
neil_dcan you use an ARM board as a LTSP client?   where the server is x386 bassed.00:42
Martynwell, sort of01:00
MartynPXE booting support is kind of lacking01:00
Martynalthough we've got a patch at work, which we're working on upstreaming, to add pxe support to uboot01:00
neil_dI suppose you could put the chroot environment on a compact flash card... have it boot from that.. then switch to using the main server for everything else...02:32
rsalveticooloney: for the highmem issue, it'd be nice to test it upstreams07:20
rsalvetiit seems we have a tree that can boot at the es2, but for me it was unable to find the mmc07:20
rsalvetiso can't test it07:20
rsalvetionce we have a better answer from Ghorai, pointing us what is needed to make it work, we can easily test if we can reproduce the highmem issue with upstream07:21
cooloneyrsalveti: thanks, man07:29
cooloneyrsalveti: did you try the audio things on your ES2.007:30
cooloneyi need to reinstall the daily-live image on my board, but lost my HDMI cable07:30
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vstehleogra_omap4: Hi! Today's image checks the drives at boot, and finds errors! "Press F to attempt to fix..."09:32
ogravstehle, smells like the rsizing didnt happen09:34
ogravstehle, is that completely unmodified ?09:35
vstehleogra: Yes. zcat, reboot.09:35
vstehleogra: I saw the resize happen.09:36
ograand it reboots too ?09:36
ograafter resize ...09:37
vstehleogra: Yes.09:37
vstehleogra: The disk checks happens before reboot.09:38
ogra*before* ?!?09:38
ogranow thats weird, there is nothing that could do an interactive check at that point09:38
vstehleogra: Ok, not completely accurate: it rebooted after checks :)09:39
vstehleogra: Probably because slash was "fixed" ?09:39
ograslash ?09:39
vstehleogra: /09:39
ograthere is one fsck right before resizing, but thats completely /dev/null'ed09:40
ograafter resizing there isnt any fsck until the reboot command09:40
vstehleogra: This one I did not see09:40
ogra"checking filesystem before resizing..."09:40
ograthats the one09:40
vstehleogra: I don't know the exact command; it was the graphical frontend, with the dots09:40
vstehleogra: It was not in text mode any more09:41
ograbut there should be no output ot the screen and definitely no interaction09:41
ograthen it was after reboot09:41
vstehleogra: There were messages about filesystem check09:41
vstehleogra: And it definitely asked me to type 'F' to confirm that it should "fix" the filesystem09:41
vstehleogra: It complained also for a fraction of a second about tmp not being there or not ready09:42
vstehleogra: and then reboot09:42
ograthere is no splash screen before reboot at all09:42
vstehleogra: maybe it rebooted also between resize and dots, probably.09:42
ograwell, you would have noticed09:42
ograit takes a while for u-boot09:42
vstehleogra: But I don't have the serial console in front of me always09:43
ograno, but you would have a black screen for about 30sec at least09:43
ograuntil kernel/initrd are there09:43
vstehleogra: I'll redo the steps more carefully and take notes :)09:43
ograk, i'll try to reproduce it here too09:44
vstehleogra: I can run a terminal ok, today :)09:44
ogradid you have network plugged in btw ?09:44
vstehleogra: Yes09:44
ograhmm, k09:44
* ogra zsyncs todays image to check whats going on09:45
vstehleogra: Oh, wait, you mean: when the "checks" happened? The board had no network.09:45
ogramight be an issue with the fixrtc script that sets the clock to last mount time of the disk09:45
ograit is to prevent fsck if the clock is wrong09:46
ogra(which it always is if there is no ntp server reachable and no RTC closk)09:47
vstehleogra: Also, we don't have a gnome "bar" any more. Is this awaited?09:49
ograno, its not09:49
vstehleogra: I would have sworn it was there during the installer...09:50
ograthats not gnome :)09:50
ograthe installer has its own minimal panel now09:50
ogra(i'll switch our desktop to it during natty)09:50
vstehleogra: There is something weird with the console colors; the red is black.09:52
ograchecked your cable ?09:52
ograwe didnt have a kernel upgrade or anything afaik09:52
ograso the framebuffer shouldnt have changed09:52
vstehleogra: :) Looks like a software thing this time. Try typing 'z' in top in text mode.09:53
