
RealOptyegsome, idk should i do cat /proc/cpuinfo ?00:00
Doylejrib: Laptop with external monitor setup, I want to close the lid. Right now I get around it by opening it, pressing power then closing it before post completes.00:00
burlingtonJordan_U: ahhh interesting..   Ok I will do it..   I thought about that, though, and figured that if that were the case, windows would not booth either.. windows and linux are on different partitions on the same drive00:00
BoreumJordan_U: I created the LiveCD after using unetbootin to trial Ubuntu Netbook Edition and install. So I am not quite sure the LiveCD ever worked?00:01
area51pilotduffydack: I am aware of the right click menu, was curious if I could have it handled at the time download is initiated00:01
RealOptyegsome, AMD Sempron(tm) Processor LE-12500:01
RealOptyall it says00:01
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ITSCOTTERorbit go to screensaver in prefrences00:01
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duffydackarea51pilot, oh, thats browser specific00:02
egsomeRealOpty, Maybe not useful, but with fast Googling I found that it is `AMD64` already, So, I think it can do 64bit somehow, see: http://www.amd.com/us/products/technologies/64-bit-computing/Pages/64-bit-computing.aspx00:02
area51pilotduffydack: example>>>u start a prepare for a file download, it asks if u want a default program to handle the file after download completes or save the file. This is where I wanted to ad the association00:02
duffydackarea51pilot, in what browser00:02
area51pilotduffydack: thought o, never hurts to ask though00:02
area51pilotDuffydack: Firefox00:02
ldurdenDoes  anyone use Ubuntu Server?00:03
egsomeldurden, Yes.00:03
ldurdenI need to pick between Ubuntu Server vs Redhat Server for a production server at my work. Is there a big enough reason to lean to one or the other?00:04
Jordan_Uburlington: Ubuntu installs grub to the first drive rather than the one the rest of Ubuntu is installed to. I don't really agree with that decision but it's intentional.00:04
ThomasB2kHi, is it possible to have text on the side of icons rather than under them in nautilus?00:04
spid3rpleai  i m new on ubuntu00:04
duffydackarea51pilot, the last time I used it, there was option to save as file or open with, and save it00:04
orbititscotter - thanks been looking for awhile - appreciate it.00:04
Katsukiis there any way to change the kernel you are using from terminal, I have a computer that isnt suuported by the new kernel and it keeps booting into terminal, when I use startx it says no video found00:04
dberryldurden depends on what you need to do with it00:04
hihihi100k, stupid me, the file I downloadedd is actually called alsa-driver-1.0.2300:04
spid3ri was asking if they are vunrability00:04
ldurdenmysql and apache mostly00:04
burlingtonJordan_U:  I dont think that did it.  I have a hitachi and a WD.  I moved the hitatchi to top boot priority...   but now it is not booting at all..  It freezes at "verifying DMI Pool Data"...00:04
rwwldurden: is your team familiar with either already?00:05
dberryfor a production environment?00:05
area51pilotduffydack: OK00:05
ThinWhiteDukedoes ubuntu have internet connection sharing?00:05
spid3rno i thon think00:05
rww!ics | ThinWhiteDuke00:05
ubottuThinWhiteDuke: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php00:05
RealOptyegsome, i found this00:05
ldurdenRed Hat but the community appears to be larger in Ubuntu and Ubuntu appears to be on the ascending with Linux00:05
Hopsaburlington: Buggy bios i guess. /out for a few..00:05
spid3ris a bot00:06
RealOptyegsome,  does that seem to say that it is a 64bit processor?00:06
jribldurden: I'd probably go with what I was more comfortable with, but on the ubuntu side you get 5 year support on the server for 10.04 which is pretty nice00:06
Katsukiis there any way to change the kernel you are using from terminal, I have a computer that isnt suuported by the new kernel and it keeps booting into terminal, when I use startx it says no video found00:06
egsomeRealOpty, `#  64-bit processor  Yes  `, Yeah00:06
dberryredhat still has a huge community00:06
burlingtonHopsa:  buggy bios?  before I reinstalled everything, all seemed to work..   I used to be able to access grub.00:06
RealOptyegsome, indeed.00:06
RealOptyegsome, ty.00:06
egsomeRealOpty, Hope you enjoy 64bit computing :)00:07
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
RealOptyegsome, yeah about that, for some reason ive been using 32bit ubuntu on this machine for years now :\00:07
Jordan_Uburlington: Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt?00:07
ldurdenFrom an IT maintenance standpoint would I be shooting myself in the foot if I go with Ubuntu over Redhat. Linux is linux to me. I know thats blasphemy in this room but if you get down to it.00:08
burlingtonJordan_U: It will be my first time doing it, but i will give it a shot..  thanks.. brb00:08
dberryldurden linux is linux and i think you would be fine either way00:08
ldurdenthank you00:08
hihihi100stuck in step 400:09
Psychodeliusldurden: i am an ubuntu user, but I agree with you. Linux is linux. however, the problem si the support surrounding it00:09
egsomeRealOpty, It's the time to try 64bit of Ubuntu, I've it on my servers, but for desktop still use 32bit, thinking to move soon. ( Intel Core2Quad 2.4 GHz )00:09
dberryldurden I run an ubuntu desktop and tons of CentOS boxes for the dev/prod environment00:09
ultrazHow to enable verbose boot|startup on 10.04 (I believe it's grub2)?00:09
burlingtonJordan_U: Can i boot from the live disk and do that?   otherwise i can only boot into windows...00:09
dberryit is all the same00:09
Psychodeliusyou have to make your choices around support as well as the OS itself00:10
ldurdenHow do you guys feel about the Ubuntu community? I mean you are it? You see Ubuntu making the impact Red Hat has?00:10
Jordan_Uburlington: Yes.00:10
ultrazldurden: not as technical ... you might find it hard to find help for some more serious problems.00:10
dibblegois there an alternative terminal services client than tsclient?00:10
jribdibblego: what's wrong with tsclient?00:11
dibblegoit doesn't work well with a tiling window manager such as xmonad00:11
Psychodeliusldurden: with ubuntu its mostly community support, and if no one know your issue, then not mch you can do00:11
ldurdenI was thinking about purchasing their support. So I wouldn't rely on the underground00:11
jribdibblego: just put it in it's own window :)00:12
ultrazldurden: I don't think Ubuntu will make an impact as Red Hat in production environment, as a Desktop I believe it's leading.00:12
dibblegojrib, I did that; it still doesn't work well, particularly with taking focus00:12
RealOptyegsome, yeah ive been using 64bit ubuntu on my core2duo that i use as a build machine00:12
hihihi100can anyone please tell me whats wrong with the following command line?  sudo ./alsa-driver-1.0.23.sh -d00:12
jribdibblego: http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/xmonad/2009-February/007394.html ?00:12
ldurdenI'll take the risk with Ubuntu. Someone has to or it won't evolve. It's only going to run apache and mysql00:12
egsomehihihi100, What error you get ?00:13
dibblegojrib, right, there is no way around it00:13
jribdibblego: though that can be annoying, ideally, tsclient would give you the option to just ignore whatever your mod key is, but I don't know00:13
hihihi100command not found00:13
macoldurden: all of wikipedia runs on ubuntu....00:13
Hopsaburlington: Something is making your bios not like your HD for some reason. Cable is seated properly maybe..00:13
ldurdenthats a good tid bit00:13
ldurdenany other major players?00:13
dibblegojrib, is there an alternative to tsclient?00:13
egsomehihihi100, Why you put `-d` there ?00:14
yvaanyone to help with priv/pub keys authentification?00:14
jribyva: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)00:14
hihihi100cause its what apperas in the source I use, i have no idea of programming00:14
burlingtonYeah.  I have plugged and unplugged them   -   i mean everythinginstalls with no problems..  windows runs.. etc..00:14
ultrazldurden: I had great experience with FreeBSD ruining apache + mysql (and few more services).00:14
burlingtonHopsa: yeah.  I have plugged and unplugged them   -   i mean everythinginstalls with no problems..  windows runs.. etc..00:15
macoldurden: kubuntu is on the desktop for some very large educational institutions (i forget which countries and my net is too slow to load kubuntu.org right now)00:15
egsomehihihi100, From where you've got that command ?00:15
jribdibblego: http://superuser.com/questions/84387/tsclient-alternative-for-linux never used these though00:15
Hopsaburlington: But you said that it freezes at verifying DMI pool data. So it doesnt get past the bios.00:15
ldurdenthis company is only familiar with linux, they were pushing red hat but I told them I'd prefer they make it work under Ubuntu. Red Hat is solid but the people behind Ubuntu has impressive innovation00:15
jribdibblego: apt-cache search rdp client   turns up some others00:16
dibblegook ta00:16
yvaI'm trying to login using private and public keys, it not working. I added my public key to .ssh/authorized_keys and activated RSAAuth and PubkeyAuth in sshd_config, anything else I need to do?00:16
jribyva: restart the ssh server00:16
yvajrib> /etc/init.d/ssh reload ?00:16
jribyva: sudo service ssh restart00:16
burlingtonHopsa:  It only froze when I moved the other hard disk to top boot priority..  There is nothing on that one..  So that makes sense...       The disk that I am trying to make work is a Western Digital - It is now set to top boot priority and windows comes up fine..  but no grub..00:16
jribyva: but aren't those options enabled by default on ubuntu?00:17
yvajrib> yep00:17
dberryyva ssh -vvv for max verbosity00:17
jribyva: what are your permissions on authorized_keys?00:17
yvaI haven't change RSAAuth etc00:17
dberryyva, my guess is the perms on your .ssh dir are too open00:18
Hopsaburlington: A problem with one of the cables for the HD that contains the Linux boot.00:18
yvadberry> what should they be?00:18
ldurdenWhat is the difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu?00:18
jribldurden: ubuntu has the gnome desktop by default, kubuntu, kde00:18
macoldurden: gnome v. kde00:19
egsomeldurden, Ubuntu has Gnome desktop, But Kubuntu has KDE Instead00:19
ldurdenWhat do you guys prefer?00:19
area51pilotldurden: desktop interface00:19
yvadberry> drwxr-xr-x on ./ssh00:19
jribldurden: it's personal preference00:19
dberryyva 600 I would say but run ssh w/verbose to see the actual error00:19
burlingtonHopsa: I can try replacing the cable...  but.  like i said, windows is on the same drive and it is working fine00:19
egsomeldurden, There're also Xubuntu with Xfce00:19
Hopsaburlington: If its ide the cable can be attached upside down in some cases. This will cause that error youre having.00:19
madfoxldurden I prefer ubuntu do to consistent annoyances and problems with kubuntu00:19
jribyva: don't put 600 on .ssh00:19
yvadberry> not sure what you mean00:19
yvajrib, dberry: ?00:20
area51pilotldurden: same here ... ubuntu is very stable00:20
jribyva: what are your permissions on authorized_keys?00:20
madfoxyva ssh -v00:20
yvajrib> -rw-------00:20
ldurdengreat, thank you.00:20
burlingtonJordan_U: bash: /home/ubuntu/Desktop/boot_info_script*.sh: No such file or directory00:20
dberryyva if you are having a ssh error, try typing ssh -vv <user>@<host>00:20
egsomeldurden, Same, Prefer Ubuntu ( Gnome ).00:20
jribldurden: there's also ubuntu server with no desktop environment by default...00:20
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burlingtonJordan_U: sorry, im an idiot00:21
burlingtonhang on00:21
yvadberry> got a long debug00:21
dberrythe last lines should give you a clue about the reason you are rejected00:22
ThinWhiteDukehow do i enable upnp on ubuntu, sorry if this question sounds dumb00:22
ThinWhiteDukei just did the internet connection sharing to my ubuntu laptop, but my ps3 says upnp unavailable00:22
Hopsaburlington: "It only froze when I moved the other hard disk to top boot priority". As you also said "before I reinstalled everything, all seemed to work". Did you install windows after linux ? This will remove grub from the MBR, but then why did the bios freeze at "Initializing DMI pool data" ? / Doesnt make sence to me.00:22
sshcI'm trying to scan using HP Officejet 6500, but I only see a single line in result00:23
yvadberry> it was looking for an id_dsa??00:23
Hopsayva: "got a long debug" ? /schloong00:24
burlingtonHopsa:   I did install linux after installing windows...   The other hard disk has nothing on it..  nothing..  I can unplug it if you hink its best..  Linux and windows are both on the WD.     the AD is top boot priority.. Windows boots fine..  but no Grub..00:24
jribyva: just pastebin everything00:24
egsomesshc, tell more, How do you scan ? Which drivers you're using ?00:24
sshcegsome: Thanks for your help.  I'm using hplib00:25
grokeni'm trying to debootstrap a karmic system and need a way to do what base-config used to do. is there a replacement for that package or a way to do the same another way now?00:25
yvajrib> it's ok but now it says Permissions 0644 for '/home/yva/.ssh/id_dsa' are too open.00:25
sshcegsome: I'm scanning by clicking on the HP icon at the toolbar at the top00:25
area51pilotburlington:which linux version?00:25
Hopsaburlington: Replace the windows disk with the Ubuntu disk and see what happens, use the windows disks cables.00:25
jribyva: chmod 600 /home/yva/.ssh/id_dsa00:25
dberryyva you do not want it that open, try 60000:25
burlingtonarea51pilot:  10.4 64bit00:25
dberrywhat he said00:25
sshcIt prints well00:25
estragibThinWhiteDuke: are you sure upnp is enabled in your router?00:26
burlingtonHopsa:  Both operating systems are on the same disk.00:26
sshcBut I only see a single verticle line scanning00:26
area51pilotburlington: installed within Windows??00:26
burlingtondifferent partitions.00:26
burlingtonarea51pilot: two partitions..  side-by-side00:26
yvadberry> it now again ask for a password00:26
area51pilotburlington: grub installed to the 1st00:27
Hopsaburlington: Aha, so "The other hard disk has nothing on it" has no meaning in this case. Unplug it for now.00:27
ThinWhiteDukelet me check real quick, estragib00:27
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burlingtonhopsa: right..  ok will do00:27
area51pilotburlington: I agree, unplug the other drive for now00:27
burlingtonabout to run this script that jordan_u is recommending..00:27
burlingtonone moment00:27
ThinWhiteDukeyeah it's enabled00:27
area51pilotburlington:while u troubleshoot00:27
RaptormanHey guys, anyone familiar with xvidcap and a little bit of video editing?00:27
ThinWhiteDukeidk, the ps3 says upnp failed00:27
yvajrib, dberry I don't get why it's asking for id_dsa?00:27
egsomesshc, IT should work, Give `Simple Scan` a try00:27
ThinWhiteDukebut it has a NAT Type 2, which iirc is good00:27
jribyva: after you ran my chmod command you still cannot ssh?00:28
yvajrib> yup00:28
duffydackSimple scan didnt work in lucid, it does in maverick though. yay00:28
jribyva: you need to just pastebin the whole output now00:28
yvait's now now even giving the error msg00:28
=== Guest91158 is now known as lag``
area51pilot10.10beta  :)00:29
dlp211can anyone help me install a network attached kodak esp 7?00:29
madfoxyva typically no error with linux means a complete success of what it was trying to do(maybe not what you wanted it to do though)00:29
sshcegsome: How do I do "Simple Scan"?00:29
yvajrib> http://pastebin.com/b5Gi0JKe00:29
latagoreI can't get suspend and hibernate to work on my netbook, it just gives a black screen when I turn it on again00:30
egsomesshc, run `simple-scan`00:30
Raptormansshc: iscan is another good app00:30
jribyva: why do you have so many private keys?  Are you sure you set up the authorized key correctly?00:31
estragibThinWhiteDuke: ok,i'm way out of my "comfort zone" here, never having done sth like that. this guy seems to have a similar problem. maybe start from there? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101143500:31
Hopsaburlington: What script ? i cant see him mentioning a script anywhere ? / Jordan_U ?00:31
burlingtonhopsa: ok the other HDD is unplugged00:31
burlingtonand grub is working00:31
dberryyva what are the perms on the server side .ssh/authorized_keys ?00:31
Nobody_Interestihello everyone!00:31
Hopsaburlington: good.00:31
burlingtonHopsa:  Wow!  thanks a bunch..  I dont know what this means.. though00:31
burlingtonI can not use the other drive?00:31
yvadberry> -rw-------00:32
Hopsaburlington: So your bios has issues with that unplugged drive that is empty.00:32
area51pilotburligton: jumper settings/00:32
Nobody_Interestican someone help me with a printer question??00:32
area51pilotBIOS setup00:32
egsome!ask " Nobody_Interesti00:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:32
burlingtonhopsa:  so if i partitioned it, you think it would be ok?00:32
egsome!ask | Nobody_Interesti00:32
ubottuNobody_Interesti: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:32
hipstersandwich!printer Nobody_Interesti00:32
ThinWhiteDukethx estragib , i'll check it out00:32
Hopsaburlington: Get IBM DFT and check that unplugged drive. Np00:32
hipstersandwich!printer | Nobody_Interesti00:32
ubottuNobody_Interesti: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows00:32
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Hopsaburlington: Nope, itll not00:32
burlingtonarea51pilot: thanks a bunch!00:32
RaptormanAnyone have any video editing experience?00:33
Nobody_InterestiI just installed the HPLIP update and it has left a folder on my desktop? Can I delete this?00:33
hipstersandwichRaptorman: I.00:33
yvajrib> I only got an id_rsa key00:33
estragibThinWhiteDuke: this seems good, too: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84814400:33
jribyva: why would it complain about permissions on id_dsa then?00:33
yvajrib> I tried to copy id_rsa to id_dsa00:33
egsomeNobody_Interesti, Do a `ls -l` inside that folder, Then pastebin the result.00:33
jribyva: :/00:34
egsomeNobody_Interesti, Also, How you did updated it ?00:34
hipstersandwichRaptorman: What do you need help with.00:34
yvajrib> it was worth trying00:34
jribyva: not really00:34
RaptormanI'm using xvidcap to make a video capturing desktop movement. It works great. When I use something like Kino to edit it a bit and add some text, it gets real fuzzy... just bad quality. The source video is awesome. Any recommendations?00:34
yvaso any ideas?00:34
jribyva: start over00:34
dberrybegin again yva00:34
hipstersandwichRaptorman: Oh, never used xvidcap... I use Final Cut.00:34
yvaalready did it00:34
dberryyou may have copied over a key, who knows what you have in auth_keys now00:35
jribyva: start over and pastebin everything you do00:35
yvajrib> k00:35
Raptormanhipstersandwich: is that in the repos?00:35
Nobody_InterestiI updated it using the terminal. I downloaded the hplip-3.10.6.run and followed HP's instructions and after the installation it has left a folder called hplip-3.10.600:35
hipstersandwichNobody_Interesti: What is in it?00:35
egsomeNobody_Interesti, do a `ls -l` inside it, and pastebin the result00:35
Nobody_Interestihow do i do a 'ls -l' < What does this mean... (I'm new to Linux!)00:35
Hopsayva: Keys for sshd ?00:35
hipstersandwichNobody_Interesti: Enter that exact text in the terminal with sudo in front of it.00:36
egsomeNobody_Interesti, Open the terminal, and `cd` to that directory, then type `ls -l`, and pastebin the result00:36
ThomasB2kthey need to integrate your google background image with the instant results00:36
jrib!who | Nobody_Interesti00:36
ubottuNobody_Interesti: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:36
Hopsayes | ssh-keygen -t rsa1 -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_key -N "" && yes | ssh-keygen -t dsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key -N "" && yes | ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key -N ""00:37
axisysi tried to hibernate the laptop earlier.. ever since then network stopped working... both wifi and ethernet.. when i boot from usb w/ same ubuntu lucid .. it works fine.. need help w/ it!00:37
Nobody_Interestithanks ubottu00:37
hipstersandwichaxisys: Did you restart?00:37
axisyshipstersandwich: couple times00:37
hipstersandwichDid you reinstall the driver for your network card?00:38
jribHopsa: umm, he wants to set up public key auth for his user00:38
Nobody_Interestican I paste the results here:00:38
Olytibarwhere should I save photos/ videos/ files which are accessible by all users? In /var/media or /media/files or where?!?00:38
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:38
egsome!paste | Nobody_Interesti00:39
ubottuNobody_Interesti: please see above00:39
HopsaAh, client.00:39
Nobody_Interesti-rw-r-----  1 home home  285985 2010-07-19 03:20 aclocal.m400:39
Nobody_Interesti-rwxr-----  1 home home    8511 2010-07-19 03:17 align.py00:39
Nobody_Interestidrwxr-----  2 home home    4096 2010-09-08 23:24 base00:39
Nobody_Interesti-rwxr-----  1 home home   32226 2010-07-19 03:17 check.py00:39
Nobody_Interesti-rwxr-----  1 home home    6450 2010-07-19 03:17 clean.py00:39
FloodBot1Nobody_Interesti: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:39
Nobody_Interesti-rwxr-----  1 home home    9168 2010-07-19 03:17 colorcal.py00:39
egsome!paste | Nobody_Interesti00:39
Hopsajrib: Yeah, saw it.00:39
burlingtonhopsa: the victory was shortlived...   I got grub once..  but upon restarting again i get "error: no such device: ad870db9-1d33-46da-8bde-24e7cf62faef."  followed by a grub rescue>00:40
axisyshipstersandwich: no.. not sure how .00:40
Hopsajrib: rsa, dsa or rsa2 pub key ?00:40
sshcegsome: Yes, Simple Scan worked!  Thanks!!00:40
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com00:40
hipstersandwichaxisys: Do you know what driver you were using?  If not, what card?00:40
egsomesshc, Good, You're welcome00:40
Nobody_Interestiwhat is !pastbin00:40
axisyshipstersandwich: i am running it now with the usb00:41
jribHopsa: ask yva :)  I think he had an rsa2 key before, but he's starting over now00:41
axisyshipstersandwich: so i should be able to find it now00:41
madfox!pastebin | Nobody_Interesti00:41
ubottuNobody_Interesti: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:41
madfox!help | Nobody_Interesti00:41
ubottuNobody_Interesti: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:41
axisyshipstersandwich: intel pro 5100 agn00:41
madfoxNobody_Interesti damn wrong command, ignore that last one00:42
Hopsaburlington: HW issue. See if switching to secondary master or primary slave will work better. Change cable if that doesnt work (Adjust boot order accordingly in the bios.)00:42
hipstersandwichaxisys: Your network card, not the driver.00:42
hipstersandwichI mean CPU. Need network card, not CPU.00:42
kullRemastersys question.  I'm trying to build my own .iso and when using Remastersys it forces me to download a bunch of gnome libs, when in fact I dont use gnome.  I only want the packages that I've installed to be on the .iso file and not a standard Ubuntu desktop with gnome, like it's forcing me to do.  Anyone know to do this?00:42
Hopsajrib :)00:42
axisyshipstersandwich: its built in wifi intel centrino00:42
axisyshipstersandwich: on hp 6130b laptop00:43
hipstersandwichaxisys: Is that the card name or the driver name?00:43
Nobody_Interesti!Pastebin > > > http://pastebin.com/nMjcBEd700:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:43
egsomeNobody_Interesti, I think you can't delete it, it contains the executables00:44
dlp211can anyone help me install a network attached kodak esp 7?00:44
Hopsayva: http://rcsg-gsir.imsb-dsgi.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/documents/internet/node31.html00:44
hipstersandwich!Print | dlp21100:44
OlytibarWhere should I save files for all users (eg Photos)?00:44
ubottudlp211: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows00:44
Nobody_Interestiegsome, can i move it without any bad effects... eg. hp not woking00:45
Juggalo_Xwould there be any one here who has got sigmatel 9200 audio set up properly on a dell xps m1710 that could lend a hand?00:45
bumbaso many ubuntu lovers00:45
bumbaor are they just bots ?00:45
egsomeNobody_Interesti, I think you've to re-install using the installer you downloaded, but put the installer file inside some suitable directory.00:45
Hopsayva: for DSA use: ssh-keygen -t dsa ...00:45
Olytibarbumba: No, I don’t think they are all bots :P00:45
jribbumba: well considering this is a support channel, not all may love ubuntu at the moment :)00:46
axisyshipstersandwich: http://pastebin.com/vba2Shg800:46
area51pilotbumba:  :)00:46
bumbabut maybe most of them00:46
ThinWhiteDukei'm liking ubuntu a lot00:46
axisyshipstersandwich: that's from lspci00:46
estragibOlytibar: you can set up a shared directory. i use /shared and put a few sub dirs like multimedia, images etc. below00:46
Nobody_Interestiwhat directory is best?00:46
ThinWhiteDukeit takes some troubleshooting here and there but it's worth it00:46
Juggalo_Xi love it, my audio is just too quiet or psycological warfare level00:46
Nobody_Interestiegsome, >00:46
burlingtonhopsa: ok, cable change seems to have worked!  thanks!00:46
bumbastill the same old thing00:46
bumba7.1 sound surround is not supported on ubuntu00:46
hipstersandwichaxisys: Hold on one moment.00:46
egsomeNobody_Interesti, /opt/hplib maybe suitable00:46
area51pilottake care everyone ... until next time ..   :)00:46
Juggalo_Xbumba is 2.100:47
burlingtonarea51pilot: thanks for your help tonignt!00:47
Hopsaburlington: Np! I hope itll last so that its not some glitchy connection somewhere. Have fun!00:47
ThinWhiteDukeJuggalo_X,  that's weird00:47
hipstersandwichaxisys: http://wiki.debian.org/iwlagn00:47
Nobody_Interestiegsome, can i uninstall it.... or do i just install it again? but wouldn't that mean it is installed twice?00:48
ThinWhiteDukehave you tried the pulseaudio volume manager00:48
bumbaokay so these messages are logged00:48
area51pilotburlington; anytime!   :)00:48
Juggalo_XThinWhiteDuke, well i have been messing with alsa, i have it almost perfect but i cannot get the sub mixer to merge with the master. so its either cranked or i have to move it by hand00:48
bumbai dunno if i should ask my questions here you might give my personal info to the hammas or some terror group00:49
Juggalo_Xi'll try pulseaudio00:49
bumbaand all i wanted to do was getting my 7.1 sourround sound to work with ubuntu00:49
jribbumba: ok, let's try to stay on-topic00:49
egsomeNobody_Interesti, try `make uninstall` or `make remove`00:49
ThinWhiteDukeidk how audio works in ubuntu00:49
EclecticIs it possible to install 32bit Firefox on 64bit Ubuntu?00:49
jpdsbumba: So.... don't post any personal info into a public channel?00:49
ThinWhiteDukebut i think i have ESD, pulseaudio and alsa all running00:49
jribEclectic: why?00:49
ThinWhiteDukewith pulseaudio volume manger you can control all of them00:49
Nobody_Interestiegsome, ps... Her's the install help guide from HP00:50
Nobody_Interestiegsome, : http://hplipopensource.com/hplip-web/install/install/index.html00:50
bumbathey are spying on me00:50
bumbai have to go now00:50
Eclecticso this kid can use it on Starfall web site00:50
bumbagood bye loggers and identity stealers of irc00:50
Eclecticwhich needs flash00:50
Juggalo_Xand if i turn the sub of, well it sounds like two turtles....00:50
bobaI have my own camera driver and I get the following error: Cannot open '/dev/video0': 11, Resource temporarily unavailable00:50
Juggalo_Xill try pulseaudio00:50
egsomeNobody_Interesti, Nothing about un-installing00:51
madfoxI love how right when he leaves, his IP gets flashed to everyone on IRC o.o00:51
bobaWhile tring to run my application00:51
cjaemaximum capacity of ext4 /home when partitioned /,swap,/home?00:51
rblstadobe flash pugin is always crashing (sad face) in firefox in ubuntu 10.04, how to fix this?00:51
latagoreI can't get suspend or hiberate to work on my netbook, any advice on how to fix it or how to turn off the options?00:52
hipstersandwichrblst: Update it.00:52
Hopsacjae: explain a bit better.00:52
rblsthipstersandwich, update what? the plugin? how?00:52
Nobody_Interestiegsome, no... it's the install guide i followed to install the HPLIP.. I just thought it might have been of interest tot you00:52
jribEclectic: you don't need 32bit firefox for flash00:52
Doylecjae: there are no maximum capacities. The available disk space of the partition available to all directories without limitation00:52
hipstersandwichrblst: Go to adobe's website.00:52
Doylerblst: adobes website or just google "flash test" and go to the adobe result00:53
Eclecticjrib: i read there is no 64 bit support for flash00:53
cjaeHopsa: how much can I fill /home in that senario? and still be able to fsck and such00:53
Nobody_Interestiegsome: see the install guide say it will install from the desktop?? surely everyone will have this folder (those who use this update)00:54
Doylecjae: how big is your hard drive? that's your answer00:54
jribEclectic: nspluginwrapper lets you use 32bit flash. Just visit some site that requires flash (not youtube because they detect you don't have flash)00:54
cjaeDoyle: there must be a directory size limitation too, no?00:54
rblsthipstersandwich, Doyle: what about the flashplugin installer package in the ubuntu repo?00:54
Hopsacjae: You have not shown how big the drive or partition is.00:54
jribEclectic: erm, after you're on that site, you'll get a yellow bar at the top of firefox offering to install missing plugins00:54
hipstersandwichrblst: Try that if you'd like.00:54
Doylecjae: why?00:54
kabI have 2 nics (eth0 and eth5) there are in the same network ( with this ips (eth5 = & eth0= in my lap on different network (192,168.0.12) , when I ping I get response, but not with, how can I fix this?00:54
cjaeHopsa: was hoping for a percent00:54
Hopsacjae: Ill pass.00:55
egsomeNobody_Interesti, No problem, Install in any directory, That's not a problem.00:55
SeanInSeattleHey all.  I'm running Ubuntu Netbook remix on an Asus 1201hab... and the headphones just stopped working.  Any suggestions?00:55
bobaI have my own camera driver and I get the following error: Cannot open '/dev/video0': 11, Resource temporarily unavailable00:55
rblsthipstersandwich, no, i am asking: is there a difference, is the package useless?00:55
cjaeHopsa: well I was wondering if there is limitation like ntfs and 85 % to defrag00:55
estragibcjae: there is no limit on your partition sizes, at least none that you'll be able to reach. go wild.00:56
hipstersandwichboba: Have you restarted, cycled, etc?00:56
estragibcjae: linux already reserves the space it needs by itself00:56
egsomeSeanInSeattle, Sure the headphones are working ?00:56
Hopsaboba: the previous or some other camera driver is still running. Possibly a zombie process or so.00:56
Nobody_Interestiegsome:what do you mean?00:56
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SeanInSeattleegsome:  I don't understand.00:56
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Eclecticjrib: for some reason i have never gotten that yellow bar00:56
Guest21462hey people00:57
Juggalo_Xwell pulseaudio was a bust00:57
Juggalo_Xsame exact issue00:57
egsomeNobody_Interesti, Just install in any directory like /opt/hplib00:57
Juggalo_Xguess ill disable the sub00:57
egsomeNobody_Interesti, and try to uninstall as i mentioned before00:57
hipstersandwichEclectic: That is probably due to regular updates.00:57
bobaI have my own camera driver and I get the following error: Cannot open '/dev/video0': 11, Resource temporarily unavailable00:57
egsomeSeanInSeattle, The Headphones ( Hardware ) Is working ?, Had you test it in another computer ?00:57
SeanInSeattleegsome:  What do you mean "sure the heaphones are working"?00:57
cjaeDoyle: dunno just thought there might be00:57
jribEclectic: if you want me to guess, I'd say you already have some flash plugin installed00:57
Nobody_Interestiegsome: could you give some more details on how to uninstall? thanks00:57
sillypenguinhi, I need to buy a video card for my future ubuntu 10.04 install... any recommendations????00:57
SeanInSeattleegsome:  Yes, we've tried with two different sets.00:57
jribEclectic: what does http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ say?00:57
Hopsacjae: Having a bit of space left is always good, but what you mean by "defrag" on Linux doesnt require free space. A bit of ram.00:58
hipstersandwichboba: I take it you just rebooted.00:58
egsomeNobody_Interesti, Just `cd` to the directory on your Desktop, Then run `make uninstall` or `make remove`, It's just a try.00:58
Doylecjae: this is the year 2010... start thinking like the evil programmers, disk space and ram is unlimited so whats the need for default limitations on home directories00:58
Nobody_Interestiegsome: do i have to stop the HP software?00:58
egsomeSeanInSeattle, Changed any configuration in the `Sound Preferences` ?00:58
egsomeNobody_Interesti, Sure.00:59
Nobody_Interestiegsome: how?00:59
cjaeDoyle: kind of figured that but was just curious00:59
Doylecjae: our world is in an era of massive resources, lazy programmers and 'users' who just don't know.  I get ya, better to know than to be unsure00:59
Eclecticjrib: successfully installed00:59
bobahipstersandwich: Yes I did reboot in order to try to fix the same problem00:59
HopsaNobody_Interesti: Press "Stop" or "Pause" :) /joking00:59
egsomeNobody_Interesti, run `ps -aux | grep hp` and get the process name, then `killall PROCESS`00:59
bobahipstersandwich: But it did not work00:59
SeanInSeattleegsome:  Nope.  I haven't touched them in forever.00:59
jribEclectic: there you go00:59
hipstersandwichboba: Problems on other computers?01:00
rblsthipstersandwich, Doyle: adobe's webpage says i have 10,1,82,76 installed which is the latest version; what then?01:00
bobahipstersandwich: I had this problem several times with this application on computer and also other computers01:00
Eclecticso i should unstall all flash and start over?01:00
jribEclectic: why?01:00
hipstersandwichrblst: Get a new browser?01:00
bobahipstersandwich: I had this problem several times with this application on my computer and also other computers01:00
egsomeSeanInSeattle, No idea, But I feel it's a hardware problem, maybe the socket in your computer.01:00
hipstersandwichboba: Is it just the camera having problems?01:01
bobahipstersandwich: Nope01:01
jribEclectic: if you have flash installed, and your goal is to install flash, why would you uninstall it and start over?01:01
hipstersandwichboba: Did you try it on windows?01:01
bobahipstersandwich: I tried it with a different camera also01:01
SeanInSeattleegsome:  Strange.  We'll try a driver update... and if that doesn't work we might switch over to regular Ubuntu.01:01
Eclecticjrib: because the site says i still need flash installed01:01
bobahipstersandwich: No the driver is only for Linux01:01
hipstersandwichI mean the camera.01:02
jribEclectic: what version does the link I gave you say you have?  What site says you still need flash installed?01:02
egsomeSeanInSeattle, You can also try running Ubuntu Live CD, to see if it working or not.01:02
bobahipstersandwich: I mean the camera is working at the moment01:02
egsomeSeanInSeattle, Or from USB Stick01:02
bobahipstersandwich: I mean the camera is working at the moment on Ubuntu01:02
bobahipstersandwich: But not with my own implemented application01:02
Eclecticjrib:  I'm sorry that is an active X that needs to be installed01:02
hipstersandwichboba: Oh.  Can't help you with your own apps.01:02
SeanInSeattleegsome:  That's a very good idea.  I'll try that out.01:02
tew88On Ubuntu 10.04, experiencing choppy Flash video playback in fullscreen mode. Any suggestions?01:03
Nobody_Interestiegsome: This is one of the 4 processes.. /hp-systray < Do i do > killall /hp-systray ? ?01:03
jribEclectic: ah, well active x is some internet explorer thing01:03
hipstersandwichtew88: Are you using Firefox?01:03
Scunizianyone experience klamav or clamav-gtk slowing the receipt of their email down considerably and what if anything can be done about it outside of actually removing clamav??01:03
bobahipstersandwich: I think as I have searched on the internet this is a common problem01:03
egsomeNobody_Interesti, No, do: `killall hp-systray`01:03
tew88hipstersandwich: Chrome. But I think it's the same across all my browsers.01:03
bobahipstersandwich: for example it happens with cheese also01:03
hipstersandwichScunizi: Using antivirus can slow systems down considerably.01:04
bobahipstersandwich: and is not related to my application01:04
Eclecticmaybe i can find some learning programs and he will not need the web01:04
iluminator101cp -R /etc /dev/sdb1/hp2backup2/etc101:04
iluminator101cp: accessing `/dev/sdb1/hp2backup2/etc1': Not a directory ???01:04
hipstersandwichtew88: Ooh... I know firefox has choppy youtube at times.01:04
jribEclectic: what kind of learning?01:04
Scunizihipstersandwich: understandable but the "whole" system?01:04
jribiluminator101: well is it...01:04
Nobody_Interestiegsome: hp-systray: no process found01:04
Eclectic3 year old01:04
rblsthipstersandwich, what do you mean? my firefox is the latest available from the standard ubuntu repo01:04
hipstersandwichScunizi: Sometimes.  Like if you scan a whole 250GB drive.01:04
iluminator101jrib i am trying to copy /etc to /dev/sdb1/hp2back2/etc101:05
egsomeNobody_Interesti, Make sure process name is correct, Or it may be already killed.01:05
hipstersandwichrblst: I was unaware.  Try another browser, perhaps.01:05
jribiluminator101: I saw.  What did the error tell you?  Check if the error is lying to you or not.01:05
iluminator101jrib etc1 is a folder01:05
Scunizihipstersandwich: did that earlier and left for 2 hours.. caught 3 in email... not that it would affect me much but perhaps my windows bretherin01:05
jribiluminator101: ls -ld /dev/sdb1/hp2backup2/etc101:05
rblsthipstersandwich, that is a workaround for sure :)01:05
jribiluminator101: wait, why /dev???01:05
iluminator101jrib, its an external harddrive01:06
SeanInSeattleegsome:  Quick question, how to create live usb installation of ubuntu?  Can I just use the startup disk creator?01:06
harlanI have a Dell 600SC and I am trying to get ubuntu working on it. It would not boot the 9.x or the 10.04 install CDs, but I read a thread that said somebody was able to install 8.4.4 and upgrade from that.  Partially true - it loaded and rebooted 8.4.4 just fine, but after upgrading to the latest release the reboot fails, looks like a kernel module problem.01:06
jribiluminator101: you don't access it through /dev.   You mount it somewhere01:06
avi_SeanInSeattle, Yup.01:06
bobahipstersandwich: Could you please suggest what you would do if this was the case with cheese for example?01:06
hipstersandwichrblst: Try chrome, or Minefield, the firefox alpha if you feel adventurous.01:06
Eclecticjrib:  thanks much01:06
SeanInSeattleavi_:  thx, I'll do that.01:06
egsomeSeanInSeattle, Exactly, It's perfect one.01:06
hipstersandwichboba: I haven't a clue.01:06
rblsthipstersandwich, i might try those, thanks01:06
harlanIs there an easy way I can get the kernel/modules from 8.4.4 on the box and use them while I figure out how to get more recent stuff to work?01:06
Nobody_InterestiHP logo is in my taskbar... I think it is still running?01:06
egsomeSeanInSeattle, Also you can use unetbootin01:06
egsomeNobody_Interesti, try `pkill PROCESS`01:07
jribEclectic: there was some tux program that did basic arithmetic I think.  Check out edubuntu, they probably have some good programs installed by default (and those programs will be in the ubuntu repositories because the repositories are the same01:07
hipstersandwichScunizi: Try running antivirus scans at night or when it is not used.01:07
Eclecticjrib:  thanks i'll try that01:07
Scunizihipstersandwich: so basically turn off realtime scanning and run it manual01:08
hipstersandwichScunizi: Yes, this will help.  With speed, that is.01:08
Scunizihipstersandwich: k.. easy enough. I appriciate it.01:08
jribEclectic: http://gcompris.net/wiki/Manual looks pretty good (linked from edubuntu)01:08
Nobody_Interestiegsome: it done something... but the hp-systray is still there?01:08
Nobody_Interestiegsome: 4 of them01:09
doyle_hello roomies01:09
doyle_on ubuntu hoary lol01:09
doyle_only thing that works with my compaq dual monitor setup01:09
kthakoredeavid: /win 201:09
egsomeNobody_Interesti, OK, Just re-install, and it should be gone with a restart, or quick killing of gnome-panel01:09
kthakoreHow do I get alsa to detect my HDMI audio card?01:10
Nobody_Interestiegsome: I'll reinstall then01:10
Nobody_Interestiegsome: Thanks for all you patients and help! Thank you.01:10
seisetepcYour Welcome01:12
iluminator101jrib why not a directory error i am following at all01:12
Nobody_Interestiegsome: before i leave... do you think I can just move the folder from my desktop into the /opt/ ? Would anything happen>01:12
jribiluminator101: doesn't matter, did you see what I told you about mounting?01:12
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berot3jrib: yo just wanted to thank u for esekeyd :) its not a 100% solution yet but pretty damn close :D .  the only downside with esekey is that it only grabs ONE key, so i cant for example type "ctrl+atl+p" to pause amarok... but maybe i can combine it with another program or so, do u know some?01:13
jribberot3: never used it.  Maybe just use some Fn keys in the corner like F8-F12?01:13
doyle_is there a newer version of hoary than 5.04?01:13
iluminator101jrib cp -R /etc/* /media/Expansion drive same error why01:14
seisetepchiii people01:14
jribdoyle_: hoary is 5.04 by definition and it's no longer supported01:14
doyle_its the only ubuntu that works with my laptop man i wish they wouldnt be so time critical on this01:14
jribdoyle_: why doesn't lucid work?01:15
doyle_it wont see my extended monito01:15
doyle_only hoary will01:15
jribdoyle_: that's it?01:15
doyle_i have to explain in depth01:15
ubottuUbuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) was the second release of Ubuntu.  End Of Life: October 31, 2006. See !eol for more details.01:15
doyle_i have to use extended monitor on this laptop as primary because the lcd display is flaky and works when it wants to thats built into this laptop.01:16
Nobody_Interestidoes anyone know what the /opt/ folder is?01:16
doyle_so i have to have 100 percent support for extended monitor01:16
jrib!fhs | Nobody_Interesti01:16
ubottuNobody_Interesti: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier01:16
doyle_ubunto 10, linuxmint, none of them worked01:16
Nobody_Interesti!fhs < ?? What does that mean01:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:17
okrais there a nice guide for getting touchscreen working on 10.04 or 10.10?01:17
jribdoyle_: "none of them worked" is vague.  I'd be really surprised if you absolutely couldn't get it to work01:17
doyle_well be surprises01:17
jribNobody_Interesti: nothing, just tells ubottu to answer your question (see what he said)01:17
doyle_cause its a compaq evo n1015v ati agp320m (u1) video doubles as northbridge01:18
jribdoyle_: what I'm trying to say is you should come here and try to troubleshoot a supported release like lucid01:18
histookra: 10.10 discussion is in #ubuntu+1 ; as for 10.04, the forums has plenty of info on touchscreens01:18
doyle_and hoary was the best one for this laptop01:18
jribdoyle_: are you using proprietary drivers on hoary?01:18
doyle_i just finished installing it01:18
brandon420Doyle_ is it a intel chip?01:18
doyle_im getting both screens on hoary01:18
doyle_amd athlon xp 1600+ 1.4ghz01:19
histo!who | doyle_01:19
ubottudoyle_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:19
jribdoyle_: come back and troubleshoot lucid, that's my advice01:19
histojrib: isn't hoary still supported01:19
doyle_i cant if i cant see the lcd screen01:19
Nobody_Interestihow do i un-install a program I installed through terminal? The folder is left on my desktop & I don'y know if I am allowed to move or delete it?01:19
jribhisto: hoary was ubuntu's second release01:19
histojrib: nvm01:19
histojrib: forgot01:19
doyle_i cant rely on the laptop lcd to stay on so i HAVE to use extended monitor01:19
jribhisto: yeah, two Hs :)01:20
jribdoyle_: you said that01:20
doyle_linux lucid by default has no support for my extended monitor01:20
doyle_i tried fedora 13 and still no go01:20
jribdoyle_: you probably need to set it up01:21
pedestrianentranim having trouble mounting usb devices... I have to reboot to force the system to mount them. Just plugging stuff in doesnt work.... What should i do to force ubuntu to mount stuff without me having to reboot?01:21
doyle_they tried that in linux int 9 mirc but nothing worked01:21
jribdoyle_: again this is too vague01:21
doyle_what info do you want?01:21
doyle_i m telling you from experience in front of my very eyes i tried 4 other versions but im trying to stay away from windows01:22
jribdoyle_: come back and troubleshoot lucid, that's my advice.  Or just use an unsupported release like hoary.  If you don't interact with the outside world with it, I guess it's not a big deal01:22
doyle_jrib how do u expect me to troubleshoot anything with a lcd that wont stay on? u gotta see whats on the screen01:23
axisysiwlist wlan0 list shows about 13 wifi channel including mine.. but the wifi applet on top right corner shows network disabled.. i hit the builtin wifi button on/off couple times.. no go.. any suggestion?01:23
okraevtest shows events when I touch the screen, but xev does not.. hmm.01:23
doyle_i would need that lcd back on this laptop to do that01:24
doyle_im shopping for a replacement screen locally till then its gonna behoary just so i can see anything01:24
jribdoyle_: so what's the issue?01:24
axisysdmesg says iwlagn  RF_KILL bit toggled to enable radio.. but still no wifi01:25
theshadowxdoes anyone know of a way to repair jpeg headers?01:25
doyle_just like the live cd installs. they wont see my extnded screen01:25
jribdoyle_: I mean what's your issue with using hoary until you get the screen?01:25
axisyslooks like i had the wifi applet right click -> enable did the trick01:26
Kor1000hi, are there any way to control my laptop's fan? the problem is that it gets very hot, above 100 c, thanks01:26
wallyJust installed the ubuntu 10.10 beta and I think it wiped out my windows 7 partition.. Is this a known problem? I selected side by side. Anyway to know for sure if its gone?01:26
jrib!10.10 | wally01:26
ubottuwally: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:26
grimnekomorning o/01:26
doyle_mp3 playing01:26
Juggalo_Xfixed my audio01:26
Juggalo_Xthanks for the hand01:26
doyle_i need to listen to my mp3's on my usb stick01:26
doyle_it syas no mp3lame codec installed01:27
jribdoyle_: old-releases.ubuntu.com repositories are still up.  Just realize you're running an unsupported release so you should upgrade as soon as it's feasible01:27
ScuniziI have 3 samba pid's / processes (smbd)... is this normal?01:27
doyle_jrib, how do i get to the repo's?01:28
craigbass1976I'm trying to mount an nfs share; t'aint happening.  exports on share box says /home/craig  and fstab on client box says        /home/craig/remote      nfs     defaults   The ip addresses are correct.  Meh?01:28
jribdoyle_: /etc/apt/sources.list01:28
jribdoyle_: your external doesn't even work while your computer is booting?  Before ubuntu gets to gdm? (when on lucid)01:29
doyle_on lucid linux only lcd does (providing the backlight stays lit)01:29
doyle_no it doesnt work01:30
jribdoyle_: you're saying vague things again01:30
jrib!who | doyle_01:30
ubottudoyle_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:30
doyle_jrib, ok01:31
doyle_jrib,  im not used to this irc thingy01:31
wcshi, how can I do to just send rhythmbox to "system-tray" on maverick?01:32
doyle_jrib, the extendedmonitor doesnt show at all on other versions of ubunutu01:32
dlp211what is postfix and can someone give me an example of how i could use it in a home server setting?01:32
Tweakyhi. http://paste.ubuntu.com/490641/ is my output when i try to run google earth. any ideas anyone?01:32
doyle_my hardware is weird cause graphics is part of the northbridge01:34
bodwickTweaky libatiuki.so.1you use fglrx drivers ?01:34
craigbass1976Gah, I'm a bonehead.  Forgot the sudo apt-get install portmap nfs-common on the client.  No wonder it was a bad fs type...01:34
Tweakybodwick : nope i dont01:34
doyle_jrib,  my laptop is weird cause compaq made ati graphics part of the northbridge01:34
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Guest66529sup peeps01:35
bodwickTweaky libatiuki is in fglrx01:35
wwilkinswow, IRC, this brings back memories01:35
Guest66529yeah.... reminds me of 199201:36
Tweakybodwick: oh. so it needs fglrx to run then?01:36
bodwickTweaky what brand of gfx chip ?01:36
Tweakyamd 6401:36
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Tweakyoh gfx my miistake01:37
bodwickTweaky gfx .. ati, nvidia or intel ?01:37
Tweakybodwick: ATI01:37
bodwickTweaky so you use open drivers ? what is your card?01:37
grayhanehow can I change permissions on a drive plugged into a usb ?01:37
Tweakybodwick: yes i use open drivers. its ATI Radeon 4200 HD01:38
doyle_jrib, is there a way to upgrade this system? maybe ubunto 10 may work like so.01:38
bodwickTweaky installing fglrx would be the simplest way01:38
dto1hi. i'm on Lucid and as of recent updates, pulseaudio seems not to recognize the analog outputs of my M-Audio Delta 1010. they work fine with JACK and i can get work done with that program, but all other apps fail to work, anything pulseaudio will only output to the digital outputs,01:39
Kor1000hi, are there any way to control my laptop's fan? the problem is that it gets very hot, above 100 c, thanks01:39
jribdoyle_: you can try to upgrade but 10 will be far away.  It likely will not work.  Just use the old-releases repository until you get your screen01:39
Tweakybodwick: ok its installing01:39
jrib!upgrade > doyle_01:40
ubottudoyle_, please see my private message01:40
R0b0t1Hello ubuntu, Synaptic is yelling at me. "tiemu: Depends: [...] but can not install" repeated multiple times.01:40
R0b0t1What do?01:40
erossmy audio has stopped working, how can i tell if my onboard audio is shot or not?01:40
Kane_Harthey is Java 64bit easy to install on ubuntu?01:40
Kane_Hartversion 1.601:40
doyle_i keep getting permission denied in terminal01:41
h0zerAnyone else have trouble connecting to wifi when IPv6 is enabled? (via network manager)01:41
Tweakybodwick: bah same thing still01:41
egsomeDoyle, `sudo` before the command should solve that01:41
bodwickTweaky you restarted x?01:41
dto1folks, here is the only set of device profile options i can find for my Delta 1010 now. http://imagebin.ca/view/IvTdXg.html01:42
mastakhello ubuntu 10.04 here, i like to add a line for bsd os that ubuntu didnt find, which file i have to use?01:42
dto1oh wait.01:42
egsomeDoyle, Sorry, wrong person01:42
egsomedoyle_, `sudo` before the command should solve that01:42
dto1but JACK works fine01:43
latagoreSuspend and hibernate don't seem to work for me, what can I do to fix the problem?01:43
erosspulled up amarok hit play, message popup: KDE detected one or more internal sound devices were removed. do ou want kde to permanently forget about these devices? and list of devices: HDA NVidia HDMI (HDMI AUdio Output).. do I need to install a sound card?01:43
th0ronce a release reaches end of life, do they take down the repos, or just stop updating them?01:44
doyle_jrib, im gonna attempt just wiping the drive and install ubuntu 10 see if it works01:45
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FerretWithASporkHi guys, I need a way to disable my laptop's trackpad. I read about and installed gpointing-device-settings but there's not "trackpad" option. It's like it doesn't detect my trackpad but it works anyway. I tried my laptop's built in Fn+F9 but that does nothing (which is also strange because my laptop's Fn button combos for sound level and brightness do work) I'm stuck! Can anyone help me?01:45
erosspulseaudio sound server doesn't seem to work either01:45
bodwickTweaky you restarted xorg ?01:46
Tweakybodwick: yes same error still01:46
bodwickTweaky find /usr/lib/ -type f -name "libatiuki.*"01:46
ponpontes tes01:46
bodwickTweaky just ma a ln to that file01:47
bodwickTweaky what was your error again?01:47
th0rFerretWithASpork: see if synclient is still available01:47
Tweakybodwick: /usr/lib/googleearth/googleearth-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libatiuki.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:48
mac9416How can a query a nameserver to fins what IP a DN points to?01:48
mac9416*How can I01:48
mastakhello in grub2 where is the file to add another entry to my menu?01:48
wallyDoes ubuntu have any software to recover files not overwritten yet, tried to install ubuntu 10.10 amd it wiped out my other partition. I need my pics01:48
bodwickTweaky you have /usr/lib/fglrx/libatiuki.so.1.0 but you need /usr/lib/fglrx/libatiuki.so.101:48
bodwickTweaky just ma a symling to the existing so01:49
egsomewally, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery01:49
Tweakybodwick: how do i do that ><01:49
egsomemac9416, `ping` not enough ?01:49
FerretWithASporkth0r: Is that 'Synaptics TouchPad driver for X.Org server' in the package manager? I already have it installed.01:49
bodwickTweaky ehh .. sudo ln /usr/lib/fglrx/libatiuki.so.1.0 /usr/lib/fglrx/libatiuki.so.1 ?01:50
th0rFerretWithASpork: no, synclient was something available in Hardy that I used to turn my touchpad on and off. But I don't run Lucid so don't know if it is still available.01:50
egsomemastak, `/boot/grub/grub.cfg`01:50
FerretWithASporkI typed it into console and it did come up. I'll see if that works for me01:50
th0rFerretWithASpork: it is01:51
FerretWithASporkth0r: How do I use it to disable it? I tried -l to list current user settings and it said "Couldn't find synaptics properties. No synaptics driver loaded?"01:51
th0rFerretWithASpork: oops....the command is 'synclient touchpadoff=1' (0- to turn it on)01:51
th0rFerretWithASpork: then it isn't a synaptics touchpad, so that won't help01:52
Tweakybodwick: it takes that command but still gives same error lol..01:52
mac9416egsome, here's the thing: person A owns a domain name. Person B (me) owns the hosting. B set up an addon domain with my hosting provider. I want person A to point his domain name to my addon domain. Beofre configuring his domain to use my DN servers, I want to make sure the addon domain is ON my domain servers. That's what I'm trying to accomplish.  :-)01:52
mastakegsome: that file means not to be modified, cuz is regenerate by update-grub, i need where to add a line to boot my BSD partitions01:52
mac9416egsome, I'm messing with dig, but not understanding the output.01:52
FerretWithASporkth0r: Dang, any idea how I can find out what kind of touchpad it is?01:52
th0rFerretWithASpork: lshw?01:53
egsomemastak, If I got you right, you can `dig` the domain, and see which NameServer it has, it should be yours.01:54
egsomemac9416 , If I got you right, you can `dig` the domain, and see which NameServer it has, it should be yours.01:54
blsmithCan I get some help setting up a homeserver with a dynamic DNS using dyndns.org01:55
deathstrokehey guys, what command to view what daemons run on my computer ?01:55
mac9416egsome, well, he hasn't pointed his DN to my servers yet. I want to make sure domain.com is set up on my DN servers first. Don't want any downtime.01:55
latagoreSuspend and hibernate don't seem to work for me, what can I do to fix the problem?01:55
mastakegsome: my issue is grub2 + trying to add a line so my bsd partition can start.01:55
egsomemastak, see: http://ubuntuguide.net/manually-addingremoving-entries-to-grub-2-menu01:56
th0rdeathstroke: ps ax01:56
mastakegsome: there thanks01:56
doyle_i guess hoary didnt come with a image burning tool01:56
deathstroketh0r, thanx01:56
egsomemac9416, Sorry, can't get you, all I know is he should now change his NameServers from his domain control panel, and you should add his domain as `Addon Domain` from your host, then the domain should work.01:57
bodwickTweaky ls -al /usr/lib/fglrx/01:57
bodwickTweaky paste it in pastebin01:57
mac9416egsome, many thanks. It appears `host` can help me with the query as well.01:58
egsomemac9416, Sure.01:58
FloodBot3z123: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:58
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blsmithCan I get some help setting up a homeserver with a dynamic DNS using dyndns.org02:00
mobashercan someone help me i just setup openssh server...but unable to connect02:01
egsomemobasher, What error you get ?02:02
krabador!seen pollycoke02:02
ubottuI have no seen command02:02
mobasheregsome, ssh: connect to host xx.xx.xx.xx port 22 connection refuesed02:03
egsomemobasher, Sure the port is open in firewall ( If you have one ) ?02:03
mobasheregsome, yeap just tested it02:03
blsmithCan I get some help setting up a homeserver with a dynamic DNS using dyndns.org02:04
egsomemobasher, Sure openssh is running ?, use `service SERVICENAME status`02:04
egsomeblsmith, Specify what problem you face ?02:04
IdleOneblsmith: this link should be helpful https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS02:05
latagoreI am unable to restart my computer after suspending or hibernating, what should I do?02:05
egsomelatagore, How do you try to do ?02:05
blsmithIdleOne: I followed that but i still can't see my web server02:05
latagoreegsome: I clicked the suspend button from the power button menu02:06
mobasheregsome, http://pastebin.com/Qjv6HeX402:06
th0rblsmith: how is your server connected to the net...wifi?02:06
FerretWithASporkDoes anyone know how to disable an Alps touchpad? I got tpconfig but when I try to do anything with it I get "Could not open PS/2 Port [/dev/psaux]."02:07
cjaewhy do I getasked for a password on a usb fat32 external hdd?02:07
egsomelatagore, How do you try to restart then ?02:07
blsmithmodem-linksys router-wired to server-02:07
latagoreegsome: I do restart the same way02:07
th0rblsmith: is the router set to forward the proper port(s) to the server?02:07
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egsomelatagore, Indeed, What problem you get when try to restart ?02:07
egsomemobasher, It should be working, try `ssh`02:08
blsmithyes currently its set to 22 for ssh. nothing else.02:08
latagoreegsome: Restart after hibernating/suspending or just when it is on?02:08
DAGr8may I paste log here ?02:08
egsomelatagore, after hibernating02:08
egsome!paste | DAGr802:08
ubottuDAGr8: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:08
th0rblsmith: is sshd running on the server?02:08
latagoreegsome: Power button02:08
mobasheregsome, i guess it ..i was using my main outside ip02:08
blsmithth0r: yes02:09
mobasheregsome, yes it works thanks :)02:09
egsomelatagore, What problem you face ? What error appear ?02:09
DAGr8thatis andlinux02:09
th0rblsmith: what happens when you try 'ssh <domainname>?02:09
DAGr8I should get the login under that02:09
latagoreegsome: No error, a black screen02:09
egsomemobasher, You're welcome, You can use your outside IP, If your Router well-configured02:09
DAGr8I normally do02:09
egsomelatagore, And then ?02:10
latagoreegsome: absolutely nothing02:10
th0rblsmith: keep it here02:10
Benwa3 floodbots ? awesome !!02:10
blsmithth0r: That works for me.  SSH works but connecting the the we server doesn't02:11
egsomeBenwa, Today there were many bots flooding here, so 3 flood bots are enough :)02:11
Dice-Man6 is better02:11
Benwayeah i've seen that, hl powaa today :(02:11
th0rblsmith: you need to forward port 80 for a webserver02:11
blsmithth0r: I knew that, crap i feel stupid02:11
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egsomeDice-Man, No problem, There are about 4 now, I Think.02:12
blsmithth0r: your the best by the way. Can you help me with a printer for the server?02:12
Benwayep, quite boring these floods02:12
th0rblsmith: doubt it...haven't had a printer in years02:12
Dice-Mani gotta jet02:12
Dice-Man'night all02:12
blsmithth0r: you don't print anything?02:12
th0rblsmith: have you attached the printer to the server?02:12
BenwaDice-Man→ nuit ;)02:13
latagoreegsome: so can you help?02:13
egsomeblsmith, What the problem with printer attached to a server ( I've one ) ?02:13
th0rblsmith: nope...I live on a boat...read everything I need onscreen02:13
egsomelatagore, Sorry, I have no idea about that, but you can `sudo shutdown -r 0` to restart/02:13
latagoreegsome: I can restart when it's on, but I can't turn on my computer after suspending it or hibernating it02:14
Benwaegsome→ 0 is the number of seconds ?02:14
blsmithth0r: thats awesome.02:14
latagoreegsome: I have to do hard-reset02:14
egsomeBenwa, Yeah.02:14
Benwaok thanks02:14
egsomelatagore, You can use the command i mentioned above02:15
dreamcan any one tell me some diff tool in linux -ubuntu02:15
dreami need to compare two files02:15
latagoreegsome: That command doesn't work unless the computer is booted02:15
blsmithegsome: I can't get it connected properly02:15
egsomedream, `diff` ?02:15
th0rblsmith: if I remember correctly, you need to install samba to share a printer....but it has been a long time <smile>02:15
egsomeblsmith, What you have done till now ?02:15
egsomelatagore, You need to restart it while it's hibernated ?02:16
dreamegsome, can you pls tell me syntax how we use it02:16
egsomedream, `man diff` is your friend.02:16
dreamok i meant difference02:16
blsmithegsome: just set up the server. havnen't had a chance to mess things up.02:16
dreamk thanks02:16
Benwathe floodbots are flooding a lot ...02:16
* Benwa → [], sorry02:17
latagoreegsome: I need to make it start after hibernating02:17
egsomeblsmith, Install the printer's drivers on the server normally, modify the configuration to let CUPS allow sharing, and you can use the printer from any network connected computer with the server.02:17
egsomelatagore, Clicking the power button ?02:18
Scuniziblsmith: you might be able to access the cups printer server from a different machine with firefox by going to http://<IP address of the server>:63102:18
blsmithegsome: I've never installed from the server only desktop02:18
egsomeblsmith, It's the same, How do you install on Desktop ?02:18
th0rblsmith: but remember to forward port 631 to the server if you are trying that from outside <smile>02:18
latagoreegsome: I pressed the power button after hibernating and it gives me a black screen02:19
blsmithth0r: thanks02:19
egsomelatagore, At that moment, press any key on the keyboard, It should come back to life.02:19
latagoreegsome: Then it gives me a blinking cursor and nothing else happens for over an hour02:20
egsomelatagore, You don't get any `login` screen ?02:20
latagoreegsome: Nothing; I said I had a black screen02:20
nsdanyone know where I can find a list of key modifiers for use with ctrl-alt-num lock?02:21
nsdI found it on the ubuntu forums once, but I can't seem to find it again02:21
egsomelatagore, That's strange, pastebin your xorg log after that happen ?02:21
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CentiZenSo what's the deal with the netbook remix?02:23
latagoreegsome: Just a moment, have to go on IRC on the other computer02:24
CentiZenWill I see any real change in batterly life with it on a normal laptop?02:24
egsomelatagore, OK02:24
Tempus_Fugitok I am viewing a webpage with lynx and I what I want to do is get a terminal or lynx to display only the links on the page and save the target of those links into a file .....how would I do that??02:24
nsdCentiZen: I understand it to be the same as ubuntu; it's like kubuntu or xubuntu to ubuntu in that the only difference is what's installed by default, in which case a special desktop for netbooks is preinstalled02:24
egsomeCentiZen, Not too much, But it's more suitable for small screens.02:24
egsomeCentiZen, Personally, I prefer normal Ubuntu even on netbooks02:24
bodwicklatagore: what gfx drivers r u using?02:25
Tempus_Fugithere is the page I am trying to view ... http://www.informit.com/library/library.aspx?b=STY_Java2_24hours02:25
latagorebodwick: ATI, the proprietary one02:25
nsdCentiZen: egsome summed it up nicely; you may get better battery performance if you try running a lighter weight window manager and that sort of thing, though02:25
nsdso no one knows about ctrl-alt-numlock here?02:25
bodwicklatagore try different drivers version02:26
bodwicklatagore you use fglrx from repo or amd's site?02:26
egsomensd, What about `ctrl-alt-numlock` ?02:26
latagorebodwick: I think from repository02:26
nsdegsome: I can't remember which of the number pad keys modify `5' to do what02:26
Tempus_Fugitjrib: you here?02:27
gonzalino25hi is the first time i use ubuntu02:27
gonzalino25somebody help me???02:27
jribTempus_Fugit: now I am02:27
egsome!ask | gonzalino2502:27
ubottugonzalino25: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:27
latagore!ask gonzalino2502:27
bodwicklatagore sp check out some recent version from amd, i used to have problems with hibernation .. due to ati drivers :)02:27
blsmithegsome: where should I install the drivers?02:27
mobasheregsome, u were going to tell me something about my name ?02:28
egsomeblsmith, On the server.02:28
IdleOnensd: you want to be able to turn on/off the mousepad keys?02:28
blsmithany particualar folder.02:28
bodwicklatagore so if your computer doesn't wake up properly play with ati drivers02:28
egsomemobasher, Yeah :), Told you in PM.02:28
latagorebodwick: I can look for them on the internet, but I don't know how to play with them02:28
mobasheregsome, online ? is the meaning of my name in Arabic lmao02:28
latagorebodwick: Proprietary or open-source drivers?02:29
egsomeblsmith, `/opt/printer-driver` should be good, as I think.02:29
bodwicklatagore fglrx02:29
egsomeblsmith, Which driver you're going to install ?02:29
egsomemobasher, Yeah, Exactly :)02:29
nsdnsd: mousepad? ctrl+alt+numlock allows the user to control the mouse with the keypad in the event that they either do not have a mouse or the mouse quits for some reason. From time to time I find myself in need of it, and can't remember which keys modify `5' to act as single/double click or whatever02:29
bodwicklatagore open-source drivers don't allow power scaling etc02:29
nsdwhoops, I meant IdleOne02:30
nsd(see above)02:30
blsmithegsome: Epson Artisan 50 Print Drivers02:30
IdleOnensd: try shift-alt-numlock02:30
mobasheregsome, damn...02:30
IdleOnensd: in windows it is ctrl-alt-numlock02:30
egsomeblsmith, So, Which driver you're going to install ?, provided by the manufacturer or what ?02:30
nsdIdleOne: you're right, I forgot; it is shift, but my question was what keys modify the behavior of the `5' key; e.g., I think + changes it to double click02:31
blsmithegsome: see link above02:31
wallyI cant find a clear answer but ubuntu overwrote my windows 7 partition, but my kids pictures on there. Whats the best way to get them back02:31
IdleOnensd: that I don't know02:31
nsdIdleOne: well, thanks anyway02:31
Benwawally→ testdisk or photorec02:32
egsomeblsmith, This is a debian package, just install it using `dpkg -i` and it should do the rest02:32
blsmithegsome: so sudo dpkg -i "web link"?02:32
wallyBenwa, where do I obtain photorec02:32
egsomeblsmith, No !, first download it, use `wget URL`02:33
Benwawally→ apt-get or synaptic02:33
egsomeblsmith, Then, `sudo dpkg -i FILE_NAME`02:33
blsmithegsome: perfect thanks02:33
blsmithill report back with issues02:33
antoniusanyone know how to get wifi working on Aspire 4315?02:33
egsomeblsmith, OK02:33
Benwawally→ http://www.cgsecurity.org/02:33
egsomeantonius, Try connection using cable, and do a `sudo apt-get update`, then install any drivers found02:34
blsmithegsome: what other services do you have running on your server?02:34
antoniusblsmith, that's what i'm doing now....fingers crossed02:34
blsmithantonius: Good Luck to you.02:35
egsomeblsmith, Apache2, MySQL-Server, OpenSSH, Some services that i coded myself for office needs02:35
wallyBenwa, E: Invalid operation photorec02:35
mobasheregsome, if i wana connect to this box do i have send myself keys ? to the other server when ssh ?02:35
blsmithegsome: Oh. I was looking to do backups of my home pcs, and mac, also print, ssh, web, and torrent.02:36
DAGr8Hi I can mount the iso and installit in vmare workstation right ?02:36
estragibwally, are you using the same system to chat here?02:36
egsomemobasher, That should be done automatically when you try to connect.02:36
Benwawally→ sudo apt-get install testdisk02:36
