
lfaraonemicahg: I see. (I'm 17.2y myself)00:03
* ScottK thinks jpds was youngest when he became a MOTU.00:04
micahgsponsoring page is broken00:10
* micahg will file a bug report00:10
micahgbug 636692 if anyone's interested00:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 636692 in Ubuntu QA Website "Sponsoring page has not been updated for a week" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63669200:11
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
chrisccoulsonlfaraone, wow, you make me feel so old ;)00:33
lfaraonechrisccoulson: I try. :)00:33
nhandlerlfaraone, micahg: I was 16 when I became a MOTU, but I'm currently 1801:23
* wgrant was 15, but is pretty sure that jpds was the youngest.01:35
micahgnhandler: ah, sorry :)02:17
Laibschcjwatson: can you point me to the lucid package for bug 632280?03:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 632280 in dpkg (Ubuntu Lucid) "dpkg-dev: can't unpack old packages without Format field" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63228003:57
Laibschlucid-proposed doesn't seem to have it03:57
micahgLaibsch: there's one in -updates03:58
Laibschis there?03:58
LaibschI see03:58
LaibschI was waiting for it over in -proposed03:58
micahgLaibsch: must have migrated03:58
micahgwell, 4.1 is in -updates03:58
LaibschI have to say that a locally compiled package with the patch didn't fix the issue :-(03:59
micahgLaibsch: ah, nm, 4.2 is in unapproved03:59
Laibschmicahg: that one fixes a different issue03:59
Laibsch4.2 is what I'm waiting for04:00
lucidfoxOkay, I'm stupid04:33
lucidfoxI linked the screenshot in my download manager post to my home PC04:33
lucidfoxso predictably, it was offline the whole time I was asleep04:34
blackmatterLF mentor04:50
micahgblackmatter: do you need help with something?04:55
bilalakhtartumbleweed: Thanks for the comment, well I would like to point out one thing here about the skim merge07:18
bilalakhtartumbleweed: I had originally requested a merge, and you commented on the bzr merge proposal that a sync would be better07:19
bilalakhtarTHEN I requested sync, thinking you know better07:19
bilalakhtarBUT bdrung pointed out a few change that would be dropped, and then you realised your mistakes and merged07:19
bilalakhtarIt was your fault, but in the comment it appears it was mine!07:20
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: hmm, I think you're right. I remembered something like that but couldn't see it in the history (I think there was a previous merge proposal which got deleted)08:06
bilalakhtartumbleweed: yes of course, it got deleted08:06
bilalakhtarbut I remember the whole story08:06
bilalakhtaryou later accepted it to be your fault :(08:07
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: yeah, my previous e-mail to you said that much08:08
* bilalakhtar is sure he won't become MOTU now08:09
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: I'm editing the endorsement :P08:09
bilalakhtartumbleweed: bdrung's comment was stale, and he forgot a recent merge@08:09
bilalakhtarhe took the mail I sent him for the UUC application, and instead wrote that stuff for my MOTU application08:10
bilalakhtarhe forgot the recent sponsorships and wrote the old fflowed ones08:10
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: you can explain that at the meeting08:12
bilalakhtarI will also have to defend ari-tczew's commenyt08:12
bilalakhtartoo much for me! well, I took this application to be just a try08:13
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: one can't win every time :) but let's wait and see...08:14
micahgtumbleweed: are you up for another SRU?08:15
tumbleweedmicahg: sure08:18
micahgtumbleweed: bug 57699108:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 576991 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu Lucid) "Add a wrapper for LD_LIBRARY_PATH to gnome-shell so we don't have to rebuild gjs for xulrunner updates" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57699108:18
=== hrw|gone is now known as hrw
bilalakhtarThanks tumbleweed @08:28
tumbleweedmicahg: O: libgjs0: binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath ./usr/lib/libgjs-gi.so.0.0.0 /usr/lib/xulrunner-
micahgugh :(08:32
cjwatsonLaibsch: it's in the unapproved queue.  you can't see it yet08:35
LaibschI see08:35
LaibschThank you08:35
cjwatsonI'm not about to go approving my own uploads there08:35
cjwatsonthere'll be a message on the bug when it's accepted08:35
LaibschI'll wait for it08:36
LaibschFWIW, I recompiled my own package including the patch08:36
Laibschand it did NOT fix the issue08:36
micahgtumbleweed: where do you see that?08:36
Laibschcjwatson: Is your dsc publicly available?08:36
micahgLaibsch: I could've given you that hours ago :)08:37
