
=== sascha_ is now known as BruceSato
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Lord-Sidme podrian recomendar un programa para hacer facturas01:50
EagleScreen_la hoja de cálculo de OpenOffice?01:51
Walzmynok, once I download a new plasmoid, how do I put it in play?02:00
EagleScreen_Add widgets in the context menu02:04
yesterday_nobody answer me??02:50
Sir_Brizzbecause people often respond to dsaf?02:51
frito_layi shall respond ASDF02:53
yesterday_o  sorry02:55
Sir_Brizzso he leaves03:01
sithlord48can any one help me get filenames with colors back in dolphin for svn files.03:08
daskreechsithlord48: tried in #kde ?03:09
sithlord48daskreech: i have not  i will do so .03:09
=== mike_ is now known as Guest17213
sabgentonI've got a blank HD and I'm looking at a mirror with   10.04 and  10.04.105:32
sabgentondownload 10.04.1 ?05:32
phoenix_is there any audio player that allows user defined audio output05:34
=== sascha_ is now known as BruceSato
dan_lphoenix_, what do you mean?05:36
phoenix_dan_l: i have created a alsa settings for lowpassfilter and upmix names upmix_20to51. i can use it as custom audio device in xmbc but not in any other player05:38
Pavel_10Can anyone help me with a Wine issue?  I'm trying to run amazon's kindle app through it, but when I select the program from the wine menu, I get the icon animation and then nothing happens06:01
Pavel_10do I need to move the kindle program files to a wine directory?06:01
magn3tsI love what has been done with the installer.06:06
magn3tsIs the install, config while installing included in Ubuntu as well?06:06
magn3tsIt's brilliant.06:06
magn3ts(And all of this belongs in #kubuntu+1, so sorry. I always forget)06:06
=== rhancock is now known as bobh
phoenix_i have modified alsa setting to get my subwoofer working for stereo audio files. the subwoofer works perfectly but i can play only one source at a time06:34
erigaisheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey guys07:50
erigaisby chance anyone know how to take a screen shot in kubuntus?07:50
jemanderigais the prog is names ksnapshot08:01
erigaiscoolio, thanx man08:01
jemandyou may already have it   just push "PRINT" (screen)08:02
erigaiswow so east08:02
erigaisso EASY08:02
terraxAnyone in here using kubuntu maverick?08:52
terraxwith latest radeon driver from xorg edgers?08:53
phoenix_any experts here09:03
=== jt|away is now known as jtheuer
jussiphoenix_: yes, there are. just ask your question and find out if anyone knows the answer...09:20
phoenix_i have modified alsa setting to get my subwoofer working for stereo audio files. the subwoofer works perfectly but i can play only one source at a time09:20
phoenix_jussi: i have modified alsa setting to get my subwoofer working for stereo audio files. the subwoofer works perfectly but i can play only one source at a time09:21
jussiphoenix_: using pulse?09:21
phoenix_jussi: no alsa]09:21
jussiare you sure pulse is not installed (it keeps creaping in for me)09:21
phoenix_jussi: shall i paste my .asoundrc09:21
phoenix_jussi: just installed ladspa plugins and modified .asoundrc09:22
jussiphoenix_: check that pulse is not installed - it can mess around with things...09:23
phoenix_jussi: searching my system for any pulseaudio files09:25
phoenix_jussi: pulseaudio for vlc, xmbc and browser are installed09:28
jussiphoenix_: Im not an exper in this area, tbh. Hopefully someone with more experience can drop by and help you out. (but be patient, its morning :D)09:30
phoenix_jussi: ok, after trying for a year without any support i got the subwoofer working for stereo audio today except this small problem.09:31
phoenix_jussi: anyway i will wait09:32
jussiphoenix_: yeah, frustrarting. as I mentioned, Ive found having pulse installed can cause the issue you mention. (and uninstalling it fixes the issue).09:32
phoenix_jussi: what is your soundcard09:33
jussiphoenix_: some standard intel hda09:33
phoenix_jussi: so no problem for you09:34
=== sartf is now known as skfin
olskolircwhere can i get desktop plasma widgets please?09:57
phoenix_olskolirc: http://kde-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=70x77x78&PHPSESSID=1c894ba13af5b3bc769ff3bb43b29ae510:02
olskolircthanks phoenix_ that site gives me the run around when I do it on my own :-)10:05
phoenix_olskolirc:have you tried the get new wigets button in the widgets list10:07
olskolircyeah im tired of all of those and i don't like most of them10:10
