
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
uchobbyHello everyone01:16
meindian523o/ uchobby01:29
uchobbyHy meindian523 whats up today?01:30
meindian523uchobby, boredom01:30
uchobbywell I'm studying make files01:30
stlsaintmeindian523: sup man01:30
meindian523stlsaint, as above, boredom01:31
stlsaintmeindian523: shucks01:31
meindian523yep, it sucks01:31
stlsaintmeindian523: learning something new will curve that boredom01:32
meindian523stlsaint, give me an idea01:32
stlsaintmeindian523: programming ;)01:32
meindian523makefiles sounds good, if I knew enough of programming to ever need one01:32
* meindian523 thinks he'll have dinner and then study some of his books and some CSS01:34
stlsaintsounds good :D01:34
seidosmeindian523, i have an idea for programming that should be easy.  i'll even take pseudo code contributions01:35
uchobbywhat's your idea seidos01:38
uchobbyI'm pretty new to Linux software dev, not to software dev itself. I did a project last week or so that would ring a real doorbell anytime someone said uchobby in IRC.01:39
seidosuchobby, a program that takes a person's birth month and year, and favorite animal from a list, and tells them what "ubuntu version" they are01:39
uchobbywas a good first project01:39
seidosuchobby, haha, that's crazy01:40
uchobbyworks well01:40
seidosuchobby, did you have a relay or something you were controlling?01:40
uchobbyI used the parallel port and some power MOSFETS to drive the striker for an old doorbell that was scrapted, Also put a bright LED in. All hacked inside the old doorbell box.01:41
uchobbyI posted on my blog, I will get the link01:41
uchobbyFirst two articles, one is the hardware hack and the other is the soruce code01:42
uchobbyI'm off to get some work done.. Y'all take care01:44
seidostake care uchobby01:45
seans1206Can someone please helo me?01:51
aveilleux!ask |seans120601:51
ubot2seans1206: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:51
* meindian523 will be busy, hammering away at his homepage02:03
meindian523duanedesign, ?02:04
meindian523if I wanted to learn CSS, would you recommend O'Reilly's Missing Manual or the For Dummies?02:06
aveilleuxmeindian523: Neither; I would recommend w3schools02:06
meindian523given that I'm not a dummy, but know nothing about cSS02:06
aveilleuxmeindian523: I learned X/HTML, CSS and JavaScript from w3schools, and I'm working on PHP02:07
aveilleuxmeindian523: And it's all free02:07
meindian523aveilleux, I've seen w3cschools02:07
meindian523it felt to me more like a look up table for the code when you know what you want02:07
aveilleuxmeindian523: They also have teach-yourself guides that are extremely helpful02:08
* meindian523 searches02:08
meindian523aveilleux, do you mean the tutorials?02:09
aveilleuxmeindian523: I guess so. I really tought myself by trying to do something, failing, then looking up the right way to do it02:09
* meindian523 plans to do the same, but he needs a kind of hybrid between look up table and hand holdinf02:10
meindian523*hand holding02:10
phillwhttp://www.tizag.com/ is also an excellent resource for turorials02:21
paultag_hey phillw :)02:22
paultag_I learned a TON off tizag02:22
phillwhiyas paultag, yeah, it's a no-brainer link for me to pass on to people, along with http://forum.codecall.net/ who will answer specific questions and host their own tutorial section (I'm biased as I know the mods & site owner), but it is a really good site that has been around for years.02:25
paultag_it's how I learned when I was about 14 or os02:26
* phillw feels guilty as hasn't been on codecall for a while :-\02:26
* meindian523 thinks w3schools would be better as they define the standards etc02:39
phillwmeindian523: not wishing to pick holes, but it is http://www.w3.org/Consortium/ who "set the rules", w3schools abide by them carefully and accurately; but are not involved in defining the standards.02:43
meindian523phillw, ya, I know :)02:43
