
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
htorquegreetings, can anyone running up-to-date unity try to reproduce bug 598663? if you follow the two steps and have the 'Close' item in the global 'File' menu, then please mark as confirmed09:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 598663 in nautilus (and 2 other projects) "Nautilus: global menu stays visible after closing (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59866309:42
head_victimWhat's the best method of reporting a bug in a locale that doesn't allow for 12 hour time (it defaults to 24hours which is fine but doesn't even have the option for 12)?09:46
bullgard4[Maverick] I entered '~$ ubuntu-bug gnome-media'. I am surprised: A window "Bug-Buddy" opens, telling me: "Send a bug report: The application epiphany has crashed. Information concerning program crash have been successfully collected. Bug buddy does not know the crashed apllication. Therefore it cannot send the error report to the GNOME bug database. Please store the bug in a text file and...10:10
bullgard4...report to the bug database of the affected application." I am lost. How to proceed?10:10
bullgard4Epiphany is still running.10:11
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baptistemmis my SRU complete (Bug 636999) ?12:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 636999 in git-core (Debian) (and 1 other project) "gitweb.js missing in gitweb package (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63699912:40
jibelbaptistemm, could you add a test case in the description, and what are the potential regressions if any ?13:06
baptistemmjibel: test case is a bit hard, as you need to setup a vhost, but the consequence is simple: you'll have plenty of message 404 NOT FOUND for gitweb.js13:14
baptistemmand no regression as this is just a missing file13:14
jibelbaptistemm, no need to detail every step to setup a vhost except if there is a specific configuration for that vhost.13:25
jibelbaptistemm, without a test case, the sru won't be approved.13:26
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kamusinour boot is dead :(15:25
jpdsOur wee boot.15:26
kamusinsupermegalopowerawesome3.0motu is gone ..15:27
pedro_hggdh, ^15:27
hggdheh? eeeBotu is dead?15:30
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flipefrin which language do you speak19:24
greg-gflipefr: most conversation in this channel happens in english. Although, there are speakers of other languages in here.19:25
flipefri am a little lost19:27
flipefrhow can i see the list of users in this channel?19:27
nisshhflipefr: try the /names command19:28
nisshhflipefr: which irc client are you using?19:28
flipefrx-chat gnome19:28
nisshhflipefr: and you dont have a list of users to the right of the chat window? xchat normally does19:29
flipefri have a list in the tab conversations19:30
flipefrin the button users19:30
nisshhah ok19:30
flipefrbut not at the right side19:30
flipefrthere is no way to incorporate it to the frame?19:31
nisshhflipefr: is there any other reason you came to this channel? because if its just support, #ubuntu would be more appropriate19:31
mistryniteshHi flipefr, welcome to the bugsquad :-)19:31
flipefrbecause someone told me to come here in the ubuntu bugsquad while i wait for a mentor19:31
flipefri dont now how to start the triage process so maybe here someone would now19:32
nisshhflipefr: ah, ok, sorry, i didnt know you were waiting for a mentor, just thought you came looking for support19:34
nisshhflipefr: well, this is the official bugsquad channel after all19:34
flipefrso here i am19:35
nisshhflipefr: im also being mentored at the moment, although by the sound of it, your newer to Ubuntu than i am :)19:35
flipefryes, i am very newer in this19:37
flipefrbut not using ubuntu19:37
flipefrso i decided to colaborate relatively soon19:37
nisshhflipefr: oh? what are you using?19:37
flipefri used jaunty and karmic before19:38
nisshhflipefr: lucid IS ubuntu, unless your using kubuntu or xubuntu19:39
flipefrpure ubuntu, gnome desktop19:39
flipefrnot kubuntu or xubuntu19:40
flipefri dont like too  much kde19:40
flipefri subscribed to the eail list19:41
flipefri read the triage guide19:41
flipefri requested a mentor19:42
flipefrand now i am waiting19:42
flipefri suppose the mentor contacted you via email19:42
flipefrand told you something to do19:42
flipefrbut i am not hurry19:43
flipefrand i dont have much free time19:43
flipefrso that's the rason why i started by the simplest way19:43
flipefrinstead of development19:43
flipefrcan you tell something you ussually do to solve bugs19:44
flipefrdo you read the list and choose what to do19:45
flipefror there is a place, maybe launchpad, where you are assigned to a bug19:45
flipefruntil you reassign it to a developer19:45
flipefror maybe solve it19:46
flipefror reject19:46
nisshhflipefr: you get on launchpad and do all sorts of things with bugs :)19:46
nisshhflipefr: you should understand that your mentor is not their to do it for you, your mentor is there to answer your questions and report on your progress19:47
flipefrso i should start investigate in launchpad19:49
nisshhflipefr: im not your mentor, but yea, you should have signed up to launchpad before you even requested a mentor19:50
flipefri signed but all i did was change the personal profile, the ubuntu wiki and a few things19:51
flipefri now there is a place for bugs19:51
flipefrbut i didnt see how to view the list19:52
flipefrinside launchpad19:53
flipefrthere is a tab named "bugs"19:53
flipefrwhere there is a combo to select the list of bugs19:54
nisshhthats it19:54
flipefrbut i find nothing in all categories19:54
nisshhflipefr: how long have you been using ubuntu for?19:54