mobasherDAGr8, you can mount the cd when going thru the settings of the vmware02:36
Benwawally→ photorec is part of testdisk02:36
egsomeblsmith, Nice.02:36
Blue1mobasher: http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=25202:36
mobasheregsome, thx :)02:37
wallyestragib, yes02:37
egsomemobasher, You're welcome.02:37
blsmithegsome: also looking into power management stuff while its not in use.02:37
andyisheyo, does anyone know how to fix a screen glitch kinda thingy?02:37
anyoneofushi all02:38
andyisOn every workspace, the edges of the screen show black for about a good 3 inches around the top, left and right sides02:38
Benwaanyoneofus→ hi02:38
estragibwally: if you don't have any other copies of the photos and they are important, stop using that partition now. any disk access will make retrieval more unlikely. it won't be easy as it is.02:38
andyisAnd I can't see applications in that zone02:38
blsmithegsome: I got an error give me a minute to pastebin it.02:38
Benwawally→ yep, don't write on the disk02:38
wallyok thanks02:39
Dr_Willisandyis:  sounds like the resolution of the Display is not the same as the res of the monitor. and the monitor is not 'zooming/scaling' the display to fill tjhe screen.02:39
egsomeblsmith, Have no idea about that, but interested.02:39
Benwawally→ np02:39
andyisThe status bar and stuff will pop up if I mouse over though, for boht the top and bottom02:39
egsomeblsmith, OK.02:39
incognitodoes vino still have a bug that prevents vinagre to connect to it?02:39
andyisThank you02:39
anyoneofusmy laptop is Sony Vaio E Series, after i installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, my audio can't work02:39
etherealiteAnyone here use dropbox?02:39
andyisI'm using 2 displays so that might ffix it...02:39
headkase314etherealite, I use dropbox02:39
anyoneofusi try alsamixer, aplay, gnome-alsamixer, lspci02:40
oatHi all. I have an issue about /proc/interrupts. Can somebody help, please?02:40
etherealiteheadkase314 are there debs somewhere to accomplish the contents of this link automatically: http://wiki.dropbox.com/TipsAndTricks/TextBasedLinuxInstall02:40
egsomeblsmith, try `sudo apt-get install lsb`02:40
andyisDr_Willis, Setting the resolution to auto didn't work. Any other suggestions>02:40
blsmithegsome: asking me to run 'apt-get -f install' should I proceed02:41
incognitodoes anyone know what is a good vnc server to be accessed by vinagre?02:41
egsomeblsmith, Most time not fixing problems for me, but give it a try.02:41
=== Cliff_ is now known as GClliffW
headkase314etherealite, I installed it from here -> http://www.dropbox.com/downloading?src=index  Deb's are available from there and use gdebi to open it and it's all easy from there.02:41
Dr_Willisandyis:  fgure out what the native res is for yur monuitor. and set the res to be the same.02:41
blsmithegsome: Didn't fix the install issue, Should I reboot?02:42
mobashervmware is pretty cool man..just tried windows 7 first time it's nice02:42
Dr_Willisandyis:  also check for some 'scale' options in the settings.02:42
andyisMmmk. Any help on that? Its a labtop, so I'm not sure where to start02:42
egsomeblsmith, tried to install `lsb` ?02:42
headkase314etherealite, is there anything preventing you from using a GUI like are you using Ubuntu Server?  Because if you have a GUI the best way is through those download links and gdebi02:43
egsomeblsmith, Reboot doesn't change much in Linux, ( Linux to be root, Windows to reboot ) :)02:43
headkase314etherealite, by best I mean easiest.02:43
etherealiteheadkase314 does that have the nautilus deps? I have a gui, just no nautilus02:43
blsmithegsome: sorry used to windows.02:43
blsmithlet me pastebin02:43
egsomeblsmith, OK.02:43
incognitoheadkase314 what vnc server would you recommend would you remote viewing from computers that have say ubuntu 9.04 and/or 10.0402:43
oatHi all, I need some help with ubuntu server. Can any one suggest me with the interrupt load balancing issue?02:44
headkase314etherealite, it hooks into nautilus but I don't know if it'll just ignore nautilus not being present or not.  You end up with an icon in your system tray at the end.02:44
blsmithegsome: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/W5hLB8E602:44
sharifI have files with ioncube but show blank in browser even when put ioncube folder on it, please help me02:44
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etherealiteheadkase314 I have to system tray, not using gnome02:44
headkase314incognito, sorry I don't know enough about VNC servers to recommend a particular one.02:44
egsomeblsmith, Now run `sudo apt-get -f install`02:44
sharifshould I install ioncube or is there any requirment to show encoded files ?02:44
Dr_Willisincognito:  in theory they all should be compatable.02:44
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Dr_Willis!info ioncube02:44
ubottuPackage ioncube does not exist in lucid02:45
incognitoheadgasket314 thanks anyways.02:45
blsmithegsome: same results: herehttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/zQih5xdB02:45
headkase314etherealite, I'm not sure I'll be able to help you then as that version of Dropbox depends on gtk.02:45
blsmithegsome: sorry http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/zQih5xdB  here02:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:45
popkorn_Hi all good evening02:45
egsomeblsmith, run `sudo apt-get -f install` only, with no trailing `lsb`02:46
headkase314etherealite, gdebi may offer to install dependencies but if you don't have GNOME I'd expect that to pull in a fair bit.02:46
Dr_Willissharif:  im not sure anyone even knows what 'ioncube' is.02:46
Benwapopkorn_→ good night for me :-)02:46
incognitoDr_Willis, yeah I know, but I'm wondering if you might be able to recommend on that you have experience with, or is generally known to work well with vinagre.02:46
blsmithegsome: 111 newly installed.  Is this ok to run?02:46
Benwapopkorn_→ :)02:46
sharifIts like zend to decode files that encoded with it02:46
popkorn_sorry, good night to you02:47
etherealiteheadkase314 I've got most of the gnome deps from installig firefox02:47
headkase314etherealite, what is your desktop manager?02:47
egsomeblsmith, pastebin them.02:47
Benwapopkorn_→ np, still awake02:47
Dr_Willisincognito:  i tend to use the tightvncserver packages for a stand alone vnc server and client02:47
dpac_sharif: There are good number of PHP devs in here02:47
popkorn_is 10.10 beta pretty stable?02:47
etherealiteetherealite using a window manager: xmonad. pcman for file management.02:48
tktiddleI have a machine with loads of data but it dosn't connect to my home network very well (the range is too far).  Is there anyway to use its wifi card to allow aother computers in its range to access it like a NAS but not actually have it going through my home router?02:48
egsomeblsmith, Seems OK.02:48
blsmithpopkorn: doesn't the beta imply not stable?02:48
blsmithok. thanks02:48
chungbdhi all, my laptop is Sony Vaio E Series, i can't get audio signal after install Ubuntu 10.04. But when i run "lspci | grep Audio", my bash return : 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 05)02:48
headkase314etherealite, I'm not familiar enough with either of those to offer good advice.  Perhaps try to install and you have apt to remove it if that deb doesn't work?02:48
=== JoshuaP is now known as thatjoshdood
blsmithpopkorn_: I won't run anything important on it or save anything important to it. But thats just me.02:49
ClappyWell, looks like IRSSI works.02:49
sharifI am confused and looking for help02:49
incognitoDr_Willis Do you know if tightvnc can be accessed by vinagre or will I have to install it on my client machines. I do like tight because it's cross platform.02:49
etherealiteheadkase314 k thanks,02:49
blsmithegsome: What about an FTP server?02:49
popkorn_thanx blsmith02:49
dreamanyone used diff command ? doesit shows the two files or just outputs the difference if any ?02:49
ClappySo if the NVidia beta drivers break my X, you guys'll be seeing me again. ;)02:49
dpac_!ask | sharif02:49
headkase314etherealite, you're welcome, sorry I couldn't be more help.02:49
ubottusharif: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:49
Dr_Willisincognito:  in theory all vnc servers should be compatable aith all vnc clients. they should be backwards compatable.02:49
dreami need something to compare the two files02:49
andyisDr_Willis, No luck :P There's still a black zone around the left monitor....02:50
blsmithpopkorn_. plus if 10.04 is LTS, then I would install that and once 10.10 is out of beta, upgrade to it if you want to.02:50
Dr_Willisincognito:  tightvnc has servers and a viewer.02:50
egsomeblsmith, Don't have one, never liked it :), I use some PHP Scripts to manage all of my uploads/downloads, and SSH is so enough for me.02:50
latagorebodwick: How can you check which driver is installed?02:50
incognitoDr_Willis thanks02:50
Dr_Willisandyis:  and your chipset is what exactly for that video card?02:50
egsomeblsmith, If you need one, just install `pureftpd` for example.02:50
dpac_dream: Use diff02:50
blsmithegsome: geez, how many php scripts do you have running.02:51
chungbdsomeone help me. Please!02:51
dreami tried that dpac_ but i dont see any output02:51
Benwa!ask | chungbd02:51
ubottuchungbd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:51
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:51
dpac_dream: It shows the diffence between 2 files02:51
estragibdream: try meld for a gui app02:51
Benwachungbd→ sorry02:51
chungbdBenwa: hi all, my laptop is Sony Vaio E Series, i can't get audio signal after install Ubuntu 10.04. But when i run "lspci | grep Audio", my bash return : 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 05)02:51
egsomeblsmith, Not too much, most of them for Administration purposes.02:52
dreamok thanks estragib02:52
EricInBNEhey I just got a new monitor, is there a program I can use to test for dead pixels?02:52
blsmithegsome: ok cool. well i'm done with the install. now what?02:52
EricInBNEactually 3 new monitors...02:52
Benwa!audio | chungbd02:52
ubottuchungbd: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:52
chungbdthis is my alsa-info: http://paste.ubuntu.com/490666/02:52
blsmithegsome: ran dpkg. give you the pastebin in a little02:53
egsomeblsmith, try to open `http://SERVERIP:631/admin` in your browser.02:53
NeurotrophinAny know of any up-to-date instructions on installing nvidia driver (non-gui method) ??02:53
Benwahow can i get the 'command list' like !audio !ask ...02:53
egsomeblsmith, And you should have port `631` open for that server02:53
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".02:54
andyisDr_Willis, Mobile 4 series chipset, w/ integrated graphics02:54
egsomeblsmith, I'm sorry, but have to go, maybe someone else continue the help with you.02:54
blsmithegsome: youve been a big help02:55
BenwaDr_Willis→ thanks02:55
VintageRitzhello all. I'm new to irc (first time, I've never been able to get connected before), and relatively new to Ubuntu. My tech-support son is at college and unavailable and I'm far to embarrassed to tell him I've been messing with my system anyway :/  Problem is my cd/dvd drive. Something isn't working and I receive a message at boot that says      mount: mounting none on /dev failed..... I've spent the last two days in the support docs look02:56
=== Out`Of`Control is now known as Viper
h4ck3r_je cherche des films02:57
ScuniziVintageRitz: the last part of your post got chopped.. what exactly isn't working with the cd/dvd rom?  Can't play a commercial movie?02:58
CkhiKuzadIs there a way to install KDE without all the "Oh look, we can put a 'K' in the name of our program, allow it to run in other WMs, albeit incredibly laggy" programs?02:58
VintageRitzmessage at boot mount: mounting none on /dev failed02:58
Benwa!fr | h4ck3r_02:58
ubottuh4ck3r_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.02:58
VintageRitzI've spent 2 days in the support docs looking for info (getting educated), but finding no direction.02:58
ScuniziVintageRitz: and that was it? .. nothing there to suggest that it's the cd/dvd rom .. was there more to it?02:59
VintageRitzI'm trying to burn backup files (ironic, huh) and the drive won't accept anything. just pops the dvd right out03:00
VintageRitzwith a failed error03:00
ScuniziVintageRitz: what program are you trying to use to do that?03:00
CkhiKuzadare we in a netsplit? o.o03:00
blsmithAnyone know how to set up a printerserver over dyndns.org?03:00
ScuniziVintageRitz: arg.. no experience with that program.. but are you basically telling it to burn "data" and then tagging files or directories?03:01
VintageRitzScunizi: right.03:01
headkase314!info gnomebaker03:01
ubottugnomebaker (source: gnomebaker): application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 990 kB, installed size 2980 kB03:01
estragibCkhiKuzad: why don't you ask that question over in #kubuntu?03:01
headkase314!info brasero03:01
ubottubrasero (source: brasero): CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.2-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 318 kB, installed size 1048 kB03:01
lulu7VintageRitz: have you tried any other way?03:02
blsmithAnyone know how to set up a printerserver over dyndns.org?03:02
headkase314VintageRitz→ brasero is installed by default in 10.04 and I've always found it useful.03:02
CkhiKuzadgood question estragib. I go over there and never get any help with anything ._.03:02
andyis...heyo? Anyone able to help with my monitor problem?03:02
VintageRitzlulu7: no. I didn't get to try much. Tried playing a commercial DVD and spent the rest of the day trying to figure out how to spin down the drive and get it back out.03:02
VintageRitzI HATE being the newbie03:02
estragibCkhiKuzad: it may be the way you phrase things, though i generally agree about the K names :/03:03
ScuniziVintageRitz: might be gnomebaker, might be a bad disk.. personally I"d install k3b .. it's pretty much the defacto standard for burning cd's/dvd's .. and the interface is "nicer"03:03
VintageRitzScunizi: k3b?03:03
headkase314!info k3d | VintageRitz03:03
ubottuVintageRitz: k3d (source: k3d): 3D modeling and animation system. In component universe, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 9755 kB, installed size 41352 kB03:03
headkase314!info k3b | VintageRitz03:04
ubottuVintageRitz: k3b (source: k3b): A sophisticated CD/DVD burning application. In component main, is optional. Version 1.91.0~rc2-0ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 503 kB, installed size 1840 kB03:04
slgma!seen sladen03:04
ubottuI have no seen command03:04
slgmathen why tell me that03:04
VintageRitzokay, irc is definitely different.03:04
ScuniziVintageRitz: yes.. it's actually a kde program but runs fine on gnome (providing you know the difference :)  ).. the software center should have it listed or Synaptic package manager or from terminal you can type ... sudo apt-get install k3b03:04
VintageRitzlulu7: can you ask your question again. I'm just catching on with all the windows popping up. Thanks03:05
ScuniziVintageRitz: use a persons "nick" when responding and your responses won't get lost in the noise.... there are over 1000 people here03:05
VintageRitzScunizi: I'm getting that. Thanks03:06
ScuniziVintageRitz: Hey... I'm over 50 and I can do this stuff too!  :)  <---- smiley face03:06
lulu7VintageRitz: Did it ever play the dvd?03:06
Four2zerohello to all, is there another tool that is like rapache ?03:07
estragibVintageRitz: welcome to the mayhem. don't let it put you off. other places on irc are quiter.03:07
VintageRitzLulu7: no. it started to but then .....  an error message I think and stopped. black screen (better than blue though)03:07
Scunizilulu7: VintageRitz is trying to burn a data cd/dvd03:07
VintageRitzestragib: I used to do AOL chats, so this is ..... similar......kinda03:08
VintageRitzno one shoot me for comparing irc to AOL though03:08
FloodBot2fhudfdhfd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:08
* Scunizi raises a gun and BANG .. misses VintageRitz03:08
VintageRitzScunizi: yes, I am trying to burn, but I tried playing a dvd to check the drive03:08
VintageRitzScunizi: and the dvd wouldn't play.....and got stuck in the device for the rest of the day.03:09
ScuniziVintageRitz: if it's a commercial dvd you need the right "codecs" to decode it..03:09
VintageRitzScunizi: it was commercial and I have all the updated restricted's.03:09
lulu7VintageRitz: Will it play audio or data CD's?03:09
VintageRitzScunizi: (I duck fast, don't I)03:10
RockMeAmadeusI'm looking for a version control system for my code, where it just creates backups of my files for me, and its really easy to use .. i could learn it in 5 minutes or less03:10
ScuniziVintageRitz: but are they from the medibuntu repositories?  that's the only place to get the libdvdcss(version number)..03:10
Pelodo we have a guide on setting up a network share folder readable from xp ?03:10
Scunizi!samba | Pelo03:10
VintageRitzlulu7: I don't know. I don't know which audio cd I want to lose to it. I had to re-boot to get the last one out.03:10
ubottuPelo: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:10
Pelothanks Scunizi03:10
ScuniziPelo: my pleasure :)03:10
lulu7VintageRitz: can you use "eject" (without quotes) in terminal to eject it?03:11
VintageRitzScunizi: yep, from the mediabuntu reps. just checked them tonight (using the terminal I might add. I was very proud of myself)03:11
VintageRitzlulu7: nope. won't eject03:11
lulu7VintageRitz: Is this on a laptop or desktop?03:11
Pelolaterz folks03:12
ThinWhiteDukehow do i forward ports in ubuntu03:12
VintageRitzlulu7: laptop. dell inspiron 940003:12
ScuniziVintageRitz: Once you catch on this stuff will be easier... and an adventure. I've gotta go so I'll let lulu7 finish up.. good luck.03:12
VintageRitzScunizi: I know and thanks03:12
BentFranklinI am running 10.4.  A package I want to install (moodle) requires php4 but "apt-cache search php" does not list any php4 just php5.  Is php4 no longer supported in 10.4?03:13
Four2zerohello to all, is there a configuration tool for amp ?03:13
ChogyDanBentFranklin: yeah, I think it is gone.  You can also check packages.ubuntu.com03:13
VintageRitzlulu7: I can try an audio disc if you want to wait for me to re-boot :)03:14
neobosany body tell me how to create a file in ubuntu 9.1003:14
neobosi mean thru terminal03:14
kad_heys need help, there's file "rw------- 1 vmail     vmail     870 2010-09-09 05:11 1283998307" , i added myself to "vmail" group and still can't read it why? i don't want to play with permission03:14
ChogyDanneobos: touch file?03:14
lulu7VintageRitz: Not yet03:15
neobosChogyDan: thru terminal03:15
VintageRitzlulu7: okay. standing absolutely still so my system doesn't blow up. #1 would really laugh then.03:15
|Sacred|neobos as he said, touch file (in terminal)03:16
IdleOneneobos: nano my-file.txt03:16
|Sacred|can pico or nano also03:16
=== derp is now known as lol
|Sacred|or vi03:16
BentFranklinChogyDan: Thanks03:16
IdleOneor touch my-file03:17
lulu7VintageRitz: You are using 10.04?03:17
VintageRitzlulu7: yes03:17
neobos|sacred|, i cant do like that03:18
|Sacred|why not03:18
|Sacred|pico filenameyouwant03:18
neobosidleone, give me the full code to create on desktop03:18
|Sacred|ctrl+x, choose yes to save03:18
datadudeHello, all.03:20
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!03:20
lulu7VintageRitz: I am looking for something with that laptop03:20
datadudeAre support requests allowed in the channel?03:20
noisewaterphdneebos: or learn to use vim03:20
noisewaterphddatadude: ya03:20
noisewaterphdthats what it's for03:20
VintageRitzlulu7: I figured. Thanks. slightly tech-inclined mom's with ADD shouldn't be allowed on Linux laptops maybe :)03:20
datadudeI always prefer to make sure that it's okay so that I don't start spamming people who are here to talk about advanced topics. :D03:21
neoboshow to create a file on desktop throu terminal any body give me the full code03:21
neobosas im new to linux03:21
=== [styx] is now known as JackInTheBox_
IdleOneneobos: touch ~/Desktop/my-file   (will create a file named my-file in ~/Desktop and you will see it on the desktop)03:21
=== JackInTheBox_ is now known as [styx]
IdleOne!manual | neobos03:22
ubottuneobos: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/03:22
rockhopperneobos, or mkdir ~/Desktop/directory03:22
noisewaterphdneebos: you were already told multiple ways, but if all you need is a file then: touch /path/to/yourfilename.whatever03:22
datadudeSo, I have a 2008 Dell Inspiron 1720 with a Dell 1395 Wireless card. The wireless card worked in Hardy, Intrepid and Jaunty,and it also worked in Linux Mint. I have not been able toget it to work in Lucid, though, so I'm slumming in a Vista partition.03:22
rockhopperoops i thought he asked for a directory03:22
datadudeIs anyone able to tell me what  I have to do to get this working?03:22
zonylHi All.  My work blocks access to gmail and was wondering about a simple proxy solution I can setup on my home webserver.  Anyone have any recommendations on where to start?03:23
rockhopperdatadude, can you do lspci | grep i net and paste bin here03:23
dataduderockhopper: I am in Vista right now, as I can't get online in Lucid. :(03:24
rockhopperzonyl, you can run squid in your home pc and tunnel to your pc from your work pc with ssh03:24
lulu7VintageRitz: How familiar are you with the terminal?03:24
neobosIdleOne, if i want write something in the already created file what is the code03:24
rockhopperdatadude, do that lspci | grep i net and see if the device's being detected03:24
bdoggcan someone help me out with rhythmbox plugin?03:24
IdleOneneobos: sudo nano ~/Desktop/myfile03:24
ThinWhiteDukedoes the command iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 5900 -j ACCEPT correctly open ports?03:25
VintageRitzlulu7: well......hmm......if you tell me what to write, I can copy/past lol.03:25
ThinWhiteDukei tried this in the terminal but i went to a port check site it said the port is closed03:25
VintageRitzlulu7: I stumble my way around mostly03:25
rockhopperdatadude, and do iwconfig to see if you get something like wlan0 or eth103:25
blsmithHelp with print server please. I connected to localhost:631 but nothing is there03:25
lulu7VintageRitz: check your /dev directory for cdrom03:25
bdoggcan someone help me out with rhythmbox plugin?03:25
VintageRitzlulu7: but I'm getting there. mess up enough and you learn lots of commands.03:26
IdleOneneobos: I strongly suggest you go to http://ubuntu-manual.org/ and download the free manual. it has a lot of very useful and helpful info.03:26
rockhopperif you can see your device with lspci command and can't find with iwconfig, try reinstalling the drivers for it!03:26
zonylrockhopper: i have squid, ssh etc, unfortunately, they block everything at L7 to http03:26
noisewaterphddatadude: i can tell you that dell usually puts cheap broadcom's in everything, maybe it needs a driver?03:26
rockhopperzonyl, Isn't the port 22 open at your work place?03:26
VintageRitzlulu7: can you explain a bit more?03:26
neobosIdleOne, thanks see my pm03:26
dataduderockhopper: I tried updating the driver through Vista, and it said it was up to date. Should I just search for a better one?03:26
rockhopperThey must have some port open, just use that port for the sshd in your home pc!!03:27
zonylrockhopper: Nope.  I have nmap the whole shebang with nothing.  Only HTTP rolls through their transparent proxy.03:27
IdleOneneobos: I did not recieve any pm from you03:27
rockhopperzonyl, Is at least port 80 open?03:27
noisewaterphdneobos: there is a book called Unix Power Tools that I believe would be a very nice addition to your bookshelf, check it out03:27
rockhopperdatadude, I'm talking about updating the driver in ubuntu! not in the vista03:27
zonylzonyl: Yes, but I have tried to route 80 to ssh and it would appear they are inspecting the packet at L7 to ensure it is http traffic.03:28
dataduderockhopper: How would I go about doing that?03:28
Blue1zonyl: ssh doesn't use port 80 uses port 2203:28
neobosnoisewaterphd: can i get downloaded03:28
noisewaterphdzonyl: you could tunnel ssh over http, then they won't block03:29
zonylzonyl: it uses the port I specify in as the startup param ;)03:29
transportador1como pongo ares en ubuntu03:29
IdleOne!es | transportador103:29
ubottutransportador1: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:29
rockhopperdatadude, What wifidevice do you use?03:29
noisewaterphdneobos: i'm sure you can get an ebook version.03:29
zonylnoisewaterphd: Yah, I had though about using a dnstunnel as well, but though it would be easier to set up with cgiproxy or some such thing.03:29
datadudeDell Wireless 1395 WLAN Mini-Card, according to Vista Device Manager03:30
rockhopperdatadude, did the wifi device work out of the box in the pervious ubuntu?03:30
Blue1!es | transportador103:30
ubottutransportador1: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:30
IdleOnelinux terminal basics03:30
lulu7VintageRitz: from prompt cd /dev03:30
dataduderockhopper: Yes,it worked in both previous versions of Ubuntu and inMint.03:30
rockhopperBlue1, I think we can set ssh to use port 80. It uses port 22 as default03:30
IdleOneneobos: http://www.unixguide.net/linux/linuxshortcuts.shtml03:30
Typhhow do I unlock the keyring on login automatically? It's so annoying to have to type my password every time.03:30
zonylBlue1: I had changed the init.d/ssh to startup on 80 for testing.03:31
VintageRitzlulu7: okay, I'm in /dev03:31
rockhopperdatadude, then It must be supported in the lucid as well!! If not, google for the appropriate drivers and install them!03:31
lulu7VintageRitz: dir -d c* Just like that and see if cdrom shows up03:31
rockhopperdatadude, If you can't find the drivers, you can use ndiswrapper and use windows drivers for it!03:31
ChogyDanTyph: I think you can change your password to a blank one, under Apps > Acces > Passwords03:32
IdleOnevery unsafe03:32
Typhunsafe how03:32
noisewaterphddatadude: if you haven't already, go to System>Admin>Hardware Drivers and see if there is a proprietary broadcom driver avail for your card03:32
Blue1zonyl: i don;t know about your isp, but my isp blocks incoming http:  (port 80)03:33
VintageRitzlulu7: comes back asking for me to specify, I think: cdrom  cdrw  char  console  core  cpu_dma_latency03:33
IdleOneTyph: less security means less safe. IMHO03:33
datadudenoisewaterphd: I have tried that before, but it keeps saying that there's an error.03:33
noisewaterphddatadude: assuming that it is a broadcom03:33
noisewaterphddatadude: what is the error03:33
datadudeLet me reboot into Ubuntu and find out.03:34
neobosldleone, cant send pm to u03:34
datadudeBack in just a few,guys.03:34
TyphIdleOne: I'm not even clear on why it needs manual unlocking, or what the implications of not having a password are03:34
neobosldleOne, u send03:34
IdleOneneobos: it is an I not L03:34
Blue1zonyl: easiest way to geth ssh working forward port 22 to the machine you want to run ssh on, then sudo apt-get install openssh-server03:34
noisewaterphddatadude: that is your answer, or your question rather, get the most detailed debug output you can from that install, and then ask how to solve that problem03:34
datadudeYup, back in like ten.03:34
ChogyDanTyph: I think it means that your passwords will be stored in plain text on your machine03:34
VintageRitzlulu7: if you have the time, what does the "dir" and "-d" mean? I assume it's something to do with directory. List what's in it?03:34
heroiptux error?03:35
VintageRitzlulu7: trying to learn here. Most things are sensible, which is nice. There's just a LOT of it.03:35
Typhfirefox already stores passwords in plain text, and I'm much more concerned about them than anything OS related03:35
tpa1211Just say no to storing passwords03:35
zonylBlue1: I have ssh, squid, asterisk, etc installed on my server at home.  The firewall at work (I believe it is an old ISA box) wont allow anything other than HTTP traffic and they block gmail.03:35
Typhhaha, never. convenience is most important to me.03:36
lulu7VintageRitz: you can type "man <command>"  to get more information about a command.03:36
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Typhas long as I'm being reasonably safe, of course.03:36
Blue1zonyl: ahh so you need a proxy then.03:36
neobosIdleOne, cant find u man ru thr in facebook03:36
lulu7VintageRitz: The -d just says "directories" pretty much instead of directory content which can spam the window03:36
tpa1211geez we're using facebook for man now even?? <g>03:37
IdleOneneobos: I don't use facebook. why do you even meed to find me on facebook?03:37
zonylBlue1: Yes.  I figured the best way would be to setup a reverse proxy on apache, but I am not familiar with all of the tools available in ubuntu to do that.  I havent seen much on google about examples of proxying gmail.03:37
Blue1zonyl: i've not tried tht eithe r- but if you do find the solution let me know:  http://www.pkill-9.com03:37
cjaeis this stuff for real Hi cjae, this is a security check: Which month has only 28 days?03:37
IdleOneneobos: I can be found in this channel and if I am not around there are plenty more people who can help you in here.03:38
VintageRitzlulu7: I've done that but I find "man" less than helpful.03:38
neobosldleOne , k thanks man03:38
Blue1cjae: last time I checked, all months had 28 days03:38
VintageRitzlulu7: but I'll keep trying03:38
cjaeBlue1: lol03:38
elijahDoes anyone know why Kubuntu would always ask me for a password to access my NTFS partitions?03:39
Blue1cjae: with the politicians we have, I don't trust anything anymore03:39
cjaeit comes from ubuntu unregistered03:39
elijahcjae: Did you ever get your Fat32 password prompt figured out?03:39
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cjaeelijah: no03:40
lulu7VintageRitz: did you see cdrom under /dev ?03:40
Roastedis "symlinks not supported by backend" when copying data from a vista machine to an ubuntu machine a big deal via samba?03:40
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VintageRitzlulu7: I didn't ask it.  c* returns asking:  "cdrom  cdrw  char  console  core  cpu_dma_latency"03:41
tr1pl3xcan anyone help me on how to startup ubuntu without the gdm.. i really prefer on starting up my ubuntu from textbased mode?03:41
banana_Hello. I am a new ubuntu user and have a question about WINE. is there anyone willing to hold my hand a little?03:41
IdleOnebanana_: ask and ye shall receive (maybe)03:41
tr1pl3xhow can i start ubuntu in textbased mode?03:42
IdleOne!nox | tr1pl3x03:42
ubottutr1pl3x: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode03:42
neobosis it possible to access a system remotly on windows OS03:42
cromagif i want to mount an ext3 partition, via network on another linux box in the same network - how would i do that ? - only by nfs ?03:42
elijahWhen I resume or startup Kubuntu, it always asks me for a password whne trying to access my NTFS partitions. Is this normal? Can I bypass this?03:43
tr1pl3xtnx ubottu, my second question is i want to start it up w/out interecting wwith the grub boot looder03:43
lulu7VintageRitz: type eject -v03:43
tr1pl3xis there anyway to twik it, so that evertytime i restart it will automatically boot on textbase mode??03:43
VintageRitzlulu7: ejected!!!03:44
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Guest3195is there a new version of Ubuntu coming03:44
IdleOnetr1pl3x: you would have to edit grub.cfg03:44
lulu7VintageRitz: Did anything come up as it executed?03:44
IzinucsGuest3195: every 6 months03:44
elijahGuest3195: On the 10th of October03:44
IdleOneGuest3195: next release is 10.10 Nov 201003:44
tr1pl3xok tnx for the info: IdleOne--> i will forward for it03:44
tr1pl3xok tnx for the info: IdleOne--> i will look forward for it03:45
Guest3195auto update?03:45
IdleOneerr oct03:45
VintageRitzlulu7: yes, a bunch of stuff. do you want me to post it here?03:45
lulu7VintageRitz: It should say something like eject: '/dev/cdrom' is a link to ....?03:45
IzinucsGuest3195: the version number is actually the relase date in desguise.. year/month  .. ie 10.04 is april of 201003:45
cromagif i want to mount an ext3 partition, via network on another linux box in the same network - how would i do that ? - only by nfs ? - repost03:45
RoastedI'm getting an error when copying data from a vista laptop to an ubuntu desktop... symlinks not supported by backend. Is this a big deal?03:46
IzinucsRoasted: nope..03:47
IzinucsRoasted: sounds like some of what you're copying is shortcuts to something someplace else03:47
VintageRitzlulu7:'/dev/cdrom' is a link to '/dev/sr0'03:47
kad_is there any file configured to each user if they create a file must be in form of ex: 600 other than umask ?03:47
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lulu7VintageRitz: the OS is reading the drive, will it take an audio CD?03:49
PCChrisAfter resuming from hibernate, my applications are not restored03:49
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VintageRitzlulu7: I'll get one and find out. just a minute.03:49
Blue1PCChris: i have had problems with suspend/hibernate which is why none of my machines use them03:50
IzinucsPCChris: your swap space might not be large enough..03:50
PCChris@Izinucs:  swap partition is ~9gb while I have 6gb ram03:50
Blue1PCChris: plenty big.03:51
PCChris@Blue1, @Izinucs:  Any suggestions?03:52
IzinucsPCChris: that's huge so no factor there.. hibernate/suspend is a little like voodoo.. every machine does it a different way (by mfgr and sometimes model).. I'd suggest looking in www.ubuntuforums.org and search for your computer model..03:52
Blue1PCChris: yeah disable them.  I've never gotten it to work correctly, windows or linux03:52
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IzinucsBlue1: PCChris suspend works fine for me on a Dell vostro 1400.. never tried it on my desktop03:52
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maindtocMy machine just crashed and when I rebooted, nm-applet shows the wireless symbol with a red exclamation point and if I click on it, it says Network Manager is not running - can someone help with this ?03:53
miststlkrI am trying to set up a fakeRAID array [for storage, not to install to] using a jmicro controller chip and I can get it to work, but only until I reboot then I have to go into palimpsest and "start array" each time.   How can I automate thjis?03:53
PCChris@Izinucs:  Would it have anything to do with proprietary ATI drivers?03:53
RoastedI'm getting an error when copying data from a vista laptop to an ubuntu desktop... symlinks not supported by backend. Is this a big deal?03:54
IzinucsPCChris: I wouldn't count it out but really I've no idea03:54
IzinucsRoasted: I already answered that for you.. did you think it wasn't correct?03:55
RoastedIzinucs, my IRC stopped responding, so I had to reconnect. I did not see your answer. I apologize for that.03:55
dougbdoes recordmydesktop recording audio playing on the computer and audio coming from a mic at the same time?03:55
IzinucsRoasted: no problem.. symlinks are like shortcuts.. so no issue.. you're copying some shortcuts to other files03:56
VintageRitzlulu7: ok. music plays just fine.03:56
neobosany one give me a clue to trace ip address......03:56
RoastedIzinucs, ah okay. I'm just trying to back up the raw data of this stuff so I can redo it. This laptop is in *bad* shape. I just got to thinking if I back their stuff up and symlinks is something important, aw no... know what I mean?03:57
Izinucsneobos: how do you mean?03:57
miststlkrneobos: System>Administration>NEtwork Tools> Traceroute03:57
Blue1neobos: whois <ipname>03:57
IzinucsRoasted: yep.. you gonna reinstall that machine?03:57
lulu7VintageRitz: What are you playing the CD in?03:57
RoastedIzinucs, I may, its got a solid 18 minute log in time. No - I'm not kidding. Yes - I timed it.03:58
R0b0t1Hello, I'm having problems with file-roller. When extracting, subfolders are not preserved. How might I check if this is a setting or similar?03:58
neobosblue1;when i don knw the ip what to do03:58
IzinucsRoasted: laptop?03:58
PCChris@Izinucs @Blue1:  Any particular log files I could look at for resume issues?03:58
Blue1neobos: okay maybe you can better explain what you are trying to do or need?03:58
neobosmiststlkr: when i don knw the ip03:58
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Blue1PCChris: check dmesg03:58
RoastedIzinucs, yes. dual core, 1gb ram.03:59
VintageRitzlulu7: when I told you that '/dev/cdrom is a link to /dev/sr0', I didn't tell you that the remaining message says '/dev/sr0 is not mounted.' don't know if it's important.03:59
miststlkrneobos: finger the domain name i think is what you are looking for03:59
neobosBlue1; i want to knw the ip address of remote system03:59
VintageRitzlulu7: playing in my laptop's cd/dvd drive03:59
Blue1neobos: ping www.usatoday.com04:00
IzinucsRoasted: if you have an actual windows install cd you might consider putting ubuntu on it and run the windows install in a virtual box vm.. works great.. however if it's a recovery cd it won't work..04:00
neobosBlue1; what it is04:00
RoastedIzinucs, if it were mine, it'd be ubuntu. but it's not, and I hate to introduce ubuntu to somebody who uses the computer for facebook...04:00
asymptote-schoolMy machine just crashed and when I rebooted, nm-applet shows the  wireless symbol with a red exclamation point and if I click on it, it  says Network Manager is not running - can someone help with this ?04:00
Blue1neobos: shows the delay time between you and other computer, and also displays the ip address04:00
VintageRitzlulu7: if you mean what program, I apologize for looking foolish.  I'm using RhythmBox.04:00
IzinucsRoasted: have you looked at kubuntu? I use that on my desktop.. slick.. and a widget for facebook :)04:01
Blue1neobos: so try it:  ping www.usatoday.com04:01
lulu7VintageRitz: Stop the playback and enter the eject -v command again (making sure)04:01
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firstgearonewill most applications run smoothly in ubuntu 64bit?04:01
miststlkrneobos:  If you do the traceroute that i mentioned the first time, and type in, say, "slashdot.org" in the box it will tell you the IP address of every machine you touched along the way, including the target system04:01
neobosBlue1; what do u mean by ping04:01
PCChris@Izinucs:  This is all I found:  [    1.276977] PM: Resume from disk failed.04:02
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Blue1neobos: did you try that?  it's self explanatory04:02
popkorn_R0b0t1: try thr -r for recursive switch04:02
VintageRitzlulu7: ejected just fine. same readout in the terminal04:02
cookr35ping yahoo.com04:02
R0b0t1popkorn_: Eh?04:02
IzinucsPCChris: sorry.. I forgot what we were talking about..04:02
RoastedIzinucs, I've been down the kubuntu route. They have some work to do before I use it full time. Yes - even with KDE 4.5. :P04:02
popkorn_R0bot1: try -r for recursive04:03
PCChris@Izinucs:  my hibernated state (assuming it is made) is not resuming04:03
IzinucsRoasted: it is better.. and getting better..04:03
TheVenerableZI'm trying to convert a 3gpp-encoded m4a file file to a wav with mplayer. I went to http://www.penguin.cz/~utx/amr and installed amrnb- as root. When I try to convert the file, I get this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/490693/. I'm on 64-bit ubuntu 10.04. Any ideas?04:03
R0b0t1popkorn_: Unknown option -r04:03
Blue1Roasted: the last good release of kde was 3.504:03
neobosmiststlkr: thanks will ry wait give some time dude04:03
Blue1i tried 4.0 and I if I didn't know better, I04:03
neobosBlue1; not yet will try dude04:04
Blue1would have concluded linux is broke04:04
neobos where i need to go for tech suport04:04
lulu7VintageRitz: You were trying to burn a DVD Data disk, Can that drive write to dvd format?04:04
miststlkrbe back in a few04:04
IzinucsPCChris: ah.. don't use the @ with my nick.. doesn't hilight.. sorry that I don't have the answer.. maybe someone else here can take this thread up.. otherwise www.google.com/linux and use your model and ubuntu in the search04:04
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RoastedIzinucs, everybody likes different things, but I find gnome to be stable and predictable, hence why I use it for work, personal systems, etc. If Kde was 1/4 of what gnome was, I'd use it because I actually enjoy KDE quite a lot. But until that time, I don't see myself using it.04:04
Roastednot to stir up some this vs that talk, but that's just why I didn't think about putting kde on this here laptop.04:05
PCChrisIzinucs:  k, thanks04:05
VintageRitzlulu7: LOL, now wouldn't that be just suck for me, but I believe so. At least the outside of the case says DVD rewritable and CD rewritable all over it.04:06
Blue1Roasted: I liked kde.  somethings are way simpler.  I just don;t know how stable it is now.  haven't tried it since the 4.X days.04:06
tpa1211LXDE is the 2nd best to Gnome, IMO04:06
IzinucsRoasted: I've been on gnome for 5 years and just put kde on my work desktop.. no issues except with (and these are biggies) cups not starting on boot and samba doesn't connect to anything.. my gnome laptop has no issues.. but I struggle along :)04:06
VintageRitzlulu7: however, this IS the first time I've tried burning a DVD. Even my boot disc was a CD.04:06
RoastedIzinucs, yeah, it's a good platform, but I had it on my work laptop last month - never again will I make that mistake...04:06
popkorn_R0b0t1: i use for subdirectories04:06
VintageRitzlulu7: I think. It's been a while, but CD's were all we had at the house.04:07
Blue1Roasted: I tried to uninstall kontact, and it took most of KDE along with it.  too bad there isn't a gnome equiv. of kontact04:07
RoastedIzinucs, terrible network connections with servers, random errors, dolphin is a bad joke on april fools day, widgets were unpredictable, and very strange default fonts...04:07
Blue1i really hate the akonadi server04:07
ritleehow does one install a module that isn't on the current system?04:07
lulu7VintageRitz: And you tried Brasero?04:08
Blue1ritlee: sudo apt-get install <packagename>04:08
VintageRitzlulu7: no. I only tried GnomeBaker, then tried to play aforementioned dvd that got stuck.04:08
IzinucsRoasted: I upgraded my ubuntu gnome on my desktop and ended up with a borked system and resolution that was not correct and at this point uncorrectable.. thus kde fresh install.. works.. I still have the gnome partition and data and will fresh intstall that when I have time to see if the rez is correctable that way.. really frustrating...04:08
tpa1211Brasero ROCKS04:08
VintageRitzlulu7: still doesn't explain the weird message at boot though.04:09
ritleeBlue1 this is to install the drivers FOR my wireless, no other means of internet so apt-get isn't an option04:09
lulu7VintageRitz: You can try Brasero or (I have never tried to burn a dvd on here) but I use Nautilus drag and drop like IE in windows. Still loops through brasero I think during burning process04:09
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lulu7VintageRitz: I think there is something with your fstab glitching at start up with your pci, Maybe even the acpi settings04:10
VintageRitzlulu7: never did drag and drop in Windows either. Heck, I didn't even know you could, lol.04:10
* Izinucs is watching Federere loose the 3rd set :(04:10
lulu7VintageRitz: Do you notice the system hanging at all during boot besides that glitch?04:10
asymptote-schoolMy machine just crashed and when I rebooted, nm-applet shows the  wireless symbol with a red exclamation point and if I click on it, it  says Network Manager is not running - can someone help with this ?04:12
VintageRitzlulu7: um....not really, just there. hangs there for a while though. And, um, yeah, trying to update my graphics is where this whole thing began. Boot was fine until then.04:12
Izinucsasymptote-school: try a right mouse click on the symbol and see if the "enable network" is checked or unchecked04:12
asymptote-schoolIzinucs: it's enabled04:13
lulu7VintageRitz: It hangs and throws an error but still works after login. (strange)04:13
Izinucsasymptote-school: and wireless too?04:13
asymptote-schoolno - wired04:13
asymptote-schoolIzinucs: if I left-click on nm-applet it says "NetworkManager is not running..."04:14
Izinucsasymptote-school: you could open a terminal and start the nm-appelate that way.. see what happens.. personally I have a love/hate relationship with nm-appelate04:14
invitadoplease, you gotta help me04:14
asymptote-schoolIzinucs: I know a lot of people like wicd but I've never had any problems until suddenly my machine crashed just now04:15
invitadoI was installing ALSA. i was just doing copy/paaste from a website04:15
VintageRitzlulu7: says    "mount: mounting none on /dev failed....."   something like that. Hangs there for 10 secs or so, then goes on to the splash (?) screen and comes up fine.04:15
asymptote-schoolIzinucs: I'd really like to know what happened and how my network connection was affected04:15
asymptote-schoolIzinucs: do you know of any way for me to verify that my network card isn't damaged ?04:15
Izinucsasymptote-school: that or simply uninstall nm-appelate and do it manually in the conf files..04:15
invitadowhen the system shut down, and then restarted, and now my wholw monitor sceen loks weird!!04:15
Blue1asymptote-school: I was never able to get wicd to work04:16
invitadoLooks weird04:16
invitadoCan anyone do a diagnosis of my PC?04:16
invitadoon a LOG04:16
invitadoor something?04:16
Izinucsasymptote-school: you could do a ifdown eth0 in terminal and then a ifup eth0 and see what happens.04:16
invitadoi know there is a way to fix this04:16
Blue1!pastebin | invitado04:16
ubottuinvitado: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:16
asymptote-schoolIzinucs: Blue1 well I don't know if that's the way I want to handle this04:16
invitadoI do NOT want to reisntall for the 27th time04:17
asymptote-schoolsomething happened to cause this problem - I'd like to see what happened04:17
invitadoBlue1: do you know where i can finde the evnt log?04:17
VintageRitzlulu7: and I STILL have no openGL for cairo-dock, so I ended up right where I started, but now with an additional something weird going on.04:17
asymptote-schoolIf possible I prefer not to remove an application if it's been working all this time04:17
Blue1invitado: /var/log/messages or just do a dmesg04:17
Izinucsasymptote-school: the other is wifi radar.. but I'm not sure about using it for a wired connection.. I haven't used it in the last year04:17
VintageRitzlulu7: that'll teach me........but probably not.04:17
dvasile1Hi, I'm attempting to run a TFTP and DHCP sever.  When I do "sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart" i get a fail.  I'm on 10.0404:17
asymptote-schoolIzinucs: no I'm familiar with that - no need to install that04:17
Izinucsasymptote-school: perhaps remove and reinstall it04:18
asymptote-schoolIzinucs: is it gnome-network-manager ?04:18
lulu7VintageRitz: Not every install likes every set up out there. Lesson learned the hard way04:18
miststlkrIf I werte to spring for a real RAID controller card, linux shouldn't have any of the issues that I am having with fakeRAID with that setup, correct?04:18
Izinucsasymptote-school: yes04:18
Izinucsasymptote-school: or simply network-manager04:18
asymptote-schoolIzinucs: ok and I use the --purge option right04:19
VintageRitzlulu7: yeah, I'd probably try to roll back, but I'm kind squeamish now about touching anything.04:19
Izinucsasymptote-school: the same name typically can be used to start it from a terminal then you can watch the output04:19
asymptote-schoolIzinucs: yeah I was trying that as well04:19
Izinucsasymptote-school: yes --purge04:19
asymptote-schoolI googled a lot and no matter what I tried, the applet kept saying NetworkManager is not running04:19
asymptote-schooland it was showing up in ps -ae04:19
Izinucsasymptote-school: sudo apt-get remove --purge network-manager04:19
asymptote-schooljust really would like to know what happened04:19
SJrHow can I get a dump of every installed package, in a format condusive to reinstallation?04:20
VintageRitzlulu7: it's only broke this far, don't try to break it more (derivative of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it.")04:20
dvasile1Where is the syslog????04:20
lulu7VintageRitz: google.com/linux is a good place to poke around also04:20
SJrlike I'm about to format my system, and I want a dump of packages to reinstall, on a best effort basis.04:20
Blue1dvasile1: /var/log/messages04:20
dvasile1blue1: ty04:20
asymptote-schoolIzinucs: ugh...sine I removed it do you think you could help me get my interfaces working04:20
Blue1dvasile1: err /var/log/syslog sorry about that.04:20
asymptote-schoolIzinucs: this is really embarassing I'm usually helping everyone in the Networking & Wireless sub forum on UF04:21
asymptote-schoolIzinucs: I've just never encountered this before04:21
VintageRitzlulu7: I do have to say that most write-ups and documentation falsely assume a certain amount of knowledge, although the Ubuntu support docs, both official and community are really QUITE good.04:21
Izinucsasymptote-school: :).. I'll switch computers and be there as Scunizi.. my nick spelled backwards.. my desktop is setup as static .. manually04:21
asymptote-schoolIzinucs: ty04:22
=== Blue1 is now known as Blue1away
lulu7VintageRitz: I am not sure about the dock issue04:22
VintageRitzlulu7: one thing I can't find, though, is where to locate different commands for the terminal. For example, which commands need sudo and which don't.04:22
VintageRitzlulu7: dock?04:23
VintageRitzlulu7: oh. gotcha.04:23
grokenwhen base-config asks, "Shall I enable md5 passwords?", what does that mean exactly?04:23
VintageRitzlulu7: no worries. that was just me complaining.04:23
invitadopLEASE, someone check this log, and see whats wrong whit it04:23
dvasile1I'm trying to set up my dhcp3-server for pxe boot.  I used the default config here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer but it doesn't work.  How do I know what IP range to set it to??04:24
Scuniziasymptote-school: ok.. martini in hand and have powered my nose..04:24
asymptote-schoolScunizi: lol i'm going to pm you ok so we have our own window04:24
lulu7VintageRitz: For the most part it will say if you need to be sudo. Usually things on a "system" level require sudo04:24
VintageRitzScunizi: hey, you came back. Missed the chaos?04:24
Scuniziasymptote-school: sure04:24
scott_inodvasile1, are you trying to do some thin client setup?04:25
VintageRitzlulu7: yeah, I'm getting the "permission denied" = "input sudo, moron" correlation :D04:25
VintageRitzlulu7: I do learn.04:25
dvasile1scott_ino: I don't think so...I just want to set up my desktop to remote install an OS on another computer04:25
scott_inodvasile1, ahh i see04:26
lulu7VintageRitz: If it reads the blank DVD disk then Brasero should do it (assuming the option presents itself). I have no idea how k3b is but others like it04:26
scott_inowhere are you getting errors04:26
dvasile1scott_ino: I'm just following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer step by step, everything is good until I restart the dhcp server. it fails, the sys log says the config file is BS04:27
coz_VintageRitz,  I personally find Brasero lacking in the ability to burn an ISO withouth errors04:27
invitadoDid some one read my log?04:27
lulu7VintageRitz: Learning the commands is just through constantly snooping around and living by the terminal04:27
coz_VintageRitz,   in gnome I prefer gnomebaker and in kde I preger  k3b04:27
invitadoSomething is wrong with my Ubuntu04:27
VintageRitzlulu7: I think I'll give that a try then and if it doesn't work, I'm sure I'll be back, now that I know how to get into irc.04:27
scott_inodvasile1, which file dhcp3.conf?04:27
coz_VintageRitz, be aware that if you install k3b you will also pull down a whole host of kde libraries04:28
scott_inoi mean.. dhcpd.conf04:28
dvasile1scott_ino: /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf04:28
VintageRitzcoz: I was trying to use gnomebaker. It won't burn, ejects the disc immediately with errors and denied permissions.04:28
invitadoAll of a sudden, the monitor resolution is BIG, and can't even fix it with nVidia monitor settings04:28
coz_invitado,  what is your ubuntu doing that makes it "something wrong" ?04:28
lulu7VintageRitz: It is late here, turning in soon but I am sure others can assist with it. This system you are using, is it dual-boot with Win7?04:28
tacomasterif i was wanting to learn a programming language that ubuntu uses the most what language would that be?04:28
coz_VintageRitz,  oooo that's just not right04:28
VintageRitzlulu7: yes04:28
coz_tacomaster,   C04:28
dvasile1tacomaster: fortran7704:28
VintageRitzcoz: my thoughts exactly. hard to back up that way.04:29
lulu7VintageRitz: And the files are on which partition?04:29
invitadoco_: I was installing a driver, and a command said to restart, and when i restat i have this monitor resolution BIG, is too BIG to fit the screen04:29
Emanonhey all quick question how do i change the date display format on the system tray calendar manually for instance to yyyy-mm-dd04:29
coz_invitado,  is this nvidia?04:29
invitadoco_: And i cant even fix it with Nvidia monitor settings04:29
VintageRitzlulu7: the files I'm trying to burn. They're on my Linux side. I would get rid of Windows entirely if I could watch Netflix from Linux.04:29
coz_invitado,  ok first open nvidia-settings and tell me which driver is being used04:30
lulu7VintageRitz: That makes 2 of us, that and my work software is windows/mac only04:30
scott_inodvasile1, hmmm sorry, maybe try the LTSP channel as they do a lot of pxe stuff/ dhcpd.conf settings and all tat04:30
Emanonbet ya its 19504:30
dvasile1k thanks04:30
VintageRitzlulu7: I don't remember the last time I did anything over there. if you don't mind sharing, where are you located (just wondering because of the lateness).04:31
lulu7VintageRitz: There is a petition going on to get Netflix to make a compatible player for linux04:31
VintageRitzlulu7: hey, I'll sign.04:31
tpa1211That'll be the day04:31
coz_invitado,  did you check that?04:31
invitadocoz_: 195.36.2404:31
scott_inolulu7, ehh petitions wont work, it'll take good ole fashion ingenuity04:31
Emanonha im goodish04:31
VintageRitzlulu7: love Netflix, but geez. I don't even have MS on my phone anymore.04:31
coz_invitado,   ok now in a terminal copy and paste this command and paste the readout here     lspci | grep -i vga04:31
lulu7VintageRitz: You can also call in and ask about Linux support as they tally the calls towards the petition.04:32
Emanontrue scott_ino someone needs to write a workaround04:32
Emanonperhaps using the wii version via dolphin?04:32
VintageRitzlulu7: I will definitely do that.04:32
scott_inoEmanon, I mean it should be possible, wasn't Mono working on a silverlight port? isn't that what they use ( I don't watch netflix)04:32
lulu7VintageRitz: EST timezone. It has been too long of a day04:32
Emanonyou mean moonlight?04:32
invitadocoz_: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G96 [Quadro FX 580] (rev a1)04:32
Emanonit doesnt work yet but that would be nice04:32
scott_inoEmanon, yes Moonlight but it's made by the Mono people i thought04:33
coz_invitado,  ok  now open  in that terminal  type  sudo nvidia-settings04:33
VintageRitzlulu7: yeah, I'm central, so not quite so long yet.04:33
Emanonsoon as i re-brew my wii i should just dump the netflix disk iso and post it to be used in dolphin that would solve the problem04:33
litropyHi, peeps. When I gksu gdm setup, I get things like "WARNING **: Unable to find users: no seat-id found" and when I click "Unlock", Unlock fades, but no functions activaate for input.04:33
Emanonit might be scott04:33
coz_invitado,  when that opens click the "X Server Display Configuration"04:33
VintageRitzlulu7: head to bed then. thanks for the time and help.04:33
coz_invitado,   there on the right...you should see a graphic of your monitor.....yes?04:34
lulu7VintageRitz: Hope that gets working for you.04:34
invitadoWait, let me change to SUDO BASH04:34
melow01I'm getting into using forums more and more. Is there a way to have a single username that will work for all forums?04:35
VintageRitzlulu7: me too. If not, I'll just make a small pest of myself until I stumble onto an answer.04:35
coz_melow01,  no ..not unless you register on each forum with that name04:35
scott_inomelow01, get a unique username ;)04:36
melow01coz_, bummer.04:36
melow01scott_ino, how's that work?04:36
coz_melow01,  for example .. i would assume that  "melow01" is unique enough for every forum :)04:36
Emanonso at the risk of being annoying any idea on the date change thing?04:36
invitadocoz_: I cant04:36
invitadoi am in another user04:36
coz_invitado,  oh04:36
invitadoI cant do it in my Administrator04:36
melow01coz_, it has been, its just a pain signing up for an account at every single forum04:36
invitadoits too big04:36
coz_invitado, and can you get back to the default user account?04:37
coz_melow01,  yes it is ,,,however ...once done it is likely "forever" :)04:37
coz_invitado,  i am confused04:37
invitadooops sorry for CAPS04:37
melow01coz_, true04:37
coz_invitado,  wait ...when you installed ubuntu you put in your username and password  ....yes?04:38
fivetwentysixHow do I enable ubuntu to accept remote connections?04:38
invitadoI am in another account, as a guest. In this account, everything is alittle bit smaller04:38
casharhello I setup an ldap server and phpldapadmin and everything runs the way is expected but how can I change the server password?04:38
fivetwentysixi've already added bind [server ip]04:38
fivetwentysixin /etc/mysql/my.conf04:38
invitadoIn the account where i am root, everything is too big, and cant acces Xchat, or other stuff04:38
coz_invitado,  ok and when you reboot and log in with the origianl user account....can you get onto the desktop?04:38
noisewaterphdcashar: the password to what server?04:38
invitadocoz_: tell me what to do there04:39
casharnoisewaterphd: ldap server04:39
noisewaterphdcashar: the server itself, the ldap server, the mysql server?04:39
invitadocoz_: Do you want to see a log or something?04:39
coz_invitado,   ok.... open a terminal ...type    sudo nvidia-settings   then click the  "X Server Display Configuration"  section...there you should she a graphic representation of your monitor04:39
scott_inoinvitado, you can't login as root as it randomizes the pw on ubuntu in theory.. so what do you mean by that04:39
dougbdoes anyone know how to capture the output audio and input audio at the same time in ubuntu?04:40
coz_invitado,  then click the "Resoluton" pull down and choose the resolution you want   then click the  "Save to X Configureation File"  then reboot04:40
scott_inodougb, you just warped my brain with that question04:40
casharnoisewaterphd: the ldap server itself04:40
invitadoIt does not work04:40
invitadothere a are only 2 optio04:40
coz_invitado,  also click the "Apply" button before writing to x config  to test if that is what you want04:40
noisewaterphdcashar: I think the ldap admin passwd is in /etc/ldap or something like that04:41
coz_invitado,  what are the 2 options04:41
Emanonfivetwentysix: they dont like ubuntu tweak but it has an option to turn on remote desktop as a single checkbox just to let you know04:41
invitado620x and 320 x04:41
dougbsay i'm talking to someone on skype, i can either record what i'm saying or i can record what they are saying through recordmydesktop and pulseaudio, but i want to record both sides of the conversation04:41
noisewaterphdcashar: but I haven't used ldap in ages, google.com probably knows04:41
invitadoAnd when i choose that, everything getes TOO giant04:41
coz_invitado,  ok  2 things...first open system/administration/hardware drivers04:41
systmso.., is dwm on apt-get04:41
coz_invitado,   see if the  nvidia_current driver is the one installed04:41
casharnoisewaterphd: is giving me a lot of things but that, thanks though04:42
invitadoYou know what? you gave an idea!04:42
coz_systm,  mm   try   sudo apt-get install dwm  to test04:42
coz_systm,  or open synaptic package manager  ...hit "Search"  type in    dwm04:42
invitadoWhy dont i just downloaded from Ubuntu Software Center?04:42
scott_inosystm, do sudo apt-cache search dwm04:42
coz_invitado,  I would check hardware drivers first04:42
invitadothere is no administration04:43
invitadonot even a .administration04:43
invitadoIf i go to my other account, i wont be able to "talk" to you anymore04:44
systmok, i did the minimal install.. with just xorg, whats the keyswitch to open a new xterm04:44
Administrator__this iRC is very hot04:44
invitadoBut ok, i ´ll go and see if i have the current drivers04:44
scott_inoinvitado, account shouldn't matter... sorry im trying to catch up as to your issue so that i may be of assistance04:45
systmbrb going to term04:45
invitadoYes, driver is current04:45
gartralhey guys, im on 10.04.1 and i keep getting [5817:5817:86039833568:ERROR:chrome/browser/process_singleton_linux.cc(304)] Failed to extract pid from path: /home/gareth/.config/google-chrome/SingletonLock04:46
gartralwhen trying to run google-chrome.. this just started happening todaye04:46
invitadoI thought you where talking about those foldres in the system04:46
invitadobut yeah, i have the current driver04:47
evanthebeastquestion: i downloaded the latest version of chromium and it came as a .zip file, i'm not sure what to do after I extracted it04:47
gartraland firefox give Bus Error and quits04:47
invitadoscott_ino: do you know how to read a log?04:47
xanguaevanthebeast: chromium is aviable in lucid repository04:47
ipv5this is really weird. i restarted clamav and it complains that the virus db is timestamped in the future. So I run 'date' and sure enough I'm 7 hours behind current time. So I run ntpdate and then date again to check, and it's fixed. So I restart clamav again, but I get the same message. And now the crazy bit: running date again shows I'm 7 hours off again! I've done this a few times just to...04:47
ipv5...make sure I'm not nuts...but every time I restart clamav it runs my clock back 7 hours...anybody know what's going on?04:47
evanthebeastit's version 5 though, and i have that, the latest version is 704:47
invitadoIf you tell me where it is you could read it and then do a diagnosis04:47
evanthebeastdo i need to update my repository?04:47
systmok.. so what were the choices for installing dwm04:47
xanguagartral: better try chromium, it's open source ;)04:48
evanthebeastchromium is fast as shit btw04:48
gartralxangua: i cant install anything due to Bus Errors04:48
Emanongartral: try srware iron no install needed04:48
R0b0t1Hello. I am trying to build tiemu, as it will not install properly in synaptic. It requires Qt >= 3.0.2, I have installed Qt4, however, the ./configure script still does not complete correctly. What might be wrong?04:48
scott_inoevanthebeast, what do you mean you downloaded a .zip file? you need to install that via apt, synaptic, etc..04:48
Emanonjust extract and run the executable04:48
xanguaevanthebeast: the latest development and unstable version is 7, if you want it just add the 'chromium daily build ppa' under your own risk04:48
gartralEmanon: what?04:49
evanthebeastah ok, I just figured if they were on 7, 5 was a little out of date04:49
scott_inoinvitado, can you refresh me as to "how you originially installed the driver, was it working before etc.."04:49
evanthebeasti'll find the repository on their website i need to add04:49
invitadoWell, its been like this for months, everytime i try to do something i do not know, well, the system mess up04:50
Emanongartral: iron is a security enhanced version of chromium from srware04:50
scott_inoevanthebeast, previously I used their PPA with success04:50
Emanondoesnt send tracking info and such04:50
quietonehow do I get rid of the download icon (don't know how it got there either)? it is next to wireless icon.04:50
dlp211trying to install 10.04 server edition...keep getting ureadahead-other main process terminated with status 4...and then it hangs there04:50
Emanonand it comes as a tar.gz if memory serves04:51
Emanonjust extract and run no installation needed04:51
invitadoscott_ino: It is the built in audio, i was downloading this driver, or actually, just copy/paste from a website, installing ALSA and all of a sudden, the system restarted04:51
evanthebeastscott_ino: so it's pretty stable? I would assume there has been a stable release between 5 and 7 and i'll go with that if this is pretty crash-prone04:51
scott_inoinvitado, so which drivers did you have or try to install from the start?04:51
invitadoscott_ino: IAnd when it restarted, the monitor resolution was too BIG, i cant' even fix it in the Nvidia x Server04:51
Emanonand should you choose you can move it into a system directory like /usr/bin or something and link to it as the default browser, thats what i do04:52
gartralemanon well i cant op[en any browsers to get a link.. so could you help me fix whats wrong?04:52
invitadoscott_ino: Some realtek drivers04:52
etherealiteusing aptitude i get the following error "the following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 2" I cant run aptitude update. please help.04:52
Emanonat the risk of evangelizing its awesome04:52
invitadoscott_ino: Do you know how to read a log?04:52
quietoneleft click brings up a download window and right click has one option "show downloads".  I want it gone....04:52
Emanonsec let me scrol up to your original post04:52
invitadoscott_ino: If you tell me how, i can show you my system log04:52
dlp211trying to install 10.04 server edition...keep getting ureadahead-other main process terminated with status 4...and then it hangs there (post install)04:52
gartralwhen trying to run google-chrome.. this just started happening today04:52
gartralhey guys, im on 10.04.1 and i keep getting [5817:5817:86039833568:ERROR:chrome/browser/process_singleton_linux.cc(304)] Failed to extract pid from path: /home/gareth/.config/google-chrome/SingletonLock04:53
scott_inoevanthebeast, I'd stick with whatever version is in the usual ubuntu repos, not PPA but yes, it was normally ok04:53
invitadothis is so annoying04:53
scott_inoinvitado, i thought this was a graphics issue04:53
invitadonot knowing stuff04:53
scott_inowas it not?04:53
gartraland firefox is throwing a wierd "Bus error" message04:53
invitadoWell, yes, now it is04:53
Emanonoh i just scrolled up hehe04:53
invitadoscott_ino: So, do you know how to fix it?04:53
dlp211is there a server specific chat room?04:54
evanthebeastscott_ino: thanks for the help, I'll probably juts go with the PPA though since I was having trouble running extensions with 5. quick question: what is the best/most popular irc client on linux?04:54
scott_inoevanthebeast, xchat is what I use, there are others04:54
etherealiteusing aptitude i get the following error "the following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 2" I cant run aptitude update. please help.04:54
Emanonand can you do a fresh install of chrome (like complete remove in synaptic and reinstall)?04:54
invitadoI guess not04:54
Emanonsorry forgot to address that to gartral04:55
scott_inoinvitado, so your issue is your graphics driver... shouldn't have anything to do with other updates04:55
gartralEmanon: i cant change any packages, apt-get and synaptic are throwing the same cryptic "Bus error" message as firefox04:55
invitadoscott_ino: Yes, graphic04:55
evanthebeastalso where should i go for general reading about how ubuntu/linux is set up? I literally just installed 2 days ago and have been customizing my system pretty much nonstop. I'm fairly computer competent but i would like to learn more04:55
Emanonok well we just went past my mediocre knowledge hope someone else knows how to help you04:55
R0b0t1Hello. I am trying to build tiemu, as it will not install properly in synaptic. It requires Qt >= 3.0.2, I have installed Qt4, however, the ./configure script still does not complete correctly. What might be wrong?04:56
scott_inoinvitado, can you go system/administration/hardware drivers and tell me what you have in there regarding your nvidia drivers04:57
scott_inoevanthebeast, lots of reading on various google sites04:57
Emanonevanthebeast: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-manual04:57
evanthebeastthats what i've been doing, learning a lot by just trying to figure out whatever problems i have with configuring stuff04:57
scott_inoevanthebeast, and tinkering is a good way to learn obviously. Lots has changed in linux throughou the years in order to make things easier for most end users. But... I'd learn the various components first how it's organized etc...04:58
