=== k1l_ is now known as k1l === V0rTechS is now known as VorTechS === Gary_ is now known as Gary [11:02] <[drnathanfurious> wow, really strange behavior with the 'time' command... can anyone confirm [11:02] <[drnathanfurious> in the man page it says you can do [11:02] <[drnathanfurious> time -f "%E real,%U user,%S sys" ls -Fs [11:02] <[drnathanfurious> to format output [11:02] try #ubuntu? [11:02] <[drnathanfurious> whoah, where the f am i [11:02] <[drnathanfurious> oic [11:02] <[drnathanfurious> sorry [11:06] [drnathanfurious: if you only use time you use the bash built in time. « help time » [11:07] erUSUL: we sorted it out in #ubuntu :) [12:16] In #ubuntu-uk, AlanBell said: lubotu3: !marketplace is http://webapps.ubuntu.com/marketplace [14:17] * nhandler added a slightly more detailed version of AlanBell's suggested factoid [14:20] !marketplace ? [14:20] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [14:21] !marketplace [14:21] Find a company that provides local support for Ubuntu desktops and servers in the Ubuntu Marketplace: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/marketplace/ === faizul is now known as root_ === root_ is now known as faizul === k1l_ is now known as k1l === drubin_ is now known as drubin