tumbleweedmicahg: in my build. Want logs?08:37
Laibschmicahg: I was asleep hours ago ;-)08:37
Laibschbut thanks, I'll remember08:37
Laibschyou can give it to me now08:37
hrwLaibsch: hi08:38
Laibschgood morning hrw08:38
hrwcan someone help me with this? https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/armel-cross-toolchain-base/1.46/+build/1955387 - package got build but failed to upload08:38
tumbleweedmicahg: it looks like you should call chrpath on libgjs-gi as well as libgjs08:38
micahgLaibsch: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=08:38
Laibschhrw: I assume you inspected the upload log?08:39
hrwLaibsch: 'duplicated ancestry' says nothing for me08:39
Laibschsame here ;-)08:39
Laibschmaybe ask in #launchpad?08:39
hrwI will08:39
Laibschor #soyuz08:39
Laibschor whatever component that is ;-)08:39
micahgtumbleweed: I don't see that lib08:40
LaibschI can never make sense of the LP-related names08:40
Laibschhrw: is a simple upload of a 0ubuntu2 package an option?08:40
Laibschskipping 0ubuntu108:40
Laibschsometimes that resolve "duplicate"-related problems08:41
Laibschmicahg: thank you08:41
micahgLaibsch: np08:41
tumbleweedmicahg: gnome-shell: I don't see this: "Drop binary depends on pkg-config"08:41
micahgtumbleweed: looks like I messed up that debdiff (forgot to add xulrunner as well :-/)08:43
hrwLaibsch: it is sponsored package08:43
micahgtumbleweed: unsubscribed sponsors, it obviously needs work, thanks08:43
bilalakhtartumbleweed: could you please check bug #636884 ?08:43
micahgtumbleweed: feel free to comment in the bug08:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 636884 in mina (Ubuntu) "FTBFS in maverick due to build-dep on non-existant package" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63688408:43
micahgbilalakhtar: the package was never removed, it hasn't been added yet08:44
bilalakhtarmicahg: It was removed, do a rmadison08:45
bilalakhtarmicahg: oops, correct08:45
micahgbilalakhtar: :)08:45
micahgbilalakhtar: I haven't had a chance to talk to the debian-java folks about it yet, it's a circular dependency that needs some kind of help08:46
bilalakhtarso I will need to change the changelog message, the rest is fine08:46
cjwatsonLaibsch: probably noot08:47
bilalakhtarmicahg: done08:47
cjwatsonoh, well, if you can see micahg's URL then that works08:47
micahgbilalakhtar: if you have time, maybe talk to #debian-java on OFTC to see if they have any ideas how we can get all the circular dependencies in maverick (obviously if the release team approves :))08:47
* micahg has to go to sleep08:48
Laibschcjwatson: well, it's not dget'able, but I think I can probably download all files one by one08:49
bilalakhtartumbleweed: :) Refresh the merge page, I have made a change in the changelog message08:49
cjwatsonyou could just grab the patch from git, linked in the bug08:49
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: can we try to sort out the circular dependancy first?08:50
cjwatsonit's not like I did anything more than a trivial backport08:50
bilalakhtartumbleweed: but , FF, UIF, and now Final F?08:50
bilalakhtartumbleweed: That is the preferred way, but , what do you think? This fix does fix the FTBFS08:51
bilalakhtaras it prevents the build of those sections08:51
micahgbilalakhtar: there are many FTBFS currently due to this circular dependency08:52
bilalakhtarmicahg: yes i know08:53
bilalakhtartumbleweed: perhaps get this one in for the meantime and I will check with the debian-java folks?08:53
bilalakhtartumbleweed: fine, this one now bug #63688308:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 636883 in openscap (Ubuntu) "FTBFS in maverick due to unnecessary line in install file" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63688308:54
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: you have a patch. It can wait a few days. Esp if you are now going to do something about the springgraph loop08:54
tumbleweed(and I know you want to get some FTBFS fixes in quickly now :) )08:54
micahgbilalakhtar: there are still another few weeks to fix that package08:55
bilalakhtartumbleweed: :)08:55
* bilalakhtar joins OFTC08:55
* micahg really goes to bed now :)08:55
hyperairhappy programmers' day!08:56
Laibschgod, Chinese internet sucks08:59
Laibschtsocks to the rescue ;-)08:59
jpdsLaibsch: I think that's the design.08:59
hyperairdoesn't tor suck even more?08:59
Laibschhyperair: tsocks, not tor08:59
* jpds goes to find some tea bags.09:00
Laneygeser: Do you know of any reason why we can't switch to using the production API in u-d-t?09:00
Laneyp.s. morning folks09:00
hyperairehh what's tsocks?09:00
* Laibsch invites hyperair to private chat09:01
