
jdimatteohi all, I'm looking for advice on the best way to become more profient in system admin of a couple dozen Ubuntu workstations and servers.  I'm a little weak on the command line, and stuff like /etc/hosts is fairly new to me.  Can anyone recommend a good book, class, tutorial, or course of action for becoming stronger in system admin of Ubuntu workstations and servers?21:58
pleia2jdimatteo: doctormo has written a series of entry-level sysadmin courses for teaching in classrooms: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Learning/SystemAdminTopics22:01
pleia2also probably want to check out the official server docs: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/index.html22:01
IdleOnealso http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Official-Ubuntu-Server-Book/Kyle-Rankin/e/9780137036035/?itm=222:02
IdleOneif you want to spend some money22:03
jdimatteopleia2 and IdleOne: thanks for the tips, I appreciate it!22:03
jdimatteoI've got a subscription to a technical book subscription service, so I'll probably check out that book in addition to the class22:04
IdleOneit's a good book. I love my copy :)22:05
pleia2yeah, it does a really excellent job of covering the basis22:06
IdleOneand does it in clear simple English22:06
pleia2the book at admin.com is pretty excellent too once you get beyond that (I have the previous version from 2006, but they just released a 2010 edition)22:08
* pleia2 is disappointed that the new edition isn't pink though ;) always called it "the pink book"22:09
jdimatteothis looks pretty good, thanks, is this admin.com book "UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook" really widely regarded as the "Bible for Unix & Linux Admins"?  looks like a good book to grow into after the Official Ubuntu Server Book22:12
pleia2individuals have different preferences, but yeah, as far as I'm concerned it's pretty much The Book22:12
IdleOnepleia2: Do you still "need" those types of books?22:13
IdleOneI would imagine you pretty much got admin'ing figured out22:13
pleia2IdleOne: I browsed the ubuntu server book when I got it, nothing useful to me so I gave it away :( but I still learn things from the big sysadmin handbook, bedtime reading when I'm bored and want to learn more about sticky bits or something22:14
IdleOneI see, I guess it is always good to have a reference guide around for those sticky bits22:14
IdleOnejust never take it out in front of the boss22:15
IdleOnemight get the idea they can do it without you lol22:15
pleia2my boss has been a sysadmin for longer than I've had a computer ;)22:16
IdleOneoh, well in that case.22:16
doctormothanks for the weekly news akgraner23:47
akgranerdoctormo, your welcome23:47

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