
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from Zyklon)03:20
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Johnathan-D appears to be abusive - 6)03:31
nhandlerBryanstein, gord_, i0nic: Can we help you with something? If not, please respect our no-idle policy04:16
Jordan_Ucwe_imut in #ubuntu is trolling.04:19
ikoniamorning alabd08:31
ikoniaalabd: if you need something from the channel please ask, if not please leave the channel08:34
ikoniahello again alabd08:56
ikoniaalabd: if you need something from the channel please ask, if not please leave the channel08:58
popeynhandler: gord_ usually idles here.09:01
gord_hey look at that i have a tail09:01
popey(as gord when identified)09:01
=== gord_ is now known as gord
popeysee :)09:01
ikoniaalabd: please leave the channel if you do now wish to talk to the ubuntu operator team09:08
jussiclassic fail... http://imagebin.org/11388309:20
jpdsjussi: Well, you never know - you might want to spam yourself.09:22
jussijpds: hehe, perhaps. it was a legit thing that the person had signed up for, so therefor its a fail :D09:22
alabdikonia, hello , when will my ban be removed ?09:29
alabdin #ubuntu09:33
alabdit seems i-humble should ask this question for 3d time next time09:36
jussialabd: when you have proved you can listen to the ope...09:36
jpdsSeriously, I just see him and my mind switches itself off.09:37
mneptoki have plans to go to the Apple Store this week to buy an iHumble.09:44
jpdsmneptok: http://theoatmeal.com/comics/apple09:45
mneptokbut the iHumble runs on the broken dreams of a thousand third world babies! and it has a touchscreen!09:47
popeyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dikaQjMO388 which also seems 'appropriate' (only saw that for the first time last night)09:55
ikoniaI may write a book using that quality quote11:01
popeyI wish I understood the mentality of internet trolls11:12
Tm_Tpopey: I wish I wouldn't11:16
jussipopey: be careful what you wish for... D:11:33
bazhangrapage trolling in -server12:05
gnomefreaksomeone told him to go there12:08
bazhangyep. and he is asking nonsense. hitting channels network wide trolling12:08
gnomefreakare you an op in there?12:11
gnomefreakother than the council only one other has access.12:13
jussiIm there.12:14
bazhangI'm only in #u and #x12:14
gnomefreakjussi: thanks12:15
elkyohgods i need to not type anymore i just seeded -ot with the neverending song12:24
elkyit turns out it's hard to talk seriously about women in open source when you're on to your fifth glass of wine for the evening. and it's only just 7pm12:32
elkyerm wrong channel12:32
elkyyou may lol, it's ok, i am.12:33
elkywho the hell has free booze on a /monday/?12:33
nhandlerpopey, gord: Sorry ;)12:36
elkypopey, this one is a special one. i had him reformed for the whole of... oh, i think it was 3 weeks?12:37
jussielky: LOL12:40
elkyand it took lots of attention giving to maintain that.12:41
elkyit was a nice 3 weeks for everyone else12:41
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (asdjk179 appears to be abusive - 6)14:03
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (klorei`` appears to be abusive - 6)14:06
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
h00kWine is good on any day.15:32
jpdsI much prefer to virtualize Windows, to be honest.15:33
ubottuSeveas-train called the ops in #ubuntu (bruzer typing dangerous commands)16:02
jpdsikonia: How about / ?16:03
=== nik0 is now known as niko
ikoniajpds: works for me16:52
ikoniaI'll test it now16:52
h00kjpds: silly, the Pinot Noir kind, not the softwarez17:27
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1301 users, 11 overflows, 1312 limit))17:59
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1301 users, 11 overflows, 1312 limit))17:59
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1303 users, 9 overflows, 1312 limit))18:00
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1305 users, 11 overflows, 1316 limit))18:00
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Johnathan-D appears to be abusive - 6)19:15
gnomefreakshouldnt we have that sent to a different channel19:15
jribgnomefreak: where? :P19:20
gnomefreakjrib: it can go to -irc or somewhere we have alot of bot channels. this one is for ban/remove/ect.. complaints ect should not be flooded by a bot19:21
jribgnomefreak: I guess its purpose is to let ops know there was a mass join even if they aren't in -ops-monitor19:22
gnomefreaksince -irc has very low trafic and is not used for working out user issues what is wrong with it goin there19:23
jribgnomefreak: I think ubottu should just ignore ops calls in -ops-monitor.  The ops that care about this info can idle in -ops-monitor19:24
gnomefreakjussi: are opinion19:24
mneptok!alot | gnomefreak19:25
ubottugnomefreak: Do you like to hug alot? - http://bit.ly/aVDMTo19:25
* mneptok whistles innocently19:25
h00kpm'ing brett\ about behavior in #ubuntu19:49
h00kno response, but has since stopped19:57
guntbertis the nick  pedobear_^ aceptable?20:21
ubottuIn ubottu, pedobear_^ said: !google this is a test20:23
jussiguntbert: while borderline, it could be interpreted differently ln different contexts. If he misbehaves, then please let us know.20:25
guntbertjussi: ok :)20:25
ubottuguntbert called the ops in #ubuntu (Pedobear_)20:41
nhandlerHe just got klined20:42
LjLIdleOne, are you around? i'd like some clarification about yesterday's logs for here between you and oCean_20:42
IdleOnewhat's up?20:43
IdleOneLjL: ^^20:44
LjLIdleOne: hi. let's start saying i might misinterpret things because ubuntulog broke, but... yesterday there was a user called "ubuntu" who was being very much a chore in #ubuntu. i called !ops, other people too, but no one was around. i'm seeing now that two people, MichaelH and oCean_, joined #ubuntu-ops to report about it20:44
IdleOneyes, I remember that20:45
LjLyou asked "oCean_: which one?", but then shortly after, before he answered (publicly at least), you were like "oCean_: MichealH Please part the channel."20:45
LjLis that just because he didn't answer in the span of a minute?20:45
IdleOneyes. I did. When I asked "which one?" at the time I was not sure which user was in question after not getting a response for a few minutes I figured it out and asked them to part. I could of been a little more clear about what why.20:46
LjLbetween "which one" and "please part" it was one minute (two at most, irclogs.ubuntu.com doesn't have seconds)20:47
LjL*one minute*, after for about ten minutes, ops weren't around to do anything about the troll20:47
LjLops are volunteers and certainly don't have to be around at all times20:47
macoLjL: i think IdleOne means he read the backscroll in that one minut20:47
IdleOneit didn't take long of reading scroll back to see who ocean was talking about20:47
IdleOneI will try to be more clear in the future.20:47
LjLstill you can see that after you said that, ocean_ was "oCean_     yeah, sure :("20:48
LjLyou do realize the "no idling" rule here isn't to discourage people from being helpful, right? :\20:48
IdleOneyes. I saw that. yes I do20:48
LjLthanks, see you later then20:48
IdleOnesure thing20:48
IdleOnethank you20:48
jrib... ubottu is mean22:11
jribubottu ignored me for no good reason :(22:12
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:14
jribubottu: no, macbook is <alias> mac22:14
ubottuYou are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm22:14
jribubottu: no, macbook is <alias> mac22:14
ubottumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs22:14
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:14
jribubottu: no, macbook is temporarily unavailable22:15
ubottuI'll remember that jrib22:15
jribwhat the...22:15
ubottumacbook is temporarily unavailable22:15
jribubottu: no, macbook is <alias> mac22:15
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages22:15

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