
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mwhudsonso i've been told a bug i reported is fixed in a new package "which is due to be installed in the Debian FTP archive"00:52
mwhudsoncan i see this new version somehow?00:52
mwhudsonit's not in http://packages.debian.org/sid yet00:52
ScottKmwhudson: Is this the python-defaults one?00:53
ScottKmwhudson: If it is, that was uploaded to Experimental, not Sid.00:54
mwhudsonScottK: yes00:54
ScottKIt's in Experimental then.00:54
mwhudsonScottK: so what is experimental then?  is it a bit like -proposed for ubuntu?00:55
ScottKIt's for stuff that's not suitable for Unstable and then Testing.  In this case, because Debian is frozen for the Squeeze release, it was uploaded there to keep Unstable clear for any emergent bug fixing needed for Squeeze.00:56
mwhudsonah ok00:56
mwhudsoncan/should i do anything to prod the fix into maverick?00:57
ScottKAt this point you probably will.  I'd ask doko about it.00:58
dokoScottK: ?01:00
ScottKdoko: Do we want to update python-defaults from experimental before release?01:01
ScottKThe 2.6.6-2 upload that was done today?01:01
dokoScottK: yes, but not now01:01
ScottKdoko: OK.  When?01:01
dokooh, python-defaults, not 3. yes this is ok01:02
ScottKmwhudson: It it's not done by Wednesday, please remind me.01:02
mwhudsonScottK: ok01:02
pittiGood morning07:35
bilalakhtargood morning pitti !07:35
pittihey bilalakhtar, how are you?07:43
bilalakhtarpitti: fine, you?07:44
pittibilalakhtar: I'm great, thanks! back from a week of vacation07:44
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tkamppeterpitti, hi08:32
pittihello tkamppeter, wie gehts?08:32
pittitkamppeter: I saw your jockey patches, thanks! will look at them today08:32
tkamppeterGut, Du hast gefehlt auf dem IRC.08:33
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pittitkamppeter: right, was on holiday, far away from the internets08:34
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tkamppeterpitti, the patches are very important, as Epson expects their packages to auto-download on Maverick and Ricoh is complaining for more than a year that PPD package auto-download is too slow, most important factor being Jockey, but the s-c-p part I have also accelerated by the compressed PPD archives and a bug fix in s-c-p.08:36
tkamppeterpitti, the slow and space-consuming Foomatic XML database is also replaced by a compressed PPD archive now.08:37
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amitarorapitti: ping09:07
pitti!ping | amitarora09:07
ubottuamitarora: pong09:07
pittiamitarora: hello; please just ask your question, don't ping09:07
amitarorapitti: I got your reference from amitk .. this regarding bug# 62797509:07
amitkbug 62797509:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 627975 in powertop (Ubuntu) "PowerTOP: Remove hard coded values for C and P states" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62797509:08
amitarorapitti: the bug has a patch for PowerTOP which makes it work on ARM boards as well ..09:08
amitarorapitti: its been accepted upstream. The last comment has the details ..09:08
amitarorapitti: can you please help getting it merged with PowerTOP branch for Maverick release ?09:09
pittiamitarora: yes, I can sponsor it; I'll assign it to me09:10
amitarorapitti: great, thanks!09:10
tkamppeterpitti, an important bug we need to get fixed for Maverick is bug 494141. The fix is already described in the bug report, but I cannot upload it as it has to be done in the Samba package. It is a one-line patch on /etc/init/smbd.conf.09:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494141 in samba (Ubuntu Lucid) "CUPS starts after SAMBA; printers are not available (convert cups to upstart)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49414109:23
pittitkamppeter: can you please discuss that one with slangasek?09:24
tkamppeterslangasek, can you have a look at bug 494141? It is a one-line patch which will help users a lot, both in Maverickj and as SRU for Lucid.09:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 494141 in samba (Ubuntu Lucid) "CUPS starts after SAMBA; printers are not available (convert cups to upstart)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49414109:26
popeygreetings earthlings!09:37
popeybug 631103 could do with some attention, simple packaging error. Could a core-dev please take a look?09:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 631103 in ffmpeg (Ubuntu) "[patch] maverick ffmpeg "Unknown input format: 'x11grab'"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63110309:38
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tkamppeterpitti, about bug 604698, can we simply take my patch to do the Jockey (list packages) part and for the key verification part for Maverick simply include the Epson key in the distro (there is no other key yet) and implement the general key downloading in Natty?10:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604698 in jockey (Ubuntu) "Automatic printer driver download should support signed packages" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60469810:43