meindian523but it's generally the same organization right02:44
phillww3schools follow it excellently, but are not affiliated to the w3.org02:44
hardhittertennishey guys im brand new to linux and am in a class where we need it and so a question on my homework said using the terminal what is a command that would create a new file "Fido.txt" that contains exclusively the lines of an existing file "novel.txt" in which the dog "Fido" is metioned02:45
paultag_hardhittertennis, at umich I see02:46
paultag_hardhittertennis, I'm over at Ohio02:46
paultag_hardhittertennis, OH!02:46
paultag_hardhittertennis, Look up what "cat" does02:46
hardhittertennishowd u know02:46
paultag_hardhittertennis, you're in the bursley res hall02:46
hardhittertennisok i wasnt sure if it was cat or if i should start off with gedit02:47
hardhittertennisor something02:47
paultag_hardhittertennis, http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO-3.html02:47
paultag_hardhittertennis, study up, this is the easy part02:47
phillwmeindian523: Much like my on goig battles for accessibilty to be fully w3c'd, by both XHTML and CSS http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=3202:47
paultag_hardhittertennis, and that O.H. was because I'm in Ohio, I just got back from OSU. Michigan sucks!!!02:47
* phillw would use echo :p02:48
hardhittertennishaha gotchya, well im new here so i dont have that hate for osu yet lol02:48
paultag_phillw, it's a file that already exists02:48
paultag_phillw, so you want to cat, and dump stdout02:48
hardhittertennisbut thanks for all the help, even though you hate my school :P02:48
paultag_hardhittertennis, :)02:48
paultag_hardhittertennis, Sure bro02:48
phillwahh, then use >> :p02:48
paultag_hardhittertennis, oh yeah, check out ubuntu michigan02:48
paultag_hardhittertennis, there are some kickass dudes over there02:48
paultag_hardhittertennis, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MichiganTeam02:49
paultag_hardhittertennis, good luck out there!02:49
hardhittertennisalright ill check that out!02:49
hardhittertennisthanks again for all the help. ur the best!02:50
hardhittertennishave a good night!02:50
paultag_you too!02:50
meindian523paultag, cat novel.txt|grep Fido >> Fido.txt02:50
paultag_meindian523, I think that's it02:50
meindian523just testing my skills02:50
paultag_meindian523, I did not get the whole question, but that sounds spot on02:50
paultag_meindian523, except it's a > not >>02:51
paultag_meindian523, because if you run it twice, it won't be right :)02:51
meindian523paultag, AFAIK, > inserts and >> appends02:51
paultag_> overwrites, >> appends02:51
paultag_try it out02:51
meindian523> inserts as in overwrites the file02:51
meindian523that's what I meant02:51
paultag_that's what you should do02:51
paultag_because it's not overwrite per-line02:51
paultag_it's per stdin till EOF02:52
meindian523I always use >> as a safety thing02:52
paultag_meindian523, it's not safety02:52
meindian523don't want to overwrite a file that already exists because of some typo I made in redirection02:52
paultag_meindian523, if you run it twice, it will break what you are doing02:52
paultag_meindian523, because you will have two lines02:52
* meindian523 tests02:52
meindian523paultag, nope, that worked fine02:54
meindian523how do you mean will have two lines?02:54
meindian523paultag_, ?02:55
paultag_meindian523, run02:55
paultag_echo "foo" >> bar02:55
paultag_echo "foo" >> bar02:55
paultag_echo "foo" >> bar02:55
paultag_echo "foo" >> bar02:56
paultag_and then run02:56
paultag_echo "foo" > bar02:56
paultag_echo "foo" > bar02:56
paultag_echo "foo" > bar02:56
paultag_echo "foo" > bar02:56
paultag_and compare bars02:56
meindian523paultag_, didn't get your point02:57
paultag_MadameTock, think it over for a few02:57
meindian523>> appended, > overwrote02:57
paultag_not you MadameTock02:57
meindian523as expected02:57
meindian523I knew that already02:57
paultag_meindian523, so I would not use >> in that guy's case02:57