geserLaney: no reason, it would be probably good to use production for u-d-t versions in Ubuntu releases and edge in trunk to catch changes to the API earlier09:12
Laneywell we specify an API version too so shouldn't get caught out by changes dropping on us09:13
LaneyI'll make this change — last night there were performance problems on edge which made me look into it (production was fine)09:13
Laney(thanks to lifeless)09:13
bilalakhtartumbleweed: Anyway, that *-packages wasn't necessary, it could have been done without, the way I did it. right?09:14
bilalakhtarbut we would deviate from debian]09:14
bilalakhtarso it isn't a roadblock, but a suggestion!09:15
bilalakhtartumbleweed: done09:16
tumbleweedbilalakhtar: it's how I would fix it :) (and it results in a patch that makes sense to forward to debian and a more helpful changelog entry)09:18
bilalakhtartumbleweed: but, my patch would work, right?09:23
bilalakhtarThat's what I meant!09:23
bilalakhtar(no need to have the would here, since I tested it in pbuilder)09:24
kklimondagood morning09:31
bilalakhtartumbleweed: forwarded09:32
popeybug 631103 could do with some attention, simple packaging error, would be a shame for it to miss the release. Is there a good way to get someone to look at it?09:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 631103 in ffmpeg (Ubuntu) "[patch] maverick ffmpeg "Unknown input format: 'x11grab'"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63110309:33
bilalakhtarpopey: me!09:33
superm1popey, perhaps a decent bribe would do?09:33
popeyI'm guessing the offer of a free Ubuntu cd isn't sufficient09:34
sladendoes it have to be a recent one?09:34
superm1is it shiny?09:34
sladenbit scratched09:34
popeyI've been collecting the set09:34
popeystill missing a couple09:34
sladennot now---but find out and I'll have a lookie09:35
popeydont recall off the top of my head, the early dual-cd ones iirc09:35
popeycool, ta09:35
popeyoh, hang on, i had a wiki page for this..09:35
bilalakhtarpopey: poke a core-dev in -devel09:37
iulianpopey: It doesn't need ubuntu-release's approval.  Find a core-dev to review and upload it.09:37
popeyok, ta09:37
iulianMaybe siretart?09:37
iulianIIRC, he's the one maintaining ffmpeg in Debian.09:38
* siretart notices a highlight09:38
siretartoh, I remember a bugreport that had a patch that looked like it had already been fixed in ubuntu but it wasn't09:39
iulianpopey: ^09:39
AnAntHello, is it possible to stimulate a button press in xvfb-run ?09:41
siretartAnAnt: have a look at dogtail09:41
AnAntsiretart: is that a package ?09:42
AnAntsuperm1: thanks09:42
siretartAnAnt: yes, it is09:42
AnAntsiretart: ah, python-dogtail09:43
AnAntassistive technology ?09:45
AnAntsiretart: can that be used in a Debian package ?09:48
AnAntI mean used for preparing a package, I recall I seen a package doing something with xvfb-run during build09:48
AnAntbut this dogtail, seems to have some requirements09:49
LaibschCan I prepare an SRU with versions 0.6.2-0ubuntu1lucid1 and 0.6.2-0ubuntu1karmic1?  I find that more readable than 0.6.2-0ubuntu1.
Laibschor are the numbers a strict requirement?09:54
siretartAnAnt: no idea09:54
Rhondanumbers sort better, there were at some point not completely straight forward alphabetical releases.09:54
Laibschcurrent version in both karmic and lucid is obviously 0.6.2-0ubuntu109:54
LaibschRhonda: there's still some way to Z ;-) and eventually we may hit 99, too ;-)09:55
RhondaRight, but after 99 comes 100 :)09:55
Laibschwhich may give you trouble to sort09:56
RhondaAnd I don't expect to live by that time anymore.09:56
RhondaWhy should it?09:56
RhondaWhy should 100 sort before 99?09:56
Laibschyou know the option -n to sort?09:56
RhondaI know, but how is that of matter here?09:56
RhondaHow dpkg sorts is relevant.09:56
Laibsch100 may sort before 9909:56
Rhonda$ dpkg --compare-versions 99 \< 100 && echo "yes"09:57
Laibschanyway, lets's not get too far off-topic09:57
RhondaLaibsch: No, it may not.09:57
RhondaNot within dpkg.09:57
LaibschI understand your preference09:57
RhondaAnd that's the only relevant thing with respect to package versions.09:57
Laibschmy question is only if numbers are a must09:57
RhondaIt's not my preference, it's how the system works. :)09:57
Laibschyour preference for numbers instead of characters09:58
LaibschI prefer characters here despite the limitation you correctly mentioned09:58
* directhex gives everyone a free warthog09:58
Laibschcomputers vs humans09:58
Rhondadirecthex: I doubt that there will be a 0.6.2-0ubuntu1 warthog update. :)09:59
directhexboo! discrimination against older pcs!09:59
Rhondawarthog is EOLed, too.09:59
RhondaLaibsch: Currently it wouldn't matter from what I can see. All current releases do sort alphabetically properly.10:00
Laibschcharacters it'll be then :-P10:00