pittitkamppeter: we need to filter for Epson packages only then10:44
pittitkamppeter: but yes, that would work10:44
tkamppeterpitti, if Jockey installs a package, does it go through the standard mechanism with key verification, like it happens with apt-get (there I get a warning and asked whether I really want to do it if the package does not have a known signature)?10:47
pittitkamppeter: yes, it does use apt for every package operation10:47
\shsiretart, ping could you start a backport process for fai maverick to lucid , kthxbye :)10:57
tkamppeterpitti, so we could use my patch plus including Epson's key in Maverick. Then we will create a key download functionality in Natty. If other manufacturers show up and want their drivers in Maverick, we could perhaps even add keys as update for Maverick.11:03
pittitkamppeter: plus a filter "only epson packages"11:03
pitti(or noarch)11:04
tkamppeterpitti, assuming that there is a non-Epson package on OpenPrinting, so having a key which is not included in Maverick. What happens if the user sees this package in Jockey and clicks on "Install". Will then a message pop up telling the user that this package has no known signature and the user gets asked whether he really wants it?11:06
pittino, such a question would be pointless11:07
tkamppeterpitti, what would really happen in such a case?11:07
pittiit would currently just install it anyway, since apt merely gives a warning if a key isn't present11:07
tkamppeterpitti, so the selection of packages we accept is hardcoded in Jockey and not data-driven?11:08
pittitkamppeter: it's not hardcoded11:08
pittitkamppeter: right now we only offer Ubuntu packages, and as a compromise, (unsigned) noarch packages from openprinting11:09
pittiadding epson key and a filter for it would start hardcoding11:09
tkamppeterpitti, this (and any SRU to satisfy other manufacturers) would be a Maverick-only interim solution. From Natty on we should have real support for OpenPrinting's key link facility.11:11
pittitkamppeter: also, your patch would remove the support for unsigned PPD-only packages, AFAICS?11:12
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tkamppeterpitti, no, first, I have tested with Ricoh PPD packages, second, I have added a second search task to the task list. So when starting the task list two requests per printer are sent to OpenPrinting, one for the noarches and one for the signed.11:14
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pittitkamppeter: ah, that wasn't in the originally sent patch then11:14
tkamppeterpitti, the patch attached to bug 604698 does exactly this.11:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604698 in jockey (Ubuntu) "Automatic printer driver download should support signed packages" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60469811:16
pittitkamppeter: I meant http://launchpadlibrarian.net/55226929/download-also-signed-binary-printer-driver-packages.patch11:16
tkamppeterpitti, I see, the patch is the wrong way around. Take the debdiff.11:17
tkamppeterpitti, and in the debdiff the patch on detection.py.11:17
siretart\sh: I put it on my todolist, but no promises, it is rather longish :-(11:18
diwicseb128, ping11:25
seb128contextless ping are not really useful though11:25
seb128better to just ask your question11:25
diwicseb128, you're sebastien bacher, right?11:26
diwicseb128, you seem to have declined bug #433654 without giving a reason?11:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 433654 in gnome-system-tools (Ubuntu) "Only one user gets sound with privilege "Use audio devices"" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43365411:27
seb128could be11:27
diwicfor Maverick11:27
seb128I've declined over 300 bugs11:27
seb128the list had some 600 bugs11:27
seb128still quite some to clean11:27
seb128it's just that it's not tracked as a blocker for maverick, it's not a new issue11:28
seb128nothing prevent to fix it though11:28
\shsiretart, don't worry about time...I just want to have it from my table ;)11:28
diwicseb128, okay, so I can just go requesting a sponsorship as usual given I write a patch for it?11:28
seb128it's being discussed on #ubuntu-desktop by somebody else at the same time11:29
seb128weird timing11:29
seb128or you guys just discussed it somewhere else and decide to go ping different channels?11:29
seb128but yes you can get any change uploaded11:29
diwicseb128, probably there was a comment recently that woke us both up?11:30
seb128the nomination is just a way for people to track issues for the release11:30
seb128the release team can't track every bug11:30
