
BUGabundoanyone ever upgrade a SSD firmware? mine is a kingston but they link to intel site :S00:15
yofel_I upgraded mine 3 times, but that was pretty straight forward with instructions from the OCZ fourms00:16
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
BUGabundoI'm reading this00:16
BUGabundokingston linking to intel http://www.kingston.com/support/ssdnow/m_firmware.asp00:17
cobra-the-jokerhey there every one ... how can i change the login screen in ubuntu 10.10 ?00:18
yofelBUGabundo: well, if it uses the intel chipset then that might actually make sense00:19
BUGabundonow idea00:19
cobra-the-jokerany body her00:22
cobra-the-jokerhere *00:22
cobra-the-jokerSir_Brizz , i want to change the gdm theme in ubuntu 10.1000:24
cobra-the-jokerhow can i ?00:24
Sir_Brizzthat is something i do not know how to do in gnome :)00:24
cobra-the-jokertoo bad :(00:25
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
coz_hey guys... anyone experiencing slow scroll withing firefox bookmarks  ...ccsm  etc ?01:23
coz_must be mesa libraries or somethings01:23
coz_even in the menus....it is slow01:23
julian-I'm trying to boot Meerkat on a MacBook Pro and it seems to be getting stuck at a black screen with a flashing _01:45
julian-Any ideas?01:46
alex_mayorgajulian-: nouveau.modeset=001:48
alex_mayorgamacbooks have nvidia cards, right?01:48
julian-alex_mayorga: To be clearer, I mean from the AMD DVD01:49
julian-alex_mayorga: Mine does, though I think the latest ones are ATI ones01:49
alex_mayorgatry to add that on grub201:50
alex_mayorgadid the trick for the nvidia card on my vaio01:50
julian-alex_mayorga: I have no idea how to do that01:51
alex_mayorgajulian-: when booting press shift01:53
alex_mayorgathen select the top most entry and pres 'e'01:53
julian-alex_mayorga: Doesn't work01:56
alex_mayorgajulian-: do you mean even after adding that after splash, nothing?01:56
julian-I dont get a splash01:56
coz_is it possible to install the official nvidia driver yet?01:57
julian-I get a little keyboard icon and = a little guy inside a circle, then a black screen01:59
julian-alex_mayorga: *01:59
alex_mayorgajulian-: press a key when you see the keyboard icon02:00
alex_mayorgathen select your language02:00
alex_mayorgaF6 and pick nomodeset there02:00
julian-alex_mayorga: (initramfs) mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.squashfs failee: Input/output error02:05
alex_mayorgaare the tiny scroll bars now default?02:05
alex_mayorgajulian-: sorry that's beyond my current knowledge02:06
julian-Can not mount /dev/loop0 (/cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs02:07
julian-alex_mayorga: Was I just meant to try nomodeset?02:07
alex_mayorgajulian-: picking that one would theoretically use plain vanilla graphics02:08
alex_mayorgajulian-: assuming graphics was the problem02:09
* julian- realises he will just end up buying a copy of Windows 702:10
alex_mayorgajulian-: maybe USB would go better https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick02:13
julian-alex_mayorga: Eh, the insanity of trying to make those under OS X..02:14
alex_mayorgajulian-: don't have Lucid handy?02:15
alex_mayorgajulian-: can you pick the "check CD option"02:17
alex_mayorgajulian-: maybe it's not quite right02:17
julian-alex_mayorga: I get stuck on the same screen02:21
alex_mayorgajulian-: sorry, can't help much02:24
Sir_Brizzwhat kind of computer is this?02:24
alex_mayorgajulian-: stick around, maybe someone else knows better02:25
dk12548whenever i logout my secreen go black and nothing i can do except manual restart. any help02:58
dk12548is there anyone here03:00
myk_robinsonUsing Ubuntu 10.10 beta on an Asus K50IJ laptop. Still cant get any output through the headphones.Ideas for troubleshooting?03:15
myk_robinsonalsa lists the sound as HDA Intel VIA VT1708S03:16
i_is_brokeanyone else having issues with belkin usb wireless adapter. i believe it is called a basic N-15004:27
i_is_brokeshows up in lsusb04:28
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Tsimsdoes anyone know if the ubuntu one music store is down?05:05
Tsimsit wont load in my rhythmbox05:05
Tsimsplease help! When i try to connect the ubuntuone music store in a terminal using "sudo ulsdtool -c" I get an error message05:19
TsimsOops, an error ocurred:05:19
TsimsTraceback (most recent call last):05:19
TsimsFailure: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Process /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon exited with status 105:19
soreauWill maverick feature r300g by default for appropriate hardware?05:56
raymondjtothany news when 1010 comming out05:57
raymondjtothwhen dose 1010 come out in06:10
red2kicraymondjtoth: 1010 comes out on 10/1006:18
raymondjtothok ty06:18
red2kic!10.10 | raymondjtoth06:19
ubotturaymondjtoth: Maverick Meerkat is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10, due October 2010 - Maverick is NOT released and NOT Stable, discussion and support in #ubuntu+106:19
=== sandGorgon_ is now known as SandGorgon
Starcraftmazterdoes anyone know what version of the ATI prop. driver is in 10.10?07:54
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=== lag is now known as Guest58
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lotuspsychjeany happy maverick testers?09:05
lotuspsychjeim running 64 bit on solid state drive09:05
jpdsI'm happy with maverick.09:08
lotuspsychjeme too09:08
lotuspsychjeits the best version ive tested so far09:08
lotuspsychjeeven on beta09:08
lotuspsychjejpds: did you see youtube maverick on SSD drives09:09
lotuspsychjereally crazy speeds09:09
jpdsNo, but I know about SSDs.09:09
lotuspsychjetoo bad they kinda expensive09:10
lotuspsychjemy system halt4 sec on maverick09:10
bogdomaniacheers guys... are the new fonts still available for 10.10? on launchpad, or somewhere else ?09:18
lotuspsychjenot sure bogdomania, where can i check09:20
bogdomaniacheck for what?09:21
lotuspsychjenew fonts09:21
lotuspsychjehi gezenenci09:22
lotuspsychje10.10 beta rocks09:22
lotuspsychjeyou should try it09:22
gezegenciok :D09:22
lotuspsychjeits all working here09:22
