
paultag_maco, http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4087/4983006679_443b5b8cc3.jpg03:15
=== kim0 is now known as kim0_3G
duanedesignpaultag: still around?05:53
aragood morning all!07:56
kim0_3Gara: morning :)07:58
* kim0_3G waves hi to everyone07:58
aramorning kim0_3G07:58
* nigelb waves too08:00
nigelbkim0_3G: on phone? ;)08:00
kim0_3Gnah laptop over 3G stick08:00
kim0_3Gczajkowski: morning :)08:02
nigelbmorning czajkowski :)08:04
czajkowskigood weekend folks?08:06
kim0_3Gyep for me :)08:07
kim0_3Gczajkowski: how about yourself08:07
nigelboh, YES!08:07
* nigelb traveled close to 1000 km, fun08:07
AlanBellmorning all08:07
czajkowskirugby and catching up on movies and with my sister08:08
czajkowskiall good08:08
nigelbduanedesign: #fail? ;)08:10
nigelbmorning AlanBell :)08:10
duanedesignlol, trying to type in the dark08:10
nigelbthat's a subtle hint to go to bed :p08:10
duanedesign, isnt even that close to /  big fail :)08:11
czajkowskiI got my cousins holloween costume http://twitpic.com/2n2o1x  more cute than scarey08:11
czajkowskihttp://twitpic.com/2nruzm  mothership and caoimhe08:12
AlanBellczajkowski: this would be good: http://www.hookandneedles.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/nibbler1.jpg08:12
duanedesignnigelb: think your right. cya friends in a few hours o/08:13
nigelbduanedesign: good night :)08:13
czajkowskiright need to drop princess to work08:14
nigelbhow sweet :D08:15
nigelb(she is going to stab me, I know)08:15
czajkowskiwell just saves her the walk and it looks lie it's going to rain08:47
czajkowskiplus she's in great form as she got her apprenticeship sorted finally08:47
* jussi is getting excited/scared08:54
* nigelb hugs jussi 08:55
nigelbI hope your feet are toasty warm08:55
jussinot yet08:55
nigelbjussi: 2 weeks to go?08:56
jussi12 days08:56
nigelbHe has it counted down to he minute...... :p08:56
nigelb*the minute08:56
dpmmorning all08:57
arabuenas dpm08:59
dpmhey ara, buenas09:00
nigelbmorning dpm :)09:02
dpmmorning nigelb :)09:02
nigelbpopey: greetings alien :p09:45
* nigelb tries to find the Debian folks for that09:46
nigelbpopey: lool, or siretart would be good people to talk to about it.09:48
nigelbthey both have upload rights in debian for that package09:48
dpmhey kim0_3G, with your fancy nick I hadn't noticed you were around :)10:23
dpmhow's the 3G connection doing?10:23
kim0_3Gdpm: hehe, it's a bit spotty10:55
kim0_3Gdpm: how are you today10:55
dpmkim0_3G, fine, a quiet Monday so far. How are things in Cairo? Or are you on the road somewhere?10:56
kim0_3Gdpm: I'm actually spending the week in a coastal city10:58
dpmkim0_3G, nice!10:59
dpmso you're with your laptop on the beach, cocktail next to it... and all that business? :)11:00
kim0_3Gyeah :)11:00
kim0_3Ghehe .. not that fancy but still nice11:00
dpmcool ;)11:00
duanedesignmorning all11:28
kim0_3Ghola duanedesign11:28
dpmhey duanedesign11:28
duanedesign'lo communitinians11:29
duanedesignor communinites :)11:30
scott-workdoctormo:  are you around?  I'd like to talk to you about your wizardpen support :)13:39
* dpm lunch13:51
doctormoscott-work: Yes I am around14:36
scott-workdoctormo:  persia told me some about you maintaining the upstream tablet support (wizardpen)15:02
scott-workdoctormo: your effort it certainly appreciated and i would like Ubuntu Studio to support his15:02
doctormoscott-work: Organising the upstream yes, not so much on the programming side, but sorting out the patches, people and downstream.15:02
scott-workdoctormo: i would like to get it into the ubuntu studio seeds for natty so we can provide support out of the box15:03
doctormoscott-work: persia said you would like to support it, I've got a debian guy working on some packaging.15:03
scott-workdoctormo: outstanding15:03
doctormoscott-work: So far we've had sucessful reports from Ubuntu and Mint users, failures for SuSE (not sure why, suspect Xorg version)15:04
doctormoso we need to be careful of xorg versions and where the tablet support drifts for natty, wacom support is the best and yet it's still needs patching for maverik.15:04
scott-workdoctormo: i don't intend to impugn your  debian packer's abilities, but if you run into trouble please let me know, the ubuntu studio team is working with the debian multimedia team and they freaking rock!15:05