paultag_meindian523, because it would be wrong if you ran it more then once02:57
paultag_or if a file was there02:58
meindian523ran what more than once?02:58
paultag_the command02:58
meindian523paultag_, you would rather he overwrote a file that already existed than have a few lines appended to it?02:58
meindian523uh, I disagree02:59
paultag_because I keep amazing backups02:59
paultag_and I never loose data02:59
paultag_and if I am turning it in for school02:59
paultag_I don't want to turn in binary crap02:59
meindian523you do, not all the rest of the world does02:59
meindian523how would that result in binary crap?02:59
paultag_meindian523, cp /bin/bash ./foo.bar03:00
paultag_echo "foo" >> foo.bar03:00
meindian523that would be binary03:00
paultag_<paultag_> and if I am turning it in for school03:01
paultag_<paultag_> I don't want to turn in binary crap03:01
* phillw wishes had not mentioned >> :-(03:01
paultag_It's cool03:01
meindian523but if that was another text file, and you don't do backups, then you just lost that data03:01
meindian523and you would be an idiot if you were turning it in for school and didn't check it at least once03:02
meindian523for yourself03:02
paultag_meindian523, anyone can come up with random "if this random situation happens" cases for most things03:02
paultag_meindian523, I'm just saying I disagree with you fundamentally03:02
meindian523paultag, same here :)03:02
meindian523IMHO, if it's that important, you check it for yourself before you turn it in03:03
meindian523anyway, CSS calls, thanks for the example paultag03:04
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Mohan_chmlhello aussa04:38
Mohan_chmlaussa: you are still here? you need some help?04:42
aussahi, i was wondering if you can help me with this, yes....04:42
aussamoment :D04:42
aussaim willing to format my system, and want to have a win partition, an ubuntu partition, and a shared partition for data, ive been reading a lot about it today, but i cant decided if i make that shared partition ext4, ntfs or fat32, what do you think about it?04:45
Mohan_chmlIf you want to make the shared partition(as it must be visible in Win too), you must choose either FAT or NTFS04:46
Mohan_chmlext3 or ext4 are not the file systems that windows support04:46
aussaok, and can i be able to install programs of win in that shared partition, for example solidworks?04:47
Mohan_chmlaussa: You can install anything in any partition and it will not bother you :)04:47
aveilleuxaussa: Though if a single file in Solidworks is over 3.2GB, the partition will have to be NTFS04:49
aussammm.... ok, so i guess it wil be ntfs, thank you so much (Y)04:49
Mohan_chmlheya aveilleux.04:50
JoeMaverickSettaussa: have you looked in on this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions ? i think you would probably want NTFS. :)04:50
aussaok, ill take a look, ty04:51
nate9901i'm running ubuntu thru an external drive, i mounted my computers /dev/sda1 fs:ntfs to view files, and now i can no longer boot windows. also /dev/sda1 has somehow been converted to fat32... pls help05:31
Mohan_chmlawww he left. Darn I am late :/05:38
duanedesignMohan_chml: yeah some people are not very patient :(05:52
Mohan_chmlduanedesign: hello. How are you with CLIcompanion?06:00
Mohan_chmlduanedesign: PM06:01
Mohan_chmlheya hobgoblin =]09:00
Mohan_chmlI ll bbl after 2 hours.. see ya later hobgoblin o/09:24
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vu1kani created this alias in my .bashrc< alias web='cd ~/web/ && python -m SimpleHTTPServer' > how would i modify it to add < cd - > after i close the webserver? could i just append < &&  cd- >?10:27
meindian523    0_13:54
meindian523    |13:55
meindian523   /\13:55
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duanedesign'lo Silver_Fox_ , meindian52314:00
Silver_Fox_Hello duanedesign and meindian52314:00
Silver_Fox_How are you both ?14:00
duanedesigndoing well, thank you14:00
meindian523Hi duanedesign14:00