gezegenci10.10 reached only beta ?09:22
gezegencibeta 2 ?09:22
gezegenci3 ?09:22
lotuspsychjeoctober full09:22
Peloevening folks,  is there a beta available as a live cd yet ?09:23
lotuspsychjeyes pelo09:23
Pelo64bit ?09:23
lotuspsychjerunning atm09:23
bogdomaniayes,64 bit09:23
bogdomaniasame here :)09:23
lotuspsychjeboot and shutdown speeds arenice09:24
Pelostable enough to give it a try ? I'M just wondering if the problem with pci parrallele cards is sorted out09:24
lotuspsychjewich card did u have issue on pelo?09:24
bogdomaniaPelo, stable, yes.. the only crash i had was with rhythmbox, without the codecs installed09:24
Pelonetmios pci parrallele port card,  hasn't worked ince 9.04 , two different computers , 32 and 64 bit , most annoying , specialy since my newer computer has no parrallele port on it09:25
lotuspsychjei think its very stable too bogdomania09:25
bogdomaniayeah, there are still things to be done...09:25
lotuspsychjepelo deff. worth a try09:26
bogdomaniabut, overall it is usable :)09:26
PeloI'll wait for the official to install but I thought it might be worth a try if I can get it as a live cd , just to check it out09:26
lotuspsychjeyeah do09:26
Peloheadding to the website right now09:26
Pelo lotuspsychje from your theme I'M gonna guess you are about 1309:27
lotuspsychjelol im 3309:28
lotuspsychjebut i do fool around yeah09:28
bogdomaniatoo much green :)09:28
lotuspsychjei like green09:29
* Pelo is still running the ambiance theme09:29
Peloit is rather flashy09:29
bogdomaniai have the default theme, with a boring wallpaper :)09:29
lotuspsychjei like monochrome stuff like inks2 google in terminal09:29
lotuspsychjelol bogdomania09:29
PeloI got a nice wall paper , sea scape with a lighthouse09:30
bogdomanialotuspsychje, i want functionality not eye-candy... i used opensuse with kde 4.x for some time..09:30
lotuspsychjelets see it :p09:30
bogdomanianice looking, but dolphin was unstable09:30
lotuspsychjebogdomania: well i use full desktop effects and compiz cubes..09:30
lotuspsychjei love eye candy09:30
bogdomaniai don`t .. waste of time and resources09:31
dooglusI love mouth candy09:31
lotuspsychjecompiz runs by default bogdomania, you you disable then?09:31
Pelokind of a big file, hold on , uploading as we speak09:32
bogdomaniano, it doesn`t...09:32
bogdomaniaonce you install proprietary video drivers it does (in my case, nVidia)09:32
bogdomaniamaybe on intel..not sure09:33
Pelolotuspsychje, depends on your specs,  the installer will try to enable it if possible09:33
lotuspsychjewell my story was diff on maverick, it all worked by default09:33
Pelomy desktop http://img801.imageshack.us/img801/2820/capturexq.png09:33
bogdomaniayou have intel graphic chip then..09:33
bogdomaniado you really need all that sys Monitor crap ?09:34
lotuspsychjepretty nice pelo09:34
lotuspsychjei like it09:34
* Pelo 's got one of them new fangled cpu with the gpu inside it 09:34
PeloI like it too,  I tend to go for wallpapers with lots of sky in it09:34
Pelobogdomania, intel icore 56009:35
lotuspsychjeis that superkaramba pelo?09:35
bogdomaniayes, only intel had this crazy ideea09:35
bogdomaniathe only thing is missing atm for linux are good quality games...09:36
Pelonot sure what you mean lotuspsychje ,  it works well enough , I have the cube enabled ,and I tried some of the menu animations like fire and the likes,  it works09:36
lotuspsychjewell as you say bogdomania yesterday someone says to me he could run any game in ubuntu lol09:36
bogdomanialotuspsychje, that`s a lie.09:36
lotuspsychjepelo: the system specs on the rightisnt that superkaramba09:37
Pelocan'T even run games from 1994 on wine09:37
bogdomaniaPelo, superkaramba is a kde app. for desktop widgets09:37
bogdomania& themes09:37
lotuspsychjebogdomania: thats what i told him too: i wanna see mafia running on ubuntu lol09:37
Pelolotuspsychje, oh , no that just conky09:37
lotuspsychjeaha tnx pelo09:37
bogdomaniamafia 2 runs slow on a gtx 465 with physx activated :D09:38
bogdomaniaon win7 x6409:38
Pelolotuspsychje, conly is very configurable,  the one Ihave now is a script from gnome-looks.org ,  conky colours I think09:38
lotuspsychjetnx for hint pelo09:38
lotuspsychjeif you gonna try mafia on wine lol...09:39
Pelothe clock is from cairo dock , fyi09:39
lotuspsychjegonna crash badly09:39
bogdomania0 A.D is coming :D09:39
lotuspsychjesomebody gave me linux multiplayer title yesterday09:40
lotuspsychjeforgot name09:40
lotuspsychjesomething with cube09:40
bogdomaniaregnum online?09:40
bogdomaniaassault cube09:40
lotuspsychjeassault cube09:40
bogdomanianice game09:40
lotuspsychjeany good?09:40
GobeHi guys =) I just installed 10.10, and well.. bluetooth is totally ofline, any ideas where to start solving this?09:40
bogdomaniaa clone of C.S09:41
lotuspsychjeill have to try that09:41
Pelowasn'T there a linux game live dvd  last year or the year before ? with about 20 games on it09:41
lotuspsychjegaming on linux is always tricky09:41
bogdomaniano it isn`t :D09:41
bogdomaniafor native clients09:41
head_victimUrban Terror is my pick of the games for linux.09:41
lotuspsychjei mean forbig grafix stuff09:41
bogdomaniatry Enemy Territory : Quake Wars   :D works like a charm09:42
* Pelo isn'T realy a gamer , but he's becoming geekier by the day 09:42
bogdomaniaQuake 4 & Doom 3 the asme09:42
lotuspsychjelol pelo09:42
bogdomaniathe same*09:42
PeloI'M running my old computer as a headless winxp box using vnc to access it ,  just because I pre-ordered the new ipod touch and I need itune 10 to use it ...09:43
lotuspsychjegobe: check startup programs if bluetooth is enabled09:43
lotuspsychjeisnt there an itunes alternative?09:44
bogdomaniasongbird .. i think..09:44
Pelonot to register the ipod09:44
lotuspsychjeah ic09:44
Peloand they don'T develop songbird for linux anymore09:44
Gobelotuspsychje: yes it is09:44
bogdomaniaGobe, try in the term.  hcitool scan09:44
Gobeand if I start pref->bluetooth it just says no adapter available09:44
bogdomaniausb or built-in ?09:45
bogdomaniathe adapter?09:45
Gobehcitools comes up empty... nothing09:45