seb128not accepting the nomination just need not tracking it as a blocker issue for this cycle, it doesn't mean a fix can't be uploaded11:31
diwicokay, I understand.11:31
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cjwatsonin case anyone other than me noticed, I think I see why jigdo downloads of maverick always falsely claim an incorrect checksum right now12:03
cjwatsonlex79: they already seemed to be there12:14
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tkamppeterpitti, bug 604698 has an updated debdiff now.12:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 604698 in jockey (Ubuntu) "Automatic printer driver download should support signed packages" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60469812:19
pittitkamppeter: thanks12:20
tkamppeterpitti, stop, I got into the find() trap of Python. Please wait for the next debdiff.12:21
tkamppeterpitti, I have corrected the debdiff now, take the one of comment #5.12:46
tkamppeterslangasek, hi13:00
htorquehello, is irc-logging not working? http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/09/13/ is empty.13:04
tkamppetermv, glatzor, can you have a look into bug 633913?13:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 633913 in sessioninstaller (Ubuntu) "session-installer crashed with ModifyInternalError in _install_printer_drivers() when triggered by system-config-printer" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63391313:05
tkamppetermvo, ^^\13:05
tkamppetermvo, glatzor, this is rather annoying to get all the pop-ups when system-config-printer is searching a driver for an unsupported printer.13:06
apwpitti, something has gone very wrong with the burn down chart start value overrides for all my charts except for the overall13:24
apwpitti, i am suspicious they are all at the value defined by ['all']13:24
apwpitti, and so i am suspicious this is related to the burnup support that was merged recently13:25
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pittiapw: right, they currently keep crashing13:30
pittiapw: I already mailed Clint13:30
ograbut it makes the trendlines looks so good ...13:30
apwpitti, i assume thats also why we have two days missing13:47
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smoserpitti, or someone on sru team, can I please get bug 634102 into lucid-proposed soon?  this is fairly serious issue for people using our images and the new instance size on EC2. The simple diff is at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/55301846/cloud-init_0.5.10-0ubuntu1.2_0.5.10-0ubuntu1.3.diff.gz .  I'm really sorry to nag.14:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 634102 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Lucid) "t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63410214:01
apwcjwatson, we have an old binary package hanging around in the archive linux-libc-dev at version 2.6.35-903.8 for armel which is blocking binary uploads for armel.  this version is orphan against an old source package so I believe it should be reapable; who/how/what triggers that?14:03
apw(all in maverick)14:04
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cjwatsonI can check it out and remove it, but you still won't ever be able to upload the same package at the same version14:04
apwwhen you say same version, do you mean exactly that version?14:05
apwthat i can cope with14:05
cjwatsonsingle-architecture removals don't always get noticed automatically14:05
cjwatsonwait, this still means the version will go backwards14:05
cjwatsonum, I don't have control over allowing that14:05
cjwatsonit's disallowed because apt clients will never notice the downgrade automatically14:06
apwso the high water mark on a binary package is permentant regardless of the existance of a package at any version14:06
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apwcjwatson, is that something that can be fixed for this one binary package given enough genuflecting ?14:07
cjwatsonI'd recommend artificially bumping the version of just that binary package14:07
cjwatsonto something that's greater than 2.6.35-903.8 but less than 2.6.36-1.114:07
apwthe package was generated in error, from a different source package and should never have been installed14:07
cjwatsonyou can do this by invoking dpkg-gencontrol with the right options14:07
cjwatsonso sed the source package version to replace the -21 part by (say) incrementing it by 100014:08
* cjwatson quickly ctrl-c's this removal and hopes I caught it in time14:09
cjwatsonbecause if I remove linux-libc-dev then *nothing* will build on armel ...14:09
* apw stares into the abys14:10
cjwatsonyou can pass arguments to dpkg-gencontrol via dh_gencontrol by saying dh_gencontrol -plinux-libc-dev -- -vblah14:10
cjwatsonhttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/armel/linux-libc-dev/2.6.35-903.8 still says "Status: Published" so I hope I caught it14:11
apwcjwatson, ok that is totally vile ... what a mess ... will go figure out the cleanest fix14:12
