
Aviramyes, AndrewMC .00:00
blagRev: try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows00:00
vinoktgp1994, 1 sec00:00
tgp1994vinok: Ok, thanks.00:00
UbuntuNoobhi everyone so currently none of my windows have the option ot maximize, minimize, or close them and i cant switch between windows from the taskbar at the bottom of my screen. any fixes?00:01
biggestchopsany one here know why a pc would suddenly start to hang on boot at the GRUB loading screen with a flashing cursor?00:01
bitreaderIs there any website or something where I can learn how to install the latest software with trusted repositories? For instance, I'd like to install the newsest vlc player, but for 10.04, the version that's fetching is 1.0.4. VLC is currently at its 1.1.4 version.00:01
Vonorhi, does anyone know if gnome global menu is still continued or if there is a replacement for it? i see the last change on the codebase for global menu was done in june 201000:01
tgp1994good god.00:01
newknoquick question - I heard that Ubuntu can create file systems within NTFS partitions (http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=83312), but the 10.4 installer doesn't provide that option - or else I don't know how to find it.00:01
UbuntuNoobi also cant resize my windows and the corners are sharp and squareish00:02
agentgasmasktgp1994: when I run it now, I get a file selection window to select the xorg.conf file. if running as normal user, I get the gksudo prompt to enter the password, then it just saves. do you get any diferent behavior?00:02
agentgasmaskHi folks! I'm trying to find my way from scratch about sharing Evolution calendars on a LAN. I would prefer not to use the Internet for security purposes. I would like to be able to have one calendar that displays all private (non-exported), and public (exported). Any pointers on where to start?00:02
tgp1994agentgasmask: Do you mean when saving it from the NVIDA X Control Panel? It will just prompt me for my password before I overwrite the config file.00:02
jdawgGUFW Question here for configuring on Lucid Lynx...I can use Remote Desktop with GUFW disabled, but once I enable it and set rules for the one incoming IP address on port 5900 it doesn't function...I'm confused here, any ideas?????00:02
Jp82191How do i get a second drive to be avaliable on startup?00:02
Dingozagentgasmask: Sexxi00:03
macoagentgasmask: you'll need two calendars i think, but you can certainly setup a webdav server on the lan for the public calendar00:03
AviramK Thanks anyway AndrewMC , I'll just give up for now.00:03
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit00:03
jdawg've sucessfully managed to get vinagre remote desktop working between two ubuntu systems..but as soon as i enable GUFW firewall, it won' work....For the exceptions, how do I allow only one IP address on my network to access the remote machine via port 5900?  I tried putting the ip address in the to and from field and port 5900 for allowing incoming connections and that didn't work...Anybody have advice?00:03
agentgasmasktgp1994: yeah, I'm just trying to see if there is any behavior changes that could lead to the problem...00:03
tgp1994agentgasmask: Thank god for that netsplit.00:03
tgp1994agentgasmask: Aww hell no...00:03
frenchydoes anyone use the deluge webui, i thik i have a permission problem00:04
tacomasterok does anyone know why if i have firestarter and have enable ICMP filtering checked and have none of the (Allow the following ICMP packet types_) checked but my computer still replys to pings?00:04
Jp82191How do i get a second internal hard drive to be available at start up?00:04
jdawgGUFW Question here for configuring on Lucid Lynx...I can use Remote Desktop with GUFW disabled, but once I enable it and set rules for the one incoming IP address on port 5900 it doesn't function...I'm confused here, any ideas?????00:04
agentgasmasktgp1994: hmmm, whell, I'm afraid I'm not much help... I hope there is a guru on here. :) good luck!00:05
tgp1994agentgasmask: Thanks :)00:05
jdawgGUFW Question here for configuring on Lucid Lynx...I can use Remote Desktop with GUFW disabled, but once I enable it and set rules for the one incoming IP address on port 5900 it doesn't function...I'm confused here, any ideas?????00:05
Scunizijdawg: you have to list it in /etc/fstab00:05
jdawgScunizi, how do i do that?00:05
sergeant_wb rev00:05
Scunizi!fstab | Jp8219100:06
ubottuJp82191: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:06
tgp1994vinok: Anything unusual?00:06
savidHi, I need to install a package that depends on libbluetooth-dev, but I can't install libbluetooth-dev because I get this error:  " libbluetooth-dev: Depends: libbluetooth3 (= 4.60-0ubuntu8) but 4.61-0ubuntu2 is to be installed".    any idea if there's a workaround?00:06
DingozIf otd be of any interrest to you, pleace take a gander into the channel '#'00:06
Jp82191scunizi: wrong person dude00:06
Scunizijdawg: sorry that was ment for Jp8219100:06
jdawgGUFW Question here for configuring on Lucid Lynx...I can use Remote Desktop with GUFW disabled, but once I enable it and set rules for the one incoming IP address on port 5900 it doesn't function...I'm confused here, any ideas?????00:06
Jp82191ohh lol never mind i got it?00:06
Scunizireally?.. sorry.. it was ment for you jdawg00:06
Jp82191im confused now00:06
DingozI think ill need to spack this evil bastard.00:06
spid3ri m using ubuntu virtuel machin i ask if some 1 coulde go trouth my fire wall00:06
jdawgI'm confused00:07
spid3ri have already a server on ubuntu00:07
jdawgGUFW Question here for configuring on Lucid Lynx...I can use Remote Desktop with GUFW disabled, but once I enable it and set rules for the one incoming IP address on port 5900 it doesn't function...I'm confused here, any ideas?????00:07
vinoktgp1994, i cant find anything wrong with it.. can u check the permission for this file?00:07
Jp82191same here the fstab is for the hard drive right?00:07
tgp1994vinok: Ya, one second.00:07
agentgasmaskmaco: I just saw your reply. Is the setup of webdav straight-forward? And Do you know of a good guide?00:07
andeeSUsing 10.04 on a Dell laptop and trying to burn a DVD to back-up various files. I've tried both Brasero and Gnomebaker without luck. Both programs seem to "gather" the files, but then stop and eject before burning. How can I figure out what's going wrong?00:07
Padster__hi, i'm back00:07
UbuntuNoobso my windows no longer have the option to close4 or minimize etc and i cant switch windows with the taskbar any help00:07
tgp1994vinok: Owner is root w/ read and write perms, group is root with read only, and the same goes for others.00:08
macoagentgasmask: ive never done it, sorry00:08
=== thedoor_auei is now known as thedoor
macoagentgasmask: i just know thats the sort of thing you need00:08
poi77Hi! I have a huge number of files I need to sync between two servers with a similar directory structure00:08
jdawgGUFW Question here for configuring on Lucid Lynx...I can use Remote Desktop with GUFW disabled, but once I enable it and set rules for the one incoming IP address on port 5900 it doesn't function...I'm confused here, any ideas?????00:08
poi77Is there a recommended way?00:08
agentgasmaskmaco: oh, ok. I'll look around.00:08
AndrewMC!patience | jdawg00:08
ubottujdawg: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com00:08
agentgasmaskIf anyone else has any ideas... I'm all ears. I'll be looking into the webdav thing.00:08
DingozIts been decided. He will live but appreciae life s he lives it.00:09
tgp1994Whoa, ubuntu has a stackexchange site!?00:09
UbuntuNoobi cant change windows either so i cant go to the help forums00:09
kirilloficïîìîãèòå êòî-íèáóäü00:09
kirilloficòðàáë âîò â ÷åì00:10
IdleOne!ru | kirillofic00:10
kirilloficóñòàíîâèë óáàíòó00:10
ubottukirillofic: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke00:10
tgp1994Can someone get this guy out, please :S00:10
DingozMaybe some day i can show these children about prison life00:10
IdleOnekirillofic: Please stop now00:10
DingozTrust me, they wouldnt like it and cry alot00:10
IdleOne!ot | Dingoz00:10
afinkhey guys I am trying to install a .bin file I know it should just be ./install.bin....I already made it executable.  but I get directory not found.  any ideas?00:10
ubottuDingoz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:10
krabadorhow can i configure apt, to download packages in dimension order or alphabetical?00:10
afinkhey guys I am trying to install a .bin file I know it should just be ./install.bin....I already made it executable.  but I get directory not found.  any ideas?00:10
tgp1994vinok: Any further ideas?00:11
tgp1994I just realised I'm in the unregistered channel00:12
newknotrying again - I heard that Ubuntu can create file systems within NTFS partitions (http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=83312), but the 10.4 installer doesn't provide that option - or else I don't know how to find it.00:12
vinoktgp1994, i cant find anything wrong.... hmm, are you using drivers supplied by ubuntu?00:12
JohnnyLWhy am I getting: Checking for openssl                     : not found  ?00:13
JohnnyLit's clearly in the path00:13
tgp1994vinok: If that's what I get through the Hardware Drivers dialog, then yes.00:13
madohello everyone -> can anyone please help me with "empathy"?00:14
sergeant_mado, maybe00:15
sergeant_PM me00:15
madohello everyone -> can anyone please help me with "empathy"? -> i reinstalled my whole system ... now using ubuntu -> just configured an yahoo-account and it automatically connected me ...00:15
vinoktgp1994, wow, cant seem to solve the problem.. =(00:17
tgp1994vinok: Hmmm... alright, thankyou for trying.00:17
vinoktgp1994, let me do a reboot first i need to confirm something regarding your settings00:17
SportsChick!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! SportsChick Rev DavDavDu MrUnagi ridin Azrathud sabalaba theam mado {n8} JohnnyL tgp1994 Rockj hardran3 rgoytacaz islandfellow Kauzmik1dr pipeep BayAreaGuyHere cdavis afink |px83lx| dtcrshr pooky kirillofic bhah onryo DaZ poi77 krabador delinquentme thibow AntiSpamMeta savid lumgwada andeeS Number_6 frenchy frojnd M1DLGpc BentFranklin melik mac9416 Walzmy_ wedwo pipegeek Try00:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:17
krabadorhow can i configure apt, to download packages in dimension order or alphabetical?00:17
tgp1994the hell00:17
Padster__ilovefairuz: are you still there?00:18
theamhow to i set my locale?00:19
DingozVery odd, some moron doesnt enjoy his life. We would love to know who that idiot was because ateast I as your coder for the last 15 years do care.00:20
Dingoztheam: Suck, your mama00:21
IdleOne!locales | theam00:21
ubottutheam: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf00:21
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:21
glebihan!ot | Dingoz00:21
ubottuDingoz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:21
tacomasterif i type "iptables -I INPUT -p icmp -j DROP" and programs dont work how can i reverse it?00:22
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:22
ubottuSome topics are controversial and often end in negativity. Take care on subjects like war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, potentially illegal activities and suicide. The topics are not banned; stating your position is ok, but trolling, baiting, hostility or repetition are not. If you are asked to stop, do so politely. Disputes to !appeals, please adhere to !freenode Policy and the !CodeOfConduct00:22
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".00:22
JohnnyLWhy am I getting: Checking for openssl: not found  ?00:22
syslqLjL: two querys is abuse?00:22
IdleOnesyslq: it adds unneeded scroll to the channel.00:23
glebihanJohnnyL, probably because you don't have openssl installed00:23
glebihanJohnnyL, try "sudo apt-get install openssl"00:23
Padster__bb guys00:23
possum_holy hell dd is awesome so powerful.. man I love linux =D00:24
syslqpossum_: what is so powerful about it?00:25
theamubottu what is difference between UTF-8 and LANG1? thank you00:25
IdleOnetheam: please stop typing with extra spaces00:26
vinoktgp1994, sorry no luck still cant find a solution.. can you try to restore the xorg.conf first then do a reboot00:26
glebihan!locale | theam00:26
ubottutheam: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf00:26
vinoktgp1994, xorg.conf.backup00:26
IdleOnehmm maybe it's my client displaying it wrong00:27
diverteddi downloaded a .tar.gz and want to install it however it doesnt work and there doesnt seem to be a configure file in the folder00:27
Shurakai_hiexpo: excuse me, what do you mean?00:27
glebihanIdleOne, yes there's not extra space, it's just the font00:27
possum_syslq, just a very simple useful and effective tool *shrugs*00:27
IdleOneglebihan: thanks.00:27
possum_i'm just learning all these commands its fun00:27
Shurakai_(your message from 01:10, that is, 1 hour and 17 mins ago)00:28
syslqpossum_: it's good for forensics00:28
sinisterstufthere is a program that is already installed on my pc but I want to download its .deb file and all it's dependencies and their dependencies etc. so that I can give it to a friend, is there a tool or method for doing this automatically so I don't have to find the individual files myself??00:28
diverteddplease i need help with installing from a .tar.gz00:29
bastidrazor!aptoncd | sinisterstuf00:29
ubottusinisterstuf: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline00:29
glebihandivertedd, do you see a "configure" file in the extracted files ?00:29
Padsteris anyone here from before?00:29
=== |px83lx| is now known as |pxlx4ev|
tacomasterif i "iptables -I INPUT -p icmp -j DROP" and it harms a programming from running how do i undo it?00:29
diverteddnope, theres no configure file00:29
sinisterstufthanks, I have APTonCD, that's not really what I'm trying to do though00:30
diverteddi already tried autoconf but i got error msg: no input file00:30
xenoxaosdivertedd: tar -xvzf file.tar.gz then cd file, then ./configure, then make, make install00:30
glebihandivertedd, could you tell me where you downloaded the files from so I can have a look ?00:30
sinisterstufbastidrazor:  hanks, I have APTonCD, that's not really what I'm trying to do though00:30
sinisterstufbastidrazor: I don't have the packes anymore and I'm looking for a way to download them all00:30
diverteddhow can i whisper?00:31
bastidrazorsinisterstuf: then !offline is whaqt you need.00:31
JohnnyLit was libssl-devl00:31
JohnnyLit was libssl-dev00:31
bastidrazor!offline | sinisterstuf00:31
ubottusinisterstuf: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://apt.alturl.com/ - See also !APTonCD00:31
possum_so if I just use "dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb" I will be able to boot the other drive like this one?00:32
glebihandivertedd, ok so you should just have to run "sudo make install" from the "bomb-1.26" fodler00:32
syslqpossum_: yuh00:32
possum_awesome ty00:32
syslqpossum_: it's sector based imaging of entire drive, bit by bit00:33
possum_and it can do this while my disk is in use?00:33
syslqpossum_: nope00:33
syslqpossum_: it shouldnt be mounted00:33
possum_ahhh so boot from knoppix00:33
syslqpossum_: mhm00:33
cfgI want to create a shortcut icon on my xfce desktop00:33
diverteddmake: *** [install] Error 100:33
cfghow do i do this00:33
sinisterstufbastidrazor: but I don't think that will work because my friend's pc doesn't know which files it needs because it's repo list is basically empty, it's never ever connected to the internet00:33
Kane_Hartwhat is the apt-get search command could I get a example00:33
diverteddis what i get00:33
syslqKane_Hart: apt-get search "awesome" ?00:34
Kane_Hartreally? strange lol did not work before will try again00:34
Kane_Hartgodcraft@s1:~/server$ sudo apt-get search mumble00:34
Kane_HartE: Invalid operation search00:34
IdleOneKane_Hart: apt-cache search00:34
Kane_Hartapt-cache search00:34
syslqKane_Hart: sorry, misread it00:35
glebihandivertedd, try running "make" before00:35
Kane_Hartyup ty someone on mumble said it hehe :)00:35
diverteddalready did that00:35
bastidrazorsinisterstuf: look at the man page for apt-get.. the --download-only option00:35
divertedddidnt work00:35
glebihandivertedd, what happened ?00:35
th0rcfg: right click on the desktop and choose to create a launcher00:35
syslqKane_Hart: aptitude search ~d"searchstring" <--- searches man pages desc00:35
divertedderror: quicktime.h: No such file or directory00:35
bastidrazorsinisterstuf: i do not know of an automated way that will pull the dependencies so unless someone else knows you will need to pull all dependencies with that option too00:36
diverteddglebihan, error: quicktime.h: No such file or directory00:36
sinisterstufbastidrazor: I've thought about that but if I select the program for download it only downloads that program, but none of its dependencies because they're all already installed00:36
glebihandivertedd, try "sudo apt-get install libquicktime1"00:36
sinisterstufbastidrazor: ok well thanks00:36
bastidrazorsinisterstuf: you're welcome and good luck.00:37
diverteddglebihan, still the same00:37
sinisterstufalso, how do I register for this channel, I follwed the instructions on the site but... nothing happenns00:38
diverteddglebihan, also i get: install: target `/usr/share/control-center/.data' is not a directory00:38
=== affinity is now known as agnt
diverteddglebihan, whatever that means..00:38
diverteddglebihan, thats what i got when i do: sudo make install. when i just do "make", i get different error00:39
bastidrazorsinisterstuf: have you identified yourself to nickserv ?00:39
rookfoodanyone here know a good chat for libimobiledevice?00:39
glebihandivertedd, and what error do you get with "make" ?00:39
sinisterstufbastidrazor: i typed /msg nickserve register mypassword myemail00:40
{n8}sinisterstuf: nickserve -> nickserv00:41
=== robertf_ is now known as robertf
diverteddglebihan, 2 in total: In file included from cmap.c:21: defs.h:44:23: error: quicktime.h: No such file or directory00:41
sinisterstuf{n8}: wow... thanks!00:41
diverteddglebihan, and: In file included from cmap.c:21: defs.h:45: error: expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘*’ token00:42
{n8}sinisterstuf: no prob =)00:42
diverteddglebihan, and also 2 warnings00:42
glebihandivertedd, ok, can I send you a file ? (I tried to build a deb package, not sure it'll work, but it might be worth trying)00:42
diverteddglebihan, sure00:42
jubeihello guys. Just wanted to ask if chrome crashing is an issue general to ubuntu and not just me00:43
sinisterstuf{n8}: subconscious need to correct my spelling I guess...00:43
sinisterstufjubei: my chrome has never crashed as far as i can remember00:43
glebihanjubei, neither did mine00:43
jubeisinisterstuf, ok so it's just me then ;(00:43
sinisterstufjubei: sorry. are you using the stable release?00:44
thepittmanmy chrome has crashed multiple times00:44
thepittmani got rid of it00:44
diverteddglebihan, umm.. send again pls somehow it didnt transfer00:44
sailerboyhey, does anyone know where i can find support for screenlets?00:44
jubeisinisterstuf, yes stable on lucid00:44
sailerboyi cant find an irc channel for them00:44
Padsterif anyone cares, i just needed a /usr/lib/libGL.so that links to my libGL.so.100:44
glebihandivertedd, done00:44
Padsternow it runs :-D00:44
sinisterstufjubei: odd, maybe try the beta then, that's what I'm on...00:44
sinmanhow can i keep from going into the #ubuntu-unregged channel, I had already registered at the link it gave00:44
jribsinman: you aren't identified.  Have your client identify you when you join this network00:45
jubeisinisterstuf, well that's hardly a solution. Users install stuff through ubuntu software center. If that version isn't stable then ...00:45
jubeisinisterstuf, that's unacceptable00:45
{n8}yeah sinman /msg nickserv identify yourpassword00:45
sinmanjrib: yeah i done that00:45
sinisterstufjubei: oh... is that what you did? my bad. I never use the software centre... or rarely00:45
jribsinman: no you didn't.  As I just said, you are not identified00:46
diverteddglebihan, i click accept the file but nothing happens??00:46
glebihandivertedd, http://torrent-search.sourceforge.net/pool/bomb_1.26-2_i386.deb00:46
RanyAlbegALL: How do i know which window manager am I using? Thanks.00:46
jribRanyAlbeg: if you are using ubuntu with effects, you are using compiz.  Why?00:47
sinisterstufjubei: I assume you've tried gnome's epiphany browser? probably not as featureful as chrome but pretty fast and fits in nicely with the rest of the desktop environment00:47
jubeisinisterstuf, no havent. Buuut... I'm kinda addicted to adblock and a few other plugins soo.. hm.. I'm not sure I could do without them00:47
RanyAlbegjrib: I want to write a bash script to open several windows in appropriate desktops, which will be launched by a launcher afterwards.I guess i need to know about my window manager.00:48
{n8}RanyAlbeg: zenity?00:48
diverteddglebihan, sorry.. Error: Wrong architecture 'i386'00:48
soreauRanyAlbeg: See the output of ps ax, since there can only be on wm running at a time like: ps ax|egrep "metacity|compiz|kwin|xfwm"00:49
jribRanyAlbeg: try wmctrl... it shouldn't depend on window manager (well read the man page000:49
diverteddglebihan, is it really just the missing configure file?00:49
sinisterstufjubei: I know what you mean. Firefox then?00:49
dk12548 i was on gde. then i installed kubuntu. i was able to go to ubuntu and kubuntu both for some time but now whenever i run linux kubuntu automatically runs pls help00:49
glebihandivertedd, no it's missing dependencies00:49
dk12548:( also when i use logout. it doesnt turn off the cpu. only display is turned off :(00:50
glebihandivertedd, and I don't get to find which ones00:50
ariqzffs, I followed instructions and spent the last hour downloading w32 codecs that only work with a version of libstdc++ I don't have (5 instead of 6)00:50
ariqzubuntu is lame ;P00:50
diverteddglebihan, how can one find out which dependencies are missing?00:50
jubeisinisterstuf, yea I guess^^ But the thing is that if ubuntu puts something in it's repositories it should be stable00:50
sergeant_ariqz, what do you mean?00:50
glebihandivertedd, that's the problem00:50
sergeant_thats not true00:50
jubeisinisterstuf, because the average user cannot handle all the issues like we do00:50
dk12548anyone can help me pleaseeeeeeeeee00:51
needhelphi. i need help to get flash working on ubuntu. i tried the adobe site but got a message at the end stating something that said flash was virtual ?00:51
sergeant_dk12548, what is the question00:51
th0rdk12548: you need to wine louder00:51
sinisterstufjubei: yepp, i got you. don't know why yours crashes so much, very strange...00:51
sergeant_needhelp, PM me00:51
dk12548wine loader:O what is that00:51
ariqzsergeant_, the instructions were for a previous version of ubuntu I gather so the deb package I downloaded was for a different version of libstdc++00:51
noisewaterphdneedhelp: 32 or 64bit00:51
jribneedhelp, sergeant_: please try to keep support discussion in the channel00:51
dk12548 i was on gde. then i installed kubuntu. i was able to go to ubuntu and kubuntu both for some time but now whenever i run linux kubuntu automatically runs pls help00:51
diverteddglebihan, i read the readme and also the manual from the sourcecode but i couldnt find anything particular00:52
dk12548 :( also when i use logout. it doesnt turn off the cpu. only display is turned off :(00:52
javatexanwhats a good ubuntu mail server that a newbie can configure properly so people dont hack me to death :)00:52
diverteddglebihan, maybe you can find a clue in there?00:52
ariqzthus, I wasted forever downloading the wrong package because ubuntu needs a new crappy version every 6 months00:52
jribjavatexan: read the server guide at help.ubuntu.com... exim is nice...00:52
glebihandivertedd, same thing for me, the odd thing is that the quicktime.h file should be in libquicktime00:52
jribariqz: do you have a support question?00:52
sinisterstufRanyAlbeg: if you have compiz-config settings manager installed you can open it up, go to effects>window decorations and see your window decorator under Command:00:53
dk12548hi, glebihan :)00:53
Paddy_NIwhen using Chromium with the totem plugin where is media cached.. I have already checked /tmp/ and /home/user/.cache/chromium/cache/00:53
ariqzjrib, you could tell me how to install libstdc++5 when it's not listed in the package manager, assuming it doesn't have a million other dependencies of its own00:53
glebihandk12548, hi00:53
needhelpso the first time i tried ubuntu yesterday after years of total windows obedience. so my issue is wanting to get flash to work with firefox. i will wait patiently for a kind hand.00:53
jribariqz: ask the channel that, try to stay on-topic00:54
Paddy_NIneedhelp, Install ubuntu-restricted-extras in the ubuntu software centre00:54
dk12548i was on gde. then i installed kubuntu. i was able to go to ubuntu and kubuntu both for some time but now whenever i run linux kubuntu automatically runs pls help00:54
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dk12548:( also when i use logout. it doesnt turn off the cpu. only display is turned off :(00:54
Paddy_NI!repeat | dk1254800:55
ubottudk12548: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com00:55
dk12548i wnt both environment00:55
sinisterstufneedhelp: have you installed the firefox flash player plugin?00:55
needhelpPaddy_NI  thank you, i will attempt that recomendation now.00:55
DoctorZayasneed help my comp has been doing something weird sometimes it doesn't read my hard drive then if i turn it off and plug in the drive it will boot00:55
dk12548ya i know its a repeat but i didnt got any responses00:55
Paddy_NIneedhelp, that will solve many of your multimedia troubles00:55
Paddy_NI!patience | dk1254800:55
ubottudk12548: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com00:55
RanyAlbegsinisterstuf: I see that U'm using compiz as wm. Is there a way to use it to open for example: firefox in desktop number 3 ?00:55
ariqzI was on topic and complaining. I explained my situation, and since I don't know the details, the best way to go about it was not clear to me.  I could 1. spend forever downloading the other deb package, or 2. get the dependency for this one, and I don't know which is the best choice because I don't know what sort of dependency hell I'm running into00:55
needhelpi have tried to install flash already sinisterstut00:55
jribariqz: ask a question, INSTEAD of complaining00:56
ariqzmy complaint had a nested question :) And i'm sick of everything going wrong with ubuntu. it's annoying that I constantly have to mess with nonsense00:56
Paddy_NIneedhelp, Honestly just install restricted extras and you'll be fine00:56
jribariqz: anyway I doubt anyone has any clue what your issue is (I certainly don't).  Take 2 minutes to collect your thoughts and ask your question on ONE line, providing relevant logs, commands, etc. in a pastebin00:57
RanyAlbegALL: I see that U'm using compiz as wm. Is there a way to use it in a script to open for example: firefox in desktop number 3 ?00:57
soreauRanyAlbeg: You can use Place Windows in ccsm to have firefox start on any vp and I think you might be able to do it with wmctrl00:57
noisewaterphdariqz: if it's that bad then switch distros. no point in not being happy.00:57
Paddy_NIRanyAlbeg, yes one sec00:57
RanyAlbegthank  you guys.00:57
sinisterstufRanyAlbeg: true what soreau said00:57
sinisterstufi'm out00:58
Paddy_NIRanyAlbeg, http://www.webupd8.org/2010/08/how-to-make-application-always-open-on.html00:58
RanyAlbegPaddy, thanks!00:58
sinmanjrib: I got it kept adding a e at the end of NickServ00:59
needhelpPaddy_NI I found and installing resticted extras now. ty. hope this works.00:59
jribsinman: yep, you're identified now00:59
sinmannow how can i use snyaptic to see if there's any upgrades for the stuff i have installed on my computer01:00
jribsinman: just use update manager01:00
sinman<jrib: yeah once i corrected that little typo01:00
zetherooit seems to me that the speed of the internet connection is being split up amongst the devices connected to the router ... is this a correct observation!?01:01
vvvvwhen there is not space and i push backspace, ubuntu did a dog sound, or water sound, , where can i change it?01:02
Paddy_NIzetheroo, This is the Ubuntu support channel01:02
EndEngany idea why blank dvds are showing up as 1.4gb in 10.0401:02
diverteddglebihan, so if i found someone with same architecture as my computer and he compiles the code for me, i can run it?01:02
zetherooPaddy_NI: I know ... is there a way to change that in Ubuntu?01:02
glebihandivertedd, well, I may have found the solution01:03
needhelpPaddy_NI  should i now restart firefox now that the restricted package has been installed?01:03
diverteddglebihan, oh01:03
Paddy_NIneedhelp, oh yes certainly01:03
diverteddglebihan, wanna share?01:03
Jp82191Does anyone know why when i boot ubuntu 10.04 it shows something about grub and what i would like to boot when Ubuntu is my only OS?01:03
ThinWhiteDukehow do i view system information in ubuntu 10.0401:03
needhelpok. ty. i will be back to thank you when it works.01:03
glebihandivertedd, (not sure) first run "sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/control-center/.data"01:03
glebihandivertedd, then "make install"01:03
diverteddglebihan, rm: cannot remove directory `/usr/lib/bomb/suck': Permission denied01:04
glebihandivertedd, "sudo make install"01:04
diverteddshould i put the folder in my personal folder again?01:04
diverteddglebihan, oh nice. no error this time01:05
glebihandivertedd, well not sure it works01:05
diverteddglebihan, ummm.. how do i run the program now??01:06
diverteddglebihan, or where did it got compiled to01:06
BiggFREEIs RGB the same as VGA ?01:07
glebihandivertedd, just run "sudo bomb"01:07
sinmanwhat a good program to use to edit sound files, to make a 30 second clip?01:07
Jp82191Does anyone know why when i boot ubuntu 10.04 it shows something about grub and what i would like to boot when Ubuntu is my only OS?01:07
diverteddglebihan, from where01:07
BiggFREEI just bought a VGA monitor.01:07
jrib!grub2 | Jp8219101:07
ubottuJp82191: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub201:07
BiggFREEIs RGB the same as VGA ?01:07
BiggFREEI just bought a VGA monitor.01:08
glebihandivertedd, anywhere, the executable is in "/usr/bin", which is in the path01:08
jribJp82191: that page should list configuration options including how to hide the menu01:08
diverteddglebihan, from current location i get: bomb: error while loading shared libraries: libpng.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:08
sergeant_BiggFREE, why does it matter?01:08
sergeant_just plug it into the VGA port on your computer01:08
diverteddglebihan, and i ran it with sudo01:08
Jp82191jrib, Thanks also i wanted to know how to auto mount a second hdd at boot01:08
glebihandivertedd, yes01:08
BiggFREEsergeant_: Just asking01:08
diverteddglebihan, well.. cant open the file01:08
sergeant_not really01:08
jrib!fstab > Jp8219101:08
ubottuJp82191, please see my private message01:08
glebihandivertedd, in that case I won't be able to help you, you should try contacting the author01:08
jubeisinman, audacity to edit a short clip01:09
sergeant_RGB just stands for Red Green Blue01:09
diverteddglebihan, :/01:09
idefixxBiggFREE: in which case no, its not even really comparable01:09
glebihandivertedd, sorry01:09
diverteddglebihan, well thanks for your time01:09
sinmanjubei: ok thanxs01:09
glebihandivertedd, you're welcome01:09
BiggFREEsergeant_:  idefixx  iT IS CLEAR NOW TY01:09
sergeant_no prob01:09
jubeisinman, and if you wanna take it up a notch then Ardour, but for simple stuff audacity should be fine. good luck.01:10
BiggFREESorry for CAPS :(01:10
Jp82191how do i format a second drive because i had win7 on there and i want to get rid of it.01:10
sinmanjubei: thanxs, i like to make some new ring tones for my cell01:11
doug__ok i do not see a folder called .icons in my home folder why is this? and how do i get it there?01:11
jribdoug__: press ctrl-h01:11
doug__jrib,  i did, i still do not see it there01:12
jribdoug__: then create it (or tell us what you want to accomplish)01:12
doug__jrib,  i was trying to put curser themes into the folder off of gnomelook.org but the folder is not there for me to extract the folder into it.01:12
jribdoug__: k01:13
doug__jrib,  any ideas? or should i just create the folder but that wont tell gcurser where to look for the themes if i do.01:14
jribdoug__: just create the folder.  I'm assuming you read somewhere they belong there in which case I don't see why you're worried about where gcursor looks01:15
doug__jrib, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-343748.html01:15
hypnosealHello.  I am attempting to use wget -m to copy an entire site.  However I am not able to get anything before index.html.  Any suggestions?01:16
doug__jrib,  for the themes to work it has to go into that folder which gcurser has to beable to see and use.01:16
sinmanhow would you partition a hdd to dual boot or triple boot 2 or 3 different linux distro? you can send me a private message explaining the setup of the partitions01:16
jribdoug__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy#Mouse Cursor Themes01:16
jribdoug__: always prefer official docs to forum posts from 200701:17
sinisterstufhey, I managed to (I think) get a list of all the dependencies using apt-rdepends and saved it in a file, any idea how I can download all those now?01:17
ralliasI have a really somewhat complicated question. Lexmark only offers the drivers for my computer in i386 format, but my laptop runs ubuntu 10.04.1 amd6401:18
sinisterstufbastidrazor: hey, I managed to (I think) get a list of all the dependencies using apt-rdepends and saved it in a file, any idea how I can download all those now?01:18
ralliasis there a way to install the drivers so that linux automatically runs it in some sort of compatibility mode?01:18
Jp82191how do i format a new hdd in ubuntu 10.04?01:18
doug__jrib,  im used to ubuntu feisty this ubuntu is all new to me and has alot of updated stuff i am not used to01:18
dwayneI installed 10.04 (32-bit) on a system w/ 10 GB RAM.  The BIOS sees 10 GB, but 'free -mt' shows total mem as 2003.  Is this because its 32-bit?01:18
sinisterstufJp82191: using the GPartEd tool System>Administration>gparted01:18
ralliasJP82191: synaptic look for gparted, install it, then go to system->admin->gparted01:18
sergeant_dwayne, yeah probably'01:18
dwaynesergeant_, thanks01:19
Paddy_NI!pae | dwayne01:19
ubottudwayne: To use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info01:19
sinisterstufJp82191: if it isn't installed open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install gparted01:19
Jp82191installing now using terminal01:19
hoosiers_83feel silly for asking this... but i lost the ability to single click and rename files in gnome (2.30.2)  doesn't seem to be any options in mouse settings, don't know where to look01:19
sinisterstufJp82191: cool, shouldn't take long01:20
ralliashoosiers_83: what kind of mouse do you have? 1 button, 2 button, scrolling, trackpad, what?01:20
Jp82191sinisterstuf: ok install and app is running01:20
sinisterstufJp82191: select the hdd you want to format from the dropdown list at the top right01:20
hoosiers_835 button, logitech mx51801:21
doug__thank you jrib didnt know about that.01:21
sinisterstufJp82191: right-click the partition you want to work on and choose Format, pick a format and other options and click ok01:21
ralliasyou can single click to rename? Odd...01:21
bitreaderHi, anyone has some info on how to install the sun java development kit to ubuntu?01:21
sinisterstufJp82191: click apply, then wait for it to finish ;)01:21
hoosiers_83well i mean, single click, the name highlights and i can edit01:21
sinisterstufbitreader: have you tried Netbeans?01:22
dwaynePaddy_NI, thanks!01:22
Jp82191sinisterstuf: but to what drive extension do i pick? i want to be able to use it as a data drive for ubuntu 10.0401:22
yaaarhey guys...i'm having trouble setting my hostname. i edited /etc/hostname to contain the host but not domain, then edited /etc/hosts to have my ip and FQDN, then ran /etc/init.d/hostname restart ...'hostname' returns the host (not FQDN) but 'hostname -f' fails, as does 'domainname' ...anybody know what Im missing?01:22
Jordan_Udwayne: Why did you install 32 bit? For 10 GIG 64 bit really is the way to go.01:22
Paddy_NIdwayne, no probs01:22
Viking667Quick question - what program do I need to install to burn a CD from a set of files?01:22
bitreadersinisterstuf, that's exactly what I'm going to install. Yet, I was recommended to do it with the .sh from the netbeans website instead of the ubuntu packages.01:22
sinisterstufJp82191: you can use ext2 for that01:22
jribyaaar: pastebin /etc/hosts01:22
Jordan_UViking667: Brasero comes with Ubuntu, and you can also do it directly from nautilus (the default file manager in Ubuntu).01:23
Jp82191sinisterstuf: and it would be avaliable right after booting?01:23
jo___Hello everybody, I've installed pure-ftpd an configured a virtual account exactly as in the help docs but I still get a 530 Login authentication failed. I did update the database and so on..01:23
sinisterstufViking667: Brasero is already installed, find it in the apps menu01:23
Viking667ugh. I didn't see a "Burn to CD" entry in my Nautilus.01:23
Viking667ANd no it's not - I'm just installing it now01:23
sinisterstufJp82191: um... sure. you might need to add it to the computer's fstab and add a folder on there that is owned you. if that sounds complicated i can help.01:24
Viking667Right. Thanks01:24
ralliaslexmark only offers x86 drivers, but i need an x86-64 driver. Is there some sort of compatibility mode i can force on it?01:24
yaaarjrib: the only change to the default file is one line at the bottom containing "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX host.domain.com"01:24
sinisterstufViking667: odd, what Ubuntu do you have? Mine is installed by default under Sound & Video or something01:25
Jp82191sinisterstuf: i would appreciate the help since I don't know what i'm doing.01:25
Jordan_UViking667: To burn a data CD from nautilus you drag files to the blank CD icon (which only exists when you have a blank CD in the drive).01:25
sinisterstufbitreader: I don't remember what I did. I probably installed it with synaptic, works fine.01:25
Paddy_NIBrasero is part of a default installation01:26
jo___anyone some experiance with pure-ftp?01:26
dwayneJordan_U, I don't have a good answer for that.  The 64-bit discs I made kept ending up corrupted (even burned at the slowest speed on different machines) and I really wanted to get something on the system, so I used what I had (8.10/32-bit) and upgraded to 10.04.  I'm gonna redo it w/ 64-bit.01:26
Paddy_NIunless you use netbook edition01:26
sinisterstufViking667: interesting, i've never done that01:26
jribyaaar: make sure has the fqdn too01:26
Dr_Willisdwayne:  thats why i tend to make usb installer flash drives these days01:26
ralliasPlease help me...01:27
jribyaaar: that's what the installer did for me anyway01:27
Dr_Willisrallias:  with a printer first thing to do is check the cups.org site to see what it says about the printer01:27
dwayneDr_Willis, I just bought a 4 GB flash drive to try that.   This channel is very helpful, thanks guys!01:27
scott_inowhat was that ubuntu irc redirect about... spammers?01:28
jribscott_ino: yes01:29
ralliasDr_Willis: It doesn't list my printer.01:29
scott_inojrib, must have been pretty bad recently ;)01:29
* jrib nods01:29
=== jasonb_ is now known as jasonb
diverteddhow do i find out my computer architecture?01:31
hoosiers_83guess i wasn't clear.  when i click a file in gnome, and hover over the filename, it would usually allow me to rename the file.  now that function vanished.  just a simple quirk i want to correct01:31
ralliasdrivertedd: what year did you buy the computer?01:31
jribdivertedd: look up your processor on google?01:31
papertreepropheti had a little question about audio, if anyone had a second :D01:32
croivzebatype away...01:32
papertreeprophetI have an Alienware desktop, and i just finally got around to shoving Ubuntu onto the computer (it has vista home premium on it)01:33
scott_inopapertreeprophet, just ask ;)01:33
diverteddcan someone with a amd athlon 64 x2 dual core 3800+ compile a source file for me so i have a deb file?01:34
ralliasdivertedd: what do you need?01:34
papertreeprophetOne little thing i loved about my computer in windows is, when i plug my headphones in on the front audio jacks, it would automatically divert the audio from the speakers to the headphones01:34
papertreeprophetis there a way to do that with ubuntu?01:34
ralliaspapertreeprophet: doesn't it allready?01:34
diverteddrallias, i want to compile a source but i cant get it to work01:34
ralliasdivertedd: what program?01:34
scott_inopapertreeprophet, it should do that, otherwise it's a bug or something else going on01:35
diverteddrallias, bomb 1.26 for viewing fractals01:35
diverteddrallias, http://draves.org/bomb/bomb-1.26.tar.gz01:35
papertreeprophetyea no sound at all through the headphones01:35
ralliasdivertedd: i'll try01:36
bastidrazorsinisterstuf: apt-get them with the --download-only option01:36
diverteddrallias, thx01:36
papertreeprophethmm wouldnt be a bug in the new beta would it? I forgot to say I was running 10.1001:37
scott_inopapertreeprophet, ahhh.. well that could certainly be why01:37
jo___hey, is there anybody here who knows something of pure-ftp?01:37
sinisterstufbastidrazor: cool, i'll give it a try, thanks!01:37
ralliasdivertedd: is the problem one with extraction?01:38
needhelppaddy_ni  your suggestion worked. flash works now. you are my hero. take me as your disciple of linux now!01:38
diverteddrallias, no its one with compiling01:38
diverteddrallias, i already extracted it but when i try to make install, i get errors01:39
Paddy_NIneedhelp, lol01:39
ralliasemail me a copy of the tarball you have. robinstar1574@gmail.com01:39
BiggFREEWhen giving my addy at Ubuntu Forum register. Who will contact me if there is any problem ?01:39
ralliasor wait... madnessofgeeks@hotmail.com01:39
BiggFREEWhen giving my addy at Ubuntu Forum register. Who will contact me if there is any problem ?01:39
diverteddrallias, what do you mean with tarball.. the whole folder i extracted from the .tar.gz?01:39
rwwcongrats, you put your email address into a publicly-logged channel. enjoy your spam.01:39
dk12548how can i install jdk in ubuntu01:40
ralliasno the tar.gz itself01:40
rwwBiggFREE: forum administrators01:40
bastidrazorsinisterstuf: the .deb files are going to be located in /var/cache/apt/archives01:40
ralliasrww: i don't give a rat.01:40
Flannelrww: Go "yes this bug affects me" this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+bug/85364 !01:40
BiggFREEOnly ?01:40
ralliasrww: this email address is one that I want to get tons of spam on01:40
rwwBiggFREE: presumably. I've never been emailed as a result of using ubuntu forums.01:41
croivzebaBiggFREE: you can select who can contact you in the cp on the forums01:41
Blue1rallias: try this:  http://www.subwaygoodwill2010.org/01:41
Paddy_NIBiggFREE, you will also get an email from Jesus01:41
=== derp is now known as lulz
rwwFlannel: done'd01:41
|Sacred|not sure if it went through, or if anyone said anything due to kvirc lagging out, so if I'm repeating what I said I apologize. But on ubuntuforums.org when you go to register, it won't let you put in a username01:41
sinisterstufbastidrazor: yep, got it, thanks! :)01:41
|Sacred|is it just me or something01:41
BiggFREEPaddy_NI: Why Jesus ?01:41
Paddy_NII have no idea01:41
Dwade09what ext /fs is the new ubuntu?01:41
rwwDwade09: Ubuntu 10.04 uses ext4 by default01:42
diverteddrallias, sent.01:42
Dwade09thnk you rww01:42
diverteddrallias, but its the same file from the link i gave you..01:42
BiggFREErww: croivzeba  Paddy_NI  ty01:42
Blue1Dwade09: it defaults to ext401:42
diverteddrallias, got it?01:43
ralliasdivertedd: no i had a hashcheck error01:43
diverteddrallias, umm.. now what?01:44
ralliasi can't extract the file01:44
diverteddrallias, also if you download straight from http://draves.org/bomb/bomb-1.26.tar.gz01:45
thedanglerthis kinda doesn't belong here but im sur eyou guys will know... If i register for a domain on some site but my hosting provider is someone else how do i get email from my hosting provider.. I already change the dns name servers to point to my hosting provider do i have to change the mx too?01:45
madook ... thanks everyone ... i'll be back soon01:45
ralliasdivertedd i still have an extraction01:45
diverteddrallias, i can zip the already extracted folder as .rar if you want01:46
diverteddrallias, maybe you can extract it then?01:46
ralliasmaybe... what about zip format?01:47
ralliasi hate rars01:47
diverteddrallias, yea i made a zip01:47
seekwillthedangler: Your question doesn't make sense...01:47
diverteddrallias, i send that01:47
seekwillthedangler: Your domain name only lists the DNS servers. If you already configured that to your hosting provider, that part of the question is irrelevant01:47
thedanglerright, I was asking if it works the same way01:48
diverteddrallias, this annoying program!!! im trying for hours to run it.. someone else already made a deb for me but it was wrong architecture..01:48
diverteddrallias, ok sent01:48
diverteddrallias, i rly wanna get it to work the description is so cool01:49
needhelpi dont know what to ask next paddy_ni. is there something challenging i should learn related to ubuntu that will keep me busy?01:49
ThinWhiteDukehow do i view system information in ubuntu 10.0401:49
Paddy_NIneedhelp, umm... sure join #Paddy_NI if you want a chat01:50
bastidrazorThinWhiteDuke: for a GUI method you could install gnome-device-manager and view it Application > System Tools > Device Manager01:50
ralliasi am making a .deb now01:50
diverteddrallias, nice thank you!01:50
bastidrazorThinWhiteDuke: or in a terminal: sudo lshw01:50
ThinWhiteDukeok ill try01:51
ralliasdivertedd: and you say your running amd64?01:51
seekwillthedangler: I'm not sure what the question/problem is...01:51
diverteddrallias, yes01:51
diverteddrallias, copied it straight from system monitor01:51
diverteddrallias, i also got 64 bit ubuntu if that has anything to do with it01:52
ralliasdivertedd: they are the same thing, just said differently01:52
ralliasdivertedd: this is really old software...01:53
ralliasdivertedd: do you need this specific fractal maker or does any work?01:53
diverteddrallias, actually its not rly a fractal maker01:53
thedangleri purchase a domain from netfirms and i want to receive the emails on my hosting provider, Do I have to change the MX records to point to the hosting provider?01:53
Kane_HartAnyone know much on why backupscripts using ftp via .sh files and such. When they connect remote ftp and start upload it gets to like 50kb/s then stalls out?01:53
diverteddrallias, http://draves.org/bomb/01:53
diverteddread the description, its awesome-O-01:54
diverteddrallias, It runs on your PC and produces animated organic graphics in response to the keyboard, audio music, or on its own.01:54
needhelpjoin #Patty_NI01:54
BlancmangeG'day! I need urgent help with Ubuntu 8.04, so the geologists can install their seimic device run BOINC here in Christchurch.01:54
needhelpit didnt work!01:54
BlancmangeFor some reason, no application can launch a web page. It all appears in a useless console.01:55
Dwade09ok i got ext2 volume manager i can see and go into my linux folder but everythign is empty01:55
needhelpooops i spelled it wrongs01:55
drunkncrewi'm new to conky, just playing around with it at the moment. I've was told to create a .sh file to have my conky script run at startup. The command for running it in the script is ( exec conky -d -c ~/.conkyrc) Could someone tell me what the ( -d -c ) are doing/calling ? "Sorry if this is a double post I just got disconnected"01:55
jribdrunkncrew: conky documentation should say01:56
diverteddrallias, any luck yet?01:56
ralliasdivertedd: this is really old stuff... directx8? That was like 06. Did ubuntu even exist back then?01:56
Andyman555hey guyz01:56
diverteddrallias, boi.. dont ask me..01:56
* Blancmange wonders if the house next door is going to fall over today.01:56
bastidrazordrunkncrew: you don't need a script just add conky -c /path/to/your.conkyrc to Startup Applications01:57
Dwade09guys how do i make my windows 7 see and give my ubuntu partiton /read/write and show all files?01:57
diverteddrallias, thing is: someone from here already managed to create a deb out of it.. but it didnt work on my pc unfortunately01:58
ralliascan u send me the .deb?01:58
drunkncrewbastidrazor: thanks, that's simpler, done. Any ideas to the -d and -c though? I don't need it anymore thanks to you, but still wondering.01:58
Dwade09i followed this guide, http://www.soluvas.com/read-browse-explore-open-ext2-ext3-ext4-partition-filesystem-from-windows-7/ but every folder on my linux side is empty nothing is showing in them.01:58
ralliasdivertedd: with the .deb file I can modify a small bit to work for your computer.01:58
ralliasi think01:59
serithey guys  guess what   my usb drive is dead01:59
bastidrazordrunkncrew: i think the -d is shorthand for an IF statement .. but unsure.01:59
ralliasserit: grats time to go get a new one01:59
diverteddrallias, http://torrent-search.sourceforge.net/pool/bomb_1.26-2_i386.deb01:59
meeperwhat do people think of amazon's new microinstances?01:59
drunkncrewbastidrazor: thanks for the help man, I appreciate it01:59
IdleOne!ot | meeper02:00
ubottumeeper: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:00
meeper$15/mo for a box seems like a great deal but I wonder about the transfer costs02:00
meeperubottu: oops02:00
bastidrazordrunkncrew: you're welcome.02:00
diverteddrallias, you modify with hexeditor?02:00
ralliasdivertedd: no02:01
diverteddrallias, pls tell me im curious02:01
seritrallias: get a new one???02:01
ralliasserit: well yah02:02
BlancmangeAnother aftershock. At least the computer didn't fall off the desk.02:02
IdleOneserit: be more specific with what you are wanting to accomplish with the usb hd02:03
seritrallias: can you tell me how to fix (extend) it02:03
ralliasserit: try a reformat02:03
diverteddrallias, can you run the deb?02:03
ralliashow do i compress a .deb file?02:03
ralliasdivertedd: not sure02:03
ralliasgive me a second...02:04
seritrallias: you CANT compress a deb file ! ;02:04
diverteddrallias, i have Debi package installer for running the file02:05
diverteddrallias, its a gui tool i think02:05
ralliasdivertedd: please let me focus02:06
sf7w20`!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! sf7w20` Basque elijah QPrime Dwade09 Ertyle solid_liq Rev MrUnagi ThomasB2k Farmer_ meeper serit xangua drunkncrew jo___ Blancmange everall wing117 masterBIGwilly pting bigworld idefixx Daekdroom bur_ cyonyx kbrosnan MetaBot |Sacred| FunnyLookinHat gartral needhelp MoLE_ PreZLaptop mobasher funkyHat papertreeprophet coz_ KillerKristin1 kthomas_vh_ XuMuK The_Thing Sylphid 02:06
sf7w20`!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! ShrekLappy sinisterstuf frankbro thune3 AlbertoP dwayne EndEng kevr Jp82191 Dr_Willis BiggFREE carandraug croivzeba Alexnov DrPoO iceflatline Kyngdom Ameth rezbit l34k Paddy_NI Kravlin sphenxes skunkworks jubei RambJoe seidos magnet agnt PixelPirate thepittman Theravadan kyber divertedd Toaday jcsteele cece uRock ubuntuella ridin Azrathud sabalaba {n8} tgp1994 Rockj Kauzm02:06
sf7w20`!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! lumgwada Number_6 frojnd M1DLGpc BentFranklin melik mac9416 Walzmy_ wedwo pipegeek Tryptych jsurfer cappicard evilnhandler rstreif Someone67 look iredux smithpg1002 scj bitreader Err404NotFound dabaR Psychoholic ekki jerone-mobile WinstonSmith azoverwatch Vonor sergeant_ thatjoshdood mjathree Error404NotFound yrgd jrib argonaut syslq FullFlannelJacke thoric noisewaterphd 02:06
sf7w20`!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! roved2101 volkan_ Newa AndroidLoverInSF marcules ecolitan teratorn TFParabox Alchimista Shaun CppIsWeird1 lhorning jasonb Noz3001 Cleo phuzion jjman6__ mmoebius freite_ ugliefrog mbeierl Aaron5367 xenoxaos f23 chris_osx Fandekasp SirDidi vitor-br natschil Slix` ariqz r4v5 pvh_sa Random832 y0sh ThinWhiteDuke MashTomato at5l Sereph o0ze Ologn cntrlz chordate ColinT chrowe X02:06
sf7w20`!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! bastidrazor Sorinan flupke nisstyre65 SegFaultAX aaroncampbell Vivek doshitan ServerTechPro chris535 Simkin ninemen wilhart etyrnal oblu Sonderblade olim Evixion Dink CadeSkywalker piju moldy nso95 OpenSourcedNick KindOne pickett dmex1 TDJACR localhost test34 coe dberman ReleaseX git__ WindPower SeafoodJoe woollyy kkszysiu Ljungmann cjae DrManhattan Low- message144 Fredua02:06
sf7w20`!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! dinya_ Bananaburger dri245 l_r LouisJB _chun halden uhxn913 skyred hiredgoon elektr Scuttle chris| Sunderphon wakan DjMadness internalkernel n0a1ias FusionX trigrou Claudinux LtHummus benjoldersma_ quiescens DJ_HaMsTa semanticpc rdw200169 tetsuo---- askhl_ Slasher` sacho private_meta @FloodBot1 itsux2bu digitalsanctum happyface gnugr genewitch SamRastin caldavien ToAsTcfh02:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:06
Dr_Willisgdebi can install a .deb in a nice way. :)02:06
Random832so wtf exactly is that guy's problem?02:06
ralliasDr_Willis: not a hand edited one02:06
KillerKristin1I realize this is OT but I was wondering if there is a general chat for people who use Ubuntu (non-support)?02:06
seritso ubuntu spams me!!!02:06
ShrekLappy!ot | KillerKristin102:06
ubottuKillerKristin1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:06
Dr_Willisrallias:  i cant really imagine why you need to hand edit one..02:07
KillerKristin1I said I realize its OT02:07
ShrekLappythats the channel you are looking for02:07
seidosKillerKristin1, /j #ubuntu-offtopic02:07
ralliasDr_Willis: make it look like its x86-64 instead of x8602:07
FlannelKillerKristin1: #ubuntu-offtopic would be the channel for general chat!02:07
Dwade09i followed this guide, http://www.soluvas.com/read-browse-explore-open-ext2-ext3-ext4-partition-filesystem-from-windows-7/ but every folder on my linux side is empty nothing is showing in them.02:07
wickedSAthis here is for colonel panic02:07
KillerKristin1kernel not colonel02:07
Dr_Willisrallias:  i seem to recall a command line option to force the install in the case.02:08
Dr_Willisrallias:  i had to use it once ages ago.. for some perl stuff/script02:08
seritso I cant get my usb drive to work02:08
seritany ideas?02:08
wickedSAmy humor is wasted. anyway02:08
ralliasserit: try reformatting it02:09
Dr_Willisserit:  clarify whats 'not working' about it.. can yopu mount it by hand?02:09
ralliasDr_Willis: can u help me?02:09
wickedSAserit: does dmesg show anything after you plug it in02:09
ralliasDr_Willis: What format do i compress it to?02:09
Dr_Willisrallias:  totally depends on the issue.. and i got 20 min till i go to work.02:09
Dr_Willisrallias:  format to compress what?02:09
ralliasthe debian_versian, control.tar.gz, and data.tar.gz02:10
CaneToadOn Ubuntu, having received a file over bluetooth, WHERE IS IT in the filesystem?02:10
ralliasCaneToad: Probibilly in /tmp somewhere02:10
Dr_WillisCaneToad:  i recall some Bluetooth Incomming directory.. somewhere..02:11
ralliasCaneToad: Or /media02:11
seritrallias: ok but if I reformat is ???02:11
rwwCaneToad: try ~/Downloads or ~/Public02:11
CaneToadhmm it is in ~02:11
ralliasserit: all data is gone02:11
Dr_WillisCaneToad:  yes. it would be in the users home somwehere.. /tmp and /media - would not make sence02:11
CaneToadthanks folks02:11
Dr_WillisCaneToad:  i was thinking the bluetooth applet had a menu for settings to where to save things to02:12
Dr_Willisbut I have no BT on this box. so i cant double check right now02:12
ralliasDr_Willis: How do i re-pack the .deb?02:12
seritrallias: ok but will it be usable in  windows?02:12
ralliasserit: yes. Just select fat or fat32 or ntfs02:13
Dr_Willisrallias:  Never needed to. last time i needed to alter the contents of a .deb  i used 'mc' to browse the contents and add/edit/remove things02:13
seritrallias: ok thanks02:14
ralliasdwhatsurname: sorry i can't help02:15
axisyshow do I find file from older than a yr 2009 ?02:15
ralliasaxisys: what file?02:15
axisysfind /dir -type f -mtime +365 wont really work02:16
seritrallias: so I should just refomat it02:16
axisysrallias: ^02:16
ralliasserit: if there isn't any important data02:16
axisysrallias: so basically i need help with `find' .. to find files that are older than yr 2009 ?02:17
ralliasaxisys: there haven't been more then 365 days this year yet... try find /dir -type f -mtime +200d02:17
arrrghhhhey all.  i'd like to fill my SD card with random music - all the music is in a central location, what's the best way to do it?02:17
Doyleaxisys:  if you know part of the name you can do a 'locate *partname*.*'  if that returns too much you can grep it, or use cat if you know part of the contents of hte file.. could take a while though02:17
ralliasarrrghhh: drag and drop02:17
Vonoraxisys,        -mtime n02:17
Vonor              File's data was last modified n*24 hours ago.  See the  comments02:17
Vonor              for -atime to understand how rounding affects the interpretation02:17
Vonor              of file modification times.02:17
FloodBot1Vonor: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:17
axisysrallias: looking for a way to ask in a more specific way02:17
arrrghhhrallias, uhm... that wouldn't work at all.  i have 100+gb of music and an 8gb sd card...02:18
divertedsuppose i hit ctrl alt f2... how do i get away from that screen??02:18
axisysVonor: i know.. but i dont want to count.. if i can avoid it.. i like to ask give me all files older than yr 2009 ..02:18
ralliasarrrghhh: how?02:18
seritrallias: well Its a second drive02:18
sinisterstufdiverted: press ctrl alt F7 to get back to the graphical terminal02:18
arrrghhhrallias, i wouldn't get very _random_ selection of music then would i...02:18
divertedsinisterstuf, thank you!02:18
Doylediverted: ctrl alt F1 to F6 are all tty terminals, F7 is your x session02:18
sinisterstufdiverted: you're welcome02:19
Dr_Willisdiverted:  the f1 -6 keys go to the console 1-6 NORMALLY X is running on '7' but ive seen it also run on 8 or 9 or hither.02:19
axisysDoyle: i know that.. but i think find can be used to ask a question of get me all files older than 200902:19
Doyleaxisys: ah, you said 'a' file02:19
sinisterstufdiverted: there are seven virtual terminals, usually info about what's gone on during boot and so on is in tty1 and the x server is started in tty702:19
divertedand how do i log in there? i never set a password other than my sudo.. but this one wasnt accepted02:20
dsnydersHi all!  I have a bootable floppy image that I want to expand from 1.44M to 2.88M while preserving its bootablility.  How do I do this?02:20
divertedalso i dont remember any particular login name02:20
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:20
axisysDoyle: my bad..02:21
Doyleaxisys: yea, then it has to be 'find / -mtime +[numofdays]' it's fast too... you can send the output to a text file if you want02:21
seritrallias: thanks for that information02:21
Blue1i am getting some errors trying to install webmin (package dependancy) errors here:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/491342/  what is easiest way to fix this?02:22
divertedcan someone with a lot of patience help me install a program?02:23
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.02:23
dsnydersI tried loop mounting floppy.img and then using gparted on /mnt, but that didn't seem to work.02:23
axisysDoyle: i rather not count the days.. so I can run it any day02:23
Doyleaxisys: google date calculator, it'll count the days between specific dates02:24
divertedthe program comes in tar.gz but i dont know how to run it02:24
Doyleaxisys: if you want something that you can run daily without modification you'll have to write a bash script.02:24
dsnydersdiverted: you need to extract the program from the tar.gz file.  tar -zxf tarname.tar.gz02:25
diverteddsnyders, i already did that. i put it into /usr/local/src02:25
SuperMiguelwhats the best program to test my ssd read/write  speed?02:25
diverteddsnyders, then i tried to run "sudo make install but i dont know how to run the program now"02:26
diverteddsnyders, im not even sure if i actually installed it that way02:26
BlancmangeI'm seriously embarassed at the waste of time I've caused to the geologists (in the middle of an earthquake, evn) because I assumed my Ubuntu 8.04 system could doo advanced stuff like open a web browser from an application.02:26
diverteddsnyders, how can i check if i installed the program correctly?02:26
dk12548how to install jdk in ubuntu?02:26
poseidondk12548: check the wiki02:26
Blue1Blancmange: maybe you should update to 10.04 that is over 2 years old.02:27
dsnydersdiverted: It's been a while.  I usually apt-get install things.  What is the program?02:27
diverteddsnyders, its nothing from official repositories02:27
Blue1anyone know how to fix package dependancy problems?02:28
diverteddsnyders, i got it from that link: http://draves.org/bomb/bomb-1.26.tar.gz02:28
arrrghhhmaybe songbird does it... i was hoping for a command i could pass that would fill my card with random music awesomness...02:28
diverteddsnyders, if i navigate into the extracted folder and type "checkinstall" i only get some basic text02:28
=== oracle_ is now known as oracle
BlancmangeBlue1: I intend to try that, but I prefer to use a tried and tested system. 10.4 was a mess when it first came out and it's only recently been stabilised.02:29
dsnydersdiverted: is there a file called bomb in the folder?02:30
=== f23 is now known as Wolf23
Blue1Blancmange: YMMV applies02:30
diverteddsnyders, wohooo i think i got it!!02:30
Dwade09ok guys i have an issue on my windows partiton and ubuntu partition,  im on ubuntu i can read/write /open files on my ntfs, but on my windows 7 i can not read/write/open files on my ubuntu partition, i have tried several readers and some do work where i can actually see the folders but there is nothing in the folders they are empty anyone got any other ideas? if my ubuntu was ext 3 or ext 2 i could read/write to them but its ext 402:30