evanthebeastthanks for the link emanon04:58
evanthebeastany more specific sites to recommend?04:58
Emanonnp my google fu is moderate hehe04:59
Emanonuh let me check04:59
cromagis it possible to mount an EXT4 partition  on a linuxbox on a local network without NFS ?04:59
invitadoscott_ino: I only have 2 choices 640x480 and 320x24004:59
cromagjust by mount ip:folder mountpoint ?04:59
scott_inoinvitado, that's not the right area: System/administration/hardware drivers04:59
jkazanacromag: sshfs05:00
Emanonevanthebeast: http://www.linuxnewbieguide.org/ for non-ubuntu specific05:00
invitadoscott_ino: Well, i have the current one05:01
invitadoscott_ino: The recommended05:01
popkorn_G'nite all Thanks05:01
evanthebeastvery much appreciate it guys, seeya later05:02
cromagjkazana: thanks, i left important stuff out, is it possible with a ubuntu out of the box installation ?05:02
scott_inoinvitado, which is what05:02
cromagrephreased question05:02
invitadoscott_ino: It does not said05:02
invitadoscott_ino: It just says that it has the current one05:02
scott_inoit should at least say what version give a number etc...05:03
R0b0t1I have a program that requires KDE. How might I install KDE but not all the programs that go with it?05:03
Emanoninstall the program and let it handle its own dependencies?05:04
scott_inoinvitado, they may have changed it... i don't have nvidia anymore so give me one sec05:04
scott_inoR0b0t1, should be fine it will just get the libraries for you05:04
R0b0t1scott_ino: Would you know what they are called?05:05
R0b0t1I keep seeing these ones called "kdebase" and etc, but those include the programs.05:05
scott_inoR0b0t1, what app are you instaling05:05
freddy_dudeis there a good alarm software for linux05:05
freddy_dudejust loud and annoying05:05
R0b0t1Can't be f'ed to mess with the configure script... the windowing system to use is not in the configure help.05:05
R0b0t1And the package won't install to dependency problems.05:06
invitadoscott_ino: can you read spanish?05:06
scott_inoR0b0t1, is there a reason why you can't install it via synaptic?05:06
scott_inoinvitado, no sorry05:06
R0b0t1scott_ino: Yeah, it says something like "needs package X but won't install"05:06
invitadoscott_ino: Well, you dont have to, have a look at the pic05:06
R0b0t1So I go >.> and just try to go build it.05:06
scott_inoinvitado, k one sec05:06
Emanontry enabling the extra repositories in the source manager then updating in synaptic05:07
scott_inoR0b0t1, what is the full error05:07
Emanonthen try the install again05:07
scott_inoinvitado, ok I see... what graphics card do you have05:07
invitadoNvidia Quadro FX 58005:08
scott_inoinvitado, perhaps there's an issue with that drive and your card and i'll check and see05:08
R0b0t1scott_ino: That _is_ the full error. It pops up in a dialog box. "Package tiemu cannot be installed: \n Requires package X but won't install ... [repeat 5]"05:08
amstanubottu: #help05:08
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:08
Emanonfreddy_dude: i think there is a time management program with an alarm in evolution (the mail/calandar app?05:08
amstanwhat software is ubottu using again?05:08
scott_inoinvitado, did you just start having this problem?05:08
R0b0t1scott_ino: You want which packaged specifically?05:08
R0b0t1Honestly I think it'd be easier to just find out what the configure script's switch is or install KDE, but *shrug*05:09
scott_inoR0b0t1, what the error said when trying to install via synaptic or from apt-get05:09
invitadoscott_ino: You see scott, the thing is, everything was workin fine, except when i copy pasted everythig from that webpage, i think it was some kind of badware05:09
invitadoI was installing ALSA, from Gusty05:09
invitadoGusty version05:09
invitadoMaybe it dowgraded?05:10
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)05:10
invitadoi have 10.0405:10
scott_inoinvitado, are you using ubuntu 10.04 if so why would you install also from gusty05:10
R0b0t1scott_ino: I used the GUI version. "tiemu: \n Depends: libticables3 but it is not going to be installed \n Depends libticalcs4 but it is not going to be installed \n Depends libtifiles0 but it is not going to be installed."05:10
scott_inoR0b0t1, k give me one sec05:10
scott_inoworking lots of stuff here05:10
R0b0t1Nah it's k05:11
invitadoWell, here is the weird part. In 8.04, my eth0 works fine, in 10.04 etho does not detect my internet cable. and have no sound either05:11
invitadothat was before the power surge problem05:11
Emanonoh btw apt-get doesnt work over tor network any ideas why?05:11
scott_inoinvitado, I just don't see how even changing alsa would affect your graphics05:12
invitadoI mean.... after the problem, 10.04 did not detected my cable, nor my built in sound.05:12
ITSCOTTERhow do you register you name for xchat05:12
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jkazanacromag: [i just crashed/rebooted] re: sshfs just do a aptitude install sshfs   to install05:12
invitadoscott_ino: Well, it is a bug05:12
R0b0t1scott_ino: Meh, installed the packages and it worked.05:12
invitadoscott_ino: Second time05:12
scott_inoR0b0t1, yeah i mean if you did kde-base etc... or forced the rest of the packages coolness05:13
invitadoscott_ino: BUT, i do not want to re install for the 27th time... i know there i s gotta be a fix05:13
invitadoi just know05:13
scott_inoinvitado, have you tried removing the driver from hardware drivers, which would then use the open source NV driver05:14
scott_inoat least the your scren wouldn't be big05:14
scott_inoand you coul diagnose from there05:14
* scott_ino must go now, bye all05:16
frobisherITSCOOTER   http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup05:16
invitadoI cant even change the driver05:16
invitadoThe apply button does not shows, i cant even resize it05:17
invitadoI hope they fix this kind of bugs in 10.1005:17
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invitadoThey are really annoying05:17
invitadoI am going to sleep05:18
ITSCOTTERfrobisher: and i type the command in xchat?05:18
invitadomaybe i'll re install tomorrow05:18
frobisherITSCOOTER  google05:18
invitadoThanks for everything05:19
invitadogood night05:19
invitadoI SAID, GOOD-NIGHT!05:19
glmgood night05:19
Administrator__invitado : what's time now?05:19
dan86i got a question about terminal05:20
dan86there's a command i run a lot out of a certain folder05:20
dan86i have to type ./ in front of it anytime05:20
glmbeijing time05:20
dan86is there a way to make ubuntu know to look in that folder05:20
Administrator__glm, where are you from?05:20
dan86instead of having to type "./" everytime05:21
frobisherITSCOOTER it will give you instructions,and an e-mail.Then you type it in to x-chat05:21
|Sacred|if you're looking to run a script alot/easily05:21
|Sacred|put it in /bin folder05:21
neobos~ name of this symbl05:21
|Sacred|then you can just type scriptname05:21
|Sacred|in terminal*05:21
Administrator__wo xi huan05:21
jkazanadan86: yes. put the folder in your PATH env variable. check out .bashrc in your homr dir05:21
dan86jkazana can you help me out a little further. my apologies first week using ubuntu05:22
dan86i want to add....05:22
=== claptrap is now known as Guest13563
=== Guest13563 is now known as Clappy
dan86so i don't have to type ./adb05:23
SpaceGhostC2CWhat is this partial upgrade I'm seeing?05:23
|Sacred|just put adb in /bin directory05:23
SpaceGhostC2C|Sacred|: that's not right.05:23
|Sacred|then you can just use adb in terminal05:23
|Sacred|how so05:23
SpaceGhostC2C|Sacred|: it's /usr/local/bin/05:23
|Sacred|weird, I put mine in /bin05:23
SpaceGhostC2C|Sacred|: you're doing it wrong.05:23
ClappySo, anyone here had any luck getting Mafia 2 running at a decent speed in WINE?05:23
SpaceGhostC2C|Sacred|: because they can get removed. If you put them in the other folder they're not ever removed.05:24
dan86SpaceGhostC2C for my application would it be better to add a path05:24
dan86or copy the file into /usr/local/bin05:24
SpaceGhostC2Cdan86: what's the logic?05:24
|Sacred|ahh ok, good to know...never had an issue05:24
SpaceGhostC2C|Sacred|: It's just future proofing.05:24
dan86i don't want to have to type "./adb" rather simply adb05:24
jkazanadan86: it's prob easier for you to just do what someone else said and put it in /usr/local/bin05:24
SpaceGhostC2Cdan86: try using a symlink.05:24
dan86SpaceGhostC2C first week on ubuntu =/05:24
dan86no comprende symlink05:24
dan86but i'm willing to learn =)05:25
neoboshow to trace an ip address05:25
Loshkidan86: It's done that way delibertately, so you don't inadvertently execute the wrong executable. That said, there is a way....05:25
SpaceGhostC2Cdan86: sudo ln -s ~/Downloads/android-sdk-linux_86/tools/adb /usr/local/bin05:25
Loshki!cn | Administrator__05:25
ubottuAdministrator__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:25
SpaceGhostC2Cdan86: a symlink is like a shortcut of sorts. If you don't mind learning from man pages try man ln, or info ln05:25
dan86thanks SpaceGhostC2C to google instant search i go!05:26
macodan86: i have a blog post on it05:26
SpaceGhostC2Cdan86: maco does!05:26
LicuadoraI JUST CAN'T GIVE UP!!05:26
macodan86: http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2009/11/links.html05:26
Loshkimaco: where can I find your blog?05:27
Licuadoracome on guys, i know you know how!!05:27
dan86thank you maco05:27
Badger32dhey - for adb with no ./ try export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/android-sdk/tools05:27
SpaceGhostC2CBadger32d: I'd op for the symlink usually.05:27
samuel2010Does anyone know if there is any software that i can add subtitles to a video but not as a file ??05:28
Licuadorais there a way to RESET Ubuntu?05:28
SpaceGhostC2Cmaco: Do you know anything about any new updates? I got a silly "Needs to partial upgrade" thing. :(05:28
SpaceGhostC2CLicuadora: in what sense?05:28
macoSpaceGhostC2C: im not on lucid, but usually that means something is half-built and if you wait til tomorrow itll be done05:28
SpaceGhostC2Cmaco: Oh, okay. Thanks. I was wondering.05:29
samuel2010Anyone know anything about video editing?05:29
LicuadoraSpaceGhostC2C: Well, my monitor resolution got too BIG, when i restarted it was like that, i cant even change it in the "nvidia x server settings"!05:29
LicuadoraI have the current driver05:29
SpaceGhostC2CLicuadora: too big as in the resolution was too low? 600x800 or too high like 1280x1024?05:30
LicuadoraIt was when i was doing some copy/paste from a website, tryin to install ALSA, (Gusty version) even though i have 10.0405:30
Loshkisamuel2010: have a look at avidemux first. If that won't do it for you, you'll need to check out transcode, mencoder or ffmpeg. These last 3 are pigs...05:30
avi_Anyone have a lucid/maverick-style mono icon for xchat?05:30
SpaceGhostC2CLicuadora: Try making a backup of your xorg configureation like this: sudo mv /etc/Xorg/xorg.conf /etc/Xorg/xorg.backup05:31
samuel2010Loshki,    will they put subtitles on the video file?  so that i dont need to open the subtiles file?  if u know what i mean?05:31
SpaceGhostC2CLicuadora: why were you trying to use ALSA? Does Pulse not work?05:31
LicuadoraSpaceGhostC2C: tOO BIg like everything is too big, i do not know about resolutions, i have only 2 options in the settings, 620x480 and 320x28005:31
macoLicuadora: yikes!05:32
maco!resolution | Licuadora05:32
ubottuLicuadora: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution05:32
macoLicuadora: you need a higher resolution. something with 4 digits on each side of the x05:32
neobosany body help me to trace ip address05:32
SpaceGhostC2CLicuadora: remove the driver or increase resolution size.05:32
SpaceGhostC2Cneobos: what do you want to accomplish?05:33
Loshkisamuel2010: yes, you are talking about hard-coded subtitles, i.e. subs that are burnt into the video instead of being kept in a separate file. People avoid hard-coded subtitles because they can't be turned off.05:33
samuel2010Loshki,   i know  but i want them on the video.  i want them hard-coded ones.05:34
Loshkisamuel2010: do you plan to burn the result to a dvd so that it plays on a dvd player?05:34
samuel2010Loshki,  no .  its a karaoke file.05:35
Licuadoramaco: I did what you said, and it didnt worked05:35
samuel2010Loshki,  a karaoke song hehe05:35
SpaceGhostC2CLicuadora: did you try mine?05:35
LicuadoraThe system restarted05:35
samuel2010Loshki,  so it needs to be on the video  otherwise its pointless.05:35
SpaceGhostC2CLicuadora: scroll up and try it, then restart and see if it helps.05:35
SpaceGhostC2CLicuadora: try to set the resolution after rebooting too.05:35
collimicI am looking for someone to help me with a problem in iptables. I am running ubuntu 8.1 with iptables. I am tring to block an ip address inside my network from reaching the outside world. Ubuntu 8.10 is what I am using as my router. the modem plugges into eth0 and the rest of my network plugs into eht1 or eth4 depending on what it is but I need to block an ip address from reaching the outside world at all.05:36
Loshkisamuel2010: so what format will the finak karaoke be in? What are you going to play it on?05:36
collimicI have tried iptables -A INPUT -s IP-ADDRESS -j DROP with no results as well as iptables -A INPUT -m mac --mac-source 00:0F:EA:91:04:08 -j DROP with no luck with either.05:36
Loshkisamuel2010: finak -> final05:36
samuel2010Loshki,   on youtube and youku     final format is gonna be AVI05:36
LicuadoraSpaceGhostC2C: I cant increase resolution, since i only have to options, and they are too small, or too big05:36
SpaceGhostC2CLicuadora: you already backed up your xorg and rebooted to have a new one generated and then tried to set the resolution?05:37
SpaceGhostC2CLicuadora: is this on some other machine, because I didn't notice you disconnect or go /away :(05:37
LicuadoraNo I have not backed up anything, but, Why back up something it is messed up?05:37
LicuadoraSpaceGhostC2C: let me downgrade the driver and see whats gonna happen05:38
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SpaceGhostC2CLicuadora: it's all up to you. Let me know if you'd like help with any of my approaches. I hope it works out well. :)05:39
Badger32dalright, weird problem here with man pages...05:39
SpaceGhostC2CBadger32d: like?05:39
Badger32dwhen I run man women - I get a segmentation fault....05:39
SpaceGhostC2Cah ha.05:39
samuel2010Loshki,   any ideas?05:41
Loshkisamuel2010: I'm running avidemux now for you to see if it will work. Do you already have some video, or do you just have music (mp3?) and lyrics (text?)05:42
jkazanasamuel2010: sounds like something that should be done in a video editor software (F**al C*t P*r) and render the titles right in. I know it's not using linux but i don't edit movies in Ubuntu05:42
SpaceGhostC2CBadger32d: Along the same lines, I'm pleasantly surprised to see that man make cookie works, although unexpectedly. :)05:42
samuel2010i have the video and i have the lyrics  they are already set out in gnome subtitle editor.  Loshki05:43
SpaceGhostC2Cjkazana: you don't need to obfuscate Final Cut Pro.05:43
samuel2010jkazana,  i dont have windows.     im 100% ubuntu05:43
samuel2010jkazana,   Gloat~ haha05:43
wilmerMy 10.04 UNR boots to a CLI.  startx and sudo service gdm start does not help.  How do I make the OS use failsafe Vesa driver?05:43
SpaceGhostC2Csamuel2010: what are you trying?05:43
gcdWithout windows, how does one get cool air into the house? ;)05:43
Badger32dahh, so it does spaceghost, so it does05:43
SpaceGhostC2Cwilmer: in your xorg.conf.05:43
SpaceGhostC2CBadger32d: It gave me hope for mankind. *rimshot*05:44
wilmerSpaceGhostC2C, I dont have one in /etc/X1105:44
spaceghost_hey that's my name05:44
SpaceGhostC2Cgcd: by opening the doors.05:44
wilmerSpaceGhostC2C, can I make the changes in the .failsafe version?05:44
samuel2010SpaceGhostC2C,   trying to hard-code (burn) lyrics onto a video for a karaoke song.   but so far they will only go on as subtitles. but i want them to be apart of the actual video itself.  what software does this?05:44
SpaceGhostC2Cspaceghost_: mine too!05:44
collimicso I guess I did not ask the right question ir am not in the right room tonight. Have to just love IRC.05:45
SpaceGhostC2Csamuel2010: either video software or maybe a cli tool?05:45
LicuadoraThis is ridiculos05:45
LicuadoraIt did int worked!!05:45
SpaceGhostC2Cubottu: tell collimic about patience05:45
ubottucollimic, please see my private message05:45
LicuadoraCAN someone here read a log?!05:45
samuel2010SpaceGhostC2C,   but what software  there is so much available i dont know what ones do what!!! hahaha  i never did this before.05:45
SpaceGhostC2CLicuadora: pastebin. And try to be nicer, we're all volunteers.05:45
jkazanasamuel2010: Final Cut Pro is Mac OS.05:46
SpaceGhostC2Cjkazana: no, really?....05:46
LicuadoraIs there an expert volenteer here?05:46
samuel2010jkazana,  i dont use mac os on my macbook   like i said its 100% ubuntu.05:46
SpaceGhostC2CLicuadora: not really, no.05:46
samuel2010jkazana, and i have no intention using mac or windows.05:46
seidosSpaceGhostC2C, +105:46
SpaceGhostC2Cseidos: for?05:46
IzinucsLicuadora: we're all experts in one way or antoher05:46
SpaceGhostC2CIzinucs: Nice philosophical tidbit for the evening.05:47
seidosSpaceGhostC2C, "not really, no"05:47
collimicNo problem I just have a bad habit of getting into the wrong room and this IRC has just never been for me but this is where all the great help hangs out. Just wish I new more and could help more.05:47
Emanonanyone know how to make evolution stay up in the communications drop down in the system tray like pidgin gwibbler and empathy do?05:47
seidoscollimic, you and me both05:47
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Badger32dOMG, I NEED UR HELPS NAO! mah kittehz have chewed up my ethernets! what do I doo!?05:47
IzinucsSpaceGhostC2C: I knew someone would appriciate it :)05:47
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IdleOneBadger32d: drop the caps and get new internets05:47
SpaceGhostC2CBadger32d: you need to hide all your cheeseburgers!05:47
samuel2010Badger32d,   get wifi ?05:48
neobosSpaceGhostc2c; trying to learn remote system connection05:48
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EmanonBadger32d: they have a howto at icanhascheesburger05:48
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SpaceGhostC2Cneobos: and den?05:48
IzinucsBadger32d: switch to interwebs05:48
SpaceGhostC2Csamuel2010: how does that even make sense?05:48
Badger32doh, all this time I've been using a series of tubes. must be old school or something05:48
Emanonyea the new interwebz 2.0 works better05:48
samuel2010SpaceGhostC2C,   how does what even make sense?05:49
neobosSpaceGhost;and then what i said i want to learn  remote system05:49
patogenDoes anybody know if the 'Mobile Mouse 4000' from microsoft will work in linux?05:49
SpaceGhostC2Ccollimic: that's easy all you have to do is learn more.05:49
SpaceGhostC2Csamuel2010: how does that even make sense?05:49
SpaceGhostC2Cpatogen: plug it in and try?05:49
Emanoni would imagine so patogen05:49
popkorn_in document viewer, can i bookmark?05:49
samuel2010SpaceGhostC2C,   again,  how does what even make sense????? i dont know what ur talking about05:49
patogenSpaceGhostC2C: I haven't bought it yet, I don't want to buy if it doesn't work05:49
Emanonif it has extra buttons it might be a lil hit or miss as to whether they work05:50
Blue1awaypatogen: search here:  http://appdb.winehq.org/05:50
popkorn_ubuntu 10.0405:50
SpaceGhostC2Cpatogen: google the product name with the word Ubuntu on the end.05:50
patogenEmanon: I would figure it should work, but I'm not sure05:50
Emanoni know my dinovo edge keyboard has a few of the special keys that dont work05:50
patogenSpaceGhostC2C: Have tried that, failed to work05:50
Emanonlike the hotkeys05:50
Emanonbut all the main stuff works05:50
Emanonthats generally been my experience with periphreals05:50
SpaceGhostC2Cpatogen: then maybe it's just not tested. If you can return it if it doesnt' work or sell it, then get it. Your choice.05:50
Emanonthe regular stuff almost always works but the added functions are hit or miss05:50
samuel2010everything i have ever  plugged into ubuntu works. i never had any problems with anything.05:51
Emanonjust my exp but logitech stuff seems to be a lil better about not openly opposing systems they dont openly support05:51
Blue1awaycirque works well, just they don't build quality merchandise05:51
LicuadorBadger32d: Ok it didnt worked....05:52
=== Blue1away is now known as Blue1
Emanonwell im not thrilled how 10.04 handles bluetooth keyboards (i have to sync it occasionally with a wireless mouse) but otherwise i have been pretty lucky with periphreal devices too05:52
Loshkisamuel2010: are you still there?05:52
samuel2010Loshki,   yeah05:52
samuel2010Loshki,  im here05:52
Loshkisamuel2010: I just opened a video file in avidemux and added hard-coded subs to it. Wanna try it yourself?05:53
SpaceGhostC2CEmanon: I'm not into wireless keyboards. Mice are different, but if you're willing to try them, go for it.05:53
Emanonbtw i recommend ubuntu to all my customers who dont have hardware or software that explicitly excludes using ubuntu yet hehe05:53
Emanonyea my keyboard is bluetooth05:54
samuel2010Loshki,  hehe  do i need to re do the subtitles again  or can i just use the subtitle file do u know???05:54
Emanonand when i switch over to the live disk for porn i have to resync it05:54
Loshkisamuel2010: what format is the subtitle file in (srt format is the easiest)05:54
samuel2010emanon  ~ please.... this is a family room!!05:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:55
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SpaceGhostC2CEmanon: for porn? Do you need to say that? It's sort of unnecessary.05:55
samuel2010Loshki,  yeah   srt    but they are in hebrew~~   u think R-L will be ok?  should be right? hehe05:55
SpaceGhostC2CIdleOne: what offtopicness was there? I missed it? I'm jealous.05:55
Emanonok "when i switch os's for various reasons i have to resync the keyboard for ubuntu"05:55
FalseLobsterCan someone help me?  I need to modify a file in a .deb package05:55
IdleOnespaceghost_: for starters your conversation with Emanon05:55
SpaceGhostC2CEmanon: hm,file a bug report if you'd like.05:55
IdleOneSpaceGhostC2C: ^^05:55
SpaceGhostC2CIdleOne: it's about ubuntu bro.05:56
ridinSpaceGhostC2C: i hope that's not taken for 'ubuntu is freedom'05:56
SpaceGhostC2CIdleOne: like directly.05:56
SpaceGhostC2Cridin: I don't even know what you're talking about, sorry.05:56
FalseLobsterI can only open this file as read only05:56
FalseLobstereven after changing permissions05:56
Emanonu try opening it as root?05:57
SpaceGhostC2CFalseLobster: which file and what are the permissions on it? Have you tried editing as root?05:57
SpaceGhostC2CEmanon: try taking the extra two keystrokes to spell 'you' please.05:57
fivetwentysixCan anyone take a look at my problem? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3673878/my-rails-3-site-wont-start-on-ubuntu-apache2-passenger05:57
samuel2010Loshki, how did u add them on?05:57
Loshkisamuel2010: interesting, I've never even seen an R-to-L subtitle file before. I have no idea if it'll work, but we can try it...05:57
ridinSpaceGhostC2C: Emanon, inappropriate images, 'ubuntu is freedom', it's a bad joke05:57
samuel2010Loshki,   ok.   where did u go to add the subs?05:57
Emanoni wouldnt even spell your names right if not for autocomplete05:57
wilmer I need to make the OS use failsafe Vesa driver.  Can I do this in xorg.conf.failsafe or do I need to generate/create/copy xorg.conf.  If so how? I do not have one by default.05:58
Loshkisamuel2010: start avidemux and open the video file...05:58
t3cki3hey poeple.. i need help with samba on my ubuntu machine. is this the right place or do i need to go to the samba room ?? please let me know... thanks in advance05:58
samuel2010Loshki,  ok05:58
Emanonwhat help t3cki305:58
pryordahey guys quick question05:58
pryordai just implemented raid on my controller05:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:58
pryordaraid 105:58
Loshkisamuel2010: now configure the video section. Choose the first choice i.e. mpeg4-asp (lavc) then hit 'filters'05:59
pryordaand both hdds are showing up05:59
pryordais there some other device im looking for under dmesg05:59
Emanontry forming the raid with the partition manager instead of the built in bios tool05:59
t3cki3@Emanon: M using SWAT to share samba on my ubuntu, so i have to set it up, but can't seem to figure it out05:59
SpaceGhostC2Ct3cki3: maybe if you asked your question then we'd have enough information to tell you, otherwise try the actual channel.05:59
Emanonand the first raid device should be md005:59
chrowehow do I boot into single user mode on a Lucid VirtualBox machine?05:59
SpaceGhostC2Ct3cki3: what is SWAT and M?06:00
pryordathats using sw raid06:00
pryordaand i really didnt want to do sw06:00
Emanonsamba web adminstration tool06:00
SpaceGhostC2CEmanon: oh hm.06:00
t3cki3@SpaceGhostC2C:  m = i'm ..hehe06:00
samuel2010Loshki,   ok .06:01
SpaceGhostC2Ct3cki3: oh. You'd do yourself a favor to spend the extra two keystrokes to finish the word in English. :)06:01
t3cki3SWAT = Samba web administration tool06:01
samuel2010Loshki,   sorry took a while to find what u said haha06:01
samuel2010Loshki,   then vob subs?06:01
t3cki3@SpaceGhostC2C:  my bad... can any one help... ??? or guide me to the correct direction... appreciate it06:02
Loshkisamuel2010: no, bottom entry: Subtitler (add srt/sub subtitles to the picture) then hit configure06:02
SpaceGhostC2Ct3cki3: I don't know the tool you're referring to, I'm sorry.06:02
Emanoni know of it but dont have much exp with it06:02
Loshkisamuel2010: sorry, I'm slow tonight too...06:02
t3cki3@SpaceGhostC2C:  what about samba in general...06:03
SpaceGhostC2Ct3cki3: yeah. But then again, I don't think I've seen your question about samba, just about the administration tool.06:03
t3cki3@Emanon: thanks for the help.. appreciate it...06:03
samuel2010Loshki,   ok06:03
SpaceGhostC2Ct3cki3: you know, if you highlight us you don't need the @, right?06:04
Loshkisamuel2010: oops:  Subtitler (add srt/sub subtitles to the picture) then SELECT SUBTITLER IN LEFT HAND PANEL *THEN* hit configure06:04
samuel2010Loshki,  i hit configure  put the file in the language and so on06:04
Emanonthough i do know you can do like forced sharing using the normal network folder if you know username and pw for the target box06:04
pryordaEmanon: is there a chance it would be sg106:04
t3cki3@SpaceGhostC2C:  i'm trying to setup samba on ubuntu 10.04 with multiple users and multi folders06:04
samuel2010Loshki,   yep done06:04
pryordayou know what06:04
pryordatime to tias06:04
Loshkisamuel2010: did you set the encoding for hebrew etc...06:04
samuel2010Loshki,  yeah06:05
FalseLobsterSo running nautilus as root doesn't automatically open files with root permissions... ?06:05
Loshkisamuel2010: ok, go back to main panel, choose save, and save to a suitable filename e.g. test1.avi06:05
SpaceGhostC2CFalseLobster: are you going to say what you're trying to accomplish so we can help you, or are you just curious?06:05
FalseLobsterI already did06:06
Emanonno pryorda raids are almost always md(something)06:06
pryordaeven hardware?06:06
Emanonunless your using the bios in which case it could be anything since that presents it as a hardware drive06:06
Emanonso i guess it could be06:06
FalseLobsterI'm trying to modify a file in an archive06:06
FalseLobsterit's .deb06:06
pryordasg1 was unable to open so i dont think it was it06:06
Emanonid say check the size to make sure first06:06
t3cki3 i'm trying to setup samba on ubuntu 10.04 with multiple users and multi folders06:06
FalseLobsterI just need to change 2 characters in the source of one file06:06
pryordaEmanon: its not showing size06:07
Emanonu mean sdg1 i assume06:07
FalseLobsterBut it only opens as read only06:07
t3cki3need to set up samba with group level permissions06:07
t3cki3need to set up samba with group level permissions on ubuntu 10.0406:07
pie_timecan google calendar be synced with thunder bird or evolution?06:07
pryordasg1 but fdisk cant open it06:08
Emanonpie_time: i just did that ill show you how06:08
pie_timeEmanon, ok06:08
Emanonor ehow will show you anyway06:08
ir1844_what is a good email client beside evolution06:08
Emanonthunderbird is pretty nice06:08
Loshkisamuel2010: now play test1.avi using a player e.g. mplayer and see if it has subtitles hard-coded06:09
Emanoni prefer evolution just because its integrated06:09
samuel2010Loshki,   im still saving  hehe my computer is sooo slow!06:09
Emanonbut thunderbird would be it if it integrated with gnome properly06:09
samuel201090% done06:09
samuel2010loshki   nope  no subs06:09
ir1844_the only problem i have is that when i use evolution and i sent emails out it does not go out06:09
ir1844_it stays in another folder06:10
Emanonwhat is your mail provider? (gmail aol msn)06:10
ir1844_i set it up with gmail06:10
Emanonu get the smtp server right its smtp.googlemail.com06:10
Loshkisamuel2010: no subs?06:10
samuel2010Loshki,  nope06:10
samuel2010and the vd is REALLY juttery06:10
samuel2010i dont know what i did06:10
samuel2010its ok   ill play about with it06:11
samuel2010ill see if i can get it to work06:11
Emanonmake sure u pick ssl have evolution check for the right login type and remember your password if you want it to do so06:11
samuel2010should  be someting to do with the coding ~~06:11
Loshkisamuel2010: best of luck. There are other programs, but none with a good gui....06:11
collimic29what to do when iptables -A INPUT -s IP-ADDRESS -j DROP does not work.06:11
pryordaanyone here know anything about hardware riad06:12
mccIs there a simple way to list the files in a directory (say using ls or find) that are NOT open?06:12
mcclike a reverse lsof or something06:12
Emanongoogle instant is pretty cool (i know that was offtopic just had to tell someone)06:13
samuel2010Loshki,   thanks for ur help dude! now that i know this software can do it ill get it done06:15
FalseLobsterSo why can't I open this as read only?06:15
Loshkisamuel2010: best of luck...06:15
mike9055can i remove pulse-audio and install alsa with out breaking anything?06:18
Emanonmike9055: you're already using alsa its just being accessed through pulse06:19
Emanonas would oss if you were using that06:19
mike9055Ardour doesnt seem to think so, it wont run06:19
Emanonoh sucky dude sorry06:19
FalseLobsterOkay, seriously06:20
EmanonFalseLobster: if it doesnt work when opened as root idk what to tell ya bud06:20
FalseLobsterDo I really need to pull the old "Insult linux, get awesome tech support card" ?06:20
FalseLobsterEmanon: Alright, well treat me like I'm clueless06:21
Emanonthat only works in fanboi support channels dude06:21
FalseLobsterHow do I open file-roller as root?06:21
Emanonok alt f206:21
Emanonthat will open a run dialogue06:21
pryordaEmanon: i can not for the life of me find this damn controleler or raid array06:21
Emanonthen type gksu <command here> and hit enter06:21
Emanonit will ask for ur password then open the stated program as root06:22
* pryorda looks at chipset brb in a bit06:22
t3cki3thkx for all the help guys... sorry for the troubl06:22
FalseLobsterI'm on a live cd06:22
FalseLobsterdoes that make a difference?06:22
FalseLobstercause its still read only06:22
Emanongksu file-roller06:22
FalseLobsterIt's still read only06:23
* FalseLobster sighs06:23
FalseLobsterits been a long day06:23
real1adamhey Ubuntu community, I'm trying to get my AirPort Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 wireless card working on my iMac with Ubuntu. word on the street is that there are no Linux drivers or equivalents for Broadcom cards. is this true? am I SOL?06:23
FalseLobsterI have to write a shitty Linux shell by friday06:23
FalseLobsterand I can't even install linux06:23
Emanontry gksu nautilus FalseLobster06:23
Emanonthen just navigate to the file manually in your now root file browser06:23
macoreal1adam: not true06:23
macoreal1adam: there are TWO broadcom drivers06:24
FalseLobsterThat opens nautilus as root but it doesn't open archive manager as root06:24
macoreal1adam: there's a foss one (b43) for which you need to grab the firmware from the windows driver (hardware driver manager will automate this if you have wired connection) and the STA driver which broadcom wrote and is closed source to cover everything that's not covered by the foss one06:24
Emanonyea real1adam plug it in go to System>Administration>Hardware Drivers06:24
EmanonFalseLobster:  now go to wherever the archive is in the root file manager06:25
invurseis anyone familiar with openvpn?06:25
Emanonif you try to open it in file roller from a root nautilus it should force file roller to be root too06:25
FalseLobsterEmanon: yea yea.  That opens nautilus as root, but opening hte archive doesn't open it in root06:25
FalseLobsterit's still read only06:25
Emanonidk then but it just wants to f you06:25
real1adammaco, Emanon: thank you so much, I'll be sure to do that :)06:26
GerritjanHi all06:26
Emanonnp real1adam06:26
systmok, so I just upgraded to 10.10, only thing installed other then stock is irssi, Xorg, and dwm.  For some reason, X will no longer start, any suggestions from succesful upgraders06:27
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Emanonu said you gave root read write permissions on the file FalseLobster?06:27
Emanon!maverick systm06:27
Emanonahh that doesnt work?06:27
invurseany vpn gurus in the room tonite?06:27
FalseLobsterEmanon: yes06:27
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+106:27
systmthanks Emanon06:28
Emanonthere you go sytm go to #ubuntu+106:28
Emanonthen idk FalseLobster sorry i couldnt help06:28
Emanonmaybe try a less polite live disk like backtrack that doesnt respect file permissions very much06:28
Emanonand BT4 is debian based so it should be cool with .debs06:29
invursedoes anyone know of a good irc channel for vpn support?06:29
Emanon#vpn maybe?06:29
Emanonor #openvpn06:30
Emanontry channels with names that sound like what you want06:30
invursei tried openvpn earlier, but kept having problems getting in, very strange, but will try again.06:30
real1adaminvurse: I got in just fine just now06:31
Tim_Looking for help trying to get an install of 64-bit Ubuntu 10.04 installed.06:32
Tim_I was running 32-bit, but it only booted about half the time, so I tried re-installing with 64-bit.06:32
Meta-007and i am looking to get a tools in ubuntu which will convert EXE file to JPEG06:33
EmanonTim_ if you use the desktop it should be the same as installing 32 bit06:34
Emanonthe desktop install disk i mean06:34
Tim_But it keeps locking up at 3.755576 usb 2-1.1.1 configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice.06:34
LoshkiMeta-007: that's a very odd thing to do. Why do you think you need to do that?06:34
FalseLobsterDoes anyone know how to create a .rpm file ?06:34
Tim_Yeah, I'm running the desktop install disk.06:34
Tim_It's a relatively new laptop, and has a USB 3.0 port that I'm suspecting is causing problems.06:34
Meta-007Loshki, I do not know why but some friend doing this06:35
Emanondoes it have any 2.0's?06:35
Emanonoh are u installing from usb stick?06:35
SpaceGhostC2CI have a web that's 2.006:35
Meta-007Loshki, I need to know what tools they are using to do this in Ubuntu06:35
EmanonMeta-007: are you talking about things like the dangerkitteh toolset?06:36
Tim_Emanon: Yeah, USB 2.0 x2 and USB 3.0 x1. No I'm installing from a CD. I'm just suspecting the USB3 port.06:36
Emanonit might be the disk if you have a usb stick try installing from that (use unetbootin) its way faster06:36
Meta-007Emanon, Dangerktteh?06:36
Emanonand easier on the stash of rw's06:36
gasullHi. How can I add a param initrd=/boot/DSDT.amlto grub?  Thanks.06:37
LoshkiMeta-007: sorry, I don't even know what it would mean to convert an EXE to a JPEG, unless you were trying to get some browser to execute it by mistake. Are there browsers that stupid?06:37
Emanontroll toolkit from /b/06:37
SpaceGhostC2CWhat are we even talking about?06:37
Emanonwell that or hes trying to get msn to allow him to send an exe to a friend06:37
linuxnoobhey, i have a question about aircrack but that channel appears to be dead, anyone have experience with it?06:37
Tim_True. Though I don't htink the install medium is the problem, 32-bit booted inconsistently, so I'm thinking it's a hardware conflict, but the install doesn't chuck any wobblies so to speak.06:37
SpaceGhostC2CEmanon: have whoever you're talking to pack it up in a tarball.06:38
Emanonif you try to send an exe over msn the reciever (if they are on windows) will be forced to scan it06:38
Emanoneven in an archive sometimes06:38
Emanonbut it doesnt usuall scan jpegs if memory serves06:38
Emanoneither that or hes just a blackhat in training oh well06:38
SpaceGhostC2CIs this related to Ubuntu at all?06:39
Emanonidk there may be some other reason to do it06:39
invursevpn anyone?06:40
Tim_So if a fresh install hangs, my only option is to re-install?06:40
lurch2who here considers themselves the ubuntu expert?06:40
Meta-007Loshki, I am using Ubuntu and WINdows . My friend also using Ubuntu . They are sending me JPEG . But if i open the jpeg file then it execute as a software06:40
Emanoni think so Tim_06:40
wertwertgfhjrerim connected to the internet via eth0. is there a way to enable wlan0 to act as an access point and bridge it to eth0, so that other clients can use the access point (wlan0) to connect to the internet? ubuntu 9.10, network-manager, nm-applet06:41
Meta-007Loshki, I was asked them that how they are doing this but they said there are tools in Ubuntu06:41
Emanonmight try metasploit they might have stuff like that06:41
ipv5just installed roundcube on ubuntu 10.04 an uncommented the aliases, but now going to the URL gets me "Can't connect to database" ...I can get to the db manually using the credentials in /etc/dbconfig-common/roundcube.conf ...anybody know what I'm messing up?06:42
Tim_is there anyway to set an OS in grub2 as default without booting into Ubuntu?06:42
_BEASTmeta what06:42
Emanonmetasploit the penetration analasys toolkit06:43
_BEASTthe all in one that rapid 7 owns ?06:43
Meta-007Emanon, You also user of Metasploit?06:43
Emanoni use Backtrack occasionally06:43
_BEASTwhat is backtrack ?06:44
invurseany vpn gurus?06:44
Emanonpenetration testing distro _BEAST06:44
Emanonlets take this to #ubuntu-offtopic06:44
Meta-007_BEAST, kicu na06:44
_BEASToh with backends right ?06:44
_BEASTI would rather get excellent with ncat06:45
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Tim_Can anyone help me with a grub2 question?06:46
WinstonSmith!anyone | tim06:47
ubottutim: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:47
NAJIhello, I have a problem with ubuntu, everything works just fine, excep that the hard disk get sometimes busy, just if you are installing or converting a video, I check the System manager where everything is normal, Firefox consumes 60 MB, Skype consumes 32 MB, and so, but that hard disk gets busy without sense f for a pretty long time and that's is frustrating, please help!!06:48
ipv5WinstonSmith: to be fair, he asked his real question previously and got no responses.06:49
invurseopenvpn shows tunnel up in ubuntu client and on zentyal server, but cant ping server or lan, or access samba, any suggestions?06:49
NAJII installed ubuntu on a IBM thinkpad T42, 1GB Ram, 60 hdd, 1.5 ghz pentium!!06:49
WinstonSmithipv5, yes you are right did not see that06:49
ipv5still of course...patience is a virtue on irc ;-)06:50
wertwertgfhjrerNAJI, do you have indexing service enabled? desktop-search etc06:50
NAJIwell, how would I find out??06:51
NAJInever heard of it!!06:51
invurseopenvpn cant ping end of tunnel, client says tunnel is up. all config on zentyal server looks ok, any suggestions?06:52
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christophoroshello guys06:53
NAJIwertwertgfhjrer: how would i find out those service are enabled??06:53
systmwhats the kill key combo for X?06:53
christophorosi have "logitech Z Cinema " speakers and i hear the music too low cant set the volume from the remote control its usb devise06:54
NAJIhello, I have a problem with ubuntu, everything works just fine, excep that the hard disk get sometimes busy, just if you are installing or converting a video, I check the System manager where everything is normal, Firefox consumes 60 MB, Skype consumes 32 MB, and so, but that hard disk gets busy without sense f for a pretty long time and that's is frustrating, please help!!06:54
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wertwertgfhjrerNAJI, perhaps you have too less ram06:55
robert__Anyone in here familliar with fixing wireless networking issues in Ubuntu? Just installed for the first time the other day and I can't get my network adapter to work06:55
NAJI1 GB of ram!!06:55
invurseopenvpn shows tunnel up in ubuntu client and on zentyal server, but cant ping server or lan, or access samba, any suggestions?06:55
NAJIand only 400 mb is used06:55
NAJIswap is not used!!06:55
LogicFanhi, i'm running ubuntu 10.04 and I'm not using the new chat/set-up mail/broadcast indicator applet thing.  How do I prevent this applet from starting at login?06:55
Guest59613Urgent help needed! My younger brother clicked suspend and now the computer doesn't boot properly anymore. How do I unsuspend it?06:56
NAJIwertwertgfhjrer, can't terminal tell the problem??06:56
LogicFanGuest59613, did you already try a hard reboot?06:57
LogicFane.g. pressing or holding the power button06:57
invurseopenvpn cant ping end of tunnel, client says tunnel is up. all config on zentyal server looks ok, any suggestions?06:57
wertwertgfhjrerNAJI, you could try top and see if you have ram left06:57
gasullPlease, does anybody know how can I add a param initrd=/boot/DSDT.amlto grub?06:58
NAJIwertwertgfhjrer, i check the system monitor, no more than 400 mb is used!! swap is not used,!!!06:58
NAJIthat hd is mad06:59
Guest59613yes, several times. when I try starting it, it powers on the computer (e.g. light on, fan running etc.) but never displays more then a blank black screen. it doesn't even seem to get to the bootloader.06:59
NAJIwertwertgfhjrer, does ubuntu need defragmention as in MS-windows??07:00
wertwertgfhjrerNAJI, check with "cat /etc/fstab" what file system you have. if its ext4 defragmentation should work automatically07:01
invurseopenvpn shows tunnel up in ubuntu client and on zentyal server, but cant ping server or lan, or access samba, any suggestions?07:02
NAJIwertwertgfhjrer, it is ext4!!!07:04
reggior have I?07:05
NAJIwhat command tells what the hard drive is doing???07:05
NAJIsorry, but i am new!!07:05
rlankfohow can i copy a directory to dirX dirY dirZ etc07:06
rlankfowith one command?07:06
NAJIit is just busy!! my computer is too slow!! please help07:06
ipv5just installed roundcube on ubuntu 10.04 an uncommented the aliases, but now going to the URL gets me "Can't connect to database" ...I can get to the db manually using the credentials in /etc/dbconfig-common/roundcube.conf ...anybody know what I'm messing up?07:07
duffmanhi, question, I have a small problem, whenever my computer comes back from being asleep my mouse and speakers won't work until a reboot, is there a way via command line to restart them?07:07
reggirlankfo, you want to copy one source to three targets at the same time?07:07
rlankfoyes, three or more07:07
NAJIand ram is half used!!07:07
reggigood question07:07
duffmancp dir dir[x,y,x] ?07:08
reggii'm not sure rlankfo, i do know how to 'cp' one file to one only07:08
KE1HAyep, that's whatt I'd say for i in X; do mv07:08
cryptopsyanyone here able to mount their blackberry in ubuntu linux?07:08
rlankfoduffman: the directories will have arbitrary names like hello_world foo_bar etc07:08
KE1HAFlannel:  or cp rather sri, not mv.07:08
duffmanoh sorry then, not sure, kinda came in with a question of my own07:08
rlankfoKE1HA: yeah probably the easiest way07:09
rlankfothought maybe it is possible with xargs07:09
duffmananyone have any idea on how to restart my laptop mouse so it works?07:09
NAJIhow can i find out that my computer is defragmenting the hard drive, please??07:09
duffmanI have the built in mouse, and a usb mouse, the usb mouse will still work when the computer wakes up, just not the built in one07:10
pibarnasI get an error on my logicals partitions using cfdisk, but gparted doesnt show any. should I matter?07:10
jcathanyone has experience with ubuntu on nvidia ION platform? I got poor hard disk performance with ubuntu 9.10 on ION, it seems that the SATA disk only get 12MB/s throughput when copying files07:11
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miststlkrlooking for a torrent client for GNOME that supports RSS broadcasting similar to KTorrent.  Any suggestions?07:12
wertwertgfhjrerNAJI, is the problem still there when you just boot without opening any extra programs? if so try "top" when the hard drive is active. perhaps that way you can identify the culprit07:12
adamvancouverLooking for a good irc client07:12
offsense01adamvancouver: try Smuxi07:12
Guest2421im using xchat, it seems decent although i am a noob at irc07:12
cryptopsyanyoen knows?07:13
Meta-007in ubuntu 9.04 default installed apache2?07:13
cryptopsyplease help me i'm very lathe on this amtter07:13
duffmananybody know how to fix my mouse?07:13
Meta-007cryptopsy, cracker lol07:13
adamvancouverWill try smuxi07:14
spinningcompassduffman: With really, really small tweezers and a really, really small knife.07:14
duffmanthanks spinningcompass07:15
cryptopsy!ops Meta-007 racist07:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:15
duffmani was looking more for a way to reset it via command line07:15
Meta-007cryptopsy, heheh your nick name cryptopsy07:15
cryptopsyi'm not a cracker, nigger07:15
_mrn_ver_i am having dell laptop07:16
cryptopsyi'm sick of people stereotyping07:16
_mrn_ver_i have win7 and i many times installed ubuntu 10.04.but the problem is whenever i log into ubuntu it works fine but any time i log into windows and after that restart my system it shows "no operating system found"07:16
reggii'm sick of people.07:16
_mrn_ver_why is it so?07:16
glebihanmiststlkr, I don't know any, but you could simply use KGet, I personally use KGet under Gnome, it doesn't have too many dependencies07:16
seidosduffman, you could try searching for "reset mouse command line ubuntu" in google?07:16
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cryptopsyduffman: what's wrong with your mouse, my brother?07:17
duffmanwell whenever the computer wakes up from sleep mode the mouse on board the laptop stops working07:17
seidos!lang | cryptopsy07:17
NAJIwertwertgfhjrer, I couldn't read that data!!07:17
reggiduffman, it's a bug in ubuntu.07:17
wertwertgfhjrerduffman, for the sound you could try "sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart", but for the mouse problem i cant help07:17
seidos!language | cryptopsy07:17
ubottucryptopsy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:17
_mrn_ver_each time it shows this message i reinstall ubuntu and it works fine but for ubuntu only .the problem repeats when i restaert after logging in from windows07:18
NAJIwhich falue should check??07:18
seidosreggi, is it in launchpad?07:18
cryptopsyseidos: stop supporting racism, you biggot07:18
duffmanreggi: is there a fix?07:18
seidoscryptopsy, stop using racial slurs07:18
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reggiduffman, just convert to a Microsoft compatible operating system. lol07:18
cryptopsyseidos: i'm not the only one using racial slurs, bigot scum.07:18
spinningcompassThis is a case of bigot-endian vs little-endian, I think.07:18
miststlkrglebihan - I just realized that even ktorrent only takes 200mb under GNOME... I'm trying to keep a smallish footprint, but I think that is easily spared, especially if I can then ditch trasmission and reclaim part of that07:18
duffmanreggi: I would prefer not to... theres no way to restart the mouse, I just have to live with this?07:19
seidosreggi, that isn't a fix.07:19
reggiduffman, but seriously, when did this mouse pad problem start happening?07:19
wertwertgfhjrerNAJI, try to look for the one with the highest cpu usage when the hard drive goes crazy07:19
duffmanits been months actually.07:19
_mrn_ver_reggi, can u please help me? :( :(07:19
reggiduffman, has the mouse pad ever worked properly?07:19
duffmanI pretty much always have a usb mouse plugged in so it hasn't been super bothering07:19
duffmanyeah it used to work fine.07:20
duffmanit most likley happened with the 10.04 upgrade. but i'm not 100% on that07:20
NAJIwertwertgfhjrer, Xorg is the highest: 4.5%!07:20
reggiduffman, what brand is your laptop?07:20
miststlkrglebihan - I d appreciate your answer though.  Thanks for taking the time.07:20
duffmanits a gateway mx644507:20
wolfalfaguys, I just installed maverick on a win7 machine. grub shows up after the windows bootloader, and it doesn't have ubuntu in the list. In grub I get the following: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: /host/ubuntu/disks/root.disk is not a block device.07:20
wolfalfaAny thoughts?07:20
glebihanmiststlkr, you're welcome07:20
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NAJIwertwertgfhjrer, but!!! RAM is fully used!!07:20
reggilemme check it out duffman gimme 1 min07:21
seidosduffman, i don't use 10.04.  doesn't work on my laptop07:21
maco!10.10 | wolfalfa07:21
ubottuwolfalfa: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+107:21
NAJIwertwertgfhjrer, the system monitor always says that is it only half used!!07:21
NAJIwertwertgfhjrer, how can i find out that hard drive is being defragmented??07:21
cryptopsyNAJI: ubuntu isn't actually using all the ram you think it is07:22
reggiduffman, would you have a read of this: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2006/12/10/tweaking-your-synaptics-touchpad-laptops-ubuntu-6061-610/07:22
cryptopsyNAJI: its caching your hard-drive for faste access times07:22
duffmaneverything else works fine, just if I let it fall asleep when it wakes up and I log back in no mouse or sound.07:22
cryptopsytype 'free' to see cache07:22
duffmanthanks reggi ill look at it right now07:22
NAJIwertwertgfhjrer, well, does it have to work two hours to cash??07:22
reggi_mrn_ver_, what's up?07:23
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wertwertgfhjrerNAJI, dont know, you could look for the the virtual memory of each program in "top"07:23
NAJIwertwertgfhjrer, the hard drive is crazy for an hour now!!!07:23
_mrn_ver_reggi,  i installed windows 7 one side and ubuntu other side of hard disk07:23
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_mrn_ver_but when i log into ubuntu ,everything works fine07:23
cryptopsyomg why can't i use mjy blackberry with ubunut its supposed to work out of the box07:24
glebihanNAJI, sorry I didn't see the beginning of the conversation, what's the problem exactly ?07:24
macowertwertgfhjrer: eh virtual is how much it thinks it has. itll overlap with what others think they have too, though.... a few programs can believe they have access to the same chunk of mem since its unlikely that all will try to grab it all at once07:24
wertwertgfhjrerNAJI, perhaps cryptopsy can help ya out07:24
_mrn_ver_but whenever i log in windows and after my work i restart the system it shows"no operating system found"07:24
NAJIwertwertgfhjrer, Xorg: 72727 and gnome-terminal 88000??07:24
macowertwertgfhjrer: i usually use the resident column, but its still not perfect07:24
cryptopsyanyone here mounting their blackberry as block device in linux?07:24
_mrn_ver_then i reinstall ubuntu again and it works fine07:24
cryptopsyNAJI: fix my blackberry and i'll help you07:24
_mrn_ver_so what to do:?07:24
reggi_mrn_ver_, can you tell me which operating system was installed in your hard disk first, windows or ubuntu?07:25
_mrn_ver_windows 707:25
reggi_mrn_ver_ hmm07:25
reggi_mrn_ver_, let me think for a sec07:25
_mrn_ver_take ur time07:26
reggi_mrn_ver_, would you have a look at this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot07:26
NAJIglebihan: i installed ubuntu in an ibm thinpad t42 with 1GB of ram, and 60 gb, the memory is half used, the cpu is merly used, but the hard drive is going crazy, it keeps working as if you are converting a big video file, i suspect that it is derfagmenting, how would i know??07:26
_mrn_ver_ok,goin to..07:26
duffmanreggi: do you think the root of this problem could be the fact that my xorg.conf is about 10 lines of code all generic07:27
glebihanNAJI, just an idea, do you use ubuntu one ?07:27
NAJIcryptopsy,  i have never owned a black berry07:27
NAJIglebihan: yes07:27
glebihanNAJI, this could be it07:27
glebihanNAJI, I stopped using it because of excessive disk usage07:27
NAJIglebihan: and how would know??07:27
NAJIhow to stop07:28
cryptopsyNAJI: please?07:28
cryptopsytrade me google skills for my debugging skills07:28
glebihanNAJI, try killing "ubuntuone-syncdaemon"07:28
NAJIand how to kill??07:28
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NAJII am newwwwww!07:28
glebihanNAJI, killall ubuntuone-syncdaemon07:29
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duffmanreggi:  i pm'ed you the .conf so not to flood the channel, even though its only a few lines07:29
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NAJIcryptopsy, I really wish I could help every human in earth with all their problem!! but!! can't help you!07:29
glebihan!paste | duffman07:30
ubottuduffman: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:30
duffmanthanks glebihan, http://paste.ubuntu.com/490756/07:31
randerzanderI'm having a couple of problems with an old Toshiba Tecra 8200 laptop.. It can ssh out to other machines on my network, and I can remote desktop to it over VNC, but no one can ssh into it.07:31
randerzanderI can ping it, but can't successfully ssh in07:32
glebihanranderzander, do you have a SSH server installed ?07:33
randerzanderyes. openssh-server07:33
mtx_initcan the machine ssh to localhost07:33
glebihanranderzander, ok do you use a firewall or are you behind a router ?07:34
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randerzanderNo, it gets Read From Socket Fail: Connection Reset By Peer07:34
NAJIglebihan: it won't be killed!! a GUN please!!07:34
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randerzanderssh to localhost fails07:34
glebihanNAJI, well find the PID of the process07:35
glebihanNAJI, then run "kill -9 pid", replace pid by the previous value07:35
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sampoPlease help: I need to disable my laptop's point plate. I do not know what right term, but I meant that plate, witch is used to mouse07:36
sampoThere is no possibility disable it from bios.07:36
glebihanranderzander, is the SSH daemon running ?07:36
randerzanderHmm.. on doing sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart, it is telling me it could not load host_key, host_rsa_key, or host_dsa_key07:37
NAJIglebihan: you saved meee!!!07:37
nUboon2Agecryptopsy: i don't know if this is in the ballpark but check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9428312&postcount=707:37
NAJIthank youuuu!!07:37
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randerzanderps -e | grep ssh shows sshd and ssh-agent are running07:37
glebihanNAJI, you're welcome, glad I could help07:38
NAJIit really got fast now!!07:38
NAJInow i can't run compiz again!!!!07:38
NAJI i mean I can, of course i can!!07:38
_mrn_ver_reggi, : i more thing when i restart after using windows it shows " no module name found. aborted .press any key to exit"07:38
_mrn_ver_and when i  press the key it shows for atheros pcie ethernet controller v2..0.2.307:39
glebihanranderzander, and you still can't ssh localhost ?07:39
reggi_mrn_ver_, you mean when you restart to ubuntu?07:39
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_mrn_ver_"check cable connection"07:39
_mrn_ver_nope i am describing the problem what it actually showsw07:40
randerzanderglebihan, sure can't.07:40
laiemanHi. What application/command do you recommend to sync, using scp, a remote directory including files. Whenever the structure changes on the remote server, it's being changed automaticlly on the machine that syncs.07:40
_mrn_ver_when i switch from windos to  another one07:40
_mrn_ver_i mean when i restart system after using windows it shows this. but  using ubuntu this does not occur07:41
NAJIAnyone with Wiimote experience??07:41
_mrn_ver_now  am i clear?07:41
reggiso _mrn_ver_ when you're rebooting into ubuntu you get the "check cable connection" error?07:41
NAJIi installed wmgui and it detected my wiimote!!07:41
NAJIbut I cannot use to control my computer!!07:42
_mrn_ver_when i try to reboot to  any os after using windows  it shows all the info i typed above.07:42
NAJIplease! help07:42
sampoPlease help: I need to disable my laptop's point plate. I do not know what right term, but I meant that plate, witch is used to mouse. There is no way to disable it from bios07:42
iter_laieman: use rsync07:42
=== iter_ is now known as iter
Flannelsampo: You're talking about a touchpad, and instructions on configuring touchpads can be found here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad  If you need help understanding something on that page, don't hesitate to ask!07:43
_mrn_ver_reggi,  u got me?07:44
sampoFlannel: Thanks.07:44
FlannelNAJI: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CWiiD will get you set up07:44
=== blag is now known as blag_
=== blag_ is now known as blag
reggi_mrn_ver_, are you sure that the computer is booting from hard disk? that error usually comes when you're booting from network.07:45
_mrn_ver_yes, i am using hard disk07:45
NAJIplease, help me with wiimote, I want to control my computer with a wiimote, the mean purpose for now is to control openoffice impress presentation, i install Cwiid and Wiican, wmgui has detected my wiimote, please guidings!!07:45
glebihanranderzander, could you pastebin your "/etc/ssh/sshd_config" file ?07:46
_mrn_ver_reggi, wait, it also shows pxe-m0f : exitinig intel pxe rom07:46
_mrn_ver_and "operating system not found"07:46
wertwertgfhjrersampo, you mean th touchpad? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad07:46
reggiit sounds like your computer is trying to boot from network _mrn_ver_07:46
sampowertwertgfhjrer: Yes, I got help. If I do not access I will ask again but thanks for help anyway =)07:47
reggi_mrn_ver_, you should go to your bios and disable network boot07:47
_mrn_ver_ok ,i am goin07:47
sampowertwertgfhjrer: I do something wrong? In that page what you linked says "The easiest way to disable the Touchpad for X.Org system-wide, is to uninstall the package xserver-xorg-input-synaptics.". I remove that pakkage, but touchpad still works. Do I need to restart?07:48
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz
=== Masshuu is now known as Masshuu|Old
wertwertgfhjrersampo, try reboot07:50
netbkneutrinoMy track pad on 10.04 has been buggy. It double clicks on it's own.07:50
whosjosewhere does all the programs get installed at if i use the ubuntu software center?07:51
ikoniawhosjose: all over the place (that's how the unix file system is laid out) mostly "/usr/bin for the main binaries07:51
_mrn_ver_reggi,  i have tried to boot from hard disk again it is showing same .but when i   select network to boot( to disable it) it(bios) shows nothig07:52
barisubuntuI celebrate everyone Ramadan Bairam all islam people :)07:52
riverwind_polkit-1 is a rootkit.  It is a keylogger built into the OS.07:53
randerzanderglebihan, it seems to be blank07:53
ikoniabarisubuntu: this topic if for ubuntu support discussion only, it would be helpful if you could keep to that topic only please.07:53
undifinedbarisubuntu, enjoy the sugarfestival07:53
ikoniaundifined: please read what I just typed to barisubuntu07:54
glebihanranderzander, that may be an issue...07:54
riverwind_Yeah, the Xtians want to burn a koran.  I am a Wiccan.07:54
undifinedikonia, it was all I intended to say about it07:54
_mrn_ver_reggi,  u there?07:54
randerzanderglebihan, in my prior experience apt-get installing openssh-server creates a default config that works.. why wouldn't it have done so this time?07:55
glebihanranderzander, http://paste.ubuntu.com/490765/ here is mine, try copying it and restarting the daemon07:55
_mrn_ver_u got it.forgive me if i am sticky07:55
barisubuntui only celebrated my muslim people's bairam07:55
barisubuntuu r christian u got a some bairams..07:55
glebihanranderzander, I don't know, it should have installed one07:55
netbkneutrinoHelp? Track pad has been buggy on 10.04. it double clicks by its self. any answers?07:56
reggiit worked _mrn_ver_ ?07:56
_mrn_ver_nope ,that is the problem.it is not working07:56
glebihanranderzander, you can also try a complete removal of openssh-server (including configuration files) and then a reinstallation07:58
reggi_mrn_ver_, does it still boot to windows properly?07:59
_mrn_ver_it is showing the error   same as above "no os found and connection problem"07:59
reggi_mrn_ver_, this problem sounds like your hard disk is not being detected by the boot loader08:00
reggi_mrn_ver_, as a result the computer looks for other devices to boot from like cdrom, usb or network.08:00
_mrn_ver_yape it is showing  other options08:01
randerzanderglebihan, the config files are stored in /etc/ssh/ ?08:01
glebihanranderzander, yes08:01
_mrn_ver_but after booting from external drive how to fix this problem?08:01
reggi_mrn_ver_, one sec lemme see08:02
randerzanderhow can I get sudo privileges in nautilus? it wont let me delete /etc/ssh08:02
ikoniaranderzander: don't do that !08:02
ikoniaranderzander: that will destroy all your ssh client and server configs08:02
randerzanderikonia, they seem to have been messed up during apt-get installation.. why shouldn't I just re-install them?08:03
glebihanranderzander, don't do this that way08:03
glebihanranderzander, use synaptic to make the complete removal08:03
reggiranderzander, run sudo nautilus08:04
reggi in a command line08:04
ikoniaranderzander: define messaged up08:04
ikoniareggi: no08:04
ikoniareggi: the graphical command is gksudo08:04
netbkneutrinoHelp! Sticky mouse pad. it double clicks and opens another window or tab that i am not trying to open.08:05
reggiikonia, thanks, i'e learned something nu!08:05
randerzanderok, I used synaptic to completely remove openssh-server.. is it not ok to "apt-get install" it again?08:07
glebihanranderzander, yes it is08:07
systmwhats the default key to show dwm08:07
ikoniaranderzander: wait - what's wrong with the configs08:08
glebihanikonia, his sshd_config file was empty08:08
ikoniaglebihan: that can't happen from an install, as the md5 check would fail08:09
dandreI have my laptop with an opened session. I have access to it using ssh. Is there any way to remotely configure et remote desktop access to my already opned session?08:09
ikoniasomeone has emptied it then08:09
randerzanderok, it worked that time.. I can't understand how it was empty the first time.08:09
ikoniadandre: no08:09
dandreThe remote vncserver answers but I cab't authenticate08:10
glebihanikonia, that's why I suggested he made a complete reinstallation08:10
laiemaniter: Thanks.08:12
=== fred_ is now known as Guest55570
whosjosermdir: failed to remove `eclipse': Directory not empty ** is it possible to remove all files forcefully?08:14
randerzanderrm -rf target08:14
glebihanwhosjose, "rm -rf eclipse", but be careful with it08:15
randerzanderonce your directory is gone, it's gone ;)08:15
glebihanwhosjose, there's no confirmation at all08:15
filipekuniversal truth :-)08:15
whosjosenot a problem08:15
etherealiteIs unison the name of the game for synchronizing directories?08:18
netbkneutrinomy mouse pad is sticky on 10.04. it's annoying08:22
guichinaubuntu_cn 在哪呢08:22
systmcan anyone recommend a good media player?08:26
T-Cosystm, VLC08:26
systmT-Co: more along the lines of a music library program?08:27
T-Cosystm, amaroK for KDE and rythmbox for GNOME I think are the defaults...08:28
systmT-Co: what about dwm :p08:28
T-Cosystm, I use Spotify, so I don't have much experience with music players. Back in the day when I did, it was still XMMS that ruled the world08:30
T-Codwm - dynamic window manager ?08:31
T-CoDon't know any dwm08:31
systmT-Co: anything about audacious?08:35
wertwertgfhjrerim connected to the internet via eth0. is there a way to enable wlan0 to act as an access point and bridge it to eth0, so that other clients can use the access point (wlan0) to connect to the internet? ubuntu 9.10, network-manager, nm-applet08:43
=== ShapeShifter499 is now known as ShapeShifter|afk
=== ShapeShifter|afk is now known as ShapeShifter|AFK
gschweppwertwertgfhjrer: i think you have to do something like Create Wireless network08:46
gschweppwertwertgfhjrer: and then in any way (that i dont know atm) share the eth0 connection08:47
hsrHow to enable 'Speak Document' feature in Okular?08:52
cybichi everybody - i have some kind of a strange behaver in 10.04 on my notebook...The battery indocator alway writes the notify-messages and doesn't care about config changes in gconf-config08:53
cybicwhat could it be? :(08:53
cybici get such interesting messages like: low battery (18 percent) etc. ...and i can't shut them off is there any other kind of config file for the notify messages of the powermanager?08:54
Loshki!ics | wertwertgfhjrer see if theres anything here08:56
ubottuwertwertgfhjrer see if theres anything here: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php08:56
cybichmmmm... this notify messages are turning me crazy :( there must be some kind of a config file08:58
mvkwhen i startup my laptop, it hangs on the blue loading screen, but spins... when i press escape, i see it hangs on 'Checking battery state'..08:58
mvkwhen i cltr+alt+f1 .. spawn a shell, and startx..08:58
mvki simply get my desktop, why doesnt it 'boot trough'?08:58
lorenzosuAnyone know if there is some panel (I.e. an icon to stick around the notification area) to change resolution for nvidia graphic cards?09:00
hsrHow to enable 'Speak Document' feature in Okular?09:00
d1mitrisany good mail notifier that works with gawab ?09:03
dmex!cn | kongsong09:05
ubottukongsong: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:05
hsr!|all:How to enable 'Speak Document' feature in Okular?09:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:05
hsrsrry, wrong command09:06
hsrHow to enable 'Speak Document' feature in Okular?09:06
hsrdmex: How to enable 'Speak Document' feature in Okular?09:06
dmexksr: they are only enabled if you have ktts09:08
hsrdmex: How to use ktts?09:08
dmexksr: no idea, I haven't ever needed TTS.09:09
hsrdmex: Could you tell properly its "tts" or "ktts" ? (reference back as hsr and not ksr) :)09:10
gypsymauroI've a pdf file with some pages, I want to select one page and save it into a new file, what can I use?09:12
hsrgypsymauro: pdfedit09:12
=== mentr_bnc is now known as mentr
dmexhsr: you could try Ubuntu Text Reader - http://xzcallaway.synthasite.com/09:13
Sloth_DemonI need a little help with networking in Ubuntu 9.04. <n00b alert>09:14
WillPittengerI am trying to copy files from where I downloaded it (on a Windows host folder) to a folder in /usr.  I don't know how to get root priveleges using the file browser.  So I went to the command line and entered 'sudo cp -v -r "/mnt/Docs/My Downloaded Files/Mozilla/Firefox/Firefox 4.0 beta 5 for Linux/*" .'  But that results an error I don't understand.  "Cannot stat folder: Protocol error". ...09:14
WillPittenger...Could someone help?09:14
gypsymaurohsr: tanx :)09:14
dmexhsr: also try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2820538&postcount=609:14
MiteshShahhow to install conky09:15
WillPittengerNever mind.  I sudo'ed dolphin.09:16
dmexMiteshShah: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=636570209:16
jasonwryanMiteshShah: apt-get install conky-std09:16
MiteshShahdmex, jasonwryan Thanks09:17
Sloth_DemonThe network applet(or whatever it's called) on the panel in the top is displaying "No network devices found" in the menu. My board is Intel DH55TC with core-i5. I have used ubuntu a few months ago with a ancient mercury motherboard and had no problem like this(everything was in order by default). What do I need to fix this?09:17
Sloth_DemonBTW, I'm using Jaunty Jacklope.09:17
dmexSloth_Demon: lshw -class network09:18
=== sebner_ is now known as sebner
zirodayHi, I can't get notify-send to work unless I prepend the command with sudo, any way to fix this?09:19
Sloth_Demondmex:Is that all?(sorry for being rude but I have to reboot into ubuntu to try this which has no connection)09:19
Sloth_DemonWill try and come back. Thanks anyways.09:21