=== sladen changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Open; LP: Back Up | FeatureFreeze in effect! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-lucid | #ubuntu-app-devel for application development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
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tkamppeterpitti, have you seen my new debdiff?14:34
tkamppetermvo, hi14:35
tkamppeterslangasek, ping14:41
mvotkamppeter: hello14:41
tkamppetermvo, it is about bug 633913, session-installer produces two annoying pop-ups when system-config-printer searches for drivers on the internet.14:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 633913 in sessioninstaller (Ubuntu) "session-installer crashed with ModifyInternalError in _install_printer_drivers() when triggered by system-config-printer" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63391314:43
tkamppetermvo, first is simply an error message where session-installer should error out silently and the second is a crash (causing apport pop-up).14:44
mvotkamppeter: ok, I check it out, thanks14:45
tkamppetermvo, I would like to have them removed/fixed before Final Freeze so that manufacturer printer driver download goes smoothly and quickly.14:46
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mvotkamppeter: I uploaded a fix, please test once it hits the archive14:58
tkamppetermvo, thanks, will try it as soon as it arrives.15:00
kirklandBlackZ: so have you tried booting a vm from PXE with the new etherboot package?15:01
kirklandBlackZ: does it work?15:01
BlackZkirkland: no, that's the reason why I reintroduced the kvm-pxe package15:01
kirklandBlackZ: see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VirtFeatureVerification15:01
kirklandBlackZ: hallyn has a test case in there15:01
BlackZkirkland: looking15:02
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BlackZkirkland: so, we should keep the kvm-pxe package, right? also, on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/sync-blacklist.txt I read "# stevenk, we don't want qemu or kvm from Debian, talk to kirkland"15:05
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kirklandBlackZ: right, well, we need *some* package to provide a bunch of binary ROMs to pxe boot VMs15:12
kirklandBlackZ: currently, that's kvm-pxe15:12
kirklandBlackZ: though it could be provided by some other package, I suppose, if there's good reason15:13
kirklandBlackZ: in that case, we'd need to update the depends/recommends throughout the archive on anything that has a dependency on kvm-pxe15:13
kirklandBlackZ: this should NOT be done in maverick at this point in the cycle, IMO15:13
kirklandBlackZ: as for qemu/kvm from Debian ... again, for Maverick, we're going to want to keep the qemu-kvm that we have in Ubuntu15:14
kirklandBlackZ: for Natty, we should re-examine (lool has requested it too) re-introducing the qemu package back into Ubuntu15:14
kirklandBlackZ: and possibly sourcing qemu-kvm from Debian15:15
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kirklandBlackZ: when I created the qemu-kvm package in Ubuntu, it didn't exist in Debian;  I offered it to the Debian maintainers, but instead, a DD created their own qemu-kvm package and uploaded15:15
BlackZkirkland: agreed; currently the package from Debian (etherboot-qemu) doesn't fix LP: #570870, maybe it's a path-related issue15:16
tkamppetermvo, the new version of sessioninstaller fixed the problem. Thank you.15:28
mvotkamppeter: cheers15:29
mvotkamppeter: thanks for testing15:29
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chrisccoulsonhi, would a member of ubuntu-release be able to spare some minutes to look at bug 531867 please? :)15:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 531867 in lightning-sunbird (Ubuntu) "[FFe] [needs-packaging] Lightning 1.0 Beta for Thunderbird 3" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53186715:34
ScottKdidrocks: Would you please wait for the release team to approve FFe's before uploading.15:39
fosA question about language-pack-kde-de-base in hardy: Since security update 20090105 a few translation files are missing. Is this a regression worth fixing?15:40
didrocksScottK: isn't seb128's comment an ack?15:40
ScottKdidrocks: He's not on the release team.15:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 321297 in language-pack-kde-fr (Ubuntu) "Dolphin and digikam in English after upgrade to "language-pack-kde-es 1:8.04+20090105.1"" [Undecided,Fix released]15:41
didrocksScottK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/493144/ be agreed first…15:41
didrocksScottK: so there is a mismatch there. knowing now. thanks15:42
ScottKOK.  In any case the main thing is to get the bughugger update in now.15:44
didrocksScottK: right, rickspencer3 will fix it soon, but not today15:47
rickspencer3maybe today15:48