flipefra year or so19:55
flipefronly like user19:55
flipefrmore than a year19:55
flipefrmaybe a year and half19:55
flipefr3 versions19:55
flipefrof course i use synaptic and terminal19:56
nisshhso do most people19:56
flipefrand changed playmouth and some sort of things19:56
flipefrbut never compile kernel or developed a program19:57
flipefronly some practices in c19:57
flipefrmade a small script19:57
flipefrthats things19:58
flipefrbut no more deep19:58
flipefrlaunchpad tells me there is no bugs for me19:58
flipefrwhat is a blueprint here in launchpad19:59
nisshhflipefr: hang on, hang on19:59
nisshhflipefr: your mentor will answer your questions20:00
flipefrthanks anyway20:00
nisshhflipefr: sorry if im being blunt about it but im pretty busy writing code here :)20:00
flipefri am leaving then20:01
nisshhnp :)20:01
nisshhcya :)20:02
sometuxthere is a bug in the help's menus20:22
sometuxthere is a bug in the help's menus. release: Ubuntu 10.10 beta20:23
baptistemmwhat an useful bug report20:26
* yofel just wanted to say that..20:26
hggdhOK. There is a bug on the above bug report20:30
kklimondareport it20:31
kklimondaI'll confirm and we can get people start working on a fix20:31
hggdhI think I only need to repeat it twice, and it is reported20:31
Guest63993Hello regarding bug 577624 seems a wishlist, may I have someone please mark as such?20:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 577624 in keepassx (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "leaves stale lockfiles on unclean shutdown (affects: 1) (heat: 28)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57762420:31
=== Guest63993 is now known as rusivi
kklimondarusivi: I disagree - from description it seems that you have to do some manual steps to get it unlocked.20:33
kklimondawell, both from description and comments20:33
rusiviYour correct that you do have to do some manual steps, input the master password.20:33
rusiviThen it asks you if you want read-only, unlock,20:34
rusivikklimonda: You choose unlock, your back in business.20:34
kklimondarusivi: right, so I don't think that wishlist fits - maybe some other importance would fit the description better instead?20:36
rusivikklimonda: Well, I don't have a better suggestion other than wishlist/opinion :)20:36
rusivikklimonda: invalid?!20:37
kklimondarusivi: well, we can agree that there is a problem with keepassx so it's not an invalid report.20:38
njinpedro_: hello, can you sponsor my membership at Ubuntu-it ? http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/index.php/topic,369223.0.html20:38
kklimondarusivi: reporter has said that it happens when he shuts down his computer using Shutdown from menu.20:38
njineveryone is invited20:38
rusivikklimonda: I don't agree. It's not a problem. The file is "unlocked" by inputting the master password on startup, then one chooses read-only mode or unlock. It's a matter of aesthetics.20:38
kklimondarusivi: also "Invalid" isn't really an importance.20:39
rusivikklimonda: how is inputting the master password to access the database file a bug?20:39
kklimondarusivi: not removing a lock on db at shutdown is.20:40
rusivikklimonda: If anything, it's a wishlist, b/c it does not cause any adverse affect to the end user other than having to click one extra check box after typing in master password.20:43
kklimondarusivi: then it's an usability issue, isn't it? User wouldn't understand why is he asked this question as he didn't do anything wrong.20:44
rusivikklimonda: BTW, IDK why devs implemented this locking mechanism, I'll check documentation see if it reveals anything.20:50
kklimondarusivi: it's probably a mechanism to prevent two instances of keepassx from writing to the same database at the same time.20:50
rusivikklimonda: I think your correct about that.20:53
kklimondarusivi: btw, what importance do you think the bug matches if you check it against this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance ?21:05
rusivikklimonda: Honestly, a Wishlist for a Feature Specification, which upstream would address.21:08
kklimondaand what about Low?21:09
kklimondarusivi: to be more exact I disagree with siretart that this is an expected behaviour because keepassx has been killed. We do provide a way for applications to learn about shutdown in progress and close cleanly.21:13
rusivikklimonda: If you think Low than so be it, no big deal ;)21:14
kklimondarusivi: well, I'm just discussing it - this way we both learn something new.21:14
rusivikklimonda: fair enough. It does seem this is a request for KeePassX to honor the provided learning of shutdown & clean closing you mentioned. What is this package(s) or link that discusses this learning process?21:18
njinpedro_: around ?21:19
kklimondarusivi: what do you mean?21:20
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pedro_njin, yeah21:20
njinpedro_: hello, haw are you ?21:21
rusivikklimonda: you mentioned Ubuntu provides a way for applications to learn about shutdown in progress and close cleanly. I would like to know more about this, could you please provide some information on this?21:21
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pedro_njin, i'm good, thanks. what about you?21:23
kklimondarusivi: oh, both GNOME and KDE provide a common D-Bus interface applications can use to register themselves and then, at the shutdown they receive notification that shutdown is in progress and may do some nifty stuff.21:23
njineverythings ok, are you busy ?21:23
pedro_no more than the usual ;-)21:24
kklimondarusivi: for example GNOME does this through gnome session: http://live.gnome.org/SessionManagement/GnomeSession21:27
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