olskolirci have cwp weather it rocks10:10
olskolircI have a timer too10:10
=== tobias is now known as Guest17879
N|ghtWo|fhow can i put the kconsole working with proxy ?10:45
N|ghtWo|fnothing seems to work (wget, add-aptrepositories ...)10:45
N|ghtWo|fi tried the command export HTTP_PROXY but i got the same results10:46
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hanstiесть кто ?12:26
=== patricia is now known as Guest2062
thomas____can anyone help me get yahoo mail through thunderbird?12:47
phoenix_thomas____: hello thomas12:48
thomas____phoenix:can you help?12:51
BluesKajoops , I take that 2nd howdy back:)13:34
=== 13WAAEL5F is now known as lenardk
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cuznti have 3 kubuntu pc's and can not connect any of them to share folders13:55
cuznti can not connect by network smb14:06
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.14:21
zarkonehey all!14:23
zarkonecan somebody who use Strigi tell if this thing ever stop. It always indexing14:23
zarkonewill it stop when indexing will be done or it do it recursevly?14:24
jtheuerstrigi is very strange. it says for example: "0 files in index, 731MB index size" although I set the max index size to 200 MB.14:41
seicherlbobhi! When I plug in an USB device, i get the following syslog: http://pastebin.com/GbQa8D5e (device not accepting address 29, error -62). It is a hotkey-panel of my silverstone case. any ideas how to make ubuntu recognize the panel?14:45
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=== v3nd3tta`` is now known as v3n``afk
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ese_any idea on how i could recover deleted files including directory on an ext315:19
EagleScreen_ese_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery15:20
ese_EagleScreen: Thankyou for your help. but i had problems with restoring "directory". I couldn't be lucky with that....any idea..plz15:25
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=== JoshuaP is now known as Guest85165
seicherlbobwhen plugging a usb device i get error -62 in syslog and the device is not recognized. any suggestions what that means?15:44
olskolircis there any sign of Maverick in the repository yet?16:04
olskolircI can't see it im on Karmic16:04
=== Maximilian is now known as Snoopik
EagleScreen_yes olskolirc, for maverick talk, visit #ubuntu+116:07
olskolircthanks EagleScreen_16:08
=== hhlp_ is now known as hhlp
vbgunzI just upgraded to the mainline kernel 2.6.34 on 10.04. I did this to try and get trim/discard support. I am seeing a 40mb increase all around on my ssd. thats awesome except for 1 caveat. hibernation takes excruciatingly long in the 2 minute range whereas resuming is amazingly at about the 20 second mark. why so long to hibernate? any clues?16:47
vbgunzfree -m tells me only 1gb of data is currently in ram16:48
vbgunzim gonna try it again and take down the time16:51
dralexxxhi all17:16
=== wazza46 is now known as Wazza
dralexxxhi, i upgraded my ubuntu 10.04 ltc to 10.10 from update manager and it end up without a graphic environement.how to turn iton?17:28
Wazza10.10 is not a sure version17:31
=== volkan_ is now known as vlk4n
wispurshey, i switched to linux after bieng hacked, so im a complete noob.  can anyone tell me if the konversation irc client has any channel anti flood settings, or scripts i can download/install to do this, without having to try andconfigure an eggdrop?17:34
James147wispurs: what do you mean by 'anti flood settings'? what are you trying to filter?17:38
wispurschannel floods and bot net joins17:38
James147wispurs: you should be albe to turn off the part/join messages... although I dont know koversation very well,17:39
wispursthat would be counter productive17:39
wispursi want a script for protecting the channel of floods17:39
wispursnot really just me17:39
wispursi guess i should have explained that better17:40
James147wispurs: um... your not allowed to bring bots to the *ubuntu channels... they have their own floodbots17:40
wispursits not an ubuntu channel17:40
wispursits my own channel on efnet17:40
wispurslet me elaborate:  when using a client like Mirc on windows, you are able to download and configure a script to protect the channel when you arent watching17:41
=== sjm_ is now known as IELTS
IELTShello every one17:42
wispursim looking for something similair either a client that already does it, or a script i can download for irc using linux17:42