seb128ScottK, hey15:53
ScottKHello seb128.15:53
seb128ScottK, every other cycle we had delegated approved for universe15:53
seb128that's not the case this cycle?15:53
ScottKNot that I'm aware of.15:54
seb128why did that change?15:54
ScottKNot sure.15:54
seb128like the r-t doesn't want to delegate for universe anymore?15:54
seb128it doesn't seem to make sense to me15:54
seb128you guys are just claiming for extra work when you don't keep with the one you had before15:55
ScottKseb128: I'm not trying to say the current situation is right or wrong.  Just that it is what it is.15:55
seb128well are you sure there is not delegating this cycle?15:55
ScottKWe've changed a number of things with the merger of the motu-release.15:55
seb128or it's just that nobody came to write an email saying who has delegation?15:56
ScottKI recall someone suggested the idea on the -release list, but no one took it up.15:56
seb128well honestly I think I'm rather helping by reviewing desktop change in universe15:56
seb128but if you feel like it's adding work fine with me15:56
seb128just seems to doesn't make any sense15:56
ScottKWe've gotten rid of almost all the difference between Main and Universe in the release processes and are aiming to eliminate it entirely.15:57
ScottKIt seems to me that we're keeping up with FFe requests OK, so it's not essential to have more people reviewing.15:58
ScottKPersonally, I'm a lot more worried about stuff like the Mesa FFe and what the implications of that are.15:58
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seb128slangasek, pitti: ^15:59
seb128would it make sense to still have delegation?15:59
seb128or extra people able to accept exceptions?16:00
pittiI'd still trust seb128 for GNOME updates or Riddell for KDE, etc., so comments from you are highly appreciated16:01
pittiNB that I'm not that active in ~release this cycle, since I'm on rotation16:01
cjwatsonI'm happy with delegations; I just don't particularly want it to seem as though we're riding roughshod over universe processes - there's a social benefit in making sure we're doing things right, so if there are delegations they should be explicit16:01
* cjwatson emerges briefly from trying to get kgdb to work, and dives back in16:01
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tkamppeterCan it be that LP is not automatically closing bugs on uploads with "LP: #..." in the debian/changelog any more?16:08
tkamppeterpitti, did you see my last debdiff on the Jockey bug?16:09
pittitkamppeter: I saw it, yes16:09
mr_pouittkamppeter: it's broken16:09
pittitkamppeter: yes, LP has a regression for that, known16:09
michLinuxGuyI am installing the beta and it seems to be frozen at "Retrieving file 2 of 6".  Is there a debug log somewhere?  If I run it from a terminal window, will I see some useful messages to stdout/stderr?16:09
cjwatsontkamppeter: bigjools has promised me that the fix will be rolled out today.  In the meantime please close bugs manually16:12
cjwatson(and you'll have to close bugs for anything during the broken period anyway - I don't think it will be retroactive)16:12
tkamppetercjwatson, mr_pouit, pitti, thank you, I have already manually closed a ptouch-driver bug today in the morning.16:13
ScottKmichLinuxGuy: You'll probably have more luck in #ubuntu-installer.16:16
michLinuxGuyScottK: thanks16:18
ricotzcould some have a look at bug 635646 ?16:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 635646 in obex-data-server (Ubuntu) "Request no-change rebuild for maverick" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63564616:19
ScottKricotz: I'll take a look at it.16:21
ricotzScottK, thanks16:23
pavolzetorHallo, could someone help me with indicator applet?16:39
ScottKricotz: Done.16:39
pavolzetorI don't know in which format should be icon passed to libindicate16:40
ScottKpavolzetor: You might have more luck on #ayatana.  That's where the relevant developers tend to hang out.16:41
ricotzScottK, ta16:41
ScottKNo problem.16:41
keesmdke: I'm uploading a small addition to the manpages. I don't think these are translated in the standard fashion, but do I need to send a note to ubuntu-translators still?16:45
tkamppeterslangasek, around?16:54
Davieycjwatson, Are you still around?16:54
cjwatsonDaviey: yes16:55
Davieycjwatson, RE: the avahi udeb issue...  I essentially did a rebuild16:55
Davieycjwatson, but not convinced the shlibs issue is resolved16:55
cjwatsondoesn't seem to have worked16:55
cjwatsonI did suggest you test it first :)16:55
cjwatsonoh, blast, I mistyped16:56
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* SpamapS absolutely despises the tab completion setup for the sqlite3 command.. :-P16:57
Davieycjwatson, Oh well..  Are you going to be able to fix it shortly.. if notm, i don't mind taking it.16:57
cjwatsonDaviey: avahi 0.6.27-2ubuntu3 will be in the archive in a bit.  Once the binaries for that are published, you can rebuild eucalyptus16:58