BlancmangeI've backed up the machine anyway, so I guess I can afford to try reinstalling OSSs/distros until I  find one that works (and can open web pages from apps).02:31
diverteddsnyders, i got the deb file now and i already installed it!02:31
arrrghhhDwade09, it's best to just share stuff on the NTFS side.... your windows partition.  just create a shortcut on the desktop to your windows desktop or something.02:31
diverteddsnyders, but what next? how do i execute it?02:31
* Blancmange goes for the nuclear option and tries 10.04...02:32
Dwade09arrrghhh,  make a shared folder i keep the data in that the linux and windows can both see and share? with read/write/use?02:32
dsnydersdiverted: not sure.  is there a file called bomb in the folder?02:32
snlemonsHi, folks. Does anyone know the status of EFI support (for my MacBook Pro) with Karmic? The page on MacTel EFI support hasn't been updated in over a year and I couldn't find any other similar resources.02:32
xenoxaosHas anyone had any luck at rebuilding ACPI/DSDT tables for a laptop in Ubuntu?02:32
arrrghhhDwade09, you don't want windows writing to your linux partitions, TRUST ME on that one.02:32
EndEngubuntu 10.04 -- why is it reporting blank dvd -r as 1.4 gb02:33
diverteddsnyders, yes but when i click on it nothing happens02:33
Dwade09arrrghhh,  then how do i do it where they can share the same stuff and both can read/write to it and use it inside that folder?02:33
arrrghhhDwade09, but yes, you can create a shortcut to your windows desktop or something like that on your ubuntu desktop then you have a location both sides can see/access/write.02:33
diverteddsnyders, if i run "sudo bomb" in terminal i get: bomb: error while loading shared libraries: libpng.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:33
Dwade09arrrghhh,  how do i do that?02:34
arrrghhhDwade09, or you can do a bind mount, but that's kinda overkill.02:34
snlemonsDwade09: I usually make a FAT32 partition to store data and such in and keep Win/Lin install space from ever directly touching each other.02:34
arrrghhhDwade09, do you know how to find the windows drive in the 'places' menu?02:34
divertedwhats the next step after i executed a .deb file?02:34
Dwade09snlemons,  i would but space is limited for a fat32 partition.02:34
divertedhow do i run the program?02:34
arrrghhhsnlemons, fat32 is awful.  what if he has a file over 4gb?02:34
Dwade09arrrghhh,  im not in ubuntu i am in windows right now.02:34
arrrghhhDwade09, :D  boot back to ubuntu please!02:35
Dwade09arrrghhh,  ok brb02:35
snlemonsarrrghhh: Well, when they make proper EXT support for Windows or proper NTFS support for Linux, I'll use one of those. But every time I've tried one or the other it's been SUPER buggy.02:35
AegNuddelI am having an issue with startup disk creator02:35
Dr_Willisdiverted:  you install the deb..  then type the name of whatever program/binaries it installed to run them from teh command line02:35
arrrghhhsnlemons, the only issue i had with accessing ntfs on linux was processor overhead...02:36
AegNuddelIt will not detect my dvd writer.  It was at first02:36
AegNuddelbut then I tried to make sure I had the right disk selected and it disappeared02:36
arrrghhhdiverted, what did you install?  sometimes it'll place an icon in your applications menu, but not always...02:36
ilumiany better alternatives to empathy?02:36
snlemonsarrrghhh: I got a lot of read/write errors when I last used it. That scared me off pretty well.02:37
divertedDr_Willis, so the program is called "bomb", i type bomb but i get: bomb: error while loading shared libraries: libpng.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:37
arrrghhhsnlemons, ...when did you last use it?02:37
Dr_Willisdiverted:  looks like some of the support libs it wants are not installed.02:37
serithey so In not in ubuntu?02:37
divertedDr_Willis, how do i find out what libraries i need?02:37
doug__arrrghhh,  ok im in linux now what?02:37
snlemonsarrrghhh: 6 months or a year ago. So maybe things have changed, but I doubt much in that time range.02:37
rezbitDid Ubuntu ship the new driver that hangs several intel graphics chips?02:37
arrrghhhdoug__, ok, do you know how to access your windows hard drive from ubuntu?02:38
AegNuddeloh wait maybe it was detecting my sd card02:38
Dr_Willisdiverted:  I have to wonder why installign the deb did not pull them in.  Could be its a different version in ubuntu and thats the issue02:38
Dr_Willis!info libpng02:38
ubottuPackage libpng does not exist in lucid02:38
divertedDr_Willis, libpng.so.2 is the library i need?02:38
doug__arrrghhh, gah yeah but it should auto mount02:38
Dr_Willisdiverted:  yes. libpng02:38
arrrghhhsnlemons, huh.  i used it probably 8 months ago maybe - heavily.  the processor overhead bugged me.02:38
Dr_Willis!find libpng.so02:38
AegNuddelit was02:38
ubottuFile libpng.so found in compiz-dbg, compiz-plugins, ia32-libs, libpng12-dev, libpng302:38
dsnydersHi all!  How do I resize a floppy image?02:38
divertedDr_Willis, well can i get it manually somehow?02:38
arrrghhhdoug__, you'll have to add an entry in /etc/fstab if you want it to automount... it should mount if you click it from the 'places' menu tho...02:38
Dr_Willisdiverted:  the bot just stated its in the libpng3 package.02:38
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
divertedDr_Willis, how do i install that library?02:39
Vonoraxisys, ping?02:39
Dr_Willisdiverted:  install  the libpng3 package.02:39
doug__arrrghhh,  ok its mounted02:39
rambo2_981manually edited sources.list to move to a more recent debian repo (lenny); major problems. changed sources back to sarge but there is something out of sync. how can i repopulate the database, even if i have to reload all pkgs?02:39
arrrghhhdoug__, but, you should add an fstab entry if you want it to be there on bootup (which i would recommend)02:39
divertedDr_Willis, umm yea im willing to do so.. but how?02:39
kcormierHi all.  How can I get rid of all entries from nautilus when I right click on the desktop?  (I want it to function normally everywhere else, just not on the desktop)02:39
seritwell ok then02:40
divertedDr_Willis, sudo apt-get libpng3 ?02:40
FrozenFire[work]How do I go about disabling a network adapter, such that NetworkManager does not attempt to connect using it on startup?02:40
doug__hmm seems i need a vid driver too02:40
Dr_Willisdiverted:  via the package manager tools you like to use.. are you trying to do some 'advanced' stuff befor learning the fundamentals of the package manager system?02:40
arrrghhhdoug__, ok.  now it's up to you where you want to share.  i'd put a folder on your windows desktop, so navigate to that, and create a new folder called 'Ubuntu share' or whatever.02:40
AegNuddelWhy won't the startup disk creator detect the dvd?02:40
Dr_Willisdiverted:  sudo apt-get install whatever02:40
SkunkwaffleI'm looking for a way to change the 'connector' option in System -> Preferences -> Sound -> Output from command line in Karmic. Anyone know how to do this?02:40
divertedDr_Willis, E: Couldn't find package libping302:41
Dr_WillisAegNuddel:  could be a link in /dev/XXXX is wrong. like /dev/cdrom /dev/dvd02:41
Vonoraxisys, a quick and dirty hack...I am sure it is possible to do it WAY more elegant than this, but it does work: for FILE in $(find /home -type f) ; do if [ $(ls -l $FILE | awk '{print $8}') -le 2009 ]; then echo $FILE; fi; done 2>/dev/null02:41
AegNuddelthe folder shows02:41
Dr_Willisdiverted:  spell it properly02:41
divertedDr_Willis, yea just figured02:41
doug__ok arrrghhh made a folder called shared02:41
AegNuddelDr_Willis, how do I check it?  Nautilus is detecting it fine btw02:42
rambo2_981any apt experts? i need to fall back to a prior version from lenny to sarge; how can i force apt to do this?02:42
Dr_WillisAegNuddel:  I normally use ISO image files. ive rarely used a optical disk. run the tool from the command line, perhaops it will show an error message. see what /dev/cdrom and /dev/dvd are linked to02:43
dsnydersHi all!  How do I expand a floppy image?02:43
xanguarambo2_981: this is #ubuntu, not #debian02:43
divertedis anyone familiar with libpng.so.2 ?02:43
Dr_Willisdsnyders:  expand it to what?02:43
AegNuddelDr_Willis, what tool do you mean?02:43
git__anyone have issue with their usb mouse in ubuntu 10.04?02:43
divertedi need it for a program but its not included in libpng302:43
rambo2_981xangua, as if ubuntu has no relation to debian whatsoever?02:43
git__usb is still unstable02:43
Dr_WillisAegNuddel:  the usb-disk-creator tool or whatever its binary is called02:43
dsnydersDr_Willis: I have a 1.44M boot floppy image and I would like to expand it to 2.88M02:44
AegNuddelI don't know the binary name02:44
greezmunkeygit__: works fine here02:44
Dr_Willisdiverted:  the program may been compiled to use an older version of the Lib. You may need to recompile from source to use the newer. or track down the older lib and install it.02:44
Dr_WillisAegNuddel:  using TAB completion - it seems to be usb-creator-gtk02:45
greezmunkeydsnyders: don't you have to have a special drive for a 2.88 flop ?02:45
Dr_Willisdsnyders:  easy way would be to make a 2.88 flippy image. and mount the image, and your old disk image, and copy the files over.02:46
dsnydersgreezmunkey: this is going to be used as a PXE boot option.02:46
AegNuddelok that opens it02:46
Dr_Willisbut ive not used floppys or floppy images in years.. so i cant recall the commands to make them02:46
AegNuddelbut how do I find out the links?02:46
mobasherDr_Willis>> lol geezz havnen't seen in ages lol02:46
Dr_WillisAegNuddel:  ls -l /dev/cdrom (or dvd, or dvdrw) or whatever its trying to use02:46
dsnydersDr_Willis: copying the files will not preserve the bootablility, will it?  I thought certain files needed to be in certain sectors.02:47
greezmunkeydsnyders: see if this helps: http://syslinux.zytor.com/wiki/index.php/DOS_floppy_images02:47
Dr_Willismobasher:  last floppy i saw was IN a pc.. literally.. it was in the case. with no access..  with a floppy disk in it. must of been in there for years..02:47
dsnydersgreezmunkey: thanks.  I'll take a gander02:47
mobasherDr_Willis>> lmao...i know what you mean i must have one of those in my basement somewhere02:47
greezmunkeydsnyders: don't bother, mostly DOS info!!02:48
AegNuddelDr_Willis, notihng is happening.  Only nautilus seems to detect it02:48
AegNuddelAlso do you know if Ubuntu will boot from an SD Card?02:49
Dr_WillisAegNuddel:  with sd cards.. its often the PC/bios that can or can not boot from SD card. My old Netbook could NOT boot from SD.02:49
git__ubuntu boots from usb fine02:49
greezmunkeydsnyders: check this out! http://www.linux-boot.net/Boot/FD/02:49
Dr_WillisAegNuddel:  theres also ways to use grub2 and setup a usb device to boot an iso image. :) thats what ive been doing lately02:50
AegNuddelIs there another way to write the ISO to the DVD?02:50
Dr_WillisAegNuddel:  clarify what you are doing exactly....02:50
AegNuddelWriting the ISO for Ubuntu to a DVD02:50
divertedwhat does "sudo ln ......." do?02:50
Vonordiverted, execute the ln command as root02:51
Dr_WillisAegNuddel:  you are burning a cd iso file.. to a blank DVD.. You would not use the usb-disk-creator tool for that..02:51
divertedVonor, what does the ln command do then?02:51
AegNuddelDr_Willis, it just said create startup disk02:51
Dr_WillisAegNuddel:  you normally right click on the iso, and select burn, or use brasero, or k3b or some other burning app to write a image to a optical disk02:51
Vonor       ln - make links between files02:51
Dr_WillisAegNuddel:  it means create a USB boot startup disk.02:51
divertedah thanks02:51
bobboauok, so I have a computer sitting infront of me that consists of a mobo, a cpu, a graphics card and a cd drive, I had two tuner cards in it and a hard drive with mythbuntu installed, but for some reason, shortly after this I can no longer boot the damned thing, the live CDs no longer have the recovery option so I have little to go on as to why this is happening.02:51
Vonordiverted, man ln for more information :)02:51
Dr_WillisAegNuddel:  not an optical disk02:51
AegNuddelDr_Willis, thanks02:52
VonorAegNuddel, cdrecord file.iso02:52
Dr_WillisI thought just doukle clicking on an iso alwo brought up the disk burner program02:52
AegNuddelIf I drag it to Nautilus, will it write what is in the iso or actually put the iso on the disk as a whole?02:53
dsnydersgreezmunkey: thanks.  I am actually looking to create a  DOS bootable floppy image.02:54
Dr_WillisAegNuddel:  USE a 'burner' application.  such as brasero, or k3b. or others.. Right click on the ISO - see if theres a Burn/write to disk option02:54
snlemonsDoes anyone know the status of EFI support (so I don't have to maintain multiple partitions and OSes on my MacBook Pro)? The only page I can find that explicitly discusses it basically said it was only partially supported and that page hasn't been updated in a year.02:54
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot02:54
AegNuddelstill need to get one from the repository then02:55
Dr_WillisAegNuddel:  brasero is installed by default02:55
papertreeprophetOne more quick question for tonight02:55
AegNuddelsays I have brasero installed02:55
papertreeprophetafter a restart for some reason, the workspace switcher applet on the bottom bar is no longer working02:55
AegNuddelIs that what is showing up then>02:55
Dr_Willis!info Brasero02:55
ubottuPackage Brasero does not exist in lucid02:55
VonorAegNuddel, easiest way: open terminal and type "cdrecord FILE.iso" or "dvdrecord FILE.iso", replace FILE.iso with the actual filename02:55
Dr_Willis!info brasero02:56
ubottubrasero (source: brasero): CD/DVD burning application for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.2-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 318 kB, installed size 1048 kB02:56
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Dr_WillisAegNuddel:  i right click on a .iso and it has a 'write to disk' option here..02:57
AegNuddellooking for my file02:57
ariqzI installed w32 codecs and I still can't watch .wmv files02:57
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Dr_Willisariqz:  it totally depemndsd on the codec of the wmv file.02:57
Dr_Willisariqz:  theres also some 'malware' wmv codecs. that you dont want. :)02:58
AegNuddelok it's going02:58
AegNuddelwas just confused02:58
ariqzhttp://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/non-free/w/w32codecs/ I got it from there, Dr_Willis02:58
mobasherariqz>> download and install VLC02:58
Dr_Willisariqz:  its more about the codec of the wmv.. not where you got the w32codecs package from02:59
Dr_Willis'its all about the codec' not the extension.02:59
ariqzDr_Willis, the wmvs played fine in 8.0402:59
Dr_Willisariqz:  try some otehr players then perhaps.02:59
ariqzDr_Willis, it is only now that I have 10.04 that nothing works right02:59
mobasherariqz>> you will find it in the synaptic02:59
Wolf23how can i restart firefox?03:00
ariqzI shouldn't have to fucking get VLC to play a wmv. Christ, ubuntu is terrible03:00
incognitoI installed open office base with synaptic, and it won't launch. Anyone have an idea what is the problem?03:00
Dr_Willisariqz:  determine the codec its using perhaps with ffprobe, or run it in vlc from a terminal, and look for info, or check the properties dialogs.03:00
* Dr_Willis sends ariqz the bill03:00
mobasherlmao...what a dumb looser..what's such a big deal about playing wmv..lmao03:01
Dr_Willis'wmv = let it be'  'friends dont let friends use wmv's'03:01
Dr_Willisevery wmv ive seen people wanting to play are either porn, or worse.03:01
spine55Dr_Willis: too funny03:01
mobasheruse another player...he's probablly trying to play a porn vid03:01
Dr_Willismobasher:  i would bet on it.03:02
JabberWalkieDr_Willis, home computers are porn machines after all. So it is not an unreasonable request.03:02
mobasherno wonder he got annoyed..lmao...he couldn't get his winky up lmao03:02
Dr_Willismv foo.wmv foo.avi  :)03:02
incognitoariqz, VLC is the best. It plays everything including that macintosh stuff. You just have to run the medibuntu scripts. Why wouldn't you want VLC? It's the best!03:02
mobasherincognito>> he's gone dude03:02
Dr_Willisincognito:  he wouldent have listend anyway03:02
Dr_WillisOnce you start geting to the 'varity' of videos out there.. you realize that WMP and windows.. have.. issues.. :)03:03
serithey I dont fit03:04
mobasheralways the codecs...i never had problems with VLC so far..it's a good one03:04
JabberWalkiewell, I've never had issues with them03:04
axisysthanks to Vonor .. now have a very simple way to find files older than 200903:04
axisystouch -t 200812312359 file ; find . -type f -not -newer file -ls03:04
incognitoVLC is the best.03:04
Dr_WillisI really dread it at work when people bring me a flash drive  saying they cant play this 'video' they got...03:04
andyBBHi my ssh connection fails, I'm not sure if there's missing somehting in the hosts.deny etc... file http://pastebin.com/FAi96aL903:05
incognitoandyBB, I'm gonna save your file for a template. Thanks03:05
SkunkwaffleI'm looking for a way to change the 'connector' option in System -> Preferences -> Sound -> Output from command line in Karmic. Anyone know how to do this?03:05
tom_guys, my ubuntu (10.4) is completely messed up ... it hangs when it wants ... also, I just run a md5sum twice on the same file, and it returned 2 different sums03:06
mobasherandyBB>> have you tried to connect locally ?03:06
andyBBincognito: huh?03:06
andyBBmobasher: yes, local connecitons are ok03:06
incognitoandyBB lol save me some work03:06
divertedoke.. one more try: i need that libpng.so.2 file. there doesnt seem to be one, so i went into synaptic package manager and downloaded libpng3. then i renamed the file like this: "sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libpng.so.3 /usr/lib/libpng.so.2". still my program doesnt work. WHY!!03:07
andyBBincognito: can you please remove the address information03:07
mobasherandyBB>> have you checked the ports ?03:07
Wolf23help! what do i type on terminal to restart firefox?03:07
mobasherandyBB>> i mean router ?03:07
incognitoandyBB of course I'm not interested in that.03:07
serithey can you let me into ubuntu?03:07
andyBBmobasher: yes, ssh is open on the machine - not a port issue03:07
mobasherWolf23>> type "firefox"03:08
andyBBmobasher: It can be connected to on the local network but not over the internet - you can see that it's some ssh config issue03:08
dsnydersgreezmunkey: Okay, here's what I did (because my windows box doesn't have a floppy):   dd if=/dev/fd0 of=floppy.img.  Then I copied floppy.img to my windows box and opened it with a program called winimage.  Winimage has a change format tool.  I changed the format to 2.88, and copied the image back to the linux box.03:08
Wolf23mobasher,  i have all open, and i got a message to restart firefox03:08
andyBBssh just plain wouldn't work if it can't reach that machine - but it gets to the box03:09
incognitoI installed open office base with synaptic, and it won't launch. Anyone have a idea what the problem is?03:09
mobasherWolf23>> you don't need to goto the shell to start up firefox..you can goto APPLICATIONS -> INTERENT -> FIREFOX03:09
seritso       whats gives?03:10
Wolf23mobasher,  i want to restart firefox not to open firefox!!03:10
{n8}mobasher: meh much quicker to type03:10
dsnydersgreezmunkey: now all that's left is to add in the files I needed the extra space for, load it into the tftp folder and try a PXE boot.03:10
mobasherWolf23>> just close firefox and restart what's the big deal...or you want to kill the current process and ?03:10
incognitotom_ how long has your system been up03:11
serityou must drink and pizzza03:11
tom_incognito: not long ...03:11
tom_incognito: sometimes it hangs minutes after reboot ...03:12
mobasherif you want to kill the process of firefox so you can restart " ps -ef | grep firefox " get the PID assosciated with it and kill it using "kill PID"03:12
incognitotom_ did it ever work?03:12
tom_incogito: sometimes it runs for couple of days03:12
Rockjtom_: try a live cd, see if the same happens. if it does, it sounds like hardware issues.03:12
andyBBhi, i'm having an issue sshing to my machine, seems like an ssh config problem http://pastebin.com/3KG3vWmb03:12
serityou must drink beer and pizzza!!03:12
tom_incognito: debian works, windows works, ubuntu doesn't work03:12
incognitotom_ I'm wondering if you have a hardware compatability issue03:13
serithey can you let me into ubuntu?03:13
incognitotom_ so I want to find out if there was any period of time when the system worked.03:13
tom_incognito: not ubuntu 10.4 ... ubuntu 10.4 never worked properly.  Other distros did ...03:13
AndrewMCserit: what do you mean?03:14
incognitotom_did previous versions of ubuntu work/03:14
tom_incognito: it is definitely a kernel/driver issue ... but I just don't know how to increase kernel's verbosity03:14
incognitotom_ well I can't help you there03:14
tom_incognito: yeah, like 8.x or even 7.x ...03:14
seritAndrewMC: can I join ubuuntu03:15
Rockjtom_: try installing an older kernel that is available in the repos maybe? see if that works?03:15
tom_Rockj: that's a good idea ...03:15
xanguaserit: what exactly are you looking for¿03:15
Rockjtom_: my best bet would be for you to file a bug if a older kernel is working and get kernel hackers to help you debug.03:15
incognitotom_ I had a similar problem with 10.0403:15
tom_incognito, Rockj: do you guys also know why does md5sum returns different checksum on my machine when I run it on exactly the same file?03:15
Rockjtom_: tbh, for me that sounds like bad memory/cpu.03:16
tom_Rockj: I did run the memtest86 over night and it didn't find any issues03:16
Rockjtried running memtest86 for 12hours?03:16
incognitotom_ that sounds more like a problem with the processor, or memory like Rockj says03:17
RockjNo weird messages in /var/log/kern.log and dmesg etc?03:17
tom_nope ...03:17
tom_some of the crashes indicate stack crashes03:17
tom_some of the other crashes indicated a fight between amd and nvidia03:17
Rockjyou got stack crashes?03:17
tom_i have ati on board, and nvidia as discrete03:17
tom_Rockj: I did ... i even went to see the code, and it looked fine03:17
tom_Rockj: sorry, may be I am wrong about stack crash ...03:18
RockjYou could have some hardware issues with newer kernels or something. I'd have to say this is kinda out of my league, as my guess would defently be hw-issue03:18
tom_Rockj: i got call traces, I can't recall for sure if i got stack crashes03:18
seritxangua: for laptop help03:18
Rockjbut then again, you said it working with other distroes which again points me back to your hardware might have issues with newest kernels03:19
tom_it is hw issue ...03:19
doug__hey guys awhile ago my video screen the whole thing jut flickered all over and was really tiny lines but very noticable. how do i fix this?03:19
Rockjanyway, try a older kernel, figure out where the "change" and bugs start to happen tom_03:19
tom_Rockj: how do I get the older kernel, do I need to compile it myself, or simply get it from repository?03:19
incognitotom_ did you look at the Release notes?03:20
xanguaserit: then just make your question03:20
Rockjtom_: then I would file abug and mention this. kernel devs then can do fancy bisecting to see what changes has been applied between those versions03:20
tom_incognito: nope03:20
tom_ok, i'll do ...03:20
Rockjtom_: apt-cache search linux-image   , lists a few different versions of kernels available in ubuntu03:20
incognitotom_ you should check that out03:20
tom_I'll actually install the 9.10 and see if it is there ... need it for CUDA anyway03:20
tom_Rockj: thanks ... I'll just use the synapsys manager03:21
doug__also when i install mouse cursers off gnomelook.org and use them, they do not work all the way i still see the little white mouse when i am not in a chat bar or in say a windows or browsing then it is a white little arrow.03:22
seritxangua:want to upgrade hard drive any ideas?#03:22
tom_Rockj: the thing is 2.6.32 is the lowes one 10.4 goes, and this is what i have03:22
xanguaserit: but a new hardrive ¿03:22
chris_osxfor my eeepc should i use 32 bit or 64 bit ubuntu?03:25
arrrghhhchris_osx, unless you have 4+gb of ram, i'd just go with 32-bit.03:25
Rockjtom_: makes things a bit more complicated huh? :-/03:25
incognitotom_ are you familiar with compiling the kernel/03:25
doug__arrrghhh,  thank you so much for all ur help with fstab and the mounting.03:25
arrrghhhdoug__, np.03:25
chris_osxarrrghhh: ok thanks03:25
tom_incognito: yeah, done that many times ... never really debugged though03:25
incognitotom_ I guess you got your work cut out for you.03:26
tom_hehe ...03:26
Rockjtom_: don't really need to "debug", you just want to see when your system starts to be stable. Only problem with going backwards in kernel revisions ....is if ubuntu 10.04 depends on functionality in newer kernels, but I doubt it tbh03:26
tom_alright, i'll do it manyally03:26
UpAllNightBrainHas Gwibber been updated for Twitters OAuth and has it been pushed to 10.04 yet.03:26
seritxawerm: was it something I said?03:26
tom_ok, I'll do it ... see you for now03:27
xanguaUpAllNightBrain:  i believe so, if not http://www.webupd8.org/2010/09/twitters-oauthpocalypse-today-upgrade.html03:27
arrrghhhis there a way i can fill my sd card with random songs from my music folder?03:28
Dejavou42I had a bit of a problem upgrading to 10.04 just now. The upgrade failed at the sl-modem package. As suggested, I ran sudo dpkg --configure -a. What should I do next to finish the upgrade?03:29
mobasherarrrghhh>> i think you need to run a awk command to search random files03:29
mobasherarrrghhh>> once searched you can have them moved in the same command03:29
arrrghhhmobasher, hrm.  i guess i don't know that much about awk.03:30
serithey can I join ubuntu now?03:30
arrrghhhserit, you're here.03:30
divertedwhats an rpm file in connection with libraries?03:30
incognitoI installed open office base on 10.04 with synaptic, and it won't launch. Anyone have and Idea what the problem is?03:30
mobasherarrrghhh>> well i guess it's never too late learn my friend :) i don't know by heart check on the net google it03:30
seritthis is unregged?03:30
IdleOneserit: no03:30
mobasherserit you need to register your nick03:31
arrrghhhmobasher, haha i'll check it out.03:31
Rockjincognito: start it from command line, see if something nifty arrives up in the terminal of debugging messages?03:31
xzwermright now when i boot up my computer and gnome has not loaded yet, the text is streched big, not nice and small like it normaly is03:31
mobasherarrrghhh>> check there is a unix forum it's great help about scripting03:31
seritbut this is ubuntu -unregged?03:31
IdleOneserit: if you want to avoid having to join #ubuntu-unregged and then joining here register your nick. /msg nickserv help register03:32
mobasherarrrghhh>> i think it's www.unix.com03:32
IdleOneserit: this is #ubuntu03:32
UbuntuLilySOmething wrong with my Video Card or Drivers.  I have an nvidia card and recently when I try to boot up suddenly everything turns red and I cant do anything, if I boot from live CD everything is fine.  How do I (From the Live CD) make my primary installation use generic video drivers?03:33
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doug__when i install this mouse curser and go use it, it works half way not all the way , i still have the white arrow sometimes. http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Defender+Black?content=12614603:33
incognitoRockj do you know if the command is base database or Database? They all produce command not found03:33
Walzmy_UbuntuLily: don't use the CD, go into the grub menu and use the recovery option - repair Xorg video settings03:33
UbuntuLilyHow do I get to grub menu?03:34
IdleOneUbuntuLily: what version of ubuntu?03:34
Walzmy_UbuntuLily: when you boot up, it'll say "press esc to enter menu"03:34
xzwermwhat kind of commmands are there for fonts in the command line? no gui loaded03:34
mobasherWalzmy_>> type grub03:34
incognitoUbuntuLily what version of Ubuntu are you running03:34
IdleOneUbuntuLily: hold the shift key when booting and that will take you to the grub menu03:34
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seidosUbuntuLily, i agree with IdleOne shift key should work03:35
mobasherWalzmy_>> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:35
UbuntuLilycool thanx!03:35
Walzmy_Did they change how to get into grub?03:35
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.03:35
UbuntuLilyDo you know how I troubleshoot thsi video issue?03:35
Walzmy_mobasher: why are you telling me about grub? I"m helping that other guy03:35
xzwermany commands for fonts or even resolution in the console with no gui loaded?03:35
UbuntuLilyit doesn't seem to be an issue once I remove hardware drivers. but than I cannot ame03:36
IdleOneWalzmy_: in version before 9.10 it is ESC03:36
mobasherWalzmy_>> sorry but i thought u need to know the grub :)03:36
daddysmutcan someone points me to a good website comparing fedora and ubuntu ? I would like to install a linux on my desktop after having no linux desktop since 5 years03:37
Rockjincognito: oobase starts open office base03:37
asymptoteis there a logfile for vino-server to see what ip address is logging into my machine?03:38
incognitodaddysmut just do a dual boot and compare them, but Ubuntu is definitely better03:38
daddysmutincognito: will try both yes, what makes you feel ubuntu a better distro ?03:39
teolicyHi. I've made a minor mistake in /etc/fstab (edited one of my _data_, not root, filesystems' entry, and used the whole device (/dev/sdX) rather than the partition (/dev/sdX1)). Now as my server boots, mountall shouts about being unable to mount the filesystem (understandably); but the server is hung, I get no prompt on the console, and I get no ssh. What gives?03:39
seritok lets see then03:39
incognitodaddysmut do a dual boot with three partitions and share the home folder, or run ubuntu base and fedora in a virtual machine or visa versa03:39
andyBB hi, i'm having an issue sshing to my machine, seems like an ssh config problem http://pastebin.com/3KG3vWmb03:39
incognitodaddysmut ubuntu is continually improving it's desktop user friendliness03:40
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incognitodaddysmut fedora is more geared for the long time techie user03:41
AegNuddelMy sister needs to know the command for disk checking...03:41
Kane_Hartdoes this crontab -e file look right?03:41
Kane_Hart0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /home/godcraft/backup/backup.sh03:41
incognitoRockj thanks03:41
xjkxi have a lot of hidden files in a directory, i'd like to move them all to a single folder, but mv .* folder doesn't seem to be the way03:41
DulakAegNuddel: fsck03:41
daddysmutincognito: good enough !03:41
daddysmutincognito: will try both :) and make my choice but thanks for that initial lead03:41
incognitodaddysmut my pleasure03:42
AegNuddeldulak, thanks03:42
incognitoRockj I get no response at all when I enter oobase, same as clicking the link under applications.03:43
AegNuddelDulak, does she need to put anything after it?03:44
lulu7xjkx: are you sure they are not moving?03:44
incognitoRockj I guess I'll have to go to Micro$hi# to do my db diagrams for now. Maybe I'll try it on my 8.04 server install.03:46
xjkxlulu7: yes03:46
DulakAegNuddel: it will by default check every filesystem03:46
AegNuddelDulak, all it said was fsck 1.41.4(27-Jan-2009)03:46
xjkxlulu7: wait, no, they moved, but gave some error messages03:46
asymptoteis there a logfile for vino-server to see what ip address is logging into my machine?03:46
lulu7xjkx: Mine did the same but still moved the files. I am not sure how to prevent the message but the feature worked03:47
DulakAegNuddel: what version of ubuntu is this?03:47
xjkxlulu7: my fear is that it cause something bad, as . is also used to refer to the previous folder, but i tried with a sample folder and it worked fine, at least as far as i can see, you don't think it messes with files do you ?03:47
Kane_Hart<Kane_Hart> does this crontab -e file look right?03:48
Kane_Hart<Kane_Hart> 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /home/godcraft/backup/backup.sh03:48
Kurzweil /msg nickserv register Hogsmeade m.barr@mac.com03:48
lulu7xjkx: actually .. is the up command. The single . is "this directory" or "hidden" depending how you apply it03:48
Rockjincognito: for db diagrams you could try dia.03:48
DulakAegNuddel: you can specify the filesystem by giving it to fsck, like: "fsck /dev/sda1"03:48
ricoshello, i have intel4965 card on my thinkpad, but it does not work :( i have WPA.03:49
xjkxlulu7: oh yea, i somehow confused them, thanks, I think it's deadly safe then03:49
DulakAegNuddel: you prolly want to be in recovery mode, and you can see the filesystems to give to fsck with: 'sudo fdisk -l'03:49
ricosshould wpa+wireless not work out of the box?03:50
DulakAegNuddel: don't run fsck on a filesystem that is mounted03:50
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ricosi only use windows before03:50
teolicyugh! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-release-notes/+bug/510415 <- nasty03:50
lulu7xjkx: I believe to be safe you can even option it out by adding "\" for example: mv \.* instead03:50
AegNuddelDulak, ok trying to help my sister...not on mine03:51
incognitoRockj cool I'll check it out03:51
xjkxlulu7: oh, thanks. by the way, i just remembered that .* also fits ..* that's why i was worried then, but I'll use this "\", anyway, thanks a lot03:52
teolicyI've recently installed a lucid (10.4) server. How can I get to grub's prompt during boot? I get no chance to hit ESC or something like that.03:52
sinmanis there anyone here that runs multiple linux OS's?03:52
evaryontAnyone know how to use the TPM chip with Linux?03:53
noob_Hey, I dowloaded the souce code of the linux kernel, how do I view it? I am not intersted in modifing it I just want to see ti03:53
noob_Is there anybody there?03:55
ilovefairuznoob_: tar xvf03:56
intel352hey guys, does anyone know how i can repair a malfunctioning bash history (or the generic server history, not sure which is screwed)03:57
xjkxsinman: used to03:59
noob_<ilovefairuz> Forgive my ignorance, I'm new to linux but what directory is the souce code in03:59
ilovefairuznoob_: how did you download it?03:59
noob_<ilovefairuz> udo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.3204:00
Dwade09arrrghhh,  im back04:00
Loshkinoob_: if you downloaded it correctly, it's probably in /usr/src/something....04:00
Izinucsintel352: perhaps restart bash with "exec bash"04:00
xjkxnoob_: you can also download it at kernel.org04:00
intel352Izinucs, i've restarted the server even :-\04:01
Izinucsnoob_: what source code.. the linux source? kernel, program ???04:01
ilovefairuzintel352: 'history -c' will clear history and start a fresh one04:01
Izinucsintel352: weird.. no idea04:01
ChogyDannoob_: maybe you can try dpkg -L linux-source-2.6.3204:02
ilovefairuznoob_: dpkg --listfile linux-source-2.6.32 | less04:02
sinmanusing the synaptic to get software, if i put a check mark in the box to download package files only, where do they go04:02
noob_<Izinucs> the kernel04:02
intel352ilovefairuz, any idea what coudl be causing history to fubar in teh first place?04:02
Loshkisinman: usually into /var/cache/apt/archive...04:02
Izinucsnoob_: you could download directly I think from http://packages.ubuntu.com04:02
intel352ilovefairuz, as i'd rather not lose history if i can help it04:02
dsnydersgreezmunkey, Hi.  That procedure for expanding the boot floppy image worked like a charm.04:02
ilovefairuzintel352: .bash_history file corrupted?04:02
ChogyDannoob_: what are you trying to do in general?04:03
sinmanLoshki: thanxs04:03
intel352ilovefairuz, it's readable, but it's recorded same command w/ same timestamp multiple times, and then no more cmd logs04:03
intel352recorded exit a large number of times04:03
noob_<ChogyDan> I just want to see some of linux's source code. I am new to linux and programming04:03
intel352originally it had recorded ls -al (ad nauseum), then exit (ad nauseum), i manually edited to see if removing it fixed anything04:03
intel352it didn't04:04
ChogyDannoob_: hmm, well if that doesn't work out, try a tutorial in python programming.04:04
sinmanis there a alternate install disk iso for ubuntu instead of the live disk iso?04:04
Loshkinoob_: is it not in /usr/src/linux-2.6.32 or some such?04:04
Izinucssinman: yes04:04
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate04:04
noob_<ChogyDan> I know a small bit of C but that is all04:04
moodyhi everyone, im having a problem installing a software package, done it many times before, but this time, it seems that in php require_once() isn't handling a file path well.  seems that it doesn't handle a // in a path, worked in every other install on other servers before04:05
Izinucssinman: http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download04:05
ilovefairuzintel352: 'history -w' will write the history stack from memory to the file overwriting it04:05
moodyanyone got any ideas or suggestions?04:05
xjkxwhats the best option for crypting files with password04:05
intel352ilovefairuz, i've already got history logging live to the file04:06
intel352well, it was at least04:06
intel352no more logging, and scrollback is same04:06
masterBIGwillywhat's the packages for the keyboard shortcuts ?04:06
ilovefairuzintel352: so new commands aren't being written to the history file?04:06
intel352ilovefairuz, correct04:06
carlginteresting security check thing, lol04:06
intel352or scrollback04:06
intel352it's been like this for 2 days or so04:07
intel352and server reboot doesn't correct04:07
intel352i've only made to modifications that would affect bash and/or history04:07
intel3521 colorized the shell, other modified history to log live, and extend # recorded cmds04:08
noob_<ChogyDan> It is proabably a bit premature of me to be looking at the kernel source code on second thoughts, I must really improve my programming. I know c up untill structs, file handling, and the likes04:08
ilovefairuzintel352: echo $HISTCONTORL04:08
ilovefairuz!enter | intel35204:08
ubottuintel352: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!04:08
moodyhi everyone, im having a problem installing a software package, done it many times before, but this time, it seems that in php require_once() isn't handling a file path well.  seems that it doesn't handle a // in a path, worked in every other install on other servers before04:09
intel352ilovefairuz, ignoredups:ignorespace04:09
ChogyDannoob_: the kernel is fairly advanced by most standards.  Python is a much better general purpose language.  All you c knowledge will be useful in python...  Python is just the place to start with ubuntu programming04:09
ilovefairuzintel352: echo $HISTFILE04:10
sinmanif i do the 64bit ubuntu install will i be able find applications for it like I can with the 32 bit version04:10
intel352ilovefairuz, /root/.bash_history04:10
ilovefairuzmoody: elaborate and in detail04:10
Izinucssinman: yes.. but flash can be a little flakey sometimes..04:10
carlgso im trying to customize my cursor pointer, just to make it from small to large and switch to DMZ Black -- now when I select the cursor theme i want, the cursor doesnt change. although the cursor changes when hovering over window-resize points and while loading -- basically the main pointer has not changed as I had wanted it to... how can i fix this?04:11
sinmanIzinucs: k thought i would give the 64bit ubuntu a try04:11
ilovefairuzintel352: what exactly did you change in the bash files?04:11
Izinucssinman: I run 64 bit kubuntu on the desktop and 32 bit ubuntu on laptop04:11
moodyilovefairuz: so im installing wordpress, on first load, the wp-load.php tries to load files, it defines ABSPATH with a trailing slash, then tries to include files via require_once( ABSPATH . '/wp-includes/...')04:12
Coded1Hello all04:12
hhasseysometimes at random intervals I get this note   " bonobo-activation-server (xxxxxxx-11986): could not associate with desktop session: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-5RSDoAibbB: Connection refused" and suddenly im back at the login screen04:12
hhasseyany thoughts04:12
sinmanIzinucs: nice I'm working on getting a laptop, been working on it for the past 5 years, but want one and put linux on it04:12
moodyon any other server, it never had this problem, but im using a new vps and i get this install error due to the double / in the file path04:13
Izinucssinman: order it with linux :)04:13
moodyit would resolve to path//wp-includes/...04:13
sinmanIzinucs: I'll look into that04:13
ilovefairuzmoody: and the require fails? what's the exact error string? a double slash is not a problem04:13
intel352ilovefairuz, at end of /etc/bash.bashrc, added cmds to chagne HISTTIMEFORMAT, make history live commit cmds, increase history size04:13
IdleOneserit: yes you are in #ubuntu04:13
noob_<ChogyDan> what ides would you recommend I would like one that allows code folding04:14
cschneid_ok, total newb to ubuntu. I've got a lucid install, and am trying to install libxdo-dev, which is listed as in Maverick, universe.04:14
cschneid_What does that mean to me, how can I apt-get this04:14
moodyilovefairuz: yeah the require fails as: /var/www/mypolitician.tk//wp-includes/classes.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/site/wp-load.php on line 4604:14
ilovefairuzintel352: pastebin the file04:14
ChogyDannoob_: code folding?04:14
sinmanhave fun everyone, got some iso's to download04:14
Izinucssinman: use torrents .. they are faster04:14
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:14
moodyi replaced the second directory with site, that was an edit, forgot to edit both04:15
ilovefairuzmoody: and the file exists? stat /var/www/mypolitician.tk/wp-includes/classes.php04:15
moodyyes, file exists04:15
moodyhmmm or im an idiot and it doesn'04:15
sinmanIzinucs: I'll check torrents out, I know when I use to download torrents in windows they was very slow downloading04:15
noob_<ChogyDan> As in if you write a function that spans several lines you can click on it and the contents of the funciton are hiden. I believe this feature is useful04:15
moodyi thought i copied it correctly04:15
ilovefairuzmoody: type the stat command04:15
moodydoesn't cp -r ./source/*.* . copy all recursively?04:16
Izinucssinman: there's lots of seeds for the ubuntu torrent.. get the torrent from ubuntu.com04:16
moodyit should ahve been cp -r /path/to/source/* .04:16
ChogyDannoob_: hmmm, I would like that too  :(    that is a function of the IDE, and I have had terrible luck finding an IDE for ubuntu04:16
moodyilovefairuz thanks for the advice, let me try now04:16
intel352ilovefairuz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/491375/  (my additions are at the end, i'm pasting in my history and local rc next)04:16
ilovefairuzmoody: cp -R /path/to/foldername /path/to/newfolder  .. no need for *.*04:17
sinmanIzinucs: i will, can i the torrent for ubuntu studio from there also?04:17
lwizardlHi I need help with getting a touchscreen to work on Ubuntu. on windows it uses a 3M driver04:17
Izinucssinman: nope..04:17
Izinucslwizardl: multi-touch screen ?04:18
intel352ilovefairuz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/491376/ (.bashrc)04:18
ilovefairuzintel352: if you command these commands and test it, does it work fine?04:18
sinmanIzinucs: lol thats what i though I guess i would need to go to their site to get it right04:18
noob_<ChogyDan> A freind of mine recommend geany but I haven't tried it yet04:18
Izinucssinman: yep04:18
ilovefairuzintel352: if you comment **04:18
sinmanIzinucs: k and once again thanxs04:18
moodyilovefairuz: gotcha, i will do that04:18
lwizardlIzinucs, not sure what that means? i know the screen doesn't need a stylus to work. fingers can work as a mouse04:19
ilovefairuz!es | serit04:19
ubottuserit: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.04:19
intel352ilovefairuz, testing that.  btw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/491377/  << bit of what my history file looks like04:19
Coded1I have 10.04 and a hd3200 how easy is it to get video acceleration going?04:19
seritubottu: hey english is fine!04:20
lwizardlIzinucs, ok nope its not a multi touch04:20
Dr007boy, that security question was difficult04:20
ChogyDannoob_: hmm, looks interesting, thanks for the tip.  I like the little features it has.  The main feature that I would want is to be able to navigate random ubuntu projects, rather than a single file.  I'll have to see how it works.04:21
intel352ilovefairuz, i've commented the additions out, sourced the file, no difference04:21
LanksHi if i run a "find" command is there a way to output the results to the end of an already created text file?04:21
Izinucslwizardl: so one finger at a time.... sorry no idea on how to fix that.. www.ubuntuforums.org might help.. search for your model04:21
dejavou42I'm having a problem with empathy. I can't connect to google talk unless the username is at gmail.com. Does anyone know of a work around?04:21
serithey my back hurts04:22
seritlaterv guys04:22
noob_<ChogyDan> Do you know of any programming ircs, or of any useful online learning material for programming04:22
ilovefairuzintel352: log out and in04:22
MegaJabHello everyone! I'm a Ubuntu / Linux noob trying to make remote desktop from Windows to Ubuntu work... So far, I managed to make it work using vnc... but it works only when my ubuntu session is already started, I cannot start a new session from Windows... Anyone can help me with this? :)04:22
moodydejavou42: i ahve it working for my own domain via google apps standard, let me look at my settings04:22
dejavou42moody: thanks04:23
Coded1Lanks: find blah blah >> filename04:23
ChogyDannoob_: I think there are plenty of python tutorials.04:23
LanksCoded1, cheers04:23
intel352ilovefairuz, bah, that was it. okay, that greatly sucks04:23
ChogyDannoob_: there is even the http://www.pythonchallenge.com/  which will stretch your python skills04:23
intel352must be an incompatibility between centos and ubuntu on those cmds04:24
intel352crap, lost my history tho (tried that history -w, wiped out my previous cmds)04:24
moodydejavou42: okay connect port: 5222 connect server: talk.google.com file transfer proxies proxy.eu.jabber.org04:24
intel352thx tho, you saved it04:24
moodythat seems to make it work for me04:24
intel352k, off to bed, wife is yelling. i owe you a beer ilovefairuz04:24
ilovefairuzintel352: have a good night04:24
surialsudo apt-get install -s install openjdk-6-jdk prints an impressive lists of packages that'll be installed. Most of them related to X. I don't intend to use swing; I'm perfectly allright with passing -Djava.awt.headless=true everytime I fire up java. Any way I can avoid installing half of X?04:25
ilovefairuzsurial: append -headless to package name04:25
surialilovefairuz: No such package :(04:25
surialThere's a headless jre, though.04:26
surialWhich seems a bit pointless.04:26
surialor, well, no, I guess that makes sense too.04:26
dejavou42moody: hmmm, I have all the same settings except the file transfer proxy (can't figure out where that setting is) but when I try to connect from another domain other than gmail.com I get "Disconnected - Authentication Error"04:27
dejavou42moody: however, I'm positive that I typed the username and password correctly04:27
ilovefairuzsurial: looks like only jre has a  headless variant04:27
ilovefairuzsurial: openjdk-6-jre-headless04:27
noob_<ChogyDan> Cheers, the website looks really interesting. If you know any others,link them please.04:28
surialilovefairuz: Yeah. I wouldn't mind being able to compile code on the server. Hmmm...04:28
moodydejavou42: do you have ssl authentication enabled?04:28
dejavou42moody: no, but its working now. The only thing I did was sign up for a gmail account that was associated with the other account.04:29
Coded1Anyone ever got video acceleration working with an ati card?04:29
ChogyDannoob_: I don't know anything specific.  I think I just followed the tutorial on the python website04:29
IzinucsCoded1: it's really card specific.. check ati's site for compatabiliity with X.org versions04:30
moodydejavou42: cool, glad it's working now04:30
dejavou42coded1: try envy04:30
dejavou42moody: but where were you seeing the file transfer proxy?04:30
Coded1Deja ou42. Ty04:30
dejavou42coded1: np04:30
moodydejavou42: seems i got it mixed up, i was using pidgin for my google apps chat04:30
moodybut let me try to set up on empathy04:30
moodyi am running empathy for aim, i'll try to config for google04:31
ilovefairuz!info ecj | surial, you could use that04:31
ubottusurial,: ecj (source: ecj): standalone version of the Eclipse Java compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 3.5.1-1 (lucid), package size 9 kB, installed size 80 kB04:31
noob_<ChogyDan> There seems to be a lot of resources online . Would you recommend that I learn any other languages.04:31
serithey so is this ubuntu?04:31
ilovefairuz!hi | serit04:32
ubottuserit: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:32
surialilovefairuz: ecj is just a mostly incompatible replacement for javac. There's more to the JDK than javac alone.04:32
serithehe  well I got dumped into unrgged04:32
ChogyDannoob_: you only need to start with one, then learn as needed04:32
ChogyDannoob_: they all share the same basics04:33
ilovefairuzsurial: I know but if what you're looking for is a compiler (as you've stated) it may just do the job04:33
PresuntoRJsurial: you could try enabling the "partner" repository and install sun-java6-jdk04:33
PresuntoRJsurial: although most of the time, openjdk could do the job04:33
surialPresuntoRJ: Was trying to look at that. Trying to figure out how to add non-free to my sources.list04:33
noob_<ChogyDan> Thank you for your help04:34
surialJust tossing non-free at the end of a deb line doesn't seem to work for some reason.04:34
PresuntoRJsurial: I assume you don't have GUI, do you?04:34
surialPresuntoRJ: amazon AWS instance.04:34
ilovefairuz!partner | surial04:34
ubottusurial: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »04:34
surialI guess I could try to run xvnc, but, I'd never use it.04:34
surialah, I see.04:34
PresuntoRJsurial: non-free is not UBUNTU standard reposiroty destiny... only Debian04:34
surialubottu: Muchos gracias.04:34
moodydejavou42: you have to choose jabber client, not google talk client04:34
surialPresuntoRJ: Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Apologies; my home server is a debian and not an ubuntu box and I got the two tangled up.04:35
PresuntoRJsurial: ubottu is a software, ;)04:35
moodydejavou42: i got it working for my empathy04:35
dejavou42moody: just for file transfers though right?04:35
IzinucsPresuntoRJ: surial ubottu is a bot04:35
ilovefairuz!brain | surial04:35
ubottusurial: Hi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots04:35
surialPresuntoRJ: It's late :P04:35
moodydejavou42: no, for chatting on my domain via google04:36
PresuntoRJilovefairuz: which means, its a software... :D04:36
dejavou42moody: gotcha, thanks!04:36
moodydejavou42: you got it?04:36
ilovefairuzPresuntoRJ: that's degrading! ubottu is not merely a piece of code! haha04:36
dejavou42moody: I got it working under google talk04:37
moodydejavou42: create a new jabber account, login user@yourdomain.com with your password04:37
PresuntoRJsurial: to your /etc/apt/sources.list , add (or uncomment if its there) the line: deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner  (assuming you are using 10.04)04:37
moodydejavou42: advanced > encryption required (TLS/SSL) & ignore ssl certificate errors, server: talk.google.com port: 522204:37
PresuntoRJsurial: than $ sudo apt-get update04:37
surialWell, sun-java6-jdk installs less packages, but is still shooting for x11-common. But that's probably okay; even in headless mode you can e.g. render images and the like, I would need some font dbs for that.04:37
PresuntoRJsurial: some new packages might be available, including sun-java6 ones04:38
dejavou42moody: as a google talk account. I just had to create a gmail address to go along side my regular e-mail address04:38
ilovefairuzsurial: it's swing04:38
moodydejavou42: cool :)04:39
surialWell, yes, I get that. I don't need it though. In fact, -Djava.awt.headless=true is rather extreme, it'll also stop you from using java.awt or javax.swing classes to for example convert a jpg to a png, purely in memory. So in theory there's no need even for x11-common.04:39
PresuntoRJ!partner | surial04:39
ubottusurial: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »04:39
Four2zerohey all, does ubuntu server edition come with openssh preconfigured already once you installed ubuntu server ?04:40
Coded1Where is my xorg.conf file?04:40
renedoxFour2zero: yes04:40
renedoxCoded1: /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:40
xanguaCoded1: there is no xorg.conf since jaunty/karmic04:41
dejavou42moody: thanks for the help!04:41
Four2zerorenedox, can i tell if its already up and running ?04:41
Coded1I'm following this http://linux-tipps.blogspot.com/2010/06/setting-up-vaapi-hardware-accelerated.html04:41
renedoxFour2zero: yes, check if the process exists04:42
surialis there a search engine for ubuntu packages like debian.org has?04:42
Coded1For video acceleration and apparently it's for 10.0404:42
renedoxFour2zero: ps -A | grep sshd04:42
Fendarilhow do i get ubuntu to detect wireless on my dell laptop04:42
whosjoseFendaril: does the wireless device gets detected?04:42
Four2zerorenedox, nothing comes back04:42
ilovefairuzsurial: it's probably because  there are some graphical tools included with -jdk04:42
whosjosewhats a good dvd burner?04:43
VonorFendaril, it should be detected on it's own, rightclick the networkmanager applet in the panel and see if you can configure it04:43
Fendarilwhosjose: what panel04:43
renedoxFour2zero: hm.. weird, you'll have to install it then04:43
Vonorwhosjose, cdrecord/dvdrecord (commandline)04:43
ilovefairuzFendaril: pastebin: sudo lshw -C network04:43
Four2zerowith apt-get or synaptic04:43
PresuntoRJFendaril: most likely you need a proprietary driver also, try the Hardware Driver applet on the system/admin menu04:43
ilovefairuz!paste | Fendaril04:43
ubottuFendaril: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:43
renedoxFour2zero: file isn't that big so it shouldn't take that long04:43
crohakonAre their any good linux/ubuntu alternatives for cakewalk sonar?04:44
whosjoseVonor: what command lines? I'm not an expert in linux04:44
FendarilI am on my desktop04:44
Vonorwhosjose, nvm then, use brasero :)04:44
Fendarilso i do not know you can get what info you need04:44
PresuntoRJ!best | crohakon04:44
renedoxFour2zero: either is fine, synaptic is just the front end of apt-get04:44
ubottucrohakon: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:44
ilovefairuzwhosjose: brasero ships with ubuntu04:44
Fendarilsudo lashw -C network04:45
whosjosemplex (GStreamer plugin)04:45
whosjosedvdauthor (application).04:45
ilovefairuzFendaril: it's: sudo lshw -C network04:45
whosjosewhere can i get those plugins?04:45
etherealitein my .bashrc how do I keep this line -> if [ $(tty) == "/dev/tty1" ]; then startx fi       #from causing the following error when i log into a new vt -> X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.04:45
ilovefairuz!terminal | Fendaril04:45
ubottuFendaril: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:45
Fendarilwill it help even tho I am not on ubuntu04:45
ilovefairuzFendaril: what are you using?04:46
Fendarililovefairuz: I do everything in terminal. Even irc04:46
Fendarililovefairuz: my laptop cannot get online with ubuntu04:46
Fendarililovefairuz: desktop can since I am wired with that04:46
ilovefairuzFendaril: what variant are you using?04:46
Fendarililovefairuz: laptop uses wireless04:46
Four2zerorenedox i just need the openssh server and not the client correct, client will be on windows704:46
PresuntoRJcrohakon: there are a lot of alternatives, with better results on some aspects and worse in others... you could try them all till you find what you are looking for... I do recall lmms, jokosher and rosegarden out of my head... there are others still04:46
Vonorfor those who have no idea what the command line / terminal / shell is....imagine it like a very very very powerful dos prompt :P04:47
renedoxFour2zero: yes04:47
ilovefairuzFendaril: what distro are you using ?04:47
Fendarililovefairuz: UBUNTU04:47
mobasherVonor>> lol04:47
etherealitein my .bashrc how do I keep this line -> if [ $(tty) == "/dev/tty1" ]; then startx fi       #from causing the following error when i log into a new vt -> X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.04:47
renedoxFour2zero: unless of course, you're planning on using ssh on that computer to access another one04:47
Fendarililovefairuz: I said I am wired with a cable with my desktop04:47
ilovefairuzFendaril: you just asked if it will help even though you're NOT on ubuntu04:47
Fendarililovefairuz: my laptop uses wireless and I cant get online04:47
Fendarililovefairuz: No I did not04:47
ilovefairuzFendaril: "will it help even tho I am not on ubuntu"04:48
Fendarililovefairuz: anyway no way to get info about my laptop when its offline04:48
Four2zerorenedox im running ubuntu-server and would like to access via ssh from windows, for homenetwork.04:48
renedoxFour2zero: in that case, you just need the server04:49
Four2zerok, thanks04:49
etherealiteFour2zero install openssh-server04:49
Four2zeroetherealite, i have, thanks04:49
etherealitein my .bashrc how do I keep this line -> if [ $(tty) == "/dev/tty1" ]; then startx fi       #from causing the following error when i log into a new vt -> X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.04:50
whosjoseI need two plugins, mplex and dvdauthor how can i get them?04:50
Fendarililovefairuz: I heard laptop wireless cards should be detected04:51
mobasherwhosjose>> i think dvd author is in snyptic04:51
whosjosedvdauthor is04:51
whosjosei need now mplex04:51
mobasherwhosjose>> apt-get install mjpegtools04:53
mobasherwhosjose>> it should also be there mjpegtools04:53
whosjosegot it04:53
mobasherwhosjose>> in snaptics04:53
whosjoselet me see if i can burn04:53
picard1400hey guys quick question where are the .desktop files located for hte login profiles04:54
picard1400i have for example: gnome, xfailsafe.. where are thse .desktop files located..  (they are ones that appear afte chosing username before password on the login menu>?04:55
whosjosemplex plugin is still not installed04:55
whosjosemplex (GStreamer plugin) not instilled :(04:55
erdnaseGood morning, I'm here again with a question. :P A few weeks ago, I encrypted some files on windows. And then I accidentally lost my encryption certificates to decrypt it. Is there a way for me to brute force it here in linux?04:57
ilovefairuzwhosjose: gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad04:57
whosjoselets give this another try04:58
CaneToadIs anybody else having regular X lockups in 10.04?  It used to work ok, but something in recentish updates has broken something.04:58
ilovefairuzerdnase: you lost your private key? good luck with that04:58
whosjoseits already installed04:58
erdnaseilovefairuz, Yeah, and I'm like. wth. >_>04:58
erdnaseilovefairuz, I don't think I can brute force a windows encryption, not with todays computers, I think. I hope I can.04:59
surialD'oh. I'm an idiot - did some apt-get work on a remote server without using screen and the connection crapped out. Is that bad?04:59
ilovefairuzerdnase: no you can't, unless you're SETI or the NSA04:59
jellowerdnase: run disk recovery software on your hd for the key, No brute forcing is not an option.05:00
whosjoseilovefairuz: Yea, i can't install it it's already installed05:00
digitalfizcan anyone tell me a program i can use to pipe the soundcard sound to a fake mic so gtkrecordmydesktop can use it to record sound instead of my mic?05:00
PresuntoRJpicard1400: you can try to use locate to find any files, including those... ;) just make sure you have recently run the $ sudo updatedb05:00
ilovefairuzwhosjose: yeah, i'm looking,05:00
PresuntoRJpicard1400: there should be a cron for that05:00
whosjoseilovefairuz: thanks05:00
erdnasejellow, I would've done that too. But sad to say I already formatted the drive for like, more than 3 times. I tried to recover it but nothing happened.05:01
erdnaseI totally forgot that I still have some encrypted files. >_>05:01
jellowerdnase: Does not sound hopeful then , sorry to say05:02
ilovefairuzwhosjose: gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse05:02
erdnasejellow, yeah. I'll just store this file (fortunately its on my external hd), and wait for a few decades, lol.05:03
PresuntoRJ!locate | picard140005:03
ubottupicard1400: locate is a command-line file search utility. To make sure its cache is up to date run: sudo updatedb05:03
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IdleOne!nickspam > Wi1d_eat05:06
ubottuWi1d_eat, please see my private message05:06
whosjoseUnsupported type of task operation05:06
ilovefairuzpicard1400: http://standards.freedesktop.org/autostart-spec/autostart-spec-latest.html05:07
whosjoseI'm burning an AVI file why is the type of file isn't support?05:07
Nozyhi all05:07
xsachahey guys ive set up a vnc server on my ubuntu. now when i try to remote in to that computer either with a desktop viewer or a java viewer, i cant press or toggle the 'shift' key.. for eg, i can't press ':' key it will appear as ';'05:08
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ilovefairuzwhosjose: are you making a video CD or just burning the file to it?05:09
ilovefairuz!hi | Nozy05:10
ubottuNozy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:10
whosjoseilovefairuz: video CD05:10
Nozyhi ilovefairuz05:10
ilovefairuzwhosjose: that's all what you get in the error message?05:11
Four2zerorenedox, hahah im not able to sudo or use apt-get when connected via ssh to execute a command ?05:12
ilovefairuzwhosjose: looks vaguely related but try installing icedax05:12
Four2zerosuch as sudo apt-get install proftpd05:12
ilovefairuzwhosjose: it's mentioned in a bug report05:12
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ilovefairuzWi1d_away: fix your IRC client05:13