* meindian523 is cool14:00
* meindian523 goes off to perform daily routine work14:03
Silver_Fox_Goodbye meindian523 .14:15
Silver_Fox_That is good to know duanedesign  :)14:15
duanedesignSilver_Fox_: how about you?14:21
Silver_Fox_I am okay thank you duanedesign .  Rather busy at work,  but good.  Glad it is Monday14:22
Mohan_chmlHeya Silver_Fox_ and duanedesign. Both of you busy for a talk?14:23
Mohan_chmlQuestion: What is the difference between Open source and Free software14:24
Silver_Fox_Free software is free, but the source code is not available.  Open source is exactly that. You have the source code and can modify. That is my interpretation anyway.14:25
Mohan_chmlOkay is there any celebration for Software freedom day at your location Silver_Fox_ ?14:26
duanedesignyeah. Open Source is not necessarily free. free software is not necessarily open source14:26
duanedesignunless its Free Open Source ;)14:26
Silver_Fox_Not that I am aware off Mohan_chml14:27
Mohan_chmlduanedesign: ;)14:28
meindian523uh, there is free as in freedom and free as in gratis14:28
meindian523which one are you talking about Mohan_chml14:28
Mohan_chmlSilver_Fox_: Okay! I am going to plan about Software freedom day by tomorrow :)14:28
Mohan_chmlohai meindian523 I am not sure about that14:28
Mohan_chmlcoz idk both :D14:29
meindian523Mohan_chml, k14:29
Mohan_chmlmeindian523: at work now??14:29
duanedesignAhh. I see. Free Software as used by FSF means free as in freedom14:30
meindian523free software is defined by the FSF14:30
meindian523Mohan_chml, nope14:30
meindian523FSF defines free software by 4 criterion14:30
meindian5231] Source code available14:30
meindian5232] Free to modify14:30
meindian5233] Free to redistribute14:30
meindian5234] Free to run it for any purpose, reverse engineer etc14:30
meindian523ya, that's better14:31
duanedesignOpen source software and free software are different terms for software which comes with certain rights, or freedoms, for the user. They describe two approaches and philosophies towards free software. Open source and free software (or software libre) both describe software which is free from onerous licensing restrictions. It may be used, copied, studied, modified and redistributed without restriction.14:32
meindian523I mixed up a few14:33
meindian523the 4 rules for a software to be considered free software are given in that ^^14:33
meindian523as defined by the FSF14:33
Mohan_chmlhmmm. good to discuss it noe =]14:33
Phreais there a way to make Ubuntu power down when on a laptop the on/off button is pressed?14:34
duanedesignThe difference in the terms is where they place the emphasis. “Free software” is defined in terms of giving the user freedom. This reflects the goal of the free software movement. “Open source” highlights that the source code is viewable to all and proponents of the term usually emphasize the quality of the software and how this is caused by the development models14:34
meindian523Open source software is defined by the OSI, and they have a ten point criterion to decide whether a software is open source14:34
meindian523Phrea, System>>Preferences>>Power Management14:34
meindian523duanedesign, +114:35
duanedesignPhrea: under the 'General' Tab14:35
Phreaomg, yea, sorry, I suck testicles14:35
JoeMaverickSettso, FLOSS means both free/libre and open source, right?14:36
meindian523JoeMaverickSett, yeah, Stallman is ok with using FLOSS when you don't want to fall in either of the camps14:37
Mohan_chmlI ll brb in 20 mins exact14:38
* meindian523 keeps a timer14:38
duanedesignMohan_chml: ok we are timing you14:38
Mohan_chmllol :P14:38
duanedesignduane pulls up applet-timer14:38
Mohan_chmlgoing to buy dinner :D14:38
* meindian523 will be back later, as and when he gets within range of the college wireless14:39
Silver_Fox_Hello :)14:58
disturb3di deleted the python2.6 package on ubuntu and i was wondering if there is anyway to repair it short of reinstalling..14:59