RhondaBut then, I'm still not a person for an authorative answer. :)10:00
RhondaI just can tell you that it wouldn't cause any troubles _now_ as things are.10:01
directhexpersonally i dislike both options10:02
directhex(there should be a + or ~ there IMHO)10:02
directhexbut i'm odd like that10:02
RhondaHmm, wait, yes.10:04
RhondaA ~ is definitely missing.10:05
RhondaLaibsch: 0.6.2-0ubuntu1~karmic1 and 0.6.2-0ubuntu1~lucid1 because otherwise it would be considered a higher version number than 0.6.2-0ubuntu1 in maverick.10:05
Laibschwell, that's desired10:06
Laibschit should of course be higher than the current version10:06
RhondaIt's desired to not be able to upgrade properly from older versions to latest?10:06
RhondaWhy so?10:06
Laibsch(16:54:51) Laibsch: current version in both karmic and lucid is obviously 0.6.2-0ubuntu110:07
RhondaAh, higher than that, yes.10:07
Laibsch0.6.2-0ubuntu1 is not in maverick10:07
RhondaBut it still has to be lower than what's in maverick.10:07
directhexwhat is the target version you want in the SRU?10:07
RhondaGood. If you would have mentioned a package name that would have helped too, btw. :)10:07
directhexSRU version is based on target version, not the original10:08
Laibschhow else would you be able to SRU?10:08
LaibschI think it's gnome-scan10:08
Laibschdirecthex: what do you mean, target version?10:08
Laibschlet me check10:09
LaibschI'll give you the bug number10:09
Laibschbug 48261810:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 482618 in gnomescan (Ubuntu Karmic) "link to gnomescan homepage broken" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48261810:09
directhexLaibsch, i mean if 0.6.2-0ubuntu1 is in karmic/lucid, why are you trying to upload 0.6.2-0ubuntu1 again? surely you want a newer version?10:09
LaibschI'm SRUing/backporting a simple fix10:10
directhex gnomescan | 0.6.2-0ubuntu1 | karmic/universe | source, all10:10
directhex gnomescan | 0.6.2-0ubuntu1 | lucid/universe | source, all10:10
directhex gnomescan | 0.6.2-0ubuntu2 | maverick/universe | source, all10:10
Laibschof course10:10
* Laibsch hides ;-)10:10
Laibschoh, wait10:10
Laibschno need to10:10
directhexLaibsch, so it's a fix which is not in 0.6.2-0ubuntu2 in maverick, and not relevant in maverick?10:10
Laibschand it can't be any other way, really10:10
Laibschdirecthex: why do you think that?10:10
Laibschit's essentially the diff between 0ubuntu2 and 0ubuntu1, but backported10:11
directhexright. okay. that took 20 minutes more than it should have done10:11
Laibschnot really my fault, I think10:11
LaibschI was only asking if characters are OK10:11
Laibschwhich apparently they10:12
Laibschthe rest was more or less you guys' curiousity10:12
hrwok, my package is now pbuilding to test recent updates so I can get back to business10:27
hrwin this/next week I plan to start procedure of becoming ubuntu developer. currently there is one package in archive which I maintain (armel-cross-toolchain-base), and there are two which I maintained in past, also submitted lot of improvements to few core components (gcc/eglibc/binutils/linux) and 3 my packages are on a way to maverick (got FFe for them).10:28
hrwaccording to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers there are few types of developers in Ubuntu. which kind should I start with? Universe contributor? motu? core-dev?10:30
=== blackmatter is now known as test122
hrwLaibsch: hints?10:33
LaibschI kind of failed to understand this myself ;-)10:33
LaibschI went for becoming a DM (and maybe DD in the future) myself10:33
LaibschI guess the most powerful would be core-dev10:34
geserhrw: Universe contributors gives you only Ubuntu membership10:34
Laibschuniverse contributor and motu are the same AFAIU10:34
tumbleweedLaibsch: no, MOTU can upload to universe and multiverse10:34
Laibschbut these things have been changing quickly in the past10:34
LaibschI see "universe contributor" seems to be a new creation then10:34
geserLaibsch: yes, core-dev can upload everthing, MOTU only universe/multiverse and Universe contributor can't upload (only Ubuntu membership)10:34
LaibschThese groups are being faster than I can keep up with10:35
hrwLaibsch: after reading ubuntu wiki I also got a feeling that becaming UD by becaming DD first is nicer way but takes more time I think10:35
Laibschcontributing to Ubuntu can be more than a full-time job just keeping up with the red tape ;-)10:35
Laibschhrw: My experience (and frustration) lately is that Debian is very responsive.  I've come to loathe (profoundly I may add) many Ubuntu processes.10:36
geserhrw: an other option for you might be PPU (Per-package upload rights) for the package you maintain10:36
LaibschI say that as someone who hasn't touched a Debian system for at least 5 years10:36
