
filo1234wea0: have you installed other some themes?00:00
stercorerUSUL: I'm still working on augmenting the crontab.  Just wanted to thank you for the advice you've already given.00:01
erUSULstercor: no problem00:02
wea0filo1234: After the upgrade I just got only console messages during bootup. Nothing else had changed on the system.00:02
Guest48841does any one know how to configure the quickplay botton?00:02
filo1234wea0: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so  give some choise?00:02
bazhangGuest48841, quickplay?00:02
jsidhuis there anyway i can disable gnome? I want my system to start as a vanilla X server, with a black background? I want to start a slideshow application and dont want to run anything else, dont want popups or other "updates available" type messages ever coming up00:03
stercorerUSUL: My goal is to hit a site for a file once a day (it permits up to 3 accesses a day), download the file, and give it a time-related extension.00:03
Guest48841yes, quickplay botton, is the botton that has the hp notebooks00:03
bazhang!nox | jsidhu00:03
ubottujsidhu: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode00:03
jsidhuyeah, then im left with figuring out how to auto login from the console00:04
erUSULstercor: wget -O /path/to/filename-$(date) url_here00:04
aeon-ltdjsidhu: yeah, just don't load gdm at boot, or get gdm to just start x. but just on the side - kinda a waste don't you think?, if you can run gnome yet you just want a photo viewer00:04
erUSULstercor: date has many format parameters00:04
minkI have no networking in Ubuntu Studio. Anyone know what might cause that?00:05
Nach0zso apparently people in the apache channel think ubuntu is for n00bs that cant install debian. wut.00:05
crohakonNach0z, they might be correct ;)00:05
jsidhuhow can i tell gdb to just start x?00:05
stercorerUSUL: k00:05
dri245hi what is the alternative to daemon tools?00:05
Guest48841the quickplay botton opens a multimedia aplication00:05
dri245in linux00:05
dri245in ubuntu sorry00:05
Nach0zcrohakon: i wouldn't know, i havent used debian.00:06
aeon-ltdjsidhu: not sure what X's default window manager is called but it should be a choice, if not just log into cli/tty1 then just startx with no xinitrc file00:06
jsidhudont really want/need a window manager00:06
jsidhuthats allright, thanks for the help, i'll look into xsession00:06
stercorerUSUL: Dangit! I added a line to the crontab and now it's stopped working, even when I removed the line.00:06
minkI have two network adapters and both function in windows but neither work in my  new Ubuntu install00:07
aeon-ltdNach0z: linux superiority is a waste of time, it could go on forever ubuntu < debian < arch/gentoo < bsd's < lfs < etc00:07
dri245hi what is the alternative to daemon tools? in ubuntu00:08
KillerKristin1Is this a support only for 10.04 or can I ask a 10.10 support question?00:08
aeon-ltd!ubuntu+2 | KillerKristin100:08
bazhangKillerKristin1, #ubuntu+1 for the latter00:08
aeon-ltd!ubuntu+1 | KillerKristin100:08
ubottuKillerKristin1: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10 - Maverick is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+100:08
Nach0zaeon-ltd: yeah. honestly, as awesome as open source is, i still think WIn7 64 bit kicks some.00:08
jatttrolling much?00:08
wea0filo1234: Apparently usplash-theme-ubuntu is not installed due to unmet depends.00:09
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:09
bazhangjatt, what?00:09
dri245hi what is the alternative to daemon tools? in ubuntu00:09
mneptok!repeat | dri24500:09
ubottudri245: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com00:09
th0rdri245: gisomount00:09
stercorerUSUL: I mean, we're not talking rocket science here: "* * * * * /bin/ls >>home/ted/bin/cron.file"00:09
mkcpysI have a question regarding inputting sound. Under the sound preferences in Ubuntu it appears to be recognizing my AudiobBox USB interface fine, but I'm not able to get any input level reading.00:09
stercorerUSUL: with a tail -f cron.file00:10
dri245thabks th0r00:10
th0rdri245: you might also look into fuseiso00:10
minkanyone know how to get network adapters working that don't work on a fresh install? wifi and wired networks are not working on my fresh install. plx help00:11
filo1234wea0: dpkg -l | grep usplash00:11
Vonordoes anyone know a lightweight windowmanager (not a complete desktop environment) which has support a mac like panel (keyword: globalmenu)?00:12
mkcpysDo y'all recommending installing jack in Ubuntu or not?00:13
coz_newkno,   sorry about that   my system is freezing occasionlly because of compiz++00:13
minkJack is pretty powerful. but I'm not really experienced. It is preinstalled with Ubuntu Studio00:13
wea0filo1234: ii libusplash0, rc usplash, rc usplash-theme-ubuntu00:14
wea0It seems package usplash can not be installed due to conflic with installed package plymouth00:14
filo1234wea0: reinstall usplash-theme-ubuntu00:14
th0rmink: what kind of cards are you trying to use (lshw)? Does either show up in the network config (ifconfig)? Have you tried loading the modules for the cards (modprobe)?00:15
filo1234wea0: wait00:15
JantireWhere can one find a coding buddy?00:15
bazhangmink, this is with the rt kernel?00:15
bazhangJantire, #ubuntu-offtopic00:16
th0rJantire: aspcqa00:16
Jantirethanks th0r00:16
minkone wireless edimax card. one wired mobo Intel wired connection. both appear as disabled00:16
filo1234wea0: retype update-alternative --config  and type tab tab check for some plymouth config00:16
minkneither can be turned off though00:16
minkand it is the real time kernel. Ubuntu Studio00:17
bazhangmink, tried with a regular kernel?00:17
minkifconfig only shows loopback00:17
gerinychanyone know how to configure acpi?00:18
filo1234mink: and ifconfig -a ?00:18
bazhangmink, thus my question00:18
minkiwconfig shows the wirless card00:18
replicasexSo, is it generally inadvisable to resize my ubuntu partition post facto?  I have a 1.5tb drive and I want to resize my windows partition and then add it to my ubuntu partition.  I have gparted.  Is this too troublesome to do?00:18
minkI originally thought it was a driver issue with the wireless card. but I enabled the motherboard wired adapter and connected it. It is detected but does not work either00:19
minkI see both cards with lshw -C network00:19
minkifconfig -a shows three adapters eth0 lo and wlan000:21
wea0filo1234: OK, I think I got something, let me try. brb.00:21
filo1234mink: sudo ifup eth000:22
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
minkfilo1234: what's that do? it says ignoring unkonwn interface eth0-eth0.00:23
replicasexSo any advice about partition resizing?  The only step that I'm unsure about it is after creating my desired unallocated space, do I just resize the ubuntu part. and it will automatically resize with the unallocated space or do I need to format that space into ext4 beforehand?00:25
Dr_Willisreplicasex:  that wouldent make sence.00:25
Dr_Willisreplicasex:  just resize.. it handles it00:25
Dr_Willisjot down your original UUID in cse it changes00:26
filo1234mink: have you modified /etc/network/interfaces ?00:26
replicasexDr_Willis, so essentially I just use gparted to resize the larger windows partition and then increasing ubuntu space should just work automatically?00:26
Dr_Willisreplicasex:  yes  - I tend to let windows shrink windows partitons. it tends to be a LOT faster at the job00:26
minkfilo1234: nope   basically an untouched fresh install of ubuntu studio00:27
replicasexI feel a bit annoyed as I should have thought to create more space.  I'm going for at least 500gb or so.00:27
replicasexDr_Willis, yeah, I'm a bit worried that ubuntu will explode windows if I use gparted on it.00:27
Dr_Willisreplicasex:  when in doubt.. backup impiorntant stuff.00:28
Dr_Willisuse windows to shrink windows... thats proberly the 'safest' way to do it if you are worried00:28
filo1234mink: so i think that some modules doesn't prensent on rt kernel, try with a generic normal kernel or look wich modules needs your eth interface00:28
replicasexDr_Willis, of course, of course I always backup stuff before any major change.00:28
replicasexNow i have to remember how to do that in windows.  Hmm.00:28
minkfilo1234: thanks00:30
wea0filo1234: OK, I have a plymouth theme now: "There is only one alternative in link group default.plymouth: /lib/plymouth/themes/kubuntu-logo/kubuntu-logo.plymouth"00:32
minkreplicasex: using gparted to change the partition size where windows is installed will cause windows to not boot. If you have a windows install disk then you can change the partition size then run a repair install from the disk.00:32
wea0But it still didn't work. I ran update-initramfs, but I still don't get a splash screen00:32
carlghi there, i want to install Age of empires on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 -- when using wine i get to the point where i create the install path, but when choosing typical or full install, it veryfies the filesystem space and tells me i do not have enough, i need 187mb - but i have 200gb free.... anybody able to help?00:33
minkreplicasex: It can easily be fixed with a repair install, but without the install disk then you will destroy your windows installation.00:33
minkYou might get lucky, but Windows doesn't like it's own partition size changed00:34
replicasexmink Well, we don't want that do we?  I should be safe if I use windows' disk management tool right?  Honestly I've thought about doing a clean install with 10.04 just to resize it.00:34
minkreplicasex: windows won't resize it's own partition and it won't recognize Ubuntu's file system at all.00:35
mbrigdanHello, I'm wondering if anyone can help me out. When I use 4g8 on my local network to watch some traffic, then kill it, it just drops the connection, and the host it was monitoring loses its internet connection until it resets. Anyone know how I can make it exit more cleanly (Direct traffic back to the other host)?00:36
minkreplicasex: it is relatively safe to resize the windows partition size if you have an install disk to repair your windows install after the resize. Without that disk, you are sol00:37
Guest3031how do I change my nick once here?00:37
Guest3031I'm already registered00:37
replicasexmink I have a grub rescue disc with the windows .mbr, would that suffice or would I need to create the install disc?00:38
velociostrichdoes anyone know how to pipe output from one command to a new file descriptor and into another command?00:38
LicuadoraWhat is the command to close the disc tray?00:38
shaunoLicuadora: eject -t ?00:39
minkreplicasex: I think its more than just an mbr issue for windows. I'm pretty sure you need the install disk. not an image restore type of install disk either. It has to be a true installer to have the ability to fix the issues.00:39
Licuadorashauno: It worked! THX00:39
shaunovelociostrich: not entirely clear what you're after, but I'd take a look at 'tee'.  it's the only way I know to pipe output into two different places00:40
KerrickIs #ubuntu-unregged in place due to bot attacks or something?00:40
replicasexmink, so I should probably just do a clean install.  It's not a big deal for me to do, if I do this at all.  I have around ~200gb on this partition but I'd like 500.  But the windows partition is easily accessible in Ubuntu so it's not a major problem.00:40
velociostrichshauno: I'm not trying to pipe in two places; I'm trying to pipe to a new file descriptor; i.e., instead of piping standard out to standard in, I want to pipe standard out to file descriptor 300:41
=== Nach0z is now known as sadch0z
minkreplicasex: I'm far from an expert, But I've done it once without realizing what problems I could cause. I was able to fix it easily with my installer disk though. but it was a pain to figure out how to fix it in the first place00:41
LoshkiKerrick: not sure, but many groups now require registration before they will let you join, not just #ubuntu...00:42
shaunovelociostrich: so just >&3  ?00:42
velociostrichshauno: redirection confuses the heck out of me, so I don't know, but I'll try that00:42
birdman007how can i edit a file that is read only00:42
minkreplicasex: good luck. I'm heading out.00:42
Leolo_3hello.  I need to set the baud rate when a USB-serial adapter is plugged in.  I understand that I have to do this via udev, but google isn't showing me how...00:43
filo1234sorry :| tab error00:44
Leolo_3currently I have a custom rule : KERNEL=="ttyUSB[0-9]*", OWNER="root", GROUP="lp"00:44
Leolo_3is there a way to add a speed to this?00:44
Dr_Willis!info setserial00:47
ubottusetserial (source: setserial): controls configuration of serial ports. In component main, is extra. Version 2.17-45.2 (lucid), package size 51 kB, installed size 176 kB00:47
LoshkiLeolo_3: according to http://forums.reprap.org/read.php?12,4546, you want something like stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 960000:48
Dr_Williswonder if setserial aorks for ttyUSB0 ports00:48
Leolo_3setserial doesn't set baud rate.00:48
Leolo_3loshki : my question si how do I get udev to run that command00:48
LoshkiDr_Willis: I wondered that too...00:49
Dr_WillisBeen years since i last had to mess with a serial port. I still have an old serial terminal in the garrage00:49
LoshkiLeolo_3: I've no idea. If all else fails, you can put the command into /etc/rc.local (if it works)00:49
Dr_WillisNormally its the program Using the serial port that handles the settings from what i recall. as part of its initilizaton00:49
LoshkiLeolo_3: what *are* you using the serial port for, btw?00:50
Leolo_3connecting to a serial printer, why?00:50
Leolo_3loshki : /etc/rc.local gets run before udev has the time to find the adapter00:51
sometuxWhich room for the NEXT ubuntu release?00:51
bastidrazorsometux: #ubuntu+100:51
Dr_Willissometux:  #ubuntu+100:51
bazhangsometux, #ubuntu+100:51
egsomesometux, #ubuntu+100:51
sometuxthanks x 400:51
kallethsometux: #ubuntu+100:51
cysticcan I install kde also even though I already have gnome?00:52
cysticbe able to choose at logon or something?00:52
bazhangcystic, kubuntu-desktop00:52
LoshkiLeolo_3: sorry, dunno. You could try asking on #udev perhaps....00:52
bastidrazorcystic: yes, install kubuntu-desktop and during login you will have the option to choose00:52
Leolo_3dr_whillis : the program using the serial port is cups.  cups (backends/serial) has a "feature" in that it resets the serial port to the old setting after it's finished.  this causes the adapter to send the last few bytes at the wrong speed00:52
LoshkiLeolo_3: does that mean that a workaround is to stop cups, set the serial speed, then restart cups?00:53
cysticI am loving ubuntu... I have cairo-dock and compiz fusion, what is another good program that is useful and provides eyecandy?00:54
Leolo_3loshki : no.  it means to just set the baud rate before cups prints anything00:54
Leolo_3s/means to just/just means to/00:54
soreaucystic: you can add anything like system monitor or screenlets for widgets00:55
soreaucystic: system monitor like conky or anything00:55
cysticoh hey soreau, thanks for the tip. I will check it out, you are always helpful and full of good advice!00:56
sometuxhow to install ubuntu inside windows from the iso file?00:57
bazhangsometux, using wubi?00:57
th0rsometux: install virtualbox in windows, then use it to install ubuntu00:57
soreausometux: You have to mount the iso image with a mounter program00:57
sometuxI downloaded the iso image but i don't have a blank cd00:58
soreausometux: Right, so mount the iso with a mounter program so it creates a virtual drive00:58
cysticyou can mount it with poweriso00:58
soreauNero has a mounter too00:58
sometuxsoreau: I don't have one00:58
soreausometux: get one00:58
LetsGo67How do I convert a .img to the flexible format?00:58
cysticyou can download it00:58
sometuxsoreau: simple solution?00:59
soreauLetsGo67: 'the flexible format'?00:59
soreausometux: Download a windows program that is capable of mounting an iso image00:59
cysticsometux, i believe daemon tools has a free version. It has adware in it though last I checked.00:59
Dr_WillisLetsGo67:  an .img of what exactly?00:59
th0rsometux: virtual clonedrive is free and works well00:59
soreausometux: read what cystic is saying, he is talking to you00:59
Dr_Willisfuseiso and fuseis09660 can mount  many 'optical disk' image file variants.01:00
sometuxI don't want to install any programs, so I looking for another solution01:00
Dr_Willisbut dont expect the copy protection to work01:00
Dr_Willismount cant mount then normally. have to use the fuseiso or otehr tools01:01
cysticsometux, you have 2 options. mount it with a program or burn it on a disk.01:01
mario12can one install ubuntu on an old laptop with less, than 256 mb ram?01:01
sometuxcystic: there is 3rd one01:01
LetsGo67Dr_Willis: of Windows 98 for QEMU.  Soreau: (franco?) it becomes big or small depending on the files in it.  QCow.01:01
cysticsometux, use a flash drive?01:02
Dr_WillisLetsGo67:  try converting it to iso perhaps. I dont even recall what makes 'img' files..01:02
egsomemario12, Not sure Ubuntu, but generally Linux.01:02
sometuxcystic: you can download "wubildr" installer and make it in the same folder with the iso image01:02
valbacamario12, it's recommended to use ubuntu-alternative for systems with <512MB01:02
soreauISTR nero supporting some .img format01:02
Dr_WillisLetsGo67:  or do  You mean its a hard drive IMAGE file ? not an optical disk image file?01:02
th0rmario12: you will probably be disappointed at the performance. But if you want to try, keep it light...either xubuntu or lubuntu01:02
^james_foo^mario12: it did run for me with 128 some time... but i'm a patient gui01:02
Dr_Willis.img is a litt;e vague. :)01:02
valbaca^james_foo^, nice pun :)01:02
mario12I tried to install it from a cd, no success01:03
cysticsometux, well if you know how to do it why do you ask? lol01:03
mario12probably other distro?01:03
LetsGo67Dr_Willis: qemu-img on the command line.01:03
egsomemario12, Try something like `DSL`, see: http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/, It would be more suitable.01:03
sometuxcystic: I've been looking on google while discussing with issue01:03
mario12would not need to do much, just skype, mail client and web, basic things, for an old lady01:03
Dr_WillisLetsGo67:  I thought qemu used 'raw image' files.  Not sure what other programs you want to access it with. Ive rarely used qemu.01:03
^james_foo^mario12: i changed to www.puppylinux... until with more ram then changing back to buntu... puppy is *very* nice too01:04
sometuxcystic: anyway thanks01:04
mario12but she also has a bt mouse and webcam on the notebook, so I am worried about the drivers01:04
th0rmario12: you might also look at mepis...supposed to be good with hw01:05
sFEARsi have my interfaces file set eth0 to static with ip address & subnet masks.. can't ping, anyone know what i'm missing?01:05
mario12ok, will research01:05
Dr_Willismario12:  all you can do - is basically try them and see what works01:05
egsomesFEARs, What error you get when try to Ping ?01:05
sFEARsdestination host unreachable, crossover cable between two computers01:06
sFEARsmaybe the cable is bad01:06
mario12true, just needed some pointers, since there is way too much to try01:06
mario12thanks a lot01:06
Dr_WillissFEARs:  perhaps your default route is not set.. If uysing a crossover cable. You could setup a dhcp server on one box.01:08
dmzhowdy y'all, i upgrade my desktop to lucid & now my gnome terminal has lost it's transparency (nvidia card, and upgraded to latest .run nvidia driver from nvidia direct) and my 2 desktops use to be stretched together into 1 big one; is that now a setting somewhere?01:09
Four2zeroI have ubuntu-server running and I have an external media drive that has all my movies and music stored on it. If i connect it to ubuntu-server should it be detected automatically and share throught my network ?01:09
DDwiis there a channel for assistance with ec2 ubuntu images?01:10
egsomeDDwi, #ubuntu-cloud01:10
LetsGo67Dr_Willis: qemu-img convert -c -f raw -O qcow2 win98.img win98q.img01:11
iceman30adhelp hiding in closet from wife she wants her ubuntu back after she did a bad config and I am getting a mount error( I think) thank you in advance for yor help any one01:11
egsomeiceman30ad, Try to describe more, and specify what the problem is, also what errors you get.01:12
djusticeiceman30ad: do you know the error? :P01:12
sometuxiceman30ad: keep hiding, lol01:12
djusticeiceman30ad: 'gksu gedit /etc/fstab' might have some hints.. (to kill the bad mountpoint)01:12
sFEARsDr_Willis: set laptop to dhcp, won't discover an ip, how do i get the desktop to serve the ip address?01:12
iceman30adok the screen says no init found try passing init= bootarg01:13
djusticeiceman30ad: ah.. that's more than a mount error.. that means the actual system moved/was erased.01:13
sFEARsi think they should make network cards with two ports to test the cable, a little late now i guess01:14
th0rdjustice: sounds like she might have nuked the grub config01:14
djusticeth0r: yep, but how?01:14
EvilPhoenixhow can I completely clone an ext4 partition from one drive to another freely?01:14
th0rdjustice: I am not on linux at the moment....I think if he just update-grub it might rewrite the conf01:14
bastidrazor^james_foo^: puppylinux uses what desktop enviroment? gnome?01:14
djusticeiceman30ad: you can boot the live image, mount the partition, then chroot to it, then 'sudo apt-get purge grub && sudo apt-get install grub && sudo update-grub'... maybe..01:15
iceman30adok ????01:15
DDwithanks egsome01:15
sFEARsEvilPhoenix: dd if=/dev/sda of/dev/sda201:15
iceman30adhow do I do that ?01:15
djusticeth0r: update grub only rewrites the config from /etc/default/grub /etc/grub.d/* to teh mbr..01:15
^james_foo^bastidrazor: um, not sure. xfce or so i think01:15
sometuxEvilPhoenix: use 'rsync'01:15
jribEvilPhoenix: make sure you understand exactly what a dd command does before you execute it01:15
Dr_WillissFEARs:  install a dhcp server on one of the machines.01:15
egsomeDDwi, You're welcome.01:15
djusticeso update-grub might not be enough if the actual .cfg's were nuked..01:15
sFEARsEvilPhoenix: dd if=/dev/partition_to_clone of=/dev/partition_to_write01:15
LordHawkeOkay. So. Fresh Ubuntu 10.04 install. I got Compiz and the proper nVIDYA drivers. I got the desktop cube working. I can't get the floating 3d windows on rotation working. I remember it working in 9.10. How do I get it back?01:15
iceman30adcan't even get to a live image01:15
djusticeiceman30ad: the disc you installed ubuntu from?01:15
* EvilPhoenix generally ignores commands he doesnt know01:15
th0rdjustice: (and everyone else) I think there is a way to get grub to rewrite the conf...but llike I said I am not on linux at the moment01:16
bastidrazor^james_foo^: xfce is nice and lightweight.. thanks01:16
soreauLordHawke: install compiz-fusion-plugins-extra and enable 3D Windows in ccsm01:16
djusticeEvilPhoenix: good ;)01:16
magedragon25I am running lucid, want to upgrade to 10.10. I ran sudo update-manager -d. After is gets to calculating changes, I get an error. If i check the /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log, it says Can't mark ubuntu-desktop. Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. Any help with this?01:16
sFEARsDr_Willis: i have openssh installed01:16
jrib!maverick | magedragon2501:16
ubottumagedragon25: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:16
EvilPhoenixsometux, rsync will get EVERYTHING including hidden files?01:16
iceman30adthat's what I have in the drive not a complete noob just novice01:16
EvilPhoenixjrib, ^01:16
djusticeth0r: :? 'sudo update-grub' does it.. but that wont work if the actual /etc/grub.d files were changed wrongly..01:16
Dr_WillissFEARs:  openssh is NOT a 'dhcp' server.01:16
jribEvilPhoenix: if you tell it to, sure01:16
magedragon25the problem is with my current install....not upgrading....I am tired of seeing  that ubottu01:17
EvilPhoenixjrib, which would specify to get EVERYTHING including hiddens?01:17
Dr_Willisdhcp3-server - DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment01:17
egsomemagedragon25, try: `sudo apt-get -f install`, and pastebin the exact errors and log.01:18
jribEvilPhoenix: rsync will copy what you tell it to copy, there's nothing special about hidden directories01:18
Dr_WillissFEARs:  withoug a Dhcp server. You have to set up the ip, dns, routes pro0perly and staticly on both machines and they should work. Unless its a cable issue.01:18
ir1844_how do i mount my cdrom and dvd plater01:18
iceman30ad(and I know the dis is good because I used it to install 10.10 on this com earier01:18
ActionParsnipmagedragon25: reinstall ubutu-desktop package, then you will be able to upgrade01:18
sFEARswhat dhcp do i need to set up with both set to static Dr_Willis?01:18
magedragon25tried it...not good01:18
ActionParsnipir1844_: it should be automatic due to the entry in /etc/fstab01:18
Delvien Fresh install on my desktop, pc boots, returns with "grub rescue>". I cannot boot to a LiveCD on this box, ls(hd*,*) shows "error: unkown filesystem01:19
djusticeiceman30ad: »_» that's a nice way to kill a computer ya kno ;)01:19
egsomeir1844_, Just insert the CD or DVD, Then double click to get them mounted.01:19
sFEARsnevermind, read it wrong.. Dr_Willis, if i have both set to static i don't need a dhcp.01:19
Dr_WillissFEARs:  if you set them up Staticly - then you dont use a dhcp server.. one way or the other...   with dhcp.  You sert them both to DHCP amd they should 'work'01:19
ActionParsnipDelvien: boot to liveCD and reinstall grub201:19
EvilPhoenixokay thanks01:19
sFEARswill try01:19
DelvienActionParsnip: I just said I couldnt boot to liveCD :P or i would of done that01:19
Dr_WillissFEARs:   sounds like you dont have the defaultroute set properly01:19
Coded1If I wanted to turn my wifi adapter into an ap forwarding Ethernet signal what mode is it called ?  Monitor mode, managed, ...?01:19
ActionParsnipDelvien: then use a USB device01:20
ActionParsnip!ics | Coded101:20
ubottuCoded1: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php01:20
DelvienActionParsnip: Thats what I do, Its my video card, livecd does not like it.01:20
Neo_I'm having some problems with my apache permissions can anyone assist?01:20
th0rCoded1: the wifi is set up as usual. The forwarding is done with network address translation01:20
egsome!ask | Neo_01:20
ubottuNeo_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:20
cysticsay, since I changed my computer name to danger I always get this message when i  do something with sudo: "sudo: unable to resolve host danger"01:20
ActionParsnipDelvien: then use bootoptions to specify safe vga01:21
Dr_Willis!hostname | cystic01:21
ubottucystic: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.01:21
DelvienActionParsnip: tried that.01:21
magedragon25egsome: ran command, no errors01:21
Dr_Williscystic:  i would think your /etc/hosts is not correct01:21
ActionParsnipDelvien: how did you install then?01:21
DelvienActionParsnip: netinstall :)01:21
Neo_I've recently changed my document root from /var/www to /home/xxxx/www and know im getting 403 permissiond denied, ived chown'd to root with 644 still the same01:22
cystick, i will check it out. thanks a bunch!01:22
DelvienActionParsnip: Is there no way within the grub rescue> shell to actually rescue grub?01:22
DragonKeeperhow do i install anti aliasing to at lest 4x01:22
ActionParsnipDelvien: try a different livecd then, may have different options for your video chip, or you could blacklist the video chip driver to then use vesa01:22
ActionParsnipDelvien: you can type grub commands to get a boot01:23
jribNeo_: what are permissions on /home, /home/xxxx/, and /home/xxxx/www?  Use a pastebin01:23
Coded1Th0r: I actually want to do this on my iPhone but forgot the "mode" the wifi interface has to be in to achieve this AP mode. #iPhone people aren't as technical as u guys figured u could shed some light01:23
Leolo_3btw, the answer is RUN+="/somecmand", and some command does stty -F $DEVNAME speed 960001:23
dbrunsI'm trying to use a id_rsa public key between one server and another and connecting via SSH works the first time (no password required), but connecting anytime thereafter requires a password..   WHAT GIVES?01:23
cystic127.0.1.1ubuntu.ubuntu-domainubuntu  ....so should I change that last ubuntu to say danger since that is what is in the hostname file?01:23
th0rCoded1: seriously.....01:23
jribdbruns: is ubuntu on the server?01:24
dbrunsjrib: yes01:24
dbrunsjrib: on both01:24
jribdbruns: what *exactly* are you doing?01:24
egsomemagedragon25, So, try the same command `sudo updage-manager -d` and pastebin any errors or log, so the people here can help.01:25
dbrunsjrib: setting up a rails production server using capistrano.  my git repository is on a development server01:25
DelvienActionParsnip: I see what happened.... it installed grub on the USB i installed from. Jeeeez you think it would of detected the drive and done it there01:25
cysticthat did it, thanks!01:25
dbrunsjrib: i need to automate the git pull/clone so it can update code when I deploy01:25
ActionParsnipDelvien: i'm not that conversant with grub to know the commands etc but I know you can type stuff to boot from that prompt01:25
jribdbruns: I mean connection-wise.  You have two machines and you just saying "connecting anytime thereafter".  Let's call your machines A and B01:25
Neo_jrib: http://pastebin.com/Tm3L4XpL01:25
ActionParsnipDelvien: linux is flexible, so you can do as you wish, glad you worked it out dude :)01:25
Coded1Th0r. I'm not looking for specific information to do with iOS or hardware just what mode the adapter would have to be in to be recognized as an ap. IE. To sniff packets you have to be in "Monitor mode"01:26
Kyle__Hi.  I've got this weird situation, where the users can't get to sound, and so their login hangs.01:26
Kyle__Looks like pulse isn't starting.01:26
Kyle__Any ideas?01:26
jribNeo_: www-data (or "everyone" if you don't want to change owner/group)  needs execute permissions on all parent directories01:26
DelvienActionParsnip: Lol, i know, ive been using ubuntu for 6 years now, just the first time ive dealt with grub2 ( I dont like it!)01:26
jribNeo_: apache runs as www-data01:26
dbrunsjrib: A needs to connect to B  for a git pull which uses scp to transfer files   so when I do   git pull the first time (no entry in known_hosts on B) it works without prompting for a password.  Once there is an entry in known_hosts on B *for A*   it prompts01:26
ActionParsnipDelvien: i single boot so any bootloader is fine by me01:27
Dr_WillisDelvien:  compared to the LILO and GRUB1 fighting ive had in the past.. i will stick with GRUB201:27
DelvienDr_Willis: I liked grub1, it was straightforward!01:27
Dr_WillisDelvien:  dont forget Syslinux also.. :)  its fun when all them use similer yet different configs01:27
jribdbruns: forget about git pull.  Use just ssh so we can troubleshoot01:27
Dr_WillisDelvien: grub1 was also fastly aproaching a wall of limitations and other issues .. so  was born grub201:28
dbrunsjrib: yeah I am ;p01:28
dbrunsjrib: you asked me to explain the situation01:28
jribdbruns: but not in your explanation :/01:28
Neo_jrib: Thanks! fixed01:28
jribNeo_: no problem01:29
ActionParsnipKyle__: could try this ppa, it goes all te way to jaunty: http://superuser.com/questions/17180/ubuntu-ppa-with-pulse-audio-0-9-15   or you could just disable system sounds.....01:29
Kyle__ActionParsnip: Is there a way to do that for all users in one fell swoop?  Instead of doing it user by user?01:30
ActionParsnipKyle__: that will be applied system wide. Disabling the sound I am unsure of01:31
Kyle__I dunno if I can/should do that.... VIrtualbox hangs starting a VM if it can't get to the sound.01:32
DelvienDr_Willis: I suppose, but the problem is that when installing from a USB drive, grub2 detects MBR from usb, not from the HDD you are installing ubuntu on, which is why i ran into this recent problem. Bug reportin' time01:32
jribdbruns: if you're not sure how to explain it better, the best explanation is usually pastebin a series of commands and output in your terminal that illustrate your problem without the need for added words (I guess you should run ssh a couple of times and display one time it working and then not working right after).  Don't omit anything you run01:32
RickmastaAnyone mind helping me?01:32
iceman30adok I was following dj's instructions and got a new error01:32
ActionParsnipKyle__: try disabling sound in the settings. I'd also ask in #vbox01:33
dbrunsjrib: working on it :p01:33
dbrunswith ssh -v ;p01:33
iceman30admount: cannot read /etc/fstab: no such file or dir01:33
ActionParsnipiceman30ad: you should have one01:34
iceman30adand all I was  trying to do was mount /dev/sd001:34
FalsAlarmanyone know if the php mail() function works by default on a default install of apache2 and php5?01:34
glaucousDo someone know of a bitmap font generator program for Linux? Seems like there aren't many alternatives out there.01:34
Nim_I need a touch friendly keyboard for a tablet in ubuntu, something perhaps self hiding, swypish or acts like a cell phone keyboard, is there anything?01:35
RickmastaI'm new to ubuntu, linux persion. I orderd a cheap vps to mess arround with. So I want to setup znc, a friend was guiding me through, he was trying to help me set up a user on the server because he said not to do it as root.01:35
sometuxFalsAlarm: you need to install sendmail01:35
jribRickmasta: shouldn't you already have a user on the server?01:35
Rickmastathere's root.01:36
FalsAlarmsometux, does it require alot of configuration?01:36
jribRickmasta: root isn't enabled by default on ubuntu...01:36
Rickmastawhat do you mean?01:36
sometuxFalsAlarm: exim4 should work too , and it's easier to install and configure01:36
jribRickmasta: by default, the root account has no password on ubuntu01:36
FalsAlarmsometux, well, as long as I dont have open relay on my server01:37
jrib!root | Rickmasta01:37
ubottuRickmasta: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:37
Rickmastajrib: Mine does01:37
Rickmastaubottu: I know my root password01:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:37
th0rRickmasta: I doubt your virtual private server is running ubuntu01:37
latagoreHow can I check my version of Ubuntu? And do I need to reinstall software between different kernel versions?01:38
FalsAlarmuname -a01:38
Rickmastath0r: I am.01:38
Rickmastawell, it is.01:38
jribRickmasta: You should ask your vps provider for exactly what modifications were made to the install.  In case there are others. Anyway, what's your question?01:39
jrib!version | latagore01:39
ubottulatagore: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »01:39
jriblatagore: no, you don't need to reinstall01:39
zzcranjohello all, just wondering if someone could point me in the right direction to creating my own window borders.01:40
zzcranjoIs there a better channel for this? or a link someone could give me?01:40
Rickmastajrib: Well, I'm trying to set up another user on the server, but I keep on getting "rick is now alloed to run sudo on vps. This incident will be reported."01:40
jribRickmasta: so you aren't root...01:40
latagorejrib: I just tried the command and I got "No LSB modules are available."01:40
jriblatagore: then you aren't using ubuntu01:41
Rickmastajrib: That's when I log onto that user.01:41
jriblatagore: or maybe you didn't type in what ubottu said01:41
jribRickmasta: please take 5 minutes to read the page about sudo ubottu sent you01:41
ActionParsnipRickmasta: is th user you are using a member of the admin  group?01:42
FalsAlarmto find out what version of linux your running, cat /etc/*-release01:42
ActionParsnipFalsAlarm: or: lsb_release -a01:42
latagorejrib: crap, sorry01:42
LinuxFetuszzcranjo: I don't think that that question pertains to "Ubuntu", really.  I would imagine (and I have a very limited knowledge) that joining a Gnome or KDE channel or something (if such a thing exists) would probably be more on topic.01:42
jriblatagore: I guess you forgot the "-a"?01:42
latagorejrib: excuse the language01:42
jribzzcranjo: art.gnome.org has a metacity tutorial.  For compiz, maybe try #compiz01:43
latagorejrib: Yes I forgot01:43
latagoreirib: Thanks for the help.01:44
zzcranjo@linux, thanks, I probably will. :) Jrib, thankyou, i will take a look01:44
jribdbruns: ok, before I get bored and leave.  Here's my guess: you're using encryption on the server... the authorized_keys file only exists in one state (encrypted or not decrypted).  If that's true, I'd suggest changing the location for that file in your sshd_config01:45
dbrunsjrib: sorry been trying different things..01:46
jribRickmasta: you know what root is and what sudo does now?01:46
dbrunsjrib: you may be on to something though01:46
dbrunsjrib: http://www.pastie.org/private/wjvt8uohd4czu3reedtgsw01:46
FalsAlarmis there an easier way of sending mail from within php5 without using the php mail() function and installing a email server01:46
euxneksFalsAlarm, no.01:46
jribdbruns: well that doesn't show the key being used ever, right?  Does "authorized_keys2" work? I always use it without the "2"01:47
Rickmastajrib: Yes, I have an Idea.01:47
jribRickmasta: ok.  So you know what to do now?01:48
euxneksFalsAlarm, although, you may want to inquire in #php01:48
dbrunsjrib: yeah it works from megatron to megatron and from one of my pcs at the office to megatron01:48
litropyHi, peeps. Is there a chan for pam-face-authentication?01:48
Rickmastajrib: I would follow the "Allowing other users to run sudo", right?01:49
jribRickmasta: sure.  I'm guessing you created the "rick" user yourself from the root account?01:49
Rickmastajrib: Yup01:49
euxnekslitropy, try asking on their mailing list01:50
jribRickmasta: right, so as root, you need to "adduser rick admin".  That will add the rick user to the admin group and all users in the admin group are given the abliity to sudo.01:50
Rickmastajrib: but when I try that, I get "The group 'admin' does not exist."01:51
Dr_WillisRickmasta:  I do belive a user must log out/back in befor 'group' chanves will take affect.01:51
litropyeuxneks: I've never understood mailing lists. They're hard to navigate and fill up my inbox. Am I missing something in usability understanding?01:51
jribRickmasta: that's another standard ubuntu thing...  Are you sure this is ubuntu?  What does the command « lsb_release -a » return?01:51
dbrunsjrib: it even works if I connect directly from the laptop I'm on..01:51
euxnekslitropy, I use gmail and filter mailing lists into their own labels and skip the inbox01:52
Dr_WillisRickmasta:  the command worked for me -->  willis@cow:/home$ sudo adduser peg admin01:52
euxnekslitropy, you can also unsubscribe after a while01:52
Dr_Willis(peg is my users name in question)01:52
jribdbruns: not to be a pain, but I still don't know the problem :)  In any case, if you *are* using encryption on the server, you *need* to change the location of authorized_keys to somewhere outside the encrypted directory01:52
euxnekslitropy, other than that you can email that guy on the project page01:52
zzcranjoI would like to get involved with submitting art to be used with the distro releases(e.g. the selection of "default" wallpapers). I am an amatuer artist, and would like to know how I can submit icons, or wallpapers. And is there a todo list of icons or wallpapers etc that need creating?01:52
Rickmastajrib: http://screens.rickmasta.com/Ep.jpg01:52
=== TannerF is now known as Pilif12p
litropyeuxneks: Why is it that when I view mailing lists online and click "Next in thread," it seems to go to a completely different thread?01:52
jribRickmasta: cat /etc/sudoers01:53
euxnekslitropy, that's a question for the creators of the listviewing software ;)01:53
JSGIs there a way to completely reset the keyboard/mouse settings in Ubuntu. I have to use a very old 8.04 build for a class project and the mouse movement is super weird and I cant select the menus or title bars of any windows.01:53
litropyeuxneks: online, as in converted from mail to a public archive01:53
Rickmastajrib: http://screens.rickmasta.com/9f.jpg01:54
litropyeuxneks: aaah. heh. But it's been that way for years damnit :P01:54
Samplezthi guys.. i got this problem.. when i wanna update, give me error bcause couldnt connect to server or something..i try to change the server, but doesnt wok..someone can help?01:54
dbrunsjrib: I changed nothing and after trying a few times from all over it works now....01:54
jribRickmasta: they called the group "staff" instead of admin :/01:54
Rickmastajrib: I added that, a friend told me to.01:55
RickmastaThere was only root.01:55
ActionParsnipSamplezt: can you access the internet on the same PC?01:55
jribdbruns: well you may have added your key both to /home/.ssh/authorized_keys before your home is decrypted and after.  This is a pain to maintain01:55
Sampleztwith windows works fine01:55
vu1kan<python -m SimpleHTTPServer> allows one to serve their current working directory over their lan@ localhost:8000, I would like to expose this dir to the internet.  I've already set up a ddns provider, and forwarded port 8000 through my router, what would be my next step? or could someone point me towards a how-to?01:55
ActionParsnipRickmasta: its most likely not ubuntu then as the community doesn't support root logins01:55
litropyPeeps, why is the right click menu of unity not popping? for instance, I hover and get "Google Chrome" in a nice, easy to read bubble. I then right-click, and I don't get "Keep in Dock" and the like.01:55
jribRickmasta: k, that's fine.  But standard is "admin" on ubuntu, so when you see the "admin" group in the documentation, you'll have to read that as "staff"01:55
dbrunsjrib: how can I tell if it is encrypting my home directory? I don't remember how I set it up on megatron01:56
RickmastaI'll change it to staff01:56
ActionParsnipSamplezt: ok cool, can you give the output of: sudo apt-get update     use http://pastie.org to give the output01:56
jribdbruns: umm, if you close every session your user has and then go to his home with another user, you'll see some encryption related stuff there.  Don't know of a better way01:56
jribdbruns: maybe "mount" says something too01:57
quidnunc`How do I debug something that should be run using run-parts in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d01:57
Rickmastajrib: I changed it, and I'm still getting the same error.01:57
Sampleztmm how it works the page?01:57
zzcranjoI would like to get involved with submitting art to be used with the distro releases(e.g. the selection of "default" wallpapers). I am an amatuer artist, and would like to know how I can submit icons, or wallpapers. And is there a todo list of icons or wallpapers etc that need creating?01:57
ActionParsnip!contribute | zzcranjo01:57
ubottuzzcranjo: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate01:57
zzcranjoActionParsnip: thanks01:58
litropyAdditionally, the bug in Untiy is intermittent. Like, NOW I can get the right-click menu. I didn't close any programs or change states.01:58
dbrunsjrib: yep it is...01:58
dbrunsjrib: mount has some info01:58
dbrunsAnyone know how to turn encryption on my home directory OFF?01:58
jribRickmasta: what did you type exactly?  If you didn't create the "staff" group, you'll have to.  Or better yet, create an "admin" group and update your /etc/sudoers so that your install is closer to what the documentation for ubuntu will always talk about01:58
Rickmastajrib: Mind telling me how I'll do that?01:59
dbrunswould rm ~/.encryptfs be enough?...01:59
jribdbruns: well you want to get your encrypted data safe somewhere first01:59
dbrunsjrib: i don't care about the data in there its a development server01:59
Sampleztaction, ready, i paste the output01:59
ActionParsnipiving new users to linux the option to encrypt partitions is a real bad idea imho02:00
Sampleztchek it :)02:00
jribdbruns: I *think* it's enough to delete those files then, yes02:00
ActionParsnipSamplezt: i need the new address of the browser02:00
ActionParsnipSamplezt: you need to paste it in here02:00
ActionParsnipSamplezt: can you upgrade ok in terminal? Does: sudo apt-get upgrade    work?02:02
madoplease excuse me for a minute or so02:03
Sampleztit seems to work fine..02:03
ActionParsnipSamplezt: cool downloading ok then sounds like you are ok02:04
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Kyle__Weird weird....02:04
Kyle__OK.  If I wait long enough, gnome looks normal, but the system load is over 4, and there are several pulseaudio --start jobs running the background02:05
Kyle__And no sound is available.02:05
Kyle__Any ideas?02:05
Sampleztbut when i tryo to update02:06
Sampleztlook what happen02:06
ActionParsnipKyle__: sounds like you are telling the OS to remember the running apps (maybe). You can try:  killall pulseaudio     wich should sort them out, you can then run a single instance.02:07
ActionParsnipSamplezt: can you pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list   please02:08
Pavel_10does anyone know about running android apps on (k)ubuntu?02:09
egsomeSamplezt, I think there's a problem in your Internet connection, The errors report that Ubuntu cannot reach archive.canonical.com and other hosts, although they're reachable with no problems !02:09
ActionParsnipSamplezt: all looks in order, try manually choosing a different server in the System -> software sources02:10
zzcranjoSamplezt: Do you have any firewall software installed on your computer or router? Also, are you using a schools or collegs internet?02:10
Samplezti already try that.. but it doesnt work02:11
ActionParsnipSamplezt: try editting /etc/hosts and change the nameservers to  and
Sampleztmaybe is the interrnet02:11
Kyle__ActionParsnip: I'm not telling it to restart programs on login.02:11
Sampleztbut in windows work fine02:11
Sampleztok, lets see..02:11
ActionParsnipKyle__: tre but if it makes the sound work you know what the issue is02:11
Kyle__ActionParsnip: I've actually removed all my dot files more than once, hoping it was some setting that accidently got triggered.  No luck.02:11
egsomeSamplezt, Check your Internet connection settings ( Router Configurations ). Do you use a Proxy ?02:11
Kyle__ActionParsnip: Trust me I wish.  Besides, this is for multiple users02:11
iceman30adSamplezt;  is your ip comcast or roadrunner by any chance02:11
dbrunsjrib: FYI, i'm almost certain what made it work was that I logged in from grimlock and left that connection open (home dir was mounted) and then it worked...     i removed all  ecrypt.pam references in my /etc/ files and .ecryptfs from ~ and now its no longer encrypted ;p02:12
ActionParsnipKyle__: it still needs checking so we know02:12
dbrunsnow i just need to figure out why passenger doesn't like my app02:12
jribdbruns: k, you should probably purge the relevant package too02:12
Kyle__ActionParsnip: I removed all the . files and . directories  It's clean02:12
zzcranjoSamplezt: If you cannot resolve the problem, I suggest asking someone in person to help you. If you do not know any experienced ubuntu users, then let me know, and I can try remote support options.02:13
Gambit-Anyone know off hand if you can run qemu on ubuntu inside of vmware?02:14
Dr_WillisGambit-:  so you are going to run 'ubuntu -> running vmware --> running qemu'02:15
ActionParsnipKyle__: if you run: sudo lshw -C audio    copy the product line and use it in websearches02:15
Gambit-Win7 -> VMWare -> Ubuntu -> Qemu -> Debian ARM02:15
sedstaplerGambit-: most likely yes02:15
Sampleztsry.. mm i open the host file but where i change the name server?02:15
ActionParsnipGambit-: it'll run like a dog but yes02:15
Gambit-dog is fine :)02:15
=== administrator is now known as Guest29075
Gambit-The kvm module failed to load02:15
bastidrazorSamplezt: /etc/resolv.conf02:16
ActionParsnipSamplezt: you will need: gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf     change the IP addresses, save the new file then try to update upgrade commands from earlier02:16
ubottuDas Schweizer Team finden sie unter #ubuntu-ch, deutschsprachigen Support bekommen sie aber in #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de. Aus regionalen Gründen ist im Schweizer Channel nur Englisch erlaubt. Geben sie einfach /join #ubuntu-at ein! Danke für ihr Verständnis.02:16
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:16
ActionParsnip(hopes its chinese)02:16
IdleOneit is02:17
IdleOne!cn | ylmf02:17
ubottuylmf: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:17
egsomeGuest29075, 尝试 #ubuntu-cn02:17
Millerboa noite02:18
Milleralguem fala portugues?02:18
IdleOne!pt | Miller02:18
ubottuMiller: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em brasileiro. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:18
loonieis there life on mars?02:18
Rickmastajrib: How can I great the admin group?02:18
Sampleztwhat i change?02:18
looniepaste my arse m'fucker02:19
Gambit-ActionParsnip, It's giving a no hardware support message.02:19
pietro10Hi. Ubuntu detects my Netgear router (don't remember the model # sorry) and it shows the active wireless networks, but it refuses to connect to them from my Dell Precision M6400. Rebooting into Windows was the same way. My Mac however is connected and working fine. Is there a way I can check the logs on Ubuntu to see what's going wrong? Thanks.02:19
Milleranyone can i help me02:19
IdleOneMiller: faça /join #ubuntu-br02:20
egsomeMiller, Where's your problem ?02:20
Millermy card02:20
AndrewMCGuest29075: 这是Ubuntu的加入一个频道,人们会说你的语言,请复制并贴上此文字支持渠道:/join #ubuntu-cn02:20
* AndrewMC loves google translate02:20
RickmastaAnyone mind telling me how I might add the admin usergroup?02:20
Millerok idleone02:20
bastidrazorRickmasta: in a terminal type: sudo adduser username admin     ..substitute username with the user you want added02:21
jribRickmasta: to create the "admin" group, you would do: addgroup admin02:21
Rickmastabastidrazor: It's saying the the admin group doesn't work.02:21
Teddy_bear /join #ubuntu-br02:21
thune3pietro10: do you have mac address filtering set on the router?02:22
pietro10IDK, let me check02:22
Kyle__ActionParsnip: No great shakes there.  It shows it's intel AC97 audio, and the drivers are infact loaded.02:22
bastidrazorRickmasta: that isn't an actual error, can you be specific02:22
Rickmastajrib: sudo?02:22
ActionParsnipRickmasta: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-linux-add-user-to-group/02:22
jribRickmasta: presumably, you are root...02:22
ActionParsnipKyle__: you may need some options on the module or kernel to make it fly. If it is a branded PC or laptop then this can be used in websearches02:22
pietro10thune3: ok it says MAC Filtering is "Secured"02:23
pietro10which is odd; I don't have WEP enabled02:23
pietro10maybe it turned that on when I gave the router Dynamic DNS02:23
Kyle__ActionParsnip: I needed no options on the other identical machines that are running ubuntu.02:23
ActionParsnipKyle__: interesting. hmm. Is the sound chip onboard or is it on the motherboard?02:23
ActionParsnipKyle__: is the sounds card easily replaceable, basically02:24
pietro10ok it still doesn't seem to be connection02:24
pietro10yeah it's not connecting02:24
Rickmastajrib: Ok, I added the user to admin, I change staff to admin, I'm still getting the same error. "rick is not allowed to run sudo on vps."02:25
Kyle__No, it's onboard.  This problem just started happening today in this lab, and it's effecting all the machies with that image.  I can't roll back, so I need to diagnose what's going on to fix it.02:25
jribRickmasta: what does « groups »return?02:25
jribRickmasta: ok, and now login as rick02:25
Rickmastajrib: staff and admin02:26
ActionParsnipKyle__: if you boot to livecd. Is it ok?02:26
pietro10is there a way I can get the log to see why it's no tworking?02:26
jribRickmasta: and now "sudo echo hi"?02:26
thune3pietro10: maybe look at the end of /var/log/syslog for clues as to where connection operations are missing.02:26
Kyle__I'm quite sure it would be, but I haven't doen that02:26
gerio-unOlá a todos. Algum brasileiro?02:26
jrib!br | gerio-un02:26
ubottugerio-un: Entre em #ubuntu-br usando /join #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:26
zzcranjolol thanks jrib02:27
Rickmastajrib: Same error. "rick is not allowed to run sudo on vps."02:27
jribRickmasta: pastebin your /etc/sudoers02:27
pietro10thune3: ok it keeps DHCPDISCOVER on different bands02:29
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pietro10and no response from any of it, so it fails02:29
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pietro10let me try setting to channel 302:30
basiliskI installed tftpd and dhcp3-server correctly, both working, but my client on the network is not receiving files, what could be wrong?02:30
pietro10wait i get up to 11 but Ubuntu is going up to 302:30
Rickmastajrib: http://pastebin.com/TKhkND1R02:30
pietro10bleh let's try it02:30
zzcranjoI accidentally installed a 32-bit10.04, to change it to 64 is it as simple as compiling a 64 bit kernel? I can only access 3.7 gigs of ram, even though i have 4gigs.02:30
ActionParsnipzzcranjo: you can install the pae kernel to access up to 12Gb RAM02:31
Dr_Williszzcranjo:  it will take a reinstall.. enve even with 64bit. and exactly 4gb of ram. SOME of it may be used by the system. so not accessable fully02:31
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info02:31
zzcranjoActionParsnip: thanks02:31
Dr_Williszzcranjo:  with exactly 4gb of ram. its a bit of a tossup - if its worth going 64bit or not.. depends on what you are doing with the system02:32
jribRickmasta: meh, should work.  What does « sudo -K; sudo -l » say?02:32
jribRickmasta: this is all as rick02:32
pietro10but yeah02:33
pietro10it's doing DHCPREQUEST at increasing intervals02:33
zzcranjoDr_Willis: I am an artist, both 2d and 3d, so I need the extra 300 mb for renders02:33
pietro10and not getting a response02:33
zzcranjoSo I think its worth it02:33
crushpesthi everyone02:33
crushpesti am searching for a graphic traceroute util. Anybody knows a good one?02:34
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thune3pietro10: you aren't selecting a specific SSID to connect to? You are getting associated and authenticated?02:34
Guest98079newbie here02:34
pietro10what do you mean?02:34
pietro10I don't have any wireless security02:34
zzcranjocrushpest: I do not know of any programs, but go to whois ip02:35
pietro10and a specific network, yes (the one from my router)02:35
egsomecrushpest, `System menu > Administration > Network tools` has a good one.02:35
zzcranjocrushpest: Oh, egsome has a good one02:35
egsomecrushpest, or you mean one that draw graphical output of traceroute ?02:35
Dr_Williszzcranjo:  you may want to reinstall a 64bit OS then.. and even then like i said.  You may not get the full 300mb back.02:35
egsomeGuest98079, Welcome.02:36
crushpestyes with a mapping funktion02:36
Dr_Williszzcranjo:  but for math intesnsive renderings.. 64bit will give you a bit of a speed gain02:36
thune3pietro10: you were saying it was scanning channels and broadcasting, which was odd. it should know the channel of your router, by nam,e and set that channel. associated and authenticated are connection steps you should see in the syslog.02:36
pietro10this is when I wish I had readslow02:37
egsomecrushpest, check: http://freshmeat.net/projects/gtrace/02:37
crushpestegsome: i read something about xtraceroute, but i isn't in apt02:37
Dr_Willismtr - Full screen ncurses and X11 traceroute tool02:37
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egsome!info mtr02:38
ubottumtr (source: mtr): Full screen ncurses and X11 traceroute tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.75-2build1 (lucid), package size 51 kB, installed size 168 kB02:39
niglophow can i intergrate my command line into my desktop?02:39
Dr_Willisniglop:  depends on what you want. try guake02:39
Dr_Willis!info guake02:39
ubottuguake (source: guake): A drop-down terminal for GNOME Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.1-3 (lucid), package size 139 kB, installed size 960 kB02:39
pietro10I don't see any authentication step or anything like that02:39
pietro10just a few Listening steps and then the DHCPREQUESTS02:39
Rickmastajrib: sudo -K doesn't do anything, and sudo -l says "Sorry, user rick may not run sudo on vps."02:39
pietro10maybe I'm doing it wrong02:39
niglopone sec Dr_Willis ill show you a pic02:39
Kyle__ActionParsnip: Now I know why I was seeing it on the clients... theyuse NFS homes.02:39
jribRickmasta: don't know then, contact your vps provider02:39
Kyle__ActionParsnip: It's because ubuntu's NFS server is broken, rpc.statd doesn't start (or stay running) as needed.  Probably because of upstart.02:40
HoudiniManhi guys, does anybody know a good bootable hardware diagnostic suite? I want to test the components in this old PC02:40
Oerniglop, i use Yakuake, a pop-up terminal with F1202:40
Dr_Willisniglop:  the 'terminal in a root window on the desktop' was popular years ago.. but is a bit of an annoyance in many ways.. guake works very well.02:40
Kyle__HoudiniMan: On nights like this, I'd say use a different linux :P02:40
niglophold up one sec02:40
Kyle__HoudiniMan: astrumi used to have some good tools on it.02:40
estragibDr_Willis: i'm using it right now, you insensitive clod :p02:40
ActionParsnipKyle__: ubuntu isnt always the answer02:40
Kyle__ActionParsnip: And today, it was, in fact, the problem.02:41
Sampleztguys, Internet is definitely the problem .. to get to a page I have to try several times before coming .. and the download speed is too slow .. any idea?02:41
crushpestegsome: mtr has no map function02:41
niglopDr_Willis» http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/217/screenshot32i.png02:41
thune3pietro10: not sure. could you install pastebinit and pastebin the end of syslog: "tail -n 300 /var/log/syslog | pastebinit -"02:41
ActionParsnipKyle__: looks like you need to research a new distro then02:41
wedwoSamplezt, are you wired or wireless02:42
niglopthanks dr02:42
Kyle__ActionParsnip: For the server end of this, yes.02:42
Dr_Willisniglop:  thats what we were talking about an 'embeded' in the root window terminal.. thers dozens of hacks to do it.02:42
pietro10thune3: that's the thing — I can't get to the internet =p02:42
HoudiniManI'm not even tied to a linux solution, just something a la PC Doctor that's free02:43
niglopdoes guake do the same thing?02:43
Dr_Willisniglop: guake pops down a terminal on F1202:43
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Dr_Willisniglop:  you basically take a terminal that can do transprancy, and set it to be 'below others' and with no deforations -> its on the root of the desktop then02:43
pietro10let me reset the router.02:43
wedwoSamplezt, so I take it you're using ethernet and DHSL?02:44
niglopDr_Willis» i dont want it showing in my task list though02:44
Dr_Willisniglop:  see http://lifehacker.com/294005/embed-a-terminal-in-the-desktop-with-compiz-fusion02:44
nigloplike as a button on my task bar02:44
Samplezt<wedwo> thats right02:44
Dr_Willisniglop:  theres some settings for that i recall also.02:44
{n8}anyone know a cool white mac-ish style theme02:44
MACscrhow can i remove a package using apt-get, but exclude one of its dependencies? basically i want to completely remove php, but i want to keep phpmyadmin installed as im going to manually install php again02:45
wedwoSamplezt, is this the only computer going through the router?02:45
tensorpudding{n8}: there's a huge quantity of OSX-styled themes on GNOME Look.02:45
{n8}tensorpudding: oh nice02:45
tensorpuddingno guarantees that any of them are good.02:45
jribMACscr: tell apt to install it02:45
{n8}yeah ill look02:45
Sampleztthere is another one, with windows xp02:46
MACscrjrib: huh?02:46
jribMACscr: huh what?02:46
wedwoSamplezt, and does it suffer the same slowdown?02:46
{n8}MACscr: remove php, then install phpmyadmin02:46
jribMACscr: tell apt to install phpmyadmin at the same time...02:46
{n8}or yeah02:46
dlp211if i reinstall my os, how do i remount my Raid?02:47
MACscrso that wont modify what i have done with phpmyadmin?02:47
Dr_Willissudo apt-get install somthing+  somthingtoremove-  (or am i backwards)02:47
jribMACscr: two people are speaking to you02:47
jrib3 now02:47
Sampleztnot, and when I use my windows partition, internet works fine02:47
MACscrlol, and i was responding. sheesh02:47
Dr_WillisI just recall that in the apt-get manual i read the other day >:) never seen a need for it02:47
egsomecrushpest, I see02:48
jribMACscr: yeah but we have no clue what "that" is in your sentence.  There's more than one suggestion...02:48
egsomecrushpest, I think gtrace is good, but never tried it out.02:48
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wedwoSamplezt, OK, can you post the output of 'ifconfig' please02:48
TraumaPonyWhen I try and log in, it plays that drum noise and then goes back to the login screen. I tried going logging in via a terminal but I get this weird screen corruption. Anybody help? :X02:48
{n8}MACscr: i dont *think* apt-get remove, removes like config dirs and stuff for whatever your removing...02:49
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  can you ssh in from a differnet machine? (if you got ssh installed)02:49
TraumaPonyNup, I don't02:49
dlp211if i reinstall my os, how do i remount my Raid?02:49
MACscr{n8}: it does if you ask it to. I want it to remove everything else, just not phpmyadmin02:50
TraumaPonyI tried booting into recovery mode but it does the weird screen corruption there too02:50
TraumaPonyMaybe my video card drivers are fucked02:50
zzcranjoTraumaPony: Watch the language pleaes02:51
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  theres the 'text' option you can use, that might get it to boot to a normal console.  edit the grub boot line at the grub menus, and append 'text'  to the end after the 'quiet' and other options02:51
avi_hello all, I'm trying to use Glade and PyGTK, but Glade seems to be "defective", if you will. I am unable to drag and drop anything. If I try and drag and drop something, there is no indication that the GUI recognizes I am trying to do so, and does nothing to drag and drop them. I'm using Lucid 10.4.1.. What's up with this? Thanks in advance!02:52
Samplezt<wedwo> any idea?'02:52
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: Should vga be set to the weird number of 789?02:53
wedwoSamplezt, thank you. I see nothing wrong there. Can you post the output of "lshw -C Network" please?02:53
TraumaPonyDr_Willis Hmm, nope, that didn't work, it's corrupted still02:54
Sampleztok, let me see02:54
omgh4xwhen i boot any sort of ubuntu live cd, it goes to black screen. i think it may be my intel onboard graphics?02:54
Samplezthere, http://pastie.org/115136502:55
area51pilotwhat is the preferential website builder for Linux?02:56
Random832area51pilot: vim02:56
area51pilotit's quiet02:56
ubottuhtml is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/02:56
Random832[more to the point, what is a "website builder"?]02:57
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  the 'text' option shoudl default to the old 'failsafe text' mode for the console. and not use the framebufer at all.02:57
Random832(vim is a text editor, like notepad but better)02:57
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: Should I remove the vga option then?02:57
Dr_WillisLike notepad - in the same way a swiss army knife is like a butter knife.. :)02:57
area51pilotthx all02:57
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: Or does it override them?02:58
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  in the past. i get to the grub menu, hit e to edit a line. and i replace --> "quiet nosplash"02:58
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: K trying that02:58
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  with just 'text' and it boots to a console, no gdm, no framebuffer, just a basic text console.. if that dont work.. well that is weird...02:58
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  Thats what i was suggesting earlier..02:59
TraumaPonyYa it's fucked too02:59
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  and your video chipset is what exactly?02:59
IdleOneTraumaPony: watch the language please02:59
egsomeTraumaPony, Watch your language ..02:59
wedwoSamplezt, Ok, I see the driver listed for the ethernet controller is RTL8111/8168B, but the driver it is using is r816902:59
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: 9800 GT. But if I try booting it in virtualbox, it does the same thing03:00
TraumaPonyIdleOne/egsome: eh03:00
omgh4xWhen i boot any sort of ubuntu live cd, it goes to black screen. i think it may be my intel onboard graphics?03:00
IdleOneTraumaPony: Family friendly language is channel policy.03:00
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TraumaPonyOh, you mean like, no swearing?03:01
IdleOneTraumaPony: yes please03:01
Samplezt<wedwo>mm.. =/.. so? what i do?'03:01
tchebbYes, I'm only 14. My mind might get scarred for life :(03:01
TraumaPonyWell that's stupid *shrug*03:01
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: Is there a way to undo driver changes or something from a live cd?03:01
wedwoSamplezt, I don't know enough to tell you here how to fix it but you can try blacklisting r8169 and see if it loads the proper driver - you can always un-blacklist it if it doesn't03:02
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  i had some quirks with my nvidia chipset and the neaovu driver. but that text option shouldent even be loading that driver..   This is on a live cd? or an installed system?03:03
wedwoSamplezt, otherwise you'll have to wait for someone with more neurons than I03:03
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: Installed.03:03
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  so has it ever worked?03:03
Samplezt<wedwo>no prbolem, thanks men.. i try that03:03
JeffBarnesI MAY HAVE FOUND A BUG but not sure. I just installed my system-installed the updates and installed gufw. Then I created two regular users. I logged into one user and viewed the files in the other users account. Neither of these accounts had privs.03:03
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: Yup. Though come to think of it, before I restarted, I was playing around with virtualbox and installed the virtualbox guest additions... Could that be causing this?03:04
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  backup. this is a gfx issue in ubuntu thats running IN virtualbox?03:04
wedwoSamplezt, buena suerte03:04
ubuntuI thing the live cd are good but if you want it to work right you need to install it.03:05
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: Both. I boot the same installation either at startup or in virtualbox03:05
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  you are running a ubuntu install from a 'real' hard drive in virtualbox, ? and you also boot it up normally?03:05
Samplezt<wedwo> jajaja, buen español.. my english suck right? xD03:05
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TraumaPonyDr_Willis: Correct.03:05
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  you have noticed the birtualbox warnings (in its docs) about NOT doing such a thing? :)03:05
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: It is actually an advertised feature :P03:06
gerinychanyone know how to make laptop hotkeys work on 10.10?03:06
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  last i checked the docs.. they said to not do it..03:06
wedwoSamplezt, your english is good - had I not looked at your pasties I would never have known03:06
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: lol, I must have missed that part03:06
IdleOne!10.10 | gerinych03:06
ubottugerinych: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+103:06
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  i recall warnings about hard drive curruption and so forth..  you are basically swapiong out a lot of hardware when you boot in one or the other.. The vbox boot3ed version is Not using the nvidia chipset. so that may be causieng the issues03:06
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: Hmm. Is there some sort of recovery installation type thing on a linux cd?03:07
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  you can boot live cd, chroot in, and do things03:08
mikelifeguardHow can you configure how long sudo remembers your password?03:08
sinmangood evening everyone03:10
alfonzo1955Damn the ubuntu-unregged03:10
egsomemikelifeguard, `sudo visudo` would let you change some configurations, like `timestamp_timeout` which is the time that your password would be remembered.03:10
zeltakhi guys...insalled ff4 but cant get flash to work..i have it runing in google chorome03:10
Dr_Willismikelifeguard:  its in a settings file soemwhere ive seen.03:10
sinmanwho can help me with grub03:10
mikelifeguardegsome: thanks03:10
egsomemikelifeguard, You're welcome.03:11
egsomesinman, What is your problem ?03:11
AndrewMCsinman: ask if anyone can help they will respond :)03:11
sinmani have ubuntu and ubuntu studio installed03:11
IdleOneCould someone please paste a default /etc/sudoers03:11
sinmanI need to change the timer and rename the distro in the grub menu so i know which distro I'm bootinginto03:11
MACscrhow can i remove a ppa?03:12
sinmanand the ubuntu studio is the second install and both install has grub03:12
Dr_Willismikelifeguard:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=116697#post116697  talks about sudoers and the timeout03:12
airtonixMACscr, delete the list file in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ folder03:12
MACscrairtonix: thanks03:12
sinmanwouldn't i need to edit the secnd install grub to keep messing thingsup03:13
JeffBarnesi guess that I should have stated the user permission? bug was in 10.0403:13
Dr_Willissinman:  which OS is handling the bootloader? is it using Grub1 or grub2?03:13
airtonixMACscr, you'll see that each file there is named according to the PPA03:13
sinmanit's what ever is in ubuntu 10.04.1 lts and ubuntu studio 10.0403:13
sinmanI think it might be grub 203:14
Dr_Willissinman:  then you are using grub2 then.  I recall the grub2 docs mention customizing the entries.. or you can cut/paste entries from the /boot/grub/grub.cfg to the /etc/grub.d/40_custome file and alter them how you like. BUt those wont get auto-updated if you upgrade kernel versions03:14
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub203:14
dzup2hello i have problems running  googleearth-package , opens but then closes and a "Google Earth has caught signal 11." error appear, am using 10.04 i386 32 bits , thanks03:15
sinmanDr_Willis: when ubuntu update the kernal then I'll have to deal with it at that time03:15
akrcanzonHow do I install java on ubuntu?03:16
tensorpuddingWhich Java do you want?03:17
Dr_Willisakrcanzon:  install ubuntu-restricted-extras package4 and it should pull it in (is one way)03:17
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.03:17
sinmanDr_Willis: by any chance would you have a link on how to make the changes in grub 203:18
akrcanzontensorpudding,  Latest version03:18
tom_I am having problems with kernel 2.6.31-22 on ubuntu 9.10 ... the 2.6.31-14 works fine ... also, none of 2.6.32-xx with ubuntu 10.4 work p[roperly ...03:18
tom_is this a known issue?03:18
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: I've booted into a live cd, what would I need to do now?03:18
Dr_Willissinman:  the grub2 factoid and forum posts are what i follow.. bookmarked at my delicious page -> http://delicious/com/dr_willis/grub2  (i think)03:18
sinmanDr_Willis: ok03:19
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  for starters install the ssh server so you can ssh into a box remotely and try to fix things if the gfx messes up03:19
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: How do you install it from a live cd?03:19
sixtwoI was wondering if anyone can help me?03:20
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  chroot into the installed system.. sudo apt-get install ssh03:20
extremedevilzI was thinking will gameguard work with wine?03:20
Dr_Willisextremedevilz:  and gameguard is what?03:21
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: chroot / ?03:21
Tweakyhi. every time i boot up i have no window borders. i go to appearance and change from normal to custom effects every time, it doesnt keep my option after reboot. so i have no window borders on bootup unless i go to appearance and change to custom. any ideas so i can have custom on permanantly?03:21
extremedevilzanti cheat system03:21
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  track down a guide on chrooting. ive not had to chroot into a linux box in ages.. the basics. mount system to /media/chroot   then 'chroot /media/chroot'  then in that terminal you are 'in' the installed system./ there may be other steps needed03:22
sixtwoJust built new 64 bit quad core and installed 64 bit Ubuntu 10.4 - but system is running slower than my P4. Any suggestions? I have a WD Caviar Green HD, 1GB PC26400 mem, Phenom 9850 CPU and a 1GB Nvidia 220 GT video card (not installed).03:22
dlp211you only have a gig of memory?03:22
Dr_WillisTweaky:  compiz is crashing or some setting is not getting set. You could install and run the fusion-icon program  that should auto-restart compiz as needed03:22
egsomesixtwo, 1 gig memory ?!03:23
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: Thanks, that worked03:23
Tweakydr_willis thank you03:23
sixtwofor the time being - but just running ubuntu is slow - my p4 with 2gb performs better than it03:23
tensorpuddingsixtwo: "running slower" seems to be subjective: if they're not running the same software it's not really a fair comparison03:23
DragonKeeperlol' @ quad and 1gb ram03:23
dlp211i have quad with 6 and feel like i dont have enough03:24
tom_does anyone have an nvidia video card on a motherboard with embedded ati video controller?03:24
sixtwothen i should say its performing better - both have ubuntu 10.4 but one is 32bit other is 64 - it takes 3-4 seconds for window to load03:24
DragonKeeperim running 6 core  4gb ram soon to be 803:24
tensorpuddinga p4 with 2GB of RAM would conceivably outperform a C2Q with 1 GB RAM, if only because the 1 GB will lead to more swapping.03:24
egsometom_, Yeah.03:24
tom_egsome: what kernel do you have?03:24
dlp211and a caviar green03:24
tom_egsome: do you drive display from ati controller or nvidia?03:25
egsometom_, 2.6.32-24-generic-pae03:25
Dr_WillisHere we go -> 'Grub 2 title tweaks' -->   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128760203:25
egsometom_, Sure nVidia.03:25
tensorpudding64-bit has a slight RAM usage hit also, due to the increased amount of addressing; don't know how measurable the difference is.03:26
dlp211sixtwo: unless you need 64 bit, you should run 32 bit desktop03:26
zeltakso anyone mind helping out on flash and firefox 4?03:26
Dr_WillisI go the otuer route.. if you can use 64bit.. may as well use it.. :)03:26
egsomezeltak, Describe your problem, And people here should help ..03:26
tom_egsome: have you tried having the ati controller as the primary controller in the bios and then driving the monitor through it?03:27
vu1kan<python -m SimpleHTTPServer> allows one to serve their current working directory over their lan@ localhost:8000, I would like to expose this dir to the internet.  I've already set up a ddns provider, and forwarded port 8000 through my router, what would be my next step? or could someone point me towards a how-to?03:27
dlp21164bit on the desktop is still not stable enough for me03:27
dlp211or most people03:27
xuekanhello , is anyone knows how to install the login theme?03:27
Dr_WillisI use all 64bit on my home lan for one other reason.. i just need one 'apt-cacher' server to serve up the 64bit pcakges also. vs needing to cache 32 and 64bit packages.03:27
dlp211server on the other hand03:27
egsomedlp211, Agree.03:27
egsometom_, No.03:27
Dr_WillisI cant say ive had any issues with 64bit on my desktop.  at least none ive noticed.03:27
zeltakthe egsome ..well basiclly i have no flash wiht ff4 but do have it with chrome03:27
tom_egsome: the thing is, I want to use my nvidia card purely for CUDA programming, so I don't need to drive monitor through it ... but, in this configuration my system always hungs03:28
dlp211zeltak: have you uninstalled and reinstalled?03:28
=== Rev is now known as Morphene
tom_is there a way to disable the DRM (the driver) in linux?03:28
egsomezeltak, Do you see it in ff4 plugins list ?03:28
dzup2who succesfully ran googleearth in 10.04, mine is exiting on Google Earth has caught signal 11.03:29
egsometom_, You need to tell Linux to use ATI not nVidia Card ?03:29
zeltakegsome: mmm no just the ubuntu plugin. also i just checked and there is no flash in ff3.5 as well03:29
zeltakdlp211: havent reinstalled latley03:29
tom_egsome: it uses the ATI card, but the system crashes every now and then ... sometimes it can run overnight, if I don't do any activity (such as web browsing) on it03:29
egsomezeltak, Have you got flash ever working on that system ?, I Mean Have you installed it before ?03:29
zeltakegsome: flash is working well under google chrome right now03:30
egsometom_, What do you mean by `crash`?, What happen exactly ?03:30
dlp211zeltak: i meant the flash plugin03:30
xuekanno one knows how to install a login theme? I just downloaded the package,but after unpack it,there are no .theme file.03:31
zeltakhmmmm dunno...i thought chrome used the flasj plugin...how do i check for it?03:31
Dr_Willisxuekan:  you sure it was a GDM 2 theme, and not a GDM 1 theme?03:31
egsomezeltak, So you have `flash plugin` under `Tools -> Addons > Plugins` in ff4 ?03:31
egsomezeltak, So you have `flash plugin` under `Tools -> Addons > Plugins` in ( firefox ) ?03:31
pietro10thune3: ok, I just created a wireless network on my Mac's internal AirPort03:31
pietro10once again, connection failure03:31
chrisd__Hi -- when I try to use the wireless in 10.04 it says "wireless is disabled" like the hardware switch has it disabled -- there is a switch but it is not disabled, other operating systems I've used on the computer haven't done this. Any ideas?03:31
egsomeegsome, I don't know where exactly to ff4, but it should be like 3.x03:31
tom_egsome: GUI freezes ... I can't even move a mouse, or switch to text consoles ... (ALT+Fx) ... sometimes I can Alt+SysReq+B to reboot the system (meaning that some part of the kernel is responsive), but sometimes even that doesn't work ...03:31
pietro10is there some sort of diagnostic tool for this? bcm431203:31
zeltakegsome: no flash is not present just icedT03:32
egsomezeltak, That the Java one03:32
xuekanDr_Willis: I don't know what the differences are between them,but the website only provide one pack.03:32
egsomezeltak, OK, What about trying to install flash plugin ?03:32
tom_egsome: this ubuntu 9.10 with the new kernel and 10.4 are completely a nightmare for me03:32
Dr_Willisxuekan:  i would imagine its a theme for the OLD gdm and wont work in the New GDM that ubuntu is using03:33
=== ubuntu is now known as ashiswin
zeltakok egsome i was sure i did..weird..ok ill install in now from the repos03:33
ashiswinMy NTFS partition seems to be corrupted. I have tried using GParted to see if I can do anything. But, it says 'Input/Output error when read /dev/sda' This is the harddrive that has my ubuntu and windows partitions. I can mount the ubuntu partition but not the windows03:33
egsomezeltak, OK.03:33
Slasher`why are we talking with + and -?03:33
zeltakthx egsome for the help03:33
Dr_Willisashiswin:  i hope you got backups made..03:34
ashiswinNope, i can't even use DD to image the partition03:34
=== Pilif12p is now known as NeverForget
Dr_Willisashiswin:  theres  the 'dd_rescue' variant. that Might be able to.03:34
ashiswinbut it says that the input file is invalid when i specify if=/dev/sda03:34
egsometom_, After the problem happen, Can you pastebin the your X11 log ? `/var/log/Xorg.0.log`03:34
egsomezeltak, You're welcome.03:34
xuekanDr_Willis:it's this site,http://art.gnome.org/themes/gdm_greete,are there any suitable theme for ubuntu now?03:35
Dr_Willisxuekan:  i dont bother with trying to change my GDM login other then to change the wallpaper. Or perhaps tweak it a little bit with differnt fonts/color scheme.03:35
chrisd__Hi -- when I try to use the wireless in 10.04 it says "wireless is disabled" like the hardware switch has it disabled -- there is a switch but it is not disabled, other operating systems I've used on the computer haven't done this. Any ideas?03:35
ashiswinDr_Willis, it says that the input file is invalid03:36