cjwatsonDaviey: I suggest doing it locally first to check though16:58
Davieycjwatson, wilco... I guess i should test this from a local archive :)16:58
cjwatsonah, if you're going to increment Build-Depends, then you can upload straight away16:59
cjwatsonit'll just dep-wait16:59
Davieycjwatson, That is what i was *planning* to do... but i take your point about testing it locally first.17:00
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smbpitti, Hi Martin. May I ask for some sru love for the Hardy kernel and Lucid LBM and mvl-dove kernel in the accept queue? They are feeling unnoticed (well ok not the lbm one)17:03
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SpamapSpitti: still around? I just pushed up fixes for the problems w/ the wi tracker17:32
pittiSpamapS: back from dinner17:34
pittismb: probably not today; I had too much to do with post-holiday catch-up, I'm afraid17:35
smbpitti, NP. I know the feeling17:35
slangasektkamppeter: replied on the bug17:39
pittiSpamapS: thanks, merged17:40
slangasekScottK, seb128, pitti, cjwatson: I'm certainly ok with having such delegations, but am also unlikely to drive them forward right now, sorry17:40
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SpamapSpitti: do you know if the 'all' charts have been showing as all foreign for a long time?17:42
pittiSpamapS: I'm not aware of that; but then again, I haven't actually looked at the charts that often in this cycle (I'm primarily focused on OEM matters)17:43
SpamapSpitti: got it, I think it may have been forever.. but not sure. :P17:43
SpamapSpitti: and thanks for merging. :)17:45
tkamppeterslangasek, what is suitable for an SRU, switching CUPS to upstart or making samba re-scanning for CUPS?17:47
slangasektkamppeter: samba rescanning17:47
Laneyre-ping — can someone please look at sponsoring bug 539814?17:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 539814 in tar (Ubuntu Lucid) "tar: futimens() with a bad file descriptor (AT_FDCWD) causes bootstrapping failure with kernels < 2.6.22" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53981417:49
tkamppeterslangasek, how will this re-scanning work, is this some change in the upstream code of Samba? Will you do this fix?17:49
slangasekit would need to be an upstream code change17:49
slangasekI'm not in a position to implement it right now, no; someone should take it to upstream17:50
tkamppeterpitti, WDYT, is there perhaps a solution on CUPS which is viable for Maverick (at least as SRU) to make CUPS being started before SAMBA?17:51
pittitkamppeter: I don't know how you can express that in upstart, I'm afraid17:55
pittiyou'd need to add a wait condition to samba which says "if cups is installed, wait for it to start, otherwise start right away"17:55
pittiKeybuk: ^ can this be expressed somehow?17:55
slangasekpitti: it can, but it gets tricky because you may also have cups installed without samba17:56
slangasekso what you want is cups 'start on starting smbd or filesystem'17:56
Keybukyou can't do that, no17:57
Keybukyou do what slangasek said17:58
pittiah, and this will hold smbd in limbo while cups is being started?17:59
Keybukin the starting state17:59
Keybukso not limbo17:59
Keybuko/~ how low can you go?17:59
pittiah, thank you18:00
pittiso, seems upstartification of cups is in order then18:00
tkamppeterpitti, could we do an upstartification of CUPS in Maverick? Or at least as SRU for Maverick?18:01
pittiupstartification is not SRUable18:01
pittiso for maverick it might land still, yes; it's not that hard to test, after all18:01
tkamppeterpitti, did you already upstartify another package?18:02
pittiI wrote a tiny upstart job or two, nothing serious so far18:03
tkamppeterpitti, probably then it is better if upstartify CUPS, also because of the handling with Debian (does Debian also use upstart)?18:04
tkamppeterpitti, probably then it is better if you upstartify CUPS, also because of the handling with Debian (does Debian also use upstart)?18:11
pittitkamppeter: Debian doesn't use upstart right now, so this would be Ubuntu specific18:14
pitti(i. e. dpkg-vendor query in debian/rules)18:14
tkamppetercjwatson, in bug 636887 a user complains that during an update of Lucid the file /usr/lib/cups/backend/hp (probably the package hplip) gets lost. Can it be due to hplip only being recommended in ubuntu-desktop? Should we perhaps promote it to Depends:18:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 636887 in hplip (Ubuntu) "Backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/hp does not exist!" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63688718:16
pittiKeybuk: while we are at this, do you think it's less of an evil hack to have cups' postinst add lp, ppdev, and parport_pc to /etc/modules? instead of having this in the init/upstart script?18:16
KeybukI think that if it needs them, it should modprobe them18:17
