
jenkinsnight all00:04
MuscovySince it would make Quickshot far easier, is there a way to cycle the quickshot user through each system language for each screenshot?01:04
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bilalakhtarhumphreybc: hey! Why did you deactivate my membership in Ohso?07:23
ChrisWoollardmorning all11:01
nisshhhey ChrisWoollard :)11:01
ChrisWoollardHey nish.11:02
ChrisWoollardor rather nisshh11:02
nisshhChrisWoollard: im upgrading to maverick beta, gonna see how it goes11:02
ChrisWoollardI just commited a fix for bad enlish on you dev manual ;)11:02
nisshhChrisWoollard: oh, cool thanks.11:03
ChrisWoollardWhen is that going to be released?11:04
nisshhwe were hoping for maverick11:04
nisshhbut it doesnt look good11:04
nisshhso looks like we will have to plan to get a release out for 10.0411:04
nisshhi mean 11.0411:04
ChrisWoollardI do even wonder if we will get this manual out on time11:06
nisshhits going to be close, thats all im saying :)11:07
ChrisWoollardWe have already missed the writing freeze haven't we?11:08
nisshhChrisWoollard: actually, i dont know11:09
nisshhChrisWoollard: i cant remember the dates11:09
ChrisWoollardIt was 10th September11:12
nisshhah yea11:12
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flanIf anyone noticed, please ask Muscovy to ping me when he gets on.15:48
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nisshhrickspencer3: hey, have you done any work on shortening the python chapter for the dev manual?17:30
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rickspencer3nisshh, nah, sorry man17:32
rickspencer3super duper busy these days :(17:32
nisshhrickspencer3: yea, i know the feeling17:33
nisshhrickspencer3: also, thanks heaps for that work on Pytask, that is going to save me hours of figuring stuff out :)17:33
rickspencer3nisshh, np17:34
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shaunmany quickshot people around?19:19
vishflan: ^^19:23
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jenkinsgodbyk: ping22:29
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ChrisWoollardevening Jenkins22:32
jenkinshey ChrisWoollard22:32
jenkinsChrisWoollard: ! do you know about screenshots fo this release?22:32
ChrisWoollardnot really. I guess we should collect some new ones if required22:33
jenkinswell the theme is different so they all need to be redone. I have NO clue which ones are leaving/gaining this release22:33
ChrisWoollardI did hear rumours that the wallpaper may not be the final version either.22:34
jenkinsso did i22:35
ChrisWoollardI so hope so. It looks like a youth has put orange spray paint on my desktop22:35
ChrisWoollardaccording to http://humphreybc.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/dev-infographic.png22:36
ChrisWoollardscreenshots are to be done around the 30th22:36
jenkinsthey would take me a couple of hours the install ones are the hard ones22:37
ChrisWoollardSo maybe an agenda item should  be added to the meeting regarding screenshots22:37
jenkinssmart idea22:37
* jenkins is not very awake atm22:37
ChrisWoollardI'll add it22:37
jenkinsI will do my best to make it real life is taking over so much22:38
ChrisWoollardI know the feeling. I have spent ages reading the updated ubuntone / rhthmbox chapters. now i am sleepy.22:38
ChrisWoollardI have had the same problem. I missed about 2/3 weeks because of real life.22:39
jenkinsI can't wait to get back to uni and have more time for ubuntu22:39
jenkinsbut I will miss all my scouts stuff :(22:41
ChrisWoollardAgenda updated22:42
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ChrisWoollardncluded Ubuntu 10.10 release, is uTouch 1.0, Ubuntu’s new multi-touch and gesture stack.22:46
ChrisWoollardthat is an extract from the manual22:47
ChrisWoollardCan you think of a better term other than stack?22:47
jenkinsability recognition just thinking of words22:48
jenkinsframework works22:48
ChrisWoollardor maybe22:48
* jenkins chris writes a long word22:49
ChrisWoollards/Ubuntu’s new multi-touch and gesture stack/This adds multi-touch and gesture support to Ubuntu22:49
jenkinssecond one is loads better22:50
ChrisWoollardI might actually re-write the whole paragraph.22:51
ChrisWoollardsimplicity is the way forward22:51
jenkinsi agree,22:52
ChrisWoollardI love how people put comments in the tex files saying that they wrote that bit.22:53
jenkinsI only did it at the top of mine because everyone else was. Are people doing it for senteces/paragraphs?22:55
ChrisWoollardmostly paragraphs22:56
jenkinsnothing against it22:56
godbykI'll be sure to annotate each sentence I touch with my name.22:56
jenkinshey godbyk22:56
godbykhey, jenkins22:57
godbykupgrade to TL2010 yet? :)22:57