disturb3dgoogle isnt too helpful on this14:59
Silver_Fox_Open a terminal14:59
Silver_Fox_Try something like: sudo apt-get install python2.615:00
Mohan_chmlSilver_Fox_: synaptic may help I think15:00
Silver_Fox_Guess I love cli too much ;)15:00
Silver_Fox_I would also have a look in synaptic as Mohan_chml  says disturb3d15:01
disturb3di can only get a console,gnome vanished,and when i use apt-get install it says it cant resolve teh ro.archives.ubuntu.com url15:01
Silver_Fox_synaptic package manager15:01
Silver_Fox_System > Administration > "Synaptic Package Manager"15:01
Mohan_chmldisturb3d: can you even enter through failsafe GNOME?15:01
Silver_Fox_ *from memory15:01
disturb3dgnome is gone15:02
disturb3donly dos-like console15:02
disturb3dthe real problem i have is that the /home/user folder is empty15:02
disturb3dexcept from a strange .desktop file15:02
Mohan_chmlYeah you can install from there disturb3d. By using sudo apt-get install python2.615:03
Mohan_chmlMost of the packages in ubuntu runs by Python and I think that may be the reason for this15:03
disturb3di tried and i get an error whet apt tries to resolve the archive URL15:03
Mohan_chmlSilver_Fox_: what you think about recovery? Can that be done?15:04
disturb3dwell i dont mind reinstalling15:05
disturb3dbut i thought i could save 2 files i need and my pgp private key15:05
disturb3dwhat i dont get is why my user folder is empty :(15:06
Mohan_chmlaww. Live CD has nothing in your user folder?15:06
Mohan_chmldisturb3d: You are looking at the drive named File system ??15:06
Mohan_chmlIt is the Live CD which you are seeing currently15:07
disturb3dwell im not in ubuntu right now since i cant start anything15:07
duanedesigndisturb3d: try pinging google. To see if the resolving archive problem is just a matter of changing the mirror or something more15:07
duanedesignping -c 5 www.google.com15:07
disturb3di tried15:07
disturb3dbut it cant resolve anything apart my localhost15:07
Mohan_chmldisturb3d: how you saw that there is nothing in Users folder?15:07
disturb3dfrom the console15:08
disturb3dls /home/distrub3d15:08
disturb3dand all i have now is a strange file like : User-Private-Data-Something.desktop15:08
Mohan_chmlI have no clue as I had never gone through a problem like this :(15:09
JoeMaverickSettdisturb3d: if you don't mind reinstalling, why not try to recove the files you need with the Live CD, and don't mind about the PGP key, you could always make one again.15:09
* JoeMaverickSett is not much of a recovery guy. :)15:10
disturb3dJoeMaverickSett, thx,i didnt thought of using live cd15:10
Mohan_chmlJoeb454: He has Private keys in his home folder15:10
Mohan_chmlaww wrong ping :(15:11
disturb3dMohan_chml,he had* :P15:11
JoeMaverickSettdisturb3d: you mentioned only pgp key, right?15:11
Mohan_chmldisturb3d: your still having it there :P15:11
JoeMaverickSettMohan_chml: we could always make new pgp key isn't it? :)15:12
disturb3dwell i try to recover it with the live CD it should work thanks a lot guys15:13
Mohan_chmlJoeMaverickSett: you can, but if you have a separate home and you encrypted it, then It may be something to handle with15:13
Mohan_chmldisturb3d: good luck :)15:13
disturb3di meant to ask that15:13
JoeMaverickSettdisturb3d: good luck.15:13
disturb3ddoes ubuntu encrypt your home folder by default?15:14
AndrewMCdisturb3d: no15:14
duanedesigndisturb3d: you can use the command15:15
Mohan_chmlheya AndrewMC (:15:15
duanedesignzcat -f /var/log/dpkg.log* | grep "\ remove\ " | sort15:15
AndrewMChey Mohan_chml15:16
duanedesignto see recently removed packages to sort out what wasw removed that is causing your issues15:16
Mohan_chmlAndrewMC: hows life?15:16
AndrewMCMohan_chml: good but lets stay on topic15:17
disturb3dduanedesign, python2.6 package was removed15:17
disturb3di installed the python3.1 package and thought that python2.6 is useless :P15:18
disturb3dnow learned the -s option when using apt-get remove to simulate the outcome15:19