* ogra_ac disagrees18:17
ogra_acwe dont have parports on arm :P18:17
pittiparport_pc has modaliases, so this one should really just go18:18
ogra_acthere should be a check if such a device is available at all18:18
pittibut lp and ppdev don't18:18
pittiogra_ac: well, I surely hope that invalid modules in /etc/modules would just be ignored? (I'd test that, of course)18:18
Keybukaren't lp and ppdev built in? :p18:18
pittithey aren't18:18
ogra_acthey arent18:18
pittiI wouldn't mind at all if they were, of course18:18
Keybukright, parport_pc is autoloaded18:18
ogra_accurrently ther is an ugly hack in teh upstart script18:18
pittibut I'd still need those for Debian18:19
Keybukjust modprobe them then18:19
ogra_acbuilding them in would be good18:19
ogra_acthen we could handle it in teh kernel config18:19
ogra_acbased on the arch18:19
Keybukassumedly the parport_pc module doesn't even exist on arm?18:20
Keybukso the modprobe would be a no-op anyway18:20
ogra_acit does18:21
Keybukhmm, no, wait that's autoloaded18:21
Keybukso it's only ppdev and lp18:21
Keybukand you want those on arm, right? :p18:21
ogra_acwe had a bad bug that took us out of business because it was added to teh init script18:21
Keybukhow the hell did it take you out of business?18:21
ogra_acand the kernel just locked up when it loaded18:21
pittisomeone added parport_pc despite the modaliases, since it reportedly is required on some systems18:21
Keybukdid the module getting loaded cause the roof of your house to collapse?18:21
Keybukwell, that's a kernel bug18:21
Keybukfix that bug18:21
ogra_acalready fixed18:21
pittiogra_ac: do we really need to build parport_pc for arm systems in teh first place?18:22
ogra_acwas in the beginning of maverick18:22
pittithat's soo 198018:22
ogra_acno, we dont18:22
ogra_acon arm you will always only have network or usb printers18:22
pittias the world should be18:22
ogra_acwell, someone might develop an arm based network hub for printers at some point18:23
ogra_acone that also supports parport18:23
ogra_acbut we'll worry if that happens :)18:23
pittione might also develop an USB<->grammophone adapter *shrug*18:23
ogra_acthey exist18:24
pittiKeybuk: seems with upstart scripts I can completely drop all that pidfile voodoo?18:25
Keybukpitti: well, upstart always knows the pid, so sure18:26
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apwpitti, i think those changes have merged up, but the burndown charts seem to still have bad starts18:32
pittiSpamapS: ^18:32
pittiapw: have to leave now, can you please take this up with SpamapS ?18:32
apwSpamapS, ... the burndown charts, the start of the burndown lines seem to be fubar'd ...18:33
apwits looking like they are all the ['all'] value for the milestone versions, the overall graphs seem ok start wise18:33
apwso i suspect that the ['foo'] entries are working and the [('foo', 'milestone')] entries are not18:34
pittitkamppeter: ok, I have a first upstart script for it, but I need to continue tomorrow; Taekwondo time now18:38
SpamapSpitti we should spar in orlando ;)18:39
pittiSpamapS: Kihap!18:39
SpamapSapw: ah so its missing the trend start settings?18:46
apwSpamapS, i'd say so, it looks like its chosen 'all'18:47
SpamapSapw: so the team entries are broken?18:49
apwSpamapS, if you look at the kernel team ones, the overall cycle one 'c-k-t' in the array appears sane and what i set18:49
apwSpamapS, the ones for the individual milestones are off the chart18:50
apwSpamapS, so the ones which would be [('c-k-t', 'maverick-alpha-1')] ... those look to have a massive value which I conjecture is the ['all'] value18:50
SpamapSapw: whoa! hah ok I see it now!18:50
SpamapSapw: and I think I know where its borked in the code too18:51
apwSpamapS, yay, i've never had to actually run the collector so have no test environment to debug it18:52
SpamapSapw: you can always just download maverick.db ;)18:52
apwSpamapS, well indeed, i guess i mean i only ever play with the wiki stuff not the rest of the report stuff18:52
apwas that bit always just works ... oops18:52
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SpamapSthats the offending code.. but it looks right to me.. hrm18:58
apwunless milestone is broken18:58
apwthere is also an override in there in places, which might be makeing those get ignored18:59
apwgenerate-all:    report_tools.run_reports(my_path, opts.database, basename, opts.config, trend_override=str(trend_starts['all']))18:59
apwSpamapS, i am mildly interested in that line19:00
apwSpamapS, i had not realised I can trivially test this as its a report side thing ... perhaps you could pm me the incantation to run the reports19:00
apwand then i can try and debug it19:00
SpamapSapw: ./generate-all19:00
apwheh ... stupid apw, ok if you don't fix it before me, i'll have a poke later/tommrrow19:01
SpamapSactually its     ./generate-all -d path/to/maverick.db -c config/maverick.cfg19:01