hrwthe fun is that working for Canonical means also that my code lands in Ubuntu sooner or later. and as my 3 packages lands there soon (one landed) I think that I need to get kind of UD status to get control on them without playing with sponsors10:37
Laneyyou don't get control10:37
hrwLaney: control as "right to do dput mypackage_newversion.dsc"10:37
hrwLaney: I think that such kind of control exists in ubuntu10:41
Laneyupload rights? sure10:41
Laneydoesn't give you any more right to work on a package than anyone else though10:42
hrwand yes, I remember my old phrase "Debian has maintainers, Ubuntu has developers"10:42
LaibschLaney: it sure does10:42
Laibschyou can upload freely10:42
Laibschmost people cannot do that10:42
Laibschbut I think lately it's more going to "peer review"10:42
hrwLaibsch: but any od UD can do upload too if they think it has a sense10:42
LaibschUbuntu devs are more powerful than DD10:43
Laibschin that sense10:43
Laibschalthough even in Debian it's more of a social than a technical barrier10:43
hrwI prefer Debian way more as it allows me to add few persons to Uploaders: field and be free to go for holidays without worrying that personX will break it. but ubuntu rules tries to keep such breaks away10:45
micahghrw: team packageset ownership is encouraged for that reason10:46
hrwthx micahg10:46
Laneythat doesn't give you any control either10:46
micahgLaney: what do you mean by control?10:46
Laneypackageset teams don't own packages10:47
Laneyhrw: nothing stops you maintaining your package in debian10:47
micahgLaney: well, true, but they have upload rights, and the team can be set as the maintainer in some cases10:48
hrwLaney: it is ubuntu package - making it workin in debian is one of my objectives for next 6 months10:48
geserhrw: even in Debian other DD have the option for an NMU a package10:48
hrwLaney: since UDS I touched each toolchain components. gcc packaging got few thousands LOC size patches from me (all merged)10:49
geserhrw: even if every MOTU/core-dev (depending on where you package is) has the right to upload your package most will coordinate with you before uploading10:49
hrwgeser: I know. used NMU way for my own local changes10:49
hrwgeser: my packages goes for universe10:50
micahgLaney: did the new sqlite help with banshee?10:50
Laneystill some problems though10:50
jpdsLaney: Keeps crashing at the end of songs here.11:06
LaneyI doubt that's a sqlite problem, but please file an upstream bug (assuming you are running 1.7.5)11:06
Laneybanshee --debug will give you a trace11:07
jpdsIt's a native code error.11:07
Laneycould be gst11:07
=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch
=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch
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bilalakhtarlucidfox: Steadyflow is good! Is there anything in which I can help?14:16
jetienneq. i would like to do a script which is called on "apt-get purge mypackage"... there is prerm but it has a bunch of commands... which one is the good one ?14:16
lucidfoxbilalakhtar> Certainly! You can translate, test and file bugs and feature requests, give feedback on the UI, or contribute code14:17
bilalakhtarlucidfox: I mean contributing code, but what should I begin with, when contributing code?14:17
* bilalakhtar bzr branches lp:steadyflow14:18
lucidfoxbilalakhtar> Would you like to have commit access, or you'd prefer just submitting patches and/or branches?14:18
bilalakhtarlucidfox: I mean, what is needed right now? feature addition or bug fixing?14:18
bilalakhtarlucidfox: I prefer contributing patches rather than having access14:18
lucidfoxRight now, features. Just a moment, I'll add a TODO file :)14:19
iulianWhat is steadyflow?14:23
bilalakhtariulian: https://edge.launchpad.net/steadyflow14:24
iulianAh, download manager.14:25
bilalakhtarlucidfox: since its Vala I might not be able to help a lot14:26
lucidfoxHey, Vala is easier than C!14:26
bilalakhtarthat's why I preferred the 'patch' method14:26
* lucidfox nods14:26
* bilalakhtar never worked on Vala14:26
lucidfoxHave you written C# or Java?14:27
bilalakhtarlucidfox: none14:27
bilalakhtarC/C++ instead, lucidfox14:27
bilalakhtarMy languages include Python, PHP, C/C++, (web languages)14:27
bilalakhtarlucidfox: np, I can learn languages very easily. I learnt python 'just like that'14:28
bilalakhtarby just looking at applications written in it14:28
lucidfoxbilalakhtar> same :)14:32
lucidfoxbilalakhtar> pull to get TODO and a little source tree documentation14:41
bilalakhtarlucidfox: done, thanks for the TODO!14:56
* bilalakhtar will now be off14:57
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kklimondaari-tczew: so my second patch doesn't work - have you managed to get a straceback? and what about the patch attached to bug report? also, can you still reproduce the issue with g-s-d from the archive?15:29
