
=== AndyGraybeal_ is now known as AndyGraybeal
highvoltagegood morning15:12
dindagood morning15:27
kaput450i am a new user and would like some help editing grub16:34
highvoltagehello kaput45016:34
kaput450hi highvoltage16:34
kaput450do you know how to edit grub? I want the timeout to be 016:35
kaput450when i open it in gedit it will not let me save and icant seem to make it work through the terminal16:36
highvoltageand I was just about to paste the answer16:37
alkisghighvoltage: there's a new educational package in maverick, "geogebra"17:55
alkisgI tried just copying (from launchpad) its packages and its dependencies in lucid, and it worked fine17:55
highvoltagealkisg: ah, I haven't seen it yet (taking a peek now)17:55
highvoltageouch... java :)17:56
alkisgWe can't have an SRU, as it's too many packages, and it adds new functionality17:56
alkisgCan we put that to our edubuntu-stable ppa?17:56
* alkisg added it to the greek schools ppa, he's just asking generally...17:56
highvoltagealkisg: hmm, I seem to be able to install it fine from universe? or is there a newer version that you're talking about?17:56
alkisgNope, it's not there on lucid17:57
alkisgAre you on maverick?17:57
highvoltageah, I see what you mean17:57
highvoltagealkisg: yep I think that would be a good package for the stable ppa17:57
alkisghighvoltage: the first 9 packages there are needed for it to be installed: https://launchpad.net/~ts.sch.gr/+archive/proposed/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=lucid17:58
alkisgShould I just copy them to the edubuntu stable ppa?17:58
alkisg(i.e. not downloading, adding "backported to lucid" dummy changelog - just a plain launchpad copy..)17:59
alkisg(works fine)17:59
alkisgIt's localized and everything, very good package18:00
highvoltagealkisg: hmm, I think you'll have to change the version number to the ppa version, I'm not 100% sure about that18:01
alkisghighvoltage: hmmm I don't think I have time to go through all those dummy changelogs + ppa version numbers... so if copying is enough, I can do it, otherwise I'll pass :)18:06
alkisg(I tested it and it works fine - it's just a policy problem)18:07
alkisg(I don't think we'll ever see new versions in lucid to have version number conflicts though :D)18:07
highvoltagealkisg: check with stgraber. I'm fine with it if we don't break any policy18:09
alkisgstgraber, ogra, any feedback on this? ^^^18:09
alkisgAh, maybe we can mention it in the Wednesday's meeting instead.18:17
alkisg(I moved the packages from the "proposed" greek ppa to the "stable" greek ppa, so the needed packages are now the 8 first packages on this link, plus jas-plotter: https://launchpad.net/~ts.sch.gr/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=lucid)18:20
highvoltagealkisg: stgraber was on lunch, he'll be back at his computer any moment :)18:25
alkisgCould someone tell me the correct english word for this? Suppose that a school has 60 first-grade students, and they are divided into 3 groups of 20, and each group has its own classroom. What are those groups called? Classes?21:13
alkisgnm, got it in #ltsp :)21:25

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