dmexSloth_Demon: Its for listing any network interfaces09:21
=== Gary_ is now known as Gary
Anomie2Is it possible to copy/paste files (duplicate) files over SSH? Tried googling it but all I get it a bunch of results for copy/pasting text. e,g; I want the contents of var/www/dir1/wp2 to be duplicated to var/www/dir109:24
Sloth_DemonSo, here's what I got : http://i53.tinypic.com/11c60q0.png09:28
netbkneutrinohelp. my track pad is sticky. double clicks when i only tap it once. any fixes09:28
Sloth_DemonNow what do I do next?09:28
xdunlapxHi guys. I'm wondering how to install java. There is no sun-java6-plugin available.09:31
undifinedSloth_Demon, the command you ran needs to sudo09:31
erUSUL!java | xdunlapx09:31
ubottuxdunlapx: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.09:31
xdunlapxthank you09:32
erUSULxdunlapx: you need to eable the partners repository for sun's java.09:32
Sloth_Demonundifined: sorry but I have no idea of what you just said.09:32
undifinedSloth_Demon, your <command>, again sudo <command>09:33
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo09:34
xdunlapxerUSUL, thank you yes. that worked :)09:35
jlebrechi think ubuntu should be able to organise files in terms or projects, and you'd be able to attach notes to them.09:36
odb|fideljlebrech: ubuntu?09:37
Anomie2Is it possible to copy/paste files (duplicate) files over SSH? Tried googling it but all I get it a bunch of results for copy/pasting text. e,g; I want the contents of var/www/dir1/wp2 to be duplicated to var/www/dir109:37
odb|fidelarent you looking for some kind of specifc app?09:37
erUSULAnomie2: rsync; sftp; scp09:37
fivetwentysixWhats the command to see how much ram i have left?09:38
erUSULfivetwentysix: free -m   ?09:38
fivetwentysix7mb free09:38
Anomie2erUSUL: I'm connected over sftp as well but cant see that option in FileZilla ?09:38
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:40
jlebrechobd|fidel gnome/kde whatever. think it would be nice in ubuntu09:41
bluecheesedoes anyone know why flush-9:xx max out cpu?09:45
odb|fideljlebrech: from my point of view you are way to imprecise09:45
nolonxhello, I want to install ubuntu 10.04 on my imac, but I don't want to install grub on the MBR. Unfortunately the installer won't accept the root partition as a valid install location. Is it possible to do so?09:46
erUSULAnomie2: does not have a mput or mirror option ?09:46
odb|fidelit's about having a function in an application - not about having a function in a distri or desktop environment09:46
erUSULAnomie2: if it is in the same machibe and you have ssh access why not a symple "cp" on the shell ?09:47
erUSULAnomie2: i thought it was on two machines09:47
methusscp file username@machine:`pwd`09:48
Anomie2euUSUL: so -  cp path/to/file path/to/new/location09:49
dwadhello everyone09:51
jlebrechodb|fidel sorry i know. it's meant to be a very vague concept, a project would just be a folder with a file explaining which editor to be use and how to test ie. a url. and a keystore file.09:51
Cube``hey did a new version of ubuntu just come out?09:52
Cube``its telling me about a "Distribution Upgrade"09:53
Cube``or did i just screw up my dependencies?09:53
gschweppCube``: what distribution do you run?09:53
JohnnyLwhere can I get the 64 bit Intel ISO ersion of Ubuntu for the desktop?09:53
Cube``ubuntu 10.4 gschwepp09:53
ShinydanWhen I shut my Lynx box down, all it does is reboot, to the login screen, in a different screen resolution and in a different place on the monitor. I've had to fiddle with the physical monitor settings to make it usable. What's going on?09:53
gschweppCube``: next will be 10.10 so yet there is no update09:53
Cube``hmm ye09:54
gschwepp!ubuntu+1 Cube``09:54
gschwepp!#ubuntu+1 Cube``09:54
jpdsJohnnyL: http://au.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04.1/ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso09:55
JohnnyLjpds: uh hello ? thats amd09:56
JohnnyLis 10.10 only beta?09:56
Cube``JohnnyL: yeah09:56
JohnnyLCube`` thanks09:56
jpdsJohnnyL: Same thing for Intel processors.09:57
kayoma1Hi all09:57
jpdsJohnnyL: AMD created the standard, so it's called AMD64.09:57
netbkneutrinoHelp! Track pad has been buggy on 10.04. It double clicks by its self. any answers?09:57
JohnnyLjpds: i tried the amd windows installer but I got a graphic garbled screen at  boot up.09:57
kayoma1How to install iron-linux?09:57
jpdsJohnnyL: Then look at http://au.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04.1/ and pick which one you think is right for you.09:58
kayoma1i have iron-linux.tar.gz in my home dir, how to install this?09:58
JohnnyLok, so tehre is not Intel-64 bit version. gotcha09:59
kayoma1tar xvf iron-linux.tar.gz?09:59
jpdsJohnnyL: Because Intel64 == AMD64.09:59
JohnnyLjpds: well it doesn't work on my intel.09:59
JohnnyLperhaps because of my Nvidia?10:01
jpdsJohnnyL: Yep, that's most likely.10:02
jpdsJohnnyL: http://www.netsplit.com/2010/03/30/all-about-kernel-mode-setting/10:02
netbkneutrinoHow do I save my work space and resume tomorrow. I want to resume tomorrow with all the same folders, browser tabs, and programs opened exactly how they are open right now.10:03
tracy69good morning10:03
JohnnyLwell, i'm trying the intel x86 version, bet that'll work.10:04
ShinydanWhen I shut my Lynx box down, all it does is reboot, to the login screen, in a different screen resolution and in a different place on the monitor. I've had to fiddle with the physical monitor settings to make it usable. Help?10:04
jpdsJohnnyL: garbled screen == graphics card issue.10:04
jpdsJohnnyL: The install CD tells you right at the very beginning that it can't run on your processor if it can't.10:04
dr0idwith */15 * * * * make my cronjob run every 15mins?10:06
dr0idwith */15 * * * * make my cronjob run every 15mins?10:06
wertwertgfhjrerShinydan, try "sudo init 0" for shutdown10:06
jpdsdr0id: Yes.10:06
jpdsdr0id: Yes.10:06
Shinydanwert: That does work but it doesn't solve the overall problem.10:07
omkar:how to run php?10:07
wertwertgfhjrerShinydan, well it doesnt reboot then, does it10:07
w0_hi, I'm trying to play warcraft 3 on my ubuntu box via wine.  how do I mount the disc? ubuntu didn't mount it automatically10:08
Shinydanno. but I'd quite like the shutdown button to work properly.10:08
seyfignome-help is either trashing or hogging system resources, like in an infinite loop (karmic). I don't know what's wrong with this product but it's always been like this, unusable, yet constantly shipped for years. What to do? I need to read some docs.10:08
wertwertgfhjrerShinydan, as i have no buttons i cant help10:09
Dilaincan XChat traffic be routed through tor?10:09
CaveManYo guyz wassap???10:09
gschweppShinydan: seems that your shutdown button is going to the wrong runlevel so ... tell him do ini 0 ;)10:09
CaveManyesterday i asked of this very nice and tiny and cheap system ( http://www.informatique.nl/127987/asrock-nettop-ion-330-pro-barebone-zwart.html ) is supported by ubuntu and it is supported, found this topic: http://forum.ubuntu-nl.org/hardware-en-drivers/asrock-nettop-ion-330/10:10
tracy69CaveMan,  why are you cave man ?10:11
CaveMancause i am also that rude sometimes on critical  moments :P10:11
CaveManin generally i am a gentleman, but deep inside i am a caveman10:12
tracy69rude ? what does it has to do with cave?10:12
tracy69do you live in a cave?10:12
CaveManit looks like a cave10:12
tracy69im sorry10:12
SpaceGhostC2CI do.10:12
CaveManit is a mix between a cave and the house they used in fightclub :P10:12
doudouHi, i found fluxbuntu project that seems interesting, but how to know if it is not obsolete?10:13
SpaceGhostC2CCaveMan: good movie. But is this on topic?10:13
CaveManok sorry, they asked..10:13
tracy69u should move to europe try legally if you can people over here have normaal homes10:13
Leroyfightclub is always on topic10:13
Tryptychstop talking about fightclub! your breaking the rules.10:13
w0_why doesn't ubuntu recognize my dvd? I can'10:13
Leroylol Tryptych10:13
w0_t get it to mount10:13
wertwertgfhjrerw0_, sudo mount /dev/dvd10:14
squarrelbacking-up ubuntu > using TAR > in restoration process, why we have to re-create directories like /sys /lost+found /proc etc. - dont they already exist?10:14
CaveMani have to go people... bye all10:15
w0_wert: well the drive spun up, but it says 'mount: can't find /dev/dvd/ in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab'10:15
tracy69<CaveMan> bye10:16
Dilainw0: try using the absolute pathname10:16
Yud_Zrocanyone else having problems with the updater10:18
_L30_How do i uninstall the usplash screen?10:19
_L30_the purple ubuntu loading screen10:19
Dilainopen your dev folder and make sure you targeting the right file, might be dvd0 or something other than just dvd10:19
tracy69<_L30_> do you want to change it ?10:19
tracy69<_L30_> use plymouth10:19
_L30_no i totally want to remove that10:20
_L30_and get the text startup10:20
w0_w00p 42010:20
_L30_then the login screen10:20
_L30_as usual GUI10:20
wikiikhi, how can i check the core usage using the terminal?10:21
tracy69_L30_,  there is way to remove i mean not see spalsh u can use startup manager10:21
_L30_sudo rm plymouth-theme.*10:22
_L30_i tried this10:22
rww_L30_: Which version of Ubuntu are you using?10:22
_L30_have to verify it works10:22
_L30_haa yes working :)10:23
_L30_removed all the plymouth files10:23
tracy69_L30_,  there is also theme in grub if you removed plymouth you still will see splash10:24
tracy69use startup mgr10:24
_L30_tracy69: so how to get rid of it?10:24
tracy69use startup mgr10:25
_L30_tracy69: that would just disable it - i want to remove it totally10:25
KrisDouglasHello, quick question. Why is it, when I install Wine 1.3 on ubuntu, the command "wine --version" shows I am running wine-1.2-rc6-44-gcd72aef? thanks10:25
Dilainhe souldn't see grub at all if he's not duel booting10:25
tracy69go to grub and remove the pic u see10:25
KrisDouglasAnd it does not show as 1.2 installed in APT.10:25
_L30_tracy69: how do i do that?10:25
tracy69_L30_,  i dont know u need to find grub folder to block the splash or remove the pic u see the same as u can do in plymoyth or burg10:27
_L30_tracy69: where do i find the it?10:27
_L30_thanks worked out :)10:31
tracy69_L30_,  good :)10:32
theoshey!! i was trying to open some video files in totam and vlc but they show an error message like this --> "No suitable decoder module: VLC does not support the audio or video format "wmas". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this." any thing i can do about this?10:33
tinuxhi everyone10:33
erUSUL!codecs | theos10:33
ubottutheos: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:33
tinuxhow is it possible that . and .. have such big size10:34
tinuxany idea10:34
theosok thanks erUSUL i just check it10:34
erUSULtinux: . is current folder. and .. is parent folder10:34
tinuxyes, I know this. but when I check the size of the folder alone it shows 146 M10:36
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erUSULtinux: which matchs the value for . and ..  so i say is correct10:37
tinuxyep, got it. It was .Trash10:38
NitzchONotHello guys! Is there a solution about my Nautilus shows dublicate Drives ? Shows them each mounted drive 2 times, 1 entry works and the other one doesnt. Got any ideas ? :)10:38
MindGrenadeHi all,. Just wondering if anyone can help me with what partitions to make for dual boot windows/ubuntu???10:38
zemanelis it possible to convert a 64bit ubuntu installation to 32bits?10:38
NitzchONotThats for the drives mounted via /etc/fstab by the way (HDDs with NTFS partition)10:39
NitzchONotzemanel, i think thats not possibe ;/10:39
MindGrenadewhats best partitions to use for dual boot with shared partion??? do i make them all NTFS?10:40
tracy69zemanel,  i dont think so too10:40
w0_thanks guyz.  viva ubuntu!!10:40
tracy69MindGrenade,  are you talking about sharing files between ubuntu and windows? if so u will be able easy access win files from ubuntu10:41
tracy69no matter ntfs or fat10:41
MindGrenadei was reading a forum post but was a couple years old... it said to make them all NTFS10:42
MindGrenadeso  can load  the share partition thru both OS10:42
tracy69MindGrenade,  u dont need any extra partition just boot ubuntu go to places computer and your windows files10:42
filipekMindGrenade, what do you exactly mean by "shared partition" like installing Ubuntu on NTFS too?10:43
MindGrenadeim gonna have seperate partion for windows/ubuntu/share drive so if i need to format or change os on a drive it doesnt effect the share drive... *share drive is where ill save all my files so i can open with either os10:43
Vroomfondlefilipek: in the olden days people used to make a third partition, so they'd have one for Windows, one for Linux and the thrid one was a space to put files to be shared between the two10:43
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MindGrenadeso if windows dies (which it does) ill just format and re-install and it wont clear my shared files partition10:44
MindGrenadeso do i make all 3 partition NTFS?10:44
Tonde[FI]Could someone help with usb printer problem? (Epson Stylus DX7400)10:45
VroomfondleI woudln't put Ubuntu on NTFS.10:45
filipekVroomfondle, ok thanks - I didn't know that :-) I came to Ubuntu apparently after that point in time :-)10:45
VroomfondleHave an Ext4 one for Ubuntu10:45
MindGrenadeand what about windows? and Shared Data Patitions?? NTFS? are they all compatible to sharing files?10:46
tracy69MindGrenade,  if your windows die u and u will install it again windows will rewrite grub it mean u wont be able access ubuntu and u will have to make grub work again10:46
Yud_Zrocapt-get issure/error:   E: Read error - read (5: Input/output error)10:46
Tonde[FI]Does anyone know why 10.04 does not find usb printer? Usb-port/cable/printer aint broken.10:47
JohnnyLwhat's the default password for root?10:48
MindGrenadeso will i have conflict if i use ext4 for ubuntu and NTFS for Windows & shared Partition? and will they all read ?10:49
MindGrenadewill ext4 read NTFS drive correctly?10:50
m4v!root | JohnnyL10:50
ubottuJohnnyL: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:50
JohnnyLthere is no root password.10:50
teagehow do i uninstall vmware? i look in synaptic and its not there.10:51
tracy69teage did you install it from synaptic ? or you got it from vmware web?10:54
Tonde[Jkl]Does anyone have any idea why 10.04 does not find usb-printer? Usb-port/cable/printer are ok.10:57
sniperjo_is anyone aware of Ubuntu being less efficient at running html5 video, (ogv) in firefox or any other program ?10:58
Emanonreally, gnomefreak could i get banned by a less gayly named op please that's embarrassing10:58
gnomefreakEmanon: please join #ubuntu-ops10:59
Emanonseriously i didnt think i was op material10:59
Emanonthanks dude10:59
tracy69Emanon,  join ubuntu-offtopic10:59
Emanoni cant he kickbanned me10:59
rwwtracy69: probably best to stay out of it ;)10:59
tracy69yeah rww10:59
JohnnyLhow do I mount a xp partition?11:00
icerootJohnnyL: mount /dev/sdX /where/you/want/it11:01
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE11:01
steve_can anyone give me some help with samba11:01
Emanoni usually just click on them in nautilus JohnnyL11:01
[drnathanfuriouswow, really strange behavior with the 'time' command... can anyone confirm11:03
[drnathanfuriousin the man page it says you can do11:03
[drnathanfurious time -f "%E real,%U user,%S sys" ls -Fs11:03
[drnathanfuriousto format output11:03
[drnathanfuriousbut it looks like time doesn't accept *any* options for me11:03
[drnathanfurious-f: command not found11:04
[drnathanfuriouscan anyone confirm?11:04
Emanonanyone know how to change the panel clock/calandar to military date (thats yyyy-mm-dd)11:04
manasahi im new to ubuntu11:05
rww[drnathanfurious: Does it work if you replace "time" with "/usr/bin/time"?11:05
[drnathanfuriousoh wow, that does it11:05
JohnnyLice799, Vroomfondle,Emanon. thanks11:05
[drnathanfuriousmust have been aliased somewhere11:05
Emanon!welcome | manasa11:05
ubottumanasa: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:05
rww[drnathanfurious: nah, there's a bash builtin called time11:05
[drnathanfuriousreally... yeah I checked all over my .bashrc for something, even did `which time`11:06
[drnathanfuriousthat threw me for a loop11:06
rwwyup. see "help time" for more info11:06
t325Hi, could someone please translate these FreeBSD rc.conf lines into Ubuntu /etc/network/interfaces language?11:06
steve_i cannot connect to any windows shares can someone help11:06
t325ifconfig_em0="inet mypublicIP netmask broadcast mypublicIP"11:07
t325static_routes="net1 net2"11:07
t325route_net1="-net myGW/32 mypublicIP"11:07
t325route_net2="default myGW"11:07
FloodBot4t325: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:07
magnetron!details | steve_11:07
ubottusteve_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:07
sipiort325: "man interfaces" will give you the complete documentation for setting up the /etc/network/interfaces file.11:08
t325ok, I'll check it, thanks11:08
steve_I am running ubuntu 10.04, when i open the network folder i can see "Windows Network" but when i open that there are no computers inside.11:09
Emanonu on the same workgroup steve_?11:09
steve_no the Windows workgroup is "Workgroup" and my Samba workgroup is SAMBA11:10
magnetronsteve_: you need to be in the same workgroup11:10
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:11
t325sipior: hmm it's quite vague, I can't find the equivalent for the route_net1 and route_net2 lines11:11
asmalikcan anyone tell me about some good book on g++11:11
steve_ok i have changed that using the Samba GUI11:11
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jribasmalik: #gcc probably can11:11
sipiort325: since you've only spent approximately two minutes perusing the thing, perhaps a little more reading is in order, no?11:12
steve_there are still 0 items in my Windows Network folder11:12
t325sipior: might be ;) - but since I'm here, it's that I've already read quite a lot of this stuff...11:13
t325this would be a genial thing: network configuration file converter for all *nix flavours11:14
timmillwoodWhat's the best way to backup my ubuntu server to an external service?11:15
sipiort325: could be a fun student project. i don't dispute that a certain consistency would be welcome between the various unix flavours.11:16
sipiortimmillwood: which external service were you planning on using?11:16
timmillwoodsipior: the best. ;)11:16
timmillwoodsipior: currently using s3 and s3sync although doesn't seem 100% reliable, and hard to monitor.11:17
sipiortimmillwood: depending on your storage needs, something like ubuntu one or dropbox might do. i can highly recommend the latter, but have not yet tried the former.11:17
asmalikHi. I want a book on g++.11:18
asmalikCan anyone help me ?11:18
timmillwoodsipior: we have over 100gb of stuff to backup from an internal NAS, currently uploading the s3 via in house server.11:18
jribasmalik: did you see what I told you?11:18
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asmaliki was offline11:19
jribasmalik: #gcc probably can11:19
steve_i am trying to check if Samba is running properly but the command sudo /etc/init.d/samba status tells me command not found11:21
JohnnyLI am using vmware with ubuntu under xp. Having trouble recognzing the xp parition. I tried sudo fdisk -l to no avail.11:21
jribsteve_: smbd if I recall correctly11:21
jribJohnnyL: well you can't get at the host partition like that.  Try the vmware channel for tips on how to share files between host and guest11:22
steve_smbd is running process 70611:23
sipiortimmillwood: you might try something like rackspace's managed backups. the folks in #ubuntu-server will probably have better recommendations for you in that regard.11:23
steve_still nothing shown in my windows network folder11:23
timmillwoodsipior: thanks11:23
steve_it was working at home, but now i am at work i cannot see anything11:24
JohnnyLjrdnyquist ok thanks.11:24
steve_if i ping the computer i want to connect to i get a reply11:24
imlazahi everone!11:26
t325sipior: http://guides.ovh.com/BridgeClient could be an interesting starting point for such a tool; at least it solved my problem.11:26
denhi all!11:27
magnetronsteve_: try "pyneighborhood"11:27
imlazai have a startup-script to starts the programs automatically after 30 seconds. #!/bin/bash sleep 30 && conky -c ~/conkyrc & but i dont know how to add the other applications to start with conky . can someone help me (what to write next of this code) ?11:29
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steve_i have checked the windows machine and i can see my ubuntu machine and the shares11:30
adalalhi, is there a way to setup ubuntu where all interactive administrative or a specific user (support user)'s activities are logged and emailed?11:31
JoundillI need help setting up my microphone, I just upgraded versions and now it's not working. It's crackly at the moment, and I can only just hear myself.11:31
steve_ok installed pyneighborhood it can see the windows machine i want to connect with, when i scan the machine it tells me failed11:33
Karen_mKnow how the buttons for the windows are on the left side, how can I make them more like windows and put them top right?11:33
JoundillKaren_m, press Alt+F2, then type gconf-editor11:33
JoundillKaren_m after that navigate through Apps>Metacity11:34
raymondBonjour tout le monde11:34
Joundilland under general settings there should be an option that looks like close,maximize,minimize:11:34
Joundillchange it to ":minimize,maximize,close"11:34
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:35
ubottuIn Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side11:35
Karen_mJoundill, wow that is amazing11:35
Karen_mthank you!11:35
Karen_minstantly fixed, merci11:35
JoundillNo problem :D11:35
rizzuhHi guys, how do I convert all the files in a directory and subdirs from DOS line endings to Unix? find . | fromdos -d -o doesn't do it11:36
xorwhyHello. Is there a way to implement tab completion system-wide, corresponding to a dictionary file?11:36
xorwhyPreferably effecting all type-able areas except terminal.11:36
steve_can anyone tell me the difference between samba and samba411:38
magnetronrizzuh: seems like you need xargs or a bash for loop for the kind of thing you are doing11:39
rwwsteve_: "samba" installs samba 3, "samba4" installs samba 4. There's a separate package for the latter because it isn't yet stable.11:39
rizzuhmagnetron: well I'm not that great at bash scripting xD11:39
magnetronrizzuh: i just google the stuff i want to do and steal their code :D11:40
rizzuhmagnetron: google is kinda inconclusive on this one11:40
steve_this samba stuff is doing my head in lol11:40
raymondsomeone know how to use vmware open client on Ubuntu?11:40
magnetronsteve_: you you know that you need to reload the samba config before you start using it?11:41
steve_sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart11:42
steve_is that correct11:42
steve_as when i use that command i get the reply command not found11:42
JoundillDoes anyone know how to fix a crackly microphone?11:42
JohnnyLhow does one change directories to root in ubuntu?11:42
eitama_Hello, I'm trying to install ubuntu 10.04 64 on my laptop, and am having a hard time with it. I extracted the iso to USB Flash Drive, I can boot from it, choose the start from usb or install options, but both display corrupted visual on my monitor.11:43
JohnnyLI have a ssh public keygen i want to get from there.11:43
JohnnyLeitama_: thats what I got too.11:43
JohnnyLeitama_: i feel it's because I own an intel, not an amd.11:43
eitama_JohnnyL: purple and gray stripes all over the screen?11:43
JohnnyLeitama_ x86 works though.11:43
JohnnyLeitama_: yup11:44
JohnnyLeitama_: nvdia drivers?11:44
eitama_but i have windows 7 64 running perfect11:44
magnetronrizzuh: you can use xargs then11:44
JohnnyLi'll bet thats why.11:44
raymondnot sure11:44
eitama_on my windows atleast11:44
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!11:44
JohnnyLso how can I change directories to /root ?11:44
xbmcNoobhi all, im running xbmc and it has a stand alone version that runs only xbmc i.e no desktop or anything just the app. This is done through selecting xbmc sesion on the login screen, now im wondering how to add other apps to also run such as mythserver and open ssh so i can control the box remotely11:44
eitama_Ahhh, this is frustrating. Why won't I get to use 64...11:45
eitama_Thanks for the info11:45
FloodBot4eitama_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:45
eitama_i'll go poke google some more. Cheers11:45
raymondeitma_: could you explain bravely your problem ?11:46
xbmcNoobin relation to my last post I think i can just edit a file that opens processes how do I find the process names of Open SSH, mythbackend and frontend and mythweb11:46
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magnetronxbmcNoob: select a GNOME session at login, run synaptic and install the packages you need using synaptic. "ssh" etc.11:48
rizzuhthanks magnetron11:48
vizlimI'm sorry, but why after update ubuntu do 10.10 . The Enter in OS me 2 bout need enter login and password ?11:48
xbmcNoobmagentron, i want to use the xbmc session because its a htpc but I need just the other services and they are installed11:49
magnetronvizlim: 10.10 is not released yet, they are working on a beta though. please go to #ubuntu+1 for discussion11:49
magnetronxbmcNoob: well i thought you were asking how to install them11:49
jtccUsing 10.04, I accidentally removed the "Turn off system" button from the panel. When I click "add to panel", I don't see it in the list of icons.. anyone have any idea? right now i have no way of turning off the machine except using the terminal.11:49
rob_pxbmcNoob: The openssh server is started/stopped with an init file located in /etc/init.d/ directory.  You might find init scripts for the other things you mentioned as well.11:49
xbmcNoobmagnetron, thanks heaps anywauy11:50
xbmcNoobrob_p, thanks ill give that ago11:50
vizlimThanks magnetron11:50
rob_pxbmcNoob: If you installed openssh-server package, it should already be configured to start on boot.11:50
xbmcNoobrob_p, yes but not in xbmc session, however, your suggestion seems to be bang on11:51
magnetronjtcc: it's called something similar to "user switcher"11:51
rob_pxbmcNoob: If you haven't yet installed it, a simple, "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" will get installed and running.11:51
xbmcNoobrob_p, how would i start ssh via terminal, just so i get an idea of how to edit the script right11:52
xbmcNoobrob_p, saves a lot of trial and error =)11:52
rob_pxbmcNoob: You would type, "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start"11:52
estragibjtcc: it's "Indictator Applet Session"11:53
SuBmUnDofree' jtcc, "Log Out..." "Shut Down..."11:53
zealiodim having issues with a weird flickry monitor after installing ubuntu, portion of the TV used is very small and the login window is just bouncing left to right... where do I start putting this right?11:53
xbmcNoobrob_p, if that works you just finished my HTPC. Thankyou very much... extreme happy face =) ++++11:53
rob_pxbmcNoob: welcome11:53
jtccestragib: thx!11:54
estragibjtcc: welcome11:55
xbmcNoobrob_p, would "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start" & start it as a backround process11:55
xbmcNoobrob_p, or leave out &11:56
kevrdon't worry11:57
kevrssh is a script that starts other binaries11:57
kevryou don't need &*11:57
xbmcNoobkevr, ok but for things like mythweb and mythtv backend11:58
kevrif they provided an init.d script..11:58
xbmcNoobkevr, its for multiple things you see11:58
kevrit shouldn't.11:58
xbmcNoobkevr, ok so kevr init.d is like equivlent of windows services?11:58
kevri suppose.11:59
kevrnot really.11:59
xbmcNoobhmm thx11:59
kevrlet me explain11:59
kevrcat /etc/init.d/ssh11:59
kevritll show you the contents11:59
kevrits simple a script.11:59
FloodBot4kevr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:59
kevrof bash shell11:59
kevrsorry bot.11:59
xbmcNoobno such file or dir12:00
kevranyway, that script just executes a binary and runs it in the background, a binary that usually forks itself to the background as a process.12:00
kevri believe it's /etc/init.d/sshd, if you have it installed.12:00
kevrwas going off what you typed :P12:00
magnetronwatching a show about australian aboriginal life, they are eating some mangrove worms. i hear it's a tasty snack12:01
wertwertgfhjrerhow do i grep more than one thing, e.g. top|grep 2 things12:01
xbmcNoobok that made enough sence any way.12:01
kevrjust do another pipe, wert12:01
xbmcNoobkevr,  thanks heaps12:01
kevrwert, actually, i want to find out now - lol12:01
wertwertgfhjrerkevr, isnt working12:05
kevrgrep -e oneword -e twoword12:05
wertwertgfhjrerone sec12:06
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brorjonas"No hyphenations patterns were loaded"... in kile, what do I do?12:08
wertwertgfhjrerkevr, worked thx12:08
Karen_msigh, aptitude install samba -- fails.12:10
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ariqzI'm having trouble with empathy. It won't let me connect to anything. it tells me network error. I have a feeling it's related to the same reason I can't use firefox without taking it offline mode because ubuntu doesn't really support dialup12:12
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ariqzit was working earlier, and you can see for yourself that I have an internet connection12:13
ariqzso why doesn't it let me connect to yahoo or icq or anything12:13
steve_i am running Ubuntu 10.04 and i am having some issues with windows networks. I could not see any windows computers on my ubuntu machine but i have re-installed SAMBA and i can now see the windows machines on my network but i cannot log into the shares, when i enter the user name and password they are rejected can someone help. Thanks12:13
ariqzyeah, now it says there is no network connection12:14
ariqzwhat is this lame crap? ;P12:14
oraclelame crap is linux12:15
ariqzok so how do I make empathy see that I have a network connection?12:15
ariqzI already tried restarting empathy12:16
red2kicariqz: Try Pidgin for that. Gnome have yet to perfect Empathy. It's still relatively new.12:18
tracy69someone say something so quiet here today12:21
glebihansomething :)12:22
stapelI want to count the number of lines form the output of clamscan, but I want to update it as it happens so that I can update a progress bar. How can I do this?12:25
glebihanstapel, use "nl"12:26
glebihanstapel, something like "clamscan | nl"12:26
zealiodI've just run the command sudo ddcprobe to get info on my monitor - what do I do with this now to get my xorg.conf working with my monitor?12:26
red2kicglebihan: I learned about nl today. :)  stapel, you can use "wc -l" instead of nl if you just want a number.12:27
stapelglebihan: thanx, I did not know about nl12:28
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stapelglebihan: yes I was thinking about using wc -l12:28
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glebihanstapel, it would work too, depends on how you want to use the data12:28
mfz2008>"kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) " after update 8.04 to 10 in my virtual mashine12:29
mfz2008>"kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0) " after update 8.04 to 10 in my virtual mashine12:29
thomaseHi guys - I have to set default umask for an Apache 2.2 with DAV enabled to files uploaded per webdav get group readable permissions. As far as I know umask-handling changed in 10.04 and is configured in /etc/pam.d/common-session and by setting approriate GECOS fields, right?12:29
DallasG[w]I have two audio out ports on my PC, one in the front, one in the back. Is it possible to set up my Ubuntu install to use the front jack if it has something plugged in, and otherwise use my back jack?12:29
DallasG[w]Disregard. Human error. Thanks ;-)12:30
stapelglebihan: the problem is I need to update a progress bar (whiptail --gauge) as the clamscan produces the output. 'clamscan | nl' will finish clamscan first and then pipe it to nl. I need the update line for line.12:30
JuJuBeeI am getting an error when I try to apt-get update a workstation about a proxy at  What is this?12:33
ikoniaJuJuBee: what's the exact error12:33
stapelCan I use lsof somehow to monitor the output from a process in a bash script?12:34
ikoniastapel: not really no12:34
glebihanstapel, I think you'll have to write a little script to do what you want to12:35
chulli created a new user account for my husband, on ubuntu 10.04 but now he wants to download packages from Ubuntu Software Center and it's showing our son's login and mine but not his?12:35
thomasenoone around that knows how to set umask for apache in 10.04 ?12:35
JuJuBeeikonia : same as http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1364185.html12:35
stapelglebihan: I am trying to write a script but I am not sure how to achieve what I need to12:35
sipiorstapel: what exactly do you want to do?12:36
glebihanstapel, hold on, I'm giving it a try, I'll pastebin you a script when I'm done12:36
ikoniaJuJuBee: what repo's are you getting the error on12:37
stapelglebihan: I need to do something like this (pseudo code): while (clamscan_process) {echo $line_number} | whiptail --gauge12:37
zyjwho are you ?12:37
JuJuBeeikonia hang on, posting the exact errors...12:38
stapelglebihan: thanx12:38
sipiorzyj: interesting way to begin a conversation.12:38
glebihanstapel, do you have any parameters to pass to clamscan ?12:38
JuJuBeeikonia http://pastebin.com/mufYmLNZ12:39
stapelsipior: I want to count the number of lines from the output of clamscan, but I want to update it as it happens so that I can update a progress bar.12:39
chulli created a new user account for my husband, on ubuntu 10.04 but now he wants to download packages from Ubuntu Software Center and it's showing our son's login and mine but not his?12:40
stapelglebihan: just the name of the folder, I can add the rest myself (-ir --remove=yes)12:40
steve_can anyone give me some help with SAMBA12:41
odb|fidelchull: could it be that your husbands account has no privileges to use apt?12:42
steve_i have Ubuntu 10.04, and when i try to connect to a windows share it asks me for the login, domain and password so i provide the details but i get denied12:42
chullodb|fidel, hmm how can i give him those?12:42
odb|fidelchull: or in other words: use sudo12:42
glebihanstapel, here is a little python script that should handle what you need : http://paste.ubuntu.com/490912/12:43
duffydackchull, did you create the account and allocate it a home folder...12:43
glebihanstapel, you have to pass it the folder as argument12:43
LjLchull: "sudo adduser yourhusbandsname admin" should do it. how did you create the account?12:43
chullodb|fidel, i think i did. i followed directions.12:43
bodwicksteve_ ubuntu and windows are in the same workgroup?12:43
stapelglebihan: yes I know :)12:43
odb|fidelchull: the question is: how was the account created & is that account privileged to use sudo12:43
JuJuBeeikonia never mind, seems it was my proxy.  Weird that it gave me an extermal IP12:43
duffydackoh, I thought she meant not showing the name on logging into gnome.12:43
sipiorstapel: the output is being saved to a file? easiest perhaps to background the clamscan program, and run a while loop using "wc -l" or "nl" to count the lines, and a "sleep" directive to follow. you can test for an exit condition on the clamscan process to terminate the while loop.12:44
stapelglebihan: sorry, you meant to your script :)12:44
glebihanstapel, yes12:44
sdschulzeHm, I'm a little bit unhappy with the way Lucid handles the sound card volume.  When I take a look at alsamixer, I see that it controls quite a number of levers in a confusing way.  Can I somehow tell it which lever to control?12:45
odb|fidelchull: you should find: user settings in menu - administration12:45
odb|fidelchull: there again should be a button advanced user settings or similar12:45
odb|fidelcompare the checkboxes of your account with those of your husband12:45
odb|fidelif you arent used to terminal12:46
chullok thanks let me try to read this.. it's so tiniy12:46
odb|fidelthere is a checkbox called: administer the system12:46
steve_yes bodwick and i can access my ubuntu shares on the windows computer12:46
odb|fidelwhich should do the trick12:46
murbI have an root on LVM over dmcrypt / md how can i force initramfs to open the dmcrypt?12:47
chullodb|fidel, where is menu, administration in 10.04?12:47
murbi have a correct /etc/crypttab12:47
odb|fidelsystem -> administration12:47
odb|fidelsystem -> administration -> user & groups -> select account - press advanced settings12:48
glebihanstapel, will this fill your needs ?12:48
stapelglebihan: I am not sure how I am suppose to use it.12:48
glebihanstapel, save it as a python file (.py), and run "python filename.py /path/to/folder"12:49
bodwicksteve_ tried mounting that share using terminal or krusader ?12:49
stapelglebihan: I did that, but how is that different form just running 'clamscan -ir --remmove=yes /folder' in a bash script12:50
steve_nope, i am new to this how would i go about doing that12:50
glebihanstapel, don't you get the line numbers ?12:50
JeffP-BR_Hello All. I'm in trouble installing Ubuntu Server from a pen drive in a machine without cdrom drive. The boot process is ok but the ubuntu installer stay asking for a CD rom drive. How to solve this issue?12:50
chullodb|fidel, it gives an error when i try to login as me, i think our son set himself as primary, on this drive. it was supposed to be a different box, originally. how can we get him out and us in? we need to use the drive.12:51
tracy69mfz2008,  speak American12:51
chulland his trackball isn't picking up text to copy. it won't highligiht12:52
odb|fidelchull: so you are telling me your son is the only user/account with admin privileges?12:52
odb|fidelchull: if so - force him to upgrade your account as well12:52
chullodb|fidel, possibly12:52
stapelglebihan: yes, but I can achieve that with 'clamscan -ir --remmove=yes /folder | nl'12:52
glebihanstapel, yes but there it should update as it runs12:52
odb|fidelor force him to login & then do what i mentioned above12:53
chullodb|fidel, the dear boy moved to texas and got married, i left him a voicemail yesterday, executives.. lol12:53
teolicyHi. I've just now setup an Ubuntu Server 10.4.1. During setup, the server asked me which interface is primary; I didn't know and couldn't connect it to a network at a time, so I opted to skip that screen.12:54
odb|fidelchull: well as it sound you arent a techi - but a user without administraive rights which is willing to get those ... bad conflict ;)12:54
chullodb|fidel, i'm his mother, does that count? and we paid for the drive too!12:54
odb|fidelchull: and how does that helps any further?12:54
teolicyHow do I choose the 'primary' interface now? Why is the primary interface special? Would editing /etc/network/interfaces and just specifying my interfaces be identical to using that guided configuration tool?12:54
tracy69chull,  whos mother are you ?12:55
odb|fidelits about having no sudo rights & no person around with sudo rights but asking how to get sudo rights - which takes at least some fiddling12:55
chullodb|fidel, somehow glaring at it does not make it look nicely.12:55
ikoniaodb|fidel: just add the user to the "admin" group, then they have sudo rights12:55
teolicy(the answer to that last question is 'no', I edited /etc/network/interfaces and tried both '/etc/init.d/networking restart' and a reboot, my interfaces aren't configured)12:55
chulltracy69, if i told you, everyone would know.12:55
odb|fidelikonia: read12:56
stapelglebihan: ok, I see, but I am still not sure how to use it. How can I paste a script to pastebin for you to see?12:56
tracy69ok my son is over here too12:56
sdschulzeteolicy: "not configured" in what way?12:56
odb|fidelikonia: she doenst have sudo rights-  so she cants just use the ui to upgrade her or her husbands account12:56
glebihan!paste | stapel12:56
ubottustapel: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:56
sdschulzeteolicy: ifconfig, netstat -rn?12:56
bahaa2008i want to convert flv to mp412:56
ikoniaodb|fidel: I see, yes, she can't upgrade, and that's to be expected12:56
teolicyifconfig: interfaces down with no IP address.12:56
stapelglebihan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/490915/12:56
odb|fidelikonia: at least if i followed her correct12:56
sdschulzebahaa2008: So use ffmpeg.12:56
teolicysdschulze, ^^^12:57
odb|fidelikonia: the only user with admin privs (afaik) is away12:57
ikoniaodb|fidel: nothing we can do than12:57
sdschulzeteolicy: anything suspicious in dmesg?12:57
bahaa2008sdschulze, the issue is about the arguments to use :)12:57
duffydackany way to get channel list from sidebar to tabs at bottom in xchat-gnome.12:57
odb|fidelikonia: at least for a non-tech - i fully agree12:57
sdschulzebahaa2008: ffmpeg -i orig.flv new.mp412:57
sdschulzebahaa2008: You may also want to set up the bitrate.12:58
bahaa2008sdschulze, http://pastebin.com/0uJfunih12:58
stapelglebihan: I need to replace 'echo $i' with something that outputs the linenumber from clamscan12:58
teolicyNope. Furthermore, if I manually set them up with ifconfig, route add, etc, everything is happy. I'm just not familiar with Ubuntu Server's userspace system for network configuration, the hardware and kernel layers seem fine.12:58
bahaa2008sdschulze, Unsupported codec for output stream #0.112:58
teolicysdschulze, ^^^ (sorry, forgot again :)12:58
bahaa2008sdschulze, details http://pastebin.com/DCrV9Meg12:59
glebihanstapel, ok this is slightly more complicated than I thought13:00
sdschulzebahaa2008: faac installed?13:00
teolicysdschulze, ah, found one thing: forgot to add my interface to the 'auto' line.13:01
teolicysdschulze, however, during setup I was asked which is the 'primary' interface; how would Ubuntu treat it differently if it's 'primary'?13:01
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sdschulzeteolicy: no idea about Ubuntu server13:01
glebihanstapel, I don't have much time right now, so maybe I could get back to you later by mail, or you can find somebody else that might help you faster13:01
sdschulze10.04 pisses me a bit.13:02
bahaa2008sdschulze, same issue13:02
sdschulzebahaa2008: The problem seems to be audio.13:02
bahaa2008what's wrong with it ?13:03
stapelglebihan: thanx for your help anyway. I do appreciate it.13:03
sdschulzebahaa2008: Maybe "-acodec aac" helps.13:03
JohnHeikkilaWhat's the problem13:03
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: his? ffmpeg13:04
glebihanstapel, you're welcome, as I said if you want I can think a bit more about it and come back to you later if you PM me an email address13:04
sdschulzemine? gnome-volume-control13:04
stapelglebihan: How do I send you a pm with my email?13:04
duffydack-acodec libfaac13:04
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bahaa2008sdschulze, Unknown encoder 'aac'13:04
sdschulzeduffydack: thanks13:04
JohnHeikkilaso your AAC isn't working13:04
duffydackmight need ffmpeg with the libs from medibuntu tho13:05
JohnHeikkilalet me think13:05
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duffydackpersonally, its better to compile your own. aint hard either13:05
sdschulzebahaa2008: Do as duffydack suggested.13:05
JohnHeikkiladuffydack: Do you have libx26413:05
duffydackJohnHeikkila, yes.13:05
zeroone1What do I need to send mails with an webformular (php) to my email-address(es) ?(website runs on my own virtual server)13:06
bahaa2008sdschulze, compile ffmpeg !!!13:06
duffydackJohnHeikkila,  but I use x264, the compiled version.13:06
duffydackhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=786095  < copy and paste, ftw13:06
sdschulzebahaa2008: no, use -acoded libfaac13:06
owd95when i minimize a windows without compiz a uggly line shows, can i remove it?13:07
sdschulzezeroone1: Ask a PHP guru.13:07
JohnHeikkilasdschulze, were you having trouble with gnome-volume-control?13:07
bahaa2008duffydack, sdschulze Unknown encoder 'libfaac'13:07
bahaa2008 ffmpeg -i input.flv -acodec libfaac output.mp413:08
duffydackbahaa2008, ffmpeg -formats13:08
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: Yes -- is there any way to configure gnome-volume-control which actual ALSA lever to use?13:08
JohnHeikkilasdschulze, I don't know for I don't fight with ASLA that much..hmm13:09
duffydacklibavcodec-extra-52 installed?13:09
ashwanimy synaptic manager is not working properly so what should i do for that13:09
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: My sound card auto-mutes the front speaker (laptop), but when I change the volume in GNOME, it screws it up.13:09
bahaa2008duffydack, http://pastebin.com/hr4sPBLJ13:09
duffydackDude, just compile a newer version.13:09
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: It's not an ALSA problem, obviously.13:09
ashwaniit means that is not opening13:09
JohnHeikkilasdschulze, Obviously :/13:10
duffydack8 threaded encoding to x264 is a LOT faster13:10
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: I just want to tell gnome-volume-control: use the Master lever for volume control, nothing else.13:10
duffydackbahaa2008, doesnt look like you have the encoder for it13:10
ashwaniwhat is the reason behind non working of synaptic manager13:11
JohnHeikkilasdschulze: You checked the Hardware part?13:11
bahaa2008duffydack, how to get it13:11
ashwaniguys help me out please13:11
JohnHeikkilaashwani: Doesn't it start?13:11
duffydackbahaa2008,  medibuntu repo ?13:11
ashwaniits quite urgent13:11
bahaa2008duffydack, the package name ?13:11
ashwaniyeah it is not responding13:11
JohnHeikkilaBut it's started?13:11
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: what hardware part?13:12
alcyquick one folks, my dad just tried to upgrade to 10.04 LTS (I stay away from home) from 9.10, and the update manager has prompted to ask whether grub should be left as is, or should the package maintainer's version be installed. Just wanted to ask from you folks, if its safe to go either way ? I usually took care of his system, but never did a dist upgrade :P13:12
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: I watched it screwing it up by opening alsamixer.13:12
JohnHeikkilasdschulze: Click the Audio sign in the notification area, then click preferences13:12
duffydackbahaa2008, have you enabled medibuntu repo13:12
JohnHeikkilasdschulze: Sorry, I can't help :)13:12
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: It's always been trivial in Debian, BTW.13:12
FloodBot4JohnHeikkila: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:12
ikoniaalcy: either is fine13:12
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: There is no "preferences".13:13
alcyikonia, cool..I was just worried about the uuid specific stuff - device naming et al.13:13
ikoniaalcy: don't worry, either is fine13:13
JohnHeikkilaashwani: open terminal with CTRL+ALT+T, then run "gdb synaptic", then type "run"13:13
alcyikonia, cool...thanks.13:14
JohnHeikkilasdschulze: That is..very weard O.o13:14
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: I think it was one of the "improvements" to the latest Ubuntu versions that screwed it up.13:14
JohnHeikkilawhich ubuntu version u using, sdschulze13:14
JohnHeikkilasdschulze: Me too but I got no problems with speakers13:14
JohnHeikkilaHave you tried Jack13:14
JohnHeikkilainstead of Alsa13:14
sdschulzeI have a fairly up-to-date Debian squeeze systems that has no such "improvements" included.  It works fine.13:15
sdschulzeand it's trivial to set up such stuff there13:15
red2kic!ops | mr-rich #fix-your-connection13:16
ubottumr-rich #fix-your-connection: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!13:16
PiciSorry about that folks.13:23
CrankygeekGood Morning everyone13:24
duffydacklol.. it was pretty quiet in here13:24
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: OK, I semi-fixed it.13:24
sdschulzeby using gconf-editor13:24
sdschulzeBut it still messes it up when volume decreases.13:24
filipekhello everyone - does the gwibber work for you guys?13:25
filipekit seems it does not update itself (gwibber is updated 5 mins ago)13:25
sdschulzeEven Windows shows the individual sound card channels -- why doesn't Ubuntu?!?13:25
bahaa2008sdschulze, duffydack thanks guys for your help13:26
bahaa2008it's done13:26
bahaa2008special thanks to duffydack13:26
JohnHeikkiladid the channel down or something13:27
ranjanhi all13:27
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: Yes, and worst, it removed the hardware-induced mute.13:27
ranjanis there anybody who has successfully implemented asterisk PBX13:27
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: It arbitrarily modifies channels whose purpose it doesn't understand -- that's what I don't like at all.13:29
htorquehello, is there way to retrieve the output of a virtual terminal i'm currently logged in? the info i needed has scrolled off-screen and i can't scroll back.13:29
sdschulzehtorque: Erm, bad luck then, if you haven't logged it anywhere.13:29
ranjanhtorque, use the shift+page up keys13:29
abhinav_singhi am having mysql in my machine i wanna know how to update it13:30
htorqueranjan, that's what i've tried, but it didn't work13:30
sdschulzehtorque: what kind of terminal program13:30
ranjanhtorque, what was the program executed?13:31
htorquesdschulze, getty i guess? it's the standard tty*13:31
htorquesdschulze, i'm using a framebuffer if that's relevant for the shift-pgup thingy13:32
JohnHeikkilaabhinav_singh: You tried apt-get update?13:35
incorrecthello, what causes a machine to appear in nautilus's 'network://' list ?13:38
wielkiszuhi. anyone compiled vim 7.3.3 on ubuntu 10.04 with gtk2 ?13:38
JohnHeikkilawhy don't you install vim from the repos?13:39
ikoniawielkiszu: just use the packaged versions, they are all dependant on each other13:39
wielkiszui need ruby 1.9.2 support13:39
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ikoniaE please stop that13:39
tracy69c please stop it13:40
ikoniatracy69: he's been told13:40
billyhi folks - looking at personal wiki packages - wixi & zim wiki look good - anyone have experience with either or suggestions?13:40
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tracy69no ikonia u have told to E13:40
ikoniatracy69: it's the ssame person13:40
wielkiszuand i'f i remember, 7.2 is in repos still13:40
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bazhang!nickspam > Z13:41
ubottuZ, please see my private message13:41
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adacAm I the only one that experience slow updates/upgrades mean slow download speed13:44
filipekadac, currently not my case13:45
tracy69u can try select best server13:45
filipek1MB/s on 10MBit connection13:45
avi_Hey everyone! So I love Plymouth, but sadly it doesn't like proprietary drivers. So I'd really just like to get rid of it all together. How can I disable it, and just get the standard wall of text style boot?13:45
adactracy69, how to do that?13:45
tracy69filipek,  10mb/s13:45
Kai___Hey hey there, Can someone lend a hand? I'm trying to get Flash Player installed on Firefox, I used sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree and it installed correctly, but it still won't load youtube :(13:45
JohnHeikkilaavi_:apt-get remove plymouth?13:45
tracy69adac software sources13:45
diftowI'm having same issue with Flash13:46
JohnHeikkilaKai___: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer13:46
avi_JohnHeikkila, Wouldn't that give me all sorts of errors?13:46
avi_!details | diftow13:46
ubottudiftow: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:46
tracy69diftow,  everyone has13:46
PiciJohnHeikkila: Please don't suggest that, plymouth is required for the boot process.13:46
JohnHeikkilaavi_: I don't know, just gave the simple thing13:46
Kai___JohnHeikkila, Also installed already; according to the package manager13:46
avi_Yeah :/13:46
JohnHeikkilapici: Okay, sorry, not very familiar with plymouth13:46
Kai___Terminal reports already installed as well13:46
yann2hello! It seems the latest XUL update killed my thunderbird - am I the only one with the problem?13:47
JohnHeikkilaKai___: That's weard.13:47
steve_does anyone know why i would not be able to mount a windows share in gnome but be able to do so via terminal this is sending me insane13:48
Kai___I installed flash BEFORE I did the system upgrade, originally installed was Ubuntu 9.*.* and it has sense been upgraded to 10.*.*13:48
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: If it was possible to locate the code that does the volume settings, it would be not so hard to fix it.13:48
JohnHeikkilaKai___: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/flash13:48
JohnHeikkilasdschulze: But I guess it is :(13:48
Kai___Ah, fair deal.. I am using x82_64 :P13:49
avi_Does anyone think that changing taking the 'splash' out of 'quiet splash' in nano /etc/defaults/grub would fix the problem?13:49
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avi_Actually, I just found the answer http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1505769 Thanks all though.13:50
JohnHeikkilaKai___: Me too13:50
iflemaavi_: remove splash and quiet and add text13:50
avi_iflema, Yup, that's the solution in the thread. Thanks!13:50
BlackBeasthello, i need help13:51
tracy69BlackBeast,  what sort of help do you need?13:52
BlackBeastI have a problem with ubuntu13:52
BlackBeasttracy, well let me explain13:52
tracy69BlackBeast, just ask13:52
JohnHeikkilaBlackBeast: So, what's wrong with your ubuntu?13:52
BlackBeasttracy69: i have windows in my pc, with a Linux OS call Canaima, yesterday i was trying a cd live of ubuntu13:53
tracy69BlackBeast,  and?13:53
BlackBeastso, i try to delete that liu, and install ubuntu, but, in some point, when i reboot13:53
BlackBeastit just say..13:54
BlackBeastwelcome to grb13:54
BlackBeastunknown system13:54
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:54
BlackBeastad some restore13:55
JohnHeikkilathat is weard indeed, it shouldn't say unknown system13:55
janikhi there13:55
JohnHeikkilajanik: Hello13:56
diftowIs this X Window System really old? :P13:56
BlackBeastand when i reboot, i oly can with the cd live.13:56
BlackBeastno, it's vista13:56
awkhi, I have an issue... I have a usb -> com adapter. if I plug it in and do a dmesg I see nothing... any pointers?13:56
ongolaBoyBlackBeast: during the installation, did you choose to 'install GRUB' ?13:56
JohnHeikkilaongolaBoy: He doesn't have Ubuntu installed, but "Canaima"13:57
diftowhttp://fsv.sourceforge.net/ - How would I get this to run in Ubuntu? It is open source for Linux, but old Linux systems I believe.13:57
tracy69BlackBeast,  u had two OSes already installed win and some linux right?13:57
BlackBeastit's say:13:57
ongolaBoyJohnHeikkila: I thought he tried to install ubuntu from his live cd13:57
BlackBeastunkown filesystem13:57
BlackBeastentering rescue mode13:57
JohnHeikkilaongolaBoy: Ohh13:57
janikMigrated from pure Debian SID to Kubuntu, can only say: It's amazing. Kudos for the distro. just wanted to know: why there are sometimes packages marked with "opensuse" in the version line, are they derived from opensuse or made with their builder? why ubuntu does not make own pkgs?13:58
FendarilDoes anyone know how to check my GCC version13:58
tracy69gcc --version13:59
awkor dpkg -l | grep gcc13:59
BlackBeasttracy69: no, i only have windows vista, and that canaima13:59
awkhmm. so nobody know how to setup a usb if it doesnt  automatically get picked up14:02
awkdmesg shows nothing14:02
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Picijanik: Can you give an example of one of the packages that you see that on?14:02
JohnHeikkilaawk: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB14:03
janikPici: yeah, mysql-admin14:03
awkJohnHeikkila, this is a USB -> Com RS-232... If i plug it in I get nothing on dmesg14:04
awkI need this as laptops dont have com ports anymore.14:04
awkit works on windows with its driver.. I really dont want to use vmware just for 1 device14:04
JohnHeikkilagotcha awk http://blog.mypapit.net/2008/05/how-to-use-usb-serial-port-converter-in-ubuntu.html14:05
JohnHeikkilaoh no, that won14:05
iflemaawk plug it in and in a terminal      tail /var/log/messages14:05
Picijanik: Thats actually a sync from debian.  Its version 5.0r14+openSUSE-2.1 in Debian Testing as well.14:06
awkiflema,  I get nothing... however I know USB is working.. as I use other devices14:06
JohnHeikkilawhat about lsusb14:06
Picijanik: The changelog for the mysql-gui-tools source package lists why.14:06
awkjust shows my hub controllers14:07
JohnHeikkilaawk: Copy to pastebin and link here14:07
JohnHeikkilano "---- ----"14:07
iflemaawk no /dev/ttyUSB0 ?14:07
JohnHeikkilaawk: Try sudo modprobe usbserial vendor=0x4348 product=0x552314:07
JohnHeikkilait's hopeless, but might work14:07
sometux_Did anyone face a problem of GPU lockups when playing Penumbra PB: chipset =Intel Mobile 4, driver=i91514:08
ja660khey guys, i need libcv1 to install panda3d game engine, but the apt-get cant find it? what do ?14:08
JohnHeikkilaja660k: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/libcv114:09
awkanyway, thanks14:09
ja660k"this webpage is not available"14:09
JohnHeikkilaja660k: What?!14:10
JohnHeikkilaCan't be O.o14:10
vakhi all14:10
JohnHeikkilaGoogle "libcv1"14:10
JohnHeikkilavak:  Hello!14:10
ja660koh now it works14:11
vakAre there any shell commands to print a message and return a failure error code?14:11
sometux_Do anyone have a solutin for a problem of GPU lockups when playing Penumbra BP: chipset =Intel Mobile 4, driver=i915?14:11
ja660kthanks :)14:11
vaktest -f non_existing_file || echo "Fatal error: file does not exist! Exiting!!"  <== here I'd like to generate an error that will cause a "make" utility to exit.14:11
magguhallo, was muss man bei sendmail noch konfigurieren damit die mail versand wird (mittels php-funtion mail() an meine im php-script hinterlegte mailadresse)14:11
JohnHeikkilamaggu: join #ubuntu-de14:12
tracy69magu konnen sie english sprechen ?14:12
sometux_Do anyone have a solution for a problem of GPU lockups while playing Penumbra BP: chipset =Intel Mobile 4, driver=i915?14:12
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: OK, I can set up GNOME to disable the front speaker, too.  This temporarily solves the problem, though it's not the nicest solution.  I very much prefer the Debian way where it doesn't touch your levers if you don't tell it to do so...14:12
JohnHeikkilaja660k: No problem ;)14:13
JohnHeikkilasdschulze: Ubuntu - Linux for Human Beings!14:13
sometux_Do anyone have a solution for a problem of GPU lockups while playing Penumbra BP: chipset =Intel Mobile 4, driver=i915?14:14
bedahrquick question: Is it true that the package qt-multimedia is not included in 10.10 because it has been merged with another package. If yes, as a packager: If an app depends on qt-multimedia what package should it depend on for the same package to work on both 10.04 and 10.10?14:15
JohnHeikkilasometux_: If nobody knows here, you could make an Ubuntu forum topic about it14:15
tracy69<sometux_> so you have got intel gpu?14:15
hihihi100who can help me to upgrade ALSA?14:15
shredder12does anyone know how to install Xen on Lucid? the help doc seems out dated https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen14:15
hihihi100im stuck with this: http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/14:15
maggusry, hello, what have i to configure in sendmail, that sending mails work (with the php-funktion mail() on the mail-address in the php-script)14:15
sometux_tracy69, yes Intel Mobile 414:15
tracy69<hihihi100> check up #alsa14:15
Picibedahr: Thats probably a better question for #ubuntu-motu or #ubuntu-packaging14:16
bedahrPici: ok thanks14:16
hihihi100tracy69 is that what i have to write in the terminal?14:16
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: I always thought I was a human being...14:16
hihihi100please write the whole command line, as im a noob14:16
JohnHeikkilasdschulze: :)14:16
JohnHeikkilahihihi100: write here on the irc /join #alsa14:17
JohnHeikkilahihihi100: Join the #alsa irc channel for alsa support14:17
hihihi100# alsa14:17
sometux_tracy69,  I have finished more than the half of the game without a problem14:17
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: But I'm kinda disappointed by 10.04.  The sound thing is really something I would not do this way.  Don't try to be worse than Windows.14:17
JohnHeikkilasdschulze: Perhaps it's better to go back to Hardy.14:18
JohnHeikkilahihihi100: Write : "/join #alsa"14:18
sdschulzeThough Debian would be the better option for me.14:18
sometux_tracy69, so do you know about the problem?14:18
JohnHeikkilasdschulze: Perhaps you should get Debian ;)14:18
sometux_tracy69, I have to quit please answer14:19
tracy69Someone67,  my advice14:19
tracy69buy better graphic card14:19
tracy69maybe ati or nvidia14:19
sdschulzeJohnHeikkila: Probably.  Though there are things I [used to] like about Ubuntu, and there is also the "donÃ't hange a running system" barrier.14:19
JohnHeikkilasdschulze:  :)14:20
sometux_tracy69, How I didn't think of that :}14:20
JohnHeikkilaget Nvidia14:20
tracy69Someone67,  intel gpu isnt designed for gaming14:21
JohnHeikkilaMore for..office use14:21
janikPici: thx14:21
sdschulzeIt's just 10.04 tries to do things te Windows way -- only worse and in an exaggerated manner.14:22
sdschulzetracy69: I'd try ATI.  It's slightly more free software-friendly.14:22
econdudeawesomeX has died on my comp. Rest in peace.14:23
JohnHeikkilasdschulze: Ubuntu 11 - The free Windows14:24
sdschulzeIf 10.10 gets even worse, I'll definitely switch to Debian.14:24
JohnHeikkilanever. let's go to #ubuntu-offtopic14:24
bazhang!ot | JohnHeikkila sdschulze14:24
ubottuJohnHeikkila sdschulze: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:24
econdudeawesomeAnyone know how to fix a gnarly screwed up Xserver?14:24
JohnHeikkilaecondudeawesome: Try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg14:25
econdudeawesomeJohnHeikkila: done. I'll give it a go. Probably be back soon.14:26
tw0fac7can i ask for general noob help here or is this delegated to more complex support14:27
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Picitw0fac7: Just ask.14:29
tracy69tw0fac7,  im noob too14:30
tracy69so just ask14:30
econdudeawesomeNo such luck on fixing blasted Xserver. there error says "no kernel modesetting driver detected. Also errors opening /dev/fb014:30
tw0fac7so, what does 'file' do14:31
tw0fac7it doesnt give me any info i understand14:31
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Picitw0fac7: It attempts to figure out what file type your target file is.14:33
magaioDoes anyone have a good duplex document scanner working well?14:33
magaioWith an automatic document feeder?14:33
tw0fac7vmlinuz: symbolic link to `boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-19-generic'14:33
tw0fac7dont get it14:33
JohnHeikkilaecondudeawesome: You here?14:34
econdudeawesomeJohnHeikkila: yes14:34
thebishopanyone know how to make a bootable windows7 usb stick from ubuntu?  i think the only part i'm missing is the bootsector14:34
JohnHeikkiladid it work?14:34
Picitw0fac7: Its a symlink (like a shortcut) to boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-19-generic14:34
tw0fac7ah a shortcut14:34
econdudeawesomeJohnHeikkila: No such luck on fixing blasted Xserver. there error says "no kernel modesetting driver detected. Also errors opening /dev/fb014:34
RanyAlbegHello, is there a way to check a computer name by a given IP number? Thanks.14:34
econdudeawesomeJohnHeikkila: these were the errors I was getting before14:34
JohnHeikkilaare you in a console mode14:35
econdudeawesomeJohnHeikkila: yes14:35
JohnHeikkilaecondudeawesome: run startx14:35
rob_pRanyAlbeg: The 'host' command, perhaps.14:35
econdudeawesomeJohnHeikkila: that's what threw the errors14:35
rob_pRanyAlbeg: ...as in, "host <ip addr>"14:35
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eriksson25Anyone that can help me. Want to add disks to mdadm raid 5, but the disks are bigger then original disks. So I loose alot of space.14:36
JohnHeikkilaecondudeawesome: Are you on a laptop?14:36
econdudeawesomeJohnHeikkila: no, desktop14:36
JohnHeikkilaDo you know your system specs?14:36
econdudeawesomeold old old desktop :-)14:36
eriksson25I have 6*1TB and added 2*2TB but only gained 1,5TB space14:36
JohnHeikkilaecondudeawesome: Lol14:37
econdudeawesomeJohnHeikkila: some, is there a way to look them up quickly?14:37
JohnHeikkilaecondudeawesome: Do you know which graphics driver you are using?14:37
sniperjo_is anyone aware of Firefox on linux being less efficient at playing ogv files14:37
econdudeawesomeJohnHeikkila: haven't the foggiest--how would I check?14:37
SeaOrificeis it possible to instal ?l ns-2 (network simulator) using apt-get14:37
JohnHeikkilaecondudeawesome: sudo apt-get install hardinfo && hardinfo14:38
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JohnHeikkilaSeaOrifice: If you can do apt-get install ns-214:38
lookecondudeawesome: do an lspci in the terminal14:38
lookecondudeawesome: that will give you the hardware in your computer, after which you can down the driver  you need with apt-get14:39
Picieriksson25: Thats how raid 5 works.  You're limited to the smallest drive sizes.14:39
SeaOrificeJohnHeikkila: thats probably not the package name ubuntu uses14:39
eriksson25Will it work to devide up the 2tb disks in 2*1TB partitions and add both partitions so I get 10*1tb14:39
SeaOrificeso is there a way by which i can search14:39
sniperjo_is anyone aware of Firefox on linux being less efficient at playing ogv files14:40
lookSeaOrifice: do an lspci in the terminal <-----14:40
lookSeaOrifice: find the your graphics card, or pastebin it.14:40
Picieriksson25: RAID is independent of parition sizes.  If you add those 2 2tb drives to your existing array you will be limited by the smallest drive size in the array.14:40
wizzlehow to see my own password? because i forget it.14:41
steve_can somebody help me with an error14:41
JohnHeikkilasteve_: Go on14:41
SeaOrificelook : are u sure u refererring me ?14:41
JohnHeikkilakibibyte: Hello14:41
SeaOrificei just asked for ns-214:41
econdudeawesomeJohnHeikkila, look: my problem is that I am running in console mode. Anyway I can make the printout go line by line?14:41
SeaOrificehow is graphics card related to that14:41
hmorelhi thank god some one i need help14:41
kibibytei have ubuntu serer, and i have n grub promt, it just starts immediatly14:41
thesuliban1980Hi I have a installed, half configured package, which I can't configure with dpkg -i configure -a. it hungs. I neither can purge the package. How can I force apt/dpkg to remove forget the half configured packages>?14:41
hmoreli am new14:41
kibibytehow to get grub promt14:41
lookSeaOrifice: i have no idea anymore i just spaced who i was helping......14:42
JohnHeikkilaecondudeawesome: You could do "(command) > filename.txt" then "nano filename.txt"14:42
steve_i am using ubuntu 10.04, and using SMB4k when i click on workgroup it gives me the following error Failed to open /var/lib/samba/secrets.tdb14:42
thesuliban1980btw: hello everyone!14:42
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hmorelcan some one please help me,,,, i am desperate and don't want to go back to windows....14:43
lookso who is have problems with there graphics card driver?14:43
kibibytehmorel, what the problem14:43
JohnHeikkilalook: econdudeawesome14:43
JohnHeikkilaI guess14:43
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JohnHeikkilasteve_: Check if the file exists with "ls /var/lib/samba/secrets.tdb"14:43
hmorelthank you, i have a dell D400 everything is fine but when i close the lid the laptop freezes14:44
JohnHeikkilahmorel:  Because it goes or tries to go into suspend mode14:44
steve_did not return any errors14:44
JohnHeikkilasteve_: So it exists?14:44
JohnHeikkilaCan you find the file?14:45
JohnHeikkilasteve_: I mean can you find the file with file manager (/nautilus)14:45
steve_yep just found the file14:45
hmorelbut i changed the options on the power management and it still does it14:45
JohnHeikkilasteve_: Why on earth can't the samba thing find it then O.o14:46
coz_hmorel,   what is still happening?14:46
steve_thats what im asking lol14:46
JohnHeikkilacoz_: He's PC suspends when he closes the lid14:46
korbcan you guys help me on a tape device ?14:46
korb04:02.0 SCSI storage controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic 53c1030 PCI-X Fusion-MPT Dual Ultra320 SCSI (rev 08)14:46
korb04:02.1 SCSI storage controller: LSI Logic / Symbios Logic 53c1030 PCI-X Fusion-MPT Dual Ultra320 SCSI (rev 08)14:46