lotuspsychjeyou sure your drivers are recognized gobe?09:45
Gobebroadcom sta, i think09:45
Gobegoverns that too09:45
lotuspsychjebroadcom STA i had to install manually (wifi)09:45
bogdomania3rd part driv.09:46
bogdomaniai had an acer with that chip09:46
lotuspsychjegoto synaptic09:46
lotuspsychjeand install STA drivers09:46
bogdomaniait is listed.. so.. install it :D09:47
GobeI think i have that now...  from Additional drivers..  there where two choices STA and BC43xx09:49
GobeAnd I took STA09:49
lotuspsychjetake STA only09:49
Gobeshould I try the other one for just in case09:49
lotuspsychjei had to manually install it cause had no internet09:50
Ian_corneMy google-chrome doesn't load css anymore09:50
lotuspsychjeyou could try a chrome reinstall09:51
bogdomaniathat browser is really a no use app.. ugly, buggy.. (no offence, mate)09:52
bogdomaniause firefox09:52
Gobeshouldn't that bluethooth be showing on lspci?09:53
lotuspsychjei dont like it either bogdomania09:53
Pelodoesn'T matchyour theme ?09:53
bogdomaniaGobe, lspci lists the pci not drivers09:53
bogdomaniatry with modprobe if you installed the driver09:54
Gobesorry for paste, but was so short09:55
bogdomaniawe got the point.. we don`t need the console output, try locating the broadcom driver09:55
bogdomaniaor sta, wth09:55
Gobeerm.. =) how?09:56
bogdomaniatry again with $hcitool scan09:56
lotuspsychjei would go for a reboot and try to connect your blutooth device09:56
Gobeno such device09:56
Gobe2 times rebooted already.. it was in some lauchpad entry09:57
bogdomaniaGobe,  read this in spare time.. http://articles.techrepublic.com.com/5100-10878_11-1047765.html09:57
bogdomaniaas a loyal linux user :D09:57
Gobelsmod says that bluetooth is running..?09:58
lotuspsychjewhats the device you wanna connect gobe?09:59
Gobejust the bluetooth.. mouse actually10:00
lotuspsychjeis bluetooth enabled on your bios?10:00
Gobeyes :)10:00
bogdomaniaGobe, you want to use a mouse via bluetooth?10:00
bogdomaniaand that mouse doesn`t have some bluetooth adapter?10:01
Gobebut it says that there is no bluetooth =)10:01
bogdomaniaa specific one?10:01
lotuspsychjewhat brand is that gobe10:01
Gobelogitech mx700 with dinovo10:01
Gobeit works ok =) it worked 1h ago with pinguy os10:01
Gobe2-3h ago10:01
bogdomaniaGobe, in th ebox the mouse was, you didn`t find a bluetooth adapter for the mouse? a small one, to be used with that mouse10:02
Gobethere is actually a docking for recharge that has bluetooth dongle in it.. but I prefer the laptops own10:02
lotuspsychjethats the strangest thing ive heard10:03
Gobebecause that way I do not have to plug it in, and carry it with me10:03
bogdomaniaright.. so using plane bluetooth the mouse is functional10:03
Gobemouse is ok10:03
lotuspsychjea mouse connecting pc's bluetooth10:03
Gobeno. because there is no bluetooth10:03
bogdomaniadi you have an external Bluetooth adapter? to try it?10:03
Gobeit is loaded, but it says "no device available10:03
lotuspsychjebluetooth usb dongle10:04
Gobeok.. now works10:05
Gobebut pref-bluetooth still says no bluetooth10:06
Gobethat logitechs own dongle mouse pair just worked with no problems10:06
bogdomaniai have pokemon pijamas :D10:06
Gobei think the problem is in that applet or some where else10:06
lotuspsychjelol bogdomania10:06
Gobehcitool still says no device10:07
bogdomaniathen, no device is available :)10:08
lotuspsychjewhy dont you install bluetooth settings10:08
lotuspsychjefrom ubuntu software center10:08
lotuspsychjea mouse will not show as device10:08
bogdomaniamine works10:08
bogdomanianow.. all by default10:08
lotuspsychjemine too10:08
Gobethe dongle isnt showing... it says, no device as in no bluetooth chip is avail10:08
bogdomaniajust pluged in the adapter..and voila!10:08
Gobeadapters are missing10:09
PeloGobe, is the adapter usb ? lsusb to see what is connected10:09
bogdomaniait might be worth rebooting? if you installed the boadcom driver10:09
lotuspsychjeblueman bluetooth manager10:10
Gobelsusb is now showing dinovo, but I think that is the dongle is just plugged in10:10
lotuspsychjewhy you need the dongle to showup if the mouse works10:11
Gobelotuspsychje: because it only works with that logitechs recharger, I dont wanna carry that around :)10:12
Pelogonna try 10.10 cd10:12
Gobeblueman is not starting.. first it says cannot connect to blueZ (something) and now it is not starting at all10:12
lotuspsychjethink you lost me there10:12
lotuspsychjedoes your mouse work or not10:13
Gobelotuspsychje: yes.10:17
lotuspsychjeso whats the problem then10:18
Gobelotuspsychje: it works only with that rechargers usb dongle.. not with the build in one.. And either of those are not showing in bluetoogh manager10:19
Gobehcitool is not finding anything10:19
Gobeand now I basically have two dongles in this10:19
lotuspsychjei dont think dongles showup in bluetooth devices10:20
Gobeno it doesnt, but it doesnt start to find other devices before it can find the dongle10:21
lotuspsychjewb peloµ10:23
Pelono joy, still can'T print, I guess I'll be setting up the winxp box as a print server as well10:24
Pelopeloµ ? are you calling me small ?10:24
* Pelo is not small , he is average10:24
lotuspsychjethe average french guy10:24
Pelothat makes me Pelo~10:24
Pelofrench canadian10:25
lotuspsychjeeven better10:25
PeloI gues syou got thagt frm my screenshot ? good catch10:25
lotuspsychjei like that accent10:25
bullgard4[Maverick] I entered '~$ ubuntu-bug gnome-media'. I am surprised: A window "Bug-Buddy" opens. Is it a new feature of maverick hat ubuntu-bug opens bug-buddy?10:25
Pelolotuspsychje,  it is my great regret that the irc protocol will not allow Pélo as a nick10:26
lotuspsychjelol pelo10:26
lotuspsychjedid you see bon cop bad cop pelo10:27
GobeI think I have to reboot... this looks like it is going down soon10:27
Pelolotuspsychje, no I haven'T I've been told it's good but I didn'T get around to it10:28
lotuspsychjenice french canadian movie10:28
Pelolotuspsychje, Belgique ?10:28
Pelolast Quebec movie I've seen and enjoyed was "Nitro" , kind of a Quebec action flic not bad actualy10:30
