adduser prep_ disk20:03
holsteinof course20:03
holsteinthere is a setting that doesnt show them mounted on the desktop20:04
holsteinthat could be borked too20:04
holsteinare they not mounting at all? or just not on the desktop?20:04
prep_not to desktop20:05
holsteinyeah, theres a gconf setting for that20:05
holsteini forget where right off the top of my head20:05
holsteinthat might get all sorted out when you get your panels back though20:05
prepdownloaded Docky, cool20:08
prepOk, so I have a dock,20:09
prepThe hard drive stopped mounting to desktop before the update. So that was a prior issue20:09
holsteinnear the bottom20:14
holsteini would check that setting20:15
holsteinin gconf-editor20:15
prepok, place to start20:15
holsteinive hidden them before20:15
prepUsing Ubuntu Tweak right now as well20:20
holsteinyeah thats a nice tool20:21
holsteinthe PPA purge didnt work quite as i expected though20:21
holsteini still have a few packages hanging around from the PPA i purged20:21
prepMy goal with the new HP, is Maverick on 10/10/10, EnergyEXT, very lean machine, I've learned whats crap on this machine20:22
holsteinim going to hang back at lucid on my production box20:22
prepMines just play for now, real life eats creativity20:23
prepUbuntu has come a long way since I tried it back in 06/0720:23
holsteinhell, its come along way since 9.1020:24
prepwhats clean Kernels do in Tweak?20:24
holsteinjust removes the old kernels20:24
holsteinwhen you take updates20:24
holsteinand get 6 or 8 kernels hanging around that you dont need20:24
holsteini would keep more than one though20:25
holsteini got an update the other day that didnt work right for some reason20:25
holsteinand had to reinstall the generic kernel on my mininote20:25
prepI want to build a box, shit Tweak closed'20:26
prepnevermind, it didnt20:26
holsteinalright, its food-O'clock20:27
prepMy old OSX backup drive, the one mounted, will not me delete off of it, and it use to mount to desktop, then just stopped, aight20:27
dtcrshrhello, iv installed cinelerra, but i got characters on the menu all messed up22:00
dtcrshri uset locales pt-br22:01
holsteinhey dtcrshr22:04
holsteinyou got the locale set incorrectly?22:04
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
dtcrshrholstein, only in cinelerra22:07
dtcrshrall other apps displays special characters just fine22:08
holsteinlet me look for a minute22:08
holsteindtcrshr: i would try over in #cinelerra22:09
dtcrshrholstein, ill do that, thanks anyway22:10
holsteinyeah, im not finding anything super obvious22:11

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