ilovefairuzwhosjose: yeah: sudo apt-get install icedax05:13
etherealitethe fan is going out of control on my dell latitude d600. Any way to fix this?05:13
whosjosegiving it a try now05:13
xsachawhat channel would i go to for vnc help?05:14
rafteretherealalite: feed the hamster05:14
etherealiterafter huh?05:16
etherealiterafter oooooh05:17
Four2zerodoes anyone know how to execute commands with ssh via putty, im trying to sudo apt-get install package05:17
dsnydersFour2zero, You just type them in05:18
Four2zeroInvalid operation proftpd05:18
rwwyou forgot "install"05:18
rwwT-Co: Try #ubuntu-offtopic05:19
rafteretherealalite:the fan may need cleaning05:19
Four2zerooh wow. how did i over look that piece of info...thanks05:19
T-Corww, You can't see the loose relation?-)05:19
rwwT-Co: It's not an Ubuntu support question, so no ;P\05:19
dsnydersrww, I got the chat registration problem sorted.  I needed to enter my password into the server settings on my client.05:19
etherealiterafter fan doesn't spin in windows xp.05:20
T-CoSpeaking of support questions. Anyone having trouble with USB in 10.04?05:20
ilovefairuz!details | T-Co05:21
ubottuT-Co: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:21
T-CoI'm getting there, don't be so hasty05:21
rafteretherealalite:which fan the cpu or the graphic chipetherealalite:n fa05:21
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T-CoMy mouse does this http://pastebin.com/GVygvPjA05:22
Four2zeroIf i run proftpd from inetd05:22
T-CoAnd when I connect i.e. my DSLR it takes forever to 1) start moving the picture 2) actually move the picture. And the estimates in GUI are nothing near the truth05:22
mobasheranyone tried gentoo ??05:23
rwwmobasher: the Linux distribution?05:24
ilovefairuzT-Co: and the mouse doesn't work?05:24
mobasherrww> yea05:24
rwwmobasher: try #gentoo05:24
T-Coilovefairuz, It stops moving for a second or too (waiting for the USB to reconnect or something)05:24
mobasheri know ...just asking ..cuz i'm installing in virutalbox05:24
mobasher140 packages left to isntall for X lol05:25
ilovefairuzT-Co: what's your DSLR's USB ID in lsusb05:25
gopshello world05:25
digitalfizcan anyone tell me a program i can use to pipe the soundcard sound to a fake mic so gtkrecordmydesktop can use it to record sound instead of my mic?05:25
mobasherhello gops05:25
T-Coilovefairuz, Bus 001 Device 004: ID 04a9:31ea Canon, Inc.05:26
T-CoBus 007 Device 006: ID 046d:c025 Logitech, Inc. MX500 Optical Mouse05:27
gopshai mobsher, i cannot mount my mobile phone in kubuntu05:27
gopsplease help05:27
ilovefairuzT-Co: zero google hits for its ID.. that's something!05:27
mobashergops>> do a lsusb and post it to pastebin05:27
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:28
xjkxi installed the nvidia software and now my resolution is bigger than it should :S05:28
T-Coilovefairuz, 00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) USB UHCI Controller #105:28
x-izzyhi everyone05:28
mobashergops>>  how did you connect it thru usb right ?05:28
T-Coilovefairuz, 1-6 controllers05:29
ilovefairuzT-Co: i was looking for the Canon's05:29
gopsmobasher>> check it http://pastebin.com/qVuFgim005:29
T-Coilovefairuz, Yeah05:29
x-izzymy computer shows multiple boot menu after i updated any help?05:29
croivzebaxjkx: system -> preference -> monitors05:29
mobashergops>>  you connected thru usb right ?05:30
mobashergops>> what kind of phone is it ?05:30
croivzebax-izzy: you mean multiple boot entries with different kernel numbers?05:30
gopsmobasher>> its samsung GT560305:30
JRummy16 [   <--- is that a command within the sh shell?05:31
xjkxcroivzeba: it asks me for use the nvidia thing and i say yes, then in the options there i see 640x480 and  320x240, both of them are bad, can't i add the normal ones ? :>05:31
mobashergops>> i don't see it in your lsub ..is it Bus 002 Device 006: ID 05c6:1000 Qualcomm, Inc.05:32
morticiI have a strange issue, i can browse the web fine in Ubuntu, but i can't ping any web address, i just get a Destination Port Unreachable05:32
rwwJRummy16: yes05:32
morticiFor instance i can go to www.cnn.com but i can't ping www.cnn.com05:32
x-izzycroivzeba yes05:32
x-izzycroivzeba an older one and a new updated one05:33
mobashermortici>> server block ping requests05:33
gopsmobasher>> check the output of the dmesg http://pastebin.com/UtsM11eD05:33
whosjoseilovefairuz: same problem05:34
ilovefairuzwhosjose: close and re-open brasero05:34
whosjosedone did that05:34
croivzebax-izzy: system -> administration -> synaptic package manger, hit status at the bottom and then installed; type in linux-image and find the older kernel. then select complete removal and they should be gone05:35
ilovefairuzwhosjose: same exactly error?05:35
croivzebaupon reboot05:35
mobashergops>> sometimes the phones are understood as a modem device and due to that they are mounted as modems not storage devices05:35
x-izzycroivzeba thanks05:36
gopsmobasher>> wat can i do now to mount my phone, its happening only in kubuntu , in my debian lenny [same pc] its working fine05:37
gopsping mobasher05:39
message144gops, is it a touchpad or is it a rotary phone?05:40
whosjoseilovefairuz: nothing works, any ideas?05:41
gopsmobasher, its touch phone05:42
andyBB hi, i'm having an issue sshing to my machine, seems like an ssh config problem http://pastebin.com/3KG3vWmb05:42
mobashergops>> Pm me the fdisk -l05:42
kermitnytime i dotn shut down properly, all sorts of settings for variosu apps get lost or corrupted .. like skype, chrome, gnome, pointer settings05:42
Balsaqubuntu 10.04 installed normall an ran well, then the updates came and it crashed and ruined the install. had to delete the partiton?05:43
Balsaqreinstalled..same thing again...05:43
gopsmobasher >> out put of fdisk http://pastebin.com/HCerAzJ105:44
Balsaqis there something abouot putting ubuntu 1004 on its own partition, separate from windows that wrecks the updates?05:45
jellowBalsaq: no05:45
Balsaqi didnt think so05:45
gopsmobasher: fulldetails of the phone http://bit.ly/9Pyvdp05:46
Balsaqlow ram maybe jellow?05:46
Balsaqi have 512 rdram05:46
jellowBalsaq: ubuntu is not light with gnome and compiz , have a look at system monitor05:46
Balsaqit was topped right out05:47
jellowBalsaq: but this should not directly affect updates05:47
soreaujellow: compiz is as light as the effects enabled and how well the graphics driver handles them05:47
Balsaqi dont use compiz05:47
soreaucompiz itself does not use very many resources at all05:47
Balsaqand it happened with the nvidia drivee and the gnome driver05:47
jellowi've always felt a slow down when using compiz05:48
brandoneyI'm trying to setup private DHCP net and public static net on the same ethernet.05:48
soreaujellow: then your graphics driver is lacking my friend ;)05:48
brandoneyuverse route won't accept 2 IPs on same mac,05:48
soreauand / or gpu05:48
jellowsoreau: yes would not suprise me05:48
drewbertHi, I am trying to watch netflix in a windows virtual machine using virtualbox.  The videos won't unpause.  Does anyone know anything about this?05:48
brandoneyhow do I use a different mac for virtual interface eth0:1 ?05:48
Balsaqthe same computer runs 904 perfect?05:48
jellowbrandoney: look at macchanger , sudo macchanger -r eth005:49
jellowwill set a random mac05:49
morticimobasher: its on every site i try to ping05:50
brandoneycool, thanks.  I can aways count on #ubuntul05:50
mobashermortici>> use nmap instead05:50
morticimobasher: issue is that i can't repo any git repo's it can't resolve the address.05:51
whosjoseany other Video DVD burners?05:51
morticimobasher: apt-get runs fine05:51
morticimobasher: something is a miss here, i should still be able to ping addresses05:52
mobashermortici>> did you instal firewall ?05:52
morticinot that i know but i could be wrong05:52
morticimobasher: how do i check what services are running05:53
mobasherps -ef | grep firestarter05:53
mobasherfirestart or there is guarddog05:53
morticimobasher: it is active05:53
mobasheraha..so that's where theproblem is05:53
morticimobasher: you are the man, how do i turn it off or remove it?05:54
mobasherapt-get remove firestarter05:54
kermithow do i enable the scrolling feature of my touchpad?  it was on, until i shut down improperly and lots of things reset their settings.05:54
mobasheror goto synaptic05:54
morticimobasher: hmmmm its not installed05:55
mobashermortici>> what made you think it was active ?05:55
mortici1000      9944  2077  0 23:53 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto firestarter05:56
mobasherso it is up05:56
morticimobasher: its listed in my service list...05:56
mobasherdo a vi on /etc/hosts05:57
rwwmortici: no, a grep command looking for the word "firestarter" is up...05:57
Balsaqjoin #linux05:58
mobasherrww>> i think that's what he was doing ..i think05:58
morticimobasher: if i do service --status-all05:59
morticimobasher: firestarter is listed...05:59
morticimobasher: nothing in /etc/hosts05:59
mneptokmortici: many hosts do not respond to ping, and many ISPs block it.05:59
mobashermortici>> did you do a grep ??05:59
morticimobasher: yeah06:00
mneptokmortici: not to mention most sane firewall configs allow responses to outgoing packets.06:00
morticimobasher: i vaguely remember installing something similar to peer guardian06:00
knollsAnyone know quickly where the option went in the gimp to make every pixel of my graphic black?  I used to know this, if it's irrelevant to the channel I understand.  I'm just flustered.06:00
morticimneptok: thats what i would think too. whats odd is i can go to a website in firefox, but i can't ping it...06:01
mobashermortici>> try doing a ping to www.yahoo.com06:01
mneptokmortici: many hosts do not respond to ping, and many ISPs block it. (x2)06:01
morticiPING any-fp.wa1.b.yahoo.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.06:02
morticiFrom icmp_seq=1 Destination Port Unreachable06:02
theshadowOk I have a IBM R60 with a middle button and the red joy stick I've found what may be a solution by modifying the xorg.conf file but in 10.04 the default installation doesn't have an xorg.conf06:02
theshadowI'm trying to get the scrolling working06:02
mneptokmortici: your ISP or the modem/router they provided you may block ICMP traffic06:02
mobashermortici>> do this..."wget www.yahoo.com "06:03
morticimneptok: thats what I am thinking, let me check a laptop that is running Windows 706:03
morticiindex.html saved06:03
morticiand retrieved06:03
mobasherokay so u should be fine...06:03
mobasheru're not blocked anywhere06:03
mneptokmobasher: as mortici said a browser works, one can expect wget to work.06:03
croivzeba64 bytes from ir1.fp.vip.ac4.yahoo.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=51 time=30.4 ms06:04
mneptokmortici: what is the point of pinging a site, anyway. it doesn't tell you much.06:04
mobashermortici>> why don't you nmap it ? instead of pinging it06:05
mneptoknever send ping to do traceroute's job.06:05
theshadowI think I asked that horribly. I'm trying to get the middle button/scroll working on an IBM r60. The solution I found requires a modification to the xorg.conf file but by default 10.04 doesn't produce the file and I can't find where in the GUI and settings to perform the equivilent06:05
morticimneptok: when i try to do a repo init -u git://blahh.com/blahhh/blah.git it fails06:05
mneptokmortici: so use a known working git repo before blaming the network.06:06
morticiwhen i ping from windows 7 it works fine....06:06
morticimneptok: gotcha let me try a valid repo06:06
sacarlsontheshadow:  I think you can manualy create an /etc/X11/xorg.conf file.  when you install propraitary drivers the installer normaly creates one.06:07
morticimneptok: same issue..:android.git.kernel.org[0:]: errno=Connection refused06:07
morticibut i can go to android.git.kernel.org and download indvidual files.....06:07
kermitthere's a window in the middle of my screen that's always on top and i can't make it go away.. it says "type to search" with a magnifying glass.06:07
theshadowsacarlson: yea when I installed this laptop it didn't need any restricted drivers :P06:07
sacarlsontheshadow: as far as your mouse normaly you can change settings for it in System>preferences>mouse06:09
theshadowsacarlson: yea I found that but none of the settings equate to setting Option "EmulateWheel" "true" Option "EmulateWheelButton" "2" in the xorg06:09
Balsaqhas there been a lot of issues getting 1004 to update?06:10
Balsaqi have read everyting i can find06:10
sacarlsontheshadow: this looks like what you need to create a config file and modify it the way you want it. http://www.osguides.net/operation-systems/217-how-to-create-xorgconf-in-ubuntu-910.html06:11
morticimobasher: moblock might be the issue06:11
morticimobasher: you are the man thank you, i can ping away now :D06:12
mobasheru did it all brother :)06:12
morticimobasher: you gave me the idea :D thank you very much, i completely forgot i installed that software, i remembered peerguardian, then moblock06:13
mobashermortici>> glad i could be of any help :)06:13
morticiyou were!06:13
mobasherthank u ;) enjoy :)06:14
theshadowscarter4: ty06:14
theshadowsacarlson: ty06:14
whosjoseany other Video DVD burners?06:17
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morticimobasher: ahh the joy of a repo syncing :D06:20
Emanonok ubuntu 10.04 gwibber doesnt work for facebook why and how can i fix that if it can be fixed?06:23
Emanonquiet in the channel tonight06:31
Emanondo i have everyone on ignore or something?06:31
VampHello all.06:32
richardcavellHi folks.  I'm running Ubuntu Lucid inside VirtualBox on OS X.  It's running on a virtual hard disk image.  I recently changed the boot hard disk image in order to increase its size.  The old hard disk image was a SATA image.  The new one is IDE.  I didn't do that deliberately - I was just following instructions.  Now when Ubuntu boots, it gives me the message: drive for UUID=xxxx is not ready yet or not... (wraps off end of screen) belo06:32
richardcavellthe Ubuntu logo.  But it boots anyway.06:32
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iflemarichardcavell the old swap partition uuid??06:34
richardcavelliflema: Ah, now that could be it.  What I did was I increased the size of the Ubuntu partition and I deleted the old swap partition and made a new one06:34
iflemarichardcavell fstab may still be looking for theold one.....06:35
Emanonsok it never detects my swap partition on boot but it always uses it fine anyways06:35
Emanonit just takes a lil bit to initialize it06:35
Emanonand im running native06:35
richardcavellAll I did was create a partition within gparted of type 'linux-swap' and I labelled it 'Swap'06:35
VampI'll be back.06:36
Emanonyea my swap is on an encrypted lvm so that might be it for me06:36
richardcavellI just looked at /etc/fstab and sure enough it has the old UUID and some text that tells me it's looking for the old swap partition06:37
richardcavellCan I just delete that line in fstab?06:37
Emanonso any ideas why facebook doesnt work in gwibber?06:37
richardcavellShould I put in the new swap partition, or can Ubuntu find it and use it anyway?06:37
iflemarichardcavell the system will go with whats infstab i belive.... ina terminal use thecommand   free    and see if is swap is being used06:38
iShawnWVamp: I was messing around in another channel06:39
richardcavellHmmm no, it's not using any swap at all06:40
richardcavellOkay let me reboot06:40
richardcavellhello tux06:40
incognito_when I install tightvnc, it does not create an xstartup file in the .vnc directory, so that I can tell it what wm to use. does anyone know how to deal with this issue?06:40
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
qdbhello. i have made sudo apt-get source Packagename --download-only  and where it is now ? it is not in /var/cache/apt/archives06:41
iflemarichardcavell why not spin a livecd, test sys specs, install, enjoy?? =)06:41
richardcavelliflema: I'm already installed06:42
x-izzyneed a good image editor06:42
icerootx-izzy: gimp06:42
liami installed a program as root via cli but cant access it using my normal user account. What is the directory the program would have installed to?06:42
richardcavelliflema: No I fixed it.  All I had to do was to edit /etc/fstab to update the UUID to the new swap partition06:42
richardcavelleasy peasy06:42
iflemarichardcavell goodone06:42
icerootliam: dpkg -L packagename06:42
bsmith093UUIDs suck why do they even exist again?06:43
EmanonUUID's rock06:43
icerootliam: or "which programname"06:43
Emanonthey allow it to disregard the /dev/sd* designation06:43
bsmith093Emanon: seriously though why?06:43
Emanonand look for a drive based on an address only it will have no matter where it is plugged in06:43
bsmith093but thats so much easier to remember that 4389479380djgjirih7895974306:43
liamiceroot: i didnt install it using package manager. I installed it using a .sh file06:44
Emanonso if i have /boot on a removable drive (which i do) i can plug it in anywhere and it will work06:44
incognito_liam what program did you install06:44
liamincognito_: netbeans06:44
Emanonsince it doesnt look for the normal port designated or time of insertion designated address06:44
Emanonbut the unique identifying number of THAT DEVICE06:44
Emanonalso means you can more easily use a portable filesystem (like a full install on a usb drive)06:45
incognitoliam are you a programmer, are you familiar with linux ubuntu?06:45
goddarddid ubuntu do something to the system menu? I don't have my shut down menu item any more06:46
liamincognito: yes iam but ive never really bothered to read up on what all the directories are for and this includes where programs are installed.06:46
incognitoanyone familiar with tight vnc06:46
goddardits tight06:46
incognitoliam are you familiar with the whereis command?06:47
Emanonliam the executable for most things will install to /usr/bin06:47
liamincognito: no06:47
Emanoncheck /usr/bin/netbeans06:47
Emanoneven .sh's respect that06:47
Emanonand next time dont just make, install06:48
Emanonmake, checkinstall (slashdot says its cool)06:48
incognitoliam type "whereis netbeans" in the command line without the quotes, and it will show you where netbeans is.06:48
Emanonor install netbeans from the repo06:48
Flannelliam: If you installed it with something outside of a package manager, it *should* be installed to /usr/local/bin (with its support files being elsewhere in /usr/local/*) or to /opt/*06:48
liamenanon: /usr/bin hasnt got any dirs06:48
qdbsolved should be in apt conf06:48
Emanonit wouldnt be a directory it would be an executable liam06:49
Emanonthe directory would be in /usr/lib with the rest of the library files06:49
incognitoliam then if you are willing to search with your file manager you might be able to find the program. I've done it that way before, but it can be tedious06:49
surialInstalling either sun-java6-jdk or openjdk-6-jdk will completely hang the server on update-alternatives: using /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/jexec to provide /usr/bin/jexec (jexec) in auto mode. When I attempt to SSH in, it'll get as far as "connection established" and just freeze there. Anyone have an idea what could be causing this?06:49
Emanonor just read the script you used and see where it put everything06:49
Besogongood morning guys. How can I connect to Personal File Sharing using Windows? What folder should I connect to?06:49
Flannelliam: if you can just type the program into the terminal and have it run, `which programname` would be the easiest way to find it06:50
liamemanon: I want to go into the dir to run the uninstall file so that I can reinstall it as the user account06:50
Emanonthen check the script you used to install it06:50
Emanonit will list where it puts things06:50
qdbno such file...06:50
liamFlannel: it says its not installed but the installer says it is06:51
liamEmanon: the only file i have found is in /root/Desktop06:51
somethingintereswhat is the easiest, cleanest way to remove packages that the system doesn't need/use? I notice for a lot of 'from source' installs tons of build dependencies are needed things like that I'd imagine take up a ton of space06:51
Emanonwhere is the SCRIPT THAT YOU USED TO INSTALL IT06:51
Emanonnot any of the files it installed06:51
EmanonTHE SCRIPT06:51
qdbi have made sudo apt-get source Packagename --download-only  and where is the downloaded package? it is not in /var/cache/apt/archives06:52
iflemasomethinginteres the computer janitor ( administration menu ) or sudo apt-get autoremove ina terminal06:52
liamEmanon: I know where the script is but what should i search for to find the directory it specifies?06:53
somethinginteresiflema: thanks06:53
Emanonopen the script in gedit06:53
Emanonand it will say where it puts everything as a clear directory06:53
Emanonlike "cp suchandsuch /such/and/such"06:53
quiescensqdb: source downloads to /usr/src06:54
qdbquiescens, thank you06:54
richardcavelliflema: thanks dude.  My Ubuntu installation is now working perfectly.06:54
Emanonoh and on a side note with personal file sharing (System>Preferences>Personal File Sharing) most of it is greyed out what packages do i need to fix that?06:55
richardcavellI'm liking this VirtualBox.  I can install as many free operating systems as I want.  OpenSolaris is going in now06:55
qdbquiescens, i do not find it there , and there are all are directories, but my should be an archive, i think06:55
quiescensqdb: blah, sorry, it downloads to current directory, it extracts to /usr/src if you didn't do --download-only, I just happened to be in /usr/src at the time06:55
qdbthank you06:55
liamthanks all for your help it was at /usr/local/netbeans06:56
Emanonliam it should be in your repo too06:56
Emanonso you dont have to install from script06:56
liamEmanon: it is but it was suggested to install the one for php so I dont have to bother with installing plugins etc.06:57
MrUnagiin mail, i get a squiggly line next to my mailbox, says i need to take it online, when i do, the line pops back up.....any idea whats going on?06:57
Emanonok that makes sense06:57
liamah well thanks anyways06:57
Emanonso any clues on the packages i need so the personal file sharing thing will actually work?06:58
chosenhey guys i just created a lamp server and installed phpmyadmin but im trying to access local host on chrom and its saying permission denied i dont have access06:59
chownmounti am not able to mount my windows partition (fat32) in linux and access as regular user (only root), i tried to chown and chmod and none seemed to work, any suggestions?06:59
chownmount!samba | Emanon06:59
ubottuEmanon: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.06:59
Emanondid you make sure to use chown recursively?07:00
BesogonEmanon: Perconal file sharing?07:00
chownmountEmanon, yes, as root i get permission denied07:00
BesogonEmanon: If you can't make it works I have the same problem. But07:00
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EmanonBesogon: System>Preferences>Personal File Sharing07:00
chownmountEmanon: Operation not permitted07:01
Emanonbut i just tried to share a file directly and it installed some packages so im going to restart the session and try again brb07:01
Emanonand ill be back for you chownmount07:01
mobasherEmanon >> http://macpablodesigns.wordpress.com/2010/05/01/enable-personal-file-sharing-in-ubuntu-10-04/07:01
chownmountEmanon: okay, thanks07:01
sacarlsonchownmount: you might need to add your user permisions in System>administration>user groups>advanced>privliges07:01
gasullHi. I compiled the kernel as explained at http://newyork.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=f0230328b82c45adb697b0b17b618d17&t=1341580  And now I get this at bootup: "Kernel panic - not syncing:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block".  I didn't update GRUB.07:02
chownmountsacarlson: i'll check there, its bothersome root didn't have permission to chown07:02
sacarlsonchownmount: you can't chown on windows file systems it has none.07:02
mobashergasull>> check your boot settings i think you made a wrong reference in the boot up file creation07:03
chownmountsacarlson: how do i mount so regular user has access?07:03
chownmountsacarlson: i checked system -> administra -> users and groups, and the user has permission there07:03
BesogonEmanon: I tell you what I did to make it works. I have installed apache2-bin (with all its depends) and apache-common, then I install libapache2-mod-dnssd And now it works07:03
sacarlsonchownmount: as stated above you need to add the user to the allow mount group07:03
gasullmobasher: how do I check my boot settings? what is the boot up file creation?07:03
Emanonyea i just followed that link Besogon restarting for it now07:04
chownmountsacarlson: is that the FUSE thing in the permissions?07:04
mobashergasull>> check your menu.lst07:04
sacarlsonchownmount: yes07:04
gasullmobasher: how?  I'm running the install Live CD right now.07:05
chownmountsacarlson: thanks, that fixed it (i was looking at the top most option thinking that was it)07:05
mobashereeeee u're in live cd07:06
mobashersorry my bad07:06
mobashergasull>> not sure if you can chroot into the file system to change the boot properties on this 10 ubuntu i'm on old ubuntu anyway :)07:07
CloudyLightingEvening everyone, I was hoping i could get help with setting up an IR Remote with a USB IR sensor07:07
gasullmobasher: I would need to mount my hard drive first, right_07:07
mobashergasull>> for chroot ?07:08
gasullmobasher: I don't think my hard drive is even mounted07:08
mobasherwell you can check in /media07:08
mobasheror do fdisk -l07:09
i_is_broketrying to get my belkin usb wireless going, have got it loaded, but wont see the internet?? what am i missing?07:09
gasullmobasher: /media is empty07:09
gasullmobasher: fdisk -l shows nothing07:09
Emanonwoot personal file sharing works thanks07:09
mobashergasull>> you gurb thing is messed07:10
Emanonk did they solve your problem yet chownmount?07:10
chownmountEmanon: yes, it was simple; system -> admin -> users -> give FUSE access to user07:10
Emanonahh cool07:10
mobashergasull>> not sure about these new installs man...i'm on old school pc running 9.04 :) but your /boot/device.map should show you the list of media devices07:10
mobashergasull>> do a cat on it07:10
gasullmobasher: I guess I should say that my hard drive is encrypted, but as far as I know that doesn't encrypt /boot07:10
cryptopsyhow do i mount my blackberry in linux as a block device?07:11
Emanonyou cant encrypt /boot07:11
Emanonit wouldnt work07:11
chownmountgasull: you can put /boot on a usb flash drive07:11
Emanonthats what i do07:11
mobashergasull>> hmm..not sure how the encyption thing works though haven't had a chance to play with it07:11
cryptopsyEmanon: how do password a partition such that it cannot be mounted07:11
gasullmobasher: "no such file or directory" with cat /boot/device.map07:11
mobashergasull>> check the /boot/grub/device.map07:11
Emanonduring install or after cryptopsy?07:12
gasullchownmount: how do I put the /boot on a usb flash drive?07:12
somethinginteresI'm after recommendations for a great audio player, audio quality being key I'd like it to be as little a resource hog as possible not because it has to be per se but if it were possible in an ideal world that'd be nice. Thanks :)07:12
cryptopsyEmanon: after, i.e someone steals ur usb stick07:12
cryptopsyEmanon: how do you protect it?07:12
Emanontry truecrypy07:12
chownmountgasull: its easiest (and maybe only possible) when a fresh install is done, but during the partition stage of installation07:12
Emanonsorry truecrypt07:12
Emanonthats a fairly nice utility for encryption07:12
gasullmobasher: cat /boot/grub/device.map: "no such file or directory"07:13
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Blackberry%20Sync%20with%20Ubuntu cryptopsy07:13
cryptopsyi dont want to sync it07:13
Emanonif you want to though you can encrypt your whole system disk during the install (with the exception of /boot of course)07:13
cryptopsyjust mount it as block device07:13
mobasherchownmount>> u know about this 10 install thing ?07:13
Emanonthats how i do it07:13
chownmountmobasher: sorry i don't follow, can you be more specific? are you trying to install ubuntu 10.04?07:13
Emanonroot swap all on encrypted lvm with a removable /boot07:14
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mobasherchownmount>> not me gasull is ..he need some help..cna't find boot or device.map07:14
Emanonand when i was single booting i used to do all that over a 4 disk raid hehe07:15
chownmountgasull: in terminal, under / is boot and to find device.map, in terminal, do a sudo find / -name device.map07:15
Emanonthe alt install disk is awesome07:15
gasullmobasher, chownmount: fdisk /dev/sda and then pressing m should show the partitions in disk, right?07:15
Emanonp shows partitions in fdisk not m07:16
cryptopsybazhang: how to verify this: Verify that libopensync0 is installed on your system.07:16
chownmountgasull: sudo fdisk --list07:16
Emanonor that07:16
Wolf23help ! what extension should play videos on my car by usb?07:16
Emanonone the car supports07:17
etherealiteWhy isn't avahi advertising my ssh server?07:17
chownmountWolf23: it would be in the manual, but usually all support mpeg extension with codec mpeg107:17
gasullchownmount, mobasher: http://pastebin.com/FN7Si1hH07:17
Emanonprobably mp3 Wolf2307:17
gasullchownmount, mobasher: got list of devices07:17
MindVirusHello. My computer connects to the Internet at some places but not at this one.07:17
MindVirusWirelessly, that is.07:17
Wolf23chownmount,  can i convert from flv to mpeg1?07:18
kneauxheyyy...who knows how to address computers behind an ethernet switch07:18
MindVirusMy password is correct.07:18
Wolf23Emanon,  mp3 play videos?07:18
Emanonerr sorry mp407:18
Emanonmistyped thanks for the catch07:18
chownmountWolf23: yes, using avidemux07:19
etherealiteMindVirus Whats does ifconfig display?07:19
Emanonwould be an m4v if you use handbrake for the conversion07:19
chownmountgasull: all looks okay there, what are you specifically trying to do?07:19
Emanonarista is also a nice transcoder07:19
gasullchownmount:  I compiled the kernel as explained at http://newyork.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=f0230328b82c45adb697b0b17b618d17&t=1341580  And now I get this at bootup: "Kernel panic - not syncing:VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block".  I didn't update GRUB.07:19
MindVirusetherealite: Huh. I am connected via IPv6.07:19
mobashergasull>> is this your boot device -> /dev/sda1   *           1          32      248832   83  Linux07:20
etherealiteMindVirus IPv6 what country are you in?07:20
gasullmobasher: yes07:20
MindVirusetherealite: USA. I am stoned and I could be wrong.07:20
mobashergasull>> can you mount it07:20
MindVirusBut I have an "inet6 addr".07:20
etherealiteMindVirus then you don't need ipv607:20
sacarlsonkneaux: address computers?  it should plug and play if you have a dhcp server running on it.07:21
MindVirusetherealite: I know, but I am connected via IPv6.07:21
MindVirusI'd rather use v4.07:21
Emanonmaybe he wants more addresses on his lan07:21
MindVirusBut I don't even know what I did here.07:21
mobashermkdir /media/sda1     then   mount /dev/sda1 /media/sda107:21
Wolf23chownmount,  are u sure mpeg1 videos plays on usb on a pioneer?07:21
etherealiteMindVirus you you dont see inet addr:192.168.x.x ?07:21
chownmountWolf23: i didn't know it was pioneer, but mpeg1 is the oldest (in mpeg extension)07:21
etherealiteWhy isn't avahi advertising my ssh server?07:21
gasullmobasher: here we are07:22
MindVirusetherealite: Negatory.07:22
Emanonwhat is the model of your cars stereo or onboard computer or whatever07:22
Wolf23chownmount,  thanx i will try :)07:22
gasullchownmount: mobasher: http://pastebin.com/cMrnzeh807:22
etherealiteMindVirus  what does sudo iwconfig say?07:22
Wolf23Emanon, but my videos are flv, is there a way to convert them to mp4?07:22
Emanonthink handbrake or arista can do that Wolf2307:23
mobashergasull>> goto grub and check the device.map against menu.lst07:23
MindVirusetherealite: So, I guess I'm not actually connected then.07:23
Wolf23Emanon,  alright thanx07:23
Emanonyea handbrake supports flv transcoding just checked07:24
gary_inNYCi just installed Shotwell and found out it doesn't support gif or png.  How can I quickly convert a bunch of pictures to jpg?07:24
kneauxsacarlson: i forgot i was asking this the last time i was here hehe07:24
etherealiteMindVirus I dunno send me a dpaste of the output of ifconfig07:24
Kane_hartanyone ever had a strange issue with say backup.sh script that backup a folder and zipps it if you do ./backup.sh works great then when you have it in a cron job it does not back it all up right only like 300kb while doing the real ./backup does like 15mb07:24
gasullmobasher> can't find any of those files in /media/myboot/grub07:24
MindVirusetherealite: That would sound great but I'm not connected to the Internet.07:24
MindVirusNo USB drives.07:24
kneauxsacarlson: i'm still trying to figure out how to connect remotely to a server i have on a lan where every machine has the same ip07:24
kneauxi.e. they have local ips but to the internet they're the same07:25
naser67i've installed php5 on /etc07:25
mobashergasull>> what's in the grub ?07:25
MindVirusWait, what the fuck?07:25
Emanonport forwarding kneaux07:25
MindVirusI guess I am connected.07:25
MindVirusBut to "".07:25
naser67if i wanna reinstall ubuntu the php5 folder will deleted?07:25
Emanonmake all connections on a certain port of the router forward to a certain internal ip07:26
gasullmobasher: http://pastebin.com/KeQADRhd07:26
kneauxemanon i'm not sure my switch does that actually07:26
kneauxis that the only way07:26
Emanonits fairly simple thats how i manage my subsonic server from outside my lan07:26
etherealiteMindVirus when you type iwconfig it should say ESSID:"your network name"  ### if it doesn't then your wireless isnt associated07:26
kneauxemanon: are you on a router or a switch07:26
Emanonrouter sorry07:26
MindVirusetherealite: It does. It says 'ESSID:""'.07:26
mobashergasull>> that's wierd...did you isntall grub  like apt-get install grub07:26
MindVirus"Link Quality=10/100".07:27
gasullmobasher: http://pastebin.com/DxxBtY6e07:27
gary_inNYCkneaux try ddns?07:27
etherealiteMindVirus ESSID what? tell me what the essid is.07:27
kneaux(<rant> fscking office max is going to charge me a 15% "restocking" fee if i have to return it due to their total inability to tell me what device i needed </rant>)07:27
Emanondo you log into the switch like a router? or you just plug it in and leave it be?07:27
MindVirusetherealite: "".07:27
sacarlsonkneaux: again they don't have the same ip they are just on the same local ip mask.  to come in remote from outside that local network you will need to add nat forwarding settings you your router.07:27
chosenhey guys i just created a lamp server and installed phpmyadmin but im trying to access local host on chrom and its saying permission denied i dont have access07:27
etherealiteMindVirus your not associated with your wireless ap then07:27
gasullmobasher: can it be because I have my hard drive encrypted with LUKS:07:27
etherealiteMindVirus re associate and see what happens07:28
MindVirusetherealite: I know, and I tried to associate with it.07:28
kneauxemanon: i haven't been able to figure out how to connect to the switch yet, d-link's support is...not07:28
kneauxsacarlson: again, switch, not a router, i'm not sure it's terribly configurable07:28
kneauxgary_innyc: lemme look up ddns07:28
etherealiteMindVirus are you using wep or wpa?07:28
Emanontry in a web browser kneaux everyone likes that address07:28
MindVirusetherealite: WPA.07:28
kneauxemanon: i know, right? everybody but dlink :\07:28
Emanonwhats your switch model?07:29
etherealiteMindVirus and you typed in the right password and all07:29
MindVirus.Oh my goodness! It connected.07:29
mobashergasull>> not sure man..never done it with encyption...check with chownmount see if he can help not too familiar with it07:29
Emanond-link XXXXXXXX07:29
MindVirusI don't know what you did but it worked. Thanks etherealite.07:29
sacarlsonkneaux: some switches are smart like cisco but most people use simple auto detect switches that just detect the mac address of each device that plugs in.07:29
gasullchownmount: what do you suggest now? http://pastebin.com/DxxBtY6e07:29
etherealiteMindVirus your welcome, when your having trouble connecting, just try and reconnect and that will fix %90 of all problems.07:29
etherealiteWhy isn't avahi advertising my ssh server?07:30
MindVirusetherealite: I tried for like an hour earlier. :)07:30
etherealiteMindVirus did you try resetting the router too?07:30
gary_inNYCso is there a quick way to save a bunch of pics from gif to jpg?07:30
MindVirusetherealite: No.07:30
kneauxHey guys. Guess who's connected directly to the wall.07:30
Besogon the wall?07:31
etherealiteMindVirus not to be an ass, but theres another obvious thing you could've tried there07:31
tripelbI have a new hard drive (1T Hitachi on an older Dell)  Linux (9.04,10.04, Fedora11) wont install. XP has installed. (I thought it was the CD drive which wont recognize a blank disk but now windows works.) The 9.04 disk has sucessfully installed before but not on this computer. That 9.04>>9.10 HD works on this Dell.  What could be the problem?07:31
chosenhey guys i just created a lamp server and installed phpmyadmin but im trying to access local host on chrom and its saying permission denied i dont have access07:32
* gasull is seeking help at #grub07:33
* kneaux is thoroughly embarrassed07:33
naser67what kind of file does ubuntu have in /etc?07:33
Emanongary_inNYC: look for batch image converter in synaptic07:34
DarkSectornaser67, the bad kind07:34
Loshkigary_inNYC: the 'convert' program in the ImageMagick suite claims it converts from GIF to JPEG. I've never used it myself...07:34
etherealitechosen whats chrom?07:34
gary_inNYCk thanks07:34
kneauxemanon: okay 192.168.anything.normal still doesn't work, even when i'm actually connected to the device in question07:34
Besogonnaser67: configuration files are stored in the folder07:34
kneauxand the model is...des-110607:34
Emanonk sec kneaux07:35
chosenetherealite, googlechrome07:35
naser67Besogon:how can i get backup from that?07:35
chosenmy browser07:35
naser67i wanna keep my /var/www and /etc folder when i reinstall ubuntu07:36
etherealitechosen dpaste the exact message07:36
naser67Besogon:i wanna keep my /var/www and /etc folder when i reinstall ubuntu07:36
chosenetherealite, http://pastebin.com/VM1HAWmG07:38
Besogonnaser67: I have never used backup (as I only user and reinstall ubuntu every  half a year) but ask about backup of the boot channel. I saw there is a lot of programs for backup07:38
chosenetherealite, fixed it07:39
chosenhad to chown07:39
Besogonnaser67: bot channel*07:39
naser67bot channel*07:39
etherealiteyou still need to enter /phpmyadmin to it though.07:39
naser67boot channel07:39
n1kahi there07:40
Besogonnaser67: or channel bot* (How he is named there in English I don't know)07:40
naser67channel bot*07:40
naser67channel boot*07:40
etherealiteIdleOne what is naser67 trying to do here?07:41
Emanonyea doesnt appear to have management access sorry07:41
Besogonetherealite: tell him about backup of some folders please. I don't know how ask the bot07:42
naser67etherealite: i'v got a problem and i need your advice07:42
etherealitenaser67 what about?07:42
naser67etherealite:is there a way to keep /var and /etc when i reinstall ubuntu07:43
naser67etherealite:sorry for my bad english07:43
Emanonif you have them in separate partitions before you reinstall naser6707:43
Emanonand you define them during install and tell it not to format them07:43
etherealitehe can do it without07:43
etherealitenaser67 yes, but your going to need to use a boot disk and copy the files unto a seperate disk07:44
etherealiteetherealite this is assuming your installing the same exact version of ubuntu07:45
Emanonand on the gif to jpeg thing earlier phatch will do that in large groups aparrently07:45
tripelbPlease help me...I have a new hard drive (1T Hitachi on an older Dell)  Linux (9.04,10.04, Fedora11) wont install. XP has installed. (I thought it was the CD drive which wont recognize a blank disk but now windows works.) The 9.04 disk has sucessfully installed before but not on this computer. That 9.04>>9.10 HD works on this Dell.  What could be the problem?07:45
naser67but i think separate partion is the best way07:45
etherealitenaser67 well its a little late for that isn't it?07:45
Emanontripelb: occasionally dark eldritch gods conspire to foil our installs07:45
etherealitenaser67 unless your already have separate partitions.07:45
naser67etherealite:no it's not07:46
Emanontry it from a usb key yog sothoth doesnt keep up with technology07:46
Besogonnaser67: try '/msg ubottu backup' command07:46
Emanonalso check your install has the right architecture (as in not 64 bit for a 32 bit cpu)07:47
tripelbEmanon: It failed repeatedly. That's why I tried the Fedora disk. Even tho the Ubuntu disk checked out perfect I thought I dunno. I want to run ubuntu. Maybe there's something wrong with the hard drive?07:47
tripelbshould I try Ubuntu in a ;artition?07:47
Emanontripelb: try it on a usb drive if you can thats pretty fast07:47
Emanontripelb: also check your boot order and make sure the cd drive is available (unless your calling the boot menu manually)07:48
=== Supertanker is now known as SuperJoplin
Emanonmight also sacrifice a few annoying neighborhood kids to cthulhu that helps on occasion07:48
tripelbEmanon yes it's the right one. An install from the same liveCD disk (installed on a computer with problem RAM that would freeze up) works just fine on this Dell.  (this has frazzeled my brain, and what if my new HD is bad)07:48
Emanonnah if anything installs its fine07:49
Emanonright but that other computer might have a different cpu arch07:49
tripelbEmanon: the liveCD loads as a liveCD system. But gparted quits. The Fedora just showed an error. It doesnt have a separate gparted.07:50
Emanonoh it loads up on the one but wont install?07:50
Emanonmaybe the starts just arent right i hope someone else can help you cause im at a loss07:50
tripelbEmanon: The HD (with ubuntu from that livecd) works on both computers. That means that they have the same architecture.07:50
gasullIf I'm in the Live CD, how do I chroot into my hard drive?  I have my hard drive's root partition mounted already at /media/myboot07:51
Emanonftagn for now i guess07:51
tripelbEmanon: thanks. Me too. I've been at this on one way or another for many weeks. Then I got tired of it and have been just using windows.07:51
Emanon!hi | spike__07:53
ubottuspike__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!07:53
spike__is anyone here07:53
Emanonquite a few of us actually spike__07:53
mooseposseI am but not for very long just checking things out07:53
spike__from ia07:53
UndiFineDjust under 120007:53
spike__anyone from ia07:54
Emanonfrom where?07:54
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:54
Emanonyea man this isnt a dating channel there was a guy from ohio in the other night but other than that07:54
spike__i know that07:55
mooseposseI have one questin while I am here now that I think of it07:55
spike__i was seeing if there was i never said girls07:55
Transmitter!ot | spike__07:55
ubottuspike__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:55
Emanonk mooseposse hit me07:55
sambarinoi'm trying to install mailman on an ubuntu server but it's not working and i have run out of ideas on how to fix it07:56
mooseposseI am running an IBM X31 laptop dualboot 10.04 and XP I have trouble with going into standby mode on ubuntu all it does is freeze is this a common problem?07:56
cryptopsyanyone here use a blackberry as a block devince in linux?07:56
Emanonstandby has been rather finnicky on linux laptops in my experiance07:57
Emanonbut thats old experience it might be different now07:57
spike__anyone know how to go back to 9.10 i have 10.407:58
moosepossesuse 11.2 works going into standby but i like this better07:58
mooseposseI tried that07:58
TransmitterNot all distros have problems with standby and laptops. Ubuntu does atm07:58
Emanonno i mean spike__ reinstall07:58
TransmitterIn fact, Ubuntu has never played nicely with laptops and standby07:59
mooseposseoh lol07:59
spike__i dont have a disk drive on my computer i have a netbook07:59
Emanonreinstall from usb07:59
Transmittermooseposse reinstalling will do nothing07:59
spike__how do i get in on a usb07:59
Emanonunetbootin is pretty easy07:59
Emanoninstall unetbootin from repository run it08:00
Emanonspecify distribution (ubuntu) version (9.10) and path to usb /dev/sd(something)08:00
Transmitterspike__ Emanon is right - unetbootin is easy to use. I've used it to install Ubuntu on many netbooks08:00
Emanonit will download and install08:00
kneauxi should've known08:00
kneauxcommie ethernet switch pinkos08:00
kneauxwon't do port forwarding to save their soul from hellfire08:01
Emanononto usb for easy installation from usb on reboot08:01
mooseposseIs there a way to fix it, I would use this all the time if it werent for the standby problem since I use this for school (this runs way smoother than windows)08:01
spike__ok is that a website08:01
Emanonim not sure switches have souls08:01
firefox51good morning08:01
Transmittermooseposse nope08:01
kneauxeverything has a soul08:01
Emanonno spike__ unetbootin is a program08:01
mooseposseok thank you08:01
Transmitternothing has a soul08:01
Emanoncheck in synaptic08:01
Four2zerohey all, was able to access the ubuntu server with putty, and now, if try to reconnect it will not give me the prompt to login ?08:01
spike__where do i get it at08:01
Transmittermooseposse I wasted a lot of time trying to get it to work. Don't make my mistake ;)08:01
mooseposselol dually noted08:02
Emanonwell religious folk dont argue that we HAVE souls but that we ARE sould and what we have are bodies08:02
Emanoni would add to that and we only have those temporarily08:02
Transmitterreligion is surely OT08:02
moosepossemay i ask one other question08:02
Emanonits ALWAYS ot08:02
kneauxwhich religious folk do you talk to08:02
Emanoni hope so mooseposse08:03
kneauxthey can't be that cool08:03
Transmittermooseposse of course08:03
Four2zerohey all, was able to access the ubuntu server with putty, and now, if try to reconnect it will not give me the prompt to login ?08:03
Transmitter!ot | kneaux08:03
ubottukneaux: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:03
spike__after i have unetbootin installed where does it go at on my computer08:03
kneauxthey started it :\08:03
Emanonapplications menu08:03
Emanonsystem tools submenu08:03
mooseposselol along with standby not working my internal fan dosnt work in ubuntu either is there a way to fix that as well08:03
spike__ok thanks let me go try it08:03
gary_inNYCsweet... mogrified all pictures in a folder in one command :D thx for the tip08:03
Emanonmake sure you know which /dev/ your usb drive is08:03
Transmittermooseposse I haven't had that problem myself. If you keep coming back and asking you may find someone who has08:04
Emanonwith phatch gary_inNYC?08:04
mooseposseok thank you08:04
gary_inNYCEmanon: i used the mogrify command included in imagemagick08:04
kneauxhey does anyone know how to get rid of the empty space that happens when you have a dualhead on two different size screens08:04
Emanonahh cool08:04
Four2zerohey all, was able to access the ubuntu server with putty, and now, if try to reconnect it will not give me the prompt to login ?08:04
Transmittermooseposse I'm a big *nix supporter myself, but I'll tell you, it isn't going to be all smooth sailing with Ubuntu and your laptop08:05
Emanonoh the place where your mouse goes but nothing useful can kneaux?08:05
moosepossethis is true08:05
kneauxyeah, like your monitor08:05
kneauxalways making me be unnecessarily precise with my pointer motions and such08:05
Emanonno idea my mom has the same thing with her netbook (it has a regular monitor hooked up right now)08:05
moosepossewell I gotta go thank you for your help08:06
moosepossegood night/morning everyone (its 3 am here08:06
kneaux:( ufailtu08:07
Transmitter3pm here. I like symmetry08:07
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Transmitter!ot | Transmitter08:07
ubottuTransmitter, please see my private message08:07
Emanonok so i have full disk encryption  on the go and when i boot up the first time it is always good but once i install my graphics drivers the encryption key screen at boot is 640x480 or so instead of what it should be so its all smooshed, it works fine but what do i edit in grub to change it's resolution and is there a guitastic package for grubconfig (like kgrubeditor was)08:07
moosepossegood afternoon then ha ha from up state new york08:07
Besogondoes someone use wine for printing?08:08
Emanonno it smears all over the paper08:08
BesogonI don't know hot to set it up08:08
kneauxi use blood08:08
spike__which one is it   unetbootin-translations   or just unetbootin08:09
Emanonjust unetbootin08:09
Emanontranslations is just for other languages08:09
kneauxother, weaker languages08:09
Four2zerohello, putty is having a difficult time connect to ubuntus server ?08:10
Emanonthat cant survive in the competitive world of lipflapping08:10
TransmitterFour2zero give me the IP and I'll try08:10
TransmitterI'll even accept a URL08:10
Transmitterbut not an IPV6 address08:10
TransmitterBut quickly - the evil VS2008 is almost installed - then I shall depart08:11
Emanon!hi | Noiano08:12
ubottuNoiano: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:12
TransmitterNoiano ask away, pappy08:12
NoianoI'd like to receive a file via bluetooth but my phone doesn't "see" my pc....08:12
Four2zerothis is a locallan server08:12
Four2zeronot a public server08:13
ServerTech|BusyCan i get help in installing wine08:13
TransmitterFour2zero can you ping the server?08:13
TransmitterNoiano and you are positive bluetooth is running on your PC?08:13
spike__for     select distribution what do i pick08:13
Four2zeroTransmitter, im able to access the ftp via filezilla and remote desktop via vnc08:13
Emanongo into System>Preferences>Bluetooth and check make my computer visable08:14
Emanonspike__: ubuntu08:14
Noianowell, it should be turned on...rfkill lists the pc peripherical08:14
cryptopsybazhang: the blackberry page you gave me didn't work , and ive tried all the other folow ups int he forums08:14
Emanonand then pick the right version08:14
Emanonand make sure you have the right usb drive at the bottom08:14
NoianoEmanon, there is no such checkbox08:14
EmanonNoiano: go into System>Preferences>Bluetooth and check make my computer visable08:14
TransmitterFour2zero well, maybe you have firewalled the port you are trying to access. What are you actually trying to connect to? What service?08:15
Four2zeroTransmitter i changed the port to 212108:15
Emanonwait what versionm are you using Noia08:15
Four2zerothat all08:15
ServerTech|BusyOk, how do i install wine08:15
gary_inNYCServerTech|Busy: you can install Wine from Software Manager, or if you want the latest and greatest beta, check out the wine ppa08:15
ServerTech|BusyI do not need the beta08:15
Blue1ServerTech|Busy: sudo apt-get install wine08:16
NoianoEmanon, what version of what? :)08:16
Emanonthen make me visable should be at the top of the bluetooth config window08:16
Emanonif you have a bluetooth dongle plugged in08:17
NoianoI'll post a screenshoot08:17
Emanonabove "Friendly Name"08:17
NoianoI see "bluethooth" disabled, if I click on turn on blueth nothing happens :(08:17
Spaztic_OneHowdy all. So, I'm trying to set up a menu item, I've got the icon, the name, and the location but when it launches, it isn't running the same way as if I had clicked to open it. The file in question is the BOINC manager, which I have downloaded manually a while back and am in the middle of work units, otherwise I would probably just use the package provided. Main point being, why isn't it...08:18
Emanonnot in your panel08:18
Spaztic_One...running normally from the menu item I created, and how do I fix it?08:18
EmanonNoiano: in System manu preferences submenu bluetooth in there08:18
apoagehi, is there someone who has experience in setup wacom tablet on linux (while twinview is active (mean dual head))08:19
EmanonSpaztic_One: the shortcut you made might not have the same switches on the command as the original check the original with right click properties to see how it calls the target program08:19
NoianoEmanon, look http://yfrog.com/miscreenshotbluetoothprefp08:19
tripelbI'll try again another day.08:19
Emanondo you have a bluetooth transmitter Noiano?08:20
Emanonlike on the computer08:20
NoianoEmanon, it's embedded08:20
Noianoon windows it works08:20
NoianoI swear to god :)08:20
Spaztic_OneEmanon: As far as I can tell it does not have any switches.08:20
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EmanonSystem>Administration>Hardware Drivers Noiano see if it needs a driver08:21
NoianoEmanon, in there I can only see nvidia drivers ;)08:21
EmanonSpaztic_One: dunno then hope someone can help you08:21
Emanonhmmm maybe the bluetooth module you have is not supported yet08:21
Emanonmight consider googleing your model of computer + ubuntu 10.0408:22
Emanonwith bluetooth in there somewhere08:22
Four2zeroTransmitter, i did run screen after i've disconnected from the server, could that be the issue/08:22
Spaztic_OneEmanon: The switches would be in the name,. correct?08:22
NoianoEmanon, thanks08:22
EmanonSpaztic_One: they would be in the command08:23
Emanonlike wine -s -om -ecommand08:23
Spaztic_OneI am not seeing a command.08:23
spike__does anyone have super ubuntu08:25
guest123Hi, i've a strange behaviour when i connect to Gnome via VNC.(Ubuntu 10.10, x11vnc or tightvncserver). The gnome-sessions starts, all seems to be working, but i press a key in e.g. gedit or terminal the windows closes.08:25
Spaztic_OneEmanon: It is an executable, not a script. Don't know if that changes anything in regards to my question or finding the command.08:25
Four2zerohahah...I used the wrong port...lol08:26
Four2zeroup and running now08:26
kneauxhow do i add a custom menu08:26
Emanonright click on your menu and hit "edit menu"08:26
kneauxdirectly to the panel?08:27
Emanonyea like on your applications menu08:27
Emanonselect edit menus then on the right select add menu08:27
kneauxit puts it in one of the other menus08:27
kneauxi want one far away in the middle of the panel08:27
spike__does anyone use super ubuntu08:27
Emanondrag it out in the edit menu08:27
Slartspike__: probably.. but it isn't supported in this channel08:28
kneauxdoesn't work08:29
Spaztic_OneEmanon: Oh, of the launcher, not the file itself. Yes, the command is the path and then the file in said path. no switches.08:29
spike__what is the best of of the 9.10 ones08:29
Emanonright click select add to panel then pick the drawer i guess08:29
Emanondunno then Spaztic_One08:29
Slartspike__: huh? you mean of kubuntu/ubuntu/xubuntu etc?08:30
Spaztic_OneHmm, strange. Ubuntu seems to have the most random and inexplicable glitches for me haha08:30
Slartspike__: sorry, then I don't understand the question08:31
Acidphasemaybe someone can help me08:32
AcidphaseI just intalled 10.1008:32
Acidphaseand then the ati drivers08:32
Acidphaseand now I have no X08:32
Slart!maverick | Acidphase08:33
ubottuAcidphase: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+108:33
spike__in unetbootin there differnet one like 9.10 live ,netinstall of hdmedia08:33
Acidphaseok so need to change channels =P08:33
sambarinocan anyone help me with fixing mailman08:35
julian-Can anyone tell me if 10.10 improves power management?08:35
spike__slart u still here08:38
Spaztic_One!maverick | julian-08:39
ubottujulian-: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+108:39
Spaztic_OneWhich, I might add, was just said. =P08:39
julian-Spaztic_One: Danke08:39
julian-Spaztic_One: I joined after ;)08:39
spike__can someone plz help me08:40
GodfatherofEireQuick question, whats the command for the GNOME archive manager?08:41
Spaztic_Oneah, and gern geschehen08:41
SeitoHi everyone! I would like to use some part of my laptop RAM as a temporary storaget say for cache files. Is it possible and if so then how? Sys: Lucid, x86-64, 2.6.32-24-generic, 4GiB RAM)08:43
tgywaHello, dns client is not working ....on Ubuntu 10.04. Do I need to install any dns client package?08:44
Slartspike__: yup08:44
sacarlsonspike__: help you with what unetbootin?  without knowing what your problem might be it is very hard to help.08:44
Doyleaxisys: you there?08:45
Slartspike__: live is just that you can run it from the cd.. a live cd, like the isos you download from ubuntu.com. Netinstall means it starts the installer and then downloads packages during the install.. ie you need a live internet connection for the install.. I have no idea what hdmedia is08:45
SlartSeito: yes, it's quite easy.. let me see if I can find a howto for you08:46
sacarlsontgywa: dns client?  you might need to make sure that the file /etc/resolv.conf has a dns server that works in it08:46
SeitoThnx, Slart :)08:47
apoageSeito, : well you can try this  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=18276408:47
SeitoThanks again. I hope it will help. Good luck!08:47
mtx_inittgywa: every os has a stub resolver on it, you dont need dns software.  Make sure your resolv.conf is properly setup08:49
whosjoseHow can i burn a Video DVD?08:49
apoagehi, is there someone who has experience in setup wacom tablet on linux (while twinview is active (mean dual head))08:49
riyahow to enable sound in karmik08:49
Slartwhosjose: try devede.. nice gui, point'n'click08:49
RedEyessi keep getting the error "Could not update ICEAuthority file"08:49
RedEyesswhat do I do?08:50
RedEyessto fix it08:50
SlartRedEyess: been running gui things with sudo instead of gksudo?08:50
sacarlsonGodfatherofEire: I use File Roller  that is the default that is setup in nautilus when you double click on a compresed file.08:50
RedEyessnot sure08:50
SlartRedEyess: this might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94975008:51
RedEyesstried this08:51
RedEyessdidn't work08:51
DoyleDoes anyone see any problems with this 'find ~ / -mtime $(echo $(date +%s) - $(date +%s -d"Dec 31, 2009 23:59:59") | bc -l | awk '{print $1 / 86400}' | bc -l)'08:52
yakozahi, i wanna download youtubr clip using youtube-dl08:52
SlartRedEyess: then I think you need to pastebin some logfiles, error messages and such.. /var/log/syslog might be a good start08:52
yakozabut i get this warning08:52
yakozaERROR: unable to download video info webpage: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden08:52
DoyleThe awk command spits out a day value with a decimal place... don't know if that's supported or not.08:52
apoagewell need to restart x so good luck and have fun08:53
SlartDoyle: space between ~ and /  `08:53
JohnHeikkilaHey, anyone know how to make standalone programs?08:53
DoyleSlart: yes08:53
JohnHeikkilalike that and with .i386 or .x86_64?08:53
DoyleJohnHeikkila: what kind of program?08:54
GilesHello, I have two mice build into my laptop, a touchpad and a nipple, one of them is faulty and causes the cursor to constantly zoom off the screen08:55
GilesHow can I disable the mouse08:55
whosjoseany IDE like Visual Studios, that allows you to code and compile automatic?08:55
JohnHeikkilaDoyle: I was thinking about a program which would be like a front-end for Flasm08:55
DoyleGiles: Maybe an option in your bios.08:55
whosjoseI've tried eclipse but i can't download the software needed08:55
JohnHeikkilaDoyle: But now that I think about it, it can be an installable one, too08:56
odb|fidelwhosjose: the qt project comes with a small IDE (just one example)08:56
GilesDoyle: maybe, surely I can disable it in xorg.conf?08:56
GilesWhere does xorg.conf live in ubuntu?08:57
Slart!ide | whosjose08:58
ubottuwhosjose: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator08:58
SwedeMikeGiles: /etC/X11, but often it's not needed and doesn't exist.08:58
SwedeMikeGiles: /etc/X11/, sorry for the wrong caps.08:58
DoyleGiles: there's a program called gpointing-device-settings, have a look at it08:58
DoyleGiles: if your nub is listed you should just be able to turn it off08:58
GilesSwedeMike: mine doesn't exist, so how can I tell it what I do and don't want configured?08:59
EMPulsethe checking if I'm human thing is new...08:59
DoyleSlart: thanks! gotcha. The basics slip this late at night09:00
SwedeMikeGiles: well, you need to create one that has the sections and then you just need to add what you want changed from the defaults. you can look into the xorg.conf.failsafe , it should have the defaults.09:01
GilesDoyle: That app is perfect09:01
DoyleGiles: nice09:01
SwedeMikeGiles: http://www.pastebin.ca/1937101 is mine.09:01
GilesSwedeMike: Thanks, but I solved my problem another way09:02
JohnHeikkilaWhich programming language should I use if I want to make a cross-platform program?09:02
DoyleJohnHeikkila: are you a programmer?09:03
JohnHeikkilaDoyle: Not really, but I've just coded a lot09:03
JohnHeikkilaWhy HTML?09:03
GilesDoyle: I wouldn't call HTML a programming language09:03
JohnHeikkilamarkup language09:03
tgywamtx_init, ntpdate[1584]: name server cannot be used, reason: Temporary failure in name resolution09:03
GilesJava, Ruby, Python....etc09:03
DoyleJohnHeikkila: every os in the world can read it. Encorporate backend languages and you can build web-apps09:04
tgywamtx_init, I do think that I have the right config lines in /etc/resolv.conf09:04
JohnHeikkilaDoyle: Yes but if I want to kinda make a front-end for Flasm?09:04
GilesJohnHeikkila: it really depends on your applcation09:04
GilesJohnHeikkila: He is right, but It depends what you want to do09:05
mtx_inittgywa: not sure, maybe ask on the forums09:05
DoyleJohnHeikkila: there's no 'one' language for multi-platform applications... you could learn a few C languages, that's as close as youre going to get09:05
GilesJohnHeikkila: more traditional programming languages that are "cross-platform" are the ones I mentioned09:05
GilesJohnHeikkila: and yes, you can make any application cross-platform in almost any language09:06
JohnHeikkilaGiles: so you're now talking about the app I want to make a front-end for or the one I would make?09:06