binarycan anyone recommend some cool desktop gadgets? Screenlets are a little dry for my liking03:36
Dr_Willisashiswin:  dd_rescue even says that?03:36
Dr_Willisbinary:  google's gadgets work..  then opera can do gadgets.. and theres one or 2 other ways i recall. (i hate most all of them)03:36
ashiswinDr_Willis, yes it does say that03:36
Dr_Willisashiswin:  if dd_rescue cant even read the sda (try sda1 instead?) then  it may be unrecoverable.. try /dev/sda1 and see if it can read that03:37
ashiswini did sda1 not sda03:37
Dr_Willisashiswin:  sounds bad...03:37
ashiswineven sda doesnt work Dr_Willis03:37
Dr_Willisdd_rescue normally trys very very hard to read the disks...03:38
xuekanDr_Willis:well,thank u ,I think i've got what i wanted.03:38
ashiswinbut it only cannot mount sda1, sda5(the ubuntu partition) can be mounted Dr_Willis03:38
ashiswinalthough i cannot image sda5 as well03:38
Dr_Willisashiswin:  and sda5 may die at any time... (backup stuff  from it fast i suggest)03:38
ashiswinDr_Willis: i'll do that. but do u have any idea of how to save sda1?03:39
Dr_Willisashiswin:  not really.03:39
Dr_WillisI keep 'stacks of exteranl usb hard drives' for such backup emergancies..03:39
ashiswinDr_Willis: I am dead. i opened sda5, and went to home and it said home is not available. it may have been deleted03:39
=== donostiarra is now known as Basque
Dr_WillisI got a 1TB hd thats flakey like that also..  the first partition has issues.. the 2nd one seems to work. but i got it mounted to /media/JUNKdrive so i know not to put imprntant stuff on it.03:39
Dr_Willisashiswin:  doh....03:40
Dr_Willisashiswin:  just showing once again. that hard drives can fail at ANY time.03:40
Dr_Willisashiswin:  ive seen tricks to try to get them working such as putting them in the freezer and so forth...03:40
ashiswinyea i know of the freezer03:40
ashiswinbut Dr_Willis, this is a lappy so its hard to remove. i am using the ubuntu live CD03:42
Dr_WillisMy New Laptop has space for 2 hard drives. :)03:42
Dr_Willis1TB in a laptop... imagine that a few years back..03:42
bdogghey, can someone help me with xmms in maverick?03:43
ashiswinbut Dr_Willis, even gparted doesnt detect the drive. it only detects my external portable drive03:43
bazhangbdogg, #ubuntu+1 for that03:43
Dr_Willisashiswin:  could be the controller died on teh hd..  you could remove it and try it in a usb enclosure03:43
dlp211are the ubuntu download servers slow for anyone else?03:43
bdoggno one there03:43
Dr_Willisbdogg:  actual xmms? or xmms2 ?03:43
bdoggbeen waiting for like a long time03:43
bdoggactual xmms03:43
bazhangbdogg, then be patient.03:43
Dr_Williscompile it.. thats the answer.. :)03:44
ashiswinDr_Willis, what can possibly kill the controller. can heat kill it?03:44
Dr_Willisbdogg: compile it.. thats the answer.. :)03:44
Dr_Willisashiswin:  they are lots of chips and things.. stuff can burn out.03:44
ashiswinCos, my com is known for everheating03:44
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Dr_Willisashiswin:  ive had hds where the controller dies and gave out false drive info03:44
Dr_Willisashiswin:  heat is bad..  those extra external fans may be worth getting.03:45
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bdoggDr_Willis: i installed through ppa03:46
bazhangbdogg, you're not in that channel03:46
bdoggi was03:46
bazhang!maverick | bdogg03:46
ubottubdogg: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+103:46
bazhangbdogg, then take it there03:46
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: Aha! Got it. I had edited my /etc/profile and put in an ill-formed export03:46
melkorI would like to install ubuntu on an external hd, should I treat this as a normal installation or as a usb type installation?03:47
crushpestis it possible to route my own traffic through ppp over a ethX interface?03:47
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TraumaPonyDr_Willis: I can log in graphically, but if I try logging in at a console, the text is still all corrupted03:49
Dmoleanyone wand to help me fix a mdadm problem?03:49
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  so X works but not the consoles?03:49
mrgibsonCan someone assist me?  I am having an "I'm stuck at Grub2 prompt" problem03:50
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: Correct03:50
extremedevilzguys I download a program which has extention of tar.bz203:50
Dr_WillisTraumaPony:  my consoles were unuseable with the Noeavu drivers.. i had to install the nvidia-current drivers to get them working03:50
extremedevilzhow do I install it03:50
bazhangextremedevilz, what program03:51
xanguawhat program extremedevilz¿ better install from repository03:51
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: I'll try that03:51
bazhangextremedevilz, use evince03:51
Dr_Willisextremedevilz:  if its a precompiled binary, extact and run.. if its source.. extract and compile.. but i found envince as good as foxit03:52
Dr_Willisevince :)03:52
engiduI'm new to ubuntu so please excuse me if this sounds childish but i just got it all up and running and never saw an option for desktop environment can i still install it or do i have to start all over again?03:52
zeltakegsome: well installed the flash player but getting errors that i need to upgrade to flsah 10??03:52
bazhangengidu, server install?03:52
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Dr_Willisengidu:  you boot up and dont get a GDM/graphical Login screen you mean?   server install has no GUI..03:53
bazhangengidu, you can install ubuntu-desktop for gnome03:53
bazhangengidu, or kubuntu-desktop, edubuntu- xubuntu- etc03:53
Dr_Willisengidu:  why did you use the 'server install' ?03:53
engiduthe documentation tells me gnome is the defualt gui but i am installing ubuntu server03:53
ownerwhat do I type to get a package list of what's in my PC?03:53
engiduso i don't know if there is a gui for server03:53
bazhangengidu, there's not03:54
engidui enabled samba so can i ftp to the server?03:54
Dr_Willisengidu:  samba is not 'ftp'03:54
DragonKeeperis there such thing as a  terminal chat console that can talk over the internet ?03:54
Dr_Willisengidu:  install a ftp server if you want ftp.03:55
owneranyone know how to get a package list in the terminal03:55
Dr_WillisDragonKeeper:  im doing that now... :) with weechat03:55
egsomezeltak, Where you get the errors ?03:55
bazhangDragonKeeper, for irc? or im?03:55
engiduno but doesn't it enable networking between linux and win03:55
Dr_WillisDragonKeeper:  theres numerous text only IM clients.03:55
ownerthat tells you what packages you have installed?03:55
Dr_Willisengidu:  you network the pc's -  then install the services you want.03:55
DragonKeeperjust like run a server  console and  clients to connect to me03:55
Dr_Willisengidu:  you can be 'networked' with no services installed at all.. (you just cant do much)03:55
engidu=) ty03:55
Dr_WillisDragonKeeper:  you could run your own BBS, or IRC server if you wanteed.. or other services like that03:56
jacob2010Desktop effects could not be enabled on ubuntu 10.04 when enabling desktop effects with an ATI 5750 using the fglrx driver03:56
extremedevilzhow do Install ._.03:56
ownerhello anyone know how to get the list of packages installed to display in the terminal?03:56
Dr_Willis!clone | owner03:56
ubottuowner: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate03:56
bazhangextremedevilz, why do you need foxit03:57
sdjsI uninstalled gnome-screensaver and then locked the screen using the menu in the main bar on top and now my screen is black with only a cursor, halp?03:57
extremedevilzpdf read03:57
DragonKeeperi want it so my pc can host a terminal server  and i can limit users connecting to it   and then friends can log in and talk    like pycat does   but i want over internet03:57
bazhangextremedevilz, evince does that fine03:57
extremedevilzi downloaded it,but I want to install how03:57
egsomeextremedevilz, There's already one, Or you want specified reader ?03:57
Dr_Willisextremedevilz:  extract the archive, run the binary.. (if it comes with a binary) in the archive.03:57
zeltakegsome: youtune, vimeo etc03:58
MACscrhmm, my swap doesnt seem to be "mounting" on boot. Where should i start looking?03:58
Dr_WillisI thought Foxit basically dropped their Linux supported version also.03:58
extremedevilzI want to install this03:58
Dr_WillisMACscr:  /etc/fstab for typos03:58
zeltakalso i still dont see flash plugin under plugins03:58
zeltakegsome: this is how i installed flash: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree03:59
MACscrDr_Willis: just says: # swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation03:59
MACscrUUID=45e43335-5ec4-421e-9ee6-f758425156eb none            swap    sw              0       003:59
sdjsif removing gnome-screensaver breaks screen locking, why did ubuntu allow me to lock the screen after removing it? I'm stuck with a black screen with just a cursor in it now03:59
Dr_WillisMACscr:  now try 'sudo fdisk -l'  and blkid command to be sure the uuid's are correct03:59
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)03:59
ezorp3je cherche quelqu'un pour m'aider ; probleme avec apache et dyndns03:59
egsomezeltak, Where you get the errors?03:59
Dr_Willisextremedevilz:  you are better off using evince.. that version of foxit reader is VERY old.04:00
jongoliahi, need help with navigation. newbie here. how to access usb drive on terminal04:00
egsome!french | ezorp304:00
ubottuezorp3: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.04:00
bazhangezorp3, #ubuntu-fr for french04:00
bonez2046what would cause sound on my system, running 10.04 to fail, but to sound if I log out, and then to still produce no sound when I log back in, but then sounds works if and only if i reboot?04:00
sdjsbonez2046: that's linux sound for you04:00
iflemaDragonKeeper: mumble-server is pretty light on and so is ts3server, but clients will need a gui to run/connect....04:01
egsomejongolia, What do you mean by `access`?, You want to browse/edit files on it ? or just get list of USB Devices connected ? or Info. about specified one ? ..04:01
MACscrDr_Willis: the disk identifier's listed there are much much shorter than that UID04:01
ezorp3thx bazhng04:01
Dr_WillisMACscr:  have you resized the disks recently? that can change the uuid's04:01
Dr_WillisMACscr:  you could edit the fstab to use the /dev/sdXX type name also.04:01
Dr_WillisMACscr:  or correct teh UUID04:02
MACscrok, will do that instead04:02
zeltakegsome: all flash sites..youtube..vimeo etc04:02
ownerthanks ubottu04:02
Dmolecan anyone offer some quick raid advice?04:02
egsomezeltak, What type of errors you mean ?, What it say ?04:02
DragonKeeperiflema look up pycat     it runs on intranet  but i want something like that so can run a private link with friends (internet)04:02
sdjswhat happens when you lock the screen, other than gnome-screensaver being called?04:02
egsome!ask | Dmole04:02
ubottuDmole: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:02
accegerantyhttp://AnonTalk.se/r/39 accegeranty luis_ chris_osx aperson eyeofodin CaptainMorgan psycho_oreos bonez2046 jongolia ghostlines emjelde TheAnswer WinstonSmith mobasher FrankLv sdjs carabobo messi jacob2010 earthmeLon mrgibson iceflatline l34k cfedde Technovi1ing Dmole engidu bachstudies qwm {n8} cwillu Sagaci tak11 ecanto LucidGuy ffdsf Kerrick xangua Barridus shamino_ Emry Walzmyn CyberSix crushpest bp0 ANTRat ShapeShifter499 jsurfer I-are- |Sacred|04:02
accegerantyhttp://AnonTalk.se/r/31 apostatedpriest KE1HA extremedevilz bonhoffer _chun pizzledizzle Plain_Flavored ninemen Basque addisonj dzup2 airtonix alfonzo1955 JabDesign zachlr _CommandeR_ Azrathud geraudk2000 gerio-un vlcn LinoSP Milos|Laptop PreZ mc_ seisetepc omgh4x Shadowww dl0c_ TraumaPony symptom KittyBoots alpharesearch MACscr santos ogra FloodBot2 m00se MrUnagi Ameth hypermodern Rothos jhesketh shro0ms zicho Kitar|st rmk apelgate qb oracle_ JoeSo04:02
accegerantyhttp://AnonTalk.se/r/60 DavidLevin patx cozziemoto Rickmasta krups |_ocke frobisher Autonomiser FunnyLookinHat christian_lappy estragib zilla _KAMI_ land0rz jerknextdoor JimmyJ loewi Roasted Nazdravi Ubunturific Ziaeon_ NeverForget ThomasB2k iflema brishu Kyle__ dougl extor Squirrelly dbruns pting jhansonxi spap tensorpudding Matir DDwi iceman30ad Four2zero dmz user skunkworks histo ring1 steph021_h kthomas cystic Aciid Benwa AlbertoP Sky[x] solid_l04:02
accegerantyhttp://AnonTalk.se/r/20 cs278|laptop wet FalsAlarm bsmith093 FloodBot3 elitexray Jordan_U Sylphid pro7ron FloodBot1 Dr_Willis Daekdroom heg mbrigdan Kassad AndrewMC iredux techhelper1 jhuni tauren brianchidester pipeep Dfoolz Maser o0ze FullFlannelJacke XVampireX mado genewitch aguitel chalcedony M1DLGpc egsome askhl_ pauldy ^Cheeky rk13 Samual Dink message144 forkup jskulski jsidhu elkclone MashTomato Exavion Ronald ZykoticK9 Typh Yamba|ZzZ KindOne04:02
accegerantyhttp://AnonTalk.se/r/14 nobody_ Slix` trigrou spreda croppa PaulEycks mawst johzephine kermit enmand pickett_ Samual-Laptop linxeh The_Thing DragonKeeper h4z|da rww XuMuK Miland3r YankDownUnder adymitruk mindnull_ whosjose i_is_broke Ichat Callum__ sdwrage XLV kerim Dulak ede_ toxictux crazydiamond skfin LouisJB romu zxvff CaptainKnots Andre_Gondim scampbell Nanobot y0sh_ dunas Raptors Greyscale Tryptych asq hawkI waremperor Jcink GMeola Freejack` z04:02
TraumaPonyOh my04:02
MrUnagiits like yahoo chat04:02
|Sacred|the hell was that04:02
xanguazeltak: installed adobe flash plugin from repository¿ also installed others plugins like swfdec or gnash¿ restarted the browser¿ are you using a 32 or 64bit OS¿04:03
DragonKeepersomeone has to much time on there hands04:03
kerim{n8} : Use cairo clock04:03
Dmoleegsome: rebooted and raid array did not come back up04:03
|Sacred|nice quick k-line though04:03
sdjstoo, their04:03
jongoliaegosome: yeah i want to copy over a file and install with drivers04:03
|Sacred|good job opers04:03
airtonixDragonKeeper, try using hamachi to create an easy vlan04:03
madoexcuse me but what is that -> <accegeranty> ?04:03
sdwrageDragonKeeper, probably some 17 year old laughing in his chair as he got kicked yelling "OMG it worked!"04:03
airtonixDragonKeeper, vlan/vpn04:03
bazhangmado, spambot, move on please04:03
MACscrDr_Willis: anyway for me to activate it without rebooting? I found something like swapon -a, but that gave me the following error: ubuntu:/$ sudo swapon -a04:04
MACscrswapon: /dev/sda5: swapon failed: Invalid argument04:04
madooh ... it was some spam?04:04
madoi understand ... thanks bazhang04:04
madodidn't know that04:04
zeltakxangua: isnatlled using sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree04:04
madoam new to all this you kniow04:04
zeltakalso using 64bit04:04
Dr_WillisMACscr:  sda5 is your swap partition? could be it got messed up04:04
Dmoleegsome: all the partitions are listed in blkid04:04
DragonKeeperairtonix    vpn ?    nah want it so clients connect via ip04:04
xanguazeltak: probably that's the problem > 64bit04:04
Dr_WillisMACscr:  swapon is ran at boot time.. so the result is the same.. thats proberly why its failing in the first place04:04
MACscrDr_Willis: yes. So now do i unmess it up? =P04:04
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zeltakxangua: ahh i see...so whats the best course to get it working?04:05
Dr_WillisMACscr:  reforamt the swap partition  with mkswap /dev/sda5 (IF sda5 is the swap)04:05
bonez2046sdjs: really? that's the answer? so everyone's linux box does this?04:05
airtonixDragonKeeper, ? thats what hamachi privides04:05
jacob2010Error  Desktop effects could not be enabled on ubuntu 10.04 when enabling desktop effects with an ATI 5750 using the fglrx driver.  How to fix?04:05
xanguazeltak: use 32bit instead of 6404:05
sdjsbonez2046: no, but sound tends to suck overall04:05
airtonixDragonKeeper, i think you are confused about what a VPN is04:05
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zeltakok xangua how does one do that?04:05
peepsalothow do I install sun java?04:06
bonez2046sdjs: when it works on my ubuntu box, the sound is great.it just fades and dies over time....04:06
DragonKeeperairtonix dont you have to config all pcs for vpn ?04:06
Dr_Willis!java | peepsalot04:06
ubottupeepsalot: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.04:06
bonez2046sdjs: there's got to be some solution..04:06
xanguazeltak: download the normal desktop cd and full install04:06
bazhangpeepsalot, enable partner repo04:06
Dr_Willispeepsalot:  enable the   partner repo and install it via the pckage manager.04:06
ubottuCanonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »04:06
bazhang!partner | peepsalot04:06
ubottupeepsalot: please see above04:06
airtonixDragonKeeper, well the other machines that want to participate in the hamachi vpn have to run the hamachi client..04:06
zeltakehmmm...thats a bit hard core inst it for getting flash to work..lol?04:06
sdjsbonez2046: I'd look it up but ubuntu locked me out of my x session even though I don't have gnome-screensaver anymore so I'm stuck in the console04:06
dooomrobodebootstrap img won't mount properly on mytouch 3g.here is output: http://pastebin.ca/193766204:06
dooomroboplease help out04:06
iflemaDragonKeeper: mumble-server and ts3server, both work on lan and over internet both public and/or private.....04:07
peepsalotDr_Willis, that page is out of date.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java    it still says to use universe, which does not work04:07
peepsaloti will enable partner, thanks04:07
bonez2046sdjs:  no worry.. thanks04:07
Dr_Willispeepsalot:  I dont even bother with SUN java any more.. the icedtea version works for all the things ive tried04:07
dooomrobocan any1 help me out with that?04:08
MACscrDr_Willis: got it working. Thanks!04:08
peepsalotwell, it typically doesn't work when i try. so... yeah04:08
DragonKeeperairtonix  iflema   gonna look now04:08
TraumaPonyDr_Willis: http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9830578 seems like I'm not the only one who had this happen today04:08
ffdsfwhy am I required to enter username on ubuntu install?04:08
Dmolemember:egsome: mdadm -A /dev/md0 /dev/sd[bcd]3  said "cannot open device /dev/sdc3: Device or resource busy"04:08
Dr_Willisffdsf:  you make a user...04:08
Dr_Willisffdsf:  thats how the system works04:09
Dmoleegsome: mdadm -A /dev/md0 /dev/sd[bcd]3  said "cannot open device /dev/sdc3: Device or resource busy"04:09
rafaelim /server irc.irchighway.net04:09
MACscrlol, even in windows you have to ener a username04:09
airtonixffdsf, any half serious operating system does thi.04:09
cwryuuffdsf: because being root all the time is a bad idea04:09
ffdsfDr_Willis: isn't my full name not enough? in unix you have uids04:09
iflemaDragonKeeper: both are easyish to config and availablec for win,mac,lin and prob bsd also.....04:09
Dr_Willisffdsf:  make a username, or it suggests one and get on with the install...04:09
nazwhere do i change to runlevel so my login is a console no a gui04:09
airtonixffdsf, vcard info != username04:09
MACscrsounds like the beginning of a troll04:09
RickmastaHey guys, on a vps (Linux, ubunutu), through ssh, are you able to run multiple rails projects simultaneously?04:10
airtonixRickmasta, yes, but thats a question for #ruby, #httpd04:10
Dr_Willisnaz:  ubuntu dosent use runlevels line many other disrtos do.04:10
MACscryes, but that has nothing to do with resources04:10
=== Trystam is now known as Tristam
Dr_Willisnaz:  disable the GDm service if you dont want GDm/X to auto start04:10
nazDr_Willis, how04:10
Guest66676@find resident.evil04:11
Dr_Willisnaz:  rename the /etc/init/gdm.conf to be /etc/init/gdm.DONTRUNME04:11
ThePaRaDoXhello anyone can help with a network problem?04:11
Dr_Willis!upstart | naz04:11
ubottunaz: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/04:11
Dr_Willisnaz:  or use the 'text' boot option, that will disable gdm and plymouth both04:12
nazi havenot used linux in 13 years and im 3004:12
atchucandoes anyone know a good alternative for ImageReady on ubuntu?04:12
dunasSo, I'm about to reinstall Windows 7 on a separate partition for gaming, what's the easiest way to go about this?04:12
atchucanaside from gimp?04:12
nazDr_Willis, im trying to install the new nvidia drivers04:12
ThePaRaDoXi installed some updates and when i rebooted linux doesnt have internet via LAN.the pc is not on the DHCP list of my router and i have no internet access.any ideas?04:12
egsome!gimp | atchucan04:12
ubottuatchucan: gimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.04:12
atchucani want something as user-friendly as adobe imageready04:12
MACscratchucan: doesnt exist04:13
Dr_Willisnaz:  then youi just need to STOP the gdm service.. and run their installer..04:13
Dr_Willisnaz:  but that wasent what you asked :)04:13
nazDr_Willis, i cant be running xwin04:13
ffdsfwhy i cannot use anything but latin letters in username?04:13
Dr_Willisnaz:  correct.. stop 'gdm' and it will kill X.04:13
jongoliahi guys, is there anyway I can run ubuntu in low graphics mode through recovery? failsafeX mode is nt working out for me due to my GEforce G102m driver problem. Trying to install the driver through usb, can't access usb through terminal. need graphical assistance.04:13
nazso kill gdm04:14
rebel52anyone know how to fix that control info error durring custom kernel compilation on lucid ?04:14
digcon9is there any way to make apt-cache to show package size in kiloBytes or megaBytes?04:14
ThePaRaDoXnoone any ideas?04:14
Dr_WillisThePaRaDoX:  reboot with older kernel see if it works04:14
atchucanthanks for the help guys. i'll be up at http://twitter.com/atchucan04:15
ThePaRaDoXDr_Willis and how do i do that?04:15
tonyyarussoI have a system with an Intel D945GCLF2 motherboard (Atom 330), and I can't figure out how to change the fan speed.  I got lm-sensors installed and can read the speed, and ran pwmconfig, but all of the values resulted in the same RPM reading.  Any ideas?04:15
Dr_WillisThePaRaDoX:  at the grub boot menu.. select an older kernel thats frather down the list04:15
ThePaRaDoXlet me test04:15
jongoliaanyway i could launch ubuntu in low graphics mode?04:16
intmedi want to run an irc server in my system. for testing my irc program in java04:16
intmedsuggest me a good irc server04:17
IdleOneintmed: search synaptic package manager for ircd04:17
Tsimscan someone help me? I downloaded a program called qorganizer, how can i make it so it appears under applications>office04:17
Dr_WillisTsims:  use the 'alacarte' program to edit your menus and add entries where you want04:17
intmedDr_Willis: ok04:17
bazhangTsims, install from repos04:18
bazhang!info qorganizer | Tsims04:18
ubottuTsims: qorganizer (source: qorganizer): featured lightweight graphical organizer. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.4-2 (lucid), package size 527 kB, installed size 876 kB04:18
Tsimswhat would the command to run qorganizer be?04:18
bazhangTsims, look for it in the menu after installing from repos04:18
Dr_WillisTsims:  you said you downlaoded it..  did you install it? where are you running it from?04:19
Dr_Willis!info qorganizer04:19
ubottuqorganizer (source: qorganizer): featured lightweight graphical organizer. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.4-2 (lucid), package size 527 kB, installed size 876 kB04:19
bazhangTsims, no need to download like that.04:19
intmedDr_Willis: installed ircd now how to start the program. not in the menu04:19
ThePaRaDoXDr_Willis nothing04:19
Tsimsi downloaded it from the ubuntu software center but it didnt make a shortcut anywhere and i cant seem to find it in my computer04:19
Dr_Willisintmed:  now you need to read the docs for  the irc server you installed.. they dont have icons, since they dont have an actual GUI.04:19
bazhangTsims, then alt f2 qorganizer04:19
ThePaRaDoXany ways to fix it?04:19
ranthiI forget, what is the program to check total and free ram?04:19
extremedevilzI cant a get pdf reader on my ubuntu04:19
intmedDr_Willis: ok04:20
xanguaextremedevilz: evince does04:20
bazhangextremedevilz, its there already: evince04:20
Dr_Willis!info evince04:20
ubottuevince (source: evince): Document (postscript, pdf) viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.30.3-0ubuntu1.1 (lucid), package size 449 kB, installed size 6368 kB04:20
extremedevilzthere isnt04:20
Dr_Willisextremedevilz:  sudo apt-get install evince04:20
bazhangextremedevilz, yes there is.04:20
IdleOneextremedevilz: apt-cache policy evince04:20
IdleOneextremedevilz: does that say it is installed?04:20
bazhangextremedevilz, right click pdf open with document viewer04:20
Tsimsnvm i got it04:20
Tsimsthanks guys04:20
=== ServerTech|Busy is now known as ServerTech
BT4r1NuBSo... I installed Google-Chrome on BT4r1 destro but theres no icon in the gui. i tried sudo gedit /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop. but got gedit dont exixt04:21
BT4r1NuBany ideas?04:21
Dr_WillisBT4r1NuB:  see the BT4 channel...04:21
bazhangBT4r1NuB, backtrack?04:21
IdleOne!backtrack | BT4r1NuB04:21
ubottuBT4r1NuB: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)04:21
ranthiso no command to check free ram and total ram?04:21
Dr_WillisBT4r1NuB:  and add an icon where you want.   via alacarte if you like it. :)04:21
dunasSo, I'm about to reinstall Windows 7 on a separate partition for gaming, what's the easiest way to go about this?04:21
IdleOneranthi: run the command  free04:22
dunasI hear Win7 messes up your boot loader thing.04:22
bazhangdunas, do it, then fix grub 204:22
rebel52what the hell is BT4r1NuB?04:22
Dr_Willisdunas:  you should put windows on first. then linux, windows will overwtite your MBR04:22
bazhang!grub2 | dunas04:22
ubottudunas: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub204:22
Four2zeroim running lamp on ubuntu-server and having trouble with locating the httpd.conf where does it reside ?04:22
ThePaRaDoXmy problem once again in case someone has any ideas: i installed some updates and when i rebooted linux doesnt have internet via LAN.the pc is not on the DHCP list of my router and i have no internet access.any ideas?04:22
Dr_Willisdunas:  or better yet. put windows on its own seperate hard drive.. and unplug the linux drive  befor you isntall windows04:22
bazhangThePaRaDoX, what version of ubuntu; what chipset04:22
Dr_WillisThePaRaDoX:  wired or wireless networking also?04:23
Four2zeroI have looked in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf but its empty ??04:23
ThePaRaDoXwired and on ubuntu 10.04.chipset i think intel.it is onboard04:23
Livin4JesusI'm trying to install Ubuntu from the CD demo, but I'm having a hard time making a partition (I have Windows installed, and I don't want to use Wubi or format the entire drive just for Ubuntu). When I get to the 'Prepare Disk Space' step, I choose 'Specify Partitions Manually (Advanced)', but I can't seem to make a new partition without deleting the old one. Here's a picture of the installation thing: file:///home/ubuntu/Desktop/04:23
dunasDr_Willis, I would love to but I don't have enough cash for a second HD right now :C04:23
bazhangThePaRaDoX, pastebin lspci04:23
BT4r1NuBim new to the Backtrack destro hence the name04:23
ThePaRaDoXbazhang one sex04:24
Dr_WillisLivin4Jesus:  use windows to resize the windows parittion, leaving part of the hard drive unallocated.. then reboot  the linux disk and the installer can use teh Unallocated space.04:24
bazhangBT4r1NuB, and offtopic here04:24
ThePaRaDoXsec* damn my keyb04:24
jongoliaanyone could help me?04:24
BT4r1NuBi noticed04:24
jongoliaI need to run in low graphics mode04:24
IdleOneLivin4Jesus: we can't see that picture.04:24
Dr_WillisBT4r1NuB:  if you are new to 'linux' you proberly shouldent be using backtrack4, i suggest a normal Ubuntu Install.04:24
jongoliai need a command line to access04:24
IdleOne!paste | Livin4Jesus04:24
ubottuLivin4Jesus: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:24
Dr_Willis!manual | BT4r1NuB04:25
ubottuBT4r1NuB: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:25
Livin4JesusLivin4Jesus:  use windows to resize the windows parittion, leaving part of the hard drive unallocated.. then reboot  the linux disk and the installer can use teh Unallocated space. <----- How do I do that?04:25
jongolianeed help: how to access low graphics mode from recovery mode? i need a command line. that or from grub04:25
intmedgui for ircd ? or any other irc server with gui04:25
Dr_WillisLivin4Jesus:  boot to windows.. use the wimndows disk manager tools to resize.. see #windows for help in that area04:25
IdleOneintmed: there are no GUI ircd04:25
Livin4JesusDr_Willis: OK. :)04:26
Dr_WillisLivin4Jesus:  the installer can resize also. but it can be slower.04:26
intmedIdleOne: ok04:26
Dr_WillisLivin4Jesus:  and you really should defrag befor you resize04:26
ffdsfi'm trying --force-badname thing but stupid adduser still complains04:26
jimisrvroxhey guys ive got an issue and havent a clue as to what to do....I boot up the machine and when it gets to the login screen my keyboard/mouse freeze. I can replug my mouse and it will move but my kb doesnt come back...what do I need to edit or do for my keyboard to work during login?04:26
KittyBootsWhen I watch video on revison3.com full screen the video fllickers.  How can I trouble shoot this?04:26
IdleOneintmed: open a new server tab and /server localhost04:27
intmedIdleOne:  what. i don't understand04:28
IdleOneintmed: what package did you install exactly?04:28
intmedIdleOne: ircd04:28
ThePaRaDoXbazhang: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/7gtjCV5W04:28
Dr_Willisintmed:  you may want to read up on 'irc basics'   and learn the core irc related commands.04:28
IdleOneintmed: there are several packages with ircd in the name04:29
ThePaRaDoXit seems it is nvidia chipset04:29
Dr_Willisintmed:  if you have an irc server running on local machine. you can connect to it with '/server localhost'  command in most irc clients04:29
intmedIdleOne: I installed ircd-irc204:29
ranthiI used to know so much bout linux.....:/04:29
Dr_Willisranthi:  learn the fundamentals.. and you still do/will :)04:30
ranthijust reading all these questions, I know that I once did know these things04:30
IdleOneintmed: ok now in terminal run: man ircd-irc204:30
Dr_Willisranthi:  memory is the second thing to go, i forget what the first is..04:30
ranthilike the nvidia question, i had the same problem at one time with ati04:31
ranthithe problem was that the driver wasnt compiled into the kernel04:31
Dr_Willisranthi:  ati - tends to change radically every few months. :)04:31
intmedIdleOne: output is No manual entry for ircd-irc204:31
jongoliaHelp: Need to run in low graphics mode to access ubuntu. Anybody could help contribute the command line to enter in grub or at recovery? Urgent thanks! I can't start up cos the gdm is screwed - my nvidia drivers aren't loaded in ubuntu.04:31
IdleOneintmed: you said you wanted to test a java irc client?04:31
ThePaRaDoXbazhang saw my pastebin?04:32
ranthijongo, there is another way04:32
ffdsfhow to make adduser not to limit username to latin letters?04:32
IdleOneintmed: with that client connect to the server: localhost04:32
cwryuuI personally think that always having something to learn is what makes Linux so interesting04:32
IdleOneintmed: if the server is installed and running, the client should be able to connect to it04:32
intmedIdleOne: it can connect but cannot list the channels04:33
IdleOneintmed: that is because there are no channels to list04:33
ranthioops..was testing to see if i remembered right04:33
IdleOneintmed: /join a channel04:33
intmedIdleOne: the output is  'Usage of /list for listing all channels is deprecated. Please use "/squery alis help" instead.'04:34
ranthibut to the low graphics boot problem..just ctrl/alt/f2 or f1 and log in and change your conf04:34
IdleOneintmed: ok the answer is in the question :) use the command provided04:34
ranthithen restart xorg04:34
ranthithen if you have a more lightweight window manager you can even change your xorg conf04:35
intmedIdleOne:  the standard command is /list to list all channels. so do i need to modify my program04:35
ranthito start that window manager instead till you get it figured out04:36
=== brendan_ is now known as Guest27543
Dr_Willisintmed:  the old way of getting a channel listing is rather outdated. on a server with 10000+ channels.. a /list often can flood off a client. So one rarely uses /list any more04:37
ranthiis the guy or girl on that had a question on l.a.m.p?04:37
IdleOneintmed: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/irc-server.html04:37
ffdsfhow to make adduser not to limit username to latin letters?04:37
Dr_Willisintmed:  connect your client to freenode here and try a /list and see what happens04:37
intmedDr_Willis: it lists all the channels04:38
bonez2046aside from 'ps ax | grep n[p]viewer.bin' what else can I run to revive sound?04:38
jongolianvidia drivers are yet to be installed. can't run ubuntu (blank screen). Need access to low graphics mode. how do I do that.04:39
Dr_Willisintmed:  so it works..04:39
intmedDr_Willis: ok04:39
IdleOneDr_Willis: it works...but floods the user04:40
intmedIdleOne: it takes some time to load the channel list04:41
intmedIdleOne: can i change the irc server port04:41
IdleOneintmed: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/irc-server.html that should help04:42
darthganeshIs anybody here used ns2?04:42
Dr_Willisffdsf:  alter the addusers conf file. (from, what i learned in the adduser man pages)04:42
Dr_Willis   /etc/adduser.conf04:42
kyoWhy Privoxy+Tor+Firefox is not working anymore?04:44
ranthijongolia, still there?04:46
ldiamondHow do I make apache run as a different user for everything in a specific directory?04:46
ranthijoongolia, look at this web address...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143798004:47
tensorpuddingldiamond: need to edit httpd.conf04:47
ranthildiamond, maybe this address can answer some questions..https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP04:47
ranthithat is what i used to setup lamp, but it has some other usefull information too04:48
ActionParsnipquiet tonight04:49
engiduis there a rdp type program i can use from win 7 to view the ubuntu server console?04:49
ActionParsnipengidu: you can use vnc04:49
engidureal vnc?04:49
keithclarkAnyone know if Hauppauge 1199 works with Ubuntu?04:49
=== Brady_Itkin_ is now known as Brady_Itkin
tensorpuddingserver console?04:49
Dr_Willisif you want a console, you can just ssh/putty in also04:49
tensorpuddingYou can use SSH to connect to a remote shell.04:49
Dr_Williswhatever 'server condole' means. :)04:50
ActionParsnipengidu: vnc is a protocol, you can use realvnc to connect to the vino service which is part of a standard ubuntu install04:50
ActionParsnip!hcl | keithclark04:50
ubottukeithclark: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:50
tensorpuddingIt opens a new pty though, you can't use it to see what is on tty1 for instance.04:50
engiduawesome thank you04:50
ActionParsnipkeithclark: depends what chi pit uses04:50
keithclarkchi pit?04:50
ranthichip it04:50
ActionParsnipengidu: depends what you want to do on the desktop, there may be a sleeker method than vnc04:50
inteliwaspdoes anyone have a recomentadion in a irc server daemon i can run that is easy to set up?04:51
ActionParsnipengidu: also vnc is NOT secure so use an SSH tunnel04:51
cwryuuI use the free nxclient and server as a vnc replacement04:51
engiduI need a way to manage my files remotely essentialy04:51
Dr_Willisinteliwasp:  depends on what you are going to do with the irc service to a large degree04:51
ActionParsnipengidu: sshfs04:51
ranthiengidu, i just ssh..and sftp04:51
apostatedpriestWhy XChat still inform me of new messages even if nobody said to me?04:51
Dr_Willisengidu:  learn to use ssh and the terminal. :)04:51
ActionParsnipinteliwasp: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/irc-server.html04:51
keithclarkAh, is there a recommended tv card for Ubuntu?  I have an older HP a1211n desktop that I'd love to use as a TV machine04:51
ActionParsnipkeithclark: same hcl will show you whats good04:52
inteliwaspi want to run 2 or 3 channels with about a dozen users in a remote area with no internet access04:52
Dr_Williskeithclark:  see what the #mythbuntu  channel and web site reccomends.04:52
ActionParsnipengidu: ssh isn't just a terminal04:52
ffdsfno, sadly adduser ignores my regex and print long moronic message about that I should use letters etc in user name04:52
keithclarkDr_Willis, good idea!04:52
engidui didn't think you could ssh from a win prompt04:52
Dr_Willisinteliwasp:   any irc server, or even bbs programs could do that.  You can even get irc servers written in  a few lines of perl.04:52
ActionParsnipengidu: install putty04:52
ffdsfbtw is it possible to use keyboard selection in gnome-terminal?04:52
Dr_Willisengidu:  putty.exe or use simthing similer.04:52
ranthiengidu, they make a windows ssh program04:52
engiduty again04:53
inteliwaspDr_Willis, yes i was hopeing for a recomendation04:53
ActionParsnipengidu: ssh also allows file access, remote X apps (install xming on windows for that) and the app will run on the server but display on the client system04:53
Dr_Willisinteliwasp:  the ones in the repos are  for more hardcore ussage.  use one if you like. but you will want to read their docs.04:54
glassresistorso i just won a new 32gig ipod touch in a programming competition, but lucid 10.04 shows it on the desktop and opens up rhythmbox then asks for my name and asks if i want to initialize it i say ok but it never shows in the devices04:54
Dr_Willisxming on windows - is VERY handy04:54
ActionParsnipffdsf: http://www.macworld.com/article/59321/2007/08/termtext.html04:54
Dr_Willisinteliwasp:   irc server in 400 lines of Python code -> http://www.electricmonk.nl/log/2009/09/14/hircd-minimal-irc-server-in-python/04:55
glassresistorim trying to do this with usb since all the ipod does is show a pick of a usb and itunes04:55
inteliwaspglassresistor, as far as i have determined you need to register it with itunes, but after that you can do what you wish with it04:55
essialHey I'm trying to install 10.04 on a new intel mac and i'm getting a black screen after selecting install04:55
essialwith or without "quiet splash" booth option04:55
Baram2you try the alternate installer?04:55
Tsimscan someone help me? I'm trying to install an icon set and am totally lost04:56
glassresistorive tried gtkipod and iinstalled all the packages i could find that are listed in the stack04:56
essialNot yet, trying to see if I can get the normal installer first04:56
ActionParsnipglassresistor: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/03/sync-your-iphoneipod-touch-with-ubuntu/04:56
SBRiNeed help: I installed 10.10 beta using Wubi and noticed something annoying. Everytime I either opened a program and another tab in firefox, or any program, my hard disk makes a loud "star-up" noise, kind of like a screeching sound, the sound I get when I first turn my laptop on. Does anyone know what could be causing this?04:56
ActionParsnip!10.10 | SBRi04:56
ubottuSBRi: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:56
=== xangua1 is now known as xangua
ActionParsnipessial: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html04:57
Tsimscan someone help me? I'm trying to install an icon set and am totally lost04:57
masterBIGwillyhow do you update software with apt-get utility?04:57
clausenmasterBIGwilly, sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade04:57
ActionParsnipTsims: right click desktop -> Change desktop background -> left most tab, click install, select archive04:57
essiali'll try that04:58
masterBIGwillyhow do i check the version of a software package with apt-get?04:58
clausenmasterBIGwilly, ("update" downloads the list of latest packages; "upgrade" does the upgrade)04:58
ActionParsnipmasterBIGwilly: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade04:58
glassresistorinteliwasp: i tried that with a mac and it let me use it then but i still couldn't see it in rhythmbox then i reset it from the ipod to see if it would work and no luck04:58
clausenmasterBIGwilly, you mean, the latest version?04:58
ActionParsnipmasterBIGwilly: apt-cache policy packagename04:58
clausenmasterBIGwilly, or the version you have installed?04:58
inteliwasplet me hook up my touch to my comp...i also have a new one :P04:58
tonyyarussowhat ActionParsnip told him will show both, so it's a moot point clausen.04:59
jon__Hello everyone.  I am having wireless problems.  My wireless was working great, then it kept asking me to connect again.04:59
masterBIGwillyactionparsnip, thanks04:59
jon__Now it isn't working.  What is going on?04:59
piyushmishrahi am trying to install downloaded version of matlab when i hit ./install in the terminal, it says bash: ./install: permission denied05:00
Tsimswhen you go to install there is only the option for theme packages, this is a zip file i downloaded, and it has 3 items, one is a folder called "scalable" and it has all of the subfolders with the icons in svg format. then i have a file called  "icon-them.cache" and its a text file, and then a file called index.theme05:00
clausenjon__, sadly, many wireless drivers don't work well (due to poor cooperation with manufacturers)05:00
ActionParsnipjon__: dos it happen a lot?05:00
korsakof_homeHi! I would like to bond two nic together using an etherchannel on my switch. If each of my interfaces are at 1Gbs, will I get 2Gbs of speed with this setup?05:00
clausenjon__, you might want to investigate other drivers?  or other network cards?05:00
essialActionParsnip: +105:00
clausenjon__, (I should say, "from" not "with" manufacturers.)05:00
jon__No, it doesn't happen alot, Action.05:00
ActionParsnipjon__: use tab to complete nicks :)05:01
glassresistorinteliwasp: how would that help me?05:01
jon__Running Ubuntu on a laptop, not a desktop.05:01
glassresistorim confused05:01
ActionParsnipjon__: when it happens, run: dmesg | tail    it may give clues05:01
ffdsfActionParsnip: eh?? gnome-terminal, not mac os x one05:01
inteliwaspglassresistor, i need to figure it out too, i have a massive archive of music on my linux box05:01
jon__Thanks Action  :)05:02
essialif anyone else has a new intel mac, just tell them to check "nodmaset" in F6 on startup :D05:02
ActionParsnipffdsf: it may work05:02
keithclarkWow, not one answer to my question on #mythbuntu!05:02
ActionParsnipessial: i have to link that page SO much05:02
essialmaybe ubuntu should have it on their page05:02
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx05:02
=== deathknight is now known as DeathKnight
MACscrhow do i check if my /tmp has exec privs?05:03
ffdsf#mythbuntu is dead channel05:03
dreadazzyCould anyone help me with this segmentation Fault error i get?05:03
ActionParsnipffdsf: remember, mac is based on BSD which isnt too far from Linux05:03
ActionParsnipMACscr: ls -la /tmp05:03
clausendreadazzy, maybe...05:03
ffdsfActionParsnip: macosx gui isn't based on unix, thank to gods05:04
glassresistorinteliwasp: oh great we can pm if you wanna troubleshoot together05:04
keithclarkdreadazzy, ok....so I'm in a circle here.  I need to know good TV Tuner card for Ubuntu on a HP a1211n.05:04
MACscrActionParsnip: dumb question, but what shows that it has that priv05:04
ActionParsnipffdsf: true but it may work05:04
jon__Thanks everyone.  Have a goodnight.05:05
korsakof_homeAnyone use to setup server nic redundancy? I would like to bond two nic together using an etherchannel on my switch. If each of my interfaces are at 1Gbs, will I get 2Gbs of speed with this setup?05:05
nazhow do i setup my ifup wlan005:05
ActionParsnipMACscr: if you see an x character in the left groups it means executable, the first value is the type, then they are groups of 3 for owner, group and world05:05
nazso i can connect in console05:05
ActionParsnipnaz: you can use interfaces, yes05:06
Jantirewhy is offtopic dead a lot05:06
MACscrActionParsnip: shows drwxrwxrwt05:06
mohan1Is it possible to install ubuntu onto a extended partition like this : One extended partition inside which Root,home,swap. Is this possible ?05:06
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tonyyarussomohan1: yes.05:06
ActionParsnipMACscr: the its a directory (d character) and everybody has read write and execute access05:07
ActionParsnipmohan1: sure, each partition will be alogical partition in the extended05:07
dreadazzyhttp://pastebin.com/McQKyTVe   thats the error i get <---05:08
mohan1ActionParsnip, tonyyarusso, ok. I am not going to install windows7 onto my new 320 G harddisk.. so if i create another extended partition containing two partitions inside it.... then in those two, i can install windows onto it ? And can ubuntu installer make ntfs partitions ?05:08
keithclarkI would just love a personal endorsement of someone that has actually used a TV Tuner card with Ubuntu on a machine that is similar to a HP a1211n05:08
mohan1ActionParsnip, tonyyarusso for my English, sorry.05:08
tonyyarussomohan1: I don't remember if the installer can make NTFS partitions...it has no reason to.05:08
ffdsfmohan1: just create empty partition and format it from w7 installer05:09
clausenmohan1, the live CD should have gparted or similar on it, which allows you to create partitions, etc.05:09
Dr_Williswindows tends to perfer to be on a primary partition. but Not sure with Win705:09
clausenmohan1, (including things like NTFS partitions)05:09
piyushmishracan anyone help me install matlab?05:09
Sloth_DemonI want to uninstall ubuntu 9.04 to install 10.4.1. How do I do that? Additional Info : Multibooting(XP & 7) using GRUB, quite new machine.05:10
Dr_WillisWindows 7 here. made a little primary partition for the win7's '/boot' equivilant, then  the actual win7 install. both on primary parittions.05:10
tensorpuddingSloth_Demon: What do you mean by uninstalling?05:10
mohan1clausen, Thanks. ffdsf tonyyarusso thanks.05:10
Sloth_Demontensorpudding: Umm.. completely removing.05:10
Dr_WillisSloth_Demon:  delete the ubuntu partitions,  its unionstalled.05:10
tensorpuddingSloth_Demon: if you don't want to save anything from your old install, just start installing 10.4.1 and let it format the disks.05:10
JantireCan one's computer freeze?05:11
Dr_WillisJantire:  hmm? Computers can crash/lockup and freeze.. yes.05:11
gerinychhey, im trying to run a program and it need libgtk-1.2.so.0, where am i supposed to get it from?05:11
ActionParsnipmohan1: you'll only have 1 extended with all the logical partitions you will need05:11
JantireNo, freeze as in temperature wise05:11
ritleeJantire, of course05:11
JantireWould it still run after being frozen05:11
massmcJantire: Never in a million years05:11
ActionParsnipgerinych: dpkg -S libgtk-1.2.so.005:11
ritleeJantire, it's called a water cooled system running a peltier05:11
Sloth_Demontensorpudding: Thanks.05:11
mohan1One extended partitions for ubuntu's root,home,swap.. and another extended partition for windows' C, D .. Is this possible ?05:12
JantireEven if the temperature was kept at like -100 F?05:12
JantireIt would still run?05:12
f23can anyone tell me what extension play music videos on my car by a usb05:12
ritleeJantire, or there are even videos of liquid nitrogen cooled computers05:12
dreadazzyCould someone help me with this Seg fualt error i get when running this Playstation emulator http://pastebin.com/McQKyTVe thats the error i get when trying to run it.05:12
ActionParsnipJantire: sure, electronics have ideal conditions so they can be too cold05:12
gerinychactionparsnip: says it's not found05:12
ritleeJantire, to be honest electronics work best the cooler they are05:12
Sloth_DemonThanks everyone & have a nice day.. (Now where did my USB stick go..)05:12
clausenJantire, I think I've seen computers include "operating temp" spec's05:12
mohan1piyushmishra, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB  Tried this ?05:12
ActionParsnipf23: install ubuntu-restricted-extras05:12
ffdsfmohan1: you cannot have C &D on one partition obviously05:12
JantireWould it run better at -100 than 30 F05:12
ActionParsnipgerinych: ok then you probably need a symlink to libgtk-1.2.so05:13
piyushmishramohan1: yes05:13
DeathKnightdoes the proces for bcm43xx work for bcm47xx?05:13
mohan1ffdsf, My question is C,D partitions on one extended partition05:13
ritleeJantire, why would you? too much energy required to cool that far down05:13
Dr_Willis-100F  would make some parts a bit brittle. :)05:13
ffdsfmohan1: you can use any disk layout providing the active partition is fat or ntfs05:13
JantireI'm just curious05:13
piyushmishramohan1: mine is an iso file. can you tell me how to mount that on my media?05:13
ritleeJantire, at anyrate check out youtube for super cooled computer05:14
JantireI have an unrelated question, is it simple to learn C++ from the perspective of an infrequent C# and Python coder?05:14
mohan1piyushmishra,Right click on it> archive mounter05:14
f23ActionParsnip,  on my car i want to insert the usb to play videos music, i want to know what format extension should be?05:14
ActionParsnipgerinych: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22945705:14
piyushmishramohan1: let me try that and get back to you05:14
ActionParsnipf23: the extension doesnt mean much in linux. If you use mp3 or ogg you will be fine05:15
mohan1ffdsf, My question is : Is C must be in separate primary or can be in a partition inside extended partition ?05:15
clausenJantire, I think C++ is a bit more of a pain to learn05:15
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clausenJantire, it is a rather complicated language05:15
piyushmishramohan1: how do I access it from terminal?05:15
clausenJantire, but, like most things, when you start using it, you figure it out as you go05:16
Dr_Willismohan1:  some of the older versions of windows.  the system drive had to be  the first primary on the HD.05:16
ffdsfmohan1: windows 7 will make it's partition C whenever it's primary or logical05:16
JantireSo would I need a book to learn or more of using the internet here and there05:16
gerinychactionparsnip: no, i tried that05:16
mohan1piyushmishra, run "df -h" which will show you the list of mounted drives. in that find your mounted iso and see the "mounted on" column05:16
ffdsfmohan1: but you need active primary partition in fat/ntfs at least 100 MB large05:16
egsomeJantire, You need a book to start, or you can use some websites like: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/05:17
sabotI am using Network Manager on the latest ubuntu. I am trying to connect to my home network, but I keep getting an error of  "<info>  (wlan0): DHCP transaction took too long, stopping it.". This network works fine on windows machines, whats going on05:17
mohan1ffdsf, you mean primary should be outside extended ? Sorry i am n0ob. :(05:17
piyushmishramohan1: I cant see it there :P05:17
egsomeJantire, #C++-basic would be useful for beginners05:17
mohan1Dr_Willis, for windows7?05:17
ffdsfmohan1: yes, it should05:17
piyushmishramohan1: strange thing, I see it mounted on my window05:18
SadCh0zhey is anyone here good with setting up port forwarding n stuff like that in ubuntu?05:18
Dr_Willismohan1:  on my win7 machine. it makes its own primary for its '/boot' equilivant. of like 100mb in size. then installs to a 2nd primary.05:18
f23ActionParsnip, i have videos .flv and .avi and i want to convert all the videos to play on my car with the usb05:18
ffdsfmohan1: more precise: ou cannot have primary partitions inside extended05:18
DeathKnighthow to install wifi driver for bcm4727?05:18
Dr_Willismohan1:   aparently it dosent need the 'boot' partition. but its commonplace for win705:18
piyushmishraSadCh0z: you can access your router?05:18
psycho_oreos!broadcom| DeathKnight05:18
ubottuDeathKnight: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx05:18
DeathKnightpsycho_oreos, isnt that only for bcm43xx?05:18
mohan1piyushmishra, if the iso is mounted, try "cd ~/.gvfs"  and then "ls" ..05:19
DeathKnightpsycho_oreos, does it work for bcm47xx too?05:19
SadCh0zpiyushmishra: yeah i can access it. i'm just not familiar with the process.05:19
egsomeSadCh0z, Describe your problem, So we can help.05:19
Dr_WillisAt least tehres some good news on the broadcom driver front. aparently they are opensourceing more of their drivers.05:19
psycho_oreosDeathKnight, and yours is actually 4727? never heard, must be some really obscure numbering05:19
ActionParsnipgerinych: could try: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0.2000.1 /usr/lib/libgtk-1.2.so.0   may work05:19
piyushmishraSadCh0z: ok loginto that you must see a port forwarding column05:19
piyushmishramohan1: yes I see the mounted iso05:20
mohan1Dr_Willis, is this ok?  One extended inside which i can install win7 later ?05:20
SadCh0zegsome: i just don't know how to forward ports atm. like, i'm trying to use the computer i just put ubuntu on as a server acessible from the web, like hosting a site. i have the site ready, and can acess the page thru the IP of the computer, but dont know how to forward ports.05:20
mohan1piyushmishra, now try that ubuntu help page.05:20
Dr_Willismohan1:  i dont know if Win7 can install tio an extended or not. It might be able to.05:20
piyushmishramohan1: so to access it I must use the path ~/.gvfs/[disc]05:20
mohan1piyushmishra, i think "If you mount it with archive mounter"05:20
egsomeSadCh0z, You need to do so using your router.05:21
piyushmishramohan1: yes I did that k ty lemme check05:21
ffdsfmohan1: NO. you need an active partition for windows bootloader. logical partitions cannot be active05:21
mohan1piyushmishra, Good luck!05:21
egsomeSadCh0z, this might help: http://portforward.com/05:21
zen0-hello everyone05:21
ffdsfmohan1: you need to allocate a new PRIMARY partition and make it active05:22
egsomeSadCh0z, It have a big list of routers, and the method of forwarding a port for each.05:22
psycho_oreosDeathKnight, in other words I have never heard of broadcrap using bcm47xx versioning for wireless chipsets, maybe its some dev release? have you mistyped? or are you not telling the whole story that it isn't exactly a wifi chipset but a combo like bcm5xxx series?05:22
mohan1ffdsf, ffdsf ok. so i must make a primary ntfs drive . Thanks for telling me05:22
=== Kasjopaja23 is now known as Kasjopaja
Sloth_DemonWell, I'm getting an error while booting with my 2GB stick with 10.4.1 on it(Universal USB installer). Error is : "SYSLINUX 3.86 2010-04-01 VBIOS LOADER ERROR - Boot Error"05:22
egsomeSadCh0z, You're welcome.05:22
mohan1ffdsf, but ubuntu can be installed into a extended partition 's root,swap,home partitions ?05:22
DeathKnightpsycho_oreos, wait.. let me see again. i saw bcm4727 (rev 01)05:22
mohan1ffdsf, yes, that was told already. thanks05:22
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest60014
ffdsfmohan1: yes, it can; win7 can too05:22
piyushmishramohan1: sh: Can't open /home/piyushmishra/.gvfs/mat2k9b.iso/install05:22
ritleepsycho_oreos, quick google search has bcm 4727 like crazy05:23
masterBIGwillywhat command lets you05:23
mohan1piyushmishra, check filename,path.05:24
masterBIGwillywhat's the command that lets you check the elapsed time of the current processes running at large.05:24
=== Mariele is now known as Guest72400
ritleemasterBIGwilly, ps ?05:25
asmalikSloth_Demon, make sure you delete everything off the USB stick before copying on the new files. Old files mixed in might confuse the boot process.05:25
masterBIGwillyi know "w" is one, but i don't how granular it iss05:25
ritleemasterBIGwilly, or ps -e05:25
gerinychactionparsnip: ok, now it asks for another file, but ill handle it myself now, thanks05:26
psycho_oreosritlee, interesting hybrid wireless driver but its not a wireless chipset05:26
piyushmishramohan1: sh: Can't open /home/piyushmishra/.gvfs/matu2k9b.iso/install05:26
ffdsfhttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/sgr8asDE F.U.C.K.05:26
piyushmishramohan1: i had an error on the file path the first time05:26
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ritleepsycho_oreos, didn't get deeper into it than google ;)05:26
mohan1piyushmishra, wait05:27
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piyushmishramohan1: okie :)05:27
psycho_oreosritlee, you had me going there for a bit05:27
zen0-"/ignore -channels ##ubuntu * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS"05:27
psycho_oreosDeathKnight, I need the entire lspci -nnk output05:27
mohan1piyushmishra, matlab 2009 b05:27
ffdsfunrelated issue: why my clipboard contents fanishes sometimes? is it because have low memory?05:27
mohan1piyushmishra,  at the end of that help page, there is another link for matlab 2009b05:27
mohan1piyushmishra, this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB/R2009b05:28
piyushmishramohan1: oh kk05:28
mohan1piyushmishra, try this.05:28
zen0-ffdsf: did you close out the application you copied from?05:28
zen0-ffdsf: if so its an old bug05:28
piyushmishramohan1: its teh same one just changed text to r2009b05:28
korbenhello ;-)05:29
piyushmishrai had done that already05:29
ffdsfso if I close app the text in clipboard is lost o_O05:29
mohan1piyushmishra, I don't know. Someone here may want to help you. Good luck.05:29
piyushmishramohan1: can I make a new dir somewhere copy all contents from the iso and use that to install?05:29
ActionParsnipffdsf: yep, install glipper and youo'll be fine05:30
zen0-ffdsf: yes it is a very very old bug :P05:30
ActionParsnippiyushmishra: grub2 can boot ISO files05:30
piyushmishraActionParsnip: I am n00b05:31
ffdsfisn't glipper for gnome desktop?05:31
zen0-ffdsf: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/10664405:31
ritleepiyushmishra, coming into this a little late, but what are you trying to do?05:32
ActionParsnipffdsf: it uses gtk like gnome, yes05:32
piyushmishraritlee: I am trying to install matlab r2009b on my comp05:32
mohan1ffdsf, can root be separate and home,swap,another ext4 under extended partition?05:32
ffdsfmohan1: no05:32
zen0-ffdsf: also http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/10/22/enhance-your-clipboard-with-a-clipboard-manager/05:33
=== ServerTechPro is now known as ServerTech
mohan1ffdsf, so root,swap,home,extra ext4 under one extended only ? Thanks very much for helping me05:33
ffdsfmohan1: you may assign one catalog to one separate partition05:34
ActionParsnippiyushmishra: ive never done it but i can websearch just like you can. I found this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xf2CYSUXVh805:34
mohan1what is catalog?05:34
mohan1ffdsf, what is catalog?05:34
ffdsfall the rest are together where root is05:34
ffdsfmohan1: directory05:34
piyushmishraActionParsnip: this time I got a new error /home/piyushmishra/Downloads/matu2k9b/update/install/main.sh: 582: /home/piyushmishra/Downloads/matu2k9b/update/bin/glnx86/xsetup: Permission denied05:34
mohan1ffdsf, thanks..05:35
mohan1ffdsf, bye, enjoy the day!05:35
ActionParsnippiyushmishra: cd /home; sudo chown -R piyushmishra:piyushmishra ./piyushmishra05:35
ActionParsnippiyushmishra: sounds like you extracted something with sudo, so the files are owned by root05:35
piyushmishrano I used the archive manager05:35
Loshkimohan1: in general, you can put root,swap,home,extra where you like. Many people keep root/swap/home on separate partitions05:35
piyushmishraand the owner is piyushmishra05:36
mohan1ffdsf, (root,home,swap,one more ext4), ntfs,ntfs ... This is how i am going to do today05:36
ActionParsnippiyushmishra: obv change the command so the emoticon isnt there and is the right characters05:36
ActionParsnippiyushmishra: then make sure you have read access05:36
mohan1ffdsf, will this work correct ?05:36
mohan1ffdsf, Thanks. bye05:37
TheVenerableZDoes anyone know of a good command line app that will allow me to change sampling rate and mono to stereo of a wav file?05:37
piyushmishraActionParsnip: i ust checked all folder and file accesses on all levels, I have all access05:38
TheVenerableZI understand it won't increase the quality, but I need a wav to have a higher spec than I can record to put it into another app05:38
ffdsfhow to coonect a windows share whitout fancy file manager?05:38
ActionParsnippiyushmishra: not sure then dude, just make sure your user has appropriate access.05:38
pie_timehow do i ssh into a remote machine so i can see its desktop in a window on my pc?05:39
piyushmishraActionParsnip: lol this matlab will need super support :P05:39
ActionParsnippie_time: you can use: putty -X user@server     make sure you have xming installed and launch nautilus in the shell. Why do you need the whole desktop????05:40
DragonKeeper [SAA7134_BOARD_CRONOS_PLUS] = {05:40
DragonKeeper 949                /*05:40
DragonKeeper 950                gpio pins:05:40
DragonKeeper 951                        0  .. 3   BASE_ID05:40
FloodBot3DragonKeeper: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:40
extraclassicpie_time: there's a way to use vnc but forward to port 2205:40
pie_timeActionParsnip, i want to be able to access the whole desktop to teach a friend some things05:40
ActionParsnippie_time: ahh, not sure that will fly then. I think you'll need vnc or similar05:41
DragonKeeperif i was to use a driver  (like part pasted)     would it matter if line numbers ran up side ?05:42
extraclassicpie_time: i never got it to work because i'm an idiot, but you can search for vnc + ssh tunnel05:42
luw_hi friends!  running ubuntu 9.04 and for some reason is starting kvm_amd module.  i need to kill this everytime i launch vbox because if i dont, hardware acceleration wont work (instruction set AMD-v)05:42
pie_timeActionParsnip, nevermind, the first thing i want to be able to control the machine in privacy with a screensaver turned on and locked. is that possible?05:42
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luw_anyone know why this would be starting on it's own?05:43
piyushmishraActionParsnip, mohan1: yay!!!!! it somehow started working on its own :P05:43
AdzyCansomeone please help! I just setup dualboot vista/ubuntu and my ubuntu menu runs extremly slow! but when i open something in menus it runs fine!05:43
gorgonzolahello! anyone knows how to restore a usb disk drive firmware?05:44
ActionParsnippie_time: you can use ssh ad run individual apps, the OS allows multiuser login so this is fine05:44
ActionParsnipgorgonzola: i'd ask in #hardware05:44
pie_timeActionParsnip, how do you go about doing that?05:44
ffdsfAdzy: I remommend exorsicism05:45
ActionParsnippie_time: install xming, install putty then use: putty -X user@server  in a run/dos prompt and you will be able to run gui apps05:45
Adzylol exorcism???05:45
gorgonzolaActionParsnip: my thougts precisely, but apparently it is invitation only :S05:45
Adzyso ring the local priest?05:46
ActionParsnipgorgonzola: really?05:46
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org05:46
pie_timeActionParsnip, is there a guide?05:46
gorgonzolaActionParsnip: that's what freenode said when i tried to join...05:46
ActionParsnipgorgonzola: you just need to be registered05:46
omar!help Bug #50772305:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:46
Emanonwoa quiet05:46
gorgonzolaActionParsnip:you're right, apparently my ident hadn't been processed yet... thanks,05:47
ActionParsnippie_time: you could have found a guide yourself05:47
ActionParsnippie_time: http://www.cse.yorku.ca/tdb/_doc.php/userg/login/x11-from-home.html05:47
omarhello! i need some help guys05:47
Emanonso pretty sure its a known issue but is there a fix to get facebook working on gwibber?05:47
Emanon!hello | omar05:47
ubottuomar: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!05:47
ActionParsnipEmanon: try the daily build ppa05:48
Emanonk thanks ActionParsnip05:48
omarI installed ubuntu in a toshiba and after installation05:48
omarbios block 3 is damaged05:48
omarthere is a reported bug Bug #50772305:49
Dr_Willis!bug #50772305:49
Dr_WillisI know theres a bug bot trigger. :)05:49
LinuxFetusOn Ubuntu's website, why isn't it recommended for daily desktop users to use the 64 bit version of the OS?05:50
ffdsf!bug 50772305:50
ffdsfLinuxFetus: because no-one inspects code before compiling it in 64 bit05:50
EmanonLinuxFetus: probably cause of the poor support for some widely used apps like flash player05:50
Dr_WillisLinuxFetus:  if you dont know what 32 vs 64bit means.. its  basically defaulting to telling users to use 32bit05:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:51
Dr_WillisLinuxFetus:  read up on that 'page' at -> http://www.ubuntu-user.com/Online/Blogs/Marcel-Gagne-Orbiting-Planet-buntu/Stop-Apologizing-For-Linux05:51
Dr_WillisLinuxFetus:  short answer. if you understand 32 vs 64bit then decide what one you want to use.. if the terms mean nothing to you.. better stick to 32bit05:52
LinuxFetusffdsf: So it's like a use at your own risk kind of thing, then?05:52
ActionParsnipLinuxFetus: 3rd party companies still support 32bit better than 64bit (broter and canon are 2 that spring to mind), it's just an easier life for new users etc05:52
iflemaomar the bug ismarked invalid....05:52
maxeryGood idea05:52
omarI installed ubuntu in a toshiba and after installation i got this bios block 3 is damaged05:52
niglophow do i mount disk?05:52
Dr_Willis!mount | niglop05:52
ubottuniglop: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount05:52
LinuxFetusDr_Willis: I understand what 32 and 64 bit are, I was just wondering why they would have a warning...05:52
LinuxFetusDr_Willis: But I'll read the link you gave me.05:52
ActionParsnipniglop: you can't.You don't mount disks. You mount partitions05:52
Dr_WillisLinuxFetus:  think of it as 'idiot proffing'05:53
Dr_WillisProffing. :)05:53
* Dr_Willis gives up spelling..05:53
Dr_WillisLinuxFetus:  if you got more then 4gb of ram. You will want 64bit for the most part.  If less then 4gb. well. its not that big an issue. You do gain some speed from 64bit.05:54
B4B4B0Z0R6hello i am using ubuntu netbook remix on a eee pc 1016 i have some questions is there anybody to help05:54
glebihan!ask | B4B4B0Z0R605:54
ubottuB4B4B0Z0R6: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:54
Dr_Willisbenchmarks on PAE kernels for over 4gb  are lacking compared to a 64bit kernel also.05:54
B4B4B0Z0R6first microphone doesnt work i did the instructions in ubuntu website for eee pc 10005:54
ActionParsnip64bit really helps audio and video encoding, and other such data transforms05:55
B4B4B0Z0R6but it doesnt work for me05:55
=== Zain is now known as ExtremeDevilz
ActionParsnipB4B4B0Z0R6: run alsamixer, make sure all sliders are cranked and not muted as well as the gnome app05:55
Emanonand get ready for feedback05:55
Dr_Willisive noticed video recoending times MUCH improved on 64bit :) and a properly confifgured ffmpeg.05:55
Emanonwhat transcoder do you use Dr_Willis05:56
zen0-LinuxFetus: poor flash support though05:57
LinuxFetusDr_Willis: Yeah, because I don't think that Wubi/Ubuntu or whatever is smart enough (or at least wasn't) to not install a 64-bit version of itself on a computer with a 32-bit processor.  A friend gave me an Ubuntu CD at the beginning of the year, and I tried to run it live on one of my 32-bit computers (not knowing that the CD I had was 64-bit. only).  It wouldn't load (I didn't recognize the x86_64 error message it gave haha)... so05:58
LinuxFetusI tried to do the installation thingy from Windows... it went ahead and installed, and it gave me the option between choosing it and Windows at startup, even though it would never load... but yeah, that makes sense because a few users would get thoroughly frustrated if their 64 bit one wouldn't install properly... I only have 2 GB of RAM on this computer...05:58
Dr_WillisEmanon:  ffmpeg for most all my needs05:58
Dr_WillisLinuxFetus:  I for one feel that wubi sould just be removed... :)05:59
zen0-Dr_Willis: i second this :) but this is because im an elitist bastard05:59
ffdsfcan someone recommend gtk theme which isn't so large and gaudy as default ones?05:59
* zen0- apologises for his potty mouth05:59
B4B4B0Z0R6i runned alsamixer06:00
zen0-ffdsf: elementary06:00
Dr_Willisffdsf:  theres loads of themes in the repos not installed by default. check out the 'community' theme package.06:00
B4B4B0Z0R6and i unmuted all06:00
Dr_Willisffdsf:   and theres unofficial PPA theme archives with lots of them also.06:00
B4B4B0Z0R6but my microphone still not working06:00
zen0-ffdsf: trying www.gnome-look.org06:00
LinuxFetuszen0-: When you say Flash isn't well supported, do you mean it has some bugs or it just flat-out doesn't work?06:00
zen0-B4B4B0Z0R6: have you looked to make sure its selected in the sound menu06:00
Emanoni like losing the bottom panel in favor of a dock un-expanding top panel and hiding both06:00
niglophow do i found out which partition my usb is mounted on?06:00
Dr_Willisffdsf:  the gnome-art and gnome-artng (or was it gnome-art-ng) tools let you browse/install themes from teh various gnome sites also06:01
nazDr_Willis, hey06:01
Emanonthe 64 bit flash was an alpha build06:01
Dr_Willisniglop:  one way 'sudo fdisk -l' and see what devices are where. and check 'mount' command output also IF its allready mounted06:01
Dr_Willisnaz:  Moo? :)06:01
zen0-LinuxFetus: 64bit flash for linux was offically dropped by adobe, so it doesnt get any security fixes or anything.  On the other hadn you can use 32bit flash but for me at least it doesnt work well06:01
nazDr_Willis, i did it but i had Nouveau krn driver in use i let the nvidia installer disable it06:01
Emanonso you got to choose between a rather crappy workaround to get the 32 bit on 64 or use the alpha stage 6406:01
airtonixDr_Willis, niglop or just use the "Disk Utliity" application from the system menu06:02
Dr_Willisnaz:  that Nouveau has been a total disaster for my 3 nvidia systems.06:02
B4B4B0Z0R6anyone can help microphone doesnt work in netbook remix on eee pc 1016p06:02
zen0-LinuxFetus: for instance, some clickable objects in flash cant be clicked with 32bit flash.  But this may just be my issue06:02
noisewaterphdB4B4B0Z0R6: this may be a silly question but do you have the proper mic selected in audio preferences, and then unmuted it in alsamixer? I've had things not show up in alsamixer until I had them configured properly in audio prefs06:02
LinuxFetusAnd flash is closed-source so there's no way for the open-source community to pick it up effectively?06:02
Dr_Williszen0-:  i think that bug has multi-causes.06:02
Emanonno i have observed that to zen0-06:02
nazDr_Willis, during boot i got a error about a smb06:02
niglop[adam@tux ~]$ sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt06:02
niglopmount: you must specify the filesystem type06:02
B4B4B0Z0R6yes i chekced alsa mixer06:02
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:02
Dr_WillisLinuxFetus:  i have heard that theres a GPL flash replacement now that does work with YouTube. :)06:02
zen0-LinuxFetus: there is an open source alternative to flash06:02
B4B4B0Z0R6it should works06:03
nazniglop, ext4 ntfs fat32?06:03
LinuxFetuszen0-: But if they can't be clicked in 32-bit flash, then why would having a 32-bit OS make things better?06:03
EmanonLinuxFetus: there are FOSS flash decoders but they arent very good06:03
niglopnaz» not sure06:03
zen0-Dr_Willis, Emanon: glad to know im not alone :)06:03
Emanonit can be on a 32 bit system06:03
noisewaterphdDr_Willis: Gnash supposedly works on youtube, but I haven't tried it myself06:03
airtonixniglop, you can mount block devices... only the partitions on them06:03
nazwhat are you trying to mount06:03
Emanonbut the 32 bit workaround for 64 bit breaks clicking sometimes06:03
ffdsfnoisewaterphd: it doesn't06:03
Psi-JackHow do I get Ubuntu to not use fbcons at bootup and just use straight up simple text mode? I'm running ubuntu in kvm and it gets horribly painfully slow in virt-viewer because of how fbcons works specifically in Ubuntu.06:03
niglopairtonix» can you walk me through how to mount my usb06:03
zen0-LinuxFetus: im just saying if your a bit of a nooby and dont want to mess around with flash, it may be better to use 32bit, that is if you dont have a lot of ram06:04
airtonixniglop, 1. system menu 2. admin menu 3. Disk Utility06:04
B4B4B0Z0R6guys please i really need to use mic06:04
iflemazen0-: get the tgz package from adobe, remove all currenlty install flash and extrat the .so file to the newly created plugins directory ( ~/.mozilla/plugins)06:04
zen0-LinuxFetus: hence why its a good idea for the Wubi installer :P06:04
nazDr_Willis, i got it to install successfully.... but i dont see a nvidia icon anywhere... how can i check to see if it is using the driver06:04
niglopairtonix» 1. i dont06:04
extraclassicniglop: it's really fast on command line06:04
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  theres the 'text' option you can tell grub. but i also blacklisted the framebuffer module. :)06:04
niglopuse gnome06:04
zen0-iflema: that is how i installed it06:04
Psi-JackDr_Willis: How would I just flip that with Ubuntu's way of handling grub2 proper?06:04
noisewaterphdLinuxFetus: Flash works fine on 32bit, and I have a working compiled 64bit version I can give you if that is your problem06:04
airtonixniglop, its expected that when you ask for help here without specifying the system you are using that is by default going to be : ubuntu 10.04 and gnome.06:05
iflemazen0-: and you havenoother versioninstalled??06:05
nazniglop, fdisk?06:05
EmanonB4B4B0Z0R6: u check the pulseaudio sound manager in your tray?06:05
zen0-iflema: im pretty sure, let me check06:05
niglopk airtonix  im in disk utility not what06:05
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  edit /etc/default/grub and replace the 'quite whatever' entry with 'text' is what i do and rerun update-grub to make text' the default.06:05
noisewaterphdLinuxFetus: I mean Adobe Flash works fine (or at least as good as it does on any other OS06:05
Emanoncause sometimes the inputs or levels get switched around06:05
LinuxFetusnoisewaterphd: If you have something that's working, then why isn't it in the repos or something?06:05
airtonixniglop, it should be pretty obvious by now.06:05
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  that disables plymouth AND gdm. but I think i also had to blacklist the fb16 module,06:05
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  let me find my notes06:05
iflemazen0-: if you did it that way thepackage manager should show none installed....06:05
Psi-JackDr_Willis: Found it. I'm trying it now.06:06
niglopairtonix» it says its mounted but its not at the same spot as last time =s?06:06
niglopit was at /media/disk last time06:06
airtonixniglop, your point ?06:06
noisewaterphdLinuxFetus: 32 bit should be in the repos, 64 bit got temporarily killed on *nix by adobe, but I hacked together my own working 64 bit. I can email you the binary as well as instructions on where to put it if you need it06:07
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  i thinkit still tried the framebuffer console. Untill i blacklisted that module06:07
Psi-JackDr_Willis: Hmmm.06:07
Psi-JackDr_Willis: you're right!06:07
Psi-JackDr_Willis: It did still do that crap. :/06:07
zen0-iflema: yeah06:07
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  it should of stopped gdm, and plymoputh at least06:07
LinuxFetusnoisewaterphd: *nix?06:07
airtonixniglop, just click the partition and then click the blue text next to "mount point"06:08
noisewaterphdLinuxFetus: Linux/Unix/Solaris/FreeBSD06:08
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  you did 'update-grub' after editing the file?06:08
Psi-JackDr_Willis: My vm's don't run those.06:08
niglopairtonix» Failed to execute child process "nautilus" (No such file or directory)06:08
Psi-JackDr_Willis: Yes06:08
noisewaterphdLinuxFetus: Mac is the only nix based os with an official 64 bit right now06:08
Psi-JackDr_Willis: What'd you do, blacklist fbcon?06:08
airtonixniglop, or you can simply navigate to that path06:08
niglopyes but i want it in a different spot so my alias works properly06:08
airtonixniglop, right click blue text06:08
extraclassicniglop, just learn to mount it in command line and you can put the folder wherever06:09
niglopextraclassic» thats what ive been trying to do but airtonix has just been telling me to use disk utility..06:09
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  i forget the module name.. it seems different on this 10.10 box.06:09
noisewaterphdLinuxFetus: if running 64 bit is your issue, just tell me where to send you the working version06:10
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  i thought it was fb16vga or somthing like that for the framebuffer06:10
airtonixniglop, do you really need to have a custom mount point ?06:10
Psi-JackDr_Willis: Well, I just blacklisted fbcon and vga16b, but it's still fricken doing it.06:10
LinuxFetusnoisewaterphd: Can I /msg you?06:10
Psi-JackAhh, vga16fb, forgot the f.06:10
noisewaterphdLiuxFetus: if you are running 32bit you should be able to install directly from adobe, or I swear its in the repos06:10
niglopyes airtonix i have an alias in my bashrc that opens that folder when i type my command but its moved mount points and i dont want to change the script06:10
noisewaterphdLinuxFetus: sure06:10
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  Interesting.. 10.10 dont seem to load that by default.. or else the nvidia driver install blacklisted it allready06:10
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  but this is a Upgrade box.. it may kept my old blacklist file06:11
Psi-JackDr_Willis: Aha, spelling it right seems to have done the trick06:11
Psi-JackMuuuuuch better!06:11
Psi-JackI can LIVE with it now. :D06:11
airtonixniglop, is the alias having random characters ? if so you need to give the volume a name so that the mountpoint has the same name as the volume06:11
niglopairtonix» the alias is set to /media/disk as the folder to open which was where it was mounted before06:12
Emanonk the gwibber ppa fixed the problem thanks06:12
niglopextraclassic» can i help you06:12
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  yea. i just login at console and do 'startx' these days :)06:12
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  the framebuffer part is really an annoyance. on a live cd. the consoles dont work for me with the nveou drivers+framebuffer06:12
extraclassici hit some button, sorry...tried to send a message to you to tell you what to do06:12
nigloplolz kk06:13
Psi-JackDr_Willis: I don't. My servers don't run X, except the bare-metal part, and usually only via VNC remote access through secure VPN.06:13
airtonixniglop, all my usb volumes have standard fat partition volume names and therefore the mountpoint is automatically created based on that name06:13
B4B4B0Z0R6no idea about why mic oesnt work on eee pc 101606:13
B4B4B0Z0R6why buntu has not ut it in the wiki06:13
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  yea. I couldent even get the 10.10 installer to display properly withoput some settings tweaks :()   Progress! and bug reports filed :)06:13
Emanonk is there a good graphical config tool for grub (like alter resolution, background and so forth) and also for the encryption passphrase entry screen06:14
glebihanEmanon: startupmanager06:14
Dr_WillisEmanon:  ive had startup manager break things.. i dont think it handles grub2 that well.06:15
Psi-JackDr_Willis: Heh. Eh, well. :)06:15
Dr_WillisEmanon:  so i would backup your original configs befro trying ti06:15
Emanonand any idea how to change the resolution on the encryption passphrase entry screen?06:15
glebihanDr_Willis, Emanon : didn't see it was for grub2, never tried it with grub206:15
Psi-JackDr_Willis: Most of my servers are actually running under kvm. The host OS I've moved to using f13 at the moment, but I still have ubu servers. :)06:15
Emanonsorry i said grub you're right06:16
Emanonmeant grub206:16
Dr_WillisGiven that grub2 is the default these days... :)06:16
glebihanDr_Willis: yes but I'm still using grub106:16
Dr_Willisold grub = Grub legacy06:16
Psi-JackDr_Willis: Default? You mean, ONLY option? :p06:16
enlihi, I am using Karmic and wish to try recent kernel. Can the kernels provided at ubuntu kernel-ppa be used in older Ubuntu releases? e.g. Can I install Maverick kernel into older Ubuntu releases?06:16
atari2600aon 10.10, Empathy is accidentally all my accounts06:16
glebihanDr_Willis: I tend to forget that grub2 is the default now06:16
Dr_WillisPsi-Jack:  you can use grub1 still i recall.. someone was asking how to use LILO the other day in here.. (no idea why)06:16
theoshey!! i was trying to open some video files but they show an error message like this --> "No suitable decoder module: VLC does not support the audio or video format "wmas". Unfortunately there is no way for you to fix this." any thing i can do about this?06:17