lotuspsychjedidnt see it, ill grab it :p10:30
lotuspsychjewhen girls talk quebec..makes it hot to watch10:32
PeloI guess that to you it's exotic,  but not to me10:32
lotuspsychjeits funny lol10:33
PeloI've never realy liked comedies from Quebec , they kind they generaly do here isn'T my cup of tea ,  I like cerebral stuff ,  like Sol10:34
lotuspsychjeits mixed action comedy10:34
lotuspsychjei liked it10:34
Pelowhich is why I avoided it to start but what the heck10:34
lotuspsychjeu on maverick live now?10:35
PeloI know I'M not gonna be watching CRAZY anytime soon,  an internet freind from israel saw it , was so happy to tell me he was going to see a movie from quebec,  came back bitching about damn family dramas10:35
Pelono , I booted back lucid, I just tried maverick to see if the printer would work10:36
lotuspsychjeisnt there an easy way backing up drivers from synaptic?10:37
Peloit's the oddest thing,  it works perfectly with pre 9,04 release,  and on non-debian live cds, I tried opensuse and I fedora no problem10:37
Peloyou mean device drivers ?10:37
lotuspsychjeyeah like wifi alternate drivers10:37
lotuspsychjeput on usb stick from synaptic or something10:37
Pelonot sure you can backup stuff like that10:38
lotuspsychjenow i had to search pool/main on the livecd10:38
Gobeok.. I got somewhere. dunno if it helps but when /etc/init.d/bluetooth start -> and after that status it says it is not running10:38
Gobeso, basically it doesnt start properly10:38
PeloGobe, try sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart see if that helps10:38
lotuspsychjemight check jockey logs too10:39
Gobeno it did not. I even tried the force-reload, but no go10:39
PeloGobe, do the logs say anytyhing ?  system and error mostly10:39
Pelosyslog and messages I mean10:40
Gobewhere where those logs again?10:40
Pelo/var/logs but there is a log viewer in menu > system > admin , if you are using gnome10:41
Peloassuming it is still there in maverick10:41
lotuspsychjei asked in main pelo: aptoncd to backup stuff10:41
Gobeyea, still here with tenten,10:41
Peloapt on cd just makes .... on cd repositories . sort of10:42
Gobewhat I try to look for here?10:42
Pelolol Gobe  I love it , tenten instead of maveric10:42
PeloGobe, from the bottom up,  look for bluetooth see if any error msg is associated,  I assumeyou won'T need to read further up then your last reboot10:43
Gobeblueman-mechanism: Exiting10:43
Pelogoogle that bitch10:43
* Pelo thinks this is a meme that should probably stay dead10:44
* Pelo is just staying up checking the ups website for change in his ipod delivery status10:47
GobeHA! GOTCHA :D10:51
Gobeit works10:51
bullgard4[Maverick] I entered '~$ ubuntu-bug gnome-media'. I am surprised: A window "Bug-Buddy" opens. Is it a new feature of maverick hat ubuntu-bug opens bug-buddy?10:52
Goberfkill list showed that hp-bluethooth wash "soft blocked" -- Dunno what it means, i told it to unblock it, and voila10:52
Gobenow deamon works, and everything. incl moude10:52
PeloGobe, congradulations, you have acheive the level of 1337 h4x0rs10:52
Gobemaybe lucky s0n0f4biach :P10:53
Pelodon'T get smug , that's two levels higher10:53
Gobeshould this be put up somewhere...10:54
Gobeother thing, is there any reason why ATI drivers are not anymore on restricted drivers, should it be installed manually?10:56
Gobeor left alone10:56
lotuspsychjenextleft alone if compiz works10:56
lotuspsychjemine worked by default10:57
Gobecompiz works fine =)10:57
lotuspsychjedid u try compiz fusion icon10:57
GobeI put on those extra effects, and wobling windows are now in place..10:58
lotuspsychjetry ubuntu software center10:58
lotuspsychjecompiz manager10:58
lotuspsychjeand fusion icon10:58
GobeMaybe is should go report this bluethooth thingy to forums...?  If someone else has same problem. Because google came up zero help10:59
Gobeyea, ill do that. Thanks 4 you guys again =)11:00
* Pelo grabs the gratitude and runs11:00
Gobecan I ask Irc related question11:04
Peloslow night , go ahead11:04
Gobewhere I can register my name?11:05
Gobecant remember...11:05
Pelo  /msg nickserv help11:05
bullgard4[Maverick] I entered '~$ ubuntu-bug gnome-media'. I am surprised: A window "Bug-Buddy" opens. Is it a new feature of maverick that ubuntu-bug opens bug-buddy?11:28
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=== gnomefreak changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Official Ubuntu Maverick Meerkat support/discussion | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | Lucid support in #ubuntu | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickReleaseSchedule | Beta Released : See http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/maverick/beta | The Ubuntu font information can be found http://tinyurl.com/347wdr6
bullgard4[Maverick] I entered '~$ ubuntu-bug gnome-media'. I am surprised: A window "Bug-Buddy" opens. Is it a new feature of maverick that ubuntu-bug opens bug-buddy?12:55
coz_bulldog98,  I think was also in lucid as I recall13:06
coz_perhaps even before13:06
bullgard4_Does the contents of your file ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs differ from mine http://pastebin.com/Ja7WQX9K ?13:20
lotuspsychjesame here bullguard4_13:22
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: Thank you for your help.13:23
lotuspsychjewhats your issue bullguard4_?13:23
lotuspsychjehi icqn13:24
bullgard4_I found a folder »Templates« on my Ubuntu 10.04.1 computer and learned that is somewhere else on my Ubuntu 10.10 Beta computer.13:25
bullgard4_lotuspsychje:  I found a folder »Templates« on my Ubuntu 10.04.1 computer and learned that is somewhere else on my Ubuntu 10.10 Beta computer.13:25
icqnI have installed maverick beta, from now I have a touch screen support with this kernel, but my touchpad does not has a right button support....13:26
lotuspsychjeand you cant find it?13:26
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: After having found the file ~/.config/user-dirs.dir I can.13:27
lotuspsychjeokay cool :p13:27
lotuspsychjebullguard4_: for the rest happy with maverick?13:28