DoyleJohnHeikkila: if you're going to write a front end for flasm... it'd be best to write specifically for each OS you want to deploy the app on09:07
JohnHeikkilaSorry, my internet crashed. Giles, did  you say something between this09:07
tgywaMy dns client is not resolving names on Ubuntu 10.04 ... any idea?09:07
tgywa ntpdate[1584]: name server cannot be used, reason: Temporary failure in name resolution09:07
Gilesno I said flasm09:07
tgywaMy dns client is not resolving names on Ubuntu 10.04 ... any idea??09:07
JohnHeikkilaGiles: "Flasm disassembles your entire SWF including all the timelines and events. "09:08
tgywaGetting thise error:  ntpdate[1584]: name server cannot be used, reason: Temporary failure in name resolution09:08
GilesJohnHeikkila: is flasm cross-platform09:08
JohnHeikkilaGiles: Yes09:09
ServerTech|Busywhat does "hg clone <link>" do?09:09
GilesJohnHeikkila: You want to write a GUI front-end?09:09
JohnHeikkilaGiles: Exactly09:09
DoyleJohnHeikkila: I'd have to say Python would suit your needs best09:10
JohnHeikkilaGiles: Flasm is command line only09:10
DoyleJohnHeikkila: it's licensing will be suitable for your situation I think considering your using Flasm09:10
AvionicXhi. i want to use left handed mouse cursor. i'm ok with default cursor as long it points right side. could anyone help me configure it. i can't find much options in admin tools to do it.09:10
JohnHeikkilaDoyle: Okay, good09:10
JohnHeikkilaAvionicX: System-->Preferences-->Mouse09:11
DoyleAvionicX: From the system menu select System > Preferences > Mouse, click Left handed09:11
JohnHeikkilaDoyle: But th09:11
JohnHeikkilaDoyle: But the problem with Python is that I've never used it :(09:11
AvionicXDoyle» yes, the function is there. but the cursor is still left pointing which is kinda of weird to use when left handed mouse. :)09:11
GilesJohnHeikkila:  So you could write it in C++ with QT09:11
GilesJohnHeikkila: C and GTK09:12
GilesJohnHeikkila: Python and PyQT09:12
GilesJohnHeikkila: Java and Swing09:12
=== hihihi100 is now known as your_favorite_ni
=== your_favorite_ni is now known as hihihi100
JohnHeikkilaGiles: Okay, thank you.09:13
GilesJohnHeikkila: what is flasm writtern in btw09:13
DoyleJohnHeikkila: learn it... You've messed around with programming so you should understand enough to dive in relatively quickly09:13
DoyleAvionicX: Did you logout and login?09:13
AvionicXDoyle» oh, nope. it pointer change automatically?09:14
AvionicXok, let me try relog.09:14
JohnHeikkilaGiles: All I know is "flasm was written by Opaque Industries (http://www.opaque.net/)"09:15
xjkxmy sound doesnt work and calling alsaconf is in vain09:15
xjkxubuntu 1009:16
xjkxlast one, just downloaded09:16
JohnHeikkilaGiles: Flasm was written in C09:16
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer
tgywaAny one to help me with: kernel: [ 3342.350118] eth0: no IPv6 routers present09:17
tgywaon ubuntu 10.0409:17
wizzlehi, anyone know how to change my laptop IP?09:17
xjkxwizzle: ifconfig ?09:17
jakeriveris there any way to fix this when i close my laptop lid the mouse cursor will disappear?09:18
Simon-MPFHwizzle, system -> preferences -> network configuration09:18
Simon-MPFHjakeriver, how do you know it's dissapeared if the lid is closed?09:18
wizzleSimon-MPFH, can u give me some tutorial?09:19
AvionicXDoyle» it didn't change anything. the cursor is still left pointing.09:19
Simon-MPFHKinda depends what the context is...   Most laptops pick up an address from DHCP from the router09:19
Doylejakeriver: updat eyour system, it was reported as a bug a few months ago09:19
Simon-MPFHWhy do you need to change it?09:19
jakeriverSimon-MPFH: ;). when i open it again the mouse is gone. i can still move the cursor but i don't see it. then i just need to restart again.09:19
Simon-MPFHjakeriver, Ah, I C.   Is your system fully up to date?  Which Ubuntu are you on?09:20
wizzlexjkx, after type ifconfig in Terminal and what next?09:21
AnanD23how to install all the packages in ubuntu which are installed in BackTrack??09:21
jakeriveri think this is 10.04 and yes it is fully updated. i did some googling and this is an old bug already 2008 noticed.09:21
AnanD23can i do that??09:21
xjkxwizzle: i'm not sure what you want to do, but if you want to change the local ip, you could ifconfig eth0 for example, being eth0 your ethernet card, by ifconfig command you can see the list09:21
xjkxthe list of ethernet cards09:22
DoyleAvionicX: ok, is your system fully up to date?09:22
sambarinocan anyone help me with trying to fix mailman ?09:22
wizzlexjkx, how to know my current ip?09:22
Simon-MPFHjakeriver, recover from sleep has always been a bit of a problem - do you sleep or hibernate on lid close?  try the other and see if that helps09:23
AvionicXDoyle» yes.09:23
DoyleAvionicX: What kind of mouse is it?09:23
xjkxwizzle: like canadacow said, ifconfig with no arguments give you the information, like ip, MAC, ethernet cards09:23
AnanD23where will i get the packages which are installed in backtrack??09:24
wizzlexjkx, so which line is my current ip?09:24
AnanD23to install them in ubuntu???09:24
jakeriverSimon-MPFH: ok, i'll try that. it was now "when lid is closed: blank screen" but i'll try suspending now. thank you.09:24
GilesDoyle: It turns out that its the nipple thats faulty not the touchpad, and gpointer-device-settings will only let me disable the touchpad ;(09:25
Doylewizzle: theone that says inet addr: for the interface your'e using... wlan - wireless for example.09:25
xjkxwizzle: if you don't see a number looking like an ip, maybe it's not even set, you could set it yourself just so you'd know the number. keep in mind that it changes the local ip09:25
AvionicXDoyle» heh, i don't think it is a mouse problem. i notice that ubuntu by default don't have opposite pointing cursors. i'll try add a right pointing cursor and set it. thanks anyway. :)09:25
JohnHeikkilaGiles: When you asked earlier, Flasm is written in C09:25
kneauxfaulty nipples, always the faulty nipples09:26
hihihi100i need help with the following: From now on, when connecting to freenode, you should identify using the command « /msg nickserv identify your_nickname your_chosen_password ».  If you don't want to have to do this, you can set your password as the server password; how this is done depends on your IRC client.09:26
DoyleGiles: ok, did you check the BIOS yet?09:26
hihihi100how do i set my psswrd as the server passwd'09:26
GilesJohnHeikkila: its harder to write cross-platform c programs not impossible09:26
AnanD23 /msg nickserv identify anand ite0800509:26
hihihi100im using xchat09:26
julian-oh the fail09:26
JohnHeikkilaGiles: Yeah, but they've managed09:26
GilesDoyle: I am looking for a solution that I can do without rebooting at this stage.09:27
WillPittengerCould some explain why my titlebar buttons are on the left rather than the right?09:27
wizzleDoyle, ok i see it. how to change it?09:27
DoyleJohnHeikkila: give up on writing one app for multiple platforms, I don't htink you're at that level09:27
GilesJohnHeikkila: it requires alot of conditional compilation09:27
xjkxwizzle: in case you're having troubles understanding where the ip is, you could paste the result of the command in pastebin.com09:28
timClicksis there a shell command that allows the nth line + 5 to be printed out, e.g. lines 200-205?09:28
DoyleGiles: fail... reboot. You're not working on a server are you?09:28
JohnHeikkilaOh well09:28
Doylewizzle: the best way to go about is to read up.. heres a good example.  http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/06/how-to-configure-static-ip-addresses-in-ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx/09:29
GilesDoyle: The bios thing might be a solution, can you think of another?09:30
xjkxwizzle: there is also the graphical solution, system -> networking09:30
jo4where would it be "correct" to save script data?09:30
JohnHeikkilaDoyle: What about only for linux?09:30
DoyleDoyle: Spend hours researching, maybe days, then finally find out which process thred is responsible for running the nib and kill it... or you could reboot and fix it in 5 minutes09:30
wizzlethanks you all. Doyle & xjkx09:30
GilesDoyle: yes I want to do it the hard way09:31
kneauxHey I'm having a weird problem fullscreening flash videos on dualhead09:31
Giles"running the nib"?09:31
DoyleJohnHeikkila: Language choice is all up to personal preference. If you know a language already try doing using it, if not, learn Python09:31
AnanD23 where will i get the packages which are installed in backtrack?? to install in ubuntu09:31
DoyleGiles: I can't support the hard way since I'm going to bed. Good luck though09:32
Doylegnight all.09:32
Emanonanyone know how to change the task panel icon for a program?09:32
spike__who in here is using 10.1009:33
spike__ubuntu 10.1009:33
AnanD23spike__, am using tht09:34
JohnHeikkilaDoyle: Okay, thank you.09:34
SwedeMikespike__: #ubuntu+1 is for 10.1009:34
AnanD23spike__, wats the matter09:34
spike__i was seeing how does it run do u have any problems with it09:34
AnanD23spike__, it s not as gud as 9.0409:35
AnanD23spike__, but gui is great09:35
DJonesspike__: Probably better to ask in #ubuntu+1 thats the support channel for it until its released and most people there would be using it and probably able to give you more detail/answers09:35
sacarlsonEmanon: right click on the icon, select properties, click icon,  pick icon image you want.09:35
hihihi100how do i set your password as the server password for your Ubuntu IRC connection?09:36
spike__i had 9.10 then updated to the 10.409:36
Emanoni mean like the icon that shows on its task bar when its open09:36
Emanonnot for the shortcur sacarlson09:36
bazhanghihihi100, ask in #freenode09:36
sacarlsonEmanon: yes on the panel right click it09:36
Emanondoesnt show any entries for properties09:37
sacarlsonEmanon: oh after the application opens?  I guess that depends on the program.09:37
Emanonyea thats why im asking09:37
spike__ok i will go ask them09:38
Emanonim in a test user so i can see if i can change everything to look like windows and see if my dad notices09:38
bazhangAnanD23, lose the caps09:38
EmanonAnanD23: and dont start a flame war09:38
bazhangAnanD23, please take that to #ubuntu-offtopic09:38
AnanD23i din mean that to flame war09:38
bazhangAnanD23, wrong channel09:38
AnanD23ok, sorrY09:39
spike__how do i s\go to #ubuntu+109:40
WillPittengerCould some explain why my titlebar buttons are on the left rather than the right?09:40
bazhangspike__, /join #ubuntu+109:40
spike__oh ok09:40
EmanonWillPittenger: just the new thing you can change em back if you like09:40
sacarlsonEmanon: I think your looking for themes as in System>preference>apperence.  I have heard of setups that mimic windows but I never tried it.09:40
WillPittengerEmanon: How?  I didn't see anything in Appearance for that.09:41
Emanonsec ill find it WillPittenger09:41
spike__im new to this chat thing just got it09:41
bazhang!controls | WillPittenger09:41
ubottuWillPittenger: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side09:41
Emanonoh there you go WillPittenger listen to him ubottu is smart09:42
WillPittengerIt worked.  Why isn't there a option in Appearance for it?09:42
GilesHow can I disable my laptops built in mice, and use an external one instead, the built in ones are faulty09:43
DJonesGiles: Do you mean disable a touchpad?09:44
Gilesyes, and also a nipple which is builtin09:44
DJones!touchpad | Giles There's a section in Ubottu's link about how to disable the touchpad09:45
ubottuGiles There's a section in Ubottu's link about how to disable the touchpad: For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad09:45
GilesWillPittenger: Oh its called a trackpoint?09:45
vinokhahaha that's funny "nippple09:45
WillPittengerWell, that was IBMs name for it when they invented it.09:45
sacarlsonEmanon: is this what you were looking for http://www.thevarguy.com/2010/01/05/ubuntu-linux-clone-looks-like-windows-xp/   problem with this one I think it's chinese?09:46
vinokGiles, system> preference > mouse> touchpad tab09:46
erupterhi all, how can i tell the (k)ubuntu installer not to mess up with my preexisting MBR???09:46
vinok!welcome | maruseru09:47
ubottumaruseru: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!09:47
GilesDJones: okay, this tells me how to disable the touchpad, how can I disable the Trackpoint?09:48
DJonesGiles: I'm not sure about the trackpoint, its not something I've ever looked into09:48
GilesDJones: I am begining to think that its the trackpoint that is faulty not the touchpad09:48
spike__i have a ?09:50
maruserudoes anyone know where firefox saves search engines .xml files on ubuntu 10.04?09:50
spike__can some one help me09:52
eruptermaruseru /usr/share/firefox/searchplugins/09:52
DeanLearnerHi everyone, hopefully someone will have experience with this. I know it's not strictly ubuntu but....09:53
GilesDoes anyone know how to disable my TrackPoint the damn thing is driving me crazy!09:53
DeanLearnerCan I use the same ssl certificate set on two different servers09:54
DeanLearner(with apache)09:54
DJonesGiles: Just a thought, is there an option in the laptops bios to disable the Trackpoint?09:54
DeanLearnerone is accessed by users in a certain office, one is accessed by those on the internet09:54
erupterGiles have you tried bios of your ibm?09:54
GilesDJones: no I just checked09:54
Gileserupter: its a Sony not IBM09:55
vinokGiles, im not sure about the trackpoint or if you can mess with it with xorg.conf.. maybe you can check /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d directory if you have the touchpad settings there09:55
WillPittengerIs there a way to set up a shortcut to always open something with root priledges?09:55
erupterGiles and it has a trackpoint? never heard... anyway it may have an option in the bios09:55
WillPittenger(Or at least attempt it?)09:55
Gilesgiles@masala:/usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d$ ls09:56
Giles05-evdev.conf  10-synaptics.conf  10-vmmouse.conf  10-wacom.conf09:56
sacarlsonDeanLearner: I think you can,  you would need to have a cert that has *.yoursite.com  so that one used comp1.yoursite.com comp2.yoursite.com09:56
Gileserupter: no option in bios09:56
maruseru/usr/share/firefox/searchplugins/   there is no folder named searchplugins, only one named defaults09:56
eruptermaruseru try /usr/lib/firefox-addons/searchplugins09:57
eruptermaruseru or /usr/lib64/firefox-x.x.x/searchplugins/09:57
sacarlsonDeanLearner: I guess you wouldn't even need that if they were on different networks as long as the sitename.com was the same the cert would also work.09:58
DeanLearnersacarlson : fantastic, thank you, was just about to follow up and ask that :)09:58
maruseruthanks erupter, its /usr/lib/firefox-addons/searchplugins09:59
eruptermaruseru you're welcome09:59
Gilesvinok: I can't see anything in those files relating to my trackpoint09:59
DeanLearnersacarlson: because in the office the dns for something.domain.com points to a local address, where as outside the office, it's our colo server09:59
th0rWillPittenger: right click on the shortcut and choose Properties. Change the shortcut to call 'gksu <command>'09:59
Gilesvinok: gpointer-device-settings calls it a DualPoint Stick10:00
erdnaseExcuse me, anyone of you here successfully ran visual basic using wine?10:00
sacarlsonDeanLearner: yes as long as your local dns server gave the correct lookup for your local mysite.com it should work.10:00
=== ServerTech is now known as ServerTech|Busy
vinokGiles, sorry if its not there, i don't know how to do it anymore =(10:02
DeanLearnersacarlson: much appreciated, thanks for your help10:02
sacarlsonDeanLearner: I assume you have something like bind9 dns server that gives the local network the ip's they need.10:02
GilesThis used to be such a simple task, you just remove the device from xorg.conf10:02
DeanLearnersacarlson: Kind of yeah, we are quite small scale, so there's just a DNS entry on the router pointing to the local server10:03
DeanLearner(I guess that could be running bind in the background though)10:03
sacarlsonDeanLearner: well if your clients  ping mysite.com from your local network and get the address of your apache2 server then it will work.10:04
DeanLearnergood good, thanks again10:04
Gilesvinok: for example http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-395197.html10:04
Emanonsee heres my abomination in progress http://imagebin.org/11348010:06
Gilesvinok: but /etc/X11/xorg.conf doesn't exist on my system10:06
sacarlsonEmanon: looks perfect to me I can't tell.10:07
erupterGiles the xorg.conf is empty from release 9 or so10:07
Emanonlook at the tray10:08
vinokGiles, yeah it should be like that... what happen to xorg.conf? is it empty?10:08
Emanonthe firefox icon is still there10:08
erupterGiles and if you used to remove lines then it's no use...10:08
spike__guess no one cares to help me10:08
erupterGiles but if you had a line citing your device and could set it to "disable" or the likes, then you can still manually populate the xorg.conf10:08
th0rspike__: you never asked a question...or are we supposed to guess?10:08
Emanonnot if you keep asking to ask spike__10:08
Emanon!ask | spike__10:09
ubottuspike__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:09
Gileshurrah:  xinput set-int-prop "DualPoint Stick" "Device Enabled" 8 010:09
vinokerupter, im using 10.4 and its not empty though10:09
GilesThank god for that.10:09
erdnase[bump] Excuse me, anyone of you here successfully ran visual basic using wine?10:09
Emanonanyways switching back to main user and wiping this abomination unto stallman from my machine10:09
eruptervinok i fought with it, i learned that by default from new releases the xorg.conf is empty as xorg autodetects everything10:09
Slart!appdb | erdnase10:10
ubottuerdnase: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help10:10
eruptergiles glad for you :p10:10
vinokGiles, problem solved?10:10
Gilessee above10:10
erdnaseSlart, I was there, no one answe- nvm, someone just did. Thanks.10:10
Slarterdnase: did you check the website? they have long lists of applications and how well they run under wine10:11
spike__ok on unetbootin which one is ubuntu is better the 9.10 live, or 9.10 hdmedia, or 9.10 netinstall10:11
WillPittengerth0r: Doesn't work.10:11
erdnaseSlart, There are? I'll check, thank you.10:11
Slart!best | spike__10:11
ubottuspike__: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.10:11
WillPittengerI tried two different programs.10:11
th0rWillPittenger: you using kde or gnome?10:11
=== OmegaPhil1 is now known as OmegaPhil
WillPittengergnome, I think.10:12
th0rWillPittenger: open a terminal and type 'gksu gedit' and see if it prompts for a password10:12
spike__yeah best10:12
WillPittengerth0r: It did.10:13
th0rWillPittenger: then the same thing should work for a launcher....just add 'gksu ' in front of the command for the launcher10:13
WillPittengerI tried the standard file manager and dolphin.  Didn't work for either.10:14
anAngelHello. How can i revert the root back to its default state because i changed its password and now its a fully active account10:14
WillPittengerNeither program even opened.10:14
th0rWillPittenger: does the launcher work at all? sounds like the shortcut might be bad10:15
th0rWillPittenger: I can't be too specific about either of those programs as I use xfce and don't have them on my system10:15
WillPittengerI took gksu off the file browser item and it worked.10:16
WillPittengernautilus --no-desktop --browser10:16
SlartanAngel: I think there is a switch for passwd that removes the password entirely.. you'll have to check the man page10:17
th0rWillPittenger: then adding gksu in front of that should open the file manager as root...I would think. Don't think there is anything 'special' about nautilus10:17
th0rWillPittenger: try it in a terminal and see if the command line works10:18
ikoniaSlart: passwd -d10:18
WillPittengerI just readded gksu and it doesn't work anymore10:18
WillPittengerth0r: I got a help page for gksu.10:19
Slartikonia: ah.. that sounds like the one.. thanks. anAngel, did you see what ikonia said three lines up?10:19
th0rWillPittenger: try gksudo instead of gksu10:19
Slartth0r: just fyi, "gksu nautilus" works just fine here on 64bit 10.0410:20
Slartth0r: from a gnome terminal, that is10:20
anAngelSlart: yeap thanks i was reading the man pages anyway10:20
th0rSlart: yeah...I thought it should work <smile>10:20
anAngelikonia: thanks10:20
WillPittengerth0r: It would really help if there was a property for that in the launcher property window.10:20
WillPittengerIn the command line, same problem.10:21
apoagehave problem with "Wacom Graphire4 4x5" tablet is working but have no idea how to enable Option "Twinview" "horizontal"  Option "TVresolution" "1280x1024,1920x1080" it was working until i reinstaled gimp10:21
WillPittengersudo works.10:21
th0rWillPittenger: try gksu 'nautilus --<whatever>'   Maybe the single quotes would help10:22
th0rWillPittenger: su would work but you would have to run it in a terminal.10:22
WillPittengerThat did it.10:22
WillPittengerBut then it said it couldn't find /home/will%u.10:23
glebihanWillPittenger, what's the exact command you typed ?10:24
WillPittengergksu "nautilus --no-desktop --browser "10:24
apoageplease help me somebody10:25
WillPittengerI don't know where the underscore came from.10:25
glebihanWillPittenger, try forcing it to go to a specified path, ie gksu "nautilus --no-desktop --browser /"10:25
WillPittengersudo seems to work.10:25
MaximLevitskyI really need a help on how to make live USB work10:26
MaximLevitskyI don't need much explanations, but really there is a low level problem with the ubuntu image that prevents its booting10:27
MaximLevitskyI just get literally 'Boot error'10:27
MaximLevitskyI tried that on two computers and I do know that both work with USB sticks10:28
apoageMaximLevitsky, : what system do you runing (means in what system do you wan to create live usb)10:28
MaximLevitskyapoage: Ubuntu 10.0410:28
MaximLevitskyapoage: and I have seen the same problem on 9.0410:28
anAngelSlart: thanks again i found the solution but the root default state is locked password - ¨passwd -l root¨ can revert the root to its default state like when ubuntu is installed so logon, su and similar things don't work10:28
MaximLevitskyapoage: I also tried to use alternative usb disc creater10:29
SlartanAngel: ah.. didn't know that.. good hunting =)10:29
MaximLevitskydon't remember its name though10:29
MaximLevitskydoesn't help at all10:29
MaximLevitskyits something with the image, and I really need the stick now10:29
apoageMaximLevitsky, i sounds like you dont have set boot mark on usb image partion or something like it10:30
* MaximLevitsky checks10:30
jongoliaHey is there anybody who can help?10:30
MaximLevitskyapoage: nope, all set10:31
MaximLevitskyapoage: also I get same error message on 2 computers10:31
jongoliaInstallation troubles: can't get to the installation welcome screen, everything's a graphical corruption.10:31
jongoliaNOMODESET doesn't work.10:31
MaximLevitskyjongolia: nvidia card?10:31
jongoliamanufacture: ASUS K40IN, Nvidia GEforce G102M10:31
MaximLevitskyjongolia: try to google around about how to disable nouveau10:32
jongoliaaight, one moment.10:32
apoageMaximLevitsky: hmm and is boot sequence in bios set to include boot from usb??10:32
MaximLevitskyapoage: yep, I even select it manually10:33
MaximLevitskyapoage: boot fails after bios passes control10:33
=== denny_ is now known as denny
MaximLevitskyapoage: assuming that live usb isn't broken for everyone, my only assumption is that partition sizes somehow choke the loader10:34
castdoesn't allowing the main user to execute any command as root, open up more security issues than just having the root account enabled? i don't see what security disabling it buys you10:34
MaximLevitskycast: sure10:35
castdoes sshd disable root login in the stock package?10:35
jongolia@BoltClock Hello.10:36
BoltClockjongolia: hi10:36
apoageMaximLevitsky: thinking ...10:36
DavsankHi. can anyone tell where on earth is the 64bit i386 architecture version for Ubuntu, because i can onlt find amd64 and i'm not using AMD...10:37
bazhangDavsank, they're the same10:38
erUSUL!amd64 | Davsank10:38
ubottuDavsank: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.10:38
DavsankerUSUL how about Intel then?10:38
erUSULDavsank: AMD designed the architecture so they choose the name10:38
bazhangDavsank, same10:39
DavsankerUSUL So how caome i see packages built for i 386?10:39
erUSULDavsank: intel processors implement the amd64 architecture. ( they call it EMT64 )10:39
erUSULDavsank: that's for 32 bits10:39
casterUSUL: EM64T, but now they call it Intel 64, and it is slightly different to AMD6410:40
DavsankerUSUL: is there an EMT64 version then? or is i 386 considered to be 32 bit?10:40
erUSULcast: intel64 is itanium and has nothing to do with pc's10:40
apoageMaximLevitsky: ehm wile you have coppyed system(live iso or something) on usb  try to reinstall mbr on usb by "install-mbr /dev/your_usb_device"10:40
erUSULDavsank: the amd64 version is compatible with *both* intel and amd cpu's10:40
casterUSUL: no. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_64#Intel_6410:40
erUSULDavsank: i can say it louder but i can not say it clearer10:41
MaximLevitskyapoage: I used ubuntu's disk creator10:41
Loth`use the amd64 version10:42
castit's important to note that Intel 64 and AMD64 are *not* identical, though as far as most users go it doesn't matter10:42
cramheadhey there is ppc ubuntu supported here?10:43
Loth`it will work10:43
erUSUL!ppc | cramhead10:43
ubottucramhead: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ10:43
cramheadwell im trying to install it on a powerbook g4 but it hangs when trying to pass the 3rd screen (selecting keyboard layout)10:43
ttiiccwhen do you guys think gnome3 will be shipped with a stable version of ubuntu?10:44
glebihanttiicc, I would say not before 11.10 or 12.04, but that's just a guess10:44
BoltClockttiicc: soon enough10:45
ttiiccwhich's the big differences between debian and ubuntu10:45
bazhangttiicc, lets take this to #ubuntu-offtopic10:46
ttiiccI have been working in debian and I would like to try out ubuntu, what will be the biggest differences?10:46
gnomefreakpl ease continue this topic in #ubuntu-offtopic10:46
gnomefreakbazhang: :)10:46
bazhangttiicc, thats outside the scope of this channel, thanks10:46
apoageMaximLevitsky, ok its correct way but try rewrite that mbr to usb its may help10:46
MaximLevitskyapoage: nope, install-mbr doesn't help10:46
kmfn #glug.za10:47
cramheadany clues why the installer hangs when trying to insall on a powerbook g4? At the select keyboard layout bit10:47
Alborzhow can i add a new partition to my 300GB hdd ?10:50
apoageMaximLevitsky: one more try just try to setup in bios usb as first bootable device .. but have no idea why it is refusing to boot10:51
MaximLevitskyapoage: BIOS does boot it10:51
sacarlsonAlborz: look at gparted10:51
MaximLevitskyapoage: the code in the bootloader in the stick fails10:51
AlborzI tried and created two partitions but it says they are both mounted on same place10:52
Alborzsomeone plz clarify this mount thing10:52
erUSULAlborz: it is alredy mounted. check the output of « cat /proc/mounts »10:53
apoageMaximLevitsky, ehh wel you firs sad it have error after boot while boot loader fails i thing it is caused by some incompatybylity/bug or something try another disk image10:54
MaximLevitskyapoage: that could be10:54
MaximLevitskyapoage: meanwhile I found this http://www.rigadicomando.org/node/5810:54
Killsmy movie player sometimes mutes the sound when Im playing mkv files what to do?10:55
Alborz sacarlson thanks10:55
glebihanKills, which movie player is it ?10:56
Killsthe default10:57
apoageMaximLevitsky, yes this is the hard way .. but sometimes it helps10:57
glebihanKills, I would suggest using another one such as VLC or mplayer10:57
AlborzKills, use vlc 1.1.410:57
Killsmplayer doesn't work at all10:57
Killsit only palys sound -.-10:58
apoageMaximLevitsky, try the last step qemu /dev/sdb10:58
Davsankbuh.. what's the point of a ping/pong bot if it doesn't show the round trip time///10:58
MaximLevitskyapoage: I did, and it works,,,,10:58
Killsi hope vlc is better on ubuntu than on windows10:58
airtonixDavsank, timestamps ?10:58
bazhangDavsank, please stay on topic   /msg ubottu factoid10:58
pie_timeis there a way to copy your ubuntu installation from one partition to another and then install windows on the partition that ubuntu used to be installed on?10:58
airtonix!clone > pie_time10:59
ubottupie_time, please see my private message10:59
pie_timeairtonix, thanks! how about the second half of my question?10:59
airtonixpie_time, after you install windows and have re imaged the second drive/partition you need to re-initilalise grub10:59
airtonix!grub > pie_time11:00
ubottupie_time, please see my private message11:00
apoageMaximLevitsky, and in real boot ?11:00
bazhangairtonix, grub211:00
pie_timei dont think i can handle all that11:00
MaximLevitskyapoage: Single text bessage11:00
pie_timethanks though11:00
MaximLevitskyapoage: "Boot error"11:00
Blue1pie_time: http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=31411:00
bazhangMaximLevitsky, bad usb 'burn'11:01
bazhangMaximLevitsky, try unetbootin11:01
MaximLevitskyapoage: Don't think so, and I tried it11:01
MaximLevitskyapoage: Same thing11:01
sintanyone here working with mdadm raid5 software raid?11:02
jatt can you recommend a good external usb drive to use with ubuntu11:02
castjatt: any one should be fine11:02
sinti've created a raid with 4 disks and wonder why only 4 disks are used and one disk is called spare11:03
d3vili have in a folder some apps (from backtrack) and i want to add this apps to menu.11:03
d3vildoes any know how can i add it ??11:03
bazhangd3vil, `backtrack not supported here11:03
d3vilok ..11:03
apoageMaximLevitsky, hmm try anothe image have no idea where is an error if it is caused by hardware or by boot image or usb key it self ...11:03
sintoh, i mean 3 disks are used and 1 spare11:03
bazhangd3vil, try #backtrack-linux11:03
apoageMaximLevitsky, *another11:04
d3vilbut i want to add entries to menu from a folder!11:04
MaximLevitskyapoage: I did once11:04
bazhangd3vil, using backtrack?11:04
MaximLevitskyapoage: I think 8.10 would work just fine11:04
MaximLevitskyapoage: I did that a month ago or so11:04
d3viland ubntu..11:05
bazhangd3vil, then get help in their channel11:05
apoageMaximLevitsky, i did same thing with 10.4 month ago but had no error (mean fatal error)11:05
Gigacorehey guys, I am not able to upgrade to ubuntu 10.10 beta.. I am getting an error "Could not calculate the upgrade"11:09
andrewfreeso basicly im doing vnc to a headless server from my mac laptop, and I cant type on it because they keyboard is tottaly not right11:09
bazhangGigacore, #ubuntu+1 for that11:09
ikoniaGigacore: 10.10 discussion in #ubuntu+1 please11:09
AutonomiserGigacore: Clean install.11:09
andrewfreelike when I type a space a 7 comes out and other weird shit11:10
apoageMaximLevitsky, that http://www.rigadicomando.org/node/58 shuld work great ... (only you shuld use /media/ instead /mnt/ but it das not mater while it is forced to mnt)11:11
MaximLevitskyapoage: yes, I have no problems doing these instructions11:12
lelaciao a tutti11:16
lelaho un un problema11:17
maco!it | lela11:17
ubottulela: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:17
apoageMaximLevitsky, so you have right created image on usb and still failed to boot still sounds like hardware or live image problem im out of ideas11:18
MaximLevitskyapoage: Thanks for your help though11:18
MaximLevitskyapoage: I think its is something to do with geometry11:18
jongoliablacklisting nouveau and removing 'quiet splash' still doesn't solve the problem at install screen, any ideas?11:20
Bo|SuSince using mozilla namoroka in lucid, i cannot interact with videos on youtube (volume, play...etc.).  I was up to date on all updates and reinstalled flash as well. For the heck of it, I tried chrome and have the same problem. I do not know what started it.11:22
jribBo|Su: does the issue persist if you disable compiz?11:23
Bo|Suyes, i stopped using that long ago to speed my boot11:23
MaximLevitskyapoage: fdisk told me about inconsistency between, but DRAT, manual partition table didn't help11:24
apoageMaximLevitsky: geometry shuld not cause things like this in case of usb drive (only with active media lide dvd cd or harddrive it shuld mater but while you using usb it cause only speed of i/o until it is not set to some astronomical numbers) emm sory i cant help with it11:24
mamoothHi there11:24
jribBo|Su: well there used to be https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/444757 .  I guess you can test the workaround before we try other things11:25
Bo|Suwill do. tnk11:25
apoageMaximLevitsky, em try to remove all partions on flash a create new with default block size11:26
jribBo|Su: of course I linked you to a dupe (see the last comment)11:26
MaximLevitskyapoage: I already did. I smell a bug in bootloader that doesn't like something.11:27
Bo|Sunp. noticed it quick ;)11:29
apoageMaximLevitsky: boot loader bugs are a bit out of my knowledge :D .. only thing witch stills is byt alchemy with that usb in fdisk but it look like it das not helps11:30
ha55anhi, I have just installed 10.04.1 on an HP z400 workstation, the installation went fine. the problem is that ubuntu does not boot now. No way to even get to grub. the waird thing is that i hear the ubuntu notification sound and then the screen goes into powersave mode. any ideas?11:31
Davsankha55an, the computer shuts down? or it stops recognizing the screen?11:32
apoagecan anybody help me have problem with "Wacom Graphire4 4x5" tablet is working but have no idea how to enable Option "Twinview" "horizontal"  Option "TVresolution" "1280x1024,1920x1080" it was working until i reinstaled gimp11:32
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »11:32
jribha55an: spacebar, ctrl-alt-f1 all do nothing?11:32
ha55anDavsank: it does not shoutdown, if i do the raising elephants tricks, it reboots. so i know it must be running. but the screen shuts down. if i do CTRL ALT and F4 for example to get to the shell, the keyboard stops responding, and nothing happens on the screen11:34
ha55anjrib: the keyboard stops responding if i do that11:37
jribHermes: do what?  Press space bar even?11:37
HermesDoes Ubuntu any solution for Cloud Computing?11:37
UbuXubuok back see runs fast on a gig11:37
HermesDoes Ubuntu any solution for Cloud Computing?11:38
HermesDoes Ubuntu have any solution for Cloud Computing?11:38
bazhang!repeat | Hermes11:38
ubottuHermes: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com11:38
BoltClockbazhang: he was correcting a typo11:39
mouseAnyone happen to know how to put a character limit on pidgin messenger?11:39
BoltClockmouse: character limit in the message display or the input box?11:39
mouseFor the input box.11:39
Hermesany one is familiar with clustering?11:39
sometuxHermes: be specific, what's your problem?11:41
Bo|Suit would appear as though adobe is currently not supporting x86 linux flash 10. The work arounds for mozilla failed a make a difference after purging all previous flash installed files along with mozilla. I do not believe this bug report has been closed (though opened in jaunty). Any suggestions?11:42
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HermesI have a program which is written in python. I want to cluster it. any one can help me?11:42
=== bsod1 is now known as bsod1_
bazhangHermes, cluster a program?11:42
jribBo|Su: why do you make the statement that you believe "adobe is currently not support x86 linux flash 10"?11:42
sometuxHermes: network clustring?11:43
sometuxHermes: searched google?11:43
jribBo|Su: right.  Use nspluginwrapper (ubuntu does this for you automatically)11:43
MrUnagican anyone help me troubleshoots 550 5.1.1 errors when trying to receive mail11:44
HermesYes, but I am not sure about which technology is better?11:44
jribBo|Su: in the future, say x86-64 :)11:44
HermesI want to know that Ubuntu has any proprietary solution or not?11:44
Bo|SuI figured that would be the case. tnk   (rodger that!)11:44
bazhangHermes, cloud computing and clustering a program? there some relation to Ubuntu with this?11:44
apoagecan anybody help me have problem with "Wacom Graphire4 4x5" tablet is working but have no idea how to enable Option "Twinview" "horizontal"  Option "TVresolution" "1280x1024,1920x1080"11:45
HermesI want to user Ubuntu for my platform.11:45
HermesI want to use Ubuntu for my platform.11:45
undertugaHermes: check Ubuntu with Eucalyptus (Ubuntu cloud)!11:46
undertugaHermes: ya can make your own for development porpuses!11:46
sometuxHermes: network clustering isn't so complicated, there should be open source one there11:46
rob_pMrUnagi: The SMTP status code suggests user unknown.  Is the user that the smtp server is handling mail for, valid?11:47
MrUnagithats what i cant seem to figure out, i can send mail from that user just fine, receiving doesnt work11:47
MrUnagidoes that not indicate that the user isvalid?11:48
Hermesany one has experience with Eucalyptus?11:49
rob_pMrUnagi: No.  Your smtp server will relay mail for anyone, as long as they are local.11:49
glebihanMrUnagi: what protocol are you using to retrieve mails ?11:49
rob_pMrUnagi: ...even made-up users.11:49
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC Hermes11:50
peydjВсем прива!!11:50
bazhang!ru | peydj11:50
ubottupeydj: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:50
ProfessorBaconwhat the11:51
undertugaHermes: get your own copy of Ubuntu server, then check out this url: http://fnords.wordpress.com/2009/10/04/run-your-own-uec-part-1/11:52
undertugaHermes: you can start from there!11:52
rob_pMrUnagi: I'm assuming you are running postfix and you want it to deliver mail to a local user's mail spool.  Am I correct in that assumption?11:53
Hermeswhat about performance of Eucalyptus?11:54
erupter___anybody familiar with PlayerStage ?11:55
undertugaHermes: depends on the machines that you use as nodes! but Eucalyptus is way wicked!11:55
rob_pMrUnagi: Are you still with us?11:56
glebihanrob_p: no he's left11:56
rob_pglebihan: Yeah, I noticed that just after pressing enter!  :-)11:56
Hermes<undertuga> what about a Pentium III?11:57
olliewith alien arena?11:59
ollieHelp with alien arena?11:59
lukuswhere should i go to talk about merkat?11:59
Hermesundertuga: what about a Pentium III?11:59
bazhang#ubuntu+1 lukus11:59
StaRetjiFolks, I have problem with casper-rw, it's seems that fs is damaged. How can I scan and fix it?12:00
olliewhen i play alien arena i can use my mouse to select game options and change setting but when i enter a match my mouse does not work. Any help?12:00
undertugaHermes: ya can use even 2.8.6's as nodes, lol! depends how much performance you need on it! it depends on many nodes you use, and in the end, on the stability of the source code running!12:01
HiddenHeroDHsomeone can help me with these errors in make? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/491529/12:02
MrUnagirob_p: this time i know for sure that the user exists12:02
MrUnagisame error12:02
jribHiddenHeroDH: what are you compiling?12:04
HiddenHeroDHjrib: fortran source code12:04
jribHiddenHeroDH: that you wrote?12:05
olliewhen i play alien arena i can use my mouse to select game options and change setting but when i enter a match my mouse does not work. Any help?12:05
HiddenHeroDHjrib: when i try to do make, it show me these errors, i have tried to install mpi libraries but doesn't work12:06
jribHiddenHeroDH: and my question?12:06
LinuxReignthat happens only on Alien Arena?12:06
rob_pMrUnagi: I'm assuming you are running postfix and you want it to deliver mail to a local user's mail spool.  Am I correct in that assumption?12:07
ollieIts happens 75% of the time12:07
HiddenHeroDHjrib: i'm installing a software. I haven't write these fortran code12:07
LinuxReigntry this on a terminal, export SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE=112:07
olliei typed in SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE=1 but nothing happens12:08
LinuxReignyes, I just read that on the Forums12:09
LinuxReignlet me double check12:09
ollieok thanks12:09
LinuxReignollie, check this link please http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155374912:10
LinuxReignthe command should be written within the game i think12:11
LinuxReignon a console12:11
mouseAnyone happen to know how to put a character limit on the input box for pidgin messenger?12:12
ollieOk thanks got it working thanks12:13
nyc-h0stcan anyone tell me why int 10.04 iptables NAT table doesnt work, gives me iptables v1.4.4: can't initialize iptables table `NAT': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)12:14
=== Zain is now known as ExtremeDevilz
glebihanmouse: you mean limit the length of the messages you're sending with pidgin ?12:17
jribHiddenHeroDH: the less vague you are, the easier we can help you.12:17
mouseglebihan, Yes sir.12:17
nyc-h0stcome on, noone is doing nat with 10.04?12:18
glebihanmouse: I don't think there's a way to do that12:18
ko0lAidhi ubuntu12:18
mouseglebihan, Not even a character counter?12:19
glebihanmouse: you may look if a plugin exists, but I doubt it12:19
AijseI d loaded the latest moonlight at http://www.go-mono.com/moonlight installed restared f-fox and still pages with silverlight don't work. Is this the comon experience? or am I doin it wrong?12:19
glebihanmouse: is there a particular reason you need this ?12:19
mouseglebihan, I've been looking but I can't find one in the repositories.  There's one for windows though.12:19
LinuxReignthe plugin for pidgin will not be on the repos, you need to look for it within the pidgin software12:20
glebihanmouse: I think this should work, thought I haven't tested it : http://dossy.org/2007/10/character-counting-plugin-for-pidgin/12:20
mouseglebihan, Some people on yahoo have messengers on their phones and the yahoo messenger for phones only accepts so many characters.  139 if I remember right.  Anything past that gets cut off.  It's a real problem.12:20
mouseglebihan, Yeah that's for windows.12:20
volatile_rinchi all. does anyone know how to remove a package that throws error on deinstallation?12:21
glebihanmouse: there's also a deb package : http://static.panoptic.com/pidgin/pidgin-convcharcount-plugin_2.3.1-1_i386.deb12:21
glebihanmouse: tested it, seems to work12:23
meeranot shure, think have something wrong installed12:23
mouseglebihan, I'm always kinda cautious of installers from the web instead through the repositories.12:24
ExtremeDevilzcan anyone recommand me a linux12:24
ExtremeDevilzbased on12:24
ExtremeDevilzmoo: os: Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition - Service Pack 2 (5.1.2600) up: 5mins 25secs cpu: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.73GHz (x86) at 1729MHz gfx: Intel Corporation Intel(R) 915GM/GMS,910GML Express Chipset 128MB res: 1024x768 32bit 60Hz ram: 293/502.4MB (58.22%) [||||||----] hdd: C:\ 34.66GB/55.88GB net: Intel[R] PRO_Wireless 2200BG Network Connection - Packet Scheduler12:24
ExtremeDevilzMiniport - 54MB/s 0B In 0B Out12:24
meerasorry dont know whats wron look in book12:24
FloodBot2ExtremeDevilz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:24
glebihanmouse: I understand but that kind of things, you'll rarely find packages in the repos12:24
mouseglebihan, That sucks.12:25
joshhi everyone12:25
LinuxReignhiya josh12:25
glebihanmouse: well that kind of packages are often built by individuals, and the process to get a package into official repositories is not simple12:26
mamoothI'm trying to launch firefox from within a php page, for the purpose of printing to pdf. For instance, here a simple script which do that : http://pastie.org/1149825 . The problem is : When this script is launched from the command line, all is fine. But when I reach it through a LAMP server, nothing append, the command seems to abort immediately.12:26
icerootmamooth: dont do that, print directyl with php, dont call x-apps with php12:27
thiagossHello, yesterday I decided to take a look on js and went to install gjs. The problem is that the installation (with apt-get) fails with 'broken package', seems to be related to the xulrunner version. Do any of you know if there's a current bug about this? I've searched around and this seems to have happened and got fixed some times already.12:27
glebihanmouse: plus, I don't say that you shouldn't be cautious, but I never encountered a package which caused damage to my system12:27
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mamoothiceroot, what are the limitations of calling X apps with php?12:28
HiddenHeroDHjrib: have you read my paste?12:28
jribHiddenHeroDH: yes.12:28
HiddenHeroDHjrib: so you don't know how to solve the problem12:28
icerootmamooth: security, ugly, php can do it directly, ugly and very ugly12:28
jribHiddenHeroDH: I cannot help you if you don't answer my questions, no12:29
mouseglebihan, How would you know if it's harmful before it's too late anyways?12:29
HiddenHeroDHjrib: i answered you :)12:29
jribHiddenHeroDH: k12:29
glebihanmouse: you can always have a look at the files in the package, or even at the source code before installing it12:29
mamoothiceroot, regring our requirements for generating pdf, firefox give actually the bests results. I can take care of security issues. What I need to know is: Is this technically possible?12:30
HiddenHeroDHjrib: i'm following a tutorial to install a software, but make command show me errors in the paste12:31
jribHiddenHeroDH: look, I can't help you if you don't answer my question.  If you don't want to tell me what you are compiling for whatever reason, ask the channel for help12:31
icerootmamooth: sure it is12:31
OneMillionDollarwhy ubuntu 8.04 wont auto upgrade itself to the latest 10 version ?12:32
mouseglebihan, I suppose.  Thanks for the help.12:32
jribOneMillionDollar: it offers the upgrade and you have to tell it you want it12:32
HiddenHeroDHjrib: i'm compiling a configuration for a software called NEMO, the configuration is called ORCA2_LIM12:32
glebihanmouse: you're welcome12:32
mamoothiceroot, do you have a idea of what cause the process to abort when I reach the script through apache?12:33
ebrima1thank mouse12:33
philinuxOneMillionDollar: Backup first then open a terminal and use update-manager -d12:33
OneMillionDollari mean why can't the auto update feature update it12:33
icerootmamooth: the error-log should tell you12:33
bazhangphilinux, that's not the correct command12:33
jribHiddenHeroDH: you read its documentation and made sure you had the required dependencies.  Do you have a link for this project?12:34
van7huWhat is difference between building a packet and install a packet12:34
jribvan7hu: you mean "package"?12:34
bazhang!compile > van7hu12:34
ubottuvan7hu, please see my private message12:34
HiddenHeroDHjrib: yes but you must log in to see the documentation12:34
StaRetjiFolks, need help with casper-rw on usb stick. I have some read/write errors and I would like to scan usb for errors, but it warns be that it is dangerous as system is mounted. Any help would be highly appreciated ;)12:34
Dr_Willisvan7hu:  its a 'package' if you mean .deb  building == compiling, installing = putting it in the system12:34
philinuxbazhang:  my bad not enough coffe12:34
bazhang!software > van7hu12:34
glebihanvan7hu: building means compiling it, when you install it's already compiled, and you just put the files in the right places12:35
Dr_WillisStaRetji:  you could use dd_rescue to dd the whole thing to a file and then fsck/recover from that.12:35
jribHiddenHeroDH: honestly the errors look like bugs.  Did you try contacting the project (forums, mailing list, their own irc channel, whatever?)12:36
philinuxOneMillionDollar: Sorry should be this. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LucidUpgrades#Upgrade%20from%208.04%20LTS%20to%2010.04%20LTS12:36
StaRetjiDr_Willis: I have dd image backed up, should i run fsck/recover?12:36
van7hubot is good ;-)12:36
StaRetjiI've disconnected usb stick, and pluged to another system, can you help me from there?12:37
adoki need to replace this string config.php with this one, config.php?display=modules&type=tool&extdisplay=upload but i cant because sed is messing with all the &&& marks12:37
adokhow can i fix this?12:37
meeratried to install x-chat and  irc freenodenet, problem causes pic, looks different in book, not shure if I forgot something, seems to funtion if write something in here12:37
HiddenHeroDHjrib: do you think that these are errors in fortran programming?12:37
mamoothiceroot, this is the problem, I have absolutely no feedback of what is happening, either in the log files or with return of the exec() function12:37
mouseglebihan, Thanks again for the help.  It works so perfectly.12:37
jribHiddenHeroDH: well they say you need to pass the -fwhateveryourpastebinsays switch to (I guess) gfortran12:37
glebihanmouse: you're welcome :)12:37
mamoothiceroot, here's a debug script that isolate the problem: http://pastie.org/114982512:38
mamoothif I run it in the shell, all went fine.12:38
cptblodi just installed ubuntu 10.4.1 but i cannot install nvidia drivers properly, all i end up with is a resolution of 640x480, but the driver seems to work, what do i do?12:38
stk322so...why Ubuntu Linux?12:38
HiddenHeroDHjrib: is it an error on gfortran option?12:38
icerootmamooth: but you are not running it as the www-data user which apache is12:38
icerootmamooth: so i guess apache cant open the display12:38
stk322I hear reasons all the time for "why not windows"12:39
glebihanmouse: by the way, if you really fear packages to damage your system, you could install a test system on a virtual machine and install packages there before installinh them on your main system12:39
icerootmamooth: and DONT run apache as another user!12:39
FloodBot2MASTER: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:39
bazhangMASTER, ?12:39
LinuxReigni need to backup my CoD 4 disc, anyone knows something on GNU/Linux similar to Alcohol able to do that?12:39
mamoothiceroot, I use apache2-mpm-itk12:39
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:40
bazhangLinuxReign, k9copy12:40
jribHiddenHeroDH: it looks like that switch needs to be passed, your best bet is contacting upstream support12:40
volatile_rincLinuxReign, just dd it12:40
mouseglebihan, Yeah I used to do that until I found out not everything works the same since it uses virtual hardware.12:40
mamoothso the process is assigned to the desired user at the fork time12:40
LinuxReignI will try dd, lets see how it goes and thx12:40
glebihanmouse: yes there are issues, but in most cases, it'll allow you to check if the package does what it pretends to12:41
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
cptblodi just installed ubuntu 10.4.1 but i cannot install nvidia drivers properly, all i end up with is a resolution of 640x480, but the driver seems to work, what do i do?12:47
verywisemani am running ubuntu 9.04 in my hp mini 210-1000, and wireless is working , but i want to know which is package that provide wireless driver?12:47
mamoothiceroot, the problem come specifically from firefox. For example, I can run others X apps using the same display12:49
Ubuntu-IRChello I need to ban one members12:49
Ubuntu-IRCin my IRC server started by bash comand ubuntu12:49
bazhangUbuntu-IRC, what?12:49
Ubuntu-IRCit's the name12:49
Ubuntu-IRCsomething like that12:49
mamoothis the fact that /usr/bin/firefox link to sh script could be the cause of the problem?12:50
Ubuntu-IRCI don't know the Oper comand12:50
Ubuntu-IRCcan you tell me, Please ?12:50
bazhangUbuntu-IRC, try in #freenode12:50
dpac_Ubuntu-IRC: Why don't you first google? :)12:50
owd95when i minimize a window without compiz a uggly line shows, can i change so the line don't shows? heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp12:50
Ubuntu-IRCdpac_ I've search but find nothing12:51
dpac_Ubuntu-IRC: http://everything2.com/title/IRC+Ban+syntax12:51
Ubuntu-IRCdpac_ need to ban12:52
Ubuntu-IRCby server not channel12:52
bazhangUbuntu-IRC, that has nothing to do with Ubuntu12:52
bazhangUbuntu-IRC, /join #freenode12:52
=== ServerTech|Busy is now known as ServerTech
Ubuntu-IRC<bazhang> already done12:53
Ubuntu-IRCbut no one reply12:53
=== ServerTech is now known as ServerTech|Busy
cptblodi just installed ubuntu 10.4.1 but i cannot install nvidia drivers properly, all i end up with is a resolution of 640x480, but the driver seems to work, what do i do?12:53
bazhangUbuntu-IRC, you're not there.12:53
EMPulseis anyone familiar with the science programs12:56
AlchimistaEMPulse: wich science programs?12:57
EMPulseMolecule Viewer12:57
glebihan!details | EMPulse12:57
ubottuEMPulse: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:57
EMPulsealchimista: Molecule Viewer and Oregano12:57
AlchimistaEMPulse: with those no :s12:57
EMPulseAlchimista: Alot of the science programs are designed pretty damn badly12:58
EMPulseAlchimimsta: gEDA Schmatic editor is absolutely horrible12:58
AlchimistaEMPulse: well, you can help the devs..12:58
Ubuntu-IRC(13:59) [Notice] OperServ : OperServ commands:12:59
Ubuntu-IRC(13:59) [Notice] OperServ : GLOBAL Send a message to all users12:59
Ubuntu-IRC(13:59) [Notice] OperServ : STATS Show status of Services and network12:59
Ubuntu-IRC(13:59) [Notice] OperServ : OPER Modify the Services operator list12:59
Ubuntu-IRC(13:59) [Notice] OperServ : ADMIN Modify the Services admin list12:59
FloodBot2Ubuntu-IRC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:59
EMPulseAlchimista, yeah good idea. I'm going to see if Molecule Viewer has a dev website12:59
bazhangUbuntu-IRC, wrong channel.  join #freenode12:59
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Guest36432nick renfox13:01
realburbhi I want to run a file/vdr-server on 10.04 the drivers for my tv card are in >=2.6.34 can I use this one http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.34-lucid/linux-image-2.6.34-020634-generic_2.6.34-020634_amd64.deb instead of the original kernel? Or is there a more stable one for lucid?13:01
glebihan!language | Ubuntu-IRC13:02
ubottuUbuntu-IRC: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:02
volkanDo you speak Turkish?13:05
volkanhelp me ?13:05
DJones!tr | volkan13:05
ubottuvolkan: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.13:05
aaaoooaaahi guys have a question about nvidias xserver settings panel: WHen I change the settings and restart the changes arent saved, what should I do to make sure changes stay permanent and are applied? ubuntu karmic13:08
ko0lAidaaa000aaaa: yes13:08
ko0lAidclick the apply to xfile button13:09
LinuxReignaaaoooaaa, open a terminal type, sudo nvidia-settings, make tha changes and click on Save to X Config file, then restart, your changes will be saved13:09
cptblodi just installed ubuntu 10.4.1 but i cannot install nvidia drivers properly, all i end up with is a resolution of 640x480, but the driver seems to work, what do i do?13:09
aaaoooaaaLinuxReign: there is no "save to x config file" only "save current configuration" which opens up a "save to" dialog13:10
LinuxReigncptblod, how are installing the nvidia drivers?13:10
LinuxReignaaaoooaaa, yes, thats the one, sorry, can't remember the exact text13:10
cptblodi've tried sudo apt-get install nvidia-current and also the package from nvidia.com13:10
aaaoooaaaLinuxReign: what file should I save it to and where?13:10
cptblodtried the beta from nvidia.com too13:11
MaximLevitskyFolks do you know how to boot a live disk and tell it to use failsafe X mode?13:11
MaximLevitskyIs there an boot option?13:11
philinuxMaximLevitsky: press any key as soon as graphics appears13:11
=== hamid is now known as Guest64795
LinuxReignaaaooooaaaa, once the perform the changes and click to save the file will be generated automatically13:11
LinuxReignaaaoooaaa, you will never see it13:12
Dr_Willis cptblod  you have checked the forums? also you may want to state what your exact video chipset is - to see if anyone else n the hcannel has used that chipset.13:12
LinuxReignbut it will be there13:12
cptblodDr_Willis: no, im checking here as i want help directly :) it's an nvidia 9400gt card13:12
Dr_Williscptblod:  its also possible its how its detecting your monitor thats the issue. not the video card. Are you using VGA/DVI? what sort of connection?13:13
aaaoooaaaLinuxReign: when i click on "save current config" I get a "save to" dialog with a default filename ".nvidia-settings-rc" @ /root13:13
MaximLevitskyphilinux: and then?13:13
cptblodDr_Willis: im using VGA->DVI atm13:14
LinuxReignaaaooooaaa, that should do it13:14
Dr_Williscptblod:  Try it without an adaptor if you can figure out how.13:14
LinuxReignbrb, changing location13:15
Dr_Williscptblod:  ive see all sorts of odd quirks with those adaptors13:15
philinuxMaximLevitsky: The usual menu options appear.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146947513:15
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philinuxMaximLevitsky: It just one issue affecting lucid13:15
MaximLevitskyphilinux: I talked with one user now, and we ended up booting into rescure mode and editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:17
=== ypeng is now known as yangpeng
cptblodi will try VGA native now Dr_Willis13:17
philinuxMaximLevitsky: Failsafe mode is one of the menu option along with Check cd for defects ect.13:18
cptblodsame res Dr_Willis13:18
cptblodonly 640x480 and 320x24013:18
Dr_Williscptblod:  can you run the 'nvidia-settings' tool ?13:18
MaximLevitskyphilinux:where ?13:19
MaximLevitskyphilinux: I use 10.413:19
undecimwhat's name of the binary for  the DUA?13:20
undecim(disk usage analyzer)13:20
cptblodDr_Willis: yes13:21
philinuxMaximLevitsky: unless you hit any key when the first graphic shows up all you get is install or try ubuntu. They decided to make the install non interactive. :/13:21
BesogonI have 2 eth cards. but I can't turn on broadcast between them13:21
BesogonIs there some secret I don't know13:22
MaximLevitskyphilinux: I did hit a key13:22
philinuxMaximLevitsky: And what menu appeared13:22
undecimBesogon: You mean to share the connection between the two?13:22
undecim!ics | Besogon13:22
ubottuBesogon: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php13:22
=== shark is now known as Guest43553
MaximLevitskyfew things, checks for defects for example13:23
philinuxMaximLevitsky: Is safe graphics not an option then.13:23
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Wren01I need to know the program that allows you to use wifi drivers on linux13:28
glebihanMaximLevitsky: try adding the "single" option to boot13:28
undecimWren01: You talkign about ndiswrapper?13:28
icerootWren01: ndiswrapper if you mean "allows to use windows ndrivers on linux"13:28
undecimWren01: It's the one that lets you run some broadcom drivers on linux13:28
Wren01yeah that's it13:28
undecimWren01: Though since broadcom released linux drivers, i don't think there is any use for it now13:29
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:29
icerootundecim: there are other chipsets too which needs ndiswrapper13:30
undecimiceroot: Oh, I see13:30
undecimiceroot: I thought the one bcm released worked for all chipsets13:30
icerootundecim: i mean other chipsets then broadcom13:30
undecimiceroot: oh XD13:31
dr4gI'm trying to install ffmpeg library so that i can compile the ffmpeg-php5 package.13:34
dr4gsee here:13:34
=== ServerTech is now known as ServerTech|Busy
dr4gAssuming php5-ffmpeg is the php extension, where would it be installed to ?13:34
popeydr4g: why not just apt-get install php5-ffmpeg13:34
dr4gpopey, i done that, as you can see from pastebin13:35
popeydr4g: what are you trying to compile then?13:35
dr4gpopey, its ok it done it itslf i just had to reboot httpd13:35
longhenaciao list13:36
DJones!it | longhena13:36
ubottulonghena: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:36
dr4gpopey, i'm not sure where it install the php5 extension though. - there is no .ini file in.. /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/13:36
dr4gso i'm not sure how it's including it13:36
dr4gpopey, don't worry i'm happy it's working.13:37
Wren01i have a netgear 311v3 wifi card13:37
Wren01and need drivers for ubuntu13:37
popeydr4g: dpkg -L php5-ffmpeg, that will tell you where it put it13:38
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glebihandr4g: don't you have a line in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini with something like "extension=ffmpeg.so" ?13:39
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:39
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:40
sevenseekeris there a known issue in 10.10 with dhcp (specifically timing out and not receiving an addy)?13:41
glebihan!maverick | sevenseeker13:41
ubottusevenseeker: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:41
ChogyDanWren01: http://www.computer-essence.com/Projects/wifi-1.html13:41
X_odoes ubuntu 10.04 has grafic mode?13:41
gryllida~How do I get a list of currently installed perl modules?13:42
undecimWhat's the package name for the disk usage analyzer?13:42
jo__Hellow everyone, I have a problem with pure-ftpd. I created a virtual user, I can log in but I can't ls in the folder. Experiance enyone?13:42
popeyundecim: baobab13:43
undecimpopey: ty13:43
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:46
ShredMasteri want utorrent for unbutu13:47
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:47
farciarz84does the built-in remontedesktop support access via web?13:48
jo__ShredMaster: you should use Transmission13:48
undecimShredMaster: The old version should be in the repos. The newer version doesn't have a graphical component, but the Windows version of the newest uTorrent works quite well in wine13:48
sniperjo_does anyone know a method of a browser to cache something like a .mov13:48
ChogyDanShredMaster: there is also deluge!  :)13:48
undecimShredMaster: I would recommend installing Wine via the instructions available at http://winehq.org/ and then installing the Windows version of uTorrent13:49
jo__sniperjo_: I always look in my /tmp directory13:49
jo__sniperjo_: not shure do13:49
ShredMasterok everyone13:49
sniperjo_jo__:  im looking to force my browser to cache .mov s13:49
jo__sniperjo_:there are some firefox extentions who can do that13:50