ograwell, let me get an image first, still zsyncing09:53
ogra3min to go09:54
vstehleogra: You can do the same in a gnome terminal and see the difference09:54
vstehleogra: I'll redo the zcat and install.09:54
ograand i need to find some breakfast first09:54
ograhmm you are using zcat ... ?09:54
* ogra has never done it that way ...09:54
neil_danyone here know anything about this http://www.embeddedarm.com/products/board-detail.php?tab=options&product=TS-7800#   like if ubuntu can be put on it?10:24
ogra_cmpcneil_d, thats ARM9 (ARMv5) ... ubuntu only supports v7 (cortex-a8 and upwards)10:33
ogra_cmpcuse debian on ARM910:33
ynezzneil_d: as ogra said debian or with some little work openembedded(angstrom) and openwrt10:36
ynezzneil_d: there's support for ts72xx boards in OpenEmbedded already10:37
ynezzneil_d: and here's quite old but a good starting point for ts7800 http://ted.openavr.org/OE-for-ts7800/10:38
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neil_dso is the ARM9 a different thing to the cotex-a8 etc.?11:59
ogracortex-a8 is ARMv711:59
ograwhile ARM9 is only ARMv511:59
ogradifferent specifications11:59
ograall ubuntu binaries are built specifically for v712:00
ograso they wont run on older stuff12:00
ograimagine you try to run binaries that are compiled for i686 on a real 386 machine12:01
ogra386 wont have all the instructions the 686 has12:01
neil_dbeen trying to find an ARM card with SATA for a dedicated server... but they are hard to find.12:01
ograSATA is very rare on ARM SoCs12:02
hrwneil_d: grab guruplug12:02
ograbut that wont run ubuntu either12:02
hrwneil_d: or other kirkwood based device with sata and run debian on it12:02
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ogravstehle, so i had no fsck yet with todays daily image12:56
* ogra wonders if vstehle's SD card is somewhat worn out12:57
vstehleogra: I could not reproduce it. I think I might have not waited enough for shutdown12:58
ograah, yeah, that could be12:58
vstehleogra: Btw, the gnome menu is back; was probably linked to my bad fs somehow12:58
ograwe only flush the cache for the Sd at unmount12:58
vstehleogra: I am now trying SGX on top of daily; promising12:58
ograjasper sets vm.vfs_cache_pressure=50 and vm.dirty_writeback_centisecs = 6000 ... that causes the kernel to write to the SD less often which results in a massive speedup, but requires that you properly shut down13:00
rsalvetivstehle: cool, with the latest driver?13:00
ogra(as a rule of thumb, just wait until the monitor shuts off)13:00
vstehlersalveti: Yes. But it is not completely ok now :)13:06
rsalvetivstehle: oh, ok :-)13:08
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lagogra: If I boot up my ES2.0 and install a new kernel using dpkg, do I have to do anything after?14:53
lagI am 'downgrading' the kernel14:53
rsalvetilag: besides updating uInitrd and uImage, nothing14:55
rsalvetijust make sure flash-kernel is taking the kernel you want14:56
lagHow do I do that from inside the image?14:56
lagSo far I've issued: dpkg -i linux-*14:56
ograthat should suffice14:58
ogratry it :)14:58
lagThat does everything?14:58
ograa reboot only takes a minute14:58
lagIt's still installing14:58
rsalvetiI should, I believe14:58
ograit generates an initrd and calls flash-kernel in the end, yes14:58
ograif you have any issues, file a bug against flash-kernel14:59
ograbut i dont think you will have any14:59
lag0 bytes read15:03
lag## Booting image at 80000000 ...15:03
lagBad Magic Number15:03
lagPANDA #15:03
rsalvetilag: could be the case that you're still using the old u-boot15:03
ograsmells like it15:03
lagIt's a fresh flash15:03
lagFrom today's image15:03
lagIt booted the first time15:04
lagOh wait!15:04
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ogralag, we're still waiting :)15:28
* lag is reflashing15:28
GrueMasterogra: omap not building images?  I only got a blank email.15:59
ogra_acYeah, that happens if the builder is down15:59
ogra_acI pinged lamont already15:59
ogra_acAt least omap4 worked fine16:00
lagHow do you retrieve this number: 2.6.35-903.X16:14
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armin76lag: grep :D16:30