lotuspsychjeicqn: didnt test touch support myself13:28
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: Tilda is not performing all right. --  The distribution upgrade went smoothly.13:28
coz_bulldog98,   I have tilda here as well and it definitly does not work properly on maverick13:29
lotuspsychjebullguard4_:did you had to install alternate grafix drivers?13:29
bullgard4_coz_: My nick is bullgard4_ .13:30
coz_bulldog98, sorry13:30
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: No.13:30
coz_bullgard4,  that was for  you13:30
lotuspsychjebullgard4_:compiz working fine?13:31
icqnthe software sources item has gone from the menu system->administration13:31
bullgard4_coz_: I filed Launchpad bug report 635804. Please add a comment here.13:32
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: I do not use compiz.13:32
lotuspsychjeok so you disable them?13:33
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: Yes.13:34
lotuspsychjethats yours bullgard413:35
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lenardkLatest stable release of dbus is 1.4. Does anyone knows when and if it's going to be relesed for 10.10?13:39
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: I just read https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/maverick/tilda/maverick but do not understand what do you mean by: "thats yours". ("Members of Ubuntu branches  can upload to this branch. But I am no member of this branch.)13:40
bullgard4_icqn: I agree with you: "[14:31]    <icqn>    the software sources item has gone from the menu system->administration." But you can access this dialog window through Synaptic.13:44
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: Kaffeine works out of the box.13:45
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: Epiphany produced one time a kernel hickup.13:47
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: I need to test Epiphany longer to find out more about that.13:47
lotuspsychjei had no issues at all13:48
lotuspsychjejust the STA broadcom driver13:48
lotuspsychjei had to install manually13:48
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: VLC seems to work all right. But I did not test it thoroughly.13:48
lotuspsychjevlc worksout fine here13:49
lotuspsychjeso does compiz eyecandy13:49
lotuspsychjeim very happy13:49
icqnbullgard4, thanks13:49
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: sshfs works okay here too.13:50
bullgard4_Empathy still does not transfer files correctly.13:51
bullgard4_But VoiP seems to be okay.13:52
bullgard4_Firefox 3.6.9 still blurrs most small fonts.13:53
bullgard4_Looks like being in front of an aquarium.13:57
lotuspsychjeno blurrs here13:58
lotuspsychjeyou sure grafix card is properly installed13:58
lotuspsychjeno need for alternate drivers?13:59
lotuspsychjeu could test to try enable full desktop effects13:59
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: Yes. For example Epiphany and Evolution are rendered crisply clean.14:00
lotuspsychjeyeah thats odd14:00
lotuspsychjewhats your screen res?14:01
bullgard4_1280 x 80014:01
lotuspsychjesame here14:02
lotuspsychjecause on my desktop i got blurr too14:02
lotuspsychjeres @ 1900x102414:02
bullgard4_Audacious comes in a different skin. Not bad.14:02
lotuspsychjemaverick install was funny14:02
lotuspsychjerunning 64bit bullgard4?14:03
bullgard4_Resume from RAM works all right on almost all circumstances which I tested so far. But this applies to one computer only yet.14:04
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: No. 32 bit14:04
lotuspsychje64bit here14:04
lotuspsychjeeven flash works fine14:05
lotuspsychje720p movies run fine14:05
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: I only tested 20 flash videos from Youtube. All played all right out of the box.14:06
JoshuaLresume from ram works fast on my laptop :D14:06
bullgard4_JoshuaL: I agree, it is now even faster than in Ubuntu
lotuspsychjewho needs vista anyway14:07
bullgard4_me not.14:08
JoshuaLit did not work in 10.04 iirc :d14:08
lotuspsychjei think 10.04 was really buggy14:08
lotuspsychjethat wifi policy bug thing14:08
lotuspsychjethey fixed alot this time14:08
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: All my WiFi needs were fulfilled in
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: Did you test Ubuntu One in 10.10 Beta yet?14:10
lotuspsychjethe grub boot file has changed names too right?14:10
lotuspsychjeno i dont use ubuntu one14:10
lotuspsychjeshould i?14:10
bullgard4_If you do not trust Canonical, you better don't.14:11
lotuspsychjei got many spare hd's to store stuff on14:11
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: I did not look after Grub in detail. "It just works."14:12
bullgard4_I am using external HDDs for similar purposes too.14:12
lotuspsychjei dont need online storage14:13
lotuspsychjemaverick and ssd are perfect couple14:14
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: May be new applications for Ubuntu ONE teamwork will arrive in due time.14:14
lotuspsychjecould be bullgard4 i should test more to see14:15
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: Can you elaborate on "maverick and ssd are perfect couple".14:16
lotuspsychjei got a solid state drive in my laptop bullgard414:16
lotuspsychjeharddisk based on memory14:17
MikeChelenhi, getting an error when running easy_install about "distributionnotfound" http://pastebin.com/wzEUsxgR14:17
lotuspsychjebullgard4 look here14:18
lotuspsychjeand thats not even maverick14:18
lotuspsychje3sec lol14:19
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: More important are other things. The operating system should not reprogram a memory cell of a FDD more than necessary.14:22
bullgard4_s/more/more often/14:23
lotuspsychjemeaning u dont think its good idea to make ssd's?14:23
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: Rather the opposite: SSDs are the future!14:24
lotuspsychjetotaly agree14:24
lotuspsychjetoo bad they still expensive14:24
lotuspsychjepayed 100 dollar for 8gig14:24