atari2600ais there a workaround?06:17
Emanontheos: you in america?06:17
Dr_Willistheos:  sounds like its saying the WMAS codec is somting that vlc cant support.. (legal reasons?)06:17
theoserm Dr_Willis donno06:17
atari2600atheos, check VLC's website06:18
Dr_Willistheos:  stheres some hits about it at the vlc forums.. sure its not wmap ?06:18
theosEmanon, no i am not in america06:18
atari2600aI recall having to install DVD CSS support through a deb file06:18
Emanoncause if you know your country doesnt have problems with copyright on formats might try ubuntu-restricted-extras06:18
glebihantheos: as far as I remember, I've never been able to read such files06:18
Dr_Willistheos:  try the w32codecs pack and mplayer perhaps.06:19
theosGlebelg, Dr_Willis , i have installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras but it didnt help. i get the same error06:19
glebihanDr_Willis, emanos: won't work06:19
theosi was thinking if i could open these files with totem instead of mplayer06:19
Psi-JackWhat really urks me right now is that under kvm, ubuntu doesn't get the reboot signals, but EVERY OTHER distro does just fine.06:19
intmedhow to restart hybrid-ircd06:20
intmedhow to restart hybrid-ircd06:20
Dr_Willisintmed:  if its a normal service.. use the service command06:20
Dr_Willis'sudo service whatever restart'06:20
Psi-JackSo, when shutting down the host OS, for any ubuntu-server's running it eventually has to force poweroff the ubu-servers. Which is NOT cool.06:20
theosDr_Willis, movie player says --> video/x-asf-unknown decoder06:21
theosThe playback of this movie requires a video/x-asf-unknown decoder plugin which is not installed.06:21
Emanonyou sure its a real video and not one of those fake ones *ahem* some sites use to get you to download malware?06:21
airtonixasf is a Microsoft video container06:22
theosEmanon, yes its 2 GBs of videos :/06:22
airtonixyou assume it is anyway06:22
airtonixcontainer != video06:22
Emanonthats what i mean06:23
cfgI was wanting to know if there is a way to sort data in OO.o Calc by text ? almost every other row my spreadsheet has a row with "Missing Box and/or Instructions" on it and was wanting to know if there is a way to put those rows at the bottom of the others?06:23
intmedDr_Willis: that is not working.06:23
Dr_Willisintmed:  assume people on IRC have the attention span of a Goldfish... whats not working...06:23
Dr_Willistheos:  have you tried mplayer and the w32codec package?06:24
intmedDr_Willis: cannot restart ircd-hybrid06:24
theosDr_Willis, not yet. but i will soon if i dont find a solution for movie player06:25
pie_timewhats the minimum ram for ubuntu to run06:25
Dr_Willisintmed:  and whats the exact command line you used?06:25
Dr_Willistheos:  i hate movieplayer.. i install smplauyer and vlc -   right from the start normally06:25
intmedDr_Willis: sudo service hybrid-ircd restart06:26
Emanonthat was for you pie_time forgot to address it06:26
glebihanintmed: it's "sudo service ircd-hybrid restart"06:26
Dr_Willisintmed:  perhaps its not called ircd-hybrid,06:26
* Dr_Willis has no idea what its called.. :)06:26
Emanonas little as 512mb if you can cut out stuff you dont need06:27
theoshmm ok thanks everyone :) take care06:27
Emanon1g otherwise06:27
intmedDr_Willis: how to get the list of currently running services06:28
earthmeLonSo, I have no .bashrc file.  I've created one and when I do source ~/.bashrc, It works, but on initial connection, it's back to basic.  How can I fix this?06:28
seisetepcShe pay day06:28
Dr_Willisintmed:  the service command has options for that.06:29
glebihanintmed: I told you, it's "ircd-hybrid" not "hybrid-ircd"06:29
Dr_Willisintmed:  service --help06:29
Dr_WillisI do belive the service command has tab completion support also (well bash does for it)06:29
inertialdoes ubuntu use initrd or initramfs for its startup image?06:30
inertialeverything I have found says initramfs, but in my /boot dir I have initrd06:30
zen0-upstart i think06:30
seisetepcNinguem merece06:31
glebihan!ot | seisetepc06:32
ubottuseisetepc: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:32
earthmeLonBASh isn't loading my .bashrc file on login.  Any suggestions?06:32
seisetepchey, help me06:32
glebihan!ask | seisetepc06:33
ubottuseisetepc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:33
tacomasterdoes anyone know what to do if i want to get rid of my default network manager for gnome and get wcid?06:33
xanguatacomaster: just install wicd06:34
seisetepcsnort and hlbr is not write the logs, and now?]06:34
xanguaand restart*06:34
glebihanearthmeLon: does it work if you force bash to load your bashrc file (with--rcfile)06:34
tacomasterbut dont i have to uninstall network manager or something?06:34
seisetepcbut i have attacked06:34
LinuxFetusIs there any reason I wouldn't want to install Ubuntu 10.04 (either 32- or 64-bit) on an ext4 partition?06:35
tauren_I had a drive in a software raid1 set drop out. when I rebooted, I was prompted to run fsck manually, so I did. I then added the drive back the the raid1 set. After 2 hours of syncing, it looks like it failed.06:35
xanguatacomaster: installing wicd will uninstall network-manager & network-manager-gnome06:35
tauren_how can i tell if it is a bad drive, or if it is fixable?06:35
inertialseisetepc: qual e a sua problema?06:35
tauren_here's some dmesg logs:  http://pastie.org/115160206:35
tauren_the server and drive are new within 6 months or so.06:36
marlon My cousin just installed Ubuntu and i think it's split with Windows 20% and Linux 80%06:36
marlonNow my sound doesn't work...06:36
marlonAny suggestions?06:36
earthmeLonIt works when i do source ~/.bashrc it loads06:37
earthmeLonGlebelg ^06:37
earthmeLonglebihan *^06:37
Dr_WillisearthmeLon:  check your .profile it may be its not sourceing your .bashrc as you expect06:37
earthmeLonDr_Willis.  .profile doesnt exists v_v06:38
Dr_WillisI forget how ubuntu has all the bash scripts ordered now. used to be it was .bash_profile sourced .bashrc and the /etc/profile but i think that changed06:38
glebihanearthmeLon: .bashrc is not read on login06:38
Dr_WillisI got a .profile here06:38
glebihanearthmeLon: you should use .bash_profile or .profile06:38
marlonCan someone answer my question please????????06:39
Dr_Willis .profile  sources the .bashrc  i notice.06:39
marlon My cousin just installed Ubuntu and i think it's split with Windows 20% and Linux 80%06:39
marlonNow my sound doesn't work06:39
glebihanearthmeLon: if they don't exist, you can create them06:39
Dr_Willismarlon:  the splitting of the 2 - has no bearing on the sound not working..06:39
marlonI swear I've tried everything06:39
Dr_Willis!sound | marlon06:39
ipv5so i've got these 3 monitors lying around and they're making m think about building a triple headed system...06:39
ubottumarlon: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.06:39
ipv5ideally what i'd like is to have compiz run a hexagon and show half of it at a time on the 3 displays06:39
Dr_Willismarlon:  did sound work on live cd, has it ever worked...  what is your sound card chipset?06:40
ipv5but i'm wondering: what happens when i spin it and the desktop that was on the 27" 1920x1080 display gets put on the 19" 1280x1024 display instead?06:40
marlonThank you I'll try that web site cause I've already tried the other stuff you mentioned06:40
macoipv5: thats not how it spins06:40
marlonI'm not sure06:40
marlonHow do I find out?06:40
wizzzzzzardhey hey06:40
wizzzzzzardquick question folks.06:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:40
ipv5maco; what do you mean?06:40
wizzzzzzardis the Netgear wpn311 now supported?06:41
macoipv5: compiz will have a very wide desktop and one desktop will go across all 3. you spin it, and you'll move to the next.06:41
wizzzzzzardor does it still require madwifi?06:41
wizzzzzzardI no longer see any documentation past 2008 on the card06:41
glebihan!enter | wizzzzzzard06:41
ubottuwizzzzzzard: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:41
macoipv5: it wont move the contents of one monitor to the next monitor. all 3 monitors will change at once06:41
ipv5maco: oh06:41
macoipv5: this is why i hated multiple monitors when i used compiz06:41
wizzzzzzardglebihan: irrelivent bot answers are useless and less productive then overuse of enter. Please contribute or leave the comment for someone who knows, thank you.06:41
marlonWhat happened to you <Dr_Willis>?06:42
guest24nyc anyone ?06:42
Emanoni dont use multiple monitors (given i dont do any coding) and i like it better than those multihead setups everyone else seems to prefer06:42
ipv5maco: is their something more appropriate than compiz i should be using?06:42
glebihanwizzzzzzard: these are rules on how the channel should be used06:42
Dr_Willismarlon:  i got things im doing..... ive rarely had a sound card issue so dont expect me to be a lot of help -06:42
macoipv5: for 3d desktop?  ehh... kwin can do 3d desktop but i dont know how it handles multiple monitors for that06:42
marlonI'm not expecting anything from anyone weirdo.....You sounded like you were adding on and gave me no hint that you were finished with what you started helping me with06:43
wizzzzzzardthe only details I can find on the WPN311 regarding ubuntu date back to around 2008, so I am not sure if it's still valid to say they need madwifi06:43
marlonYOU started helping me...06:43
ipv5maco: i guess the 3d isn't essential, although i would hate to go back from at least using the gpu for compositing06:43
ipv5back to the dark ages so to speak06:44
macoipv5: heh hey i love the "dark ages" of tiling window managers ;-)06:44
Dr_Willismarlon:  whatever..06:44
marlonYOU started helping me....06:44
glebihanwizzzzzzard: you may have have a look at this : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/356768/comments/30 (it's from March 2010)06:45
ipv5maco: boy i see that "tear the window down a piece at a time" stuff on a busy system anymore and it just makes me cringe06:45
marlonSo anyone else have any suggestions about my sound not working?06:45
macomarlon: file a bug?06:45
=== sarah is now known as Guest15811
earthmeLonDr_Willis I've copied the default .bash_profile to my home and I am still having issues.  The .bash_profile file has nothing but comments06:46
marlonNot sure. How do I check if it's not to hard to explain?06:46
wizzzzzzardglebihan: hmm, looks like it's now built into the kernel. Archwiki documentation says so too anyway.06:46
wizzzzzzardglebihan: say for a few bugs06:46
macomarlon: run "ubuntu-bug -s audio" and itll guide you through filing an audio bug06:46
marlonWhere do I type that in? - sorry, I am so new to this?06:47
glebihanwizzzzzzard: since when ?06:47
earthmeLonDr_Willis Thanks for you help.. Googled about .bash_profile and this helped: http://joshstaiger.org/archives/2005/07/bash_profile_vs.html06:47
marlonThank you so much though.06:47
macomarlon: applications -> accessories -> terminal06:47
macomarlon: or hit alt+f2 and type it in there06:47
wizzzzzzardglebihan: http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wireless_Setup#ath9k << unless my alcohol consumption is making me read wrong, it says .35 will house it06:47
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wizzzzzzardglebihan: I don't particularly have the card but I have a friend whom is installing linux for the first time, and this card seems to be extremely old.06:48
Dr_WillisearthmeLon:  i tend to redo the profiles so much that i dont even recall what the default sare.06:48
glebihanwizzzzzzard: yes, googling it a bit, I found issues with this card starting from 2004...06:49
wizzzzzzardglebihan: yeah, but the last reported major bugs seem to be isolated aruond 2008, so i don't know if it's just a simple restricted driver set or if it requires something more.06:49
wizzzzzzardglebihan: that'll learn him to not buy an intel or Cisco based card06:49
sculpturedhey everyone, i'm trying to install beryl 2.1 on lucid lynx. i added the lines suggested on http://tnlessone.wordpress.com/2007/03/17/upgrading-to-beryl-020/ so that synaptic would auto update it (and i could download beryl with apt-get), but i'm getting a 403 forbidden error from beryl-project.org. what's going on?06:50
glebihanwizzzzzzard: its says here (http://georgia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9186420) that it's supported since 9.1006:50
wizzzzzzardsculptured: beryl is extremely outdated, have you considered compiz fusion?06:50
wizzzzzzardglebihan: fantastico! gracias06:50
glebihanwizzzzzzard: you're welcome06:50
phanindracan i change the image that appears at the time of booting in ubuntu9.10??06:51
Dr_Willissculptured:  beryl has been gobbled up by compiz.. theres no need for beryl that ive ever seen06:51
james__where does gnome-session save session info?06:51
sculpturedwizzzzzzard: no i havent, in fact i didnt even know it existed.06:51
sculpturedDr_Willis: okay, i'll look into compiz06:51
wizzzzzzardsculptured: Beryl was merged with the Fusion project and became compiz fusion, installing beryl would be pretty much putting your X system into a highly unstable state. Check out Compiz instead.06:51
phanindracan i change the image that appears at the time of booting in ubuntu9.10??06:51
Dr_Willissculptured:  compiz is installed by default also06:51
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wizzzzzzardphanindra: you can change the boot splash by a couple different meathods but they do require some play with the grub configurations.06:52
vu1kanis it possible to string two commands together in your .bashrc as a single alias? what i'm trying to do is <cd ~/web> followed by <python -m SimpleHTTPServer> with a single alias06:52
wizzzzzzardvu1kan: command one && command two06:52
sculpturedDr_Willis: do i have to install the manager or do i just have to find it?06:52
vu1kanwizzzzzzard: thanx much06:52
wizzzzzzardvu1kan: example: "cd /home/user && ls -l"06:52
Dr_Willissculptured:  its Installed by default... on a normal ubuntu system06:53
Dr_Willissculptured:  if your video card drivers support it. You are allready using it06:53
Dr_Willis!ccsm | sculptured06:53
ubottusculptured: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz06:53
phanindrawizzzzzzzzard:i have changed the boot splash, i want to change the white logo of ubuntu that appears before and after giving password to some other image06:53
ServerTechProUsing sudo always returns an error "sudo: must be setuid root"06:54
wizzzzzzardServerTechPro: is your user in the sudoers file?06:55
phanindrawizzzzzzzzard:i have changed the boot splash theme, i want to change the white logo of ubuntu that appears before and after giving password to some other image06:55
sculpturedDr_Willis: thank you, that's exactly what i wanted06:55
ServerTechProwizzzzzzard, what do you mean06:55
wizzzzzzardphanindra: that's your login screens theme isn't it then?06:55
wizzzzzzardServerTechPro: usually if sudo gives an error it's cos the user isn't authenticated to have sudoers access06:56
piyushmishrahi I am trying to make an app launcher. its runs from the terminal can I make some launcher that doesnt need launcher?06:56
wizzzzzzardServerTechPro: verify that your user is listed in /etc/sudoers06:56
Dr_Willispiyushmishra:  clarify what you are trying to launch...06:57
mkcpysHow do I change which of my monitors is my default/primary desktop? I really want to move my panels onto my bigger monitor.06:57
phanindrawizzzzzzzzard: yeah, at that time the white logo will be appearing right?? I want to change it to some other image. can i do that?06:57
wizzzzzzardmkcpys: are you nvidia?06:57
Dr_Willismkcpys:  you can alt-click on the panels and drag them where you want.06:57
Dr_Willismkcpys:  the nvidia-settings tool has a check box for that option also.06:57
james__what is the path/name of the file in which gnome-session saves my session06:57
piyushmishraDr_willis: I installed matlab and am trying to make a launcher for it06:58
petersteele111i cant log into other channels? This happens everytime i log in. Something with nickserve needing to identify my username but i dont remember how to do it?06:58
piyushmishradr_willis: its not in the default location so the file from ubuntu help doesnt work06:58
wizzzzzzardmkcpys: if you're on nvidia run nvidia-settings under sudo or root and configure which device is the primary and which is the twinview.06:58
ServerTechProwizzzzzzard, Only user previlege specification : root ALL=(ALL) ALL06:58
Dr_Willispiyushmishra:   make a laumncher that runs /the/full/path/to/matlab06:58
mkcpyswizzzzzzard - No. I have ATI, but I'm using the default free drives and not the ATI drivers, because those drivers cause massive tearing on all video playback.06:58
glebihanpiyushmishra: where do you want to put your launcher ?06:58
DagoRedpetersteele111: /msg nickserv identify <password>06:58
phanindrawizzzzzzzzard: yeah, at that time the white logo will be appearing right?? I want to change it to some other image. can i do that?06:58
petersteele111thanks thats the code i needed dago :)06:59
dlp211petersteele111 "/msg NickServ identify <password>"06:59
piyushmishraDr_willis: that closes as soon as it opens06:59
Dr_Willispiyushmishra:  what closes?06:59
wizzzzzzardpetersteele111: course, you can create custom login screens.06:59
piyushmishraglebihan: desktop/panel06:59
Dr_Willispiyushmishra:  whats the exact command you use in the terminal to run matlab?06:59
wizzzzzzardmkcpys: ah, well I'm not good with ati. I'm sorry.06:59
piyushmishradr_willis: the window for matlab. it remains open only when I run that file in terminal06:59
glebihanpiyushmishra: what command do you use when you run matlab ?06:59
Dr_Willispiyushmishra:  perhaops it requiers a terminal to be open.. ive never used it..07:00
Dr_Willispiyushmishra:  you could make the launcher 'open in terminal' or run 'xterm -e matlab'  also..07:00
mkcpyswizzzzzzard - I don't think it matters which video card I'm using since I'm using the free drivers. (can't remember what they're called.) But I'm probably wrong.07:00
mubrizehttp://AnonTalk.se/r/57 mubrize jtcc oblu xjunior Gnurdux Samual DaZ HendriXXX_ DagoRed petersteele111 cdoublejj piyushmishra mkcpys sacarlson Four2zero ridin vu1kan |ns|nR8 rizzuh phanindra qwm james__ sculptured kust0m happyface h4z|da dlp211 Rajko wizzzzzzard pting free_loader ipv5 [styx] eric_m mkaay gre tails8 jaykub cmdshftn ZMR seidos marlon ServerTechPro bobthemilkman geraudk2000 masterBIGwilly murrayc inertial FlashKidd cinim0d cfg mtx_init Frank07:00
mubrizehttp://AnonTalk.se/r/69 MadViking intmed `Abhijit buntunub di_giorgio offsense01 jumbers GG__ jjman6_ jjman6 scarter4 dinya geowany hardwalker JoshuaP Daremonai minh Psi-Jack DeathCrawler naz duckwars Bhudle WinstonSmith niteesh LinuxFetus glebihan glassresistor pie_time TheVenerableZ edwardthefma korben zackc456 tauren_ rgreening_ rgreening Alhambran nso95 zen0- Guest60014 huff3r bullgard4 Karen_m cmxued dvz- Ronald_ skreeves_ flypiper LjL-Temp Inc` Erty07:00
mubrizehttp://AnonTalk.se/r/67 Jantire TheAnswer Daltx avi_ Modred qxdbi korsakof_home m4v an0nmat1r Destine Jonbo Low- yinyulong Lenin_Cat Simath ritlee extraclassic zeco dijonyummy pure_hate dwdollar1 jnperlin_ jimisrvrox kevr Zorge dgeary2 h00k Exp1r3d ThePaRaDoX Autonomiser f23 peepsalot cwryuu sharky stevecam aperson psycho_oreos ghostlines mobasher sdjs messi earthmeLon iceflatline l34k cfedde Technovi1ing Dmole {n8} cwillu Sagaci Barridus shamino_ Emry Wa07:00
FloodBot3mubrize: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:00
piyushmishradr_willis: thats what I was asking. can I run such a command without keeping the terminal open all the time?07:00
rizzuhoh for god's sake07:00
clerwefrarkhttp://AnonTalk.se/r/10 clerwefrark jtcc oblu xjunior Gnurdux Samual DaZ HendriXXX_ DagoRed petersteele111 cdoublejj piyushmishra mkcpys sacarlson Four2zero ridin vu1kan |ns|nR8 rizzuh phanindra qwm james__ sculptured kust0m happyface h4z|da dlp211 Rajko wizzzzzzard pting free_loader ipv5 [styx] eric_m mkaay gre tails8 jaykub cmdshftn ZMR seidos marlon ServerTechPro bobthemilkman geraudk2000 masterBIGwilly murrayc inertial FlashKidd cinim0d cfg mtx_in07:00
clerwefrarkhttp://AnonTalk.se/r/63 bonez2046 MadViking intmed `Abhijit buntunub di_giorgio offsense01 jumbers GG__ jjman6_ jjman6 scarter4 dinya geowany hardwalker JoshuaP Daremonai minh Psi-Jack DeathCrawler naz duckwars Bhudle WinstonSmith niteesh LinuxFetus glebihan glassresistor pie_time TheVenerableZ edwardthefma korben zackc456 tauren_ rgreening_ rgreening Alhambran nso95 zen0- Guest60014 huff3r bullgard4 Karen_m cmxued dvz- Ronald_ skreeves_ flypiper LjL-07:00
clerwefrarkhttp://AnonTalk.se/r/88 FloodBot4 MetaBot Jantire TheAnswer Daltx avi_ Modred qxdbi korsakof_home m4v an0nmat1r Destine Jonbo Low- yinyulong Lenin_Cat Simath ritlee extraclassic zeco dijonyummy pure_hate dwdollar1 jnperlin_ jimisrvrox kevr Zorge dgeary2 h00k Exp1r3d ThePaRaDoX Autonomiser f23 peepsalot cwryuu sharky stevecam aperson psycho_oreos ghostlines mobasher sdjs messi earthmeLon iceflatline l34k cfedde Technovi1ing Dmole {n8} cwillu Sagaci Bar07:00
clerwefrarkhttp://AnonTalk.se/r/76 Walzmyn CyberSix bp0 ANTRat I-are- |Sacred| KE1HA addisonj airtonix alfonzo1955 zachlr Milos|Laptop Shadowww alpharesearch MACscr santos ogra FloodBot2 m00se Ameth Rothos jhesketh shro0ms zicho Kitar|st rmk apelgate qb oracle_ JoeSomebody Vampire0 DavidLevin patx cozziemoto Rickmasta krups |_ocke frobisher FunnyLookinHat christian_lappy estragib zilla _KAMI_ JimmyJ Roasted Nazdravi Ziaeon_ iflema brishu Kyle__ dougl spap tensor07:00
clerwefrarkhttp://AnonTalk.se/r/15 steph021_h cystic Aciid Benwa Sky[x] solid_liq mariusz_ Tricia cs278|laptop wet FalsAlarm FloodBot3 elitexray Jordan_U Sylphid pro7ron FloodBot1 Dr_Willis Daekdroom heg AndrewMC iredux techhelper1 jhuni pipeep Dfoolz Maser o0ze FullFlannelJacke XVampireX genewitch aguitel chalcedony M1DLGpc askhl_ pauldy ^Cheeky rk13 Dink forkup jskulski jsidhu elkclone MashTomato Exavion Typh Yamba|ZzZ KindOne Loshki lanoxx Slix` trigrou spred07:00
FloodBot3clerwefrark: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:00
Dr_Willispiyushmishra:  does 'matlab &' in termnial work? can you then use the 'exit' command?07:01
xjunioroh f*ck07:01
xjuniordamn spammers07:01
rizzuhgoddamn 4chan07:01
avi_It's not 4chan dude.07:01
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:01
rizzuhit looks like07:01
petersteele111yeah that code didnt work. It just shows on my screen the nickserve thing and then identify and my password but isnt doing anything else. Do i need to re register ny name?07:01
|Sacred|really, no one has anything better to do than that?07:01
rizzuhtypicall of 4chan07:01
avi_4Chan doesn't do stuff like that.07:01
avi_They have respect for good projects, trust me.07:02
ServerTechProI think some user settings problem as i dont see me as an admin wizzzzzzard07:02
TheAnswer4chan is more pro than that07:02
wizzzzzzardServerTechPro: in sudoers you want your user added07:02
avi_TheAnswer, Yup.07:02
phanindrawizzzzzzzzard: yeah, at that time the white logo will be appearing right?? I want to change it to some other image. can i do that?07:02
wizzzzzzardServerTechPro: it should loook: USER_NAME   ALL=(ALL) ALL07:02
piyushmishradr_willis: yes it works can I make that work via a launcher file or something?07:02
wizzzzzzardServerTechPro: where username represents your user07:02
ServerTechProwizzzzzzard, I dont have admin in User settings, its not letting me authenticate07:02
wizzzzzzardServerTechPro: that would do it too, the gui end just puts you in sudoers07:03
ServerTechProhow can i use root to use User settings07:03
Dr_Willispiyushmishra:  you can make a script and the launcher can run the script if you wanted.07:03
wizzzzzzardServerTechPro: do you have another user naem that was generated when you installed ubuntu?07:03
sculpturedwhere can i find the fire-like effect used in the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FRWLfY7hMgQ?07:03
wizzzzzzardthe default user is *always* added to sudoers by proxy07:03
Dr_Willissculptured:  theres exctra compuiz pluigins in the repos. Not installed by default07:03
avi_!enter wizzzzzzard07:03
Dr_Willissculptured:  check the package manager for compiz and see whats in there07:03
avi_!enter | wizzzzzzard07:03
ubottuwizzzzzzard: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:03
piyushmishradr_willis: how to do that? should i google it?07:04
avi_Does anyone have a lucid-style monochrome menu icon for Xchat?07:04
ServerTechProwizzzzzzard, I guess the user previlege is shown as custom07:04
Dr_Willispiyushmishra:  make a script? bash scripting fundamentals.07:04
Dr_Willis!abs | piyushmishra07:04
ubottupiyushmishra: Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/07:04
sculpturedDr_Willis: thank you07:04
ServerTechProwizzzzzzard, I need to change it to admin, but its not letting me authenticate07:04
ServerTechProwizzzzzzard, can i use root07:04
Dr_Willispiyushmishra:  example script = 2 lines.. #!/bin/bash     matlab &07:04
glebihanpiyushmishra: you can try using "gnome-terminal --command='matlab'" as the launcher's command07:05
Dr_Willispiyushmishra:  but i cant imagine WHY that would work and not running matlib directly07:05
wizzzzzzardServerTechPro: are you using another user beyond what was set up on install, though? Cos usually your default is set sudoers authenticated... And root can be used, but you'd need to be able to access sudoers before that's an option really.07:05
petersteele111hey how do i re register my nickname again please i know there was a channel to go to07:05
wizzzzzzardServerTechPro: an unahtenticated user cannot gain access without su'ing to a user with proper permissions07:05
ServerTechProwizzzzzzard, i have many users07:05
ServerTechProwizzzzzzard, i think it is not recognising my user as an admin07:05
wizzzzzzardServerTechPro: I'd go to your first user; your initial one from install, and set your current user as admin/sudoers07:06
ServerTechProwizzzzzzard, so i need to use root to change it somehow07:06
ServerTechProbut that first user imean07:06
ServerTechPro* i mean07:06
wizzzzzzardsu - <original user from install>07:06
piyushmishraglebihan: it also keeps the terminal open07:06
ServerTechProdoes not have admin07:06
piyushmishraDr_willis lemme try ur script once07:06
ExtremeDevilzguys how do I run a vistual studio under wine07:06
wizzzzzzardExtremeDevilz: Get a shrine of mayan gods and pray.07:06
ServerTechProone min.07:06
ServerTechProlet me try07:06
glebihanpiyushmishra: yes, if matlab needs a terminal (for some weird reason), it will stay opened as long as matlab is running07:07
ExtremeDevilzi mean you need something like chmod07:07
wizzzzzzardalright, I'm out of here07:07
wizzzzzzardglebihan: thanks for lookin' that up, ServerTechPro good luck07:07
petersteele111can someone please tell me how to register my nickname again?07:08
petersteele111its not recognizing my crap when i send identify to NickServe07:08
piyushmishradr_willis: the sh script died in the same way07:08
sculpturedanother question, what's a solid macro program? i'd prefer something akin to autohotkey but i'd settle with just keyboard and click macros07:09
dlp211nickserv not nickserve07:09
petersteele111oh lol07:09
petersteele111thank you im stupid tonight07:09
mkcpysSo, does anyone thing that there is a way to make my bigger monitor my primary monitor in Ubuntu aside from changing the plugs out or installing the ATI Radeon drivers?07:11
glebihanmkcpys: Can't you do this in System->Preferences->Monitors ?07:12
Dr_Willismkcpys:  alt-click on the panels and drag them over to the other monitor07:12
mkcpysNo. It doesn't give the option to change which monitor is the primary (thus, which monitor has the panels and opens windows on it by default, etc.)07:12
mkcpysDr_Willis -- What are you some kind of genius ???!!!???!!!07:13
sculpturedagain, can anyone direct me towards a good macroing program? i'd prefer something similar to autohotkey, but i'll settle for just keyboard/mouse support07:13
FriarI am trying to clean up my SSD. when I use the disk usage analyzer it says that I have used 16.5 GB and have 11.6GB available, but when I scan my filesystem, it only shows 4.9 GB of size...where is the difference coming in?07:13
mkcpysDr_Willis - I guess so, you're a doctor. Thanks. That just did it I think07:14
quiescensfriar: doesn't 16.5 - 11.6 = 4.9?07:14
quiescensoh wait07:15
quiescensnever mind, I misread07:15
quiescenswhat are you using to scan the usage or whatever07:15
FriarI'm using the disk usage analyzer in Applications -> accessories07:16
quiescensif you just mean the scan home button, that only lists the contents of your home directory07:16
Friarit is a 30GB drive with 2GB swap on it. then rest is /07:16
quiescenswhereas the initial "used" amount is overall disk usage07:16
FriarI scan the whole file system though.07:16
Dr_Willismkcpys:  i mentioned the alt-click-drag thing some time ago. :) People never listen to their doctors.07:17
Dr_Willismkcpys:  that did NOT make the monitors primary.. it just moved the  panels. You can have panels on both monitors07:18
quiescensi don't know for sure, it could be that a lot is being taken up in directories your user doesn't have direct access to07:18
Dr_Willismkcpys:  GDM will still appear on the other monitor07:18
Friarwell, I'm getting closer...I just cleared out my wife's .wine folder (we used to use rosetta stone) and that cleared out like 3.8GB. There is still quite a disparity between the 12.4 used and 15.7 availabe, and the file system scan showing that it only has 4.9 used.07:19
mkcpysDr_Willis - Sorry, I missed it.07:20
Friarmight i be missing a trash folder or something?07:20
mkcpysDr_Willis - What is GDM ?07:20
Dr_Willismkcpys:  your LOGIN screen07:20
Dr_WillisGDM/KDM/other DM's07:20
mkcpysDr_Willis - Well, that's ok.07:20
quiescensfriar: you can try alt-f2, gksudo baobab07:21
quiescenswhich should run the disk usage analyzer as root07:21
quiescensso that you can see how much is taken up, not just in files that your current user has access to07:21
FriarI see where the problem is....my wife's .local trash folder....I think.07:22
mkcpysDr_Willis I also notice that certain pop-ups still pop up on the other monitor - regardless of where their parent window is. That's slightly annoying.07:22
ServerTechProdamn, its telling some bug, it shows im an admin07:23
ServerTechProill report it07:23
quiescensthat would be why it doesn't show up for you by default, because you don't have access to other users' home directories ordinarily07:23
Friarquiescens, it doesn't show it all, but I07:23
* ExtremeDevilz is going back to windows07:24
Friar* I'll get to the bottom of it. I have a script that I run on my account that empties my trash...I'll just add my wife's to it.07:24
quiescenson an unrelated question, baobab, how did the disk usage analyzer end up being called baobab07:24
Friarand use the sudo to ge tit.07:24
Friarquiescens, ha, my wife has 7GB of trash in ~/.local/Trash!!!!07:26
FriarI just added that to my little script and everything is much better now.07:26
quiescensfriar: i've never really liked those trash cans07:26
Friarthey are so hidden. and since i only have 30GB due to cost of SSD, space is at a premium for me.07:27
Friardo you know of any other trash areas that I might be missing?07:27
quiescensdid running baobab as root not help?07:28
FriarIn my terminal i was getting errors about not being able to read the .directories in her home folder.07:28
Friarand since that is where the trash is, i couldn't read it.07:28
quiescensI don't see why it wouldn't be able to as root07:29
Friarme neither, but it didn't.07:29
Dr_Willismkcpys:  so swap cabels.. or use the ati drivers.. i cant imagine why you dont want to use the ati drivers..07:29
quiescensI guess the program doesn't work well as root07:29
quiescensat worst you can use: sudo du /07:30
quiescensbut that will be really really messy07:30
Friarquiescens, the only error i was getting was about the .gvfs folder.07:30
Friara few of the .directories showed up in the scan, but not many.07:31
iVIM2Is there anyone use ubuntu-minimal07:31
=== iVIM2 is now known as iVIM3
mkcpysDr_Willis - When I use the ATI drivers I can't figure how to stop the massive tearing in video playback. I've tried everything I could think of, and much of what others have suggested.07:31
Dr_Willismkcpys:  I dont use ati any more.. all i can suggest that if using compiz enable that 'sync to blank' option. that removed mosta ll the tearing ive seen in  my video playback07:32
=== ord_ is now known as qwm
Dr_WillisIm so used to video tearing - i rarely even notice it. in videos.. now in games.. yes. i do notice it07:32
mkcpysDr_Willis: Yeah, I've tried that. To be honest, I don't see why I need to use the drivers.07:33
quiescensfriar: actually I really don't know why it doesn't show all files when running as root07:33
=== The_Thing is now known as Sleeping_Thing
quiescens.gvfs is fine, because that's a special mount point and doesn't contain regular files as such, but it still seems to miss a lot07:34
iVIM3Is there anyone having used Ubuntu-minimal?07:34
denver__Can any one help me with getting my wireless card and driver running  my laptop dorsent have an ethernet  plug so it is being a big pain07:34
Friarquiescens, I would think that especially the .local/Trash would be one that would work.07:35
quiescensfriar: I guess the default disk usage analyzer has some sort of filtering because when I run it with gksudo it thinks /home has 4.3mb07:37
quiescensfriar: maybe it only counts files owned by the user or something07:37
billGood evening, all.  I have a (hopefully) quick question:  I just installed ubuntu 10.04 desktop edition on a server that I got from work.  It's installed just fine, but I can't seem to connect to the internet and open a web page.  I can ping google, and I'm able to use empathy to chat with another user on my network.  Has anyone seen this type of problem before?07:37
Friarquiescens, could be. whatever it is, it can be annoying.07:38
enlidoes anybody know what i need to do for fixing "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgio-2.0". i cant compile any program.07:38
Dr_Willismkcpys:  the way ati works.. in 6 mo they will remove your card from their supported drivers list.. so you wont be able to anyway07:38
Friarif I had 1TB it wouldn't be a problem, but with 30GB you have to keep things clean.07:38
billIn the network connections notification area, there are 2 arrows, one pointing up, on pointing down.07:38
inertialis it possible to see what initramfs.conf a pre-built initrd image is built with? I'm trying to put together my own initrd image for bootup07:38
quiescensfriar: one moment, trying something07:38
pheonixmandoes anyone know about ID3v207:38
quiescensfriar: you could install gdmap and try running that with gksudo07:39
=== zoom is now known as Guest81676
SubCoolcan anyone help me with an xorg.conf issue? I had one, now i dont. The computer still work- but i need to edit my xorg.conf to setup a dual monitor, and i cant find it- because its not in /etc/x11/07:41
Friarquiescens, thanks...looks like it is scanning everything, but not quite as easy to read the output at the buit in tool.07:41
FriarI bet if I knew more about it i could find a way to format the output of gdmap the same way that the build in analyzer does it.07:42
Dr_WillisSubCool:  and your video chipset is?07:42
SubCoolintel/ati i think07:42
quiescensi'm having a look around for alternatives anyway just because I agree its silly that the default doesn't actually show everything07:43
Dr_WillisSubCool:  you have both an ATI video card and a Intel video card?07:43
quiescensfriar: http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-analyze-your-disk-usage-pattern-in-linux/07:43
quiescensa couple possibilities there07:43
SubCooli know i have intel- im just not sure if there is an ati onboard, im prettys ure there is. - Intel chipset..07:43
sillypenguinprobably dual switching in a laptop?07:43
Dr_WillisSubCool:  so you are usng an onboard video card with a PCI/whatever ati card?07:43
quiescenswith gdmap you can double click to focus on the aqua hilighted part and go down a directory at a time if that helps07:44
SubCoolno, its a laptop-. i cant remember if there is an onboard ati GPU chipset- how do i grep to find out?07:44
SubCooli looked it up online, but i just want to make sure.07:45
Dr_WillisSubCool:  'lspci'07:45
Dr_Willislspci | grep vga  (or VGA) or was it Vga ?07:45
Dr_Willisi forget the 'ignore case option' to grep.. :(07:45
Friarquiescens, in gdmap, if you double click on something it will enlarge that folder, for instance if you double click where the /home folder is, you can see the dfferent users, and can then go into their directories....actually wiht a bit of work it is cool.07:46
Dr_WillisThats why i forget it.. its too logical to rember. :)07:46
malvso have they figured out the freezing in 10.04?07:46
SubCoolVGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M22 [Mobility Radeon X300] -knew it07:46
Friarhahha i just saw that you wrote the same thing.07:46
Friarboth my wife and I have a lot of stuff in .thumbnails...do you know what that is for?07:46
Dr_WillisSubCool:   the Monitors settings tool in the system menu dosent let you enable both displays? How abouyt the laptops special FN keys?07:46
willinjamalv: what freezing ?07:47
SubCoolit does, it just freaks out when i set it up.07:47
malvthe freezing mentioned in the forums with over 100k views and over 1000 posts07:47
quiescensfriar: most likely thumbnail caching for nautilus07:47
SubCooli havent been able to get it once07:47
Dr_WillisSubCool:  could be its a feature the open sourced ati driver dont support fully yet.07:48
SubCoolIMO it is having primary moniotr issues07:48
Friarah...I see. I guess it isn't too much...I have 150MB and so does my wife. If I can't handle useing 300MB for somthing like that, then I have bigger problems.07:48
SubCoolits trying to clone a mirror07:48
besogonIs there someone who know Samba and WINs well. I stuck in a problem with it.07:49
quiescensfriar: something like: find ~/.thumbnails -type f -atime +7 -exec rm {} \;07:49
SubCooli need to edit the xorg- i just cant find it07:49
Dr_WillisSubCool:  err.. make it..07:49
quiescenscould be useful, that one would delete any thumbnail that hasn't been accessed in 7 days07:49
besogonSubCool: try. Xorg -configure07:49
Dr_WillisSubCool:  X auto confuigrues - a Xorg.conf is normally not needed except ins pecial cases07:49
SubCooli was afraid to- i thought i could run a wizard..07:49
Dr_WillisSubCool:  my Intel laptop does 2 monitors without a xorg.conf, the nvidia systems i got have one with their twinview settings in it07:49
Friarquiescens, I think I'll take the hit on 300 MB. it isn't crazy. if things get unwieldy I'll definitely have a look at reducing the size of that folder, but for now I'm on.07:50
mkcpysDr_Willis: Now if I could just figure out how to get my USB Mic interface to work with Alsa/Audacity. It shows up, but doesn't work. You don't happen to know anything about that do ya?07:50
besogonDr_Willis: Its better works with xorg.conf07:50
SubCoolFatal server error:07:50
SubCoolServer is already active for display 007:50
besogonDr_Willis: more stable07:50
FriarI really like this gdmap tool now. thanks for the tip.07:50
SubCoolnvidia is better than intel07:50
MACscrok, so i just removed a bunch of packages using apt-get remove packagename, but then realized i need to get rid of all the configs as well. Anyway for me to do that after the fact?07:50
Dr_Willismkcpys:  not really. onlyh mics i use are built in to the webcam ont he laptops07:50
Dr_WillisMACscr:  you can remove/purge them afterwards and it should get rid of the configs.07:51
rwwMACscr: sudo aptitude purge ~c07:51
Dr_WillisMACscr:  i recall ubuntu-tweak having a  thing for that also.07:51
rwwMACscr: ~c means "all removed but not purged packages"07:51
besogonSubCool: BUt using nvidia you have to use special nvidia program to tune the card07:51
SubCoolya, but thats because nvidia is too lazy to support all the hassle07:51
besogonIs there someone who know Samba and WINs well. I stuck in a problem with it.07:51
SubCoolwish i could help- having same issue, against Win 7- machines being a brat07:52
Dr_Willisbesogon:  state the issue and see what happens07:52
trupheenixhi i have the following situation. i have a wireless broadband modem connected to one of my laptops and I have a wifi router. I want to connect my Wifi router to my laptop and share the wireless broadband connection with other devices in my house. can anyone guide me?07:52
SubCoolDr_Willis, i have to log out into console?07:52
Dr_WillisSubCool:  perhaps. ive not needed to generate an xorg.conf in years..07:53
SubCoolhaha- ok. how do i log out completed? but to a terminal prompt?07:53
Dr_WillisSubCool:  sudo service gdm stop07:54
SubCoollol k- brb07:54
besogonSubCool: Dr_Willis, I have 2 network eth0 (interanal subnet) and eth1 (external net). I have checked in smb.conf "wins support = yes " to make samba be WINS. but07:55
besogonSubCool: Dr_Willis, according to http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/tdb.html07:55
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csxtphey how do you start apache server on ubuntu 10.0407:56
besogonSubCool: Dr_Willis, I should have got wins.tdb and wins.dat file and I haven't. Also I can't ping computers in external network from subnet07:56
besogonI don't know what is it.07:56
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Dr_Willisbesogon:  you mean ping by name? or ping by ip# ?07:56
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besogonCan it be a bag?07:56
besogonDr_Willis: yes07:56
Dr_Williserr.. yes to what part? :)07:57
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besogonDr_Willis: But I can see workgroups and master browsers NetBIOS names al the same07:57
petersteele111how do you get the colored names? stupid question i know07:57
Dr_Willispetersteele111:  what colored names?07:57
besogonDr_Willis: I can ping by IP07:57
Dr_Willispetersteele111:  its a feature of your IRC client. (highlighting)07:58
besogonDr_Willis: but not NetBIOS07:58
Dr_Willisbesogon:  Im not sure that wins does let you ping by hostname.. ive never seen it work that. i always edit my /etc/hosts to have the proper name/ip so i can ping via hostname07:58
Dr_Willisbesogon:  been wanting to ask about that in #samba someday.. but never gotten around to it07:58
Dr_WillisNow on a windows machine.. yes.. I can ping by that name.. :) which suprised me07:59
Dr_WillisBeen fighting with a few machines and samba  for the last few months here also.08:00
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quiescensbesogon, dr_willis: you will want to look at /etc/nsswitch.conf08:00
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Four2zerohello to all, is there a bandwidth meter for ubuntu ?08:01
Dr_WillisNice comment in the file --->  for more info see --> info libc "Name Service Switch"08:01
besogonDr_Willis: I heard that samba WINs and Windows WINs are not compatible. It can be the reason but I don't sure08:02
Dr_Willisbesogon:  my issue is i have one 'nas' that works if i access it via ip. OR its name.. but its not showing up on any machine  when they show machines on the network. :)08:02
besogonquiescens: I know about it. I checked it properly and ping in subnet works fine but not ping through the gateway08:02
Dr_WillisHmm.. the info page given in the config file.. dosent seem to mention the actual config file. :)08:03
olegbI need to configure a ubuntu 10.04 installation to automaticly login as a user and I like to make sure that the user doesnt need to use any passwords to log in and operate the system. I know how to do automatic login for the account. But, the default keyring unlocking is teasing me - can anyone point me to some documentation for for doing this.08:04
ceil420Four2zero: you can use conky :) highly customizable desktop system status stuff (including cpu usage, mem usage, b/w usage, temps (with the right hardware/drivers), and much much more!)08:04
Dr_Willisolegb:  dont set a password for the default keyring.. and it wont ask08:05
ceil420Four2zero: http://conky.sourceforge.net/ (had to make sure they were at the same site <_<)08:05
Four2zeroceil420, i just need bandwidth for ubuntu-server.08:05
Four2zeroany others besides conkey ?08:05
Dr_Willisolegb:  when it asks for a password the first time. just hit enter and confirm the 'use unsafe storage' option08:05
Dr_Willisolegb:  if one is set. change  the password to be blank08:05
olegbDr_Willis: the problem then is it seems to forget the passwords for wifi networks08:05
ceil420Four2zero: i dunno, that's just the only one i've ever used08:05
quiescensbesogon: if you have multiple subnets worth you'll need to make sure that one system is used as the wins server and then use dhcp or whatever to set that system as the wins server for all the systems involved08:05
airtonixFour2zero, depends if you need to see bandwidth in use now or a history of use ?08:05
Dr_Willisolegb:  really? it rembers them here08:06
Four2zeropreferbally in use08:06
Dr_Willisolegb:  it even auto connects to the one at home. no clicking needed08:06
olegbDr_Willis: OK, could be a local problem - i'll try again. Tanks alot!08:06
airtonixFour2zero, bandwidthd will give you html outputs containing graph images showing history of usage by IP and jnettop or IPtstate will show you bandwidth used now08:06
besogonquiescens: Actually I'm trying to set network in a class in a university.08:06
Dr_Willisolegb:  i wonder if it could be a wireless serucity thing.08:07
ceil420Four2zero: you could have conky only report b/w if you like :p08:07
ceil420Four2zero: gotta admit, airtonix's solution sounds cooler tho :p08:07
Dr_Willis!info ntop08:07
ubottuntop (source: ntop): display network usage in web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:3.3-13 (lucid), package size 2556 kB, installed size 10724 kB08:07
Dr_Willisntop displays so much stuff its scary :)08:07
=== JoshuaP is now known as thatjoshdood
airtonixnop is not easy to setup08:07
besogonquiescens: the network (eth1(DHCP+ windows WINs)  -->Ubuntu(DHCP Realy, samba WINS) --> class08:08
Four2zeroairtonix u mean jnettop08:08
Four2zerowill check both them utilities out08:08
airtonixFour2zero, no jnettop is dead easy to use its the bandwidth version of htop08:08
cfeddeFour2zero: some people like "system monitor" in the system>administration menu from gnome.08:09
airtonixFour2zero, Dr_Willis i've also noticed that ntop is a daemon which (for me at least ) decides to eat most of my cpu cycles08:09
olegbDr_Willis: yes, could be a wifi issue - I'll try to look further into it, thanks for your help :-)08:09
quiescensbesogon: i take it they don't have a wins server that you can just point at08:09
besogonquiescens: class is located on interface eth0. And I have access from eth1 to eth0 fully, but in eth0 network I can see only workgroups in eth1 and ping by IP.08:10
quiescensbesogon: firstly, make sure that the ubuntu system in the middle can lookup by name using nmblookup, and you have it set with wins support = yes as you've said08:11
Four2zerowow, System Monitor will do....sending 1.1MiB/s08:11
jibsWhen I press up arrow on command line this shows > ^[[A   ?  :-P am a noob08:11
quiescensbesogon: you'll need to make it so that the dhcp relay adds on a parameter so that the systems behind it use it as a wins server08:11
jibsWhere are the previous commands ..?08:12
besogonquiescens: ubuntu can look all. and "wins support = yes" was set too.08:12
Dr_Willisjibs:  sounds liek the terminal is in some odd mode. thats  the escape keys for the arrows08:12
Dr_Willisjibs:  perhaps try 'reset' command and see if it works.08:12
quiescensbesogon: yeah, so the ubuntu box is acting as a wins server, but the rest of the systems don't technically know that08:12
Dr_Willisjibs:  you are using bash correct?08:12
jibsYup .. think so !  Dr_Willis08:13
besogonquiescens: dhcp3-relay didn't work for me (I don't know why) I use dhcp-helper. I can't change dhcp info08:13
jibsAnd how do we change back to default prompt -  "[\\u@\\h]"  , right ?08:13
besogonquiescens: may be you are right. I heard that Samba WINs and Windows Wins are not compatibe08:14
Dr_WillisMy ANNOYING nas i got - for some reason is giving an ip of  when i 'nmblookup nas'  any ideas on that? My samba-fu is weak08:14
quiescenswindows can be configured to use samba's WINS server08:15
Dr_Willisits not giving any other ip#.  unlike the other samba box;s :(08:15
quiescensbesogon: the only problem is that at the moment, if you go to one of the windows systems and type ipconfig /all in a command prompt, it will not have a WINS server listed08:15
airtonixDr_Willis, why would it be giving a broadcast address as its IP?08:15
quiescensbesogon: you need to find some way of setting that appropriately08:16
airtonixDr_Willis, I wouldn't trust that, and therefore would do an nmap ping scan of your local network to find all the machines and their IP addresses08:16
Dr_Willisairtonix:  well that first line is the broadcast..  it shoudl give a 2nd line as its ip#. its not doing that..08:17
quiescensbesogon: either by overriding it on each system individually or by having the relay change the dhcp parameters to add the WINS server08:17
airtonixDr_Willis, zenmap gui for gnome makes various nmap tasks easy08:17
quiescensbesogon: possibly other ways too, but those are the ones I can think of off-hand08:18
Dr_Willis$ nmblookup blacklaptop---> querying blacklaptop on --> blacklaptop<00>08:18
airtonixDr_Willis, yes but that relies on something in the NAS that is obviously not working properly (layer 7)08:18
Dr_Willisairtonix:  i know its ip. :) its set staically to - but its aparently not brodcasting that info when asked.08:18
enliI get error "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgio-2.0" everytime I try to compile any program. I searched around and apparently I need to have "libgio-fam", but that is already installed. Any guesses?08:18
airtonixDr_Willis, i assume you can't telnet to the thing ?08:19
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Dr_Willisairtonix:  yea. thats what im trying to figure out. Its a 'simple.net' nas. that just shares 2 hard drives.. I can ssh to it and get to its smb.conf :) but i dont see anything odd in its settings08:19
quiescensannd, i'll be afk for a bit08:19
airtonixDr_Willis, (you'd be able to find out if you did a nmap scan on it)08:19
Dr_Willisairtonix:  so I can get to it. :)08:19
Dr_Willisairtonix:  right i can nmap and find it. If i enter the smb:// it does work08:19
Dr_Willisbut it never shows up on the scans of the lan by any other machines.08:20
besogonquiescens: In eth0 (internal network) I set WIN server to ubuntu IP address. I didn't help me.08:20
besogonquiescens: It didn't help me. *08:20
ilovefairuzenli: libglib2.0-dev08:20
Adzyhow do i modify grub2 in ubuntu 10.0408:20
airtonixDr_Willis, i think nmbd and winbind are the processes that deal with advertising win names (check they are running)08:20
Dr_WillisI think smb://nas only works because i got nas in the hosts file08:20
airtonixDr_Willis, i would also investigate installing avahi in the device so you don't have to bother with WINS08:21
mlqstupDr_Willis, did you check your client machine08:22
ilovefairuz!grub2 > Adzy08:22
ubottuAdzy, please see my private message08:22
besogonStrange that #samba chanell is so silent and we have to discussion it here08:22
mlqstupyour firewall could be blocking smb broadcasts, you won't be needin WINS server to see it on the network08:22
enliilovefairuz: Thanks, it was installed previously.. reinstallation fixed the problem. What would be the reason?08:22
Dr_Willisairtonix:  its a embeded 'thing' about the size of a deck of cards. $50 - it  cant really be tweaked like that.  (that ive seen so far)08:22
airtonixWINS is such fail.08:23
Dr_Willisairtonix:  it does have nmbd running. but i see no winbind on it.. cant even find a winbind binary on it. (yet)08:23
EmLeXmorning pepz08:23
airtonixDr_Willis, you also want to check that you're allowing all the required ports for SMB protocol to work08:23
ilovefairuzenli: perhaps it wasn't registered in the linker cache (ldconfig)08:24
airtonixDr_Willis, 135-139, 445, one other i forget08:24
Dr_Willisairtonix:  wht gets me is Sometimes - the thing does show up... every once in a great while08:24
enliilovefairuz: that makes sense, thanks08:24
airtonixDr_Willis, does it show up when you use the command smbtree ?08:25
EmLeXhow secure is a ssh tunnel compared to a vpn connection?08:25
valentinohi. the additional drivers program can't find my ati 5770 graphics card08:25
mlqstupEmLeX, enough :)08:25
Dr_Willisairtonix:  no it does not. and findsmb gives...08:25
mlqstupEmLeX, it depends what encryption uses your vpn08:25
Dr_Willisairtonix: unknown nis name08:26
MaahesI'm using a live usb and I'd like to set/change its password. The default password is blank, but its not allowing me to change the password?08:26
Dr_Willisairtonix:  which is part of the 'nmblookup' issue i was noticeing also.08:26
ilovefairuzEmLeX: both relay on an TLS/SSL layer08:26
Dr_WillisI dont know where that ip# is comming from on the NAS08:26
EmLeXits openvpn08:26
willinjai've try to configure the php and mysql and install torrentflux and it still doesnt work any idea why ?08:27
airtonixDr_Willis, i don't know enough about samba and your device to know whats going on08:27
Dr_Willisairtonix:  yea. its a bit beyond my samba level also.  the silly thing is supposed to be just plug in  and it works.08:27
Maaheswillinja: er, you'd have to provide more info as to what's going wrong than that.08:27
airtonixDr_Willis, maybe you can change the FlashRom and use something else08:28
willinjawell i ve install the php using $ sudo aptitude install apache208:28
willinja$ sudo aptitude install php508:28
willinja$ sudo aptitude install mysql-server08:28
willinja$ sudo aptitude install php5-mysql08:28
FloodBot3willinja: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:28
Blue1Dr_Willis: this might help on samba:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=30908:29
Dr_Willisairtonix:  well i can alter the  thing a little.. it has like 64mb for its OS. but its most of the way full. ive no way to do much other then alter what configs i find. and theres not much hacking info on it.. yet. :)08:29
willinjathen i sudo apt-get install torrentflux08:29
besogonDr_Willis: see about samba ports in Backgraund Info of the page http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/man/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/integrate-ms-networks.html08:29
Dr_Willisbesogon:  been readuing up on all teh docs.. im not sure if its an acutal samba config issue.. or some other odd networking config issue on this thing.08:30
Dr_Willisthe more pc's advance.. the harder it seems to be to get samba working right on them08:30
Dr_Willisyears ago i could have samba going fine. :)08:30
DagoRedDr_Willis: At least you aren't messing with a mac trying to get samba shares working on it.... it makes regular implementations of Samba look like cake.08:31
Dr_WillisDagoRed:  yea. what gets me - this gizmo DOES work.. works decently well.. its just not seen when scanning..08:32
AdzyHello! Can anyone give me advice on why ubuntu is running mega slow when installed on dual boot system but when i use VMware it runs fine??/ anyideas?08:32
ilovefairuzAdzy: did you use Wubi?08:32
Dr_WillisDagoRed:  Hmm. I think i discovered a hidden bittorrent service on it. :)08:33
DagoRedDr_Willis: You mean your machine isn't seen by a windows machine?08:33
Adzyi installed vista, then used ubuntu live cd to partition then install...08:33
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Dr_WillisDagoRed:  its not seen when network neightborhood, or findsmb, or smbree, or nautilus scan for it..08:33
Dr_WillisDagoRed:  BUT every so often. it does show up.08:34
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Dr_Willisheres info on the gizmoo -> http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r24228293-Equipment-Hitachi-SimpleNET-NAS-Head-USB-20-Portable-Dongle08:34
Dr_Willisfor $50 (or less) it can share 2 usb hard drives to the LAN08:34
DagoRedAdzy: You probably have driver issue. VMware and Virtualbox have a install thing for guest additions that optimizes them for the VM. When running off the hardware directly you will need to make sure you are using the proper drivers.08:34
ilovefairuzAdzy: alt + f2, then type 'gnome-system-monitor' and check around to see what's consuming CPU or RAM08:35
DagoRedDr_Willis: That isn't too uncommon, I'm assuming you're on a primarily windows network?08:35
Adzythanks ilovarfairux ill try that.. ill have to re boot cause i cant get it to pick up my wireless network usb either!08:35
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ilovefairuz!cn | yinyulong08:36
ubottuyinyulong: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:36
Adzyhow do i install new hardware when it doesnt pick it up automatically?08:36
Dr_WillisDagoRed:  got 2 win machines, 2 linux box's and 2 laptops that can switch :)08:36
anuraghello i have installed kubuntu latest version,when i will tyr to connect internet via mobile phone(nokia) ,gives respons as not connected,how i can resolved08:37
ilovefairuzAdzy: do you have a wired connection?08:37
Adzyno ;(08:37
Adzyotherwise i woulda used it!08:37
anuragandy,how i will resolved my problem08:38
DagoRedDr_Willis: That explains a lot.  There's something about windows network groups that aren't managed by a domain controller that run into issues with finding other computers constantly.  If you set up a domain server I'm sure all your issues should be fixed, but I'm sure it's not worth the effort.08:38
ashiswin[happy]Dr_Willis, i managed to get my windows drive up and running again. and through windows, it seems my ubuntu is fine :)08:39
anuraghello i have installed kubuntu latest version,when i will tyr to connect internet via mobile phone(nokia) ,gives respons as not connected,how i can resolved08:39
Adzyok well ill go see wheats lagging my system n get back to yaz :D08:39
defendguini've got an issue with 10.04...  after a recent update, i can't pin point wich one but i've trilled rolling back to an older kernel and it didn't fix it, when i try to suspend my computer hangs and never gets into suspend it just stays on and the only way out is to hold down the power button08:39
Dr_Willisashiswin[happy]:  that was the one that was dieing?08:39
ilovefairuzAdzy: identify the modem by typing in a terminal: lsusb .. but you'll probably need a wired connection anyway to install updates08:39
anuraghello i have installed kubuntu latest version,when i will tyr to connect internet via mobile phone(nokia) ,gives respons as not connected,how i can resolved08:39
ashiswin[happy]Yes Dr_Willis. both were dying now they work :)08:39
Dr_Willisashiswin[happy]:  i would be doing some backups ... real fast08:40
Dr_Willisashiswin[happy]:  or dod you find a bad cable?08:40
bethebunnyHi, I'm trying to program a GUI in python3; importing Tkinter in python2 works fine, but in python3 it claims the package python-tk isn't installed (it is). Any ideas?08:40
Blue1bethebunny: kill the beast!08:40
ashiswin[happy]Dr_Willis, I just managed to force my com ard 20 time to do chkdsk which was hard, cos it progressed very little each time08:40
ilovefairuz!patience | anurag08:40
ubottuanurag: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com08:40
undeadhi to all08:41
ilovefairuzanurag: how is the phone connected? bluetooth or a cable?08:41
Darthfetthello, new to Ubuntu here, is there any way I can automatically load my windows partition on boot-up?  I have all my music there.08:41
ilovefairuz!hi | undead08:41
ubottuundead: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:41
=== ashiswin[happy] is now known as ashiswin
DagoRedbethebunny: Makes sense, you need new python extensions for Tkinter in version 3. My advice, don't use python 3.x yet and stick to 2.6.08:41
airtonixDr_Willis, 2.80 load average :(08:41
Dr_WillisDarthfett:  you can make a /etc/fstab entry for it to mount it automatcilly08:41
DagoRedDarthfett: Look up fstab and ntfs.08:41
Darthfettcool, thanks08:42
ihatelindsaylohawhat up room08:42
LinuxFetusDoes 64-bit Ubuntu have any issues with Skype?08:42
Dr_Willisairtonix:  yea. i noticed it getting warm. but i got it hanging off a shelf where it gets lots of air. wife watches videos from the gizmo constantly now that i got her player to see it via ip#08:42
ashiswinBut I have to say Dr_Willis, thanks for the help :)08:42
undeadi use ubuntu x6408:42
undeadand i have skype08:42
airtonixDr_Willis, if i had one i would be making a custom box for it so i could put a copper heatsink on the cpu08:43
Dr_Willisairtonix:  load average here is 2.69 it seems08:43
bethebunnyDagoRed: There seems to be a lot of reluctance to switch in the community, but I much prefer python3. Why do you think people are so hesitant? (I solved my problem, apparently there's a separate python3-tk package).08:43
anuraghello i have installed kubuntu latest version,when i will tyr to connect internet via mobile phone(nokia) ,gives respons as not connected,how i can resolved08:43
ihatelindsayloharoom: torrent client of choice?08:43
Dr_Willisihatelindsayloha:  use what you like. with the features you want.08:43
Dr_Willisihatelindsayloha:  most any of them can do the basics just fine08:43
anuragplease an one can solve08:44
besogonProxy ARP. Does someone hear of it?08:44
ihatelindsaylohawell i like tixati and deluge...i was asking your opinion on what you like08:44
frobisherIWhat is the default shell in ubuntu dash or bash?08:44
DagoRedbethebunny: Main reason is that the switch killed a lot of my own code. Also when working with languages that rely on a virtual machine or interpretor people tend to be much more reluctant to switch because they have to get the foundation for the software to work.08:44
rwwfrobisher: bash for users, dash for shell scripts that call /bin/sh.08:44
Dr_Willisfrobisher:  default USER shell is bash.. system shell is 'dash'08:44
frobisherthank you rww08:45
anuraghello i have installed kubuntu latest version,when i will tyr to connect internet via mobile phone(nokia) ,gives respons as not connected,how i can resolved08:45
ashiswinSo, if i go into ctrl-alt-f1, i'm using dash not bash?08:45
DagoRedbethebunny: Plus... when it comes to people like me (computer hardware developers) or long time software developers, we tend to enjoy playing with stuff that is stable and works.  The only reason to jump is due to lack of support.08:45
Dr_Willisanurag:  if you are going to just repeate.. you may want to correct the spelling mistakes. :)08:45
ihatelindsaylohatethering with a nokia?08:45
rwwashiswin: no, you're using bash, because you're presumably a user and not a shell script.08:46
ihatelindsaylohahave you tried google or youtube for the answer?08:46
ashiswinah ok thanks rww08:46
bethebunnyDagoRed: I see, but I would have thought that the 2to3 tool would fix most of this. I recognise that many of the python3 features are implemented in python2, but there are some that are extremely hard to pass up, like set/dict comprehensions.08:46
ilovefairuz!google | ihatelindsayloha08:46
ubottuihatelindsayloha: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.08:46
ashiswinIs it possible to set my default user shell to dash rww?08:46
bethebunnyDagoRed: Ah, I imagine hardware development is a much different bag :)08:46
willinjagoogle-fu ?08:47
anuraghello i have installed kubuntu latest version,when i will tyr to connect internet via mobile phone(nokia) by wired and bluetooth  ,gives respons as not connected,how i can resolved08:47
ilovefairuzanurag: open a terminal, type 'lsusb' and pastebin the output08:47
ihatelindsaylohaubottu robot08:47
ilovefairuz!paste | anurag08:47
ubottuanurag: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:47
ihatelindsaylohaand google fu08:47
DagoRedbethebunny: We built our own work arounds in 2.x. Hell, I even made a goto function for code using decorators.08:47
ihatelindsaylohai'm just asking08:47
undeadanyone there from the U.S.A08:48
ilovefairuz!offtopic | undead08:48
ubottuundead: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:48
bethebunnyDagoRed: That sounds very scary :D I'm more on the theoretical mathematics side of coding, so many of the features of python3 appeal to me.08:48
=== Lindy is now known as haidroyo
ihatelindsaylohawell i suppose this is the official help channel...so i'm not here to answer questions, just to point in the direction08:49
ihatelindsaylohaubottu slaying dragons, what out08:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:49
DagoRedbethebunny: Do you know if scipy and numpy are supported by python 3.x yet?08:49
ihatelindsaylohayeah i suppose thats right08:49
ilovefairuzihatelindsayloha: if you're not here to either ask or answer ubuntu-related questions, then leave and/or join #ubuntu-offtopic08:50
ihatelindsaylohaokay bye08:50
=== ihatelindsayloha is now known as helpguy101
helpguy101now that i have my thinking cap on08:50
helpguy101how might i be a service sir08:51
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!08:51
Darthfettalright, I think I got it, thanks DagoRed, Dr_Willis08:51
DagoRedDarthfett: You're welcome.08:52
helpguy101any questions>08:52
duckwarsi'm sorry, but what is the command to update all the packages, not the version itself?08:52
bethebunnyDagoRed: No, unfortunately, although I haven't really used either of these yet. I'm relatively new to python.08:52
helpguy101sudo apt-get update08:52
=== rww_ is now known as rww
ilovefairuzduckwars: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade08:52
Flannelhelpguy101: Please don't ask that.  Wait for people to ask questions and then answer them if you can.08:52
DagoRedbethebunny: You are missing out, with matplot lib you essentially have a python version of matlab that just screams in terms of performance.08:53
duckwarsi do that, but whenever I start up the computer it says i have like 53 updates and 91 security updates, or something like that08:53
ilovefairuzduckwars: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade is what upgrades the whole distro to a newer version if available08:53
helpguy101have you tried the gui?08:53
duckwarsi can't access the gui08:53
Dr_Willisdist-upgrade can also be needed if stuff is held back for some reasons08:53
helpguy101and does that still happen?08:53
Dr_Willisduckwars:  you can update/upgrade from the console. or over ssh if you need to08:54
ilovefairuzduckwars: then use the command08:54
besogonduckwars: sudo apt-get upgrate08:54
duckwarsahhh, i kept doing update not upgrade, thanks gusy08:54
Tm_Tilovefairuz: dist-upgradedoesn't upgrade to newer distro release08:54
besogonduckwars: the upadate option don't install updates08:54
bethebunnyDagoRed: I will likely look into this over the next few months, since I have a few classes in which it is relevant :) Thanks for the help/advice!08:55
helpguy101so why can't we talk to eachother without needing to be unix scientist>08:56
Dr_Willisoops :)08:57
helpguy101and then answer a question if needed08:57
=== heather is now known as Guest16197
miningloveI am first to IRC08:57
Guest16197우분투 고수님께 질문이 있는데요08:57
DagoRedbethebunny: You're welcome. Good luck and do yourself a favor and don't switch to python 3.x/ the darkside just yet :)08:57
Emanonbleachbit rocks08:57
mlqstupsomeone proficient in wireless here ?08:57
ashiswinNokorean Guest 1619708:57
ashiswinno korean*08:57
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko08:57
helpguy101nice symbols ubottu08:58
miningloveno Chinese08:58
gryllidaI've installed xubuntu-desktop, logged out, tried logging in an `xfce session` and a `xubuntu session` instead of `GNOME`. However in both of them, titlebars of windows are missing, windows do not appear in taskbar. It is Ubuntu 10.04. How can I troubleshoot/fix this issue?08:58
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:58
ashiswinlol ok08:58
mlqstupsomeone proficient in wireless here ?08:58
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:58
helpguy101your windows decorater is not working08:58
ilovefairuz!details | mlqstup08:58
rww!msgthebot > ashiswin08:58
ubottumlqstup: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:58
ubottuashiswin, please see my private message08:58
gryllida!wireless | mlqstup08:58
ubottumlqstup: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:58
gryllidamlqstup, state your full questionj please08:59
helpguy101try this in a terminal: metacity --replace08:59
Guest16197how to acess ubuntu-ko please08:59
mlqstupi have problem with my broadcom wireless card - airforce one 54g08:59
rwwGuest16197: type /join #ubuntu-ko08:59
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko08:59
mlqstupi can't set it in Master mode08:59
helpguy101that should get your windowz back to normal08:59
mlqstupi did all the b43-fwcutter stuff08:59
mlqstupreloaded the modules08:59
mlqstuprebooted and still nothing09:00
anuragmy kubuntu is not giving respons for conecting or not09:00
=== FusionX- is now known as FusionX
mlqstupi get Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :09:00
mlqstup    SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument.09:00
=== mininglove is now known as mining
ilovefairuz!enter | mlqstup09:00
ubottumlqstup: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:00
ilovefairuzmlqstup: pastebin: sudo lshw -C network09:00
mlqstupilovefairuz, http://pastebin.com/MLj7VzeV09:02
FusionXsorry guys09:03
FusionXsorry for the trouble09:03
FusionXfixed now09:03
Four2zeroi need some one to test out a video streaming and to figure out why it not running properly ?09:04
ilovefairuzmlqstup: http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#not_working_yet09:04
Four2zeroplease pm me.09:04
Dr_Willisilovefairuz:  on the good news side.. Broadcom is supposed to be opening up some of their drivers09:05
tacomasterok plz help i downloaded wicd and uninstalled network manager and now i cant connect to anynetworks and want some way of getting network manger back09:05
ilovefairuzDr_Willis: yeah but isn't it for N hardware only?09:06
mlqstupilovefairuz, thx though. i wonder why devs wrote that it is supported "14e4:4318 supported BCM4318 b/g G b43"09:06
Dr_Willisilovefairuz:  i dident really read much of #'s - i dont own any broadcom wireless  at this time09:06
Dr_Willistacomaster:  you do have a wired network?09:06
ilovefairuzmlqstup: wrote where?09:07
mlqstupin the chart09:07
tacomasterDr_Willis: no but i have another computer and a usb drive if that helps?09:07
Dr_Willistacomaster:  well you MAY be able to configure your wireless by hand with the proper commands.. but ive not done that in ages09:07
Dr_Willistacomaster:  dare we ask why you removed network manager and switched to wicd?09:07
=== oracle_ is now known as oracle
mlqstupilovefairuz, http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#Known_PCI_devices09:08
tacomasterbecause someone told me it was better09:08
ilovefairuzmlqstup: well a lot of features are working just not master mode on this particular chipset09:08
Dr_Willistacomaster:  so network manager was working  ?09:08
yessir_turanHello, how can i install vim 7.3... ?09:08
tacomasteryea it was working09:08
Dr_Willisyessir_turan:  find a ppa or the latest version. or compile from source.09:08
Dr_Willistacomaster:  why isent wicd working.. it should work just as well.09:09
yessir_turanDr_Willis: Thanks.09:09
Gnea"if it ain't broke, don't fix it"09:09
tacomasterDr_Willis: it says auth and then it goes to obtain ip address and fails to obtain a ip then i went to type in a ip that i know is in the subnetmask and then it wont even talk to the router then09:10
Dr_Willisyessir_turan:  why do you really need 7.3  :)  i doubt if theres any major new features..  (i notice ubuntu 10.10 has 7.2)09:10
ilovefairuzyessir_turan: you could search the PPAs09:10
ilovefairuz!ppa | yessir_turan09:10
ubottuyessir_turan: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.09:10
Dr_Willistacomaster:  well you could bypass wicd and configure wireless by hand with the proper commands.09:10
Dr_Willistacomaster:  but thats often a bit confuseing.. i alway shave to find some guides to do it09:10
Dr_Willistacomaster:  at least wireless was working.. so it should work if you just configure it right09:11
helpguy101if someone msgs you in irssi? how do you find out?09:11
helpguy101that's something i don't know09:11
tacomasterDr_Willis: do you know any sites to configure wireless by command line09:11
Dr_Willistacomaster:  id have to google for them. last diretions i followed i think were from the archlinux wiki's :)09:12
Dr_Willistacomaster:  most directions should be rather Distro-non-specific09:12
Dr_Willistacomaster:  wireless cards can be eth0, (or eth1) or other names, ath0, or wlan0 or .. (proberly others) thats somthing thats often confuseing to people09:12
helpguy101if someone msgs you in irssi? how do you know?09:12
tacomasterDr_Willis: my wireless card is wlan009:13
helpguy101wlan0 is mine09:13
KDC1956cannot get my wireless to work on my acer one any ideas09:13
Dr_Willishelpguy101:  you may want to go to the irssi web page and read its docs/guides/tutorials.09:13
helpguy101thnx Dr_Willis09:13
helpguy101will do09:13
Dr_Willishelpguy101:  i perfer Weechat to irssi09:13
helpguy101i heard of that b409:13
Dr_Willis!info weechat09:14
ubottuweechat (source: weechat): Fast, light and extensible chat client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.0-2ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 18 kB, installed size 52 kB09:14
helpguy101weechat is basically the same right?09:14
Dr_Willishelpguy101:  if you know irssi, and can get around it.. its very similer09:14
Dr_Willisit has some nicer features09:14
helpguy101like htop to top?09:14
helpguy101like that kinda?09:14
gryllidahow do I add an input locale in xfce?09:15
Dr_Willishelpguy101:  it has 'smart filters' and better scripting features and a lot of other things as well09:15
helpguy101i'll check it out09:16
helpguy101hay mawst09:16
mawstGreetings helpguy10109:16
helpguy101you from mn?09:16
tacomasterDr_Willis: ok new problem may this ill help more my wicd see's networks but when i iwlist wlan0 scan i get wlan0 no scan results09:18
sexcopterhi, i'm trying to change permissions of my mountpoint for a USB harddrive so that all users can read and write to it. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? http://pastebin.com/M4xmy3ic09:18
airtonixtacomaster, don't be fooled by nm-applet or wicds list of available APs (they are cummucaltive over time not realitime)09:19
stercorWhich assembler is more commonly used: nasm or gas?09:20
* [styx] is about to get in a fight in #apple09:20
DagoRedsexcopter: change it in fstab, or go to /media and type "sudo chmod 777 <usb drive mount>09:20
[styx]for some reason its on my auto join09:20
[styx]and the guys started hating on ubuntu so i joined in09:21
JoshuaLall of the sudden my screen is zoomed in, how do i zoom out again? :o09:21
Four2zerodoes anyone have a webplayer plugin i can use for apache2 ?09:21
* DagoRed is a mac user... amongst others09:21
[styx]i have nothing against mac09:21
=== trupheenix_ is now known as trupheenix
Four2zerothat is popular by users ?09:22
[styx]but they were hating on ubuntu09:22
Dr_Willistacomaster:  could be your ssids for the wireless are hidden.  Mine are. :)09:22
Dr_WillisJoshuaL:  windows key + mouse wheel09:22
sexcopterDagoRed, hmm, interesting... it doesn't appear in fstab! tried cd'ing to the directory first and didn't make a difference...09:22
Dr_WillisJoshuaL:  if you are using that compiz feature09:23
tacomasterDr_Willis: no i just turned off and back on my card and it works for the scan atleast09:23
JoshuaLDr_Willis, ty, that did it :D09:23
DagoRedsexcopter: fstab is for mounting on boot up09:23
Dr_WillisJoshuaL:  my wife loves that feature09:23
Dr_Willissexcopter:  this is a NTFS/FAT windows hard drive?09:23
stercorFour2zero: I'm writing a low-level routing for the CueCat that needs to throw away the initial Alt-F10 that changes the screen size, and doesn't echo characters.09:23
JoshuaLDr_Willis, :)09:23
sexcopterDr_Willis, correct09:23
KatsukiI've made a post as theres a lot to read, if any of you get the change glance over this please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157242409:24
Dr_Willissexcopter:  install/run the ntfs-config tool. it Can (i belive) enable access to all users. with a check box.09:24
sexcopterDr_Willis, thanks, I'll take a look09:24
helpguy101yeah good times09:24
Four2zerostercor huh !09:25
Dr_Willissexcopter:  i recall that program being flakey however.. id run it.. then check teh boxxes i needed.. then it never wanted to close properly. but it did work09:26
stercorFour2zero: getpass doesn't work.  At all.09:26
stercorThere's a few Java/Javascript apps but I don't read J/JS.09:26
Four2zerostercor, what are you talking about, enlighten me will ya.09:26
glebihanKatsuki: have you tried running apt-get with the "-f" option09:26
stercorOh...The :CueCat bar code reader.09:27
Dr_Willisstercor:  i got one of those CueCats.. from years back. :)09:27
stercorDr_Willis: Yeah, they are old.  But they work.09:27
Dr_Willisstercor:  i even recall some hacks to them.. but i forget why they were hacking them09:27
Dr_Willisstercor:  perhaps to stop those extra cahracters?09:27
Dr_Willisstercor:  dident they also send some serial #?09:28
stercorEverything I've tried passes the Alt-F10 back to the program.  This messes up the screen size.09:28
Four2zerostercor wtf, that does not relate to my issue.09:28
stercorYou can try it with Alt-F10.09:28
Dr_Willisalt-f10 does nothing here..09:29
stercorFour2zero: I'm sorry...you asked what a cuecat does...09:29
Four2zerodoes anyone have a webplayer plugin i can use for apache2 ?09:29
stercorDr_Willis: It doesn't change the screen size???09:29
Four2zeroi see i meant before that statement09:29
Dr_Willisstercor:  not here.. i am in gnome-terminal09:29
Dr_Willisstercor:  nope nothing..09:30
Dr_Willisstercor:  perhaps you got it as a Compiz binding09:30
stercorFour2zero: You mean: stercor huh !09:30
mr-poisoni have a problem with msn Empathy not sign in09:31
mr-poisongive Solution plz09:31
justinhey, anybody around, I'm having a strange problem with an install and I'm looking for some guidance09:33
willinjamr poison have u try with other apps like emesen ?09:33
tacomasterDr_Willis: ok i tried to dhclient wlano on my laptop and it said no dhcpoffers received so i connected a windows computer to the same ap and no dhcp problems just my laptop09:33
tacomasterDr_Willis: wlan0*09:33
mr-poisonit's sign in09:33
mr-poisonbut I did not like09:34
tacomasterDr_Willis: if i still have my ubuntu cd can i do a repair on it will that reinstall network manager?09:34
willinjai just uninstalled my empathy since it just pure text i cant make anything with it :|09:34
willinjamr-poison mayb this link will explain your question :D http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90545509:35
Dr_Willistacomaster:  in theory you choudl chrootinto  the installed system and install things. but ive never done it that way09:35
mr-poisonDr_Willis just tell me ?09:35
Dr_Willistacomaster:  last time i had this issue. i plugged in a wire.. ran  the dhcpclient  and got an ip.09:35
Dr_Willismr-poison:  tell you what?  I dont use MSN or Empathy09:36
sacarlsonFour2zero:  I just put ovg files in an apache2 dir /var/www/video.ovg and it played in firefox as a video09:36
glebihanmr-poison: have you tried pidgin ?09:36
tacomasteri cant plug in a wire unless i had a key to the network closet09:36
willinjapigdin is a better solution @glebihan09:36
Dr_Willistacomaster:  find a machine thats wried.. and borrow its plug :)09:37
Four2zerosacarlson but would liketo play othe formats .mkv's avi,mpeg4,xvid09:37
willinjabut for msn i rather use emesen since i think it's build for it lol~09:37
Tittiwho can tell me how to upgrade to beta release from shell?09:37
Dr_Willistacomaster:  ive not done wireless over the console enought to even begin to trouble shoot it09:37
Dr_Willis!upgrade | Titti09:37
ubottuTitti: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade09:37
bazhangTitti, #ubuntu+1 for that09:38
Titti7j #ubuntu+109:38
neha__hi all, i have once heard about a variant of ubuntu distribution which is specifically build for playing movies09:38
tacomasterwould you know how to help me from the repair on ubuntu live disk09:38
neha__does anyone remember it.09:38
sacarlsonFour2zero: I don't know about those.  maybe just convert them?09:38
bazhangneha__, no such thing09:38
mr-poisoni have other problem09:38
Four2zerowhats ovg09:38
neha__bazhang: are you sure?09:39