furibondoxhi all, I have a problem using --no-root with the latest rootstock (version 126):  http://paste.ubuntu.com/493171/16:32
lagarmin76: grep what for what?16:32
rsalvetifuribondox: can you paste your log file?16:33
ogra_cmpclag, uname -r16:34
furibondoxthis is the last part of the file16:34
lagogra_cmpc: Tried that16:34
ogra_cmpclag, and ?16:35
furibondoxrsalveti: I'm running the rootstock from a lucid pc16:35
lagDisplays 2.6.35-903-omap416:36
lagI need to know X where X is a number16:36
ogra_cmpcoh tou want the abi16:36
rsalvetifuribondox: interesting, the error message is "Success" :-)16:36
furibondoxright... it seems that genext2fs return a right error code (0)16:36
rsalvetifuribondox: let me try it here16:36
furibondoxrsalveti: I try to insert an echo $? and the output was 016:37
ogra_cmpclag, dpkg -l|grep linux-image|grep ^ii|grep $(uname -r)16:39
ogra_cmpcand then some cut magic to get the second field16:39
lagWhat's ^ii?16:39
ogra_cmpcit greps only installed packages16:40
ogra_cmpc(filter for dpkg -l)16:40
lagIt just locked up on me :(16:40
ogra_cmpcwhat ? dpkg16:41
rsalvetifuribondox: for now, try commenting the if part of genext2fs (calling it directly) to see if rootstock is able to create the rootfs16:41
lagNo, the board16:41
lagWent to screen saver and refused to come out16:41
ogra_cmpctry switching consoles16:41
lagNext time16:41
rsalvetifuribondox: I'm looking why genext2fs trying to be verbose16:41
rsalveti*is trying16:42
ogra_cmpci noticed something similar but console switching solves it ... i cant reproduce it reliably yet though16:42
furibondoxnow i try commenting the if part...16:42
lagogra: What's the current ABI?16:43
* ogra_cmpc cant tell from here16:43
lagWhen I installed it, it said "downgrading to x.x.x-903.8 from x.x.x-902.1116:44
lagBut only 5 and 8 are installed16:44
ogra_cmpcthats also not a downgrade16:45
ogra_cmpc903 > 90216:45
furibondoxrsalveti: after commenting the if part it seems that it stops again... but I don't understand why16:47
furibondoxafter line 7 it return to the prompt16:48
lagogra_cmpc: What?16:49
rsalvetifuribondox: probably because of genext2fs return code (the script has set -e)16:49
lagogra_cmpc: Oh, I see16:49
lagNo, that's a typo16:49
lagBoth were 90316:49
furibondoxyes... I see16:51
rsalvetifuribondox: after failing, try running genext2fs by hand16:52
rsalvetiso we can understand why it's failing16:52
furibondoxI can try to print the same command line used by genext2fs and then execute the same command...16:53
rsalvetifuribondox: yep, or call it with bash -x ./rootstock16:53
furibondoxI've done it before but the /tmp/tmp.XXXXX/rootfs folder is not more present...16:54
furibondoxmay be now without the if part the cleanup function is not called so the rootfs folder extracted should be leaved in the /tmp/tmp.XXXXXX16:55
rsalvetifuribondox: yep, without the if part the clean_up is not called16:56
rsalvetiso you can still go to the generated directory16:57
furibondoxi can check but I have to run the rootstock again with the set -x in order to check the exact parameters to pass to genext2fs16:57
rsalvetifuribondox: or you can try to look for the /tmp/tmp.XXX directory that was't wiped out16:58
rsalvetigenext2fs -b 104857 -i 4096 -d rootfs rootfs.img should be ok16:59
rsalvetifuribondox: genext2fs -b 2097152 -i 4096 -d rootfs rootfs.img as you requested 2GB17:00
furibondoxgenext2fs -b 2097152 -i 4096 -d /tmp/tmp.8DXifxNx1k/rootfs /tmp/tmp.8DXifxNx1k/qemu-armel-201009131759.img17:00
furibondoxI'm waiting the exit of the program...17:00
furibondoxvery strange... the qemu image is 0 byte long17:04
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rsalvetifuribondox: did it fail with the same message?17:05
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furibondoxgenext2fs: output filesystem image: Success17:05
rsalvetifuribondox: try using -b 104857617:05
rsalvetigenext2fs consumes a lot of ram17:06
furibondoxI'm trying17:06
ogra_acyes, you need as much free ram as the imagesize is17:06
rsalvetigenext2fs is a quite old code, and it was created to generate small images, so they just map everything into memory17:07
furibondoxgreat! using -b 1048576 the image is generated correctly17:08
rsalvetifuribondox: so try running with -i 1GB17:08
furibondoxyes I'm just trying ;)17:09