doctormoscott-work: Hold that thought, I jsut got a facinating email concerning wizardpen, can you give me your email address so I can CC you?15:06
scott-workdoctormo: sure   scottalavender@gmail.com15:19
doctormoscott-work: OK just had to join about 10 dots in that email, it's very coincidental that we should be talking at the same time as receiving that. :-D15:20
scott-workdoctormo: serendipitous indeed :-)15:22
doctormoscott-work: What kind of tablet do you have?15:24
=== _paultag_ is now known as paultag_
scott-workdoctormo: i do not own a tablet15:29
doctormoscott-work: More of a keyboard man?15:30
scott-workdoctormo: but i see that the debian packager you are working with is the same one that i am familiar with :D15:30
scott-workdoctormo: i'm not really a robust artistic type, if i am inspired i usually use pencil although i have been using inkscape more and more though15:31
doctormoscott-work: I do my abominably awful daily sketches in inkscape with the tablet http://doctormo.deviantart.com/gallery/#_browse/scraps15:35
scott-workdoctormo:  so far i've really only used inkscape to work on logo and other ubuntu studio related items:  http://scottalavender.deviantart.com/gallery/15:45
scott-workdoctormo: although i'm beginning to be intrigued by the potential of tablets15:46
doctormoscott-work: See if you can find a second hand wizardpen on cragies list, that'd sure help :-D15:46
jonohey all!15:53
kim0_3Gjono: howdy :)15:55
jonohey kim0_3G15:55
jonokim0_3G, 3G? laptop down?15:55
kim0_3Gjono: nah .. I'm just in another city15:55
jonokim0_3G, good to go in 5m?15:56
kim0_3Gjono: yep15:56
jcastro__hi jono15:59
doctormoMorning all15:59
jcastro__we have alot to do today!15:59
jonokim0_3G, just logging in16:01
kim0_3Gjono: mumble working for ya ?16:01
doctormojcastro_: you're telling me, i got laundry, dishes, several piles of god knows what to find places for. I'll be lucky if I get to a terminal today.16:01
jonojust testing kim0_3G16:02
kim0_3Gjono: coz skype isn't for me :)16:02
jonokim0_3G, can you hear me?16:02
jcastro__kim0_3G: I need jono when you're done with him16:02
=== jcastro__ is now known as jcastro
kim0_3Gsure you can have him :)16:02
jcastro"I didn't want him anyway!"16:03
jonokim0_3G, can you hear me?16:03
jonokim0_3G, it keeps cutting out16:04
jonokim0_3G, msg me your number, I will phone you16:04
cjohnstonjono and whichever jcastro happens to be the real jcastro_, big new release of LoCo Directory took place this morning!16:08
jcastrooh nice16:08
jcastrodude people loved the directory when I showed it to them at OLF16:09
cjohnstontoo bad you werent showing them today...16:09
cjohnstonNames are now displayed instead of usernames16:09
cjohnstonPictures can be shown on pages now (from flickr and the like)16:10
doctormocjohnston: Hmm, what is the new empty row "Loco Contacts(s)" for?16:18
jcastroakgraner`: about how many attendees on Friday do you think?16:19
cjohnstondoctormo: for teams to assign contacts16:19
cjohnstonBecause an owner/admin doesn16:20
cjohnston't mean they are a contact16:20
doctormocjohnston: That's right, but why show an empty row?16:20
cjohnstonBecause noone has added the contacts?16:20
cjohnstonI guess it could be changed to if no contacts dont show16:20
cjohnstonI would think it would be more likely to be added if it was left visible though16:22
cjohnstonpeople would ping the admins and tell them about it16:22
doctormocjohnston: Although it breaks existing ui rules in that website for not showing rows that are not being used, or at the vest least filling out the blank area with (non set) and See contact here links for admins.16:27
doctormovery* set*16:29
dpmhey jono, welcome back16:48
jonohey dpm16:49
duanedesigncjohnston: you don't have far to go for UDS this year.16:56
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
jonojcastro quick call?16:57
jonojcastro_, ^16:57
jcastroyes please16:57
cjohnstonlol.. which one is the real one? :-P16:57
* popey hugs jono and jcastro 17:00
* AlanBell thinks jono is np-complete17:01
* popey misses dholbach17:01
cjohnstonme too17:02
paultag_Where is dholbach ?17:05
nigelbjono: I had sent you a mail re:lernid, will you be able to get to it this week? pleaes please please :)17:05
nigelbpaultag_: iran17:06
paultag_Ah, good for him17:06
paultag_hope he's having fun17:06
paultag_he needs it17:06