undecimsniperjo_: I'm not sure, but I think it has to do with file size. Look around in about:config for something to do with max filesize for cache and turn it up13:50
undecimsniperjo_: Or there may be an extension for it13:51
glebihangryllida: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/how-to-list-all-installed-perl-modules-216603/ (first result on google...)13:51
stercorI edited /var/spool/cron/crontabs/ted and inserted the single command: ``   *  *   *   *   *    echo crontab''  It didn't work.  What am I missing?13:54
jribstercor: don't edit it directly, use crontab13:55
stercorjrib: I did.13:55
jrib!cron > stercor13:55
ubottustercor, please see my private message13:55
stercorcrontab -u ted -e13:55
jribstercor: ok.  Then where do you expect it to echo?13:55
gp5sthey! i'm getting an error about my .Xauthority (/usr/bin/X11/xauth:  error in locking authority file /nfs/home/jkeener/.Xauthority) it is the "correct" permissions (600 owned by me) and is blank13:56
sniperjo_undecim:  basically i want to view websites from a live page but play videos from my local hard drive13:57
jribstercor: do you understand?13:58
ubfirstI have a question abotu the first time of installing of ubuntu13:58
undecimsniperjo_: Did you look at about:config for anything about max filesize for cache?13:58
ChogyDangp5st: mine is owned by root13:58
gp5stChogyDan, i'll give that a try (multiple forums said different things)13:58
Bayles how get user detail with command line like directory etc13:59
sniperjo_undecim: yeah, its set to 51200 at the moment13:59
gp5stBayles, what user details?13:59
ChogyDangp5st: -rw------- 1 root root 0 2009-10-29 12:43 .Xauthority13:59
Bayleslike its directory13:59
ubfirstI can not find my network printer, mozilla is not loading web sites, installation of ubuntu was from the alternate cd13:59
gp5stBayles, ?13:59
gp5stChogyDan, 600 root:root size 014:00
undecimDoes anyone know why this conditional in conky would be giving a result in Arch that is opposite what I get in Ubuntu? I'm guessing it's a bug in this conky version: ${if_existing /sys/class/net/eth0/operstate up}14:00
gp5stBayles, you mean who owns it? ls -l and ls -la (the a whill show . and hidden files)14:00
undecimsniperjo_: Do you know what size the video is?14:00
glebihanBayles: look at "finger"14:00
undecimsniperjo_: Also, can you install an extension to see what headers the site is returning with the video? It may send a "no cache" header.14:01
sniperjo_undecim: 42.5mb14:01
jribundecim: well do the contents of /sys/class/net/eth0/operstate differ?  What does $if_existing do?14:01
gp5stChogyDan, i had an issue with tmp not being writable earlier and had to start mysql by hand.  It's a symptom of a larger problem i'm waiting for hardware to fix, is there anything i might have to start by hand?14:01
jribundecim: or "if_existing" i guess14:01
gp5stor any reason it wouldn't be able to get a proper lock on a file?14:01
undecimjrib: if_existing checks for the existence of a file, and also checks the contents of the file for the first parameter given to if_existing14:02
Baylesi want know where is www-data user directory14:02
jribundecim: k, so what are the contents on each system?14:02
undecimjrib: In this case, it should be true if eth0 is up (which it's not) and false when it's down14:02
jribBayles: why?14:02
undecimjrib: Contents of the files are identical14:02
gp5stBayles, it may not have one.  look at /etc/passwd14:02
ChogyDangp5st: maybe you need to delete it?  I really have no idea.  I would think that lock files get deleted after use..14:02
undecimjrib: .conkyrs is copied directly from the other system backup (which is up-to-date)14:03
jribundecim: ubuntu version or arch version isn't doing what you expect?14:03
gp5stChogyDan, there isn't anything in tmp besides some files the webserver makes, and i have rm'd the .Xauthority file. thanks for the help, though14:03
undecimjrib: Arch. (i know this is an Ubuntu channel, lol)14:03
undecimjrib: I also have a similar conditional for wlan0, which is currently up, but it's returning false, which it shouldn't be...14:03
jribundecim: #archlinux can probably help better.  Maybe they use different permissions somewhere?  Don't know14:04
glebihanBayles: "finger www-data"14:04
PiciBayles: getent passwd www-data14:04
undecimjrib: Yeah, I was omw there14:04
Baylesokay thenks14:05
jribundecim: you haven't asked in the last 3 hours though :)14:05
undecimjrib: Can someone give me their conky version?14:05
Baylesi got that14:05
jribundecim: what do you mean?14:05
undecimjrib: Tell me what version you have.14:06
jrib!info conky | undecim14:06
ubottuundecim: conky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.0-1ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 31 kB, installed size 68 kB14:06
undecimjrib: odd... it's the same version.14:06
jribundecim: you can check for debian/ubuntu specific patches in the source deb, but I doubt this is why14:07
nicoulajBaodai: ping14:07
nicoulajBaodai: hohé14:08
gp5sthow can i test if i can even lock files?14:08
FloodBot2Baodai_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:08
jribBaodai_: stop14:08
Baodai_Sorry ... friend of mine was on the keyboard14:08
nicoulajBaodai has nothing to do with me14:08
nicoulajBan him pelase14:08
bazhangnicoulaj, take it elsewhere14:09
Baylesi want to register rar for user www-data (with my key) so i can use it remotly with php14:10
ChogyDangp5st: have you looked at .ICEauthority?14:11
glebihanBayles: what do you mean by "register rar" ?14:12
gp5stChogyDan, it exists, 600 root:root 177 bytes14:12
gp5stthink i should remove it?14:12
Baylesits shareware now, so i want to register it14:12
BluesKajHi folks14:12
firefox59does anyone know on what channel i could get some help flashing my bios ?14:13
ChogyDangp5st: back it up I think.  It shouldnt be owned by root14:13
gp5stChogyDan, oh14:13
Picifirefox59: ##hardware would be the best place to start14:13
ChogyDangp5st: back it up = safe delete  :)14:13
Baylesi have key, i just register rar for admin and root, by pasting key file in home directories, but i cant figure out it for www-data14:13
glebihanBayles: I don't understand, you mean the rar archiving tool ?14:14
jribBayles: can't you just use the rar in the repositories?14:14
jrib!who | Bayles14:14
ubottuBayles: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:14
glebihanBayles: it's no shareware, it's in the repos14:14
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ha55anhello, i installed ubuntu 10.04.1 AMD64 on an HP z400 workstation, but it does not boot after the instalaltion. i have tried ubuntu 8.04 32 bit and it works fine. any ideas?14:14
Baylesglebihan, yes its archiving tool14:15
glebihanha55an: what happens ? when does the boot stop ?14:15
Baylesjrib, i wan to use latest version :]14:15
jribBayles: why, what does it do differently?14:15
gp5stBayles, i made .Xauthourty 600, .ICEauthority 600 and removed some .Xauthority-c and -l files and it works14:15
gp5sterr ChogyDan i mean: i made .Xauthourty 600, .ICEauthority 600 and removed some .Xauthority-c and -l files and it works14:16
Baylesgp5st, what ??14:16
undecimjrib: Well, the distro is the only variable... It seems to be a bug in the Arch version though14:17
Baylesjrib,  i dont know what it do diffrently, but just like to use latest one :D14:17
gp5stwrong person Bayles sorry14:17
Baylesgp5st,  its okay14:17
jribBayles: that's silly :/14:17
Baylesjrib, may be, but it works fine without registering14:18
jribBayles: k14:18
glebihanBayles: if you want the latest version, checkout the bazaar branch from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/rar/lucid/files, and install it manually, you won't need any registration14:20
jonas_doesnt bazaar suck14:21
fidelixMy gtk buttons are somehow inverted, how can i change that? (I realize that is the default behavior of ubuntu 10.04)14:21
Baylesglebihan, ok thanks14:22
glebihanBayles: you're welcome14:22
jrib!controls | fidelix14:22
ubottufidelix: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side14:22
jonas_anybody got a problem with python freesing and not letting you close it14:22
fidelixjrib, thats not it.14:23
jribfidelix: what do you mean then?14:23
fidelixI said GTK buttons, no metacity.14:23
glebihanfidelix: what do you mean by inverted then ?14:24
gp5stjonas_, what do you mean? can you kill it?14:24
jribfidelix: those are the only button changes I know of though14:24
fidelixThe order is simply different than the obvious normal.14:24
jribfidelix: order of *what*14:24
fidelixFor example...14:24
fidelixIn Opera, when the Save file dialog appears, the order is: Help, Cancel, Save, Open.14:25
glebihanfidelix: you won't find configuration for this, it depends on each application14:25
fidelixNo, it does not.14:25
fidelixIn previous ubuntu versions, it was a different order14:25
fidelixIts not just in Opera, in a lot of places the buttons are reverted14:26
glebihanfidelix: well it may be a new policy, but there's no general configuration for that14:26
fidelixhmm... ok.14:26
jribfidelix: try messing with gtk-alternative-button-order in your ~/.gtkrc-2.014:26
fidelixjrib, there is only .gtkrc-2.0-kde414:27
jribfidelix: create it14:27
fidelixK. I'll try14:27
basso1200+ is quite alot14:28
bazhang!cn | administrator__14:29
ubottuadministrator__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:29
ClaudioAndresjoin /ubuntu-es14:30
glebihanClaudinux: type "/join #ubuntu-es"14:30
glebihanClaudioAndres: : type "/join #ubuntu-es"14:30
glebihanClaudinux: sorry wrong person14:30
Claudinuxglebihan, np :)14:31
ClaudioAndresthanks glebihan14:31
undecimWoohoo, Broadcom just _Open Sourced_ their drivers14:32
glebihanClaudinux: you're welcome14:32
glebihanClaudioAndres: : you're welcome14:32
glebihanClaudinux: again... :)14:32
=== root is now known as Guest45699
nyc-h0st can anyone tell me why int 10.04 iptables NAT table doesnt work, gives me iptables v1.4.4: can't initialize iptables table `NAT': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)14:32
nyc-h0sti've enabled ip forwarding14:32
bazhangundecim, dont spam here14:32
Claudinuxglebihan, :)14:32
bert_nick Bert-14:38
=== bert_ is now known as Bert-
lishanis anyone there14:38
Bert-Hi here14:38
AndrewMC!hi | lishan14:38
ubottulishan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:38
jcrawfordanyone here good with /etc/network/interfaces?  I was following a tutorial on how to add my N900 usb network connection and it said to add this to the /etc/network/interfaces http://pastebin.com/pEpS9J1w14:38
Bert-I have something strange with a nec versa E6300 : I'm unable to change keyboard layout.14:39
jcrawfordthe issue though is when I add that and restart the network manager my connection to auto eth0 vanishes from network connections14:39
Bert-I choose the good layout (according to the keymap, applied system-wide, butsome keys qre still wrong14:39
jcrawfordwhen I remove the n900 entry it comes back.  My auto eth0 was setup using the GUI and is set to have a static IP.  Is there anyway I can have my cake and eat it too?14:39
bonez2046where does my sound go? I'll have sound and come back later, after a few or several hours and find the sound doesn't work.. but if I reboot, it all comes back.. why does the sound drop?14:40
Bert-seems ubuntu doesn't apply the change at all :(14:40
Bert-no one has an idea please ?14:41
bonez2046sorry Bert14:41
glebihanBert-: could you paste a screenshot of your keyboard configuration dialog ?14:42
mbeierljcrawford: that's expected.  NetworkManager does not manage "static" interfaces14:42
glebihanBert-: "Layout" tab14:42
Bert-Glebelg, sure. Where should I post it ?14:42
glebihan!paste | Bert-14:43
ubottuBert-: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:43
mbeierljcrawford: if I understand your situation correctly, that is.  If you change the interface to be static you are taking over "ownership" of it and network manager lets it go14:43
jcrawfordmbeierl, you are not understanding one moment i will explain more in a sec14:43
=== Drew is now known as Drew571
bonez2046glebihan: any ideas on my sound conundrum?14:44
DAGr8hi all I am on vmware, how do I copy folder to my windows via samba ? if so how do I know my samba is workin fine ?14:45
glebihanbonez2046: sorry, no, what's your sound card model ?14:45
jcrawfordI have my wired connection set with a static IP.  I used the network manager GUI to set all of this14:45
jcrawfordI also want to have a USB network connection for my N900 so that when I connect it I can ssh to it, mount it etc. which is what that N900 entry in the interfaces file is for14:46
Bert-grrr the printscr key doesn't work :(14:46
jcrawfordhowever when I add the N900 entry and restart network manager my ethernet connection vanishes and I have no internet connection14:46
bonez2046glebihan: 80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10)14:46
jcrawfordI need to have both interfaces running at the same time14:47
haschdoes ubuntu have any problems with nvidia?14:47
jcrawfordnot hide the eth0 and show the n900 and vice versa14:47
Bert-hasch, I think no14:47
robotti^I have WinTV-NOVA-T PCI. And I cannot use that card14:47
glebihanBert-: you'll find the "Take screenshot" tool in Applications->Accessories14:47
jcrawfordmbeierl, does that make sense?14:47
robotti^how I can blacklist module?14:47
bonez2046glebihan: it's on mobo.. it works well when it works, but over time it drops and requires a reboot to get working again. I'd just like to figure out why so I can revive sound without the reboot14:47
Bert-I always used nvidia on my linux computers14:47
jcrawfordthere is no entry in my interfaces file for my eth0 connection, somehow Ubuntu is handling that14:48
robotti^IMPORTANT NOTICE: In 2.6.27 and possibly other kernel versions, the Alsa snd-aw2 driver will blindly grab all saa7146 devices preventing them from working. Blacklist the snd-aw2 driver to prevent this happening.14:48
linuxadmin1DAGr8 the command was meant to be tried on your linux terminal, this way you get to verify your settings before leaving your linux station14:48
bonez2046jcrawford: this is in your /etc/network/interfaces? there MUST be an entry there..14:48
robotti^will somebody know how to blacklist modules? :)14:48
jcrawfordbonez2046, the only entry in /etc/network/interfaces is the one I ADDED for the N90014:49
jcrawfordmy eth0 connection is not in that file14:49
bonez2046jcrawford: how do you like your n900?14:49
AndrewMC!blacklist > robotti^14:49
ubotturobotti^, please see my private message14:49
jcrawfordto setup the eth0 connection I used System -> Preferences -> Network Connections and set my static ip there etc.14:49
glebihanbonez2046: try "alsactl init"14:50
bonez2046glebihan: is that info useful for my sound issue?14:50
jcrawfordbonez2046, i like it so long as I can get this networking to work properly lol14:50
jcrawfordit's odd to me that if i add the N900 configuration and restart i lose my ethernet connection :(14:50
Jenna==>> Holaa <<==14:50
xttocsHello. I was wondering how to set up the ufw firewall to allow tls ftp connections for vsftpd. I have it partially working, but when my client tries to connect I get a invalid port error.14:50
Jenna==>> Felicidades <<==14:51
bazhang!es | Jenna14:51
ubottuJenna: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:51
Bert-glebihan, http://imagebin.org/11350814:51
jcrawfordanyone have any idea how i could keep my ethernet connection while also having my n900 connection?14:51
bonez2046glebihan: no change but here's the output from 'alsactl init' > Unknown hardware: "HDA-Intel" "Realtek ALC883" "HDA:10ec0883,14627253,00100002" "0x1462" "0x7253"14:51
bonez2046Hardware is initialized using a guess method14:51
Jenna==>> Ok, sorry <<==14:51
bonez2046jcrawford: your n900 is wireless, right?14:52
jcrawfordbonez2046, i setup USB networking following this tutorial http://wiki.maemo.org/N900_USB_networking14:53
jcrawfordsee section 2.214:53
jcrawfordand section 1.114:53
maruseruhi, how can i display embebed artworks in rhythmbox?14:53
haschi got a nvida from the M series hope ubuntu doesnt have any problems with it14:53
=== uRock is now known as running_rabbit07
glebihanBert-: which version of Ubuntu are you running ?14:54
bonez2046jcrawford: I use the command line for interacting with /etc/network/interfaces ..14:54
Bert-Glebelg, 10.04.1 (-'bits)14:54
glebihanbonez2046: hold on, looking for a solution14:54
Bert-glebihan, 10.04.1 64bits14:55
GrimmVarghey guys, anyone on a macbook pro 5.1/5.2 here?14:55
mbeierljcrawford: sorry I misunderstood.14:56
boywonderhi,ive got a usb live disk but how do i have it persistant?14:57
bazhang!usb | boywonder14:57
ubottuboywonder: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:57
glebihanBert-: ok, didn't find what dialog you showed me, but it's not the right one, please paste the "Keyboard preferences" one (the one from which the opened the one you've already shown me)14:57
bazhangboywonder, last link14:57
Davsankwhat's the off-topic channel?14:57
bazhangDavsank, #ubuntu-offtopic14:58
DAGr8http://pastebin.com/cakuqgAw what does that tells you ?14:58
Davsankit sayd i'm banned O_O14:59
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glebihanbonez2046: try installing "linux-backports-modules-alsa-lucid-generic" and rebooting14:59
gryllidaAre any movie players for Ubuntu dockable at the top, like this? http://lh4.ggpht.com/_JwaDcvsde7o/TIZKJF9R8pI/AAAAAAAAAaQ/gxw9EuOWv7A/WinampDockedToolbar.jpg14:59
DAGr8banned in an offtopic chanel thats pretty harsh14:59
Davsanki was never there to get banned in the first place O_O14:59
DAGr8any1 can help with my network problem ?14:59
Bert-glebihan, http://imagebin.org/11351015:00
bazhangDavsank, join #ubuntu-ops15:00
PiciDavsank: Try again.15:00
glebihanBert-: what layout would you like to have ?15:00
glebihanand that's not what you have ?15:01
Bert-If  I add a layout, the keyboard mapping from USA is the correct one. So I choose it15:01
Bert-but it is not applied15:01
webbgroupGreetings everybody.15:01
Bert-I don't have  backslash and pipe keys ( \ and |)15:02
webbgrouphas anybody hooked up Ubuntu to Active Directory before?15:02
glebihanBert-: that's odd, as it's the only one enabled...15:02
Bert-I agree15:02
=== Out`Of`Control is now known as Viper
Bert-instead of | and \ I have < and > ...15:02
webbgroupGuest45699: were you using hardy?15:02
Bert-strange thing : with alt, I can't have | but that is not what I want :)15:03
webbgroupFor the life of me, I can't get 'getent groups' working on Hardy.15:03
webbgroupI found the line that is causing the issue inside of the ldap.conf file15:03
Bert-I'll try to reboot ...15:03
Guest45699i agree15:03
bazhangGuest45699, what?15:03
jcrawfordbonez2046, yes so was I for the n900 configuration15:04
Guest45699what is you location ?15:04
jcrawfordwhat I am saying is that when I add the n900 config and restart the network manager my eth0 connection vanishes, ubuntu can no longer see the internet15:04
FlogggHey guys, I am trying to merge 2 unallocated space labels (using GParted) in a live cd. Is that possible?15:04
codeprimewhat's the "~" at end of file name?15:04
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bazhang!ot | Guest4569915:05
ubottuGuest45699: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:05
jcrawfordI need both connections to be running because the n900 is ip and my ethernet is a 172.* internal IP on different networks15:05
jcrawfordhowever when I start the N900 interface I lose my eth0 interface how can I have both running is my question15:05
dk12jq3p`!ops NO HOMELAND WITHOUT YOU FUHRER LOREZ! ALL HAIL THE AUTISTIC LORD OF FREENODE!! dk12jq3p` codeprime E8newallm Floggg PratterFak focke nothingspecial estragib abhinav_singh captaingr lsp dajhorn Italian_Plumber gianni zulax Mikelevel engled GG__ spartan117 sjefen6 bubben logan_wolf devunt geoffb bangfoo geraudk2000 Davsank julian__ boywonder akssps011 quake_guy tehowe bfiller miOw dl0c FloodBot2 Frozenball sayanriju maruseru webbgroup static^ sepehr dew15:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:05
bazhangGuest45699, that has nothing to do with ubuntu support.  #ubuntu-offtopic for chat15:05
Frozenball... :|15:05
dajhornFloggg: Not if they are disjoint.  Delete and recreate.15:05
The_Thinglol@ ubottu15:05
codeprimedoes the ~ at end of file mean anything?15:05
FlogggI deleted my ext3 file system becuae it was 3.8 GB, I now have 2 unallocated "labels" on Gparted: 3.8 GB and 5GB, how can I merge them? So I will have a ext3 8.8GB15:06
dajhorncodeprime: It usually means a backup file.15:06
Guest45699using kismet15:06
glebihan!who | all15:06
ubottuall: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:06
codeprimeis it in the file name?15:06
codeprimeor is it just an indicator?15:06
Bert-reboot didn't helped :(15:06
Frozenballis this the real life15:06
Frozenballis this just fantasy15:07
dajhorncodeprime: Some programs add the ~ by convention, but it is an old way of doing things.15:07
bazhangFrozenball, ?15:07
Bert-glebihan, for info, even in console it is not working15:07
jcrawforddoes anyone understand what I am asking?15:08
uberub1Hi. I am trying to install nvidia driver following this howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia ... _but_ "apt-get install nvidia-current" says "E: Couldn't find package nvidia-current", why?15:08
jribuberub1: what ubuntu version?15:08
glebihanBert-: try "setxkbmap us"15:08
uberub1jrib: 10.04 lts15:09
dajhornuberub1: You must enable the "restricted" section in the software sources panel.15:09
Bert-uberub1, tried with the graphical too proprietary drivers ?15:09
Flogggdajhorn: can I give you a screenshot?15:09
uberub1dajhorn: where I can find that panel?15:09
glebihan!screenshot | Floggg15:09
ubottuFloggg: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.15:09
Flogggdajhorn: http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/1569/snapshot1b.png15:10
Bert-glebihan, tried. No change :(15:10
ServerTech|Busywhat is the make command with 2 cores?15:10
dajhornuberub1: System -> Administration -> Software Sources15:10
ServerTech|BusyCan i know how i can use "make" with 2 processor cores?15:11
glebihanBert-: are you sure the keyboard model is correct ?15:11
uberub1dajhorn: thanks. now I have 5 tabs, what should I do?15:11
Flogggdajhorn: as you can see, there are actually 3 unallocated, I can make only one more Extended or Logical, but either with 5GiB or 3.54 GiB. How can I merge these two?15:11
Bert-glebihan, ?? the geneic 105 keys ... ?15:11
korisnikuseri had 17" monitor and installed ubuntu. after changing monitor to 19" ubuntu is not in full screen. how to fix?15:11
dajhornServerTech|Busy: Add -j3 or a similar parameter.15:11
glebihanBert-: yes15:11
uberub1dajhorn: (5 tabs in software sources, what should I do now?)15:12
webbgroupkorisnikuser: go to your preferences for your monitor.15:12
Bert-I cant find anything related to my nec laptop in this section15:12
ServerTech|Busyhmm dajhorn Like i want to do the make command with 2 cores15:12
Floggguberub1: what are you trying to do? :-) maybe I can help15:12
webbgroupkorisnikuser: system>Preferences>monitors15:12
Bert-I tried NEC/SK-620015:12
webbgroupOr if you have a special video card, you will need to go through it's settings to change it.15:12
korisnikuseri have ati drivers installed15:12
korisnikuserati control center15:12
dajhornFloggg: You probably won't be able to use the first bit of slack space. Try moving /dev/sda3, which might coalesce the unallocated space.  gparted won't know how to do this for some filesystems.15:12
webbgroupgo there to change it.15:13
uberub1dajhorn: option "Proprietary drivers for devices (restricted)" is checked...15:13
korisnikuserbut why would ubuntu not be in full screen15:13
korisnikuserbut ok gonna try, tnx15:13
dwayneI have a Dell Latitude E6510 (Intel Core i5) laptop that always seems to lock up yet I can ssh into it.  The dmesg output is full of back traces: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/9zhfMvL715:13
Flogggdajhorn: thanks, will try.15:13
dwayneshould I just open an issue for that ^ ?15:14
eikelmthi folks15:14
dajhornuberub1: Okay, that is what needs to be enabled.   Install nvidia-glx-185 directly, or do an `apt-get update; apt-get install nvidia-current` at a terminal prompt.15:14
glebihanBert-: what's your keyboard/computer model ?15:14
nyc-h0st10.04 iptables NAT table doesnt work, gives me iptables v1.4.4: can't initialize iptables table `NAT': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?)15:14
uberub1dajhorn: thanks. will try with apt-get update after update manager gets job done.15:15
Flogggdajhorn: it worked, thank you very much :)15:15
dajhornServerTech|Busy: The -j switch tells `make` to spawn more than one build process, which will use more than one CPU core.15:15
dajhornFloggg: Welcome.15:16
dajhornuberub1: Welcome.15:16
Bert-glebihan, NEC versa e6300 (laptop) Keyboard is US (I think)15:16
boywonderif my usb live disk boots straight into say a guest use account,does that mean in non persistant?15:16
dajhornServerTech|Busy: Note that recent build systems will automagically max-out the number of available cores.  Do a compile, run `top`, push '1', and check whether you're seeing 100% cpu usage.15:17
eikelmtI have a problem with my wireless card, it is working, sudently it will disconnect , then when i try to reconnect it will not, it will time out and I have to restart my system to be able to connect15:17
boywonderif my usb live disk boots straight into say a guest user account,does that mean its non persistant?15:18
dwayneAlso, regarding http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/9zhfMvL7 , my laptop is currently in this hung state and I'd be willing to provide any additional information that may be useful for debug15:18
eikelmtthe logfile saying time out15:18
DragonKeeperhello i got a script to mount my iso files easily  but when  i right click  mount  it   attempts to mount iso tells me the file about to mount  then says unable ... script im using   http://tinyurl.com/32yqv6       and its in this folder   ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/    .. script appears in right click menu   and script has permissions     any ideas why wont mount ?15:18
ashiswinI am getting all these dev, sda IO errors and i cant even run any commands through terminal. This happens when i try to mount my dying windows drive. any ideas. also all my programs start haning randomly.15:18
ServerTech|BusyI got it15:18
ashiswinAlso, i can't run any programs besides the programs i currently have open15:19
mweijtsis it possible to get a timestamp in .xsession-errors ?15:19
dajhornDragonKeeper: You are reimplementing something that is already in Ubuntu.  Investigate the "Archive Mounter" and gvfs.15:19
=== Guest45699 is now known as BOBBY
bazhang!ot | BOBBY15:20
ubottuBOBBY: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:20
ashiswinplease help me. its urgent. i have stuff on my dying windows partition that I need urgently and my computer is not letting me mount that drive. when i try to, i get millions of IO errors when i do ctrl-alt-f115:20
DragonKeeperann archive mounter says is  CD-ROM is NOT in ISO 9660 format    but i have used this iso before  and it worked :S15:20
ChogyDanashiswin: not sure there is much anyone can do.  Just try to get your stuff off15:21
ashiswinnow it says that my filesystem is a readonly filesystem. Any idea??15:21
RamboJoewut i thought i was registered15:21
ashiswinChogyDan, I can't even mount the drive15:21
liberanso, i had 17" monitor when installing ubuntu and after some time i switched to 19". since then ubuntu would not go full screen. resolution is 1280 1024.problem was solved by changing refresh rate from 60 to 85.15:21
dajhornDragonKeeper: The script is probably failing because your $NAUTILUS_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS variable is unquoted, and because you are very likely stacking your mount points.  Think about using `mktmp` or something like it.15:21
RamboJoecould have sworn i was regged15:21
ChogyDanashiswin: that would be part of it failing15:21
jribashiswin: if you can read the data, then back it up immediately.  If not, you really care about the data, and you don't have backups, you should probably stop using the drive right away and pay someone15:22
DragonKeeperolk ill try15:22
glebihanBert-: seems you're not the only having troubles with the keyboard on this computer, but I can't get to find a solution15:22
dajhornDragonKeeper: The mounter can be confused by ISO files that have more than one filesystem.  What is in the ISO?15:22
DragonKeeperback up of a game15:22
KTLi just read "http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/opensource/?p=1707", and i was thinking what are all the factors keeping me from replacing the windows workstations by ubuntu workstations ... the windows domain. what is the open source alternative for windows domains?15:22
Bert-glebihan, thx for help anyway15:22
glebihanBert-: you're welcome15:23
jongoliaMaximLevitsky there?15:23
dajhornKTL: Winbind, Samba, Likewise15:23
liberanKTL:  samba, i think15:23
KTLthose are the servers15:23
liberanand sharing systems15:23
KTLbut can a ubuntu be a domain client too?15:23
dajhornKTL: They run on the workstations to provide authentication and things like nss.15:24
liberani file shared between ubuntu and winxp in home network15:24
ashiswinso, is there any method of mounting the dying partition?15:24
liberanwith samba. but im newb, google has an answer15:24
* KTL thinks about it15:25
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liberanashiswin:  try hdd regenerator15:25
dajhornliberan: If your bad disk won't mount, then you need to make a raw copy of it.  Look at the two ddrescue packages.15:25
ashiswinwhats that liberan?15:25
* dajhorn derps15:25
dajhornashiwin: If your bad disk won't mount, then you need to make a raw copy of it.  Look at the two ddrescue packages.15:25
ashiswindajhorn, could you explain to me this on PM please :)15:26
liberanhehe dajhorn :) ashiswin  its a live cd for checking hdd and fixing15:26
dajhornashiswin: No. We should have the discussion here so that other people can listen and benefit.15:26
liberanfixing sectors and stuff15:26
ashiswinbut liberan, the partition cannot even be mounted15:26
liberantry boot with live cd and then mount, if that doesnt work and your data is not crucial, kill it with fire15:27
liberanwith hdd regenerator, that is15:27
ashiswinbut my data is very crucial liberan >.<15:27
ashiswinand hdd regenerator must be paid for15:28
liberanpay to tech guys with license for fixing hdds15:28
ajayhi all, does abiword has support fot other language like hindi.15:28
liberanashiswin:  i cant help you with that paying thing :D15:29
haavarosHow do I move every jpg file in a directory structure to one specified folder? I've tried mv *.jpg from the source folder15:29
ashiswinso there is no free alternative?15:29
dwaynecould http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/9zhfMvL7 be related to the cyclone process that I can't seem to kill?  'ps aux' output for cyclone is: dwayne    2753  0.7  0.0      0     0 ?        ZN   Sep09   4:55 [cyclone] <defunct>15:30
Bert-haavaros,  ?15:30
ben_qhaavaros, isn't "mv *.jpg /dest/folder/" working?15:30
liberantry dajhorn  way. im newb with linux15:30
=== gryllida is now known as \G
dajhornhaavaros: Learn how to use `find` and `xargs`.    It will be something like `find -name \*.jpg -print0 | xargs -0 mv -t /My/Destination`15:30
kemalettin_12i want to install "google chrome" to my ubuntu 10.04. (i have already chromium-browser but i need googles chrome too ).15:30
wedwoajay, yes it does15:31
ajaywedwo, how do i know that how many languge supported by abiword15:31
Bert-haavaros, find . -name '.jpg' -exec mv {} /path/to/ \; works ?15:31
ajayi mean if i want to see other languge support15:31
Bert-haavaros, find . -name '*.jpg' -exec mv {} /path/to/ \; works ? (sorry)15:31
quiescensdwayne: a defunct process is just a process that has finished or died or exited in some way, which its parent hasn't reaped15:32
wedwoajay, look in Tools > Language settings15:32
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ajaywedwo, thanks alot15:32
quiescensdwayne: there isn't technically anything wrong with processes showing up as defunct unless more of them keep appearing under the same parent without the old ones disappearing15:33
k0d3g3arafter recent updates with 9.10, my screensavers are now 'locking up' and take about 30 seconds to disable and return back to normal use after moving mouse.  Any ideas how to debug this?15:33
haavarosBert-: No15:33
kemalettin_12i want to install "google chrome" to my ubuntu 10.04. (i have already chromium-browser but i need googles chrome too ).15:33
dwaynequiescens, any chance you can take a look at my dmesg output (http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/9zhfMvL7), this ubuntu system is locking up daily15:33
sniperjo_ok right,15:33
webbgroupdajhorn: Have you used LDAP authentication?15:34
glebihankemalettin_12: http://www.google.com/chrome15:34
webbgrouprather than winbind, or likewise?15:34
nemoI'm chatting with the admins at work15:35
quiescensit looks a little like a deadlock between i915 and cyclone but I can't tell for sure15:35
nemowho are discussing integrating ubuntu15:35
dajhorndwayne: That looks like your video driver is crapping out.  It could be caused by a bad driver or by bad hardware.  Try disabling OpenGL screensavers.15:35
kemalettin_12glebihan:  if i install the deb package , after a time will be update automatically with update manager ?15:35
dajhornwebbgroup: Yes.15:35
nemoOne issue they'd like to know about is when ubuntu announces updates, is there any sort of rating mechanism, for which are critical and such.15:35
nemoI've never noticed that in update manager.15:35
BluesKajkemalettin_12, they 're almost identical on linux , why ?15:35
ajaywedwo, in setting i made default languge as hindi even though if i am typing then it is writing in english15:35
webbgroupdajhorn: On Hardy? I can't get getent groups to look up correct.15:35
quiescensand yeah, i915 being, video card15:36
webbgroupon Lucid, it works fine.15:36
dwaynedajhorn, will do.  thanks.  Think I should also upgrade to 10.04 or should I try disabling OpenGL screensavers and see if I go a few days w/o hanging?15:36
dajhorndwayne: Definitely use Lucid.  That i7 that you've got is new and recent drivers are much better.15:36
ajaywedwo, it worked after changing setting of font15:36
kemalettin_12 BluesKaj: i need a 3. broser. i sometimes need it. at the same time. if i install the deb package will install the updates automatically with update manger of ubuntu ?15:36
dajhornwebbgroup: Hardy is old and debugging LDAP is frustrating.  Just upgrade to Lucid.15:37
webbgroupdajhorn: it has something to do with this line: nss_map_objectclass posixGroup Group15:37
glebihankemalettin_12: no but you can a repository to apt source to handle it15:38
haavarosI have tried 'find -name \*.jpg -print0 | xargs -0 mv -t  /My/Destination' but get "mv: missing file operand' What's wrong?15:38
kemalettin_12i need a stable repo for ubuntu 10.04 google chrom (not for chromium browser).15:38
webbgroupdajhorn: I can't, our engineers are developing an application on it. and we need to have it, probably for the next 5 years.15:38
webbgroupWe are trying to get off of NIS and move to AD, to later to move to OpenLDAP.15:38
dajhornwebbgroup: Debugging LDAP schemas are also annoying.  If Lucid works, then try backporting the LDAP and/or NSS packages to Hardy.15:38
webbgroupMoving to AD is the first item.15:38
kemalettin_12glebihan: i can not speak english well. what you mean with apt source handling ? i just need a repo !:(15:38
glebihankemalettin_12: deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main15:38
dwaynedajhorn, thanks.... upgrading now15:39
BluesKajkemalettin_12, as glebihan posted above15:39
dajhornwebbgroup: Your migration off of AD will fail.  Or suck badly.15:39
webbgroupI don't want to maintain an application.15:39
kemalettin_12The requested URL /linux/chrome/deb/ was not found on this server.  glebihan:15:39
kemalettin_12BluesKaj:The requested URL /linux/chrome/deb/ was not found on this server.15:39
jcrawfordthe issue i had with networking is there was no auto eth0 entry in my network/interfaces file so the n900 entry would override the eth0.  solved by adding auth eth0 just before my n900 entry15:39
webbgroupdajhorn: probably, but single sign on, and single home directories has to happen.15:39
glebihankemalettin_12: I know, you have to add the line I gave you using the Software Sources tool in System->Administration15:39
kemalettin_12ah sorry15:39
kemalettin_12glebihan: sorry ok. thank you!15:39
glebihankemalettin_12: you're welcome*15:40
dajhornwebbgroup: ActiveDirectory will mutilate your database.  Go directly from NIS to LDAP if at all possible.  If not, then use winbind, stay on AD, and migrate to Samba domain membership when it becomes available.15:40
kemalettin_12glebihan: i can not add it :(15:40
liberanhow can i see how much place is used on active ubuntu partition15:41
kemalettin_12add source button is not active :( glebihan:15:41
lavishhi all. Is it possible to deny users to change time settings?15:41
lucenut_Hey all. How do I use a proxy server on ubuntu?15:41
=== Rez is now known as LoRez
liberanmind that i have dual boot with xp and 4 partitions on 2 HDD15:41
glebihankemalettin_12: don't you have an "Unlock" button ?15:41
kemalettin_12glebihan: i t dont need unlock button.15:42
SteelFisthello, how can I set IBus to start at the time I log in my account?15:42
haavaros'find *' finds all CR2-files in a folder structure, but 'find *.CR2' results in 'No such file or directory'. Why?15:42
mbeierllucenut_: do you mean you have a proxy server already and you want to change your ubunutu computer to point to it, or you want to install proxy server software on your ubuntu?15:42
kemalettin_12glebihan: it is active when i write deb your adress lucid main but i dont know if this is true ?15:42
lucenut_Anyone know of free overseas proxies and how to use them on ubuntu?15:42
mbeierllucenut_: no.  I don't know of free overseas proxies15:43
glebihankemalettin_12: I don't understand15:43
lucenut_On windows I guess I would just enter the IP/port in my TCP/IP settings.15:43
eikelmt like right now, itis working perfekt, 5 min from now it might disconnect, if I try to reconnect it migt or migt not connect, most of the time not, then I have to reboot to connect again, reboot is only for MS people, logfiles telling me it is timing ou15:43
lucenut_How do you do similar in ubuntu?15:43
eikelmtso I would be a very happy camper if someone can put me into the right directions15:43
=== Guest50413 is now known as yangpeng
mbeierllucenut_: system -> preferences -> Network Proxy15:43
kemalettin_12glebihan: i first open the "software sources". and i open other software tab. i click add button. but when i write http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ there the add software button is not active.15:44
glebihankemalettin_12: you have to write "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main"15:44
_2easydoes anyone knows in which file is the information if or if not the monitor is connected to VGA port?15:44
eikelmtit does not depend on the kernel because I had this almost from the time I installed ubuntu 10.2415:44
haavarosWhy does 'find *' find all CR2-files in my folder structure, while 'find *.CR2' results in "No such file or directory"?15:44
kemalettin_12glebihan:  i click ok but this error i get : W: GPG error: http://dl.google.com stable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A040830F7FAC599115:45
DragonKeeperis it   "chmod -x "   to give a file admin rights  ??15:45
_2easyhaavaros: rtfm15:45
eikelmtwireless card is Network controller: RaLink RT2561/RT61 802.11g PCI15:45
wickedSAhaavaros: think about what the wildcard is doing15:45
bazhang_2easy, dont say that here15:45
jribDragonKeeper: no, there's no such thing as "admin rights".  What do you want to accomplish?15:46
DragonKeepera script file to mount isos15:46
_2easybazhang: there is15:46
bazhang_2easy, what?15:46
miyamotoi need to install broadcom driver in my laptop but i dont have any connection in it right now ,how can i install it offline15:46
unpersonI've been using the TortoiseHG frontend for mercurial on my lucid box, and recently some text in the repository explorer window has become invisible for no apparent reason.  The GUI is python based and I got it by installing the tortoisehg and tortoisehg-nautilus packages from the universe repository.  Anyone experienced similar or have a clue how to diagnose?15:47
lucenut_OK, so I went in the Network Proxy Preferences and ticked "Manual Proxy Configuration". Checked "Use the same proxy for all protocaols." and entered "proxybum.com" and left the Port: 8080.15:47
jribDragonKeeper: chmod +x    will give execute permissions (assuming your umask doesn't interfere)15:47
jrib!permissions > DragonKeeper15:47
ubottuDragonKeeper, please see my private message15:47
lucenut_But I can't hit whatismyip.com now15:47
unclemantiswhen i use cp * /usr/share/php/Thrift I get "cp: omitting directory 'ext' , etc...15:47
sniperjo_ive got firefox running with security.checkloaduri=false,i want to play an embeded movie, the video works when it is hosted on another machine but when i refer to it using file:/// it doesnt.  ive checked the uri and it opens properly but it wont open when embedded on a live page. any ideas ?15:47
unclemantishow do i make it overwrite? I am upgrading the Thrift PHP extensions15:48
jribunclemantis: you probably don't want to do it this way15:48
wickedSAhaavaros: /lastlog haavaros15:48
glebihankemalettin_12: that's because you haven't added the key to the trusted software providers15:48
_2easybazhang: you should specify the path to search firs15:48
unclemantisjrib: can you suggest a better way?15:48
iflema!broadcom | miyamoto15:48
ubottumiyamoto: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:48
bazhang_2easy, then give a link. but dont say that here.15:49
kemalettin_12glebihan:  how to add the key ? and where is the key ?15:49
haavaroswickedSA: I have no idea what you are saying15:49
aganicemy recent lucid dell laptop using auto-suggested restricted broadcom driver bcmwl-kernel-source recently gave up the ghost and stopped seeing any wifi signals. what steps can i take to troubleshoot and/or make a good bug report?15:49
_2easyYNOPSIS find [-H] [-L] [-P] [-D debugopts] [-Olevel] [path...] [expression]15:49
jribunclemantis: I'm not familiar with thrift nor php extensions.  But /usr/ is package manager land, so ideally you would use a package (from the repositories).  If you are sure the repositories cannot satisfy your needs, then you usually install to /usr/local/15:49
wickedSAhaavaros: man find :)15:49
glebihankemalettin_12: run "sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys A040830F7FAC5991 "15:49
jrib!cli > unclemantis, answer to your original question though so you know for other cases15:50
jrib!cli | unclemantis, answer to your original question though so you know for other cases15:50
ubottuunclemantis, answer to your original question though so you know for other cases: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro15:50
_2easybazhang: Command-line arguments following these are  taken  to  be  names  of files  or  directories to be examined, up to the first argument that begins with `-',15:51
kemalettin_12glebihan:  how to install from terminal ?15:51
glebihankemalettin_12: run "apt-get update" then "apt-get install google-chrome"15:52
_2easybazhang: find simply does not find any crt files in current directory15:52
glebihankemalettin_12: both preceded by "sudo"15:52
bazhang_2easy, then you would say that to haavaros15:52
Izinucskemalettin_12: glebihan it's sudo apt-get install chromium-browser .... google-chrome won't do anything.15:53
_2easybazhang: if you type 'find *' then you  try to egazime all directories in current directory, it's simply like 'ls -R'15:53
wickedSAhaavaros: try find "*CRT*"15:53
glebihanIzinucs: yes it will as he added the repository for it15:53
kemalettin_12Izinucs:  will install stable right ?15:54
haavaroswickedSA: Ok, thx15:54
wickedSAhaavaros: or find "*.CRT*"15:54
Izinucsglebihan: getting it from googles repo?15:54
haavaroswickedSA: Yes, that worked15:54
_2easybazhang: i already said "RTFM"15:54
glebihanIzinucs: yes15:54
BluesKajkemalettin_12, sudo apt-get update.  first15:54
bazhang!rtfm | _2easy15:54
ubottu_2easy: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.15:54
Izinucskemalettin_12: didn't know you were using a repository outside of ubuntu's...15:54
bazhang_2easy, that's enough15:54
Izinucsglebihan: kemalettin_12 why are you using a 3rd party repo for chrome?  are you trying to instal vs 4?15:55
_2easybazhang: ok, but don't tell me that im wrong15:55
wickedSAhaavaros: shell wildcard expansion is fun ;)15:55
kemalettin_12 Izinucs: it is something bad for ubuntu ?15:55
glebihanIzinucs: kemalettin_12 wanted to install both chromium and google-chrome15:55
kemalettin_12 Izinucs: i have firefox, opera and chromium but i need a 4. browser here.15:56
kemalettin_12 Izinucs: i will delete the opera because it is  not open-source.15:56
look_2easy: but if he knows your wrong he will tell you that you are wrong, please be nice yea?15:56
Izinucskemalettin_12: glebihan good luck guys ..15:56
wickedSAif someone knew enough to read the fine manual, then they would have already and we wouldnt be having this conversation15:56
kemalettin_12Izinucs: thank you15:57
ashiswindoes anyone here know why Partimage keeps hanging at 1.06 GiB when creating an image of a partition?15:57
BluesKajkemalettin_12, you xan also go to the google chrome website and download the deb from there , right click on the app after downloading and choose deb installer15:57
glebihanIzinucs: thanks15:57
_2easylook: be nice, be nice, what's that all about? this is a disscusion i don't have to be nice.15:57
kemalettin_12BluesKaj: but if i do this. it will not updated right ?15:57
kemalettin_12BluesKaj:  i mean need a repo here..15:57
glebihanBluesKaj: yes I already suggested that but kemalettin_12 wanted automatic updates to be enabled, so he needed the repo15:57
BluesKajgooglr chrome auto updates itself , without the repos afaik15:58
glebihanBluesKaj: didn't know about that, I myself have the repo15:59
ashiswindoes anyone here know why Partimage keeps hanging at 1.06 GiB when creating an image of a partition?15:59
kemalettin_12BluesKaj: i need to update with manger.15:59
kemalettin_12repo is better..16:00
haavaroswickedSA: What's wrong with 'find . -name '*.CR2' -exec mv {} ./'? I get 'find: missing argument to `-exec''16:00
Picihaavaros: You need to have \; at the end of your -exec statement.16:01
wickedSAhaavaros: slow that down, what does find . -name '*.CR2' return?16:01
* BluesKaj shrugs , update from repos or google-chrome self upgrade , makes it redundant , kemalettin_12 , but go ahead if you insist16:01
yangpengwhois Pici16:01
Piciyangpeng: I'm me.16:01
Izinucsglebihan: kemalettin_12 chrome and chromium are essentially the same.. http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/ChromiumBrowserVsGoogleChrome   ....  If you need a 4th browser try Flock. It's Firefoxed based but different enough.16:01
glebihanPici: wow that's surprising :)16:01
haavaroswickedSA: Pretty much exactly what I'm looking for16:01
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kemalettin_12Izinucs: i know thank you!.16:02
* BluesKaj switched back to Firefox siunce they fixed their rendering engine ..prefer it to chrome > the fonts on chrome's toolbars etc can't be adjusted for large screens16:04
haavarosPici: ah, I forgot the semicolon16:04
wickedSAhaavaros: try it with what Pici said16:04
dorganok mysql guys....what is the recommended setting for: delay_key_write16:04
haavaroswickedSA: Pici: Got it now, thx for the help16:04
Picihaavaros: sure :)16:04
wickedSAhaavaros: np16:05
ExtremeDevilzHello Everyone16:08
kemalettin_12i need to ask something else..16:09
bazhang!ot | BOBBY16:09
ubottuBOBBY: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:09
BOBBYhello everyone16:10
BOBBYany one16:11
PiciBOBBY: Anyone what?16:11
jellowhow can i get elinks to support facebook?16:11
bazhangBOBBY, /join #ubuntu-offtopic16:11
jellowI mean more get facebook to support elinks :P16:12
IdleOneask facebook16:13
jellowIdleOne: I do not feel i will get very far.16:13
meatbunhow to disable google's auto complete?16:14
meatbunthe first google complete was boarder line annoying, now the gray out autcomplete is totally sh*t16:15
IdleOnemeatbun: how is that Ubuntu related?16:15
jellowIdleOne: do you know of no user agent switchers for elinks or any other terminal based browser16:16
IdleOnejellow: I don't sorry16:16
meatbunubuntu ppl general has a broad knowledge base16:16
IdleOnemeatbun: this is #ubuntu not #ask-anything-because-you-run-ubuntu16:17
jellowmeatbun: try #ubuntu-offtopic , This for *ubuntu* support only16:17
kemalettin_12when starts gnome starts also my gmail with a browser automatically. which do you prefer to use as a browser google chrome or chromium ?16:18
FiReSTaRTquick question.. how's ubuntu with ati chipsets.. i know it's pretty good with nvidia, but i'm mostly wondering about hdmi out and using 2d/3d acceleration16:19
mernilioHi all!16:20
jellow!hi | mernilio16:21
kemalettin_12when starts gnome starts also my gmail with a browser automatically. which do you prefer to use as a browser google chrome or chromium ?16:21
ubottumernilio: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:21
mernilioShould i install regular jdk or the one with netbeans bundled? .. im not sure..?16:22
glebihanmernilio: depends on what you plan to do16:22
suboneIs there any way to specify that a program is only to be givin, say, 50% maximum of the cpu load? an app im using is using 100% constantly for an hour or so and is causing my computer to overheat16:22
mernilioglebihan: I need to brush up my javs skills16:23
glebihanmernilio: will netbeans is a great IDE, but you might prefer Eclipse or another one, so it's up to you16:23
ExtremeDevilzxD ?16:24
* ExtremeDevilz is downloading lubuntu <316:24
kemalettin_12when starts gnome starts also my gmail with a browser automatically and i just use this browser for gmail. which do you prefer to use as a browser google chrome or chromium ?16:24
infidfor some reason when i try to copy files to my usb flash drive it's saying it's a read only file system. how is that possible? it worked fine yesterday16:25
mernilioglebihan: i think so too. Im not planning to make *anything*. Just to brush up my skills, like i said.16:25
glebihanmernilio: in that case, netbeans might be a good choice, it's far lighter than eclipse16:25
jellowkemalettin_12: I prefer chromium as it's not owned by google , yet i'm probally just paranoid16:26
mernilioglebihan: well, yes. but both is rather heavy, in all fairness.16:26
jellowkemalettin_12: By the By this topic would be great for #ubuntu-offtopic and not ubuntu support :)16:27
kemalettin_12jellow:  ok sorry.16:27
var_im uber new to linux :\ and is their anything i have to do special for sound and video to work?16:27
glebihanmernilio: netbeans only uses about 3MB of disk space, not that heavy...16:27
DragonKeeperanyone know the name of a video  input viewer for ubuntu  (i.e i want to view  the video input from a dvd player in linux)16:27
var_also, is their a way to find out how much space ( memory )  i have?16:28
var_im dualbooting with windows.16:28
Ibertechi have been in coming into this chat room for about a week with problems accessing windows shares, and no body at the time here could help me so i have been googling and reading very hard and have found a excellent tutorial on the ubuntu forums. So if there are any ubuntu noobs like me out there who need to access windows shares, check this out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=116914916:28
mernilioAll these lanugages .. i know a lot of them, but my problem is, i dont know how to utilize my coding expertise?16:28
mernilioI need a intressting project to put it short :-)16:28
bazhangmernilio, but offtopic for here16:29
FendarilAnyone here on an inspiron 1525 using BCOM wireless to connect?16:29
BobFWvar_: is that relevant? only one of those O.S.es wil be running at any given time. Unless you mean disk space - you cannot find out how much free space you have left on an unmounted partition16:29
FendarilI need some serious help16:29
BobFWonly how much unpartitioned space there is left16:29
var_thanks bobfw16:29
var_is their a way to increase it?16:29
Vonormernilio, phoenixviewer, openjpeg, gnome-globalmenu...3 projects you could join :D16:29
var_and basically just.. give window a small ammount?16:29
var_windows rather *16:29
BobFWvar_: to increase what?16:29
var_disk space.16:30
BobFWadd more disks16:30
Fendarilok Maybe I should just pose my question16:30
var_i want ubuntu to have 150 GB16:30
BobFWoh i see16:30
var_and windows to have 50GB16:30
FendarilI installed BCOM form the restricted respitory16:30
DragonKeeperanyone know the name of a video  input viewer for ubuntu  (i.e i want to view  the video input from a dvd player in linux)16:30
Fendariland it my computer crashes when I try to install it16:30
Fendarilfrom hardware16:30
BobFWyou can resize your partitions using a a tool such as gparted, but this is risky, data may be lost16:30
var_yeah i have a partitioner16:31
var_so no way to do it this way :\ meh ok16:31
var_what if i dont want windows at all?16:31
FendarilThe issue comes from trygin to install Broadcom STA wireless driver16:31
Fendarilmy computer crashes when it tries to download and install16:31
=== adzuci_ is now known as adzuci
BobFWvar_: remove the windows partition altogether, then create a new LVM PV, add that to your Volgroup16:32
var_lol bob that was mucho greek to me16:32
BobFWthen resize (should be painless)16:32
var_o yeah16:33
var_i have plenty of space16:33
apokryphosis it possible to install ubuntu on a ps3 with firmware higher than 3.2.1?16:33
var_u can check16:33
var_open disk manager16:33
var_and it shows that ur img file is16:33
picard1400hey guys im trying too boot off a usb flash drive that i have connected to this PCIE card.. but when i try installing ubuntu it says i need a driver? i have this http://www.siig.com/ViewProduct.aspx?pn=JU-P20412-S2   what do i do ? what driver do i chose?16:33
var_mines set to 20Gigs16:33
gwernso I recently swithced from 64-bit ubuntu to 32-bit to use the driver for my scanner, and now my `date` is throwing errors with dates in 2074; I assume this is due to the 2038 bug with overflow; anyway I can fix this besides reinstalling with 64-bit?16:33
DavsankBroadcom STA wireless have a pre-built driver on Ubuntu16:35
DavsankFendril, connect your computer with an ETH cable to a router that has internet access.16:36
Davsankthen go to system-> administration -> hardware drivers.16:37
Davsanklet him search for a minute or twp16:37
Davsankit'll show you the driver as not-active. click on activate and let Ubuntu do the rest for you.16:38
Fendarilok I tried installing again16:39
Fendariland it failed16:39
Davsanktell me if you got it..16:39
Fendarildont know why my computer keeps crashing trying to install BroadCom wireless16:39
BobFWFendaril: try dell linux repositories16:40
=== y0sh_ is now known as y0sh
FendarilBobFW: Where do I find that16:40
FendarilBobFW: Actually I never used the GUI manager16:40
FendarilBobFW: where is it16:41
ExtremeDevilzshould I run ubuntu on 512 RAM 1.71GHz Laptop ???16:42
bazhang!requirements | ExtremeDevilz16:42
ubottuExtremeDevilz: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu16:42
padhuFendaril: debian repo have an deb file of broadcom wireless. are you used it?16:42
ChogyDanExtremeDevilz: I would go for one of the light installs, like xubuntu or lubuntu16:43
bazhangpadhu, never mix debian repos16:43
Fendarilpadhu: I used bmwl-kernel-source16:43
Fendarilto get it to recognize my hardware16:43
Fendarilbut i have install issues still16:43
Fendarilfirmware installed fine16:43
padhubazhang: why?16:43
bazhangpadhu, severe breakage. dont recommend it here. thanks.16:44
padhubazhang: oh, okey :-)16:44
axoinhello, how to remap touch events? I have a touchscreen which can't click16:44
bodwickExtremeDevilz why not?16:45
ExtremeDevilzI am using fedora now and Im pissed with it16:45
mbeierlExtremeDevilz: I used to run it on a 128m pentium 416:46
Fendarilpadhu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl/+bug/46464816:46
dpac_ExtremeDevilz: Whats so bad?16:46
Fendarilpadhu: thats my issue16:46
mbeierlExtremeDevilz: "it" = Ubuntu16:46
picard1400drivers for this thing16:47
var_anyone ever got america's army to work?16:47
subspideri have old pc i configure the auto power up options but doesn't work16:47
FendarilI guess my issue is a lost cause?16:48
subspidermy question is "to autopowerup work do i have to hirbernate pc or shutdown?"16:48
subspiderwhat is you issue Fendaril ??16:49
GerritjanHello everyone16:49
GerritjanI've got a question; how to install the Qt libraries?16:50
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em brasileiro. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:50
GerritjanI'm looking for the binaries16:50
Fendarilsubspider: my Broadcom STA wireless driver install keep crashing16:50
ct529Hi everybody .... do you know how to download the entire content of my email box, including subfolders? We are migrating the email boxes16:50
subspiderchashing ??16:50
ct529I am using evolution, but I could use any other email client16:51
subspidercan you be more specific Fendaril16:51
Fendarilsubspider: Yes. When I try to install the driver for my broadcom 4311 it crashes16:51
kevin__hi Gerritjan - for development? Try libqt4-dev16:51
subspiderhm ok so you using ethernet16:51
Fendarilsubspider: yes16:51
ct529I would like to preserve the structure16:51
GerritjanI'll try that16:52
subspiderok Fendaril wait a second16:52
dpac_!who | subspider16:52
ubottusubspider: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:52
Fendarildpac_: useless16:52
Fendarildpac_: he was talking to me16:52
Fendarildpac_: He highlighted me16:53
dpac_Fendaril: I know that. Some of the messages didn't.16:53
sacarlsonpicard1400: I don't see much of anything on that part maybe try pastebin the lspci.  also does that card work when not booting from it in ubunt?16:53
sniperjodoes anyone know of firefox media plugin with working DOM events ?16:54
picard1400sacarlson ill check that right now.. hold on16:54
GerritjanOk, I installed the packages16:54
sacarlsonsniperjo: you mean like firebug?16:56
subspiderFendaril, pm ok16:56
subspiderdpac_, sorry16:57
sniperjosacarlson: i mean that supports events such as, when a movie ends it fires an event that can be picked up via javascript16:57
dpac_subspider: No problem :)16:57
pksadiqHi all16:59
pksadiqI have a doubt about irci,16:59
sacarlsonsniperjo: I think this may be way off but I use ruby watir  that I can control firefox with that I can read results and perform different events dependent on the outcome.17:01
sacarlsonsniperjo: it uses jssh plugin on firefox to do that jssh is a java plugin.17:02
pksadiqhow to make irc in terminal colorful?17:03
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suboneIs there any way to specify that a program is only to be givin, say, 50% maximum of the cpu load? an app im using is using 100% constantly for an hour or so and is causing my computer to overheat17:03
jribpksadiq: depends on your client17:03
th0rsubone: look into 'nice'17:03
sniperjosacarlson: hmm might be of use, not exactly what im looking for though17:04
suboneth0r, i dont want to raise the niceness, that doesnt stop it from getting 100% cpu use17:04
sacarlsonsubone: I know you can but I'm not sure how, maybe with top it might have a way.17:04
pksadiqanybody here?17:05
pksadiqor did I got dc?17:05
sacarlsonsniperjo: there is almost nothing you can't do with watir on firefox.  it's basic robot to do your stuf17:05
DragonKeeperisnt that what a pc is17:06
hihihi100who can help me to tell if Im in the audio group?17:06
hihihi100hihihi100@hihihi100-laptop:~$ fgrep -ie 'audio' /etc/group17:06
FloodBot1hihihi100: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:07
th0rsubone: found reference to a program called cpulimit also17:07
incandenzahihihi100: typing 'groups' will show you what groups you're in.  if you're not in it, try logging out and back in17:07
sacarlsonDragonKeeper: what a robot?  in some cases they are but not normally when you use firefox.17:08
naser67i'v got a media file with .dat extension17:08
sweethow to delete user in linux??17:08
naser67how can i convert it to mp3?17:08
hihihi100just gruoups?17:08
sprungwoo hoo, they finally at long last fixed in one of the latest updates the Archive Mounter bug that adds the ;1 to the end of every file in an iso17:08
jribsweet: deluser (or use your Administration -> Users and Groups menu)17:08
sprungthat only took... years17:08
suboneth0r, this may help17:09
hihihi100k, i see it, im in that group, is that bad?17:09
brett\can anyone tell me why the hell ive got a /homes ? fuser /homes -v tells me its owned by root, pid kernel17:09
jribbrett\: you created it probably?17:09
suboneth0r, appears to be in the repos too17:09
brett\jrib, definitely not.. and new install. rm -rf tells me its busy, and fuser shows me the above17:09
sprungalcohol and linux don't usually mix well brett\17:10
th0rsubone: learn something new every day...now I can go back to sleep17:10
jribbrett\: is this ubuntu?17:10
brett\jrib, yes17:10
sprungis it a mounted volume?17:10
jribbrett\: there's no /homes on a new install17:10
jribbrett\: what's in it?17:10
brett\sprung, no, its not17:10
brett\jrib, nothing17:10
suboneth0r, ty17:11
jribbrett\: do you have a terminal with current working directory /homes?17:11
pUnT3ris there any method to detect ip conflict on ubuntu17:11
goddardhey everyone!17:11
brett\jrib, id imagine it has somethign to do with packages thats installed. and no, no terminal in there. the fuser /homes -v shows its owned by root, pid kernel17:11
pUnT3ris there any method to detect ip conflict on ubuntu?17:11
jribbrett\: anyway this is just a guessing game and I must go.  On a new install there is no /homes17:11