JohnHeikkilasteve_: weard14:46
coz_JohnHeikkila, oh!!14:46
korbbut can seem to have it working14:46
JohnHeikkilakorb: What's the problem?14:46
hmorelmy laptop freezes when i close the lid and i am forced to hard turn of14:46
korbno /dev/stX14:46
korbno /dev/tape14:46
coz_hmorel,  sorry I know very little about laptops   I never use them14:46
steve_it says unable to open secrets database14:47
lep-workso...is there anythign special in ubuntu that would keep me from: rm -f /bin/bash14:47
lep-workas root?14:47
JohnHeikkilalep-work: There shouldn't be14:47
lep-workit's giving me operation not permitted14:47
econdudeawesomeJohnHeikkila: apparently my openGL is unknown...14:47
JohnHeikkilaecondudeawesome: O.o14:47
kibibytehmorel, what version of ubuntu you have14:47
econdudeawesomeJohnHeikkila: what info do you need?14:47
korbon /proc/scsi/scsi doesnt shows the tape14:47
lookecondudeawesome: are you on 10.04?14:47
korbusing 10.04 here14:47
coz_lep-work,  mm why do you want to remove bash?14:47
JohnHeikkilalook: He's on console mode, btw14:48
hmorelbecuase 10.4 doesn't work14:48
lookJohnHeikkila: yes i got that14:48
korbJohnHeikkila help pls!14:48
wizzlehow to know my own password?14:48
lep-workcoz_, trying to do a dist upgrade on it and the bash package keeps failing to install saying it can't remove /bin/bash ... I tried to remove it manually as root14:48
econdudeawesomelook: no, I am on 10.10 (started with Lubuntu 10.04, got a similar error, upgraded to 10.10 dev, fixed it until yesterday with an update, tried ubuntu 10.10, now nothing)14:48
lep-workand it's still saying not permitted14:48
kibibytehmorel, whoy 10.04 wont work?14:48
JohnHeikkilakorb: I'm sorry, but I don't know about sambas14:48
korbnot samba14:48
korbtape device14:48
lookecondudeawesome: hmm14:48
handjobHi. Is ther any application that can help user in creation of *.desktop files?14:49
coz_lep-work,   try   gksudo nautilus    maneuver to bin and rename    "bash"  to   " bash.old"14:49
inc0hi, I have problem, I have wifi on wpa2 aes encoding. I'm giving password to networkmanager in gnome, and it doesnt connect14:49
Piciecondudeawesome: 10.10 support is in #ubuntu+1  This may be a known issue that they can help you with.14:49
JohnHeikkilakorb: Ohh, sorry. Don't know about that either14:49
csgeekmy Network Manager applet is missing.. it claims to be running.. but I can't find it.  Running Ubuntu Lucid, 10.0414:49
hmorelwhen isntalling it freezes upon booting,14:49
inc0looks like password is invalid...while it is valid.14:49
JohnHeikkilacsgeek: run "sudo service network-manager start"14:49
lookecondudeawesome: i would recomend that you reinstall with 9.10 and wait till they fix all the driver errors...but do you get grub on start up?14:49
lep-workcoz_, lol there is no x11 on this box...it's a server and I am uid 0 root14:49
coz_lep-work,   oh!!!14:49
lep-workcoz_, it won't let me rename it ... move it ... chmod it ... or delete it14:49
ghoulsbladehi all, is there a way to execute a script automatically when usb stick is plugged in  ?14:49
JohnHeikkilalep-work: Then you shouldn't do "sudo"14:50
econdudeawesomelook: I probably can, I can't remember the shortcut key to bring up the menu14:50
korbcan someone help me on tape device ubuntu 10.04 ?14:50
JohnHeikkilaor should, idk14:50
hmoreli found a thread here but i don't know what to do. please seee  (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1439937)14:50
lookecondudeawesome: if you get grub hold shift during start up and when you get the menu press the 'e' key14:50
korbcan someone help me on tape device ubuntu 10.04 ?14:50
csgeekJohnHeikkila: already running14:50
econdudeawesomelook: that should bring up a console?14:50
coz_lep-work,  mmm   ok  try sudo passwd root   create a root password.... then   su   and login  or    "root"  then log in14:50
econdudeawesomelook I'll give it a shot, brb14:50
censorhi all14:50
lep-workcoz_, http://pastebin.com/GNws37JB14:50
tracy69censor,  hi14:50
jpds!noroot | coz_, fwiw14:50
ubottucoz_, fwiw: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.14:50
lep-workstrangest thing I have ever seen14:51
censori just installed 10.10 desktop amd64, but i can't install openssh-server ?!14:51
lookecondudeawesome: press the e key on your grub install edit at the end of the install line of code at the end to have 'nomodeset'14:51
Picicensor : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Maverick/10.10 support/discussion.14:51
censorpici thanks14:51
lep-workjpds, that's just silly .... you should always set a root password on a server14:51
coz_lep-work,   you can also try    sudo -i  instead of creating a root password14:51
scribawfNeed recommendation for app that will generate slide show & burn Pic(JPG) to DVD to play on conventional DVD player14:51
csgeeknvm.. restart worked.. odd14:51
lep-workcoz_, it has a root password set ... I'm logged in through ssh directly as root14:51
jpdslep-work: Err, no.14:51
coz_lep-work,   yikes14:52
JohnHeikkilacsgeek: jsut a glitch/bug?14:52
coz_lep-work,   i see that14:52
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hmorelplease don't leave me,, i like ubuntu i don't want windows anymore....14:53
JohnHeikkilahmorel: You could reinstall Ubuntu14:53
lep-workI'm about to dump the fs to a file ... mount it on another system...delete /bin/bash and then restore it back over this box on the lvm volume14:53
hmorelno not again i have done it 5 times already14:53
bigfishyi am having problem saving data to my friends wd my world book drive, i have some software he asked me to give him and gave me a his hdd.  Do i require him to change the permission on the drive so i can write to it, or is there a command i can enter into the terminal to allow me to have write access on this external hdd?14:54
lep-workbigfishy, mount |grep media ... find the mount point for the wd hdd ... then ... sudo chmod 777 /media/blah14:54
bodwickhomorel the hibernation doesn't work?14:55
hmorelyes it works14:55
hmorelplease look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143993714:55
JohnHeikkilabodwick: But it freezes14:55
freakynlhi, anyone got vmware server 2.0.2 working on 8.04 32 bit? It seems to start (vmware server that is) but the webinterface for management dies within a minute after starting the services. netstat then still shows the ports are open, but no responses come from it (the 8333 that is, the 8222 keeps redirecting to 8333)14:55
Duke_Harrishey guys, short question: I created a symlink for /home/Desktop/ , but now I don't have any icons on my Desktop although there are  Files in the Target directory. Why is this?14:56
bodwickhmorel freezes on wake-up ?14:56
econdudeawesomelook: no such luck in using repair packages14:56
iurihow do i checkout only one file on git repository?14:56
freakynlDuke_Harris: perhaps because it's /home/username/Desktop14:56
hmorelno when i close the lid14:56
lookecondudeawesome: you left before i was done explaining14:56
econdudeawesomelook: my apologies14:56
Duke_Harrisfreakynl, sorry, i meant ~/Desktop14:56
lookecondudeawesome: press the e key on your grub install edit at the end of the install line of code at the end to have 'nomodeset'14:56
dlublinkSo, is there an easy way to get back the text boot with Tux ? Without recompiling the kernel or changing config files that will be overwritten at the next boot ?14:57
lookecondudeawesome: just choose your regular boot not the rescue14:57
econdudeawesomecan I edit a config file in /etc to do that instead, so I don't have to restart?14:57
freakynlDuke_Harris: i never tried it... only thing I can think of is that the permissions on the target folder are not ok14:57
lep-workcoz_, lol I figured it out ... someone chattr'd that file +i ... it's working now14:57
lookecondudeawesome: no...14:57
econdudeawesome(and lose current connect)14:57
Duke_HarrisWhen I click Desktop in nautilus or in the locationtab in the panel i get the right folder14:57
econdudeawesomelook: Hah, what I meant was so I don't have to restart immediately and lose my support conenction14:58
dandreis there any way to specify the mount point for gvfs-mount?14:58
econdudeawesomelook: so I just add a line at the end that says "nomodeset"?14:58
zmyhello everyone!14:59
JohnHeikkilazmy: Hey14:59
bodwickhmorel install available closed drivers and if you already use nvidia or fglrx try some other version form vendor's site14:59
lookecondudeawesome: you should be able to boot just fine after that. but if that does not work then you might have to just reinstall...14:59
babu__evince is not working...wat to do15:00
babu__evince is not working...wat to do15:00
JohnHeikkilababu__: A bit more details please15:00
Duke_Harrisfreakynl, could this hav anything to do with localization (because I'm using a German Ubuntu) ?15:00
warcrycould someone tell me how to use alsamixer in ubuntu, please?15:00
bodwickbabu_ xpdf, acroread .. but what's the problem with evince ?15:00
lookbabu__: if you explain what happened or any errors you get we can help you much better15:00
babu__none of the document is opening wit evince15:01
hmorelsorry i am so upset that i posted the wrong thread can someone here please go here and tell me what i need to do,   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58280215:01
hmorelor at least how to do it15:01
lookbabu__: left click and choose open with15:02
lookbabu__: you can then choose the program you want that file to be opened with15:02
lookbabu__: have fun15:02
freakynlDuke_Harris: no clue sorry... i only use english :)15:02
Duke_Harrisfreakynl, thanks anyway15:02
bodwickhmorel sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:03
babu__i tried......but document is not opening15:03
hmorelwhat does that mean?15:03
JohnHeikkilababu__: So You cannot open a document?15:03
capitoneciao a tutti15:04
JohnHeikkilababu__: What kind of document?15:04
bodwickhmorel paste it in a terminal15:04
bodwickhmorel the post says to edit xorg.conf .. to det i810 gfx driver15:04
freakynlDuke_Harris: if you store a file on the desktop, does it show up somewhere?15:05
JohnHeikkilababu__: Evince is for viewing PDF, slideshows, etc15:05
hmorelokay so where do i find the terminal15:05
bodwickhmorel  as said in that psot try to add Option "ForceEnablePipeA" "true" to device section15:05
freakynlhmorel: ctrl+alt+f1 has a very big one15:06
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bodwickhmorel accesories -> terminal ?15:06
detbodwick, im not a verb, buddy15:07
babu__reply me15:07
JohnHeikkilababu__: What115:07
Duke_Harrisfreakynl, when i create a file on the desktop it shows up in the directory. But not vice versa15:07
babu__i'm not able to view pdf docs wit evince...........r u clear...i'm shouting for this problem for so15:08
freakynlDuke_Harris: hmm odd, maybe it doesn't like the permissions on the target directory. If you log off and back on now, does it still show the file you created on the desktop?15:09
JohnHeikkilababu__: Do you have to open them with evince? Can't you use any other programs?15:09
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babu__i want evince only..other is not as good as evince15:10
Duke_Harrisfreakynl, I got the tipp in #gnome to use ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs instead of a symlink, gonna try that15:10
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freakynlDuke_Harris: yea that might be better... although symlinks exist for a reason :D15:10
Gofhello,  i am trying to install icc on ubuntu 9.10 64bit.  and the installer complains about some missing 32bit libraries (namely glibc, libgcc and libstdc++5)    how can i install those?15:12
JohnHeikkilaGof: You can't, You would need Ubuntu 9.10 32 bit15:12
GofJohnHeikkila: i only have a 64bit version of ICC15:13
estragibDuke_Harris: if all else fails, you can use mount --bind to mount a dir there15:13
erdnaseGood day. I installed wine and all. And on my windows, I installed visual basic on ProgramFiles. But when I browse my C:/Program Files here in my ubuntu, I can't see my installed Visual Studio, only Internet explorer. >_>15:13
hmorelokay so i opened the terminal and added (sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf) then a blank screen came up.. what am i to do next15:14
xanderdnase: wine doesn't use your windows c: drive, it uses its own one15:14
bodwickerdnase install visual studio on ubuntu ?15:14
JohnHeikkilaerdnase: Wine's C:/ is a virtual one, not the real one15:14
g0hi, in gparted, where exactly on the disk the left most partition written?15:14
Duke_Harrisestragib, thanks, gonna try that too15:14
erdnasebodwick, oh, i can install it on ubuntu.. i didn't know, thanks.15:14
g0how do I get a partition to be written on the outer edge of the hard disk?15:14
erdnaseJohnHeikkila, Oooh, thanks man. Thank you too xand.15:15
erdnaseSo that means I can completely ditch windows. Thanks again.15:15
g0i know that this increases speed of access.15:15
warcryhow can i use alsamixer on ubuntu?15:16
xandwarcry: just run it?15:16
warcryxand, it does not work15:16
xandwhy not?15:17
warcry"cannot open mixer"15:17
warcryit says that since ubuntu karmic15:17
doobehI've got a corrupted partition-- ubuntu thinks it's FAT16 but it should be NTFS, are there any drive tools that I can use to read the partition as a different filesystem? (so it mounts as ntfs, readonly is just fine)15:18
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warcrydoobeh, simply mount15:18
bodwickerdnase http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=89215:18
elektrg0: don't think there is an easy way to know where on the disk a block is located15:18
warcrybut you have to specify the filesystem15:18
yggdrasilhow do i switch from chrome being my default browser to firefox?15:18
warcry-t ntfs-3g15:18
doobehwarcry: ahh, okay-- I'll give that a go, thanks :)15:19
warcryxand, do u know something about the mixer problem?15:19
JohnHeikkilayggdrasil: Open firefox, click Edit-->Preferences/ settings15:19
hmoreli need someone to work with me?15:19
rene_leyvaHola a todos, buenos días en México y Latino América, buenas tardes en Europa y resto del mundo, jejejeje15:20
JohnHeikkilayggdrasil: Then..15:20
yggdrasilJohnHeikkila: yes ?15:20
g0elektr: i have an empty 500gig disk now, which is the best order of partitions to get max performance? can there be such a thing as best order of partitons? :P15:20
Pici!es | rene_leyva15:20
ubotturene_leyva: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:20
warcryrene_leyva, hola, pero este irc es en inglés15:20
JohnHeikkilayggdrasil: click the last tab15:20
JohnHeikkilayggdrasil: Additional settings or something15:20
elektrg0: could be different from drive to drive15:20
yggdrasilahh got it15:20
JohnHeikkilayggdrasil: Then you should see a "System defaults" or something15:20
yggdrasildidnt see it had tabs15:20
rene_leyvaok, si es lo que estoy viendo, aúnque le entiendo al inglés pero aunque fuese el primer irc quise saludar15:21
yggdrasilthats been pissine mge off for a few weeks15:21
yggdrasilchrome is ok , but i like to have all my tabs open in the same browser15:21
hmorelhow do  i add a source code15:22
warcryno one knows about alsamixer cannot open mixer problem...15:22
lookyggdrasil: Chromium is nice to15:22
JohnHeikkilalook: I agree.15:22
yggdrasilit is15:22
yggdrasilbut ill stick with ff.15:22
GNu_Joe<yggdrasil> Wow I use to run you as my first Linux back in 199815:23
warcryso, i will rm all ubuntu becase i can not rise the volume15:23
JohnHeikkilawarcry: What?!15:23
warcryJohnHeikkila, i can't rise the sound volume15:24
=== Goonhost is now known as JimBoogie
warcryJohnHeikkila, because alsamixer simply does not work15:24
kallethhey, i restarted my ubuntu box and x is now failing to start, and in addition it's not showing any output on the monitor whatsoever15:24
warcryneither amixer15:24
JohnHeikkilawarcry: I.i15:24
JohnHeikkilawarcry: What about gnome-volume-control15:24
kallethit says fatal server error, no screens found15:24
warcryalso it does not work15:25
warcrygnome-volume-control controls pulseaudio15:25
warcrypulseaudio works great, the problem is in alsa15:25
JohnHeikkilaso I have pulseaudio :/15:25
JohnHeikkilawarcry: Why don't you use pulseaudio?15:25
warcry(pulseaudio works over alsa)15:25
warcryI use pulseaudio!15:25
wscpchello,I from china.15:25
Loneclockhello, I am from china.15:26
wscpci'm sorry.thank you!15:26
warcryJohnHeikkila, using pulseaudio you don't stop using alsa. the only different is that mixing is managed by pulseaudio, and not by alsa directly15:26
wscpcWhat nationality are you?15:26
wscpcAre you American?15:27
RoastedDoes anybody here have an ATI video card? If so, do you have ANY video tearing? I'm beginning to wonder if I should get rid of my Nvidia card since I cannot avoid video tearing no matter what I do.15:27
=== Putr is now known as Putr|Away
giffyDoes anyone know how I can enable 'full screen' youtube on Lucid?  I tried to put "OverrideGPUValidation = 1" in /etc/adobe/mms.cfg, but that still brings up videos that are not exactly full screen.15:27
tracy69Roasted, i have15:27
JohnHeikkilawarcry: Oh, right15:27
SmallR2002Roasted: how old is the card?15:27
tracy69and i dont have any problems with ati card15:27
RoastedSmallR2002, about a year and a half.15:27
SmallR2002Roasted: i've had no end of issues with ati15:27
Roastedtracy69, you have an ATI and no video tearing? Likewise you too SmallR2002 ??15:27
warcryi had serious problems with an ati cards15:28
tracy69Roasted, i have ati hd485015:28
warcryit is a matter of luck o.o15:28
JohnHeikkila!om | wscpc15:28
RoastedI know ATI used to suck hardcore, but I heard they have made things exponentially better than before.15:28
* look hated 10.04 so much because of the graphics card problems15:28
JohnHeikkila!offtopic | wscpc15:28
ubottuwscpc: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:28
SmallR2002i have ati, but i've always had issues with drivers till the last few releases15:28
boywonderhi,can anyone please give me a pointer onto how to run ubuntu from a usb stick( as an installed os)?15:28
warcry10.04 did not worked with my other ati radeon 3200hd15:28
SmallR2002boywonder: look into unetbootin15:29
JohnHeikkilaboywonder: Have you installed Ubuntu on an USB stick yet=15:29
warcry(with fglrx, i say)15:29
RoastedMy nvidia works great - EXCEPT video tearing... sucks when watching movies... and makes me wonder if I need to throw XP or osmething on my HTPC if Ubuntu can't handle it due to tearing.15:29
BiG-MHello, well i am new to ubuntu, so i want to know about if i could make hdd partitions like window and like i m used to install windows on C drive every time this shitt got corrupted or something like that, thanks alot!15:29
SmallR2002Roasted: from experience latest build of catalyst is the only way to handle ati15:29
qqqYes i have.15:29
warcrywhat is video tearing!15:29
boywondersmall im not talking about runnning uder try?15:29
=== Putr|Away is now known as Putr
SmallR2002Roasted: what are you using for video playing?15:29
Roastedwarcry, during action scenes if you notice a ripple going through the screen horizontally, that's video tearing.15:29
RoastedSmallR2002, mostly VLC - but I've tried everything.15:29
SmallR2002Roasted: with vdpau you shouldn't have issues15:29
warcryah, i notice it also15:29
boywonderopps sorrry for not hitting tab there SmallR200215:29
warcryi use nvidia with a VGA monitor15:30
Roastedwarcry, sorry to hear that - but I'm in the same boat. I use a nvidia with two dvi monitors, both tear.15:30
SmallR2002Roasted: my dad runs a three year old nvidia card using vdpau and gets perfect 1080p output15:30
warcrybut only when using it heavily15:30
Juggalo_Xanyone know how to get the displays mirrored on a laptop on docking station and an external monitor with the nvidia drivers. this is driving me insane15:30
RoastedSmallR2002, never heard of vdpau... what is this??15:30
Juggalo_Xthere is no mirror option15:30
boywonderJohnHeikkila,  i just did15:30
kallethhey, does anyone know where ubuntu/gnome puts its xorg.conf so i can try and fix my x not starting problem?15:30
SmallR2002Roasted: look at xbmc's docs on it15:31
SmallR2002boywonder: look into debootstrap then15:31
warcryvsync does not fix video tearing?15:31
RoastedSmallR2002, ahhhhhhh xbmc. xbmc is what I was going to use for my HTPC too...15:31
Roastedwarcry, for me? No. :(15:31
SmallR2002boywonder: be careful with grub though15:31
JohnHeikkilakalleth: /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:31
SmallR2002Roasted: xbmc is very nice15:31
RoastedThe only thing that helps video tearing is if I launch gnome shell, which the only reason that helps is because its refresh rate or something is half of the regular gnome session.15:31
kallethJohnHeikkila: that file doesn't exist :(15:31
kallethits gone15:31
boywonderyer ive been experiencing the newb grub disease!15:31
kallethi rebooted today and my X wouldn't start at all, and i'm getting no output on my screen15:31
RoastedSmallR2002, I LOVE XBMC. Ill use it whether Im on XP or Ubuntu. I just want to use Ubuntu for myHTPC if possible.15:32
JohnHeikkilakalleth: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:32
RoastedSmallR2002, is this thing built into xbmc?15:32
SmallR2002Roasted: look into their docs for getting nvidia/vdpau working15:32
JohnHeikkilaHold SHIFT at your PC's startup,, then select the recovery mode and go to the root console15:33
RoastedSmallR2002, does this not work with ati?15:33
SmallR2002Roasted: vdpau is a video handling api for graphics cards15:33
SmallR2002Roasted: nope15:33
JohnHeikkilakalleth: Hold SHIFT at your PC's startup,, then select the recovery mode and go to the root console15:33
kallethose, John :)15:33
JohnHeikkilakalleth: then do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:33
kalleth*i shall try those15:33
SmallR2002Roasted: it's basically a way to pass video straight to the gpu for decoding and displaying, it gives you great output15:33
JohnHeikkilakalleth: After that, do "startx"15:33
warcryRoasted, i have no video tearing disabling compiz15:33
JohnHeikkila*run "startx"15:34
lookkalleth: you need to rm the xorg.conf before reconfigure15:34
yslyxqysli regret upgrading my ubuntu to 10.10 beta15:34
RoastedSmallR2002, nice, nice. I was thinking this was a stand alone video program, like vlc or something.15:34
Roastedwarcry, I'm pretty sure I still did. But it sucks ca use I use docky so I need the compositing.15:34
SmallR2002Roasted: it takes a lot of latency out15:34
kallethlook: that won't be a problem i can't find an xorg.conf anywhere on disk15:34
warcryi know...15:34
lookkalleth: oh then reconfigure should fix it just fine15:34
bigfishyi am having problem saving data to my friends wd my world book drive, i have some software he asked me to give him and gave me a his hdd.  Do i require him to change the permission on the drive so i can write to it, or is there a command i can enter into the terminal to allow me to have write access on this external hdd?15:34
kallethwhich is strange as it was working perfectly prior to reboot15:34
warcrythat and other thing could be fixed when nvidia drivers use KMS15:34
lookbigfishy: fdisk -l15:35
lookbigfishy: find the driver should be either /dev/sdb or sdc15:35
RoastedSmallR2002, but if I go the ATI route, I can't use this - however you said catalyst is pretty bangin for ATI?15:35
dpac_yslyxqysl: Why, what bad did it do?15:35
SmallR2002Roasted: i get good fps on games but it seems to give worse video out than an older nvidia card15:35
lookbigfishy: after which create a mount point 'sudo mkdir /dev/sdh1'15:36
RoastedSmallR2002, tearing, even with catalyst?15:36
Archana_I will get my new laptop delivered tomorrow , dell withOUT win seven preinstalled B-). 320 gb of new harddisk. I have never partitioned a fresh harddisk before. I won't use win 7 for now but i may install it in the future. I just need some help on how to set up partitions... (logical, extended, primary) .. Just some ideas please??15:36
yslyxqyslnautilus is the most terrible in 10.10 beta15:36
Piciyslyxqysl : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Maverick/10.10 support/discussion.15:36
Johnmrename u7_ u7_fb15:36
tracy69Roasted, what card do you have?15:36
SmallR2002Roasted: maybe because i'm a long term nvidia fan and haven't used the correct settings, it appears in high action scenes at around the 720/1080 area15:36
Roastedtracy69, nvidia 9600gt15:36
zbakahi, how can i do recursive grep in all files , that ens either with .pl or .pm?15:36
lookbigfishy: then mount the drive at that point 'mount /dev/<your drive /dev/sdh1'15:36
kallethlook/JohnHeikkila: i've run the reconfigure but there's still no xorg.conf anywhere15:36
warcrytearing does not bother me, but if it did, i would activate vsync on xorg15:36
dpac_yslyxqysl: Is it elementary nautilus?15:36
kalleththere's an xorg.conf.d folder in /usr/lib/X1115:36
kallethbut that doesn't contain any either15:37
Roastedspeaking of elementary nautilus - how do I remove it?15:37
lookbigfishy: should let your wright to it now15:37
lookRoasted: why?15:37
tracy69Roasted,  i have ati hd4850 latest catalyst and everything work perfect no problems with compiz etc etc even able to check gpu load and temp15:37
warcryi prefer 60 fps little teared that 20 slow beatiful fps15:37
Roastedlook, I'm just curious how to remove it.15:37
Roastedtracy69, no tearing?15:37
SmallR2002docky or awn? i recently made my wife's new pc look like a mac, maybe i should have used docky instead of awn15:37
RoastedSmallR2002, docky and awn are both very similar.15:38
tracy69nothing everything perfect15:38
lookRoasted: well you could probably use 'sudo apt-get uninstall nautilus' <--- but i don't know why you would15:38
Roastedlook, I did that in synaptic, and it wanted to remove ubuntu-desktop with it.15:38
Roastedin fact I think awn doesnt require compositing to run...15:38
lookRoasted: ...http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-105517.html15:38
SmallR2002Roasted: if i were you i'd run a custom distro for the htpc15:39
SmallR2002Roasted: roll your own using debootstrap maybe?15:39
RoastedSmallR2002, what for?15:39
rmatteHi, I have a server running Ubuntu Server 10.04... while it's booting it just suddenly stops (right after it complains about the lat0-sun16 font), I have to hit escape to get it to continue booting.  Has anyone seen this issue before?15:39
SmallR2002Roasted: so it's slim and you know that libbigrandomglpackage-0 isn't sitting somewhere and using opengl when you don't want it too15:40
rmatteI have a few other servers that were made from the same VM image and boot perfectly fine15:40
rmattenot sure what's causing this15:40
warcrywhat distro should i try?15:40
RoastedSmallR2002, which one would you recommend for that?15:40
SmallR2002i use xbmc w/o a window manager15:40
JohnHeikkilawarcry: lucid15:40
kallethJohnHeikkila: i've restarted it holding shift, found the grub bootloader, tried to start both of the kernels installed (24 and 26) in recovery mode15:40
kallethJohnHeikkila: but both of them black screen after they get to a certain stage on boot15:40
JohnHeikkilakalleth: And?15:40
warcryi am using mint, based on lucid15:40
SmallR2002Roasted: either use the live cd from xbmc (ubuntu based) or roll your own distro from lucid15:40
RoastedSmallR2002, my plan was to have auto login + xbmc auto start, so you wouldnt really know what OS it is.15:41
warcryand today, i have no sound15:41
kallethJohnHeikkila: i can ssh to the machine fine, but i'm not getting any output on the monitor at all15:41
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)15:41
JohnHeikkilakalleth: So did you wait a while or try CTRL+ALT+F1 and F715:41
warcrymint is 99% lucid15:41
janisozaurI have a source for a project, which I've built. Using "sudo checkinstall" I've created a deb package, but only the "primary" was created and no -dev. how can I also provide -dev package?15:41
kallethJohnHeikkila: i've been mashing various keyboard combinations without success for the last 20 minutes :)15:41
kallethJohnHeikkila: obviously that's not all i've been doing, but :P15:41
SmallR2002Roasted: the one i have for my dad is based off of gentoo, but that was partially because he had such an awesome system i had to use it to compile something ;p15:41
kallethJohnHeikkila: just tried it again, and no response :(15:41
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
Roastedhahaha very nice15:42
JohnHeikkilakalleth: Very weard15:42
janisozaurwarcry, if it's 99% lucid, why use it instead of lucid?15:42
Piciwarcry: Mint is still not supported here. Please use their support channel:  #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:42
warcryjanisozaur, to give it a try15:42
janisozaurwarcry, ah, ok15:43
kallethJohnHeikkila: I think i've narrowed down the issue by looking at the log files to -something- to do with the kernel update ubuntu installed not playing nicely with the version of the nouveau drivers its using15:43
warcryand because ambiance theme from lucid makes artifacts on nvidia cards15:43
kallethJohnHeikkila: but i need to see an xorg.conf to fix that, and i can't find an xorg.conf on any of the disk15:43
janisozaur!fr | gougoutou15:43
ubottugougoutou: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:43
lookkalleth: not even in /etc?15:43
kallethlook: not in /etc, not in /etc/X11, not anywhere15:44
kalleththere is no file on the disk called xorg.conf15:44
kallethi've done an updatedb | locate xorg.conf and nothing15:44
lookkalleth: did you do the reconfigure?15:44
JohnHeikkilakalleth: That's why you need dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:44
warcrylistening music is horrible u.u15:44
kallethlook:  yes15:45
lookthen the xorg.conf should be there.15:45
kallethaaaaah, h e left :(15:45
kallethlook: OK, i'll try it one more time15:45
RoastedDoes anybody else have any issues with nautilus where if you save a samba network location on the left pane, it renames it to smb so when you have 10 of them you have NO clue whats waht till you mount it?15:45
veeany1 know a simple way to add a repository to /etc/apt/sources.list from shell. i googled but i didnt get niether sed nor awk to work15:45
janisozaurvee, add-apt-repository15:45
janisozaur!repositories | vee15:46
DARK_SKYhey, can someone help me?15:46
ubottuvee: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories15:46
SmallR2002Roasted: that's a bad error15:46
Picikalleth: That won't create an xorg.conf file.  Use « sudo Xorg -configure » to create a new one.15:46
RoastedSmallR2002, bad error... ? anything I can do?15:46
veejanisozaur thx15:46
AndrewMC!ask | DARK_SKY15:46
ubottuDARK_SKY: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:46
warcryfedora looks great... but i don't want to wire my computer to the router every time i want to upgrade to a newer version15:47
kallethPici: thanks, that looks better15:47
JimBoogievee, why dont you just "nano /etc/apt/sources.list" then add them in the .list that way15:47
hsrHow to enable 'Speak Document' feature in Okular?15:47
kallethPici: even if its failed :(15:47
SmallR2002Roasted: i can just see really bad accidents happening as a result15:47
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powerinsideI am having problems with dual screen setup on my kubuntu 10.04. The extended screen and my screen flickers every time I move my mouse or type.. something to do with refresh rate i suppose?15:48
RoastedSmallR2002, bad accidents... as a result of what? that Im doing something wrong?15:48
DARK_SKYI just upgraded to 10.4 and cant figure out how to shut down the pc15:48
Zeu5hi there, i appear to have missing plugin for reading pdf in my browsers chrme and firefox. how do i resolve this ? do i actually need to install adonbe reader? or just a plugin?15:48
KritoslapWhat's with ubuntu updates? Made my wine crashy, system unstable...:|15:48
kallethPici / look : Xorg -configure failed with (EE) [drm] No DRICreatePCIBusID symbol, then saying Number of created screens does not match number of detected devices.15:48
kallethany ideas?15:48
Putrhi! I just migrated to ubuntu on all my computers. And i LOVE it. One thing tho. I used winamp on win to manage my music libary. What is a good alternative in ubuntu?15:48
veejimboogie i was curious about howto access files without opening an editur15:48
hsrPutr: Amarok15:49
kallethPutr: i use qmmp or rhythmbox15:49
KritoslapPutr,  You can try Amarok15:49
KritoslapRhythmbox is cool too ;)15:49
Putrwow :) I quess i'll have to try them all :D15:49
Putrthanks guys!15:49
veeputr: xmms15:49
SmallR2002Roasted: rm /home/fred/mounts/smb/*15:49
hsrHow to enable 'Speak Document' feature in Okular?15:49
SmallR2002Roasted: i predict bad mistakes as a result of something like that :p15:50
kallethPutr: qmmp (xmms, basically) can use winamp themes15:50
kallethjust fyi15:50
veexmms is a lookalike why is it not recommended ?15:50
goldenfoxkalleth: that's cool15:50
powerinsideHi, does anyone know how to adjust refresh rate of a dual screen config?15:50
nouseDARK_SKY There should be an icon in the top right of your desktop.  Looks like a circle with a line through it.15:50
RoastedSmallR2002, I'm still slightly confused on what you're referring to. Are you predicting bad mistakes as a result of me adding shortcuts in nautilus on the left pane to popular network places (samba shares) I frequently navigate to?15:50
hsrDARK_SKY: Did you try Ctrl+Alt+Del to logout and login back?15:50
SmallR2002Roasted: if they're all named the same, yup15:50
RoastedSmallR2002, they're not - they're different file servers.15:51
PutrO and a nother thing. I'll be connecting 2 screens at work. How hard is it to connect to screens on ubuntu (i'm quessing easy as pie, but i better ask)15:51
SmallR2002Roasted: weren't they all coming up as15:51
SmallR2002Roasted: weren't they all coming up as 'smb'?15:51
elektrkalleth: which gfx card?15:51
RoastedSmallR2002, not when they're mounted.15:51
RoastedSmallR2002, if I would reboot and open home dir, I'd just see smb smb smb smb smb.15:51
SmallR2002that's just weird15:51
veecan any1 give an hint on a good guide to shell scripting, a basic guide15:51
RoastedSmallR2002, once I mount them it renames them to the location.15:51
kallethelektr: its an nvidia...er.. something15:51
RoastedSmallR2002, problem is when I have 12 of them, I have no clue which smb is which...15:51
kallethelektr: i think its an FXsomethingorother15:52
SmallR2002vee: google has some good ones15:52
DARK_SKYThere isnt such icon, so I guess I'll try the other, 10x guys15:52
SmallR2002Roasted: that's kinda sucky15:52
RoastedSmallR2002, besides, there's no /home/fred/mounts folder anyway :P15:52
elektrkalleth: possibly relevant: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.linux.debian.user/38119915:52
nouseDARK_SKY, open up a terminal and type 'sudo poweroff'15:52
hsrDARK_SKY: Try to login  back and you can also try to repai broken packages from recovery mode15:53
ElectronHi guys, it is possible to install ubuntu to specific partition? for example I have got c: d: u: drive, I wanna install ubuntu on u: drive, how to do that?15:53
SmallR2002Roasted: i think my ftp share gets mounted somewhere _physical_15:53
hsrDARK_SKY: else sudo poweroff15:53
hsrDARK_SKY: as nouse said15:53
CkhiKuzadare there any modifications for the software center in 10.04 so that when it is installing one program after it finished downloading, the second queued program will start downloading during the install?15:54
pie_timePutr, what did you want?15:55
CkhiKuzadit bothers me that i could mass download and install a lot of programs in 9.04 in less than 10 minutes, but now it takes a half hour for the same amount15:55
warcryCkhiKuzad, that is dpkg stuff15:55
warcrybut i thought it was fixed15:56
vlatkoCan anyone help me15:56
hsrHello! Anyone uses Okular here for pdf file viewing??15:56
tracy69vlatko,  sure15:56
vlatkoI have Empathy IM Client but I cant use my Camera15:56
coz_hsr,  I did on my last install   let me install it now hold on15:56
hsr!ask |vlatko15:56
ubottuvlatko: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:56
warcryvlatko, i dont use empathy, but you should tell what protocol you use (xmpp, msn...)15:57
=== faizul is now known as root_
janisozaur!anyone | hsr15:57
ubottuhsr: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:57
coz_hsr,  ok installed15:57
=== root_ is now known as faizul
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
warcrydoes empathy support MSN video?15:58
hsrjanisozaur: Refer back what my first question was on the same issue.15:58
janisozaurhsr, given that your message started with "hello" I've assumed there was no previous question15:58
hsrcoz_: Can you see "Speak whole document feature" from the menu bar?15:58
X_oi have a question about mozilla15:58
X_oFirefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (apt) isn't associated with any program.15:58
coz_hsr,  let me check hold on15:59
hsrjanisozaur: Great assumption!15:59
coz_hsr,  I dont see it there15:59
hsrjanisozaur: This was my previous question - How to enable 'Speak Document' feature in Okular?15:59
hsrcoz_: Its in Tools16:00
Keal#defocus on Freenode is pretty much the pinnacle of 1984. The rules confine people discussing only small talk and tech issues. Every time anything with deeper meaning than such is brought up or any sincere emotion is shown outside the bounds of strictly what is expected of people, the individuals are found at fault and devoiced in-order to be re-educated in their own sense of self-worth towards16:00
Kealan end-justifies-the-means of devaluation.16:00
coz_hsr,  I do see it under tools .however it is greyed out at this point16:00
Keal..in their own sense of self-worth towards an end-justifies-the-means of devaluation.16:00
hsrcoz_: same here. how to enable it?16:01
X_ohow i can fix this error I have to tried to update my flash on ubuntu ? Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (apt) isn't associated with any program.16:01
coz_hsr,  let me check hold on16:01
hsrcoz_: which is what my basic question is16:01
hsrcoz_: yeah16:01
GneaX_o: what address?16:01
KealIs anyone working on a white power theme browser called "Nazilla" yet?16:01
GneaKeal: what for?16:02
Gnea!flash | X_o16:02
ubottuX_o: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash16:02
GneaX_o: check that, you're doing it wrong16:02
janisozaurhsr, coz_ maybe check package suggestions (apt-cache show okular | grep -i suggests)16:02
NAJIis there any wiican irc?? i need help with wiican on ubuntu!!16:02
lee909what's the channel for italian chat?16:02
jpdslee909: #ubuntu-it16:02
iceroot!it | lee90916:02
ubottulee909: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:02
hsrX_o: apt addresses start with apt://16:02
NAJIis there any wiican irc?? i need help with wiican on ubuntu!!16:03
hsrX_o: check application settings for mozilla16:03
iceroothsr: with deb http://16:03
X_ohsr i did it16:03
hsrX_o: Sorry deb http://16:03
GneaKeal: racism doesn't need to exist, we don't support that here.16:03
hsriceroot: Thanks :)16:03
hsrX_o: What options were present for apt?16:03
X_ook hsr16:04
hsrjanisozaur: ya..16:04
Gneahsr: I think you missed it - he's trying to install from the website, not from the repository16:04
X_oI did it and I have the same mess Firefox doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (apt) isn't associated with any program16:04
NAJIis there any wiican irc?? i need help with wiican on ubuntu!!16:05
X_ohsr I didn't received any option16:06
CkhiKuzadNAJI: wicca is a religion. ubuntu is an OS, and religious questions are not technical support.16:06
hsrX_o: Is this the link you eventually wish to open - apt:adobe-flashplugin?channel=$distro-partner16:07
hsriceroot: apt:adobe-flashplugin?channel=$distro-partner16:07
coz_hsr,   see if  KTTS  is available on the system16:07
hsrcoz_:Is that a package?16:07
GneaNAJI: you'll have to add a PPA16:08
coz_hsr,   yes  kttsd  must be installed for the speak options in okular to be enabled16:08
NAJIi said wiican16:08
hsrcoz_:hold on16:08
GneaCkhiKuzad: please learn how to read. he said wiican, not wican.16:08
NAJIit is a software!!16:08
vu1kanCkhiKuzad: wiican is a prog to use wiimotes in ubuntu16:08
hsrX_o: hold on16:08
NAJIit helps configuring wiimote easily!!16:08
SmallR2002i thought CkhiKuzad was rather funny16:08
coz_hsr,   so  sudo apt-get install kttsd16:08
NAJIi installed it16:09
CkhiKuzadSmallR2002, i wasn't trying to be funny. it was a misunderstanding16:09
NAJIGnea, it is installed, it just won't detect my wiimote16:09
NAJIGnea,whereas wmgui detects it!!16:09
GneaNAJI: you should contact the wiican authors then16:09
SmallR2002CkhiKuzad: i gave you an opportunity to turn it into a joke :p16:09
GneaNAJI: https://launchpad.net/~wiicanteam16:10
^APOLOGIZE^Ciauz a tutti che mi odorono di  #ubuntu16:10
GneaSmallR2002: drop it.16:10
CkhiKuzadand Gnea, a misunderstanding does not entitle you to insult me. that was unnecessarily rude.16:10
X_ohsr ok16:10
hsrX_o: huh?16:10
GneaCkhiKuzad: you can drop it, too.16:10
tracy69CkhiKuzad, what happen?16:10
X_ohsr you tell me hold on16:10
coz_hsr,  that packages does indeed  enable the speech funtions .. I just tested16:10
SmallR2002Gnea: woah, chill... i was just being jovial and friendly, no offence intended to anyone16:11
hsrX_o: yeah.. i am seeing16:11
Gnealet's stay on topic here.16:11
hsrcoz_: Thanks.. could you assist me on X_o problem?16:11
NAJIGnea, could i have their irc??16:11
CaptainCanuckanyone know when a full version of skype would be avaliable?16:11
tracy69Gnea,  youre right16:11
GneaNAJI: I gave you the website.16:11
NAJIi cannot find it!!16:11
coz_hsr,  let me scroll back16:11
CkhiKuzadGnea, how about we keep it civil? there is no reason to be a rude SOB to people.16:11
GneaNAJI: maybe they don't have one... all of their info is on the website.16:11
hsrcoz_:hold on.. i'll tell16:12
hsrcoz_: apt:adobe-flashplugin?channel=$distro-partner16:12
GneaCkhiKuzad: this is your last warning.16:12
hsrcoz_: try to open this16:12
magguhello i want to configure postfix, what is here wrong http://paste.org/pastebin/view/22189 ?16:12
hsrcoz_: It should directly open the package manger to install but X-o says firefox is not opening rather unable to find any application to open16:13
coz_X_o,   that link is for getdeb16:13
hsrcoz_: No its not16:13
NAJIGnea, there is no irc on that16:13
NAJIGnea, okay16:13
NAJIGnea, thanks16:14
hsrcoz_: What did you see after clicking it?16:14
ThinWhiteDukehow do i make ubuntu listen for a port16:14
hsrcoz_: getdeb.. how?16:14
ThinWhiteDukei'm trying to open a port then test it16:14
coz_hsr,   oh? mm  seems this is the same issue I have seen when others have used  getdeb  .... I see a pop up with "apturl"  and it wants an application chosen16:14
X_ocoz no I'm tried to download from flash webside but my apt is authorize  some thing like that16:14
GneaCkhiKuzad: it would behoove many of us if you'd google something that looks a little off-beat instead of assuming that it's something that it may not purport to be, you may find you'll get better feedback in the future by doing so. I did not mean to be insulting, I only meant to point out that we try to not jump to conclusions around here.16:15
coz_X_o,  understood.... are you not able to install  ubuntu-restricted-extras?16:15
X_oi did it16:15
coz_X_o,   ok16:15
X_obbut doesn't work16:15
coz_X_o,   mm16:15
SmallR2002you know, i really do love gnu ddrescue16:15
CkhiKuzadGnea, and what exactly is going to happen after it? you are going to report me for something that was started by you insulting me? or perhaps you will just ban me from the channel. Either way i've been civil this entire time, not trying to insult anyone. yet you tell me to learn how to read, then you tell me to drop the fact that you were blatantly rude, and then you threaten me? no, i will not drop it.16:15
hsrcoz_: X_o: It opens directly with me here16:15
CkhiKuzadthe last warning is what that is in reference to.16:16
coz_hsr,   thats interesting  it does not here16:16
X_owhat version of ubuntu u have ?16:16
hsrcoz_: X_o: w/o the need of restricted packages16:16
hsrcoz_: X_o: 10.0416:16
X_oim using 9.0416:16
GneaCkhiKuzad: alright, the very fact that you're now calling me names and going off on me is indicative that you'd rather start a fight than to follow channel guidelines and show respect.16:16
X_odo u think is that a problem ?16:17
hsrX_o: yeah i read that... but even in previous versions the problem was not there16:17
PiciCkhiKuzad, Gnea: Will both of you stop it already?16:17
coz_X_o,  no because I am also on 10.0416:17
CkhiKuzadGnea, I'm sorry if it appears that i want to start a fight. it's the last thing i want to do. i just want to voice my opinion. now that i have voiced it, i am now able to, as you said "Drop it"16:17
hsrX_o: No its not, small linking for firefox is required, i am finding that16:17
GneaCkhiKuzad: thank you.16:17
CaptainCanucksudo flameshield16:17
SmallR2002sudo fort --erect16:18
SmallR2002wait... that came off slightly sexual :/16:18
X_ohsr coz_ brb16:18
CaptainCanucksudo mount /dev/lawnchair16:18
hsrX_o: By that time, i see how can i help you :)16:18
vu1kansudo umount /offtopic16:18
SmallR2002i'd advise umount16:18
CkhiKuzadCaptainCanuck, SmallR2002, #ubuntu-offtopic16:18
CaptainCanucktail -f /var/log/flamewar16:18
hsrcoz_: Thanks for kttsd - it worked :)16:18
DAGr8hi all16:19
coz_hsr,  yes it does   but the "voice" is a bit  "digital"  :)16:19
CaptainCanuckbojour quebec!16:19
=== ThatGuy is now known as LordHawke
amanita_Where are the stock ubuntu wallpapers in usr/share?16:19
hsrcoz_: co-rr-ect- :)16:19
* CkhiKuzad goes back to listening to World War Z in eSpeak16:19
coz_amanita_,   /usr/share/backgrounds16:19
DAGr8when typing sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk  I get couldnt find package .. why ?16:19
DAGr8salut cpt16:20
coz_DAGr8,  you have to enable the partner repositories16:20
hsrX_o: Any idea about X_o issue16:20
=== Putr is now known as Putr|Away
coz_DAGr8,  open synaptic16:20
DAGr8coz_ english plz ?16:20
DAGr8im running vmare16:20
coz_DAGr8,   oh16:20
DAGr8how I do that ?16:20
Pici!partner | DAGr816:20
ubottuDAGr8: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »16:20
dajhornDAGr8: Try sun-java6 instead.16:20
coz_DAGr8,  ok can you open system/administration/synaptic package manager16:20
janisozaurDAGr8, also it is java616:20
SmallR2002i have a very weird question, i'm using a us keyboard in uk layout, what key will provide me with pipe?16:21
CaptainCanuckthe one above 'Enter'?16:21
SmallR2002nope, that gets me # and ~16:21
janisozaurSmallR2002, or the one to left from "z"16:21
DAGr8ok yes now I get a dfi message but still not available ill do what coz_ suggested thx16:21
SmallR2002janisozaur: that's a shift key :/16:21
coz_DAGr8,  when synaptic opens  click  Settings  and then Repositories16:22
SmallR2002i want my own laptop back! :c16:22
powerinsideCan anyone give suggest me a driver for my Ati mobility radeon HD 2300 for Kubuntu 10.04?16:22
janisozaurSmallR2002, some uk keyboards have pipe there. anyway, if it suits you, you can copy it: |16:22
DAGr8last thing how do I paste in vm ?16:22
JuJuBeeI installed nis on my server and clients but when i try to use yppasswd on client, tells me yppasswdd not running on server.  Any help?16:22
DAGr8no right click no ctrl-v16:22
coz_DAGr8,  in the "Other Software"  tab  tick all of the boxes there16:22
SmallR2002janisozaur: the problem is that it's a us keyboard running as a uk one16:22
janisozaurSmallR2002, i'd do a google image search16:23
coz_DAGr8,   then hit Reload and then Search  and type in sun java16:23
SmallR2002janisozaur: i stole my wife's laptop while i fix the hard drive of mine16:23
coz_DAGr8,   you want   sun-java6 -  somthingorother16:23
SmallR2002janisozaur: i have a uk keyboard in front of me, just i can't work out where the equivalent key is16:23
warcryi know i will not have luck, but i will answer one more time: does anyone knows how to solve the "cannot open mixer" problem of alsamixer?16:24
estragibSmallR2002: why don't you open up kb prefs and have a look at the layout?16:24
Tsimsdoes anyone know the sudo command to update my nvidia?16:24
warcryTsims, you should not need any command16:24
DAGr8coz_ I dotn have that tab in myvm16:24
Sherifand ATI please16:24
coz_SmallR2002,   does it look like this  ?  http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://techsalsa.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/us_keyboard_layout.png&imgrefurl=http://techsalsa.com/solve-and-reversed-keys-on-keyboard-problem/&usg=__EemVB4ii-ABdKZty6BQ1I0LAPzQ=&h=267&w=800&sz=24&hl=en&start=2&sig2=1nVRqqkRRnJlXeA7Aydf-g&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=k2q8RE_t2d64HM:&tbnh=48&tbnw=143&prev=/images%3Fq%3Duk%2Bkeyboard%2Blayout%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%2616:24
FloodBot4coz_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:24
coz_whoa big link16:24
janisozaurSmallR2002, you can also try mapping pipe to some key. try "apt-cache search keyboard | grep -i map"16:25
BiG-Mmay anybody provide me some screenshots ( df -h) of partitioned harddisks, i want make a /home diffrently to save all files other than OS16:25
zayais there a good ubuntu linux bible out?16:25
vinokdont flood use pastie.org16:25
Tsimsdoes anyone have any idea why when i disable my desktop to change all of my workspace wallpapers in ccsm the graphics freak out?16:25
SmallR2002coz_: yes but without the menu key16:25
DAGr8coz_  I dotn have that tab in myvm16:25
SmallR2002janisozaur: i'm tempted to map super # to it16:25
coz_SmallR2002,  ok on that image it looks like pipe  is just below the Backspace key16:25
SmallR2002i can use either a uk or us layout, i use us at work and uk at home16:26
vu1kanTsims: system>admin>hardware drivers should find the most current drivers; idk about your wallpaper issue, srry16:26
coz_SmallR2002,  it is generally on the same key as the back slash16:26
SmallR2002coz_: i have it set as a uk keyboard though16:26
coz_SmallR2002,  mmm16:26
CaptainCanuckyou cant change the keyboard settings?16:26
SmallR2002coz_: ah... now that seems to be another key i can't find...16:26
SmallR2002CaptainCanuck: sure i can, but it's way more fun this way :p16:27
vinok<SmallR2002> what is the problem?16:27
janisozaurSmallR2002, :D16:27
coz_SmallR2002,  check the key to the left of Z16:27
CaptainCanucko well, fun stuff belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic16:27
SmallR2002vinok: basically i have a us keyboard that i have set to uk layout and i'm trying to find a few keys that don't exist16:27
CaptainCanuckcoz_: thats his shift key16:27
Sherifhardware drivers does not get me any thing16:27
=== Guest92604 is now known as TheFuzzball
gsneddersYo, I'm getting "o: command not found" when trying to build Firefox. I have gcc and g++ installed.16:28
=== Sherif is now known as BlueDragon
CaptainCanuckgsnedders: can you show us more lines from output?16:28
coz_SmallR2002,   well looking at actual uk layouts  the pipe is either just below the backspace or to the left of the z key16:28
janisozaurgsnedders, "sudo apt-get build-dep firefox"16:28
gsneddersjanisozaur: Already run16:28
SmallR2002coz_: i think there isn't an actual key to map to it16:28
=== jakub is now known as Guest3130
SmallR2002i might have to just count the keys on both keyboards and see if the uk one has more16:29
CaptainCanuckopen gedit and go ape on all key combos16:29
coz_SmallR2002,  out of curiosity...why the change ?16:29
Guest3130changename Jakub16:29
SmallR2002coz_: i'm from the uk using a us laptop in the us16:30
aeon-ltdGuest3130: urr /? /nick16:30
vinok<SmallR2002> are you using a laptop? if yes what brand16:30
coz_SmallR2002,   ok look here and click on the uk and uk extended  images  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout16:30
bindazhello everyone :)16:31
coz_SmallR2002,  I have no idea how to actually find them on an actual US keyboard though16:31
vinok<SmallR2002> sometimes the pipe key is located in different places depending on the brand of the laptop =)16:31
aeon-ltdbindaz: hi16:31
SmallR2002vinok: yes, dell16:31
bindazi have a question :) I am using ubuntu 8.1 on my laptop and desktop.I use an usb-modem on my laptop to connect to Internet, which uses ppp encapsulation.Now my laptop and desktop are connected via ethernet. I am also successful in setting up a dns server on my laptop, I can even resolve domains to IPs from my desktop.BUT I CANT PING16:31
SmallR2002coz_: i'm looking atm16:31
warcrymy alsamixer seems to be a lost case16:31
Emanonis there a particular reason why facebook doesnt work in gwibber on 10.04 if so please tell me16:31
vinokthe pipe symbol is beside the enter key16:31
warcryi will think what to do...16:31
SmallR2002vinok: i sense that i might be trying to do the impossible16:31
vinok<SmallR2002> you have to press shift16:32
=== Franz is now known as Guest58405
janisozaurbindaz, ping laptop or the internet?16:32
bindazi can ping laptop16:32
janisozaurbindaz, do you have ip forwarding enabled then?16:32
Emanonand possibly how to change that unfortunate fact as well16:32
bindazya i hav ........16:33
vinok<SmallR2002> did you find the key your looking for?16:33
bindazip_forward right?16:33
janisozaurbindaz, yeah16:33
SmallR2002ah ha! there are 11 non-letter/number keys on a us keyboard and 12 on a uk one16:33
gsneddersCaptainCanuck: http://pastebin.com/TgGNx2FF16:34
SmallR2002due to repositioning of @ because £ is needed16:34
bindazwhen i ping google.com form desk........the process stops after resolving to googles ip16:34
countleyis the a way to download movie without "THE MAN" finding out16:34
erdnaseGood day. I opened vb_web.exe (the file I need to start so I can download/install VisualBasic. And this error pops out: Unable to find a volume for file extraction. Please verify that you have proper permissions.16:34
janisozaur!wine | erdnase16:35
ubottuerdnase: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu16:35
bindazi did tcpdump on laptop ......n can see that the dns query form desk is actually forwarded16:35
erdnasejanisozaur, I tried opening it on wine. Hmm, let me try again, maybe I messed up somewhere.16:35
boywonderhey,i just run ubuntu of a stick,i didnt realise it was that easy, one thing though the cd drive dont work??16:35
bindazbut not any other packets16:35
janisozaurbindaz, if you have ip_forward enbaled (the right one - there are multiple i believe) and no firewall set up then I can't help you further16:36
janisozaurerdnase, either way here is not a proper place to ask this question. try in #winehq16:36
erdnaseThanks janisozaur .16:37
bindazya no firewall.......ufw disable........16:37
vipersrt10dodgeok i have a question about ubuntu16:37
pipegeekliterally a bible, or do you mean really good documentation?16:37
boywonderwhy dont my cd work under stick boot?16:38
janisozaurbindaz, when using irc, be sure to include the nickname of the person you're talking to in front of your message16:38
janisozaur!tab | bindaz16:38
ubottubindaz: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:38
pipegeekerr.  Wow, apologies, didn't notice I wasn't scrolled all the way down16:38
CaptainCanuckboywonder: rephrase: 'stick boot'16:38
magguhello i want to configure postfix, what is here wrong http://paste.org/pastebin/view/22189 ?16:38
zatanI want to know if there is some sort of way to retrieve a WPA key that is currently entered into my PC ?16:38
boywonderCaptainCanuck,  BOOTING FROM USB16:38
bindazjanisozaur:one of my friend insisted me to use libcap and libnet and write my own forwarding code.............would that be good?16:38
boywondersoz caps16:39
CaptainCanuck!tab | all16:39
ubottuall: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.16:39
CaptainCanuckwhat other ! commands are there?16:39
Ibertechi have just come from the Samba chat and have been told that i have a problem with gnome would someone be able to help me16:39
Pici!factoids > CaptainCanuck16:39
ubottuCaptainCanuck, please see my private message16:39
erdnase(Too curious to not try, lol)16:40
janisozaurbindaz, it might work, but to do this I believe you'd need knowledge much more broad than this required to actually setup ip forwarding. also there is no need to reinvent the wheel16:40
bugmanx2001i changed over from pulseaudio to oss4 and then decided to revert back.  after attempted reversion, my sound card is no longer detected.  snd-hda-intel module is not loaded automatically and /proc/asound does not exist.  Situation is exactly like this forum post:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1556587   sudo aplay -l shows no soundcards.  really hoping that there is a sound guru here16:40
bindazjanisozaur: i have worked with theose libraries before16:41
janisozaurbindaz, then you shall be aware of pros and cons16:41
ectospasmanyone know how I can get a Linux guest to process repeating characters in VirtualBox?  If I hold down backspace it doesn't continuously delete characters.  I have to hit and release the backspace key repeatedly to delete several characters.  The host works OK, and I think the Win7 guest doesn't have the same problem.16:42
ectospasmit may just be Oracle Linux16:42
SmallR2002i worked it out16:42
janisozaurectospasm, check system > prefs > keyboard options16:42
CaptainCanuckhow many calories did you burn?16:42
SmallR2002when you switch the layouts right alt turns to an alt-gr, if you hit alt-gr+` you get |16:43
Emanonso no clues on facebook/gwibber?16:43
SmallR2002i would like a place in the16:43
dajhornectospasm: It is a bug in the guest.   Note that you're in the Ubuntu support channel, not the Oracle channel.16:43
=== zatan_ is now known as zatan
SmallR2002#ubuntu book of fame16:43
ectospasmdajhorn: heh, yeah16:44
boywonderill add ya#16:44
ectospasmjanisozaur: keyboard options are set OK, they match the host.  I'll take dajhorn's take on it.16:45
boywonderwhy dont my cd work under stick boot?16:45
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
CaptainCanuckmaybe your bios' boot order is set to check usb first16:45
bandeirahi there! i'm running on a ssh client and i would like to know if there is such a command to load gnome by console mode? e.g: startx* | *startx doesn't work at all.. i have no privilege for it.16:46
boywonderwhats that mean?16:46
Emanonno hes already in CaptainCanuck hes booting successfully off a usb stick and his cd drive isnt working inside the live os16:46
aeon-ltdbandeira: xinit16:46
boywonderthanks Emanon16:46
CaptainCanuckso you mean 'sudo mount /dev/sr0' doesnt work?16:47
boywonderi didnt mount it16:47
boywonderthanks cool guy16:47
CaptainCanuckdont forget to add it to your /etc/fstab16:47
E1we11!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! E1we11 Sam_bris Muffler cmpsalvestrini magical alakoo AlHafoudh bandeira tyru Tweaky larsivi Simon-MPFH Reactor1 Insom gartral Vivek mast` killer999 zatan philinux methyl pyrophelia FunnyLookinHat argonaut odinsbane saxin phil vitor-br kuttan_1 pmcgowan Loth` diegus User001 zzzed RambJoe itsux2bu boywonder |Dreams| erdnase Frozenball rdw200169 Tricia_ renato MadAGu gantrixx lo16:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:48
Emanonholly damn16:48
Sam_brisHi is there a way to have some fields collapsed in my user registration form.16:48
macoSam_bris: user registration form?16:48
Sam_brissorry wrong IRC!16:49
erdnaseWho's that elwell guy?16:50
aeon-ltderdnase: spammer16:50
ffdsfive just installed ubuntu but it's slow as hell, what can I do with it?16:51
Trulyhi kubuntu16:51
aeon-ltdffdsf: wwhat spec pc?16:51
CaptainCanucknext 3 ppl to post must post 10 times in one minute16:51
erdnasejanisozaur, btw man, I just installed everything wine needed in synaptic, that fixed the problem, just letting you know.16:51
aeon-ltdTruly: uhh this is #ubuntu not #kubuntu16:52
PiciCaptainCanuck: Excuse me?16:52
ffdsf900 mhz single core, 128 mb ram, 7200rpm hd16:52
theconartistis there an easy way i can install from an iso into a hdd that i will put in another computer later?16:52
Trulyi get crash report16:52
pyropheliaquick noobie question.  it's been a long time sine I setup apache and it seems I can't just install apache2.2-core or apache2.2-common.  I have to install a mpm package as well.  What is the point of the mpm packages?  Just for multithreading?16:52
aeon-ltdffdsf: what cpu? pentium 3?16:52
CaptainCanucktheconartist: installing without burning an iso to a disk?16:53
aeon-ltdffdsf: how much linux experience do you have?16:53
theconartistyea CaptainCanuck16:53
=== Tricia_ is now known as Tricia
Kai696Hey there, I'm wondering what would be the best .ISO burning software?16:53
dajhornpyrophelia: Yes.  Unless you're running a very busy site, then just use the Apache variant that the meta packages install.16:53
CaptainCanuckits not simple, ive heard it being done16:53
ffdsfnot much I'm afraid16:53
CaptainCanuckiven't try it16:54
Emanonfrom what os Kai696?16:54
Kai696er..10.04 I think?16:54
Emanonbrasero comes pre installed and its pretty good16:54
Trulycrash report is here  ; http://easyupload.zzl.org/crashreport.html please help me out16:54
Tweakyright click it and choose burn to disc?16:54
aeon-ltdffdsf: ok this can happen 2 ways, remove junk from stock ubuntu, or start again from minimal ubuntu, its your choice16:54
Kai696Will it burn the image to the disk or as a data cd?16:54
Emanonyea that uses brasero Tweaky16:54
theconartistCaptain_Awesome, would there be any obvious problems installing on this computer then moving the hdd to t he other?16:54
pyropheliadajhorn, na, just setting up a secure doc repository.16:55
Kai696Aye, need the image burnt not just a data disk however16:55
vinokhehehe Captain_Awesome ---> i like that one16:55
Kai696IE, Ubuntu's version of PowerISO16:55
pyropheliadajhorn, the cluster this is being hosted really only uses it's cpu for mdadm.  is there a benefit to going to a multithreaded model?16:55
pyropheliahosted on*16:55
ffdsfdefine junk??16:56
aeon-ltdffdsf: everytrh16:56
Tweakyas in you wanna burn an iso to disc and have the .iso on disc?16:56
aeon-ltdffdsf: everything you don't need16:56
Emanonstuff you don't use ffdsf16:56
noisewaterphdtheconartist: linux is a lot better about figuring out new hardware on boot up than windows, but I would still install the OS on the machine you plan to use it on16:56
Kai696... I'm wanting to burn my downloaded copy of Rome Total War (as ISO image) to the disk so when I put it in, it starts automatically just as if I just had the real disk16:57
CaptainCanuckno Captain_Awesome16:57
Kai696(DirecttoDrive, paid for:P16:57
CaptainCanucko thats a real username16:57
CaptainCanuckmy bad16:57
Emanonyea thats a normal burn Kai69616:57
Kai696So what do I use for that?16:57
Emanonright click burn16:57
Emanonand we'll just assume its a backup copy ok16:57
dajhornpyrophelia: Unless you're running a very busy site, you don't need to care.   Apache will use processes and threads appropriately by default.16:57
ffdsfand how exactly removing software from installed system will make it faster?16:58
pyropheliadajhorn, great.  thanks for the info16:58
Kai696Nope, not a backup, I downloaded it from Direct2Drive, (Paid for) it's a digital Copy16:58
Emanoncause they dont like media downloaders here (with the exception of ubuntu iso's i mean)16:58
vinokguys any of you experience slow pdf printing if the PDF is about 500k in size or more?16:58
theconartistWhat about putting the image on a partition of the hdd and booting to that to install?16:58
Emanonahh ok good boy16:58
aeon-ltdffdsf: not directly, but uninstalling daemons and services that occupy cpu and ram16:58
Emanonyea if anything is gonna work the regular burn will16:59
aeon-ltdffdsf: also replacing to reduce load, eg replace gnome with openbox and tint2 as a panel16:59
Kai696It's actually a really good website, $20 I had the game, expansion, and it downloads at 2MB/s where is fast here lol16:59
Emanonotherwise you can just mount the iso directly16:59
zzzedffdsf, you need more memory than 128M17:00
aeon-ltdzzzed: no ffdsf won't17:00
Kai696:) always love you guys, I'm in school for IT. Third day, Hopefully we cover linux quite well..17:00
zzzedaeon-ltd, if he wants to run a GUI he does17:00
Emanonhe might get away with 128 with lubuntu or xubuntu17:00
Emanonif he really cuts it down17:00
aeon-ltdzzzed: no he won't to run heavy flash maybe, but not for a gui17:01
Emanonwell yea but thats just a window manager not a desktop environment17:01
Emanonbut it will work17:01
aeon-ltdEmanon: who says a DE is in anyway better17:01
mbeierlanyone know what ever happened to the game called "slune" on jaunty?  I can't find it anymore on Lucid17:01
Emanontrue aeon-ltd17:01
kagatX11+wm = GUI, but yeah obviously not a DE.17:01
Emanoni enjoy a de but i have the hardware for it17:01
ffdsf128 mb is fine, I was able to play morrwind and dungeon siege 2 on this machine under w2k17:02
Emanonbut i think he could pull off xfce or lxde17:02
Emanonreally even with the memory leak in morrowind?17:02
Emanontoo bad xfce "looks like your using a commodor 64"17:02
aeon-ltdEmanon: it doesn't have to17:03
Emanonit was a quote17:03
ilovefairuzmbeierl: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/slune17:03
tracy69who has commodore? cuz i have got atari17:03
kagatEmanon - Isn't everyone using a c64?17:03
aeon-ltdffdsf: are you willing to learn about linux?17:03
jo__i have pet16 lol17:03
mbeierlilovefairuz: thanks.  but does that mean it is not available anymore in higher distros?17:04
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kagatjo__: shouldn't you be in #netbsd then?17:04
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jo__yah lol17:04
ilovefairuzyes, probably because it hasn't been maintained since 2005, but you could download the package and install it, it will probably work17:04
Picimbeierl: Its no longer supported upstream, was removed from debian and then us: see http://bugs.debian.org/52117517:05
ffdsfaeon-ltd: are you getting at I should build linux system from scratch17:05
Emanonthat would be AWESOME17:05
aeon-ltdffdsf: no, but use a ground up distro17:05
Emanoncould you build one for me too?17:05
mbeierlpici: ah!  thanks!  Couldn't find references to it and all the google hits I was coming across were really old...17:06
ilovefairuzEmanon: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/17:06
Emanoni know i almost did that17:06
Emanonbut then i realize i dont want to give up on life yet17:06
Emanoni started running the lfs livedisk in vm then realized i had so much to live for17:07
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:08
masterBIGwillywhat programs can be installeed to look at .dbf extensions?17:08
hsrPici: how can i get list of all ubottu commands?17:09
Emanonidk lets see17:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:09
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:09
Picihsr: http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi17:09
ubottuHi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:09
Pici!msgthebot > Emanon17:09
ubottuEmanon, please see my private message17:09
Emanonoh beat me Pici17:09
=== Putr|Away is now known as Putr
Emanonbut i got more info17:09
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:10
hsr!howdy | Mr_Blik17:10
ubottuMr_Blik: please see above17:10
aeon-ltdhsr: uhh if you /query ubottu you can test out your commands17:10
vinokhow do u guys do that? sorry noob here17:11
dajhornmasterBIGwilly: If you have a DBase file, then try the dbview package.  If you need to run DBase, then you'll need to install it in an emulator.17:11
hsraeon-ltd: Sorry i wasn't testing ubottu17:11
aeon-ltd!ubottu | vinok17:11
ubottuvinok: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:11
mbeierlthe jaunty package for slune works in lucid, btw... in case there's anyone looking for a little nostalgia from ubuntus past :)17:11
aeon-ltdffdsf: you still here?17:11
ffdsfground-up distro like cmd line-only? will I have problems with sound, 3d, flash automounting, microsoft network and other 21st century desktop wonders?17:12
hsrmbeierl: Yes17:12
vinokhow do u play with the bot?17:12
Emanonread the links he sent you17:12
hsrvinok: Don't play with the bot. Only use when required. http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi17:12
aeon-ltdffdsf: some maybe, depends on your hardware, but its all part of the learning process17:12
aeon-ltdffdsf: but the gains are that you have the lightest system (with a package manager and community) possible17:13
vinokhsr: sorry wrong interpretation...17:13
Emanonseriously try xubuntu or lubuntu they are surprisingly usable17:13
ffdsfwell and what you'd advise to replace gnome with?17:14
Emanonlubuntu uses lxde17:14
Emanonxubuntu uses xfce17:14
aeon-ltdffdsf: yeah, if you have the time try Emanon's idea then try a ground up distro if its too slow still17:14