akgranerjcastro, we handed out about 100 orange dots on Friday17:06
* paultag_ hugs akgraner 17:06
=== Technovi1ing is now known as technoviking
technovikingwoot, got mobile working on my test forums with tapatalk, should be in the Ubuntu Forums when we upgrade.17:49
jcastrowhen's the new theme coming?17:51
technovikingafter we upgrade to vB417:53
technovikingYou can see a preview at http://www.mikesplanet.net/forums17:53
technovikingwould love some feedback from non-forum regulars17:54
jcastrothe orange feels too bright17:56
* jcastro uses this opportunity to ask for signatures to be shut off so conversations can be easier to follow17:56
technovikinggot the hex code for the color from the design team17:56
technovikingjcastro: no againist removing signature. File a bug and I will confirm it.17:58
jcastrotechnoviking: what's the lp project for the forums?18:00
technovikingthought ubuntuforums18:00
technovikingshould switch that18:01
dpmok, calling it a day. Have a nice rest of the day everyone!18:01
jcastrotechnoviking: filed, thanks18:06
* jcastro hopes people agree18:06
doctormopaultag, akgraner: Congrats on OLF.18:07
nigelbjcastro: Are the colors a bit mismatching?18:07
doctormoI wish I could have gone, I would have brought my booth decorations and made some more purple.18:07
akgranerdoctormo, thanks!  It was a great time - wish you could have been there18:07
nigelbI'm not great at UI, but those colors look too painful to look at.18:08
nigelboh, I should read! You just said that :)18:08
jcastroand to be honest, do you care about the person's hardware or hobbies? If I did I would click on their profile18:08
jcastro"Running Lucid AMD64 on a Quad Core" etc.18:08
nigelbhahaha, forestpixie is having fun on new forums - "You might find it worthwhile to also kill the cat and buy a dog"18:09
technovikingjcastro: switch to ubuntu2 theme at the bottom, and see if that is better18:10
jcastrothat feels more right18:11
AlanBellDD4814 is the right colour in the RGB space18:11
AlanBellshould probably reference the ubuntubeta font (which should change names real soon now)18:12
AlanBellI hope it will be put up somewhere so it can be referenced with @font-face too18:12
technovikingAlanBell: people feel DD4814 is too bright, switch to the orange in the new theme18:13
technovikingneed to talk to Iain about this18:14
AlanBellmight want to throw in a little bit of dot pattern somewhere18:14
technovikingI will add the Ubuntu font18:14
jcastrotoo much purple18:14
doctormojcastro: there can never be enough purple! We are as kings!18:16
technovikingdoctormo: made a Dark Augine theme also:)18:16
czajkowskione cannot have enough orange18:17
czajkowskiit makes people happy18:17
AlanBellthe dark aubergine looks quite good18:17
technovikingAlanBell: needs a ton of tweaking, and the vB color scheme setup make KDE look simple18:19
doctormocjohnston: Congratulations, according to wacky statistics you've done most of the work on the loco directory after dholbach himself since the project was started. :-)18:20
technovikingover 200 setting, before you even look at css or templates18:20
cjohnstonwacky statistics?18:20
doctormoczajkowski: Isn't orange an emotive colour, depends on the shade. Best colours are green for relaxing and natural and blue for vibrant and awake.18:21
doctormocjohnston: bugs and merge requests.18:21
cjohnstonwhat is wacky statistics?18:22
czajkowskidoctormo: have you seen my blog18:23
czajkowskiI LOVE ORANGE18:23
doctormoczajkowski: My blog would say I love black, and penguin.18:23
technovikinglater all, moving the main web server for our department from SOlaris with vingette to Ubuntu18:24
czajkowskiand is your blog right18:24
doctormoczajkowski: Nope, I'm more of a purple, blue kinda person.18:24
doctormoAnd I prepare cephlapods.18:24
vishlol! prepare!18:26
akgranerjono, jcastro  - will you all be blogging about AppDevWeek this week - looks like there is only one open slot in the original time slots and 2 open in the extended area18:39
jcastrotelepathy should be going in the original slot18:40
jcastroI will blog it tomorrow ish18:40
jcastrosorry I am slammed today18:40
akgranerjcastro, no worries18:40
akgranerI know the feeling I'm catching up from OLF - just wanted to get it on your radar :-)18:40
akgranerjcastro, I'm going back to "selling time-shares" now ;-P18:42
jcastrodon't forget the upsell!18:42