sprungbrett\, are you currently in the directory you are trying to delete, either with an open window or are currently in the directory in the terminal? if so, it will say it is busy17:12
th0rpUnT3r: you have to ask faster...every 15 seconds isn't enough17:12
sacarlsonbrett\:  you sure you don't mean you have /home  with no s at the end.17:12
brett\jrib, figured that much, imagining its some package17:12
jribbrett\: you said it's a new install17:12
brett\sacarlson, uhh, no. but i have that too17:12
brett\jrib, ok, well, i lied.17:12
pUnT3ris there any method to detect ip conflict on ubuntu?17:12
pUnT3ris there any method to detect ip conflict on ubuntu?17:12
pUnT3ris there any method to detect ip conflict on ubuntu?17:12
brett\sprung, no im in / .. doing sudo rm -rf /homes17:12
jribbrett\: ... because that obviously gets you better help.17:12
goddardI need some help I have an odd problem occuring ....I think..on my system menu item I use the shut down menu item to shut down or restart my computer, but it is gone.... did an update delete it?17:12
naser67how can i convert video file (.dat) to mp3?17:12
sprungbrett\, how can you expect good results if you don't tell us true information?17:12
jongoliacould anybody help?17:12
ct529anyone who can help?17:13
brett\lol.. i didnt mean to *lie*.. i meant new install as in i installed it yesterday.. did routine packages adds, now i have a /homes17:13
brett\clearly everyone knows a new install has no /homes.. im not argueing that17:13
* ExtremeDevilz going to use Ubuntu and wipe fedora shit17:13
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:14
jongoliaran failsafex mode to install ubuntu on hdd, graphics card (nvidia) problem with the drivers, i can't get ubuntu 10.04 to work on both failsafex and regular boot now. need help!17:14
duffydacknaser67,  ffmpeg -i file.dat  -ar 44100 -ab 192k -ac 2 file.mp317:14
sacarlsonbrett\: well I've installed tons of stuf and nothing has ever created the /homes dir before.17:15
pksadiqhow to have a coloured version of ircii17:15
sprungjongolia, 32 bit or 64 bit?17:15
brett\sacarlson, thats not exactly my question. how can i get rid of it?17:15
jongoliaspring 32 bit17:15
naser67duffydack:tnx,i'll give it a try17:15
sacarlsonbrett\: oh ok sudo rm -r /homes17:15
goddardI am using Gnome if anyone was wondering17:15
brett\sacarlson, lol.. i said already this does not work. read above17:15
sprungjongolia, nvidia cards can be tricky to work with on ubuntu. do you have the proprietary hardware drivers installed?17:16
Picibrett\: Do you get an error or anything when you do that?17:16
jongoliasprung: proprietary hardware drivers installed on ubuntu? unlikely.17:16
brett\Pici, brett@yow-bciphery-lx1:/$ sudo rm -rf /homes17:16
brett\rm: cannot remove directory `/homes': Device or resource busy17:16
jongoliasprung: can't access anything but the command prompt now.17:16
raven_how to make an image file of a cd?17:17
duffydack./homes?  lol17:17
brett\Pici, brett@yow-bciphery-lx1:/$ fuser /homes -v17:17
brett\                     USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND17:17
brett\./homes:              root     kernel mount /homes17:17
sprungjongolia, ok, do you have links installed?17:17
FloodBot1brett\: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:17
wickedSAwhatup homes17:17
th0rbrett\: 'homes' sounds like something samba would use...have you maybe inadvertently created it in samba?17:17
sprungjongolia, we can do this via wget too do you know how to use wget?17:17
tgywaWhich boot loader do I use?17:17
duffydackraven_, right click it, copy disk - make image17:17
neurochromeis it possible to search recursively to find a folder that DOESN'T contain a specific file - in this case a .nfo file?17:17
brett\th0r, thats what i was thinking actually, possibly samba related. i didnt do any specialized samba config except installing it17:18
sacarlsonbrett\: oh so root is using it and even at reboot it's still can't be deleted?17:18
brett\sacarlson, yes.17:18
jongoliasprung: I'm on win7, whats wget?17:18
quiescensbrett\: i would check to see if its a mountpoint or something17:18
tgywaWhich boot loader do I use? I17:18
brett\quiescens, it is not mounted17:18
sprungjongolia, nevermind. what is the model of nvidia card you have?17:18
tgywaI am using Ubuntu 10.0417:18
raven_duffydack, how to image it with cmd line?17:18
jongoliasprung: G102M geforce17:18
earthling_where does the "take screenshot" program save pictures to?17:18
dmtbhow to detect ip address on ubuntu17:19
duffydackearthling_, desktop unless you tell it not to17:19
sprungjongolia, ok. on your linux machine type sudo apt-get install wget17:19
sprunginstall the package17:19
quiescensbrett\: no idea then, that's what it usually means17:19
sacarlsonbrett\: well worst case boot single user and delete it or if that fails boot a live cd and delete it17:19
duffydackraven_, dd if=/dev/cdrom of=image.iso17:19
tgywadmtb, use ifconfig command to see the IP address17:19
sprungjongolia, wget is a tool that will help us download the nvidia driver.17:19
quiescensmaybe something is mounted there and mtab isn't working properly17:19
BluesKajearthling_, look in /home17:20
jongoliasprung: ok... can we talk in private window.17:20
earthling_its not on desktop17:20
wickedSAneurochrome: sure its possible...17:20
dmtbtgywa:what does it show that implies ip address conflict17:20
sacarlsonbrett\:  but might want to just move it maybe you will find it breaks something like your samba or?17:20
BluesKajearthling_, I repeat ,look in /home17:20
=== Khalid is now known as HEADSHOT
earthling_I saw, looking17:21
quiescensbrett\: can you check /proc/mounts just in case?17:21
julian-I need to get a USB IR receiver for a remote control, any recommendations for something that'll work nicely with Ubuntu?17:21
dmtbtgywa:what does the output of ifconfig show that implies ip address conflict??17:21
wickedSAneurochrome: seems like a job for a shell script17:22
neurochromewickedSA, yeah, find or grep... don't know the syntax for this though17:22
dmtbwhat does the output of ifconfig show that implies ip address conflict??17:22
sacarlsonjulian-: I had a tv tuner card that had a IR remote in it that worked in ubuntu.  I haven't installed it on this one anymore.  wintv I think.  it cost like $4017:23
earthling_BluesKaj, I can't find it17:23
tgywadmtb, I don't think that ifconfig will show u ip confilict ... I suggess going to /var/log/syslog ... to get some more info.17:23
julian-sacarlson: Ah, it's gonna have to be USB.17:23
wickedSAneurochrome: the more I think about it, the more I think its not going to be a one-liner17:23
sacarlsonjulian-:  oh ya this one was pci17:23
boywondercan i use gparted to partition a usb stick?17:23
BluesKajearthling_, did you save it after taking the snapshot ?17:23
neurochromewickedSA, so far got ... find . -type d -exec bash -c 'shopt -s dotglob nullglob; f=("$1"/*.nfo); ((!${#f[@]}))' _ {} \; -print17:23
jdahmI have all the GL packages installed, but /usr/lib/mesa/libGL.so never symlinks to /usr/lib/libGL.so.  It does so on another computer with ubuntu 10.04.  What packages might influence this?17:24
xanguaboywonder: yes17:24
julian-sacarlson: Not sure that's gonna fit so well inside a 1.5 litre box ;)17:24
wickedSAneurochrome: man that is ugly :)17:24
dmtbhow to detect ip address on ubuntu??17:24
dmtbhow to detect ip address conflict on ubuntu??17:25
boywondercan you please tell me how?17:25
earthling_BluesKaj, I didn't see any save button, will check17:25
neurochromewickedSA, yeah, not my syntax17:25
=== DEX_ is now known as DEXTREX
neurochromedoesn't work anyway! ;)17:25
boywonderxangua,  i booted gparted from usb and it wouldnt find my stick?17:25
BluesKajearthling_, when you take a screenshot , it will ask you to save it17:26
th0rdmtb: change your ip address to something else, then see if the original ip address responds to ping17:26
wickedSAneurochrome: I would just create a shell script and work in that, rather than try to jam it all in on one line17:26
SemitonesI have a problem with Gwibber and Empathy -- Gwibber doesn't work unless I start up empathy, and if I do, I get two empathy icons (the green circles). Is there a way ot change this behavior?17:27
xanguaboywonder: you mean the gparted live cd¿ you can do it from your installed OS17:27
wickedSAneurochrome: use a couple of for loops, have it echo the dirs without nfo file17:27
boywonderthats what i want to do17:27
earthling_BluesKaj, when I do applications>accessories>take screenshot, there is no save option17:27
xanguaSemitones: green circles¿17:27
earthling_just "take screenshot"17:27
neurochromewickedSA, how to echo dir with no .nfo?17:28
Semitonesxangua: status indicator17:28
dmtbth0r:u mean i shud ping the earlier address??17:28
brett\quiescens, ding. --> auto.svl /homes autofs rw,relatime,fd=43,pgrp=1405,timeout=300,minproto=5,maxproto=5,indirect 0 017:28
BluesKajearthling_, no "save as" ?17:28
th0rdmtb: yes, if there is something else using that address it should respond17:28
brett\quiescens, still not sure what to do with that. tips?17:28
wickedSAneurochrome: inside the for loop, you'll iterate over the set of directories, doing find and counting nfo files. then on condition of nfos=0 echo the current dir17:28
kpettitIs there any way to make empathy popup new messages like pidgin does?  I hate the little buble notifications and the blinking thing on the toolbar isn't enough.  THanks17:29
boywonderxangua, any info on how i can do this?17:29
quiescensbrett\: yeah, so something is mounted on /homes17:29
rookso hai17:29
BluesKajearthling_, in the gui , there should be a "save as"17:29
brett\quiescens, strange it didnt come up with 'mount' command.17:29
quiescensbrett\: you should technically be able to just do: sudo umount /homes17:29
brett\quiescens, nah busy.. same prob as before17:30
quiescensbrett\: but I don't know why its mounted, and it may or may not work as expected17:30
earthling_BluesKaj, when I do "whole desktop" option then the save as comes up, but not when I do current window17:30
SemitonesI basically don't want to empathy icons17:30
rookswhat shell command is there to get given user home directory path? someting like pwd but for home directory17:30
wickedSAneurochrome: you *could* do it on the command line, but why hurt yourself if you dont have to17:30
quiescensbrett\: okay then I guess we have to try to work out why its mounted, and why it isn't showing up in the output from mount17:30
neurochromewickedSA, this works mkdir "No nfo" "With nfo"; touch "No nfo/somefile.jpg" "With nfo/somefile.nfo"; find . -type d -exec bash -c 'shopt -s dotglob nullglob; f=("$1"/*.nfo); ((!${#f[@]}))' _ {} \; -print17:30
brett\quiescens, thanks for the right track.17:30
kpettitrooks, you could say  "echo $HOME"17:31
boywonderhey can anyone tell me how to run gpatred from my os?17:31
rookskpettit, i dont have enviroment working yet17:31
rookskpettit, at that script17:31
kpettitmaybe rephrase what your trying to do again?17:31
DEXTREXanyone know how to get on netflix with ubuntu17:31
wickedSAneurochrome: alright then! good work.17:31
BluesKajearthling_, look in /home/documents17:31
kpettitDEXTREX, if you figure it out let me know :)  A virtual windows is the best I've been able to do17:32
sacarlsonjulian-: this is the only IR with lirc support with usb I could find http://www.home-electro.com/tira2.php17:32
DEXTREXlike virtualbox17:32
wickedSADEXTREX: no dice. wont work, last I looked which was like 2 weeks ago17:32
rookswhat shell command is there to get path to home directory of given user? someting like pwd but for home directory, no enviroment is yet there, so no $HOME and such17:32
kpettitI broke down and bought a roku box.  But virtualbox worked great, I use it all the time17:32
wickedSADEXTREX: right, unless you're using a vm17:32
sprungoracle virtualbox is a great virtualization system17:32
sprungthey changed the branding its not sun virtualbox anymore17:33
wickedSArooks: that info is in /etc/passwd17:33
DEXTREXya i just dont know how to use it... it says it can work17:33
earthling_BluesKaj, not there17:33
DEXTREXi just havent figured it out17:33
wickedSArooks: so you could grep that and cut and rinse / repeat17:33
rookswickedSA, no, i use ldap users :)17:33
sprungDEXTREX, using sun virtualbox is easy as pie just read the instructions17:33
rookshmm.. i can ask ldap about it:P17:33
kpettitrooks, if you know the username you could do something like "grep username /etc/passwd" and it will show you the line that has home directory17:33
wickedSArooks: well that is a different question isnt it :P17:33
kpettitrooks, if your using ldap I don't know how to do that17:34
rooksi think ill know :P17:34
DEXTREXlol ya that would help i guess sprung17:34
wickedSArooks: there are cli ldap tools, you'll have to go dig around. I is ldap dummy on purpose.17:34
rooksldapsearch -vLx -b "dc=wsisiz,dc=edu,dc=pl" "(uid=username)"17:35
sprungDEXTREX, virtualbox is seriously ridiculously easy to use17:35
rooksi just remembered it :P17:35
wickedSAglad we could...help17:35
kpettitrooks, good memory17:35
rookskpettit, thx :)17:35
NotscapeHi, is there an especial channel for ubuntu server ?17:35
sprungDEXTREX, here you go http://www.freesoftwaremagazine.com/articles/using_virtualbox_to_run_ubuntu17:35
DEXTREXyou have to have install disk of the other OS to get it running17:35
rookswickedSA, you did help in a way, so yay :)17:36
sprungDEXTREX, yes, otherwise how is virtualbox going to know what to install?17:36
wickedSArooks: :)17:36
Friarwhat is the command to see how different disks on my system are formatted?17:36
sprungone nifty thing about virtualbox is i believe it runs solaris17:36
kpettitI have a big binary file to download from a slower computer.  Does ssh or rsync let you resume download on a single binary file if it pukes partially through?17:36
sprungvmware cant do that17:36
BaylesNotscape : - #ubuntu-server17:37
jpdsFriar: sudo fdisk -l17:37
NotscapeBayles: thanks !17:37
Friarthanks jpds17:37
sprungkpettit, ssh definitely doesn't17:37
wickedSAkpettit: I dont think rsync will either17:37
sacarlsonDEXTREX: cool thing with virtualbox is you don't need to burn the cd to try it just installs the iso file that you down load.17:37
kpettityeah I know.  driving me crazy.  Can't see it as any comman dline option17:37
DEXTREXi already have it installed in dual partition i guess the problem is i cant access the internet with vista lol17:37
Friarjpds, it shows my backup as a linux system, but I'm wondering if it is ext3 or ext4 or what.17:38
SemitonesHas anyone seen this behavior in empathy/gwibber? I can't access chat in gwibber without starting empathy, and when I do, I have chat status indicator icons (one for gwibber, one for empathy). How can I chat only using gwibber?17:38
sprungwickedSA, actually im reading something that may allow that17:38
RobinJUhm... help? I upgraded to the Ubuntu 10.10 Beta and now my computer is stuck at the startup screen, i managed to start in failsafe graphics mode, if i run startx from recovery terminal it tells me this: failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/extra-modules/nvidia_drv.so17:38
sprungkpettit, you may have to learn how to use scp but http://panela.blog-city.com/resume_scp_after_interrupted_downloads_use_rsync.htm17:39
wickedSAon a partial file? neat17:39
wickedSAguess I am wrong! awesome17:39
kpettitsprung, ahh cool thanks17:39
kpettitI'll give it a try right now...17:40
wickedSAlove learning something new17:40
sacarlsonRobinJ: try move the file sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.org17:40
RobinJi thought ubuntu didnt use xorg.conf anymore since 9.10?17:41
RobinJbut ill try17:41
sacarlsonRobinJ: only if you use propraitary drivers it will be there17:41
RobinJcan it help if i just disable the nvidia_96 drivers?17:41
sacarlsonRobinJ: yes so you will need to reinstall that driver.  and it seems for me I had to do a complete remove then install before I got mine to work17:42
wickedSAreading docs really does help :)17:43
RobinJok ill reboot in a moment, thanks sacarlson17:43
sacarlsonrobinj: well by moving that xorg.conf that is what you are doing disabling it17:43
jpdsFriar: sudo lshw -C disks17:43
kpettitsprung, wickedSA  sweet it worked.  Got to 3% on download, killed it and was able to start again at 3%.  nice.17:43
wickedSAkpettit sprung: bitchin17:44
masterBIGwillycommand i use to check who is connected to my network?17:44
masterBIGwillywireless at that17:44
th0rmasterBIGwilly: that would be a function of your wireless router17:45
pksadiqplease anybody help me with ircii17:45
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.17:45
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots17:45
masterBIGwillyth0r, elaborate please?17:45
Joricproblem with vnc, m & s keys are unusable, they open chat and logout context menus even without any modifiers, how to fix? export XKL_XMODMAP_DISABLE=1 doesn't help!17:46
th0rmasterBIGwilly: your wifi router will have a way to show who is connected...other than sniffing the wireless network you can't do it from a workstation17:46
sprungWicked, kpettit, i'm going to remember that command, don't thank me thank google17:46
pksadiqhow to make ircii more colorful, like diffrent colors for username, messages, etc17:47
masterBIGwillyth0r, what must i do to sniff it? or do it from a workstation?17:47
sacarlsonmasterBIGwilly: if you just want to see what is conected to your own computer you can try sudo iftop17:47
masterBIGwillyi have a cheap linksys g wireless.. how would i use it to tell me whos connected to it?17:47
kpettitgotta love some googleing.  I need to keep a better list of tricks like that I seem to forget often17:47
tucemiuxI want to file a bug report on an ubuntu machine that is frozen, how do I do that?17:47
tucemiuxmasterBIGwilly, you have a cheap linksys wireless router?17:48
masterBIGwillytucemiux, all of 'em are cheap17:48
masterBIGwillythey're home routers et17:48
tucemiuxmasterBIGwilly, my home lilnksys router costs little yes -- but it is NOT cheap, I have tomato installed on it17:49
sacarlsonmasterBIGwilly: you can use the program kismet to monitor wifi trafic if your device is supported17:49
lucitumasterBIGwilly: connect to your router and there you can see who is connected17:49
masterBIGwillylucita, how do i connect to it?17:49
DunasInstalled 10.04, updated via the internet, and now upon reboot my ethernet doesn't work. Using a motherboard card that's built into the board, that's worked before (and in fact worked on 10.04 before updating!) so I have no idea what the problem is... help?17:49
lucitumasterBIGwilly: with your browser open it's ip address17:50
masterBIGwillyhow do i obtain it's ip address again?17:50
th0rlucitu: good luck17:50
lucitumasterBIGwilly: ususally or 1.017:50
sacarlsonmasterBIGwilly: you can also make it so all trafic on your wifi router goes through your computer so you can monitor and or filter all trafic through.17:51
masterBIGwillysacarlson, really? as i'm the gateway to the router?17:51
masterBIGwillywould that not put me at risk(or my computer)?17:52
sacarlsonmasterBIGwilly: yes you could be the gateway17:52
DunasAnyone have any ideas? Ubuntu's kind of useless without an internet connection, is all...17:52
jpdsmasterBIGwilly: Isn't life all aobut risks? :P17:52
=== MengXinHun is now known as help
tucemiuxwhere do I report a bug?17:52
masterBIGwillyif you have it made, nope.17:52
=== help is now known as MengXinHun
masterBIGwillyDunas, my first installation was internetless17:52
sacarlsonmasterBIGwilly: I'm not sure what risk is.17:52
masterBIGwillyi didn't know what to do for months..17:53
tucemiuxobutu why must you be unresponsibe??17:53
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:53
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots17:53
lucituth0r: luck has nothing to do with it17:53
DunasmasterBIGwilly: Erm... well, I'm using a borrowed laptop to ask this, so I'm kind of desperate here.17:53
^james_foo^masterBIGwilly: the ip of your router is *not* ....0.0 oder ...1.0 . thos are no device addresses. try 'arp -a' in a terminal, you should get too many output, and one is the router, if your pc is using that as router17:54
^james_foo^*should not*17:54
masterBIGwillyDunas, you're going to need an internet connection17:54
masterBIGwillyor speak to a more knowledgeable person17:54
Fendarilwas #ubuntu spammed?17:54
FendarilI got redirected to security check17:55
boo_boo_anyone give me link to installing tor on ubuntu17:55
DunasI'd love to ask someone who knew how to fix this :C17:55
AndrewMCFendaril: you have to answer that question to make sure you arent a spam bot17:55
jwm123i am having trouble to get zeitgeist and activity journal to communicate. Can anyone help?17:56
FendarilAndrewMC: well considering the bot and read "MSG"s sent they can easily bypass it17:56
Fendariland send JOIN #Ubuntu17:56
Fendarilbut ok17:56
sacarlsonDunas: well try boot with the older kernel since it was working before.17:56
FloodBot1Fendaril: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:56
Dunassacarlson: I have no idea how to do that. :) But I'll try to figure it out, I suppose.17:56
Fendarilanyway I got ndiswrapper17:57
Fendarilbut my driver is an exe file17:57
dmex!tor | boo_boo_17:57
ubottuboo_boo_: Want to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks  More information available in #freenode17:57
Fendariland I saw a video that said to just unzip it17:57
Fendarilbut it wont17:57
sacarlsonDunas: at boot time hold the shift key when the menu apears move with the arrows to the previose version and enter to boot17:57
boo_boo_i know about claoks ubottu i just want tor i cant find it with apt-cache search17:58
jwm123is anyone even awake here? I know this may be rude, but I'm not even sure I can be "heard"17:58
popeyjwm123: i hear you :)17:59
Dunasjwm123: :)17:59
jwm123Popey that helps, thanks.  At least I know this is working.  Has anyone had experience getting zeitgeist and activity journal to work?17:59
jwm123failing that, can anyone recommend a more productive channel to raise this question on?18:00
wildc4rdevening all18:00
Dunassacarlson: It never gives me a menu18:00
Dunassacarlson: :C Just boots within .05 sec18:00
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!18:01
jpdstucemiux: Hello.18:01
Picitucemiux: Yes?18:01
X-Sleepy-XDunas: press and hold ship right from the start when u power up the pc18:01
tucemiuxwrong channel18:01
tucemiuxmisfire o_O18:01
Picitucemiux: Please make sure you're on the right channel if you need to do that again.18:02
boo_boo_can you use apt or aptitude to install programs from source to say get the deps needed ?18:02
lucitumasterBIGwilly: if you don't know how to connect to your router and don't know it's ip address it means it's not configured properly. meaning you may have the defaults which is blank password18:02
X-Sleepy-Xtucemiux: i bet you did it on purpose... :P18:02
mnordUbuntu 10.04. How do you encrypt files in Nautilus? I don't see the option when right clicking a file.18:03
boo_boo_maybe not apt or aptitude but im sure i read something you could18:03
nemoFor ubuntu updates, is there a classification system, like low/mid/high priority?18:03
sacarlsondunas: to modify what grub2 boots as default kernel and operating system look at installing sudo apt-get install startupmanager.18:03
nemoand if so, how does one see it?18:03
Bayleshey how can i check version of latest software which is not installed yet, in cmdline18:04
erUSUL!version | Bayles18:05
ubottuBayles: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »18:05
aeon-ltdBayles: just sudo apt-get install, but don't press y18:05
lucituBayles: apt-cache policy <pkg.18:05
Baylesthanks guys, i just moved ubuntu :D18:05
Baylesmoved to *18:05
jwm123headin out, but if anyone wants one last chance to fix a zeitgeist installation here it is18:06
maxflaxwhere do i find the settingsfile for catalyst where Colortemperatur ect is saved in ubuntu?18:06
sacarlsonboo_boo_: there is something that will install the deps for a package so when you compile one it will have what it needs.18:07
boo_boo_yeah ive used ubuntu in the past but forgotten how i did it now sacarlson18:08
Picisacarlson: apt-get build-dep packagename   (actually it might accept source package name too)18:08
sacarlsonboo_boo_:  Pici: there ya go18:08
boo_boo_thanks pici,sacarlson18:09
napnapHi all18:09
X-Sleepy-Xnapnap: hi18:11
napnapI've a problem with one desktop of my LAN, a domain adress don't give the same website than the other PC's of my LAN :-s18:11
Semitonesdoes anyone here use gwibber to chat? what is the expected behavior?18:11
boo_boo_pici packagename being package.tar.gz ?18:11
napnaphowever /etc/resolv.conf is equal ther other's and /etc/hosts is not corrupt18:11
napnapWhat can I check to solve this problem ?18:12
maxflaxboo_boo_ : no18:12
napnapif anyone can give me a way..18:12
Piciboo_boo_: No, meaning the name of the package that is in the ubuntu repositories.18:12
sacarlsonnapnap: are they all ubuntu?  do they have the same things in /etc/hosts ?  does the file at /etc/resolv.conf match in each of them?18:12
Joricevery time i press 's' in vnc it opens logout context menu, how to fix it?18:12
th0rnapnap: check the dns server addresses in ifconfig18:12
Jorici.e. logout popup in the gnome18:13
rookshow to force running system to halt immediately ?18:13
th0rrooks: sudo shutdown -h now18:13
napnapsacarlson: yes, all ubuntu or xubuntu and "same" things in /etc/hosts (the machine name change :) ) and resolv.conf matches...18:13
maxflaxrooks .. type halt18:13
boo_boo_pici i dont understand you got a link so i can read ?18:14
Semitonesshutdown is nicer than halt, but halt is quicker18:14
Semitonesand quicker to type18:14
rookshow to force running system to halt immediately ? like power off or reset button, the last command is there to dead-kill system without any initrd scripts?18:14
napnapth0r: I can't see the dns server in ifconfig...only ip, Bcast etc...anything related to DNS18:14
th0rnapnap: booting the vm now so I can check18:15
sacarlsonnapnap: try dig siteyouwant.com  to see what dns and were it came from18:15
Piciboo_boo_: apt-get only knows about the packages that are in the repositories.  So, if you run apt-get build-dep bash, you'll get the dependencies that you would need to build bash from source.  This is often useful if you are compiling a newer version of some software that is already available in the repos.18:16
=== y0sh is now known as y0sh_
napnapsacarlson: the dig command give me the real IP of the website :O18:17
boo_boo_i see Pici, probably backports is what im looking for18:18
sacarlsonnapnap: then it must be getting it from /etc/hosts18:18
sacarlsonnapnap: or maybe the site redirects18:18
sacarlsonsacarlson: it could be the site looks at the browser header to determine what server to pick to service you.18:19
napnapsacarlson: no :-(, /etc/hosts only contains and that's all18:19
napnapsacarlson: and the website not redirect, all other pc's on the same lan can view the real website18:20
sacarlsonnapnap: do they all use the same browser?18:20
napnapsacarlson: yes18:20
napnapsacarlson: is not browser relative, ping give me a wrong IP18:21
sacarlsonnapnap: oh ok18:21
Scunizirooks: sudo shutdown -P now ... will run the scripts and shutdown the system18:21
sacarlsonnapnap: then it's not getting it from dns maybe wins?  or ?18:22
rooksScunizi,  i need the touch the reset button type of immediate kill18:22
maxflaxanyone has some knowledge in aticonfig?18:22
b0oti used to plug in a device that did ip over usb and it came up as eth2, but now for some reason it is comming up as eth3... how do i make it come up as eth2 again?18:22
sacarlsonnapnap: maybe compare this file /etc/nsswitch.conf18:23
maxflaxMust be another config file except xorg.conf cause I can't find the settings made in catalyst in that retarded file18:24
Scunizirooks: you mean a key combination?18:24
kartsFor a given package what command can I use to know where the packages are installed ? Something similar to apt-file show ?18:25
rooksScunizi,  no, command to issue cutting off power to cpu and such18:25
napnapsacarlson: very good idea18:25
Picikarts: dpkg -L packagename18:25
Scunizirooks: so you want it to just drop the system without running any shutdown scripts?18:25
rooksScunizi, yes, with commandline18:26
napnapsacarlson: and it solve the problem :) yeahhh18:26
sacarlsonnapnap: wow cool I never seen that before18:26
sacarlsonnapnap: I guess you just need to change the order18:26
phanindrais there any audio cutting tool in ubuntu??18:26
napnapsacarlson: I've change the line from : "hosts:          files wins dns"   to : "hosts:          files dns wins"18:27
Scunizirooks: perhaps sudo shutdown -h now .. got that from http://linux.about.com/od/lts_guide/a/gdelts34.htm18:27
napnapsacarlson: but I don't know why my samba server give me a wrong IP :-S18:27
rooksScunizi, halt -d -f is almost it :)18:27
Jorickeyboard 's' in vnc client opens 'indicator applet session' in gnome, how to get rid of this?18:27
sacarlsonnapnap: samba I think uses wins18:27
napnapsacarlson: yes in fact I say samba because IT is my wins server18:28
JohnnyLwhat's a good home router for 4 pcs at home?18:28
rookssudo halt -d -f -p \o/18:28
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:28
hihihi100hi there18:28
hihihi100how do i make a backup?18:29
hihihi100is it via command line?18:29
kartsPici: Thanks! That worked!18:29
Picikarts: great18:29
erUSUL!backup | hihihi10018:29
ubottuhihihi100: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning18:29
rooksScunizi,  sudo halt -d -f -p \o/18:29
quiescensrooks: if you really want various low level ways of shutting down you can enable the magic sysrq and either use the key combinations (if you are at the physical console) or /proc/sysrq-trigger if you aren't18:29
Scunizirooks: unfortunately I"ve no more suggestions.. did that last command work?18:29
SlartJohnnyL: you might want to ask that in #networking or possibly #hardware.. there are lots of routers out there with different features18:29
xektrumerUSUL, Im answering JohnnyL's question18:29
eikelmtHELP me,,  like right now, itis working perfekt, 5 min from now it might disconnect, if I try to reconnect it migt or migt not connect, most of the time not, then I have to reboot to connect again, reboot is only for MS people, logfiles telling me it is timing ou18:29
rooksquiescens,  sudo halt -d -f -p \o/ it will power-kill system :)18:30
eikelmtjust back from another disconnect18:30
eikelmtthis time I notice he wanted the key and even if I gave the right key , he would try and then come and ask again18:30
hihihi100if Folder synchronization makes 2 copies of every file, thats like reducing by 50% my hard disk memory, right?18:31
napnapsacarlson: but in my mind, wins (NMBD) give IP address of my LAN desktop but not of internet website ! for me it can't know that...:-\18:31
Fendarilfinally got wireless to work18:31
Fendarilneeded ndiswrapper18:31
Fendariland cabextract for the exe driver file18:31
Fendarilannoying as hell18:31
Fendarili tell you18:31
FloodBot1Fendaril: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:31
sacarlsonnapnap: well you do now.18:32
JohnnyLslacker_nl: thanks18:33
quiescensrooks: if that does what you need it to do then stick with it, i was just offering an alternative if you needed more control18:33
epure_is there any way to convert a ext4 partition to ntfs without losing everything ?18:33
Funhouse how can I make it, so I can log into SFTP with same permissions as root?18:33
* Scunizi just read about Broadcom opensourcing wi-fi drivers for .11n chips.. http://www.zdnet.com/blog/networking/broadcom-makes-its-wi-fi-chipsets-more-linux-friendly/13818:34
Scuniziepure_: yes.. back it all up,, distroy partition, recreate and format with ntfs.. replace data18:34
napnapsacarlson: yes yes, I do, but not really, because if samba want to know that it tell that to my dns server....oh, perhaps when it tell that, the website was not up...and samba keep the wrong address in the cache..18:34
uLinuxHow can I make CD-Rom drive to open using  Nautilus?18:35
epure_kinda hard when we're talking 200G and a 320GB HDD :D18:35
Slartepure_: I doubt it18:35
maxflaxSetting for ATI card cant be stored in xorg.conf - where is it?18:35
napnapsacarlson: so , thanks a lot for the solution !!!!!!!! THANKS!18:35
Slartmaxflax: there isn't one.. it's automated these days.. but if you create one it will be read and used18:35
Scuniziepure_: why would you want ntfs anyway?  you going back to windows?18:35
sacarlsonnapnap: yes it tries them in order if first fails then try secound ... untill none can find it18:35
sacarlsonnapnap: not sure about the cache part18:36
maxflaxSlart - how do I create it?18:36
epure_Scunizi:  yes , my laptop wasn't designed for ubuntu18:36
epure_i tried it for a couple of months, it's just not working out18:36
eikelmtno one feel sorry for my strugle ?18:36
Slartmaxflax: there is a command that creates one.. I don't know it by heart but if you google for "generate xorg.conf ubuntu" you should get some good hits18:36
Scuniziepure_: did you happen to do a dual boot?18:37
xxiaogeez lndir really should be in a separate package instead of staying in xutils-devel, who has nothing to do with lndir18:37
maxflaxSlart - I have a xorg.conf file - the problem is that I wonder where ATI has it's settings stored since it's not in xorg.conf18:37
xxiaoor...put it to sysutils or sth18:37
Scuniziepure_: never mind.. 200g of data means you don't have enough room to even carve out another partition.18:37
maxflaxSlart - need to force the color temp18:37
epure_Scunizi: no, i'm running winxp in VirtualBox most of the time18:37
epure_yes... you see my problem now18:38
Scuniziepure_: sounds like ubuntu's been running for a while.. what's the issue?18:38
Slartmaxflax: I have no idea about that.. it might be in xorg.conf or it might be somewhere else.. there's nothing that looks like it might be ATI related in /etc?18:38
=== XLV_ is now known as XLV
maxflaxSlart - well have looked and there is the standard files but nothing that seems to keep the settings stored18:39
blackshellwhich command should i use to check if 2 files are the same, have some similarities or detect differences??18:39
napnapsacarlson: yes, not sure, effectively my  /var/lib/samba/wins.dat contains only LAN ip... I don't understand.$18:39
epure_Scunizi:  flash is sh*t, no hardware acceleration for videos, no starcraft2... I read they're possible to install through some painful process , but I think it's simply less painful to reinstall windows18:39
Kre10shey I'm experiencing a little problem... I've been working with an sftp share. I had logged in ~30min ago, left the pc and came back. nautilus has frozen. I've done force quit, but now I can no longer connect.18:39
Kre10swhats the trick to reset whatever handles sfto?18:40
Scuniziepure_: you running 64 or 32 bit?18:40
epure_4gb ram... and I would like to use it all18:40
Slartmaxflax: then I don't really know where to look, sorry18:40
Kre10sI get this error: Error: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply.....18:40
uLinuxhow can I eject cd-rom on ubuntu18:40
SlartuLinux: eject18:40
blackshelluLinux:right click unmount18:40
ikoniauLinux: unmount it and press the eject button, or use the eject command18:40
Badegakkany who has experience with smb4k?18:40
uLinuxbefore there is a cd inside of drive?18:41
ikoniaBadegakk: just ask your question18:41
uLinuxhow can i do it18:41
blackshellanyone please which command should i use to check if 2 files are the same, have some similarities or detect differences??18:41
Scuniziepure_: ok.. I have both.. flash on 64 bit is problemmatic at best.. 32 bit I haven't had issues with except on slow connections.. the non-free driver is the right one and if you have others installed like gnash etc.. you have to uninstall them so there's no conflict.. however youtube works for me on 64bit18:41
brett\my man pages seem to be busted.. any man page i get at the bottom:  Manual page uptime(1) line ?/? (END)18:41
hihihi100sudo shutdown -r 0, does that reboot the system?18:41
ikoniablackshell: diff will show if they are the same18:41
brett\where uptime is whatever i am trying to man18:41
Slartblackshell: not sure if diff has a binary mode.. I think so.. then there's all the hash commands, md5sum and so on18:41
ikoniablackshell: it will also show any differences18:41
ikoniahihihi100: yes18:41
uLinuxI opened the cd-rom drive using K3b but dont how to it using Nautilus18:41
NilesWestHSHi, can I get help with the ubuntu 10.04 installer from usb?18:42
Scuniziepure_: starcraft2 is another issue.. I think you have to use Wine there.. their site should have decent docs on how to install it.18:42
hawkII remember hearing about a Supposedly  an operating system but its actual purpose is creating Botnets and enabling identity theft. .exe program that could be used to install kubuntu directly onto a machine. the exe was supposed to do this install from inside windows to eliminate the install from CD/DVD barrier for windows people. Is that tool completed and available?18:42
hawkIarrg! - sorry18:42
ikoniahawkI: it's not ubutu, so it's not for here18:42
ikoniaah, wrong channel18:42
hawkII remember hearing about a win .exe program that could be used to install kubuntu directly onto a machine. the exe was supposed to do this install from inside windows to eliminate the install from CD/DVD barrier for windows people. Is that tool completed and available?18:42
napnapsacarlson: good bye, have a good day/night18:42
Slart!wubi | hawkI18:42
ubottuhawkI: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.18:42
var_The file '/home/billy/Downloads/command and conquer - red alert 2 (full game).exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.18:43
var_what does this mean?18:43
EvilPhoenixvar_, do chmod +x /path/to/file/filename18:43
NilesWestHSI need to make it install silently. My school Niles West gives all freshmen netbooks, and the most comman way to fix an issue is a reimage. It would be nice if we could have it hard coded the install options and install silently w/o user interaction. Is this possible?18:43
Scuniziepure_: you can downgrade to 32 bit *if* you have a separate /home partition easily by reinstalling the base system without formatting /home.. if /home is in the main partition with everything else then you're .. well. out of luck18:43
EvilPhoenixthen it should possibly work18:43
epure_Scunizi: flash works, but sometimes it crashes when I switch to fullscreen or when I open too many windows. Last time I installed linux was ~7 years ago and it has come a long long way since, but it still has 2-3 years to go18:43
var_ok evilphoenix18:43
var_were is the file :\18:44
var_im new to ubuntu18:44
epure_Scunizi: I made up my mind.. 2-3 months is enough :)18:44
EvilPhoenixvar_, where'd you download the file to?18:44
Scuniziepure_: that's 64 bit for you.. so you'll have to find a friend that's willing to let you use an external usb drive big enough to backup your data..18:44
NilesWestHSCan anyone help?18:44
BadegakkFor some reasons i cant get smb4k to mount shares either in Kubuntu 10.04 or 10.10, i get an error message: mount.cifs permisson denied: no match for  /home/michel/Samba/Stora/FamilyLibrary  found in fstab18:44
var_i kno the file18:44
var_i mean do i cd to it?18:44
var_that's were it's at18:45
FloodBot1var_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:45
EvilPhoenixvar_, do chhod +x /home/billy/Downloads/filename18:45
EvilPhoenixvar_, where filename is the name of the executable.  Type the first few letters of the filename then hit tab18:45
epure_Scunizi: thanks! I'll try it since it seems the only option18:45
BadegakkWorked like i charm in eralier versions of kubuntu18:45
blackshellwhat is the output of "man <file1> <file2> " supposed to be?18:45
blackshellif they are the same18:46
NilesWestHSCan anyone help me?18:46
var_evil do u mean chmod?18:46
ikoniablackshell: that's not a valid command18:46
var_not chhod?18:46
hawkISlart: Thanks!18:46
jaymeskellerHi, I have a problem on startup regarding my TV tuner. In dmesg, I see errors relating to "i2c output error: rc = -5 (should be 64)". What could be wrong and what can I do to fix it?18:46
SlarthawkI: you're welcome18:46
aeon-ltd!ask | NilesWestHS18:46
ubottuNilesWestHS: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:46
EvilPhoenixvar_, yeah sorry i have a weird keyboard18:46
blackshellsorry "diff <file1> <file2>18:46
blackshellsorry "diff <file1> <file2>"18:46
ikoniablackshell: depends on the files18:46
NilesWestHSI need to make it install silently. My school Niles West gives all freshmen netbooks, and the most comman way to fix an issue is a reimage. It would be nice if we could have it hard coded the install options and install silently w/o user interaction. Is this possible?18:46
Slartblackshell: nothing, I believe.. I think it prints out differences18:46
ikoniablackshell: they are not binary files are they (someone suggested they where)18:46
NilesWestHSThe installer18:46
var_hmm u said type the first few letters?18:46
var_then tab?18:46
rooksquiescens,  ok, chill *hug*18:47
blackshellthey are the same files actually18:47
ikoniablackshell: they why do you need to diff them18:47
EvilPhoenixvar_, like /home/<username>/Downloads/<first few letters of filename>  THEN hit the tab button18:47
blackshelltesting the diff command18:47
aeon-ltdNilesWestHS: it could happen, but with a lot of scripting and not using the stock ubuntu iso, but the cli iso18:47
EvilPhoenixto easily complete the file name (I assume it has spaces in it)18:47
Funhousehow do I change permissions recursively thru a folder?18:47
var_can i do it directly from th downloads folder eveil?18:47
NilesWestHSWhere can I find documentation?18:47
EvilPhoenixvar_, yeah you can if you cd to it18:48
var_evil im in the folder downloads18:48
jaymeskellerFunhouse: "chmod ??? -R /whatever/", use sudo if needed.18:48
var_and i see the file i want18:48
var_but tab does nothing18:48
EvilPhoenixnobody listens do they18:48
EvilPhoenixvar_, IN TERMINAL18:48
var_im in terminal18:48
var_i  did cd /home/billy/downloads/18:48
sacarlsonNilesWestHS: maybe just do a direct image dump and install with something like dd18:48
var_then i did an ls18:48
var_found the file18:48
EvilPhoenixoyi, someone help var with chmod!18:49
var_i did a chmod +x comma18:49
var_then i hit tab18:49
var_and nothing happend18:49
Funhousenever mind its -R18:49
EvilPhoenixvar_, what was the filename again?18:49
NilesWestHSOk, better idea, How can I make a snapshot of a fresh image with my custom setup, and make it into a installer?18:49
EvilPhoenixpastebin the ls if you want18:49
Funhousejaymeskeller thank you18:49
var_it's a long one :\18:49
var_i only have two files in ls18:49
gsfNilesWestHS: you might try http://www.partimage.org/18:49
EvilPhoenixvar_, then use pastebin18:49
aeon-ltdNilesWestHS: no idea, but a script that would have to be invoked after install w/ a simple command18:49
var_command and conquer - red alert 2 (full game).exe18:49
EvilPhoenixvar_, i'll WRITE the damn command out for you18:50
EvilPhoenixTHANK YOU18:50
var_exact name of file18:50
Kre10sMy desktop icons have disapeared...18:50
Kre10sthe desktop seems to be frozen...18:50
blackshellare there any alternatives to man command?18:50
BadegakkI thnk i found a problem: michel@Rambo:/etc$ sudo18:51
Badegakksudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0640, should be 044018:51
Badegakksudo: no valid sudoers sources found, quitting18:51
var_u want me to just rename the file EvilPhoenix ?18:51
var_i think that would be easiest lol18:51
var_name it to somethingl ike c2 or something18:51
Kre10show do I reset the desktop18:51
Baylesvar_:  you have to " qutes the file name "file name here"18:51
EvilPhoenixvar_, this is the command without renaming: chmod +x command\ and\ conquer\ -\ red\ alert\ 2\ \(full\ game\).exe18:51
EvilPhoenixi think18:51
var_evil i renamed it to c2.exe18:52
var_ill try that18:52
EvilPhoenixyeah use c2.exe rather than the long-ass one i wrote x]18:52
var_ok i did it18:52
var_chmod +x "c2.exe"18:52
var_nothing happend18:52
EvilPhoenixnow try to run the exe18:52
Baylesor use _ underscore rather than space18:52
blackshellikonia:are there any alternatives to man command?18:52
FloodBot1var_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:52
Calinoublackshell: info ?18:53
var_evil you are epic18:53
var_thanks for all ur help :)18:53
blackshellcalinou:any toher?18:53
EvilPhoenixchmod = simple18:53
JohnHeikkila  Heya, anyone know the "/me" actions for gwibber?18:53
Kre10svar_: wine?18:53
var_kre10's yes18:53
ikoniablackshell: do you mean the diff command ?18:53
var_i havn't got it to play yet but it did unzip18:53
var_that's farther than i got before18:53
blackshellikonia:not this time18:53
var_imma try to run it now18:53
Kre10si tried that with redalert some time ago...18:54
var_it didn't work?18:54
Kre10salthough without luck.18:54
Kre10stell me if you get it!18:54
ikoniablackshell: man is the correct command18:54
var_well RA3 is supported with wine18:54
var_but this is ra218:54
EvilPhoenixvar_, wine doesnt do anything18:54
EvilPhoenixer everything*18:54
* EvilPhoenix yawns18:54
JohnHeikkilaAnyone know the "/me" actions on Empathy?18:54
Kre10sdid you look at winehq yet?18:54
var_evil wine started18:54
var_went blue18:54
var_then just went away18:54
FloodBot1var_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:55
blackshellikonia:i was ansering a questionairre to attend a hackfest,and they wanted a alternative to that command,?18:55
ikoniablackshell: that isn't what this channel is about18:55
ChogyDanJohnHeikkila: maybe try pidgin.  Ive heard empathy is not good with irc18:55
blackshellikonia:wont happen again!last time18:55
blackshellikona:and it would help me also18:56
var_yeah it has no chance or running lol18:56
ikoniablackshell: man is the correct command to read man pages18:56
blackshellikonia:so no alternative?18:56
ikoniablackshell: that isn't what this channel is for18:57
Kre10svar_: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=16718:57
blackshellikonia:c'mon eh18:57
JohnHeikkilaChogyDan: I mean MSN18:57
ikoniablackshell: no, please drop it18:57
JohnHeikkilaChogyDan: When I use MSN, I can use the /me command but it says "Error sending message '(the text I tried to send)': unknown"18:58
ChogyDanJohnHeikkila: try pidgin?  That's all I got18:58
JohnHeikkilaChogyDan: Okay, thanks.18:58
Slartblackshell: perhaps it's listed here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_page18:58
jaymeskellerHi, I have a problem on startup regarding my TV tuner. In dmesg, I see errors relating to "i2c output error: rc = -5 (should be 64)". What could be wrong and what can I do to fix it?18:58
cjaewhat is the amd/ati settings gui called again? amdcc?18:59
estragibcjae: amdccle18:59
cjaeestragib: thanks19:00
estragibcjae: aka amdc<tab> ;)19:00
cjaedoesnt work19:00
xasteyi'm running ubutu 10.4 and all of a sudden my wireless device is reading "Disabled" via lshw .. its using Broadcom STA wireless drivers19:01
maxflaxCan i set color temperature in xorg.conf?19:02
bernzanyone know of a channel on this server for discussing general *NIX-style development?19:02
estragibcjae: what do you mean it doesn't work, no completion or you can't start it, or you can't install it?19:03
emrhi, i'm getting "waiting for network connection" error on pidgin,  but i have connection now19:03
aeon-ltdemr: check your passwords19:04
KittyBootsIs there anyone here who can discuss ArtistX with me?  I am trying to find a channel but havec not found one.19:05
bsmith093im doing a massive rebuild of a completely borked windows install 256mb ram and nautilus wont run ( livecd) any other file managers19:06
var_is their an alternative to wine19:06
aeon-ltdbsmith093: try xubuntu19:06
headkase314var_→ Crossover Linux http://www.codeweavers.com/products/cxgames/19:06
aeon-ltdvar_: dualbooting if you have it :)19:07
bsmith093im booted off a live cd where does it get the soace19:07
headkase314var_→ that is commercial though.  What program do you need, perhaps there is a Linux alternative?19:07
ChogyDanbsmith093: do you have a swap partition?19:07
var_read alert 219:07
var_just a game19:07
var_i got it to unzip in wine19:07
maxflaxCan i set color temperature in xorg.conf?19:07
JoshuaLyou can use wine too19:07
var_but when i click on game.exe19:07
var_it just loads a blue screen19:07
FloodBot1var_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:07
var_and says i have to create a file in the command line19:07
bsmith093Chogy not dure probably with 256 ram19:07
ChogyDan!enter | var_19:07
ubottuvar_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:07
ChogyDanbsmith093: use the command `free` to check19:08
gellmarhi! how can I use VERY LONG file names with mkisofs?19:08
bsmith093any way i just need a full copy of some folders to a network share and i really dont want to do it manually it19:08
GerritjanI've got a question about Qt, I just created my first QWidget, with a button inside it19:09
bsmith093are there any gui filemanagers that are less memory intensive than nauitls19:09
GerritjanA pointer is referring to the Button19:09
ChogyDanbsmith093: the point is that you can setup a swap partition, and it will get you more ram19:09
GerritjanBut how do I remove the pointer at the end of the application?19:09
DAGr8how do I change resolution in ubuntu ? got 8800 NVIDIA19:09
headkase314var_→ http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=252 <- the appdb says it's working with 10.04, are you using the latest WINE?19:09
gellmarbsmith cp -r <source> <dest>19:09
GerritjanWhen I use delete the pointer doesn't show at all19:09
macoGerritjan: this is really not  helpful place for programming help19:09
GerritjanCan you refer me to a channel19:09
b4rbzHey guys19:09
ChogyDanbsmith093: or even a swap file...19:09
GerritjanWhich handles programming concepts?19:09
LjL!enter | Gerritjan19:10
ubottuGerritjan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:10
maxflaxCan i set color temperature in xorg.conf?19:10
LjLGerritjan: ##programming19:10
var_headkase314,  i just did a apt-get19:10
macoGerritjan: there may be a qt channel, otherwise maybe #kde-devel if youre trying to end up doing kde stuff or #kubuntu-devel19:10
Spanglish_7776bsmith093 mount the networkshare (is it samba) and do it command line like  gellmar suggested19:10
var_am i sposed to install it via windows?19:10
progre55hi guys. I was installing mysql-server on a server, and then lost connection to it. now when I repeat "apt-get install" it says "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)". Any suggestions, please?19:10
var_then RUN it on linux?19:10
GerritjanAllright, but I'm programming at Gnome19:10
sacarlsonGerritjan: I would also suggest try glade it makes it easy19:10
headkase314var_→ Here is the download page: http://www.winehq.org/download/  There are Ubuntu packages there and Crossover is under the "supported" link, remember Crossover is a commercial application but comes with a 7 day trial if you wanted to try Red Alert 2 with it.19:10
macoGerritjan: if you're using qt, you're doing what kde devs do19:11
DAGr8any one ?19:11
Picivar_: Stop pressing enter before finishing your sentences, this is your last warning.19:11
macoGerritjan: gnome is gtk19:11
var_headkase314, am i sposed to install the game on windows? then run it under ubuntu?19:11
headkase314var_→ the Ubuntu packages on that link's page should be newer than what you get with apt-get19:11
headkase314var_→ no you are supposed to install it within WINE.19:11
ChogyDan!aptlock | progre55 maybe this19:11
ubottuprogre55 maybe this: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:11
var_wine doesn't have an actual desktop though :\19:11
ChogyDanprogre55: but make sure all other package programs are closed, like synaptic...19:11
GerritjanBy the way, are there alternatives for enter?19:12
var_all i did was double click on the files in a folder on the desktop of ubuntu.19:12
bsmith093how do i mount a samba share  in cli19:12
LjLGerritjan: ... what?19:12
headkase314var_→ See this tutorial: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/wine  It should help fill in some knowledge gaps for you?19:12
sacarlsonGerritjan: click?19:12
xasteyHA .. finally fixed my problem19:12
Raptorshey guys is there a way to get hardware decoding on broadcom BCM970012 chipset?19:12
GerritjanIs it possible to punctuate your sentence19:12
GerritjanWithout using enters19:13
LjLGerritjan: are you kidding us?19:13
LjLGerritjan: .,;:?!19:13
GerritjanMeh, I mean that you can break snetences without sending it with several enters :/19:13
Spanglish_7776Raptors: http://www.osnews.com/story/23786/BREAKING_BROADCOM_OPEN_SOURCES_WIRELESS_DRIVERS19:13
LjLGerritjan: sure. use periods or other punctuation marks.19:13
dunas'allo. Kind of curious, I know that installing Windows 7 after Ubuntu as a partition messes with the bootloader, is there an easy to fix it or prevent it?19:13
maxflaxCan i set color temperature in xorg.conf?19:13
GoogleGuyI have a someone dumb question... On ubuntu's site it says the 64-bit version of the desktop is not recommended for regular use...Why is that?19:14
Badegakki have manged to fix the sudo issue, i have one question. Is it posible to watch video from a share using the network from the tab in dolphin. I can browse folders and copy and move files but i cant watch them, neither in vlc or dragon player. Do i realy have to use client like smb4k?19:14
var_ok i think it's working now19:14
progre55ChogyDan: yep, that helped, thanks )19:14
var_thanks guys19:14
RaptorsSpanglish_7776, It's not wireless. It's crystal HD chip for netbooks.19:14
headkase314GoogleGuy→ I use 64-bit with no issues.19:14
ChogyDanprogre55: yw19:14
b4rbzWell, I used to.19:14
wickedSAdunas: MS will mess with your boot partition, just gotta deal with it19:14
var_lol i cannot see my mouse in wine though :\19:14
GoogleGuyheadkase314: Just to be clear I'm trying to install Ubuntu Desktop 64-bit on a laptop as dual boot with Windows 7 already installed19:14
DAGr8how do I change resolution in ubuntu ? got 8800 NVIDIA  .. i ll ask again19:15
b4rbzThat's what i did, Google.  I used it for 2 years with no problem19:15
extremedevilzUbuntu is really awesome19:15
headkase314GoogleGuy→ that is my setup too.  Laptop, dual-boot except I have Vista for Windows.19:15
ChogyDanDAGr8: have you tried using the tools?19:15
progre55ChogyDan: but now as it's not properly installed, I cant install mysql-server nor remove it =) it says: "debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable". Any suggestions, please?19:15
extremedevilz:D fcuk windows19:15
DAGr8ChogyDan im nub no idea where these are ?19:15
IdleOne!language | extremedevilz19:15
ubottuextremedevilz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:15
b4rbzI'm kind of liking Linux Mint more then Ubuntu19:15
extremedevilzsorry I was happy19:16
var_wow wine has a VERY slow framerate :\19:16
b4rbzEven though Ubuntu is still really awesome19:16
ShakeyJakei got the security check wrong and yet was granted access, awesome system there guys19:16
JackStonerdoes anyone know how to remove all gnome-panels???19:16
extremedevilzUbuntu really rocks19:16
ChogyDanDAGr8: Sys > Admin > Nvidia settings19:16
dunaswickedSA, darn. :( If only I didn't want to play Starcraft!19:16
GoogleGuyb4rbz great thanks... headkase314 ok so it shouldn't be problematic then. I was just wondering if the 64-bit was not stable or something. I've heard Ubuntu 10 had some issues with the graphical installation19:16
progre55extremedevilz: sure it does =)19:16
blackshellcan info be used as alternative to man command?19:16
extremedevilzIm using it the first time19:16
wickedSAdunas: you can deal with it, its just a few extra steps19:16
blackshellcan "info" be used as alternative to man command?19:16
headkase314JackStoner→ you must have a minimum of one panel but you can set that one required panel to be auto-hidden.  Right-click on it and choose Properties.19:16
extremedevilzI manage to install xchat,vlc,wine19:16
wickedSAdunas: there are many many docs on how to do it19:16
b4rbzNp, Google19:16
IdleOneblackshell: if you read the wiki page correctly, yes19:16
=== XLV_ is now known as XLV
DAGr8ChogyDan no nvidia software installed , obviously thats my prob so I suppose Ill go get the drivers heh19:17
headkase314GoogleGuy→ my webcam actually didn't work with 32-bit and does with 64-bit.  However I haven't been able to get the microphone to work properly with either.19:17
JackStonerheadkase314, so there's no way to completely remove it?? i once  hid it with compiz screenlet thingy but i forgot how to now19:17
b4rbzHey guys I just want to ask you guys a question.  How much space is in your Linux partition?19:17
ChogyDanDAGr8: oh, then there is Sys > Prefs > Monitors19:17
progre55ChogyDan: oh, I did this and it helped "sudo fuser -vki /var/cache/debconf/config.dat"  :)19:17
progre55it removed the lock19:17
ChogyDanprogre55: hmmm, yeah, i don't know19:18
JackStonerb4rbz, you want to know how much space u have?? df -h on the terminal19:18
headkase314JackStoner→ as far as I am aware you must have one panel, you can remove the others but when you get to that last panel the option to remove is not accessible.19:18
peacesi created a user with useradd, but /etc/profile is not sourced for the new user. i'm not sure whether it's interactive or login shell, i log in via ssh as root and su to the user.19:18
* extremedevilz wonders is there a windows live messenger mimic19:18
JackStonerheadkase314, ok thanks...19:18
b4rbzNo I know how much I have.  I just want to know how much space you guys put19:18
extremedevilzbut everyone uses facebook chat now19:18
peaceshow can i get /etc/profile automatically sourced to all users?19:18
GoogleGuyheadkase314 What latop are using if you dont mind me asking. I'm on an HP G60 that this will be installed on. I haven't seen too many issues on the forums with the hardware yet, but hopefully this will go smoothley19:18
DAGr8ChogyDan thx thats what I needed , Im runin vmware and there was asetting there too so im all set now :)19:18
ChogyDanprogre55: one suggestion was to apt-get install -f19:18
JackStonerb4rbz, some of us dont have 1 linux partition19:18
BadegakkI quess its not posible19:19
var_from the terminal window19:19
Antonisextremedevilz, try emesene19:19
b4rbzwell do you think 25gb is too little?19:19
DAGr8ChogyDan wanted 16:9 got it now :P19:19
JackStonerb4rbz, is this your first time installing??19:19
var_if im in the terminal windows how do i move complete files to my desktop?19:19
progre55ChogyDan: thanks man, appreciate19:19
b4rbzI'm actually not even using Ubuntu.  I'm on Linux Mint19:19
JackStonerb4rbz, for a desktop install its enough i guess19:19
headkase314GoogleGuy→ I'm using an Acer Aspire 5100.  64-bit 1.8Ghz Turion Dual-Core with 100GB HD, Ati Xpress 1100 video, 1GB RAM.  Everything works except microphone and I had to fiddle with the sound before it worked properly.19:19
b4rbzI just like the Ubuntu community a little more than Mints lol19:20
bobstrob4rbz, are you creating separate partitions for /tmp, /home etc.?19:20
Baylesb4rbz: free -h19:20
Baylesb4rbz: free -m or -g19:20
b4rbzNo, I used a wubi type thing.  I'm dual booting19:20
sacarlsonRaptors: I spent some time looking and find nothing but people that are still tring sorry.19:20
b4rbzI used mint2win, which is pretty much wubi19:20
bobstrob4rbz, 20G is plenty, but if you do something like master a dvd, you can fill /tmp up pretty quick.19:20
GoogleGuyheadkase314 OK, so similar hardware then. I'll give the dual boot a try. Thanks a lot everyone. You were all very helpful. Have a great day, bbl19:21
bobstrob4rbz, you can set up wubi to use your win partition for extra space though.19:21
b4rbzThe max space you could put for wubi is 30gb, so I think 25gb is going to last a while19:21
extremedevilzok guys how do I install my wireless in ubuntu19:21
trece8hi, how do I print a pdf file in a paper size bigger than A4, splitted in several A4 pages so it gets printed in the original scale?19:22
sacarlsonextremedevilz:  plug it in is what I do19:22
jimcooncatextremedevilz: we need more details. Are you adding wireless hardware?19:22
extremedevilzI am adding my wireless router19:22
extremedevilzso I can use my laptop around my house19:23
jak-installhello all, so I'm having some problems booting my system without being attached to a monitor, if i have it attached to my KVM and not selected when it boots, the gdm doesn't boot and it goes into low graphics mode and cannot be booted at all... any ideas how to basically run this machine headless and I'll VNC into it to use it?19:23
extremedevilzand not stuck to my lan connection19:23
b4rbzIs it working for you, Extreme?19:23
b4rbzare your drivers working?19:23
maxflaxCan I set color temperature in xorg.conf? or where do I set if for ATI card?19:23
headkase314extremedevilz→ plug into a wired connection to get internet, run update manager and check for updates and install all offered.  If you need to reboot, do that.  Go to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers and hope your wireless driver is there.19:23
extremedevilzthat pretty :S19:23
jak-installcan anybody help me write an xorg.conf for a headless box?19:24
progre55hmm.. weird.. when installing mysql-server-5.1 from the lucid repos, it comes to the stage where it says "Setting up mysql-server-5.1 (5.1.41-3ubuntu12.6)" and freezes. Any suggestions, please?19:24
jimcooncatjak-install: you'd use the old vncserver software ... I'll look up the package name19:24
JoshuaLwhat is the name of the standard remote desktop server in ubuntu? i removed it and cant remember its name :p19:24
extremedevilznice it found my wireless network19:25
extremedevilzjust by switching on the button19:25
sacarlsonjak-install: is that what is needed?19:25
JoshuaLty jak-install19:25
JackStonerJoshuaL, i think its remote desktop viewer19:25
maxflaxjak-install : no one here knows nothing about xorg.conf - thats my experience19:25
JoshuaLJackStoner, thats the viewer, i ment server :p19:25
b4rbzThey should make it so Ubuntu comes with flash19:25
b4rbzMint does19:26
JackStonerJoshuaL, my bad :P19:26
JoshuaLJackStoner, but as jak-install said it was vino :)19:26
jak-installsacarlson: no its not, it runs just fine when I have a monitor plugged in... even with a kvm it doesn't boot19:26
jimcooncatjak-install: tightvncserver19:26