javatexandude....I can't connect to smb servers in 10.1014:26
bullgard4_lotuspsychje: When mentioning a price one should add the retrieve time and the reliablility and alsso if there is a clever algorithm not to re-program the same memory cell too often.14:27
javatexanprocessor goes to 100% and i finally get word from gvfs that it cant get to the server14:27
lotuspsychjewhats your error javatexan14:28
lotuspsychjeyes true bullgard414:28
lotuspsychjethey are stable as hell14:28
lotuspsychjehow do you connect to them javatexan14:28
javatexanconnect to server14:28
javatexanhold on I will get the error....try again :)14:29
javatexani do windows share14:29
javatexangvfsd-smb goes to 100%14:29
javatexanError: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)14:30
javatexanPlease select another viewer and try again.14:30
lotuspsychjedbus error hmm14:30
lotuspsychjeall drivers installed properly javatexan?14:31
javatexanI tried a different file manager, same error14:31
javatexanshould be, yeah14:31
javatexanbeen running ubuntu 9, 10.4 for about two years14:31
lotuspsychjeseems like there's a bug on that14:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 631960 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Lucid) "Maverick images burned to usb key on lucid fail to boot - different syslinux version" [High,Fix released]14:32
lotuspsychjeread fix11 javatexan14:34
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lotuspsychjelatest maverick bugs website also interesting:14:38
javatexanlol, I know :)14:38
lotuspsychjei need a coffee bbl14:41
javatexani hear ya, liquid inspiration14:41
the_dark_warrioI've just upgraded from lucid, and I'm experiencing a very slow desktop. Running top shows that Xorg is consuming 20-30% of CPU. Is anyone experiencing this too?14:54
* bullgard4_ not14:54
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chandru_inHas anyone got Ubuntu one file sync to work on maverick?15:09
chandru_inIt worked fine for me on Lucid15:09
lotuspsychjethink i saw that bug on launchpad too cgandru_in15:09
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kancermanusing netbook ubuntu maverick ... wanting to get the taskbar full of apps to 'favicon' style ... where can I get to that setup ??15:33
zfeanybody had any luck installing 10.10 on a netbook?15:33
zfeit seems that booting it from usb is impossible15:33
zfe"no init found"15:33
zfeeven with the daily image15:33
jbroomemine hung at 73% "installing packages" on my desktop15:35
AndrewMCzfe: you using the netbook edition15:35
zfeAndrewMC: yes15:36
AndrewMCzfe: all i can say is that maybe you have a bad CD.... did you check MD5 and burn at a low speed?15:36
zfeAndrewMC: i'm trying to install it from usb15:37
zfeand it doesn't work15:37
zfewith unetbootin / ubuntu tool15:37
zfeboth from windows and debian15:37
AndrewMCwell did you check the MD5 of the iso before you made the flash drive?15:37
zfeyes AndrewGee15:38
zfeit seems it is a problem many people had15:38
zfethat's why i was asking if anybody could succeed15:39
AndrewMCwell then it may be something they are working on fixing15:39
zfe(and sorry for my english, i'm not a native speaker)15:39
lotuspsychjecheck launchpad bugs website for netbook edition15:39
lotuspsychjethere are a few15:39
zfedo you think that the normal version should work then?15:41
zfeand can i add that cool GUI15:41
zfeto the normal version?15:41
Tetsuo55good day15:42
Tetsuo55is there any way to change audio related settings?15:42
Tetsuo55the audio sounds very bad when compared to windows715:42
Tetsuo55on the bright side, the audio can be far louder than windows7 ever could get it15:43
bjsniderTetsuo55, how do you mean it sounds bad?15:44
Tetsuo55muddy and harsh sound, compared to clear and crisp15:44
bjsnideralsamixer might give you a tone switch or something for that15:46
Tetsuo55alsamixer changes are realtime?15:48
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Tetsuo55false alarm15:53
Tetsuo55i guess tha tracks i tried are clipping or something15:53
Tetsuo55i just tried my fav song for testing speakers and it shounds great, even at 100%15:54
olskolircanyone excited about maverick?16:18
EagleScreen_I am using it right now16:18
lotuspsychjeyes oldskolirc16:19
lotuspsychje64 bit on ssd drive16:19
Tetsuo55i hope the empathy and flash crashes get fixed before stable16:20
lotuspsychjeflash works nicely here tetsuo5516:21
EagleScreen_for flash crashes I see it difficult in 64 bits16:21
Tetsuo55im on x6416:22
Tetsuo55it works, but once in a while ill get a crash message16:22
EagleScreen_then get ready for 64 bits crashes16:22
Tetsuo55flash is a such a pain :/16:22
EagleScreen_is Adobe who has to fix it, making a good 64 bits release of flash16:22
EagleScreen_web sites also could start to replace flash by other alternatives like html 516:23
Tetsuo55im happy with sites who do16:24
patdk-wkheh, still can't even get windows 64bit flash16:26
perlsyntaxanyone have prob ith ubuntu 10.10 mouse probs?16:36
perlsyntaxis there a way to fix it16:37
lotuspsychjenot me perlsyntax16:37
perlsyntaxidon't haveprob on the desktop16:37
lotuspsychjewhat prob?16:38
perlsyntaxi have a mouse prob on my ibm r50e after i boot up the livecd.16:38
lotuspsychjeno movement?16:38
lotuspsychjeusb mouse?16:38
perlsyntaxit the mouse with the laptop.16:39
perlsyntaxno wireless16:39
lotuspsychjeserial mouse on laptop ok16:39
lotuspsychjeall laptop drivers are found?16:39
perlsyntaxmy mouse is a round red button on my laptop16:40
lotuspsychjedid u check hardware16:40
perlsyntaxall my hardware should work16:40
lotuspsychjeround red button?16:40
lotuspsychjeu mean like those old IBM things16:40
lotuspsychjein middle of keyboardµ16:40
lotuspsychjenot sure how they call that lol16:41
lotuspsychjemaybe its a technology they dont support anymore16:41
lotuspsychjebut im not sure16:41
perlsyntaxit going to suck then16:41
perlsyntaxi hope they fix it16:42
lotuspsychjewhat would that be called16:42
perlsyntaxnot sure16:42
lotuspsychjeif we find right name we could check bug launchpad16:42
perlsyntaxi hope i can get it to work16:43
