=== toddc is now known as scott_ev [08:35] akgraner: Broadcom swims upstream, tackles Linux WiFi woes with new open drivers http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2010/09/broadcom-announces-official-open-source-drivers-for-linux.ars [08:36] says meerkat will carry them [17:08] akgraner: i've misplaced the ietherpad address -- or has it moved to another location? [17:12] nUboon2Age: it moved to the ubuntu-uk one, sec [17:12] \o/ [17:12] http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/UWN and http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/UWN-Ideas [17:14] thanks pleia2 and popey. after that discussion popey i kinda thought there might be a move over to your site. i put a coupla things up there myself. :-) [17:26] :)