Emanonboth are quite lightweight17:14
aeon-ltdffdsf: imo, openbox17:14
CaptainCanuckxfce is more lightweight17:15
kagatffdsf - maybe gnustep.17:15
Emanonor if you want to really keep it light try peppermint17:15
DAGr8guys ever since I typed the  "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"17:15
Emanonlxde base most large apps are web based17:15
Emanonubuntu base so you have synaptic and the good default repos17:15
DAGr8I get this E:Malformed line 54 in source list etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)17:15
aeon-ltdCaptainCanuck: its not, openbox is much lighter than xfce17:15
Emanonso take the line out DAGr817:15
DAGr8so I reboot vmare and now I get an error on login17:16
DAGr8how ?17:16
hsrDAGr8: Where did you typed it?17:16
DAGr8im on vmare and fore some eason I have no gui just console17:16
DAGr8in console17:16
CaptainCanucki was only comparing xfce and lxde17:16
Emanonalt+f2 then gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list17:16
hsrDAGr8: oh..17:16
CaptainCanuckhay guys, whats my hostname?17:16
Emanonor in a terminal just sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list17:17
kagatDAGr8: vi /etc/apt/sources.list - then ":57" then "dd" then ":wq"17:17
vinok<vinok> !command17:17
DAGr8kagat you mean 54 not 57 right ?17:17
vinokwaaah i dont get it at all  =(17:17
kagatDAGr8: yes... yes... I do.17:18
ffdsfkk trying open box now17:18
Emanoncool name Khalil17:18
DAGr8how do I paste in console ? no right click no strlV ..17:18
Emanonalt insert17:18
RuniKnowsNewbee with ubuntu - I am struggling with setting up dual monitor - on an old box with SIS 630 chipset and an old ATI 3DRage card. Anyone help?17:18
coz_DAGr8,  normally  ctrl+alt+v17:18
kagatDAGr8: Try pressing down on the mousewheel.17:18
hsrHow to get ubuntu on mobile?17:19
coz_DAGr8,  yes or  highlight and middle click inside the terminal window17:19
aeon-ltd CaptainCanuck uhh lxde uses openbox w/lxpanel17:19
coz_DAGr8,  but on a virtual machine I am not sure that works17:19
hsrDAGr8: I won't work on vmware17:20
hsrDAGr8: It won't work on vmware17:20
vinok!welcome |vinok17:20
ubottuvinok, please see my private message17:20
hsrcoz_: Have you used Tunapie? Any idea if there are any packages like that?17:21
area51pilotI cant print to a network printer, drivers insalled, printer configured, test page sent ... but no print job17:21
Psychodeliushsr: the whole OS? don't think so....but if someone could create a mobile version, that would be good17:21
hsrPsychodelius: No.. only the mobile version17:22
nafrihello, is there a way to replace text recursively inside files located in a folder and it's subfolder17:22
Emanonexplain further what you mean nafri?17:22
hsrnafri: Yes but only using a script17:22
vinokhey hsr, thanks... i think im getting a grip with bot thingy17:22
=== Putr is now known as Putr|Away
ilovefairuznafri: use 'sed'17:22
hsrvinok: glad.17:22
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:23
nafriEmanon: I want to search/replace text inside many files recursively... as my files are in a folder and there are other subfolders aswell17:23
Emanonhsr: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Mobile17:23
nafrihsr: where can I get that script?17:23
Emanonlike change all instances of blah to say joe or something like that?17:24
ilovefairuzhsr: http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/Sed.html17:24
CaptainCanuckfind . -exec sed {} \;17:24
Shreeyashhow to remove bad sectors in ubuntu?17:24
brandon420anyone know how to get the pictures off my camera on ubuntu?17:24
hsrYeah.. right i remember now17:24
ilovefairuznafri: what exactly are you trying to replace?17:24
CaptainCanucke2fsck -c17:24
ejvfind $PATH -type f -exec sed -i 's/blah/joe/g' {} \;17:25
coz_brandon420,  is the camera recognized?17:25
Emanonplug it in brandon420?17:25
hsrnafri: go with what ilovefairuz suggests17:25
brandon420coz_ yes it is.17:25
mbeierlCaptainCanuck: the find/sed - won't that just output to stdout?17:25
jo__anyone help with evolution email configure hotmail recieves fine but wont send..???17:25
ilovefairuzbrandon420: no cable?17:25
brandon420but it fails to mount.17:25
coz_brandon420,  ok and did a camera icon  show up on the Desktop/17:25
coz_brandon420,   ah17:25
CaptainCanuckmbeierl: its an example17:25
Emanonjo__: think its smtp.hotmail.com17:25
jo__will try17:26
mbeierlCaptainCanuck: ah, ok.  wasn't sure if you were suggesting that as the final solution :)17:26
coz_brandon420,  mm  what make and model is this camera?17:26
CaptainCanuckejv: got the details of that command17:26
Emanonhe might have that turned off brandon try the places menu17:26
ejvCaptainCanuck: pardon?17:26
hsrilovefairuz: there was a gui as well for it, rigth?17:26
DAGr8Kagat , after :dd I get E492 not an editor command: dd17:26
Emanonor Applications>Graphics>F-Spot17:26
ilovefairuzbrandon420: in a terminal type: sudo tail -f /var/log/messages and then plug it out and back in, pastebin the messages that show up17:26
ilovefairuz!paste | brandon42017:26
mbeierlnafri: http://www.delphifaq.com/faq/perl/f595.shtml for search and replace across many files17:26
ubottubrandon420: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:26
kagatDAGr8: Not :dd... just dd17:26
brandon420kodak easyshare z740 coz_17:26
DAGr8enter before wq ?17:27
nafriilovefairuz: I 've a word that I want to replace with another one17:27
DAGr8enter before wq ?17:27
kagatDAGr8: Not necessary - but one is after.17:27
DAGr8w10 warniong changing file17:27
coz_brandon420,  try   sudo mkdir /mnt/camera  then   sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/camera/-t vfat -o umask=00017:27
DAGr8wq right away then ?17:27
ilovefairuznafri: use ejv's command17:28
ejvnafri: pay attention, i've given you the command above17:28
kagatDAGr8: You should see the bad deb line disappear. The :wq *(or :wq!) will then write and quit17:28
rolandpishIn Xubuntu+Thunar shift+delete is not deleting a file permanently but sending it to the trash. How can I fix this?17:28
brandon420ilovefairuz, coz_  i got it, i just had to click the do nothing, then open the folder.17:28
coz_brandon420,  you could also try to mount it in f-spot17:28
coz_brandon420,  cool17:28
brandon420Thanks coz_ and ilovefairuz17:29
ejvand don't tell someone to use perl to do a search and replace, when it can easily and more efficiently be accomplished using sed17:29
brandon420coz_, you are aalways soo helpful17:29
vinokcoz_, that does the -o umask=000 means?17:29
kagatejv: perl is probably more efficient then your sed.17:29
coz_brandon420,  no problem ...glad you  got the photos   I know this can be painful when the camera doesn work properly17:29
ilovefairuzkagat: barely17:30
coz_ViN86,  the umask should unmask everything in that directory17:30
kagatvoz: That umask makes new files have permissions 777.17:30
ejvdepends on the type of string substitution, prolly an offtopic discussion though ;)17:30
kagatvoz: read write and execute for owner, group, world17:31
vinokso same as chmod? ok got it17:31
coz_ViN86,  yep and kagat  explained it better :)17:31
kagatvinok: Well a bit of inversion on chmod actually...17:32
semanticpcis the Ubuntu Server edition compatible with intel i5 ?17:32
aeon-ltdsemanticpc: yes17:33
KillerKristinhi everyone17:33
aeon-ltdsemanticpc: why?, what were you worried about?17:33
vinokkagat, yes it is indeed an inversion, instead of using 7, for r-w-x umask use 0.. new knowledge learned thanks17:33
area51pilotI cant print to a network printer, drivers installed, printer configured, test page sent ... but no print job17:33
kagatvinok... yes, and 1 instead of 6, 2 instead of 5, etc.17:33
KillerKristinI LOVE Ubuntu17:33
DAGr8aftr dd line disapeared but then I cant type anythin17:33
KillerKristinits such a nice OS compared to Windoze17:34
DAGr8sry im doin manythings at once, thx for helpin17:34
kagatDAGr8: What are you trying to type... you should be saving and exiting the text file.17:34
ViN86coz_ what? i never wrote anything heh17:34
DAGr8wellim in console you said to type :wq17:34
coz_ViN86,  sorry   probably tabbing incorrectly here17:34
semanticpcaeon-ltd: just making sure before I install it ..... thanks :)17:34
DAGr8to save and exit17:34
DAGr8but how do I save and exit17:35
ViN86coz_ lol yea think you meant vinok17:35
coz_KillerKristin,  yes it is now the trick is to get the knowledge out to as many people as possible :)17:35
aeon-ltdsemanticpc: wait you've already got the i5?, why didn't you just try it in dualboot?17:35
coz_ViN86,  probably :)17:35
kagatDAGr8: the ":wq!" command in vi will save and quit... if your on the console you should be done.17:35
ViN86coz_ it was good advice nonetheless hehe ;)17:35
DAGr8well I cant type anythin after dd17:35
KillerKristinmy good friend got my hooked on Ubuntu back in version 7 but I didnt like it as much as I do now17:35
DAGr8its like I have to 'get out of dd'17:35
semanticpcsemanticpc: thats alright I'll try ... I am not going to use Windows anyways17:36
ejvi prefer to keep ubuntu to the priveleged few, tell no one KillerKristin17:36
ejvit's called job security ;)17:36
roshan@jpds: hi17:36
KillerKristinlol ejv17:36
kagatDAGr8: I'm confused... I thought we were just fixing your broken sources list.17:36
ejvim actually not kidding.17:36
kagatejv: Take out distrowatch first.17:36
DAGr8there is blue ~ thta prevent me form going lower then the line where the bcursor is17:36
DAGr8yes we were17:36
ViN86KillerKristin, i started on slackware 9, talk about a steep learning curve lol17:36
DAGr8im still in the broken sourse list17:36
KillerKristinim a tech myself but would love to try to convert a company to Ubuntu one day17:37
DAGr8line disapeared after dd but I  m not back to console now I cant type anything17:37
DAGr8Im stillin the list17:37
kagatDAGr8: Press escape once, then ":wq!" enter.17:37
area51pilotKillerKristin: Get them off of Office and IE and your good to go...   :-P17:37
DAGr8there is now a blue ~ instead of line 54 and its like its waiting for me to ddo somethion..17:37
ejva ridiculous endeavor.17:37
ViN86area51pilot, its hard to get off of office17:37
LinuxFetusHey, I just downloaded an Ubuntu 10.04 32bit iso image.  I'm trying to put it on a USB and install it on a friend's computer.  When I use System > Administration > Startup Disk Creator, make the USB, put the USB in his computer, change the BIOS to look for the USB first for an OS, it gives the following error: vesamenu.c32: not a com32r image .  I'm using Ubuntu 10.1017:37
ViN86its like crack for office people17:38
KillerKristinarea51pilot been chipping away at IE with 90% of the people I work with17:38
kagatarea51: You can use Office in linux... I have, it's just as bad as on windows.17:38
area51pilotViN86: I know, thats my issue in the office here17:38
XunieIs ubuntu netbook edition speed optimized? (eg: stripped of useless features)?17:38
boywonderhi the man has gone,can anyone please tell me how to ad my cdrom to fstab?17:38
ilovefairuzDAGr8: use nano, it's infinitely simpler than vim17:38
vinokDAGr8, escape key17:38
DAGr8 kagat all I did was move cursor to the top , and then scroll down again and then I could type17:38
* ViN86 loves nano17:38
DAGr8escape key did nt work17:38
DAGr8is it because im in vmare17:38
DAGr8anyways problem solved :)17:38
ilovefairuzboywonder: why would you want to do that?17:39
boywonderbecuase i was told to17:39
DAGr8be back later with future problems17:39
kagatDAGr8: I don't think so... the escape should just exit editing mode (and go back to command mode)... vi is a bit complicated.17:39
boywonderive mounted it17:39
DAGr8thx alot guys ,17:39
wildejaHello and good day to all17:39
vinokDAGr8, use nano instead of vi17:40
DAGr8yea im back to vconsole now im happy btw just fyi guys I need java5 since im tryin to compile for android and java6 is NOT compatible17:40
kagatilovefairuz: nano is good, but I don't know how to jump to an arbitrary line in it.17:40
DAGr8im fixed now btw17:40
boywondermaybe because im live booting?17:40
kagatDAGr8: Java 5 isn't either... you need the android sdk and ndk.17:40
DAGr8kagat exactly I tried earlier and end uyp rebooting my vm17:40
DAGr8got all that but andorid.com wants me to use java5 not 6 ..17:40
DAGr8neways thx again17:40
XunieAnyone? Is Ubuntu Netbook edition lighter to run than Ubuntu Desktop?17:40
boywonderilovefairuz, ?17:41
wildejaQuestion: How do i get video chat working in Ubuntu 10.04? (I have tried alot of programs i.e. Pidgin, Kopete, Empathy) but no joy, Please help)17:41
vinokwildeja, try skype17:41
kagatwildeja: I've gotten meebo working. (and yes skype as well).17:42
ViN86DAGr8, I'd use Eclipse for the IDE17:42
ilovefairuzboywonder: if you're booting from live cd, then making changes to fstab doesn't make any sense, and besides, the CD drive gets mounted in a "special" away. it gets "polled" regularly to check if there's a CD inside and if so, it gets automatically mounted17:42
ViN86has an adroid plugin17:42
aeon-ltdXunie: meh, its roughly the same/slightly lighter17:42
KillerKristinanyone know where I can find a driver for the Canon iR-ADV C503017:42
boywondermy cd wont read files17:42
sacarlsonboywonder: normaly live boot is a temp thing and even if you change fstab in a live boot it will be gone on reboot anyway.17:42
wildejaThanks all, will go try :)17:42
Xunieaeon-ltd, so really, installing Ubuntu Desktop edition on an netbook won't really make a difference?17:43
aeon-ltdXunie: no, but the netbook remix has a easier/larger gui so its easier for netbook trackpads other than that its the same17:43
Xunieaeon-ltd, oh what ever. :P17:44
negevhi, is it possible to upgrade from 8.04.4 LTS to 9.10?17:44
SpooksI could not get ubuntu desktop to install on my sony vaio but netbook version works a treat17:44
boywondersacarlson, why is live boot a temprary thing?17:44
Xunieaeon-ltd, it's just the GUI! ion3 > Gnome anyways. :P17:44
dpac_negev: I don't think that should be a problem17:44
coz_negev,   one version up at a time i would assume  or  upgrade to lucid17:44
sacarlsonboywonder: the files in /home/youraccount are just kept in ram so at reboot they are not saved.  same is true in /etc  all files are in ram17:44
X-Sleepy-Xboywonder: you could make it remember things by creating a live usb...17:44
kagatnegev - Why 9.10? (And not 10.04)?17:45
negevkagat: because my other box is on 9.1017:45
negevand its production so i don't want to mess with it atm17:45
KillerKristinI can not find a driver for this imageRunner by Canon :(17:45
boywondersacarlson,  thats what im talking about17:45
ilovefairuzkagat: alt + g17:45
kagatnegev - Got you... then you should probably do a clean install on your staging/dev box.17:45
negevhow do i see what the intermediate versions are?17:45
vinokboywonder, as X-Sleepy-X said, but make it as persistent live usb17:45
aeon-ltdXunie: you were gonna tile?!!!?!?!? nice hard to find ubuntu tilers these days, most of them are on arch :)17:45
ilovefairuzkagat: to jump to a line in nano17:45
negevclean install takes time :(17:45
negevwhy can't i just s/hardy/karmic in /etc/apt/sources, apt-get update and then dist-upgrade?17:46
Xunieaeon-ltd, *cough**cough*, tiling windowmanagers don't work on Ubuntu? What have you been smoking?17:46
kagatilovefairuz: Great, but I already know vi. (Same reason I haven't really learned emacs).17:46
aximilihi there17:46
coz_KillerKristin,  did you look here ?   http://yoonkit.blogspot.com/2007/12/canon-imagerunner-and-ubuntu.html17:46
aeon-ltdXunie: they do, but you don't see a lot of the users17:46
dpac_!upgrade | negev17:46
ubottunegev: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade17:46
kagatnegev: Base system would be out of sync... basically you'd be borked.17:46
aeon-ltdXunie: personally though i like dwm :)17:46
boywonderok sorry for the mispronounciation im meant persistaent live boot!17:47
Xunieaeon-ltd, bleh, ion3 was my first tiling window manager, I never had to leave my keyboard, even for browsing.17:47
dpac_negev: "To avoid damaging your running system, upgrading should only be done from one release to the next release (e.g. Ubuntu 9.04 to Ubuntu 9.10) or from one LTS release to the next (e.g. Ubuntu 6.06LTS to Ubuntu 8.04LTS)." Directly from the ubuntu wiki.17:47
XunieIon3 + Chrome + Vimium == awesome.17:47
dpac_negev: You should consider upgrading from 8.04 LTS to 10.04 LTS.17:47
kagatdpac_: He needs to match a production environment... but yeah... that would have been my suggestion.17:48
coz_KillerKristin,  also check this site    http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/openprinting17:48
sacarlsonboywonder: well I know you can have a usb flash disk boot with persistants but cd's are read only. so maybe you setup a partition for your /home/account?17:48
KillerKristinits not too big of a deal since I have another printer installed which is fully supported17:48
vinokboywonder, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent check this out17:49
KillerKristinI am shocked that most companies dont develop Linux Drivers though17:49
ejvion3 looks terrible lol17:49
kagatKillerKristin: Most companies don't develop their own drivers.17:49
=== lungan is now known as Lungan
ejvvimium looks cool tho17:50
kagatejv: I still like docky... it looks cool to me. :)17:50
boywonderif i go away reboot and have a /home i aint gonna be to happy17:50
X-Sleepy-Xkagat: Most developers don't drive their own companies... ;)17:50
kagatX-Sleepy-X: True that.17:51
aeon-ltdKillerKristin: its cos they've no obligation to, i mean why would a company hire a team of developers and testers just to cater for linux users?17:51
vinokspeaking of drivers, have any of you experience slow pdf printing... i installed an .RPM driver to my ubuntu box using alien17:51
vinokbut printing pdf is taking too long17:51
KillerKristincause Linux is getting very popular?17:52
kagatvinok: Yes... but I don't know how to fix that.17:52
kagatKillerKristin: It is?17:52
chuy_maxhi guys, any folder/file comparison utility that you can recommend me?, I'm looking for any, that works either under Linux or Windows :).17:52
sacarlsonvinok: I have a canon printer and it took some time to do something like clean it's heads?  then sudenly it started to work after about 30 secounds17:52
KillerKristinkagat: hence the big smile since I know it isn't right now but will be17:53
chuy_maxI've used cmp but it is a pain in the ass to compare file by file, unless I use a bash script, but that would take time to create :)17:53
dpac_chuy_max: diff if they are all text files. You can use its recursive switch for folders17:53
vinokkagat, let me know if you come across a fix ok17:53
mika__hi, are there any news about an updated choqok in the repo? the current one it's not working for a week now.. :(17:53
chuy_maxdpac_, can it compare binary files?17:53
kagatchuy: For binary files use xdelta.17:53
sacarlsonvinok: but the secound page and others took much less time.17:54
dpac_chuy_max: Unfortunately, it can't17:54
chuy_maxkagat, awesome, I will check that :)17:54
vinoksacarlson, just cleaning the heads? hmm.. let me try that17:54
chuy_maxI appreciate your answers :)17:54
qdbhello. is it possible to download source of packege with synaptic? how?17:54
=== Putr|Away is now known as Putr
taranischeck sources in software sources ..17:55
sacarlsonvinok: I don't know what it was doing I'm just guessing.  but it just seemed to start working after the first page.  then I printed other files with little delay.17:55
qdbwhen i write packegae name and search only one package show up/appear - binary package deb file17:56
Putrhey guys, can you recommend me a torrent client for ubuntu? (i used utorrent on win)17:56
taranistry deluge17:56
DAGr8ok guys my issues are with vmare .. it seem I dont get no gui , eith ubuntu in it , only console17:56
sacarlsonPutr: I just use the default now just click on the torrent file in the browser.17:57
vinoksacarlson, thanks, i'll try your suggestion a bit later. i spent the whole day trying to figure it out thanks17:57
kagatDAGr8: try sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop17:57
Putrsacarlson, i dl A LOT. RSS feeds are a must.17:57
aeon-ltdPutr: transmission, nice 'n' light, or rtorrent if you like command line17:57
kagatPutr: vuze17:57
DAGr8it says already installed17:57
dpac_qdb: sudo apt-get source <package> should work17:57
DAGr8oh ant me to add 'gnome' to it ?17:57
Putrany comments on ktorrent?17:57
DAGr8oh ant me to add 'gnome' to it ? ill try now17:57
qdbdpac_, thank you17:57
X-Sleepy-XPutr: check out deluge17:58
sacarlsonPutr: I'm not sure rss feed is the same as a torrent.17:58
qdbbut i wait for answer about synaptic also17:58
bodwickPutr deluge?17:58
vinokPutr, umm.. KTORRENT.. its KDE base but i use it on my ubuntu17:58
Putri'll check out deluge :)17:58
X-Sleepy-XPutr: http://deluge-torrent.org/17:59
dpac_kagat: DAGr8: you must mean ubuntu-desktop17:59
kagatdpac: Thx... I have a head cold... it's really messing with my memory.17:59
Putrgreat! deluge looks like utorrent :) just what i need17:59
dpac_kagat: No problem :)18:00
DAGr8dpac well I did that lready it says 0 newly installed 0 to remove and 41 not upgraded18:00
tracy69does anyone know why this sound card doesnt work in ubuntu Azalia Audio Controller18:00
tracy69       vendor: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]18:00
DAGr8dpac_ kagat18:00
tracy69it look like that card isnt supported by alsa am i right ?18:00
kagatDAGr8: try startx18:00
DAGr8nice somethign happen18:01
dajhorntracy69: Pastebin the output of something like `lshw` or `lspci`.  Azalia parts should mostly be supported.   Check that your mixer settings don't have the card muted.18:01
kagatDAGr8: You must have removed gdm from upstart... weird.18:01
DAGr8ok but I have nothing else then ubuntu 's default background I guess18:02
dpac_!who | DAGr818:02
ubottuDAGr8: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:02
ServerTechIs there any good mail client?? for ubuntu?18:02
kagatDAGr8: How did you install ubuntu in vmware? I usually use VirtualBox, so I'm out of my depth.18:02
Ibertechi am running ubuntu 10.04 and i am having problems accessing windows computers with nautilus can anybody help me out18:03
kagatServerTech: I like thunderbird.18:03
dajhornServerTech: Start with Thunderbird or Evolution.  There are many choices.18:03
ServerTechOk :)18:03
DAGr8It alloeed me to mount the iso and then I let do its job18:03
tracy69dajhorn i just pasted lspci and th ecard is recognissed i installed alsa driver alsa utils alsa plugins alsa lib and this card isnt recognissed by alsa18:03
tracy69when asound -l says no cards found#18:03
kagatDAGr8: Did you install ubuntu server?18:03
DAGr8yes ubottu but tab ( for nick competion seem to be not workin its a pain ill do now18:04
coz_tracy69,  when you compiled the alsa driver did you tell it to include the card?18:04
DAGr8kagat no dektop18:04
area51pilotI cant print to a network printer, drivers installed, printer configured, test page sent ... but no print job18:04
brontoeeeanybody knows about vdpau and deinterlacing and correct mplayer config for that?18:04
dpac_DAGr8: Ubottu's a bot :)18:04
DAGr8kagat now I can right click and do stuff18:04
kagatDAGr8: The vmware guest tools installed?18:04
dlane4hi everyone. i am having a small issue. i need help changing the language and everything is in greek. can someone describe the pictures of the language option in the system menu?18:04
DAGr8well it was obviously your trigger18:04
DAGr8brb in a sec18:04
dajhorntracy69: Check your mixer settings.  It could be ALSA, but it would also be PulseAudio.   See also:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto18:04
gabrielczHi all folks :)18:05
vinokDAGr8, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart18:05
tracy69dajhorn, when type alsa mixer it says didnt found and the utils are installed18:05
Ibertechit appears to only be Windows 7 machines18:05
Ibertechas i can browse a windows vista machine no problems18:05
=== ServerTech is now known as ServerTech|Busy
tracy69coz_,  when installed the driver i just compiled with everything was there18:05
tracy69coz_,  mean ./configure make make install18:06
gabrielczI have a question: https://gist.github.com/4a2bc30681f640ffd044  <--  When I run this script, I get an: tar: /mnt/nfs_backups/YOdesa/etc-09-09-2010.tgz: can´t open: no file or directory  any clue????18:06
mark_Hello everyone, Does anyone know if the Metatracker Search Tool on the Gnome Desktop in Ubuntu 10.4 will search for a string of words in a file?  I've been able to search for single words within files, but when two or more are used it results in nothing.18:06
coz_tracy69,  when compiling for specific cards ...you start with the alsa driver and the command should look somethings like this     ./configure --with-cards=nameofcard  --with-oss-yes --with sequencer-yes  && make && sudo make install18:06
coz_tracy69,  then you would compile the alsa lib and then the firemware18:06
karlois there any sharing group in ubuntu one ?18:06
dpac_mark_: Why don't you use grep18:07
alienkid10can I make os-prober ignore sda2? It's a recovery partition18:07
BluesKajmark_, what about using quotes?18:07
mark_Yup, but grep won't search PDFs.18:07
dpac_mark_: grep -ir "search words" ./18:07
KillerKristinwhat is the fastest file sharing protocol to share between Windows and other Ubuntu PC's?18:08
dpac_mark_: ohh yes.18:08
kagatmark_: Try strings on the pdf.18:08
tracy69co that the command i used to install alsa driver18:08
coz_tracy69,  you would also have to research how alsadriver compile names your specific card18:08
tracy69coz_, sudo ./configure --with-debug=full --enable-dynamic-minors --with-moddir=updates18:08
dlane4hi everyone. i am having a small issue. i need help changing the language and everything is in greek. can someone describe the pictures of the language option in the system menu?18:08
dajhorngabrielcz: Part of the path could be missing, like the NFS point not being mounted.  The script also needs to be invoked as root to get all of /var/log.18:08
kagatKillerKristin: Probably smb (or cifs), but I use scp.18:08
coz_tracy69,  ok I never tried that one18:08
mark_Grep also won't search DOCs because they're binary files, at least according to other's I've asked on this subject.18:08
tracy69coz_,  i just compiled it for all supported cards18:08
KillerKristinkagat: isnt smb Samba?18:09
tracy69and it doesnt see the card18:09
kandarpkhi all18:09
kagatKillerKristin: It's the protocol that Samba uses (and cifs).18:09
dajhorngabrielcz: If you are running on a non-English system, then $fetcha is unsafe.   You should protect it with quotes like "$fetcha".18:09
tracy69does anyone know waht SIS mean ?18:09
kandarpkI am facing problem while boot up18:09
coz_tracy69,  does that card require firmware?18:09
KillerKristinSamba seems to take forever copying files18:09
gabrielczdajhorn: NFS is mounted, can write there, and im runing as root :(18:09
gabrielczdajhorn: yes, spanish one!18:09
kandarpkit says "Gnome power manager not installed properly"18:10
vinokgabrielcz, /mnt/nfs_backups/YOdesa/etc does not exist.. or its parent directory check if it is mounted or if it exist18:10
dpac_kandarpk: Thats a known bug.18:10
kandarpkacross 3 different linux installations18:10
tracy69coz_,  i dont know18:10
gabrielczdajhorn: I know my problem is that, becouse If I run using tar zcvf /mnt/nfs_backups/YOdesa/var-log.tgz /var/log it works18:10
tracy69how to find it out ?18:10
tracy69if it does or not18:10
qdbhello. is it possible to download source of packege with synaptic? how? when i write package name and search only one package show up/appear - binary package deb file18:10
dpac_kandarpk: It happens when your root partition is full. There are other reasons too18:10
coz_tracy69,  at this point I would go over to the #alsa channel to see if they have any suggestions18:10
kandarpkdpac_: I am facing the same issue while booting up debian, ubuntu and fedora18:10
gabrielczdajhorn: will try18:11
dajhorngabrielcz: You could be getting $IFS whitespace in the $fetcha expansion.   Quotes matter, try:  zcvf "/mnt/nfs_backups/YOdesa/var-log-$fecha.tgz" /var/log18:11
dpac_kandarpk: do they share home directory?18:11
mark_Thanks for the suggestion <BluesKaj>.  I used both double & single qoutes which does not work.18:11
kandarpkdpac_: no.18:11
BluesKajgabrielcz, install unp ,it works with all compressed files18:11
gabrielczdajhorn: thanks, will try now :)18:12
kandarpkdpac_, they are installed on same hard disk18:12
BluesKajmark_, , bummer :(18:12
mark_dpac/kagat, are you saying that grep will search contents of PDFs, DOCS, & ODTs?18:12
kagatmark: The PDF may have searchable strings - but you need to preprocess the binary with the command strings.18:13
kandarpkdpac_: restarting after sometime solves the issue temporarily.18:13
dpac_kandarpk: are they sharing /tmp? Sometimes permission issues with /tmp causes this error.18:14
kandarpkdpac_: no. they are installed in separate partitions.18:14
area51pilotI cant print to a network printer, drivers installed, printer configured, test page sent ... but no print job18:14
dpac_kandarpk: Is there anything these all installations are sharing apart from hard disk? Can you paste the output of df -h in pastebin?18:14
ffdsfhow to add start menu and panels to openbox?18:14
mark_OK kagat, is that something that is done on the command line for grep?18:15
mark_If so, any idea how?18:15
DAGr8 <kagat> DAGr8: The vmware guest tools installed?  : NO I dont know it still says its installing  witch is why I think my issues are on wmware side18:15
kandarpkdpac_: applications( including terminal ) are failing to get started, only the window appears18:16
dpac_kandarpk: Ctrl+Alt+f118:16
DAGr8kagat : how do I launch console again ? to try18:16
DAGr8[13:02] <vinok> DAGr8, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart18:16
kagatDAGr8: ctrl-alt-f1 (I don't use vmware though).18:16
kagatDAGr8: or ctrl-alt-backspace18:17
mark_Also, kagat, do you know if that grep method will search for DOCs & ODTs too?18:17
ffdsfmark_: not docs, not odt18:18
DAGr8kagat : lol I just reset it again and it poped up install tools ? I said yes ... ( finally)18:18
ffdsfmark_: first have different encodings inside, second are zipped18:18
mark_OK then, it's probably not something I'd use for this.18:18
kagatmark_: Well strings will extract ascii strings from binary files, it might work... but most word processors use a the "flyweight" object pattern... it makes ascii hard to find.18:18
dlane4can anyone please describe the process of changing my language. i just need help with what pictures to click because its in a language i dont understand18:18
vinokDAGr8, status?18:19
tracy69ones more does anyone know what SIS mean ?18:19
DAGr8well now that I instll tool I get th egui not just cosole anymore18:19
elb0wDoes ubuntu have built in RDP?18:19
elb0wI want to connect to a windows box18:19
kagattracy: do you have any context?18:19
DAGr8I logged in normally instead of insode console18:19
mark_Yup, from what I understand grep won't search PDFs & DOCs.  So it looks like the Tracker Search Tool is appropriate.18:19
tracy69like azalia sis18:19
tracy69graphic sis18:19
th0relb0w: rdesktop or tsclient18:19
tracy69etc etc18:19
kostkontracy69, silicon integrated systems18:19
kandarpkdpac_: it has used 5.0 GB and available 5.5 GB18:20
th0relb0w: tsclient is a gui frontend for rdesktop18:20
tracy69yes but what does it mean ?18:20
mark_Which leads me to the question.  Do you know if multiple words can be search with tracker?  It finds single words, but when I type two or more that I know exist in a PDF or plain text file it doesn't find them.18:20
kostkontracy69, it's a company name18:20
vinokDAGr8, nic18:20
vinokDAGr8, nice18:20
ffdsfdlane4: apt-get install language-pack-{CODE}18:21
dpac_kandarpk: This might help: http://goo.gl/bPtB18:21
tracy69hehe ok i didnt know what cuz someone show to me his spec and i saw everything sis and my laptop doesnt have anything sis so i didnt know what that really mean18:21
mark_Also, has anyone heard anything about the reliability of Metatracker Search Tool, because it seems it doesn't locate all information in these files.18:21
ffdsfdlane4: then gnome-language-selector18:21
ffdsfhow to add start menu and panels to openbox?18:21
kandarpkdpac_: I am not able to change file permissions, or create files18:21
kagatffdsf: Try docky.18:22
kandarpkdpac_: it says "read only file system"18:22
dlane4ffdsf: Thaks for answering. I am at the language selector, i just dont know what to click because it is not in english18:22
aeon-ltdffdsf: ok you followed through with my advice :), you need to install a panel, any one you like18:22
ffdsfhow can I like something I probably never saw18:23
mark_Does anyone know if it is within the ability of the Tracker Search Tool in Ubuntu 10.4 to search for a string of words in a regular text file?18:23
dpac_kandarpk: you should e2fsck your hard drive.18:23
kagatdlane4: αγγλικά18:23
ffdsfdlane4: what language it is in?18:23
boywonderok im back and not with an eager eye after getting lame advice18:23
kandarpkdpac_: ok, thanks.18:23
boywondermy cd wont mount itself?18:23
vinokelb0w, yes try to install tsclient if you dont have it. it is the front end gui18:23
dpac_kandarpk: sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo reboot18:24
sinister-nationI was wondering what irc client does everyone use?18:24
dajhornmark_: The trackerd in Ubuntu is sloppy.  It might work, but don't assume that it is reliable.18:24
dlane4ffdsf: no clue when i copy and paste the language into the bar it turns into english, it looks like greek18:24
dlane4im going to try a restart brb18:25
boywondermy cd wont mount itself? do i add it to fstab?18:25
trembyi've been getting fairly regular kernel panics, i think since upgrading to Lucid. nothing in particular seems to cause them. today i wrote down (most of) two traces, the second of which happened as it was rebooting. http://sprunge.us/JEIO and http://sprunge.us/dRQS any ideas?18:25
mark_So dahhorn, from what you've heard it isn't always reliable?  Have you heard anything about it being able to search a string of words?18:25
aeon-ltdsinister-nation: xchat, irssi, weechat18:25
ffdsfdlane4: if you could upload a screenshot...18:25
dajhornmark_: Just try it.18:25
Slasher`Hi all, I'm trying to upgrade to the Beta and get this, "18:26
Slasher`Error during commit 'E:Couldn't configure pre-depend x11-common for x11-xkb-utils, probably a dependency cycle.'" any ideas?18:26
mark_It doesn't work.  It would be nice if there were some information on this in their documentation, but there isn't.18:26
aeon-ltddlane4: just try trial and error till you get to english, if you have the time18:26
=== zatan_ is now known as zatan
dajhornmark_: Okay, then use something else like `grep` or the Google Desktop (if it still exists).18:26
mark_dajorn, have you heard of an efficient, low-memory intensive desktop search tool that has good documentation?18:26
Slasher`oops, sorry, didn't mean for it to go on 2 lines18:27
kandarpkdpac_, cannot touch /forcefsck, read only file system18:27
mark_Grep is not for ODT/DOC.18:27
tacomasterdoes anyone know any good C programming books for linux?18:27
Picitacomaster: ##C would be a better channel to ask in.18:27
macotacomaster: C is C. OS matters not.18:27
macotacomaster: just grab a copy of K&R18:27
kagatkandarpk: mount -o remount,rw /18:27
sinister-nationaeon-ltd: k thanxs just trying to find a good irc to use currently have smuxi installed to check it out18:27
dajhornmark_: If the basic tools don't work, then you need to learn how to combine grep with tools to unpack things like ODF and DOC.18:27
tacomastermaco: wont the libarys be different?18:27
kandarpkkagat: trying it, thanks.18:28
macotacomaster:  the base language is the same *everywhere*18:28
macotacomaster: its also very very small18:28
macotacomaster: you dont need a book to learn to use libraries though... after you know C, you just use API docs to find out about libraries18:28
ffdsfgrep is useless: it doesn't search in dos, windows or unicode text18:28
mark_dajhorn, according to various folks that I've asked in this & other chat rooms, it is beyond the ability of grep to search ODT & DOC files, although it may have a limited ability to search the contents of PDFs.  Is this incorrect?18:29
aeon-ltdsinister-nation: note, irssi and weechat are command line apps18:29
ffdsfmark_: combine it with some utility to extract text from docs or odt and use it together with find18:29
kandarpkkagat, mount: you must specify the file system type18:29
dlane4_ffdsf: no good, here is a creenshot if this helps http://imgur.com/FLiz3.png18:29
tacomastermaco: ok because i have alot of time on my hands love computers and wanted to start helping develop ubuntu have messed with python some but want to get deep in a language18:29
sinister-nationaein-ltd: k thanxs18:30
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
mark_OK, so the grep command itself, with its various options won't do this, but there are commands which can be installed & combined with it that probably will?18:30
dajhornmark_: Yes.18:30
mark_Are you aware of any of these off hand?18:30
macotacomaster: devhelp is a handy program for viewing gtk/gnome docs offline (just install -doc packages for the libraries you want to work with, and they'll show up in there)18:30
kostkondlane4_, that's english but with greek letters18:30
kagatmark_: Check out Apache POI.18:31
=== sinister-nation is now known as sinman
macotacomaster: also, get the manpages-dev package to get the manpages for C18:31
dlane4_lol oh man i have no clue how this happen i just upgraded to 10.04.1 and this is how it installed -_-18:31
mark_OK, thanks for the suggestions.18:31
dajhornmark_:  Learning to use the userland will cost you tens of hours of learning.  Try this:  http://desktop.google.com/linux/18:32
estragibtremby: did you read those panic messages?18:32
trembyestragib: as much of them as i could. how much i understand is a different matter.18:32
estragibtremby: i'm no pro but the strings "hardware error" and "this is not a software problem!" stand out18:33
mark_dajhorn, I don't mind that, & would even prefer to become familiar with the command line searching method, if it can be accomplished in this manner.18:33
biggestchopshey everyone. my pc was booting fine before the weekend. now, it gets to "GRUB loading" and then a flashing cursor, and hangs there18:33
biggestchopsi am running ubuntu 9.10 64bit18:34
estragibtremby: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machine_Check_Exception18:34
ffdsfdlane4_: change fonts for a start18:34
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.18:34
dajhornmark_: Okay, there are several packages in Ubuntu that can dump Word files to plain text.  Choose one, and then learn how to use the `find /home -name \*.doc -print0 | xargs -n0 MyProgram` way of doing things.18:34
KittyBootsI am trying to learn scripting.  I found this command and am having truble understanding what it means and is used for.  Will someone explain to me what ' $ vi isnump_n ' means?18:34
trembyKittyBoots: that'll load the file isnump_n in an editor18:35
mark_OK, thank you.18:35
ffdsfso what is nice lightweight panel app for start menu, taskbar, notidfications, keyboard indicator etc?18:35
vinokKittyBoots, it neabs you are trying to edit isnump_n file18:36
Kre10sgrrr. gedit is freezing. it freezes and comes back out a minute later... any idea why? has there been a bug introduced in latest updtes?18:36
Kre10sis there a problem with gedit and sftp?18:36
vinokKittyBoots, *means18:36
railsraiderhi, i keep getting the error (lucid 10.0.4) psql: FATAL:  database "postgres" does not exist18:36
railsraiderDETAIL:  The database subdirectory "base/11564" is missing18:36
KittyBootstremby, vinok; I think I am getting ahead of myself.18:37
alkisg//j #ubuntu-gr18:37
railsraideri think i need to setup the PGDATA env var18:37
railsraiderbut i dont know how18:37
railsraideranyone please help?18:37
KittyBootstremby, vinok; I am trying to figure out if else fi.  Does it require isnump_n?18:37
abhijitwhat is the name of the channel for lug jaipur and bombay?18:37
* desu_desu uses meerkat, X boots in 640x480 or something, have to manually do xrand -s 1366x768, there is no xorg.conf nor the new xorg.conf.d/ where is the config for this release xserver please?18:38
vinokKittyBoots, vi is a text editor, whereas isnump_n is the file that you wish to edit18:38
maco!10.10 | desu_desu18:38
ubottudesu_desu: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:38
sinmanI had figured out how to get the grub menu and change the background on it with just 1 linux os installed (ubuntu) and how to change the login screen background, but I search for the past 3 days on how to change the plymouth start screen and had no luck. So could someone point me to how to change the plymouth start screen?18:38
trembyKittyBoots: you just want to do a conditional? read a basic tutorial on bash18:38
abhijitrailsraider: try in #postgres18:38
PokiI have problem with Ubuntu .... his start boot but then suddenly freezes18:38
dlane4_kostkon and ffdsf: ok! i got everything to work in ubuntu shell itself. not to figure out google chrome! thanks for your help18:38
ffdsfwhy bash? if is sh functionality18:38
Kane_HartDoes Java 64bit work fine with ubuntu?18:40
Kane_Harteasy to install?18:40
abhijit!java | Kane_Hart18:40
ubottuKane_Hart: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.18:40
PiciKittyBoots: In the future, #bash would be the best channel to ask your scripting questions in.18:40
vViIdDeEoOwhat is the lSDL18:40
=== demon_spork is now known as demonspork
qdbhello. is it possible to download source of packege with synaptic? how? when i write package name and search only one package show up/appear - binary package deb file18:41
Piciqdb: I don't think synaptic can do that.  You can use « apt-get source packagename » to do it from a terminal though.18:41
ilovefairuzqdb: apt-get source packagename18:41
qdbi search and find in web18:41
EranmaneHello, I've recently installed ubuntu on some computers. They don't have internet access, but I need to install MP3 support for Rhythmbox. How can I do this without apt?18:41
railsraideri tried to do this PGDATA="/var/lib/postgresql/8.4/main/base" but still  database "postgres" does not exist18:42
ffdsfcould someone recommend a nice lightweight panel app for start menu, taskbar, notidfications, keyboard indicator etc?18:42
ilovefairuzEranmane: just copy the packages and install them using gdebi18:42
railsraideri can see the folder inside /var/lib/postgresql/8.4/main/base18:42
qdbok, thank you18:43
abhijitrailsraider: can you read me?18:43
kostkonEranmane, check keryx → http://keryxproject.org/18:43
ceegeehi guys18:43
railsraiderabhijit: yes18:43
ilovefairuz!hi | ceegee18:43
ubottuceegee: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:43
KillerKristinthis room has been quiet for over a minute lol18:43
KillerKristin1392 people cant be quiet18:43
DAGr8guys , kagat vinok18:43
DAGr8prob is there again line 5418:43
DAGr8it seem everytime I add a rep in there sources list becomes unradable18:43
DAGr8at least now18:43
DAGr8I have a gui18:43
=== _endo602 is now known as endo602
ceegeecan ayone ofer me help with a demonic instalation?18:44
DAGr8wow chanel lag18:44
ilovefairuz!enter | DAGr818:44
ubottuDAGr8: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:44
abhijitrailsraider: try asking this in #postgres channel18:44
ilovefairuzceegee: 'demonic' ?18:44
DAGr8ya sorry chanel lag fukedme up taugth mothing was happening18:44
Eranmanethanks iovefairuz and kostkon18:44
OpenSourcedNickis there a way to auto-tab on newline with gEdit ?18:44
OpenSourcedNickor Bluefish18:44
sinmanhow can I change the plymouth startup screen?18:44
DAGr8kagat it seme my problem with line 54 on sources.list is back everytime I add a rp to it ...18:44
vViIdDeEoOWhat is the SDL preview engine... im compiling an application that is supose to preview video and it says it can't find the lsdl?18:45
vinokwow is it only me or im lagging18:45
DAGr8vinok me too18:45
ceegee2 instals later, no grub found- disk error- now I get stuck on veryfying dmi pool data so I can't reinstall from flashdrive18:45
DAGr8kagat it seme my problem with line 54 on sources.list is back everytime I add a rp to it ... vinok18:45
sinmanvinok: I'm seeing the lag of off and on18:45
ilovefairuzsinman: to select another theme or to make a new one?18:45
tracy69what language is allowed on #ubuntu ?18:45
trismOpenSourcedNick: Edit/Preferences/Editor Tab/Enable Automatic Indentation18:45
Picitrism: English.18:46
ilovefairuz!en | tracy6918:46
ubottutracy69: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat18:46
macotracy69: english only18:46
KillerKristin1is this text showing up?18:46
ceegeethe disk was suposed to be clean- I formated it with the installation. I am trying to install the latests ubuntu18:46
ilovefairuzKillerKristin1: yes18:46
vinokDAGr8, whats the error sorry im lagging at the moment.18:46
OpenSourcedNickso it shall be Saint trism from now on18:46
KillerKristin1ok I got booted before18:46
OpenSourcedNickthank you18:46
tracy69ilovefairuz,  maco !!!! could you guys take look at this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FATsxFBkSO018:47
tracy69and tell me if this language is allowed?18:47
tracy69cuz i dont speak english18:47
sinmanilovefairuz: I downloaded some themes thru synaptic for plymouth and the colors  of them is yuck. I want to change the ubuntu with the 5 dots under it to something else18:47
macotracy69: i havent the bandwidth to use youtube, just bandnarrow18:47
ilovefairuz!offtopic | tracy6918:47
ubottutracy69: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:47
=== adante_ is now known as adante
sinmanilovefairuz: so if it means i need to make a theme then I need find something that tells me how to do it18:48
boywonderwhat does /cdrom do ?18:48
ceegeeCould someone walk me through getting this machine workin? since it is stuck at verfying "dmi pool data" I cant even reinstall18:48
DAGr8vinok error at line 45 in sources list18:49
intraderI am attempting to find anybody in #ubuntu-bug; I have waited several hours; is this normal not to have anyone except myself there?18:49
Piciintrader: Its #ubuntu-bugs18:49
DAGr8vinok error at line 54 in sources.list witch is the line where I add it a rep18:49
macointrader: when you're in the wrong channel, yes ;-)18:49
kostkonvViIdDeEoO, try installing libsdl-dev and then recompile18:49
KillerKristin1we have a 404 file not found error in this room lol18:49
elitexrayDoes ubuntu repetoire contain the latest files at all times?18:49
intradermaco,Pici, duh; thanks18:49
ilovefairuzsinman: there are some prepackaged themes (sudo plymouth-set-default-theme --list) or search synaptic for 'plymouth'.. if you need to create a new one: https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=create+plymouth+theme18:49
tracy69elitexray,  no18:50
abhijitohh poor intrader :D :D :P18:50
maco!sru | elitexray18:50
ubottuelitexray: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates18:50
elitexrayI'm having trouble getting the correct version of Amarok which Ipod sync option18:50
nich0sI have two computer running in my network. Of those two computers, one is a fresh install using 10.04 with ufw enabled. The other is the server edition and is also 10.04. My issue is this: I am unable to ping, by hostname alone, to the server edition, however, the server edition is able to ping, by hostname, the fresh desktop edition install.18:50
biggestchopsany idea why ubuntu 9.10 would suddenly start hanging on boot?18:50
boywonderwhat does /cdrom do ?18:50
ffdsfcould someone recommend a nice lightweight panel app for start menu, taskbar, notidfications, keyboard indicator etc? :(18:50
ceegeebiggestchops- I have a similar problem18:50
abhijitffdsf: do you mean desktop environment? if yes try lxde18:51
intraderabhijit, and what is :D and :P?18:51
ilovefairuzbiggestchops: press esc to  dismiss the graphical screen at boot and pay attention to the messages18:51
Putrhey people... i clicked on aperance link for more themes and got to art.gnome.org . I download the login theme there.. but i cant find any how to/read me or instrustions on google on how to use18:51
abhijitintrader: lol18:51
nich0sboywonder: It is a symlink to /dev/cdrom18:51
ceegeeilovefairuz: I am stuck at verifying dmi pool data after a installation-18:51
biggestchopsilovefairuz: there is no graphical screen18:51
ffdsfno, the panel itself18:52
boywondernich0s,  cool18:52
sinmanilovefairuz: I had installed prepackage theme with synaptic and they had no color to them, checking the link out now, thanxs18:52
ilovefairuzbiggestchops: the "boot splash screen" that shows up when the system starts booting18:52
boywondernich0s, so in fstab i add there?18:52
intraderabhijit, thanks I needed that!18:52
biggestchopsbecause there is only one OS installed it just goes straight in18:52
vinokDAGr8, what repo did u add? make a backup of sources.list remove the repo enrty then instead of adding in directly to text file try adding it in system>administration>software source... this will check the repo for possible mistype18:53
dpis there a way to force apt-get to download and reinstall the latest available version of a package?18:53
boywondernich0s,  my cdrom wont mount when i put a disk in?18:53
tracy69dp if u add corect repistory18:53
DAGr8vinok I added the one I got here , and I also added another one ( both are doublechecked (18:53
KillerKristin1dp: try sudo apt-get remove and sudo apt-get install with the app name18:53
ilovefairuzceegee: that's a BIOS error, check the cables connected to the hard disk18:53
=== elpasmo is now known as ElPasmo
DAGr8vinok this i sthe forst one I put and I got the error :  "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner"18:54
ceegeeilovefairuz: thnx will do!18:54
nich0sboywonder: Are you able to mount the cdrom manually using "mount"?18:54
dpKillerKristin1: unfortunately, that causes ubuntu-desktop to be listed in the remove section18:54
biggestchopsilovefairuz: you mean with the ubuntu logo, right?18:54
boywondernich0s,  yes18:54
ilovefairuzbiggestchops: yes18:54
biggestchopsilovefairuz: i don't even get that far.18:55
ilovefairuzdp: it's okay if it gets removed, it's just a "virtual package"18:55
boywondernich0s, only i changed the mount dir, so i use /cdrom18:55
biggestchopsjust "GRUB loading" followed by a flashing cursor which remains flashing18:55
dpilovefairuz: will I then have to install it again afterwards?18:55
ilovefairuzKillerKristin1: dp: to reinstall a package: sudo apt-get install --reinstall packagename18:55
dpubuntu-desktop, that is18:55
tharkunWhat is the version of ubuntu that it is based on debian squeeze ?18:56
biggestchopsilovefairuz: by the way, thanks for being such a prolific question answerer18:56
sinmanbiggestchops: give me a second, need to get  a link on how to show the grub menu18:56
ilovefairuzKillerKristin1: dp: no need to do separate remove and install commands18:56
biggestchopssinman: thanks!18:56
KillerKristin1ok thx18:56
mfilipewhen I want add an user config in apache2, do I add in conf.d/ or httpd.conf?18:56
Glaserubuntu 10.01 is more best 10.04 lts?18:56
Glaser10.01 sry18:56
boywondermfilipe, its not in httpd18:56
KillerKristin1there is no ubuntu 10.0118:56
=== mark_ is now known as markie-
dpilovefairuz: I was having problems with that earlier.  let me get back to a "stable" software list, and I'll see what was going on18:57
ilovefairuzbiggestchops: try reinstalling grub2, check table of contents at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:57
boywondermfilipe, try #apache18:57
elitexraycan you search for deb files on terminal?18:57
ilovefairuzbiggestchops: and thanks for your kind words18:57
mfilipeboywonder: ok, thanks! :)18:57
ilovefairuzelitexray: apt-cache search something18:58
mgolischelitexray: you mean your harddisk?18:58
markie-I recently installed google gadgets and minimised it on the desktop, and i'm not too sure how to bring it back up?18:58
sinmanbiggestchops here's 2 links I used http://members.iinet.net/~herman546/p20/GRUB2%20Splashimages.html .... http://www.linuxjournal.com/video/configuring-grub-218:58
elitexrayIm looking for a specific file18:58
elitexrayto patch my amarokk18:58
Putrhey how do you install login screens from art.gnome.org ?18:58
ilovefairuzelitexray: what file?18:58
vinokDAGr8, can u paste the sources.list to pastie.org and send me the ling18:58
vinokDAGr8, link*18:58
ilovefairuzPutr: you can't do this any longer, the new version of gdm doesn't support themes18:59
* boywonder if you want somthing done here is it just better todo it yourself!!!18:59
vinokoops wrong button18:59
Putrilovefairuz, why the hell would they remove a functionality?18:59
KillerKristin1Can anyone suggest a good music management similar to iTunes with support for PodCasts?18:59
dpKillerKristin1: Guayadeque18:59
ilovefairuzelitexray: is this package installed? if it is, use: dpkg --listfiles libgpod, if not, look in /var/cache/apt/archive18:59
Putrcuz login for v9 was great, login for v10 is ugly as hell and i whant to change it!19:00
sinmanbiggestchops: http://members.iinet.net/~herman546/p20/GRUB2%20Splashimages.html   http://www.linuxjournal.com/video/configuring-grub-2 these are the links i used last week when i changed over to ubuntu19:00
hybridounetQuelqu'un parles Français ?C19:00
Pici!fr | hybridounet19:00
ubottuhybridounet: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:00
kroson!fr | hybridounet19:00
* boywonder feels betrayed even though he has the answer!!19:00
ilovefairuzPutr: because they needed to rewrite it from scratch to add new features, that happens sometimes, it will eventually get re-added19:00
elitexrayilovefairuz,   I don't have the file installed. I need to locate it first19:00
murbdoes anyone know if it is possible to get upstart in lucid to re-exec itself?19:01
hybridounetyes thank's ;)19:01
KillerKristin1Guayadesque is not 64 bit :(19:01
ilovefairuzelitexray: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/libgpod-common ... use download links19:01
dpKillerKristin1: works on my 64bit machine19:01
pratichii love u19:02
KillerKristin1I downloaded the Deb but it says its 32 bit19:02
elitexraythanks, I'll try that19:02
dpKillerKristin1: check the PPA19:02
pratichihi all19:02
pratichiasl pls19:02
ShakeyJakeall 1378 of us?19:02
KillerKristin1dp: what PPA?19:03
ShakeyJakefair enough19:03
EranmaneI don't trust this guy <.<, maybe the 1377 others will though19:03
ShakeyJaketotally legit19:03
ilovefairuzelitexray: also, http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/libgpod4 .. depends on the file inside19:03
EranmaneAlso, yes, Keryx was exactly what I was looking for, thanks again #ubuntu19:03
ilovefairuz!offtopic | pratichi19:03
ubottupratichi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:03
dpKillerKristin1: hrm, nm.  thought there was a PPA.  at any rate, why does it need to be 64bit?19:04
tracy69pratichi, im from the dark side of mars im 778 human years old and im single19:04
KillerKristin1dp: I cant install the 32 bit deb19:04
elitexrayilovefairuz, thanks. However after install both deb files, I realized that I already have them previously installed.19:04
elitexrayBut I still can't seem to sync my ipod19:04
dpKillerKristin1: sure you can19:04
ilovefairuzelitexray: to see what files a package contains do: dpkg --listfiles packagename19:05
ilovefairuzelitexray: that's for installed packages19:05
KillerKristin1dp: error: wrong architecture 'i386'19:06
ilovefairuz!ipod | elitexray19:06
ubottuelitexray: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod19:06
tracy69ylmfos_,  could you please speak american?19:06
dpKillerKristin1: hrm... it worked for me19:07
dp1 sec19:07
RoastedIs anybody having any issues with thunderbird in ubuntu? I'm seeing that often times I get a little slim tiny tiny window that comes up that's blank as opposed to thunderbird working appropriately.19:07
vinokDAGr8, status?19:07
ylmfos_i can a little19:07
ffdsfRoasted: may be you upgraded your system ad have not reboot yet?19:07
ilovefairuz!cn | ylmfos_19:07
ubottuylmfos_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk19:07
boywonderdo i mount cdrom to /cdrom in fstab?19:07
dpKillerKristin1: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/guayadeque -- it's maverick, but should still work19:07
Roastedffdsf, I did reboot, and I also reinstalled thunderbird.19:07
Roastedffdsf, not sure what's up with it.19:08
wildc4rdevenin' all19:08
ffdsfRoasted: try a new profile19:08
=== Putr is now known as Putr|Away
ceegeeilovefairuz: Checked the cables and restesting- same issue19:08
boywondergod its any easy question!?19:08
ChesterXHi, I am trying to play an HD mp4 file. But none of my player can t play it fluently on ubuntu (vlc and movie play with pluggins). Any idea why?19:09
ShakeyJakeChesterX: are you using hardware acceleration?19:09
ilovefairuzceegee: then either your motherboard or your hard disk is having issues, enter BIOS settings and check if the hard disk is detected19:10
ilovefairuzboywonder: you're doing it wrong19:10
ChesterXShakeyJake: I don't think so (btw: I am using ubuntunetbook)19:10
DAGr8vinok fixed it , seem it didnt want me to edit manually I add lines via synaptic problem solved all reps are there19:10
ilovefairuzboywonder: i've explained to you before19:10
brontoeeeChesterX, a. check cpu usage, b. check if your graphics card supports vdpau (it will have to be some nvidia)19:10
=== Putr|Away is now known as Putr
boywonderilovefairuz,  what did you explain?19:10
ShakeyJakeChesterX: ah ok, what model of netbook?19:11
ChesterXShakeyJake: asus 1005H19:11
boywonderilovefairuz,  for my normal install19:11
ilovefairuzboywonder: that mounting the CD drive is different from normal hard disks and is done differently19:12
asclepiohi all19:12
vigge_sWedoes evolution have support for gmail SMTP? by the looks of it it hasn't (Error: Bad auth message recieved from server, althought the password is correct)19:12
ceegeeilovefairuz: in bios- under standard cmos features- the two hardrives are listed as chanell 0 master and chanel 1 master19:12
ilovefairuzboywonder: and that changing fstab in a live cd session is useless19:12
boywonderilovefairuz,  its not for my persistent usb its for a normal ista19:12
ilovefairuzboywonder: WHY are you trying to do that?19:12
boywonderits a device thingy19:13
vigge_sWenevermind removing the account and re-adding it solved it19:13
ilovefairuzboywonder: rephrase your last sentence19:13
ShakeyJakeChesterX: i think you may just be out of luck, your notebook isn't powerful enough19:13
rmrfslashWhen using the guided partitioner to install Ubuntu on an encrypted LVM, what is the encryption algorithm used? Is there a location online that "officially" describes this? I feel this may be necessary to circulate as my employer is forcing users to encrypt laptop hard drives at the moment.19:13
asclepioi have this problem: in firefox, pressing the middle button (the mouse's wheel) makes the browser try to go to some website. Does anyone know how to disable that function or even the middle button?19:13
brontoeeeChesterX, wont work, cpu is to slow, gpu is wrong (i think thats some sort of intel chipset?)19:13
boywonderilovefairuz,  it isnt a live disk issue its for my hdd box19:14
boywonderilovefairuz,  everytime i reboot my system i have to mount the cd?19:14
ilovefairuzboywonder: the cd drive will get automatically mounted when you insert a CD19:14
ChesterXShakeyJake: Yes. still, it works perfectly fine with vlc on my xp partition. And as ubuntu need less ressources I don t get why it should work xD19:15
rmrfslashI would like to circulate a more "official" publication on this method, or at least a URL that is not pointing to someone's blog.19:15
boywonderilovefairuz, it doesnt19:15
estragibasclepio: what's happening is that that middle mouse button pastes your last selection into the browser. fx tries to be helpful and assumes it's an url.19:15
ilovefairuzboywonder: do you keep a disk there all the time?19:15
boywonderilovefairuz,  no19:15
riquehow to arrange the songs in rhytmbox by folder?19:15
estragibasclepio: you should be able to disable it in about:config19:16
jribrmrfslash: point them to the source :)  You tried searching help.ubuntu.com?19:16
ShakeyJakeChesterX: simply put, in windows it's using your gpu to do most of the hard work to play the video. Intel hate you, so they wont release the code ubuntu folk need to make that happen in ubuntu19:16
ilovefairuzboywonder: what ubuntu version are you using?19:16
estragibasclepio: look for the key "middlemouse.paste" and set to false19:16
asclepioestragib: thanks! i'll try that now...19:16
boywonderilovefairuz, 10.4, when i put a disk in it wont read it?19:17
boywonderilovefairuz, it will after i omunt it19:17
ChesterXShakeyJake: Everything is about money... What a shame, it would really make it almost perfect :-/19:17
ilovefairuzboywonder: are you running gnome?19:17
boywonderilovefairuz, yep19:17
estragibasclepio: sorry, wrong key: it's actually "middlemouse.contentLoadURL"19:17
jribrmrfslash: that and checking for a relevant launchpad spec (or maybe searching wiki.ubuntu.com) directly would be what I would do19:18
sinmank i followed the instructions here on changeing the plymouth screen http://www.ubuntugeek.com/quick-tipplymouth-themes-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx.html for the background wallpaper but got a black screen19:18
preetamhai my power manager hangs at the time of booting in ubuntu 10.04. please help me.19:18
ilovefairuzboywonder: sudo lshw -C cdrom  .. and pastebin the output19:18
boywonderilovefairuz, k19:18
ilovefairuz!paste | boywonder19:18
ubottuboywonder: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:18
ShakeyJakeChesterX: it is possible to do hardware acceleration in ubuntu using any new nvidia card, but saldy most notebooks (mine and yours included) use an intel chipset.19:18
asclepioestragib: great! i made both false, as i never intend to use the middle button for any purpose19:19
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Slasher`Hi all, I'm trying to upgrade to the Beta and get this, "Error during commit 'E:Couldn't configure pre-depend x11-common for x11-xkb-utils, probably a dependency cycle.'" any ideas?19:19
estragibasclepio: you're missing out, but i understand it. :)19:19
jrib!10.10 | Slasher`19:19
ubottuSlasher`: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:19
asclepioestragib: thanks a lot... this issue was annoying19:19
Slasher`ah thanks jrib19:19
estragibasclepio: sure19:19
ylmfos_who konws chinas BBS19:20
asclepioanother one... in nautilus i can open files/folders by either pressing enter or space bar. But i have another distro in which the space bar doesn't do that job19:20
asclepiocan that be fixed?19:21
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cjaeis there a better way to do this now?  http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/18/removing-kde-icons-in-gnome-remove-gnome-icons-in-kde/19:21
jribasclepio: you want space bar to not open files?19:21
RoastedIs anybody having any issues with thunderbird in ubuntu? I'm seeing that often times I get a little slim tiny tiny window that comes up that's blank as opposed to thunderbird working appropriately.19:21
rmrfslashjrib: yes, I looked on help.ubuntu.com however... the instructions there are for those using the manual partitioning strategy and for 7.04. There is a link for using the guided partitioning, however this points to some article on softpedia.com. I imagine this is not exactly "official" or something they have control over.19:21
asclepiojrib: no, i want it do do it. I want both enter and space to open files19:21
maxflaxIm having a little annyoing problem with the settings of my gfx, Its a ATI card and Im using too screens. The problem is that I adjust the color settings for one of the screens so they match but after restart the other screen has adapted the color value as the other screen.19:21
ylmfos_who know chian channel19:21
asclepioin this distro only enter works19:21
ceegeeilovefairuze- I got it to boot from the cd- its now just typing. both of the drives were detected in the bios- I set it to boot from cd then hd then floppy19:22
ilovefairuzylmfos_: STOP asking irrelevant questions please and  /join #ubuntu-cn19:22
jribasclepio: ask the other distro's support channel :)  I don't know of any setting offhand though19:22
th0rylmfos_: try #ubuntu-cn19:22
boywonderilovefairuz,  it didnt output anything just the list dissapeared19:22
cjae!gnome desktop19:22
asclepiojrib: hahah... i'0m in that channel too, but as it's a small distro, there's no body there who can help :P19:23
ilovefairuzboywonder: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo lshw | pastebinit -19:23
jribrmrfslash: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/module-details.html#partman-crypto ?19:23
ilovefairuz!gnome | cjae19:23
ubottucjae: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.19:23
maxflaxIm having a little annyoing problem with the settings of my gfx, Its a ATI card and Im using too screens. The problem is that I adjust the color settings for one of the screens so they match but after restart the other screen has adapted the Colortemperature from the other one.. So I always have to redo the settings at each boot19:23
glaucousI do I from the Grub boot menu, boot into (K)ubuntu without GUI? I don't want the root command prompt you can get with recovery mode.19:24
ilovefairuzceegee: so problem solved?19:24
cjaeilovefairuz: know a way to sift menu items?19:24
tetsuo----Hello, i have a disk with 100gb free space, and a 200 gb ntfs partition, i want to manually configure the 100mb space for ubuntu installation with brfs, is there any guide i can follow?19:25
boywonderilovefairuz,  cant i pass it to gedit?19:25
ceegeeilovefairuz- unfortunately it just types non stop- the last thing it said was [ ######} bug: soft lockup- cpu#0 stuck for 61s!19:25
jribasclepio: my first guess would be a version descrepancy, but you can poke around gconf too I guess19:25
nessaanyone know what decoder to install to listen to radio streams?19:25
ilovefairuz!info alacarte | cjae19:25
ubottucjae: alacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 0.13.1-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 56 kB, installed size 1356 kB19:25
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jribnessa: install ubuntu-restricted-extras and you'll never have to ask that again ;)19:25
petter__Hi guys19:25
petter__this is my first time using ubuntu ever19:25
semanticpcUbuntu server does not detect my wireless while installing any suggestions ?19:25
petter__i totally love it!19:25
ilovefairuzboywonder: pass what?19:25
asclepiojrib: right, there could be a solution there...19:25
weightmongeris there a room for bittorrent help?19:26
cjaeilovefairuz: thanks19:26
petter__i used wubi to install ubuntu19:26
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jribasclepio: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/nautilus/+bug/43107319:26
petter__i have vista as my other os19:26
vinok!howdy |petter__19:26
ubottupetter__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:26
boywonderilovefairuz,  your asking me to install an app right?19:26
asclepiojrib: opening it....19:26
adminewbsemanticpc, you may need to look into ndiswrapper, for using Windows wireless drivers on Linux19:26
maxflaxHow do I make settings I do to catalyst control panel to stick after reboot.19:27
ilovefairuzboywonder: yes, do this command paste the URL that will show up here19:27
maxflaxCan I force colortemperature in xorg.conf or something?19:27
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nessathanks, jrib!19:27
boywonderilovefairuz,  im not going to install antything19:27
semanticpcadminewb: I need to install the Ubuntu ... is it possible without internet ?19:28
ceegeeilovefairuz: I got it to launch the cd. Now I am checking th disk for erros with the ubuntu setup19:28
tracy69maxflax,  what problem do you have ?19:28
tracy69maxflax,  what do you want to do ?19:28
adminewbsemanticpc, yes ndiswrapper is an package on your LiveCD19:28
adminewbsemanticpc, you'd also need the install media that came with your wireless19:29
ilovefairuzboywonder: then copy and paste the text to paste.ubuntu.com19:29
boywonderilovefairuz,  i couldnt catch the output19:29
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boywonderilov or there was none19:29
jrib!away > Putr|Away19:29
ubottuPutr|Away, please see my private message19:29
semanticpcadminewb:  and I haven't used Ubuntu Server before .... does it have a GUI ?19:29
asclepiojrib: wow, so there's people who dislike it. I agree with the last post19:29
