
=== mthaddon` is now known as mthaddon
jtvhi danilos, hi hen09:14
jtvno henninge?09:14
daniloshello jtv, welcome :)09:14
jtv(yes, I hit tab and enter before waiting for an answer)09:14
danilosjtv, not yet, maybe wrong server09:14
jtvthere he is09:14
henningeI am here09:14
henningeyes, wrong server ... ;)09:14
daniloshere he is?09:14
henningewhere am I?09:15
danilosso, let's go over the kanban board09:15
danilosjtv, the status of all the buildd stuff seems not to have changed much, how is it going? did you have a chance to talk to noodles?09:16
jtvdanilos: yes, I'm working on the UI now.09:16
jtvThat is, it renders without tracebacks, which is great; now to turn it into something watchable.09:16
danilosjtv, ok, nice, you can get henninge involved in that as well :)09:17
jtv(Right now I'm trying to fix up the links _to_ the new class in the UI)09:17
danilosjtv, now, about that +templates timeout, why did you start on that at the same time?09:17
henningeyes, get UI reviews early to avoid coding waste.09:17
danilosjtv, links to stuff are overrated ;)09:17
jtvWell they help find stuff.09:17
jtvhenninge: thanks—in this case it's not a big issue.09:18
jtvdanilos: I didn't quite start on it at the same time, actually; I started the +templates stuff later, when I was stuck for a bit.09:18
danilosjtv, (I am asking about the timeout because you've got 3 other bugs in progress)09:19
danilosjtv, just like the feature limit is 3 (and not 4 as the board says), the limit is 3 here as well... extra two are for split off work :)09:19
jtvWell 2 of those are done except for landing.09:19
danilosjtv, i.e. in my opinion, you've got too much stuff on your plate! :)09:19
danilosjtv, that doesn't mean "done", as we all know :)09:20
danilosjtv, especially since they are "blocked", aren't they?09:20
jtvI suppose.09:20
danilosjtv, please mark them as such, just so it's clear09:20
jtvMy absolute priority is the UI stuff for TTBs09:21
danilosjtv, ok, so let's reflect that on the board09:21
danilosjtv, cool, thanks09:21
daniloshenninge, that graph task can be considered "done", right? except that the graphs are not really updating :(09:23
* danilos tries to load them over blazingly fast connection09:23
henningedanilos: they are updating!09:23
henningejust not daily09:23
daniloshenninge, yeah? I haven't seen it up to Friday09:23
henningeit's current up to Saturday now.09:24
henningemthaddon must have lied to me about log file updates happening daily - it's more like twice a week.09:24
daniloshenninge, oh, could this be related to log rotation?09:24
daniloshenninge, right, that explains it09:24
mthaddonhenninge: I lie as often as I can09:25
henningeHi mthaddon! ;-)09:25
daniloshenninge, it's not a big deal I think, we are getting history objects pretty soon and this is good enough09:25
danilosmthaddon, we know, thanks :)09:25
jtvhenninge: go on, ask mthaddon if he lies daily :)09:25
* henninge does not want to upset his favorite losa09:25
jtvhenninge: then use the opening he clearly gave you for the purpose!09:26
* henninge also hopes spm did not read that ...09:26
daniloshenninge, (don't ping losas if you don't want them to know you are picking favorites :)09:26
* jtv pretends not to be in this conversation for the time being09:26
danilosjtv, henninge: anyway, I've been stuck destroying LP Translations on Friday, getting OpenOffice.org imported into Maverick: I've helped dpm out a bit by constructing all the POTemplate rows based on lucid ones to help approver deal with this09:27
henningeok, let's move on09:27
danilosjtv, henninge: that means that we've now got 35k files to import09:28
jtvdanilos: is that why the approver got into trouble?09:28
jtvGreat to hear btw09:28
jtvAnd I'm sure dpm will be glad to hear it as well.09:28
danilosjtv, very well could be, there were 3 imports by different people (3 package uploads) waiting to be imported09:28
jtv_Plus_ it explains the oopses we got about inconsistent statistics.09:28
danilosjtv, but, I haven't yet gone through the logs09:28
jtv<shudder> 3 separate OO.o imports?09:28
jtvWhat fun09:29
danilosjtv, yes, they were all stuck in the queue because OO.o templates were disabled09:29
danilos75k needsreview files09:29
danilos(jtv, btw, if it was just emails saying how approver hasn't run, then yes, that explains it :)09:29
jtvMaybe we should just special-case OO.o imports to process them in EC2.  :-)09:30
jtvYes, those emails.09:30
jtvI saw the decline in Needs-Review entries on Saturday.  Haven't looked today, but looking forward to it.09:30
jtvThat's a sizable chunk of the entire needs-review queue.09:32
danilosanyway, I sucked coding wise, so I am going to be working today to improve that09:34
jtvdanilos: no time to work on get{Current,Imported}Translation?09:35
danilosjtv, should have some today09:35
jtvOK, I'll try not to bother you.  :)09:35
danilosjtv, thanks :)09:36
henningedanilos: I agree on calling the statistics task done if we can live with statistics only updating twice a week. Otherwise we should add a new task to change that.09:37
daniloshenninge, yeah, I think this is fine for now, let's call it done09:38
* henninge already moved the card ... ;)09:38
daniloshenninge, cool, ta09:39
daniloshenninge, jtv: anyway, I think we are done for the time being09:39
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