mr-poisoni can't update and install update package09:39
bazhangneha__, yes.09:39
Dr_Willisneha__:  seen a 'settop' box ubuntu variant the other day.. but i dont recall its name.. it dident work very well09:39
Dr_Willisneha__:  check the disrtowatch web site perhaps09:39
Dr_Willisneha__:  it was not an official ubuntu variant. so is not supported here.09:40
willinjamr-poison : that's wierd have u try to update using terminal ?09:40
glebihanmr-poison: try being specific, what error do you get and when ?09:40
mr-poisonnot in treminal09:40
bazhangmr-poison, pastebin error messages09:40
Loshkineha__: closest I can think of is mythbuntu, not really a variant as such...09:40
=== justme is now known as Guest57001
Guest57001can someone tell me why in ubuntu 10.04 some of my settings change when I log off and reboot?  My buttons are gone again09:41
neha__i am looking for a ubuntu distribution which can be booted from the usb to play just movies.09:42
kimbi have some problem when i make th upgrade09:42
bazhangneha__, no such official distro09:42
tacomasterDr_Willis: is ther any way that i could just download the network manager from apt-get and just pull it to my other computer?09:42
bazhangkimb, upgrade to what from what09:42
kimbfrom 9.0409:43
kimbto 9.1009:43
mr-poisonwhen i log to update manger update not complete it's give me error09:43
elliehello everybody09:43
bazhangtacomaster, why do you need network manager? what about connecting from the terminal09:43
tacomasterbazhang: tried to09:44
bazhangmr-poison, paste.ubuntu.com with errors09:44
bazhangtacomaster, wired or wireless, what issues, what chipset09:44
tacomasterbazhang: intel 5100 agn works with ubuntu out of the box switch from network manager to wicd and now nothing work at all09:45
kimberror d'analyse syntatique dans le fichier (var/lib/dpkg/avaible)09:45
Peloanyone decent with samba ? I'm missing something fairly simple I am sure09:45
bazhangkimb, english please09:45
Pelobazhang, syntax error in the file mentionned09:46
kimberror in (var/lib/dbkg/avaible)09:46
tacomasterbazhang: i have tried to connect from command line and wicd nothing  wont get past the getting ip stage i have tried typing in a ip that i know is valid nothing still09:46
bazhangtacomaster, does ifconfig show it09:46
ellieI can't solve a problem...I have atheros ar2413 (now I'm wired but i want y wireless working) I have lucid Lynx...09:46
tacomasterbazhang: let me get out of the live cd back to my install of ubuntu09:46
bazhangkimb, please pastebin what you tried to do and the resulting error message09:46
mr-poisonW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 7D2C7A23BF810CD509:48
sacarlsonFour2zero: sorry that was ogv  not ovg  ogv and ogg is the codec that firefox will play with no plugin09:48
tacomasterbazhang: yes ifconfig shows it as wlan009:48
mr-poisonthis is error09:48
mr-poisonthis is error09:49
mr-poisonW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 7D2C7A23BF810CD509:49
FloodBot3mr-poison: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:49
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tacomasterbazhang: anyother ideas?09:49
bazhangtacomaster, got a wifi hotspot to test on?09:50
sacarlsonellie: I think there is a backport for the atheros wifi in synaptic09:50
bazhangtacomaster, try sudo dhclient wlan0   if so09:50
glebihanmr-poison: run "sudo gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 7D2C7A23BF810CD5"09:51
mr-poisonwhere i can run it ?09:52
mr-poisonin terminal ?09:52
tacomasterbazhang: dont i need to ifconfig first?09:52
kimbE:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)09:52
bazhangtacomaster, no, if wlan0 is shown already09:52
tacomasterno DHCPOFFERS recived09:53
bazhangtacomaster, encrypted or open09:53
tacomasterbazhang: encrypted09:53
glebihanmr-poison: yes, and to make it quicker "gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 7D2C7A23BF810CD5 | sudo apt-key add"09:53
kimbcould someone help me i have this error E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)09:53
bazhangtacomaster, let me find a guide on the forums to get past that09:54
mr-poisoni make it09:54
tacomasterbazhang: http://www.ghacks.net/2009/04/14/connect-to-a-wireless-network-via-command-line/09:54
glebihanmr-poison: did you already do it or are you going too ? If you haven't wait a second09:55
kimbcould someone help me i have this error E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)09:55
tacomasteris ther a way to ad-hog form wireless to wire on windows if so i could hook up my switch to both of my computers09:56
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mr-poisongpg: requesting key BF810CD5 from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com09:56
mr-poisongpg: can't open `': No such file or directory09:56
mr-poisoni do it09:56
kimbcould someone help me i have this error E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)09:56
glebihanmr-poison: ok wait a second09:56
glebihanmr-poison: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 7D2C7A23BF810CD509:57
glebihanmr-poison: this should be better09:57
HiddenHeroDHsomeone can help me with these errors in make --> http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/AZ10iYXw09:57
yakozai'v got a problem with openvpn09:58
mr-poisonExecuting: gpg --ignore-time-conflict --no-options --no-default-keyring --secret-keyring /etc/apt/secring.gpg --trustdb-name /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg --keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --primary-keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 7D2C7A23BF810CD509:58
mr-poisongpg: requesting key BF810CD5 from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com09:58
mr-poisongpg: key BF810CD5: public key "Launchpad PPA for Awn Testing Team" imported09:58
mr-poisongpg: no ultimately trusted keys found09:58
yakozais there any body who usess it?09:58
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glebihanmr-poison: ok, now run "apt-get update"09:58
glebihanmr-poison: ok, now run "sudo apt-get update"09:58
Aciidis there an guide for setting Quotas for Chroot's09:59
mr-poisonCould not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open09:59
kimbE: Impossible de verrouiller /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)09:59
glebihanmr-poison: do you have Synaptic or the Update manager opened ? I so ,close them10:00
bazhangkimb, mr-poison sounds like you both have synaptic package manager or something else still running. close them or let the install finish10:00
HiddenHeroDHsomeone can help me with these errors in make --> http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/AZ10iYXw10:00
bazhangHiddenHeroDH, making what10:00
kimba karmic i running10:01
HiddenHeroDHbazhang: some files in fortran90, i'm compiling a software10:01
bazhangHiddenHeroDH, what software package10:01
HiddenHeroDHbazhang: it's called nemo10:02
bazhangHiddenHeroDH, what is it, what does it do10:03
HiddenHeroDHbazhang: i need to compile some files, do you know where the errors are refered to?10:04
bazhangHiddenHeroDH, what does the package do10:04
JHoglundSo, I mounted this remote server over SFTP using the "Places -> Connect to server dialogue". The server has dropped the connection, how can I remove the mount so that I can re-connect? If I try to open the mount now, Nautilus just hangs for 30s or so before timing out with an error.10:04
HiddenHeroDHbazhang: it's not necessary this information :)10:05
bazhangHiddenHeroDH, then good luck.10:05
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yakozaaccording to http://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/miscellaneous/78-static-key-mini-howto.html10:05
HiddenHeroDHbazhang: you too10:05
kimbi don't have libldap-2.4-210:05
yakozawhen i get this msg10:06
Dr_WillisJHoglund:  if you are going to do that sort of thing a lot. You mauy want to check in to the 'sshfs' it lets you  do it a little easier. as for reconnecting.. not srue. You could try places -> connect to server.. again10:06
JHoglundDr_Willis: I tried, it seems that I cannot reconnect to the same server with the same credentials as long as the old connection is hanging10:06
ilovefairuzJHoglund: right-click and select umount?10:06
kimbi don't have libldap-2.4-210:06
kimbi don't have libldap-2.4-210:06
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo tacomaster this should do it10:07
JHoglundilovefairuz: Nope, can't right-click, Nautilus hangs when I try10:07
Dr_WillisJHoglund:  if you can ssh in, you could and then kill the other connection.. I imagine it will time out after a while. but never had the issues10:07
ilovefairuzJHoglund: even on the desktop?10:07
JHoglundilovefairuz: Yep, the server does not have any GUI10:07
Dr_WillisJHoglund:  or perhaps just log out/back in  (nasty way to try a fix)10:07
JHoglundDr_Willis: Well, the problem seems to be that the connection is lost10:07
ilovefairuzJHoglund: I mean right-clicking on the icon on the desktop10:07
Dr_WillisJHoglund:  you srue the server is still up?10:08
JHoglundDr_Willis: Maybe I'll need to do that, but I have a lot of programs which I would like to keep running :)10:08
abhijit!ldap | kimb10:08
ubottukimb: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer10:08
JHoglundDr_Willis: Yes, this irssi session resides on the server :)10:08
zerwasI have a .flv file which i can't play with a media player. All i get is "[flv @ 0x3277710]Could not find codec parameters (Video: h264)"10:08
JHoglundilovefairuz: Oh, I didn't notice there was one :)10:08
abhijitzerwas: try with vlc?10:08
ilovefairuz!codec | zerwas10:08
ubottuzerwas: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:08
zerwasabhijit> already tried, same error message10:08
JHoglundilovefairuz: There wasn't10:09
bazhangzerwas, install the codec then10:09
zerwasilovefairuz> already installed all relevant codecs10:09
JHoglundAaaand, the mount has gone away, silently without notice, great!10:09
zerwasilovefairuz> ubuntu-restricted-extras, w64codecs, x264, etc.10:09
bazhangzerwas, then its corrupted10:09
Dr_Williszerwas:  you could convert it to avi.    It may be currupted as bazhang  sugests..10:09
ilovefairuzJHoglund: gvfs-mount -l .. and -u to umount one of them10:09
JHoglundilovefairuz: Great, thanks!10:10
zerwasDr_Willis> i can't convert it to anything with ffmpeg, because i get the same error when i try to play it10:10
bazhangzerwas, re download, convert if you wish (though likely corrupted)10:10
Dr_Williszerwas:  that sounds like its definatly Corrupted then10:10
zerwasbazhang> someone sent it to me who can play it without any problems10:10
Dr_Williszerwas:  have them resend it.. check the md5's of it10:11
bazhangzerwas, got a link? flv play fine here10:11
zerwasbazhang> it's 250 MB10:11
bazhangzerwas, doubt its flv then10:11
Dr_Willisfor a 3 min video. :)10:11
ilovefairuzzerwas: in a termina: file filename.flv10:11
zerwasit is .flv. http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=RiqkQthc10:12
ilovefairuzterminal **10:12
zerwasDr_Willis> no, 32 minutes ;)10:12
ilovefairuzzerwas: looks corrupted10:12
bazhangzerwas, then convert with handbrake, or get said individual to resend it. all data point to corruption though10:12
zerwasBut strange, that i can upload it to Youtube and youtube immediately shows thumbnails. Also, the program Aegisub can load and play the file fine (it's a portable version)10:14
ddilingeranyone know an app for ubuntu that works with sql(postgres specifically) and can draw me nice graphs(for exmaple i write a query that outputs x,y and it plots them and shows the distribution)10:15
ilovefairuzzerwas: they have exceptional video processing infrastructure and I'm guessing they do some restoration work on your video10:15
ilovefairuzzerwas: you could upload to youtube and redownload it from there10:16
zerwasilovefairuz> yeah that was my plan. but then i remembered that youtube immediately deletes videos longer than 15 minutes10:16
zerwasthank you very much for your help, everybody. I'll find a way to get that file again10:16
abhijitddilinger: pgdesigner?10:17
tacomasterDr_Willis: ok i got my wireless working :P10:17
Dr_Willistacomaster:  Oh Happy Day! :)10:17
bazhangtacomaster, how10:17
yinyulongApparmor details of the configuration to go there and who knows what troubles tell10:18
tacomasterbazhang: i got on a windows computer and wireless to wire ad-hog and pluged both my linux and windows laptop into my cisco 2500 switch and downloaded network manager again :P10:18
FriarI have two user accounts on my laptop. I'd like to choose between them on login, but have password login disabled. I'd also like to have no password to go between them with the change user option when the laptop is already booted up.10:18
bazhangyinyulong, question in there?10:18
FriarI have different settings from my wife, but there's no reason for us to have to type our passwords all the tim.10:18
tacomasterbazhang: i think the only think i learned from this was i hate wicd lol10:19
matrix64hey, how do I start upstart from recovery console?10:19
glebihanFriar: System->Administration->Login Screen10:19
bazhangtacomaster, glad you got it going10:19
ShinkaIs there an option "Replacing existing Linux" in the 10.04 installer (or in the new 10.10 beta) ?10:19
glebihanFriar: disable autologin there10:19
tacomasterbazhang: lol im just glad i know more about windows then i do about linux atm10:20
ddilingerabhijit: hmm, never heard of pgdesigner going to check it out, thanks10:20
Friarglebihan, I have disable autologin. I'm more concerned about removing the need to enter a password every time.10:20
glebihanFriar: and in System->Administration->Users, you can choose not to ask for password on login10:21
cgahi all, is there any bug that after update of a lucid system makes the system not seeing / partition ?10:21
tacomasterbazhang: so what does wicd not work for me is something wrong with it?10:21
iluminator101i get a k3b error when i try to burn .bin file this is the error  k3b you are running an unpatched cdrecord version and this error occurs with high quality media10:21
bazhangzerwas, that does not look safe, not going to try it, thanks10:21
zerwasbazhang> no problem10:22
zerwasnothing illegal10:22
Friarglebihan, thanks. that was exactly what I was looking for!10:22
glebihanFriar: you're welcome10:22
bazhangzerwas, no, not suggesting that, just the warning I got. that is all10:22
justcchi , everyone.10:23
justccDoes somebody have Eclipse Carbon Edition?10:23
bazhangtacomaster, installing wicd removes network manager as far as I recall, usually sett ing things in the terminal will remove either as an issue10:24
justccSeek for Eclipse Carbon Edition. I failed downloading it from offical site all the time.10:24
bazhangjustcc, pay software?10:24
justccbazhang, free software.10:24
juliohmWhat is Glib unchecked box in compiz-config settings?10:24
bazhangjustcc, some connection to ubuntu there?10:24
tacomasterbazhang: but what caused it to not want to connect to any networks10:25
justccbazhang, not a single relations to ubuntu but all relevant to Mac OS 10.310:25
bazhangtacomaster, could be hidden essid, hard to troubleshoot without more info10:25
mheathjustcc: Why would you join #ubuntu to ask that?10:25
bazhangjustcc, then try in a mac channel10:25
bazhang##macosx or ##apple10:26
justccmheath, because I didn't find a better place to ask.10:26
bazhangjustcc, try above10:26
justccbazhang, is there a channel called #mac?10:26
elliethe wireless doesn't work @sacarlson10:26
bazhangjustcc, not sure; /msg alis list *mac*10:26
elliemsg->sacarlson ar u ok?10:27
sheepzhas anyone experienced this: nicotine starts up randomly when instlling something via apt-get?10:27
=== Greyscale is now known as Greysc[a]le
AEONFLUXhi i need to ask ones more  app armor every time i boot up is asking for the password. how to make it not to ask me any more ?10:27
bazhangAEONFLUX, why are you using app armor10:28
naxahi! I have a grub on my sdb5 and I have a grub on sda1. how can I make an entry to the sda1 grub to "redirect" to the sdb5 grub? please don't ask why, just help me do it, if it is possible. :) thanks10:28
justccbazhang, yeah, #mac seems fine.10:28
Dr_Willisnaxa:  this is grub1 or grub2 ?10:28
justccbazhang, thanks , bro.10:28
ilovefairuznaxa: chainloader command10:29
Dr_Willisnaxa:  its possible via chainloading  the bootloaders i recall. but ive never needed to do so10:29
AEONFLUXbazhang,  i think its apparmor or keyring or whatever :) it asking me for password every time i boot up10:29
ilovefairuz!grub2 | naxa10:29
ubottunaxa: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub210:29
naxaDr_Willis, well sda1 is grub1 and sdb5 is grub210:29
randerzanderWhen I plug in a USB drive, will my 10.04 desktop automatically mount its filesystem?10:29
bazhangAEONFLUX, keyring it is10:29
Dr_WillisAEONFLUX:  you mean after you login? or befor?10:29
bazhangranderzander, should do10:29
glebihanranderzander: if it's configured to do so (default), yes10:29
ilovefairuznaxa: it's okay, chainloading works with any bootloader10:30
AEONFLUXi have auto login so before i see desktop window open and i have to put my password before im able to use desktop10:30
naxailovefairuz, Dr_Willis: thank you, i check the docs then about chainloading10:30
ericblairwhy does it say that ubuntu 64 bit is 'not recommended for everyday desktop usage' ... what's it for?  is it ok for a 64 bit laptop?10:30
randerzanderWhen I try to cd to /media/FantomHD I get Permission denied10:30
Dr_WillisAEONFLUX:  could be that for your encrypted home? If its your 'keyring' i got a video setup to reset that -> http://drop.io/dr_willis10:30
Dr_Willisranderzander:  what filesystem is the HD?10:30
abhijit!64 | ericblair10:30
ubottuericblair: AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.10:30
bazhangericblair, badly worded, 64bit is fine10:31
ericblairbut on the website it says 'not recommended for daily use'  why is that10:31
Dr_Willisericblair:  some info on that --> http://ubuntu-user.com/Online/Blogs/Marcel-Gagne-Orbiting-Planet-buntu/Stop-Apologizing-For-Linux10:31
ericblairi was just wondering10:31
abhijitericblair: that page is not updated. 64 bit is recommended. use it10:31
mheathericblair: there used to be a lot of minor compatability issues with 64bit. However, most of them are gone now.10:31
ericblairi see10:31
bazhangericblair, some issues with flash, works fine10:31
FloodBot3ericblair: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:31
Dr_Willisericblair:  think of it as 'trying to get it to work for the most people/idiot proofing'10:31
Dr_Willisericblair:  if you understand the diff tween 64bit and 32  - then use what you want.10:31
pocoyoDestine: omg.10:31
ericblairok bye10:32
AEONFLUXDr_Willis,  i dont know it wasnt like that before i think i upgraded or updated apparmor in synaptic and that when it started asking for password10:32
Destinepocoyo, sorry?10:32
Dr_Willisericblair:  if your grandmother got on to download it and had no clue what her hardwaer was, or what she needed...10:32
Dr_Willisranderzander:  if you install/run the ntfs-config tool. you can check some checkbox's and it will enable read/write access to ntfs for all users.10:33
sriramomanhello guys, i am on an Toshiba L500 laptop with core i3 and 4GB. i want to install ubuntu 10.04 64bit as my only OS. when i enter installation, it hangs during boot with "child_rip 0x0/0x20" message. if i select acpi=off and noapic, it boots in but the installed system gives the same error. any guide regarding this issue..?10:34
AEONFLUXDr_Willis,  and in dmesg i have this sort of info there is more thats the fist line about apparmor10:34
AEONFLUXAppArmor DFA next/check upper bounds error fixed, upgrade user space tools10:34
mheathilovefairuz: FYI, incase someone asks the same question as naxa - Grub Legacy often does NOT like to chainload Grub 2. Instead, you usually need a "kernel /boot/grub/core.img" command to boot grub 2.10:35
bazhangsriramoman, md5 the iso, reburn at slow speed, do the disk integrity check; or try the alternate installer10:35
bazhang!md5 | sriramoman10:35
ubottusriramoman: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:35
ilovefairuzmheath: link?10:35
sriramomanbazhang: the md5sum is perfect and the installer works perfect in my other HP laptop10:36
bazhangsriramoman, then try some other boot options, or the alternate installer10:36
bazhang!bootoptions | sriramoman10:36
ubottusriramoman: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions10:36
pocoyoDestine: -b...10:36
bazhangpocoyo, what?10:37
Dr_Willissriramoman:   try making a USB flash drive installer perhaps? (it will install faster then  from a CD also i find)10:37
pocoyobazhang: who are u?10:37
bazhangpocoyo, support question?10:37
pocoyobazhang: no question. :D10:38
glebihan!ot | pocoyo10:38
ubottupocoyo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:38
bazhangpocoyo, then chat in #ubuntu-offtopic , thanks10:38
ilovefairuzsriramoman: it could be a BIOS issue and you'll probably need acpi=off until it's fixed in a kernel update.. please file a bug, join #ubuntu-bugs for help with that10:39
randerzanderI'm getting DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending10:39
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
pocoyobazhang: sorry~10:39
mheathilovefairuz: places like http://ubuntu-install.blogspot.com/2010/05/chainloading-grub-legacy-to-grub2.html and http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Grub210:39
sriramomanilovefairuz: how do i permanently make this acpi=off in grub2?10:39
elliesomebody help pls10:39
elliei cant see wireless at all10:40
Bert-con de bot10:40
erUSULellie: what wifi hardware do you have?10:40
glebihansriramoman: you'll have to add the option in /boot/grub/grub.cfg10:40
sriramomanDr_Willis: i am running the installer from an external hardisk10:40
ellieI don't know10:40
ravenvbox: no virtual 64 system on a 32 host possible?10:40
ilovefairuzmheath: thank you10:40
Bert-ellie, what shows lspci | grep -i ether ?*10:41
erUSULellie: is your laptop's integrate wifi ?10:41
sriramomanglebihan: in spite of adding it and issuing grub-install its not booting from laptop correctly...10:41
ilovefairuzellie: pastebin: sudo lshw -C network10:41
ilovefairuz!paste | ellie10:41
ubottuellie: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:42
glebihansriramoman: you already added acpi=off in grub.cfg ?10:42
erUSULsriramoman: edit /etc/default/grub and add it to the string that has splash and quiet. then do « sudo update-grub »10:42
ellie02:07.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR2413 802.11bg NIC (rev 01)10:42
ravenvbox: no virtual 64 system on a 32 host possible?10:42
glebihanraven: nope, not with Sun VirtualBox at least10:43
sriramomanerUSUL: while running update-grub its showing the error: "grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /"10:43
erUSULellie: System>Admin...>hardware drivers shows anything about your wifi ?10:43
sriramoman( i issued that from rescue hardisk)10:44
ilovefairuzellie: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:44
Bert-ellie, iwconfig show what ?10:44
erUSULsriramoman: if you are not in the afected system. you will have to chrrot to it to make the changes10:44
ravenglebihan, how would it run?10:44
=== Greyscale is now known as Greysc[a]le
ellieUsage: grep [OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...10:44
ellieTry `grep --help' for more information.10:44
ilovefairuzellie: there was kernel bug for this chipset but it was fixed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/linux/+bug/50618010:44
glebihanraven: sorry, I don't have a solution for this10:45
ellielo        no wireless extensions.10:45
ellieeth0      no wireless extensions.10:45
sriramomanerUSUL: i issed it as root user10:45
ilovefairuzellie: uname -a10:45
mheathsriramoman: grub-mkconfig is likely to break in that setup. I would recommend manually modifying / creating your configuration file.10:45
ellieLinux ellie-laptop 2.6.32-24-generic-pae #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 20 15:37:22 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux10:46
mheathsriramoman: that is update-grub/grub-mkconfig (they're the same thing, really)10:46
Bert-ellie, http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=345803510:46
Bert-check end of post10:46
elliereally guys i tried everything10:46
Bert-ellie, sorry this is a french link :(10:46
sriramomanmheath: what do u mean by manual creation of config file10:46
erUSULellie: what does « sudo rfkill list » say ?10:47
mheathsriramoman: update-grub tries to create a configuration file for Grub by guessing your harware setup. It is a limited and simple tool, and will ultimately fail unless you are booted into an environment almost identical to the environment you are aiming to boot into with Grub.10:47
sriramomanand moreover, guys, horrid part: no matter what timeout i provide in grub2 settings, if ubuntu is the only OS, safe mode option is not present and thus without any timeout it attempts to boot into default kernel:(10:47
Bert-ellie, "sudo modprobe ath5k nohwcrypt" then  "sudo sh -c "echo 'options ath5k nohwcrypt' >/etc/modprobe.d/custom-wireless.conf" then reboot (of corse without the ")10:47
Bert-doest it herlp ?10:47
ilovefairuzellie: and does 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 up && iwlist scan' shows any networks?10:48
mheathsriramoman: the tool simply doesn't know enough information to generate a configuration file for a completely different, random type of boot scenario that will depend on an external disk.10:48
sriramomanmheath: i am IN the same system, only that i am booting from an external hardisk for rescue10:48
sriramomanso does it matter, mheath10:48
Bert-ellie, check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=982808......This10:48
mheathsriramoman: the grub configuration file, however, is a text file. You can edit it, and find the documentation on the internet that will tell you how to manually create it and edit it as required.10:49
mheathsriramoman: yes. update-grub won't work for you, if I'm understanding your situation correctly.10:49
sriramomanoh fine, mheath. if u could pls tell me the config file name alone (thats generated) then i can check documentation in internet10:50
mheathsriramoman: /boot/grub/grub.cfg10:50
Dr_WillisWould someone useing apt-cacher-ng check their  /var/log/apt-cacher-ng   directory and tell me the permissions of it. For some reason  apt-cacher-ng here cant access the directory, (says to check permissions)10:50
elliesolved guys10:51
elliei don't know how10:51
Bert-ellie, good to hear :)10:51
ellieand when10:51
zerwasbazhang, Dr_Willis and ilovefairuz: Just FYI: With an updated mplayer and mencoder the file playes fine.10:51
ellieor after what..10:51
erUSULellie: you pressed the enable wifi button in your laptop by mistake ;P10:52
ellieno ....really?10:52
Bert-erUSUL, :D10:52
elliewhat a geek...10:52
elliehowever thank you guys10:52
ellieif you ever pass from scotland10:52
elliei'll offer the best coffee10:53
elliein italian style10:53
Bert-coffe in scotland ??? Are you joking ????10:53
ilovefairuzthe wifi kill switch drivers in recent kernels are acting strange10:53
Bert-what about scotch and Ale ?? :D10:53
elliei'm not scottish10:53
ellieok bye now10:53
sacarlsoncool ellie10:53
fsl1unicode test: ółźżćń11:02
Benom1does anyone know of a home-level UPS that can automatically shut down ubuntu in event of a power outage?11:04
Benom1home-level meaning consumer level11:04
Dr_WillisBenom1:  i think ive seen them in stores. the APC brand i think. they are pretty common with a USB port on them.11:05
Dr_WillisI recall there being some APC Demon. but ive never used it11:05
Akiva_AbrahamHello, I have downloaded the latest ubuntu (not beta), does it offer btrfs as an install option?11:05
Benom1awesome. Thanks Dr Willis.. i'll check out the APC brand.11:05
Dr_Willisapcupsd - APC UPS Power Management (daemon)11:05
Dr_Willisapcupsd-cgi - APC UPS Power Management (web interface)11:05
IchatAkiva_Abraham:  - nope.11:06
Benom1legend :) thanks11:06
Akiva_AbrahamIchat: ext4 then?11:06
IchatAkiva_Abraham:  - yep11:06
Ibertechanybody know any good power saving tools for ubuntu, want to save as much power as possible when running on battery11:06
jribIbertech: use a terminal instead of X :)  Try powertop11:06
ilovefairuzIbertech: uninstall flash!11:07
erUSULjrib: but if you use terminal remember to disable cursor blinking ;P11:07
Akiva_AbrahamIchat: am I able to set my /home/uses/music do a different disk? I dont want my music taking up precious space on my new ssd.11:07
jriberUSUL: ha11:07
jribAkiva_Abraham: yeah, just mount a different partition there or use a symlink11:08
Akiva_Abrahamjrib, I can do that in the install right?11:08
kneauxhello comrades, i have a server set up on my lan but i'm trying to use the external ip to connect to it11:09
jribAkiva_Abraham: well not the symlink method, you would create that afterwards.  The first method I said would only work for you if you plan on having a separate partition for your music11:09
kneauxthat is i can connect on 192.168.foo.bar but not on ipv4:port11:10
jribkneaux: if you have a router, they usual don't let you do that for whatever reason11:10
Akiva_Abrahamjrib: Well that is inevitable when using a different disk, isnt it? I am not planning to jbod it~11:10
kneauxreally? that was my whole plan11:11
kneauxport forwarding and such11:11
jribkneaux: I mean they don't let you access it internally (at least my verizon-provided one doesn't and I never looked into why).  People outside your lan can still get to it if you setup port forwarding and such11:11
IchatAkiva_Abraham:  -   i dont wish to be harsh but  all your questions are anwsered in the install manual..11:12
kneauxin other words i should test from somewhere else11:12
antivirtelhello all, I'm looking for an alternate of Ekahau HeatMapper: http://www.ekahau.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=102&Itemid=91 for Lucid, is there something?!11:12
Akiva_AbrahamIchat: thats you, right?11:12
jribAkiva_Abraham: well, say you have / as your ssd and you have some other partition mounted on /notssd.  You can have a symlink for /home/aki/music to /notssd/music.  And you could also have some other stuff on that non-ssd partition this way.  Like, for example, /home/aki/docs could be a symlink to /notssd/docs, etc11:13
Akiva_Abrahamhmmm, ok thanks11:13
Dr_WillisPerhaps someday i can afford a SSD..11:14
zirodayantivirtel: kismet or netstumbler?11:15
IchatAkiva_Abraham:  - just one tip...    in the installer use manual install to partition your drives.   -    op  "/"   on  ssd     and put    /var   /tmp   swap     on   notssd11:16
antivirtelziroday they can make me some graph?!11:16
ilovefairuzkneaux: your question is ambiguous (for me at least) are you trying to make a server accessible from outside the router or to make it non-accessible ?11:16
zirodayantivirtel: not a graph, but you can use the xml output to turn it into one11:17
Akiva_AbrahamIchat besides youtube flv.... ohh is it to save data integrity? so it lasts longer?11:17
ilovefairuzkneaux: port forwarding will make it accessible to you and everyone else and should working in most cases, port knocking on the other hand will keep it "hidden" but it's not as straight forward to setyp11:17
antivirtelziroday in to one what?!11:18
zirodayantivirtel: graph11:18
ranthikneaux, keep in mind though..to port forward you will have to setup the pc with a static ip11:18
ilovefairuzkneaux_: to setup **11:18
ilovefairuzkneaux_: ranthi: not necessarily a static ip, you could use a dynamic dns service11:19
ranthiwell, i had to set mine up to be static11:19
ranthior it wouldnt even give me the option to port forward11:19
antivirtelhmm thx ziroday11:20
ranthii suppose though its not really static in a sense..more of address reservation for that mac address11:21
Dr_WillisMy router has the same feature . reserved ip based on mac.. better then 'static' ip's in ways. :)11:23
Dr_Willisi set teh wireless ip's to be at a higher range then the wired ip's that way i can tell whats connected/up/wired/wireless easier11:24
ranthii havent messed with xorg that much..i guess a little..but not as much as i should have i guess but here is my question11:24
ranthii read that ubuntu attempts to autodetect all the hardware and attached peripherals11:25
ranthiis there a program in the repositories or already with ubuntu that would let you generate an xorg.conf file based off of what was detected?11:25
Dr_Willisranthi:  actually i think its X thats doing the detection, not really a ubuntu feature. but an X feature11:26
glebihanranthi: "X -configure" generates a xorg.conf11:26
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ranthidr and gleb, i understand..and so..will that --configure only put in the conf what was detected or a bunch of unnecessary stuff?11:27
glebihanranthi: it is then stored in "/root", so to use it, just move it to /etc/X1111:27
glebihanranthi: it should only put the necessary configuration for your hardware11:28
ilovefairuzranthi: unless you need to modify something, you don't need to generate one11:28
ranthiok, i will give it a shot and see what it puts in there..also gonna have another question about video11:28
ranthiwhich is why i want to generate one11:28
jribranthi: it's usually a better idea to just ask about what you want to accomplish in the end :)11:29
buntfalkewhich package does this file belong to?11:30
buntfalke /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/packagekit/backend.py11:30
ranthiX has to be shutdown to do configure?11:30
buntfalkeapt-file find cant find it...?11:30
oCean_buntfalke: dpkg -S /path/to/file will show11:30
buntfalkeoCean_: ah - good idea - thanks11:30
buntfalkedpkg: /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/packagekit/backend.py nicht gefunden. <-- "not found"11:30
jribbuntfalke: apt-file search packagekit/backend.py  since that file is generated...11:31
oCean_ah, yes11:31
buntfalkejrib: oh, okay. thanks.11:31
glebihanranthi: yes, or you can run it with another display, with "X -configure :1" for example11:31
ranthijrib, well..i honestly cant remember this specific command used but besides the fact i want to refamiliarize myself with things..11:31
jribranthi: k, just realize that there's really not much point in an xorg.conf these days11:32
ranthii need to verify my video is working properly with opengl11:32
glebihanjrib: by the way, do you have any idea where the configuration that used to go in xorg.conf is now located ?11:32
jribglebihan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config11:33
bullgard4Where is the contents of the file (table) ~/.ssh/known_hosts explained?11:33
glebihanjrib: ok thanks11:34
ranthithere we go..got the conf file11:35
jribbullgard4: ssh and sshd man pages11:35
ranthialso, incase i want to do some remote admin..and because im lazy and dont want to look it up11:35
bullgard4jrib: I will have a look. Thank you.11:35
ranthiwhat is the ssh flag to run X through it so you can remote run X programs?11:36
glebihanjrib: so basically, there are no more configuration files, unless you overwrite values in xorg.conf or xorg.conf.d, right ?11:36
jribglebihan: yeah11:36
glebihanjrib: thanks, had never been able to find someone to give me a clear answer on this11:37
ranthigleb, its not really that there are no more conf files...there are always conf files if you want them..for instance11:38
ranthiif you are insane like I am and decide one day you want to slim down the kernel to only have the drivers available for your hardware11:39
ranthiyou might want to have that conf file..11:40
ariqzranthi, does that save a lot of memory?11:40
jribglebihan: well there are still a lot of files that you could call "configuration files" (like initially hal fdi files, and now I think most of the stuff has moved to udev rules), but you're right that there's no xorg.conf by default.  And as you said, you can still create an xorg.conf and configure X that way11:40
ranthiariqz, have you ever played with gentoo?  man..you can slim down that kernel to leave almost no footprint so yeah..its eventually not a bad idea11:41
Friarwhat number is drwxr-xr-x for permissions? I've changed a folder recursively to 766 and this is what it was: drwxr-xr-x.11:41
ariqzranthi, no, I haven't played with gentoo11:41
ranthibut only for an either very experienced or very crazy person11:41
FriarIt is my ~/Music folder.11:41
glebihanranthi: yes, I got that  but for most (non insane) users, there's no need to do that11:41
jribFriar: 766 is as you said.  You can use "stat" if you want the octal representation of a file's permissions for some reason11:42
ariqzranthi, you could always download the kernel source for ubuntu and compile that though :)11:42
glebihanjrib: yes, I should have a closer look at udev some time11:42
jribFriar: sorry, that's wrong.  What you wrote is 75511:42
jrib!permissions > Friar11:42
ubottuFriar, please see my private message11:42
Friarok. thanks11:42
ranthigleb, thats true..but personally..i found it a lot of fun.  you learn an awful lot during the process11:42
Friarjrib, I'm trying to use sound juicer to rip a cd. but it gives me a permission denied for creating a folder.11:43
ranthigleb, you can also mess alot of things up too..:/11:43
glebihanranthi: I agree, I myself like to mess up with things like that :)11:43
Friarso I tried to make it 766, but that didn't work...11:43
Werner_hi everyone, i have a quick question about failing a drive in mdadm11:43
jribFriar: paste  "ls -ld" of the directory in question11:43
Werner_does anyone here have some expertise in this?11:43
jribWerner_: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)11:43
ariqzI compiled my ubuntu kernel because I needed to patch it to get packet injection working ;)11:43
castWerner_: sure11:43
ranthigleb, it has been a long long time since i went through that bootstrap to window manager process though..i have forgotten so much..trying to get back into it11:44
ariqzreally, I find that easier than dealing with all my other ubuntu issues, like getting restricted drivers to work properly11:44
Friarjrib, drwxr-xr-x 17 nathan nathan 4096 2010-09-11 10:5511:44
jribFriar: what directory is that?  And what's the exact error from the application?  Are you running the application as nathan?11:44
FriarI just changed it back to 755.11:44
glebihanranthi: same thing for me, and things have changed a lot in the past years11:45
Friarit is the ~/Music directory11:45
Friaryes I am running it as nathan11:45
Werner_ok. My problem is that one of my drives in my mdadm raid 5 array (ubuntu server ofcourse) is failing. I checked in smartctl which basicly said that the drive will die in 24 hours. Now mdadm is resyncing currently. and all drives are active in the array, I want to avoid potential problems and simply mark that drive as failed and remove it from the array so i can later replace it. Is it safe to mark a drive failed during resync?11:45
YankDownUnderA thousand lines - someone called...11:45
Werner_all other drives are reported working correctly under smartctl11:45
marukaz_who help me to connect canon printer with teamviewer program?11:46
iwobbleshi Im using Scream to edit html and it keeps crashing any ideas ? are there better html editors than scream to try out ? whats emacs like I have that installed,, it looks kinda clunky,,11:46
castWerner_: wait.....why is it rsyncing?11:46
sprung!ask marukaz_11:46
ranthiariqz, you know what though..I find doing that to be awesome..you learn where things are how they work, what you can/cant change..far better than a fire and forget way of doing it11:46
YankDownUndermarukaz_, Mate - the local machine connects to the printer - not the Teamviewer program11:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:46
=== ismail is now known as Guest59833
marukaz_!ask who help me to connect canon printer with teamviewer program?11:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:47
glebihaniwobbles: I used to use Scream and it crashed too, using Geany now11:47
Werner_cast: i have no idea.11:47
erghezii cant run wakoopa automatic11:47
owd95when you open a terminal in linux mint it shows some words that tux says, can i get it in ubuntu?11:47
sprungmarukaz_, is English your language?11:47
Dr_Willismarukaz_:  check the cups.org web site to see if the canon printer is even supported11:47
erghezii add wakoopa to startup apps11:47
sprungmarukaz_, we have #ubuntu channels in other languages11:47
erghezibut don run automatically11:47
Werner_cast: i don know why itś resyncing. but i found the server unresponsive this morning and simply rebooted it. now it's resyncing11:47
castWerner_: might want to try to work that out, mdstat might help11:47
castWerner_: /proc/mdstat11:47
erghezii have this problem with conky :|11:48
Dr_Willis!info wakoopa11:48
ubottuPackage wakoopa does not exist in lucid11:48
Werner_i will paste this to pastebin11:48
=== Biolunar_ is now known as Biolunar
sprungmarukaz_, what language do you speak naturally?11:48
marukaz_Canon is supported, i  read about it in ubuntu forum, there are a lot of ideas about how to join it, but it doesn;t work for me11:48
YankDownUndererghezi, #conky is your best bet11:48
ergheziubottu: conky?11:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:48
marukaz_sprung Lithunian11:48
Dr_Williserghezi:  conky needs to be ran from a script or similer  with about a 20 sec delay - for gnome to autostart it properly11:48
Werner_cast: http://pastebin.com/2UysEbNz11:48
ergheziYankDownUnder:  conky and wakoopa run and work very well !!11:48
YankDownUndermarukaz_, Most Canons are WinPrinters - trouble.11:48
sprungmarukaz_, i apologize, you should stay with English then11:49
YankDownUndererghezi, Ask about conky in #conky, this is #ubuntu11:49
ergheziYankDownUnder: i cant just run automatically11:49
Werner_cast: the resync is working and mdadm --detail /dev/md3 reports that all drives are in active sync and the state is "active"11:49
Werner_cast: i dont want it failing unintended in the middle of the resync so i want to fail it manually, can that be done during resync?11:49
ergheziYankDownUnder: do you understand me?  i dont have any problem with conky11:49
marukaz_My printer model is LBP3010, maybe someone could look to pc with teamview?11:49
kneaux_hey how do i shut down from command line11:50
glebihankneaux_: sudo shutdown now11:50
Werner_kneaux_: sudo shutdown -hP now11:50
sprungWerner_, what does the P do11:50
castWerner_: i'd let it finish, since if you lose two disks in raid5 you lose the array, if it's resyncing to the disk that you're not going to yank and you pull it before its done you'll have problems11:50
zetheroodoes anyone know why recordmydesktop takes so long to encode the video? It's like it's only encoding on one of my two CPU cores ...11:51
YankDownUndermarukaz_, Do you want some help setting this printer up?11:51
Werner_cast: but it seems only 1 drive is the problem?11:51
castWerner_: one hopes!11:51
sprungWerner_, nevermind i rftm'd11:51
Werner_cast: the thing is im really nervous because the particular drive is still spouting errors in dmesg11:51
sprungWerner_, i was wondering why my halt command wasnt shutting down a lot of machines with just shutdown -h now11:52
sprungWerner_, you accidentally taught me something, thanks11:52
marukaz_yankdownunder i want that someone help me to seting my printer11:52
Werner_sprung: hehe no problem :)11:52
YankDownUndermarukaz_, PM me11:52
Werner_sprung: it's a confusing command11:52
castWerner_: thats ok, i'd let it finish resyncing then --fail it11:52
Werner_cast: ok!11:53
sprungWerner_, well with a lot of machines the -h actually brings it down11:53
hihihi100when I boot the system from the live cd I see the "ubuntu" intro page with very a small font size. However, when I run the installed distro, I see the same page with bigger fonts. Is there any way I can reduce the size of the font in the introductory ubuntu page? I mean the part with the 5 dots that change color every second11:53
sprungbut many it doesn't11:53
mbn_18Hi, my ubuntu Karmic show black screen after upgrading the AIT drivers. any idea what I can do? Nor I cant ssh from my laptop11:53
castWerner_: #linux-raid will probably know more, like how to work out specifically what it's doing right now11:53
erghezisome programs are not automatically run in Ubuntu11:53
Werner_cast: ah ok. I was gonna do the same and just let it resync but iĺ try there also11:53
Werner_cast: thanks!11:54
Power-InsideHey guy11:54
sprungmbn_18, first thing to check: if  /tmp/.X0-lock exists, delete it and reboot11:54
ilovefairuzglebihan: Werner_: kneaux_: just.. 'halt'11:55
zetheroodoes anyone know why recordmydesktop takes so long to encode the video? It's like it's only encoding on one of my two CPU cores ...11:55
sprungmbn_18, you will only be able to see it using an ls -la11:55
glebihanerghezi: do those programs run with a system tray icon ?11:55
mbn_18sprung: I cant loging. main screen black + cant ssh from laptop.11:55
mbn_18How do I start it in shell mode? init3?11:55
sprungmbn_18, ask somebody else11:55
jribmbn_18: use recovery mode from the grub menu11:56
kneaux_and the banana goes to ilovefairuz11:56
ergheziglebihan:  yes11:56
glebihanilovefairuz: you're right, just used to shutdown as it offers possibility to use timeout and things like that11:57
ergheziglebihan: i can run them manually, but they fail to run at login11:57
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mbn_18jrib: Sadly I dont have that entery for the latest Kernel. Is it possible to start it manualy? using params of some sort?11:57
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kneaux_now, where's the best place to hit a macbook with a ballpeen hammer11:57
glebihanerghezi: well, you should check, but I think the programs run, but without the icon11:57
jribmbn_18: that's standard on ubuntu's kernels, are you using something else?11:57
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glebihanerghezi: this happens with some programs because they try to create an icon before the gnome panel is ready11:58
* kneaux_ points to thelord11:58
=== kneaux_ is now known as kneaux
mbn_18jrib: Nope. I recently moved my system to software raid and created a new Grub record. Now I regret I didnt created a recovery too11:58
glebihanerghezi: one workaround would be to set a timeout before starting those programs11:58
jribmbn_18: and you don't have older kernels with it?11:58
mbn_18Though I wonder whats the diffrent. it might be param on;ly11:58
mbn_18jrib: Have, but they point to the old FS11:59
sprungmbn_18, software raid is not as good as hardware RAID11:59
sprungjust FYI11:59
ergheziglebihan: Yes, but I should be able to see it on the desktop if it actually runs!11:59
mbn_18sprung: depend on many thing. though hard raid cost allot11:59
sprungmbn_18, not really11:59
glebihanerghezi: well maybe they crash if they fail to create the icon12:00
sprungmbn_18, i mean what is "a lot" to you?12:00
castsprung: that depends. often software raid is much better12:00
jribmbn_18: looking at my grub.cfg, looks like they just add "ro single" http://pastebin.com/twfJyYA812:00
castsprung: infact some organisations only use software raid12:00
sprungi know a $120 motherboard will have hardware RAID on it12:00
mbn_18sprung: and I dont mean the crappy card that emulate hardware raid12:00
sprungor rather, i know several models that cost that much that have raid on them12:00
mbn_18sprung: its software12:00
Imamihello everyone12:00
sprungmbn_18, that didn't make any sense12:01
s-visorhi, what about here?12:01
* Dr_Willis raids his flash drives.12:01
mbn_18jrib: will try now12:01
glebihan!hi | s-visor12:01
ubottus-visor: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:01
sprungmbn_18, i think you are confusing hardware RAID and having a hot-swappable backplane or something. hardware raid is hardware raid.12:01
mbn_18sprung: All the cheap raid cards are kind software raid12:01
Werner_sprung: mbn_18: there's dmraid which is crappy software raid on hardware. and theres mdadm pure software raid which you can move to every computer. hardware raid is almost always faster but not neccesarily better12:01
mbn_18sprung: go ask #linux-raid12:02
Werner_dmraid -> fakeraid12:02
sprungmbn_18, you're having a fundamental misunderstanding.12:02
sprungmbn_18, Werner_ explains it almost like i would say it12:02
sprungonly i would say lol @ your crappy software raid12:02
ergheziglebihan: but when i enter manual, program run correctly without any crash12:02
sprungdo not want12:02
glebihanerghezi: yes, that's because the gnome panel is loaded and ready12:03
Imamihey guys? I have problem with updating my sources on 10.04 :(12:03
glebihanerghezi: try the timeout thing, I think it should work12:03
Dr_Williserghezi:  some applications need a delay befor they get 'autostarted' for example the conky faq/guides mention about a 15 sec delay befor starting conky12:03
mbn_18Bottom line as I undestand this. the cheap "hardware raid cards" are actualy software. though again, ask at #linux-raid12:03
sprungmbn_18, if it is something that you can actually touch, and its sole function is RAID, that's called "hardware" therefore it's a hardware RAID12:04
Dr_Willisso a single chip raid. that has a 3000mb driver file to do the actial raid... :) is the same as a raid system that dosent need any drivers?12:05
sprungsoftware RAID is this crappy idea where somebody thought they could make the buggy linux filesystem (at the time) redundant, further complicating the issue if there is a problem12:05
Dr_WillisIm thinking this raid ramblings may need to go to #linux-raid soon12:05
mbn_18Dr_Willis: First ill fix my fglrx problem then ill continue this debate :)12:06
sprungDr_Willis, your raid question was too vague to answer, and i suspect was intentionally so12:07
Dr_Willisyou got your hard-raid, semi-hard-raid and then theres the soft-raid like cheeses ?12:07
Dr_WillisIll shut up now.12:08
sprungDr_Willis, that was dirty somehow12:08
sprungDr_Willis,  are you drunk?12:08
glebihanDr_Willis: that may have been quite offtopic :)12:08
Dr_Willissprung:  actually im snacking on some chedder cheese. Im not sure what you are thinking about.12:08
castsprung: how would software RAID make a buggy FS redundant?12:08
sprungcast, you missed the point12:09
castwhat is your point?12:09
sprungcast,  the point being at the time that software RAID was implemented, the filesystem was unreliable12:09
sprungthis was 199712:09
castoh. so what?12:09
bullgard4jrib: The file (table) ~/.ssh/known_hosts lists keys in 3 columns. What are the generic names of these 3 keys? --  '~$ ssh-keygen -l -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts' lists keys in 3 columns. What are the generich names of these keys?12:09
sprungso you are making something out of nothing go back to sleep12:10
castyou're the one who *said* it, surely there was a point. or am i reading too much into you, and assuming you have some point worth communicating ;)12:10
sprungcast, i don't care12:10
sprungcast, oh and btw :)12:10
cast[211049] Ignoring ALL from sprung12:10
sprungcast, THANK YOU12:10
glebihanyou done ?12:11
sprungglebihan, well i think cast changed her tampon out so yeah we're done12:11
glebihansprung: nice12:11
Miland3rstupid kiddies m(-_-)m12:12
mbn_18jrib: yep, just adding single worked. ro was already there. now for the actual restore12:12
* Imami looks around confusedly12:12
CaneToadWith Lucid, are there known issues with recent X servers?  I am finding regular [every day] lockups where the mouse moves but everything becomes non-responsive.  You can't do anything and have to kill X with CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE which is extremely bad.12:12
ranthisince i havent been with linux in a while is there another program or is it samba or something that allows mapping of directories from windows to linux over closed network?12:12
sprungCaneToad, you are behind. we are on Karmic now.12:12
sacarlsonhow do you blacklist the madwifi module?12:12
kneauxhow do i get nautilus to show folders in list view by default12:12
glebihanranthi: still samba12:12
CaneToadsprung, sorry I meant Karmic, not lucid12:13
ksbalajiwhen chroot ing, from root at abc partition  to root at xyz  partition, how do I get command prompt root@xyz instead of root@abc ?12:13
ranthigleb, and is that share from windows..map on linux or share on linux, map on windows?12:13
sprungCaneToad, oh and that shitty deal with the Archive Mounter having all the filenames ending in the ;1? that got fixed in an update i got 2 days ago and now its awesome12:13
glebihankneaux: Preferences->Views->View new folders using12:13
sprungit only took 3 years to fix finally somebody fixed archive mounter12:13
sprungfor iso's12:13
kneauxdon't i feel like a fool, i swear i've looked at that dialogue a dozen times by now and never thought to do that12:14
Imamimy lucid doesn't update the software sources12:14
sprungImami, you should fix that12:14
glebihankneaux: :)12:14
mbn_18brrr, recovery mode does not handle Logitch USB keyboard so well12:14
kneauxguess i was looking for good ol winjoke "apply to all folders"12:14
sprungImami, you're opening yourself to vulnerabilities12:14
Imamii don't know how, which is why i'm here12:14
ranthigleb, and also is there a port foward i have to do on my router and which port?12:14
Imamisee, i just updated it yesterday12:15
sprungImami, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak12:15
sprunglets see if that works12:15
Imamithen, today, while installing git, it throws this error12:15
glebihanranthi: I don't know which ports samba uses12:15
glebihan!samba | ranthi12:15
ubotturanthi: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:15
sprungglebihan, 139 and...12:15
Imamisprung: it isn't reading the repositories correctly12:16
Imamisprung: throws up a gpg error12:16
ranthiimma have to check out the swat..didnt know there was a web admin for it now..nice12:16
sprungImami, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu12:16
sprung!ask repositories12:17
OerImami, what GIT did you add ?12:17
glebihanImami: could you pastebin the error message ?12:17
Imamiokay, wait12:17
sprungImami, this is a common problem you should have no trouble getting help with that12:17
tekonimelubottu: init not found12:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:18
Imamii couldn't add git12:19
xukunHI all. I enabled ifw(firewall) and it blocks my sabnzbd programm but I have no idea which role to add the firewall12:19
Imamiand it can't find "ubuntu-tweak" now.12:19
akrcanzonHello, I have 4gb of ram, should I get 32 or 64 bit version? How is 64 ? still not recommended for daily usage?12:20
erUSULakrcanzon: get 64 bit12:21
castthe only reason not to use 64 bit is crap proprietary software12:21
akrcanzonerUSUL,  I tried it once and it was messy, flash had problems...in general it was not going to good.12:21
akrcanzoncast,  In this case I'll stick to the 32 bit.12:22
akrcanzoncast,  Don't want proprietary crap in my system.12:22
bullgard4The file (table) ~/.ssh/known_hosts lists keys in 3 columns. What are the generic names of these 3 keys? --  '~$ ssh-keygen -l -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts' lists keys in 3 columns. What are the generich names of these keys?12:22
obiwahn_what is debian's sid equivalent in ubutu12:22
castakrcanzon: have a look at the security record of adobe flash :)12:22
obiwahn_or is there a page where it is explained what karmic maverick etc are .. couldnt find it:(12:23
erUSULobiwahn_: none; development style is different12:23
obiwahn_so what is the latest?12:23
akrcanzoncast,  Were exactly I can do that?:) You can pm me if you want.12:23
obiwahn_erUSUL: or are yoou willng to explain how development in ubuntu is done12:24
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:24
obiwahn_i have some trouble with ia32 libs in sid and thoght about apt pinning12:24
ImamiThanks everyone12:24
glebihanImami: try "apt-key add 'http://archive.ubuntu.mirror.dkm.cz/project/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg'"12:24
Imamiproblem solved. :)12:24
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/91012:24
glebihanImami: ok12:24
ImamiI did exactly that. :D12:25
miyamotocan any one help me to run webcam on ubuntu12:25
erUSULobiwahn_: ask in  a debian channel12:25
castakrcanzon: google, adobe, flash, vulnerability12:26
akrcanzoncast,  I found it thanks.12:26
obiwahn_erUSUL: i know how to do it .. i am not sure wich ubuntu distri to take12:26
akrcanzoncast,  The sad part is I do not understand why people use this technology.12:26
erUSULobiwahn_: so you are in debian sid and you are using ubuntu repos? or what i am missing here?12:27
Stefanos90hello, how can i tranfer files from ethernet?12:27
ubottuMaverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:27
erUSUL!samba | Stefanos9012:27
ubottuStefanos90: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.12:27
Stefanos90no I have entered a Live cd12:28
roffeIs there linux software that records every key you've written the last ~2 hours and if for some reason the text you've written got lost can be found with that software again?12:30
erUSULroffe: look for a keylogger12:30
* erUSUL spying on people is wrong though12:31
mbn_18How do I knw which package use libdri.so ?12:31
erUSULmbn_18: dpkg -S /path/to/libdri.so12:31
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Stefanos90<ubottu> my both computers are running now ubuntu12:33
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glebihanStefanos90: ubottu is a bot12:33
Stefanos90<glebihan> can you help me?12:33
=== Guest61536 is now known as Xpress
roffeerUSUL, sure, thank you. I'm after a keylogger, but it's not for spying, believe me. I was writing a post for a site earlier and I when I printed publish something went wrong, and everything got deleted. So I'm after a keylogger that is accessible from the panel12:34
glebihanStefanos90: what do you need to do exactly ?12:34
Stefanos90<glebihan> I need to transfer some files from one computer to other via ethernet12:34
=== Xpress is now known as Xmark
roffeHow often does it not happen that one has written for 15 minutes a great deal of text that gets deleted and can't be recovered?12:35
glebihanStefanos90: there are several ways you can do that: you can use the "Share" tab of the properties dialog in Nautilus to share a folder, or use FTP for example12:35
lazylisperHi anybody here running Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS? Willing to share your /boot/grub/menu.lst file?12:36
Stefanos90<glebihan> which one you can help me?12:37
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »12:37
mbn_18Hurray, fixed the damn ATI problem. Now Catalyst 10.8 running. Next time I will pay more attention to dpkg output12:37
glebihanStefanos90: well, both, maybe more with ftp12:38
Stefanos90<glebihan> well tell me :)12:38
glebihanStefanos90: so you'll have to install a FTP server on one of the computers, I suggest installing "gadmin-proftpd"12:38
erUSULroffe: http://www.addictivetips.com/internet-tips/recover-textform-in-firefox-when-browser-crashes-with-lazarus-add-on/12:39
Stefanos90<glebihan> now installing12:39
bullgard4The file (table) ~/.ssh/known_hosts lists keys in 3 columns. What are the generic names of these 3 keys? --  '~$ ssh-keygen -l -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts' lists keys in 3 columns. What are the generich names of these keys?12:39
Dr_WillisStefanos90: transfering a lot of files? or just a few files?12:39
Stefanos90<Dr_Willis> 40Gb...12:40
Dr_WillisStefanos90:  you could use ssh also.. bt that would be a bit slower. ftp would be faster i imagine. but ssh would be easier to setup.12:40
Dr_Willisso its a toss up...12:40
etfbOh delightful.  IRC spam.12:41
Stefanos90i installed the "gadmin-proftpd" now?12:41
roffeerUSUL, thanks! I use chrome, but I think I can google it better now12:41
glebihanStefanos90: now run it from "Applications->System tools"12:41
JuJuBeeI am using NIS to handle log in for my students.  However, yppasswdd is not running on the server and I cannot figure out why.12:42
erUSULJuJuBee: maybe better help in #ubuntu-server12:42
Stefanos90<glebihan> yes12:42
glebihanStefanos90: on the "Servers" tab, you should have a Default server in the list12:43
Stefanos90<glebihan> it says
glebihanStefanos90: yes, that's normal, select it and scroll down until you find "Upload speed"12:44
mbn_18About the FAKE RAID issue. pls read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto#What%20is%20fakeRAID?  and http://serverfault.com/questions/9244/how-do-i-differentiate-fake-raid-from-real-raid12:44
glebihanStefanos90: Set both "upload speed" and "download speed" to max values12:44
Stefanos90<glebihan> which is the max? it has as default 25012:45
glebihanStefanos90: just enter "10000000000", and it'll set to max when you leave the box12:46
Stefanos90<glebihan> done12:46
glebihanStefanos90: click "apply" and switch to "Users" tab12:46
Stefanos90<glebihan> done12:47
glebihanStefanos90: now you're going to create a new user : fill the username, password and group fields (the user can be an already existing one of the system)12:48
glebihanStefanos90: then click "New user"12:48
Stefanos90<glebihan>Missing ftp home directory. Scroll down and add one first.  I can't scrool12:50
Stefanos90where is it?12:50
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
glebihanStefanos90: at the bottom, you should have a "Add directory" button12:50
glebihanStefanos90: click on it and select the folder you would like to use as home for your ftp user12:51
Stefanos90<glebihan> done12:51
glebihanStefanos90: check the checkboxes you want to give appropriate permissions (you may check them all)12:52
glebihanStefanos90: then click "New user" again12:52
Stefanos90<glebihan> done12:53
glebihanStefanos90: ok, we're done here, click "Activate" in the top toolbar12:53
Stefanos90<glebihan> done12:53
glebihanStefanos90: now from the other computer, run gFTP (from Applications->Internet)12:54
Stefanos90well to conect them i mus plug out the ethernet.. tell me what is next12:55
marko-_--what would be the best program to make a video, i just want the mp3 file to play and an image to suit as the video to upload it on youtube12:55
glebihanwhen you'll start gftp, you'll just have to enter the IP address of the computer where you installed the server, the username and the password, select "FTP" then connect12:56
glebihanStefanos90: and you'll be able to transfer files between the two computers12:56
Stefanos90<glebihan> ok will try. Thanx a lot for help :)12:56
glebihanStefanos90: you're welcome12:57
andreasWondering, is there a way to install Ubuntu into an existing LV  (the PVs are all crypted volumes)?12:57
=== andreas is now known as yacc
castyacc: yes.12:57
yacccast, how?12:57
castall the magic happens in initrd12:57
yacccast, no I mean I need to install it into an EXISTING volume group12:58
yacccast, I do know that Ubuntu supports encrypted LVM setups, the problem is that I ve managed for whatever reason to trash my root filesystem.12:58
castan install is just a set of files, you can pretty much just extract a tarball and it'll suffice to 'install'12:58
yacccast, yeah but how do I get the tar file?12:59
yacccast, or how do I get the installer to install into an already mounted filesystem?12:59
castwell, nowdays you'd use debootstrap :)12:59
yacccast, well, I feared that, debootstrap does only the package install, but I have to do all the other stuff like GRUB myself?13:00
glaucousDo anyone have NVIDIA GTX 460 (or any other 4xx card), and know if it is possible to downclock in the newest drivers?13:01
castaye, but thats easy13:01
yacccast, well I ve never personally made the mental jump from LILO to GRUB :)13:02
yaccI guess my root filesystem is shoot good, with /usr/bin having migrated to lost+found, ...13:05
LjL... :<13:06
DragonKeeperis there a repo i can add to get drivers ?13:07
yaccOk, so whats the recommended minimum size for a 10.04 desktop system filesystem?13:08
willinjaevery one what is the text editor like notepad++ in ms windows ?13:08
tensorpuddingyacc: I'd say anything less than 10 GB would be too small13:08
yaccwillinja, lol => there is no such thing, there is a sea of all kinds of editors.13:09
willinjai need a text editor that could highlight all the syntax13:09
DragonKeeperunless  willinja installed wine and used the notepad13:09
yaccDo we have a description how to go at installing ubuntu via debootstrap?13:09
ThePaRaDoXhello anyone can help with a network problem?13:09
yaccwillinja, syntax highlighting is in most of Unix-editors nowadays :)13:10
DragonKeeperis there a repo i can add to get drivers ?13:10
tensorpuddingwillinja: geany maybe13:10
ThePaRaDoXi installed some updates and when i rebooted linux doesnt have internet via LAN.the pc is not on the DHCP list of my router and i have no internet access.any ideas?13:10
willinjai will try geany first then13:10
randerzanderI'm running 10.04 on an old Toshiba Tecra 8200. It doesn't recognize the VGA adapter very well and will only display 800x600 resolution centered on the LCD. There is a large black rectangle of unused pixels.. how can I increase the resolution?13:11
WhackaHello, does anyone know of a script I can use to make a microphone mute/unmute hotkey for when I'm using Skype?13:11
tensorpuddinggeany might be slightly more heavy than notepad++13:11
willinja geany doesnt recognize javascript yes?13:13
willinjaups my bad it understand javascript also13:14
ian_Hye, I dont know the protocol here, but can anyone help me with opening up a port for external access??13:14
ThePaRaDoXany ideas?13:15
erUSULian_: in ubuntu there is no firewall by default. so if something is listening in a port that port is open13:15
DragonKeeperslight issue here      ( i have dual monitor)     on  screen 1  the mouse becomes a line of vertical dots ....13:16
damian_necesito cosejo espiritual13:16
erUSULThePaRaDoX: what do youb use to connect? wired? wifi?13:16
NazdraviThePaRaDoX: try ifconfig eth0 up for lan or ifconfig wlan0 up for wifi13:16
erUSUL!es | damian_13:16
ubottudamian_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:16
erUSUL!editor | willinja13:17
ubottuwillinja: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code13:17
BlackToW3xian_ http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-open-ports/13:17
damian_ok , I ned spiritual advice13:17
ian_ok, I am testing a software that uses google earth plugin(no plugin for linux), so My first idea was to install a virtual box Windows XP, then access my host server13:17
erUSULdamian_: then   « /join #ubuntu-offtopic »13:17
ThePaRaDoXNazdravi type ifconfig eth0 up?13:17
yaccHmm, I wonder if installing from net is faster than the stupid CDR13:18
ergheziDr_Willis:  i delay conky  for 15 second . i terminal works great but in startup dont work :((13:18
willinja!html | willinja13:18
ubottuwillinja, please see my private message13:18
ergheziDr_Willis: i write a small script13:18
ergheziDr_Willis:  i use sleep command13:18
Dr_Willistry sleeping longer13:19
Dr_Williserghezi:  pastebin the script ypu are using.13:19
ThePaRaDoXNazdravi i did sudo ifconfig eth0 up but nothing.and the pc i have the problem with doesnt even appear in my router's DHCP table13:20
ilovefairuzWhacka: pacmd set-source-mute 0 1   (to mute it, change 1 to 0 to un-mute)13:20
ergheziDr_Willis: http://pastebin.com/LK8VD47G13:21
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:21
Dr_Williserghezi:  and whats in 'conkystart' ?13:21
ergheziDr_Willis: http://ubuntuone.com/p/Fjl/13:23
ergheziDr_Willis: this is conky !13:24
h4fI have a touch-pad on my laptop like this http://computermonger.com/wp-content/uploads/reviews/acer_aspire_5315/acer_aspire_5315_touch-pad.jpg13:24
h4fthe touch-pad itself is working fine. but the left middle button should open link in new tab in firefox , now its not working. can some one point me where can I configure that ?13:24
Dr_Willis erghezi  yes.. ive used conky for years...13:24
Whackailovefairuz: Is there any way to check if it's muted or not first so I can make a script that toggles it? (pulseaudio)13:24
Dr_Williserghezi:  whats in the 'conkystart' script your other script is calling?13:24
* Dr_Willis is getting disgusted at the huge complex conky configs people are using these days. :)13:24
bullgard4The file (table) ~/.ssh/known_hosts lists keys in 3 columns. What are the generic names of these 3 keys? --  '~$ ssh-keygen -l -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts' lists keys in 3 columns. What are the generich names of these keys?13:25
Dr_WillisHeh. Conky's popuylarty swings back and forth.. people love it for a while.. then ya dont hear about it.. then it makes a comeback13:25
rooksDr_Willis, im disgusted by custom desktops :) i m cots zealot :P13:25
ergheziDr_Willis:  sleep 25 && conky ;  :)))13:25
Dr_Willis  erghezi  why are you using a sleep scriopt thats then calling another sleep script? somthing seems odd.  My script was much simpiler.13:26
ergheziDr_Willis: i dont know program using delay :|13:26
=== rin is now known as rinhagemi
Dr_Willisyou shoudl be to just run that conkystart from the autostart stuff and it should work.. is conky NOT launching? or is it launching and running wrongly?13:27
Dr_WillisYour conkystart script is executable isent it?13:27
* Dr_Willis has to go chase down a 2 yr old... be back..13:28
h4fwhere can I configure my touchpad buttons. I have touchpad like this http://computermonger.com/wp-content/uploads/reviews/acer_aspire_5315/acer_aspire_5315_touchpad.jpg13:28
ergheziDr_Willis:  -rwxr-xr-x 1 navid navid   32 2010-08-14 19:12 conkyStart13:29
boss_mc!patience | h4f that link's broken and also...13:30
ubottuh4f that link's broken and also...: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com13:30
h4fboss_mc:  ups sorry for link. I will search for another one13:30
mizanursorry guys testing irssi13:30
ergheziDr_Willis: conky don't Launching at all in startup13:31
ergheziDr_Willis: wakoopa is similar conky  or even xchat13:32
randerzanderHow can I enable remote desktop logins are allowed even if no one is signed into the remote computer?13:32
ergheziDr_Willis: but awn is work very well13:32
jarnosWhat should I do, if xrandr can't set all the modes listed by it in 10.04? Intel graphics card of a laptop in question and problem with an external CRT.13:32
boss_mcerghezi: are you using conkystart when you should be using conkyStart (case sensitivity)13:32
estragibWhacka: first find the right PA source and its index with "pacmd list-sources | grep -P '(index|name|port):'". then use "pacmd list-sources | sed -n '/index: <index>/,/index: <index+1>/p' | grep mute", replacincg <index> and <index+1> accordingly13:34
ergheziDr_Willis:  i  enter  "~/.conkycolors/bin/conkyStart -m" and work very well13:35
yaccany way to get apt-get sources.list to autosetup?13:35
Whackaestragib: Thanks a bundle, I'll try making a script now.13:35
estragibWhacka: good luck :)13:35
hepatitweb cameram uçtuuuu13:36
nicofshello! Is there any telephony/sms software for ubuntu/linux? i am not talking about VoIP - i've got an integrated modem and a SIM card...13:40
LjL!info smstools | nicofs13:41
ubottunicofs: smstools (source: smstools): SMS server tools for GSM modems. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.6-1 (lucid), package size 265 kB, installed size 984 kB13:41
ilovefairuzWhacka: here's another and simpler command but first you need to find which index mutes and umutes the device: on my system i mute with 'pacmd set-source-mute 1 1' ( or last 1 to 0 to umute) .. to check if muted:  pacmd list-sources | grep mute | tail -n 1 | cut -d ':' -f 213:41
cba123I need to unrar all the files in a folder.  I tried "find -type f -name '*.rar' -exec unrar x {} \;" but they are all failing to unrar.  Any ideas?13:41
abeekynick abeeky13:42
nicofsLjL: i guess that can't do phonecalls... but sms is a start... thx...13:42
ilovefairuzWhacka: the tail is to select the "second" source (index=1)13:42
h4f nicofs: there are comand line tools which will allow you to send ATM commands to your mode. I tried once but never get it work13:42
LjLnicofs: i'm not seeing anything for phonecalls in the repos13:42
mbn_18cba123: something like: unrar e /dest *13:42
ian_Jeez, Help an African out :) Hye, anyone knows how to open up a port for external use, like from a remote computer?? am using Ubuntu 10.0413:43
bullgard4The file (table) ~/.ssh/known_hosts lists keys in 3 columns. What are the generic names of these 3 keys? --  '~$ ssh-keygen -l -f ~/.ssh/known_hosts' lists keys in 3 columns. What are the generich names of these keys?13:43
jribcba123: failing how?13:43
LjL!info ofono | nicofs maybe this, its scope isn't quite clear to me13:43
ubottunicofs: ofono (source: ofono): Mobile telephony stack (daemon). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-1 (lucid), package size 169 kB, installed size 524 kB13:43
cba123mbn_18, /dest being?  I want them unrared to the same folder.  They are also multi-part rar's, all in part1.rar or part01.rar style.13:43
nagyii88join #ubutu-hu13:43
jribbullgard4: didn't « man sshd » explain the format ?13:44
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nicofsLjL: thanks... now i've got something to play^^13:44
bullgard4jrib: It does explain it wrongly.13:44
jribbullgard4: why do you say that?13:44
=== NickSerrv is now known as donggon
=== donggon is now known as donggong
cba123jrib, It says "failed to unrar" but it tries to unrar each part individually, so I think it was just that it was trying to unrar each file individually.13:45
mbn_18cba123: unrar e *.rar ?13:45
jribcba123: well your glob is not specific enough I suppose, you want only the first part, no?13:45
cba123jrib, I want them all unrared.13:46
ilovefairuzcba123: pastebin the failure error message13:46
jribcba123: and you unrar multi-part rars by unrarring the first part, don't you?13:46
cba123mbn_18, That just said "unraring (the first one) skipping"13:46
abhishekhi thre13:47
bullgard4jrib: man sshd: "The /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts and ~/.ssh/known_hosts files contain host public keys for all known hosts.  The global file should be prepared by the administrator (optional), and the per-user file is maintained automatically: whenever the user connects from an unknown host, its key is added to the per-user file. Each line in these files contains the following fields: hostnames, bits13:47
cba123jrib, Yeah13:47
bullgard4, exponent, modulus, comment.  The fields are separated by spaces." Actually, field separators are |. There is no field containing hostnames.13:47
mbn_18cba123: try specifing the first file and not *13:47
jribbullgard4: I read this13:47
jribbullgard4: keep reading.  It also says the host names can be hashed, which is the default on ubuntu now13:47
=== sarah is now known as Guest80385
cba123mbn_18, Same thing13:48
jribcba123: so again, your glob is not specific enough.  glob only the first part13:48
bullgard4jrib: How can I decode these hashed hostnames?13:48
jribbullgard4: I don't know13:48
cba123mbn_18, Wait, nvm, when I specified the first file it works13:48
jribbullgard4: personally, I disable that option13:48
bullgard4jrib: How do you do that?13:49
jribbullgard4: echo HashKnownHosts no >> ~/.ssh/config13:49
help-seeker-1_hi all!13:50
bullgard4jrib: Ah!13:50
cba123jrib, mbn_18, nevermind, I figured it out (I forgot I passworded them).  Thanks for the help.13:50
help-seeker-1_i'd like to install simias13:51
help-seeker-1_but have some trouble13:51
help-seeker-1_i'm using ubuntu 10.0413:51
help-seeker-1_when using bzr-buildpackage it's missing the upstream package and tries to download it13:52
bullgard4help-seeker-1_: Please do not replace punctuation with the Enter key.13:52
aretrfre34Hi, im trying out postfix, should I add message's base64 in mail header, and what are security flaws of not doing that?13:53
Fudgeanyone know if alpine email client can talk to exchange servers over rcp?13:53
jribaretrfre34: try #postfix13:54
aretrfre34jrib:they don't know13:54
jribaretrfre34: they would probably be the ones to know...13:54
willinjathe editor that i was looking for is SciTE lol so glad i found it again *laugh*13:55
help-seeker-1_i'd like to install simias. but have some trouble . i'm using ubuntu 10.04. when using bzr-buildpackage it's missing the upstream package and tries to download it. afterwards it does not find the downloaded package and aborts. can anyone help? output can be found here: http://pastebin.com/ckiUY4rv13:55
nicofsLjL: i can't start smstools... i installed it, but there is no link in the menu and the command "smstools" does not exist...13:58
LjLnicofs: "dpkg -L smstools | grep bin" should tell you what the commands are13:58
glebihanhelp-seeker-1_: try directly downloading the source : https://sourceforge.net/projects/ifolder/files/iFolder%20Clients/
help-seeker-1_@glebihan: i did, but i do not know what to do with it then14:00
glebihanhelp-seeker-1_: ok, hold on, I'll have a look at it14:00
=== jeremy is now known as Guest6299
glebihanhelp-seeker-1_: from the folder where you extracted the content of the ".tar.gz" file run "./autogen.sh"14:03
Guest6299I am using Maverick Meerkat at the moment and System>Preferences>Sound is different to how it was before. I am trying to change my microphone from using Alsa to OSS or Pulse, but I can't because there is no option to change. Can anyone help me?14:03
glebihan!maverick | Guest629914:03
ubottuGuest6299: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:03
=== infected is now known as Guest31984
help-seeker-1_@glebihan: i tried that and then ran make, but i got errors as well... what should happen if i ran autogen?14:04
Guest6299Where can I get support for Maverick?14:04
tommishow do i convert pdf to images?14:05
glebihanhelp-seeker-1_: what error did you get ?14:05
help-seeker-1_@glebihan: wait, i'll do it again14:05
willinja!list | willinja14:06
ubottuwillinja, please see my private message14:06
Sjors_Can I start the text-based installer from the normal Ubuntu install CD?14:06
Sjors_I've tried various approaches and just can't get my resolution right, so I would like to try the text-only installation on the 10.10 beta cd14:07
Sjors_any ideas?14:07
bazhangSjors_, #ubuntu+1 and the alternate installer14:07
Sjors_bazhang: ...without installing the complete alternate install cd ;-) but thanks, I'll ask there14:07
zviryatkohi all14:08
help-seeker-1_@glebihan: i extracted now to a different folder than last time, now the error message is different (comes up already on autogen-call): configure: error: no C Sharp compiler: mcs not found in $PATH  -- shall i extract the downloaded archive somewhere else? last time i extracted it to the folder i checked out with "bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~csights/+junk/simias/"14:08
glebihanhelp-seeker-1_: sudo apt-get install mono-mcs14:08
zviryatkohow to correct "chmod 777 /*"???14:08
zviryatkoi'm use ubuntu 10.0414:09
help-seeker-1_@glebihan: ok, now i get "configure: error: gconftool-2 executable not found in your path - should be installed with GConf"14:09
zviryatkohelp me plz!14:10
help-seeker-1_ok, gconf2 installed14:10
help-seeker-1_it continues14:10
glebihanhelp-seeker-1_: ok14:10
Xmarkwell i have issue with ubuntu 10.04 it won`t boot form cd. i choose language un thats all, blank screen14:11
luftikussXmark: Check the MD5sum of your CD.14:12
Xmarkbut it`s original cd. brand new14:12
help-seeker-1_@glebihan: it finished, but it seems there are still problems: http://pastebin.com/ETeztqHu   -- something wrong with the extract location? i didn't use anything of the things that came from "bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~csights/+junk/simias/"14:12
glebihanhelp-seeker-1_: nothing to do with the extract location, you should probably install this (https://sourceforge.net/projects/ifolder/files/iFolder%20Clients/ first14:14
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:18
keithoneanyone know anyting about bind9 and dns servers14:19
ownerfirst time here14:19
=== owner is now known as kronosphere
glebihan!ask | kronosphere14:20
ubottukronosphere: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:20
kronospherei have a wifi radio problem14:20
sacarlsonkeithone: I know some bind914:21
glebihanhelp-seeker-1_: still there ?14:21
sacarlsondetail! |kronosphere:14:21
help-seeker-1_@glebihan: it's compiling now, got it to work by adjusting debian/rules in die bzr-downloads, i added a mv-command so that uscan actually found the file... i keep you posted14:22
glebihanhelp-seeker-1_: ok14:22
keithonesacarlson can i im you?14:22
kronospherejust loaded ubuntu wubu method. tethered my cell phone temp to get internet connection. My laptop pc wifi won't work because the radio will not turn on. I have to hit Fn and F2 to get it to turn on, but that doesnt do anything in ubuntu14:22