ari-tczewkklimonda: just tested patch from LP.15:29
ari-tczewkklimonda: yes, from archive is still affected15:30
ari-tczewkklimonda: not managed a straceback. I forgot, that it's important for you.15:30
=== ivoks-afk is now known as ivoks
kklimondaari-tczew: hmm.. do I have to do something to make kolourpaint4 use g-s-d?15:32
ari-tczewkklimonda: perhaps not. I only install kolourpaint415:32
ari-tczewkklimonda: btw. it's causes by edit file from print screen (clipboard)15:33
kklimondahow do you put a screenshot in the clipboard?15:33
ari-tczewkklimonda: I'm clicking on keyboard and push the button 'PrtSc'15:34
ari-tczewthen save on desktop (automatically window), then saved file open through kolourpaint415:34
kklimondahmm, I got it to crash once..15:40
kklimondaari-tczew: in the meantime the stacktrace with debug symbols would be great ;)15:46
ari-tczewkklimonda: ok but now I'm busy15:48
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hrwhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarcinJuszkiewicz/DeveloperApplicationForUniverseContributer - does it look ok or should I change something there?16:15
kklimondaari-tczew: I can't crash g-s-d with the patch attached to bug 626379 and I have figured out how to reproduce it..16:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 626379 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "gnome-settings-daemon crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_dispatch()" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62637916:20
DktrKranzdirecthex: mind paste me latest ACCEPT mail for your monodevelop-database_2.4+dfsg-2 upload, if you still have it?16:20
geserhrw: try to get some endorsements from the persons you work with.16:21
directhexSubject: monodevelop-database_2.4+dfsg-2_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable ?16:21
kklimondaari-tczew: and that's not the same patch I have sent you some time ago.16:21
hrwgeser: sure, thats the goal for next few days16:22
directhexDktrKranz, http://paste.debian.net/89553/16:22
DktrKranzdak is finally fixed16:25
DktrKranzthanks :)16:25
directhexDktrKranz, you mean no more ['foo'] in "uploaded to" message?16:25
geserhrw: you might also want to check if you already fulfill "sustained and significant contributions" which is a requirement for membership. "While there is no precise period that we look for, it is rare for applications to be accepted from people contributing for less than 6 months" (from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership)16:30
ScottKajmitch_: Could you have a look at the pythonmagick FTBFS.  I recall you particularly love mixing boost and python.  Needs to get fixed for NBS.16:31
hrwgeser: the questions is: where/how I can test it16:31
geserhrw: I didn't look at your application in detail (yet) but you should know better than me how long you have contributed directly to Ubuntu and how much (packages, bug fixes, etc.). If in doubt ask your sponsors if they feel that you are "ready".16:33
kklimondacan package build-depend on language-pack-en-base ?16:34
geserIIRC some packages use it as replacement for locales-all, so yes16:35
hrwgeser: my direct ubuntu changes started in May 2010. My sponsor (Steve Langasek, who is also my manager) confirmed that I should start for getting Ubuntu Developer status.16:36
kklimondahrw: so you are a Pole, you work for Canonical and we don't know you? Your LoCo involvement leaves a lot to be desired! ;)16:37
ari-tczewhrw: you should start working on stricte Ubuntu development - merges, syncs, SRUs, security updates. but now we are around FinalFreeze and only bugfixes are upload-able16:37
ari-tczewyea, next Polish contributor. sounds good16:38
geserari-tczew: I don't know on which tasks hrw works for Canonical so he might have got exceptions for the work he is doing16:39
hrwkklimonda: I am more developer then social type16:40
hrwand my work takes most of my time16:40
ScottKhrw: If your view is "I do what I get paid to do and that's enough", you're likely to be disappointed.16:42
ScottKThe fact that your manager wants you to be an Ubuntu developer means precisely nothing with regards to your becoming one.16:43
ari-tczewhrw: do you want be a volunteer?16:45
hrwScottK: not quite that. I do have few years of experience with fixing ftfbs problems and this is one of things where I plan to go. from time to time I do changes in packages which I use, sometimes I do package things not present in archive for my own use.16:46
ScottKhrw: OK.  That's good to hear.16:47
hrwkklimonda: Szczecin does not have any visible group of Ubuntu users16:47