JackStonerJoshuaL, yaaay!!!19:26
jak-installjimcooncat: that will work? how should I run it i have to ssh to the box?19:26
bobstrojimcooncat, doesn't he have to be up in X for vnc?19:27
jimcooncatjak-install: you don't have to ssh to the box if it's on a local connection -- but know it's not all that secure by itself19:27
trece8hi, how do I print a pdf file in a paper size bigger than A4, splitted in several A4 pages so it gets printed in the original scale?19:27
jak-installmaxflax: yea i don't know anything about it either, and I tried to lookup how to make one and it was no fun19:27
sacarlsonjak-install: I know you can make a headless system the only complaint I have seen is people were stuck with some res19:27
trece8I mean that the original document is in a paper size bigger than A419:27
jimcooncatbobstro: he has to have X installed, but not necessarily working on his local display19:27
bobstrojimcooncat, yes, but it's not booting without a screen is what i'm understanding. so can he get to vnc then?19:28
jak-installsacarlson: Its just going to be a box for long running tasks, i'de do it from terminal but the program is gui only19:28
b4rbzIs there a Dreamweaver alternative for Linux?19:28
jak-installsacarlson: so how do i do it? because i can't get it to run at all19:28
sacarlsonjak-install: would something like FreeNX work?19:28
jimcooncatbobstro: it runs the display internally, not showing on the monitor19:28
jak-installbobstro: can ssh though, it goes up far enough19:28
b4rbzwow kompozer looks really good19:29
maxflaxjak-install - why do need xorg.conf when running with no screen?19:29
bobstrojimcooncat, ok. just wondering about the boot bit. :)19:29
maxflaxjak-install - do u have a gnome install on it anyway?19:29
rolandhello all19:29
sacarlsonjak-install: also you can run gui applications on ssh19:30
bobstrojak-install:  not to confuse things, but is your primary problem that you can't boot without a display?19:30
sacarlsonjak-install: can't get what application to run at all?19:30
rolandwhat can I do, if I have 2 UbuntuOne accounts, and I want to remove 1 of them?!19:30
jak-installsacarlson: maybe... i don't understand why it gets stuck though and asks that... i thought there was a way to do it i saw a ticket in the system but i lost it19:30
Piciroland: Best to ask in their channel: #ubuntuone19:30
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone19:30
jak-installmaxflax: because i want to be able to vnc to it, and run long running tasks on it19:31
rolandtx Pici19:31
jak-installmaxflax: yea i do have gnome on it... and it would all work fine but gnome tries to look for a monitor and says oh no you don't have one I'm going to ask you what to do and no matter what you pick never boot19:31
jak-installbobstro: yes19:31
maxflaxjak-install - why not just install server with no X and just SSH to it and run task that way19:31
jak-installsacarlson: its an applicatation that only has a gui, can't do over ssh19:32
bobstrojak-install:  or disable gdm to get booted.19:32
jak-installmaxflax: no terminal interface19:32
secondhow do I reinstall the kernel ?19:32
maxflaxjak-install - ok19:32
jak-installbobstro it boots far enough that I can ssh, so maybe I phrased it wrong, it books but gdm wont start19:32
secondI think it may have been altered, I want a fresh kernel19:32
sacarlsonjak-install: well you can run gui on ssh -x  but keeping it running if you logout I'm not sure19:33
bobstrojak-install:  yeah, i'm thinking just disabling gdm from starting so the headless box comes up to a login prompt. then you can futz with remote X stuff once you can actually get to it.19:33
surialI've got an Amazon AWS server set up the way I want it. Unfortunately, the disk size is far too large. I'm guessing that the way to move forward from here is to link a new harddisk into this instance, then copy everything on this disk to the other one, and then create a new boot AMI from there. However, if I just cp all files over I'm sure that won't do what I want (aren't there rules about where /boot and such must be located, also, permissions).19:33
surialSo, how do I make a bit-by-bit copy from one harddisk to the other so that the other disk can be used for booting, but the other disk is smaller?19:33
surialI don't think dd will work in that case either.19:33
jak-installsacarlson and bobstro thats the problem though is once i disconnect how to i keep it running, and i don't know how to start it from command line19:34
extremedevilzhumm guys I cant use wine on a exe file19:34
extremedevilzmarked as dangerous19:34
secondapt-get install <what?>19:34
bobstrojak-install:  vnc runs on a dummy display. you can reconnect and resume. it's like windows terminal services in a way.19:34
bobstrojak-install:  i do not recall details of headless though!19:34
jak-installbobstro so how i start the service?19:34
NanobotWhat's the most unobtrusive way to downgrade Java to 1.6.17?19:35
jimcooncatjak-install: I think the tightvncserver will work for you well, then; I have a box that I use it headless on that just has a couple of virtualbox instances on it.19:35
Picisecond: Your kernel is already installed.19:35
maxflaxjak-install : have u seen this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129221219:35
bobstrojak-install:  i understand what you're saying. there is no X from which to launch vncserver.19:35
secondPici: how do I reinstall it :/19:35
IdleOne!paste > extremedevilz19:35
ubottuextremedevilz, please see my private message19:35
secondPici: I want to redownload it an replace it19:35
ost2lifebeginner question time about xbmc on ubuntu: Can I set things up so that XBMC loads on log in (NOT as an XBMC session) in a similar way to the start up folder in windows?19:35
glebihanjak-install: didn't follow from start, but you generate a fresh xorg.conf using "X -configure"19:36
bobstrojak-install:  i do not recall the details, and my experience is YEARS old anyhow. i was focusing on getting it booted without a display 1st.19:36
ice799Are there any wikis/guides/etc that explain how to use xen3.3 with 10.04? All the stuff I've come across from googling has been for older versions of Ubuntu and I'm not sure it is still relevant. Any hints?19:36
nemoApparently the Mint update includes a severity level - is there any way to get that in Ubuntu? or is that a Mint "extra"19:36
secondPici: the kernel image that was in /boot got deleted, I need to reinstall it19:36
Picisecond: Assuming you're running a standard desktop install: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic19:36
trismost2life: add it to System/Preferences/Startup Applications19:36
jak-installmaxflax it worked fine in 9.10, something broke in 8.0419:36
jak-installer 10.0419:36
RaptorsHoe do you do souce management in linux openoffice?19:36
jak-installjimcooncat so how i start the service19:36
secondPici: thanks ... finally someone just gave me the short answer19:36
jak-installbobstro yea exactly19:37
ost2lifetrism: ok...I actually don't know why I didn't think of that! I knew it'd be something obvious that'd make me look silly. :) Thanks19:37
jak-installglebihan tried that and with monitor gdm wouldn't finish boot19:37
jak-installbobstro, yea im sorry it does boot, the gdm doesn't sorry i misphrased it19:37
glebihanjak-install: ok, I suppose you also tried failsafe mode ?19:37
robotti^hello! I have Hauppauge Nova DVB-T PCI card, and I installed it on my computer. It shows when I test it with lspci command. But Ubuntu does not load modules. Or something like that?19:38
jak-installglebihan yes, but that would bring me back to the same dialog saying we can't find your monitor (even though at that point the monitor was plugged in)19:38
nemorobotti^: you're missing the driver you mean?19:38
bobstrojak-install:  no problem. i assume you do want a login prompt, so suggestion still applies! a quick google makes me think vnc as a service works for what you want for the remote access. no firsthand experience with it in years myself.19:38
robotti^nemo: should it be automatic? load correct modules?19:38
glebihanjak-install: do you get to start a basic X session (without gnome) ?19:39
jak-installbobstro but no x server running to launch it from19:39
robotti^nemo: What I should do?19:39
jak-installglebihan how do i do that?19:39
nemorobotti^: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Hauppauge_WinTV_Nova-T_PCI - looks like there is linux support19:39
glebihanjak-install: xinit /usr/bin/xterm19:39
nemorobotti^: would be interesting to see what is in dmesg - whether there are any errors19:39
glebihanjak-install: for example19:39
jimcooncatjak-install: tightvncserver -nolisten tcp :119:40
dwayneI upgraded to 10.04 today and my system no longer boots.  The last thing I see is "Boot from hd(0,0) starting up..." and then the screen stays black.  For an instance I think I see "unsupported controller" before the black screen.  Anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this?19:40
extremedevilzhttp://pastie.org/private/rat09egqunbsyncjw7bsg < Need help19:40
bobstrojak-install:  this summarizes what i'm trying to say - http://stephenjungels.com/jungels.net/articles/headless-dual-boot.html19:40
jak-installglebihan im lost... so i run both of those commands?19:40
jimcooncatjak-install: you should read the tightvncserver section of: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC/Servers19:40
nemorobotti^: looks like there is ubuntu support... reading http://parker1.co.uk/mythtv_ubuntu.php19:40
glebihanjak-install: I only gave you one19:40
sacarlsonjak-install: well you can test with ssh -X yourremoteip  then run firefox and see if it works19:40
nemorobotti^: oooh. this looks annoying http://parker1.co.uk/mythtv_novafw.php19:41
jak-installglebihan, yea sorry the other one was from someobye else19:41
robotti^nemo: Yes I know. There is linux support. Because I have used that card on my Ubuntu server. For streaming television on my lan.19:41
nemorobotti^: hm. possibly just for older ones though19:41
maxflaxAnyone know about where graphic settings is stored for gfx card?19:41
robotti^nemo: but it does not work now on my Ubuntu desktop19:41
extremedevilzcan someone slove my error ?19:41
jak-installsacralson ok19:42
bobstroextremedevilz:  looks like it's a windows executable19:42
jak-installglebihan trying it now19:42
nemorobotti^: well, check dmesg (or /var/log/messages)19:42
jak-installbobstro ok i'll read that19:42
extremedevilzbobstro, it is that why I have WINE Installed19:42
extremedevilzI want to know how I can use wine to run it19:42
glebihanextremedevilz: if you're sure about the prograù, do "chmod +x /home/extremedevilz/.wine/dosdevices/c:/idman60b.exe"19:42
Andre_Gondimhow may I know the code of the color of the new ubuntu logo19:43
jumarhi, is there a way to totally remove my ubuntu one account? thanks19:43
Andre_Gondimthat oragne19:43
hawodiHello. I need to install an app that requires python 2.5 but I have 2.6 installed. I have already installed python 2.6 but the app still can't find see it. what do I do please?19:43
extremedevilzglebihan, what does that do ?19:43
glebihanextremedevilz: it makes the file executable, so it should work afterwards19:43
sacarlsonjak-install: check this out http://www.linuxjournal.com/video/access-remote-gui-programs-using-ssh-forwarding19:43
extremedevilzthe command you gave me does not work19:43
bobstrojak-install:  look like he did it last year - http://scotttyee.com/blog/2009/12/09/linux-headless-ubuntu-with-vnc/19:44
maxflaxAnyone know about where graphic settings is stored for gfx card?19:44
glebihanextremedevilz: what error do you get ?19:44
jimcooncathawodi: there must be some way to set an environment variable to tell it which python to use19:44
eppI control my music by typing in a web adress like this\\SERVER1\MediaDrive\music\audio1.mp3. is there a way to set it up so when it recieves \\"computername\path\to.mp3" it will go to a network drive?19:44
estragibAndre_Gondim: find the ubuntu marketing specs online, or edit the img in gimp and get the color with the color fetcher tool19:44
eppi dont have the source to change it so i can mount folders19:44
extremedevilznvm slove19:45
Andre_Gondimthanks esteeven19:45
PiciAndre_Gondim: Presumably its somewhere on http://design.canonical.com/ Any further questions should probably go to #ubuntu-artwork19:45
Andre_Gondimestragib, thanks19:45
jak-installsacralson ok19:45
jak-installbobstro yea this problem only occurs in 10.0419:45
hawodijimconcat: environment variable to tell the path of the python 2. 5?19:45
bobstrojak-install:  ok, sorry. i'll step out now.19:45
glebihanjak-install: did running xinit work ?19:46
ChogyDanmaxflax: xorg.conf19:48
jomajeranyone know if we can do anything about a hijacked mirror page in ubuntu's launchpad ? (its our mirror - but someone else opened up a page for it)19:48
jimcooncathawodi: python2.5 /usr/local/bin/yourscript.py19:49
bsod1how can I change mouse scroll speed?19:49
sacarlsonjak-install: I just read bobstro: it looks good too19:49
jimcooncathawodi: that just runs it directly19:50
maxflaxChogyDan - have search that one, but the settings I do in Catalyst isn't there. Im looking for color temperature, gamma ect19:50
hawodijimconcat:thanks. will look at it.19:50
BullterdEvening All.19:51
zxvffanyone here have experience configuring ldap authentication with ubuntu?19:51
BullterdThere are loads of streaming media recorders available for PC (Where you install the software & it listens and detects the stream URL when you goto the web page, then downloads it for you)19:51
Bullterddoes anyone know of such software for linux?19:51
jumarwell, if my ubuntu one account gets just later deleted its okay... i did the steps on the help site, it just angers me that things are not done immaediatly'19:52
PriswellI was getting an error in Evolution saying that it couldn't read my addressbook. So, I went to the forums to find a solution, it said to delete the gconf files in Evolution. and then reboot. When I did that I was unable to login. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit. Help?19:52
jumarso anyone? whats up with ubuntu one?19:52
eppis there a way to add \\ windows like functionality to ubuntu?19:52
sacarlsonBullterd: I was recording some music before from a web radio site on ubuntu before.19:53
maxflaxIt bothers me that no one in the whole world seems to know where settings like gamma, color temp and ect are stored. It's not in the file you thought it would be in ie xorg.conf19:53
bobstroepp:  you mean UNC access to windows services?19:53
jimcooncatepp, please describe what you need19:53
ScuniziBullterd: your built in Rhythmbox should allow streaming.. Amorak does as well.. If you're looking at capturing the stream to your computer check out streamripper19:53
zxvffif anyone is familiar with LDAP auth on ubuntu, I have it working for SSH users (Home dirs are created, clients auth against ldap) bhowever when someone tries to log on to gnome, there is an error and after the screen blinks ac ouple times it's back ot the login screen19:53
hawodijimconcat: the app is not a python app. its a .deb package.19:53
zxvffreally i can only login as root19:53
elitexrayHow do I login root to mount cd?19:53
BullterdThe issue is that I know this stream is rtmp not a shoutcast stream19:53
Bullterdif this was shoutcast I would have done this about 3 hours ago :p19:54
glebihanmaxflax: you're quite right, since xorg.conf is not used by default, it seems that nobody really knows where the configuration is stored19:54
Scunizielitexray: use sudo with the command19:54
Semitoneshow do I make a folder into a file without compressing it?19:54
glebihanelitexray: just use "sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom"19:54
ikoniaSemitones: what ?19:54
elitexraythanks i'll try that19:54
Semitonesikonia, I basically want to make a .zip file except not use compression19:55
Semitonesso is that .bz, .tar, what?19:55
maxflaxglebihan - yes, seems like thats the case. buggs me tons thou and it's almost becomming an obession to find out19:55
ikoniaSemitones: tar19:55
ikoniaSemitones: bz is compressed19:55
sacarlsonBullterd: maybe streamripper  can do it19:55
bobstromaxflax:  gnome-color-chooser has some color settings19:56
Semitoneskk thanks :)19:56
glebihanmaxflax: same thing for me, get so many questions about that, never able to answer...19:56
extremedevilz<3 Ubuntu19:56
bobstromaxflax:  you mean for entire display, not just elements, right?19:56
elitexrayglehbihan , if i were to install the setup.exe, how would i do that?19:57
ScuniziBullterd: then check out VLC .. it will do most anything.. including video streaming.19:57
elitexrayAnd with using wine19:57
Semitonesikonia, (I was making a DVD but it kept saying it couldn't make all filenames windows compatible, so I'm just putting the folder in a tar)19:57
jimcooncatzxvff: I'm not really familiar, but can you go to a login terminal (ctrl-alt-F1) and log in as a user from there?19:57
glebihanbobstro: yes maxflax is talking about display configuration19:57
zxvffjimcooncat: yep, with no problems19:57
extremedevilzguys how can I remove a program that dont want to be removed at all19:57
maxflaxbobstro - I can do the settings in catalyst but sinces it looses the setting upon reboot I feel the need to know where it's stored19:57
extremedevilzseems they say package fail while removing19:58
eppbobstro, jimcooncat i want to be able to tell consol to look at a path like "vlc \\EVAN-PC\Media Drive M\Music\Taurine.mp3"19:58
eppand go to a network drive on my other pc19:58
zxvffjimcooncat: it only complains when i try to login to gnome. i'm trying an update to 10.4 right now19:58
glebihanelitexray: what do you mean "install the setup.exe", running it I guess ?19:58
bobstroglebihan:  isn't that the sort of stuff that ubuntu is hiding from users?19:58
zxvffit just sucks becuase if i have ot update to 10.4 it means i have to update every user in our organization19:58
glebihanbobstro: well, it looks like that for some time yes19:58
elitexray"sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom   runs my cd rom but did not install the file from it19:58
glebihanelitexray: so it's a Windows program you want to run ?19:59
elitexrayyeah I'm trying to install Starcraft19:59
bobstroglebihan:  hard enough just to change basic colors on the desktop sometime.19:59
elitexrayon wine19:59
_2easymaybe now will there be somebody who knows where the file, which keeps the info that, if the external monitor is connected to VGA port or not, is?19:59
PriswellI was getting an error in Evolution saying that it couldn't read my addressbook. So, I went to the forums to find a solution, it said to delete the gconf files in Evolution. and then reboot. When I did that I was unable to login. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit. Help?19:59
var_how do i find out were my cdrom is mounted?19:59
glebihanelitexray: well, then run "wine /media/cdrom/setup.exe", but I cannot guarantee it'll work19:59
elitexrayI tried it19:59
_2easyvar_: df20:00
Priswellvar_: Try under /media20:00
glebihanelitexray: what happened ?20:00
var_i did :\20:00
jimcooncatzxvff: something funky with gdm I'd say. Check out the gdm section of http://ldots.org/ldap/20:00
elitexraywine cannot find20:00
var_media/cdrom it said unable to locate cd rom20:00
zxvffcool thanks jimcooncat i'll check it out20:00
_2easyanyone? please?20:00
zxvffah, i hadn't modified any GDM files. this is a good guide jimcooncat i ihadn't seen this, thank you20:01
elitexrayi also tried sudo wine /media/cdrom/setup.exe , did not work either20:01
glebihanelitexray: could you pastebin the exact error message ?20:01
_2easyvar_: try to remount it manually20:01
elitexraycan i get the pastebin code?20:01
jimcooncatzxvff: ymmv; this guide isn't ubuntu-specific20:01
sacarlsonelitexray: if you want to run windows apps in ubuntu you should install virtualbox and run windows in it.20:01
ajayhi, i am using ubuntu 10.04 ,in empathy getting error for Gtalk as network error20:01
_2easyvar_: df is a console command look for "mounted on" section, the lat one20:02
glebihan!paste | elitexray20:02
ubottuelitexray: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:02
extremedevilzgood night guys20:03
extremedevilzsee ya20:03
estragib_2easy: do you need a file/have you tried xrandr?20:03
extremedevilz3:03am here20:03
extremedevilzenough of ubuntu :) will play with it tomorrow20:03
extremedevilzthanks and bye20:03
_2easyestragib: i've tried, but i want to make script in ruby using regex which i know, not bash, grep and so on.20:04
dini have a vmware server running ubuntu. i extended a hard drive in esx, but i can't get ubuntu to see the new size. i need to do this without rebooting if possible. any takers?20:04
jimcooncat_2easy: sounds like you need something under /dev or /proc to tell you the state of the monitor?20:04
ajayhow to configure gtalk for audio and video chat in ubuntu 10.0420:04
dwayneI upgraded my Dell Latitude E6510 (Intel Core i5 CPU) to 10.04 this morning and can't boot into kernel  If I use the grub menu to boot everything seems fine.  Anyone have any suggestions on how to debug the default menu option ( ?  All I get is a black screen.20:05
elitexrayHm I dont know20:05
_2easyjimcooncat: yes, exactly20:05
dini've already tried rescanning the scsi bus, but to no avail.20:06
sacarlsondwayne: try move the file mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.org  reboot your original kernel.20:06
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerdwayne: try booting a livecd20:06
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SemitonesWhat's the difference in uses between .tar.7z and just .7z?20:07
_2easyjimcooncat: i know that there is for egzample /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state file, which i use i other script, and i want to know is there simmilar for VGA20:07
Cmdr_W_T_Rikertar does not compress20:07
Semitonesboth ones eventually get compressed by .7z though20:07
Semitoneswhat is the difference between tarring it first or not20:07
bobstroepp:  you can just mount the remote music directory easily enough.20:08
jimcooncat_2easy: this is a laptop, and the switch is between the laptop screen and an external vga?20:08
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSemitones: a tar is usually a collection of files, which you can compress, with gzip for instance (tar.gz or tgz)20:08
Cmdr_W_T_Rikergzip only compresses a single file. i don't know anything about 7zip so i can't comment on that20:09
_2easyjimcooncat: yeah, precisely, this is what the script should do, switching resolution, and turning off the laptop screen when external one is present20:09
dwaynesacarlson, same behavior20:09
Semitonesoh kk. i'm just trying to figure out what the best compression method for archiving files would be20:09
sacarlsondwayne: so does the live cd boot display ok then?20:10
dwaynetrying that now20:10
elitexrayWhen i type mount, it should tell me the location of where the file is located. I don't understand why I can't mount that file20:10
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Cmdr_W_T_RikerSemitones: i don't know what you'll be using it for, but for daily tasks i think tar/gzip is just fine20:11
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NanobotWhat's the most unobtrusive way to downgrade Java to 1.6.17?20:12
SemitonesCmdr_W_T_Riker, Kk, this is a little bit different -- I'm putting files on DVD with the hopes that they'll still be able to be opened 10/20 years in the future20:12
eppbobstro, the software i use to control uses that scheme. I would need source to correct it for \media\Media Drive M\Music.20:12
ikoniaSemitones: tar + gzip has been around for 15 years,20:12
sacarlsonNanobot: whey would that be needed?  seems newer supports older in java20:12
_2easyjimcooncat: it's all because i'm not using GNOME, but the xmonad, and i have to do it manually.20:12
masterBIGwillyany map programs for maps around the world?20:12
eppbobstro, so im just looking for a client side fix.20:12
wickedSASemitones: I would worry that the media itself would not last that long20:13
jak-installbobstro gelbihan sacralson yea, i guess all that works, i found a way to launch it from command line20:13
Semitonesnot even if it's kept in a safe dry place?20:13
Nanobotsacarlson: We're trying to install a Java web app, and it keeps hanging in the middle of installation. I found a bug report that suggests there's a compatibility problem with 1.6.18 and up. So, I'm trying to get 1.6.17 set up to see if that fixes it20:13
jak-installso I'll just use screen to hold it in the background20:13
bobstroepp:  not exactly sure i'm understanding. but you can certainly use sshfs (etc.) to mount ad-hoc directories on a remote machine (running ssh) locally. does that get you close?20:14
jimcooncat_2easy: I only see some references to doing this with ATI graphics -- I'm not finding a kernel hook here. Just hardwired switch to the BIOS.20:14
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSemitones: okay, i suggest not using tar/gzip for this, because when the archive gets corrupted, you probably don't have much luck in recovering the data. Better find a method where corruption of data does not destroy the rest of the data20:14
sacarlsonjak-install: but will it stay open or does it need to stay open when you client shuts down?20:14
sacarlsonNanobot: ok20:14
gerinychanyone know how to make toshiba laptop hotkeys work on ubuntu 10.10?20:15
jak-installsacarlson it needs to stay open when i disconnect ssh20:15
SemitonesCmdr_W_T_Riker, sounds good. hmm20:15
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerelitexray: if the cd is mounted, the output of mount should tell you that. you sure it is mounted?20:15
sacarlsonjak-install: ya did you find a way to do that?20:15
_2easyjimcooncat: oh, is that so, what a pity, but thanks for help, a lot:)20:15
tadoanyone knows how to hide the messages in the background of Thunderbird, while i am asked the master password?20:15
kevinSjDoes anyone know if it's possible to dual monitor in Xubuntu? Worked perfectly in Ubuntu20:15
jak-installsacralson yes i feel fairly stupid now20:16
sacarlsonjak-install: that's why it sounded like the vnc would be the way to go20:16
bduttaHello all20:17
jak-installsacarlson yea, thats what i was thinking... but won't screen do the job?20:17
Dice-Manhello bdutta20:17
bduttaIs it okay to ask a question20:17
jimcooncat_2easy: do you have anything under /proc/acpi/video/ ? (I don't have a laptop handy)20:17
_2easyjimcooncat: yes sure, give me a moment20:17
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSemitones: if you are going to have just a single copy of your data, i suggest leaving the files on a filesystem where you can restore individual files20:17
elitexraycdmr_w_t_riker , yes it should be since my cd rom rotated and the icon appeared on my desktop20:17
sacarlsonjak-install: I'm not sure what method you finaly are using.  screen?  if the display is no longer there to run the app I guess it will lock up or something20:18
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerelitexray: have you checked the content of the /media directory?20:18
SemitonesCmdr_W_T_Riker, that's what I was trying to do originally20:18
_2easyjimcooncat: /proc/acpi/video/VGA/ and there CRTD  DOS  info  LCDD  POST  POST_info  ROM  TVOD20:18
SemitonesCmdr_W_T_Riker, but I couldn't get the uncompressed files to burn to the DVD -- something about not windows compatible20:19
bduttaHello Dice-man20:19
jak-installsacarlson http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-screen-command-howto.html20:19
bduttaany tips / pointers on how to restore the startup-menu method of launching 'Ubuntu Software Center', that i seem to have lost after changing to a Real-Time kernel...20:19
elitexrayI've opened the folder to the file20:19
Semitonesmaybe I need to pull out k3b for this job20:19
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSemitones: what did you use before?20:19
elitexrayI can access the setup.exe from the cd. I thought i could right click "open with" to select wine to begin the installation20:20
Semitonesi tried brasero and the integrated nautillus tool20:20
sacarlsonjak-install: wow that sounds like it might work cool20:20
_2easyjimcooncat: cat info -> switching heads           yes, video rom          no, device to be POSTed on boot         no20:20
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSemitones: aren't CD/DVDs notorious for losing their integrity after a couple of years?20:20
sacarlsonjak-install:  try it and tell me how it goes after a shutdown and power up of you client remote20:20
jimcooncat_2easy, all I can say is if there's something related, it's in there. I'm also seeing references to "vga-switcheroo" but can't find a package.20:20
elitexrayBut I get this command instead " The file is not marked as executable"20:21
SemitonesCmdr_W_T_Riker, if they are I need to find a better way of backing up data20:21
Semitonesbecause hard disks fail all the time too20:21
kevinSjAnyone here that got dual screen setup on Xubuntu?20:22
_2easyjimcooncat: unfortunately i've already checked this folder twice. i will look for this package too.20:22
gerinychhow do i configure acpi20:22
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSemitones: at least keep copies of your data on physical different media if your data is important.20:22
kellyhanyone got any experience with getting ubuntu 10.04 working with a dell latitude d505? i get it to install/boot, but X dies on it if i try to run stuff like VLC20:23
m15kis it possible to display splashscreen in fullscreen mode when running nvidia drivers?20:23
CerealCypherkevinSj: in my experience, dual screens really only work in Ubuntu... it's too big of a hassle in other desktops at the moment20:24
PriswellI was getting an error in Evolution saying that it couldn't read my addressbook. So, I went to the forums to find a solution, it said to delete the gconf files in Evolution. and then reboot. When I did that I was unable to login. I am using Ubuntu 10.04 64 bit. Help?20:24
elitexrayAm I getting "not marked as executable" upon installation of my file because the CD isn't the original version?20:24
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerelitexray: no, you're getting that message because the executable doesn't have the executable bit set as required in linux to run an application20:25
Cmdr_W_T_Rikeror unix for that matter20:26
elitexrayIt seems like this happens to every burned cd I have.20:26
Cmdr_W_T_RikerPriswell: gconf files in evolution? or did you rm -rf ~/.gconf20:26
DragonKeeperanyone got dirt 2 to play on ubuntu yet ?20:26
jak-installsacarlson no dice20:28
jak-installwhen i disconnected ssh it killed the process20:28
shiftingcontroli hear beep sound continuously when my laptop starts til i log into ubuntu,anybdy got idea abt the prb ?20:28
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerelitexray: probably because the files on your CD are mounted as ordinary (ie. non executable) files, since the filesystem on the CD-ROM does not support such file attributes, so linux just mounts the files as ordinary ones20:28
Semitonesat least k3b is burning the DVD :)20:28
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerelitexray: i suggest either altering your mount options, or copying the data from CD to your harddisk and set the executable bit on the install.exe20:28
Cmdr_W_T_RikerSemitones: yay20:28
LxndrI have xchat set up on my desktop (here). I want to have the exact same settings on my laptop (there). Where can I find any sort of configuration and/or setting file, and to where should I copy it, to make this happen? Or is there some other, better way?20:29
elitexrayThat's good information. I can extract the setup.exe or get .iso format from the CD?20:29
LxndrI have xchat set up on my desktop (here). I want to have the exact same settings on my laptop (there). Where can I find any sort of configuration and/or setting file, and to where should I copy it, to make this happen? Or is there some other, better way?20:29
kellyhLxndr: it'll be in .xchat in your home dir20:30
toxictuxLxndr, ls ~/.xchat220:30
bobstroLxndr:  i have dircproxy set up in between for the server connection stuff.20:30
shiftingcontroli hear a beep as soon i start my laptop til i login ,can any one help me out to remove it ?20:30
Lxndrkelly, toxictux: so just copy that directory and I'm golden?20:30
DragonKeeperrip the system sound speaker out ;)20:31
Cmdr_W_T_RikerLxndr: scp -r ~/.xchat2 your_laptop:~/20:31
jak-installnow im just very confused... because its launching VNC with no monitor attached and its done it twice20:31
shiftingcontrolDragonKeeper:sound does come out from  speaker:)20:31
bduttarepeating myself here... just in case someone here can help, but missed my message:  any tips / pointers on how to restore the startup-menu method of launching 'Ubuntu Software Center', that i seem to have lost after changing to a Real-Time kernel...20:31
bobstrojak-install:  in a good way?20:32
andrew67hi, i just got prompted to do a distribution upgrade an was just wondering if its meant to be happening because i'm already running lucid lynx20:32
dwayneis there any way to recover a file that was never saved on a laptop that rebooted a few times?20:32
rockhopper!patience | bdutta20:32
ubottubdutta: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com20:32
DragonKeeperin old systems  theres a system speaker  thats y i said it20:32
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerbdutta: doesn't ring a bell here..20:32
bduttathanks for the tip, ubottu.20:32
jak-installbobstro yea20:32
bduttaok, sure Cmdr20:32
DragonKeeperso has anyone got dirt 2 to play on ubuntu yet ?20:33
Pici!appdb | DragonKeeper20:34
ubottuDragonKeeper: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:34
DragonKeeperyh dirt 2 isnt in the list thats why i asked20:34
toxictuxLxndr, use xxdiff to merge your laptop version with your desktop version20:34
PiciDragonKeeper: Then perhaps you should ask in the Wine channel then.20:34
DragonKeeperon my way20:34
jak-installbobstro and now i moved it and i dont think its gonna do it again20:35
toxictuxLxndr, xxdiff -r dir1 dir220:35
julio22what deos wine do20:35
andrew67hi, im new to IRC so i'm not sure if you can read this so if you can read this then please can you let me know20:36
wickedSAandrew67: yeah, can read20:36
ikoniaandrew67: we can see you20:36
toxictuxandrew67, thumbs up20:36
andrew67yay, has anyone else been prompted with a distribution upgrade box whilst running lucid?20:38
bduttafigured out that I could launch Software-Center using this command: /usr/bin/software-center ! so i can at-least, manually add it back to the menu.20:38
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerandrew67: nope20:38
ikoniaandrew67: you shouldn't be unless you launched it with -d20:38
jak-installdoes anybody know a way to have the machine auto fix the disk instead of prompting if theres a problem on bootup?20:38
elitexrayThanks cmdr. I figured it out and now sc installing :)20:39
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerelitexray: great20:39
elitexrayI like your air of confidence20:39
toxictuxandrew67, lucid is the latest stable version, dont upgrade to the dev version unless you know what you are doing20:39
ikoniajak-install: thats not something you want believe it or not, you shouldn't get a disk (fsck) error very often though20:39
andrew67okay, will cancel it now then!20:39
mib_mibhi guys, i can't figure out whats wrong with ubuntu - it starts up okay and everything, but when i double click icons on the desktop they don't work -- nothing happens, just goes 'busy' for a second then nothing -- can someone help? i've tried a lot of stuff, restarting gdm etc20:39
ikoniamib_mib: what icons are on the desktop that don't work20:40
g_hi all. i have a series of subdirs (of an unknown level) that i want to delete jpg files from. how do i issue a command to do this from cmdline?20:40
mib_mibfor example, text files that should open with gedit, the 'terminal' program shortcut20:40
jak-installikonia i know... but its doing it a lot... idk i just plugged a keyboard into it... whata u gonna do20:40
mib_mibikonia: also, when i go to applications and click on them there, they don't run either, although ODDDLY, a few do like emacs20:41
toxictuxg_, find . -type f -name "*.jpg"20:41
ikoniajak-install: you need to find out why, you have a problem there that's serious,20:41
DragonKeeperwhats the  end of life    in the topic :S20:41
ikoniajak-install: can you launch them from the terminal20:42
Pici!end-of-life | DragonKeeper20:42
ubottuDragonKeeper: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:42
g_toxictux: will that actually remove them though?20:42
DragonKeeperoh  ok20:42
toxictuxg_, no it will list them20:42
toxictuxg_, look if the files contain spaces or special chars20:43
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerg_: no, it will just list the files that match the search criteria. TO delete them, eitther add -delete or some xargs construction. best first check if you're not matching files you do not want to have deleted20:43
g_toxictux: so would i pipe that to rm?20:43
toxictuxg_, append | xargs rm -i20:44
o-brownHi, I'm trying to install OpenBravo and I get this error message: E: openbravo-erp: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 120:44
ajayemapthy shows network error ,but i am able to use pidgin..20:44
g_oh thanks Cmdr_W_T_Riker i'll try -delete and that toxictux20:44
KittyBootsI am having trouble with some sort of keyring for NetworkManagerApplet.  What is this it? It says it is locked and my user password dosen't seem to be able to unlock it.  How to I make this not happen?20:44
ajaywhat may be issue in empathy configuration20:44
jak-installikonia ... yea probably but it booted now... so im ok20:44
jak-installi gotta get outta here anyway20:44
EvilPhoenixhow can I tell if my processor (not the operating system) is 64bit capable?20:44
guntbertg_: you should test with find . -type f -name "*.jpg" -depth, and when you are satisfied then use find . -type f -name "*.jpg" -delete   to actually remove them20:44
DinkHello, When I try to connect to a vpn connection via nm nothing happens. I do not see anything in the logs. How do I use nm to connect to vpn. nm is configured with the correct vpn information.20:45
toxictuxEvilPhoenix, cat /proc/cpuinfo look for model name and google it20:45
zpguyOk, I have Dell inspiron 2650, trying to install ubuntu.  NTFS formated hard drive.  System won't boot to CD for the installation to begin.  How do i get my system to recognize the boot cd20:46
EvilPhoenixzpguy, BIOS20:47
Helpmeplease Hi I cannot boot into ubuntu the following message appear:General error mounting filesystems20:47
bdutta@EvilPhoenix, while your system boots up, the BIOS POST might typically report the processor, or somewhere inside BIOS menu. Also, if you are already booted into 32-bit mode in Linux, on a processor that is actually 64-bit, you can use the cpuinfo attribute under /proc to get more cpu specific information20:47
Helpmeplease I have ubuntu 10;0420:47
EvilPhoenixbdutta, not on ah HP netbook ...20:47
HelpmepleaseI'm typing from a live cd , I'm a total noob but i'm not afraid of terminal or corecting files manually20:47
EvilPhoenixHelpmeplease, your system must be messed20:47
zpguyevilphoenix, bios is ok20:47
bdutta@EvilPhoenix... ah indeed. I use one too.20:47
bdutta@Helpmeplease, do you get an offer to land on the Single-user shell ???20:48
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerzpguy: either change mmedia boot order in bios or press (i think) f12 for Dell laptops to choose boot media20:48
zpguyMy system reads other boot discs, but not my ubuntu cd20:48
zpguyThe cd of course works on other systems20:48
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerzpguy: have you tried that CD in another computer?20:48
o-brownHi, I'm trying to install OpenBravo and I get this error message: E: openbravo-erp: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 120:48
elitexrayMy starcraft installed successfully. But theres a problem. I get a blank screen upon start up of the game.20:48
Helpmepleaseafter grub only to go to a maintenance shell  or to type crtl d but then I am rebooted to grub20:49
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerelitexray: perhaps the good folks of #wine can give you some useful pointers20:49
bdutta@Helpmeplease sometimes if your CMOS battery is dead, and the BIOS RTC is reset to epoch (1st-Jan-1970), you FS checks fail your primary boot media would refuse to boot further.20:49
Helpmepleasemy keyboard is french so when asked to type root password it does not work.20:49
elitexray#wine is invites only =/20:50
Guest50928I cant left click on the window switcher      I removed and readded it but it still will not work.. I cannot switch windows 10.420:50
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: maybe this will work http://paste.ubuntu.com/489015/20:50
guntbertelitexray: its #winehq20:50
elitexraythanks that works20:50
bdutta@Helpmeplease... do u have an Ubuntu (or other Linux) LiveCD handy ?? In which case you could boot into/via LiveCD, and then try to diagnose issues with your primary HDD20:50
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerzpguy: doesn't look like a problem with ubuntu in any case, more like the medium is not read by your dvd properly. perhaps you're trying to read a dvd in a cdrom drive? you might want to create a bootable usb stick to install ubuntu from (unetbootin for starters)20:51
HelpmepleaseI am on the live cd lol because I cannot boot at all.20:51
g_ok, great, so now i'd like to run this from cron, should i chdir to the dir i want to search down from, or add the path in the find?20:51
EvilPhoenixzpguy, my next thought is an incomplete CD20:52
EvilPhoenixzpguy, or a not correctly burned CD20:52
g_bad download most likely20:52
whosjosehttp://pastebin.com/MbYNwrmK still having a problem burning a DVD Video20:52
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: the instructions I gave you tells you how to recover using your live cd http://paste.ubuntu.com/489015/20:52
guntbertg_: use the absolute path in the find command20:52
kellyhok, seems i may have fixed the d505/i855gm issues i was having *crosses fingers*20:52
aguitelhow uninstall evolution ?20:53
bdutta@Helpmeplease.. you mean you cannot boot up via LiveCD ? if so, one possibility is that your CD media has gone bad.20:53
Cmdr_W_T_Rikeraguitel: use the software manager or apt-get or aptitude20:53
EvilPhoenixaguitel, sudo apt-get uninstall evolution  ?20:53
rockhopperaguitel, sudo apt-get remove evolution20:53
sacarlsonbdutta: sounds like they are now runing on live cd20:54
Helpmepleaseno i cannot boot my installed system as the message General error mounting filesystems appear and I'am now in a live cd20:54
bduttaah... thanks for clarifying sacarlson20:54
hakermaniaHello guys, can anyone tell me what is the name of the remove-script in a deb package and where do I place it ?(I hope the name to be postrm and place it in the DEBIAN folder)20:54
bduttagot it @Helpmeplease20:54
Picihakermania: #ubuntu-packaging would be the best place to ask that20:55
hakermaniaPici, thx for this20:55
yaccI'm trying to do a system upgrade and the do-release-upgrade complains (http://paste.org/pastebin/view/22256), what can I do to fix that?20:55
g_thanks guntbert20:55
bduttaonce you'r booted in LiveCD, on that system... are you able to mound your hard-disk partitions under /tmp somewhere ?20:55
bduttaafter mounting them under /tmp somewhere, you can run 'fsck -y' to check the disk.20:56
Helpmepleasethey are mounted normally by nautilus and appear when clicking on the shortcuts20:56
guntbertbdutta: fsck on a mounted filesystem?20:57
ScuniziIs there a way to sync a folder with google docs?20:57
Helpmepleaseguest@guest:~$ sudo fsck -y fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.220:57
bduttaah... sorry. my bad !! not on the mounted system...  on the device plz.20:57
rookswhere are firefox configuration files in ~/ ?20:58
g_rooks: .mozilla/firefox20:58
duffydackScunizi, there is that google fs, might be what you want.20:58
g_rooks then your profile20:58
Scuniziduffydack: didn't know that.. thanks.. in the repos?20:58
g_thanks guys,20:58
Helpmepleasesudo fsck -y /dev/sda8 fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2 e2fsck 1.41.11 (14-Mar-2010) /dev/sda8: clean, 271015/1884160 files, 1750734/7522428 blocks21:00
galusrCan anyone help with an external hard disk and fstab issue?21:01
bdutta@Helpmeplease... anything unusual / in particular that you did, before you started getting the error ?21:02
duffydackScunizi,  https://edge.launchpad.net/~invernizzi/+archive/google-docs-fs21:02
Scuniziduffydack: there's also prism-google-docs I found in the repos :)21:02
sacarlsongalusr: maybe21:03
Helpmepleaseok I used the noatime option and I mounted tmpfs21:03
Helpmepleasemay I join a copie of my previous fstab and the actual one (cleaned of any special option)?21:04
galusrI added an external hard disk to my system before booting and the device name of an another external was given to this. The original external was configured in fstab to mount to locations based on dev name. This still worked!21:04
thune3yacc: http://ppa.launchpad.net/smaioli/ppa/ubuntu/dists/ doesn't appear to have a lucid branch, you probably need to disable it.21:04
adymitrukanyone know how to use the arrow keys when running ubuntu server in VMWare on a Windows 7 machine?21:04
galusrMy main problem is I want to configure truecrypt but I'm concerned if the machine is booted without the second external it will revert causing problems with my trueccrypt setup.21:05
Scuniziduffydack: looks like your link might be a better solution.. thanks21:05
yaccthune3, I removed the ppa from /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ but it still complains, ...21:05
duffydackScunizi, there is a deb also from the google code page21:06
jimcooncatadymitruk: you could get around it by using Putty to ssh into the ubuntu server instead of using the terminal that vmware gives you21:06
Scuniziduffydack: the ppa says he also has it posted there... nice.. thanks21:06
adymitrukright.. ok.. I guess I'll try that. Thanks, jimcooncat!21:06
bdutta@Helpmeplease, if you do have a copy of your previous (working fstab) say saved as a .bak (backup) file in the same filesystem, then after you've mounted your /dev/sda8 under /tmp somewhere, you can edit the fstab, or restore from .bak file, do 'sync' couple of times (not sure if that ritual is necessary any more), and then umount, and try rebooting with original setup.21:07
sinister-nationI had installed ubuntu & ubuntu studio on my computer, something happen to grub and had to reinstall grub. How can i get ggrub to see the other linux OS?21:07
dorganis there anyone in here that can explain mysql deadlocks to me a simple as possible21:08
guntbert!ot | dorgan21:08
ubottudorgan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:08
kdasdasfhi if i type fast xorg (or something else) doesn't get all keystrokes21:08
bdutta@sinister-nation, i think you need to just edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst fileand add entries for the other OS images... not 100% sure though. feeling quite rusty today.21:09
kdasdasfprobably the usb daemon has a too low priority21:09
LjLkdasdasf: does it sometimes get repeated keystrokes? (i.e. you type "s" you get "ssssss")21:09
kdasdasfhow can i fix that21:09
kdasdasfLjL, no the keys aresising21:09
kdasdasf*are just missing21:09
Helpmepleaseno i do not have a copy but i managed to  rewrite a cleaner one but it does not boot when i last tried it had the noatime option (in the new one)21:09
guntbertdorgan: there is a channel #mysql as well21:09
LjLkdasdasf: hmm i see. then i guess it's something different from what i used to experience21:10
d-eeequick question, why is it that when I delete files on a usb stick, on a windoze machine in the usb there is a trash folder with the deleted files?21:10
d-eeec'mon son21:10
kdasdasfLjL, how did you fix your problem?21:10
guntbertd-eee: how is that an ubuntu support question?21:10
LjLkdasdasf: i didn't really, i changed motherboards :(21:10
bdutta@Helpmeplease... after mounting your /dev/sda8 under /tmp somewhere in LiveCD, can you try to check the dmesg logs ?? where exactly does it bomb ?21:11
d-eeeguntbert:  cuz it happens when using karmi koala21:11
kdasdasfLjL, hm i hope i don't have to ^^21:11
kdasdasfit's a laptop ^^21:11
jimcooncatd-eee so you're seeing a .Trash folder when you run it under windows, correct?21:11
kdasdasfbutonleythe usb keyboard has the problem21:11
d-eeejimcooncat: yes21:11
kdasdasf*but only the21:11
d-eeejimcooncat:  how can I not have that?21:12
thune3yacc: i'm not sure. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Upgrades recommends moving /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ to /etc/apt/sources.list.d.OLD/ and mkdir /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ . you may need to run apt-get update again? i really don't know.21:12
jimcooncatd-eee that's because you're not deleting the files when you're under Ubuntu, you're moving them to .Trash21:12
jimcooncatcan someone tell d-eee how to add a delete option to Nautilus?21:12
sinister-nationbdutta: I don't see the menu.lst file21:13
d-eeejimcooncat:  but I press delete.21:13
Helpmepleasein tmp where are the dmesg logs?21:13
d-eeejimcooncat: delete option in nautilus.  I'll look it up.  appreciate the hint. thanks21:13
jimcooncatd-eee yes, under Nautilus that means "move to trash", not delete21:13
d-eeejimcooncat: ok, so it can be done in nautilus, don't have to go command line?21:14
duffydackScunizi, just tried it, nice.  needed python-fuse and the gdata deb also... but works nice21:14
zeleftikamjust installed 10.04 server on an HP DL580 quad xeon rack. no network connectivity. kinda noob, not sure where to start. halp?21:14
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: try dmesg  or you can look at the files in /var/log21:14
zaxonspoxcan someone help me with PHP issue? on php channel i get "##overflow"21:15
sinister-nationis there another ubuntu channel that could help me with grub?21:16
Mocany channel for 10.10 beta support ?21:16
d-eeed1mitris: ante re21:17
jimcooncatd-eee:  I found it. When in Ubuntu, open up Nautilus (you can do Places -> Home Folder). Menu to Edit -> Preferences. Click on the Behavior tab. Check off "Include a Delete command that bypasses Trash"21:17
rwwMoc: #ubuntu+121:18
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=== NeverForget|GoHa is now known as Pilif12p
rwwubottu: pm | sinister-nation21:19
ubottusinister-nation: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:19
Helpmepleasehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/491797/ Is my fstab correct, either the new one or the old one?21:20
DragonKeeperok so can anyone help with lil issue i have21:20
ice799Are there any wikis/guides/etc that explain how to use xen3.3 with 10.04? All the stuff I've come across from googling has been for older versions of Ubuntu and I'm not sure it is still relevant. Any hints?21:21
DragonKeeperi have a video capture card  to plug in dvd players game consoles ect..   s-video  composite21:21
DragonKeeperbut cant find a program to use it with21:21
Penguin_Petedoes installing the ssh package include sshd? Where should this daemon be?21:21
sacarlsonmaybe change your uuid to /dev/sdxx   let us see what ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid   give us21:21
sinister-nationi need some help with grub21:21
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: maybe change your uuid to /dev/sdxx   let us see what ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid   give us21:22
zaxonspoxDragonKeeper, TV-Time21:22
d-eeejimcooncat: thanks again.  just saw this.21:22
=== sinister-nation is now known as sinman
guntbertPenguin_Pete: install openssh-server21:23
DragonKeeperok ill try21:23
jimcooncatd-eee supposedly the shift-delete key combo works, but I haven't tried it21:23
kaizokux11 keeps crashing from the casper installer with "error setting MTRR (base = 0xd0000000, size = 0x03e80000, type = 1) Invalid argument (22) on 10.0421:23
Penguin_Peteguntbert *thank you*! I knew something had to be wrong!21:23
kaizokuanyone seen this before?21:23
kaizokuI tried this patch to no avail21:24
guntbertPenguin_Pete: you're welcome :-)21:24
d-eeejimcooncat: hmm, interesting.  will give it a try.21:25
Penguin_Peteapparently I have openssh-server installed, so now what? Do I need to do something to start it?21:26
DragonKeeperinstalled tvtime but it wont boot21:27
Padsteranyone know why i would get a framerate decrease in fullscreen games when i have a skype popup?21:27
zaxonspoxcan somone help me with PHP issue? on PHP channel i got "##overflow"21:27
rwwzaxonspox: you need to register with nickserv to join the PHP channel21:27
rwwubottu: register | zaxonspox21:27
ubottuzaxonspox: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:27
jimcooncatPenguin_Pete: perhaps it's sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start21:28
Padsteranyone else have that problem?21:29
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: seems your root partition UUID=544ac9d9-7d3a-40dc-9859-c5eef673ffb4  is missing.  so where is your ubuntu root now?21:29
zaxonspoxDragonKeeper, xawtv, are you sure, you have TV card drivers/firmware in your distro?21:29
Penguin_Petetried that as root even, "No such file or directory" then I tried /etc/sbin/ssh start, also got "No such file or directory" I ls /etc/sbin/s* and it's right there!21:30
sinmanI had install ubuntu & ubuntu studio but after ubuntu studio was install it screwed up the grub. So I reinstall grub using the ubuntu disk, and now it's not showing ubuntu studio in the grub menu and not showing the grub menu, please PM me since I'm bouncing between channels.21:30
HelpmepleaseI installed my root partition on sda8 :# / was on /dev/sda8 during installation UUID=bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d638  /            ext4               errors=remount-ro    0   121:31
eblumeHi - I am running Ubuntu 10.04 Server as a VM on top of KVM. When I issue a libvirt "shutdown" command, the VM doesn't respond in any way - no shutdown begins. I do not believe this is a libvirt issue, as another RHEL server responds just fine.21:31
eblumeAny ideas?21:31
DragonKeeperwell when i was trying get web cam to work it showed up there   so i think i do21:31
brianlamerehey all; I don't think I've caught on to where I go to add/remove upstart jobs21:31
Penguin_Peteoops, I mean usr/sbin/21:31
Brandon_hi there21:31
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: well that's not what I see in the /etc/fstab you sent21:31
brianlamerethere's a package I can't uninstall and I'd rather the daemon not be running21:31
jimcooncatPenguin_Pete: what's with sbin?  sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start21:32
HelpmepleaseNew one:  # /etc/fstab: static file system information. # # Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier # for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name # devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5). # # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass> proc                                       /proc        proc   nodev,noexec,nosuid         0  0   # / was 21:32
Brandon_can I pm with someone who knows a lot about the PPA system (and Debian testing?)21:32
itsjustmehello I have a window switching problem.. I cant left click on another window in the switcher,  it doesn't switch can someone help me21:32
Padsterprobably if someone like that is on21:32
Penguin_PeteOK, I finally found it in /usr/sbin/sshd, I type that as root without *any* args, and away we go! *Thank you again!*21:33
Padsteritsjustme: what do you mean by window switcher?21:33
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: so do you have that mounted then now?  can you cd to it and view the /etc/fstab file?21:33
jimcooncatPenguin_Pete: ok, but that's not how it's usually done.21:33
Helpmepleasecopied from paste bin the only thing I changed is using UUID instead of /dev/sda821:34
HelpmepleaseDo you want the fstab of the live cd? Tank you for your help you are great man(or woman) lol21:34
mbeierlanyone ever use jumbo frame (mtu > 1500, like say 9000) ethernet?  I've got a RH5 box on a gigabit network and it's performance tanks when MTU > 4000, and I'm wondering if Ubuntu is any better21:35
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: ok so were is /dev/sda8 mounted now?21:36
boywonderhi,can anyone pleas help with simple question, if i get a new phone and usb to my ubuntu will i need to install drivers or will it act like my 3g dongle?21:36
Helpmepleasefstab of the live cd :aufs / aufs rw 0 0 tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 0 /dev/sda9 swap swap defaults 0 021:36
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: ok so were is /dev/sda8 mounted now?21:36
itsjustmePadster  the 4 window switcher in the taskbar doesnt work21:36
HelpmepleaseI mounted them on the live cd with nautilus21:37
Padsteritsjustme: the desktop (workspace) switcher?21:37
brianlamerembeierl: that's just going to be a setting you have in proc/net; I highly doubt Ubuntu alters the kernel so much as for that to be different (though they may ship with different defaults)21:37
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: yes at what point did it mount it /media/???21:37
jimcooncatboywonder: it will either: work, won't work, or work with a lot of work21:38
Helpmepleaseyes media21:38
jimcooncatboywonder: best is to find someone with that phone and try it21:38
FlimmDoes anyone know a good tutorial for full disk encryption with LUKS and LVM on a dual boot system?21:38
itsjustmePadster  yes21:38
mbeierlbrianlamere: RH5 uses kernel 2.6.18 ... so that's why I wondered if there were improvements in that area or if anyone had recent experience :)21:38
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: also I should see in that /media/???/etc/fstab  line that has root21:38
itsjustmePadster  I removed it and readded it and it still doesn't work21:38
Padsteritsjustme: and when you click it it doesn't do anything?21:39
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: the question is /media/????  fill in the ??? part21:39
boywonderjimcooncat, that may proove hard to find someone21:39
jimcooncatboywonder: take your laptop to the phone store and try to find someone with a good sense of humor?21:39
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/??? /dev/sda21:39
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: sudo update-grub21:40
boywonderjimcooncat, if i get the phone and it doesnt work will someonw usually sort out the problem pretty quick? im lookin to change over to a galaxy21:40
sinmanwhats up with these floodbot's21:40
jimcooncatboywonder: other than that, get the exact model number of the phone and see if anyone else has it working. You may need to try several channels, like #linux, #hardware, or #debian as well as here21:40
Helpmepleaseyou think its a problem of grub?21:40
tunnelingcati needs some help... i was told this was the place to be? haha21:40
itsjustmePadster that is correct.  I can move say another open browser to another and see it but when I left click on it, it doesn't go to it21:41
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d638/ /dev/sda21:41
boywonderjimcooncat, will do thanks alot21:41
Brandon_anyone who knows how the PPA system works? I'd like to pm21:41
sacarlsonBrandon_: I know some21:42
nostriluuany ideas on the futex_wait problem running java programs ?21:42
jimcooncatboywonder: if you don't get a bunch of hits with googling "linux [model of phone]" you might not get going with it21:42
Brandon_sacarlson, wanna pm?21:42
tunnelingcatim running windows vista *vomits everywhere* and i want to switch to ubuntu but im totally green with it so i need some helps...21:42
sacarlsonBrandon_: prefer here to start21:42
Padsteritsjustme: so you mean with just trying to switch desktop, not drag a window or anything, right?21:42
Brandon_sacarlson, what I'll be saying is gonna result in a flamewar21:42
=== MattWB_ is now known as MattWB
jimcooncattunnelingcat: we'd love to help you purge your hard drive, please proceed21:42
Padstertunnelingcat: okay, what do you want help with?21:42
ghostlineshi all, is it possible to display how much memory an app uses in htop instead of seeing only the percentage?21:43
guntberttunnelingcat: no need for that entry line -- ask your questions, if anybody knows an answer they will most likely reply21:43
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: yes your grub is mest up21:43
tunnelingcatwhy thankyou! i have this scary virus named Vista x64! i heard the amazing ubuntu could save me! but i am afraid of the lack of compatibility with some programs i use... among a couple other things...21:43
itsjustmePadster I couldn't do anything with the switcher except see the open apps in the switcher.. I cant click " to " the window I want21:44
jimcooncattunnelingcat: let's talk about those programs. Then you can burn a live cd and take Ubuntu for a test run without touching your hard drive to see if your computer likes it21:44
Padstertunnelingcat: if you mean you don't know how they work in wine, there is a site where people post how well things work. http://appdb.winehq.org/21:44
Helpmepleaseguest@guest:~$ sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d638/ /dev/sda21:44
tunnelingcatso yeah. i run Steam.... and Skype.. will they work on ubuntu?21:44
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: you should make sure that the /media/bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d638/etc/fstab  has the root set at /dev/sda8 or the same uuid21:45
guntberttunnelingcat: if you want to just talk *about* ubuntu please /join #ubuntu-offtopic , this channel is for support only21:45
Helpmepleaseguest@guest:~$ sudo update-grub /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). guest@guest:~$ ^21:45
tunnelingcatguntbert: im asking questions :P21:45
Helpmeplease# / was on /dev/sda8 during installation UUID=bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d638  /            ext4               errors=remount-ro    0   121:45
freexorHelpmeplease: have you tried restarting?21:46