`AbhijitAny recommendations for a IM client?14:22
Sjors_`Abhijit: depends on what protocol / kind of IM14:22
tensorpudding`Abhijit: empathy14:22
`AbhijitSjors_, a client with multi-protocol and logging support14:23
sacarlsonkeithone: no you can't be me, I speacial,  but you can pm me14:23
Sjors_`Abhijit: there's a bunch. pidgin and empathy for gtk, kopete for kde14:24
Katsumi32anyone here?14:24
glebihanKatsumi32: about 1300 people :)14:24
`AbhijitMuch thanks ... Sjors_ and tensorpudding14:24
Katsumi32can i have asl ?14:24
Katsumi32all of them please14:24
psycho_oreos!offtopic | Katsumi3214:25
ubottuKatsumi32: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:25
kronosphereFn F2 do not work after installing ubuntu (but works when i go back to winxp, I need them to work to turn on wifi. What do i do?14:25
dimahi guys where i can find a german ubuntu supportchannel?14:25
psycho_oreos!de | dima14:25
ubottudima: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:25
psycho_oreoskeine problem14:25
Katsumi32ja kein problem psycho_oreos14:26
Katsumi32kronosphere,  there when u installed your ubuntu u had to choose the right keyboard did you choose the right one?14:27
kronospherethe Fn F2 keys are used to enable wifi in my laptop. They work in win xp. They do nothing in ubuntu. Wifi is disabled. What do i do?14:27
kronospherei didnt get a keyboard choice during installation14:28
estragibkronosphere: try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146680214:28
kronospherei used the windows installation method, i think it is called wubu14:28
Katsumi32so go to system preferences keyboard14:28
kronosphereok let me try that14:28
Katsumi32kronosphere,  if it wont work you will need to buy new pc im sorry14:29
noise_hi  ,who is the best editor for html ,in linux? something like dreamweaver ??14:29
kronospherewhat kind of keyboard do i choose?14:29
kronospherelol Katsumi3214:29
Katsumi32kronosphere, the right one14:29
Katsumi32if youre in the US14:29
nogosalesmen will say vim14:29
Katsumi32choose US14:29
DJAshnarBad news - http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2010/09/first-sale-doctrine/14:29
LiBeLuLahi nogo14:29
hihihi100does any of u know any alsa forum? I cannot find any14:30
noise_any help?14:30
Katsumi32noise with what ? noise?14:30
noise_hi  ,who is the best editor for html ,in linux? something like dreamweaver ??14:31
X-2Text editor ftw.14:31
moltenoise_, Emacs?14:31
Katsumi32noise_,  who? im sure im not dont know who sorry14:31
hihihi100will ALSA work with my SIS azalea soundcard?14:32
Katsumi32hihihi100,  go to #alsa and ask14:32
nogoKatsumi32: he got noise because his sound chip is on and off rapidly by acpi14:32
noise_something like bluefish14:33
hihihi100already there, no answers14:33
noise_but i can make changes without working with the script14:33
nogoyeah, bluefish is not bad14:33
Katsumi32check up wiki hihihi10014:33
=== IPNixon_ is now known as IPNixon
ljump12I can't seem to get my second monitor to work with ubuntu -- It was working for a while, but after a reboot -- it doesn't detect it anymore. I know it still works because If i plug it into the first slot -- it works fine. I suppose it could be my video card has gone bad... But is there any way to tell? How should I proceed? Thanks!14:33
Katsumi32hihihi100,  here http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page14:34
hihihi100found it already but thx14:34
papulspam as much as you want. testing something http://papul.gotdns.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=214:34
jribpapul: please not here, this channel is for ubuntu support14:35
papulok  sorry14:35
nogowhat the14:35
papulofftopic channel available?14:35
nogosure, to get a free kick14:35
glebihanpapul: #ubuntu-offtopic14:36
gsalhello, does pam_unix source code shipped with linux-kernel source ?14:36
nogoby angry chinese14:36
Katsumi32papul,  #politics14:36
ljump12can you see this? my client grays my type out, and i'm not sure if it's getting sent to the channel14:37
glebihanljump12: no problem, we can read you14:38
ljump12glebihan: ty14:38
glebihanljump12: yw14:38
Katsumi32ljump12,  i can see you14:38
ljump12katsumi32: thanks :)14:38
Katsumi32ljump12, could you please wear some tshirt ?14:39
ljump12katsumi32: thats pretty funny, becuase i am actually not wearing a t-shirt :p14:39
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:39
help-seeker-2@glebihan: it compiled, i installed it, but now i've trouble setting up the ssl cert14:40
ljump12anyone have any ideas on how to proceed with my monitor issue?14:40
glebihanhelp-seeker-2: won't be able to help you there, maybe someone else ?14:40
help-seeker-2would be nice, here's what the cert-gen says: http://pastebin.com/b1TxHGyE14:41
glebihanhelp-seeker-2: try running it with sudo maybe ?14:42
help-seeker-2i think in the hosts file there's something to be added to map lucid.examplehost.com to the actual ip14:42
help-seeker-2i am root14:42
DJAshnarI R ROOT!  I PWN J00!14:43
* DJAshnar giggles and hides behind the ficus14:43
Katsumi32help-seeker-2,  are you sure ?14:43
help-seeker-2and /etc/hosts has a line doing that mapping14:44
Katsumi32help-seeker-2,  do you have ati graphic card?14:44
help-seeker-2what's that to do with it?14:45
Katsumi32help-seeker-2,  im asking cuz to display on second monitor u could use catalyst14:45
magnetronhelp-seeker-2: what's the output of 'hostname'?14:45
magnetronKatsumi32: got the wrong person bro14:45
Katsumi32sorry :)14:46
discozohanHey! How can i fully format hard drives ( erase all data ) ? There is a problem: when i mount 4 hard drives - ubuntu wants to create mdadm raid array ( those drives were used in array in previous installation )14:46
discozohanits something like with "dd" ?14:46
=== ubuntu is now known as scanie
Sjors_discozohan: you mean completely erase, or just repartition?14:46
Sjors_discozohan: repartitioning is best done with fdisk or gparted or so. it's when you don't care about the data on the disk, you just want to re-use it for something else14:47
Sjors_discozohan: completely erasing takes quite long, and is only for when you really want the data to be completely gone14:47
magnetronhelp-seeker-2: i doubt that you own the domain example.com :D14:48
scaniewould you recommend a linux noob to use ubuntu on a machine with two ati 5850 in crossfire?14:49
help-seeker-2right, but that's why i have an entry 192.168.x.x lucid.example.com14:49
Katsumi32scanie, why not?14:49
erUSULdiscozohan: you can zero the partition(s) or disk « sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdxx bs=4MB »14:49
scanieKatsumi32, when i've tried ubuntu earlier the ati drivers were giving me a hard time.. and now that I have another one I'm having second thoughts about even try14:50
Katsumi32scanie,  just install latest catalyst from AMD and your ati will work the same as it does in windows14:50
Katsumi32scanie,  cuz you used OS drivers14:50
scanieno I tried to install the propriat*** drivers14:51
Katsumi32scanie,  where from did you get it ?14:51
discozohanSjors_: Hm, ok. I have 4 drives with empty partition table. When i load my ubuntu server - mdadm device appears "/dev/md_d4". So, it seems ubuntu uses old data on those drives, no ? Why does it do it ?14:51
scanieI used the drivers that ubuntu automatically found14:51
Katsumi32scanie, no!!!!14:52
Sjors_discozohan: maybe simply because you have configuration files like that14:52
Katsumi32scanie, get it from AMD website14:52
scanieKatsumi32, ok, this was a couple of months ago so they're not installed now.. I've been using windows ever since.. but now I want to try ubuntu again cuz I really want to learn linux14:52
scanieright now I'm on a live cd14:53
discozohanSjors_: no! The system has been just installed, and those device appeared after i inserted 4 drives into server14:53
Katsumi32scanie,  i have ati hd4850 so if you need some help i will help you14:53
Sjors_discozohan: weird... well you could try overwriting the first 512 bytes of the hard drive14:53
scanieKatsumi32, ok! good to know, I'll write down your nick14:54
Sjors_discozohan: but be very careful with that...14:54
discozohanSjors_: what can happen ?14:54
Sjors_discozohan: if you're sure you want to do that, you can do it like this: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/harddriveaddress bs=512 count=114:54
Sjors_discozohan: if you take the wrong drive, it will remove the partition table of that drive14:54
Sjors_discozohan: if you do it on the correct drive you can always create a new partition table, and the current one is empty anyway, so it's not that much of a problem14:55
WacemanHi Guys - Hope you are all well. Could any please help me with assigning backwards and forwards to my additional mouse buttons?14:55
scanieKatsumi32, i have a 80gb ssd with win7 installed and I want to have ubuntu on a partition on a regular hard disk.. would that be a problem? or is it as straight forward as if it were two regulard disks?14:55
Katsumi32scanie, get your driver from here  http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx just choose the right one14:55
Sjors_discozohan: but I'm not sure about raid arrays. maybe you connected all drives to some raid bus or something, or raid is enabled in hardware auotmatically, or so14:55
Sjors_discozohan: make sure to reboot after writing the bytes to the drive, or the kernel won't notice14:55
aguitelanyone use aspireone d260 with ubuntu ?14:56
guest84692Can someone direct me to instructions on how to recompile the Xorg that comes with 10.04 (1.7something) so that I can have Xorg 1.8?14:56
Katsumi32scanie,  u can resize the partition windows is installed of if you have got other hdd install it on the other hdd install ubuntu is really very easy14:56
discozohanSjors_: no-no, raid is done with mdadm, its software raid. All drives without partitions, but ubuntu creates inactive mdadm device on itself .. -.- Ok, thanks, i'll try it14:56
=== david_ is now known as diwic
idletaskIs there a PPA for 10.04 which provides a ready-made 2.6.34+ kernel with btrfs support?14:57
scanieKatsumi32, yeah i know, but i don't have enough space on the ssd and I was just wondering if ssd's and mechanical disks would work in a dual boot14:57
Katsumi32there is 2.6.35 for 10.0414:57
idletaskI don't wish to use it for / but for /home14:57
MonotokoHave to say...i like the beta!14:58
Katsumi32idletask there is 2.6.35-20 for 10.04 from ppa just find the right repistory14:58
Katsumi32scanie,  u have got win on ssd and u want to install ubuntu on that disk to right? if so there is no problem. even if win will be installed on ssd and ubuntu on standard disk no problem14:59
idletaskKatsumi32: didn't find it so far, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/info/kernel-version-map.html tells the latest is 2.6.3214:59
progre55hi guys. what was the terminal command to change the fullname of a user?15:00
Katsumi32idletask do you know how to install new kernel ? do you know you need reinstall graphic ? and your wireless may stop work15:00
Katsumi32and you will need to find other newer driver for your wifi15:01
Katsumi32idletask do you want to risk?15:01
erUSULprogre55: chfn15:01
nj3000my ubuntu is broken shit15:01
progre55erUSUL: thanks15:01
idletaskWell, I use Gentoo, so I can manage to compile a kernel... I just wanted to know if there were already compiled kernels15:02
=== JFo is now known as JeremyFoshee
nj3000i wanted to optimize ubuntu with an old tutorial and i fucked all the os :(15:02
Katsumi32idletask http://ppa.launchpad.net/kernel-ppa/ppa/ubuntu i think its that one add it to repistory reload synaptic and you should see there 2.6.3515:02
=== JeremyFoshee is now known as JFo
Katsumi32nj3000 why do you swear ?15:03
_CommandeR_Hi guys need some help here. My friend is kinda newbie and needs a good torrent client. Transmission is slow because never reaches even half of the speed it should get.15:06
_CommandeR_Any suggestions on a good client15:06
erUSUL_CommandeR_: deluge15:06
xandjehi guys, so I just accidentally recursively deleted my homedir15:07
erUSUL!torrent | _CommandeR_15:07
ubottu_CommandeR_: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P15:07
erUSULxandje: o.0! with rm -r ?15:07
_CommandeR_You reccomend deluge ?15:07
xandjeI wanted to rm -rf ~/somedir but was on a keyboard layout I wasn't used to, so I usually type a space after ~ to get it to appear15:07
erUSUL!undelete | xandje15:07
ubottuxandje: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel15:07
fcuk112_CommandeR_: deluge is awesome.15:07
xandjeso I typed sudo rm -rf ~ /somedir15:07
xandjewhich was awesome15:07
melkormorning.  I've tried installing ubuntu onto an external hdd, everything seems to go fine.  I let it put grub on the mbr, but it still doesnt boot from that drive.15:07
erUSUL_CommandeR_: is what i use15:08
xandjethank God the installation is relatively fresh and I didn't have anything useful I don't have backed up on another PC in my homedir15:08
_CommandeR_fcuk112, sudo apt-get install deluge-torrent i supose ?15:08
DragonKeeperi need a program  that will burn DL+R disks  with layerbreaks       any reccomendations ?15:08
xandjebut my .bashrc file and everything is gone, what's the best way to sort of "refresh" my account?15:08
xandjeshould I just delete it and remake it?15:08
xandjeif so, how from command line? I tried to "su root" but I can't get into the root account to delete this account :)15:08
Sjors_xandje: recreate the directory, chown it to yourself, and copy over /etc/skel15:08
erUSULxandje: copy again from /etc/skel/15:08
melkorThe other problem when I use the grub installed on my main hd, it doesn't recognize that the partition with ubuntu is ext3.15:09
Sjors_I once wanted to remove from a directory all files that also existed in /etc15:09
Sjors_so I ran: for i in /etc/*; do rm $i; done15:09
Sjors_thinking that $i would only contain what * filled in, not also /etc/ in front of it...15:09
LjLoh lord15:10
Sjors_assumptions, assumptions, they kill you15:10
_CommandeR_Allrigt thank you guys for the help about deluge :) Will help that guy install it. Myself i use Rtorrent :)15:10
jribSjors_: and now you always precede your command in destructive loops with "echo" first?15:10
Sjors_jrib: exactly :P15:10
Sjors_since then :P15:10
Wi1dHello all. I did an offline install of 10.04.1 server 32-bit. I've now got the server on our network but I cannot install openssh-server. I get this: "The following packages have unmet dependencies" and "openssh-server: Depends: libwrap0 (>= 7.6-4~) but it is not installable". Can't really pastbin since I'm doing this through a KVM.15:10
* IRC-Geier has a question to all15:10
IRC-Geierwhat is the most secure firewall for ubuntu 10.04 lucy?15:11
ChogyDanWi1d: try to apt-get install libwrap0 for more detail15:11
jribWi1d: do you have internet access on the machine?15:11
_CommandeR_Smoothwall ?15:11
nj3000i use debian15:11
fcuk112_CommandeR_: yes - also enable the web UI, you can access from another machine by http://machine:8112/15:11
Wi1dChogyDan: Will do. jrib: I do now.15:11
jribWi1d: should be able to use pastebinit15:11
erUSUL!firewall > IRC-Geier15:12
ubottuIRC-Geier, please see my private message15:12
aguitelanyone use aspireone d260 with ubuntu ?15:12
oraclei love linux15:12
IRC-Geierno sorry15:12
oracleubuntu mostly15:12
oracleso much simpler than bsd15:12
* oracle shudders at the memory15:12
Katsumi32oracle, so get married15:12
_CommandeR_will du fcuk112 thanks15:12
nj3000no really, my favorite os is dsl15:12
iflemaIRC-Geier: the on that built in, ufw.... sudo ufw enable and sudo ufw default deny or install gufw15:13
nj3000sudo apt-get install windowsxp (?)15:14
ohiowhen i started mplayer the following error message shows up(in terminal)...mplayer: relocation error: mplayer: symbol codec_wav_tags, version LIBAVFORMAT_52 not defined in file libavformat.so.52 with link time reference15:14
IRC-Geierthanx iflema15:14
IRC-Geieriflema: is it possible to recieve adresses by connected ip adresses via this firewall?15:15
xandjehow do I make cp also copy hidden files etc?15:15
xandjeie if I'll do ls -A /etc/skel it'll show .bashrc etc but when I cp -R /etc/skel/* . it won't copy it over somehow15:16
iflemaIRC-Geier: what you mean?15:16
ChogyDanxandje: try -a too15:17
xandjecp -Ra?15:17
IRC-Geierilfema: If i got a ip adress which i am connected to15:17
ChogyDanxandje: ya, or i think rsync -aS15:17
IRC-Geieriflema: how is it possible to get more private information about the ip adress15:18
xandjeokay, thanks a ton15:18
coz_ohio,  what were you trying to play with mplayer at the time?15:18
xandjethanks for being so helpful everyone, I can't think of any other support channel where so many people will help you so fast :)15:18
erUSULxandje: shopt -s dotglob ; cp -r /etc/skel/* . ; shopt -u dotglob15:18
iflemaIRC-Geier: im do not understand the question, sorry =)15:19
IRC-Geierilfema: If i get an ip adress which i had been connect to15:19
IRC-Geieriflema: how is it possible to get more private information about the ip adress15:19
ohiocoz_:it happens with every midea file i try to play15:19
coz_ohio,   ok  did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?15:19
ipatrolhow do you make a virtual copy of a disc that you can edit?15:20
IRC-Geieriflema: sorry for my english15:20
ubottuWhen we use the term 'non-free', we mean that it is not Open Source. Software that is not open source cannot be fixed or improved by anyone except the software authors -- which is not us :(15:20
erUSULipatrol: virtual copy ?15:20
iflemaIRC-Geier: such as? what sort of info..... from who.... for what....15:20
IRC-Geieriflema: if i have an ip adress how can i get the user informations15:20
ohiocoz_:of late i have installed latest version of vlc1.1.4.The problem begun just after thet15:20
ohio ubuntu-restricted-extras?no i haven't15:20
ipatrolerUSUL: as in not made of processed oil :-)15:20
coz_ohio,   ok  I would install ubuntu-restricted-extras ... restart mplayer and see if that helps15:21
erUSULipatrol: an image of a disk ? loop mount it ?15:21
e-dubrunning heroin on linux15:21
iflemaIRC-Geier: nmap is one such application....15:21
ipatrolerUSUL: but after mounting, I want to copy and edit it15:21
guest84692Can someone direct me to instructions on how to recompile the Xorg that comes with 10.04 (1.7something) so that I can have Xorg 1.8?15:21
IRC-Geierthanx very much i'll try15:21
ohiosudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras?that's what i have to do?15:22
erUSULipatrol: do not see the problem if the filesystems are rw15:22
coz_ ohio   also if you intend to play dvd's    run this command      sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh15:22
ChogyDanguest84692: why not just run the development release?15:22
erUSULohio: how you installed vlc ? i had problems with the old vlc ppa. i messed up my libs just like the way you are dscribing15:23
coz_erUSUL,  oh boy ...sometimes thos ppa's  can kill :)15:23
ohio<erUSUL>from a ppa repository15:23
erUSULohio: which one. korn-c is the problematic one15:24
ipatrolhow do you ask ubottu to search for a package?15:24
erUSULohio: c-korn even15:24
=== RCP- is now known as RCP
erUSULipatrol: find string15:24
erUSUL!find vlc15:24
ubottuFound: remuco-vlc, libvlc-dev, libvlc2, libvlccore-dev, libvlccore2, mozilla-plugin-vlc, vlc, vlc-data, vlc-dbg, vlc-nox (and 6 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=vlc&searchon=names&suite=lucid&section=all15:24
IdleOneipatrol: /msg ubottu search package or find package15:24
=== cwryuu_ is now known as cwryuu
coz_ohio,  what is the  ppa  link15:25
erUSULohio: if you have that ppa you will have to ppa-purge it and reinstall mplayer etc ...15:25
ipatrolerUSUL: but this CD is read-only15:26
ipatrolby nature and physics15:26
mathewEverytime I boot my machine, I have to enable sound by using alsamixer,how do I enable it by default?15:27
erUSULipatrol: if it is a cd you will have to use something like acetone iso or some other program15:27
ohiocoz_:launchpad.net/n-muench this is the ppa link15:27
iflemaIRC-Geier: I forgot to mention the not so powerful application built in, under the desktop menu system/administration/network tools15:27
phextozhey hola15:28
erUSUL!es | phextoz15:28
ubottuphextoz: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:28
ShrekLappymathew, what exactly do you do with alsamixer to enable the sound?15:28
phextozok thx15:28
ipatrol!search acetone15:28
phextozim new on ubuntu15:29
erUSUL!find acetone15:29
ubottuFound: acetoneiso15:29
mathewShrekLappy: increase the speaker sound from mute15:29
ipatrol!search acetoneiso15:29
erUSUL!info acetoneiso > ipatrol15:29
=== kimb is now known as hello
ipatrolinstalling right now15:29
erUSULipatrol: search searchs factoids15:29
iflemaIRC-Geier: not sure if your aware... some servers and/or local firewall rules may stop and/or restrict any scan results15:29
=== hello is now known as hellgun
Dr_Willismathew:  ive noticed mine do that a few times. aalways starts muted. I just use the speaker icon in the panel to unmute it15:29
mathewDr_Willis: in the panel its always enabled for me15:30
ShrekLappymathew, try this: http://ubuntuguide.net/how-to-fix-sound-muted-on-startup-in-ubuntu-910karmic15:30
mathewat full volume15:30
hellgunMy problem is E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu.retrosnub.co.uk_dists_karmic_universe_binary-i386_Packages, E:Les listes de paquets ou le fichier « status » ne peuvent être analysés ou lus.'15:30
Dr_Willismathew:  mathew  now that is odd..15:30
=== IRC-Geier is now known as Jockel
Dr_Willismathew:  there is the alsa command line tools that can save/restore volume settings. as a dirty hack you could add a command to your autorun stuff.15:31
Dr_Willismathew:  but it sounds like some quirk in the drivers15:31
mathewShrekLappy: thanks15:32
hellgunMy problem is E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu.retrosnub.co.uk_dists_karmic_universe_binary-i386_Packages, E:Les listes de paquets ou le fichier « status » ne peuvent être analysés ou lus.'15:32
ohiohey <erUSUL> r u there?15:33
erUSULohio: yes;15:34
ShrekLappyhellgun, have you tried: sudo apt-get update15:34
ohiowhat should i do now?15:34
ShrekLappyor is that whats throwing the error (sorry i only speak english so i dont know what the last bit means)15:34
erUSULohio: it is not the same ppa. but the fact that it also includes ffmpeg packages is suspicious, it may be well causing the issue you are seeing15:34
erUSULohio: i would ppa-purge the ppa15:35
hellgunjust a second15:35
mathewIs 64 bit 10.10 really ready to be used as a desktop OS?15:35
ohio<erUSUL>what is ppa-purge?how do it?15:35
ShrekLappymathew, i would say yes, i used 64-bit several versions ago as my desktop15:35
erUSULohio: is a command; you will have to install it. some ppa come with it or is aviable in backports15:36
mathewShrekLappy: it was fine till the last version, but 10.10 is too slow15:36
ShrekLappywell, 10.10 is not final yet15:36
toxictuxmathew, slow doing what?15:36
mathewtoxictux: everything, even opening a new terminal takes like two seconds15:37
erUSULohio: sudo ppa-purge ppa:name-of-ppa15:37
Dr_Willisbeen using 64bit for the last 4+ releases i belive.. with very few issues15:37
Dr_WillisI dont find 10.10 slow either. It is still being trimmed down a bit and optmized. theres a lot of debugging stuff still going on.15:38
toxictuxmathew, ask in #ubuntu+115:38
bonez2046Dr_Willis: how is sound with 10.10? has that improved, sound handling?15:39
kimbShreKLappy : there are error15:39
bbbacatI'm new with ubuntu and I'm basically a windows user trying something different. But there is one problem that is making difficult to me to experience this.15:39
bbbacat   does any one knows what could cause the backspace button to "click" by itself each 4/5 seconds?15:39
Dr_Willisbonez2046:  ive had no issues with it.15:39
bonez2046there are errors, or there is an error?15:40
spid3rhow has server on ubuntu15:40
Dr_Willisbbbacat:  dirty keyboard?  try it on the consold see if it still does it.15:40
ShrekLappykimb, ?15:40
vinsqualcuno italiano?15:40
ohioerUSUL:i have heard that10.10 repositry is offering latest version of vlc.When will it be in the repo of 10.04?15:40
erUSUL!latest | ohio15:40
ubottuohio: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are  only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.15:40
Dr_Willisohio:  its 1.1.4 here. but i MAY be using it from a PPA.15:40
=== kimb is now known as hellgun
bbbacatnop... the problem just occurs at the ubuntu, works fine on win715:40
bonez2046Dr_Willis: I have issues with sound failing.. requiring reboot.. this is with mobo sound.. I wonder if a discrete sound card would resolve this15:41
hellgunShreKLappy : there are error15:41
Dr_Willisbonez2046:  you can get decent sound cards for $25 these days. :) so may as well try it.15:41
ohio<Dr_Willis>in 10.10?15:41
Dr_Willisohio:  yes.15:41
filbuntuWhen I update the repositories, e.g sudo apt-get update, a lot of Ign ... translation-en_GB appear, also in the Software sources: download translation-en_GB ubuntu failed. The system seems not to be bothered, but I would like to have only "Hit"s.15:41
filbuntuAny ideas? Thanks.15:41
hellguni've use sudo apt-get update15:41
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases15:41
ShrekLappyhellgun, it sounds like your /etc/apt/sources.list is broken15:41
SolvedHow do i update to the latest flash player (adobe)?15:42
hellguni dont know15:42
SolvedHow do I update to the latest adobe flash player?15:42
Dr_WillisSolved:  best to just use what one the repositories give you. less hassles. I think it was updated a few weeks back.15:43
spid3r             viste web site15:43
ShrekLappy!sources.list > hellgun15:43
ubottuhellgun, please see my private message15:43
hellgunthere is errer in the var/15:43
bonez2046hellgun: what's the error?15:43
SolvedDr_Willis: Just go to download page you mean15:43
ShrekLappyhellgun, try what ubottu sent you15:43
bbbacatDr_Willis I don't think its a dirty keyboard problem, 'cause it works fine on the other OS... anyway thanks.15:44
spid3rubbotu is a bot15:44
Dr_WillisSolved:  no .. i mean use the one the ubuntu package manager gives you. People always seem to mess things up trying to use the one from the Adobe web site15:44
Dr_WillisSolved:  i normally install the 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' and it pulls in flash. (i think) and  java, .15:45
SolvedDr_willis -->sudo apt-get install adobe?15:45
ashiswinDr_Willis: My windows crashed again. Now i'm back on ubuntu. got ubuntu running but windows seems dead. managed to backup my stuff on windows first though15:45
Dr_WillisSolved:  check the package manager.. thats not the right name15:45
Dr_Willisashiswin:  :) I saw 2TB hds on sale for $106 a few weeks ago15:45
SolvedDr_willis: synaptic or software center15:46
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash15:46
Dr_WillisSolved:  either one.. they do the same thing15:46
ashiswinwhere Dr_Willis and in which country?15:46
Dr_WillisSolved:  install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' for starters15:46
Dr_Willisashiswin:  USA. :)15:46
ashiswinlol i'm in singapore Dr_Willis15:46
Dr_Willisashiswin:  thats where they are made.. the streets shoudl be paved with them~! :)15:46
Dr_Willis'the land of cardboard computer cases' :)15:47
ashiswinbut Dr_Willis, I still have warranty on my lappy15:47
nwheelerHow can I install a GDM theme?15:47
Dr_Willisashiswin:  good luck! :)15:47
lazybug1I try to use bbc i player but can't play any selected film installed flashplugin-installer15:47
Dr_Willisashiswin:  that is weird that it died so soon then.15:47
ashiswinDr_Willis, it died 6mths after i bought it15:47
ashiswinthis is not surprising15:48
spid3rmake server on ubuntu is so diffuclte15:48
Dr_Willisspid3r:  can you be any more vague?15:48
Dr_Willisspid3r:  if you are not good with the command line. then you should be using the desktop edition. not the server edition.15:48
b0xokay, so am on ubuntu 10,04 dualboot with winxp, i have a hdd that is NTFS and i want to share it with ubuntu, how do i do this?15:48
Dr_Willisb0x:  you mean access it from ubuntu? It shoudl show up in the Computer area.15:49
spid3ryou dont can15:49
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kthomas_vhcan ubuntu be installed in a partition of a windows 'dynamic disk?'15:49
hellgunanother error E: Encountered a section with no Package: header15:49
hellgunE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu.retrosnub.co.uk_dists_karmic_universe_binary-i386_Packages15:49
hellgunE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.15:49
hellgunE: _cache->open() failed, please report.15:49
FloodBot3hellgun: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:49
b0xDr_Willis: sorry worded that wrong, i want to share it so that it can be accessed over the network from other pc's15:49
spid3rdr_wills: is there any exploit on ubuntu15:50
Dr_Willisb0x:  thats also doable. You proberly want to edit /etc/fstab so it alway smounts on boot, run ntfs-config (install it first)  and check the box's to allow all users full access.. then right click on the mountpoint and 'share' it.15:51
Dr_Willisspid3r:  most exploits are for specific services, or programs.  Ive not heard of any major linux exploits in some time.15:51
Dr_Willisspid3r:  theres security focused web sites with exploit news.15:51
Dr_Willisb0x:  also you should proberly give each user a 'samba password'  via the command 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERSNAME' so they can access the shares.15:52
Dr_Willisb0x:  samba is documented all over the place. its complex. but not too hard.15:52
sacarlsonspid3r: I was hacked on my a php store application that broke into my www-data account.  but that's partly because I didn't upgrade.15:53
Dr_Willisb0x:  set the proper workgroup in /etc/samba/smb.conf also :)15:53
Dr_Willissacarlson:  a hacked web siet hacked your web site? :)15:53
spid3rno on ubunto is ther15:53
Dr_WillisBRB. gotta run for smokes and Soda for the wife..15:54
sacarlsonDr_Willis: yes but couldn't do much since www-data didn't have priv to change much15:54
sanoophey anyone please help me on how to use emrald theme manager15:54
Dr_Willissacarlson:  security in layers. :)15:54
Dr_Willissanoop:  install it , run 'emerald --replace' to activate it.. good luck finding any themes for it15:54
Dr_Willissanoop:  emerald is basically dieing off.15:54
lazybug1I try to use bbc i player but can't play any selected film installed flashplugin-installer15:54
sacarlsonDr_Willis: it was wide open like a filemanager that they could upload anything and run there program15:54
b0xDr_Willis: ran ntfs config and allowed it, but when i try to share a folder off the partition i get "'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot share path /media/Multimedia/Movies and TV as we are restricted to only sharing directories we own."15:55
Dr_Willislazybug1:  you are in the UK? if not the BBC stuff wont work.15:55
sanoopi has installed it but how to apply the themes15:55
lazybug1yes in the uk15:55
filbuntu http://paste.ubuntu.com/492193/plain/15:55
Dr_Willisb0x:  Hmm.. i dont recall having that issue.. but you Could add a share by hand to /etc/samba/smb.conf  and not use the 'user created share' feature.15:55
M4rotkuhey guys.  I'm writing a 40_custom file for Grub2 and I was wondering if the root variable always has to be expressed with UUID, or if I can still just point to /dev/sda215:56
sanoophow to deactivate it15:56
yaccAny idea how to install grub while running from the LiveCD.15:56
Dr_Willisb0x:  install the samba-doc package and check the book/guides in /usr/share/docs/samba-*   if you want to learn that way. I have to run15:56
sanoopDr_Willis: how to deactivate it15:56
spid3rdr_willis i using apqche15:56
b0xDr_Willis: okay will do ty15:56
Dr_Willissanoop:  the emerald window decorator. tell it to use a different one. install/run 'fusion-icon' for easy controll of it.15:57
lazybug1works on my laptop but can't remember how i made it work15:57
Dr_Willissanoop:  the emerald theme manager tool lets you set the themes for it. but none are installed by default last i checked.15:57
sacarlsonM4rotku: works both ways uuid or /dev/sdaX15:58
M4rotkusacarlson, thanks15:58
spid3rdr_willis i using apache i have scanne my server15:59
sacarlsonM4rotku: carefull if you move the disk if you don't use uuid15:59
spid3rloteofexploite i new on ubuntu15:59
sanoopam using ubuntu ultimate edition15:59
spid3rdr_willis: i using apache i have scanne my server15:59
spid3ra lote of exploits16:00
kuNihey guys16:00
spid3rusing nikto back trakc16:00
sacarlsonspid3r: the expoits are in the php programs not the system16:00
sanoopDr_Willis: how to deactivate it emarld theme16:01
sanoopDr_Willis: how to deactivate it emerald theme16:01
M4rotkusacarlson, yah, i was just  thinking about that and decided to go with UUID after all, just in case i repartition at some point, i still want to be able to boot16:01
Stefanos90does anyone knows how can i play poker stars on ubuntu?16:02
joseph_You could try Wine.16:02
sacarlsonM4rotku: I have seen the oposite problem where people have cloned drives and still have the same uuid16:02
sabalabaHello, I have a question, I heard on the american news that this guy was burning a bunch of crayons and it was causing a lot of troubles, are crayons very toxic when burned?16:02
M4rotkusacarlson, oh, i don't plan on doing that, but thanks for the warning16:03
jribsabalaba: this channel is for ubuntu support, nothing else16:03
Stefanos90<joseph_> it is not working..16:03
joseph_<Stefanos90> Just a moment, I'm going to check something.16:03
MaximLevitskyAnybody had the problem with X starting on VT1?16:03
discozohanwhat driver should i use with dlink dge-530t ethernet card ?16:04
stewart_Hello is the performace of ubuntu the same when installed via wubi compared to creating partitons and installing it in a more standard way16:04
joseph_<Stefanos90> It looks like it will work on 10.1016:04
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=== wolf is now known as Guest43250
sacarlsonstewart_: there are a group of people that have had problems installing with wubi.  I'm sure it must work for many more.16:05
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Stefanos90<joseph_> hmm remember me how to check my wine version?16:05
diogo_79i guys16:06
joseph_<Stefanos90> On a command line, try "wine --version"16:06
stewart_sacarlson: Ah ok I was more intrested in the performacnce once it is insatlled. Is there any difference to the more standard install?16:06
joseph_<Stefanos90>  It says your program works with wine version 1.3.216:06
Stefanos90<joseph_> wine-1.216:07
Rodolfohello everybody16:07
joseph_<Stefanos90> You might be able to install a newer version of wine by choosing different software sources, but I have never had much luck with this, maybe someone else knows how to do it.16:08
lazybug1Dr_Wiilis: is shockwave included in the flashplug-installer?16:08
diogo_79i have a samsung genoa c3510 cell phone i want to manage this phone contacts from ubuntu i have try wammu but i can establish a connection but cannot retrieve contacts is there any other software that i can use in ubuntu??16:08
Stefanos90<joseph_> ok i will try it at my version16:08
joseph_Okay then.16:08
diogo_79the connection is establish by blue-tooth16:09
Rodolfoguys is there a channel to talk to thunderbird dev-team?16:10
xanguaRodolfo: the thunderbird channel in mozilla's irc network16:10
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kuNii just installed hardy heron16:13
kuNireally liking it16:13
javitodjhow are16:13
wd409your website says this os will work on my mac but im having trouble getting it to install16:14
oledole2Q: I can't seem to start/assemble my array at boot. I've set up mdadm.conf with DEVICE /disk/by-id/ names, ran  update-initramfs -u, and it assembles fine with mdadm -A /dev/md0 after boot. What could be the issue? (Ubuntu 10.04)16:14
javitodjalgien ke able español16:14
kuNihey wd16:15
kuNii had that problem too16:15
wd409did you resolve it? and if so how16:15
kuNii only have an old pc and it's all i can install ubuntu on16:15
wd409cuz i paid alot of moeny for this and it wont run ubuntu16:15
kuNii couldnt16:15
kuNiyeah me too, i just got a new mac book pro and nothing works16:15
kuNii think its cuz macs are just better16:16
wd409its a good system16:16
Nach0zi has a question. does anyone here know how to mess with IP configuration in ubuntu?16:16
wd409its apple. better than pc16:16
kuNii think so too16:16
OverandNach0z: aye, be more specific?16:16
kuNii paid alot of money for my macs16:16
kuNithey work fine without ubuntu16:16
wd409same here and this iso disc wont do ANY thing16:16
kuNiits a shame it doesnt work on them tho16:17
kuNidid you try the usb thingie?16:17
wd409it installed on my dell16:17
JeruvyNach0z: be specific, and also note there is ##networking16:17
Nach0zoverand: i want to set up my ubuntu system as a dns server but i need a static IP adress. in windows i can do that easily, but i don't know how to set that up in ubuntu.16:17
kuNiyou gotta dell? cool16:17
wd409yeah bro, i buy all the top tier gear16:17
Nach0zthx jeruvy. will ask there too...16:17
MonotokoI have a dell...it died terribly16:17
Monotokonever getting anything from them again16:18
wd409you bought your dell from walmart didnt you16:18
kuNiyou musta put a coffee mug in the disc drive like my wife16:18
wd409the ones you get at dell store are waybetter16:18
Monotokonope, dell's own shop...im in England16:18
Monotokowe have no walmart :P16:18
wd409i see16:18
Rodolfoxangua they say I should connect to irc.mozilla.org and I did try that on network list but it says unknown host16:18
kuNii got my pc at walmart!16:18
wd409at least there is somewhere they havnt taken over yet16:19
Nach0zso nobody's familiar with assigning statip IP's in ubuntu?16:19
* Monotoko builds his own computers now16:19
kuNiit's a few years old but still kicking16:19
kuNiunlike my macs16:19
nakaNach0z, system->preferences->network connections16:19
wd409same here kuni!16:19
nakayou can set one in there16:19
wd409we are kindred spirits16:19
kuNii know!16:19
Nach0znaka:  thanks16:19
JeruvyNach0z: heres a simple guide to setting up a static ip http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=166916:19
kuNiim so glad i found this thing16:19
KDC1956This is why I build my own computers here16:19
kuNiubuntu is great16:19
kuNibut nothing beats a mac16:20
wd409dell builds top tier computers16:20
MonotokoKDC1956, i learnt not to trust the OEM's...besides, i was always forced to buy WIndows with my machines16:20
wd409you can build your own if you want to but mine is better16:20
nakathat's the easy way, but what jeruvy posted is probably a better plan for what will be a dns server16:20
switch10_apple is a horrible company16:20
bonez2046why would gtk-gnutella tell me my system is firewalled?16:20
Monotokowd409, 8GB of RAM and a phenom quad-core processor?16:20
KDC1956even if you buy a computer I would take off the OS that came with it16:20
wd409ew you buy amd16:20
KDC1956and install linux on it16:20
kuNican i install ubuntu on my ipod nano?16:21
bonez2046wd409: whassa matter with amd?16:21
MonotokoKDC1956, dont agree to the license...and MS give you a refund if you bug them enough16:21
OverandkuNi: no?16:21
kuNiwhy not?16:21
wd409amds are slow16:21
Overandbonez2046: because it probably is16:21
Overandwd409: That's a pretty crap generalization16:21
Dr_WillisMost generalizations are. :)16:21
wd409the truth hurts16:21
KDC1956I build my own16:21
Monotokowd409, i quite like my AMD when its overclocked...best processor iv ever had16:22
bonez2046Overand: but I checked the port from outside and it's not blocked.. but gtk-gnutella tells me it is firewalled16:22
Dr_WillisIts hard to build one cheaper then these premade ones...16:22
kuNihaha burned16:22
Monotokocan take anything i throw at it generally16:22
kuNican you build an apple computer?16:22
KDC1956amd works great for my part16:22
wd409monotoko: have you ever owned an i7?16:22
Overandbonez2046: you're able to connect to the machine's listening port from way-outside?16:22
bonez2046amd has served me well16:22
bonez2046Overand: yeah.. .16:22
Monotokowd409, i tried to own an i5...it didn't work and i sent it back16:22
kuNisnow leopard is AMAZING16:22
* erUSUL points to #hardware in this very network16:22
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:22
jsjg /join #ubuntu-classroom16:23
wd409i5's wont fit in your amd mobo16:23
wd409this is why it did not work16:23
Monotokowd409, nope...i had an intel mobo16:23
wd409you have to buy dell if you want your i5 to work16:23
Y_Ichirowhy does apt-get does not reconize a mounted cdrom?16:23
kuNii bought an amd computer from emachine quite a few years ago16:23
Monotokowd409, i build computers for a living...i think i know which mobo's work with which processors :P16:23
erUSULY_Ichiro: to use apt-cdrom the cdrom has to be umounted16:23
kuNiit got viruses and i never bought another one16:23
KDC1956like all OS you like them or you don't16:23
kuNitotal junk16:24
wd409seems you do not if you could not get it to work sir16:24
wd409do not fear tho ill help you16:24
kuNithanks wd40916:24
* Dr_Willis goes back to sleep16:24
Monotokowd409, they admitted it was faulty >.>16:24
wd409so what you wanna do is call 1 800 get dell16:24
wd409and tell them you want an i716:24
Monotokowd409, im in England..remember?16:25
wd409oh right, you'll need to press 1 first16:25
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
Rodolfoxangua how do I get connected to the mozillas irc network?16:25
kuNii have verizon and it makes me mad they dont have iphones. is there someone here who can hack one to make it work?16:25
Monotoko-.- I aint calling an american company...do i look made of money?16:25
Dr_WilliskuNi:  you can get unlocked iphones.. yes..16:25
kuNidoes it cost alot?16:26
Dr_WilliskuNi:  see google.16:26
wd409if you use the website you can sometimes get a discount16:26
kuNithank you16:26
wd409I told them i was a school teacher and i got 20% off16:26
Monotokowd409, why would i fork out that much when my AMD can take just about everything i throw at it?16:26
wd409sir because dell is better16:27
kuNito whoever was helping me, all i can see on google is pictures of iphones. this isnt what i need.16:27
wd409i get 76 frames per SECOND in counterstrike source16:27
wd409its amazing!16:27
Monotokowd409, i believe your graphics card is the one that controls that16:27
kuNiim not very good with computers, can someone help me?16:27
Y_Ichirois there a way to make ubuntu install gcc compilers by default?16:27
wd409right, right.. its a dell graphics card too16:28
wd409im telling you man dell is top tier16:28
erUSUL!remaster | Y_Ichiro16:28
ubottuY_Ichiro: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility16:28
kuNiif i was on my mac i could probably do it right but internet explorer is confusing16:28
xxiao_after rsync is done I want to move the dest folder to a different partition, and after I moved that it started rsync from scratch, how can I avoid that?16:28
Reactor1Can anyone help me with Pidgin?16:28
xanguakuNi: are you running ubuntu¿16:28
wd409see thats nother fine point, internet explorer runs better on a dell16:28
Monotokohmmm...strange...ctrl+alt+d isnt taking me to the desktop16:28
wd409its more secure on dell16:28
glebihanReactor1: what kind of help do you need ?16:29
xxiao_why can't they compare the hash value to avoid re-rsync everything, it's >10GB over my website16:29
erUSULwd409: would you stop trolling?16:29
wd409im not trolling, i came in here for help and no one will help me16:29
wd409i cant get ubuntu to install on my mac16:29
erUSULxxiao_: becouse it does a cheaper compare by default16:29
wd409the disc appears to do absolutely nothing when i try to boot from it16:29
xanguawd409: have you read th instructions in ubuntu.com¿16:29
macrocathave you set it up to boot from the disc16:29
Monotokoanyone know how i can get to the beta channel?16:30
kuNiim running ubuntu on my emachine16:30
glebihanMonotoko: #ubuntu+116:30
Monotokocheers :)16:30
kuNibut its very confusing16:30
wd409yes yes yes im not new16:30
wd409i know how to set boot from cd16:30
=== navid is now known as fruitboy
xxiao_erUSUL, is there a way to avoid that?16:31
erUSULxxiao_: ask in #rsync16:31
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xxiao_erUSUL, i would hope the recalculate the hash before they re-rsync each time, i can bypass the timestamp difference, and use 'tar' to keep the permissions16:31
SubCoolhey- can someone help explain something to me? i am trying to sudo apt-get install xinerama, although the error  E: Couldn't find package xinerama16:31
wd409what im trying to say is, the screen is just blank after i boot16:31
=== xcl is now known as xue
wd409it spins the cd16:31
xxiao_erUSUL, ok, don't even know there is a #rsync16:31
wd409and then does nothing else16:31
wd409no text, nothing16:32
SubCoolwd409, try a boot via txt... instead of gui16:32
fruitboyGuys, I used to have Windows XP installed on this machine and my WiFi connection was smooth for surfing the internet. Now that I have installed Ubuntu, it takes quite some time to load up a page.16:32
macrocatmaybe the .iso didn't burn right16:32
fruitboyI have an Intel WLAN card16:32
wd409i used the iso to install it on my dell laptop16:32
WasserHi, my gnome-panel has lost its ability to right click and unlock/move items, etc. When I right click I just see 'About Panels' and 'Help'. Any ideas?16:32
wd409it worked fine for that16:32
katoehi i am from sweden, some one posted ubuntu at coffee bean, im having trouble get my ipod connect to my music?16:32
icerootfruitboy: the problem does not exist on ubuntu when using a cable?16:32
xanguaWasser: are you runnung netbook remix¿16:33
fruitboyiceroot, I'm not sure. I haven't tried that option yet.16:33
Wasserxangua: no, im not16:33
fruitboyRegardless, why is there a difference in WLAN speeds?16:33
icerootfruitboy: is the wifi-signal at a good quaility on ubuntu?16:33
fruitboyiceroot, three bars.16:33
SolvedHow do I update adobe flash plugin?16:33
fruitboythree bars out of four16:33
icerootSolved: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree16:33
ikoniaSolved: you don't, if an update is available, ubuntu's package manager will offer it to you16:33
edbianSolved, The same way you update every package in Ubuntu :)16:34
erUSULxxiao_: i think is the -c option to rsync to force checksum. rsync is in theis network. do « /join #rsync »16:34
IdleOne!language | katoe16:34
ubottukatoe: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:34
Solvedbut website tells me i need the latest flash player16:34
xxiao_erUSUL, thanks. went there and asked already16:34
SubCoolwd409, its happened to me a few times. The CLI way should work.16:35
SolvedHow to get the latest flash player16:35
wd409i will try16:35
icerootSolved: i already told you16:35
edbiankuNi, Hi16:35
kuNican someone please help me?16:35
xxiao_upgrading from ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04, too many stuff to backup, and need a refresh install as my 8.04 had too many extra stuff there...sigh16:35
wd409i cant16:36
erUSULkuNi: this is not a jailbrasking iphones channel16:36
wd409no options come up16:36
wd409no menu16:36
ikoniaSolved: you don't, if ubuntu has an update available it will offer it16:36
iceroot!enter | wd40916:36
ubottuwd409: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:36
xxiao_dare not to do dist-upgrade16:36
kuNiwhat is jailbrasking/.16:36
katoeubottu: your language dos nut compute , i thank i need to update my java script because my screen is , well , i need help on wow and i really woukd liek if someone joined and made a priest so we copuld tank the lichking16:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:36
Kalle2Is there any ping flood program for linux ?16:36
SubCoolkuNi, msg me.-16:36
ikoniaSolved: sometimes websites that don't work in the linux flash player say you need an update, even though none is available16:36
ikoniaKalle2: ping flood ?16:36
Dr_Willis!info flashplugin-installer |  solid_liq16:36
ubottusolid_liq: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 19 kB, installed size 184 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)16:36
sacarlsonKalle2: yes16:36
kuNimessaging subcool16:36
SubCoolmore of a pm16:36
Dr_Willishe left too soon. :)16:37
wd409!enter | iceroot16:37
ubottuiceroot: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:37
Kalle2sacarlson what is it called _16:37
kuNii dont follow16:37
sacarlsonKalle2: ping16:37
katoehow to a free deckard cain16:37
kuNi katoe are you having problems too?16:37
IdleOnekatoe: this is a WoW forum.16:37
IdleOnethis isn't*16:37
wd409this is a wow forum?!16:37
Dr_WillisIdleOne:  :)16:38
katoedeckard cain is wow16:38
IdleOnewd409: no I mistyped16:38
icerootIdleOne: deckard cain is not wow, its diablo16:38
Wasserdeckard cain is Diablo?16:38
kuNithis is all very confusing16:38
wd409that is wonderful news, im having problem with someone stole my account16:38
wd409can you help me?16:38
IdleOneiceroot: whatever....16:38
katoediablo is not wow , who are you?16:38
Dr_WilliskuNi:  time to go read up on IRC basics then.16:38
glebihankatoe: anyway, this is an ubuntu support channel16:38
katoethen help16:38
kuNii thought this was where you go for ubuntu help, am i in the wrong place?16:38
* Bogus8 stretches16:38
ikoniakatoe: what's the issue16:38
Dr_WilliskuNi:  you keep asking about iPhones last i  looked...16:39
glebihankatoe: do you have an ubuntu-related question ?16:39
opheronsomeone knows if bug in ubiquity about unable unmount /cdrom during  installation from another HDD partition16:39
katoei cant complete this quest in sen'ji , i thank you should login and meet me their16:39
katoei want to run zf help16:39
kuNii need help with my mac book pro16:39
ikoniakuNi: with regard to ubuntu ?16:39
Bogus8I got a box (server 10.4) that the nic freezes up and doing an ifconfig will unfreeze it... has anyone ever seen that?  this is with several different nics16:39
wd409so can anyone help me get my account back or what?16:40
VectorXhi im running ubuntu on a vmware session, how my eth0 ip keeps changing, how do i make this static ?16:40
ikoniakuNi: then ask16:40
Dr_Williswd409:  acount back on what?16:40
kuNihow do i get ubuntu on a mac book bro16:40
wd409he said this was a wow forum too16:40
ikoniaVectorX: change the setting from dhcp to static in gnome-network-manager16:40
kuNithe directions are not helping me16:40
Wasser*bump* My Gnome Panel doesnt show (not disabled, just doesn't show) the unlock or move items. What Can I do?16:40
Dr_Williswd409:  you are confused.. and he misstyped.16:40
jrib!macbook | kuNi16:40
ubottukuNi: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot16:40
phillyjI'm trying to install matlab and I'm following the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB16:40
wd409oh. ok then16:40
phillyjFor this command, do I type it exactly as "sudo chown -R ${USER}:${USER} ~/.matlab"?16:40
Dr_WillisWasser:  you are not using the Netbook remix edition are you?16:40
kuNii do not have an amd, i have a mac16:40
WasserDr_Willis: no, Im not. Ubuntu Desktop Edition 10.0416:41
Dr_Willisphillyj:  between the quotes yes. BUt i would hope the program would make that directory if it dident exist.16:41
ikoniakuNi: what ?16:41
fruitboyGuys, I downloaded prBoom from the software centre along with the Doom shareware WAD, but it doesn't show up in Applications->Games.16:41
kronosphereI was hoping to find a keyboard option to enable use of "Fn key" (in combo with other keys). I searched under system >preferences >keyboard, but i haven't found the Fn Key option. Has anyone seen or enabled the Fn Key option?16:41
macrocatkuNi, a link to help with your macbook is in that too16:41
jribkuNi: no one suggested you have an amd.  Ubottu's link contains instructions for the macbook pro (as well as other instructions).  Also, note that "amd64" is just the name of the 64bit architecture.  So if you have a 64-bit macbook pro, then that's what you would use16:41
opheronkuni your processor its intel?16:42
kuNibut i dont have an amd16:42
fruitboyFrom the software center, how could I determine where things are installed to?16:42
phillyjDr_Willis: what is the "{USER}" referring to?16:42
Dr_Willisfruitboy:  run it from a terminal  it may show up after you log out/back in  - command seems to be 'prboom'16:42
wd409what is ubotto, will this edition work on my mac?16:42
jribkuNi: It doesn't matter.  "amd64" is just a name and works on intels too16:42
SubCoolhey- can someone help explain something to me? i am trying to sudo apt-get install xinerama, although the error  E: Couldn't find package xinerama16:42
kuNiok, thank you16:42
xanguafruitboy: in 10.10 you will see where they are16:42
ikoniaSubCool: there is no package called xinerama16:42
kuNido i need to driver the change or will ubuntu do it for me like a mac?16:42
Dr_Willisphillyj:  thats a variable. try  'echo ${USER}' and see what it says16:42
erUSULSubCool: there is no such package. xinerama is an old extension of xwindows16:43
Dr_Willisphillyj:  im not even sure thy it would be wanting you to do that command.16:43
ikoniakuNi: read the links ubottu gave you16:43
Nach0zok question. i want to edit the ip configuration file, but it says that the owner is "root" and wont let me edit. how do i fix this?16:43
Dr_Willis!sudo | Nach0z16:43
ubottuNach0z: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with  superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli ) . Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For  graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with  sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo16:43
ikoniaNach0z: no, you need to open gnome-network-manager and change it htere16:43
icerootNach0z: sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces16:43
erUSULNach0z: what ip configuration file ?16:43
phillyjDr_Willis: doesn't say anything16:43
Dr_WillisNach0z:  be carefull editing system files.16:43
wh1sk3yj4ckI'm trying to share a folder for several users via ftp16:43
edbianiceroot, don't have him use vi!  god.  Nach0z use nano it is much more intuitive.16:43
ikoniaNach0z: make sure you use gnome-network-manager applet on the top of your desktop screen16:43
wh1sk3yj4ckanyone got a good guide for me to follow?16:43
Nach0ziceroot i've tried sudo, but i dont know how to save it once i've edited it.16:44
ikoniakuNi: what ?16:44
erUSUL!ftpd > wh1sk3yj4ck16:44
ubottuwh1sk3yj4ck, please see my private message16:44
ikoniaNach0z: don't edit it16:44
wh1sk3yj4ckit seems that all the guides thinks I want one user to only have access to that users file16:44
icerootNach0z: :wq16:44
kuNiim reading this website and it says i need windows16:44
Dr_Willisphillyj:  you did a typio then.. it works.16:44
Dr_Willis$ echo ${USER}16:44
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd16:44
ikoniakuNi: no it doesn't16:44
=== DrManhattan is now known as Nubert
Nach0ziceroot: uh,can you elaborate a bit?]16:44
icerootNach0z: but if you have a gui, use the network manager applet16:44
jribkuNi: read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro16:44
kuNiit says right at the top i need windows to "dual boot"16:44
_doughi there all16:44
wd409does it matter if my mac is a server? maybe this is why it wont install ubuntu16:45
kuNibut with no spaces16:45
icerootNach0z: thats a vi command to save16:45
katoecan someone buy my wow account from me16:45
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP16:45
xxiao_10.04.1 looks decent, finally16:45
ikoniawd409: a mac server ?16:45
icerootkatoe: stop it please16:45
Dr_Williskatoe:  take it elsewhere.16:45
Nach0ziceroot: where do i enter that in though? inside the file?16:45
wd409network server16:45
DJones!ot | katoe16:45
ubottukatoe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:45
kuNiikonia! thank god16:45
kuNii have a mac16:45
icerootNach0z: in the command-mode of vi16:45
SubCoolerUSUL, aww- ok. so what would be a good dual monitor software? my google keeps pulling me back to that. And the software is tring to make my second monitor the main monitor. Other than when i try to correct it- it combines them.. i think i have an xorg issue- but im not too good at diagnoising this- does the xorg have a log i can view to make sure it is running correctly?16:45
kuNican you help me?16:45
kronosphereI'm looking to enable the Fn key, has anyone enabled it through sys>pref>keyboard options?16:45
phillyjDr_Willis: where should I be when I type this? I'm in my home folder now16:45
Nach0ziceroot: ok16:45
icerootNach0z: you can enter the command-mode in vi with ESC16:45
Dr_Willisphillyj:  its a system variable.. it dosent matter.16:45
erUSULSubCool: if you have nvidia with prop drivers use nvidia-settings/twinview16:46
erUSULSubCool: for others use System>Preferences>display16:46
Nach0ziceroot: oh cool. thanks.16:46
wd409katoe how much are you asking for your wow account?16:46
wd409mine was stolen16:46
icerootwd409: stop it please16:46
VectorXikonia ok thanks ill do that16:46
IdleOnewd409: stop now with the wow discussion.16:46
Dr_Willisphillyj:  You are changeing the owner/group on a directory called ~/.matlab  the  ~/.matlab is a full path.. Ive no idea why you are even needing to do this. If you just make the directory - it will be owned by your user.16:46
NanobotWoW accounts can't be stolen, they can only be liberated16:46
_dougbye ..16:47
ikoniawd409: that is not for this channel, please don't discuss it16:47
OrlyHi possible to syn-flood with linux ?16:47
=== tommy is now known as Guest35148
=== Orly is now known as Guest7344
jribOrly: offtopic here16:47
IdleOneOrly: no.16:47
ikoniaOrly: yes16:47
phillyjDr_Willis: I'm just following the instructions; don't really know what it means16:47
Dr_Willisphillyj:  sounds like they have a lot of extra useless commands in them16:47
katoeanyone want date my avatar16:47
SubCoolerUSUL, nah i have ati. And i am trying to use display- thats whats messing me up. Its not properly idenitfying the monitors16:48
kronosphereestragib: earlier you sent me this link, but I have a reg pc laptop, will it still work? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146680216:48
glebihanIdleOne, ikonia : that's gonna help him :)16:48
experiMENTALhi. my console tab auto fill doesn't work. ^I appears instead. how to fix it?16:48
Guest7344ikonia how ?16:48
jribexperiMENTAL: what ubuntu version?16:48
Dr_WillisexperiMENTAL:  try the 'reset' command and see if that resets the terminal back to proper defaults16:48
ikoniaGuest7344: that's nothing to do with this channels topic, plus I'm not going to help you flood people16:48
erUSULSubCool: i do not have multiple monitors. can't help further. maybe ati propietary drivers have its own tool too16:48
cwryuuI get the feeling that a bunch of trolls got bored and decided to waltz in here or something16:48
jribexperiMENTAL: "lst" is not an ubuntu version16:48
* jrib nods at cwryuu16:49
* erUSUL agrees with cwryuu 16:49
Guest7344Away from this channel then ?16:49
Guest35148hi all, upgraded from 9.04 .. to 10.04.1 ... now usb wifi disconnects randomly and i have to unplug and replug and it works again.. didn't have this problem with the old version... looked at ubuntu site hardware compatibilty page and it says the same problem... so i guess i'll go back to the old 9.04 which seems dumb but ok.. where can i download the iso for 9.04 is my question ?16:49
=== Guest7344 is now known as Incomplete
kronospheredidn't anyone else have trouble with their Fn key not working?16:49
ikoniaGuest35148: no16:49
iTrollhey guys, just installed webmin on a fresh 10.04 server.  It seems I can only access it from localhost.  does the firewall by default close port 10000?  I don't seem to have any rules in iptables... confused16:49
ikoniaiTroll: webmin is not supported16:49
IdleOne!webmin | iTroll16:49
ubottuiTroll: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.16:49
erUSUL!ebox > iTroll16:49
ubottuiTroll, please see my private message16:49
Nach0ziceroot: it worked! thanks a lot :D16:50
glebihan!jaunty | Guest3514816:50
ubottuGuest35148: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90416:50
kronosphereso everyone's Fn key is working properly?16:50
Dr_WillisiTroll:  webmin by default is localhost only in its settings.. time to read its docs.16:50
Nach0zkronosphere: i believe so, why?16:50
Dr_Williskronosphere:  on my laptops. yes. they all have worked. (on the 4 ive had over the last few years)16:50
xanguaGuest35148: 9.04 to 10.04¿ no idea what you did to make that but you broke it, better full reinstall of lucid16:50
jribkronosphere: mine works by default, yeah16:50
iTrollWow. thanks guys and bots16:50
SubCoolerUSUL, um- i have run across Xorg configs to work with.. but thats y im asking. I had a missing xorg to begin with.. so im not even sure what the computer is using as a default thanks alot.16:50
experiMENTALjrib: 2.6.32-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 20 14:24:04 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux16:50
jrib!version | experiMENTAL16:50
ubottuexperiMENTAL: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »16:50
kronospheremy Fn key stopped working, but only when ubuntu is active os, when i boot the win xp, the Fn key works again just fine16:51
phillyjDr_Willis: Its all working now, thx for the help16:51
jribkronosphere: how are you testing in ubuntu?16:51
Dr_Willisphillyj:  great. I'll send you the bill. :_)16:51
erUSULSubCool: newer Xwindows do not need the file they just autoconfigure themselves at runtime, if xorg.conf is present is obeyed though16:51
xiaclokronosphere what keys are you testing exactly?  the fn key on it's own does nothing16:51
Nach0ziceroot: on second though, not so much worked. it saved it apparently, but it didnt do what i wanted.16:51
experiMENTALjrib: Description:Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS16:51
jribexperiMENTAL: good.  Create a fresh new user.  Does the issue exist for the fresh new user?16:52
icerootNach0z: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart16:52
Wyatt_LWciao a tt16:52
kronosphereFn plus F2, so that i can enable the wifi. Currently the wifi is disabled. I am using my mobile phone to get internet now, until this can be figured out.16:52
Guest35148ubottu, xangua, thanks, i'll just go back to Jauty, i just dont get why lol16:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:52
Dr_WillisI feel the need to point ouit that its best to use the 'service' command  and not /etc/init.d/whatever   with the move to upstart the init.d stuff is getting phased out.16:52
erUSULkronosphere: you may be able to use rfkill « sudo rfkill unblock all »16:53
experiMENTALjrib: ^I disappear. tab works. done nothing.16:53
SubCoolerUSUL, oh- ididnt know that. Well thanks you've been of great help.. imma get lunch now..16:53
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox16:53
Dr_Williskronosphere:  some laptops and wireless cards are very quirky. is that the ONLY fn key thats 'not working' ?16:53
kronospherelet me check if thats the only key16:53
xanguaGuest35148: because you can upgrade from 9.04 to 10.04, whatever you did it broke your ubuntu installation16:53
Nach0ziceroot: you're a lifesaver. thanks.16:53
kallethhey, i can't get the ubuntu 10.04 livecd/installatin to boot on my machine (suse exhibits the same issue) - it hangs as soon as it tries starting X (i.e. after the buntu loadin splash screen).16:53
jribexperiMENTAL: for the new user only you mean?16:54
kallethI think this may be an issue with my graphics card (ati 5870) but i'm not sure16:54
kallethanyone confirm that?16:54
icerootNach0z: not me, vi(m) is the lifesaver .)16:54
xiaclokronosphere how can you tell if its working/not working?  you can't always trust LEDs, for example, ive seen a toshiba laptop that had an radio kill button that worked, but wouldn't change colour like it did in windows16:54
kronosphereDr_Willis: smart~ The Fn Key is working with the screen brightness F7 and F8 keys16:54
Nach0zoic. actually, can i pm you about this? i;ve got some more questions and this channel is NUTS clogged...16:54
BluesKajkalleth,I think you're right, I had the same prob , so I used the alternate install and it worked fine .16:54
experiMENTALjrib: found reason - ^I appears on vim. no auto fill on vim.16:55
Nach0zsorry... meant to direct this at iceroot .... oic. actually, can i pm you about this? i;ve got some more questions and this channel is NUTS clogged...16:55
kallethBluesKaj: perfect :) i shall give that a go and let you know16:55
kronospherexiaclo: ok, i need to see if you are right, how do i test?16:55
scottjI downloaded murrine from git and sudo make installed it, how do I set gtk to use murrine in /usr/local instead of the deb one?16:55
BluesKajkalleth, good luck :)16:55
jribexperiMENTAL: right... and you have ":set list" enabled...16:55
Guest35148xangua, from ubuntu.com: ' Tested on Ubuntu Karmic Koala (9.10) 32-bit version with linux kernel 2.6.31-20-generic-pae. Works right out of the box. ' ... true, works fine for me too ... 'Tested on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx (10.04 LTS) 32-bit version with linux kernel 2.6.32-22. 802.11n NOT WORKING!!! Note: Intermittently disconnects' ...same problem for me now that i'm on 10.04 ... so i'll just go back, i just don't get why! surely the same drivers would w16:55
Guest35148ork with this version, weird.16:55
xiaclokronosphere good way to test it is to open up a terminal, and type in sudo iwlist scan ... if working, it should return a list of wireless access points nearby ...16:56
kronosphereerUSUL: what does "sudo rfkill unblock all" do?16:56
cwryuuHmm, seems like ebox got renamed to zentyal16:56
kronospherexiaclo: ok ill test that now16:56
Nach0ziceroot: i'm trying to set up the static IP but the interfaces file doesnt seem to want to set what i put in as the stuff that auto eth0 uses.16:57
erUSULGuest35148: try installing linux-backports-modules-wireless-lucid-generic16:57
Guest35148erUSUL, thanks,. i'll try that now16:57
xiaclokronosphere rfkill is a program that manages quite a few different interfaces for disabling wireless cards ... usually as long as it's software blocking it (not not a physical switch) rfkill can control it16:57
icerootNach0z: paste your interfaces-file to pastebin16:57
iceroot!paste | Nach0z16:57
ubottuNach0z: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:57
experiMENTALjrib: thx. i don't know what that ":set list" is, but tab works now. ty16:58
keithonecan someone help me setup a static ip?17:00
ikoniakeithone: ubuntu 10.04 ?17:00
kronospherexiaclo: http://pastebin.com/7i5kXBH617:00
Jeruvykeithone: this helped another earlier today http://www.jonathanmoeller.com/screed/?p=166917:01
xiaclokronosphere ok, try 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 up'17:01
sinmanhow can i see if i been identify?17:01
ikoniakeithone: login to the desktop go to system->prefernces->network-connections17:01
xiaclokronosphere if that works without any errors, run the sudo iwlist scan again17:01
ikoniakeithone: from there you should see your network card, let me know when you are there17:01
Nach0ziceroot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/492231/17:01
jribkeithone: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html17:02
ikoniajrib: is he running a server ?17:02
jribkeithone: ah, I assumed you were using server, but if not follow ikonia17:02
jribikonia: bad assumption on my part17:02
ikoniaI don't know if he is or not17:02
ikoniajrib: I thought I'd missed a part17:02
ikoniakeithone: are you running ubutu server or desktop edition17:02
kronospherexiaclo: ok trying it now17:03
kronospherexiaclo: SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory17:03
keithonesorry im reading the page you posted17:03
ikoniakeithone: why are you running ubuntu server edition ?17:03
ikoniakeithone: is it running on enterprise hardware ?17:03
ikoniakeithone: why are you running ubuntu server edition ?17:03
keithonenvm that17:04
Nach0ziceroot: when i put that in, it killed my auto-eth0 and now i have no internet period.17:04
kronospherexiaclo: i never tried "sudo rfkill unblock all" yet; should i try it ?17:04
xiaclokronosphere yes please, that error means your wireless card is either disabled, or it can't find a driver for it17:05
shamezi am looking for some good c programming books any advice?17:05
ikoniashamez: join ##c17:05
experiMENTALhow to get out of ":set list" mode on gvim?17:06
sinmanI have items in my trash that was put their in a previous installation of ubuntu, when I redid it I had it format my / and /home folder. but those items is still there and I can remove them from the trash17:06
ikonia!tash > sinman17:06
kronospherexiaclo: i input "sudo rfkill unblock all" no errors but nothing else came back either, and it seems that the wifi is not lighting up either17:06
ikonia!trash > sinman17:06
ubottusinman, please see my private message17:06
sinmancan't not can17:06
xiaclokronosphere try the 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 up' again17:07
ikoniasinman: check the link from uboottu17:07
kronospherehow do we find out if it is disabled?17:07
shamezikonia, whats the url so that i join the channel?17:07
ikoniashamez: type "/join ##c"17:07
kronospherexiaclo: SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such file or directory17:07
erUSULkronosphere: sudo rfkill list17:08
kronospheresudo rfkill list17:08
kronosphere0: phy0: Wireless LAN17:08
kronosphereSoft blocked: no17:08
kronosphereHard blocked: no17:08
FloodBot3kronosphere: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:08
sinmanikonia I checked the PM from ubottu but how can i see hidden folders like the .local17:09
erUSULkronosphere: is problem with the drivers. what wifi chip is this ?17:09
kronospheresorry FloodBot :)17:09
erUSULsinman: ls -a17:09
IdleOnesinman: ctrl-h in nautilus will show hidden folders17:09
daylight_linuxIs there any way I can display a dynamic daylight map as my Nautilus wallpaper?17:09
xiaclokronosphere most likely looks like a driver issue ... 'sudo lspci' look for a wireless chipset in there ... or 'sudo lsusb' if it's a usb one17:09
IdleOnels -a in terminal like erUSUL said17:09
kronospherei don't know the name of it, how can i look that up?17:09
erUSULkronosphere: xiaclo just said it17:09
sinmanIdleOne: thanxs17:10
ikoniasinman: then remove it17:10
kronosphereok checking17:10
erUSULkronosphere: lspci | grep -i net17:10
=== styx|away is now known as [styx]
* edwardthefma tar's kronosphere and names the file feathered17:10
hafizwho can help me?? (i am going to make my laptop an access point for other devices)help me17:10
Dr_Willisdaylight_linux:  as your desktop wallpaper - thats doable17:11
erUSUL!search hostap17:11
hafizwho can help me?? (i am going to make my laptop an access point for other devices)help me17:11
=== MashPotato is now known as MashMash
daylight_linuxDr_Willis: How?17:11
erUSULhafiz: look for a good hostap how to.17:11
erUSUL!wifi | hafiz17:11
ubottuhafiz: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:11
sinmanok i went into ~/.local/share but I dont see the trash folder17:11
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash17:12
Dr_Willisdaylight_linux:  theres some special programs out vie seen that do it. check the OMGubuntu or other ubuntu 'blog' sites17:12
hafizi found some websites but i could not afford good result17:12
erUSULkronosphere: so; what is the chip ?17:12
Dr_Willisdaylight_linux:  you can set up a rotation of wallpapers.  thats how they do it. i belive,.17:13
kronospherexiaclo: erUSUL : http://paste.ubuntu.com/492239/17:13
xiaclohafiz make sure they are up to date, the hostapd software was originally for prism chipsets only, now they support just about everything that has a native linux driver and can go into master mode17:13
Nach0ziceroot: sudo won't let me type the letter "a" as the beginning of a line. whats goin on?17:13
erUSULkronosphere: "sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter" then reboot17:13
hafizok thank u17:14
kronospherewhat is the chip?17:14
erUSULkronosphere: you have to be conected to internet17:14
erUSULkronosphere: broadcom 43xx17:14
daylight_linuxDr_Willis: Okay, thank you17:14
erUSULkronosphere: 00:0c.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)17:15
IdleOnedaylight_linux: http://explore-ubuntu.blogspot.com/2010/03/earth-wallpaper.html17:15
sinmanI'm not even seeing the !Trash I'm in the /.local/share/gvfs-metadata I see 2 files: trash: and trash:c8e3881a.log17:15
xiaclokronosphere you're going to need the windows broadcom drivers as well ... fwcutter takes part of the windows driver file and turns it into a linux compatible one17:15
shamezikonia, seriously i cant join the channel i need to be in their server to join the channel and apparently this is an ubuntu server if am not wrong17:15
erUSULxiaclo: if he is conected to insternet all of that is done automatically17:16
Asigottechhey, I need to add a user using there ssh_key, some tips on google but whats the best way to do this and give them a home folder please ?17:16
IdleOnedaylight_linux: this may interest you also http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=132454317:16
erUSULxiaclo: no need for the windows drivers17:16
rrohitiithii ppl could you help me out with this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wget/+bug/63071717:16
jribAsigottech: just create a new user and add their key to their ~/.ssh/authorized_keys17:16
erUSULkronosphere: if you are conected to internet all of that is done automatically no need for the windows drivers17:16
xiacloerusul kronosphere ok, my bad, i haven't used fwcutter in a year or so, guess they have made it more efficient now17:16
jrib!ssh > Asigottech17:16
ubottuAsigottech, please see my private message17:16
rrohitiitim not able to use wget as un-previleged user17:17
kronospherealot of work is taking place automatically17:17
ikoniarrohitiit: check the permissions17:17
Asigottechjrib: thanks17:17
erUSULrrohitiit: error msg?17:17
ikoniarrohitiit: what's the error17:17
rrohitiitcould not resolve17:17
ikoniarrohitiit: that's dns17:17
ikoniarrohitiit: what's the exact command your using17:18
rrohitiitikonia what should i do17:18
ikoniarrohitiit: check your dns settings17:18
=== Hlao-ru is now known as EM64T
rrohitiitwget www.google.com17:18
Nach0ziceroot: i could RAELLY use yur help here. sudo is messing up.17:18
ikoniarrohitiit: can you ping www.google.com17:18
rrohitiitikonia :i ve set dns manually in network manager17:18
ikoniarrohitiit: that's not what I asked17:18
rrohitiitikonia: no17:18
ikoniarrohitiit: right, so your dns settings are wrong17:19
ikoniarrohitiit: that's the problem17:19
kronosphereits going to be a few more minutes because i am using my mobile phone tethering for internet, but it is downloading and installing a lot of files17:19
rrohitiitikonia: but my w3m works17:19
erUSULkronosphere: should dwonload the package and another file17:19
rrohitiitikonia : when i set it to automatic in network manager still it does not work17:19
ikoniarrohitiit: that doesn't mean your dns settings are correct17:19
nadecan any1 help me with this17:20
rrohitiitikonia : what do you suggest17:20
nadeI want to install all those packages: http://svn.openaos.org/svn/openaos/trunk/buildroot/scripts/ubuntu_dependencies.sh because you have to build some source code, and no there is no 'debian package' of what you want to run.17:20
ikoniarrohitiit: checking/fixing your dns issues17:20
Asigottechjrib: they have no .ssh/ folder in there home folder ?17:20
ikonianade: anyone what17:20
carlghey ppl17:20
magicianlordgood day, sirs17:20
nadehow do u install build essential packages17:20
carlghow can I make a backup of all my aptitude packages i've downloaded?17:21
ikonianade: open the package manager, search for "build-essential" click "install17:21
IdleOnenade: apt-get install build-essential17:21
erUSULnade: sudo aptitude install build-essential17:21
nadefor Ubuntu 10.0417:21
ikonianade: open the package manager, search for "build-essential" click "install17:21
rrohitiitikonia : if my browsers are able to resolve why not ping or wget or bzr17:21
neha___hi all, i have installed a lot of packages on one of the machines. i want that machine to be acting as a server for the other machines to install the packages. what tool to use?17:21
=== emma_ is now known as emma
=== CHanges is now known as Dehs
ikoniarrohitiit: I don't know what your browser is using as a resolver17:21
rrohitiitikonia : it works when im root17:21
Dehsneed help setting up a static ip17:21
sinmanikonia: may i send you a pm17:21
ubottuapt-proxy is a program that acts as a local apt repository server for a LAN, only fetching from the internet when required. To set it up see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptProxy17:22
ikoniarrohitiit: please pastebin the output of the files /etc/resolv.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf17:22
=== Shyam is now known as Guest87805
ikoniasinman: ok, if you really need to17:22
erUSUL!aptoncd > neha___17:22
ubottuneha___, please see my private message17:22
cwryuuCurrently humored by the fact that when I click on the infamous "Microsoft has a majority market share" bug in launchpad on a windows system and I get an error back.17:22
Guest87805Hi I am new to ubuntu .. I have installed it on my dell inspiron  6400 .. everything seems good except audio .. can anyone help17:22
xiaclocarlg 'dpkg --get-selections > myselections.txt' will save your packages to myselections.txt17:22
rrohitiitikonia: you wnt contents of files or their permissions17:22
ikoniacwryuu: that's nothing to do with this channel, try #ubuntu-offtopic17:22
Dehsi need help setting up a static ip17:22
ikoniarrohitiit: both would be good17:22
kronosphereerUSUL: xiaclo : http://paste.ubuntu.com/492241/17:22
nadeMan this is so sad I feel like a noob using linux..17:23
erUSUL!aptoncd > carlg17:23
ubottucarlg, please see my private message17:23
ikoniaDehs: ubuntu desktop 10.04 ?17:23
carlgUBUNTU 10.04 Lucid - I want to keep all exact packages and put them to a compressed file so that I can take that file and put it on another computer17:23
nadei shud move back to windows :-(17:23
ikonianade: ok, do that17:23
carlgxiaclo, -- so that will make a txt list of my packg17:23
erUSULkronosphere: good now reboot17:23
magicianlordcarlg: you'll need to know all the dependant files17:23
Ibertechim a noob too, dont move back stick with it17:23
ikonia!trash > sinman17:23
ubottusinman, please see my private message17:23
kronosphereok, i will see you on the other side! :)17:23
xiaclocarlg then something like 'dpkg --set-selections < myselections.txt; apt-get update; dselect update; apt-get dselect-upgrade' will restore on a clean system17:23
Ibertechread and learn thats what ive been doing17:23
erUSULcarlg: see ubottu message.17:23
nadebut one thing I like17:23
erUSULcarlg: about aptoncd17:24
ben_qhey, how can I get the time a process has run already? In case I want to run a script only if another process has time to settle for like 5min17:24
carlgmagicianlord, ya, i just realised how bad it could be to keep all exact packages, considering there's different hardware in the other comp17:24
nadelinux for me atleast..detects usb flash drive much faster than Windows 717:24
Serraphynmy computer is randomly shutting down, is there any logs or something I can check to see what is causing this?17:24
cwryuuikonia: Appologies, thought the ubuntu launchpad association was enough. Adjusted my offtopic radar accordingly17:24
carlgxiaclo, thanks, thats what im looking for17:24
erUSULben_q: that's the job of the kernel; decidong when to run things17:24
Serraphynwell not fully shutting down, its like self-suspending yet I have all the power feathers off17:24
Dr_Williscarlg:  if reinstalling to a differmt box on the lan. You may want to set up a apt-cacher-ng  server on one machine on the lan. to cache all downooads for the whole lan17:24
ikiluCan someone tell me why I'm unable to connect to the last co server? I just downloaded the game as well as the lastest patch to the lastco file17:24
carlgerUSUL, thanks17:24
nadek guys i installed it17:24
ikiluIt keeps saying I'm still unable to connect.17:24
xiaclocarlg yep, great way to 'ghost' a debian system, since everything is downloadable and easily reinstallable ... if you don't mind leaving it overnight downloading17:25
carlgDr_Willis, wise, but it's just one other computer is all17:25
nadeis this for checking if i have it or not ? "dpkg -l build-essential" ?17:25
Dehsim not wasting peoples time ass, there were 15 people messaging me and its easier to just im one17:25
rrohitiitikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/492243/17:25
Dr_Williscarlg:  i do it even for my 2 linux box lan. :)17:25
carlgthumbs up everyone! thanks alot for your help17:25
IdleOneDehs: watch the language please17:25
hafizhelp me graphically to do this work17:25
ben_qyes, erUSUL, but in my particular situation my script (controlling rtorrent) has to wait some minutes after rtorrent started to let rtorrent finish the initial hashes17:25
ikoniaDehs: why are you using ubuntu server on desktop hardware17:25
nadealright guys thx a lot17:25
kevin009hey how come my xorg.conf fails to start if i configured it to use a joystick UNLESS the joystick is plugged in?17:25
ikiluTake it no one knows whats up with the lastco server? Does anyone here even play?17:25
neha___i find a tool named apt-cacher, is there any other better tool than that17:26
magicianlordkevin009: magic17:26
Dehsim not, and that has nothing to do with what im asking, thats why i /parted the chan17:26
kevin009can't it just ignore the port if nothings there?17:26
Guest87805Hi I am new to ubuntu .. I have installed it on my dell inspiron  6400 .. everything seems good except audio .. can anyone help17:26
Dr_Willisben_q:  you could just make the script sleep for say 10 min. to let rtorrent get done.. then startup.17:26
Dehsbecause your asking me ignorant questions not partaining to to what im doing17:26
erUSULben_q: rtorrent && sleep 600 && someotherscript17:26
ikoniaDehs: why ar eyou using ubuntu server17:26
ikoniaDehs: I'm not I'm trying to help you, answer the question17:26
magicianlordGuest87805: explain the issue in detail please17:26
Dehsso you wanna just answer? or stfu and let someone else answer me17:26
IdleOne!attitude | Dehs17:26
ubottuDehs: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:26
Quantum_IonDehs, lol17:26
Dehsgood god17:27
ben_qDr_Willis, erUSUL, the script is called every 2 minutes by crontab =/ is there no way to check the time of a process by its pid ?17:27
rrohitiitikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/492245/17:27
Guest87805magicianlord .. I am trying to play some music files .. but dont hear sound17:27
ikoniarrohitiit: 1 moment17:27
magicianlordGuest87805: is the audio muted? click on the sound icon in the panel17:27
SerraphynThis is gonna sound wierd, can a PS/2 keyboard cause a system to shutdown?17:27
magicianlordSerraphyn: yes17:28
SubCool... Serraphyn sure y not?17:28
magicianlordSerraphyn: it can also make the computer explode17:28
carlgIm fairly new to ubuntu, but i've used it several times over a span of years but never really made the full switch to ubuntu because it doesnt perform as well for LAN-Gaming, and i end up switching back to winxp -- IS IT POSSIBLE to install windows xp after having ubuntu already occupy the entire partition?17:28
Benom1if you press alt-ctrl-del and then enter on it..17:28
cwryuuSerraphyn: if there was some quirky hardware / driver issue I suppose17:28
Guest87805magicianlord .. when i click on the sound icon - gnome-volume-control -- it just says "waiting for sound system to respond"17:28
Serraphynk, just wondering this is the longest it has been on without shutting down in a while now17:28
rrohitiitikonia : http://paste.ubuntu.com/492245/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/492243/17:28
SerraphynI switched to a USB keyboard and mouse17:28
michaelxqcarlg: yes you can17:28
erUSULben_q: maybe ps has that info,. check the man page17:28
magicianlordGuest87805: ok. open up a terminal window, and then type in alsamixer17:29
ikoniarrohitiit: got them17:29
xiaclocarlg its not windows and ubuntu fighting as much as ntldr and grub ... you can make them play nice, but the easiest way is to reinstall grub after you've installed xp17:29
michaelxqcarlg: partition will be made when installing Ubuntu17:29
carlgmichaelxq, is there a partition manager of some sort I am able to resize with?17:29
SerraphynWell I'm gonna let this run a bit, see if it dies again.. thanks folks17:29
Guest87805magicianlord .. done .. what do you want me to check there17:29
xiaclocarlg gparted is one of the easiest and best to use, harder to mess things up17:29
magicianlordmake sure the channels arent muted. master, pcm primarily17:29
magicianlordyou unmute or mute with the M button17:30
carlgxiaclo, that's interesting, ...17:30
ikoniarrohitiit: ok, so is it possible that only one of those dns servers is working17:30
michaelxqcarlg, When installing ubuntu you can set yourself the space of the partition17:30
erUSULben_q: « ps -p PID -o etime | tail -1  »17:30
discozohanAnyone has idea, why when i create mdadm raid10 array with 4 partitions /dev/sd[c-f]1 and reboot pc - /dev/md4_p1 appears and mdadm --detail --scan --verbose shows, that i used not /dev/sd[c-f]1, but /dev/sd[c-f] ( whole drive )17:30
carlgxiaclo, so I will be able to make a blank partition and have winxp format it ntsf, even tho I have ubuntu lucid 10.04 occupying the ENTIRE 200gb?17:30
ikoniarrohitiit: can you validate that both of those are workig ?17:31
rrohitiitikonia: point is it works perfectly well when im root17:31
xiaclocarlg yes, obviously it will shrink your ubuntu, but its possible without losing any data17:31
rrohitiitikonia : how do i do that17:31
ben_qthanks, erUSUL17:31
ikoniarrohitiit: post the output of ls -la /usr/bin/wget please17:31
xiaclocarlg again, make that partition in gparted before you let xp mangle it, or you WILL lose your ubuntu ... xp doesn't understand linux file systems17:31
Guest87805magicianlord .. i have opened alsamixer .. what should i check there?17:31
rrohitiitikonia: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 333396 2010-09-01 21:42 /usr/bin/wget17:32
* kronosphere returns17:32
ikoniarrohitiit: that looks bang on17:32
rrohitiitikonia: ?17:33
ikoniarrohitiit: that looks correct17:33
sobersabrethere's a very long changelog for kernel package linux-image.17:33
sobersabresome of the patches are labelled CVE and some others as LP.17:33
carlgxiaclo, you seem to know your stuff... could you explain to me why, on linux, the performance of games are very sluggish and sometimes unbareble to play?17:33
sobersabreif LP = launchpad, what is CVE ?17:33
kronospherexiaclo: erUSUL my wifi light is on! But i still have questions, its not configuring yet, but im sure we are almost there!17:33
erryDoes anyone have the default mysql config for 10.0417:33
rrohitiitikonia: when i couldnt get an answer on launchpad i reported a bug. Then i was suggested to check firewall settings17:34
ikoniaerry: default ? what' the issue17:34
erryikonia, i spoiled mine :p17:34
ikoniarrohitiit: that's interesting17:34
rrohitiitikonia: i ve no idea how to do that17:34
erUSULkronosphere: click on the network manager icon. do you see some network there ?17:34
erryand now mysql won't start17:34
magicianlordGuest87805: did that help17:34
xiaclocarlg assuming you mean directx games ... and well, its because most people run games in wine (or cedega or whatever) but the point is, they aren't M$ and they dont have access to directx code ... so they are reverse engineering it, and trying to convert it to opengl ...17:34
ikoniarrohitiit: what firewall are you using ?17:34
kronosphereerUSUL: is that the up and down arrow?17:34
ikoniaerry: what's the error when it trys to start17:34
Benom1If i have an disk with one NTFS partition taking up all the space, and select the 'erase and use the entire disk' option at ubuntu 10.4 install, will it format it to ext4 automatically?17:34
ChogyDansobersabre: my guess: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Vulnerabilities_and_Exposures17:34
nadewhat's sudo for again ectly?17:34
rrohitiitikonia : just ufw17:34
Guest87805magicianlord .. still volume manager says "waiting for sound system to respond"17:35
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.17:35
sobersabreChogyDan: so, I assume vanilla kernel also receives all the CVE patches. right ?17:35
erUSULkronosphere: two monitors iirc17:35
xiaclocarlg so if you can, run games in opengl mode, they run much smoother, or suffer with the performance hit, not much we can do besides try to work around m$ technology17:35
rrohitiitikonia: i tried after disabling it17:35
ikoniarrohitiit: check that link17:35
erryikonia, http://pastebin.com/nDcEYKUa is the best i can get.17:35
carlgxiaclo,  ooh i see17:35
rrohitiitikonia : dint help17:35
erryikonia, doesn't bring any other error anywhere else.17:35
ikoniarrohitiit: is this an ubuntu desktop or server install17:35
carlgxiaclo, even if video drivers are installed correctly people are still suffering with directx and opengl?17:35
rrohitiitikonia: desktop17:35
kronosphereerUSUL: i dont understand the instruction17:35
ikoniarrohitiit: so it's not appamour either17:36
ikoniarrohitiit: give me a minute to think17:36
erUSULkronosphere: the icon has two monitors if i recall correctly.17:36
erUSULkronosphere: just click on it should be obvious what is the network manager one17:36
xiaclocarlg the video drivers in linux only support opengl ... directx still needs to be translated into opengl for the video drivers ... that translation takes cpu time and doesn't always translate efficiently into opengl17:36
ikoniaerry: http://pastebin.com/HDFH0ea917:37
erryit works now17:37
kronosphereerUSUL: there is the one with an up arrow and a down arrow, i think that is the network icon, and next to that is battery and next to that is a driver install option17:37
kronospherewhat should i look for under the network icon17:37
erUSULkronosphere: well click on it. do you see the wifi networks listed ?17:37
cannonfodderanyone know how i can open or delete only files with certain extention or suffix...i remember doing something like rm -f *.jpg     or something like that17:37
carlgxiaclo, oh, so because ubuntu is cash-broke they are taking much longer to get the exact compatibility as microsux or macinpoop?17:38
uLinuxHow can I open .pdf files in Firefox?17:38
kronospherei see lists of network stuff, some grayed out some lit17:38
erUSULcannonfodder: "rm *.jpeg" will work for files in the current folder17:38
glebihancannonfodder: you're right "rm -f *.jpg" will delete all .jpg files17:38
Reactor1Can someone help me with Pidgin tray icons?17:38
kronospherewireless networks say disconnected17:38
erUSULkronosphere: click on the one you want to connect17:38
xiaclocarlg it's not a money issue, it's a 'we own it and you can't have it' issue from microsoft ...17:38
cannonfodderoh hey thanks17:38
kronosphereerUSUL: it doesnt give me the option, wireless networks are grayed out17:39
intmedhow can i create an iso image using oem-config-remaster software17:39
xiaclocarlg they are forced to reverse engineer it, mac doesn't do much better, they use bootcamp, which just runs a full windows OS instead of trying to emulate directx at all17:39
carlgby the way, xiaclo, after $sudo apt-get install gparted, then $gparted returned: Inhibit all polling failed: Only uid 0 is authorized to inhibit the daemo17:39
glebihanuLinux: firefox won't open pdf files, it will use another application to open them17:39
erUSULkronosphere: :( right click and choose edit network connections17:40
xiaclocarlg uid 0 is root, gparted needs access to the disks themselves, only root has that access ... 'sudo gparted' should fix it17:40
kronospherei do have "create new wireless network" as an option17:40
carlgxiaclo, i never knew that... so basically everyone has to emulate the windows environment to have the ability even just to play17:40
hafizI'm using ubuntu 10.4 and i'm going to make my laptop an access point for other devices.help me to do this job graphically17:40
erryikonia, i still can't start it through the service command, only through mysqld17:40
carlgxiaclo, thanks didnt' know17:40
uLinuxglebihan: I use Document Viewer.. but is there a plugin for firefox ?17:40
switch10_where is firefox history stored?  I cant find history in ~/.mozilla/firefox17:40
ikoniaerry: look at the logs to see why17:40
hafizI'm using ubuntu 10.4 and i'm going to make my laptop an access point for other devices.help me to do this job graphically17:40
glebihanuLinux: not that I know of17:40
erryikonia, i pasted what the logs say, there's nothing else.17:40
ikoniarrohitiit: struggling to think of a situation that would cause the situation17:41
uLinuxglebihan: maybe if i install adobe reader17:41
hafizI'm using ubuntu 10.4 and i'm going to make my laptop an access point for other devices.help me to do this job graphically17:41
kronosphereerUSUL: right click is not working, and it is not detecting the wireless network that is available17:41
intmedi have nokia 5230 mobile with unlimted internet connection on phone. i want to use the net on pc through bluetooth. is it possible ?17:41
erUSULkronosphere: try ina terminal « sudo iwlist wlan0 scan »17:41
glebihanuLinux: I don't know if the plugin for adobe reader works under Ubuntu17:42
hafizintmed:we have same problem17:42
hafizI'm using ubuntu 10.4 and i'm going to make my laptop an access point for other devices.help me to do this job graphically17:42
intmedhafiz: ok.17:42
kronosphereerUSUL: wlan0     No scan results17:43
erUSULkronosphere: you are sure there are wifi networks around ?17:43
kronosphereits weird because my led light is on, indicating that wifi is enabled, just want you to know17:43
iTrollguys, what is relationship between ldap-auth-config and samba?17:43
carlgxiaclo, so i have /dev/sda1[ext317:43
kronosphereyes, our other computer is on the wifi now17:43
necrodeariaI am working with ubuntu on a vpn server.  I tried `apt-get install nano` but response was "E: Couldn't find package nano"  -- Is this normal?17:44
hafiza person introduce to me some websites but they were ubuntu 5.4 release17:44
hafizI'm using ubuntu 10.4 and i'm going to make my laptop an access point for other devices.help me to do this job graphically17:44
erUSULkronosphere: try « sudo iw dev wlan0 scan »17:44
necrodearianecrodearia, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=115743717:44
switch10_necrodearia: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install nano17:44
intmedhafiz: which are the sites ?17:45
carlgxiaclo, so i have /dev/sda1[ext3]180.52gb and /dev/sda2/[extended]5.79gb and /dev/sda5[linux-swap]5.79gb --- so i would just alter the ext3?17:45
=== joseph is now known as Guest14521
necrodeariaswitch10_,  thanks17:45
rrohitiitikonia : could a firewall in the proxyserver i use cause smthing like this?17:45
ikoniarrohitiit: proxy ?17:45
ikoniarrohitiit: are you using a proxy to get onto the internet17:45
rrohitiiti use a proxy17:45
ikoniarrohitiit: ahhh ok17:46
rrohitiitikonia: yes17:46
ikoniarrohitiit: now we are getting somewhere17:46
rrohitiitikonia: sure hope so17:46
ikoniarrohitiit: if you do "sudo ping www.google.com" does that work, yes/no17:46
errywhere do mysql error logs go?17:46
ikoniarrohitiit: try that17:46
switch10_where is firefox history stored?  I cant find history in ~/.mozilla/firefox17:46
Guest14521@erry try /var/logs17:46
glebihanerry: /var/log/mysql.log17:47
erryglebihan, already checked there.17:47
rrohitiitikonia: no17:47
rrohitiitikonia: just as su17:47
erryglebihan, empty17:47
ikoniahang on "su"17:47
xiaclocarlg yep, you should be able to resize by right clicking on the drive, if that doesn't work, you may need to run gparted from a live cd, some file systems can't be resized while they are the root filesystem17:47
glebihanerry: try /var/log/mysql/error.log17:47
erryglebihan, tried all thatr :(17:48
erryalso /var/log/mysql.err is empty17:48
ikoniarrohitiit: what I think is going in is applications (such as browsers) that use a proxy are using the proxy dns, applications that want a direct connection are failing because you are not connected to the internet/dns servers17:48
glebihanerry: /var/log/mysql/error.log is empty too ?17:48
erryWell it wasn't17:48
erryi cleared it to see the new errors17:48
intmedhafiz: not what i want. i think your question is different17:48
errybut i didn't see no new errors.17:48
rrohitiitikonia: solution?17:49
glebihanerry: and are you sure there are new errors ?17:49
ikoniarrohitiit: who run's your lan ?17:49
rrohitiitikonia: its institute LAN17:49
=== Guest14521 is now known as joehms22
erryglebihan, well it won't start w/ service17:49
intmedi have nokia 5230 mobile with unlimted internet connection on phone. i want to use the net on pc through bluetooth. is it possible ?17:49
erryso there should be new errors, right?17:49
ikoniarrohitiit: talk to the institute adminsitartor to get local dns cache/forwarders, if you are still blocked, then you need to use applications that are proxy aware17:49
rrohitiitikonia: so its specific to my network?17:50
savidIs it possible to make the "sudo" command use the keychain, or is that a bad idea?17:50
ikoniarrohitiit: yes17:50
glebihanerry: what command do you use and what error do you get ?17:50
rrohitiitikonia: damn17:50
erryglebihan, service mysql start. No error, just it never starts it. Takes a loong time and never starts.17:50
mistergibsonanyone a grub2 expert?  It will only boot into a grub> prompt and ignores the menu def17:50
rrohitiitikonia: what exactly should i be requesting the admin?17:50
wildc4rdevenin' all17:51
joehms22mistergibson: do you only have one os?17:51
glebihanerry: do you use "sudo" to run the command ?17:51
ikoniarrohitiit: ip addresses for local dns cache/foward servers17:51
mistergibsonjoems22: yes, just Ubuntu17:51
carlgxiaclo, ya, basically i think I have to unmount my /dev/sda1/ before i can resize it...17:51
erryglebihan, i did sudo -i so i have a prompt as root.17:51
mistergibsonjoehms22: yes, only Ubuntu17:51
joehms22mistergibson: you may need to set a different timeout for grub217:51
=== Mariele is now known as Guest54100
joehms22mistergibson: it does this for speed17:52
xiaclocarlg yeah, going to need a live cd then, any ubuntu install disc has a live mode where you can run gparted from17:52
Wembleywhat netbooks are best w/ ubuntu?17:52
mistergibsonjoehms22: actually, I can try that - but why am I not presented a menu ?17:52
carlgxiaclo, so you suggest i boot with a livecd and then ....? run the command #sudo gparted at the menu?17:52
xiaclocarlg yep yep17:52
rrohitiitikonia: is there any way i can tweak wget to use internet dns servers17:52
glebihanerry: it weird that you don't get any output17:52
erryglebihan, yes :(17:52
ikoniarrohitiit: I think you can use it with a proxy server, however I'd advise you to contact your lan admin to get the cache ip addresses, it will make it easier17:53
joehms22mistergibson: It assumes that because you only have one os you just want to use the default.17:53
mistergibsonjoehms22:  I mean - it boots *straight* into the grub> prompt - like that17:53
erryglebihan, but i've seen far weirder things so it doesn't surprise me that much17:53
Wembleyrrohitiit: just point your dhclient to a different one than local17:53
carlgxiaclo, thanks so much for your help.. I like when my ubuntu experience is more exciting that my winxp :P -- i will be back after i have completed17:53
ikoniaWembley: it's not that simple17:53
rrohitiitWembley: how to do that17:53
glebihanerry: have you tried starting it directly with "mysqld" ?17:53
erryglebihan, yes, and that works.17:53
xiaclocarlg sounds good, the live cd should have irc as well if you need help17:54
mistergibsonjoehmss22: but I have four entries (2 kernels, 2 modes each)17:54
joehms22mistergibson: I think it can be changed in /etc/grub.d/00_header17:54
ikoniarrohitiit: that won't work, you need local dns servers and network forwarding on your lan to be open17:54
joehms22mistergibson: Then run sudo update-grub17:54
ikoniarrohitiit: talk to your lan administrators17:54
mistergibsonjoehms22: I'll try that too, thanks17:54
erryglebihan, i'm just wondering why 'service' doesn't work. IOt used to.17:54
glebihanerry: could you pastebin your /etc/init.d.mysql file ?17:54
erryglebihan, ofc17:54
glebihanerry: */etc/init.d/mysql*17:54
ikoniaglebihan: it uses upstart, so that won't be full any more17:54
MasshuuT.T i hate aptitude17:54
Masshuuroot@{snip}:/usr/local/src/php-5.3.3# aptitude moo17:55
MasshuuThere are no Easter Eggs in this program.17:55
ikoniaMasshuu: any chance you can keep to the channels topic of ubuntu support17:55
varsha_jkcould anyone please help me with my problem. I am not able to add any key to my key-list. I shows: "gpgkeys: HTTP fetch error 7: couldn't connect to host17:55
varsha_jkgpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.17:55
varsha_jkgpg: Total number processed: 017:55
varsha_jk". The thing is need to get firefox 3.8.8 installed, as firefox 4 doesn't support many plugins (gwt in my case and as an example). Please help.17:55
FloodBot3varsha_jk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:55
erryglebihan, http://pastebin.com/siudffr817:55
rrohitiitikonia: then why does it work after sudo su17:55
varsha_jkFloodBot3: sorry17:55
Masshuuikonia: yeah, sorry, hard to read the channel name in irssi17:55
ikoniarrohitiit: first of all, you shouldn't be doing sudo su17:56
kronosphereerUSUL:  sudo: iw: command not found17:56
glebihanikonia: unless I misunderstood something, running "service servicename" calls the /etc/init.d/servicename ?17:56
mordicchioc'e' nessuno he parla italian17:56
rrohitiitikonia: why?17:56
Wembleyrrohitiit: are you using DHCP?17:56
nimbioticshello ya17:56
kronospheresorry i must have been disconnected and didnt know it17:56
ikoniarrohitiit: you may have proxy settings setup under the root user profile, I don't know without more research17:56
Wembleyrrohitiit: redundant17:56
ikoniarrohitiit: you've messed up your enviornments doing that, sudo should be used17:56
ikoniarrohitiit: the fact that sudo doesn't and sudo su does means you've got environmental differences17:56
nimbioticshello ya'll. in ubuntu 10.04; I do not have the volume control icon on the main panel. How can I fix that? TIA!17:57
kronosphereerUSUL: are you still here?17:57
rrohitiitWembley : yes im usind DHCP17:57
rrohitiitikonia: if my problem is specific to network whatever be the env it should not work right?17:57
glebihanerry: does running "/etc/init.d/mysql start" work ?17:58
erryglebihan, no, it uses the service command apparently which is broken.17:58
ikoniarrohitiit: no, your network is the problem, you appear to have done something to the root user to get around it / use the proxy, but your network is still th eproblem17:58
yaccI wonder what I need to have configured so that mkinitramfs adds the necessary crypto tools to support a rootfs on crypted LVM17:58
Wembleywhat netbooks are best w/ ubuntu?17:58
xiaclokronosphere i'm still here, you still stuck?17:59
fission6is there anything special i need to do or suggested steps before i try to add some memory to my ubuntu box?17:59
rrohitiitikonia:i am using proxy in both case ...the same one17:59
glebihanerry: the init script does not call service, it's the contrary17:59
Wembleyfission6: no17:59
ikoniarrohitiit: you think you are, it doesn't mean you actually are17:59
kronospherety xiaclo17:59
kronospherei now have my wifi lit up as far as the led light goes, but no indication in the network icon of any wireless networks available18:00
rrohitiitikonia: wget is suposed to use $http_proxy variable...and its the same in both cases18:00
erryglebihan, oh.18:00
erryglebihan, well, it doesn't work.18:00
ikoniarrohitiit: then why is it not working ?18:00
xiaclokronosphere does 'sudo iwlist scan' give anything?18:00
rrohitiitikonia: my question :)18:00
ikoniarrohitiit: and I'm telling you why18:01
kronosphereill check again18:01
kokozedmanhey people, anyone using xtables?18:01
kokozedmani'm having a trouble with: iptables -t raw -A OUTPUT -d -j RAWDNAT --to-destination
kokozedmanit says: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.18:01
ikoniakokozedman: I don't think there is a table called raw18:02
kronospherei get "interface doesn't support scanning" and "no scan results"18:02
kokozedmanikonia: there is :)18:02
* erry steals the smily face18:02
kronospherexiaclo: see above18:02
xiaclokokozedman there is a raw, and it does have an output chain ... hmm ...18:02
kokozedmanxiaclo: it has ... PREROUTING and OUTPUT18:03
xiaclokokozedman oh ... RAWDNAT doesn't exist ... its just DNAT as a target ...18:03
glebihanerry: so I guess "initctl start mysql" does not work either ?18:03
kokozedmanxiaclo: it's in xtables-addons... RAWDNAT does exists :)18:03
erryglebihan, didn't try that, gimme 1 sec18:03
kokozedmanxiaclo: man xtables-addons18:04
experiMENTALis there any way to compare visual two files vertically in gvim in one line? ":vert diffs foo.file bar.file" doesn't work.18:04
xiaclokokozedman ahh ok, i'm not familiar with xtables then ... gimme a sec18:04
kronospherexiaclo: wlan0 no scan results18:04
erryroot@Mewtwo:~# initctl start mysql18:04
erryinitctl: Job failed to start18:04
coz_experiMENTAL,  these are text files?18:04
erryglebihan, that's after supposedly stopping it through /etc/init.d (no idea if that works properly)18:05
coz_experiMENTAL, ` I generally use  meld  to compare the difference between files  not vim  so I cant help with vim18:05
sloucherDoes anything bad happen if you run fsck.ext3 on a ext4 file system?18:05
KDC1956anyone running ubuntu netbook and get there wireless working18:05
glebihanerry: you can check if it's running with "ps -ef | grep mysqld"18:06
gh0ztanyone have a guide for installing ubuntu netbook to a USB key - i mean proper install, not creating an install usb key18:06
erryglebihan, nvm. was running, i stopped. now your command takes forever (just like service)18:06
erryglebihan, btw, w/ mysqld it starts immediatelly.18:06
FreonTripHello everyone - I have found a dumpster computer, and am wondering how well it will run Ubuntu 10.04.18:07
kronosphereanyone able to diagnose why im not getting wifi on my laptop?18:07
xiaclokokozedman i'm not seeing any reason that shouldn't work ... my best guess would be it's not reading a module right ... there may be one you need to include (-m <module>) although its not in the man page ... or maybe xtables just isn't loading correctly18:07
coz_FreonTrip,  do you know which processor  and video card and system memory?18:07
erryglebihan, i wait minutes and minutes,. it never starts it. it just sits there.18:07
kokozedmanxiaclo: i'm also thinking that... but i have no idea how to load anything xtables-related18:08
FreonTripAlready cracked it open.  Athlon Thunderbird 1200, 1 gig RAM, GeForceFX 5700.18:08
kronospherexiaclo: you still working with me?18:08
FreonTripcoz_: See above.18:08
erryglebihan, any ideas? :s18:08
* varsha_jk is away: brb18:08
kokozedmanxiaclo: the package has a lot of /lib/xtables/... files though18:08
xiaclokronosphere yeah sorry, just looking at two things at once here ... there is a way to get raw radio output, trying to find it18:08
glebihanerry: let me have a look at your "/usr/share/cluster/mysql.sh" file maybe18:08
coz_FreonTrip,  ok that sounds  like it should run  although I am not sure about the cpu   the video card will work but probably not well with compiz18:08
kronosphereok, ty, just checking :)18:08
erryglebihan, i don't have a /user/share/cluster/ folder.18:09
coz_FreonTrip,  best way to find out is to install ubuntu on it :)18:09
glebihanerry: that may be an issue...18:09
erryglebihan, perhaps.18:09
experiMENTALcoz_: ty18:09
coz_experiMENTAL,  did you try meld?18:09
kokozedmanxiaclo: for instance: libxt_RAWDNAT.so ... but i think it's just a shared library, not a module (ko)18:09
erryglebihan, my debian machine doesn't have one either, and mysql works fine18:09
rutrihello is anyone here familiare with KVM?18:09
erryglebihan, besides, this used to work.18:09
xiaclokronosphere simplier than i though ... 'sudo iwconfig' ... under wlan0 there should be something called tx-power, what is it?18:10
rrohitiit1ikonia: if this might help : "farthest" i can ping is the default gateway not further...not even proxy servers18:10
FreonTripcoz_: As soon as the ISO's downloaded, I will install and report back. Is 1 gig RAM enough?  I'm used to running Slackware, which would drown in that much RAM out of the box...18:10
experiMENTALcoz_: yes. its good.18:10
coz_FreonTrip,  sounds like aplan :)18:10
glebihanerry: yes but I don't know if debian uses upstart, ikonia would you know ?18:10
lillyc'e qualcuno italiano!!!!!18:10
ikoniarrohitiit1: that is correct18:10
coz_experiMENTAL,  yes I like it as well its easy to deal with18:10
ikoniarrohitiit1: that is what I'd expect18:10
erryglebihan, well, is there a way to get it fixed? i mean /etc/init.d is how the service starts at system start18:10
erryglebihan, so if it never finishes, i could end up with a system that waits ours for mysql to start.18:11
Nach0zk ima leavin cuz this channel is NUTS clogged. later all18:11
rrohitiit1ikonia: i know the ips of DNS but i cant even ping them18:11
ikoniarrohitiit1: that is to be expected18:11
kronospherexiaclo: 20 dbm18:11
glebihanerry: have you tried reinstalling mysql ?18:11
kronospheredo you want the whole read out in pastebin18:11
erryglebihan, i guess i'll have to :(18:11
rutrianyone here familiar with KVM or virt-manager18:11
xiaclokronosphere ok, so the actual radio is powered on, so it's not hardware disabled in any way.  Kinda stupid question, but do you have a nearby access point?18:11
ikoniarutri: try #ubuntu-server18:12
rrohitiit1ikonia : so you are suggesting that som requests are being blocked by network18:12
uLinux< glebihan> uLinux: I don't know if the plugin for adobe reader works under Ubuntu18:12
uLinuxit's working18:12
glebihanuLinux: ok nice18:12
rutriI am in the channel now, no one has responded.18:12
kronospherexiaclo: about 15 feet away is the wireless router, is that what you are asking?18:12
xiaclokronosphere yet, pretty much18:12
ikoniarrohitiit1: I've explaine dthe problem, your network is fine but not in a config that would allow you to do what you want, you need to talk to your network admins18:13
xiaclokronosphere just had to ask, you never know18:13
kronospherexiaclo: my other computer 10 ft away has wifi running fine18:13
kronospheregotta rule that our of course!18:13
gezegencihi ,18:13
xiaclokokozedman try 'sudo modprobe xtables' ... or going through other files, see if you can load them, they look like kernel modules18:14
schweegigood evening! :) how can it be that my keyboard does not work from my notebook? the touchpad isn't working, too. but an external mouse and tastatur works18:14
kronosphereremember the customer service guy that finally found out the caller didn't have the computer plugged in ... :)18:14
xiaclokronosphere yeah, it comes from tech support, have to ask the stupid questions18:14
Dr_Williskronosphere:  or holding the paper up the the monitor tryign to 'scan' it.18:14
gezegenciwhat is the latest release of ubuntu 10.10 ?18:14
kokozedmanxiaclo: modprobe x_tables exists... and other xt_... modules also exists inside the kernel18:14
kokozedmanbut not anything about RAW ro RAWDNAT18:15
kronosphererofl Dr_Willis18:15
FreonTripgezegenci: 10.04 is official, but there's a beta of 10.10 available.18:15
gezegencionly beta ?18:15
FreonTripgezegenci: As far as I know. The deadline's creeping up, but from the little I've heard 10.10 beta is pretty useable.18:16
gezegencithanks :)18:16
FreonTripgezegenci: Any time. :)18:16
uLinuxError: Conflicts with the installed package 'flashplugin-installer' This means I need to uninstall flashplugin-installer first?18:16
KDC195610.10 will be out on 10/10/201018:16
=== NeverForget is now known as Pilif12p
marc__question about ubuntu server 10.04, is the 'lamp' package in tasksel as good as installing everything manually? is it better?18:17
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kronospherexiaclo: what next ?18:17
xiaclokronosphere run 'sudo iwconfig' again, is the mode Managed? or something else?18:18
xiaclokronosphere and frequency should be roughly 2.4GHz18:18
ajorgWhy doesn't gnome-keyring store my ssh key passphrase anymore? How can I fix it? (using 10.04)18:18
ajorgI'm certain that it did in previous versions18:19
kronosphereok ill run it now. i dont understand the mode managed question, idk.18:19
xiaclokronosphere mode is a few options, managed means it connects to an access point, there is also ad-hoc and a few others you will probably never use18:20
xiaclokronosphere it should be on the second line, should say Mode: Managed then frequency18:20
=== nikon is now known as callaghan
kronospherexiaclo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/492270/18:21
xiaclokokozedman when you say the modules exist, they do appear in lsmod, correct?18:21
kronosphereit is managed18:21
kokozedmanxiaclo: no.... i look for them in /lib/modules/...18:21
xiaclokronosphere err ... yeah ... but no frequency, very odd18:22
kokozedmanxiaclo: i think the required module is xt_RAWDNAT... but it does not exist18:22
=== SoulShadow is now known as Matt4544
=== Matt4544 is now known as HAI
kronosphereand no associated access pt18:22
=== HAI is now known as SoulShadow
kokozedmanxiaclo: don't know why it has not been included :(18:22
xiaclokokozedman yeah, thinking the same thing, but there is no xt_RAWDNAT.ko ... at least not in the debian package ... it looks like it's a .so file, which is loaded by the master xtables module18:22
benjamintheyonI'm having trouble with vi - using the arrow keys to move around a document produces characters - A through D, depending on the arrow - instead of moving the cursor18:22
xiaclokokozedman load all the general xtables modules you can, and try inserting that rule again18:23
SubCooloh, i know what i wanted to ask you guys. I know its  not topic, but i would like ur optinion. I just smashed my iphone 3g to peices because it ticked me off tooooo much. Would u guys suggest getting the knew expensive iphone 4g? Or is there a better phone that works with linux. I heard u can put linux on some devices.. Can we put it on like the new HTC?18:23
kokozedmanxiaclo: it still doesn't work though when i run the rule18:23
SubCoolhaha- actually, that question does fit the topic. :_)18:23
nimbioticsThere is no VOIP channel ... Is there a channel for VOIP issues?18:23
Badger32dBenjamintheyon, hit escape before you arrow. Should fix your problem18:23
xiaclokronosphere try this ... 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 chanel 7'18:24
xiaclokronosphere err ... 'channel 7' ... 2 n's18:24
Badger32dSubcool. Check out #cyanogenmod. They can help18:24
fission6i just installed another memory stick to my machine but when i do free -m i do now see the amount i'd expect? what could be happening18:24
benjamintheyonBadger32d: Yes, that does work. I could be wrong, but I feel like I can arrow around in insert mode from my work machine. Does that sound incorrect?18:24
sinmanwho i was talking to in pm about deleting items from the trash please pm me, i forgot who i was talking to18:24
Badger32dYes. In vi you have to escape before you arrow.18:25
Badger32dWhy not use nano or something else besides vi? Vim?18:25
kronospherexiaclo: my wife is about to drag me to the grocery store, heaven forbid, and errr...errr..errr... i don't want to start from the beginning18:25
kronospherewhy do i have to go to the grocery store anyways? :)18:25
DiehardBadger32d: cause vim rocks!18:25
Badger32dI know!18:25
Richie965anyone on here has a second to help a ubuntu noob?18:25
kronosphereisn't sitting on my laptop figuring out linux ubuntu important enough to stay home? :(18:26
Dr_WillisIt pays to learn vi.18:26
xiacloSubCool list of supported linux handhelds and guides on how to do it ... http://www.handhelds.org/moin/moin.cgi/SupportedHandheldSummary18:26
DiehardRichie965: go on18:26
benjamintheyonBadger32d: Maybe I'll look into vim; vi was what I was introduced to at work and for the remote machine it has done a good job so far.18:26
kronospherewho needs food!18:26
kronospherewhen we have coffee and cereal18:26
SubCoolgreat- thanks Badger32d and xiaclo18:26
=== Shyam is now known as Guest25242
nimbioticsThere is no VOIP channel ... Is there a channel for VOIP issues?18:26
Richie965i got the iso dl'ed and on a cd and all that, but im trying to dual boot it. i have an ati 5570 card, but when ubuntu finishes loading, since it doesnt reconize the driver yet my tv goes black and says no signal18:27
xiaclokronosphere nope, you're where you are ... wont need the driver installed again, just can't get it to scan ... you'll get it, i'll be here most of the day18:27
Badger32dVi *is* good, just gotta remember the escape. :) google "vi cheat sheet" its got most popular vi commands in one sheet18:27
Richie965and i cant get the display to show through my on board18:27
Guest25242hi I have problems with my volume-control .. it just says "waiting for sound system to respond"18:27
UpAllNightBrainEvolution in 10.04 only supports SHA1 for signing and encryption and this means for the next 3 years.  Since SHA1 is considered broken, would Evolution qualify for an SRU?18:27
kronospherexiaclo: ok about to try it, took a sec to undestand the syntax lol18:27
benjamintheyonBadger32d: Ok, vim is performing the way I expected vi to - maybe it had been aliased on my work machine or something. Thanks for your help!18:27
Badger32dNp benjamintheyon18:28
xiacloBadger32d to be fair, vim isn't much of an improvement on vi ... personally i love vi, but it's not for everyone ... if you rarely edit files, nano or gedit is so much easier to learn18:28
Badger32dI agree xiaclo, I usually use nano, but on some older devices still gotta rock vi.18:28
Richie965i just feel like a tard18:28
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xiacloBadger32d yeah, generally everything has vi, and it's damn powerful once you get used to it ... but those learning stages are quite brutal, especially if you don't have to18:29
kronospherexiaclo: i entered it, nothing happened that i know of18:29
kokozedmanxiaclo: no... it doesn't work18:29
xiaclokronosphere try the 'sudo iwconfig' again, it should list a frequency18:29
xiaclokokozedman same error?18:29
Richie965idk if anyone can help me18:30
SubCoolwow- there reallys isnt much out there18:30
Badger32dWhat's up richie?18:30
kokozedmanxiaclo: i'll go look at what's going on with the xtables-addons-common package... it is not right to not have RAWDNAT in such a popular OS18:30
kokozedmanxiaclo: yes... and i see nothing about RAWDNAT inside lsmod18:30
sinmanis it a good idea or bad idea to have 2 linux distro's share the same /home say like ubuntu and ubuntu studio18:30
Guest25242hi I have problems with my volume-control .. it just says "waiting for sound system to respond"18:31
xiacloSubCool if you want an 'easy' linux phone, look into maemo ... it's put out by nokia, and is real linux, not just a linux kernel like android is18:31
kronospherexiaclo: aha! freq 2.44218:31
SubCoolBadger32d, im getting erros trying to talk in there. - and i dont see much out there for use. anyone suggest anything? everything that works is mad old.18:31
kronospherexiaclo: access pt still not associated18:31
rutriDoes anyone know why libvirtd would not be installed if I installed libvirt-bin?18:31
xiaclokronosphere that's normal until you connect, try another 'sudo iwlist scan'18:31
SubCooli have been interested in nokia recently- ive seen some nice stuff, just not much support. which would make it great for linux..18:31
evanahsswould this be the right place to ask a question regarding the terminal?18:31
pheelin_eerieHello all. I'm having a problem where certain web pages cause X to crash. While the page is loading, the display suddenly goes to a black screen with some text that I don't have time to read, and then bam, I'm at the login screen. Can someone please help me figure out what is causing this?18:32
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pheelin_eerieI've found some bug reports but I'm not sure which one is the one causing my problem...18:32
kronospherewlan no scan results18:33
kronospherexiaclo: *see above18:33
evanahssI made a small C program, compiled it with GCC but when I run ./a.out nothing happens... could somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?18:33
pheelin_eerieFor example, this page ALWAYS causes X to crash: http://iamjustgoingtosayshit.wordpress.com/2010/09/09/group/18:33
kronosphereSubCool: go android!18:33
=== Profion is now known as Nelson_RN
johnny_I'm trying to get php virtualbox installed and just can't seem to make it.  Would anyone be willing to help with with a walk thru?18:33
xiaclopheelin_eerie what browser?18:33
pheelin_eeriexiaclo, it happens in Firefox and Konquerer18:34
kronospherexiaclo: what next on wlan?18:34
Reactor1I need help with Pidgin tray icons pls18:34
xiaclokronosphere thinking ... give me a minute ... it SHOULD scan ...18:34
Dr_Willisevanahss:  whats teh app supposed to do?18:34
evanahssDr_Willis: hi, thanks for replying... it's supposed to print hello world 10 times :P18:35
Reactor1I want to change the pidgin tray icons18:35
kronospherexiaclo: ok, ty18:35
Reactor1how to do that?18:35
Dr_Willisevanahss:  pastebin the source    - i rarely do C. but i can at leat try to compile it here18:35
kronospheredon't burn up any wires xiaclo :)18:35
Badger32dEvanahss, did you give it execute permissions?18:36
evanahssDr_Willis: thank you! um, how do I pastebin source?18:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:36
evanahssBadger32d: no, I don't think so18:36
Dr_Willisevanahss:  use the pastebinit command is the easy way18:36
SubCoolkronosphere, ya, i was considering it, only because it will work better with everything i wanna work with. so i think, i like the iphone, but everything about it is expensive. and JB'ing it just takes it down a notch. :(18:37
kronosphereDr_Willis: was that a bot (ubottu) that automatically put the pastebin info out?18:37
Dr_Williskronosphere:  yes.18:37
ubottuHi! I'm ubottu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots18:37
Badger32dIf I remember right I had the same issue with that hello world program.18:37
xiaclokronosphere 'sudo dmesg | tail -n 50' ... toss me the output of that, want to see what the kernel is saying about all this18:37
SteamIncI need help18:38
SteamInchow do i share files with my win computer18:38
xiaclo!samba | SteamInc18:38
ubottuSteamInc: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:38
Badger32dEvanahss, sudo chmod a+x a.out18:38
Wembleywhat netbooks are best w/ ubuntu?18:39
hsrPlease suggest me the best way to block adult sites.18:39
hsrWembley: ASUS eee pc18:39
Cmdr_W_T_Rikerhsr: how is this question related to ubuntu?18:39
Dr_Willishsr:  thers firefox extensions that can  help you manage browser 'blockage'    check package manager see if theres any proxies/tools in there for it also.18:40
hsrCmdr_W_T_Riker: How it isn't if i am using ubuntu?18:40
johnny_would anyone be willing to help me with the correct setup of php virtualbox in ubuntu?18:40
WembleyCmdr_W_T_Riker: can the enterprise go in reverse?18:40
kronospherexiaclo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/492275/18:40
hsrDr_Willis: I am searching for connection based not browser based18:40
egsome!ask | johnny_18:40
ubottujohnny_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:40
ActionParsnipWembley: not according to the song ;)018:40
Wembleyyeah, that's why I'm asking18:41
kronosphereDr_Willis: what is the easy way to pastebin right from the terminal? I didn't understand how you would indicate which command lines to paste.18:41
SubCoolthere is an odd selection of support devices for linux.18:41
Dr_Willishsr:  then you will need some sort of forced proxy  i imagine.  Ive never really bothered. If the browser is blcioked.. it stops most people18:41
Dr_Williskronosphere:  use the 'pastebinit' command.18:41
Dr_Williskronosphere:  pastebinit foobar.c18:41
johnny_I see some body was payign attention...18:42
ActionParsnipSubCool: its slightly manufacturer based too, like nvidia have supported linux for ages18:42
kronospherei got to try that18:42
hsrDr_Willis: Hey!! I am not asking for myself. Its for teenage kids at home18:42
Wembleyis there an official list of netbooks that ubuntu works with?18:42
=== pheelineerie is now known as pheelin_eerie
kronospherehsr: are you selling girlscout cookies again?18:42
Badger32dWembly - check ubuntu.com or even (horrors) google.com for that info18:42
Dr_Willishsr:  you think they are going to be sshing into adult sites or what exactly?18:42
ActionParsnipkronosphere: you can also pipe into pastebinit too. Eg: cat /etc/fstab | grep -i cd | pastebitinit18:42
hsrkronosphere: What do you mean?18:43
SubCoolActionParsnip, ya, but does nvidia support handhelds?18:43
Dr_Willishsr:  check out privoxy perhaps. or the package manager and see.. also the opendns service i think can block a lot of those in a transparent way18:43
Wembleyno, what i want to know is, how important is it to use the 'right' device'18:43
ActionParsnipSubCool: handhelds in what way? What's a handheld?18:43
xiaclokronosphere does it TRY to scan?   When you type in 'sudo iwlist scan' does it sit for a few seconds before saying no scan results for wlan0?18:44
guest0001Hello all!18:44
SubCoolActionParsnip, i have been talking about PDA's and linux. i am getting a knew one since i smashed my iphone. I thought we can put linux on an iphone..18:44
ActionParsnipSubCool: if its an nvidia video chip, it will use the nvidia driver18:44
pheelin_eerieSo.... anybody want to help me figure out why certain web pages causes X to crash?18:44
hsrkronosphere: What made you ask that?18:44
ActionParsnipSubCool: good move smashing the iphone18:44
kronospherexiaclo: no it is instant18:44
OrlyHi does anybody know of a good ftp server with gui for ubuntu ?18:45
xiaclokronosphere toss me the output of 'sudo lsmod'18:45
=== Orly is now known as Guest77535
kronospherelol, you said you were asking for teenage kids, not yourself, so i just imagined you were also selling girlscout cookies, im tired, no other reason :)18:45
erle-is tracker no more supported by ubuntu?18:45
ActionParsnippheelin_eerie: if you can restart the x server you can read the x log18:45
Dr_WillisOrly:  ftp servers dont have guis' - there may be GUI config/admin tools for them..18:45
Badger32dSubcool, check out the nexus one or the 4g phone from sprint18:45
=== Guest77535 is now known as Ordinary
guest0001how do i install a theme in ubuntu 10.04?18:45
Ordinaryyes, i mean that Dr willis18:45
Ordinaryany good ones?18:45
cannonfodderhey you guys...im getting this error while trying to install gimp save for web plugin..i know its an ubuntu thing so please help....http://pastebin.com/2YfmY7dT18:45
Dr_WillisOrdinary:  and theres numerous 'admin gui' tools out there. sich as ebox that can do  different servers.18:45
kronospherehsr: *see above18:46
Ordinarythat are easy to fix18:46
Dr_WillisOrdinary:  personally i say forget about FTP. learn to use ssh and scp18:46
Badger32dGuest0001, ask google how to install your theme. Tons of how to's18:46
ActionParsnipOrdinary: why does it need it gui?18:46
Ordinaryhard to config for a newbie to ubuntu18:46
guest0001ok thank youo18:46
ActionParsnipOrdinary: users can just log into the ftp with the local user accounts18:46
Dr_WillisOrdinary:  how can you tell if youve not even tried.18:46
pheelin_eerieActionParsnip: the x log, that is /var/log/messages ?18:46
=== dmitriy is now known as mitrio
cannonfodderhey you guys...im getting this error while trying to install gimp save for web plugin..i know its an ubuntu thing so please help....http://pastebin.com/2YfmY7dT18:46
Dr_WillisOrdinary:  but really.. avoide FTP unless you REally really need it.18:47
OrdinaryI need it18:47
ActionParsnipOrdinary: the stock settings are usually ok. I'd advise you use sshfs instead. Ftp is notorious for poor security18:47
Badger32dOr sshfs18:47
OrdinaryOk I will try that18:47
Dr_WillisOrdinary:  and why do you need it?18:47
ActionParsnippheelin_eerie: /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:47
Dr_WillisOrdinary:  and have you even tried ssh/sftp yet?18:47
OrdinaryCan sftp point to a specific folder ?18:47
ActionParsnipOrdinary: sure18:48
Badger32dYes. Its just like ftp but over ssh18:48
Badger32dHence sftp18:48
OrdinaryDo I need a program to setup ?18:48
faibisteshi I've connections issues with my rt3090 wifi card18:48
xiacloOrdinary sftp can point to anything that the user can access normally ... if you sftp as root, you can access anything18:48
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)18:48
Badger32dGoogle "sftp server ubuntu"18:48
Dr_Willishsr:  hmm?18:48
faibisteshas anybody experience with this card?18:48
kronospherexiaclo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/492279/18:48
hsrDr_Willis: pm18:48
Barnabasordinary - also look into a shell called ftponlyc18:48
faibistesthe netbook is an asuss eee 1001ha18:48
faibistesubuntu lucid18:49
Dr_Willishsr:  i got most pm's auto-ignored.  i get to many of them a day.18:49
ActionParsnipfaibistes: realtek have linux drivers you can compile18:49
hsrDr_Willis: how do you auto ignore18:49
edgyHi, synaptic has a section for "New in repository", how can I get new packages using apt from cli?18:49
Dr_Willishsr:  feature of the irc client.18:49
Dr_Willisi dont see them.. thus they are ignored18:49
hsrkronosphere: You are insane18:49
kronospherehsr: lol ok i agree18:50
faibistesI can ping TO th eee18:50
faibistesbut I can't ping FROM the eee18:50
ActionParsnipfaibistes: how are you pinging? By name or IP?18:50
Wembleyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks doesnt have the netbook i'm interested in18:50
faibistesra0 is active and connected to the AP via WPA218:51
Enocalguien que hable español???18:51
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ActionParsnipfaibistes: weird. Can the unpingable system access the WWW?18:51
faibistesI installed markus' DKMS drivers for lucid18:51
SubCoolActionParsnip, ya, i have to admit, i smiled afterward.18:51
=== pheelineerie is now known as pheelin_eerie
egsome!spanish | Enoc18:51
ubottuEnoc: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:51
faibistesit can't ping the router forchrissake18:51
Nach0zwheres trash at in ubuntu?18:52
ActionParsnipfaibistes: if you edit /etc/resolv.conf and change the first namesrver to does it get web access18:52
th3hatehow can i find my network card name (brand) on ubuntu?18:52
Nach0zor is it not like MS recycle bin?18:52
pheelin_eerieActionParsnip: I just checked Xorg.0.log, reproduced the problem, and checked Xorg.0.log again, and there doesn't seem to be anything new in the log18:52
Wembleythis sucks18:52
ActionParsnippheelin_eerie: ok then try dmesg | tail ,after a crash18:52
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash18:52
faibistesI dont think it's a DNS thing18:52
bobo1231Nach0z: I believe ubuntu makes its own trash-folder like .Trash-100018:52
faibistesit can't ping my wifi router18:52
hsrDr_Willis:  If the browser is blcioked.. What did you mean?18:52
Dr_WillisNach0z:  reoveable devices have one on the root of the device18:53
th3hatehow can i find my network card name (brand) on ubuntu?18:53
ActionParsnipfaibistes: try without the encryption to test18:53
faibistesmy other computer can18:53
hsrDr_Willis:  If the browser is blcioked.. What did you mean by blcio..18:53
ActionParsnipth3hate: sudo lshw -C network18:53
Dr_Willishsr:  the browser is blocked from going to specific XXX sites.. how else can you  block XXX sites?18:53
Wembleyth3hate: ifconfig18:53
hsrDr_Willis:  any idea of using proxy18:53
ActionParsnipth3hate: not sure about the brand of card but the chip is all that matters18:53
Nach0zbobo1231: Dr_Willis: im talking about just a trash folder where folders i just deleted offa the hard drive would be sent. i wanna empty it.18:54
ahaminoHi, my AMD turion x2 ultra. overheats under stress load, I'm running ubuntu 10.0418:54
Dr_Willishsr:  nope. I neever needed to do that task. OpenDNS can also block adult sites and would be rather trivial to setup18:54
th3hateActionParsnip, i wanna download a driver for it, ubuntu  not detecting the network adapter18:54
faibistescould I try something less painful first? I've got to reconfigure a lot of things here if I do that and will lose internet access for quite some time18:54
hsrDr_Willis:  Then what do you use?18:54
ActionParsnipahamino: log a bug, also try maverick in livecd to test18:54
faibistessome of those machines are headless18:54
faibistesa real PITA18:54
xiaclokronosphere try this for me 'sudo rmmod rndis_wlan; sudo rmmod rndis_host' then run another scan ... if not, run 'sudo lscpi -nn' and toss me that output, want to see if your exact model is supported ok18:54
Dr_WillisNach0z:  the users 'Trash' directory is in  ~/.local/share/Trash18:54
pheelin_eerieActionParsnip: there are some wlan0 lines, and the last line is indicator-appli[8760]: segfault at 6569669 ip 0078c402 sp bff0f030 error 4 in libgobject-2.0.so.0.2400.1[766000+3d000]18:54
Dr_WillisNach0z:  i dont use any of them. the 2 yr old isent into porn yet.18:54
ActionParsnipth3hate: the lshw output is what you need, the product line gives you what you need to find guides18:55
bobo1231Nach0z: oh, empty it? well there is a link to the trash in the Go-menu in filemanagerwindows.18:55
Dr_Willisoops that was for hsr. :) heh18:55
Enochi, i have troobles with changing the chanel of mi mon018:55
Nach0zDr_Willis: what? what does pr0n have to do with anything?18:55
ActionParsnippheelin_eerie: ok, go search the web to see what it means18:55
hsrDr_Willis:  huh?18:55
ahaminoActionParsnip: I think I found a bug on lp that is equivalent to my status, it wasn't prompted to maverick .. so I don't think the problem got solved18:55
Sadstonerhas to do with everything18:55
Dr_Willishsr:  i dont need to block the sites.. its a non issue for me.18:55
Dr_Willishsr:  opendns has the feature. go check it out.18:55
ActionParsnipth3hate: the brand is moot, you can put the same chip on any card and linux will see it as the same thing18:55
kronospherexiaclo: is the first one the entire: sudo rmmod rndis_wlan; sudo rmmod rndis_host18:56
hsrDr_Willis:  What other firefox add ons can?18:56
faibistesActionParsnip: is there any other step I could try first, besides disabling encryption?18:56
xiaclokronosphere yes, there is two modules, they need to be removed in that order to work18:56
edgyHi, synaptic has a section for "New in repository", how can I get new packages using apt from cli?18:56
kronosphereok then what is the scan command again?18:56
ActionParsnipfaibistes: not sure. Its a good test though. Maybe you need extra compile options to get wpa18:56
xiaclokronosphere 'sudo iwlist scan'18:57
Dr_Willishsr:  i dont rember. i saw one ages ago. I toyed with it for about 2 hrs. then removed it. theres proberly more then one.18:57
ahaminoWhen 10.10 will be released?18:57
kronospherexiaclo: also i lost my command prompt18:57
kronospherehow do i get it back?18:57
faibistes??? the driver is DKMS- how could I do that?18:57
bobo1231ahamino: in month 10 year 2010 :-)18:57
Dr_Willishsr:  they could always use some other browser..  but with opendns it would affect all browsers and tools18:57
faibistesanyway, it does connect to the AP18:57
_mrn_ver_i am having problem with  sound .system is not generating any sound.18:57
_mrn_ver_what to do?18:57
xiaclokronosphere assuming gnome .. applications -> accessories -> terminal ... or alt-F2 'gnome-terminal'18:57
hsrDr_Willis:  Yes.. thats exctly what i want18:57
ActionParsnipfaibistes: not all wireless devices can do wpa under linux. Id imagine realtek ones can though18:58
Dr_Willishsr:  then  go check out 'opendns'18:58
ActionParsnipahamino: #ubuntu+1 for maverick dude18:58
kronospherexiaclo: i tried typing in pastebinit command while waiting18:58
kronosphereand that messed up my prompt - i don't have the $ anymore18:58
ahaminoActionParsnip: ok18:58
rookshow to set http proxy globally, for all users in firefox ?18:58
faibistesthat's true it didn't work out of the box in karmic. had to install from markus-tisoft PPA18:59
xiaclokronosphere ctrl-c a few times, then enter a few times tends to fix most issues18:59
ActionParsnip_mrn_ver_: check volume is not muted in gnome volume app as well as alsamixer in terminal18:59
hsrDr_Willis:  What? is it wrong to ask this.. you being quite rude18:59
hsri guess18:59
Kirillhello there18:59
SubCoolhey, has anyone had any issues remote desktop'ing into a windows 7 machcine? Every time i try ti VNC into it- all it will allow me to do is View only.. i have changed and adjusted all the settings like i normall do for UltraVNC. But, i cant seem to access full control.18:59
_mrn_ver_ActionParsnip, : please tell me how to check this out18:59
Kirillplease can u help me,18:59
glebihan!ask | Kirill19:00
ubottuKirill: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:00
ActionParsnip_mrn_ver_: like the previous statement said. Open terminal and run alsamixer19:00
CameLinisanyone can help with ubunto?19:00
Dr_Willishsr:  opendns will take you 10 min or so to setup. and will block most adult and other malware sites.. go check it out.  and its free.  its not exactly a 'ubuntu support' topic.19:00
hsrDr_Willis:  And not that i am from Vigilance. lol19:00
Richie965any ATI graphics users with 10.0419:00
xiacloSubCool windows 7 remote desktop is rdp, not vnc ... 'sudo apt-get install xrdp tsclient'19:00
nibbler!ask | CameLinis19:00
ubottuCameLinis: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:00
ActionParsnipSubCool: configure the vnc to be interactive. If you use compiz you may need to turn it off in vnc19:00
hsrDr_Willis: I don't think so19:00
kisplitHi, I was wondering if anyone could tell me the difference between a lib file and a lib wit ha -dev added to it?19:00
CameLinisnibbler, im using my laptop inorder to connect to internet19:00
CameLinisbut i cant find my wireless19:01
Kirilli install ubuntu last week today i try to install xp bur grub block it i try acronis and dele partitons so now i have 30 gb on 200gfb dist nd still installed grub19:01
ActionParsnipCameLinis: its ubuntu not ubunto19:01
_mrn_ver_ActionParsnip, : i ran "sudo alsamixer" it is showing : no such file19:01
xiaclosubcool sorry, misunderstood the question ...19:01
CameLinissorry.=x my bad19:01
ActionParsnip_mrn_ver_: when did I mention sudo?19:01
Kirillhow i can del grub and reanimate my 170 gb,19:01
CameLinisi looked up on the internet how to do it19:01
nibblerCameLinis, is your network manager in linux showing your wireless card, and you just cant find your network?19:01
glebihanRichie965: yep19:01
faibistesActionParsnip: now just how freak is this? I can ping the netbook from a PC in the private network but I can't ping it from the router. And the netbook is in the router's association list19:01
_mrn_ver_ActionParsnip,  i also tried : alsamixer . it is showing the same19:01
hsrIs there a way to log browsing history?19:01
CameLinisthere is no netwrok driver19:01
CameLiniswireless network dirver*19:02
wh1sk3yj4ckwhat happens if I enter a domain in a iptables rule?19:02
wh1sk3yj4ckwill it work?19:02
neil_Hi, I have a question of changing the Theme of my Ubuntu to Mac theme19:02
xiacloKirill I'm assuming you're talking about getting the windows boot loader back ... insert a windows install cd, go into recovery console, 'chkdsk /fixmbr' should bring it back19:02
SubCoolActionParsnip, i have set it up to be interactive. but i dont use compiz- what is that?19:02
ActionParsnip_mrn_ver_: if you run all commands with sudo you WILL break your system19:02
ActionParsnipSubCool: crappy desktop effects19:02
Kirillok senk u19:02
SubCoolxiaclo, its ok.19:02
_mrn_ver_ActionParsnip, : ok,sorry for that.but for now what to do?19:02
Kirillbau where my 170gb?19:02
CameLinisnibber? u there?19:02
nibblerCameLinis, well, if your hardware is not supported.... its pretty bad. you can try ndiswrapper, but this is not really supported afaik19:03
SubCoolI heard the same thing about my dual monitor i am trying to setup on my kubuntu19:03
neil_how can I see the 3D effects in 10.419:03
Lancelotneil_: do you mean the compiz effects?19:03
hsrIs there a way to log browsing history?19:03
ActionParsnip_mrn_ver_: install alsamixer and alsa19:03
Kirillxiaclo in start there was 2 partitonas 30 main with grub and 170 burt when i dell all by acronisd there is only main 30 gb19:03
Lancelotsuch as rotating the cube in 3D?19:03
CameLinisi already tired, but i cant find the ,INF file.19:03
bruno25Hi, I'm having problems installing Openbravo and unstaling OpenERP, I get the following error message: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 119:04
Dr_Willisneil_:  enable compiz/effects and tweak them all you want.19:04
ActionParsnipneil_: youtube has some vids of people showing compiz in action19:04
neil_lancelot: i didnt follow you on that, could you plz tell me more on tha19:04
Dr_Willisneil_:  you will need the proper 3d drivers installed.19:04
Kirilland in bios there is only 30 gb19:04
xiacloKirill oh, so you just want the 170 accessible inside ubuntu?19:04
neil_Dr_willis: how to do that19:04
nibbler!pm | CameLinis19:04
ubottuCameLinis: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:04
faibistesActionParsnip: anything else i could try? As I said, reconfiguring the network isn't easy here. I wouldn't like to go through the pain of reconfiguring 2 headless servers without network access19:04
Kirillin ubuntu was 2 partitons 30 and 17019:04
Dr_Willisneil_:  right click on desktop, change wallpaper, last tab.19:04
Lancelotneil_: to go the admin settings, and open the hardware drivers program19:04
Kirillnow i can se only 3019:04
CameLinisok, nibbler.19:05
hsrDr_Willis: Sorry but thank you19:05
neil_lancelot: done19:05
Kirillgrub and acronis damagge my HDD19:05
CameLinisso any idea? i can't locate the inf file19:05
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Lancelotneil_: now just wait for it to finish searching19:05
Kirillxiaclo please hekp how i can repair my hdd19:05
cannonfodderHEY wheres the trash located in ubuntu19:05
ActionParsnipfaibistes: i'd check the compile settings you used for the driver. Also use a wired connection and get fully updated19:05
xiacloCameLinis going to break this down to basics, please don't be offended ... do you have the PCI-ID of your wireless card?  If not, try typing 'sudo lspci -nn' at a command prompt ... you are looking for a number at the end of the line that describes your wireless card like [XXXX:XXXX]19:05
Lancelotneil_: does it list some drivers in that window?19:05
nibblerCameLinis, sorry, i didnt use ndiswrapper in ages. i'd recommend you to get supported hardware.19:05
ActionParsnip!trash | cannonfodder19:05
ubottucannonfodder: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash19:05
CameLinisfrom where?19:06
neil_lancelot: no it says no proprietarty drivers are in use on this system19:06
ActionParsnipcannonfodder: there's a gconf setting to put it on the desktop too19:06
faibistesits fully updated already, via a wired connection. But I don't know how to check the compile settings. It is a .deb DKMS19:06
xiacloKirill try 'sudo fdisk -l' ... does it list two partitions, or just one?19:06
Lancelotneil_: okay, do you have a separate graphics card?19:06
SubCoolok- i have had kopete crash on me for the last time. What is a better chat for kubuntu19:06
Kirillxiaclo just main one with 3019:06
Lancelotneil_: or are the graphics integrated into your motherboard?19:06
ActionParsnipfaibistes: i'd get the source and compile it . Sounds like the deb isn't great19:06
neil_lancelot: nopes its a lappy and dont have any slot19:06
rooksSubCool, for irc i use xchat-gnome19:06
neil_lancelot: its integrated19:07
SubCoolno- aim/yahoo19:07
Kirillxiaclo and in bios only 30 but was 20019:07
ActionParsnipSubCool: there is no better or best. Only apps which give different features19:07
rooksSubCool, for im → pidgin19:07
Lancelotneil_: My laptop has a Nvidia 9600M running the graphics19:07
bruno25Hi, I'm having problems installing Openbravo and unstaling OpenERP, I get the following error message: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1, could someone help me with this ?19:07
_mrn_ver_ActionParsnip, : i have downloaded the things but  still it is not working :(19:07
ActionParsnip!irc | SubCool19:07
ubottuSubCool: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines19:07
BarnabasLancelot, neil_ : try therse two : glxinfo | grep direct and glxinfo | grep vendor19:07
Lancelotneil_: you might run into some issues trying to run the effects then, the integrated chipset might not be able to handle all of it19:07
Barnabaswill tell if GLX extensions are in play19:08
_mrn_ver_ActionParsnip, : i mean alsamixer and alsa( oss) and alsa( gnome )19:08
faibistesActionParsnip: but do you still think it's a driver thing. can't it be upper in the stack?19:08
neil_barnabas: okay and how to use that19:08
Kirillxiaclo this grub demage my HDD19:08
ActionParsnip_mrn_ver_:how did you install the OS? Ubuntu comes with alsa19:08
xiacloKirill your bios should see it as 200, regardless of what software managed to do to it ... go back into your bios, look for something in the hard drive options called LBA mode, make sure it's enabled19:08
Lancelotneil_: put it into the terminal19:08
ActionParsnipfaibistes: could log a bug I guess19:08
Richie965so im trying to install 10.04 on my pc with an ati 5570 card, and when it goes to boot up the setup from cd my display says no signal, anyone know how to fix that or how to display through my on board graphics so i can install?19:09
ActionParsnip_mrn_ver_: what is the output of: lsb_release -c19:09
Kirillxiaclo there is auto and i see 200 in bios one hour ago19:09
Lancelotneil_: then scroll to the top, what does it say under "client glx vendor string" and "server glx vendor string"?19:09
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SubCooli heard you cant do video and audio with pidgin - and yes there is ActionParsnip .. Kopete doest work- its worse.19:09
xiacloKirill ok, but it shows as 200gb now? or did it change to 30gb?19:09
iTrollanyone able to help me with a little basic samba debugging?19:09
_mrn_ver_ActionParsnip, : 1 hour back it was  working properly. but to hibernate the system i downloaded the powersavermanagement utility . for then it is not working.19:09
cannonfodderI STILL CANT FIND THE TRASH19:09
cannonfodderthis sucks19:09
FloodBot3cannonfodder: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:09
xiaclo!ask iTroll19:09
cannonfodderi dont wanna re download a 1.2 gb file19:09
xiaclo!ask | iTroll19:09
ubottuiTroll: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:09
neil_lancelot: I tried glxinfo and it says this progam is not currently installed19:09
swedishchefhi im trying to add an extended partition but i currently have x2 windows partitions ( recovery and normal), ubuntu parition and swap space, is there anyway i can install an extended partition without deleting any of the data partitions?19:09
faibistesActionParsnip: OK, I may comment on one of those 100's of rt3090 bugs.... my wife is going to kill me19:09
glebihancannonfodder: what release are you running ?19:10
Lancelotneil_: o.O19:10
cannonfodder10.04 netbook remix19:10
_mrn_ver_ActionParsnip, : the command output : Codename:lucid19:10
LogicGatehey guys19:10
LancelotBarnabas, isn't this on by default?19:10
glebihancannonfodder: and you don't find the ~/.local/share/Trash folder19:10
LogicGateis it possible to chain commands with bash scripting?19:10
Kirillxiaclo there is no enable option ib my bios only auto and disable and still 3019:10
cannonfodderumm nope19:10
LancelotBarnabas: neil_ doesn't have glxinfo19:10
xiacloswedishchef the ubuntu install will allow you to resize the current partitions assuming there is free space on them to remove19:10
ActionParsnipfaibistes: could grab a wireless device which works out of the box. They are stupidly cheap19:10
neil_barnabas what should I do now19:11
ActionParsnip_mrn_ver_: ok. How did you install the OS?19:11
Lancelotneil_: open up synaptic19:11
ActionParsnipLogicGate: very19:11
LogicGatefor example i would like to run mysql as root19:11
Lancelotneil_: type glxinfo into the search19:11
swedishchefcheers but i already have them all installed ive resized the windows parition with gparted now im kinda stumped19:11
xiacloKirill not always in the hard drive menu itself, poke around the BIOS, you can't hurt anything by looking ... maybe in chipset devices or something along those lines ... there should be an LBA option somewhere19:11
glebihancannonfodder: do you know how to see hidden folders (starting with .) ?19:11
Lancelotneil_:you'll see a package mesa-utils19:11
Lancelotneil_: is it installed?19:11
_mrn_ver_ActionParsnip, : first win7  and after some days of that ubuntu 10.04. but as i said it was working fine 1 hour back but after........... not working19:12
Kirillxiaclo lba - auto and disable19:12
neil_Just installing  it19:12
cannonfodderglebihan   i found it in terminal19:12
LogicGatemysql -l root -p mytable | "prompt for password" Password | mysql> \! sudo passwd root | password prompt19:12
fypDo I am here: irc.freenode.net ???19:12
useronei am trying to copy an audio cd from my cd to my hdd but whenever i copy it the file format is shown as .wav instead of cdda. On the cd the file format is shown as cdda. Is .wav the uncompressed form of the original cdda file? Before you ask, I dont want to compress to .ogg or .mp3 as I want the original digital file, and anyway I have a massive 10TB of storage space!!!19:12
Kirillxiaclo auto = enabble19:12
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cannonfodderbtu i cant fing it with the file explorer19:12
neil_its installed19:12
xiacloKirill oh sorry, misunderstood, thought you meant the drive itself19:12
Lancelotneil_: what version of ubuntu are you on?19:12
Richie965: so im trying to install 10.04 on my pc with an ati 5570 card, and when it goes to boot up the setup from cd my display says no signal, anyone know how to fix that or how to display through my on board graphics so i can install?19:12
neil_its 10.419:12
glebihancannonfodder: to show hidden folders in nautilus, press Ctrl+H19:12
Lancelotneil_:okay, so try running glxinfo again19:12
Enochow can i change mi chanel of mon019:12
faibistesActionParsnip: Not that it's a bad solution, but this is one of those "Hell I'm gonna fix it" things. It's recovering from a failed upgrade to lucid. I feel like I'm almost there19:12
neil_its ran this time19:12
neil_lancelot what info do you need19:13
ActionParsnipfaibistes: could try ndisgtk19:13
cannonfodderglebihan i did and still nothing19:13
fypdo I am at #ubuntu19:13
Lancelotneil_: what's the server glx vendor string, and client server glx vendor string19:13
glebihancannonfodder: from terminal, run "nautilus ~/.local"19:13
cannonfodderah ok thanks19:13
ActionParsnipfyp: yes this is #ubuntu19:13
Lancelotneil_: you'll need to scroll to the top19:13
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_mrn_ver_ActionParsnip, : one more thing . in windows sound is  intact.  but for ubuntu  ...:(19:13
Kirilloh may be somebody knew ubuntu without grub?19:13
faibistesActionParsnip a little better. Isn't ndis a little flaky, or worse for performance? Or is it quite safe?19:14
cannonfodderglebihan it says couldnt find local19:14
neil_lancelot the server glx is  SGI and the vendor string is Mesa Project and SGI19:14
Enochi somebody could help me with aircrack?19:14
cannonfodderoh wait glebihan  typo19:14
fypmy fn-soundcontrols donnot work: EEE R10119:14
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ActionParsnip_mrn_ver_: ubuntu has different support to windows. What windows does or doesn't do is of no consequence to linux19:14
cannonfoddergot it thanks19:14
xiacloKirill like i said though, nothing ubuntu or acronis or windows can do can prevent the bios from reading off the hard drive as 200gb ... maybe the OS, but not the BIOS ... so there has to be a bios option to make the hard drive read as 200GB ... if all else fails, try placing the hard drive on a different motherboard connector to see if it is detected correctly there19:14
LancelotEnoc, have you tried reading their documentation?19:14
glebihancannonfodder: you're welcome19:14
Enoca lot19:14
Lancelotneil_: gimmie a sec19:14
wh1sk3yj4ckEnoc, aircrack-ng has it's own channel here on freenode19:14
ActionParsnipfaibistes: its fine19:14
faibistesI'll give it a shot19:15
LancelotEnoc, me too, I can't make it to anything :p19:15
faibistesthank you very much19:15
_mrn_ver_ActionParsnip, : so please tell me what to do? after alsamixer and alsa installation it is still not working.19:15
egsomeEnoc, #aircrack-ng19:15
Lancelotneil_: I can't find any info on SGI19:15
chiyamhi i have a broadband internet connection through adsl router. i use ubuntu, my friend used windows7. the problem is the router has only one socket. so we decided to use wifi to share the connection. this can be done easily in windows7 by bridging the wifi and wired connection, it worked. no as i am in ubuntu i just wanna know how to configure and share internet with another windows laptop temporarily and permenently19:15
Enocok thx a lot19:15
ActionParsnipKirill: maybe you need a bios upgrade to make it recognise the space, or a bios option setting right19:15
Lancelotneil_: gimmie some more info on your laptop, who made it, model number etc.19:15
fypis it normal that the doublefingerscrollmove dont work under Ubuntu?19:15
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ActionParsnip_mrn_ver_: try the alsa .23 ppa19:16
Kirillxiaclo ok senk u very mutch but may be u knew where i download ubuntu version vitout f(*(*(*( grub?19:16
Dr_Willisfyp:  the multi-finger gesture i hear is to be a feature in 10.10 -19:16
neil_lancelot I just wanted to know how you do the 3D flip in linux as I saw my friend doing that so I was really amazed, my laptop is Compaq19:16
fypwillis: cool19:16
erUSUL!ccsm | neil_19:16
ubottuneil_: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz19:16
Lancelotneil_: well I'm trying to walk you through setting it up :p19:16
xiacloKirill i'm not too sure about the new versions, but i know the older versions supported lilo, which is a more basic boot loader19:16
neil_and its model number is Compaq Presario C70019:16
Dr_Willisfyp:  its also requireing a lot of tweaking aparently.  for a feature that personally.. i will proberly never use.19:16
besogonHi. guys. Need your help. I'm getting some errors when trying to use "Personal File Sharing" from apache.19:17
neil_ubootu how to do that19:17
Lancelotneil_: okay, well lets try enabling it then, but I'm not sure how it will perform19:17
neil_could you plz help me19:17
Lancelotubootu is a bot19:17
userone2i am trying to copy an audio cd from my cd to my hdd but whenever i copy it the file format is shown as .wav instead of cdda. On the cd the file format is shown as cdda. Is .wav the uncompressed form of the original cdda file? Before you ask, I dont want to compress to .ogg or .mp3 as I want the original digital file, and anyway I have a massive 10TB of storage space!!!19:17
Lancelotit just spews info19:17
egsomebesogon, Give us some more details about your problem.19:17
ActionParsnip_mrn_ver_: https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/%2Barchive/unstable19:17
Lancelotneil_: open up synaptic again19:17
xiaclofyp it depends on your touchpad ... the synaptic driver has had support for certain multi-touch gestures for quite a while19:17
glebihanneil_: press Alt+F2, then run "ccsm"19:17
neil_lancelot okay19:17
Kirillxiaclo ok senks in future i will use only old ubuntu version cose i dont woht to make derals with grub19:17
ActionParsnip_mrn_ver_: will give the newer alsa, may help19:17
ActionParsnip!sound | _mrn_ver_19:17
ubottu_mrn_ver_: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.19:17
Lancelotneil_: lets go into a private chat19:17
chiyamhi i have a broadband internet connection through adsl router. i use ubuntu, my friend used windows7. the problem is the router has only one socket. so we decided to use wifi to share the connection. this can be done easily in windows7 by bridging the wifi and wired connection, it worked. no as i am in ubuntu i just wanna know how to configure and share internet with another windows laptop temporarily and permanently19:17
xiacloKirill second, i'll check on the lilo thing19:18
ActionParsnip!ics | chiyam19:18
edbianI accidentally deleted some files that were mounted via sshfs on a remote computer.  I have root access on the server.  How can I get these files back?19:18
ubottuchiyam: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php19:18
hsrHow to find network connections?19:18
hsrHow to find network connections to edit?19:18
ActionParsniphsr: sudo iwlist scan ,will scan for wireless APs19:18
egsomechiyam, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing19:18
kronosphereXiaclo I lost connection19:19
xiacloKirill 10.04 does support lilo, there is an expert install option from the main menu which will allow you to install lilo instead of grub19:19
besogonegsome: http://pastebin.com/4iPddSGn19:19
xiaclokronosphere any progress?19:19
egsomehsr, `System > Preferences > Network Connections`19:19
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Kirillxiaclo o its good news19:19
Kirillxiaclo senk u vm19:19
hsrActionParsnip: I have lo and eth019:19
Richie965: so im trying to install 10.04 on my pc with an ati 5570 card, and when it goes to boot up the setup from cd my display says no signal, anyone know how to fix that or how to display through my on board graphics so i can install?19:19
xiacloKirill not a problem, but until you get the BIOS reading it as 200gb, no OS can do anything about getting the other 170GB back19:20
Kirillxiaclo i try to upgr my bios now19:20
ActionParsniphsr: ok if you have a wireless NIC you can run: sudo lshw -C network ,to see the wireless chip and find guides using the product line in the output19:20
Kirillxiaclo bye have a nice day19:20
egsomebesogon, Try restarting Apache2 or Killing the PID19:20
xiacloRichie965 there is a text mode install which should get you through the setup without worrying about video drivers19:20
besogonegsome: I have looked about it. I think I need to look at /etc/hosts file. My file is wrong evidently. But about the second error i don't know19:20
xiacloKirill you too, good luck19:21
kronosphereXiaclo no connection to ph tether. After those commands19:21
Junikszhello, is there anybody who use w3m?19:21
xiaclokronosphere can you give me the output of 'sudo lscpi -nn' please19:21
ActionParsnip!anyone | Juniksz19:21
ubottuJuniksz: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:21
besogonegsome: I've reinstalled apache2.2-bin some times. How can PID be killed?19:21
xiaclobesogon 'sudo kill -9 <PID>' if all else fails ... usually works fine without the -9, dont use it unless you have to19:22
egsomebesogon, Try `killall apache2`19:22
kronosphereXiaclo paste.ubuntu. com/492279/19:23
yeriyahoovaioHello all, newbie seeking info on how to install gnome shell on sony vaio. This is the message I'm getting from terminal "The following packages have unmet dependencies:19:23
yeriyahoovaio  gnome-shell: Depends: libgjs0 but it is not going to be installed19:23
yeriyahoovaioE: Broken packages19:23
yeriyahoovaio" Please advise. Thanks19:23
FloodBot3yeriyahoovaio: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:23
egsomebesogon, Or you can look for the process by `ps -aux | grep apache2`19:23
egsome!paste | yeriyahoovaio19:23
ubottuyeriyahoovaio: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:23
xiacloyeriyahoovaio it doesn't really tell us much, try going through each package to see what the actual problem is ... for example 'sudo apt-get install libgjs0'19:24
ActionParsnipyeriyahoovaio: tell the OS to install libgjs0 then, see where that leads19:24
besogonegsome: I've killed apache with sudo killall apache219:24
Junikszi've installed the w3m-img, and i worked, (ie google.com | pictures) but i think i've pressed something, and now the w3m doesn't display the pictures19:24
iTrollhow should i browse shares on my ubuntu samba server from my ubuntu client?19:24
besogonegsome: what else?19:24
xiaclokronosphere that's was the lsmod ... need 'sudo lscpi -nn'19:24
egsomebesogon, Try starting it again19:24
redcould someone hilight me please19:24
egsome!help | red19:24
ubottured: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:24
ActionParsnipiTroll: smbclient integrates with nautilus if you use it19:25
redegsome: hah, didn't think of using ubottu :)19:25
ActionParsnipiTroll: nautilus is the default file manager in UBuntu19:25
besogonegsome: it easyer say then do. :-D19:25
egsomered, :)19:25
Junikszi've installed the w3m-img, and it worked, (ie google.com | pictures) but i think i've pressed something, and now the w3m doesn't display the pictures19:25