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=== [1]disturb3d is now known as disturb3d
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KenNI'n on an acer laptop, and the connection is really really slow [connection strength seems to be ok], like there is a lag before it actually goes to a site16:58
KenNthe lag is any- and everywhere, drives me nuts16:59
duanedesignKenN: you can test the speed and latency at http://www.speedtest.net/16:59
KenNlatency is 20ms according to speedtest17:00
KenNconection speed is 15/3mbit17:00
KenNso the speed itself seems fine17:00
KenNon average the browser sems to be thinking for anything between 10 and 20 seconds per website :?17:02
KenN[connection is via wifi]17:02
duanedesignKenN: hmm. might be a DNS issue17:05
KenNthought about it, it's set to auto, and it does work, just with an extreme amount of latency17:06
duanedesignKenN: IPV6 can cause that too.17:07
KenNI know, so I set that to ignore17:08
duanedesignhave you disabled it in Firefox?17:08
KenNusing Opera atm17:08
KenNI can try Fx, where can I find that setting?17:08
KenNduanedesign: it's the same for either browser17:09
duanedesignis that editing /etc/sysctl.conf?17:09
KenNwhat do you mean?17:10
KenNproduct: PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection                 vendor: Intel Corporation17:10
duanedesigncat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/disable_ipv6   returns 0 if its enabled, 1 if its disabled17:10
KenNthe card17:10
duanedesignthese commands will edit the sysctl to disable IPV6 http://paste.ubuntu.com/493189/17:12
duanedesigni am assuming you are using 10.04 Lucid Lynx?17:12
KenNit's set to 017:12
KenNyes I am17:13
KenNs already disabled17:13
KenNsorry, typing on laptop, not used to it17:13
KenNI have to eat, be back later, thanks in advance :)17:13
KenNI'm back17:30
KenNhmmm, primary DNS is a local IP, secondary is an outside IP17:32
KenNmaybe that's it?17:32
KenNI think I fixed it17:36
KenNI have NO idea why setting the WPA&WPA2 personal to enterprise, and then back to personal should work, but apparently it did17:37
duanedesignKenN: great17:46
duanedesigntheir is a neat tool to test DNS servers and see which are fastest for you17:46
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Phreaduanedesign: it went back to it's old speed again18:45
Phreaeven tried resetting the router, somebody said that sometimes wifi ports on routers can become 'clogged'. I'm sure I was trolled, but restarted the thing anyways18:46
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antIPor some reason I have three window borders suck on my screen and I can't move them or delete them. Even a restart doesn't get rid of them. Here's an image of my desktop http://i54.tinypic.com/2qimpn9.png - They're on my 3rd desktop. They don't show close maximize or minimize buttons either Any help with this weird issue would be appreciated20:14
antIPI'm not sure if anyone is around, but how do I get rid of these window borders that stick around even after restart?20:17
shredder12antIP: I never actually came across anything like this but you may try backing up your ~/.gnome2 folder, remove it and then restart20:17
shredder12antIP: a warning though, it will remove all your gnome settings, e.g your shortcuts, themes, gnome-panel applets etc.20:18
shredder12but they can be reconfigured pretty easily20:18
shredder12you should see the default gnome after reboot, even a simple logout/login should work.20:19
=== elfy is now known as hobgoblin
itsdo i need to install a anti virus and anti spy ware when using ubuntu 9.04, thanks21:36
sebsebsebits: nope :)21:36
aveilleuxits: That's debatable, but generally not.21:36
sebsebseb!virus | its21:36
ubot2its: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus21:36
sebsebsebits: By the way 9.04 is only supported untill the end of next month, then no more security updates21:36
aveilleuxHm, NOD32 isn't on the list yet21:38