furibondoxI've also remove the comment to the if part...17:11
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* rsalveti lunch17:22
GrueMasterogra: On bug 628204, should I refile it against the go-home-applet?17:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 628204 in ubuntu-netbook-efl-default-settings (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "go-home-applet not accessable on armel images (affects: 2) (heat: 506)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62820417:44
GrueMasterDone.  I had been looking at the gconf settings between Lucid & Maverick and not seeing anything different there.17:46
ogra_aci doubt its gconf17:48
GrueMasterLike I said, I didn't find anything there.  Just a blank entry.  Nothing in the go-home-applet source indicates that it uses more than that.17:50
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mpoirierrobclark: good afternoon20:48
robclarkhi mpoirier20:49
mpoirierrobclark: a few weeks ago we had a chat about EDID20:50
mpoirierI read it from user space, you from the driver.20:50
mpoiriercould you point me to your patch one again pls ?20:51
robclarkyeah.. and I talked a bit w/ mythripk about it since then.. since we have a similar issue with the DVI-D interface on panda..20:51
robclarksure hang on..20:51
robclarkfwiw, mythripk was suggesting adding an API to the panel driver to return either the fixed timings (for LCD type device, with hard-coded resolution), or EDID for things like HDMI/DVI monitor..20:52
robclarkso probably we should have a talk with her one of these mornings20:52
mpoirierat this time, we are looking to do a back port of your work in omap3 - do you think this is possible ?20:53
robclarkalthough mythripk was talking about splitting out EDID code into separate utility within DSS2..  that would make your life a bit easier, but not sure about the timeframe20:54
mpoirierI wanted to investigat first20:54
robclarkfwiw, my most current branch right now is http://gitorious.org/~robclark/pandaboard/robclarks-kernel-omap4/commits/drm-lite ... but the patches you are interested in are a bit further down..20:54
mpoirierlet check...20:54
robclarkI guess look at the commits that have EDID or HDMI in the name ;-)20:55
ogra_acmpoirier, did you talk to ricardo ? he owns teh EDEI spec now20:56
mpoirierrobclark: thanks for your time20:57
ogra_ac(just to make sure we dont duplicate work here, i'm not sure if he doesnt work on the u-boot implementation right now)20:57
ogra_acrsalveti ^^^20:58
robclarkmpoirier: also.. dss2/omapfb don't deal well with dynamic resizing.. have a look at the commits cad4d0c, c07189e20:58
rsalvetimpoirier: I have a patch already trying to add the EDID parsing in omap320:59
rsalvetithat's what I'm currently working on20:59
rsalvetiwhat I'm trying at the moment is probing and parsing the edid at the panel-generic21:00
rsalvetiusing the api we already have at the kernel21:00
rsalvetiomap4 is not using the edid api21:01
rsalvetibut getting and parsing everything by hand21:01
rsalvetirobclark: the idea for now would be just to probe and get it right while booting the kernel21:02
rsalvetithe second step would be changing it, when needed21:02
robclarkrsalveti: just keep in mind, that omapfb might end up initializing itself (and therefore reading the resolution) before the HDMI driver has a chance to read the EDID21:04
robclarkso even if the monitor is plugged in a boot, the order of things at bootup might screw you21:04
rsalvetirobclark: oh, sure21:05
rsalvetiargh, sgx packaging is just terrible21:08
rsalvetiwe have 3 different sets of libraries21:08
rsalvetieach one for a different hardware21:08
rsalvetiat least the kernel modules are the same21:08
rsalvetiand just the .so files21:08
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GrueMasterNCommander: Any chance of reviving apport-retrace this cycle?23:35
NCommanderGrueMaster: now that I'm back home, maybe23:39
NCommanderdepends on how stable my A0 is23:39
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GrueMasterOther than the stupid parallel port driver, it should be fine.  Mine is.23:41
NCommanderGrueMaster: indeed. the A0 is much more stable IMHO23:42

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