perlsyntaxcould i get my usb mouse instal thenthe red button one?16:44
lotuspsychjepointing stick16:44
lotuspsychjeits called16:44
perlsyntaxi see16:44
perlsyntaxi really like what they di with ubuntu 10.1016:44
lotuspsychjemaybe find here16:45
lotuspsychjealso name16:46
perlsyntaxormaybe i have to find a new linux for the laptop.16:49
lotuspsychjemaybe u need a package for old trackpoints16:49
lotuspsychjeshould be fixable perlsyntax16:49
lotuspsychjeu could ask in main16:49
lotuspsychjeif they know any package of that sort16:50
perlsyntaxmaybe it be fix by oct.16:50
lotuspsychjecould also be16:50
lotuspsychjeim very happy with maverick16:50
perlsyntaxit look nice16:51
lotuspsychjeand fast16:51
lotuspsychjeyo rynor16:51
lotuspsychjealso testing maverick rynor16:51
perlsyntaxwhat you mean/16:52
lotuspsychje32 or 64bit?16:52
perlsyntax32 bit16:52
lotuspsychjeim on 6416:52
EagleScreen_can you watch megavideo movies in maverick?16:52
EagleScreen_I mean in full-screen16:52
lotuspsychjeyes eaglescreen16:53
lotuspsychjei did test youtube 720p movies16:53
lotuspsychjeon compiz lol16:53
perlsyntaxi hope i can fix it16:53
EagleScreen_youtube works for me, but megavideo doesn't in full-screen16:53
lotuspsychjeperlsyntax: ask in #ubuntu if someone knows trackpoint package16:54
Rynorit's a shame adobe discontinued the 64bit flash version16:54
lotuspsychjestrange rynor cause i got 64 bit flash working16:54
perlsyntaxi hope so i can get it fix:)16:56
Rynorlotuspsychje: sure the old version still works, though it has a vulnerability, the newer versions are only 32bit so you have to use npviewer on 64bit to use it16:56
lotuspsychjewhere can i check flash version rynor16:57
Rynortype about:plugins in firefox16:57
perlsyntaxi don't thinkanyone know of that.16:58
perlsyntaxlotuspsychje,could i setup my usb mouse?16:59
perlsyntaxthen the trackpoint16:59
lotuspsychjeyes perlsyntax: there has to be a way16:59
lotuspsychjeim searching for u16:59
perlsyntaxubuntu 10.10 going to have python 2.7 in it:)17:00
lotuspsychjeperlsyntax: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/amd64/gpointing-device-settings/1.5.1-217:01
lotuspsychjetry to find that package in synaptic17:01
Rynorby the way, I encountered a strange bug today and was wondering if anyone else had it, pressing my numlock key makes my left mouse button stop working17:01
lotuspsychjeno issue here rynor17:02
perlsyntaxwhat the package call.17:02
lotuspsychjename is in url17:03
perlsyntaxlet hope i can move my mouse17:03
RynorI wonder if its because of the keyboard i'm using (Logitech G15 v2), didn't have the same problem on my laptop either17:04
perlsyntaxi download ubuntu 10.10 again17:04
perlsyntax:) let hope it works17:05
lotuspsychjeyes could be rynor17:05
lotuspsychjedid you choose the right keyboard layout?17:06
Rynorlotuspsychje: yeah, everything works fine otherwise, just have to stay away from the numlock key :P17:06
lotuspsychjewonder why17:07
lotuspsychjelemme google that17:07
Rynordid a lot of that already17:07
lotuspsychjegot the bug17:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 637062 in Ubuntu "pressing numlock breaks mouse left click" [Undecided,New]17:07
Rynoryeah, I submitted that17:08
lotuspsychjesilly me17:08
Rynortook me a while to figure out exactly what was the cause, as it persisted across reboots, later I found that gnome saves the numlock state so it turned on my numlock after logging in again and caused the problem again17:08
lotuspsychjedid u try this rynor17:09
lotuspsychjeAfter finding this thread I did (ubuntu) System > Assistive Technologies > Keyboard Accessibility > Mouse Keys (tab) > un-ticked "Pointer can be controlled using the keypad"17:10
lotuspsychjeI know I didn't turn that on so I then went to the Accessibility (tab) > and un-ticked "Accessibility features can be toggled with keyboard shortcuts"17:10
Rynoryeah it's not enabled here17:10
lotuspsychjeok so its not that17:11
lotuspsychjerynor: can u check synaptic if numlockx is installed17:13
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Rynorlotuspsychje, it's not17:14
lotuspsychjeucould try to install that package17:14
lotuspsychjemight be good to config stuff17:14
lotuspsychjenot sure if it will fix of course17:14
Rynorlotuspsychje, I doubt that does any good, actually if it turns on numlock by default it would just make it worse :P17:15
lotuspsychjeok nvm then17:15
lotuspsychjewhy dont you join #ubuntu-nl too :p17:16
Rynorgonna try another keyboard to see if it persists17:17
lotuspsychjeokay im still searching17:17
Rynormight be gone soon if I need to kill my xorg :P17:17
coz_hey guys... I have noticed since las week's updates... things are moving just a little slow but really show up in firefox scroll boolmarks... the main menus are a bit slow also when moving mouse over optons...like a delay...17:18
coz_last week's17:18
Rynorlotuspsychje, yup, still happens, and actually I noticed that pressing numlock causes my left mouse button to get stuck in the mousedown event17:19
lotuspsychjehardass issue17:19
Rynorback in a bit!17:20
lotuspsychjethat was fast lol17:21
Rynorjust had to logout and back in17:21
Rynoror actually, restart Xorg17:22
lotuspsychjemaybe this work17:23
lotuspsychje   1. Go into System -> Preferences -> Keyboard.17:23
lotuspsychje   2. In the Layouts tab, click Options on the bottom left.17:23
lotuspsychje   3. In the tree, find the section called Miscellaneous Compatibility Options.17:23
lotuspsychje   4. Under this section, check the option titled Numeric keypad keys work as with Mac.17:23
Rynorlotuspsychje, tried a few settings, no luck17:25
lotuspsychjeback to google17:25
lotuspsychjerynor: isnt there a tool to see what keys are bound to the real keyboard17:33
lotuspsychjemaybe its because numlock has wrong function somehow17:34
Rynorlotuspsychje, might be, but I don't know of it17:34
Rynoreven then, you'd think pressing numlock again would toggle it or something17:34
brummbaerxbindkeys is a nice keybinding config tool...17:34
brummbaerand i think numlock has a command line you can use to override whatever's currently bound if you wanted to bind your numlock key to a command17:35
