
Arpad2front mic doesnt work01:37
=== kracker[BDC] is now known as T4nkKiII3r[BDC]
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IledenHi! My problem is that my battery on my AA1 laptop reports constant 0%, so whenever I disconnect power cord, I get an annoying dialog about low power with "shutdown" as the default selection, even though the battery is in fact fully charged. How can I turn off xfce power management from giving this dialog?10:04
Ileden(yes, the battery is old and has only around 40 mins of power on full charge anymore, but 40min is still plenty of time)10:05
Sysiyou could kill powermanager or prevent it from starting..10:07
Iledenhow do i perent it from starting?10:14
Sysisettings → session and startup10:15
Sysiand: rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions10:15
sivanghi all11:15
sivanghas anyone seen jani?11:16
sivangis he still xubuntu lead?11:16
=== plustwo is now known as deegee
LogicalDashI want my left Win key to be a Compose key. I can accomplish this easy enough by going into Keyboard Layouts and using the dropdown under Compose key position. But xfce seems to forget that setting whenever I restart. What do?13:28
TheSheepLogicalDash: edit /etc/default/console-setup13:29
TheSheepor run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup'13:29
LogicalDashTheSheep, thanks13:33
rgnrany1 uses smartphones 713:56
Sysiwhat do you mean?13:56
TheSheepnot with xubuntu13:58
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Arpad2my microphone doesnt work from the front plug, how to fix it?18:10
* xGrind is away: academia18:10
=== xGrind is now known as xGrind-oFF
SysiArpad2: have you checked mixer18:10
Arpad2well, I looked into it18:11
Sysialsa has many sliders18:11
Arpad2but perhaps i missed sth:)18:11
Arpad2in mixer is switch for fron mic, which i set to max, but in vain, no result18:12
Arpad2my codec is Realtec ALC88218:13
broti am running maverick right now, and xfce4-terminal makes use X 100% of 1 core.20:18
Sysii think it's filed as bug20:18
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10 - Maverick is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+120:19
brotthose guys are busy :)20:19
charlie-tcabug 63308520:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 633085 in xfce4-terminal (Ubuntu) "xfce4-terminal causes 100% cpu usage (xorg)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63308520:19
broti already asked the question there and i thought i may ask here.20:19
brotthanks charlie-tca and Sysi :)20:20
* xGrind-oFF is back (gone 02:15:07)20:25
knome!away | xGrind-oFF20:30
ubottuxGrind-oFF: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»20:30
xGrind-oFFknome ok20:34
=== xGrind-oFF is now known as xGrind
knomexGrind, thanks20:35
knomexGrind, please also turn off your awayscript :)20:35
xGrindyes ;D20:37
knomexGrind, thanks again20:37
=== MichealH is now known as Iizd0od
=== Iizd0od is now known as MichealH
=== SuperHark is now known as MichealH

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