ActionParsnipiTroll: or you can mount the share and use any manager, even cli as the share will appear as a local folder19:26
egsomebesogon, Then start Apache2 :)19:26
iTrollActionParsnip: basically I'm setting up a samba server on lucid and not having any luck mounting the share from my windows box, so im trying my lucid netbook19:26
=== ryuuk is now known as ayelborne
besogonegsome: I'm trying19:26
iTrollActionParsnip: desperately trying to figure out why it is not working19:26
xiacloiTroll is it in the same workgroup as your windows machine?19:27
ActionParsnipiTroll: I believe pynetwork gives a gui to it. If you run: smbtree ,do you see the shares on the server?19:27
Dr_WillisiTroll:  you can see the share? or not?  You gave the user a 'samba' password on the ubuntu box with 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERNAME' ?19:27
ActionParsnipiTroll: if there is a firewall, is it configured to allow the local traffic19:27
kronosphere_xiaclo: im back on another computer, my imac19:27
=== ayelborne is now known as ryuuk
kronosphere_xiaclo: if you told me anything in the last 15 min i didn't get it19:28
kronosphere_xiaclo: did you get the pastebin?19:28
iTrollActionParsnip: so running smbtree on the server should check what shares I have exported?19:28
xiaclokronosphere_ that last pastebin was the old one, of the lsmod, not the lspci -nn19:28
iTrollDr_Willis: Cant see the share, ActionParsnip suggesting using smbtree on the server to check the shares19:29
kronosphere_do you want me to enter "lspci-nn"19:29
TweakyQuantum_Ion: ?19:29
xiaclokronosphere_ don't forget the space after lscpi  ... 'sudo lscpi -nn'19:29
kronosphere_*'lspci -nn'19:29
okapi14hi to all, I can not boot my system. I have udev error. Anyone have an idea how to fix it19:29
kronosphere_ok i got it ill go do that now19:29
Quantum_Ionهل يمكنك مساعدتي من فضلك19:30
egsomeokapi14, pastebin your errors, so people here can help19:30
egsome!arabic | Quantum_Ion19:30
ubottuQuantum_Ion: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية19:30
Bogus8I got a box (server 10.4) that the nic freezes up and doing an ifconfig will unfreeze it... has anyone ever seen that?  this is with several different nics19:30
Bogus8This happens about once a day19:30
* edwardthefma yells out lets Roll19:31
* edwardthefma kills some terrorists19:31
okapi14egsome: I can not have access to my pc. Is not loading or booting. The udev error is on start up19:31
Bogus8It used to happen several times a day with the built on nic.. I can only assume changing the nic helped.19:31
erUSULBogus8: different NIC chips ? driver bug?19:31
Dr_WillisiTroll:  also try accessing the share via its ip# - not machine name  ie:  smb://  or in windows  i think its \\\19:31
Quantum_IonDerka Derka Islamic Jihad19:31
Dr_WillisiTroll:  ive had some odd issues where i cant see via name. but i can access it via ip#19:31
kronosphere_xiaclo: sudo: lscpi: command not found19:31
egsomeokapi14, Tell us about these errors.19:31
Bogus8erUSUL: they were different nic chips.. so I assume not a driver bug... We put in 3 nics total... all exhibit the same problem19:32
xiaclokronosphere_ lspci ... as in list pci devices19:32
Bogus8all different19:32
iTrollDr_Willis: yes tried via IP.  my ubuntu client doesnt see the share either19:32
Dr_WillisiTroll:  that is weird.. can it even Ping the ip# ?19:32
Dr_WillisKills:  for my nvidia chipset. i can tweak it with the nvidia-settings tool19:32
iTrollDr_Willis: yes I can ping it19:32
egsomeKills, From your monitor's settings buttons.19:32
erUSULBogus8: anything in the logs? /var/log/messages /var/log/syslog ?19:32
Dr_WillisiTroll:  you may want to disable the windows firewall as a test.19:33
okapi14egsome: udev [466] this happen after some packege update19:33
egsomeKills, Or it depends on what driver you use.19:33
Dr_WillisiTroll:  and see if they can get accesed then.19:33
Bogus8erUSUL: looking now19:33
Dr_WillisKills:   you need to be more exact.. what is your video card chipset.19:33
erUSUL!caps | Kills19:33
ubottuKills: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:33
Dr_WillisKills:  many lcd's have menus to adjust the settings also19:34
iTrollDr_Willis: how can I check the list of shares on the server?19:34
Killsbe more exact!!19:34
iTrollDr_Willis: as in, from the server console19:34
Killsim on a laptop19:34
Dr_WillisiTroll:  on teh windows box? theres some tools to show the shares.. or try to access the machine  shres from the machine itself and see what its shareing19:34
besogonegsome: heh. I can't start apache since it had not installed. There is only apache2.2-bin package. I seem to have been lived without 'Personal File Sharing'.19:34
Bogus8erUSUL: nope, nothing hardly at all in there and nothing related to the NIC19:34
hsrDr_Willis: You never seem to have any questions, which computer do you use?19:35
glebihanokapi14: so you get to boot in recovery mode ?19:35
Dr_WillisiTroll:  if wanting to see whats shres exist on a linux box. the findsmb/smbtree command can do that.19:35
egsomebesogon, So, Install it again and try.19:35
Dr_Willishsr:  I have 2 computers sitting here right now. :) both can dual boot.  #2 is right now updating lord of the rings online. :) so i may not be on much the rest of the week...19:35
kronosphere_xiaclo: that got a long read out, but there is no internet connection now. the usb connection disconnected after the last set of commands that were paired. What can i look for in the read out, since i can't paste it to a pastebin without the internet.19:35
erUSULBogus8: then it is hard to diagnose ...19:35
Killshow to change screen brightness on acer laptopt  video card nvdia g105m19:36
Bogus8erUSUL: agreed19:36
Bogus8erUSUL: so you have never heard of such a thing before?19:36
okapi14glebihan: how to boot on safe mode? I do not have the option on start up..19:36
hsrDr_Willis: laptops or desktop?19:36
erUSULBogus8: nope; maybe in #ubuntu-server ?19:36
Dr_WillisKills:  install nvidia drivers, use the 'nvidia-settings' tool. also most laptops have a 'fn-SOMEKEY' to adjust brightness.19:36
Dr_Willishsr:  one of each19:36
glebihanokapi14: you have to access grub menu (hold shift key while booting to access it)19:36
xiaclokronosphere_ there should be a line from there that says broadcom 43xx or something ... at the end of that line, there should be an 8 digit code in brackets like so ... [XXXX:XXXX]19:36
Bogus8erUSUL: might check it out.. but I imagine the network subsystem is pretty similar between the two... thanks though19:36
hsrDr_Willis: which netbook?19:36
KillsDr_Willis:  BE MORE EXACT where are those settings19:37
Dr_WillisKills:  run the tool and explore it.. its not that complex.19:37
Kills'what tool????19:37
okapi14glebihan: thanks, let me try it and back online in 20 minutes....Thanks to all of you19:37
Dr_WillisKills:   the 'nvidia-settings' tool thats part of the nvidia drivers19:37
kronosphere_ok, im looking19:37
Dr_Willis!find nvidia-settings19:37
glebihanokapi14: you're welcome19:37
ubottuFound: nvidia-settings19:37
Dr_Willis!info nvidia-settings19:37
ubottunvidia-settings (source: nvidia-settings): Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver. In component main, is optional. Version 195.36.08-0ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 799 kB, installed size 1876 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)19:37
kronosphere_xiaclo: 14e4:432019:38
xiaclokronosphere_ ok, gimme a min19:38
Dr_WillisKills:  you install it and its in the system menus.. or run it from a terminal19:38
erUSULKills: drop the caps already19:38
hsrDr_Willis: Which laptop? Make?19:38
Kills no there is no such thing in my menus as nvidias setting only sumthin about nvidia x server19:38
kronosphere_erUSUL: hey there! we are still working on this wifi deal19:39
Dr_Willishsr:  got a new Toshiba X505 a few weeks ago.19:39
Dr_WillisKills:  run it and see...19:39
Killsrun waht>??????????????19:39
Dr_WillisKills:  the menu item names dont match the binary names at times19:39
nazubottu, i just installed the .run from the nvidia site i had to have the installer disable the noveau drivers then restart and install19:39
hsrDr_Willis: Have you used ASUS eee pc? Which one is good for linux?19:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:39
Dr_WillisKills:  err.. the nvidia tool you just mentioned...  loglcal eh?19:39
dgnortonhow can I revert to an older version of xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse?19:39
erUSULkronosphere_: hi; sorry to hear that :( once the driver was installed everything should have been easier19:40
Dr_Willishsr:  i got an Acer Aspire One. it workeed very well.19:40
xiaclokronosphere_ that will do it, using the wrong driver ... 'sudo apt-get install firmware-b43legacy-installer'19:40
nazubottu, but now i dont know if my nvidia drivers are workin19:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:40
Killsi cant change the brightness on x server nvidia ...19:40
userone2Anyone know of any serious issues with using FLAC for CD archiving? HDD storage space is not an issue, and although I would prefer uncompressed cdda I have found that this has problems with tagging.19:40
egsomenaz, ubottu Is just a bot !19:40
kronosphere_xiaclo: you are a bit of a genius, i will enter it! :)19:40
xiaclokronosphere_ it's close enough that the b43 driver will recognize it, but the proper driver is b43legacy19:40
hsrDr_Willis: Have you used 'ASUS' eee pc?19:40
Dr_WillisKills:  really? the color correction area on that tool has a 'brightness' setting i notice...19:40
Dr_Willishsr:  nope. never used an EEE.19:40
nazis there a command to tell me what video card im using and what drivers are active19:41
Richie3c7i was wondering if anyone here could help me with my display when i try to install ubuntu19:41
egsomehsr, Asus eeePC 1005HA Works perfect with Ubuntu19:41
hsrWhich ASUS eee pc works best with Linux/Ubuntu?19:41
erUSULuserone2: what would be the issue?19:41
=== runninglol_ is now known as runninglol
Killsw/e ill come back when i m sober19:41
erUSULnaz: read the /var/log/Xorg.0.log19:41
hsregsome: No not intel atom19:41
dgnortonanyone know how to revert to an older version of a package?19:42
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto19:42
egsomehsr, I tried it months ago, and Ubuntu worked perfectly on it.19:42
erUSULdgnorton: aptitude install packagename=version19:42
glebihandgnorton: using synaptic, select the package and press Ctrl+E19:42
dgnortonerUSUL, thanks19:42
dgnortonglebihan, thx19:42
nazII) No input driver/identifier specified (ignoring)19:43
naz(II) Sep 11 02:04:20 NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "800x600"19:43
naz(II) Sep 11 02:04:45 NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "nvidia-auto-select"19:43
naz(II) Sep 11 02:05:39 NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "800x600"19:43
naz(II) Sep 11 02:06:23 NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "nvidia-auto-select"19:43
FloodBot3naz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:43
naz(II) Sep 11 02:49:04 NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "nvidia-auto-select"19:43
duocco ai viet nam kong?19:43
cristhianchat in spanish??19:43
glebihansp | cristhian19:43
duocvay ah19:43
glebihan!sp | cristhian19:43
erUSUL!es | cristhian19:43
ubottucristhian: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:43
hsrWhich ASUS eee pc works best with Linux/Ubuntu (i core series)?19:44
cristhiangracias guri19:44
dgnortonglebihan, ctrl+E doesn't seem to do anything19:44
duocuse very good19:44
kronosphere_xiaclo: reading package lists.... done. Building dependency tree   Reading state information... done     E: couldn't find package firmware-b43legacy-installer19:44
NetScr1behsr I'm on an EEE 4G19:44
glebihandgnorton: otherwise, check for "Force version" in package menu19:44
xiaclokronosphere_ give me a minute, i'm working off of debian here, sometimes the packages are a bit different19:44
NetScr1behsr worked fine for two years19:45
egsomeduoc, Trò chuyện bằng tiếng Anh xin vui lòng ( Chat in English please )19:45
=== artinfrieden is now known as artin123
glebihandgnorton: or use what erUSUL told you19:45
hsrNetScribe: After that?19:45
necrodeariaI would like to install bitcoin daemon in Ubuntu on a vpn server.  I created a new user named "bitcoin" with shell /usr/sbin/nologin and home /var/lib/bitcoin.  How can I start an instance of bitcoind to be run as a specific user and on startup?19:45
userone2erUSL: I was just looking online for supported devices. I am new to audio 'ripping' so I thought I would ask the experts here for a quick heads up of things to keep in mind. Perhaps 'issues' was the wrong word!19:46
Richie3c7can anyone here help me with an install or point me in the direction of someone who can19:46
NetScr1beshouldn't Ubuntu auto-mount a USB key?19:46
egsome!ask | Richie3c719:46
ubottuRichie3c7: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:46
almoxarifeI am having trouble with the command wget, there is a file called host.txt out on the net, and its reachable, I use that file, I can't seem to get the command structure to get it and replace the same named file on my system, any ideas??19:46
Dr_WillisNetScr1be:  in theory yes.. but thers things that can prevent it19:47
glebihanNetScr1be: it should, check configuration of nautilus19:47
kronosphere_i love ubottu19:47
dgnortonglebihan, force was disabled19:47
NetScr1beDr_Willis, I think it might be the Toshiba laptop19:47
Richie3c7i cant get my display to work during my intall19:47
egsomealmoxarife, What problem do you face ?, Can't get you.19:47
glebihandgnorton: maybe you only have one version available in repos19:47
nazerUSUL, yo19:47
kronosphere_ubottu does not respond to love?19:47
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:47
glebihandgnorton: try erUSUL's solution19:47
kronosphere_ubottu, what is love?19:48
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:48
erUSULnaz: ?19:48
nazanyone installed NVIDIAS driver on Ubuntu 10 x6419:48
dgnortonglebihan, erUSUL's solution did something  :)19:48
glebihandgnorton: nice19:48
NetScr1beDr_Willis, in edit > preferences > media?19:48
naz(II) No input driver/identifier specified (ignoring)19:48
naz(II) Sep 11 02:04:20 NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "800x600"19:48
naz(II) Sep 11 02:04:45 NVIDIA(0): Setting mode "nvidia-auto-select"19:48
almoxarifeegsome: I can't find a way to have the wget just get it, delete the old and plant what it found as the replacement, both have the same name19:48
Dr_WillisNetScr1be:  Hmm? what are we doing? I just had to go take care of a 2 yr old.19:48
nazthat what was in the log19:48
grid567hi mans19:48
egsome!paste | naz19:49
ubottunaz: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:49
grid567i need help with install glite((( can anyone help me please19:49
clampin_i am a new user of ubuntu on Mac :)19:49
egsomealmoxarife, Now, What error you get when you do `wget URL` ?19:49
Quantum_IonIk leef het leven nu babe en dit is wat ik zal doen tot het voorbij is19:49
egsome!ask | grid56719:49
ubottugrid567: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:49
hsrDr_Willis: is that Qosmio x50519:49
kronosphere_xiaclo: went on a mission into a users manual somewhere19:49
xiaclokronosphere_ only available in maverick, lovely ... download this, install it with 'sudo dpkg -i <package>' http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/b/b43-fwcutter/firmware-b43legacy-installer_4.178.10.4-4_all.deb19:49
Dr_Willishsr:  yes it is.19:49
NetScr1beDr_Willis, checking Nautilus to auto-mount USB key19:49
Dr_WillisNetScr1be:   You can always plug it in and check 'dmesg' for errors or info. and you could mount it by hand. What filesystem is teh usbkey anyway?19:50
clampin_how to get a good keyboard mapping for mac keyboard in ubuntu ?19:50
kronosphere_xiaclo: can you explain that to me a little, what exactly do i do?19:50
almoxarifeegsome: no errors, not doing what I want it to do, but doing what I am telling it to do19:50
NetScr1beDr_Willis, it was in my Android phone19:50
kronosphere_xiaclo: will i have to use a usb memory stick to install it?19:50
kronosphere_remember, i dont have internet19:50
Dr_WillisNetScr1be:  you also may want to run/install ntfs-config and chck the box's to let all users access ntfs/vfat19:50
neil_from where can i get some good themes for 10.419:50
xiaclokronosphere_ oh right, no internet ... yeah ... probably19:50
TruthNeither do i it wont find my drivers.19:51
Dr_WillisNetScr1be:  so its a microsd card on a thumbdrive adaptor?19:51
S0lderanyone using 10.10 yet?19:51
coz_neil_,  which kind of themes?  gtk2?19:51
egsomealmoxarife, Basically, What it do?, And What you want it to do?19:51
Dr_WillisS0lder:  lots of us are. :) and in #ubuntu+119:51
userone2i can use audacity to rip to flac, right?19:51
neil_coz yeah or themes like Mac19:51
xiaclokronosphere_ the new ubuntu's should have a nice graphical installer ... you should be able to just download and double click on it and have it install19:51
egsomeS0lder, try #ubuntu+119:51
coz_neil_,  well probably the best place is  gnome-look.org  and in the left list choose  GTK219:51
TruthI dont have internet and it wont find my drivers.19:52
almoxarifeI am having trouble with the command wget, there is a file called host.txt out on the net, and its reachable, I use that file, I can't seem to get the command structure to get it and replace the same named file on my system, any ideas?? what would the command line look like to achive my goal?19:52
NetScr1beDr_Willis, dmesg complains device descriptor read errors on multiple devices, rebooted same thing ...19:52
Dr_WillisNetScr1be:  when you plug in the device. run 'dmesg' a few times and look at the end. there should be some messages about the device in question.19:52
hsrDr_Willis: How do you check whats wrong with dmesg?19:52
NetScr1beDr_Willis, modprobe -vr ehci_hcd fails w/ fatal error19:52
Dr_Willishsr:  new messages aer at the end.. pluyg in a gizmo, you see  the messages from the knerel about how its handling the device.19:53
nazerUSUL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/492299/19:53
dgnortonerUSUL, glebihan, it can't find the version I want so it just installs the latest.19:53
NetScr1beDr_Willis, module ehci_hcd not found19:53
Dr_WillisNetScr1be:  thats.. weird.19:53
kronosphere_ok xiaclo i downloaded it to my imac, im putting it on my usb drive, installing it on the pc, hoping to just double click :)19:53
Dr_WillisNetScr1be:  this is a sd card in a usb reader? or is it in a built in reader in the laptop or what exactly?19:53
Richie3c7is there anyone who can help me with a problem with my display during an install or point me in the direction of someone who can19:53
xiacloalmoxarife wget www.somewebsite.com/host.txt -O host.txt19:53
TruthIt wont find my drivers19:53
=== maximilien is now known as maxxou
TruthPlease help.19:54
NetScr1beDr_Willis, sd card in USB19:54
glebihandgnorton: it's possible the version you want has not been built for lucid19:54
sailerboy!ask | Richie3c719:54
ubottuRichie3c7: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:54
Tweakyhi. every time i start ubuntu i have no window borders untill i restart the window manager manually. any ideas how i could make it proper again?19:54
xiaclokronosphere_ even if you can't it's easy enough to install a package19:54
almoxarifexiaclo: thnks19:54
glebihandgnorton: what's the package name ?19:54
S0lderTweaky: All of the time or just sometimes?19:54
NetScr1beDr_Willis, I'd be happier if it automounted the SD card while still in the phone19:54
TweakyS0lder: every time19:55
dgnortonglebihan,   xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse19:55
sailerboyTweaky, have you tried more than one wm?19:55
glebihandgnorton: and what version did you want ?19:55
sailerboyand what window manager do you use?19:55
=== maxxou is now known as highlandermax
Tweakysailerboy: compiz19:55
dgnortonglebihan, 1:12.6.5-2ubuntu219:55
hsrDr_Willis: I was really glad to find e SATA feature in Toshiba19:55
* sailerboy facepalms19:55
=== Viper is now known as Out`Of`Control
sailerboyTweaky, that's not a window manager19:56
sailerboydo you have an ATI graphics card Tweaky ?19:56
Dr_Willishsr:  yea it has a special esata/usb combo port. but i couldent get it to see my external esata the other day..  but i dident try too hard.19:56
Tweakysailerboy: yes19:56
sailerboyThat's your problem :)19:56
SimDaDimhi. i have two monitors, and i want to rotate one of them 90 degrees. but when i do that, i cant get the mouse pointer over to the other screen. anyone got any ideas what i can do?19:56
sailerboyi occaisionaly have that problem19:56
glebihandgnorton: what's your architecture ?19:57
sailerboyunfortunatly, all i can do is tick um19:57
nazhas anyone installed the nvidia video card drivers from the nvidia site?19:57
hsrDr_Willis: Huh? Does it allow to connect SATA hds?19:57
Dr_WillisTechnically Compiz Is a window manager.... i thought.19:57
Dr_Willishsr:  it has a port thats a esata and usb combined.. yes.19:57
nazCompiz is effects19:57
Dr_Willishsr:  and it has 2 internal sata hard drive bays19:57
sailerboyCompiz is a composting manager19:57
dgnortonglebihan, 2.6.32-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 20 14:21:58 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux19:57
sailerboygnome, kde, xfce, dwm are all window managers19:57
Dr_Williscompiz is a window maanger that does effects... it replaces metacity..19:57
Dr_Willissailerboy:  no.. those are 'desktop enviroments'19:57
Dr_Willisdwm is a window manager.. others are desktops19:58
Tweakydr_willis: yeah compiz fusion icon when i click it and select window manager it lists compiz and metacity, its on compiz19:58
nazCompiz runs in kde gnome etc....19:58
glebihandgnorton: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse/1:12.6.5-2ubuntu2/+build/1540162/+files/xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse_12.6.5-2ubuntu2_amd64.deb19:58
hsrDr_Willis: How will the SATA hd get power cable?19:58
sailerboyDr_Willis, they all have desktop enviroments19:58
Dr_Willishsr:  external sata is powerd throught the cable.19:58
sailerboybut they are all window managers as well19:58
soreauDr_Willis: Yes, compiz is a window manager19:58
Dr_Willissailerboy:  'icewm' is a window manager.. its not a desktop enviroment.19:58
carlghi there, back again19:58
carlgxiaclo, are you stil around19:58
hsrDr_Willis: huh?19:58
Dr_Willissailerboy:  same applies to  a large # of window managers.19:58
nazSATA hd have different power supplies19:58
xiaclocarlg yeah, what's up?19:59
nazthe sata wire and the power wire19:59
Dr_Willishsr:  plug in cable.. its data and power.19:59
* dylanjr slaps alan` around a bit with a large trout19:59
magicianlorddesktop environments are bloated and unneeded. a window manager suffices, and several smalelr components to complement it.19:59
nazDr_Willis, not mine19:59
carlgxiaclo, do you know how I could capture the compiz config settings so i dont have to manually configure the next compiz?19:59
hsrDr_Willis: I didn't get//   It has two cables- data and power but toshiba got only for data19:59
soreau! ccsm | carlg19:59
ubottucarlg: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz19:59
Dr_Willishsr:  depends on the ahrd drive. I have external laptop sized esata bays that get power from the port.19:59
xiaclosoreau carlg not quite what he is looking for, gimme a sec20:00
sailerboyTweaky, do you have ccsm?20:00
soreauSimDaDim: Try moving the cursor to the bottom, top or other side of the screen20:00
Dr_Willishsr:  theres  proberly bays that have their own PS.20:00
jatthow do I setup an external usb partition as bootable?20:00
nazDr_Willis, http://paste.ubuntu.com/492299/20:00
Dr_Willissummary of most window managers and desktops for X --> http://xwinman.org/20:00
hsrDr_Willis: I didn;t get a thing what yo said20:00
carlgthanks soreau but i already have it installed and configured, I just want to collect the config files and then put them in a different computer's compiz20:00
xiaclocarlg everything should be under ~/.config/compiz/20:00
Dr_Willishsr:  one cable gives my external HD power and data.20:01
soreaucarlg: Ah. In that case you want ccsm>Preferences>Export/Import functions20:01
carlgxiaclo, perf, ill just compress the entire dir20:01
soreaucarlg: xiaclo Everything it not in that directory20:01
hsrDr_Willis:Hold on external hd and sata which i referred of are same right in the discussion?20:01
carlgsoreau, i see20:01
soreaucarlg: xiaclo: Different backends (in ccsm>prefs) save to different places20:02
_mrn_ver_sound card problem guys?/?????????20:02
carlgsoreau, ooooh i see now, it has it's own automated action20:02
Dr_Willishsr:  you can have external USB hd's and external esata  HD's20:02
egsome!ask | _mrn_ver_20:02
carlgthey're profiles20:02
ubottu_mrn_ver_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:02
Dr_Willishsr:  newer ones are both usb, and esata.20:02
soreaucarlg: xiaclo: The location you mentioned is only for one of the three backends. Use Export/Import to save and load respectively20:02
Dr_Willishsr:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_ATA#eSATA20:02
hsrDr_Willis: what is diff b/w e sata and sata20:02
sailerboyTweaky, the best fix i could find was to disable/enable window decoration20:02
carlgsoreau, thanks i found the location20:02
xiaclocarlg soreau well as long as it exists, it will have everything ... if it uses another backend, it won't exist20:02
Dr_Willishsr:  e = external.20:02
magicianlorddr. pepper20:03
carlgxiaclo, thanks - i think soreau has a sure fire way to do what im looking to do--20:03
soreaucarlg: I dont think you should try to outsmart it. Just use export/import and make sure both versions of compiz are the same20:03
kronosphere_xiaclo: failed to install package 'firmware-b43legacy-installer_4.178.10.4-4_all.deb'20:03
_mrn_ver_egsome, :my system is not detecting the sound card. i have tried the alsamixer  and also download but in vain. so please guide me what to do?20:03
hsrDr_Willis: oh,. the actual cable to connect and not in built?20:03
xiaclosoreau carlg fair enough, i just tend to not trust gui tools =)20:03
carlgsoreau, what is the backend for? GCONF or Flat-file ?20:03
sobersabreI have this screenshot of boot menu: http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/5207/128422306981.jpg20:04
soreaucarlg: I can explain more in #compiz20:04
xiaclokronosphere_ does it give you any more explaination than that?20:04
agentgasmask_mrn_ver_: I would check that the PCM volume is not set to 0 in alsamixer... but if you already tried that, sorry.20:04
_mrn_ver_egsome, : here the details: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03)20:04
Dr_Willishsr:  it uses a 'esata' cable for external. :) it has 2 bays internal for sata hd's as well20:04
sobersabreI mean after the boot with verbose mode. after it reaches the bottom, the computer simply gets stuck.20:04
hsrDr_Willis: What is a bay?20:04
sobersabrewhat should I pass to the kernel to pass the boot phase ?20:04
egsome_mrn_ver_, How you did know that your system not detecting your sound card ?20:05
Dr_Willishsr:  an internal area youy put the hd in.20:05
Dr_Willishsr:  got a better name for it? :)20:05
hsrDr_Willis: And by PS did you mean Power source?20:05
sailerboyTweaky, you there?20:05
glebihansobersabre: have you tried "acpi=off" ?20:05
kronosphere_xiaclo: it seems like everything was going fine until it tried to go to the internet to download files and then it failed20:05
jericomHi, is there a automated way to import album art to music files??20:05
_mrn_ver_i have tried the " gnome-alsamixer" it is popping up  a window but inactive.when i try to download gnome- alsamixer ,system shows that latest version installed20:05
nazwtf i installed the drivers from the nvidia site, but there is no icon for the settings20:05
necrodeariahttp://www.bitcoin.org/smf/index.php?topic=965.msg11860#msg11860 - Is it possible to tell if this init script is for or compatible with upstart, initng, sysvinit, other?20:05
Dr_Willishsr:  exernal drives xan be powered by the laptops cables. or have their own exteranl power source (PS)20:05
_mrn_ver_egsome, : i ran alsamixer it is showing that20:06
Dr_Willisnaz:  try running 'nvidia-settings' from a terminal20:06
egsome_mrn_ver_, Showing what ?20:06
_mrn_ver_egsome, : and also gnome-alsamixer is not working :(20:06
_mrn_ver_egsome, : it shows : cannot open mixer: No such file or directory20:07
xiaclohsr Dr_Willis it depends on the power of the drive ... laptop drives for example can be powered by eSATA, but desktop drives, especially things like optical burners, can't20:07
xiaclokronosphere_ um ... any way you can get a wired connection for that laptop?20:07
kronosphere_i was just going to say the same thing xiaclo20:07
_mrn_ver_but  when i went to net  n googled the things one of the commands showed me  " no sound card detected"20:07
_mrn_ver_egsome, :but  when i went to net  n googled the things one of the commands showed me  " no sound card detected"20:07
kronosphere_i am getting out the old cable and running it to the modem, sheeeeeee20:07
hsrDr_Willis: Listen! Forget my previous questions. I have sata hd on my desktop. It uses power and data cable to function. Soon i would be buying EEE pc. I want to have connectivity to the current drive i m using20:08
Dr_Willisxiaclo:  ive seen external laptop sized hd's that have weird 2 headed usb conectors. guess they need power from 2 usb ports.20:08
egsome_mrn_ver_, pastebin the output of `alsamixer`20:08
xiaclokronosphere_ yeah, always have it handy with linux installs ... wireless cards are one of the more tempermental things in linux ... right up there with video cards20:08
hsrDr_Willis: ... on eee20:08
Dr_Willishsr:  it it has a external sata port.. then you shuld be able to hook it up some how20:08
xiacloDr_Willis yes, most laptop drives are around 700-800mA, USB1-2 is only 500mA ... there is low-power laptop drives that will run off one usb port, but most don't20:09
Dr_Willishsr:  they have all sorts of adaptors and converters these days20:09
dunasIs there some way to partition a drive that's in use with Gparted? I can't install Win7 to the drive because Ubuntu's claimed the whole thing, but I can't seem to make a new partition on it from within Ubuntu. :(20:09
_mrn_ver_egsome, : when i try /usr/bin/alsamixer . it shows :cannot open mixer: No such file or directory20:09
glebihandunas: no you can't, you should use a live CD to do this20:09
Dr_Willisxiaclo:  i noticed this laptop has an 'always powered on' usb port also. wonder how many mA it gives.. :)20:10
agentgasmaskdunas: You'll want to use a live cd to work on the dirve un-mounted20:10
xiacloDr_Willis probably still just the 500mA, it was part of the USB specification20:10
hsrDr_Willis: Which eee got external sata connectivity20:10
xanguadunas: use gparted from he ubuntu live cd or the gparted live cd itself20:10
agentgasmaskdunas: something like slitaz has gparted on it and is realy lightweight20:10
_mrn_ver_egsome, : u got what  did u want frm me?20:10
_mrn_ver_egsome, : i mean the output20:11
baldarishey , i am trying to setup cronjob to execute my php script , can someone point me in the right direction ?20:11
urasomeone know the game called megaglest?20:11
okapi14Hi all, I have the following error on the boot and can not access my computer "udev[411]: SYSFS{}= will be removed in a future udev version, please use ATTR{}= to matchthe event device...."any one can help?20:11
Dr_Willishsr:  no idea. ive never owned an EEE. i got an 'AAO' that has no esata20:12
glebihanokapi14: does it precise a file where the error happens ?20:12
hsrDr_Willis: With every post of yours i m learning:) Whats AAO?20:12
xiaclookapil4 that is a warning, not an error, those will not prevent it from booting, they are more informational that it should be updated before it causes a real problem20:12
kronosphere__xiaclo: i am back, this time on the ubuntu laptop20:12
Dr_Willishsr:  acer aspire one20:12
NetScr1behsr | google20:12
agentgasmaskhsr: Acer Aspire One20:12
kronosphere__i got that firmware installed,20:12
kronosphere__what is the next step after installation?20:13
DarkyAAO- america's army operations20:13
Dr_WillisDarky:  i always die in the paratroper training in that game.. :()20:13
Darky LOL20:13
dgnortonglebihan, thanks...that worked for installing the older version of the package but didn't fix the problem I was hoping to fix.  :)20:13
DarkyDr_Willis, you suck20:13
xiaclokronosphere__ no idea =P .... try 'sudo rmmod b43; sudo modprobe b43' ... or just restarting should work too20:13
Dr_WillisDarky:  my name in FPS games. is 'Dr-Target' :)20:13
hsrDr_Willis: I know about Acer Aspire one..just the acronym.. Anyways from previos posts i learned new things20:13
LogicGatehey guys if you got an entry in /etc/passwd do you automatically have a ssh login? if not how else do you login remotely20:14
* Darky throws a parachute at dr_willis20:14
glebihandgnorton: you're welcome, and sorry it didn't fix your problem20:14
hsrArggh The Acronyms!!20:14
* Dr_Willis falls to his doom.20:14
NetScr1beis there a way to get modprobe/lsmod to say what v4ersion the drivers are?20:14
theixleI am having trouble ssh'ing into my machine. I have openssh-server and client installed, sshd is listening on port 22, the sshd_config file has 'Port 22', and I think I have good rsa/dsa keys. But using 'ssh -l <username> localhost' won't work. Port 22 is blocked by something.20:14
Dr_Willis!info wtf20:14
ubottuPackage wtf does not exist in lucid20:14
okapi14glebihan: Yes, this is the other part of the error "in /etc/udev/rules.d/01-mountmanager.rules:2"20:14
xiacloLogicGate in theory, you can still limit it further using the sshd config file, but usually yes, if you have a valid user account, you can log in via ssh20:14
Dr_WillisHmm.. isent there some program that tells you what these anacronisms stand for...20:14
Darky!info Kpat20:14
ubottuPackage Kpat does not exist in lucid20:14
dgnortonglebihan, any chance you know how to fix the problem with the mouse spiking the CPU in qemu?20:14
Darky!info kat20:14
ubottuPackage kat does not exist in lucid20:14
Darky!info kpat20:14
ubottukpat (source: kdegames): solitaire card games for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 1405 kB, installed size 1996 kB20:14
kronosphere__xiaclo: i think i will reboot and see what happens20:15
kronosphere__xiaclo: see you on the other side20:15
xiaclokronosphere__ ok, let me know how it goes20:15
glebihanokapi14: well, you should do precisely what's said, ie replace SYSFS by ATTR in this file, but as mentioned earlier, this is not a fatal error and won't prevent your computer from booting20:15
hsrBye krnosphere20:15
hsrBye kronosphere20:15
Darkyi have a problem20:15
dgnortonglebihan, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143462020:16
egsome!ask | Darky20:16
ubottuDarky: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:16
NetScr1behow to remove old kernel modules?20:16
Darkyi can't have both kpat and skype20:16
Darkyon jolicloud20:16
glebihanokapi14: am I guessing wrong if I say you've been connecting an Android cellphone to your computer ?20:16
hsrDr_Willis: Any other netbook/laptop with e SATA?20:16
* varsha_jk is back (gone 02:08:19)20:16
urahow can i change room?20:17
Darkyhow can i have both skype and kpat20:17
Dr_Willishsr:  its a common feature on most of them these days.  its may be lacking on the low end ones.20:17
urai need glest room20:17
Darkyura, you suck20:17
Darkyura, type /join #glest20:17
Dr_WillisDarky:  run the package manager.. and isntall them.. techincally we dont support jolicloud here.. good luck.20:17
glebihandgnorton: sorry, I probably won't be able to help you with that20:17
Darkyit's ubuntu u know20:17
okapi14glebihan: No, did not connect the Android. But if this is not preventing my PC to run why is not booting?hangs on start up.How to access to my files?20:17
Dr_WillisDarky:  no.. its  Jolicloud...20:18
Dr_WillisDarky:  and they got their own support channels/forums :)20:18
theixleI am having trouble ssh'ing into my machine. I have openssh-server and client installed, sshd is listening on port 22, the sshd_config file has 'Port 22', and I think I have good rsa/dsa keys. But using 'ssh -l <username> localhost' won't work. Port 22 is blocked by something.20:18
Darkyit's simple skype needs the latest packages and kpat needs older packages20:18
dgnortonglebihan, np...thanks20:18
Darky!info kpat20:18
ubottukpat (source: kdegames): solitaire card games for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.4.2-0ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 1405 kB, installed size 1996 kB20:18
glebihanokapi14: well, I did have the same error for some time and my computer was taking forever to boot, but eventually ended up booting, since I changed this there's no problem anymore20:18
FloodBot3dylanjr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:19
xiaclotheixle is ssh listening on all interfaces?  sometimes it's not configured to listen on the loopback, trying using your eth0/wlan0 IP instead of localhost20:19
kronosphere__xiaclo: should i be able to see wireless networks available when i am plugged into a wired connection?20:20
xiaclokronosphere__ yes, as long as wlan0 is up20:20
ExpDateI hae problem, with my microphone20:20
kronosphere__it must not be up20:20
ExpDateI have never get it work20:20
ExpDateI am really need a help20:21
xiaclokronosphere__ if you 'sudo iwlist scan' it will tell if you if it's down20:21
hsrWhat has been the most popular game for Ubuntu so far?20:21
ExpDateI have tried to search in the forum with no luck,20:21
ExpDatemy question is just simple,20:21
NetScr1bekronosphere, if you can SEE wireless networks you don't need a computer20:21
MudExpDate : tried a other microphone :+ ?20:21
ExpDateHow do u debug your microphone20:21
dgnortonanyone know how to fix a problem where moving the mouse in qemu spikes the CPU?  This didn't seem to work for me...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143462020:21
theixlexiaclo ifconfig says wlan0 ip is, i used ssh -l <username> and still got ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused20:21
wboykinmBlank Ubuntu screen on startup, no login.  Any fixes I haven't thought of? http://paste.ubuntu.com/492304/20:22
ExpDateI would like to use my builtine my built-in mic in my laptop20:22
xiaclotheixle 'sudo netstat -an | grep 22'20:22
ExpDatejust is there any way to debug it20:22
kronosphere__NetScr1be: i really don't need a computer, i can SEE but this is a hobby I do out of charity for those who CANT see - like you! :)20:22
NetScr1bekronosphere, :)20:22
ExpDateor is there any ubuntu channel that talk about sound and mic problem20:22
ExpDateI just got white noise from it20:22
ExpDateguide me there please20:22
theixlexiaclo: tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN20:22
xiaclotheixle that's it?20:23
hsrWhat has been the most popular game for Ubuntu so far?20:23
theixlefrom netstat -punta: tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      11219/sshd20:23
glebihankronosphere: so you were born with a builtin wireless card ?20:23
kronosphere__xiaclo: i think the computer intends for us to be together a long time, that is you and me, because the wlan still "no scan results"20:23
xiaclotheixle that's listening over ipv6 ... there should be another one with just tcp instead of tcp620:23
NetScr1behsr messing with newbies heads in #Ubuntu?20:23
theixlexiaclo there isn't20:23
xiaclokronosphere__ heh, seems so20:24
xiaclotheixle 'sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart'20:24
=== owen is now known as Leman_Russ
spid3rhai evry 120:24
Leman_RussIs there a way to update to 10.10 through the update manager?20:24
theixlexiaclo, you mean ssh restart?20:24
kronosphere__xiaclo: my wife is getting jealous20:24
spid3ri ask a have apche on ubuntu  dioi coulde been hacked20:24
hsrDr_Willis: If the eee doesn't have e sata, is there any other way to access external sata then?20:24
okapi14glebihan: still not booting....:( I am gone boot from live CD, mount the hard drive and modify it manually..20:25
xanguaLeman_Russ: yes, when it's released20:25
xiaclotheixle possibly, if ubuntu mangled the naming again ... it's sshd on my system ...20:25
glebihanokapi14: ok let me know if it works20:25
theixlefrom /etc/init.d/ssh restart:  * Restarting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd                                                                       [ OK ]20:25
xiaclokronosphere__ 'sudo lsmod | grep rndis'20:25
kronosphere__xiaclo: i love it when you talk to me that way! :)20:26
xiaclotheixle and try 'netstat -an | grep 22' again ... should be a tcp service and tcp620:26
spid3rh using back track or ubuntu20:26
xiaclokronosphere__ lol, i don't like making women jealous, behave you20:26
theixlexiaclo nope, just the tcp6 one20:26
kronosphere__so what should have happened when i typed that in?20:26
spid3rdr_willis : i have apache on ubuntu  do i coulde been hacked20:27
xiaclokronosphere__ it should have done nothing ... or displayed probably two or three modules20:27
xiaclokronosphere__ nothing is good20:27
kronosphere__ok, it did nothing20:27
kronosphere__nothing is good! :)20:27
kronosphere__what should i do now?20:27
xiaclokronosphere__ 'sudo lsmod | grep b43'20:27
NetScr1beI did nothing once20:27
kronosphere__xiaclo: ok, i have some read out, what should i tell you20:28
spid3r : i have apache on ubuntu  do i coulde been hacked20:28
xiaclotheixle i'm not seeing an option to disable ipv4 in the sshd_config ... can you check what the ListenAddress is in that file?  should be /etc/sshd/sshd_config20:28
spid3ri alywas let ;y version updated20:29
xiaclokronosphere__ anything that says legacy?20:29
glebihanspid3r: very unlikely, what makes you think so ?20:29
Dr_Willisspid3r:  i doubt it.. and we dont support backtrack here.20:29
kronosphere__no but a lot of stuff that says b4320:29
basix-i am trying to extra the new ubuntu netbook version .iso file onto a flash disk but it will not let me transfer 2 files and the Preseed folder20:29
hsrDr_Willis: If the eee doesn't have e sata, is there any other way to access external sata then?20:29
Dr_Willishsr:  most extranal esata  drives also have usb.20:29
xiaclokronosphere__ pastebin it then20:29
spid3rno i use ubuntu and back trkac20:29
theixleListenAddress ::20:29
spid3rand back track is ubuntu20:30
necrodeariaI do not understand sysvinit/upstart so well.  Is https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto written for sysvinit or is it something compatible with upstart also?  How can I write an init script for a particular application so that it is compatible with upstart?20:30
kronosphere__xiaclo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/492310/20:30
xiaclotheixle that will do it, comment the first line, uncomment the second line20:30
hsrDr_Willis: But my current sata, does it have or not i don't know20:30
Dr_Willisspid3r:  backtrack is backtrack. and they have their own support channels20:30
spid3ri now20:30
Dr_Willishsr:  look at it and see if it has a USB port or not..20:30
spid3ri love ubuntu more20:30
spid3rand i use ubuntu20:30
basix-is there any reason why the ubuntu .iso file will not extract some of the ubuntu install files onto my flash drive?20:30
hsrDr_Willis its for my desktop pc, no its doesn't have20:30
=== Pilif12p is now known as GoHawks
Dr_Willishsr:  the external  drive bays i have. have 2 ports. one usb one esata20:30
zerverHej, någon som har en bra installations guide för Cairo Docks ???20:31
theixlexiaclo Woot! Yep that was it.20:31
xiaclotheixle happy to help =)20:31
theixlexiaclo (After 3 days of searching the web...)20:31
Dr_Willishsr:  if its just a drive. You will want to get a 'bay' to put it in then.20:31
Dr_WillisI have to run. take care you all.20:31
xiaclokronosphere__ did i mention i hate wireless problems?20:31
agentgasmaskDr_Willis: Bye! :)20:31
Leman_Russxangua; thanks.  Updating now.20:31
kronosphere__lol, did i mention i agree20:31
hsrDr_Willis: Yeah it just a drive with only power and data cable20:31
spid3rdr_willis : i use apache  on ubuntu20:31
Dr_Willisspid3r:  good for you.20:32
spid3rdo can ben hacked20:32
ExpDateanyway to get mic work, instead of buying a mic?20:32
hsrDr_Willis: Bye Thanks :)20:32
kronosphere__hsr: see you around20:32
spid3rdr_willis  do i can ben hacked20:32
ExpDatehow do debug ur mic proble?20:32
Dr_Willisspid3r:  anything is possible..   the FBI could snuck in last night while you were asleep.20:32
basix-usb-creator.exe will not extract to root on my flashdrive can someone please help me?20:32
hsrDr_Willis: Can you answer one more?20:32
kronosphere__hsr: i want cookies20:32
Dr_Willishsr:  i got 1 min. :)20:32
Quutarwith ubuntu desktop 10.10, is it possible to enable a second monitor with out having the gui go to it? (I just installed 10.10 on an acer revo, and used the nvidia display constol to enble the second monitor, but there is a menu and everythign in that second monitor)20:33
hsrDr_Willis: Its a simnple drive with power and cable..how will bay help me here?20:33
=== MrUnagi_ is now known as MrUnagi
spid3rdr_willis . the fbi has a big vunurabilty20:33
Dr_Willishsr:  drive goes in a 'external drive bay/box' that has ports to plyg into a  usb or esata ports.20:33
Dr_Willishsr:  they cost about $2020:33
Dr_Willisbye all.20:34
spid3ryou shoulde now that20:34
kronosphere__bye Dr_Willis20:34
hsrbye all20:34
=== kimb is now known as no-nothing
kronosphere__bye hsr20:34
spid3rdr_willis : the fbi has a big vunurabilty20:34
jribspid3r: this channel is for ubuntu support.  Nothing else.  I'm not warning you again20:34
xiaclokronosphere__ 'sudo cat /var/log/messages' ... pastebin that, it WILL be long20:34
=== no-nothing is now known as know-nothing
spid3rdr_willis i now i get tell you20:34
olskolircthat was some crazy s* to say spid3r20:35
basix-i cannot extract all files from the ubuntu.iso to root on my flash drive, does anyone know what may be going wrong here?20:35
know-nothingwhat's a libldap-2.4-220:35
know-nothingwhat's a libldap-2.4-220:35
xiaclobasix- what is your flash drive formatted? fat32? ntfs? ext3?20:35
spid3rdr_willis : i now i m not a hacker20:35
know-nothingwhat's a libldap-2.4-220:36
zerverCan anybody link me to a good tuturial for installing cairo docks??20:36
alainghi i wonder if someone could help me. I've install ubuntu 10.04 on my "server" and I want to share some ffolders so my win7 machine can place webpages/files/images. how do i do this? I have installed samba and can see my win7 machine20:36
xiaclobasix- nvm, doesn't matter ... i'm thinking ext3 to fat32 ... iso9660 to fat32 shouldn't have an issue20:36
basix-filesystem type: msdos20:36
kronosphere__xiaclo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/492317/20:36
kronosphere__xiaclo: you were right, it was lonnnnnng20:36
basix-almost all files will copy20:36
basix-not usb-creator.exe20:36
basix-Preseed folder20:36
basix-and wui.exe20:36
LogicGateIs there a way to configure SSH so it accepts outbound connections?20:36
basix-wubi.exe rather20:37
gsneddersLogicGate: Install openssh-server?20:37
glebihan!enter | basix20:37
ubottubasix: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:37
know-nothingwhat's a libldap-2.4-220:37
basix-oop ok sorry20:37
xiacloLogicGate outbound? what do you mean?  connections should be inbound to your machine ... outbound would be to another machine, so THAT machine needs to be configured20:37
basix-xiaclo, do you have any idea why they would not transfer to the root?20:38
LogicGategsnedders, its installed however even if the user is present in /etc/passwd it doesnt acknowledge it. and I meant inbound xiaclo20:38
know-nothingwhat's a libldap-2.4-220:38
xiaclobasix- permissions issues is the only thing i can think of20:38
know-nothingwhat's a libldap-2.4-220:39
jribknow-nothing: what is your question exactly?20:39
basix-okay, how would i change the permissions on them? when i tried it said I was not able to change them even though I am logged on as admin20:39
atm0sHi, I made a copy of my ISCSI image on which Ubuntu Lucide Server was installed and create a new ISCSI target with that copy, what files in that filesystem should I change, to make Ubuntu know to boot from the NEW target, not the OLD..?20:39
FendarilHey anyone here know why my hp printer will not print correctly20:39
xiacloLogicGate ... wondering if you're having the same issue that theixle did ... 'sudo netstat -an | grep 22' ... do you see anything with tcp in it? not tcp6, but tcp20:39
FendarilI have all the hp libs insrtalled20:39
Fendarilbut it prints blanks20:39
dejavou42My left speaker won't work with ubuntu 10.04. I have checked that the left speaker is not muted, and I have checked that the left speaker is not turned all the way down with alsamixer20:39
dejavou42Anyone know what I should try?20:39
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!20:40
MaMoUsi have a problem with my microphone, it was working before i make update for packs, and now it stopped working, i have ubuntu 10.0420:40
know-nothingi have an error and it show this message libldap-2.4-220:40
jribhsr: *when* an issue comes up20:40
hsrjrib: Sorry :)20:40
dejavou42MamoUs open terminal and check settings in alsa mixer. make sure the mic is not muted20:40
MaMoUsdejavou42: i did try that it is not muted20:41
basix-xiaclo, how do i change the permissions, it wouldn't let me when i tried. i'm logged in as the admin20:41
LogicGatetcp        0      0 :::22                       :::*                        LISTEN20:41
LogicGatethats that i got xiaclo20:41
dejavou42MaMoUs: from the terminal command "alsamixer"?20:41
MaMoUsdejavou42: yes...20:41
know-nothingan error in dpkg: pars error, in file var/lib/dpkg/avaible. near line 28385 package libldap-2.4-220:41
xiacloLogicGate ok, from there then, 'ssh -l <your user> localhost'20:42
know-nothingjrib:an error in dpkg: pars error, in file var/lib/dpkg/avaible. near line 28385 package libldap-2.4-220:42
dejavou42MaMoUs: What is the mic select option currently set to20:42
jribknow-nothing: address the channel please (doing other stuff)20:42
* shoonya is away: Gone to bed...20:43
basix-anyone help me on why i cannot change permissions on files please?20:43
know-nothingccan someone help me i have an error in dpkg: pars error, in file var/lib/dpkg/avaible. near line 28385 package libldap-2.4-220:43
KubuntiacAnyone know of a backup app in the repos that is also on Windows / Mac?20:44
xiaclobasix- you have to be root, are you getting permission denied errors when trying to copy?20:44
atm0sQuestion, I made a copy of my ISCSI image on which Ubuntu Lucide Server was installed and created a new ISCSI target with that copy, what files in that filesystem should I change, to make Ubuntu know to boot from the NEW target, not the OLD..? /etc/iscsi didn work..20:44
kronosphere__xiaclo: you got the pastebin?20:44
MaMoUsdejavou42: i have only one option it is (internal Audio analog setereo)20:44
basix-how do i become root when it does not ask me for password, etc?20:44
xiaclobasix- run the copy as root then, copying command-line or through the file browser?20:44
dejavou42MaMoUs: No, the mic select option from ther alsamixer program in terminal20:45
olskolircknow-nothing, try: dmesg20:45
basix-i tried through filebrowser but it does not ask me to become root20:45
LogicGatexiaclo, it says Verification failed, Hostkey blah blah20:45
xiaclobasix- open a terminal, type 'sudo nautilus' ... that will give you a window as root, careful what you do, you can break your system with it20:45
basix-okay i will20:45
basix-thank you xiaclo know you r busy today :)20:45
know-nothingolskolirc: how20:45
MaMoUsdejavou42: u mean the (Card, or Chip) ?20:45
atm0sReally, no one knows?20:46
xiaclokronosphere__ yeah i did, trying to find something else, it loaded the drivers and firmware fine ... strange wireless card ...20:46
olskolirctype that in your terminal know-nothing20:46
MaMoUsdejavou42: sorry i cant understand u20:46
kronosphere__it is 5 years old20:46
kronosphere__what is strange about it?20:46
know-nothingolskolirc:and what i do20:46
xiaclokronosphere__ let's see, the drivers are loaded, rfkill says it's not disabled, it has a channel and tx-power ... and it refuses to scan =/20:47
stewart_does wubi support raid0?20:47
dejavou42MaMoUs: Open your terminal. Type "alsamixer". Press Enter. Use the right arrow key to scroll over till you see "Mic Sele". Let me know what it says above that20:47
kronosphere__ummm, gee, can you think of anything weird about that :)20:47
xiaclokronosphere__ nah, perfectly normal :P20:48
xiaclokronosphere__ it20:48
xiacloit's just throwing a tantrum20:48
kronosphere__a laptop tantrum20:48
know-nothingolskolirc:and what i do?20:48
MaMoUsdejavou42: i ahve a full page of it, but what is that link i past the out put ?20:49
olskolircread near the bottom know-nothing and try to get a handle on what could be wrong from that error output20:49
xiacloLogicGate oh ... verification failed is an issue with the ssh keys changing, easy to override ... 'rm ~/.ssh/known_hosts' ... then try it again20:50
MaMoUsdejavou42: here is it http://paste.ubuntu.com/492324/20:50
xiaclokronosphere__ 'sudo modprobe b43legacy' ... let me know what that gives you, hopefully nothing20:51
kronosphere__xiaclo: i'm going to take a break, i've been at this almost longer than you have ....20:51
alainghi i have a win7 machien that I want to ftp to ubuntu 10.04 wuith xammp setup.20:51
rajcan someone help me wit uninstallation of KDE desktop environment20:51
alaingplease can someone help me20:51
atm0sQuestion, I made a copy of my ISCSI image on which Ubuntu Lucide Server was installed and created a new ISCSI target with that copy, what files in that filesystem should I change, to make Ubuntu know to boot from the NEW target, not the OLD..? /etc/iscsi didn work..20:52
coz_alaing,  sorry i didnt see you post about the issue20:52
xiaclokronosphere__ ok, i'll be here for another 6-7 hours, head back when you're wife gets a little less jealous =P20:52
kronosphere__xiaclo: it did nothing, is that good?20:52
=== apparle_ is now known as apparle
dejavou42MaMoUs: press F4 to change to capture and paste bin what you have there too20:52
know-nothingi've this [ 2188.951237] scim-bridge[6535]: segfault at c ip b773474c sp bfd97fa8 error 4 in libscim-1.0.so.8.2.3[b76da000+c6000]20:52
xiaclokronosphere__ yeah, it is ... 'sudo lsmod | grep b43' .... legacy in there now?20:52
know-nothingolskolirc: i've this [ 2188.951237] scim-bridge[6535]: segfault at c ip b773474c sp bfd97fa8 error 4 in libscim-1.0.so.8.2.3[b76da000+c6000]20:53
alainghi i have a win7 machien that I want to ftp to ubuntu 10.04 with xammp setup. they are both on the same network and my ubuntu machine is my webserver20:53
kronosphere__yees legacy is in there now20:53
MaMoUsdejavou42: http://paste.ubuntu.com/492327/20:53
kronosphere__do you want pastebin of that?20:53
xiaclokronosphere__ nope, just a sec20:53
egsomealaing, Then ?20:54
olskolirchey guys there is no #ubuntu-irc-counci channel20:54
glebihanalaing: what's your issue ?20:54
olskolircwhere did it go?20:54
coz_alaing,  when it comes to any kind of networking I am a complete doof... so if no one here knows  you might want to try the ##linux channel :)20:54
xiaclokronosphere__ 'sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf' add a new line at the top that says 'blacklist b43'20:54
olskolircoh wait -typo20:54
dejavou42MaMoUs: You said you updated something, do you know what it was?20:54
kronosphere__wait, do you want me to say blacklist b43 sudo gedit ....20:55
alaingI'm not sure how to setup from win7 side of things20:55
kronosphere__xiaclo: see above question20:55
alainghow do i see what ports are open and what services are running20:55
xiaclokronosphere__ nope, sudo gedit that file, when it pops up, add 'blacklist b43' somewhere in the file20:55
kronosphere__let me try20:55
atm0sThis is the Ubuntu Servers channel right? Anyone knows something about booting from ISCSI?20:55
xiaclokronosphere__ save it, restart, and hopefully that works, if not, take a break =)20:56
alaingideally i would like to knock my ubuntu machien away and connect to it using remote desktop and file share the drives,20:56
alaingknock=lock up20:56
okapi14glebihan: after modification, no more error but the computer is not booting.He hangs on "fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2   /dev/sda1:clean, 912387/4685824 files, 13249484/18729774 blocks"20:56
lolcatI restarted x-something. Now I have two screens, but I cant move windows between them...20:56
MaMoUsdejavou42: i'm not sure what does it called, but yesterday and before yesterday, in my update Manager there was something between the updates something called (linux-alsa-driver-modules-.........)   I'm not sure what was it called20:56
alainghow do i see what ports are open and what services are running20:56
xiacloalaing 'sudo netstat -a'20:57
ruhesudo netstat -anp20:57
glebihanokapi14: does it have the same behavior in recovery mode ?20:57
dejavou42MaMoUs: hmm, open your sound preferences, go to hardware and let me know what is selected beside "settings for the selected device20:57
kronosphere__xiaclo: i added it to the file, saved and now i am going to the other side, and hopefully you will be there20:57
okapi14glebihan: let try20:58
xiaclokronosphere__ sounds good20:58
atm0sDr, ppl keep ignoring me..?!    NEXT!20:58
know-nothingexcuse me but what's these message mean [ 2188.951237] scim-bridge[6535]: segfault at c ip b773474c sp bfd97fa8 error 4 in libscim-1.0.so.8.2.3[b76da000+c6000]20:58
lolcatWhy can't I move windows between my screens?!20:58
guntbertatm0s: no, the server channel is #ubuntu-server20:58
okapi14glebihan: I can not get to recovery mode by holding shift key20:59
glebihanokapi14: what happens ?20:59
alaingi wonder if you guys can help me I'm an ubuntu newbie. I want to setup my ubuntu machine as a webserver that I can access from my new win7. I want to be able to drop files in from win7 and to remote desktop to view whats on the screen, any help much appreciated21:00
okapi14glebihan: not booting... he hold on the line I told you before. Hang on start up..21:00
boss_mc!samba | alaing21:00
ubottualaing: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:00
MaMoUsdejavou42: i cant see any settings, but it is Internal audio, Analog stereo Duplex21:00
alaingi have setup lampp on my machien and run the security script21:00
glebihanokapi14: yes but accessing grub menu is done at startup21:00
okapi14glebihan: is not accessing grup, how can I do that?21:01
LogicGatehey xiaclo  can i private msg you21:01
glebihanokapi14: with the shift key21:01
sakohow do i get a list of all installed packages via aptitude?21:01
Cmdr_W_T_Rikersako: dpkg -l21:01
okapi14glebihan: not working...goes straight to the line...21:01
munkybutHi guys.  What command do I need to use to run a script from the CLI?21:02
know-nothinghi i ihave a problem when i upgrade from 9.04 to 9.1021:02
alaingthank boss_mc i'll try that21:02
glebihanokapi14: you get this right at the beginning of the boot ??21:02
dejavou42MaMoUs:  That is the problem. the analog stereo duplex should be set to either analog stereo output + Digital Stereo input or Digital stereo output + analog stereo input.21:02
kronosphere__xiaclo: i dont think it is fixed :(21:02
kronosphere__but we must be closer now than before21:02
okapi14glebihan: yes21:02
Cmdr_W_T_Rikermunkybut: you typically run the script from the cli, like ./script.sh21:03
DragonKeeperok i need a self install driver for card saa7134  but i cant find ... anyone know where to get this from ?21:03
xiaclokronosphere__ either way, take a break =P21:03
know-nothingand this message appear [ 2188.951237] scim-bridge[6535]: segfault at c ip b773474c sp bfd97fa8 error 4 in libscim-1.0.so.8.2.3[b76da000+c6000]21:03
okapi14glebihan: got it21:03
Cmdr_W_T_Rikermunkybut: make sure the script is executable21:03
kronosphere__yah, thats what i am going to do, thank you for all your help21:03
glebihanokapi14: what did you do ?21:03
munkybutHmmm.  I've tried that.  It must be something I'm doing.  I'll check the permissions.  Thanks21:03
kronosphere__if you think of something pm me, i will leave irc chat open21:03
okapi14glebihan: hold that shift key forever :) but have the same behavior. Hang on the line...21:04
kronosphere__xiaclo: if you think of something pm me, i will leave irc chat open21:04
kronosphere__thanks, see ya later21:05
xiaclokronosphere__ sounds good21:05
pwnthows the new ubuntu? is it really cool as i've been hearing21:05
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com21:05
MaMoUsdejavou42: so what i do ?21:05
=== kronosphere__ is now known as kronos|AFK
glebihanokapi14: maybe you're using grub legacy ? in that case try Escape instead of shift21:06
okapi14glebihan:  but have the same behavior. Hang on the line...21:07
alaingboss_mc I've install samba and busy editing the conf. where it says i should add a share and a path to the sahe I what a path to my lampp/htdocs how woudl i setup the permissions for that?21:07
=== Darky is now known as zz_Darky
asdfasdfasdfasdfhello what's the default IM chat application(msn, yahoo, gmail etc) in ubuntu?21:08
vienneauasdfasdfasdfasdf: I use pidgin, works well for me21:08
glebihanokapi14: that's weird... maybe you should try booting again on the live cd and check your grub.cfg file21:08
dejavou42MaMoUs: you have to  open sound preferences, go to the hardware tab. Select your device, and change your profile settings to what I said above.21:09
asdfasdfasdfasdfvienneau, is that the one ubuntu comes with by default(without the need to install it from repos)?21:09
glebihanasdfasdfasdfasdf: pidgin and empathy both work well, it's your choice21:09
MaMoUsdejavou42: there is nothing like that , i have only 3 choices21:09
MaMoUsdejavou42: input OR output or Duplex21:09
Justin511Hey, when I load up TvTime Channel 4 has the Verizon logo21:10
vienneauasdfasdfasdfasdf: I'm on ubuntu 10.04, and it looks like it comes with Empathy21:10
alaingasdfasdfasdfasdf: empathy im client?21:10
asdfasdfasdfasdfglebihan, i know i can choose which ever i would like to use, just want to know that if i downloaded ubuntu right now and went to Apps>Internet menu, what Im would i find in there?21:10
Justin511How do I get TV?21:10
glebihanasdfasdfasdfasdf: I don't think there is any by default21:10
Justin511hey anyone familair with tvtime?21:10
alaingif you download 10.04 it comes with empathy. i just downloaded 10.04 this evening21:10
vienneauasdfasdfasdfasdf: under Applications > Internet > Empathy IM Client, at least on Ubuntu 10.0421:11
alaingboss_mc I've install samba and busy editing the conf. where it says i should add a share and a path to the sahe I what a path to my lampp/htdocs how woudl i setup the permissions for that?21:11
asdfasdfasdfasdfvienneau, alaing oh thanks that is what i wanted to know ^^21:11
asdfasdfasdfasdfalso if i downloded Kubuntu, Kopete would be there right?21:11
dejavou42MaMoUs: Hmmm, I don't know then. My set up is completely different. Try setting it to input, go to the input tab and see if its recognizing the mic...21:11
Jeeves_Mosswhat version of VMWare do I install on top of a CLI only server?  I need to run Cisco call manager and a copy of W2K3 ontop of a working/stable Ubuntu install21:11
alaingsorry i'm not that familiar with kubuntu21:11
vienneauasdfasdfasdfasdf: not sure, I've never used Kubuntu sorry21:11
boss_mcalaing: I'm not sure what you need to do, make sure that the user you've defined in the smb.conf has access to those files and you should be alright21:11
okapi14glebihan:  i really do not want to re-install ubuntu...this computer is not booting at all on any old kernel!!!21:12
alaingboss_mc ok let me restart the servies and see what happens21:12
glebihanokapi14: how to you get to test other kernels without getting to grub menu ??21:12
Jeeves_Mosswhat version of VMWare do I install on top of a CLI only server?  I need to run Cisco call manager and a copy of W2K3 ontop of a working/stable Ubuntu install21:12
guntbert!repeat | Jeeves_Moss21:13
ubottuJeeves_Moss: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com21:13
vienneauQ: installing software: I am confused with the differences between "sudo aptitude/apt-get install X", "aptitude/apt-get install X", downloading X.tar.gz/configure/make/make install, where they install software, updating /etc/profile, .bashrc, user profiles, uninstalling, etc. Is there a good source of info for newbies on this?21:14
okapi14glebihan:  i finally get the grup starting with ESC and tried all the other kernels21:14
munkybutI have a script that launches an application, but the application launches with my privileges, but I need the application to run with super user privileges or it fails.  But when I try to run the script with sudo, it returns a "Unable to open the session message bus." error message.  Yes, if I run the script from nautilus, it runs fine.  Any ideas?21:14
glebihanokapi14: so you also tried recovery mode ?21:14
guntbertJeeves_Moss: support for the server edition is in #ubuntu-server21:14
okapi14glebihan:  yep..21:14
guntbert!software | vienneau21:16
ubottuvienneau: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents21:16
vienneauguntbert: thanks21:16
alaingboss_mc: it does not want to restart21:16
guntbertmunkybut: run it with gksudo21:16
okapi14Need help.....Ubuntu would not boot.21:16
guntbert!gksudo | munkybut21:16
ubottumunkybut: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)21:16
alaingboss_mc: i types in sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart and it recons command not found21:16
glebihanokapi14: try adding "fastboot" to the kernel line in grub21:17
munkybutguntbert & ubottu.  Thank you guys so much.  Ubottu, I'll be sure to read up on that.  Thanks!21:17
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!21:17
guntbertmunkybut: ubottu is a bot :-)21:17
ubottuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot21:17
okapi14glebihan:  how? where is the config file?21:17
guntbert!askthebot | vienneau21:18
ubottuvienneau: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:18
glebihanokapi14: when in grub menu, you can press "e" to edit boot commands21:18
vienneauoops, my bad21:18
craigbass1976I'm writing some php in gedit.  Is it possible to make things between single quotes ('blahblah') a different color than things between regular quotes ("blahblah") ?21:18
WacemanHey guys, how do I assign forwards and backwards to my additional mouse buttons?21:18
munkybutguntbert: I seeee.  You can tell I'm new to this irc thing.  Ha ha, smart bot.  Is there a place to speak directly to a bot and not have to muss up this page for everyone else with my questions?21:18
okapi14glebihan:  ok, I am in. On wich line21:19
guntbert!askthebot > munkybut21:19
ubottumunkybut, please see my private message21:19
glebihanokapi14: the line starting with "kernel"21:19
guntbertmunkybut: yes there is :-)21:19
munkybutAwesome.  Thanks!21:20
alaingboss_mc: ?21:20
claudio_hola a todos21:20
okapi14glebihan:  do not have that21:20
Dice-Manhello claudio_21:20
know-nothinghi i ihave a problem when i upgrade from 9.04 to 9.1021:20
claudio_aguien abla español21:21
guntbert!es | claudio_21:21
ubottuclaudio_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:21
glebihanokapi14: sorry, starts with "linux"21:21
claudio_acabo de istallar esto y no se  de que va21:22
eduardo_fhi, I'm changing hard drives in my cdrom-less computer, ideas how to get grub to work and the system to boot up?21:22
alaingi cant get samba to restart21:23
okapi14glebihan:  so I will have " linux fastboot /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-25-generic [....]"?21:23
alaingsudo service samba restart does not work21:23
Four2zeroi have a external hard drive connected via usb and would like to share it through out my home network running on ubuntu-server how can access it via the network ?21:23
glebihanokapi14: no put "fastboot" at the end of the line21:23
guntberteduardo_f: use a live USB?21:23
egsomeeduardo_f, Take a full image ( Ghost ) of the hard ?21:24
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egsomealaing, What is the output of it ?21:24
okapi14glebihan:  after quiet splash?21:24
bodwickegsome clonezilla21:24
glebihanokapi14: yes21:24
DarthfettHey guys, new to Ubuntu here, I'm trying to get desktop 'drapes' running, in order to have it cycle through desktop backgrounds.  However, when I run it, it never starts.21:24
alaingunrecognised service21:24
glebihanokapi14: but remove quiet and splash21:24
eduardo_fegsome: does that work with HDs of different sizes?21:24
alaingi have just editted the conf and now need to restart it21:24
egsomebodwick, Yeah, Good option too.21:24
eduardo_fguntbert: yes I thinkt that's the way to go21:25
guntberteduardo_f: Good luck :-)21:25
Darthfett'drapes' command in terminal just hangs.  It ran one time, in which it I tried to add images, and it simply hung and required me to force-quit21:25
alaingegsome: i tried sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart and it recons command not  found21:26
egsomealaing, Look for it in `sudo service --status-all`21:26
glebihanalaing: sudo service smbd restarts21:26
glebihanalaing: sudo service smbd restart21:26
MaMoUsdejavou42: so what i can do now, nothing works21:27
alaingyeah i cant ind smaba but i can find smbd thanks glebihan21:27
shane2perudoes anyone sync a Blackberry with Ubuntu (evolution specifically)??  I have it working, but seems super slow, is that norm??  (first sync)21:27
glebihanalaing: you're welcome21:27
FloodBot3tevez: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:27
okapi14glebihan:  now I have "Keys: Press C to cancel all check in progress"21:28
Mach05ubuntu 9.10 / xchat 2.8.6    can't get on undernet (but can with irssi)  tried prefs ... nothing rings a bell there, what am I doing wrong?21:28
glebihanokapi14: do it21:28
KubuntiacAnyone know whether UbuntuOne uses webdav?21:28
MonotokoMach05, why is it not letting you in?21:29
Monotokoneed more info21:29
Mach05Monotoko,   don't know, it just tries to log in and times out21:29
Darthfettnew to Ubuntu here, I'm trying to get desktop 'drapes' running, in order to have it cycle through desktop backgrounds.  However, when I run it, it never starts.21:29
KubuntiacMonotoko: Wondering if the open client can be altered to use another WebDav client21:29
glebihanKubuntiac: no, but it's planned, see https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+question/8114821:29
dejavou42MaMoUs: I don't really know from there. You could make sure that your sound card is properly installed. go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting21:30
Darthfett'drapes' command in terminal just hangs.  It ran one time, in which it I tried to add images, and it simply hung and required me to force-quit21:30
MonotokoMach05, have you tried selecting undernet from the list of networks on startup?21:30
dejavou42MaMoUs: You can hear sound just not use the mic right?21:30
Mach05Monotoko,   yes  look ...  * Looking up us.undernet.org21:30
guntbert!ubuntuone | Kubuntiac21:30
ubottuKubuntiac: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone21:30
Mach05* Connecting to us.undernet.org ( port 6667...21:30
dejavou42MaMoUs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting#Getting%20Line%20Input%20to%20work%20%28Microphone,%20etc%2921:31
KubuntiacMonotoko / glebihan - I should have been clearer, I'm wondering if the *client* uses WebDav currently21:31
MonotokoKubuntiac, I havent a clue...I dont use UbuntuOne21:31
Mach05Monotoko,   it just stays like that ... forever, then i change it to  /server us.undernet.org 7000    (or 6669)21:31
Mach05and still nothing21:31
glebihanKubuntiac: no idea, sorry21:31
MonotokoMach05, have you tried connecting through another server? I cant get through the US one either21:31
Kubuntiacglebihan: np21:32
MonotokoI just get: Connecting to us.undernet.org ( port 6667...21:32
Mach05Monotoko,   okay I'll try eu ones and canadian ones21:32
okapi14glebihan:  again hang at "/dev/sad1: 912387/4685824 file (0.6% non-contiguous), 13249484/18729774 blokcs"21:32
Mach05Monotoko,   except that i could get on via irssi21:32
Mach05so that's kinda weird21:32
Mach05brb though21:32
MonotokoMach05, were you connecting to the US server?21:32
Mach05yes through irssi ... yes21:33
Mach05it's the only client i could get to work21:33
Monotokohmmm...odd, could be a bug in xchat then21:33
Mach05not even kvirc worked21:33
dejavou42I'm having a problem with my speakers. The speakers work correctly in windows or with any other device, but using ubuntu, the left speaker does not work. Sound comes out of the subwoofer and the right speaker. If i turn pcm on the right channel all the way down, I can hear a little something from my left speaker, but its not loud at all. Any thoughts?21:33
MonotokoMach05, its just let me into the US server...slowly though21:33
alaingok i can see "share" from my ubuntu 10.04 on my win7 and other ubuntu 9.04. I can see the fiels directl under it but I cannot open the next folders directly under it in win7 but i can open the folder directly under it from my 9.04 however i cannot write to to those folderrs from 9.0421:33
Quutarwith ubuntu desktop... how do I restrict the gui (mouse keyboard, menu) to display 0.1 so i can leave display 0.0 alone for a media player?21:33
Monotokocould be having problems21:33
glebihanokapi14: well, this looks like your filesystem might be corrupted21:34
Mach05okay   question #2 ....   how can i get that xearth type world planet daylight/dark flat map thing for ubuntu?21:34
MonotokoMach05, is that a theme?21:34
Mach05I did the apt-get install ... but it just shows a planetary thing21:34
Mach05Monotoko,   I believe so and you just gave me a clue :)   thanks21:34
* Mach05 hits head21:34
alaingegsome, glebihan ok i can see "share" from my ubuntu 10.04 on my win7 and other ubuntu 9.04. I can see the fiels directl under it but I cannot open the next folders directly under it in win7 but i can open the folder directly under it from my 9.04 however i cannot write to to those folderrs from 9.0421:34
MonotokoMach05, hehe :) i tend to help more people unknowingly than knowingly these days :P21:35
guntbertMach05: use eu.undernet.org21:35
Mach05guntbert,   thanks21:35
glebihanalaing: check permissions via the "Share" tab in folder's properties21:35
Mach05we're being targeted21:36
Mach05heh   jeez21:36
ErosHi, I was wondering if anyone knows the defualt wireless manager that ubuntu uses? I'm doing a minimal install and cant get wicd to work without making some major changes to my network21:36
GwarHey Guys! Please do your bit for the Internet and vote for General Raam! http://www.gamespot.com/greatest-video-game-villain/vote/battle-hub/index.html?battle_id=6021:37
glebihan!ot | Gwar21:37
ubottuGwar: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:37
MonotokoEros, its Network Manager21:37
newknoHi, all.  Trying to install Kubuntu on a laptop.  Just shrank the Windoze partition leaving ~150GB for Linux.  However, the installer says the space is unusable.  There are four primary partitions on the drive, plus the unallocated space.  Am I going to have to convert one of the partitions so it is no longer primary?  I don't do this sort of stuff very often, so I don't know if those restrictions21:37
newknostill hold.21:37
Monotokoi think you can launch it with: network-manager21:37
alaingglebihan: the share is not enabled.21:38
Erosdoes it have a gui or it's cli?21:38
MonotokoErios, its all GUI21:38
Erosah, thank you21:38
glebihanalaing: you mean the "Share this folder" checkbox is not checked ?21:38
Monotokonewkno, you can only have a max of 4 primary partitions21:38
alaingthats right21:38
okapi14glebihan:  there is no option to repair a broken ubuntu?21:39
glebihanalaing: well, it should be21:39
Monotokonewkno, change one to an extended partition and you should be good :)21:39
glebihanokapi14: I wouldn't know, maybe somebody else will be able to help you, but I don't have any ideas right now21:39
=== sailerboy is now known as zz_sailerboy
alaingwhen i click it  and then select allows others to create delete. I click create share. It says nautili needs to add some permissions to your folder21:40
newknoMonotoko: That's what I feared.  Hmmm.  Guess I'll have to copy one of them to an external drive and reuse the slot for the other sort (forget what it's called).  Are there any utilities that will do this sort of thing?21:40
Mach05guntbert,   that worked ...  eu.undernet.org   thanks21:40
okapi14anyone has an idea how to fix an installed ubuntu?21:40
glebihanalaing: accept21:40
guntbertMach05: you're welcome :-)21:40
alaingi did then it says could not change the permissions of folder21:40
Monotokonewkno, theres dd...i wrote an article on it actually, one sec while i find it21:41
egsomeokapi14, What is your problem with Ubuntu ?21:41
glebihanalaing: do you have write permissions on the folder you're trying to share ?21:41
RamanHi .. my gnome-volume-control does not work .. it says "Waiting for sound System to respond"21:41
newknoMonotoko:  "extended partition" - like you said.21:41
glebihanalaing: if not, do it as root21:41
GwarRaman: Pulse has crashed21:41
Mach05what is the name of that theme?   xearth?21:41
randerzanderI've got an old Toshiba Tecra 8200 with a Trident Microsystems Cyberblade/XP integrated graphics.. but it will only let me set the resolution to 800x600. The laptop supports up to 1024x768.. how can I fix this?21:41
okapi14egsome: my system would not boot,it is stoping at "/dev/sad1: 912387/4685824 file (0.6% non-contiguous), 13249484/18729774 blokcs"21:42
RamanGwar: I am new to ubuntu .. can you please guide me what to do?21:42
alaingwould this create a secuirty risk as it is a folder that will be exposed to the web21:42
GwarRaman: Open the system monitor, look for pulseaudio in the processes and kill it. it should, iirc, relaunch automatically21:42
egsomeokapi14, Try to pastepin the whole errors you get, so people here can help.21:42
alaingit recons owner : nobody  create/delete files group:root access files others access files21:42
Gwaror reboot xD21:42
glebihanalaing: you could use a firewall to restrict the access to your local network21:42
robotti^How is possible, that cpu use is about 100% when running compiz?21:43
okapi14egsome: no other error, previously I had udev error but I "fix it "21:43
=== Greyscale is now known as Greysc[a]le
robotti^and fullscreen video stutters on other screen, when I scroll web page21:43
Monotokonewkno: http://www.brighthub.com/computing/linux/articles/79514.aspx21:43
soreaurobotti^: Some effects can be more demanding, like transparent cube for example. A;so it could be your graphics driver complicating things21:43
RamanGwar:  pulseaudio is not running ..i cant see it in system-monitor21:43
Monotokoits for copying a ubuntu parition, but it will copy any partition21:44
okapi14egsome: the system is not booting, the only line I have I just give it to you....nothing else on the screen21:44
robotti^soreau: No. I use ubuntu default-setting21:44
alaingif i place a firewall on that folder for only local network wont that block my website for working with outside users try to access it?21:44
Gwarwell there's your problem! :D Open a terminal and type "pulseaudio &" with no quotes21:44
robotti^soreau: I do not even know how to set those cube things.21:44
soreaurobotti^: If you use a proprietary graphics driver, this may cause problems21:44
alainghow do i  create the share using root?21:44
robotti^soreau: I use ati driver21:44
Mach05http://codefromthe70s.org/desktopearth.aspx    this is what I want, but for linux21:44
robotti^soreau: and without compiz it runs quite well21:44
soreaurobotti^: fglrx or the default one?21:44
Mach05specifically ubuntu linux21:45
robotti^soreau: fglrx21:45
glebihanalaing: you can't place a firewall on a folder, you set rules for specific ports21:45
robotti^soreau: how good is open source driver?21:45
hiexpohello all21:45
glebihanalaing: so there will be no problem for your website as long as the rules only apply to the ports used by samba21:45
alaingglebihan: oh yes sorry its been a long day what port does it run on default?. I could setup my router to block access21:46
avi_Hello all! What does %u do when launching an application?21:46
soreaurobotti^: fglrx is a proprietary driver. If you uninstall fglrx, it will use the open driver that was from the time whenever your version of ubuntu was released. As long as you dont have an HD5xxx, you can use the open source driver21:46
glebihanalaing: apparently 139 and 44521:46
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soreaurobotti^: A lot has changed since the time of 10.04 release in the open radoen driver that supports HD2-4xxx cards21:47