IELTSwhat's up no one there???????????//17:44
IELTSany one know where can i find channel to learn english17:44
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
gaudayoutube channel? ;) http://www.youtube.com/user/hotforwords17:45
IELTSwhat i will learn from that link??17:47
IELTSany way it is bock in our country any way17:47
IELTSyeb there is proxy so we cannot access to bad or porn website17:48
gaudaits just youtube?17:49
gaudaanyway, i would say it depends on your level where you want to start17:49
IELTSi know it is youtube but what is that tube contan that is the idea???17:50
IELTSok thanks for your help17:51
IELTSat least you are try to help me17:51
IELTSi try it latter becuase i have to leave right now17:53
IELTSthanks again  for your time17:54
gaudado so.. bye17:54
IELTSsee you later17:54
xenthralhah I could have helped that guy17:54
xenthralI just took the IELTS last month17:54
xenthraltoo late by a second17:54
gaudapfff. i am so happy to decide for my own what is a bad website17:55
gaudai love hotforwords :)17:55
WazzaYa t-il des francais ?17:59
Wazzaok ...18:00
nakovJ'aimerais avoir le  son sur ma tv philips, je suis en double ecran avec mon laptop quelqun peu m'expliquer comment fair ?18:02
=== v3n``afk is now known as v3nd3tta``
rork!fr | nakov18:03
ubottunakov: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:03
oleg__офигеть народу!18:26
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=== Philip6 is now known as Philip5
goodnightviennaanyone know a good easy to use video editor for ubuntu?19:50
noaXesshi all19:51
noaXessif i open or drag&drop a file/folder in dolphin, dolphin stops responding fr about 30-60 sec.. kde 4.5.1 on latest lucid 10.04.119:52
goodnightviennaanyone know a good easy to use video editor for ubuntu?19:54
bigbrovarHi guys. I am a bit out of the loop on things. Isnt kmail2 suppose to have been released with kde 4.5.1 or did I miss anything?20:05
wornofI have a 1680x1050 monitor and a 1024x768 one. Upon booting, both are set to 1024x768, but can be corrected via KDE System Settings. How can I make them be detected properly on boot? Would the correct xrandr command in the right boot file be sufficient?20:36
gauda1wornof: what you want to do is described here http://seeseekey.net/blog/archives/959-Mittels-nouveau-und-RandR-zu-einem-Zweibildschirmsystem.html20:39
gauda1but sorry, its in german. perhaps you'll understand with the help of google translate20:40
wornofgauda1: We shall see. Thank you :)20:40
gauda1essentially: create a file  /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45custom_xrandr-settings and fill in sth of xrandr --output DVI-I-1 --mode 1920x1080 ... and so on20:41
gauda1worked good for me. had the same problem!20:41
wornofgauda1: I see, thank you. One thing...do I need to use '#!/bin/sh' at the beginning of the file, or *just* the xrandr line?20:56
gauda1no just make it executable20:57
FloodBotK2sathya__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:57
wornofThen that's done...hopefully it will work. Thanks again gauda120:57
gauda1well, actually i am not that sure with shebang. just give it a try!20:58
olskolirchey guys where can I get a youtube desktop widget21:05
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mikehhI am having some problems with Kate in 10.10 beta - is this the proper channel to discuss this22:42
mikehhor should I go to #ubunti+122:42
sirecatHi everyone. I thought I downloaded Kubuntu. At least that was what the link said. I have since installed kde full. However when I login to KDE I don't see how to get to the wifi settings to get connected to my wireless network? I am using wpa223:03
=== ania is now known as aniatt
sirecatWhy don't I have a way in system settings to configure my wireless interface? I have searched all network options it doesn't even show. Google hasn't been much help either23:28
matbiIn what sense23:29
sigandersoneverytime that kde4 starts kontact runs automatically, how do I stop this behaviour?23:34
bomberim trying to burn a new kubuntu cd and for some reason im getting the msg to insert blank cd23:38
bomberi have a blank in there and its being recognized by kde..... the usb viewer shows the blank and gives options on waht to do with the blank cd23:39
bomberi say again lads.. is there anyone awake in this bloody channel?23:47
bombercheerio old boys23:48

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