rmrfslashjrib: thanks19:30
ilovefairuzboywonder: paste the whole output of: sudo lshw19:30
adminewbsemanticpc, this is not guaranteed to work for you, ndiswrapper is for wireless devices which have no native Linux driver19:30
adminewbsemanticpc, afaik, server has no GUI19:30
maxflaxtracy69 - well, I have the problem that my adjustment I make to the color temperature to one of my screens also transfered to the other screen after reboot. I only want the right one to have the adjustment19:30
jribrmrfslash: if that's not enough, you should be able to find a blueprint on launchpad with more technical specifications19:30
ceegeeilovefairuz, it said it found no errors bust still will only boot from cd19:30
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ilovefairuzceegee: what's the exact error message you get?19:31
tetsuo----Does anyone have instructions on how to use the graphical installer to manually configure the partitions, i want to use brfs19:31
ilovefairuzceegee: when you boot from the CD19:31
rmrfslashjrib: thanks a bunch!19:31
tracy69maxflax,  and u have ati card and use catalyst right ?19:31
ceegeeverifying dmi pool data19:31
ceegeeand it sits there19:31
maxflaxtracy69 - yes19:31
Kane_Hartis there a netinstall ISO for ubuntu19:31
Kane_Hartsomething easy for me to install on a XEN server19:32
ilovefairuztetsuo----: last option, "manual partitioning"19:32
tracy69maxflax, join #ati they support ati cards and catalyst19:32
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ceegeeilovefairuz- it lets me boot up ubunto live no problem19:32
maxflaxtracy69 - Let say I have the colortemperature 7000 on my left screen and I adjust the right screen to have 8000. After reboot both have 800019:32
mneptoktetsuo----: BTRFS is not an installable filesystem in any released version of Ubuntu19:32
ceegeebut It doesnt seem i can get the OS I just installed running19:32
maxflaxtracy69 - ok19:32
ilovefairuzceegee: how come it "sits there" but lets you boot?19:32
tetsuo----mneptok:  i have the beta19:32
mneptoktetsuo----: then please go to #ubuntu+1 for help with that19:33
tetsuo----ilovefairuz: but i dont know how many and what kinds of partitions i have to make19:33
tetsuo----mneptok: oh ok19:33
ilovefairuzceegee:  if this hangs, then it's before anything has booted19:33
ilovefairuztetsuo----: practically a root (/) and swap partitions would be fine19:33
ceegeeilovefairuze- Im not sure. yes it is before anything has booted. Sorry. This happens when I have it set to boot from local drives. If I have it boot from the cd. It works.19:34
M4rotkuhey guys.  I just installed gentoo on a second partition and I am having a hard time getting it into the grub menu.  When I run 'update-grub', the program sees that the gentoo install exists, but it doesn't add it to the list of possible boot options.  Does anyone have any idea why this would happen?19:34
ilovefairuz!tab | ceegee19:34
ubottuceegee: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:34
ilovefairuzceegee: test the hard drive on another computer, it could be faulty19:35
ilovefairuzceegee: can you browse the hard disk from the live cd?19:35
Gui_0i'm using the latest livecd19:35
ilovefairuz!hi | Gui_019:35
ubottuGui_0: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:35
ceegeeilovefairuz: yes i can brows the disk from livecd19:35
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brontoeeehow do i setup ubuntu one client?19:36
Gui_0i'm trying to resive a ntfs partitions using gparted, but if it's unmounted i get a little triangle, if i mount it i get a little key icon - any way, i can't resize the partitions :(19:36
boywonderilovefairuz, http://pastebin.com/HPP9jJQq19:36
Gui_0i also have ntfs installed19:37
boywonderGui_0,  are you booting gparted or..19:38
Gui_0boywonder, i am booting off the latest ubuntu livecd (from a usb drive)´19:39
boywonderilovefairuz,  you get that link19:39
ilovefairuzceegee: what did this problem start to happen? did you change anything in BIOS or hardware before it started happening?19:39
ilovefairuzboywonder: yes, looking into it19:39
boywonderilovefairuz,  thanks19:39
boywonderGui_0,  i just did that19:39
Gui_0i get the key icon in gparted because the partition is "In use by the system" - but i don't know how to tell the system to stop using it or whatever :(19:39
RoastedIs anybody having any issues with thunderbird in ubuntu? I'm seeing that often times I get a little slim tiny tiny window that comes up that's blank as opposed to thunderbird working appropriately.19:39
boywonderGui_0,  cant you boot gparted to change the size etc then there not mouned or anythin19:40
ilovefairuzGui_0: use the "parted magic" live cd19:40
ceegeeilovefairuz: I got this computer fixed- they said it was the hardrive so I lost my OS: I decided to install ubunutu- I havent been able to get past the instalation. It never boots up from when it was installed. It think It might be the cd so I was trying to book from flashdrive. I think it finally did it19:40
Gui_0isn't there a way to do it using the ubuntu live cd?19:40
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ilovefairuzceegee: it's not the CD drive, it's STILL the hard disk or BIOS, most likely the hard disk19:41
area51pilot_semanticpc: still having wireless driver issues?19:41
ilovefairuzGui_0: yes you can use that too19:41
semanticpcarea51pilot_: yea .... any suggestions ?19:42
Kane_Hartis there a net install for ubuntu server 6419:42
Gui_0ilovefairuz, how?19:42
dajhornGui_0: gparted depends on the ntfsprogs package to resize an NTFS filesystem.  This package could be missing from the Live CD.19:42
vinokwow the channel is silent or im lagging19:43
Gui_0dajhorn, i've check and it IS installed :/19:43
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ilovefairuzboywonder: sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade ... see if there are any pending updates19:43
ceegeeilovefairuz: thank you so much for your helo. Il try using a new diskdrive- if not then I know its the bios19:43
ilovefairuzGui_0: boot it and run gparted from the applications menu19:43
KatsukiHello can I set up grub to load at bootup even if I only have ubuntu installed19:43
boywonderilovefairuz,  i think your mad19:43
ilovefairuzboywonder: pardon me?19:44
dajhornGui_0:  Run `mount` at a prompt and check whether it is actually mounted.  Running `umount` could fix your problem.  If it isn't mounted and you're getting the yellow warning triangle, then force a fsck.19:44
sammyright clicking an .iso provides the option to 'open using archive mounter' yet, nothing happens when I choose to do so. any suggestions?19:44
elliot_I am trying to run red alert 2 in wine and it is not working any tips?19:44
cryptk|workhello all, I am running a persistent live USB (I need to bring my linux with me for my work).  I am trying to re-enable the screen lock with the screensaver, I have been able to narrow down that it has to do with the RUNNING_UNDER_GDM env variable (I think) but I have not been successful so far at being able to get the screensaver to ask for a password before turning off19:44
boywonderilovefairuz, lol its just a common cdrom/dvdr19:44
KatsukiHello can I set up grub to load at bootup even if I only have ubuntu installed?19:44
cryptk|workand yes, the screensaver is set to lock the screen, lol19:44
Gui_0ilovefairuz, that's what i'm doing -.- the problem is if i don't mount the partition, i get a yellow triangle and it won't let me resize, if i do mount it, i get a key which means "the system is using the partition" - either way, it won't let me resize19:44
ilovefairuzboywonder: there ARE udev and kernel bugs that cause this kind of problems19:45
DeviatusCan some kind person help a new ubuntu/linux user with installation problems?19:45
ilovefairuzboywonder: and having an attitude here won't help you get answers to your questions19:45
dajhorn!ask | Deviatus19:45
ubottuDeviatus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:45
Gui_0dajhorn, i'll try that19:46
KatsukiHello can I set up grub to load at bootup even if I only have ubuntu installed?19:46
boywonderilovefairuz,  i meant it in the kindest way, and i think you do no more than i do just it seems a little quirky19:46
spid3ris any 1 has sevrer on ubuntu19:46
ilovefairuzGui_0: open a terminal and type: mount19:46
spid3ri try to server on ubuntu19:46
jribspid3r: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)19:46
sammyKatsuki: yes.19:46
Gui_0dajhorn, can fsck do a ntfs partitions? o.019:46
spid3ri wasis ther antyexploit on ubuntu19:46
erdnaseHow do I edit the applications menu? I can't see wine here.19:46
spid3ris there any exploite19:47
spid3ron ubuntu19:47
ilovefairuzboywonder: umount the CD, eject it, sudo tail -f /var/log/messages, insert it again and pastebin what you see19:47
sammyerdnase: right click? edit menu? wine should add itself, along with anything you install19:47
jribspid3r: do you have an ubuntu support question?19:47
jribspid3r: then ask it19:47
ilovefairuzboywonder: but still do the updates, are there any pending?19:48
spid3ri wasasking if they are any exploite on ubuntu19:48
boywonderilovefairuz, theres nothing in the fstab at all about this device, and it does mount manually?19:48
erdnasesammy, It's supposed to do that, but it didn't. XD I'll just, see what  Ican do. :P19:48
dajhornGui_0: No.  Sometimes ntfsfix will do it, but you usually need to fsck NTFS from Windows.19:48
spid3ri use back track and ubuntu19:48
ChaosRhello people, I am connecting this computer to my laptop, and the link is fine, however, both cards support 1gbit, I have a cat5e cable, and still they only connect at 100mbit, anyone knows how to fix this?19:48
Gui_0dajhorn, i don't have a bootable windows installation19:48
sammyerdnase: yeah, my experience is that wine automagically adds itself to the menu upon installation, and installing programs should add them to the wine section of the applications menu.19:48
ilovefairuzboywonder: yes it should automatically mount it but bugs in the kernel, udev or udisks or faulty firmware may prevent this from happening19:49
Gui_0dajhorn, can't gparted resie an unmounted partitions? o.019:49
carlghow do I remove orphaned packages?19:49
carlgfrom aptitude19:49
ilovefairuzcarlg: sudo apt-get autoremove19:49
th0rcarlg: apt-get autoremove19:49
DeviatusI can install Ubuntu 10.04.1 on one of my computers running windows 7, but on my other computer after I get past the initial boot screen, it goes black and begins running code which ends in soft lockup, any ideas please?19:49
dajhornGui_0: Did you check the `mount` output?19:49
vinok_ei guys does any of you experience gnome panel bug... there are time my volume control is missing and i have 2 battery icons and bluetooth on the panel. anybody knows how to fix this?19:49
dpac_!panel | vinok_19:50
Gui_0dajhorn, yes i did - the partitions was listed as mounted19:50
dpac_!panels | vinok_19:50
ubottuvinok_: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »19:50
sammyDeviatus: any error messages? the last thing you can see on the screen, maybe? you can try removing the 'quiet' flag from the boot options when you start the installation and see if it shows you why its locking up19:50
dajhornGui_0: The partition must be dismounted to resize it.   # sudo umount -f /My/NTFS/MountPoint19:51
spid3rthe partion isso deffuclte ihave fo  partition19:51
ChaosRethtool claims both cards do support 1000baseT, however, on this computer it says the laptop is advertising only 100baseT, and the laptop claims this computer isnt advertising any speeds19:51
spid3ri have loss my files on windows19:51
spid3rso i have boot my usb using unetbooting19:52
sammyChaosR: is there a way to manually set, rather than autonegotiate? what OS is the laptop running?19:52
jrib!enter | spid3r19:52
ubottuspid3r: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:52
ChaosRsammy: ubuntu19:52
dajhornChaosR: Replace the ethernet cable first.  Linux almost always plumbs the interface to the right speed.19:52
Deviatuslast error messages I get are W:Skipping nonexistent file /cdrom/dists/lucid/restricted/binary-i386/packages19:52
dajhornChaosR: ethtool can force an interface speed.19:53
sammyanyone have any experience mounting .iso's in gnome without installing additional software?19:53
sammyChaosR: dajhorn is right, autonegotiation is almost always best. if you're having to force a speed, something is wrong.19:53
dlublinkI am using iptraf, and want to have information for UDP data similar to that in the "TCP Connections" window so I can see where all the traffic is coming from19:53
dpac_sammy: mount command works19:53
ilovefairuzChaosR: sudo mii-tool -F 100baseTx-FD eth019:53
dajhornsammy: No.  Gnome needs a helper package to mount ISO files that is not installed by default.19:53
sammydajhorn: then why do I have an option to open the file with the 'archive mounter'? :P19:54
th0rsammy: you can mount an iso just using the mount command from a terminal19:54
elliot_where is the task manager in ubuntu?19:54
vinok_dpac_, thanks, but it restored the default panel. anyways thanks it helps19:54
ritleesammy, try $sudo mount -o loop <nameof>.iso /place/to/mount/to19:54
c0rrupt0rHello I am looking to find out if there is any Alternative to Jack Audio Connection Kit.19:54
dajhornsammy: The file roller is not the same thing as a mount.19:54
dpac_dajhorn: It isn't? Are you sure?19:54
KatsukiHello can I set up grub to load at bootup even if I only have ubuntu installed? and how?19:54
sammyI know how to mount iso's, folks, thank you for the help with that. I'm curious why gnome advertises a mounter that doesn't work for me.19:54
ritleeor in ubuntu right click the iso and select the mounting option19:54
boywonderilovefairuz, http://pastebin.com/Z82KMN9Q19:54
sammyritlee: that's what I'm trying. no error (that I know how to find), no feedback, nothing happens.19:55
Gui_0dajhorn, it says: sudo: unmount: command not found19:55
Scuttlethis is starting to drive me nuts...is there any way to completely reinstall the audio in ubuntu? drivers and everything?19:55
the_fileI am trying to get gnome in ubuntu to have the same icons system like in windows 719:55
ritleesammy, *nix no news is good news... go into the dir you mounted to and do an ls19:55
dpac_vinok_: You're welcome19:55
dajhornGui_0: Your spelling is wrong:  umount19:55
the_fileby that I mean on mouse over the icons turn into a box19:55
the_fileis it possible???19:55
sammyritlee: oh its trying to mount it where the iso lives? oi. that's an external drive running hfs+ - I don't know if it can even write to it. lemme copy the iso to my desktop and see if I get different results.19:56
ChaosRif I try to force the settings, the laptop says: "cannon set new settings, invalid argument"19:56
dpac_elliot_: System->Administration->System Monitor19:56
sammythanks everyone for help on how to mount .isos from the command line, though.19:56
Gui_0dajhorn, the command ran well now. i think i just found out the disk has 2 bad sectors :O19:56
ilovefairuzboywonder: did you add any cdrom lines to fstab? pastebin it19:57
Gui_0what's teh best way/tool to check a disk's reliability?19:57
dpac_Gui_0: SMART test19:57
boywonderilovefairuz,  will do19:57
Scuttleyesterday I could play movies with audio just fine, now I get audio in almost nothing...19:57
dajhornGui_0: Welcome.  Do a backup Right Now.19:57
ritleesammy, if the it's an iso file on a cd then it should mount it fine though it'd run faster if on the harddrive, i don't think it will mount on to a cdrom itself though19:57
=== ShakeyJake is now known as Jack
sammyritlee: it's a usb external drive. and its not mounting there, or after copying it to the desktop.19:58
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ilovefairuz!sound | Scuttle19:58
ubottuScuttle: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:58
=== _Jack_ is now known as ShakeyJake
boywonderilovefairuz,  i have but copied a wrong dir and havnt rebooted yet does that matter?19:58
Gui_0dpac_, how would i go about running a smart test? :p19:58
ilovefairuzboywonder: remove any lines you've added to fstab, and reboot19:58
ChaosRsammy, dajhorn: I cannot seem to change the speed on the laptop, on every speed it claims "invalid argument"19:58
sammydajhorn: the file roller is the archive manager. there's an option to open it with that, and an option to open it with the 'archive mounter'.19:59
dpac_Gui_0: sudo apt-get install gsmartcontrol19:59
Gui_0dpac_, thanks19:59
glaucousI just swapped my ATI HD4870 with NVIDIA GTX260 (a friend's), and geez, the difference is enormous. I have A LOT better performance with this card - without a doubt the drivers (since the card itself is slower), Is this a general problem, the ATI drivers?19:59
ritleesammy, try this then... say the .iso is in your home dir ie; /home/sammy/myisofile.iso ... do mkdir /home/sammy/myisodir then sudo mount /home/sammy/myisofile.iso /home/sammy/myisodir19:59
ilovefairuzGui_0: palimpsest19:59
dpac_glaucous: You can have ATI proprietary drivers for better performance20:00
dajhornChaosR: Some crappy laptops have a 100 Mbit PHY and a 1000 Mbit chipset.  You almost certainly have a bad ethernet cable, a 100 mbit switch, or a 100 mbit interface.20:00
ritleesammy, last command should read20:00
boywonderilovefairuz,  firstly i forgot to change the read attributes for the drive20:00
glaucousdpac_: I did use the latest ones, yes20:00
ilovefairuzdpac_: ubuntu ships with palimpsest which has a SMART front end20:00
ritleesammy, sudo mount -o loop /home/sammy/myisofile.iso /home/sammy/myisodir20:00
sammyritlee: I just decided to make sure I can mount it from the command line. works fine.20:00
boywonderill reboot and paste20:00
dpac_ilovefairuz: Thats the one I was searching for him. Thanks for reminding.20:01
dajhornsammy: The 'Archive Mounter` will make the ISO available to GNOME applications through the .gvfs interface.  Software that doesn't use GNOME may not be able to recognize the mount in some circumstances.20:01
ilovefairuzboywonder: by default, you do NOT need to change anything to have CDs automatically mounted20:01
ritleesammy lol k, thats how i usually do it, 'cause i have a hard time finding it via CL when it's mounted via gui20:01
Scuttlehm, I no longer have a speaker-icon in the upper righthand corner...20:01
sammyritlee: it may not appear that way, but I've been using linux for 10+ years. I was just hoping to hear someone say that I'm missing something obvious when mounting an iso from the desktop, or that its broken :P20:01
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ritleeScuttle, lost mine about a week ago too :(20:01
dpac_Gui_0: run palimpsest . It has a SMART frontend as well. Thanks ilovefairuz20:01
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boywonderilovefairuz,  the fstab is basically empty then20:01
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semanticpcis there any diff between the amd64 and i386 desktop  editions ?20:02
sammydajhorn: ah-ha, so the iso should appear as a mounted drive, alongside the usb external drives I have plugged in? that's what I was hoping to see. though, good to know that things that don't use gvfs interface wont be able to see it. I thought it was going to mount it as a loop device.20:02
dpac_glaucous: Well, it seems its the driver issues then. Have you tested card's performance on windows?20:02
ilovefairuzboywonder: not empty but it shouldn't have cdrom lines20:02
sjonkehi guys. i'm running try before install 10.04, and am getting "Error deleting partition ... Daemon is inhibited" when trying to delete an old ntfs partition that i want to use for ubuntu. some googling got me nowhere. any thoughts?20:02
boywonderit doesnt20:03
dajhornsammy: Nope. You've got a hidden $HOME/.gvfs directory, and it is kinda-sorta-mostly not a loopback mount.   More like a fuse mount.20:03
ilovefairuzsemanticpc: do you have a 32- or a 64-bit machine?20:03
ritleedajhorn, ahhh i knew there was a /.gvfs (couldn't remember the actual name) folder that stuff like that gets mounted to maybe i'll remember it again one of these days when i need it again :P20:03
Scuttlegah... audio has been the thing I have had the most problem with since I switched from windows to linux on my htpc...spent tens of hours deciphering this stuff...20:03
sammyturns out for my purposes, then, the gnome mounter wouldn't have helped me. sad that gnome's default iso mounting procedure only makes the mounted partition available to gnome and not to the entire OS. maybe that's the gap gmount-iso is meant to fill.20:03
glaucousdpac_: Yes no problems there. What I did now is that I tried fgl_glxgears (NOT glxgears), which resulted in almost the same as my ATI card (~2k fps).20:03
OpenSourcedNickhow do I reverse that ALT+TAB (so I go backwards)? ALT+SHIFT+TAB doesn't work (metacity) ...20:03
ChaosRdajhorn: yup, bad ethernet cable20:03
semanticpcilovefairuz:  64 bit20:03
ChaosRdajhorn: replaced it, and guess what, 1000mbit20:04
sammydajhorn: its not mounting there, either. .gvfs is empty. though, I assume if I were to find it there, that it would have shown up in natilus, too.20:04
whosjoseIs there any FTP client like SmartFTP?20:04
glaucousdpac_: This means that "primitive" opengl performance was working okay. But for wine games, some composition and so on, worse.20:04
boywonderilovefairuz,  i can tell you, i then have to remount20:04
dajhornChaosR: Ta-daa.  :)20:04
ilovefairuzOpenSourcedNick: alt+shift+tab works for me20:04
OpenSourcedNicknot for me, how do I set it back or what-not ?20:05
ilovefairuzboywonder: delete any cdrom lines, reboot and do the tail -f command again20:05
dajhornsammy: Yes, it will be in the left-side pane of Nautilus if it is working correctly.   Remember that the ISO needs to have a filesystem that Linux can usually read.   If, for example, you're mounting a Blu-Ray rip, it probably won't work.20:05
ritleeChaosR, i like to believe in occams razor :) the simplest solution is often the best solution :P20:05
dpac_glaucous: k20:05
sammydajhorn: *nod* of course. it's iso9660 I assume. an old diablo 2 install disc iso. mounts fine from the command line, as I said. I'll go file a bug with the 'archive mounter'20:05
ilovefairuzOpenSourcedNick: check system > preferences > keyboard shortcuts20:06
dajhornsammy: Hmmm.  Did Diablo run on the Mac?   An HFS header can confuse Ubuntu in this circumstance.20:06
OpenSourcedNicktried it, no option for reverse task switch20:06
dpac_ilovefairuz: You might have compiz running.20:06
ritleeOpenSourcedNick, in ubuntu you should find it through the gui go to system/preferences/keyboard shortcuts20:06
ritleeilovefairuz, faster fingers than me lol20:07
ChaosRdoing 300mbit, probably the limit of the harddisk (I am transferring files), hurray20:07
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: Why don't you use compiz? It has a good application switcher20:07
ilovefairuzdpac_: nope, i dislike it, metacity here20:07
DasEii need help with a real nasty broken apt, it goes about packagekit-backend-apt, which isn't properly installed and can neither be reinstalled nor removed, bbut blocking apt20:07
boywonderilovefairuz,  brb20:07
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: it has caused probs before....20:07
ritleeback to work i goes20:07
sammydajhorn: you say you think its confusing gnome's gvfs mounter, even though mount is having no trouble mounting the iso? that would be lame. it did run on mac- I don't know if this iso has hfs headers.20:07
ilovefairuzDasEi: what's the exact error you get?20:08
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dpac_OpenSourcedNick: run gconf-editor, Apps->metacity->Global keybindings20:09
DasEiilovefairuz: errors on processing : /var/cache/apt/archives/packagekit-backend-apt, postinstallation errorcode (script) is 120:09
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OpenSourcedNickdpac_: weird, switch_windows_backward is set to <Shift><Alt>Tab20:10
ilovefairuzDasEi: sudo apt-get purge packagekit-backend-apt && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install packagekit-backend-apt20:10
OpenSourcedNickand it's still not working :I20:11
DasEiilovefairuz: tried already of course, also with force/missing options or by dpkg in init 1 , no dice, currently trying to verify debsums now20:11
OpenSourcedNicktried to change it to <Alt><Shift>Tab, didn't work either20:11
OpenSourcedNickthat's just weird20:11
ilovefairuzOpenSourcedNick: log out and back in, try again20:12
OpenSourcedNickbut it was already set20:12
ilovefairuzOpenSourcedNick: an app might have inadvertently hijacked that  shortcut20:12
OpenSourcedNickor do you mean I should logout and login because I changed it from <Shift><Alt>Tab to <Alt><Shift>Tab  ?20:12
sammywell, there's the bug/wishlist for not notifing me that my iso has been mounted, nevermind where. oh well. I'll file another bug. thanks, folks.20:12
_chunWonder if anyone can help me with pulseaudio forwarding? I've enabled access to local sound devices with paprefs, and I'm trying to run `PULSE_SERVER= audacious2` but the sound isn't forwarded... there's no error being given though. Any tips?20:12
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: What if you change it to something completely different and see if it works.20:12
ilovefairuzOpenSourcedNick: no, i don't think key order matters20:13
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: It should take effect immediately.20:13
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: haha works20:13
OpenSourcedNicktakes effect immediately20:13
OpenSourcedNickit's just specifically alt+shift+tab that doesn't take20:13
OpenSourcedNickwhat gives? :I20:13
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: Shift key is fine, right?20:13
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: lol :D20:13
ilovefairuzOpenSourcedNick: an app capturing it20:13
OpenSourcedNickoh where is that diabolic app20:14
ilovefairuzrunning any docks?20:14
ilovefairuzor launchers in general20:14
sinmanI know how to copy individual files, but how do i copy a folder and it's contents?20:15
Operator23On a Lenovo ideapad the Wireless LAN shows up as Hard blocked and I can't figure out why.20:15
OpenSourcedNickI see that I have compiz using this20:15
ilovefairuzsinman: cp -R20:15
Operator23Both BIOS and physical switches are in the right position.20:15
OpenSourcedNickat least in the config editor20:15
OpenSourcedNicknot sure if that even means anything20:15
Operator23And the light indicating wireless in is lit.20:15
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: Quit programs one at a time and see if it works after quitting a certain app. Probably an app which has tabs.20:15
jribsinman: read carefully, cp's documentation to see if you instead want -a20:15
ilovefairuzOperator23: flip it off and on again?20:15
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: in gconf-editor,  apps->compiz->plugins->switcher->allscreens->options20:16
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: it didn't work when I restarted the PC and nothing was running20:16
sinmanilovefairuz: would that be cp -R <foldername>20:16
rainfly_xOperator23: Sometimes if I turn off all networking and restart, it works.20:16
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: yes ok in the path you showed me there's next_key and prev_key, alt tab and shift alt tab20:16
ilovefairuzsinman: cp -R foldername newname20:16
Operator23ilovefairuz: tried, no dice20:16
OpenSourcedNickhowever both of them are written so .... that should mean that alt tab is not suppose to work either no?20:16
sinmanlovefairuz: k thanxs20:17
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Operator23rainfly_x: Could you elaborate on "turn off all networking"?20:17
_2easydoes anyone know in which file is the info that monitor is connected or not to VGA?20:17
ilovefairuzOperator23: rfkill list still showing hard blocked? and pastebin: sudo lshw -C network20:17
OpenSourcedNickoh.. maybe I should just change to compiz20:17
_2easycause i want make a script that changes screen resolution and turns off the notebook screen when i connect another20:18
boywonderilovefairuz,  for some reason its now mounting/unmounting20:18
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: Use compiz and disable all effects, leaving just the switcher on.20:18
OpenSourcedNickah... why?20:18
Operator23ilovefairuz: based on a mailing list thread I suspended and woke it up and it no longer shows as hard blocked20:18
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: You said it caused probs, thats why :)20:19
dpac_!who | OpenSourcedNick20:19
ubottuOpenSourcedNick: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:19
OpenSourcedNickoh lol20:19
ilovefairuzboywonder: after you removed the erroneous cdrom lines? that would be the intended behavior20:19
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: ok, plus I don't like my pc to be slower than it's already is20:19
toxictuxhi my eclipse at work (ubuntu 10.4) keeps crashing randomly are there any known workarounds?20:19
hidensofthi every body20:20
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: is there a need for me to uninstall metacity ?20:20
boywonderilovefairuz, it wasnt mounting before i added those lines20:20
hidensofti need to speedup apt-get , please help me , im new20:20
tracy69toxictux,  did you install it from synaptic?20:20
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: No, you shouldn't install metacity20:20
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: Uninstall*20:20
ilovefairuzboywonder: could have been another problem but adding those lines won't fix it20:20
RoastedIs anybody having any issues with thunderbird in ubuntu? I'm seeing that often times I get a little slim tiny tiny window that comes up that's blank as opposed to thunderbird working appropriately.20:20
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: ok thanks20:20
ilovefairuztoxictux: are you using the package from the repository or downloaded one from eclipse.org?20:21
boywonderilovefairuz, maybe its a dodgy drive that mounts unmounts when it wants20:21
toxictuxilovefairuz, i use the deb package from ubuntu20:21
ilovefairuzboywonder: could be dodge firmware, yeah20:21
toxictuxilovefairuz, i installed pdt and subversive into it20:22
SoyoSo I downloaded a printer driver for debian and ran it through the package installer but I still don't see the driver when I try to add a new printer...20:22
ilovefairuztoxictux: try the one from eclipse.org and what JVM are you using? try openjd20:22
rainfly_xQuick question: how do I send a python app to the background in bash without also stopping it?20:22
boywonderilovefairuz,  why have i read a tutorial on mounting a drive using fstab if you dont do it that way, is it old or somthing?20:22
hidensoftthere is no way to speed up apt-get ?20:22
Operator23ilovefairuz: Still not working, though. I can bring up the interface but it doesn't detect any networks.20:23
bodwickrainfly_x you tried running it with & ?20:23
ilovefairuzboywonder: yes that was the old way of doing things20:23
toxictuxilovefairuz, i tried both java versions and switched them with update-java-alternatives20:23
dpac_hidensoft: you mean download speed?20:23
boywonderilovefairuz,  cool thanks for helping you have been ace20:23
ilovefairuzOperator23: pastebin: sudo lshw -C network20:23
hidensoftdpac_ : yes20:23
mgolischhidensoft: search a faster mirror?20:24
ilovefairuz!paste | Operator2320:24
ubottuOperator23: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:24
toxictuxilovefairuz, i need to try that tommorow night at work, my team mates are mad at me and want to force me to install windoze20:24
ilovefairuzboywonder: you're welcome20:24
rainfly_xbodwick: That works, thanks!20:24
boywonderilovefairuz,  can i ask you a man or a lady?20:24
ilovefairuzboywonder: male20:24
boywonderwhy the nick?20:25
ilovefairuzboywonder:  offtopic, ask in PM20:25
toxictuxilovefairuz, you can run it without proplems?20:25
dpac_hidensoft: You can switch the mirrors. Use this link:  http://goo.gl/27eQ20:26
ilovefairuztoxictux: use I use PDT20:26
ilovefairuztoxictux: yes **20:26
toxictuxilovefairuz, i have 12 crashes in 9 Workhours20:26
hidensoftdpac_ : ok , i trying20:26
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: I installed compiz, how to switch to it ?20:26
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: Switch to compiz?20:26
ilovefairuztoxictux: don't use the debs for eclipse20:26
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: Alt+f2, type compiz --replace and press enter20:27
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: and it will work on the next restart and everything?20:27
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: Yes20:27
OpenSourcedNickah... weird stuff happening20:27
boywonderilovefairuz,  how do i pm, im a mirc user and only just gone onto xchat20:27
toxictuxilovefairuz, ok thanks a bunch! I dont want to use windows!20:28
OpenSourcedNickholy weird stuff20:28
tyrosineilovefairuz: /mng nick message20:28
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: this window doesn't have a close! or minimize! and what's weirder that the other windows are ok20:28
TFrogis anyone here running an intel 8.xx graphics chipset?20:28
tyrosineilovefairuz: */msg20:28
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: Just the IRC client having problems?20:28
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: pidgin20:29
toxictuxilovefairuz, do you have the mozilla-daily-ppa installed for a newer xulrunner?20:29
sinmanilovefairuz: question, would you know how i can increase the colors in plymouth, the new plymouth theme i put in the colors look like 4 bit colors20:30
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: Weird. Well, why not uninstall compiz and just change the shortcut keys to use super key (windows key) + tab and super+shift+tab20:30
ilovefairuztoxictux: no, don't need it inside eclipse20:30
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: oh wait now I understand ! the active window doesn't show the close, maximize and minimize20:30
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: oh no, compiz looks like fun20:30
ilovefairuzsinman: sorry, never created a plymouth theme20:30
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: Haha, once you get it right, it sure is. Wobbly windows is awesome :)20:31
toxictuxilovefairuz, ok20:31
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: wait, I'm starting to see the problem20:31
sinmanilovefairuz: ok no problem20:31
toxictuxhow can i revert changes a ppa made to my ubuntu install?20:31
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OpenSourcedNickdpac_: the SHIFT key is being read as iso_prev_group20:31
OpenSourcedNickwhat does that mean?20:31
sinmanwould anyone know how i can increase the color in plymouth from the default 4 bit color20:32
whosjoseIs there any FTP client like SmartFTP?20:32
kesroesweythwhats special about smartftp?20:32
kesroesweythwhy not use filezilla?20:32
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: http://goo.gl/aeu620:32
Saegehi guys20:33
whosjosewell just that i can have history20:33
whosjosei hate having to remember everything20:33
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kesroesweythyou can store sites and credentials in filezilla20:33
kesroesweythsite manager20:33
OpenSourcedNickinteresting but I don't have that line on my xorg.conf20:34
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: interesting but I don't have that line on my xorg.conf20:34
ericennshey any of you out there using ubuntu in your workplace20:34
RoastedIs anybody having any issues with thunderbird in ubuntu? I'm seeing that often times I get a little slim tiny tiny window that comes up that's blank as opposed to thunderbird working appropriately.20:34
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: Run xev and press shift key20:35
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: In the output, check if it displays the keyname as SHIFT_R or SHIFT_L20:35
OpenSourcedNickkeycode 50 for shift_l20:36
OpenSourcedNickkeycode 62 for shift_r20:36
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: xmodmap -e "keycode 50 = SHIFT_L"20:38
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: xmodmap -e "keycode 62 = SHIFT_R"20:38
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: what does this do_20:38
OpenSourcedNickdpac_ : if it changes something I just want to say up front I have multiple languages if that matters20:39
ilovefairuztoxictux: ppa-purge20:39
ericennsanyone here implemented a AUP to load when a user logs onto a ubuntu box20:40
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RoastedDoes anybody know how I can view printers that are shared on Windows servers? When I connect to a server on Windows, I see shares + printers. On Ubuntu I only see shares. How can I see printers?20:40
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: Does shift work for other shortcuts. Like switch tabs in reverse order in a browser? Ctrl+Shift+tab in FF or chrome?20:40
toxictuxilovefairuz, nice20:40
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: yes20:40
biggestchopsilovefairuz: hey, thanks again for helping me before, i'm now wondering, i've booted up a live cd to check and see what i can do. i have looked into reinstaling grub 2. however, since the install was on a raid1 device, i wanted to be sure that reinstalling grub two is in fact the thing to do. if bootup hangs at the "loading grub" screen, i guess that implies grub2 is the issue20:41
* WarrenSH is playin': Body & Soul and Fourward - The Past, The Present & The Future: Body Soul In The Mix - Comply To The Rules [02:11]20:41
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: The best thing to do is change the keysettings to use Super key instead of alt. Its being captured by some other app (probably compiz)20:41
biggestchopsi've looked in a couple of log files, and i can't see anything that implies that grub has changed at all20:41
biggestchopsthe /etc/default/grub looks the same20:42
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: ok, followup, how do I make it so the compiz task switcher won't popup the windows as a preview?20:42
ilovefairuzbiggestchops: don't you have a separate boot partition?20:42
zanberdoI've just installed ubuntu 10.04 server into a vm. When I ssh to the box I remain connected for just a few minutes, then I'm kicked out and I can't reconnect (I get a connection refused error). Why might this be happening?20:42
biggestchopsnot in this case, no20:42
JohnHeikkilaOpenSourcedNick: ALT+F2, then run "ccsm"20:43
biggestchopsi have 1 50gb raid1 partition that has the os install, 1 10gb partition raid1 partition that is swap, and another raid0 partition for storage20:43
OpenSourcedNickJohnHeikkila: yes I know but I didn't find there the option to disable that popup thingy20:44
JohnHeikkilaOpenSourcedNick: Then on the left click "Extras"20:44
guntbertzanberdo: look into the logs of your server: /var/log/syslog20:44
JohnHeikkilaOpenSourcedNick: And there's the preview thing20:44
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: Don't use compiz as its giving you problem. Just remove it. Change the keysettings in gconf-editor to use Super key instead of Alt.20:44
mib_mibhi when u apt-get how do you get all the required dependencies installed as well?20:44
mib_mibare there some flags u use? i know it kinda does it by default i thought there was something else though20:45
OpenSourcedNickdpac_: compiz has some features I'm interested so the switch itself is ok by me20:45
JohnHeikkilamib_mib: It automatically installs the dependencies20:45
wkshearerHi. Is there maybe an IRC specific to Anjuta C++?20:45
JohnHeikkilaOpenSourcedNick: Did the "Extras" from the CCSM work?20:45
Paddy_NIOpenSourcedNick, which pop up are you trying to get rid of?20:45
OpenSourcedNickJohnHeikkila: it is already disabled.... how come on the alt+tab when I switch through it pops up the windows (before I chose them) ?20:45
guntbert!u | mib_mib20:45
ubottumib_mib: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.20:45
JohnHeikkilaOpenSourcedNick: That's what it's made to do20:46
OpenSourcedNickbut I don't like it :P20:46
FIQo hai20:46
FIQi've never used wpa_supplicant before, is it meant that the process should keep running?20:46
FIQbecause, after running it, and then "dhcpcd wlan0", it timed out20:47
railsraiderhi i need help with nginx permissions20:47
JohnHeikkilaOpenSourcedNick: On the left sidebar of CCSM, click "Window Management" and find the Static..20:47
naxahi! 10.04 minimal install with openbox. randomly my system crashes and screen goes back to CLI but with the whole constantly blinking like it tries to adjust the resolution. then i see half of my screen filled up with vertical stripes made of the "full" ascii character and blank spaces. the lowe half is completely blank. i have an old integrated intel graphics card. my comp is dell optiplex gx-260. above the core system, ardour, openbo20:47
railsraideri have auser nginx with a group of nginx20:47
guntbertwkshearer: I don't think so (alis knows about two channels with anjuta, each has one user)20:47
railsraideri chown the www folder to nginx:nginx20:47
mneptokFIQ: "sudo dhclient wlan0"20:47
OpenSourcedNickJohnHeikkila: yes but I can't find the option to disable what I want20:47
naxawhen i first tried to logon the screen was half blank and the upper half was filled with gdm buy it was strangely distorted and interlaced20:47
railsraiderwhen i try to run the rails server from there i get permission denied20:48
JohnHeikkilaOpenSourcedNick: So what do you want disabled20:48
FIQhm, so dhcpcd isn't recommended?20:48
railsraideri do use sudo su nginx unicorn_rails20:48
ilovefairuzbiggestchops: what happened that caused ubuntu to stop booting? did it ever boot?20:48
OpenSourcedNickJohnHeikkila: as I mentioned, when I press ALT+TAB the windows popup before I choose them, I don't want the to happen20:48
guntbertrailsraider: don't use sudo su -- use sudo -i instead20:48
railsraiderdoes chowning the www folder to nginx:nginx  is right?20:48
feverdreamhi all!20:49
railsraiderwhats -i doi ng20:49
JohnHeikkilaOpenSourcedNick: Press Control+alt+tab, does it make any difference?20:49
OpenSourcedNicksame task switcher20:49
guntbert!who | railsraider20:49
ubotturailsraider: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:49
guntbertrailsraider: sudo -i gives you a shell with root permissions20:50
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: There are 3 different switches. Use a different one.20:50
wkshearerguntbert_: okay, thanks, just needed some help with an issue.20:50
dpac_OpenSourcedNick: switchers*20:50
JohnHeikkilaOpenSourcedNick: Use the "Next window (no popup switcher)20:50
railsraiderdo i need a shell to run a daemon20:50
JohnHeikkilaOpenSourcedNick: Which is the second last20:50
railsraideri just wanna keep my server secure20:50
biggestchopsilovefairuz: thats the funny thing. it was booting just fine for months, the raid setup was sweet thanks to the ubuntu alternate install disk. the last time updates were applied were on the 7th of september, and it booted once after that20:50
railsraideri created the nginx user without a shell20:50
railsraiderso it can only run the server20:51
SolvedI am trying to create a startup disk using a Usb Flash Drive, but every time I try,it gives me the error "Installation failed"20:51
guntbertrailsraider: I was saying that sudo su is *not recommended* on ubuntu20:51
railsraideri see20:51
JohnHeikkilaOpenSourcedNick: Did that help?20:52
SolvedI am trying to create a startup disk for 10.10 using a Usb Flash Drive, but every time I try,it gives me the error "Installation failed"20:52
ilovefairuzbiggestchops: i still think you just need to reinstall grub, perhaps with raid specific adjustments to the procedure tailored to your setup20:52
quidnuncI'm trying to kill a process in the "Sl" state ("plugin-container") but kill and kill -9 arent' working. Why?20:53
SolvedI am trying to create a startup disk for 10.10 using a Usb Flash Drive, but every time I try,it gives me the error "Installation failed"20:53
yongSolved, with unetbootin?20:53
guntbertand railsraider please use the nick of a person if you are talking to someone particular - your statement might get lost if you don't20:53
nyc-h0stcan't initialize iptables table `NAT': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?) .... wtf?20:53
wedwoSolved, that means the installation failed20:53
Solvedyong: I am a beginner to ubuntu, I dont know what you mean. I was trying to use the program "startup disk creator"20:53
railsraiderguntbert: should i do sudo -i nginx /etc/init.d/nginx ?20:54
nyc-h0st10.4 server doesnt support nat?20:54
yongSolved, try in a terminal: sudo unetbootin20:54
guntbertrailsraider: I have no idea what nginx is/does -- sorry20:54
railsraiderthe user20:54
Solvedsudo: unetbootin: command not found20:55
yongSolved, sudo aptitube install unetbootin20:55
Solvedk i did sudo apt-get install unetbootin20:55
Solveddid i do it wrong?20:56
yongSolved, for 10.10, you would like to download an installation .iso first, then, you run unetbootin20:56
sinmanlooking for a software that is equilavwnt to adobe lightroom in windows for linux20:56
Solvedhow do i do this20:56
ilovefairuzSolved: apt-cache policy unetbootin ... says installed ?20:57
Condouloif I were to rip out pulseaudio and install alsamixer, what package would I need to install to get the volume applet for gnome-panel for alsamixer?20:57
yongSolved, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/20:57
Solvedilovefairuz:says installed (none)20:58
yongCondoulo, you can simply add pavucontrol to panel and keep pulseaudio20:58
sinmanhow can i get the volume control back in my gnome panel, i had accidentally removed last night20:58
yongsinman, right click on panel20:59
Condouloyong, I'm trying to help a friend and PulseAudio was messing up on him so I replaced it with regular ALSA. So I'm just trying to figure out what the package for the gnome-panel alsamixer volume applet is.20:59
feverdreamhey people got a touchpad "not working problem" since last kernel ver 24 , and now with the older 22 too, somebody know a answear?20:59
ilovefairuzSolved: any error messages while doing sudo apt-get install unetbootin ?20:59
Solvedno, it just starts downloading21:00
JohnHeikkilafeverdream, what's your pc's model?21:00
ilovefairuzSolved: and ends fine?21:00
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.21:01
Kane_Hartthis better be easy to install!21:01
sinmanyoung: I done that but I can't find the default volume control in the list21:01
tobiaszhi does anyone know an image maps supporting web designing program?21:01
feverdreamJohnHeikkila: got a TravelMate 5720g.21:01
Solvedwait no i cant do sudo apt-get install unetbootin21:01
Solvedit says could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg....21:02
sinmanyong: I done it but I don't see the default volume control in the list21:02
JohnHeikkilafeverdream, okay, let me find some info..21:02
craigbass1976Anyone know how well an ubuntu livecd will see mac osX partitions and files?21:02
ilovefairuzSolved: do you have any other package managers open? or is there an update running?21:02
ilovefairuzKane_Hart: sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jre21:02
ilovefairuzSolved: no other terminal windows?21:03
apparlehey guys.21:03
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:03
apparleIs there anyway I can see the contents of 4 folders on different drives in the same directory?21:03
Solved!aptlock: event not found21:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:04
apparleis there anything like linking or mounting etc for that21:04
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »21:04
ilovefairuzapparle: as in "merge" them or just link their names to some directory?21:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:04
quidnuncHow do I kill a process that doesn't seem to die with "kill -9"?21:04
=== AnxiousNut is now known as RoastedNut
Kane_Hartsudo: add-apt-repository: command not found21:05
JohnHeikkilaquidnunc, System-->Administration-->System monito21:05
apparleilovefairuz: actually I have movies in 4 partitions of my drive. I just want to see them together, its boring to search in each one21:05
JohnHeikkilaquidnunc, then select the tab Processes21:05
SolvedOk unetbootin is now downloading21:05
apparleilovefairuz: I want to keep the folders as they are actually. I just want to see them in the same drive21:06
boywonderSolved,  you new?21:06
apparleilovefairuz: sorry ...... same directory21:06
quidnuncJohnHeikkila: Thanks. What does that do differently than "kill -9"?21:06
=== RoastedNut is now known as AnxiousNut
ilovefairuzquidnunc: killall -KILL21:06
ubuntuwhy does ubuntu make the close button close to the minimize button ?21:06
kanel_lmthis script is not working for me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/491198/ i need to edit to start the program2 program3 after conky. but they are not starting. can someone help me please?21:06
DAGr8right now I am repo sync ( big ass repo ) and my onsole doesnt show any progress , if I hit close it tells me it still doin somethign but it hasnt shown any progress in last 15 minutes ( that download will take me about 2 hours to dl ) should I restart ubuntu or I will lose the progress I made before it hanged ?21:07
JohnHeikkilaquidnunc, I don't know, I guess it sends a different kind of kill signal21:07
ubuntui often accidently have the window close and didn't want it to because I want it to minimize21:07
=== ubuntu is now known as git__
apparleilovefairuz: any ideas?21:07
JohnHeikkilaKane_Hart, make sure you have python-software-properties installed21:07
sinmanwhere do i look in the add panel to get the default sound volume control back in my gnome panel21:08
beerlihi there21:08
JohnHeikkilaKane_Hart, or then you manually add the line to /etc/apt/sources.list21:08
JohnHeikkilabeerli, Hello!21:08
beerlihi john21:08
MadMan!seen malin21:08
ubottuI have no seen command21:08
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JohnHeikkilaAnyone need support?21:10
kanel_lmthis script is not working for me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/491198/ i need to edit to start the program2 program3 after conky. but they are not starting. can someone help me please?21:10
hidensoftdpac_: i change the ubunru software source to the best , bot i have slowly download ! , how i can choose default software source ?21:11
ilovefairuzapparle: some ideas in there http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75580821:11
hidensofti cant find this server21:12
DAGr8in other words if repo sync is interupted do I lose all progress ?21:12
Kane_Hartsmack that booty21:12
DAGr8john  I do21:12
craigbass1976Anyone know how well an ubuntu livecd will see mac osX partitions and files?21:13
hfmpmy ubuntu server crashes every time, help21:13
JohnHeikkilakanel_lm, You need to add another & sign.21:13
JohnHeikkilathere must be two & signs, &&21:14
kanel_lmJohnHeikkila: where to add exactly ?21:14
JohnHeikkilakanel_lm, the script should have two & signs like always "&&"21:14
galchaHi, I am getting a modprobe fatal error on booting my machine. I think it's related to installing truecrypt earlier. I can't bypass the error to boot into the machine. Error is along the lines of modprobe fatal error inserting padlock_sha no such device21:14
kanel_lmJohnHeikkila: i tried it too. but it is not working.21:15
sinmanilovefairuz: would you know how to get the default sound volume back in the gnome applet, I'm not seeing it in the add applet21:15
JohnHeikkilawhat about just adding a ; sign21:15
JohnHeikkila; instead of &&21:15
dbermanRunning Ubuntu 10.0.4 x64, how to install 'usbfs'?21:16
kanel_lmJohnHeikkila: ah ok. ! i will tried. please wait im coming back...21:16
DAGr8johnheikkila if repo sync is interupted will I lose progress that was made before I interup it ?21:16
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apparleilovefairuz: you missed the point. I don't want to merge directories. I sort of want to mount 4 folders in the same directory21:17
galchaAny help regarding bypassing a modprobe fatal error so I can boot into my machine thypassing loading of the module?21:17
kanel_lmhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/491203/ JohnHeikkila: this is the true ?21:17
JohnHeikkilaDAGr8, If you mean updates or installing, reinstall the package by trying first "apt-get install --reinstall (package) and after that, dpkg --configure -a21:18
JohnHeikkilakanel_lm, Sure, try it to test it!21:18
kanel_lmok i have to restart my computer to try. please wait. and thank you!21:18
uhxn913how on earth is my ubuntu connected to the internet?21:18
OpenSourcedNickok I have in metacity shortcuts for maximize_vertically and move_to_side_w, can I make a command that does them together in one shortcut ?21:18
DAGr8johnheikkilawell im downloading an aosp source and it akes about 2 hours I had about an hour doen when it seemed it hangged .. so no its not an install .21:18
yonggalcha, boot a livecd, blacklist the module21:19
DAGr8johnheikkila well im downloading an aosp source and it akes about 2 hours I had about an hour doen when it seemed it hangged .. so no its not an install .21:19
JohnHeikkilauhxn913, Isn't it good?21:19
uhxn913how on earth is my ubuntu connected to the internet? i have a bridge modem, and i have to do the pppoe on each system, but ubuntu is simply connected tothe internet!!21:19
uhxn913it's somehow scary21:19
boywonderuhxn913, probably through a controller lol21:19
test34uhxn913, I would say either wired or wireless21:19
WhoSayInhello everybody, i have a problem with setting swap partition, im setting it with mkswap command succesfully, i can see it from system monitor, but when i reboot my system, it goes off21:19
JohnHeikkilaDAGr8, What are you downloading it with21:19
bodwickunxn913 it's a king of magic ;)21:19
yongWhoSayIn, add it in /etc/fstab21:20
WhoSayInadd what?21:20
dbermanRunning Ubuntu 10.0.4 x64, how do I install 'usbfs'?21:20
ilovefairuzapparle: not possible21:20
DAGr8JohnHeikkila huh ?21:20
apparleilovefairuz: just for read only purpose?21:20
kanel_lmJohnHeikkila: they did not start again :(21:20
JohnHeikkilaDAGr8, What are you downloading it with? Apt-get? Wget? a browser?21:20
JohnHeikkilakanel_lm, hmm..21:20
DAGr8JohnHeikkila youmean repo init -u  then repo sync21:20
WhoSayIn@yong, what should i add to the /etc/fstab ?21:21
ilovefairuzapparle: for any purpose21:21
sinmanhow can i change the time or stop the screen from going dark after so many minutes of inactivity?21:21
galchayong: ok then, that's what I was dreading - don't have 1 handy. Will do though now.21:21
apparleilovefairuz: :( anyways thanks21:21
JohnHeikkilaDAGr8, Try to do the Sync again21:21
WhoSayIn@yong, what should i add to the /etc/fstab ?21:22
elitexrayhas anyone successful synced ipod on ubuntu?21:22
DAGr8JohnHeikkila  yea I did bu tit didnt say it was resumin or anything so how do I know all Iknow is its downloading and I dont want it to hang again especiallyif its not resuming with why I ask21:22
boywonderWhoSayIn,  sorry to jump in here for what device?21:22
JohnHeikkilaDAGr8, What command do you use to synchronize?21:23
DAGr8JohnHeikkila repo sync21:23
JohnHeikkilaso you just execute "repo sync"?21:23
JohnHeikkilaDAGr8, I don't have a command like that21:23
yongWhoSayIn, I wonder whether you'd better installation docs from debian.org, but you may add a line like: /dev/sda3 none swap sw 0 021:23
WhoSayInboywonder: no problem, just go on21:23
WhoSayInyong: thanks, i will do21:24
kanel_lmthis script is not working for me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/491198/ i need to edit to start the program2 program3 after conky. but they are not starting. can someone help me please?21:24
boywonderWhoSayIn,  well i just had an issue with fstab which appently i didnt need to use for cdrom on 10.421:24
OpenSourcedNickweird bug21:24
OpenSourcedNickanyways, how do I make a shortcut for 2 commands in metacity ? (maximize_vertically and move_to_side_w)21:25
DAGr8JohnHeikkila thisis what Im doin : http://pastebin.com/R54MgCjw  so I m just wondering if it would resume ornot gues sill never know ..21:25
uhxn913why when i type cd.. it says command not found?21:25
elitexrayI hope that one day I will be the one helping linux users...21:25
JohnHeikkilauhxn913, Because you need to put a space between cd and .. so "cd .."21:25
marajaPlease, could anybody install Lexmark x1250 on Lucid??? i tried all the tutorials without success21:25
ericennshas anyone implemented an acceptable use policy in ubuntu for use at a workplace21:26
dbermanRunning Ubuntu 10.0.4 x64, how do I install 'usbfs'?21:26
JohnHeikkilamaraja, http://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Lexmark-x125021:26
JohnHeikkiladberman, It's not a package or software, right?21:27
uhxn913./media$ sudo mount -t vboxsf shared /media/shared21:27
uhxn913./sbin/mount.vboxsf: mounting failed with the error: Protocol error21:27
marajaPrinter not found                 We're sorry, but the printer ID you provided was not found in our database.21:27
uhxn913is the -t wrong?21:27
galchahmmm I'm looking for a livecd here and can't find one! http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download21:27
marajadoes it means this doesnt work on linux?21:28
JohnHeikkilagalcha, it is a livecd21:28
galchad'oh I just realized that!21:28
dbermanJohnH: Essentially I am trying to get my card reader to register on my computer in fstab, but /proc/bus/usb doesn't exists and usbfs isn't a filesystem to use...?21:28
JohnHeikkilagalcha, .iso files are to be burned on CDs and then you put the CD in your PC and reboot21:28
galchaJohnHeikkila: Thanks - I have the CD here alright and just remembered a min ago that you get the boot live cd aswell as install option.21:29
JohnHeikkiladberman, It doesn't exist for me either21:29
JohnHeikkiladberman, but USB works21:29
ilovefairuzapparle: google unionfs and aufs21:30
JohnHeikkilamoldy, Hello!21:30
sinmanhow can i edit a mp3 file. want to make a ringtone for my phone21:30
dbermanJohnH: yes, it works for me as well...what I am trying to do is get my card reader to work in VBox, but it keeps greying out the option in VBox (and I have found online that I need to mount is in /etc/fstab, using usbfs, but it doesn't exists...)?21:30
ilovefairuzapparle: there's a FUSE implementation for UnionFS called 'unionfs-fuse' that doesn't require support from the kernel21:31
uhxn913how do i execute a media file via terminal?21:31
jtiDoes anyone know dd comment options? helpp21:31
moldyi am playing around with ufw. i ran ufw status verbose says "Default: reject (incoming), allow (outgoing)". nmap is showing me some filtered ports. why are they "filtered" (deny) and not "closed" (reject)?21:31
JohnHeikkiladberman, /etc/fstab is a file21:31
WhoSayInyong: thank you!! i have succesfully set my swap partition, rebooted my system and its still there!! i have added "/dev/sda6 none swap sw 0  0" to the /etc/fstab where /dev/sda6 is the partition i have created as a swap partition, thanks again, you made my day!!21:32
apparleilovefairuz: interesting thanks.... I'll look into it21:32
apparleilovefairuz: I must say this could be the perfect solution :D21:32
JohnHeikkilajti, What "dd"?21:32
VCooliouhxn913: gnome-open mediafile    to open with default media player21:32
=== roberto is now known as Guest31747
dbermanJohnnH: yes that is correct, I am supposed to mount /proc/bus/usb using usbfs in /etc/fstab, but my system doesn't know what the usbfs is...21:33
marajaJohnHeikkila: if the printer isn on the site open printing means i cant use it on linux?21:33
Guest31747ciao a tutti21:33
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boywonderdberman, then create a folder for it and try that?21:33
JohnHeikkilamaraja, Perhaps the printer automatically installs the driver when you plug the usb in21:34
marajathats not the case..21:34
leonida1971hello everybody21:34
dbermanboywonder: it is the usbfs (usb filesystem) that is having a problem, not the fact that /proc/bus/usb doesn't exist21:34
jtihow can I divide harddisk with dd command for example I have 80 GB harddisk but I want to 4 part of 20 GB dd image file21:35
MichealHJohnHeikkila: Uhh.... Someone will ak for it?21:35
boywonderdberman, http://pastebin.com/5WABLNZh21:35
JohnHeikkilaMichealH, What?21:35
leonida1971I need some help with my netbook Packard bell dot-s2 with GMA 3150 graphic card... can somebody help me?21:35
JohnHeikkilaleonida1971, Go on?21:36
MichealHI had my scroolback on Sorry JohnHeikkila21:36
boywonderdberman,  ignore that link21:36
JohnHeikkilaMichealH, Lol, accidents happen :D21:36
MichealHJohnHeikkila: np21:36
dbermanboywonder: thx :)21:36
dberman::ignoring it21:36
leonida1971I installed ubuntu 10 netbook edition, but video effect can not be enabled, why?21:36
=== ilovefairuz1 is now known as ilovefairuz
JohnHeikkilaWhich video effect?21:36
ilovefairuzapparle: sorry i got disconnected, did you get my messages about unionfs and aufs?21:37
leonida1971I mean the visual effect21:37
JohnHeikkilaleonida1971, Do you mean desktop special effects?21:37
apparleilovefairuz: I just said, "interesting... if it works out, it could be the perfect solution for me thatnks"21:37
seidosare there any netbooks that are sold with unr installed?21:38
JohnHeikkilaleonida1971, System-->Administration-->Hardware drivers21:38
JohnHeikkilaleonida1971, And then install the driver for your graphics card21:38
Planet8Is there a way to turn off desktop effects in Ubuntu Netbook version?21:38
kanel_lm bodwick:21:38
leonida1971I tried this, but nothing is appears on the Hardware drives21:39
xanguaPlanet8: disable them in system>administration>appearence21:39
JohnHeikkilaPlanet8, Right-click your desktop image, click Change wallpaper, and then select the tab Visual effects21:39
JohnHeikkilaleonida1971, Which model are you using21:39
JohnHeikkilaleonida1971, the computer, I mean21:39
leonida1971I have Packard bell DOT -S2 with Intel GMA 3150 graphic card21:40
dbermanHow do you find where a usb device is stored in /dev once it is plugged in?21:40
lidbjorkI have trouble with my soundcard (an M-Audio Delta 66) in ubuntu. How do I choose my default sound card?21:40
erUSULdberman: "dmesg | tail -n25"21:41
ilovefairuzdberman: if you have one hard disk, it will usually be /dev/sdb21:41
Guest31747dove posso scaricare il film somewhare21:41
boywonderdberman,  have you tried none /proc/bus/usb     isbdevfs defaults 0 021:42
boywondertypeo usbdevfs21:42
=== iShawnw is now known as iShawnW
dbermanboywonder: yes, but /proc/bus/usb nor /proc/usb/usvdevfs exist21:43
JohnHeikkilaleonida1971, I'm not sure if there's support for your graphics card, yet21:44
ilovefairuzdberman: what are you trying to accomplish?21:44
trukkirk  hi21:45
boywonderdberman, outside the vbox it does though?21:45
dbermanilovefairuz: I have an internal/usb cardreader I would like working in vbox21:45
boywonderdberman,  hes the man to ask lol21:45
leonida1971johnHeikkila, ok, but it's planned to be a release for the support on my graphic card next?21:45
JohnHeikkilaAllright, back now.21:46
ilovefairuzdberman: mount it on host, and type: mount21:47
JohnHeikkilaHello world.21:47
trukkirk by see you next time21:47
git__hello world.21:47
chelebHi! does somebody in here know if it is possible to disable the nautilus thumbnailers only for a specific path or mount?21:47
leonida1971johnHeikkila, ok, but it will be supported in the next release?21:47
JohnHeikkilaleonida1971, I'm not sure, but I hope so!21:47
leonida1971johnHeikkila, thank's for the quick answer :-)21:48
dbermanilovefairux: I have it mounted on in my host (ubuntu) using openct/pcscd, but in vbox when I try to enable it, it doesn't give me the option to choose it enabled21:48
ilovefairuzapparle: install unionfs-fuse and check http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/en/man8/unionfs-fuse.8.html#toptoc521:49
JohnHeikkilacheleb, you may find this thread helpful: ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates21:49
JohnHeikkilano, wait, wrong paste :D21:49
erUSULcheleb: it can be disabled for network filesystems iirc. See Edit>Preferences in a nautilus window ( you can specify only local files)21:49
JohnHeikkilacheleb, http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39052621:49
leonida1971bye bye21:49
apparleilovefairuz: Thanks, but right now I am not exactly free to experiment with fs. will give it a shot tomorrow21:49
ilovefairuz!tab | dberman21:49
ubottudberman: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:49
ilovefairuzapparle: it's a VIRTUAL filesystem, will not modify any partitions21:50
dbermanubottu: thx21:50
cheleberUSUL: JohnHeikkila: thanks will have a look21:50
apparleilovefairuz: still I am not free.... :(21:50
JohnHeikkilaapparle, So what are you trying to do?21:50
guntbertdberman: for problems with virtual box: ask in #vbox21:51
dbermanguntbert: will do, thx21:51
apparleJohnHeikkila: what? Now I am reading how to use libsdl21:51
hidensoftis there any way to restore apt-get cache ?21:51
ilovefairuzdberman: mounting it is only to show what device node it has in /dev, you need to umount before using it in vbox21:52
MrUnagihidensoft: apt-get rebuild i think21:52
MrUnagihidensoft: check the man21:52
Simkinhey guys21:52
apparleJohnHeikkila: I was just wondering is there any easy way like linking etc. ilovefairuz found the perfect solution but I think  it will need more time so I'll try it tomorrow21:52
Simkini've installed ubuntu-restricted-extras21:52
Simkinbut java still won't work in the browser21:52
ilovefairuzhidensoft: sudo apt-get update should do this automatically21:53
Simkinis there more I need to do?21:53
renedoxanyone know how to connect my laptop to the internet through a nokia?21:53
JohnHeikkila!java | simkin21:53
ubottusimkin: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.21:53
etherealitewhat is the package to get zeroconf installed in 10.4?21:53
lidbjorkAnyone knows how to set the default soundcard?21:53
Padster__anyone know where to get libgl? or a libGL.so (64bit)21:54
ilovefairuz!sound | etherealite21:54
ubottuetherealite: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.21:54
ilovefairuzlidbjork ^21:54
ilovefairuzetherealite: avahi (the zeroconf implementation) is installed by default21:54
erUSULlidbjork: click on the volume icon choose Sound Preferences . Hardware/Output tab(s)21:54
Aioroscould someone help me with a problem I have in a repository site?21:54
Padster__i can never get sauerbraten to compile21:55
AiorosUbuntu 10.0421:55
ilovefairuzPadster__: are you using a nvidia card?21:55
erUSULPadster__: find debs for ubuntu21:55
Padster__WHERE tho?21:55
Padster__i can't find any21:55
erUSULPadster__:playdeb ?21:55
Padster__i mean the new version21:55
ilovefairuzPadster__: what's the exact error do you get? you probably need a mesa -devel package21:55
Padster__from source21:55
Padster__/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGL21:56
JohnHeikkilaPadster__:  So it can't find your openGL21:56
Padster__yeah, but i can't find a package for it21:56
AiorosHelo, someone could help me with a problem I have in a repository site?21:56
JohnHeikkilaPadster__: sudo apt-get install libgl21:56
AiorosUbuntu 10.0421:56
JohnHeikkilaAioros: Go on21:56
Padster__there is none21:57
ilovefairuzPadster__: sudo apt-get install libgl1-mesa-dev21:57
lidbjorkerUSUL, ilovefairuz: I have a studio soundcard, a M-Audio Delta 66, and it's recognized by the system, and I have chosen it, but I don't get any sound.21:57
lidbjorkI have the envy24 moniter app, but it shows nothing. All volumes are up.21:57
Padster__libgl1-mesa-dev is already the newest version.21:57
AiorosJohnHeikkila  I rode a repository 10.04 for packages changed for me, and when I make a apt-get update the client the error occurs:21:57
Padster__and sauerbraten isn't on playdeb anymore21:57
lidbjorkBut the sound devices are a bit strange, and I'm not sure that 'default' is actually pointing to this card. All other cards are now disabled.21:57
erUSULlidbjork: run "alsamixer" in a terminal. do you see muted channels ? the same in the sound preferences gui21:57
AiorosW: Falhou ao buscar http://repo.prv.f1.k8.com.br/ubuntu-custom/dists/lucid/Release  Unable to find expected entry  main/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?21:57
JohnHeikkilaPadster__: That's odd, indeed21:57
jeffjsG'afternoon folks21:58
ilovefairuzPadster__: sudo ldconfig && ldconfig -p | grep -i libgl21:59
JohnHeikkilaAioros:  the end on the link should be something like /main21:59
AiorosJohnHeikkila:  already signed the repository, added the public key on the client but not resolved.21:59