robotti^soreau: I have HD4200 and also dual monitor setup21:47
Mach05Ubuntu World Map?21:47
Monotokoglebihan, those ports sound deadlu21:47
alaingglebihan: thanks i'll add that later just need to ensure i can create/delete files on those fiolders. How do i change permission with root?21:47
robotti^soreau: will open source driver support dual monitors?21:47
hiexpoavi_, i would suggest you learn all the linux commands before doing anything you can get a  list of the commands on google21:47
RamanGwar:  pulseaudio was not installed .. just installed it .. and volume-control is working now21:47
glebihanMonotoko: what do you mean ?21:47
soreaurobotti^: Oh yes, it supports them quite well21:47
RamanGwar:  thanks a bunch21:47
newknoMonotoko, et. al.  I find that Partition Wizard will let me convert partitions from "primary" to "logical."  I assume that latter term means the same as "extended."  (?)21:47
avi_hiexpo, I'm not doing anything, I'm asking here because I'm curious..21:47
glebihanalaing: run "gksu nautilus"21:48
robotti^soreau: and better performance than flrx-whatever?21:48
hiexpoavi_, it is kinda offtopic here21:48
soreaurobotti^: Assuming you used jockey to install the driver (sys>admin>hardware drivers) use the same method to remove it then cold boot your machine21:48
Monotokoglebihan, i got hacked once, it was through those ports >< and newkno, indeed, however i would backup first21:48
glebihanalaing: then same way I told you earlier21:48
avi_hiexpo, Do you know or not..?21:48
glebihanMonotoko: we were talking about blocking those ports21:48
Quutarmiss type21:49
avi_ hiexpo, A simple link would go along way.21:49
robotti^soreau: should I first set up one monitor setup and after that uninstall driver?21:49
soreaurobotti^: Not better acceleration yet but better quality though. and I suspect you should try to see if it uses a normal amount of cpu with the radeon driver21:49
soreaurobotti^: no21:49
fenn_Question: cannot get gdm to come up at all on T60 after lucid upgrade. tried ati, radeon and redeonhd drivers no joy. what next?21:49
robotti^soreau: what I should do?21:49
soreauuse sys>admin>hardware drivers to remove it then cold boot your machine21:49
guntberthiexpo: what are you talking about? that question from avi_ was perfectly alright, (only that I don't know the answer ...)21:49
hiexpoavi_, yes its a undo command21:49
soreaurobotti^: Use the jockey-gtk program in sys>admin>hardware drivers to remove fglrx then cold boot your machine21:50
alaingglebihan: ok let me test it from my win7 machine21:50
avi_hiexpo, An undo command? That all launchers in the gnome menu have? How is that possible..?21:50
guntberthiexpo: stop those random comments please21:50
soreaurobotti^: The radeon driver should be used by default in 10.0421:50
jribavi_: explore the freedesktop standards.  I don't recall which one that's explained in (probably .desktop files one).  It's just the uri of the file iirc21:50
fenn_looks like I am not the only one with radeon problems.21:51
glebihanavi_: %u is replaced by an URL21:51
hiexpoguntbert, no prob but it is a undo command21:51
soreaurobotti^: Rather, radeon driver is always default but now has 3D acceleration new in 10.0421:51
guntbertavi_: I guess this might be %u for "user", but I don't find a list either21:51
guntberthiexpo: no21:51
glebihanavi_: %u one URL, %U several, %f one filename, %F several21:52
hiexpolooking it up21:52
jribavi_: fairly certain it's uri, not url...21:52
glebihanjrib: avi_ yes uri21:52
avi_Glebelg, jrib, glebihan, gunbert, Yup. glebihan is correct, I just confirmed with #archlinux. Thanks everyone!21:52
prajuldoes any body know how to boot linux_distro.iso from grub21:53
glebihanavi_: you're welcome21:53
fenn_kdm comes and presents a log in prompt but never gets past that.21:53
hiexpoavi_, yes uri sorry thought i saw -u21:53
fenn_Question: cannot get gdm to come up at all on T60 after lucid upgrade. tried ati, radeon and redeonhd drivers no joy. what next?21:53
robotti^soreau: Now reboot21:53
jribavi_: here... http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s06.html21:53
soreaurobotti^: Turn off the machine and let it get all of that nasty proprietary code out of your gpu, then turn it back on ;)21:54
brandon420guys, i need some help finding a cheap graphics card that i wont have problems in ubuntu with21:54
avi_jrib, Bookmarked. Many thanks.21:54
soreaubrandon420: What problems are you having?21:54
brandon420soreau, i have had all kinds of graphics problems with this computer, im building another one, and want to advoid problems by just buying something that "works" with ubuntu21:55
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=== xfact_ is now known as AnxiousNut
soreaubrandon420: You already said you are having graphics issues. I am asking for you to explain what the problem is and elaborate in more detail so we can better assist you21:56
neekersossec just told me it found suckit rootkit and i tested with chkrootkit said it detected it but rkhunter did not detect it. where do i go from here?21:56
fenn_is radeon driver working with x1300 card?21:57
brandon420i am building a new computer, i solved the problems on this computer. im asking if anyone knows of a graphics card that just "works" with ubuntu.21:57
MasshuuI hooked up a serial cable to a headless ubuntu box, how do i figure out which port is which21:57
robotti^soreau: This looks nice21:57
fenn_can anyone help me?21:58
soreaurobotti^: Now this is a reflection of how the driver looked when it first started supporting 3D. It is already better upstream and continues to get better with games and performance.21:58
=== Greysc[a]le is now known as Greyscale
soreaurobotti^: You should see this in newer kernels and userspace components, basically newer versions of linux21:59
robotti^soreau: I just tested opengl game, and after that now it is mirroring displays21:59
soreaurobotti^: Use xrandr or gnome-display-properties to fix it22:00
soreaurobotti^: Some games make certain assumptions that do not handle resetting the mode back to what it was before starting it22:00
robotti^soreau: ok22:01
alaingglebihan: dam my win7  does not want to play nicely :(. Its taken me almost two weeks to sort this out. first i had problesm with win7 to xp now with win7 and ubuntu22:01
spid3rcss on ubuntu please22:01
lolzerhi can anybody help me how to make firefox java compatible22:02
alaingmy ubuntu 9.04 is connecting and allowing me to create and delete. do i need to share all new folder that would be created from the win7 machine?22:02
=== sarah is now known as Guest60410
soreaurobotti^: As a workaround, you can append an xrandr command after the game like /usr/bin/game && xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1280x1024 --left-of DVI-0 --mode 1280x102422:02
robotti^soreau: prey game performance is so sad now :<<22:02
egsomelolzer, You mean to run Java Applets on Firefox ?22:02
spid3rgo to download page22:02
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soreaurobotti^: As I said, performance is already better up stream, but not in ubuntu yet22:02
lolzersome sites are not showing rightly22:02
glebihanalaing: I may not be of much more help, I'm not really a samba expert, I've probably told all I know...22:03
guntbertspid3r: was that a question?22:03
=== Neurotiquette is now known as mdpatrick
Guest60410buenas senores y senoras22:03
soreaurobotti^: If you want to try later bits, install 2.6.35 kernel deb packages and latest userspace from xorg-edgers repo22:03
alaingwould i need to share. I really appreciate your help you have already helped in so many ways22:03
spid3ri want play cs soucre on ubuntu22:03
guntbert!es | Guest6041022:03
ubottuGuest60410: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:03
Guest60410guntabert can i stay here please ?22:04
bazhang!appdb | spid3r22:04
ubottuspid3r: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:04
lolzeregsome yes22:04
guntbertGuest60410: of course - you are very welcome but please talk english here :-)22:04
soreaurobotti^: Or just wait for maverick release. Also, it is noteworthy some games use texture compression that is provided by an auxiliary library due to licensing issues22:04
lolzeri have enabled the option...but it doesnt seem running22:04
spid3rthank you ubotuu22:05
alaingis there a samba channel?22:05
bazhangspid3r, /join #winehq22:05
Guest60410robotti^,  when if you upgrade kenrnel to 2.6.35 remember you have to reinstall graphic driver and you maybe will need reinstall wifi driver22:05
alaingor even win7 channel22:05
bazhangalaing, try #samba ##windows22:05
egsomelolzer, try `sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin sun-java6-fonts`22:05
sometuxI want to peek on an ubuntu development channel, can anyone suggest one?22:05
robotti^soreau: when it is that maverick release?22:05
spid3rfor free22:06
soreau! 10.10 | robotti^22:06
ubotturobotti^: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:06
bazhangspid3r, what for free22:06
spid3rthis programme22:06
robotti^ubottu: on next month22:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:06
soreaurobotti^: The end of next month most likely22:06
bazhangspid3r, which one22:06
R0b0t1Hello. I need to install libticables2 and 3, but they seem to be mutually exclusive.22:06
spid3r!this1 http://appdb.winehq.org22:06
R0b0t1Is it possible to install both by forcing it somehow?22:06
bazhangspid3r, that's a website22:07
robotti^soreau: then it would be better opengl performance?22:07
spid3ri now but a tokea boute the programme into22:07
Four2zeroIs there a meta app that will retrieve data for my movie library like "yammm" in windows ?22:07
elijahAnyone know of a good22:08
elijahesata card for laptops, that work on GNU/Linux/Ubuntu?22:08
bazhangelijah, try in #hardware and check the hcl22:08
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hiexpoFour2zero, what are you trying to build a movie data base ?22:08
R0b0t1Hello. I need to install libticables2 and 3, but they seem to be mutually exclusive. Is it possible to force the installation of both?22:08
alaingthanks again glebihan22:08
bazhang!hcl | elijah22:08
ubottuelijah: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:08
glebihanalaing: you're welcome22:09
Four2zerohiexpo yes22:09
soreaurobotti^: Since ubuntu releases are every six months and they have been working a LOT on the radeon driver, I say you should see significant improvements, yes22:09
egsome!repeat | R0b0t122:09
ubottuR0b0t1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com22:09
alaingim going to see if windows channel can help me with my win7 as my other ubuntu 9.04 seems happy22:09
robotti^soreau: Nice to hear22:09
hiexpoFour2zero, i use griffith and love it22:09
Guest60410robotti^,  do you have ati card?22:09
bazhangrobotti^, please discuss maverick in #ubuntu+122:09
R0b0t1egsome, go f--k yourself. There's a lot of people talking.22:09
Four2zerowhat does Griffith do ?22:09
robotti^Guest60410: yes. it is integrated on my motherbord22:10
Four2zerocan you tell me a little bit about it22:10
Four2zeroplease ?22:10
bazhangR0b0t1, watch the language22:10
Guest60410robotti^,  what card it is ?22:10
soreaurobotti^: and there is more to come. They have a gallium driver supporting your chipset that uses a different way to implement features which means better opengl extension support22:10
jribR0b0t1: that's not appropriate at all.  In any case, keep your repeats spaced out at least every 10 minutes.22:10
egsomeR0b0t1, Watch your language here, All i said is to wait and don't repeat !22:10
=== artinfrieden is now known as artin35
R0b0t1bazhang: That is exactly why I used hyphens.22:10
jribR0b0t1: that doesn't change the meaning.22:10
alaingglebihan: that "share" tab is that part of samba?22:10
robotti^Guest60410: 420022:10
fenn_how can I get xorg working with radeon x1300 in lucid22:10
bazhangR0b0t1, not OK. watch the language22:10
glebihanalaing: it's part of integration of samba in nautilus22:11
soreaurobotti^: But the gallium driver wont likely be used until 11.04 I expect (though you can test it by installing it in maverick)22:11
Guest60410robotti^,  any problems with that card ? and do you use catalyst or ubuntu driver? i have ati 4850 and it work great i use catalyst from AMD22:11
Four2zerohiexpo or better yet, a link will do.22:11
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:11
hiexpoFour2zero, can download all data of the movie you enter in the base from many resources pics etc22:11
alaingwtf is nautilius?22:11
glebihanalaing: the file browser22:11
hiexpoFour2zero,  one sec22:11
mobasheralaing>> file browser22:11
Four2zerok, thanks22:11
alainglike windows explorer.exe22:11
robotti^Guest60410: performance is not so good on games, when using open source driver22:11
glebihanalaing: yep22:12
R0b0t1jrib: Yes, but being told to constantly "stop repeating" gets tiresome, especially seeing as the text in this channel scrolls by at about 60mph. I'm not repeating my question every five seconds, I try to pace myself. I've found that if I do not repeat my question as the rules say, it does not get answered.22:12
mobasheralaing>> lol yea...something like that22:12
hiexpoFour2zero,  http://www.linux.com/archive/feature/15491022:12
alainggreat stuff thank you22:12
sometuxcould anyone suggest an active development IRC channel?22:12
Four2zeroGriffith media collection manager22:12
fenn_mobasher: thanks, I have been there - tried ati driver radeon driver and radeonhd driver but still cannot get gdm to come up cleanly22:12
egsome!info nautilius |  alaing22:12
ubottualaing: Package nautilius does not exist in lucid22:12
alaingI think i will call it a night and try again in the morning22:12
hiexpoFour2zero, yes22:12
egsome!info nautilus |  alaing22:12
ubottualaing: nautilus (source: nautilus): file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.30.1-0ubuntu1.1 (lucid), package size 1128 kB, installed size 3020 kB22:12
bazhangsometux, #ubuntu-devel (not a support channel)22:12
jribR0b0t1: no one told you not to repeat. Just don't repeat so quickly.  Let's get back to support now...22:12
robotti^Guest60410: but when using ati closed source driver. cpu is used about 100 percent when running compiz22:12
pvl1sometux, anything specific?22:12
glebihanalaing: good night then !22:12
Four2zerok, thanks for the info hiexpo !22:12
nezosGreetings, i've been a newbie in linux, used windows all the time, and i want to start to make a website using ubuntu. Questions: 1) Which version should i get for development desktop or server? 2) Why it says that don't prefer the 64 bit when i go to download for desktop, 3) Which software should i use for development, for example in windows i used viisual studio and ASP.NET, where should i start in linux?22:12
robotti^Guest60410: video stutters when scrolling web page22:13
hiexpoFour2zero,  no problem22:13
Guest60410robotti^,  get your driver from here   http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx     and your card will work perfect22:13
mobasherfenn_>> ATI cards have tons of issues man..that's why i didn't upgrade my ubuntu i'm working with the old 9.04 version...working like a charm22:13
hiexpoFour2zero, your welcome22:13
bazhangnezos, desktop  64bit is fine (badly worded)22:13
=== Shyam is now known as Guest5344
LSD142hi all...is there a way to ignore msg packets from a IP in ubuntu on some where22:13
alaingthank you egsome, i'll read up on that in the morning when I'm not so tried and fresh22:13
soreaurobotti^: in short, the fglrx driver sucks and the open radeon driver is showing very promising work to meet or beat the amd released driver22:13
Guest60410mobasher, everything depends on what driver do you use OS driver for ati cards is not very good22:13
prajulhey shyam22:13
fenn_mobasher: wish I had talked to you before upgrading - I am over a barrel now.22:13
LSD142*or somewhere22:13
sometuxpvl1: just want to know how a group of developers communicate?22:14
egsomealaing, OK :)22:14
glebihannezos: 1) if you're new, probably desktop, 2) 64 bits is ok 3) there are several good editors, I use Geany22:14
alraunenezos: get the server version, current LTS, see:22:14
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100422:14
alaingover and out22:14
mobasherGuest60410>> i know what you mean..but still ATI x300 and old Ubuntu 9.04 works great...as soon as you jump to next version..problem starts downgrade gdm downgrade kernel..forget that22:14
robotti^Guest60410: Is it better?22:14
pvl1sometux, well theres a lot of collaboration software out there, irc being one of them. google wave is the only one i can remember right now but there are many moer if u look on sourceforge22:14
fenn_guest60410: what driver do you suggest?22:14
alraunenezos: 64 bit is fine for such too, apache is the most common server, html editors there are a lot , like kompozer or wahtever, even typo322:15
okapi14I have a broken ubuntu that would not boot at all, what happen if I reinstall it? Am I gone loose what I had before or it will just fix my problem?22:15
mobasherfenn_>> what card did you say you had ?22:15
nezosok thanx all, for database and something like asp, not just html?22:15
Guest60410fenn_,  for ati cards catalyst from amd ofcourse i tried OS driver didnt work well 3d etc ati cards with the latest catalyst work great22:15
alraune!grub2 | okapi1422:15
ubottuokapi14: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub222:15
guntbertR0b0t1: I cannot answer your question, but repeating after about 10 minutes is ok and useful22:15
sprungokapi14, what do you mean it won't boot at all22:15
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.22:15
fenn_mobasher: lspci identifies a x130022:15
Guest60410robotti^,  i use catalyst and it work perfect so try it too22:16
R0b0t1guntbert: Ten minutes is a bit long. I usually go for about three to four minutes, shorter if there are more people.22:16
Guest5344Hi .. I have a small issue .. when I minimize applications I don't see them on the panel below..However they are running .. How do make running applications visible on the bottom panel22:16
alrauneGuest60410: on lucid ?22:16
okapi14sprung: it is keep hanging at start up with the following line "/dev/sad1: 912387/4685824 file (0.6% non-contiguous), 13249484/18729774 blokcs"22:16
guntbertR0b0t1: here you don't please22:16
alraunegood to know, they adapted xorg so, Guest6041022:17
hiexpoi see Broadcom Releases Open Source Wireless Driver for Linux22:17
R0b0t1guntbert: Realistically if no one has seen it after five minutes no one WILL see it.22:17
fenn_Guest60410: what card are you running and what how-to did you use for catalyst?22:17
bazhanghiexpo, stay on topic please22:17
R0b0t1Or, answered it rather. People might have seen it and not answered.22:18
jribguntbert: right click -> add to panel -> window list (or something similar, don't remember)22:18
jribR0b0t1: let's get back to support.22:18
glebihanR0b0t1: I may not be that people didn't see it, but that they didn't have an answer22:18
alraunenezos: nedd more tips ?22:18
nezosyes plz, for database and something like asp, not just html?22:18
guntbertjrib: that was not for me :-)22:18
egsomeGuest5344, Do you've `Window List` in the panel ?22:18
fenn_Guest60410: what card are you running and what how-to did you use for catalyst?22:18
hiexpobazhang, thought i was on topicdo to that many that come here are for broadcam support wireless not working but ok22:19
alraunenezos: mysql is there22:19
Guest5344egsome : there is nothing on the panel22:19
=== Greyscale is now known as Greysc[a]le
Guest60410fenn_,  ati hd4850 downloaded catalyst pressed the icon and it was installed in 10 sec rebooted botted back was in low resolution reinstalled it than botted again and it worked. using catalyst u have other advantage over OS driver you can configure your card as you wish and check up gpu temp and gpu load22:19
Guest5344egsome : the bottom panel is completely empty22:19
nezosalraune do you suggest php with mysql?22:19
R0b0t1Hello. I need to install libticables2 and 3, but they seem to be mutually exclusive. Is it possible to force the installation of both? The manpage makes no mention of a force option.22:19
egsomeGuest5344, OK, right-click on it, then `Add to panel`, choose: `Window List`22:19
fenn_Guest60410: cool, what url?22:19
artin35Is the Ubuntu One cloud contacting on port 58863 and uses amazon ec2? Because I didn't start it up, and have this entry in the firewall, and want to know what it is? thx22:20
Guest60410fenn_, http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspx22:20
jpdsartin35: #ubuntuone would be a better place to ask.22:20
Guest5344egsome : got it ..thanks22:20
khatchHello all.  Ok, so I just barely installed a fresh version of Ubuntu 10.4.  I'm running an Athlon 1.4GHz and a Geforce 3.  I was running at 1024x768 res when installing, and after getting the Nvidia legacy drivers from "System > Hardware Drivers", which gave me 96.43.17.  My res dropped to 640x480.  I can't detect any higher res.  I tried putting some modeLines into my xorg.conf, and I could switch resolutions, but all I could see was the mouse and background22:20
Guest5344egsome : :-)22:20
egsomeGuest5344, You're welcome :)22:20
artin35jpds, ok thx22:20
robotti^Guest60410: how easy it is remove and change to back open source driver?22:21
robotti^If I do not like that ati catalyst22:21
mobasherrobotti^>> well it depends how much of command line knowledge you have cuz somtimes the gdm does not start that means you have to enter commands to get your way around22:22
Guest60410robotti^,  you dont need to remove open source download catalyst install it reboot if it will boot in low res reinstall it configure if you want to. after you tested it if you dont like it go to hardware drivers and activate your ubuntu driver again or there is also command to remove catalyst if any problems its really easy22:23
jy_moustacheHi all22:23
fenn_Guest60410: did you get catalyst version 10.822:23
Guest60410robotti^,  you will like it trust me22:24
Guest60410fenn_,  yes22:24
jy_moustacheI got a broken xorg since i upgraded my nvidia drivers22:24
jy_moustacheanybody knows how i can start to fix this ? ;)22:24
mobasherjy_moustache>> did you try to reconfigure it?22:24
mobasherjy_moustache>> what is the error it gave u?22:25
sometuxjy_moustache: X -config to recreate xorg.conf.new in your home folder22:25
androidbrucehey guys i got a new hard drive and I would like to create an image of my exisiting drive to place on the new drive. is this possible in ubuntu? would it retain grub?22:25
jy_moustachemobasher : the reconfigure didn't print any errors but ...22:25
alraunenezos: yes, something wrong with it ?22:26
jy_moustachemobasher : startx closes down....22:26
nezosalraune: just making sure that i am in the correct way ;)22:26
soreaurobotti^: If you use any other method than ubuntus jockey-gtk program to install the proprietary driver, it may break your system and then you will not have any 3D unless you figure out how to remove it22:26
alrauneandroidbruce: yes, if new drive is same or bigger then the old one22:26
jy_moustachemobahser : i tried to uninstall and reinstall nvidia-current but it did'nt work22:26
nezosok thank you very much all, now time to try to set these things, i guess i got a long way to go..22:26
androidbrucealraune, yes it is much bigger. 1.5tb to be exact22:27
mobasherjy_moustache>> make a backup of the xorg file and run the reconfigure22:27
Guest60410soreau,  do you really believe OS driver is better than AMD ? :)22:27
alraune!info php5-mysql , nezos22:27
ubottu',' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, partner, stable, testing, unstable22:27
alraune!info php5-mysql22:27
glebihanR0b0t1: what release are you running ?22:27
ubottuphp5-mysql (source: php5): MySQL module for php5. In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.2 (lucid), package size 62 kB, installed size 236 kB22:27
soreauGuest60410: Absolutely22:27
LinuxPhreakI have public gpg key stored on my one ubuntu computer. And exported it from sea horse to another computer. The key now shows up under other keys instead of my keys. How can I tell my computer that it is my key22:28
=== Fendaril is now known as Guest23614
soreauGuest60410: It is already better upstream and it will shine in future versions of ubuntu22:28
R0b0t1glebihan: I believe 9.1022:28
alrauneandroidbruce: is the new drive already connected ?22:28
nezosok nice22:28
androidbrucealraune, no22:28
R0b0t1glebihan: Two packages have conflicting requirements.22:28
androidbrucealraune, could i dd from a liveusb of ubuntu?22:28
Guest60410soreau,  heheheheeh i tested OS and no chance to check up gpu usage ! compiz was cracking no 3d support if you dont bleiev go to #radeon and ask there22:28
mobasherjy_moustache>> try this >> http://hubpages.com/hub/How-to-configure-Xorg-in-Ubuntu22:28
Guest60410soreau,  OS dirver support old card not new22:28
alrauneandroidbruce: connect both.. ah, you got it already, yes, that will work22:29
khatchAnybody know anything about my prob? What would cause a resolution change to make the panel bars and icons dissappear?  Seems odd that I can see the pointer and background, and nothing else.22:29
jy_moustachesometux : X -config says it lacks arguments22:29
androidbrucealraune, will that copy the bootloader?22:29
zzaktrying to configure a wacom tablet (intuos 3) with xorg. here's my xorg.conf http://gist.github.com/575562 anyone know how I can enable it for only my second monitor? ie: Screen1 ?22:29
soreauGuest60410: You are absolutely incorrect. The radeon driver support all the way from the ancient Radeon 7000 to the brand new evergreen chips22:29
Guest60410soreau,  what card do you have ?22:29
glebihanR0b0t1: yes I saw that, I'm looking into it, but the packages have changed between releases22:29
androidbrucealraune, what is the correct syntax for dd. original drive is /dev/sda1 new drive is /dev/sdb122:30
glebihanR0b0t1: for example libticables3 does not exist in lucid anymore22:30
alrauneandroidbruce: sudo fdisk -l  to list the drives , with sda< sdb(1,5T)   do sudo dd if=/dev/sda  of=/dev/sdb, will copy whole thing, grub, too22:30
Leman_RussAlright there.  Can anyone give me a quick runthrough of what Bash is?22:30
soreauGuest60410: Radeon driver supports all HD2-4xxx and has code to support HD5xxx in place now and will even support HD6xxx in the future. AMD is working with open developers, even paying a handful of people to work on the open radeon driver full time22:30
R0b0t1glebihan: Really now? Hrrm. That is somewhat odd... Perhaps they merged them. Or just removed it, *shrug*22:30
prajul_alraune:is it possible to boot an iso image from grub22:30
Guest60410soreau what card do you have?22:30
jribLeman_Russ: bash is a shell... you type commands and it executes them22:30
egsome!bash | Leman_Russ22:30
ubottuLeman_Russ: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal22:30
alrauneLeman_Russ: commandline or scripting language ?22:30
Guest60410soreau,  cuz i see u know not much about OS and fglrx22:31
alrauneprajul_: it is, with grub222:31
sometuxjy_moustache: sorry, the right command is "sudo X -configure"22:31
Leman_RussI am not sure.  Total beginner with all this!22:31
prajul_alraune:from grub.conf entry22:31
androidbrucealraune, im not quite sure i understand that commang22:31
jribLeman_Russ: why are you asking? :)22:31
Leman_RussSo, Bash is the language that is used in the Terminal?  Like Sudo and all that stuff22:31
egsomeLeman_Russ, Shell is a place that you talk to your computer using commands, you command and computer do what you want, Simply.22:31
soreauGuest60410: You are just wasting your time, so forget it22:31
lxadminI'm trying to allow all users to connect to open-sshd, but it seems that by default all users are denied22:32
Guest60410soreau,  so tell me what card do you have pls22:32
lxadminI have explicitly allow each one22:32
Guest60410nvidia soreau ?22:32
soreauGuest60410: That is irrelevant22:32
Leman_RussMy mate at work mentioned it and I didnt know what it was22:32
jy_moustachemobasher, somtux : i tried mobasher's link but i got a error after try to run startx, it says "Fatal server error : no screens found"22:32
lxadminis there a way to have sshd allow all users by default?22:32
sometuxjy_moustache: in my case this detected my hardware and produced working xorg.conf22:32
soreauGuest60410: I have intel, radeon and nvidia.22:32
alrauneandroidbruce: sudo fdisk -l  to list the drives , with sda= old drive ,  sdb=newdrive   do :                        sudo dd if=/dev/sda  of=/dev/sdb, will copy whole thing, grub, too22:32
Guest60410soreau,  so if you have radeon tell me how do you check up gpu load ?22:33
jy_moustachesometux : not in my case ;)22:33
androidbrucealraune, ahh thanks for breaking it down22:33
prajul_alraune:something like kernel=/......, initrd=/..22:33
soreauGuest60410: There is no need to check the gpu. It works fine22:33
sometuxjy_moustache: check the driver line22:33
Guest60410soreau,  there is !!!22:33
idletasklxadmin: what do you mean?22:33
mobasherjy_moustache>> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg22:33
androidbrucealraune, will that copy partitions too?22:33
alrauneandroidbruce: yes22:34
jy_moustachemobasher : already tried, no error message but it doesn"t work22:34
Guest60410soreau,  how do you know if your gpu is working or not ? if is overheated ? can you configure radeon using OS driver?22:34
mobasherjy_moustache>> once done wait for a few seconds then type gdm22:34
prajul_alraune:i actually meant those grub.conf entry that will help in booting the distro.iso file22:34
jy_moustachesometux : which one is it N22:34
androidbrucealraune, WOW! so i won't have to partition the disc dd does that for me?22:34
Guest60410soreau,  withthe OS driver you cant do anything and 3d doesnt work i was talking to people from #radeon for a long time22:34
androidbruceb/c i have 3 partitions ubuntu,swap,data22:34
soreauGuest60410: Well I havent seen your nick there22:35
Guest60410OS isnt well working wit new ati cards thats what i learned22:35
soreauGuest60410: It will. Trust me.22:35
Guest60410soreau,  you have seen other nick22:35
idletaskGuest60410: I have a 4890 and 3D works perfectly22:35
sometuxjy_moustache: you need to stop gdm and run the command22:35
idletask(using the radeon driver)22:35
Guest60410soreau,  you should try catalyst compare it to open source22:35
elijahHow would I best mount ISO files in Dolphin?22:36
jy_moustachemobasher : actually i got an error message after dpkg-reconfiger : "xserver-org is not installed"22:36
Guest60410other thing aboiut OS driver if it damage your GPU there is no warranty at all nothing22:36
Guest60410you have to buy new card22:36
soreauGuest60410: I do all kinds of tests and I know what Im talking about. 3D works fine on newer radeon cards. You are wasting your time by talking22:36
egsomeelijah, see #kubuntu22:36
robotti^soreau: I believe you22:36
glebihanR0b0t1: the only idea I can find is to build libticables3 from sources, but I don't know how it'll work22:36
androidbrucei have use 3d on ati cards22:36
marc__where would you install a php library that would be shared across all virtual host?  (ie: Doctrine, Zend Framework, Cake Php)22:36
robotti^soreau: but how about HD video accel..?22:36
soreauSince when does fglrx come with a warranty?22:36
androidbrucewith fglrx22:37
soreaurobotti^: You mean like h264 or whatever?22:37
Guest60410soreau,  so at least tell to thise gouys the truth there is catalyst and it work and have warranty etc instaed talking rubbish OS is the best cuz it isnt22:37
androidbrucealraune, dd will partition my disc properly?22:37
egsomemarc__, #php more suitable ?22:37
lxadminRemote SSH connections work only if I put the user in the AllowUsers line22:37
sometuxjy_moustache: what you need to do next is to replace the old xorg.conf file with the new one22:37
soreauGuest60410: You are uneducated and you need to be quiet22:37
Guest60410soreau,  have you meet girl tracy on #radeon ?22:37
lxadminif I remove that line no one can log in except for the admin account22:37
robotti^soreau: yes22:37
Guest60410it was me22:37
robotti^soreau: is it possibly?22:38
alrauneandroidbruce: yes, can add the remaining space later, it's just 1:122:38
Guest60410soreau,  i used OS driver for my new card and the card doesnt work anymore do you remember now?22:38
androidbrucealraune, what happens to the extra space? unallocated?22:38
soreaurobotti^: I dont really know, you might ask on #radeon or test it yourself.22:38
R0b0t1glebihan: I was afraid I'd have to do so. Thanks for the help.22:38
glebihanR0b0t1: you're welcome22:38
sometuxjy_moustache: thats what i did trying to fine tune my X video driver22:38
jy_moustachesometux, mobasher : when i type gdm it says : "Couldn't connect to system bus : Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket:no file ..."22:39
Guest60410robotti^,  just try catalyst and see people from #radeon wont tell you catalyst is a way better than OS thats how it work22:39
aristidebuona sera22:39
sometuxjy_moustache: sudo service gdm stop22:39
alrauneandroidbruce: see above22:39
alrauneprajul_: so, found it back : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154984722:40
androidbrucealraune, it's 1:1 meaning?22:40
sometuxjy_moustache: this command will close your current X session and return you to the CLI22:40
marc__egsome, dunno, it's more a server question, I want to know what would be the best place to put thoses.  I'm thinking  /usr/share/php/zf and /usr/share/php/doctrine with subfolder for each version... and set everything readonly... but I'm not sure if I should place those in that folder ?22:40
Lancelotdoes anyone know of a good CAS program that will run in Ubuntu?22:40
LancelotI've been having issues getting maxima to work22:40
jy_moustachesometux, i'm already there, i got now xorg running22:41
bjaanesI start a "$ sudo dd if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/sdb" As i have understood, dd copies bit for bit (or something?). Does that mean that it copies all bits (indexed or not) to the other drive. Mind, these are two disks with 1TB each and its taking forever (many hours thus far). The reason I am asking is because used disk space is more like 86GB, and I wouldn't understand the need for so long copy-time, but if it copies 1TB (with indexed and un-indexed22:41
bjaanes shit) it could take some time.22:41
=== kronos is now known as Guest97251
jy_moustachesometux, i believe it's more a driver problem22:41
idletaskbjaanes: that's really not the best solution, that22:41
alrauneandroidbruce: if your old hd had 500 gb, the first will be exact same on the new one, you can add the remaining 1 TB later, after dd it will be what was before (possiblyy unallocated)22:41
jy_moustachedoes anybody know how to downgrade a package ?22:41
idletaskbjaanes: it's even a poor solution if you ask me22:41
idletaskThink about alignment constraints22:42
androidbrucealraune, ah ok, how long does dd usually take?22:42
androidbruceover sata22:42
androidbrucesata II22:42
bjaanesidletask: Why? Its not for backup or copy, its because of some LVM thingy. Following some tut.22:42
alrauneandroidbruce: depends on yor hardware, sudo hdparm -t /dev/sdX will tell you, so can calculate22:43
egsomemarc__, So, #ubuntu-server is more suitable for that.22:43
idletaskbjaanes: you have LVM on the thing? So why not create partitions on the new disk and tar c|tar x?22:43
bobo123a webpage made aware that System/Administration-menu is possible to change, so I removed programrepositories from it (like in 10.10) to make the menu easier to find in (I'm in Synaptic anyway when I change such) and saw that I have an extra programrepositories listed in System/Administration so I wonder where it have come from/why it is there? If I run that one I only get an grey dialog box (wrong grey color) that says "Please run this software 22:43
marc__egsome, ah, didn't know that channel existed22:43
bobo123(I'm using normal ubuntu10.04)22:43
marc__egsome, thanks22:43
egsomemarc__, No problem, You're welcome.22:43
bjaanesidletask: I don't have LVM - yet. But its the plan :P My backuppc need some more space ^ ^22:44
sometuxjy_moustache: seems something wrong with  xorg.conf file22:44
androidbrucealraune, 105.28mb/sec that's for read22:44
idletaskbjaanes: well, create a PV on your new disk - and what do you plan to do exactly?22:44
root__can i just ask a question of anyone in here? im new22:44
Guest60410root__,  sure22:44
root__my nick name is not ment to be root22:45
fenn_Guest60410: installing now catalyst 10.8 now.  waiting...22:45
jy_moustachesometux, probably but it tried reconfiguring it but it didn't work22:45
=== emanuel is now known as Guest13759
eduedixcan i get 1280x1024 resolution with vesa drivers?22:45
elijahHow would I use grep to search for all files named "dolphin? grep 'dolphin'?22:45
jy_moustachesometux, my guess is something's broken between the nvidia driver and xorg22:45
alrauneandroidbruce: pretty fast22:45
bjaanesidletask: I have not come that far into the guide yet. I am basicly just asking if it copies 1TB over, or the 86GB of used space (indexed)22:45
sometuxjy_moustache: so to make sure use the vesa driver22:45
androidbrucealraune, what's the write speed then?22:46
idletaskelijah: no, not at all, grep is to search for text into files, what you want is the find command22:46
root__my question is where can i download vmware server via apt-get22:46
idletaskbjaanes: it doesn't tell me what you want to do exactly22:46
kremloncan someone explain a line of c code to me?22:46
elijahidletask: ahh, thanks!22:46
idletaskelijah: find [dir1 [dir2...]] -name "somefilepattern"22:47
jy_moustachesometux, how can i do that from  console22:47
fenn_kremlon: give it a try22:47
eduedixcan i get 1280x1024 resolution with vesa drivers?22:47
idletaskfind is a monster command dating back from the 80s but God it is powerful22:47
jy_moustachesometux, actually more like a prompt22:47
sometuxjy_moustache: edit the /etx/X11/xorg.conf file22:47
alrauneandroidbruce: I can't predict, but it's usuallyy around 60~80 MB/s for common sataII22:47
Guest60410fenn_, after you install it reboot boot again if it work type in terminal fglrxinfo if you get output mean driver installed also check up aticonfig --odgt if no temp info mean you still use ubuntu driver and reconfigure you xorg check up aticonfig --help there is everything22:47
bjaanesidletask: Does it matter? I just want to know how dd works (parts, because I'm doing it right now, and parts because I wanna know for some other time).22:47
sometuxjy_moustache: */etc/22:47
androidbrucealraune, well great shouldn't take too long then22:47
bobo123eduedx, 1280x1024 should be a ok vesa-resolution I think... I'm not sure.22:48
alrauneandroidbruce: for sure no allnighter :)22:48
=== geowany_ is now known as geowany
fenn_Guest60410: looks like it may be hanging.  should I have shutdown xorg / gdm first?22:48
androidbrucealraune, do you recommend any 'ghost' like applications for storing images?22:48
eduedixbobo123: since my sis card isnt supported by a proper linux driver ( since its a buggy driver, that wont let me increase more than 960x600 ) i have to use something else, what would that be? vesa?22:48
jy_moustachesometux, edit section device line Driver ?22:49
alrauneandroidbruce: I don't understand.. backup purposes ?22:49
idletaskbjaanes: dd dumps data from an input to an output on bloc boundaries22:49
eduedixbobo123: i got sis m650 btw22:49
sometuxjy_moustache: yes22:49
androidbrucealraune, right so i can make an image of my drive and keep it on an external and my server22:49
Guest60410fenn_,  just check up after you installed cata;lyst and rebooted aticonfig --help there are all command how to reconfigure xorg what to do if ubuntu boot in low resolution or doesnt boot at all cuz of xorg problem or how to check load or temp22:49
prajul_alraune:thank u very much22:49
=== chavez is now known as Guest31994
Guest60410fenn_, you dont need to uninstall OS or any ubuntu drivers or anything22:50
idletaskbjaanes: the thing is, with newer disk about to come, using dd to copy data over is a very, very bad idea22:50
jy_moustachesometux, i just write VESA ?22:50
androidbrucedd is just copying content, not creating a file for archiveing22:50
crazy2beI have a quick question: How can i change what is run when i log onto ubuntu? I know there is a way to change "Startup Applications", but i want to be able to change things like gnome-panel getting run, as well as nautilus for the desktop.22:50
idletaskBecause 4k-block disks are coming22:50
sometuxjy_moustache: make it lower case22:50
alrauneandroidbruce: dd if=/dev/sda  of=/dev/sdb1/SomeImagename.iso   will do such, too22:50
androidbrucealraune, WOW, i love this dd command22:51
fenn_Guest60410: should it display anything after Architecture and X Server versions? it is just sitting there ... makes me nervious.22:51
bjaanesidletask: Are you talking about SSD? I could understand how dd wouldnt be good for them if dd work the way I think.22:51
glebihancrazy2be: the applications you mention are part of Gnome, so you can't prevent them from starting22:51
androidbrucehey alraune i owe you a beer for your help, you have a paypal info link?22:51
idletaskbjaanes: no, not only SSDs22:51
Guest60410fenn_,  wait 1 min i will boot up ubuntu and will help you with everything one min and i will be back :)22:51
sometuxjy_moustache: to start the X server use this command 'sudo service gdm start'22:51
alrauneandroidbruce: I use softraid a lot to prevent data loss, or things like unison for backup22:51
crazy2beglebihan: There is no equivalent to the /etc/init directory for the local user?22:51
bjaanesidletask: please explain? :)22:52
alrauneandroidbruce: no, I'm still learning, world keeps small, keep it like that22:52
glebihancrazy2be: no, but what do you to do that for ?22:52
eduedixcan i get 1280x1024 resolution with vesa drivers?22:52
prajul_alraune:this  dd ..of=  is for output file isnt22:52
androidbrucealraune, softraid,unison? are they automated?22:52
idletaskbjaanes: the basic block size for disks nowadays is 512 bytes - but in a few years from now, all new disks/chipsets will have a 4k block size22:52
jy_moustachesometux, i got a small error window which says : "[drm] failed to open device .... No devices detected"22:52
alraune!info unison22:52
ubottuunison (source: unison): A file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.27.57-2ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 522 kB, installed size 1236 kB22:52
alraune!info mdadm22:53
ubottumdadm (source: mdadm): tool to administer Linux MD arrays (software RAID). In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 231 kB, installed size 660 kB22:53
alrauneprajul_: yes22:53
bjaanesidletask: OK, but I dont assume I have that now?22:53
sometuxjy_moustache: comment out any line with drm22:53
prajul_alraune:dd if=iso file??22:53
idletaskbjaanes: if you try and dd an entire disk, you will end with partitions _not_ aligned to sector boundaries and performance will suffer a great deal22:53
jy_moustachesometux, it seems like my *hardware* screen/display is not recognised22:53
androidbrucealraune, wow22:53
androidbrucealraune, can you dd from one partition to another?22:53
idletaskAnd anyway, it's still better to create partitions, mount them and tar|tar22:53
jy_moustachesometux, that's all actually, i gave you everything22:53
baaaaaaahas anyone got vmware running on linux22:54
androidbrucealraune, so this  dd if=/dev/sda1  of=/dev/sdb3/SomeImagename.iso22:54
androidbrucealraune, so this  dd if=/dev/sda1  of=/dev/sda3/SomeImagename.iso22:54
Katsumi32fenn_,  see me on prv its me guest :)22:54
ZykoticK9!anyone | baaaaaaa22:54
ubottubaaaaaaa: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:54
baaaaaaahow did you install it?apt-get??22:54
elijahidletask: Thx, that was very helpful!22:54
androidbrucesorry same drive22:54
glebihancrazy2be: to start a custom X session, you may use xinit, but this depends on what you intend to do22:54
sometuxjy_moustache: pastebin your xorg.conf file22:54
crazy2beglebihan: I am looking to set up an ubuntu laptop in "Kiosk" mode. That is, a full screen web browser and nothing else. This would happen when you log in as a passwordless user. There would be another normal desktop user for configuring the kiosk, without these restrictions. I want to the webbrowser to autorestart if it crashes, and ubuntu to automatically connect to some wireless or wired connection.22:54
alrauneandroidbruce: in raid 1 you use two attached drives, which mirror each other, unlikely to drives fail same time,  yes dd works into partitons, too22:54
androidbrucealraune, AWESOME!22:54
idletaskalraune: actually no, in RAID 1 you use n disks, not only two22:55
androidbrucealraune, i LOVE learning! this is awesome22:55
prajul_alraune :isnt it dd if=/iso file of=/sda22:55
crazy2beglebihan: The upstart tool would allow me to do this easily on the system level, but i'm looking to do it just for a single user.22:55
idletaskBut if you have more than 2 it's better to use RAID 1022:55
bobo123eduedix: yeah vesa shuold work for anything (but slow). you should be able to reach 1024x768 on all graphics cards with it. possible 1280x1024 too.22:55
ZykoticK9baaaaaaa, vmware isn't available from the Ubuntu repo (but VirtualBox is if you are interested in an alternative), download VMWare from their website - if it's a .bundle - make it executable then run it with sudo to install22:55
glebihancrazy2be: what you can do is create a script with the applications you want to run, and start it with xinit22:55
bobo123I'm not 100% sure22:55
Katsumi32fenn_,  are you still here ?22:55
androidbruceidletask, can you recommend a reliable raid card?22:55
alrauneprajul_: no , if=source of=destination22:56
idletaskandroidbruce: why a RAID card? Linux has software raid22:56
jy_moustachesometux, ok give me 3 min time to reboot22:56
androidbrucea card is better no?22:56
eduedixbobo123: in Xorg.log it says "not using built-in mode 1280x1024 ( hsync out of range)"22:56
crazy2beglebihan: How? Where do i put this script?22:56
idletaskandroidbruce: with the added bonus that if you move your disks to another machine, the RAID still works - which is _not_ the case with hardware/firmware RAID22:56
eduedixbobo123: i guess that why its not available in the list of monitor settings22:56
idletaskandroidbruce: only slightly so performance wise, so it's really not worth the hassle22:57
glebihancrazy2be: you can put it wherever you want, and start it with "xinit /full/path/to/script"22:57
fortijoin #gliwice22:57
fortijoin #gliwice22:57
FloodBot3forti: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:57
androidbruceidletask, ohh wow22:58
androidbrucehow difficult is it to setup a raid with two 1.5drives?22:58
alrauneandroidbruce: and also can set it to boot with one drive only, where hardware-ones sometimes refuse, if the second (or the n..) disk is missing22:58
alraunequite simple22:58
juliohmhow to activate extra plugins in compiz? i install them and check the box Animations Add-on, but nothing new appears in Animations =(22:58
androidbrucei might buy another 1.5 drive and put them in raid, then dd22:58
idletaskandroidbruce: simple enough, just make the partitions, use mdadm to create the arrays22:59
OrlyHi im getting and error22:59
OrlyThe folder "var" cannot be copied because you do not have permissions to create it in the destination.22:59
soreaujuliohm: Try restarting compiz and ccsm22:59
fortisorry I tested IRC22:59
idletaskandroidbruce: and dd is really not the solution in that case22:59
=== Orly is now known as Orly2
idletaskLet Linux do the RAID rebuild22:59
androidbruceidletask, oh22:59
fortimy be last 7 yer22:59
Orly2any solution ?22:59
androidbruceif i have one old drive now, and i want two new 1.5tb drives22:59
IsonyxHey Ok..So I have eclipse..Which can be found at eclipse.org I believe...Every time I try to compile or run a C or C++ program It says Launch Failed Binary Not Found.22:59
androidbruceBUT i want to image onto the new 1.5raid22:59
alrauneandroidbruce: why dd then ? just a fresh install via alternate cd, get your softwre collection over and copy data, could be faster22:59
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate22:59
idletaskandroidbruce: don't image, copy files over, it is MUCH better23:00
androidbrucealraune, i really don't like that method of copying over23:00
IsonyxI looked it up online..It says to install Netbeans and Cygwin and it will work..23:00
androidbruceidletask, yea?23:00
IsonyxI have both..It dosen't work.23:00
IsonyxCan anyone help?23:00
elijahHow would I assign a keyboard shortcut to super + f5 to make Kubuntu go to sleep?23:00
Orly2The folder "var" cannot be copied because you do not have permissions to create it in the destination. help23:01
idletaskandroidbruce: see what I said earlier - if you dd, you may have partition alignment problems _and_ therefore performance problems23:01
idletaskYour new 1.5 TB drives may well have a 4k sector size23:01
idletaskPerformance will suffer greatly23:01
baaaaaaadoes anyone know where i can get access to a linux shell on line23:01
jy_moustachesometux, http://pastebin.com/bdd1fBLq23:01
baaaaaaaa site that gives you free access, liimited no doubt23:01
fortiI `a not rember for comend pleasy giv me for commend join fo channel new23:01
androidbruceidletask, hey man pm me some instructions plz i have to run23:02
alrauneforti: command to join a chanell ?  /join #ubuntu  for example23:02
prajul_alraune:will there be any pblm if i use dd command to change my MBR23:02
alrauneprajul_: not if the type of partitontable is the same23:03
Guest31994hi all, made a some mess with - removed login manager (slim) with intention to login using terminal, but when logged in as normal user "sudo startxfce4" gets me to the root profile, not that of the user.. startxfce4 without sudo doesn't get me to xfce gui, tried to install back slim - after user/password seems like xfce is starting, but gets back to the login screen.23:03
Dryantaim getting an error trying to set an ip address SIOCSIFFADDR: invalid argument23:04
Dr_WillisGuest31994: your first sudo command may of goofed tjhings up in the users home. Try making a new user and see if it works for them.23:04
Dryantaand network manager doesnt appear to let me edit the settings23:04
fortifor chanel is good23:04
fortimay be23:05
fortiwhay is all goi23:05
prajul_alraune:i lost MBR entry after installing windows but ubuntu was still there but i couldnt boot it .Any possible sol to tackle this?23:05
fortiis going sleep23:05
crazy2beglebihan: How do i start it when the user logs in without starting the full gnome desktop?23:05
Dr_WillisGuest31994:  by using 'sudo startxfce4' the files it made were made in the users home.. but owned by root. (I think that may be the core of your issues)23:05
sometuxjy_moustache: I suggest to comment out lines from to 22 to 27 and line 6423:05
alrauneOrly2: you want : cp -r /var  /my/folder/anywhere,  then eiter sudo it or own the folder anywhere to you23:05
idletaskandroidbruce: would be quite long, unless you already know how to partition a disk/make filesystems23:06
glebihancrazy2be: startx will start a X session with the currently logged in user23:06
alraune!grub | prajul_23:06
ubottuprajul_: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.23:06
tcm5025can anyone help? i'm trying to install ubuntu off my usb stick and the farthest I get is past the screen where it shows the ubuntu logo graphic and a loading bar. then the screen goes blank...23:06
Guest31994Dr_Willis, thanks for the hint, probably chowning back all the directory to my user should work as well, i guess so23:06
jy_moustachesometux, section module and section Device/BusID ?23:06
jy_moustachesometux, (i can't see the line numbers)23:07
kneauxhow do I enable support for .deb packages on ubuntu? (10.04 server)23:07
Dr_WillisGuest31994:  yep. or just remove the files and let xfce remake them.23:07
MichealKennydo i get kicked for being on windows :P23:07
alraunekneaux: it's there by default, dpkg in commandline23:07
ZykoticK9kneaux, DEB is the natively supported package for ubuntu?  what are you actually trying to do?23:07
sometuxjy_moustache: the load lines and the BusID23:07
kneauxi downloaded the .deb for Gnaural, apparently <whatever opens files> doesn't know how to open .deb's23:08
* kneaux is pretty new here23:08
ZykoticK9kneaux, "sudo dpkg -i PACKAGENAME.deb" to install23:09
kneauxspecifically, archive manager opened the .deb and didn't know what to do23:09
Guest31994<Dr_Willis>haha, ok, so simple in the end :) was totally out of ideas, thanks a lot man! ;)23:09
jy_moustachesometux, tried to startx on that and says the same error "(EE) [drm] failed to open device" and "(EE) No devices detected"23:09
Dr_Williskneaux:  try 'sudo gdebi whtever.deb' also.23:09
fortiall pepol only informatics is the channel23:09
tcm5025can anyone help me with installation of ubuntu?23:09
IsonyxHey Ok..So I have eclipse..Which can be found at eclipse.org I believe...Every time I try to compile or run a C or C++ program It says Launch Failed Binary Not Found. I looked it up online..It says to install Netbeans and Cygwin and it will work..I have both..It dosen't work. Can anyone help?23:09
fortiplzes stop now23:09
fortione moment23:09
Dr_WillisGuest31994:  if you hadent done the sudo in the first place.. it would of worked I imagine.23:09
glebihan!topic | forti23:09
ubottuforti: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic23:09
kneauxzykotick9, dr_willis: thanks - how do i associate the file type with that command?23:09
bazhangforti, please stay on topic23:09
hiexpohola Dr_Willis23:09
Dr_Williskneaux:  right click on a deb. open with gdebi-gtk (i think)23:10
tcm5025 /topic does nothing...23:10
bazhangforti, this is not a chat channel; #ubuntu-offtopic for that23:10
IsonyxHey Ok..So I have eclipse..Which can be found at eclipse.org I believe...Every time I try to compile or run a C or C++ program It says Launch Failed Binary Not Found. I looked it up online..It says to install Netbeans and Cygwin and it will work..I have both..It dosen't work. Can anyone help?23:10
fortiI looked for my topic Ubunto is her now23:10
IsonyxIm not sure about running programs on Linux etc.23:10
fortiI lik1d23:10
sometuxjy_moustache: what drivers you use?23:10
bazhangforti, stop that23:10
Dr_WillisIsonyx:  install cygwin on a linux system? Sure you are reading the right guides?23:10
jy_moustachesometux, the latest nvidia ones23:10
idletaskIsonyx: this is rather an Eclipse problem23:10
Dr_WillisIsonyx:  you proberly want the build-essential package23:11
IsonyxHow else can I get the Eclipse : Launch Failed. Binary not found. Error to go away?23:11
fortifor my first linux in all server is start only slackware linux23:11
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)23:11
bazhang!ot | forti23:11
ubottuforti: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:11
glebihan!ot | forti23:11
kneauxdr_willis: i don't have gdebi-gtk, is there an alternative?23:11
forti:) \23:11
Dr_Williswillis@cow:~$ gdebi23:12
Dr_Willisgdebi      gdebi-gtk  gdebi-kde23:12
Guest31994Dr_Willis, yeah, i guess, it messed up all the files it touched.. logging out of root profile now, xchat told it's a stupid thing to do it from root :D23:12
Dr_WillisGuest31994:  and its right.23:12
glebihankneaux: in terminal you can use gdebi23:12
elijahCan I mount DMG files directly inside Linux? I am trying to mount DMG files which are actually FAT32 from my camcorder, they esixt on a HFSPLUS partiion on an external drive.23:12
idletask2.6.35 kernel from kernel-ppa has btrfs support - great23:12
Dr_Williskneaux:  sudo gdebi foo.deb works from the terminal. thats what i use 90% of the time these days23:12
kneauxglebihan: it's not installed. i just prefer not to install new packages, is there a slim sexy gui-less version of this available?23:13
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE23:13
sometuxjy_moustache: start your X server using this command sudo service gdm start23:13
prajul_alraune:do u know about the calculation of vruntime in linux kernel23:13
IsonyxHey Ok..So I have eclipse..Which can be found at eclipse.org I believe...Every time I try to compile or run a C or C++ program It says Launch Failed Binary Not Found. Can anyone help?23:13
glebihankneaux: how can you not have gdebi installed on ubuntu ?23:13
fortinetstat -tcp ?23:13
jy_moustachesometux, that's the one that gave me the error23:13
Dr_Williselijah:  i think it may be able to read hfs, but im not sure about hfs+23:13
alrauneprajul_: no23:13
Orly2god torrent clients?23:13
jy_moustachesometux, i starting to think reinstalling23:13
Orly2without Transmission23:14
Dr_Willisglebihan:  well in 10.10 - its not instaleld by default any more >:) thats one way23:14
kneauxglebihan: i'm running ubuntu-server23:14
IsonyxHey Ok..So I have eclipse..Which can be found at eclipse.org I believe...Every time I try to compile or run a C or C++ program It says Launch Failed Binary Not Found. Can anyone help?23:14
jy_moustachesometux, what do you think ?23:14
Dr_WillisOrly2:  theres dozens of them out there. it depends on your needs.23:14
xanguaOrly2: enter 'torrent' in the software center23:14
glebihanDr_Willis: yes but he's on 10.04 (and I didn't know that)23:14
idletaskIsonyx: again, that's an Eclipse problem, nothing to do with Ubuntu23:14
IsonyxCan you direct me to an appropriate channel?23:14
Dr_WillisIsonyx:  You have installed the 'build-essential' package? (like i mentioned earlier?)23:14
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, is gdebi part of aptitude?23:14
sometuxjy_moustache: but don't forget to backup your data23:14
Dr_Willis!be | Isonyx23:14
Dr_Willis!b-e | Isonyx23:14
ubottuIsonyx: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)23:14
idletaskIsonyx: you may first want to google for "ubuntu eclipse"23:15
jy_moustachesometux, :)23:15
idletaskI'm sure there's a repo somewhere for that23:15
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  its a gui front end. its nice in that it checks and pulls in needed deps for a .deb packge.23:15
sometuxjy_moustache: first try the open source driver23:15
hiexpoadddeb repo's23:16
elijahDr_Willis: I can view the HFS partition just fine but when I try to mount the DMG file using mount -t hfsplus -o loop <filename.dmg> I get an error "wrong fs type..."23:16
elijah, if I do a mount -t fat32 -o loop <f.dmg> I also get an error but different, "unknown filesystem type 'FAT32'"23:16
jy_moustachesometux, actually it worked just fined until today23:16
kneauxglebihan, Dr_Willis: so i could entirely apt the package, but i'd rather figure out a way to associate it with a dpkg command to save time, love and money. that said, i'm giving up in t-2m. If anyone can give me an answer, I'll give you a netjob.23:16
idletaskelijah: I'm not sure dmg files are loopback files at all23:16
elijahI am basically trying to mount FAT32 DMGs.23:17
idletaskelijah: maybe there's a FUSE module for dmg files?23:17
jy_moustachesometux, i upgraded the driver version as suggeste automatically and since ... trouble23:17
glebihankneaux: dpkg -i package.deb23:17
sometuxjy_moustache: if you want to install the proprietary driver, go to system -> administration -> additional drivers23:17
elijahidletask: How would I find that out?23:17
jy_moustachesometux, s'what i did :)23:17
Dr_Williskneaux:  in the next release .deb's will be assoicated with the  Software control center thing.23:18
kneauxdr_willis: wicked cool23:18
Dr_Williskneaux:  would be if the softare center thign was not lacking in so many ways...23:18
idletaskOh, well I'm wrong, actually, those _are_ disk image files23:18
sometuxjy_moustache: why don't you try to remove the driver first23:18
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, sorry i thought you said that gdebi wasn't install in mav, and i knew aptitude wasn't install in mav by default.  so was just curious if they where related (and it would make sense they are, apt-get + dpkg & aptitude + gdebi) - i remember you introducing me to gdebi a couple of months ago :)23:18
jy_moustachesometux, good idea i'll try that23:18
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  in 10.10 its not. :) being replaced. .deb -> default app will be the software center.23:19
kneauxglebihan, i'll fondle around with the file association handler, thingy, i'm not sure how to pass it the filename ($$1 or w/e) but if it works i'll stop talking23:19
bobo123eduedix: have you searched for "sis m650" +ubuntu on the web? perhaps forum have discussed it and found a better solution23:19
Dr_WillisZykoticK9:  apitude and synaptic also being not instaleld byd efault23:19
elijahidletask: When I do a "file filename.dmg" I get "VAX COFF executable"23:19
kneauxoh, open with custom command > dpkg -i ?23:20
glebihankneaux: the command I gave will only work in a terminal, you could use a little script to open a terminal automatically23:20
Dr_Williskneaux:  given how rarely one actually installs .deb's - its proberly nor worth  working to much on. :)23:20
glebihankneaux: or specify Terminal=true in .desktop file23:20
kneauxDr_Willis, LIES >:D23:21
bobo123Dr_Willis: what?? synaptic not installed by default in ubuntu10.10???23:21
Dr_Williskneaux:  'xterm -e sudo dpkg -i $1'   or similer.23:21
crazy2beglebihan: How does GNOME start itself when you log in with the login manager (e.g. gdm)?23:21
Dr_Willisbobo123:  correct.  (thats how i hear it)23:21
kneauxDr_Willis, awesome23:21
kneauxDr_Willis, you read my mind23:21
jy_moustachesometux, doesn't work either23:21
glebihancrazy2be: this is handled by the Xsession files23:21
idletaskelijah: it means that it's a compressed DMG, according to this page --> http://viaforensics.com/iphone-forensics/mount-dmg-file-mac-disk-image-linux-2.html23:21
Dr_Williskneaux:  rather a waste of effort. given how well gdebi handles it...23:21
kneauxdr_willis: but now, my system is still pequen~o and pretty.23:22
idletaskelijah: so, according to this same page, you need a utility called dmg2img23:22
Dr_Willisnight all...23:22
glebihankneaux: I don't understand why you wouldn't want to use gdebi23:22
hsrDr_Willis: Good night23:22
kneauxglebihan: because i don't want to use anything extra. it's not a great reason, but it's still a good reason.23:23
glebihankneaux: in that case, I don't see how you can handle file association without some script23:23
kneauxfor one, i'm trying to learn the system better, and for another it's just more elegant to have less...stuff23:23
eduedixbobo123: unfortunately there is no solution to this particular problem, i have to use vesa drivers23:24
kneauxglebihan: point is the script necessary has a smaller footprint23:24
eduedixbobo123: but it also doesnt seem to be willing to help me23:24
wrinkliezhey guys, does the ps3 controller work with ubuntu?23:24
glebihankneaux: so what you need is help writing this script ?23:24
wrinkliez(usb, not bluetooth?)23:24
prajul_alraune:is it possible to download  required debian pkgs for an application (vlc) using apt-get to some other folder /var/cache/apt/archives23:25
kneauxglebihan, more or less. i'm not sure if it'd have to be a specific executable file, though. i do work through x->gnome, and whatever handles file associations has the "use custom command" thang (obviously)23:26
drew2121im having trouble getting my touchpad extra features to work in ubuntu. This is a new laptop so the features have never worked.23:26
glebihankneaux: yes but in order to use dpkg, you'll need a terminal to be opened23:26
egsomedrew212, Which features do you mean ?23:26
idletaskdrew2121: are you using the synaptics driver?23:27
drew2121idletask: i believe so, it came preinstalled23:27
drew2121there is no "touchpad" tab when i go to the mouse configuration window though23:27
jy_moustachesometux, thanx for your help. i'm reinstalling :-/23:28
kneauxglebihan, xterm -e does that, yeah? the question i now have is how to keep it open after the process is finished.23:28
alrauneprajul_: yes, apt-depends lists the packages, and you can wget the packages to any folder23:28
LeronSorry if I'm intruding, but could somebody help me out with switching the pull out direction of a nested drawer in Ubuntu?23:28
eduedixbobo123: i think i fixed it23:28
jy_moustachesometux, no harm intended thanx a lot !!23:28
drew2121idletask xinput list shows ImPS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse23:28
glebihankneaux: yes I think I got what you need23:28
idletaskdrew2121: which means you don't actually use it as a touchpad23:29
kneauxleron: where's your panel, what direction is the drawer opening and what direction do you want it to? (i probably can't answer but i'm interested)23:29
glebihankneaux: set as custom command "xterm -e 'sudo gdebi %f'"23:29
drew2121idletask: how do i change that?23:29
kneauxokay fine23:29
idletaskdrew2121: I don't really know, in fact I don't have a touchpad23:29
Leronkneaux: The drawer is on the left side of the bottom panel. It opens straight up, and the drawer inside of it opens to the left, which pushes it off the screen23:29
drew2121idletask: i think its a problem with hal23:30
prajul_alraune:will those pkgs work if i tried to install them manually on some later versions on ubuntu23:30
glebihankneaux: I meant "xterm -e 'sudo dpkg -i %f'", sorry23:30
eduedixbobo123: lol i had to set up VertSync and HorizRefresh options in xorg.conf23:30
edenAlguem brazil?23:30
hsrAre /tmp folder files safe to delete?23:30
kneauxglebihan, okay, that won't close my terminal after 'sudo dpkg' is finished?23:30
glebihankneaux: yes it will23:30
xoverhi guys23:31
bazhangeden, #ubuntu-br23:31
drew2121idletask: kernel isnt detecting my touchpad as a mouse is what the problem is...23:31
kneauxglebihan, i want it to stay open23:31
xovermy cpus and gpu are 80 degrees and my fans are not increasing from idle23:31
alrauneprajul_: bad risk, then you rather look in the package archive of the the actual distro, else can break your apt there ; FYI : http://www.debianadmin.com/put-an-unpacked-deb-file-back-together-using-dpkg-repack.html , but not in different distros, there you will wget the right version23:31
kneauxglebihan, will putting a '&' at the end accomplish this?23:31
glebihankneaux: then you're really going to need a little script23:31
idletaskkneaux: no it won't23:31
glebihankneaux: no this won't work23:31
kneauxokay well this has all been informative, so thank you23:32
idletaskkneaux: maybe screen will do what you want23:32
kneauxbut nevertheless i'm having a terrible nervous breakdown and i think the best thing to do is just install gdebi like you said in the first place ;)23:33
glebihankneaux: :)23:33
drew2121do i need to open a bug report if kernel isn't detecting my touchpad correctly?23:33
glebihankneaux: we were almost there...23:33
kneauxglebihan, i shouldn't give up then?23:33
idletaskI think there's a wat23:33
glebihankneaux: no, in 2 minutes we have a solution23:34
=== hsr is now known as iop
idletaskkneaux: can you try xterm -e 'date; exec /bin/bash'?23:35
kneauxglebihan, ideally this is my framework: the filetype handler [i'm still not clear on what it is, nautilus? some bit of it?] gives a specific command involving 'xterm' and 'sudo dpkg', but the terminal it spawns stays open after the process is finished (so i can see the results, etc etc)23:35
kevin_does anyone know how to enable text to speech recognition in ubuntu 10.04?23:35
tensorpuddingkevin_: I think festival does that.23:35
alraunedrew212: is it listed as supported somewhre ? did you try the onboard-drivers of ubuntu, aka synatics and others ?23:36
kneauxidletask, xterm: Can't execvp date; exec /bin/bash: No such file or directory23:36
idletaskAh, OK23:36
glebihankneaux: following idletask's idea, you can put "xterm -e 'dpkg -i %f;/bin/bash'"23:36
glebihankneaux: this should do the trick23:36
idletaskNo, that won't work23:36
glebihanidletask: just tested it works23:36
idletaskxterm execs a single line, it seems23:36
kevin_ahh ok will search ubuntu software center for festival thanks have a great night23:36
glebihankneaux: forgot the sudo, but I think you'll be able to add it23:37
kneauxglebihan, barely ahead of you. turns out i downloaded the i386 instead of the x64, but the file association works! thanks a boatload23:38
glebihankneaux: you're welcome23:38
brad8171hello everyone23:38
kneauxTHAT SAID, how do I now go in and delete the bad file associations so nautilus doesn't display them in the "open with:" menu?23:38
ganoochcan someone tell me how to connect to irc.moofspeak.net?23:39
rlankfo /connect irc.moofspeak.net23:39
alraunekneaux:: left-click > properties23:39
ganoochconnect irc.moofspeak.net23:40
kneauxalraune, thanks23:40
ganooch-connect irc.mopofspeak.net23:40
Leman_RussHi.  Anyone know much about .ppd files with regards to getting a printer working?23:40
kneauxalso, hah, gnaural appears to not have an x64 .deb package. BUT THANKS FOR THE HELP, GUYZ :D23:40
docsteri just installed ubuntu server, and the file /boot/grub/menu.lst doesn't exist. any ideas anyone ?23:40
Leman_RussI have the .ppd file for my printer, but it doesn't seem to work?23:40
bazhangdocster, not there in grub223:41
bazhang!grub2 | docster check here23:41
ubottudocster check here: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:41
alraunedocster: it's grub2 now, so it's fine that way23:41
docsterthanks guys23:41
hsrIRC is crashing a lot23:41
bazhangzwormi, #ubuntu-fr for french23:41
kneauxi assume there's not a general compatibility package for running x386 packages on x64, right?23:41
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iopAre /tmp folder files safe to delete?23:42
alraunekneaux: you can use use getdebs, but not generally supported;; which app ?23:42
idletaskkneaux: yes there is23:42
bazhangiop, why would you want to23:42
idletaskkneaux: maybe you already have the linux32 command23:42
Leronkneaux: Like I said, the nested drawer opens to the left, but I want it to open to the right so it stops going off screen. Do you or does anyone have a suggestion for a fix?23:42
idletaskkneaux: that's what you need - linux32 thecmd23:43
iopbazhang: Aren't they supposed to be deleted by thmeselves?23:43
andrewfreeAnyone here got a camera working with ubuntu before?23:43
bazhangiop, on a restart?23:43
andrewfreeIt shows up in /dev/video0 so its a start23:43
alrauneandrewfree: few23:43
frxstremI have a Lenovo ThinkPad T510i laptop. After installing Ubuntu 10.04 onto it, the "Rescue and Recovery" partion that shipped with the computer will no longer boot up, since GRUB didn't recognize it. Does anyone know how to either configure GRUB to recognize this partition, or uninstall GRUB?23:43
crazy2beandrewfree: my webcam works perfectly23:43
andrewfreeused zoneminder?23:43
iopbazhang: I don't know/// They are same whenever i see them23:44
iopbazhang: I don't know whats there importance is!23:44
bazhangiop, best not to touch stuff in / unless you know what you're doing23:44
glebihankneaux: I'm still playing, if you want to have a nice label for your custom label instead of "xterm", you can do that too23:44
silverpowerIs there any particular reason why Nautilus would scramble the file order when I copy MP3s to my music player?23:45
iopbazhang: But aren't /tmp files 'temporary'?23:45
bazhangiop, don't delete them manually23:45
iopbazhang: Okay.. do you use Amarok?23:45
bazhangiop, no23:45
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glebihaniop: you can't know which application is using them if it will still need them23:45
kneauxleron: sorry, i'm not an expert on gnome. i just wanted everyone to know the parameters of your problem.23:46
iopbazhang: Which netbook you are running ubuntu on?23:46
kneauxglebihan, i'm not sure i understand23:46
Leronkneaux: that's fine, thanks for your time23:46
bazhangiop, this is getting offtopic; #ubuntu-offtopic for chat23:47
glebihankneaux: when you right-click on a deb package, I guess the label of the default command is "xterm" ?23:47
kneauxlike, making a file that does this (i.e. a bash script called dpkg-term)?23:47
LeronAnyone else know how to make a nested drawer open in a different direction?23:47
bobo123eduedix: did you get the graphics to work? nice!23:47
kneauxglebihan, yeah i get what you're saying now23:47
iopIRC crashing in ubuntu...help23:47
glebihankneaux: you can change this to a better value23:47
^james_foo^silverpower: the file order you see in nautilus is just for display. on the filesystem the order may or may not be different. it totally depends on the application that displays/uses the files23:47
xoverthis is urgent, please inform me how i can control fan speed?23:47
xovermy fans are not spinning up from idle23:47
glebihankneaux: but as I said, I'm just playing23:48
kneauxglebihan, do tell23:48
docsterguys, my cardbus pci adapter doesn't get detected. i should add the option "pci=assign-busses" to my grub config. any ideas how to do this since the config seems to be built dynamically in grub2 ?23:48
kneauxglebihan, according to scientology, everything's a game anyway23:48
alraune!fan | xover23:48
ubottuxover: fan is Control the fan  on/off  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12058.html23:48
bobo123eduedix: you should write down how you made it work on a webpage somewhere for others to search&find later23:48
glebihankneaux: in ~/.local/share/applications, you'll find a file named "userapp-xterm-*.desktop"23:49
bobo123eduedix: perhaps you could add a comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-sis/+bug/36887123:49
andrewfree$5 to whoever wants to help me setup this camera in zoneminder, just PM me23:49
glebihankneaux: edit it and change the Name value to what you want23:49
silverpower^james_foo^, um... well, my *player* can't play my MP3s in the correct order - the previous transfers, done on Win7, are ordered correctly, but the ones I did in Nautilus have a scrambled order. It's infuriating.23:49
kneauxglebihan, edit it where? there's no edit button on the "open with" tab in properties23:49
glebihankneaux: yes, because by default nautilus executes desktop files, you'll have to use a terminal to open it23:50
kneauxidletask, Note, selecting util-linux instead of linux32/23:50
kneauxutil-linux is already the newest version.23:50
xoveralraune, my fan is not spinning, its sitting at idle23:50
silverpowerI just wondered whether it's shuffling my files without telling me, or trying to be cute with that MTP stuff.23:50
xoverallowing my cpus to burn, why23:50
xoverthe sensors are workin23:50
prajul_alraune:does the command dpkg-repack vlc make a pkg containing all the dependent files atleast for the same release of ubuntu23:50
kneauxglebihan, what should i open in terminal?23:50
alraunexover: install lm sensors, see if values/sensors are shown, then can control it;; which hardware ?23:51
thune3silverpower: most mp3 players use id3tag for filename info for ordering. I have seen some that use creation/modification times, and it is just infuriating in general. If you player supports playlists, you might have some luck setting up those.23:51
glebihankneaux: in terminal, type "gedit ~/.local/share/application/xterm..."23:51
thune3silverpower: *or filename23:51
^james_foo^silverpower: there *is* no order of files that you should rely on. use a playlist. or let the player play them in alnum order. the order of transfer only sets the file timestamp. if you play in order of timestamp, well, then nautilus is not hte best copier23:51
AviramI really need help guys23:52
alrauneprajul_: no, that will just give a vlc.deb, apt-depends vlc shows the dependencies23:52
AviramI can't fix my drivers and I can't remove fglrx in order to reinstall it..23:52
silverpower^james_foo^, noted. I'll use MC to do my transfers, then, because my player relies on that behavior.23:52
silverpower(yes, it's a sweatshop special.)23:52
seidoshow good would ubuntu be if everybody that used it was a hacker?  O_o23:52
kneauxglebihan, i have ~/.local/share/applications/ but there's no xterm and no ../application/23:52
AviramI really need help >:(23:52
alraunexover: sudo apt-get install lm-sensors && sudo sensors-detect                       ,answer yes to load/write found ones23:52
idletaskseidos: it would be hopeless, hackers are not the primary target of Ubuntu23:53
bobo123is it possible to set synaptic to not just go install packages that is "recomended"? To more like give an opt-in list the recomended ones for me to select if I want during installation of a program like krusader?23:53
idletaskYou don't want Ubuntu to become Gentoo, do you?23:53
prajul_alraune:is it possible to pack all dependent files into a single  dpkg file23:53
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glebihankneaux: yes it's applications, and the file must be named somthing like "userapp-xterm-*.desktop"23:53
^james_foo^seidos: it would me much smaller23:53
AviramAnyone? :(23:53
bjaanesWhat happens if you force dd to quit? disk to disk copy23:53
thune3bobo123: there is a --no-install-recommends switch23:53
seidos^james_foo^, you mean not as much hd and ram usage?  you think gnome would be included?23:54
prajul_alraune:just like the installation file that we get in windows23:54
AviramAnyone got an idea?23:54
alrauneprajul_: you rather have a simple script to intstall them23:54
idletaskbjaanes: well, it stops23:54
thune3bobo123: and it is possible to change the default behaviour, i could look that up if you wish23:54
idletaskQuite undramatically23:54
bobo123seidos: it whould be nice though if ubuntu helped the users to painlessly become hackers :-)23:54
kneauxglebihan, okay, sorry i didn't notice. i have four files in .../aplications/ named 'userapp-xterm-<hash>.desktop', i'll go check them out now23:54
bobo123thune3: ok23:54
seidosbut, my original statement was that every current user, was able to improve the system by modifying the source code.23:54
^james_foo^seidos: uh? gnome *is* included23:54
^james_foo^seidos: oic. yes. gnome would *still* be included :)23:55
glebihankneaux: once you're done, you'll have to restart nautilus in order for changes to be applied23:55
alraunexover:kinda hardware ? modern pwm (3wire) fans ?23:55
seidos^james_foo^, what do you mean by "smaller"?23:55
* seidos meanders to ubuntu-offtopic.23:55
xoveralraune, macbook pro23:55
^james_foo^seidos: i think you're looking for debian23:55
docsterguys, how do i add an option such as for example pci=assign-busses in grub2 ?23:55
bjaanesidletask: orly? :P I just wondered if there were any risk of corrupting the disk (ofc the of= could be, but how about if=)23:55
elitexrayUNIX really came from berkely?23:55
AviramAnyone got an idea how do I remove fglrx in order to reinstall it?23:56
alraunexover: so I guess so, no personal experience with it, sudo pwmconfig           <<throws error ?23:56
idletaskbjaanes: dd will never botch its source file23:56
^james_foo^elitexray: bsd came from berkely23:56
al_whats the notation to "allow" all addresses in range 192.168.1.x ?23:56
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bjaanesidletask: thanks, all i wanted to know :D23:56
seidos^james_foo^, no, i think i'm thinking along the lines of what bobo123 was saying.  like ubuntu taught everybody to be a hacker.23:56
bazhang!ot | elitexray seidos23:57
ubottuelitexray seidos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:57
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xoveralraune, pwm-capable sensor modules installed23:57
xoveralraune, "There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed"23:57
^james_foo^seidos: calm down and wait 10 years :)23:57
alraunexover: you ran the sensors-detect ? some found ?23:58
elitexrayUbuntu forum hasn't been able to give me support on my video driver issue23:58
KendaljaI just downloaded the Ubuntu 10.10 netbook iso23:58
bobo123seidos: I would love to be able to rightclick on the titlebar on any application and select "Change this program" and ubuntu should automaticly download the source and load it in an userfriendly integrated development editor. (and in the IDE's the run-menu have a "put my changed program back into /usr/bin/whatever)23:58
Kendaljahow do I get it on a usb stick?23:58
bazhangKendalja, #ubuntu+1 for that23:58
elitexrayNeither wine, nor ubuntu irc chat23:58
madch0zi haev a question.... ubuntu keeps turning my screen off and locking down. how do i keep it from doing that?23:58
seidosbobo123, talk to me in ubuntu-offtopic or pm23:58
alraune!unetbootin > Kendalja23:59
bazhangmadch0z, set in screensaver preferences23:59
ubottuKendalja, please see my private message23:59
madch0zbazhang: thanks. ... isnt ba zhang chinese? eight somethin...23:59
th0rmadch0z: it might also be a power config setting23:59

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