doctormoIs that what we've come down to.18:42
akgranerdoctormo, that's how jcastro said I sounded when I was talking about the benefits of being on a LoCo team18:42
akgranerjcastro, I put telepathy w/instructor TBD in the Friday Slot and added Sense's  - indicator stack in python to Tuesday - so that leaves one extra open slot19:00
jcastrocool, don't sweat the extra slots19:01
jcastrodon't feel like you need to fill them19:01
jonojcastro just give me a few mins19:01
jcastrothey are bonus19:01
jcastrojono: no worries19:01
jonothanks, pal19:02
Pendulumjono: welcome back!19:16
nigelbConspirary theorists might argue that the horsemen are planning their vacation on after another so at least one of them have to deal with the other's action items :p19:18
nigelbjcastro, jono ^^19:18
Pendulumnigelb: haha. that's fabulous :P19:18
nigelbPendulum: :)19:19
vishPendulum: doesnt every organization work like that? ;)  or do we want all of them on vacation at the same time :p19:20
vishoops nigelb ^ ..19:20
nigelbvish: No, we want them not taking vacations :p19:21
Pendulumyeah, I was the only person who took their full holiday time at my last job19:21
czajkowskioh I did too19:21
czajkowskiI took my 21 days plus a further 919:21
nigelbAnyway, bedtime.  Later.19:22
czajkowskinigelb: nn19:22
* AlanBell likes being the boss19:22
AlanBellvacation allowances are things that happen to other people19:22
Pendulumand there were only really 4 of us in the office that did the same job so things were quite spread out19:22
PendulumAlanBell: thanks for rubbing that in :P19:23
JanCPendulum: heh, in Belgium it's almost mandatory to take your full vacation time  ;)19:57
PendulumJanC: paid or unpaid?19:57
Pendulumin the US no one has to even offer paid vacation time19:58
Pendulumor paid sick time19:58
JanCif you work during your legally granted vacation time, they have to pay you a lot extra19:59
Pendulum(the no paid sick leave is becoming a bigger issue, though, because when everyone got scared about swine flu they started realising that people who don't get paid for sick time often can't afford to take time off even when they're really sick)19:59
Pendulum(I'm not sure why this was a new thought)19:59
JanCsick time is paid by your employer for the 1st week to month here, after that you get paid a minimum income by the mandatory social security20:01
JanCbasic social security insurance is mandatory here...20:03
JanCand regulated by the government20:04
doctormoAlanBell: pay at all is something that happens to other people, no?20:07
AlanBelldoctormo: yeah, there is that!20:07
AlanBellalthough we have started paying a regular salary now20:08
doctormoAlanBell: To who? lol, not to me.20:08
AlanBellour payroll only goes to people called Alan20:09
AlanBellhardcoded firstname ftw20:10
doctormoAlanBell: Ah hell, does that mean you'll be hiring Alan Pope?20:11
jussiDid I ever mention I hate flies...20:12
AlanBelldoctormo: there is no currently active recruitment process involving Alan Pope.20:15
doctormojussi: What would you prefer?20:16
jussidoctormo: no flies...20:16
* AlanBell passes jussi some big spiders20:17
jussiAlanBell: huntsmen? yes please20:17
doctormojussi: Would you like jars and beans?20:17
scott-workdoctormo: i found this ubuntu page for wizardpen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TabletSetupWizardpen20:28
scott-workdoctormo: is there a better page to understand which tablet i should get if i wish to acquire a tablet ?20:29
technovikingjcastro: User CP -> Options -> visible Post Elements -> disable "show Signatures"20:29
scott-workopen question for the channel follows:20:29
jcastrotechnoviking: I know how to turn it off for me20:29
jcastroI mean by default20:29
scott-workcan anyone suggest how to acquire help for updating the Ubuntu Studio Drupal website ?20:29
scott-worki've tried ubuntu forums, the ubuntustudio-users mail list ...with extremely limited success20:30
technovikingscott-work: did anyone take over for Cory?20:31
scott-worktechnoviking: in which capacity?  as studio lead?20:31
technovikingscott-work: yeah20:32
scott-worktechnoviking: ah, yes, that would be me :)20:33
technovikingscott-work: doh, sorry20:33
scott-worktechnoviking: lol ;)20:33
czajkowskiit was handy when lusibg was over here we ju'd poke him with issues20:34