ChrisWoollardI hope those comments don't get into the pdf22:57
jenkinsgot your e-mail, I am happy to keep maitaing the ppa I will have to remember how to do it. I pulled the last ppa as it was owend by the giant team we had. I will work on it for the week end22:57
godbykChrisWoollard: As long as they're actually comments, they won't.22:57
godbykjenkins: cool22:57
godbykLess work for me is always a good thing. :-)22:58
jenkinsI am unsure if it will work though, as the maintainers have not updated it in debian and I don't know if they have to modify the packaging stuff22:58
jenkinsI will get back into it properly next year but stuff like this i can do ocasionally22:58
godbykNext year?22:59
jenkinswhen i start uni and have more time to dedicate like i could last release.23:01
jenkinslatex ppa i can fit in maintaing here and there23:01
ChrisWoollardWhat do you think23:01
ChrisWoollard"New to Ubuntu in the 10.10 release, is uTouch 1.0. This feature adds multi-touch and gesture supporton supported hardware such as touchpads, touchscreen monitorsi, and tablets. Touch is included in all three releases of Ubuntu, the Ubuntu Netbook, Desktop and Light."23:01
jenkinsspace between support and on23:02
ChrisWoollardspotted that already. Thanks23:02
jenkinsmonitors no i23:02
jenkinsuTouch is included ?23:03
godbykWe prefer serial commas.23:03
godbykYou probably don't need the comma in the first sentence.23:03
godbyk'support on supported' is kind of awkward.23:03
jenkinslight editions." ?23:03
godbykmulti-touch could probably be closed up.23:03
jenkinsat the end23:03
godbykperhaps a colon instead of a comma to introduce the list at the end?23:04
ChrisWoollardwow. that was more comments than i expected23:04
jenkinsits a good sentence chris, we are giving constructive comments i hope23:04
ChrisWoollardnext time i will spell check it first23:05
jenkinslol, sorry. I am not usually good at spelling23:05
godbyklast sentence: should it be 'uTouch is included..'?23:05
jenkinssaid that :P23:05
jenkinsdon't know the answer23:05
godbykah, damn. didn't see that one. sorry, jenkins. :)23:05
ChrisWoollardI think it is included. I am fairly sure that it will change again in the next version due to a disagreement with gnome and canonical23:06
ChrisWoollardMaybe I will just get rid of the term uTouch. It is too compilcated for new people.23:07
godbykIt'd be nice if they'd stop coming up with new UIFes so we don't have to worry about 'em.23:08
ChrisWoollardi love vi23:08
ChrisWoollard:set spell23:08
ChrisWoollardthanks for that one godbyk23:08
jenkinsutouch = touch support23:09
godbykvi is awesome.23:09
jenkinsyea so godbyk on the latex stuff i will set up a new ppa asap23:15
jenkinsbasically is the short story23:15
godbykjenkins: no worries.23:17
godbykFor those who installed it manually, they can upgrade using tlmgr easily enough.23:17
jenkinshow do you spell perminet as in having a fixed abode ?23:18
jenkinshey daker23:18
ChrisWoollardOk. How about this23:19
ChrisWoollardNew in Ubuntu 10.10 is multi-touch and gesture support. This allows you to utilize the latest multi-touch hardware with Ubuntu.23:19
ChrisWoollardit is plain and simple with spelling errors/23:19
ChrisWoollardI will get rid of the -'s though23:20
jenkinsmuch more simple, how do you get it to work though?23:20
ChrisWoollardGood question.23:21
ChrisWoollardI have no idea.23:21
ChrisWoollardhopefully there are options in prefs or such like23:21
* jenkins starts to try and find the setting23:22
ChrisWoollardIt appears as a seperate package in the tree23:26
ChrisWoollardMaybe it only gets installed if you have the correct hardware?23:26
ChrisWoollardIf only I had a cool mouse to play with23:27
jenkinswhat is this "input method switcher" http://img3.imagebanana.com/img/ivh11kna/InputMethodSwitcherver1.20ubuntu2_02.png what do any of the enties mean?23:28
jenkins(23:25:34) jenkins: *entries23:28
jenkinsnot a clue I don't have a touch screen23:28
ChrisWoollardWe may need to find somebody that has a mac to test it and explain how it works?23:30
ChrisWoollardIf i get time tomorrow I will try to talk to somebody.23:32
jenkinssorry  I got nothing after" We may need to find somebody that has a mac to test it and explain how it works?"23:42
jenkinsdid i miss much23:43
jenkinsthere is something about chromium/mavrick or my laptop that causes it to die halfway though using it23:43
jenkinsI held my laptop out the window to get the wifi back as it is in the other part of the house23:43
ChrisWoollardi said23:49
ChrisWoollardIf i get time tomorrow I will try to talk to somebody.23:49
jenkinsnight ChrisWoollard23:53

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