
=== kim0 is now known as kim0_3G
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progre55hi guys. while installing "Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud" from the disc, I didnt mentions the correct IP ranges. Is there a way to edit it now?17:54
ttxprogre55: yes, in /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf17:57
smoseri'm guessing, but maybe dpkg-reconfigure eucalyptus-cc , then sudo restart eucalyptus CLEAN=117:57
smoserbut ttx is probably right :)17:57
* ttx checks17:58
progre55thanks, let me try ttx's way first =)17:58
ttxprogre55: yes, that should work.17:58
ttxsee http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/en/man5/eucalyptus.conf.5.html for details17:59
progre55ttx: thanks, appreciate17:59
progre55smoser: thanks17:59
ttxalso sudo restart eucalyptus CLEAN=1 afterwards18:00
ttxthis is needed to take the new network config into account18:00
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SpamapShmm.. seems like karmic 32-bit instances take a long time to spawn.. or maybe I just got unlucky21:05
patrickwHi.  What happens when I upgrade the kernel on a running UEC node?  Isn't the kernel chosen by the euca, not the node itself?21:39
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smoserpatrickw, you are correct22:15
smosernothing will happen22:15
smoserubuntu kernel images don't get removed by an apt-get upgrade22:15
smoserso you'll still hvae the needed ramdisk and modules22:15
smoseryour reboot will just take the old kernel22:15
smoserthat said22:15
smoserthat changes in maverick on EC222:16
smoserand UEC hosts running maverick guests can also service their own kernel.22:16
smoserthe trick is that we supply a "kernel" that is a grub loader (and on amazon, you they provide a pv-grub "kernel" that we register our images with)22:16
smoseri' got to reboot. bbiab22:17
patrickwsmoser: so if I *do* upgrade an image and rebundle, should I also add new kernel and ramdisk and register those and use them with the new image?  I suppose if I'm just doing an apt-get upgrade that no packages will require new kernels?22:24
smoseryou could use the old kernels / ramdisks22:34
smoserbut if your upgrading/rebundling, probably better to get a new kernel/ramdisk.22:34
SpamapShrm.. takes about 1 hour to build mysql 5.1 on a karmic m1.small.. :-p22:50
erichammondSpamapS: t1.small is designed for intermittent short high speed CPU bursts.  It will get throttled if you try to run long CPU jobs on it.23:00
erichammonder, scratch that.  I was talking about t1.micro and you're talking about m1.small.23:00
erichammondSpamapS: m1.small is a horrible slow machine :) Use c1.medium for 5X the CPU at 2X the price.23:00
SpamapSwas thinking I should build on top of tmpfs too23:02
SpamapSnot really making good use of the 1.5G of RAM23:02
SpamapSand really, it only takes like 20 min to compile.. its the regression tests that take 4023:03
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