Padsteritsjustme: you can't click "to the window you want to"? you mean the desktop? or a window?21:46
tunnelingcati was also worried because last time i tried my wireless nic stopped working.... so i couldnt even get online to search for help21:46
jimcooncatguntbert: tunnelingcat is wondering if Steam and Skype are supported. I think they're appropriate questions. Do you know? I don't use them21:46
phaedratunnelingcat, as for skype yes, here > http://www.skype.com/intl/en-us/get-skype/on-your-computer/linux/21:46
Helpmepleasenot yet because its the 5 I restart today lol kype is supported21:46
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: can you even cd /media/bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d638/21:46
mbeierltunnelingcat: skype works well for me on 64bit 10.04! including video and screen share21:47
freexorSkype is in the repos, Steam works through Wine (kind of)21:47
Padstertunnelingcat: steam is planned for linux, i think, but not yet21:47
guntbertjimcooncat: neither do I, yes those questions are appropriate -- I was referring to his first two statements21:47
Helpmepleasesudo cd/media/bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d638 sudo: cd/media/bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d638: command not found21:47
tunnelingcatin the repos? im not up on the jargon ^^;;21:47
itsjustmePadster I am at my desktop and want to click to another open app in the window switcher but cant.  I click on it but nothing happens   I cant be more specific then that21:48
Padstertunnelingcat: you can install it from the package manager, where you get software21:48
tunnelingcatohh ok21:48
freexorSykpe is in canonical partener21:48
jimcooncatguntbert: I suppose advocacy isn't support, but it's just hard to resist -)21:48
Padstertunnelingcat: repositories21:48
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: you missed the space in cd ...21:48
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: you can copy and paste you know21:49
tunnelingcatook gotcha. so the last thing i need to know is about my wireless nic? it stopped working last time i tried ubuntu. im running on an HP touchsmart laptop. also: what about the touchscreen?21:49
Helpmepleasesudo cd /media/bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d638/  sudo: cd: command not found21:50
estragibtunnelingcat: broadcom?21:50
jribHelpmeplease: cd is a built-in, not a command.  What do you want to accomplish?21:50
Padsteritsjustme: you mean the bit on the right or left? http://s2.kimag.es/share/18500697.jpg21:50
Helpmepleasesudo cd/media/bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d638 sudo: cd/media/bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d638: command not found guest@guest:~$  sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /mnt//boot/grub (is /dev mounted?). No path or device is specified. Try `/usr/sbin/grub-probe --help' for more information. Auto-detection of a filesystem module failed. Please specify the module with the option `-21:51
HelpmepleaseSorry how i use cd?21:51
sacarlsonjrib: Helpmeplease: I just wanted to verify that the directory is there21:51
guntbertghostlines: press F2 to get the setup page, there you can choose what to display21:51
freexorHelpmeplease: try this: ls /media21:51
tunnelingcatestragib: yepp21:52
sacarlsonHelpmeplease:  you MUST put space cd<space>/dirname/21:52
guntberttunnelingcat: for nic and touchscreen I suggest you try with a live CD21:52
jribsacarlson: use ls21:52
estragibtunnelingcat: works most of the times, wifi has been known to be a somewhat hairy issue. until right about now: http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=10/09/09/192521421:52
jimcooncattunnelingcat: read this before attempting to install to hard drive:21:53
sacarlsonjrib: ls is fine too Helpmeplease .  you can't use the dir /mnt/  you never mounted it there21:53
Helpmepleasels /media  Documents et programmes  Musique       cdrom Espace vide OS MYLINUXLIVE bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d63821:53
freexorJust a question, but does anybody know of good accounting software for GNU/Linux? I am currently converting my Mom, and that is the only thing she still uses Windows for.21:54
Helpmepleasesorry it is in french21:54
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: well I wanted to see what's in bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d63821:54
jimcooncatfreexor: I've been looking, best I've found is openerp. gnucash may be an option for very small businesses.21:55
_2easyis this a joke?21:55
Helpmepleaseis my linux partition all the  other one are nfts21:55
hihihi100hiya, if I write a document in odf, save it as doc (because the receiver has a windows OS), and send it via hotmail, will the receiver have any problem to download the doc file?21:55
Helpmepleaseas i dual boot with vista21:55
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: yes  ls /media/bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d638/21:55
freexorjimcooncat: It is only for personal finances, so a desktop app would be best. I am looking up GNUCash now.21:55
_2easyhihihi100: no21:56
Riottahello, how to get the same beautiful high resolution bootup and high res working TTY consoles in ubuntu 10.04 like in the live cd (I'm ATI Radeon user)?21:56
guntbert_2easy:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?21:56
tunnelingcathmmm... ok so you all say i should make a live cd, test everything out, and if it works the roll with it?21:56
hihihi100does ubuntu provide for free mail accounts?21:56
freexorRiotta: The proprietary driver probable doesn't support KMS, so you will have to add "vga=xxx21:56
hihihi100or canocical?21:56
Helpmeplease0     cdrom  home lost+found  mvpod  root     srv  tmp  vmlinuz bin   dev    initrd.img  media     opt    sbin     sys  usr boot  etc    lib mnt     proc   selinux  ted  var21:57
guntberttunnelingcat: seems the sensible way21:57
freexorRiotta: where xxx is a number representing the screen details21:57
jimcooncatfreexor: for personal finances gnucash would probably be best. What's good about it is that it's actively maintained, unlike a lot of other finance software out there21:57
_2easyguntbert: i had, but now, no. why?21:57
tunnelingcatthanks everyone for the help!!!21:57
freexorRiotta: see21:57
Riottafreexor: that will work with Plymouth?21:57
guntbert_2easy: you were making random comments21:58
Riottaand grub 2.0?21:58
duffydackRiotta, http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml21:58
freexorRiotta: see http://www.pendrivelinux.com/vga-boot-modes-to-set-screen-resolution21:58
freexorRiotta: oh, and yes, it works with plymouth21:58
duffydackRiotta,  something to add when you're done :) http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/ubuntu-sunrise-plymouth-theme-adds-awe-to-boot-time/21:58
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: that can't be right21:58
_2easyguntbert: sorry, that was to Helpmeplease21:58
freexorjimcooncat: thanks for the tip, GNUCash looks great21:58
CosmiChaosMy VDPAU is not working i have latest nvidia-current installed and have no packages of Nvidias VDPAU PPA installed, please help.21:59
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: ok maybe it is then this should work sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d638/ /dev/sda21:59
jimcooncatfreexor: np. good luck with the migration. later all, gotta go!21:59
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d638/ /dev/sda21:59
guntbert_2easy: no matter to whom - we try very much to stay helpful in this channel :-)21:59
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: make sure that's all on one line22:00
Helpmeplease i will try it . bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d638 is my linux partition, all the other ones are windows so I hope it will keep dual booting22:00
quidnuncWhere are iptables rules usually source on startup? I have some rules loading somewhere but I forgot how to edit them22:00
guntbertjimcooncat: may I PM you?22:01
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:01
jribquidnunc: probably from ufw or firestarter (sorry I have to go)22:01
jimcooncatguntbert: yes, please be quick22:01
quidnuncjrib: No, I didn't it manually22:01
_2easyguntbert: that's nice of you^^ (the first channel i confrotate such niceness, lol)22:01
quidnuncdid it*22:01
Helpmepleaseguest@guest:~$ sudo grub-install --root-directory=/media/bf132327-22b8-4ed5-bfa7-4ce53821d638/ /dev/sda   Installation finished. No error reported. guest@guest:~$  guest@guest:~$ sudo update-grub /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for / (is /dev mounted?). guest@guest:~$22:01
duffydackneed to chroot22:02
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: ok try reboot22:02
HelpmepleasePlease pry for me lol Thank 4 alll really.22:02
sacarlsonHelpmeplease: I think I mestup someplace22:03
uRock!cookie > uRock22:03
ubottuuRock, please see my private message22:03
=== y0sh_ is now known as y0shi
_2easyok, one maybe question, why the old versions of the kernel stays on the hard disk after calling apt-get autoremove?22:04
=== y0shi is now known as y0sh_
* uRock knows he done nothing to deserve the cookie, but he was hungry. =)22:05
aeon-ltd_2easy: safety precaution. incase you need the kernels, they technically never become obselete22:06
uRockhas anyone had any problems installing Lightning to the 64bit thunderbird 3.1.3?22:07
_2easyaeon-ltd: ok then, so how can i tell the grub, when he is creating the grub.cfg, to take into account only the newest kernel?22:07
_2easyaeon-ltd: i don't want to manually remove them every time there is a new version of the kernel22:09
hihihi100once that I have installed ALSA, i can delete the tarball and the extracted files from my downloads folder, right?22:09
_2easyaeon-ltd: or, how can i force apt-get to remove those kernels?22:10
hihihi100cmon, give a hand to a noob22:10
guntbert_2easy: keep the second newest and remove all the others with your favorite package manager22:10
_2easyhihihi100: yes22:10
rblstevery time i update packages my /etc/mailcap file is modified, this annoys me as i have some custom setting there i need to re-set again and again22:10
aeon-ltd_2easy: yeah, its much easier with synaptics22:10
aeon-ltd!ask| hihihi10022:10
ubottuhihihi100: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:10
_2easyoh, ok, i'll try.22:11
rblsthow can i change the default background color in a plymouth theme?22:12
ubottuThunderbird is a free email client, capable of close cooperation with Firefox (both by the Mozilla Foundation). To make Thunderbird links open in Firefox, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6042722:13
aeon-ltdrblst: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1492277#422:14
aeon-ltdffdsf: hi, how did openbox work out for you?22:14
rblstaeon-ltd, many thanks22:14
aeon-ltdrblst: welcome, but please try google first next time :)22:15
VintageRitzwow, fewer than 1300 people. That's a change.22:15
aeon-ltdVintageRitz: yeah its night in gmt, so thats prob why22:16
rblstaeon-ltd, i did, i did not found this, i thought it was some image i had to modify, thanks again22:16
ScuniziFor the last month CUPS does not start on boot... I have to manually start the demon. How do I fix that?22:16
aeon-ltdrblst: oh ok22:16
ffdsfaeon-ltd it was kinda useless and I had to install lxde which nearly as slow as gnome22:16
guntbert!askthebot | uRock22:17
ubottuuRock: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".22:17
uRockScunizi, there should be something for cups in Startup Applications22:17
VintageRitzhello everyone. I'm having trouble burning a DVD back-up disc with various files. I'm using 10.04 on a Dell laptop, tried both Brasero and Gnomebaker. The programs go for a little while, then spit the disc out without burning. How can I find out what's going wrong?22:18
thune3rblst: my understanding (could be wrong) is that user mime types go in /etc/mailcap.order (for system wide) or ~/.mailcap (user specific).22:18
ffdsfi'm getting a message in icon area that 'demon of gnome settings just ended prematurelly' why does it happen?22:18
ScuniziuRock: I'm running kubuntu so thing are a bit different then gnome..22:18
aeon-ltdffdsf: ok, you are kinda pushing it though with your specs, but if you'd like to learn about linux please feel free to try http://www.archlinux.org/download/ and use this for reference http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Beginners%27_Guide , archlinux unlike ubuntu is much more raw and that gives it the advantage in performance22:18
rblstthune3, okay, thanks, and those take prefeference, right?22:18
ffdsfdefine raw22:19
rblstthune3, i'll try that, thank you22:19
thune3rblst: supposed to. that's what the documentation says, anyway.22:19
aeon-ltdffdsf: its basically packages neeeded to get online, a kernel, a package manager22:19
aeon-ltdffdsf: oh and cli by default22:20
uRockScunizi, sorry about that. Didn't realize kubuntu didn't have that app22:20
thune3rblst: for items put in /etc/mailcap.order (as it says in the header) you need to run sudo update-mime to get them propagated to mailcap file.22:20
=== lulz is now known as lol
ScuniziuRock: no problem.. I do think that there is a bug filed about this... but finding it is tough22:24
hihihi100if I have succesfully installed-upgraded ALSA via AlsaUpgrade-1.0.23-2.sh, and when running cat /proc/asound/version I get cat: /proc/asound/version: No such file or directory, what should I do? U can see the ALSA information of my laptop in http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=1b0fa73915fd1553ddd7b381181bb2a64abde16722:25
=== lol is now known as lulz
aeon-ltdhihihi100: uhh why did you update via a script?22:26
hihihi100cause thats how they told me to do it , im a noob22:27
rblstthune3, thank you22:27
aeon-ltdhihihi100: if you want new versions of alsa, just update the normal way22:27
Pavel_10can anyone help me with a pen drive problem?22:28
Pavel_10I'm running kubuntu, trying to make a ubuntu netbook flash drive22:29
ghostlinesguntbert, yeah i already have the memory bar, but it only shows the percentage22:29
Pavel_10when I reboot, f12, go to "removable devices" it pases and then just boots into kubuntu as normal22:29
newknoHi.  Is it still possible to install within Windoze?22:29
ScuniziPavel_10: use the "Startup Disk Creator" in "System" .. as long as you have an iso of the unr you should be good to go22:30
aeon-ltdnewkno: google, wubi22:30
Pavel_10scunizi, I'm already past that22:30
Scunizinewkno: yes with wubi... but you might be better off using Virtualbox and run an actual VM22:30
newknoIt's not that simple, aeon-ltd.22:30
ScuniziPavel_10: so what'22:30
aeon-ltdnewkno: yes it is22:30
ScuniziPavel_10: so what's the issue22:30
Typhwhat's the easiest way to split, then join a binary file22:30
newknoI plan to use VB eventually.22:31
Pavel_10scunizi, I used the usb creator to put the iso on the drive, but when I select it at a bootup menu it doesn't load22:31
Scunizinewkno: I really don't like wubi..22:31
aeon-ltdnewkno: VB = Virtual Box or something else?22:31
newknoFirst, though I have a problem.  So I just want to install a Linux f.s. within an NTFS one.22:31
linxehvirtualbox is so unfortunately named22:31
Pavel_10can I test the integrity of the install?22:31
guntbertghostlines: then select it press F4 to change the type of display22:31
ScuniziPavel_10: did the utility ask to reformat the pen drive? and are you plugging it into a usb port directly on the computer or a hub?22:32
newknoI can refer you to something I posted that explains things better than i can do here.22:32
uRocknewkno, installing vbox, then installing ubuntu within is very easy22:32
aeon-ltdnewkno: you can't have ext fs in a ntfs, you have to emulate with a VB like you said, or dual boot22:32
newknojust a moment...22:32
uRockyou can't go wrong22:32
newknoYes  And I want to know how to do those things.22:32
duffydackPavel_10, md5sum the iso and then plug in the stick and cd into it and md5sum -c md5sum.txt22:32
newknoFirst, though, just for my own reasons, I want to install Ubuntu within Windoze.22:32
newknoI can't figure out how to do it.22:33
opheronsomebody knows if the new ubuntu 10.10 has fixed the error unable unmount /cdrom during installation from another disk partition22:33
newknoThe online docs are outdated.22:33
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:33
uRockis up to date22:33
Manfred-sorry, how could i leave the NickServ page ?22:33
Pavel_10scunizi, it didn't ask anything about the drive.  directly. duffydac, what is md5sum?22:33
newkno<aeon-ltd> - you mean it used to be possible to install Ubuntu within Windoze, but no longer is?22:34
newknoThat's what the evidence is suggesting to me.22:34
uRocknewkno, you either have to use wubi or VBox22:34
uRockor VM22:34
newknouRock - I used wubi, but it doesn't have the option illustrated in the docs I was referred to by someone else.22:35
aeon-ltdnewkno: feel free to tweak some settings but this is basically it http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/virtualbox22:36
uRockcheck out the new manual, there is a lot in it, do you want to install in a VM?22:36
newknoThere is no "Install Inside Windows" option button presented, unlike what's shown on the web page.  Maybe it's because of what you said about the ext4 f.s. not being able to live inside an NTFS one.22:36
newknoThanks, aeon-ltd.22:36
uRockIf you have the disk in the drive and doubleclick the icon within WIndows, then it should offer an exe to install22:37
galusrHi, I've an external drive I'm trying to copy to another drive. The drive I'm trying to copy to is mounted automatically via fstab but it only has root permissions. How can I add access for other users?22:37
aeon-ltdnewkno: your welcome, i hope it works out :)22:37
newknoaeon-ltd & uRock, I was looking for an easy way to restore the MBR onto an internal drive in a laptop.22:37
VintageRitzAny ideas why I can't seem to burn a DVD. I'm using 10.04 on a Dell laptop, tried both Brasero and Gnomebaker. The programs go for a little while, then spit the disc out without burning. How can I find out what's going wrong and is there another channel that deals more specifically with those issues?22:37
aeon-ltdnewkno: you might wanna ask in #windows22:37
newknoaeon-ltd & uRock, let me give you a URL where my situation is explained in detail...22:37
bodwickManfred- what page?22:37
Manfred-bodwick: the one where the identify bot speak to me, /leave didn't work22:38
unimatrixvery basic question: can I install both the 32-bit and 64-bit version of the same package? (let's say it's a library)22:38
bodwickManfred-  ubuntu-unregistered or sth like that ?22:39
aeon-ltdManfred-: you need the nickserv channel as long as your in freenode22:39
Manfred-bodwick: ubuntu/Nickserv22:39
LoshkiTyph: use the 'split' command to split into pieces, then later use 'cat' to rejoin the pieces. Use md5sum to verify the new copy is identical to the original...22:39
newknoaeon-ltd & uRock, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/12486322:39
Manfred-aeon-ltd: okay ;(22:39
newknoaeon-ltd - tnx!22:40
RaptorsDoes anyone have any recommendation for a CLI batch ID3 program?22:40
Manfred-aeon-ltd: thanks by the way22:40
opheronunimatrix the 64 bit processor only works in one way 32bit or 64 i think22:40
unimatrixopheron it can run either 32bit or 64bit, the problem is will Ubuntu allow me to keep both variations22:41
th0runimatrix: you can't have both in the same os...but you can install the 32bit and 64bit os side by side and boot either one22:42
unimatrixopheron since some binaries do not exist in 64bit i need to get some 32bit libs, but obviously i can't remove the native 64bit libs because then everything else will stop working22:42
opheronunimatrix it  will create conflicts22:43
mneptokRaptors: http://more-cowbell.org/index.php/Main_Page22:43
unimatrixopheron this is probably the reason why 64bit still hasn't picked up well22:43
opheronunimatrix your processor supports virtualization22:44
Loshki!biarch | unimatrix I've never done it, but apparently it can be done:22:44
ubottuunimatrix I've never done it, but apparently it can be done:: A BiArch 64-bit system is one that comes with a complete 32-bit package system, as well. This means that you can run 32bit packages as well on your 64-bit install22:44
uRockHow does one install the 32bit thunderbird on a 64bit Ubuntu?22:45
Eyes_OnlyIm haivng difficulty running a bash command, it outputs that the command isnt found (im not a noob when it comes to basic bash syntax)22:45
lazybug2 Hello i cant update my basic packages i have access to the internet wired/wireless22:45
ectospasmEyes_Only: what's the command you're using?22:45
FlanneluRock: You can install 64bit thunderbird.  Why do you want 32bit thunderbird?22:46
ectospasmEyes_Only: paste it if you need to22:46
Eyes_Onlyi dropped a symlink to adb in /usr/bin and tried running adb22:46
uRockFlannel, there is no 64bit thunderbird on the Mozilla page22:46
ectospasmEyes_Only: what's the path to the symlink, and what's the command you're using?22:46
aeon-ltdEyes_Only: wheres adb located?22:46
FlanneluRock: Is there anything wrong with the one in the repositories?22:46
unimatrixLoshki but I can already run 32bit stuff just fine, the problem arises when there is a library dependency and since the lib exists, but in 64bit, the software won't run22:46
mneptokEyes_Only: just use the full path in the script22:46
Eyes_OnlyTHEN when that didnt work, i used cd /path/to/adb and then ./adb22:46
FlanneluRock: (sudo apt-get install thunderbird)22:47
uRockflannel, no lightning support22:47
Eyes_Onlyand it still outputs that it wasnt found22:47
Loshkiunimatrix: I haven22:47
slooksterpsvQuestion for anyone that can help regarding computer lagging, freezing, hanging, etc. on file copy operations22:47
Loshkiunimatrix: I haven't done it myself, but I understand you can install compatibility libraries for 32 bit apps...22:47
uRockFlannel, no biggie, I was hoping to get lucky22:48
FlanneluRock: Hmm.  Lightning was dropped in Lucid.  Interesting.  Hold on, let me check the PPAs22:48
ectospasmEyes_Only: is adb executable?22:48
opheronunimatrix thast why we need to think 64 bit its server only..., it be more easy install ubuntu 32 bit and wait to 64 bit22:48
Eyes_Onlyyes, ill even chmod 777d it22:49
unimatrixLoshki true, but sometimes they don't exist (for example libglut)22:49
aeon-ltdEyes_Only: chmod -x it as well22:49
Eyes_Onlythat too22:49
uRockFlannel, I am wondering why mozilla doesn't offer the 64bit forr it, when they have 3.1.3 in the 64bit 10.1022:49
newknoaeon-ltd - with regard to the page you referred me to - http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/virtualbox - it looks useful, but I want to do things inside out - to install Windoze underneath Linux - to boot into Ubuntu and then run Windoze underneath.  Makes more sense to me.22:49
slooksterpsvcan someone pm me regarding file copy operations and lagging/hanging in ubuntu?22:49
Loshkiunimatrix: you need more help than I can give you, sorry...22:49
guntbert!pm | slooksterpsv22:49
ubottuslooksterpsv: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:49
ectospasmEyes_Only: what's the full path to the file you're trying to run?  You haven't specified that22:50
FlanneluRock: Yeah, that is strange too.  You might head over to #ubuntu-mozillateam and ask.  They'll probably know more about it, and what you can do to get TB and lightning22:50
aeon-ltdnewkno: ok, but its roughly the same process :)22:50
uRockFlannel, will do, thanx22:50
ectospasmEyes_Only: oh, yeah, and make sure the filesystem it's sitting on isn't mounted noexec22:50
uRock!cookie | Flannel =)22:50
newknoaeon-ltd: gotcha22:50
ubottuFlannel =): Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!22:50
slooksterpsv@ubottu - ok22:51
filo1234newkno: but with wubi you can run windows or ubuntu once, not ever in the same time, or windows or ubuntu :D22:51
newknoaeon-ltd: had a chance to read the thing I posted?  I was just trying to find some way to make the internal drive bootable.  I'm sure there must be easier ways.  I'd even settle for a working GRUB in the MBR.22:51
opheronunimatrix may you can get libglut if you download the rpm package22:51
Eyes_Onlyhey, isnt the syntax for chmod: chmod -x 777 [file]22:51
ectospasmEyes_Only: no22:52
unimatrixopheron why rpm?22:52
Nach0zfilo1234: If you use VirtualBox by Sun you shuold be able to run them in integrated mode. side-by-side.  yes?22:52
ectospasmEyes_Only: to make it executable, try this:  chmod +x <file>22:52
filo1234Nach0z: sure22:52
aeon-ltdEyes_Only: no just do -x22:52
opheronunimatrix or maybe use this http://bioscreencastwiki.com/Compiling_pymol_from_subversion_for_64bit_ubuntu22:52
bemisapologies if this is covered in a FAQ somewhere - but I can't seem to find an answer -- 10.04 and 10.10 CDs on all of my systems (dual-head NVidia Quadro) result in screen in "power save mode" -- there is a kernel boot line option that disabled the frame buffer stuff which allowed me to install in the past, but I can't find the syntax - anyone have any ideas?22:52
ectospasmaeon-ltd: -x REMOVES executable bit!22:52
awesome_guesthi is there a freenode channel specifically dedicated to building computers?22:53
Nach0zokidoki. just thought i'd put in my two cents. in the meantime, i've got some questions and i didnt know where else to go. anyone here know how to use ubuntu to set up a server using a home desktop computer?22:53
slooksterpsvSo when I copy files from an NTFS to EXT4, or EXT4 to NTFS (on same drive); my applications hang and I can't click anything until the copy operation is done - all windows gray out. I thought it may have been a kernel issue, so I reverted back to - it still happens. I'm trying to figure out what's going on, if its an issue with EXT4, NTFS in Linux, or something else like the kernel or mint.22:53
filo1234Nach0z: with vbox you can run all guest machines that you want....if have enought RAM22:53
newknofile1234: yes.  I know.  I don't want a dual-boot system, which is why something like VirtualBox is attractive.  (I've read it's easier to set up than Linux KVM and maybe just as good as VMware.)22:53
Eyes_Onlyhow do i add a name to the front, been a while sinc ei was on here22:53
th0rawesome_guest: #hardware?22:53
ectospasmslooksterpsv: how big are the files?22:53
awesome_guestth0r: thanks22:53
Nach0znewkno: I've got experience with virtual PC's and i can tell you it is MUCH easier.22:53
jsidhuhey guys, is there a way to force a login to a specific user from the console? I know i can do it in the GUI/GDM, but I have a need to force a login from the console?22:53
guntbertbemis: see http://www.backports.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1484385   does that help?22:54
aeon-ltdectospasm: sorry +x my bad22:54
newknoNachOz:  Thanks.22:54
Nach0zno problema.22:54
bemisguntbert, not really - trying to do initial install - so no /etc/ to mangle files in22:54
ectospasmslooksterpsv: that's gonna take a while, depending on the speed of your disk22:54
ectospasmslooksterpsv: and I have the same problem22:54
Eyes_Onlyhow do i add a target to my chat messages, i forget >.<22:54
Nach0zso is anyone in here familiar with setting up a home server usin ubuntu? i'm not really familiar with it at all and i dont know where else to ask xD22:55
aeon-ltd!tab | Eyes_Only22:55
ubottuEyes_Only: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.22:55
aeon-ltd!who | Eyes_Only22:55
ubottuEyes_Only: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:55
newknoNachOz: I have 1.5 GB of RAM.  I notice that the Ubuntu installer sets up an 8GB swap partition, which seems like overkill.  There must be a way to tweak such settings.22:55
slooksterpsvectospasm: hmmm... ok... I was hoping maybe NTFS but then again virtualbox when installing vms causes it too so I dunno, maybe just wait till maverik meerkat comes out22:55
Eyes_Onlyaeon-ltd: ah thanks22:55
guntbertbemis: I see - as is stated there fb=false seem to work no more .... then I cannot help, sorry22:55
ectospasmslooksterpsv: heavy disk I/O will always slow your computer down.22:56
slooksterpsvectospasm: it gets bad to where I can't move the mouse, like in the old days of Windows 98 lol22:56
ectospasmslooksterpsv: my trouble is, every so often, I get heavy disk I/O, and I can't figure out what is doing it22:56
Nach0znewkno: yeah. you can lower the install size i believe. and also, an 8gb partition has nothing to do with ram. and if you'r running in a VHD on VIrtualBox, it really doesnt matter what it's doing. it doesnt partition the actual harddrive.22:56
filo1234newkno: 8GB of swaps?? wasted!22:56
ectospasmslooksterpsv: maybe look into a better IDE/SATA controller (or get SCSI)22:56
opheronunimatrix some packages in 64 bit can be found in rpm format, and there is a utiity called rpmtodeb22:56
slooksterpsvectospasm: its sata, on a laptop, gateway nv53 - running mint 9 64-bit; I think it's mint cause I don't remember having this issue in ubuntu22:57
Eyes_Onlyits still throwing bash: ./adb: No such file or directory22:57
Mark0307Hi, I'm kinda new to ubuntu, how would I go about installing drivers for my USB wireless adapter? I won't be able to access the internet on there otherwise...22:57
bemiskind of frustrating to not be able to install the LTS or the beta22:57
unimatrixopheron they can be found in deb format jus as easily, the problem is you can't install them without overriding the already-installed 64bit ones22:57
ectospasmslooksterpsv: I didn't have this problem until I upgraded to Lucid22:57
th0rEyes_Only: are you sure it is giving that error for adb and not for something adb  is calling?22:57
ectospasmslooksterpsv: and I can't quantify it properly, so I can't file a bug22:58
VintageRitzbodwick: where can I find pastebin?22:58
slooksterpsvectospasm: really? wow, I know mint doesn't get all the latest updates like Ubuntu, where Ubuntu gets "safe" updates - maybe I'll reformat to ubuntu and see if I can replicate the issue22:58
opheronmaybe compilling in a diferent directory you know in the classic mode22:58
jpds!paste | VintageRitz22:58
ubottuVintageRitz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:58
VintageRitzjpds: thanks.22:58
slooksterpsvectospasm: lucid is when ext4 came out, but it installed ext3 by default22:58
Eyes_Onlyth0r: adb will throw a syntax list with no parameters22:58
bubuzzzis there any way to switch window by using tab+Ctrl without using compiz?22:59
ectospasmslooksterpsv: I'm running EXT422:59
duffydacklucid uses ext4 by default.. only keeps ext3 when upgrading22:59
filo1234bubuzzz: alt+tab22:59
opheronmark0307 you need a tool called ndiswrapper22:59
bubuzzzi meant alt+tab22:59
Eyes_Onlyeven with the proper parameters it throws the same message, its as if ubuntu refuses to acknowledge the executable is there22:59
ectospasmslooksterpsv: I thought I had narrowed it down to Ubuntu One syncdaemon, but turning that off didn't totally eliminate the problem.22:59
bubuzzzis there any way to do so withouth compiz22:59
slooksterpsvoh I thought ext3 was the default, my default installs on lucid always came out ext3 - I had to reformat a couple of times to get ext423:00
erUSULMark0307: what wifi chip does the adapter has?23:00
bemisbubuzzz, as long as you're running a window manager you can typically do it - are you running metacity?23:00
Mark0307Opheron, where would I get that..?23:00
bubuzzzturn off compiz most of the time coz i dont like the effect much23:00
ectospasmEyes_Only: what is the full command line you're running, and what is the full error you're using?  Use pastebin if you have to!23:00
bubuzzzemerald currently23:00
Eyes_Onlyits only a couple lines23:00
erUSULMark0307: « lsusb » in a terminal should give a clue23:00
ubottuemerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.23:00
sefirothhello people23:01
opheronmark0307 from synaptic or maybe you have installed23:01
soreaububuzzz: You can leave compiz enabled and just disable the effects you don't like23:01
aeon-ltdsefiroth: hi, was sephiroth taken as a nick?23:01
* bemis likes metacity and/or sawfish23:01
Mark0307I'm running Ok, opheron...23:01
bubuzzznever mind23:02
bubuzzzi switch back to metacity23:02
ectospasm!pm > Eyes_Only23:02
ubottuEyes_Only, please see my private message23:02
Eyes_Onlyi sent you on additional tab23:02
bemisaha! "nomodeset" to boot line!23:02
* bemis kicks nouveau23:03
ectospasmEyes_Only: and I am blatantly refusing to read it!23:03
guntbert!pastebin | Eyes_Only23:03
ubottuEyes_Only: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:03
guntbertEyes_Only: we all want to see it :)23:04
Nach0zubuntu is UNIX yes?23:04
ectospasmNach0z: not exactly23:04
sefirothubuntu is linux, not unix23:04
Eyes_Onlyi know23:04
filo1234Nach0z: UNIX like23:04
yoyonedNach0z: UNIX LIKE23:04
filo1234sefiroth: nope linux is not unix23:04
ectospasmNach0z: GNU/Linux is GNU's Not Unix/Linux23:04
sefirothnot understand23:04
yoyonedNach0z: why the question?23:04
jpds(oh, is it my turn?) Nach0z: UNIX-like.23:04
th0rEyes_Only: can you pastebin 'ls -l'23:05
newknoNach0z: I don't know how you can say that the size of the swap partition has nothing to do with RAM.  If the size of the swap partition is a lot bigger than that of RAM, you can end up doing a lot of thrashing, unless a lot of what's sitting in swap is rarely used.23:05
filo1234sefiroth: originally linux = linux is not unix23:05
mrcoolersanI have all multimedia keys on my keyboard working!! And I did nothing to make them work!!! I think Ubuntu isn't linux anymore23:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:05
guntbertEyes_Only: please paste the output of ls -al23:05
pwrcycleis there a way to set Ubuntu's Terminal to Automatically copy text you select with the mouse?23:06
ectospasmEyes_Only: paste the full command you're running, plus its output23:06
ectospasmEyes_Only: including error message23:06
jribpwrcycle: it does that already (in all of X)23:06
Nach0znewkno:  aight then, i have no idea. i'm not entirely sure how swap works, but i do know that i've got a computer running 1 Gb ram with a 10 Gb swap area, and VERY little decrease in performance.23:06
erUSULpwrcycle: should be doing it already. that's a Xwindows thing works across all apps23:06
Eyes_Onlyectospasm: that is the error message, bash is refusing to run the executable23:06
pwrcyclenot working for me, where is the setting?23:06
jribpwrcycle: you use middle click to paste or shift-insert if you want a keyboard shortcut23:06
ectospasmEyes_Only: you're refusing to listen.  Paste the full command, and error, please.23:06
yoyonedNach0z: too much swap will not hurt anything23:07
pwrcyclejrib: i can copy and past fine, it just doesn't copy automatically23:07
ectospasmEyes_Only: you've said it yourself, you don't know how to do bash, and the exact error message can give clues as to what's going wrong.23:07
eblumeNach0z: newkno: swap size (shouldn't) ever slow down anything. USING swap will, but that is caused by using too much memory, not by having more swap.23:07
erUSULyoyoned: Nach0z it will hust if you ever enter a "swap storm"23:07
jribpwrcycle: did you see what I said?23:07
Nach0zok then. thanks guys23:07
ectospasmEyes_Only: that was what guntbert was looking for, not what I was looking for23:08
newknoNach0z:  You won't notice a performance decrease unless you've filled up RAM and have multiples of its size sitting in swap having to be actively brought in.  having to transfer stuff into and out of swap is called "thrashing," and it's a bad thing, since it forces long waits.23:08
Nach0znewkno: aight. again i dunno what swap is supposed to do really.23:08
Eyes_Onlyectospasm: what exactly do you want me to paste? there is no more output from that command23:08
th0rEyes_Only: is adb a binary or can you cat it to read it? If it is a bash script make sure it starts with #!/biin/sh23:08
pwrcyclejrib: ah, i see23:08
jribpwrcycle: yeah, there are two clipboards23:09
Eyes_Onlyth0r: its a binary23:09
justine777wI need help with my media player. I can not put in dvds and play them because I receive an error.23:09
ectospasmEyes_Only: select the entire command, plus error message!  How hard is that?23:09
newknoeblume - please see my note to NachOz.  I know all this stuff (I have a CS degree :) ).23:09
eblumeNach0z: a short explanation is that swap is 'virtual memory', a place where your computer can 'fake' having more RAM in case it runs out of memory. Otherwise, running out of memory would cause a crash, possibly a very big crash.23:09
ectospasmEyes_Only: essentially, does the error start with "bash: adb:..." or "adb:..."?23:09
guntbertectospasm: (idea) - maybe abd is a script and some command inside errs out...23:09
eblumeThe truth is  abit more complex.23:09
Nach0zeblume:  so page file memory in Windows.23:09
pwrcyclejrib: what is the keyboard combo = to middle click?23:09
ectospasmguntbert: my point exactly23:09
TyphLoshki: hmmm, split seems to be taking forever, but hopefully it's working :)23:10
jribpwrcycle: there isn't one, but if you want to paste, use shift-insert23:10
Eyes_Onlyectospasm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/491833/23:10
Eyes_Onlyi told you, there is no more output23:10
pwrcyclejrib: shift-insert != middle click for me23:10
pwrcyclejrib: shift-insert=ctrl-v23:11
newknoAnyway, the thing I really want to talk about is my current situation - I've lost the use of the bootloader on the internal drive on my laptop.  The stupid Kubuntu installer wrote GRUB there without asking when it was installing onto an external drive.23:11
guntbertectospasm: good catch!23:11
pwrcyclejrib: and what do you do on a notebook with no middle key?23:11
justine777wI am sorry. I accidentally logged off...did anyone answer me?23:11
eblumeping (room got silent)23:11
jribpwrcycle: you mean it pastes the other clipboard?  maybe check your application's settings.  Personally, I use shift-insert23:11
ectospasmEyes_Only: devices doesn't exist23:11
VintageRitzeblume: well, from me anyway, thanks. I've been wondering what swap was.23:11
yoyonededoceo: from your pastbins adb is not a directory23:11
Gneajustine777w: no, what's the error?23:11
jribpwrcycle: but you can also have X emulate middle clicks by pressing left and right at the same time23:11
Eyes_Onlyectospasm: devices does exist, its the syntax of adb23:11
ShrekLappy!dvd | justine777w23:12
ubottujustine777w: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:12
justine777wshreklappy: i am sorry, but i do not know what you mean23:12
ShrekLappyread ubottu's msg23:12
ShrekLappyhe is a bot23:12
Gneajustine777w: what error did you get?23:12
guntbertEyes_Only: what gives file adb ?23:12
GneaShrekLappy: watch and learn, young padewon23:12
newknoMy most immediate need is to get a working loader into the MBR of the laptop's internal drive.23:12
justine777wgnea: that i have to download codecs...I tried to do that and it did not work23:13
Eyes_Onlyguntbert: android sdk23:13
newknoI wrote up the problem at https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/12486323:13
thune3newkno: i take it you installed 10.04 not 10.04.1, since the default grub location was changed for 10.04.1 when using an external drive.23:13
ShrekLappylol @ Gnea23:13
Gneajustine777w: it's possible it's not decrypting the dvd23:13
newknoYes 10.04.23:13
guntbertEyes_Only: no, please in CLI type: file adb23:13
newknothune3: It seems that the installer wrote GRUB onto both devices.23:14
justine777wgnea: I will check, but it seems to do that to all of the dvds i put in23:14
Eyes_Onlyguntbert: one moment23:14
ShrekLappyGnea, referencing a site that has all the info for the question is more of a jedi move imo23:14
Gneajustine777w: make sure your libdvdread is up to date23:14
Eyes_Onlyguntbert: http://paste.ubuntu.com/491834/23:14
justine777wgnea: how do i do that?23:14
erUSULnewkno: use a windows install disk to restore windows bootloader23:14
thune3newkno: is the overwritten MBR on internal drive supposed to be grub or windows?23:14
erUSULnewkno: boot into recovery console use « fixmbr »23:15
ShrekLappyjustine777w, read what ubottu said to you, the first link has help for dvd's23:15
Gneajustine777w: update your system23:15
ShrekLappyGnea, if it was never installed updating the system will not fix the issue23:15
GneaShrekLappy: not every problem can be solved simply by the docs. please stop that, I got this.23:15
ShrekLappyif i remember correctly ubuntu doesnt include it out of the box23:15
ShrekLappyunless that has changed23:15
justine777wgnea: i am not quite sure what you are talking about23:15
newknothune3: It started out being a Win7 bootloader, but without asking, the Ubuntu installer scribbled GRUB on top of it - as well as to the backup sector.23:15
erUSULnewkno: why you did not installed ubuntu in a Vbox running in windows?23:15
needlez__hey can anyone on here help me with selecting a program for making avi files into iso files on linux or into a dvd for my dvd player besides the program Devede23:15
justine777wshreklappy: i am reading that now23:15
Gneajustine777w: are you familiar with the apt-get or aptitude commands/23:15
justine777wgnea: i know apt-get23:16
Gneajustine777w: ok, so just suto apt-get update & dist-upgrade23:16
Gneaer, sudo23:16
ShrekLappya dist upgrade for dvd's not playing23:16
ShrekLappyi woudl not do that23:16
Gneadon't care what you'd do23:16
ShrekLappydude, thats ridiculous23:16
justine777wskreklappy: how would i do that?23:16
Gneaif you can't be helpful, then don't talk23:16
newknoerUSUL:  It was because I was only researching VirtualBox at that time - I just wanted to start by installing Ubuntu, since what I had read about VBox led me to think I'd have to start there.23:17
ShrekLappydude, you are going to put them through all that cuz a dvd wont play? this insane. read the docs, installed the proper package and go on with your life23:17
thune3newkno: there is a section where the installer shows you the location where grub will be installed, and allows you to change it. But the default is the primary drive (for 10.04). erUSUL's instructions should help you restore.23:17
Gnea!attitude | ShrekLappy23:17
ubottuShrekLappy: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:17
Eyes_OnlyShrekLappy: Gnea: This is a support channel, not an argument channel, if you wish to argue go elsewhere23:17
yoyonedneedlez__: http://www.rastersoft.com/programas/devede.html23:17
GneaEyes_Only: that's enough.23:18
Chivessup guys23:18
newknothune3:  I must have missed erUSUL's instructions - this channel is too busy to keep up!  :)23:18
justine777wgnea: okay i did all that. it says 0 for everything23:18
Gneajustine777w: so nothing was upgraded?23:18
guntbertEyes_Only: strange - it is a binary file, not a script, but the error looks like one from a script, I give up - sorry23:18
ShrekLappyjustine777w, sudo apt-get install libdvdread423:19
justine777wgnea: no apparently not according to the outcome23:19
Eyes_Onlyguntbert: thus is the story of my life23:19
Gneajustine777w: do you want 2 people helping you or just one? I can leave...23:19
needlez__yoyoned i already have devede, i just have an issue with devede cuz it fails to use all my computers cores even on multicore function, thats why im trying to find something a little better or nicer like convertxtodvd which only exists on windows23:19
LorgonJortleI've timidity installed, but midi output isn't producing sound. Ideas for troubleshooting? And how can I check that timidity is working properly?23:19
newknoerUSUL & thune3:  I don't have a Windoze install disk.  It's a new laptop (HP/Compaq), and didn't come with any disks.  :-(23:19
justine777wgnea: i do not mind, but i just want it to be able to work. I appreciate all the help I can get.23:20
Gneajustine777w: no problem, I could tell that just a simple RTFM wouldn't do the trick, so okay23:20
newknoerUSUL & thune3:  I don't really need the original loader - I'd settle for GRUB, but it has to be able to know about the systems that can be booted into.23:20
erUSULnewkno: found this http://robert.penz.name/221/mini-howto-restore-windows-mbrbootloader-with-linux/23:20
justine777wskreklappy: it says that it is already the newest version23:20
Nach0zisis anyone here familiar with Apache in Ubuntu?23:20
guntbertEyes_Only: maybe you can get the developers of adb to tell you what that output means - because when you try to exect23:20
newknoerUSUL - does it depend upon having a Win disk?23:20
justine777wgnea: what would you recommend?23:20
Gneajustine777w: check out /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/23:20
guntbertEyes_Only: maybe you can get the developers of adb to tell you what that output means - because when you try to execute a nonexisting file you get a different error23:20
Gneajustine777w: there should be a file there...23:20
erUSULnewkno: no; are instructions to do it from a linux system23:21
justine777wgnea: how would i go about doing that?23:21
newknoI found a "TestDisk" util, but it depends on there being a good backup in the alternate boot sector.23:21
Gneajustine777w: do you know how to use cd and ls/23:21
newknoerUSUL:  I'll take a look.  Tnx.23:21
needlez__also does anyone know how to get a dell v505 printer to work on ubuntu 10.10 ?23:21
Nach0zno apache people in here? trying to set up a server in Ubuntu....23:21
justine777wgnea: kind of. I have done it once before but I am not sure if I remember all the steps23:21
Eyes_Onlyguntbert: i know its an executable, but its as if the portion of bash that executes things sits there and says "NO U!". and its a google application.23:22
ShrekLappyjustine777w, from what im reading you may need to do: sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh23:22
ShrekLappyand possibly reboot23:22
ShrekLappyok im out then, i bet that made Gnea mad23:22
LorgonJortletimidity is running, but I'm not getting midi output. Any ideas?23:22
Gneajustine777w: well, cd is just short for 'change directory' , so cd /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/23:22
egsomeNach0z, What problems do you face ?23:22
Nach0zegsome: I have little experience in ubuntu, to start with. and although apache is in the distro download manager thingy, i have NO idea how to set it up.23:23
justine777wgnea: okay now what?23:23
Gneajustine777w: now use ls23:23
erUSUL!lamp | Nach0z23:23
ubottuNach0z: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:23
egsomeNach0z, `sudo apt-get install apache2` is enough23:23
guntbertEyes_Only: no, it gets executed alright - if you type ./xxy you get a slightly different error - but then something goes wrong23:23
Gneajustine777w: it's like dir - shows files23:23
Nach0zegsome: uh, where do i put that :|23:23
egsomeNach0z, And if you need, you can also `sudo apt-get install php5 mysql-server php5-mysql` ans so on ..23:23
justine777wgnea: do you want me to show you the outcome?23:23
pwrcyclewhat is the eq of middle button, on a two button mouse?23:24
egsomeNach0z, In the terminal ( Applications menu > Accessories > Terminal )23:24
Nach0z... ah. ok. thanks. brb23:24
erUSULpwrcycle: both buttons at the same time23:24
Gneajustine777w: actually, we're just looking for one file, one that a previous noob attempted to point out by assuming you knew what you were doing23:24
LorgonJortlepwrcycle: CTRL+Click23:24
egsomeNach0z, OK23:24
justine777wgnea: and what file would that be?23:24
pwrcycleerUSUL: LorgonJortle thnx23:24
Gneajustine777w: ought to be a shell script, should end with .sh23:25
justine777wgnea: i dont see anything like that.23:25
guntbert!noob > Gnea23:25
ubottuGnea, please see my private message23:25
justine777wgnea: sorry yes i do.. it says install-css.sh23:25
LorgonJortleany idea why timidity is running, but I'd no midi output?23:25
Gneaguntbert: oh, yeah, heh, sorry23:26
newknoerUSUL:  I'm rather scared of using such a procedure.  There are too many unknowns involved.  I'd prefer to just install GRUB, but it needs some additional files that define the systems that are available, and their locations.23:26
Nach0zegsome: could you elaborate on that last one a bit please? also, if we need to goto PM i can do that, the channel seems a bit clogged...23:26
erUSULnewkno: the files are in the ubuntu install ...23:26
Gneaguntbert: gets a bit annoying when some people assume that I don't know what I'm talking about23:26
Nach0zegsome: could you elaborate on that last one a bit please? also, if we need to goto PM i can do that, the channel seems a bit clogged...23:26
Nach0z.... i think my IRC is brokle23:26
newknoerUSUL: I don't know where those GRUB files would get written on an NTFS file system - do you?23:27
Eyes_Onlyi will make a post in the forums and lurk around the android development community for help, ttyl23:27
madonice new security mechanism :)23:27
Gneajustine777w: okay, you should be able to run it like this:  sudo ./install-css.sh23:27
Nach0zoh. nevermind. it just wasnt scrolling down...23:27
jsidhui need a image viewer (transition effects nice, but not required) for a slideshow.. I want to loop thru a set of images non-stop 24x7.. is there a viewer that will do this? I have been googling but havnt come across anything yet.. the screensaver that comes with gnome wont work as i cant specify the duration of each image.. dont need pan/zoom etc etc..23:27
erUSULnewkno: the files where not written to the windows partition. they are in the ubuntu install in the external disk23:27
justine777wgnea: okay i ran it and i think it installed it...23:28
itsjustmeI have been trying all day to fix this and nobody seems to help me.. I cannot use the mouse or anything else to see the windows on the window switcher on the taskbar.  I see the email icon on desktop 2 but when trying to left click on it, the desktop doesn't switch.. Can someone help me  Using 10.4 gnome23:28
erUSULjsidhu: gthumb?23:28
newknoerUSUL:  I don't want to have to have the external disk plugged in in order to boot into Windoze.23:28
Gneajustine777w: okay, try to play a dvd now23:28
egsomeNach0z, What will you use Apache web server for ?23:28
hcookanybody know what might make the 10.04 installer ridiculously slow? from the time i clicked next after choosing my time zone to when it presented the next screen took 12 minutes...on a core 2 duo w/ 4GB ram...then i chose my keyboard and l'm still waiting for the next screen and it's been ten minutes so far23:28
hcookit ran fine with 9.1023:28
Nach0zegsome: i want to actually set up my own server at my house here.23:28
egsomeNach0z, If you need only to offer HTML and JavaScript pages ( Static Website ), So installing `apache2` is enough23:28
erUSULnewkno: well; i gave you two options already to fix the issue...23:29
itsjustmehcook I would reboot the sys after a min to reset23:29
Nach0zegsome: i'm also gonna need PHP. and probably CSS and whatever else rolls in with that stuff.23:29
egsomeNach0z, If you need dynamic websites ( PHP & MySQL ), You'd need also `php5 & mysql-server & php5-mysql`23:29
mkcpyswhere can I find instructions for installing restricted extras and other stuff in 64-bit v or Ubuntu?23:29
justine777wgnea: that seemed to work just fine.23:29
Gneajustine777w: enjoy :)23:29
egsomeNach0z, So, do `sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server php5-mysql`23:29
needlez__anyone got any ideas on how to install a v505 dell printer in linux ubuntu 10.10?? the site doesnt have drivers past 8.04 and doesnt support 64bit systems which i run... any help would be very helpful23:29
Nach0zegsome: just standard coding pages. also i'm trying to double it as an IRC server on another port, so i'll have to keep looking in that...23:29
erUSULmkcpys: it is the same in all versions of ubuntu23:29
newknoerUSUL:  I just want a working bootloader that at least lets me boot into Windoze like I could prior to installing Ubuntu onto the external drive.  But now that I've lost the Windoze loader, rather than trying to get it back, I might as well install GRUB, but I don't know how to do it safely.23:29
Nach0zegsome: aight thanks then.23:29
egsomeNach0z, You're welcome23:30
hcookitsjustme: well last time i thought it was hung on the time zone so i rebooted after about ten minutes...same result23:30
itsjustmemkcpys   google    How to install restricted extras in unbuntu23:30
InvaderZimCan someone tell me why is the tor package gone?23:30
itsjustmehcook weird to have a recent sys and that happen. sorry don't know.23:30
quidnuncWhere are iptables rules usually source on startup? I have some rules loading somewhere but I forgot how to edit them.23:31
jribquidnunc: no where.23:31
erUSULnewkno: i do not know how to install grub in a windows machine sorry23:31
quidnuncjrib: Pardon?23:31
jribquidnunc: iptables are not stored anywhere by default23:32
quidnuncjrib: Yes but I stored them somehow to be loaded at boot. I can't remember where. What are the standard methods of loading iptables rules?23:32
newknoerUSUL:  I'd like to get myself into a situation where I can (preferably without having to re-partition the internal drive, which is also scary) boot into either Linux or Windoze.  VirtualBox would be very nice also.  I'd really like to be able to use the external drive mainly for backups and to store big files.  I don't want to have to haul it around with the laptop.  However, I might as well install a working system on23:33
newknoit as well, just in case.23:33
jribquidnunc: now, if you used ufw or firestarter, they'll start by default.  And there's a handful of ways you could have decided to store them.  If you read ubottu's documentation on iptables' then maybe rereading it will jog your memory23:33
jrib!iptables > quidnunc23:33
ubottuquidnunc, please see my private message23:33
quidnuncjrib: No I used the command line.23:33
jribquidnunc: great, that means you didn't use firestart.  That still means you could have used ufw or followed ubottu's instructions on iptables23:34
velociostrichanyone know if it's possible to pipe standard input to a command in a function in bash?23:36
erUSULnewkno: i nderstand what you want. and i already told you two ways of restoring windows bootloader. i do not have any other advice23:36
mkcpysitsjustme - No offense, but I did that. You would be surprised at how difficult it is to find instructions for 64-bit version.23:36
jribvelociostrich: #bash though you're phrasing that in a strange way23:37
velociostrichjrib: I'll try asking there then23:37
mkcpyserUSUL - Installing restricted extras repo and package is the same, but not other issues, like flash.23:37
erUSULmkcpys: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:37
erUSULmkcpys: flash is installed with the ubuntu-restricted-extras package in 64 bits ubuntu23:37
mkcpyserUSUL - Yeah, i've done that. I still can't play flash.23:37
erUSULmkcpys: just like java plugin23:37
newknoerUSUL:  I don't mean to be difficult.  Actually, GRUB is already installed into the MBR of the internal drive.  If it actually worked, I'd be happy.  I think it needs those additional files, which it doesn't know where to look for.23:38
cyril_hello, I am runing ubuntu 10.04 and I have problem with some application that I launch but do not show. Ex: Art Manager, and now Kgpg. When I launch the application from the menu, the process is actually created, but the application windows doesn't show...23:38
erUSULnewkno: as i previously said 1) those files are in the ubuntu partition. 2) i do not know how to transfer ( or if it is even possible) them to the windows partition and make grub work from them23:39
newknoerUSUL: I'm just afraid of the procedure indicated at the page you referred me to, since it appears to be something you just found, not something you've actually used.23:39
mkcpyserUSUL Well, it may not be related, but firefox is asking me to install adobe flash player, swfdec swf player, and or Gnash SWF player. So I guess that's just for firefox then?23:39
coz_newkno,   you may have to reinstall grub...not sure since I just got  here but if thatis the case you  may want to go here   http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide  and read first23:39
erUSULnewkno: yes; i've never used those methods.23:39
mkcpyserUSUL - thanks for setting my straight on the 64-bit restricted extras. I didn't know that.23:39
stercorHow do I get ubottu help on crontab?23:39
erUSULmkcpys: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree23:39
coz_newkno,  also you may want to join #grub channel as well23:40
newknocoz:  Thanks.  I'll check it out.  But, as I was just telling erUSUL, GRUB is not something that Windoze can use, afaik, since there are other files required - or at least one ("menu.lst?") that defines the systems that can be booted and where they live.23:40
mkcpysSo installing flash is a different step from installing restricted extras? Will that flashplugin-nonfree automatically install a 64bit version?23:41
bazhangnewkno, no menu.lst in grub2 check the wiki23:41
mkcpyserUSUL - I went ahead and did it, and it appears to have installed amd64.dev.... so that's goode.23:41
stercorI'm having trouble getting cron to work.  My crontab entry is "* * * * * /bin/ls"  Doesn't work.  Do I need to do something else?23:41
coz_newkno,  well menu.list is no longer there... it is now   /etc/default/grub23:41
madoexcuse me everyone but can you help me with this? -> i thought it would be nice to e.g. 1) search for all e.g. PNG-files on some of my hard-disk's folders and 2) put them all in one folder ... is there a way to do this with some commands so that i don't have to click through every folder on my hard disk?23:41
coz_newkno,  and after editing that you need to run sudo update-grub before reboot23:42
coz_newkno,  and that is assuming you have lucid installed with grub223:42
erUSULstercor: what did yo expect to happen ?23:42
mkcpyserUSUL -- working. thanks a lot. I appreciate it.23:42
erUSULstercor: cron will send you a mail with the ouput of ls ( not sure in which dir )23:42
stercorerUSUL: a file listing... Just to see it work.23:42
erUSULmkcpys: no problem23:43
newknocoz: To access those files, Win would have to be able to read a Linux f.s. or they would have to be on the NTFS partition.  I know there's a Windoze version of GRUB.  maybe that's what i need - or else take the machine to the store where I got it and let them help me - surely they have an original disk - yes, maybe the procedure erUSUL offered, which uses "dd" would work also, but I find it scary, since I'm afraid of writ23:43
newknoing beyond the MBR area.23:43
erUSULstercor: then redirect the listing to a temp file23:43
erUSULstercor: e.g. /bin/ls > /tmp/file_listing23:43
itsjustmeI don't like to keep asking but I still haven't gotten any help    I have been trying all day to fix this and nobody seems to help me.. I cannot use the mouse or anything else to see the windows on the window switcher on the taskbar.  I see the email icon on desktop 2 but when trying to left click on it, the desktop doesn't switch.. Can someone help me  Using 10.4 gnome23:43
stercorerUSUL: Thanks.  Brb.23:43
newknocoz_: Please see a full description of the problem at https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/12486323:44
jgcampbell300i am going to try to burn all of my cd's to iso files to store on my backup drive and use something like gmount to mount them on a ubuntu / windows dule boot computer ... this is my question ... what would be the best software to use to burn the iso images besides brasero23:45
newknobazhang:  tnx for iinfo on grub2 - will do23:45
stercorerUSUL: That worked.23:45
mkcpyserURUL -- I really do appreciate it because last time I installed Ubuntu 9.04 in 64-bit it took me days to get the right stuff installed for flash to work properly.23:46
coz_newkno,  are you sure the grub was not installed to sda?23:46
doctorZeusi like gnomebaker a lot better than brasero23:47
coz_doctorZeus,  that is good sense... brasero often has issues especially burning ISO images23:47
jgcampbell300cool ... gnomebaker i will check that one out .... anyone else have a prefrence ?23:47
=== yamba is now known as Yamba|ZzZ
newknocoz_:  Didn't say it wasn't.  The installer apparently wrote GRUB to BOTH devicesl.  :-(23:48
coz_jgcampbell300,  no gnomebaker for gnoem and k3b for kde however there are also issues with k3b  not burning because you dont have permissions  which can be remedied but  if I have to jump through too many hoops to get moving I generally remove the application23:48
jgcampbell300well im off to read up on gnomebaker ... thanks for the info23:49
coz_newkno,  well ...to be honest... I have not studied enough of grub2 's specifications and options to really guide anyone well enough... which is why I suggested the #grub channel ...i dont know when the busy time is in that channel however23:49
coz_newkno,   out of curiosity...why not install ubuntu on the main drive  and use virtual box to run windows from there?  leaver the usb flash driver out of the equation ?23:51
coz_leave not "leaver" duh23:52
aeon-ltdcoz_: would it be drive not driver aswell?23:52
coz_aeon-ltd,   lol most likely yes  ...boy this is a bad typing day lol23:53
jgcampbell300well thanks again for the assistance ... bye23:53
coz_newkno,   I think ...at least from my perspective...that set up might make you much happier then the one you attempted  ,,,certainly less complicated when it comes to gruib223:54
coz_ok I think I need food..or sleep...or new fingers23:54
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:55
wea0Ever since I updated my kubuntu karmic to lucid I have lost the bootup splash screen. How can I get it back?23:55
newknocoz_:  I opened a private channel, which would be easiest for me.  Can you take a few minutes out of this malestrom.  Oh - arggh - looks as if you're leaving.  :(23:55
coz_newkno,  yes I am there now :)23:56
axisysmy bluetooth seems hanging.. it is sitting here for a while23:56
quidnuncWas there ever an iptables service (i.e. /etc/init.d/) in Ubuntu?23:57
axisyssyslog has no report more than this http://pastebin.com/dCwNXkBk23:57
quidnunc(in one of the previous version)23:57
aeon-ltdquidnunc: not in stock ubuntu, i don't think. its always had ufw - iirc23:57
th0rquidnunc: don't think so...iptables is a part of the kernel if I remember correctly23:58
axisysis this the latest?23:58
axisysi posted my question in ubuntu users mailing list as well23:58
quidnuncth0r: Some distros have an iptables service.23:58

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