scott-workto be honest, i'm ready to go to the drupal forums and ask for some kindly, gentle soul to take pity on me20:34
scott-worki've had several offers of help to develop a website based on word press but i've been told through the grapevine that word press is verboten20:35
czajkowskiscott-work: are you on twitter? if so ask @forbairt for some advice, he themes all my sites with WP and latest one is a wiki but all others are wp20:37
scott-workczajkowski:  thank you for the tip, however, ubuntustudio.org is hosted on Canonical servers and i've been told only drupal sites are allowed due to security concerns :(20:39
czajkowskiscott-work: *hugs*20:39
scott-workczajkowski: thank you20:41
scott-workhowever, if i can't find someone willing to help out with update the drupal site I might resort to pay out of my own pocket to host the site elsewhere and use word press then :/20:42
highvoltagescott-work: hey20:42
highvoltagescott-work: what kind of hosting do you need?20:42
highvoltage(sorry I also have no context :) )20:43
scott-workhighvoltage:  for this:  http://ubuntustudio.org/20:43
scott-workhighvoltage:  currently using drupal as CMS but possibly moving to word press20:43
highvoltagescott-work: cool20:44
highvoltagescott-work: why would you need other hosting? doesn't canonical host that?20:44
scott-workhighvoltage: it does, but we would really like to update the website, which is currently in drupal, and we are having trouble finding someone to effect it20:45
scott-workhighvoltage: we have had offers to do a complete makeover using word press but apparently word press can not be used on canonical servers20:46
highvoltagescott-work: are the people who told you that aware that markshuttleworth.com runs on wordpress (hosted at canonical), as well as the Canonical blog itself? And also soon the Ubuntu Fridge?20:46
technovikingscott-work: WordPress rock20:46
highvoltagealso, wordpress is easier to keep up to date. lots of drupal sites (ubuntu studio is an example) don't get updated and become horribly insecure anyway20:47
scott-workhighvoltage: i would presume not (aware that *.com runs on wordpress)20:47
highvoltageubuntu.com is on drupal20:48
scott-worki think a follow up series of emails is most likely in order then :)20:48
czajkowskiI think a lot of people have tried to tackle this before20:48
scott-workhighvoltage: i had noticed this http://uds.ubuntu.com/ several days ago as well (which is wordpress)20:49
highvoltageit shouldn't be that hard, I revampted the edubuntu site recently and getting the permissions I need wasn't hard20:49
highvoltageI just filed tickets on RT for everything I required20:49
highvoltageand then poked some people in #canonical-sysadmin now and again20:49
scott-workhighvoltage:  i notice that the edubuntu website seems to pull data from wiki.ubuntu.com but reformats it (presumably with css), are you responsible for that?20:50
highvoltagescott-work: I can understand why some people don't like it, but to say that it's forbidden when some prominent sites run it, and even when new ones are being set up to do so sounds kind of like a double-standard20:50
highvoltagescott-work: that's not what it does, it's a drupal site :)20:51
scott-workhighvoltage:  agreed (double standards)20:51
scott-workhighvoltage: but it seems to mirror what is on wiki.ubuntu.com; it even has the ubuntu studio meeting notes20:51
highvoltagescott-work: you're probably on the wrong site then ;)20:52
highvoltagescott-work: http://edubuntu.org20:52
scott-workhighvoltage: sorry, wrong site LOL20:52
highvoltageyep, that's the wiki20:52
scott-workmy bad, but your website does look extremely nice :)20:53
* scott-work desires one as nice ;)20:53
scott-workhighvoltage: forgive my ignorance, but what is RT?20:54
cjohnstonrequest ticket20:54
AlanBellscott-work: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserPreferences there are a list of themes available, if you access the wiki via edubuntu.org it applies the edubuntu theme20:54
AlanBellsame for kubuntu20:54
czajkowskiscott-work: https://rt.ubuntu.com/20:55
highvoltagescott-work: I can recomment starting with a professional theme. I bought the mynxx theme from rockettheme (http://demo.rockettheme.com/drupal/?theme=mynxx) for the edubuntu site and just modified it for purpose20:55
czajkowskiscott-work: login ubuntu pwd ubuntu and log tickets there20:55