aveilleuxThe Linux version is in open beta21:38
=== paultag_ is now known as paultag
revolverXDhi guys, anyone was able to install aireplay-ng on ubuntu lucid lynx?22:19
revolverXDkinda banging my head in the wall about it22:19
revolverXDall the instruction on the web are for debian :\22:20
revolverXD(and they dont work)22:20
revolverXDor better yet can anyone explain to me how i determine the mission dependecies that stop the "make" command?22:21
phillwrevolverXD: can I sk why you are trying to crack WEP passwords?22:25
revolverXDyeah my job22:26
revolverXDthe higher up closed the wep for no damn reason :\22:27
revolverXDand out curiosity how actually of how it works22:27
phillwwell, the bad news is that no one should still be using WEP, they should all be on the new protocol, which airplay cannot hack into. Within the ubuntu family we share freely, we do not attack other peoples systems / broadband / wifi / profiles / email accounts etc.22:28
phillwWPA and WPA2 would need several years of data traffic to get a password.22:29
revolverXDi have no intention of attacking anyone- i have nothing to gain from that just want to surp the net at 4 am when no one is calling to work and the only thing i can do is stare at the wall22:29
revolverXDyeah i know but they use wep22:29
phillwever considered an ethernet lead? :-)22:29
revolverXDlol they will hang me on the wall :)22:30
revolverXDits a ahrdend system22:30
revolverXDthe moment i will connect something to the Ethernet im dead meat22:30
revolverXDi work as isp support provider22:30
phillwrevolverXD: ^^ read what you just wrote ^^ hacking into it is likely to get you fired / prosecuted.22:31
valindil89zomg its been a while.22:31
valindil89paultag o/22:31
revolverXDnot really i can allway ask other ppl on the work since its seems im the only one that dont do that yet, actually i dont have an idea why they even put protection on the wirless22:32
revolverXDeach and everyone in my work allready broke into it22:32
aveilleuxrevolverXD: "Everyone else has already done it" is not a good excuse to crack into a protected network.22:32
revolverXDbut nvm i will not ask you something that is against the police of the Chanel22:33
aveilleuxrevolverXD: If everyone at work has already done it, then ask one of them for the key. I still do not condone that course of action, because unauthorized access to any network is bad22:33
revolverXDbut on other hand can i ask for help how i can determine the dependencies that block me from using the make command?22:34
aveilleuxrevolverXD: Did you try running ./configure first?22:34
revolverXDand i dont ask it for aircrack i just want to know how to operate that command i tried -dd and -p22:34
revolverXDi use ./configure before make ?22:35
aveilleuxrevolverXD: Generally, yes... it should do through and check the dependencies beforehand22:35
revolverXDgonna check google how to use that,but another question if i may22:36
revolverXDapt-get can deal with tar files ? or is just for installing from the net?22:36
aveilleuxrevolverXD: apt-get is for downloading and installing from the Internet. Tarballs (.tar.gz) files are not related. Generally they're source, and you have to compile source before you can run it.22:37
paultagrevolverXD, look into checkinstall22:38
revolverXDthx i will try that now22:39
paultaghey valindil89 :)22:39
paultagrevolverXD, that just makes a ( not well-done, but still usable ) deb file dpkg can use ( not apt, but what apt uses )22:39
* phillw waves at boss ( paultag) :D22:40
valindil89ok back22:41
paultagheyya phillw :)22:43
paultagphillw, how goes, my friend?22:43
phillwhi paultag it is going okay, just got the 'naughty word filter' uploaded and installed on http://uy-forums.net/ so that's another job off my 'to do' list :-)22:46
revolverXDdosent seems to work but i will figure this out as long as i have the general,thx guys and good night22:51
paultagphillw, kickass22:52

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