SpamapSI'm thinking maybe trend_starts doesn't get passed in properly.. debugging now..19:01
apwah ok let me know if you find it :)19:02
SpamapSoh and -o /path/to/output/dir19:02
SpamapSsee Its not that easy.. there's still an incantation. ;)19:02
* SpamapS should probably stop thinking in-channel19:03
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SpamapSapw: oops.. if should have been elif ;)19:22
apwSpamapS, doh so it is19:28
apwSpamapS, you got a merge ?19:28
apwSpamapS, ok that looks totally sane, merged19:31
apwSpamapS, we'll find out in an hour if it worked19:33
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jdstrandslangasek: hey. would you mind looking at bug #628924 and giving an ACK or NAK as an ubuntu-sru member?19:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 628924 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu Lucid) "chromium update: 5.0.375.127 -> 6.0.472.53" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62892419:44
apwogasawara, ok those patches seem good to my testing, and they are in the pipe.  i will also kick off an armel build now but the more testing the better ... we do not want to double-beep the archive19:46
shadeslayerjono: around?19:47
ogasawaraapw: ack.  I'll test it as well before I push.19:48
jonoshadeslayer, hey, on the phone19:48
SpamapSapw: cool thanks!19:53
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didrockscjwatson: hey, I got some reject when uploading gnome-bluetooth (dpkg-source can't extract it). kenvandine got the same issue last week and the workaround was to regenerate the tarball. Should I proceed or do you have some time to investigate?20:15
james_wdidrocks: where's the tarball?20:23
james_wor better, the source package20:24
didrocksjames_w: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/gnome-bluetooth/2.31/gnome-bluetooth-2.31.90.tar.gz20:24
didrockshum, source package, can upload it somewhere, one sec20:24
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didrocksjames_w: you should be able to dget -x http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/gnome-bluetooth_2.31.90-0ubuntu1.dsc20:28
didrocksmerci à toi :-)20:29
james_wdidrocks: go "+1" this: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/63750720:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 637507 in Soyuz "Uploads with extra data in the .tar.gz rejected unnecessarily" [Undecided,New]20:36
james_wapologies for that not clicking the other day20:36
didrocksjames_w: confirmed. waow what an old bug, reading the link20:38
* kenvandine is surprised we don20:39
didrocksjames_w: the workaround is to redo the tar?20:39
james_wdidrocks: which one is old?20:39
kenvandinet see it more20:39
james_wdidrocks: that's the only one I know of20:39
didrocksjames_w: (comment from william is quite old)20:40
james_wonly just over a year old :-)20:40
james_wshows how many bugs are reported on Launchpad20:40
didrocksyeah, just suprised we don't get it more20:41
didrocksthanks a lot james_w :-)20:41
james_wseb128: retracers should work again on edge20:42
james_wseb128: lifeless recommends switching to production anyway20:43
seb128james_w, thanks, what was the issue?20:43
seb128james_w, the issue with production is that fixes can take ages to land and that we don't test what's coming next20:43
james_wseb128: edge was using mixed revisions of the code across different appservers, which screws up the API20:43
seb128ie if edge is broken and get rolled in production we are screwed20:44
seb128pitti, ^ just fyi20:44
james_wseb128: indeed, however lifeless is also on a quest to get rid of the split20:44
seb128james_w, ok, thanks for figuring that out20:44
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strycore+ /join plz , 'kthxbye21:30
slangasekjdstrand: ack or nack?  There's a choice? :)21:46
jdstrandslangasek: at least theoretically21:46
jdstrandslangasek: seriously though, there is a bit going on there and as this is an SRU and we don't have an exception in place yet, I felt uncomfortable pushing to -security without your guys21:47
jdstrands/your guys/you guys/21:47
jdstrandslangasek: thanks for your ack. I'll copy over21:57
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ScottKjdstrand: Somehow the -update for chromium-codecs-ffmpeg ended up in Main.23:10
jdstrandScottK: I'll fix it. thanks23:10
ScottKjdstrand: You're welcome.23:11
ScottKjdstrand: Should I be suprised it looks different now?23:14
jdstrandScottK: I haven't changed anything yet, but am presently23:17
ScottKLooks like i have some kind of oxygen (KDE) theme running now.23:18
jdstrandyeah, went from 5.0 to 6.023:18
jdstrand5.0 is no longer supported23:18
ScottKSeems to work OK, it was just a bit suprising.23:19
jdstrandwelcome to the new world of browser updates23:20
ScottKYeah.  No kidding.23:20

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