
=== Mobe_ is now known as Mobe
highvoltageI'm going to be in and out of the UWN wiki page for a few mins, let me know if I'm stepping on some toes :)14:21
Pendulumakgraner`: I've gotten what I found for ITB in and summaried in the google doc15:07
PendulumI also dumped some links in the ideas etherpad, but I'm not sure where they should go (or if they should go) in UWN15:08
Pendulum(and I put one link in The Planet)15:08
PendulumI need to head out to run some errands, but I should be back by 1 at the latest if you need me to do anything else :)15:08
internalkernelakgraner`: Im around if you need...16:07
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
akgranerGood Morning!! :-)  Finally home and awake after OLF this weekend17:00
scott_evakgraner: ping17:45
akgranerscott_ev, pong17:45
scott_evI completely forgot to do my section has it been done or can I go ahead and do it now17:45
scott_evwell, what I reallly meant is have you assigned it to someone else?17:47
scott_evakgraner: I'll have it done in a few minutes17:56
Pendulumakgraner: welcome back!18:21
highvoltagehi! how is everyone?18:55
akgranerhi all I still have a few more things to add to the newsletter but if someone *Pendulum* would be so kind as to start reading over what is there that would be great21:39
akgraneralso if you wrote summaries or helped with UWN this week  - please make sure your name is there :-)21:39
Pendulumakgraner: where should I be looking?21:55
akgranerwiki please21:56
Pendulum(just making sure since there's no GCN in there yet)21:56
akgraneryeah I know :-/21:58
akgranerI am just finished adding other stuff  - so now I need to to decided what to move and expand on for there21:58
Pendulumakgraner: are you in the wiki? would it be easier for you if I wait until GCN and such are in and proof those before I go in and fix things?22:04
akgranernope I shouldn't be22:05
* holstein is around akgraner :)22:08
holsteinsay the word if you need something done22:08
Pendulumakgraner: i'm out of the wiki now22:10
akgranerThank you!22:11
Pendulumyou're welcome!22:12
akgraneranyone having having trouble getting to the Fridge22:51
akgranerI have it now22:52
akgranerThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here:23:39
akgranerThanks everyone who was able to help this week - another great issue23:48

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