
erichammondveenenen: With EC2, you also have to add charges for EBS volume I/O operations, network traffic, and snapshots of the EBS volume.00:56
erichammondIt adds up.00:56
veenenenI just use it for my own little dev projects, so all that would be pretty minimal00:57
veenenenit just sits idle for most of the time00:58
DDwitrying out ubuntu 10.04 on the new micro instances, any particular problems to watch out for?01:24
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AnkitHello all....06:55
Ankitplease help me to know how to deploy applications like: abobe reader to the cloud06:56
Ankiti am new to cloud..... just installed uec, and need help06:56
Ankit23 guys except me some 1 help me...06:58
Ankitcome on help a n00b guys...07:01
Ankithello .........07:05
Ankitbull shit you all07:06
smosererichammond, is the charge $1.50/month for your 15G root ?19:11
smoseri thought you'd only be paying delta blocks, so max of 1.50/month19:11
smoseri really dont have much interest in adding a set of AMIs just to be smaller root filesystem.19:11
smoserit is easy enough to take our tarballs and create one with smaller root fs19:12
smoserSpamapS, http://ubuntu-smoser.blogspot.com/2010/09/running-ubuntu-on-amazon-micro-instance.html19:12
smoser(sorry if the above was double posted, i wasn't sure if it got here or not)19:12
SpamapSsmoser: Yeah, I've been playing with them quite a bit20:06
SpamapSsmoser: have run out of RAM a few times now.. ;)20:07
SpamapSthey pretty much cease to function when they start swapping20:07
smoserwell, you can set up swap20:07
smoseri dont know about that.20:07
SpamapSpoor I/O ;)20:07
smoserit might be better for you to put swap on a separate volume20:08
SpamapSI was testing installing some massive development package set that runs a bunch of java services. m1.small had enough RAM, t1.micro did not :-P20:08
smoseri was going to suggst to amazon that they should have some public 1G snapshots that are just empty mkswap20:08
smoserjava is hosed.20:08
smoserthere is a open bug on that.20:08
smoseri dont believe it related to swap, or necessarily even to memory pressure20:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 634487 in linux-ec2 "t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java" [Medium,Confirmed]20:09
_mup_Bug #634487: t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java <linux-ec2 (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <sun-java6 (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634487>20:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 634487 in linux-ec2 "t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63448720:09
_mup_Bug #634487: t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java <linux-ec2 (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <sun-java6 (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634487>20:09
_mup_Bug #634487: t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java <linux-ec2 (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <sun-java6 (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634487>20:09
_mup_Bug #634487: t1.micro instance hangs when installing sun java <linux-ec2 (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <sun-java6 (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634487>20:09
smoseri like to see uvirtbot and _mup_ battle20:09
SpamapSsmoser: DOH!20:09
SpamapSwell that makes a lot more sense. :)20:09
* SpamapS adds himself to the people affected.20:11
SpamapSsmoser: no wonder adding swap didn't help. :)20:11
smoseryeah, i got to run.20:11
smosergood luck.20:11

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