scott-workwow!  thank you all for the responses :)20:55
czajkowskiscott-work: tis a helpful channel alright :)20:55
highvoltagescott-work: I recommend that you actually email your ticket, it makes it clearer who logged the request, rt@ubuntu.com20:56
AlanBellscott-work: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-website themes for drupal, wordpress, django20:56
scott-workAlanBell: you are part of the Ubuntu UK Podcast, no?20:58
popeyi am20:58
AlanBell^^ he is20:58
highvoltagethe pope of ubuntu20:58
ubot2Factoid 'popey' not found20:58
popeyonly exists in -uk20:59
scott-worki knew that popey was, but he wasn't in the last episode that i listend to though21:00
popeyi wasnt?21:00
scott-worki'm two episodes back21:00
popeyi was in all of the last 8 or so21:02
popeyhttp://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org/ all of the ones listed on that front page :)21:02
czajkowskihttp://www.flickr.com/photos/codedragon/sets/72157624005309900/ them lot are the podcasters21:03
scott-worki just started S03E13 - Three Wise Fools and i thought you were missing from that one (it's late at night in the garden)21:04
popeyheh, my garden :)21:05
scott-workLOL me=fail then21:06
popeyin fact the opening line is me saying "welcome to my house" :D21:06
scott-worki thought it was proverbial, not literal :P21:08
doctormoscott-work: Get a wacom if you want it to work, get a wizardpen if you want to save yourself some money and declare holy war on wizardpen drivers as a missing feature.21:10
doctormoThat wiki page needs updating, it's a bit old.21:10
highvoltageHopefully I'll have more time for podcasts now that I'll be going to the gym again21:10
akgranerjcastro, ping21:53
jcastrodon't ping, just ask21:55
akgranerI need the script for the stackexchange stats21:56
akgranerand the command to run it21:56
jcastroone sec22:00
akgranerjcastro, thanks!22:00
jcastrograb the bottom one22:00
jcastrothe "Edit 15" one22:00
jcastroput it in a file22:00
jcastrocall it whatever.py22:01
jcastrothen run "python whatever.py"22:01
jcastrothen paste. :)22:01
akgranerroger that - thanks22:01
* AlanBell watches akgraner turn into a python hacker22:01
jcastroakgraner: you can make it a panel applet22:01
jcastrofor the win22:01
paultag_Oh you two22:02
akgranerAlanBell, :-p22:02
=== kim0_3G is now known as kim0_vacation
akgranerjcastro, I got this error - Traceback (most recent call last):22:15
akgraner  File "./stackstats.py", line 24, in <module>22:15
akgraner    os.popen('xsel', 'wb').write(output)22:15
akgranerUnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xe6' in position 1684: ordinal not in range(128)22:15
akgranerbut the information before that seems correct22:15
paultag_akgraner, you're not using utf it looks like22:16
=== paultag_ is now known as paultag
paultagakgraner, http://docs.python.org/howto/unicode.html22:17
paultagakgraner, I know you hate that stuff, but read slow and don't skip anything. It will all follow22:17
akgranerI created a new file and pasted that in and saved it as script in vim after I installed xsel and cleaned up the deprecated dependences22:18
akgranerpaultag, I'll have to look into that later - right now I gotta get UWN out :-/22:19
paultagakgraner, sure, I'll see if I can't put together an example for ya22:20
akgranerThank you!22:23
paultagakgraner, http://pastebin.com/f7fvHXJS22:34
paultagakgraner, that might help a bit. Try not to use popen, it's deprecated iirc22:34
akgranerpaultag, ok will try that then22:34
paultagakgraner, after the news :)22:35
akgranerI also need to change how it outputs but will work on that later - thanks22:36
jcastro<- EOD23:01
jcastrowoo, car shopping!23:01
jcastroakgraner: did you install the packages he says in the post?23:02
jcastroyou need xsel and python-beautifulsoup23:02
akgraneryep - I already hat beautiful soup - so I installed xsel23:04
akgranerhad even23:04
akgranerthat's what we use for the other py scripts we use for format the plain text to the forums format23:05
akgranerjcastro, but all the information I need is there it just returns that error23:06
akgraneralong with the information23:06
jcastrooh, after?23:06
jcastrook so you got the info?23:06
jcastroit just tacks garbage on at the end?23:06
jcastrook so it can wait. :)23:07
jcastrodinner, tty tomorrow23:07

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