hrwScottK: sure thing is that most of my work on ubuntu will be job related. but it will be spread on many packages during natty development I hope.16:48
hrwScottK: for maverick I did few thousands of lines in patches for gcc/eglibc/linux/binutils packaging rules.16:48
kklimondahrw: that was said mostly as a joke - Poland has no LoCo to talk about. But still it's not going to get better if we all hide on english speaking channels :)16:49
ScottKhrw: One piece of advice I will give you is not to rely exclusively on the fact that it's easy to get sponsored by your fellow Canonical co-workers and make a point of participating with the broader community.16:49
hrwkklimonda: I am on 4 irc networks and have 16 open windows now. just one channel is Polish speaking16:49
hrwScottK: I know16:50
tumbleweedhrw: yeah, get endorsements from the people you've worked with, but also do more work with the wider community (i.e. put non-urgent things in the sponsor queue and get to know some other sponsors)16:52
tumbleweedbest way to get endorsments is to have many people who've sponsored your work16:54
ari-tczewhrw: ATM we have one sponsor from Poland, but maybe it will be changed soon :)16:55
kklimondanice, another python 2.6 release that breaks backward compatibility..16:59
hrwhave a nice rest of day17:05
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
micahgSpamapS: re mongodb, go ahead and update the merge if you like, I won't get to it until later tonight at the earliest17:33
SpamapSmicahg: its updated already isn't it?17:34
micahgSpamapS: oh, you wanted to know about adding something else17:34
SpamapSmicahg: I submitted upstream too.. might as well get them to include the wrapper too.17:34
SpamapSmicahg: this wrapper business feels really dumb though. We're just putting off one failure for another if we expect ABI incompatibility.17:35
micahgSpamapS: oh, I wanted to chat with you about that, but not now, the wrapper is only good in Ubuntu or its derivitives17:35
SpamapSmicahg: Right, they seem to have a bunch of ubuntu specific stuff in their build process.17:38
micahgSpamapS: k, ttyl17:41
achianghello, i'm trying to modify a package (x11proto-fixes). i grab it, unpack it, and check the output of what-patch, which says "quilt". although i don't see a debian/patches/ directory, my impression is that i can just say: quilt new foo.patch ; quilt add bar.c ; vi bar.c ; quilt refresh. i modify the changelog appropriately and then build the package. however, after installing it in a chroot, i don't see my changes. did i do something obviously wro18:48
achiangor would perhaps #ubuntu-packaging be a better place to ask the above?18:58
ScottKachiang: Did you export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches ?19:00
achiangScottK: not in my chroot. but otherwise, yes. i mean, after doing a quilt refresh, i see debian/patches/ appear, there's a series file, and my patch exists and looks sane19:01
achiangScottK: i guess when i build, i don't see any text about my patch getting applied though19:01
ScottKIt's already applied, isn't it?19:02
achianghm, i think i pop all the patches before i build19:02
ScottKSounds like you are doing things right, so I'm not sure.19:02
achiangi did rm the .pc directory that gets created19:02
Sarvattachiang: check out debian/README.source, X packages are a bit different and use xsfbs. basically you need to add a  $(STAMP_DIR)/patch dependency to the first target in the rules and the clean target needs to have a dependency on xsfclean, then just create debian/patches/, drop your patch in that directory and add to the series19:04
achiangSarvatt: interesting. now that you mention it, looking in debian/rules, i do see include debian/xsfbs/xsfbs.mk. does that mean that what-patch lied to me?19:05
achiangSarvatt: nm, i will read more before asking further stupid questions.19:06
Sarvatthttp://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-xorg/driver/xserver-xorg-video-ati.git;a=blobdiff;f=debian/rules;h=5c87ec5bcef3458a952fbcb24304054fcc7288e0;hp=06e2f6b13a1cc173044f42a9b7b3d31325451b23;hb=83cfc16d7321f9cce38d0e04a18f5a31ea6681a9;hpb=016a84478f32b7edcb6c1dc9c2d55ec8130d82c3  -- thats basically a reverse example of what ya need to do besides adding quilt the build deps19:07
achiangSarvatt: thanks so much. it would have taken me a long time to figure that out.19:09
c_korndoes someone have an idea how to write a watch file for the release version of snowglobe? http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Snowglobe the problem is that the download link for the dev or release version does not contain the information whether it is a release or dev version.19:16
directhexc_korn, write a wrapper in php or similar which can do the job for you19:17