galchaOk booted the live cd. Went into /media/mydrive. Added a new line into blacklist.conf in /etc/modprobe.d/ Line was blacklist padlock_sha rebooted machine and it's still trying to load!21:59
JohnHeikkilatake a look at /etc/apt/sources.list21:59
jamaltaHi, I'm mounting an hfs+ partition (it shows up under Places menu) but it won't let me access some directories such as Documents in /Users/jamal/... unless I sudo. Is there a way to change it so that my user has read access to all of those directories by default?21:59
JohnHeikkilaAioros: Take a look at /etc/apt/sources.list to see about the links22:00
ilovefairuzPadster__: more precisely: ldconfig -p | grep -i libgl\.so22:00
jeffjsI have a usb to ide adaptor for reading ide drives, can i install ubuntu onto that harddrive with that adaptor in ubuntu?22:00
JohnHeikkilajamalta: The "GUI" way is to alt+f2, "gksu nautilus"22:00
Padster__libGL.so.1 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1 libGL.so.1 (libc6) => /usr/lib32/fglrx/libGL.so.1 libGL.so (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so22:00
jamaltaJohnHeikkila: I don't want to sudo to access it, considering I want Rhythmbox to read from the other drive.22:01
Padster__hmm. so is my link wrong?22:01
jeffjsI have a usb to ide adaptor for reading ide drives, can i install ubuntu onto that harddrive with that adaptor in ubuntu?22:01
JohnHeikkilajamalta: My point was after you sudo nautilus, go to the folder properties and change the rights22:01
jamaltaI also tried adding it as an entry in the fstab but for some reason it doesn't like the owner= option... maybe I'm doing it wrong?22:01
lidbjorkerUSUL: No muted channels.22:01
Padster__i have a /usr/lib32/libGL.so that points to /usr/lib/libGL.so.1, which isn't there. would it work if i put it to that fglrx path?22:01
jamaltaJohnHeikkila: Oh! You can do that? Let me try :)22:01
erUSULlidbjork: then i dunno sorry :/22:02
=== pitbull is now known as Guest16973
boywonderjeffjs, if you can install ubuntu onto a flash drive i should think so !22:02
erUSULlidbjork: maybe in  #alsa ?22:02
jeffjsboywonder, will it install a bootloader?22:03
lidbjorkerUSUL: Yeah, I guess I have to find more special help. Thanx anyway.22:03
Hethhey. I'm having problems with Software RAID1: mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/... failed input/output error22:03
JohnHeikkilajamalta: Doing sudo nautilus is easier than opening console and doing all that "chown" and "chmod" stuff22:03
boywonderjeffjs, grub22:03
monokromeHow can I change the default interface to send outbound data over when I have interface aliases setup for networking?>22:03
Padster__JohnHeikkila: will that work?22:04
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower
AiorosHelo, someone could help me with a problem I have in a repository site?22:04
ilovefairuzPadster__: sudo ln -s  /usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1 /usr/lib/libGL.so.122:04
AiorosUbuntu 10.0422:04
erUSUL!ask | Aioros22:04
ubottuAioros: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:04
JohnHeikkilaPadster__: What work?22:04
ilovefairuzPadster__: an ugly hack but try it22:04
Hethhey. I'm having problems with Software RAID1: initramfs: mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/... failed input/output error; any clues?22:04
Padster__i have no /usr/lib/libGL.so.122:05
erUSULHeth: death disk ?22:05
HetherUSUL, it's a fresh installation22:05
ilovefairuzPadster__: that's what ln -s  is for22:05
HetherUSUL, I just set it up, and rebooted22:05
Padster__opps, sry, i was thinking that the second was what it linked to.22:05
erUSULHeth: anyway a raid array should be /dev/md0 or some such. for raid 1 i think you need estra setup stp and install grub in both disks ....22:06
Aiorosis givin error:   main/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)22:06
erUSUL!raid | Heth22:06
ubottuHeth: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto22:06
Aiorosdoes anyone know how to solve?22:06
Padster__JohnHeikkila: linking the fglrx libGL.so to /usr/lib22:06
HetherUSUL, it's booting it. but it cannot mount the root file system22:06
AiorosW: Conflicting distribution: http://XXX  lucid Release (expected lucid but got )22:06
JohnHeikkilaPadster__: Good, try it.22:07
Padster__should i like the libGL.so, too? not just the libGL.so.122:07
Padster__ilovefairuz: should i like the libGL.so, too? not just the libGL.so.122:08
KjetilKAioros, do you have anything that looks like http://XXX in you sources.list?22:08
hidensofti lost my apt-get cache !! is there way to recovery ?22:08
AiorosKjetilK:  no22:08
erUSULHeth: /dev/disk/by-uuid/ is a single disk not the raid device ( /dev/mdxx if you used linux software raid ) so the set up is messed up somewhere. why try to mount a single disk and no the raid device?22:08
bodwickhidensoft why whould you need that?22:08
AiorosKjetilK: just omit the repository22:08
ilovefairuzPadster__: well i'm not sure if it should link to the 32bit or the 64bit versions22:09
ilovefairuzPadster__: something is wrong with your build flags22:09
Padster__oh, same error22:09
JRummy16what would be my command if I wanted to cut the first 2 characters and last one character from a list of strings?22:09
VokHi. I'm trying to copy some youtube videos that I have stored in /tmp. However, when I try to play them, they either don't (like in totem, vlc, smplayer) or they play but without ANY sound with flvplayer under wine22:09
HetherUSUL, good point. how can I make him mount the raid itself? is there a place where I can change that UUID path22:10
FableflameI just installed Google Gadgets via Synaptic, but it isn't showing up anywhere. How do I open it?22:10
ilovefairuzPadster__: ls /usr/lib/libGL*22:10
hidensoftbodwick: because i did download 99% netbeans , but now apt-get install want to download from 0%22:10
bobaVIDIOC_REQBUFS error 16, Device or resource busy22:10
hidensoft99% of netbeans22:10
KjetilKAioros, can you try22:10
KjetilKgrep -r XXX /etc/apt/sources.list*22:11
bobai get while trying to read from /dev/video022:11
* boywonder what a mad house did everyone just wake up!22:11
ilovefairuzhidensoft: cancel and reinstall, will resume downloading22:11
Padster__/usr/lib/libGLEW.a         /usr/lib/libGLU.a22:11
Padster__/usr/lib/libGLEW.so        /usr/lib/libGLU.so22:11
Padster__/usr/lib/libGLEW.so.1.5    /usr/lib/libGLU.so.122:11
Padster__/usr/lib/libGLEW.so.1.5.2  /usr/lib/libGLU.so.1.3.07070122:11
FloodBot4Padster__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:11
bodwickhidensoft if you aborted you'll probably have to redownload22:11
ilovefairuz!paste > Padster__22:11
ubottuPadster__, please see my private message22:11
AiorosCould anyone pass me the correct way to generate Release file on a newly created repository?22:11
hidensoftilovefairuz: i change my sources.list , now can i resume download ?22:12
Padster__ubottu: k22:12
Padster__it has no libGL stuff, but that link i just made22:12
erUSULHeth: well see the /boot/grub/grub.cfg or /etc/fstab22:12
ilovefairuzhidensoft: probably yes22:13
ilovefairuzPadster__: what are you trying to compile?22:13
Padster__ubottu: ? i mean ok.22:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:13
JohnHeikkilaFableflame: Press ALT+F2 and execute "ggl-gtk"22:13
etherealitewhat is the package to get zeroconf installed in 10.4?22:14
hidensoftilovefairuz: can you tell me how ? apt-get install netbeans -> trying to download all library of netbeans again !22:14
hihihi100hi there, can I use ALSA with a Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] Azalia Audio Controller sound card?22:14
grafthey, how do i set multiple desktop wallpapers to work with compiz in gnome?22:14
Padster__ilovefairuz: sauerbraten, well, redeclipse actually, but anything with the cube 2 engine always gives me problems22:14
erUSULhihihi100: should work.22:14
Padster__graft: i don't think you can22:14
graftcompiz seems to have a setting for it, but the gnome wallpaper overrides it22:14
bobaVIDIOC_REQBUFS error 16, Device or resource busy, i get it while trying to read from /dev/video022:14
hihihi100any idea how?22:15
soreaugraft: /j #compiz22:15
graftPadster__: well that sucks...22:15
etherealitewhat is the package to get zeroconf installed in 10.4?22:15
ilovefairuzhidensoft: it does this automatically, if not, you'll have to download it yourself22:15
erUSULhihihi100: in a ideal work it should "Just work (tm)" is a laptop ?22:15
graftsoreau: hm really? i'd think this is an ubuntu issue, not a compiz one22:15
Padster__graft: well, i've never been able to.  look up "wallpapoz" but i had problems when i tried it22:15
hidensoftilovefairuz:  thanks friend :D22:15
graftPadster__: yeah that doesn't seem like the right solution to me either22:16
hihihi100yes it is a laptop22:16
soreaugraft: kinda, but the bot in #compiz is much easier than me typing how to do it ;)22:16
* JohnHeikkila is configuring his computer - away for a moment22:16
ilovefairuzPadster__: well do the sudo ln -s  /usr/lib/fglrx/libGL.so.1 /usr/lib/libGL.so and try anyway22:16
gianyhow can i install php 5.2.14 on a Lucid Lynx release?22:16
gasmso, um, just for kicks I replaced /lib/libc-2.11.1 with /lib/libc-2.3.5 and changed the libc.so.6 symlink to it.22:16
gasmhow fucked am I?22:17
hihihi100any idea how can i install alsamixer?22:17
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:17
etherealitewhat is the package to get zeroconf installed in 10.4?22:17
graftgasm: surely you kept the old libc around, eh?22:17
gasmhow immersed in rhinocerous feces am I?22:17
ilovefairuzgiany: you'll have to compile it yourself22:17
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!22:17
graftgasm: so just change the symlink back22:17
VCooliohihihi100: install alsa-utils22:18
hihihi100if someone is interested, I followed the step found at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1417864&highlight=acl+120022:18
gasmwell, ls broke22:18
graftgasm: haha22:18
gianyilovefairuz: any reference?22:18
gasmactually, reboot broke22:18
etherealitewhat is the package to get zeroconf installed in 10.4?22:18
gasmpretty much everything broke22:18
Padster__ilovefairuz: shouldn't i like the .so to the .so, not the .so.1?22:18
gianyilovefairuz: i come from an other flavour of linux ;)22:18
erUSULetherealite: avahi is installed by default22:18
hihihi100alsa utils is already installed22:18
graftgasm: does it boot correctly at all? or you don't want to try that yet?22:18
graftgasm: does ln work?22:19
galchaguys I have a problem. Modifying my modprobe.conf file with livecd and it doesn't save it.22:19
gasmit can't shut down22:19
gasmit's stuck22:19
erUSULgasm: use alivecd to repair the system22:19
ilovefairuzPadster__: they are symlinks of each other22:19
VCooliohihihi100: then run alsamixer, isn't it there?22:19
etherealiteerUSUL not with my minimal install22:19
graftgasm: yeah, run a livecd and use ln from that22:19
Padster__ilovefairuz: ok22:19
erUSULetherealite: then install it22:19
graftgasm: and then don't mess with libc again22:19
Padster__oh, i lost the command.22:19
hihihi100no is not, laptop:~$ alsamixer22:19
hihihi100cannot open mixer: No such file or directory22:19
hihihi100hihihi100@hihihi100-laptop:~$ cat /proc/asound/version22:19
hihihi100cat: /proc/asound/version: No such file or directory22:19
AiorosHelo, someone could help me with a problem I have in a repository site?  is givin error:   main/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) W: Conflicting distribution: http://XXX  lucid Release (expected lucid but got )22:19
FloodBot4hihihi100: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:19
Padster__i'm using irssi, and it went too high22:19
gasmyeah, power off and turn back on = kernel panic22:19
etherealiteerUSUL is that all i need to get be able to ping my other hosts by name?22:19
Padster__ilovefairuz: can you repost that?22:20
graftgasm: just use a livecd22:20
hihihi100nor alsamixer neither cat proc show any results22:20
erUSULetherealite: not really sure, if that's all you need.22:20
galchaCan anyone help out with modiying config files under live cd?22:20
erUSULetherealite: i do not use that funcionality much22:20
Padster__trying to compile again...22:20
BluDog_Anchoriteanyone know where i can find a list of phones known to tether well with ubuntu 10.04 netbook ?22:21
HetherUSUL, actually /dev/disk/by-uuid also matches /dev/md0 I checked fstab /dev/md0 is exactly the device ID it fails to mount...22:21
JohnHeikkilaBluDog_Anchorite: What do you mean "tether"?22:21
galchaCan you modify config files with a live cd?22:21
gasmgraft: I'm actually running this in VirtualBox and I saved the machine state before I did this clever thing, so I'm fine, but thanks22:21
boywonderBluDog_Anchorite,  try android22:21
BluDog_AnchoriteJohnHeikkila: connect cellphone to netbook, get internet22:21
graftgasm: haha22:22
erUSULHeth: then i dunno; i/o errors ar usually due to bad disks/sectors loose cables or whatever hardware problem22:22
JohnHeikkilaBluDog_Anchorite: Oh, sorry. Excuse my unperfect english.22:22
erUSULgalcha: yes why not ?22:22
BluDog_AnchoriteJohnHeikkila: no worries22:22
galchaerUSUL: Well it doesn't seem to be saving mine! Everytime I modify and save the setting is gone when I reboot.22:22
graftgasm: so you're wondering if there's a way to do it without any intervention? I once read about an incident where someone deleted /bin on some system, and the sysadmin rebuilt it with an open root shell and an emacs buffer22:22
marko-_--what's the command that undoes add-apt-repository ?22:23
marko-_--hope you understand me22:23
BluDog_Anchoriteboywonder: i doubt my boss is going to like seeing "android" on the hardware request form.22:23
Padster__graft: really? wow. cool22:23
=== hoax is now known as Guest9392
hsrI forgot any account password, how can i reset it using live cd?22:23
erUSULgalcha: what do you do ? do oyu mount the ubuntu partition and edit /mount/point/etc/whateverfileineedtoedit ?22:23
Padster__i remove as much of the root files as i can before installing something new. just for kicks22:23
CramheadHI Could someone help out22:23
BluDog_Anchoritehsr: you can fix it, if you can boot to single user mode22:23
AiorosDoes anyone know how generate Release file?22:23
erUSUL!lostpassword | hsr22:23
ubottuhsr: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords22:23
gasmgraft: actually I'm desperately trying to compile ffmpeg to run on an old appliance with the 2.3.5 versions of glibc and pthread; someone suggested I replace the stuff in /lib22:23
hihihi100i have downloaded alsa 1.0.23, newest version, and followed the steps to install it, but i cannot hear any sounds22:24
Padster__well, since it won't let me do sudo rm-rf /22:24
Padster__ilovefairuz: same error22:24
gasmgraft: obviuosly a stupid idea22:24
Cramheadim installing ubuntu on a powerbook g4 but when i choose a keyboardlayout it hangs!22:24
erUSUL!danger | Padster__22:24
ubottuPadster__: DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!22:24
galchaerUSUL: Yes the drive is mounted to /media. I then modify the file inside using nano and save. I then unmount the drive and reboot.22:24
HetherUSUL, when I boot from the live CD it mounts all of the 3 md-s22:24
Padster__ilovefairuz: should i reboot or something?22:24
ilovefairuzPadster__: nope, sudo ldconfig22:24
marko-_--what's the command that undoes add-apt-repository ?22:24
Cramheadis ppc unbuntu supported here?22:24
graftgasm: hm, can't upgrade libc on the old appliance?22:24
Padster__lol@ubottu ^^22:24
erUSULgalcha: what file is this ?22:24
user001what do i have to do to get the ubuntu netbook interface on my computer. currently i have the "normal" desktop interface?22:25
galchablacklist.conf for modproble.22:25
gasmgraft: nope, I wish though22:25
erUSULHeth: three md's ?22:25
galchaerUSUL: blacklist.conf for modproble.22:25
HetherUSUL, I have 3 mirrored partitions22:25
bodwick!seen hmorel_22:25
ubottuI have no seen command22:25
Padster__ilovefairuz: ok, i ran that, now i'll try compiling again...22:25
graftgasm: or, say, just cross-compile against libc in some other place?22:25
HetherUSUL,  I think it finds one of them and stops22:25
erUSULgalcha: should work. maybe ou need to chroot and rebuilt initramfs ?22:25
erUSUL!blaclist | galcha22:25
erUSUL!blacklist | galcha22:26
ubottugalcha: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »22:26
hsrBluDog_Anchorite: Yes..22:26
erUSULgalcha: « sudo update-initramfs -u » once you chrooted22:26
gasmgraft: I don't really know what that means or how to do it, any pointers?22:26
hsrBluDog_Anchorite: Yes.. i am using single user mode system22:26
CholfoI'm having a problem getting a logitech USB mouse to work on my Laptop running 9.10. The mouse shows up in lsusb, but the cursor does not actually respond to my interactions with the mouse. Could someone please give me some advice?22:26
calamarihi.. after some updates today (lucid), I am having a focus issue where I have to specially click the title bar of an app before I can navigate in that app.  is this a known bug .. I can list the packages that got upgraded if that would help22:26
erUSULHeth: the dmesg should give clues as what is happening22:26
JohnHeikkilaCholfo: Which mouse are you using?22:27
CholfoOh wait nevermind it just started working. That's weird. Thanks anyway though.22:27
hsrerUSL: sudo update-initramfs -u : This command is for what?22:27
phrantikI am having trouble connecting to an FTP over FTPES in terminal.  Can anyone help?22:27
CholfoJohnHeikkila, it's just a corded Logitech mini-mouse, I don't even know the particular model.22:27
erUSULhsr: to rebuild kernel intramfs22:27
r4v5phrantik: if you're behind nat, you'll need to turn on passive mode (PASV)22:27
JohnHeikkilaCholfo: Okay, great that it's working now.22:27
galchaerUSUL: Ok I'll follow those instructions but do you think there is some way I could load my installed ubuntu. I'm getting a fatal error module not found error and the boot process just sits there. Can this be bypassed? Then I can modify the blacklist file through there.22:27
graftgasm: hmm, not really any good ones. but it sounds like that's what you're trying to do... try this maybe: http://www.landley.net/writing/docs/cross-compiling.html22:27
HetherUSUL, it just shows how it mounts md2. and doesn't try to mount md1 or md022:27
phrantikr4v5 i will try that22:28
CholfoApparently the solution to a mouse that's being seen by lsusb but is not actually being responsive is to ask a question in IRC. Anyway, thanks again.22:28
erUSULgalcha: the livecd has an option to boot a hard disk intall. dunno how well it works22:28
gasmgraft: thanks22:28
erUSULHeth: how many raids did you set up ¿?? i thought it was just one raid-1 ?22:28
graftgasm: that's pretty thin actually, but you'll just have to google around, i'm not super-knowledgable on the subject22:29
Padster__ilovefairuz: same error again22:29
hsrerUSL: By the link you suggested, it means i need not use live cd, right?22:29
r4v5is there a canonical way to build a new upstream-only version of an existing package to test a bugfix?22:29
ilovefairuzPadster__: what are you trying to compile?22:29
Padster__ilovefairuz: sauerbraten, well, redeclipse actually, but anything with the cube 2 engine always gives me problems22:29
Padster__ilovefairuz: it's a cube2 based game22:30
erUSULhsr: i've never told you tu use intramfs ....22:30
HetherUSUL, it's 2 Hard Disks, with 1 root 1 home and 1 swap partition each. when I mount them it says to mount each coresponding 2 by 222:30
Padster__i got the svn and it won't work. sauerbraten doesn't work, either22:30
Buttons840can anyone suggest a terminal command which will execute a command after a certain amount of time?22:30
erUSULhsr: you want to reset your password. follow instructions of the wiki22:30
erUSULHeth: ahh ok22:30
HetherUSUL, so it happens md0 root, md1 home, md2 swap22:30
phrantikr4v5 would that command be ftp -p hostname ?22:30
the_filein the ubuntu repo pages, is there a list of dependencies maybe in a txt file?.22:31
calamarir4v5, maybe #ubuntu-motu would know?22:31
erUSULButtons840: sleep [seconds] && command22:31
r4v5phrantik: that or just say PASV before doing it22:31
erUSULButtons840: or use "at"22:31
ubottuDas österreichische Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-at, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie auch in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.22:31
galchaerUSUL: Can you explain your procedure for using chroot and initramfs?22:31
r4v5you can switch between the two within one transfer22:31
shawnquick question if anyone can help, does anyone know how to remove menu entries in xubuntu by chance?22:31
ilovefairuzPadster__: https://launchpad.net/~arand/+archive/redeclipse22:32
Padster__ilovefairuz: should i use getlibs and try to get a 32 bit version, and see if that does anything?22:32
r4v5most ftp problems are related to NAT, because ftp works by opening a back-connection from the server to the client before it transfers data unless passive mode is indicated22:32
ilovefairuzPadster__: check that ppa22:32
Buttons840erUSUL: thank you, i'm looking at that "at" command; does this make any long term changes, (chron schedule or anything?) or will all changes be lost when terminal closes?22:33
Padster__O.o it HAS A PPA!?22:33
graftPadster__, gasm: http://macnugget.org/stuff/unix-horror-story.txt22:33
CaptainCanuckafaik, at only does things once22:33
erUSULgalcha: mount ubuntu install. then bind mount dev sys and proc « sudo mount -B /sys/ /mount/point/sys/ » « sudo mount -B /proc/ /mount/point/proc/ » « sudo mount -B /dev/ /mount/point/dev/ ». then chroot « sudo chroot /mount/point/ » and run the command « sudo update-initramfs -u »22:33
calamarihi.. after some updates today (lucid), I am having a focus issue where I have to specially click the title bar of an app before I can navigate in that app, and then clicking stuff still is unpredictable if it'll work, having to use keyboard navigation for a lot of areas.  is this a known bug? .. I can list the packages that got upgraded if that would help22:33
Padster__graft: ^^22:33
doug_how do i fix it where i can install software without having to have the cd of ubuntu inside my drive or mounted?22:34
erUSULButtons840: at will run the command no matter th terminal.22:34
Buttons840erUSUL: even after a reboot?22:34
Padster__ilovefairuz: so i should add the ppa instead if i can't get it to work?22:34
erUSULdoug_: remove the cd from the sources.list System>Admin>software sources22:34
galchaerUSUL: Ok and once I have that done where will the /etc/modprobe.d folder be?22:34
ilovefairuzPadster__: that would be the easier path, yeah22:34
Padster__ilovefairuz: well, it's compiling one last time, then i'll do the ppa22:34
erUSULgalcha: after the chrrot it will be in /etc/modprobe.d/22:35
galchaerUSUL: Aaaah ok I thought it was only dev sys and proc that were mounted?22:35
erUSULButtons840: i think so yes. you want that to be a "once" operation or a periodic thing? if it is periodic you want "cron" not "at"22:35
doug_erUSUL,  im in the software sources but how do i remove it?22:35
n0a1iashey whats everybodys plymouth splash theme22:36
erUSULdoug_: in the first tab. in the bottom22:36
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n0a1iasim trying to pick a new one22:36
bigfishyi am attempting to use a wd world book usb hdd and when i attempt to write it says i cannot due to permissions.  when i click on the properties for the drive the permissions say "root" how would i go about unmounting it and remounting it?22:36
jon5001can anyone help me with tethering my blackberry to use as a bluetooth modem with Lucid?  I have Blueman, and can pair with the device, but am unable to establish it as a modem...22:36
doug_erUSUL,  it just has a check box for me to check and shows CDrom with Ubuntu 10.4 ;Lucid lynx;22:37
erUSULdoug_: untick that chackbox22:37
Padster__ilovefairuz: k, i'm doing the ppa22:37
hihihi100does any of u use a SIS soundcard?22:37
r4v5jon5001: what model BB, and are you sure that it supports tethering through your ISP?22:37
doug_erUSUL,  its not checked but when i tried to install xchat it wouldnt install with out the cd22:37
r4v5s/ISP/cell phone provider/;22:37
bobaVIDIOC_REQBUFS error 16, Device or resource busy, i get it while trying to read from /dev/video022:37
erUSULdoug_: very weird22:37
jon5001blackberry bold 9700.  I am pretty sure, because I can do so in windows, using a program called "Tether"22:38
jon5001r4v5, blackberry bold 9700.  I am pretty sure, because I can do so in windows, using a program called "Tether"22:38
doug_erUSUL,  there it goes, that was weird.22:38
r4v5and you can pair with the phone, and do bluetooth filetransfer/etc?22:38
erUSULboba: another app using it ? « sudo lsof /dev/video0 »22:38
jon5001i can establish pairing, but beyond that I am out of my depth.22:39
doug_erUSUL,  one more thing? what is the program called that i can use that reads my ntfs side with read/write?22:39
n0a1iashey whats everybodys plymouth splash theme, im trying to pick a new one22:39
jon5001but yes, it says, pairing successful22:39
erUSUL!ntfs | doug_22:39
ubottudoug_: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE22:39
Serephok i have 10.04 and its set up as lvm with boot, root, swap and home all on seperate partitions, i instaleld windows to another disk and the disk with ubuntu wont boot, how do i recover it?22:39
doug_thank you erUSUL22:39
Brutusjust curious, my ex girlfriend had a blackberry 9700. what do you sync?22:39
erUSUL!grub2 | Sereph22:39
ubottuSereph: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:39
user001what do i have to do to get the ubuntu netbook interface on my computer. currently i have the "normal" desktop interface? (using 10.04)22:39
Brutusi have a lot of other types of blackberry's at work. never synced one with a computer22:40
r4v5jon5001: i'm not at my ubuntu machine, but it should show up as a network device/modem in the network manager22:40
bobaerUSUL: lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/bojan/.gvfs       Output information may be incomplete.22:40
Padster__ilovefairuz: ppa seems to work.22:40
JohnHeikkilauser001: You should have downloaded Ubuntu Netbook Remix22:40
jon5001r4v5, I dont see something called "network manager"22:41
user001JohnHeikkila: hi. no way to add it later and chose during login?22:41
graftuser001: can't you just install ubuntu-netbook?22:41
ilovefairuzPadster__: you can pin a version if it works well for you to stop it from being updated constantly22:41
JohnHeikkilaThanks, graft22:41
hystrenihello, my gtk-2.0 file dosent work properly, i try to change the appearance but all i ahve done so far i change the default font. can some1 help me, heres my .gtk-2.0 file http://paste.ubuntu.com/491243/22:41
ilovefairuz!pin | Padster__22:41
ubottuPadster__: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto22:41
JohnHeikkilauser001: If you're new to Ubuntu, open console (ctrl+alt+t) and run "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook"22:42
user001i can do  "apt-get install ubuntu-netbook" or soemthing?22:42
bigfishyi am attempting to use a wd world book usb hdd and when i attempt to write it says i cannot due to permissions.  when i click on the properties for the drive the permissions say "root" how would i go about unmounting it and remounting it?22:42
ShinydanEvery time I log into my Lynx machine, it throws up a brief "can't handle this screen resolution" and boots into 1024*768 which looks enormous. Help?22:42
Padster__if it's in a ppa it usually works22:42
JohnHeikkilauser001: If you're new to Ubuntu, open console (ctrl+alt+t) and run "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook-remix"22:42
graftuser001: yah22:42
JohnHeikkilagraft user001, Ubuntu-netbook or ubuntu-netbook-remix?22:42
graftJohnHeikkila: same deal, -remix is just a dummy for the former22:43
r4v5jon5001: network manager is the name of the application that handles wired and wireless network connectivity; it usually has a systray icon that looks like either a radio or another 'network'-themed icon22:43
JohnHeikkilagraft: But it sounds hot :D22:43
r4v5but i'm gonna reboot into lucid so brb22:43
graftJohnHeikkila: i'm actually not a big fan of the netbook interface22:43
graftJohnHeikkila: gnome runs fine on most netbooks anyway22:44
bigfishyi am attempting to use a wd world book usb hdd and when i attempt to write it says i cannot due to permissions.  when i click on the properties for the drive the permissions say "root" how would i go about unmounting it and remounting it?22:44
user001k thx guys, my computer is a touch screen hp tx2 and going to go visit some friend this weekend who has  iPad    : P (evdo-cdma 3G demonstration)22:44
jon5001r4v5, when i click on the radio symbol it shows all wireless and wired networks.  nothing about a modem.  when i right click and choose manage connections i get a window with tabs:  wired, wireless, mobile broadband, vpn, dsl.  nothing about modem22:44
JohnHeikkilauser001: Then the netbook is best for you22:44
user001the netbook remix has biger icons and buttons so22:44
hsrbigfishy: use gksudo nautilus and change permissions as per need22:44
user001so can use a finger : D22:44
Serephthat didnt work22:45
bobaerUSUL: lsof: WARNING: can't stat() fuse.gvfs-fuse-daemon file system /home/bojan/.gvfs       Output information may be incomplete.22:45
Serephcan someone tell me how to reinstall grub without pointing me to a man page22:45
graftuser001: yeah i can see it for a touchpad22:45
SoggystefanOkay, this is an issue that I've had for a while, and I've looked around everywhere, but nobody seems to have an answer to my particular problem.22:45
SoggystefanWhen I installed Ubuntu originally, I had two partitions on Windows XP already, C and D (D was 'unformatted', according to Windows). My plan had been to install Ubuntu on the D drive and there wouldn't be a problem (my harddrive was split roughly in half), but as soon as I got to actually installing it, I instead installed it using the space from my C drive, and giving Ubuntu way more room than it would ever need.22:45
SoggystefanWell, now I'm left with a 14.5 or so GB windows partition (with only about 1 GB remaining) that I need to boot in all the time (because my USB wifi thingy isn't supported by Ubuntu, but that's a problem for another day). I've read a lot about resizing partitions, but those are mostly for making the Ubuntu partition bigger. I have a CD with a more recent version of Ubuntu now, so I'm thinking I'm going to have to delete the partit22:45
Soggystefanbecause I used the live CD to make the Ubuntu partition smaller, but I ended up cancelling it and I haven't tried booting into it since, I think it might be corrupted (most likely it is). Either way, I found it shows a bunch of unallocated space, but it won't let me expand my Windows partition with that space, is there any way to do this without reformatting, or am I out of luck?22:45
FloodBot4Soggystefan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:45
VintageRitzI am using 10.04 on my Dell Inspiron Laptop and I want to burn a couple of back-up DVD's, I've tried using both Brasero and Gnomebaker, but the program stops and ejects the DVD before burning. How can I figure out what is causing the problem?22:45
JohnHeikkilajon5001: Right-click on the network-manager's icon in the tray and select "Edit connections"22:45
gianyhow can i see the version of a package that is on repo?22:45
abaddonskidoes anyone have any idea what might be causing ubuntu 10.04 (using a router and gbit NIC to access internet ) to have problem with loading websites? win7 machine using the same router seems to be ok22:46
JohnHeikkilagiany: You can open synaptic22:46
jon5001JohnHeikkila, yes.  did that.  nothing about a modem in there.  i see tabs: wired, wireless, mobile broadband, vpn, dsl.  no modem22:46
JohnHeikkilagiany: jon5001  isn't dsl modem?22:46
Padster__well, i've got to eat, but the ppa is DLing right now, i'll come back later...22:46
JohnHeikkilajon5001: or mobile broadband for a mobile modem22:46
graftSoggystefan: why don't you just fix your wireless issue?22:47
JohnHeikkilajon5001: What kind of modem are you looking for?22:47
gianyJohnHeikkila: any other option? i'm more like a cli person :)22:47
JohnHeikkilagiany: Sorry?22:47
jon5001JohnHeikkila, I am looking to tether by blackberry bold 9700, which is paired by bluetooth to use it as a modem to connect to my 3g network on ATT22:47
graftgiany: dpkg -l | grep <pkg name>22:47
jon5001JohnHeikkila, tether "my" blackberry...22:48
graftgiany: dpkg -l | grep <pkg name> | grep ^ii, if you only want installed stuff22:48
jon5001r4v5, what happened... did you bail on me?22:48
doug_how do i fix this error? Can't play a text file without video.22:48
doug_its .mp422:49
doug_so its a movie22:49
r4v5jon5001: standby22:49
jon5001r4v5, thanks!22:49
gianygraft: i want to see the packages from the repo..e.g: i want to do a : aptitude install php5 but it doesn't show what version i'm installing..unless it i complete the installation22:49
=== doug_ is now known as Dwade09
JohnHeikkilajon5001: Try http://www.surlyjake.com/linux/ubuntu-karmic/tethered-blackberry-modem-on-ubuntu-karmic/22:49
Jasx_I got a problem, I am trying to install Ubuntu and the installer finished. But my computer doesn't find any OS to boot from. I set the boot order of both the HDDs and the basic boot order in bios properly, but it still doesn't find anything. Anyone got any clue why this is happening?22:49
graftgiany: apt-cache show <pkg-name>?22:49
JohnHeikkilaJasx_: Did you install Grub?22:50
graftJasx_: what happens when it tries to boot?22:50
JohnHeikkilaJasx_: Which version of Ubuntu?22:50
ChogyDangiany: there is also apt-cache policy <package name>22:50
hsrJasx_: Was it installed after Windows? Are you attemptind dual?22:51
Jasx_I used to have windows on the computer, but I formatted that drive in favor for the ubuntu install22:51
Dwade09ok guys when i try to play transformers either in .avi or .mp4 i get this error Can't play a text file without video.22:51
JohnHeikkilaJasx_: But which distro? 10.04 (lucid)?22:51
hsrJasx_: What is the error?22:51
jon5001JohnHeikkila, trying that22:51
whosjoseI'm trying to download a data iso to boot another OS. I wanted to know what burner can i use?22:51
Jasx_I get no error, just a blinking _ after the bios messages22:52
JohnHeikkilawhosjose: Do you have Ubuntu (gnome desktop)?22:52
JohnHeikkilaJasx_: Hold SHIFT when it's at that part22:52
JohnHeikkilaJasx_: That will get you to the Grub menu22:52
gianythx ChogyDan, graft22:52
hsrJasx_: yes try that22:52
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graftit's probably not loading grub if it's just a blinking cursor22:53
hsrJasx_: Hold on22:53
graftwhat's the boot order?22:53
JohnHeikkilawhosjose:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto#Ubuntu22:53
whosjosenot helpful at all22:53
hsrWas the system installed comletely w/o errors?22:53
ariqzI keep trying to get w32codecs and the download keeps restarting. What the fuck?22:53
hsrJasx_: Was the system installed comletely w/o errors?22:54
JohnHeikkila!ohmy | ariqz22:54
ubottuariqz: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:54
Foggyhi all trying to install 10.10 on samsung n110 hanging at syslinux any ideas?22:55
Foggy^usb install22:55
ZykoticK9Foggy, #ubuntu+1 for 10.10 support22:55
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ariqzwhy doesn't apt-get resume anyway? Why must it restart from scratch?22:55
frenchyim using deluge with the webui on a dedicated box and setting upload speed limits for individual torrents doesnt seem to work22:56
r4v5jon5001: on the BB, go to options->bluetooth->(name of computer you're paired with)22:56
graftariqz: it usually does, but it's probably getting those using wget or something22:56
graftariqz: i.e., apt-get just installs another program that does the download as part of its installer22:56
JohnHeikkilagraft ariqz But Wget has the -c option22:57
ariqzthat's silly22:57
Jasx_nothing happens when I hold shift22:57
graftariqz: and the installer is stupid, so if it gets interrupted the next time you install, it restarts22:57
Jasx_and yes, no errors when installing22:57
r4v5BB button, then choose 'device properties' and let me know if it shows DUN as a supported profile22:57
hsrJasx_: Was the system installed comletely w/o errors?22:57
Jasx_I tried setting HDD to top of load order, still just a blinking underscore22:57
ariqzok, so how do I make it resume if I don't use wget directly?22:58
GrumpsI've sucessfully managed to get vinagre remote desktop working between two ubuntu systems..but as soon as i enable GUFW firewall, it won' work....For the exceptions, how do I allow only one IP address on my network to access the remote machine via port 5900?  I tried putting the ip address in the to and from field and port 5900 for allowing incoming connections and that didn't work...Anybody have advice?22:58
graftariqz: you could rebuild the installer yourself and probably rewrite the script to use wget -c, but that seems like too much work22:58
r4v5i know there's been some "PAN doesn't work with bluez"-type bugs in older versions of the bluetooth stack, and the version on maverick is supposed to be better than karmic or lucid's22:58
graftariqz: alternatively you can download the w32codecs file from mplayerhq.hu or some such and unzip it yourself22:58
jon5001r4v5, ok22:58
r4v5but it doesn't look like the BB/computer connection on my end is supporting the DUN protocol, and withotu dialup networking it isn't going to let you tether22:58
Grumps've sucessfully managed to get vinagre remote desktop working between two ubuntu systems..but as soon as i enable GUFW firewall, it won' work....For the exceptions, how do I allow only one IP address on my network to access the remote machine via port 5900?  I tried putting the ip address in the to and from field and port 5900 for allowing incoming connections and that didn't work...Anybody have advice?22:59
r4v5I remembered getting it working but it turns out it was actually22:59
r4v5jon5001: I remembered getting it working but it turns out it was actually my brother's phone, which is a samsung something-or-other22:59
Grumps've sucessfully managed to get vinagre remote desktop working between two ubuntu systems..but as soon as i enable GUFW firewall, it won' work....For the exceptions, how do I allow only one IP address on my network to access the remote machine via port 5900?  I tried putting the ip address in the to and from field and port 5900 for allowing incoming connections and that didn't work...Anybody have advice?23:00
seclm193I need some assistance23:00
r4v5seclm193: don't ask to ask, just state your question as succinctly as you can23:01
Grumpsanyone can help with my gufw issue?23:01
hsr!ask |seclm19323:01
ubottuseclm193: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:01
boywonderGrumps, you connecting locally or over the net?23:02
seclm193I have ubuntu 10.04 installed to use as a webserver.  I am using a WNCE2001 wireless adapter connected to a 2wire gateway modem.  The modem keeps showing the computer inactive after about 30 minutes.  When I was using windows, the connection never dropped. Anyway to fix this?23:02
frenchyim using deluge with the webui on a dedicated box and setting upload speed limits for individual torrents doesnt seem to work23:02
Grumpsboywonder: locally...two home computers using vinagre23:02
boywonderthen its just a case of opening the firewall ports on each machine23:02
Grumpsboywonder: It works with gufw firewall disabled though..but when i enable it and set restrictions, doesn't work.......23:03
ariqzubuntu is a mess of constant hardships. I think people that hate on windows and talk about how great linux is are crazy23:03
econdudeawesomeHow do I fix a completely broken xserver issue?23:03
Grumpsi know about the ports......23:03
ZykoticK9!ot | ariqz23:03
ubottuariqz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:03
VintageRitzI am using 10.04 on my Dell Inspiron Laptop and I want to burn DVD's to back-up various files, I've tried using both Brasero and Gnomebaker, but the programs stop and eject the DVD before getting to the point of actually burning. How can I figure out what is causing the problem?23:03
Grumpsboywonder: I allow port 5900 tcp incoming for the specific IP, and it won't work23:03
boywonderGrumbly,  do a port scan to see if there open?23:03
seclm193aripz: Ubuntu is ment for the real users of computers23:03
seclm193Anyone able to assist me?23:04
GrumpsI've sucessfully managed to get vinagre remote desktop working between two ubuntu systems..but as soon as i enable GUFW firewall, it won' work....For the exceptions, how do I allow only one IP address on my network to access the remote machine via port 5900?  I tried putting the ip address in the to and from field and port 5900 for allowing incoming connections and that didn't work...Anybody have advice?23:04
Grumpsboywonder: ports are open23:04
ezyhi all. convinced a friend to switch to ubuntu from windows and now his pc is dead :-( It does not go beyond the splash page. Not sure how to go about troubleshooting it. any help appreciated23:04
JohnHeikkilaWhich ubuntu distro is he using?23:05
r4v5Good lord I hope maverick's bluetooth stack has bug 601950 squashed or I'm going to be a sad panda. Two dist-upgrades in 24 hours :(23:05
seclm193Is there a way to keep a ubuntu 10.04 connection alive?23:05
boywonderGrumps, and yet when you turn the firewall on it dont work?23:05
r4v5ezy: let's not get dramatic, that's not 'dead', it's just pining for the fjords23:05
JohnHeikkilaezy: Which distribution of ubuntu is your friend using?23:05
Grumpsboywonder: exactly23:05
boywondergive me a minute23:06
r4v5ezy: but in all seriousness, what version, what graphics card/chipset, and does it successfully boot into a recovery shell23:06
r4v5(if you choose the 'recovery' option from the grub boot menu)23:06
xenoxaosHas anyone had any luck at rebuilding ACPI/DSDT tables for a laptop in Ubuntu?23:06
haavarosf-post won't read from a folder in an NTFS, but I can view them in Nautilus. How come?23:06
econdudeawesomeIf I'm having a huger xserver issure, will uninstalling it via aptitude and hten reinstalling possibly fix it?23:06
Grumpsboywonder: do i put my IP addy in both to and from fields for allowing incoming connections if that's the only computer that I want to access remote desktop?23:06
ezyJohnHeikkila, installed 10.04 r4v5 doesn't boot from usb stick as well...same splash screen is stuck23:07
seclm193I have ubuntu 10.04 installed to use as a webserver.  I am using a WNCE2001 wireless adapter connected to a 2wire gateway modem.  The modem keeps showing the computer inactive after about 30 minutes.  When I was using windows, the connection never dropped. Anyway to fix this?23:07
graftezy: did it work with the livecd?23:07
ShinydanMy Gateway 2000 19" Vivitron CRT monitor is not playing nicely with Lynx. I cannot get it to stay in a resolution small enough to read comfortably _and_ 4/3. Help?23:07
ezygraft, didn't burn it on a livecd as it didnt work for usb stick23:07
jon5001r4v5, i think the problem is that my blackberry is denying the request for dial up networking.  anyone have any idea how to change that on a blackberry bold?23:07
ezywhen i press esc i see unable to open '/dev/sda'23:08
JohnHeikkilaezy: do as r4v5 told you, you should hold SHIFT when the PC is starting to access the GRUB menu and select REcovery mode23:08
GrumpsHow do you allow one single Ubuntu system (IP) to access port 5900 using GUFW GUI?23:08
haavarosf-post won't read from a folder in an NTFS, but I can view them in Nautilus. If I run f-spot as gksudo, the pics show. I can't alter folder permissions. How come?23:08
JohnHeikkilawhat about ctrl+alt+f1 or f723:08
sburwoodI don't know if I'm in the correct room for this question, but ... I have a AVI file that I want to burn on a CD or DVD as a video disc23:08
ezyJohnHeikkila, r4v5 let me try recovery mode23:08
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs23:09
ChrisMorganI'd like to talk to someone about updating the GVim package from 7.2 to 7.3; also there are a couple of changes I'd like to apply: the menu icon should be changed from `gvim -f %F` to `gvim -f "%F"` so paths with spaces work, and the package and icon should be gVim instead of GVim.23:09
BluDog_Anchoritesburwood: last time i tried ( a few years back) the app was named tovid23:09
seclm193I have ubuntu 10.04 installed to use as a webserver.  I am using a WNCE2001 wireless adapter connected to a 2wire gateway modem.  The modem keeps showing the computer inactive after about 30 minutes.  When I was using windows, the connection never dropped. Anyway to fix this?23:09
mneptokseclm193: is the computer set to sleep after 30m?23:10
f00bar80On ubuntu 10.04, my wireless connection keeps disconnecting after like 4 minutes, i've reloaded the wireless module to the kernel, then it disconnects again, returning error, " ERROR!!! RTMPCancelTimer failed, Timer hasn't been initialize !, rt_ioctl_giwscan. 2(2) BSS returned, data->length = 312 , ==>rt_ioctl_siwfreq::SIOCSIWFREQ[cmd=0x8b04] (channel=6) ", any comment ?23:10
hiexpoShurakai_, check out deeveedee23:10
BluDog_Anchoritef00bar80: is this a netgear USB wifi device ?23:11
seclm193mneptok: no sleep, no screensaver, nothing23:11
seclm193mneptok: it's set to keep running 100% and it does23:11
f00bar80BluDog_Anchorite, no it's a builtin wirless card in MSI U10023:11
mneptokseclm193: what driver does that wireless chipset use? file a bug against it?23:12
BluDog_Anchoritef00bar80: ah.  nvm.  carry on23:12
hsrHow to burn music CDs directly from Amarok?23:12
ezyJohnHeikkila, r4v5 recovery mode also hangs on splash screen :-(23:12
seclm193mneptok: it's connected through network cable to the wireless device.23:12
ezyJohnHeikkila, r4v5 punched 'esc' and I see unable to open '/dev/sda'...could this be a hard drive toast problem ?23:13
JohnHeikkilaezy: Try another kernel at boot23:13
ezyJohnHeikkila, you mean a different version of ubuntu ?23:13
JohnHeikkilaezy, no, when you boot and go to the grub menu, there are different "kernels" you can select23:14
user001thx for help goodnite23:14
ezyJohnHeikkila, how do you get to the grub menu ? holding shift when booting right ?23:15
JohnHeikkilaezy: Right.23:15
ezyJohnHeikkila, not sure if im in the right grub menu...is it the one that asks you to load boot graphics (y/n)?23:15
seclm193mneptok: when windows was installed, it had no problems.  it's like ubuntu drops the connection.  even though it's shown inactive, i can surf the web23:16
Hopsaezy: Why are you saying its not ESC but Shift ?23:16
Hopsaezy: Show me the changelog23:16
JohnHeikkilaezy, hopsa, because in Grub 2, the menu opens by holding shift23:16
JohnHeikkila!grub2 | hopsa23:16
ubottuhopsa: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:16
HopsaJohnHeikkila: As im upstream you have to give me a bit more fact then that.23:17
hsrHow to burn music CDs directly from Amarok?23:17
JohnHeikkilaHopsa: Well, Grub 2 uses Shift to enter the Grub menu. There's no 1.5 part to press Esc like in grub legacy (before ubuntu 9.10)23:18
JohnHeikkilahopsa: Grub2, Hold SHIFT, Grub Legacy: Press ESC23:18
ezyJohnHeikkila, grub menu did not offer me which kernel to use ?23:19
JohnHeikkilaezy: What were the options there?23:19
haavarosWhen I open a folder hierarchy with pictures inside my home folder, F-spot finds all pics in all the subfolders. If I open a folder hierarchy in an NTFS volume, F-Spot only show the pics in the first folder, not in the subfolders. Why?23:19
HopsaJohnHeikkila: you had an effect in that nowdays samba configuration files are now beeing moved to /var/lib. Please do explain why Variable state data is beeing moved to places people wouldnt think of backing up ?23:19
haavarosWhen I open a folder hierarchy with pictures inside my home folder, F-spot finds all pics in all the subfolders. If I open a folder hierarchy in an NTFS volume, F-Spot only show the pics in the first folder, not in the subfolders, UNLESS I run f-spot as sudo. Why?23:19
ezyJohnHeikkila, gave me a prompt for boot:23:19
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JohnHeikkilaHopsa: I do not know, please inform me?23:20
ezyJohnHeikkila, looks like it wants me to type something23:20
HopsaJohnHeikkila: Why not /varf/samba ?23:20
HopsaJohnHeikkila: Why not /var/samba ?23:20
sburwoodk3b refuses, brasero is in the process of converting it to mpeg2 video23:20
graftezy: what kind of machine is it? how's it setup? how are the drives set up?23:20
graftsburwood: VCD has some specific format requirements, you probably can't just burn the AVI you were handed without converting it23:20
sburwoodam I not understanding something?23:20
sburwoodboth seemed to accept to burn it as a data disk23:20
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit23:20
JohnHeikkilaHopsa, Sorry, I'm not familiar with samba23:20
teratornwhat's the simplest way to configure traffic shaping?23:21
renedoxlol antispammeta quite due to excess flood23:21
renedoxoh the irony..23:21
vinok_!flood | haavaros23:21
mac9416What app can I use to make an HTML email template?23:21
ubottuhaavaros: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:21
JohnHeikkilaHopsa: I'm sorry if I did something wrong23:21
xenoxaosHas anyone had any luck at rebuilding ACPI/DSDT tables for a laptop in Ubuntu?23:21
renedoxmac9416: thunderbird?23:21
haavarosvinok_: It was one line only23:22
HopsaJohnHeikkila: Find out what XXX-explicitly-Deleted decided to put critical-to-backup in /var/lib ?????????????????????????????????????????????????+23:22
sburwoodgraft: And that will change the video into something that will be burned as a VCD?23:22
mac9416renedox, OK, I've never messed with Thunderbird. Can it make really nice-looking templates, like in mass-marketing emails?23:22
graftsburwood: should be able to, haven't used it in years23:22
JohnHeikkilaHopsa: ehh, why are you asking me to do that?23:22
ezygraft, its hp pavillion dv6000 32bit...ubuntu was working fine for a couple of hours, we were setting up facebook chat on empathy before it went dead23:22
renedoxmac9416: yes, it can23:22
graftsburwood: lemme read23:22
teratornnobody knows a simple way to configure traffic shaping?23:22
mac9416renedox, thanks. I'll see what I can do with it.23:22
vinok_haavaros, sorry wrong keyword.. anyways i dont understand the prob with fspot if your nautilus can see it23:23
graftezy: orly? and now it complains it can't find /dev/sda?23:23
renedoxmac9416: interface is a little different but play around with it :)23:23
HopsaJohnHeikkila: Yeah, someone in the Debian camp has gonbe rotten23:23
mac9416renedox, kk.23:23
graftsburwood: yeah try devede, ought to work fine23:23
JohnHeikkilaHopsa, and your point is?23:23
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sburwoodgraft, what's happening with the room, the messages hang and then 100 messages at once23:24
ezygraft, yes. it says unable to open '/dev/sda'23:24
HopsaJohnHeikkila: Im not liking when things arent perfect23:24
sburwoodoh, well, I'm going to sleep23:24
JohnHeikkilagood night!23:24
sburwoodhalf past midnight23:24
graftsburwood: irc server problems23:24
sburwoodgraft: thanx23:25
graftezy: sounds like your disk might be toast?23:25
ezyJohnHeikkila, thanks man23:25
HopsaJohnHeikkila: Nighty23:25
volkan_Hello! I have some problems connecting to mysql under lucid. It's a new installation and  I already resetted the password / check the bind-adress but still no way to connect :(23:25
qwmrunning maverick, and can't run any gtk apps as another user (sux)... problem started the other day, been working fine in meerkat before that. anyone experienced anything similar?23:25
JohnHeikkilaezy: No problem23:25
JohnHeikkilaqwm, #ubuntu+1 for maverick23:25
ezygraft, check disk for defects option on grub also goes into a loop23:25
qwmthank you JohnHeikkila23:26
ezy!linux | ezy23:26
ubottuezy, please see my private message23:26
HopsaJohnHeikkila: yournt leaving because of me are you sir /Idnt feel comfortable with that...23:26
aeon-ltdqwm: it has never happened to me butwhat happens when you try?23:27
qwm** (gconf-editor:25678): CRITICAL **: dbus_g_proxy_new_for_name: assertion `connection != NULL' failed23:27
qwmthat happens. :/23:27
qwmGLib-GIO:ERROR:/build/buildd/glib2.0-2.25.15/gio/gdbusconnection.c:2170:initable_init: assertion failed: (connection->initialization_error == NULL)23:27
FloodBot2qwm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:27
FloodBot4qwm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:27
FloodBot1qwm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:27
FloodBot3qwm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:27
qwmAborted (core dumped)23:27
qwmqt apps work fine, and so on23:27
dsl2313Howdy everyone!23:27
rwwLjL: ^^^23:28
ShinydanOk. I need a hand getting my X server to work with my monitor and I don't know where to start.23:28
dsl2313I have a simple question: Is ubuntu compatible with PPC G4 based Macs??23:28
f00bar80ppl any comment ?23:29
rww!ppc | dsl231323:29
ubottudsl2313: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ23:29
volkan_Sorry for bumping but I need the machine op and running tomorrow... It's an ec2 instance and i think my  error was updating mysql before resetting the password...23:29
LjLrww: it's because of the netsplit, it can happen23:30
dsl2313ubottu: Thanks ubottu! :-)23:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:30
CppIsWeird1are there any other mouse drivers i could try? i have a dell multi-touch touch pad and anytime you slightly touch it at two points the mouse pointer goes batshit crazy.23:30
f00bar80hello any comment ?23:30
ScuniziCppIsWeird1: is it suppose to be a multi-touch pad?23:31
aeon-ltdf00bar80: what?23:31
f00bar80aeon-ltd, On ubuntu 10.04, my wireless connection keeps disconnecting after like 4 minutes, i've reloaded the wireless module to the kernel, then it disconnects again, returning error, " ERROR!!! RTMPCancelTimer failed, Timer hasn't been initialize !, rt_ioctl_giwscan. 2(2) BSS returned, data->length = 312 , ==>rt_ioctl_siwfreq::SIOCSIWFREQ[cmd=0x8b04] (channel=6) ", any comment ?23:31
oraclecool a wifi problem23:31
aeon-ltdf00bar80: overheating?23:31
CppIsWeird1Scunizi: i would assume say, thats what it says on the box.23:32
CppIsWeird1*assume so23:32
oraclef00bar80, any reason to believe its a driver issue?23:32
ScuniziCppIsWeird1: and are you running ubuntu 10.04?23:32
f00bar80aeon-ltd, no it's working correctly , till i've upgraded ubuntu23:32
aeon-ltdf00bar80: no idea, sorry23:32
oracleit's likely a driver issue23:32
volkan_hihi.... dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.1 did the job...23:32
ScuniziCppIsWeird1: the next release is suppose to have multi touch enabled.. 10.04 does not..23:32
f00bar80how to upgrade the kernel ?23:32
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ScuniziCppIsWeird1: you could ask in #ubuntu+1 for specifics23:33
CppIsWeird1interesting. thanks.23:33
aeon-ltdf00bar80: it just comes during 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade'23:33
pietro10Hi. Using both 10.04 and 10.10 beta GNOME, "Keep Aligned" doesn't align to a grid. How do I make it align to a grid? Thanks.23:33
oraclef00bar80, http://www.google.com/search?q===%3Ert_ioctl_siwfreq::SIOCSIWFREQ[cmd=0x8b04]23:33
lamontso... when I have a pdf that has an password for modify, and no password for read, why does evince insist that I must give it a password (and how _would_ I give it a null password, anyway?)23:33
rwwLjL: oh, I totally missed that there was a netsplit. thanks23:33
oraclef00bar80, Next time google ;)23:33
pietro10er lol23:33
ScuniziCppIsWeird1: np..23:33
pietro10*on the desktop23:33
pietro10restarting =p23:34
pietro10Hi. Using both 10.04 and 10.10 beta GNOME, "Keep Aligned" on the desktop doesn't align icons to a grid. How do I make it align to a grid? Thanks.23:34
f00bar80oracle, i've tried google and they're saying to reinstall last driver's version , i did, but it's the same issue always23:34
Scunizipietro10: 10.10 questions are in #ubuntu+123:34
pietro10Scunizi: I had this problem in 10.04 too23:34
MrUnagihow long do dns changes take to update across the network?23:35
boywonderf00bar80, enlighten me on the convo?23:35
oraclef00bar80, try installing the older version23:35
pietro10I found some sort of bug report from many versions back that kept going into at least Hardy that talked about patching gnome? x_x23:35
pietro10I mean I am a programmer but wow patching GNOME itself >_>23:35
Scunizipietro10: well.. beta is beta.. is there a #gnome channel to ask in?23:36
eytuowow there is almost no one here, only what 1370.23:36
Scunizieytuo: the quiet before the storm of the next release23:36
boywonderf00bar80, enlighten me on the convo?23:36
pietro10reading more23:36
pietro10GNOME doesn't have this :|23:36
eytuoScunizi: yeah23:37
Hopsapietro10: You patch shit :P23:37
Scunizi!language | Hopsa23:37
ubottuHopsa: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:37
oraclef00bar80, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/57430723:37
eytuothe best thing about ubuntu is the website.23:37
Hopsapietro10: youre not in any of our databases23:37
oraclethat's from may23:37
HopsaOR KDE23:37
DAGr8hi , Im in dir called /mydroid and I wanna copy its whole content to another dir how >?23:38
gasullDoes anybody know how to load a custom DSDT file in the kernel?23:38
mneptokDAGr8: cp -R23:38
oraclef00bar80, you try upgrading with aptitude recently ?23:38
pietro10[6:37pm] Hopsa: pietro10: youre not in any of our databases23:38
oraclethere was some kernel update a week a go23:38
pietro10just someone using Linux as part of keeping his apps portable23:38
DAGr8mneptok cp -R /mydroid /bin/newfolder ?23:38
Hopsapietro10: what caused you to feel this lie would be accepted ?23:38
pietro10meh, I guess it's no big deal right now23:39
mneptokDAGr8: why would you copy to /bin ?23:39
pietro10I'm not interested in rebuilding nautlius >_>23:39
Hopsapietro10: Buuh!23:39
DAGr8mneptok I dont care where I copy it23:39
mneptokDAGr8: copy to your home. and yes, the syntax is correct.23:39
possum_Hello =)23:40
DAGr8mneptok wait what do you call home ? /newfolder ?23:40
eytuo"OpenOffice.org is fully compatible with Microsoft Office and has everything you need to create professional documents." well thats a straight up lie. It is about 98% compatible!23:41
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=== damon069 is now known as damom069_away
mneptokDAGr8: mkdir ~/droidbackup && cp -R /mydroid/ ~/droidbackup/23:42
* damom069_away is away: Gone away for now23:42
possum_I have 2 80gb drives.. and I want to clone exactly my partition layout data and bootsector to backup my install before I start hacking around again. Anyone can suggest a good software? I tried Acronis true image but it wouldn't boot the backed up drive.23:42
mneptokpossum_: dd23:42
bastidrazor!away | damom069_away23:42
ubottudamom069_away: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»23:42
Scunizipossum_: partimage, clonezilla, dd23:42
gn00beverything i try to download gives this error msg:  /tmp/HvA7HuJ6.iso.part could not be saved, because the source file could not be read.23:42
gn00bTry again later, or contact the server administrator.  any ideas?23:42
RevHi, I installed Ubuntu (x86 10.04 lts) earlier this evening and it doesn't seem to have installed a bootloader.  I have a win7 drive that I now can't access, is anybody free to help pleasE?23:43
BubbleheadPossum try http://partedmagic.com/download.html it has clonezilla or you can just download clonezilla23:43
eytuoI think ubottu spamming the chat with complaints is more obtrusive to new users then bastidrazor small command23:43
possum_ok tyvm mneptok and Scunizi =)23:43
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bastidrazoreytuo: you're right. i intended to > that and didn't.23:44
blagpossum_: i can testify for clonezilla/drbl23:44
possum_ok Bubblehead I'll check it out now cheers =)23:44
RevHi, I installed Ubuntu (x86 10.04 lts) earlier this evening and it doesn't seem to have installed a bootloader.  I have a win7 drive that I now can't access, is anybody free to help pleasE?23:44
HopsaJohnHeikkila: Or do you not like that one of my friends have ACAB tattoed into his head ?23:44
possum_blag, sweet ty23:44
floppubuntu doesn't read my floppy disk drives23:45
eytuobastidrazor: yeah23:45
floppit does detect i have a drive, just no media23:45
biggestchopsilovefairuz: so i did a grub-install on /dev/sda and /dev/sdb, still hangs at GRUB loading23:45
blagRev: how can you tell it didnt instal a bootloader?23:45
Aviramhi.. I have a problem.. I can't enable desktop effects.23:45
AviramI tried reinstalling my graphics driver (ATI)23:45
AviramBut it still wont let me.23:45
BubbleheadFlopp are you sure it's not the media or the drive. I have dead 3.5 drives that show up but don't work under any OS23:45
HopsaI dont like these blowhards23:45
DAGr8mneptok hmm not workin here tried twice here is what I get : http://pastebin.com/KjCWCR0z23:46
Revblag - because I don't get a choice to run win7 it just boots into Ubuntu23:46
floppBubblehead, windows 7 detects it and runs fine23:46
BubbleheadNot a USB floppy is it?23:46
tgp1994Hi everyone. I'm having a seemingly common problem of nvidia-settings not saving the settings correctly, so my resolution is not restored when I log in. I've tried running it as a normal user and super user, saving it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf all the time (not appending), and yet it will not do what it's supposed to do.23:46
floppBubblehead, no23:46
AviramHElp anyone?23:47
DAGr8mneptok nvm silly me got it23:48
AndrewMC!ask | Aviram23:48
ubottuAviram: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:48
Bubbleheadflopp not sure then. Sorry I have 3.5 drives that do work the NEC, but not sure as to why it will not work under Ubuntu. Have you tried to mount the drive from the command line?23:48
RevHi, I installed Ubuntu (x86 10.04 lts) earlier this evening and it doesn't seem to have installed a bootloader.  I have a win7 drive that I now can't access, is anybody free to help pleasE?23:48
tgp1994Could anyone help me with my question?23:48
HopsaPehraps  you wish to tell us what that expected homo and yet it will not do what it's supposed to do.23:48
AviramAndrewMC, I asked.. :X23:48
floppBubblehead, sudo mount /dev/fd0 /mnt ?23:48
Rev!ask Hopsa23:48
Aviramhi.. I have a problem.. I can't enable desktop effects. I tried reinstalling my ATI Catalyst driver and still it wont work.23:49
DAGr8ok now the hard part , how do I copy files fomr my wondows partition to my ubuntu Vmware ?23:49
AviramAndrewMC,  Any idea?23:49
tgp1994This seems like it might be a bad place to get help at :S23:49
AndrewMCAviram: nope sorry the only thing i can say is try System> Administration> hardware drivers23:49
tgp1994I remember it used to be a lot quieter here.23:50
AndrewMCAviram: if there is anything listed there install it23:50
floppBubblehead, it works now, just now the floppy is making differnt noises than in windows23:50
HopsaMany loosers, i can feel we have kings and queeens among us23:50
Bubbleheadflopp sudo mount  -t  msdos  /dev/fd0  /mnt/floppy23:50
Bubbleheadflopp oh ok sorry was trying to remember the -t option23:50
AviramThanks AndrewMC23:50
tgp1994Well, can anyone help?23:50
floppBubblehead, /mnt/floppy does not exist, maybe that's a problem why it doesn't work? ;x23:51
AviramAndrewMC,  I got my graphics driver there but it says not in use.23:51
AviramHow do I make it be used?23:51
AndrewMCAviram: enable it23:51
HopsaBubblehead: One phone call from me and your life would be flipped upside down dude23:51
Bubbleheadflopp you just create it under mount or mnt your choice23:51
AviramHow, AndrewMC ?23:51
AndrewMCAviram: when you highlight it there should be something in the bottom right to enable23:52
AviramAndrewMC, I only have Remove.23:52
player1upi am trying to use my USB headset in Ubuntu but it does not appear in audio device..only pulse audio appears..how can i enable usb headset?23:52
vinokDAGr8, i think you can access your windows using nautilus you will be able to pull the files from the server assuming your vmware ubuntu box is configured to connect to the network23:52
AndrewMCAviram: its already enabled then... hmm23:52
tgp1994Hi everyone. I'm having a seemingly common problem of nvidia-settings not saving the settings correctly, so my resolution is not restored when I log in. I've tried running it as a normal user and super user, saving it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf all the time (not appending), and yet it will not do what it's supposed to do.23:52
AviramAndrewMC,  But it says not in use23:53
AndrewMCAviram: nothing about enable?23:53
AviramYes, nothing,23:53
floppBubblehead, if i install, will i need to do this command every time i start ubuntu?23:53
Bubbleheadflopp you would create the directory with sudo mkdir /mount/floppy23:54
DAGr8vinok nautilus ? sudo apt-get install nautilus ?23:54
agentgasmaskHi folks! I'm trying to find my way from scratch about sharing Evolution calendars on a LAN. I would prefer not to use the Internet for security purposes. I would like to be able to have one calendar that displays all private (non-exported), and public (exported). Any pointers on where to start?23:54
AndrewMCAviram: try the steps listed on this website: http://cybernetnews.com/install-and-enable-restricted-drivers-in-ubuntu/23:54
tgp1994Hi everyone. I'm having a seemingly common problem of nvidia-settings not saving the settings correctly, so my resolution is not restored when I log in. I've tried running it as a normal user and super user, saving it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf all the time (not appending), and yet it will not do what it's supposed to do.23:54
BubbleheadNot normally it should mount when you click on the drive under computer23:54
biggestchopshi everybody. my pc was working fine until last night. i shut it down, went to bed, and when i came back this moring, it hangs at the "GRUB loading" screen with a flashing cursor. it is ubuntu 9.10 on a 64bit processor. it rebooted after the most updates just fine. i cannot think of any changes at all that i made. i tried reinstalling grub, to avail. anyone have any idea what might cause grub to hang?23:55
floppBubblehead, ok, brb23:55
vinokDAGr8, no, if you have a GUI, access in places > network --- you would see the workgroup there and the name of the vmware device23:55
AndrewMCAviram: from the looks of it if you enable those things in the software sources you can enable your gfx driver23:55
HopsaThe better things i like to do is let truely talented people go way way way before useless people with monies as they say (Mostly theey arent ready to lern). I toss those out!23:55
IdleOne!ot | Hopsa23:55
ubottuHopsa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:55
HopsaHopsa is always correct23:56
sergeant_rev, are you there?23:56
tgp1994Hi everyone. I'm having a seemingly common problem of nvidia-settings not saving the settings correctly, so my resolution is not restored when I log in. I've tried running it as a normal user and super user, saving it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf all the time (not appending), and yet it will not do what it's supposed to do.23:56
Vonorhi, does anyone know if gnome global menu is still continued or if there is a replacement for it? i see the last change on the codebase for global menu was done in june 201023:56
HopsaChallenge me and my friends if you wish23:56
IdleOneHopsa: that was the only warning you are going to get23:56
blagRev: it just instantly boots into ubuntu?23:56
=== JoshuaP is now known as thatjoshdood
spid3rhai evry body23:57
sergeant_blag, im talking with rev and yes it boots right into ubuntu23:57
Hopsa10 million people and more Idle One ?23:57
vinoktgp1994, show me the xorg.conf paste in pastie.org show me the link23:57
tgp1994vinok: Ok, one second.23:57
macman_hi all question .. my wifi dosen't work at all .. ethernet work just not wifi .. do i have to uninstall the current drivers first and then run the driver update thing ?23:57
spid3ri m using ubuntu virtuel machin i ask if some 1 coulde go trouth my fire wall23:58
tgp1994vinok: http://mint.pastebin.com/DZUMCzrh23:58
agentgasmasktgp1994: I had the same problem, it just fixed its self recently... I'm trying to think what changed...23:58
AviramI have same settings as him, AndrewMC .23:58
indicaso many bots23:59
indicaso many logs23:59
tgp1994agentgasmask: If you do happen to remember, please keep me on mind :) This is turning into being just plain silly.23:59
AndrewMCAviram: in software sources?23:59

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