lotuspsychjebrummbaer: rynor got an issue with pressing numlock the leftmouse freez17:37
lotuspsychjebrb dinnertime17:44
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DinkHa I think its libgtk that is causing the funky fbcon errors.18:16
Dinkerr gdk18:18
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bullgard4[Audacious 2.4.0] How to switch the Interface from »Winamp« to »GTK Interface«?19:46
shcherbakwhat is acctual story of dead touchpad after suspend/resume?19:55
|Kellan|I am trying to find the Ubuntu 10.10 server docs. There are errors in the 10.4 docs but I found bug tickets that said the issues were resolved in the 10.10 docs20:08
porter1Anyone know whether video/audio jerkiness under 2.6.25 is reported? Under the latest 2.6.24, video/audio is not scrambled. This occurs with either nouveau or nvidia video drivers, and yields high X server CPU utilization.20:15
yofelyou mean 2.6.35?20:16
yofelvideo is sluggy here too though :/20:16
zniavreshcherbak,  it crashes at switching gtk> winamp style on my comp20:17
bullgard4|Kellan|: Do you mean the DEB program package ubuntu-serverguide?20:17
shcherbaku mean touchpad?20:18
|Kellan|bullgard4: What I am looking for is to be able to read the docs that are going to ship with 10.10 basically I am trying to configure openldap and samba, and the person who edited the docs for 10.4 left a few bugs which make the docs not work, but they fixed them in 10.10 so I just want to read the new docs20:19
yofelshcherbak: dead touchpad after suspend/resume sounds like a driver issue to me, but I'm no expert on such things, did you check the output of 'dmesg' and /var/log/Xorg.0.log for errors?20:19
bullgard4|Kellan|: You  better download the DEB program package ubuntu-serverguide version 10.10.1 and find out yourself.20:21
|Kellan|thank you20:21
zniavreshcherbak,  sorry wrong nickname it was for bullgard4 and audacious20:21
bullgard4zniavre: Please repeat the corrected message to me. I am lost.20:22
zniavre<bullgard4> [Audacious 2.4.0] How to switch the Interface from »Winamp« to »GTK Interface«?20:30
zniavrehere it start with gtk style and crash at switching to winamp style20:31
bullgard4zniavre: My problem is the opposite: My Audacious starts with winamp style and I do not know how to switch it to Gtk style.20:33
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pietro10_How do I restore FAT32 flash drive mount all files as execute bits? It's breaking myu build system, which I keep on a flash drive to keep things portable21:13
pietro10_as I use win, mac, linux21:13
yofelpietro10_: that's caused by the 'showexec' mount option that is applied to all vfat mounts now21:15
yofelyou can mount the drive manually if you want the old behaviour back21:15
yofel(or just use a linux filesystem)21:16
pietro10_the latter won't be an option in this case, so is there a way to turn it back on permanently?21:16
yofelsure, mount it by hand. Last time I checked the mount options were hardcoded, so it's not like you can just set it somewhere. Maybe it has changed, but I don't know about tha21:17
yofelnope, still hardcoded in udisks-1.0.1+git20100614/src/device.c:  static const char *vfat_defaults[] = { "uid=", "gid=", "shortname=mixed", "dmask=0077", "utf8=1", "showexec", NULL };21:19
BUGabundohi, and bye :P21:22
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DanaGoh yeah, that udisks mount behavior is a pain when you want to share a USB drive.21:26
DanaGIt makes it impossible to samba-share it!21:26
pietro10_yofel: thanks anyway21:26
bullgard4[Audacious 2.4.0] How to switch the Interface from »Winamp« to »GTK Interface«?21:57
i_is_brokehey im getting a kernel panic when ever i reboot do to my belkin wireless adapter and driver, using ndiswrapper. does anyone know what i can do to help get rid of it. so i can use my wireless adapter?22:14
Tetsuo55updates are slowing down22:32
Tetsuo55has anyone managed to get f,lux working?22:45
Tetsuo55its not changing the color temp on my system22:45
mikehhwhere should I discuss problems with Kate in 10.10 beta22:48
DaekdroomTetsuo55, it's working alright in here22:48
Daekdroombut I'm using it through fluxgui, a indicator applet to control it22:48
Tetsuo55Daekdroom: so not the f.lux indicator applet?22:51
i_is_broke<i_is_broke> hey im getting a kernel panic when ever i reboot do to my belkin wireless adapter and driver, using ndiswrapper. does anyone know what i can do to help get rid of it. so i can use my wireless adapter?22:51
Tetsuo55Daekdroom:  did you enter you coordinates as xx.xx or as xx.xxxxx22:53
DaekdroomTetsuo55,  xx.xxxx22:55
DaekdroomTetsuo55, depending on the conf, I can only notice there was a color temp change when I close f.lux22:55
Tetsuo55the change is fat too suble22:57
Tetsuo552700k and its more like 550022:57
Tetsuo55and its midnight22:57
Tetsuo55Daekdroom:  ok i figured it out, it "needs" the latititudes to be 4 digits23:04
Tetsuo55so 14.55 and 3.5523:04
Tetsuo55if you use more, it wont see the 2nd one, and it will default to being daytime all day long (so it will do move a bit, but it wont go to night)23:05
Tetsuo55i changed my settings like that from 12.455678 and 3.456787 and it immediately jumped to very dark23:05
Tetsuo55reported it to the flux guys23:09
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tazzwhich kernel version will Maverick Meerkat be using?23:12
tazzcool, it should be using 2.6.35-19 which is higher then my 2.6.35-5 so i am happy :)23:14
Daekdroomtazz, -20 already23:14
tazzoh wow, -20 already?23:14
jenkinsanyone know how to enable multi touch on ubuntu 10.10? Is it just enabled? I have not got anything to test it on I was just inerested23:22
jenkinswhat is this "input method switcher" http://img3.imagebanana.com/img/ivh11kna/InputMethodSwitcherver1.20ubuntu2_02.png what do any of the enties mean?23:25
jenkinssorry wrong channel23:28
=== duffy is now known as duffydack
smallfoot-why my ubuntu freezes randomly sometimes for 5 seconds?23:42

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