directhexc_korn, i.e. "screen scrapes page, looks for non-development version, presents URL which watch file can use"19:18
c_korndirecthex: I already thought of this. but I did not yet find a free php webhoster which allows f_open with URLs or fsockopen19:18
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bilalakhtarari-tczew: ping20:50
bilalakhtarangelabad: hello there!20:52
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: pong20:52
bilalakhtarari-tczew: a late pong :)20:52
bilalakhtarari-tczew: Did you read the memos I sent you?20:52
bilalakhtarari-tczew: /msg MemoServ read new20:52
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: no?20:54
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: [21:50] <bilalakhtar> ari-tczew: ping20:54
bilalakhtarari-tczew: I have experience, you could ask the people here20:54
bilalakhtarari-tczew: The memos!20:54
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: nothing20:54
bilalakhtarari-tczew: okay, lemme explain manually20:55
bilalakhtarari-tczew: I saw your comment on my MOTU application about the experience thing20:55
bilalakhtarari-tczew: I agree I should work in more areas, but I am talking about the first point20:55
bilalakhtarari-tczew: there are a few MOTUs who know I have enough experience20:55
bilalakhtarari-tczew: if it was because I told you to run dh get-orig-source I would like to tell you that will also work20:56
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: my opinion is you don't have expierence. you started work since maverick and I remember not long ago your mistakes - review by dholbach20:56
bilalakhtardh forwards all unknown calls to debian/rules20:56
bilalakhtarari-tczew: that was long ago!20:56
bilalakhtarari-tczew: FYI I have been involved with Debian before20:56
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: oh, the time is running quickly20:56
bilalakhtarmove to ubuntu very recently20:57
bilalakhtarso most of my errors were about ubuntu packaging, apart from that20:57
bilalakhtarmy knowledge in debian packaging is very good20:57
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: so maybe you should apply to DD?20:57
bilalakhtarari-tczew: not that much as well :)20:57
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: what's the sense of this discussion? remove/change my comment?20:58
bilalakhtarari-tczew: yup, I just want to say, your point 1 is not valid anymore20:58
bilalakhtaryou may not remove it I have no problem20:58
bilalakhtarbut if during the meeting they ask20:58
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: I won't do this - this is my opinion. everyone can edit your wiki application and write opinion20:59
bilalakhtarari-tczew: its your choice, I just wanted to ask it20:59
bilalakhtarari-tczew: I know20:59
bilalakhtarari-tczew: but just wanted to tell you20:59
bilalakhtarari-tczew: You have more experience than me, look at your own application, 20+ comments20:59
bilalakhtarari-tczew: I don't want to get it removed, I just want to get the fact cleared in you20:59
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: well, after my comment you're looking for my mistakes to show them to me?21:00
bilalakhtarari-tczew: ah, lol, no way!21:01
* bilalakhtar doesn't plot plans against others21:01
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: take it easy21:02
bilalakhtarari-tczew: well, thanks for the comment21:02
ari-tczewbilalakhtar: it's my pleasure21:03
* ari-tczew is going watch dr house21:03
ajmitch_ScottK: now what were you trying to foist off onto me?21:14
ScottKajmitch_: Look at the build log for pythonmagick on i386 and enjoy.21:15
ajmitch_interesting that it worked on amd6421:17
ScottKIt looked like just your pile of pain.21:18
ajmitch_it looks like too much c++ for me to be comfortable21:19
* ajmitch_ will need to dig around for an i386 pbuilder21:19
=== ivoks is now known as ivoks-afk
ScottKlfaraone: Still waiting for your new turtleart upload.22:03
lfaraoneScottK: right, the maintainer said he'd get to it today.22:11
ScottKlfaraone: OK.22:12
ScottKtick tock.  tick tock.22:12
ajmitch_ScottK: it's a little frustrating that the patches in there are the ones included in pythonmagick 0.9.2, and are the ones said to fix such an error22:24
* ajmitch_ is not a fan of c++22:24
ScottKSo maybe it's a boost problem?22:24
ajmitch_or maybe it's unrelated to boost22:25
ajmitch_though with that pile of ..., who knows?22:26
ari-tczewangelabad: what about this branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~angelabad/ubuntu/maverick/gnome-bluetooth/gnome-bluetooth-fix-63112623:07
angelabadari-tczew, this was to fix the 631126, I forgot remove it23:08
angelabadi will remove, thanks23:08
ari-tczewnice ^23:36

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