
grymanAnyone know how often launchpad updates the bzr data?00:18
=== Crisco is now known as zz_Crisco
MuscovyThe revision list?00:21
=== zz_Crisco is now known as Crisco
grymanTrying to make sure I'm adding to the right place, but my commits don't show up00:22
MuscovyOnly a minute or two.00:23
MuscovyWhere did you push to?00:23
grymanI never did a push, just commits00:24
Muscovypushing is the actual upload.00:26
grymanI see, what does commit do?00:27
grymanOr perhaps more importantly, is there anything I need to do before a push to make sure I won't wipe out some other changes?00:29
grymanbzr push lp:ubuntu-tour, right?00:30
grymanI'm just working on content00:30
grymanbzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  See "bzr help diverged-branches" for more information.00:31
MuscovyRun bzr merge.00:31
OmegaWe should get a bot soon.00:35
=== SpockVulcan is now known as AndrewMC
AndrewMCOmega: may i PM you?00:37
OmegaYes you may, sir.00:37
Muscovygryman: Did it work ok?00:55
grymanYeah, I ended up pulling down a new branch and then moving my changes over00:56
grymanMine was a bit out of date00:56
Muscovybrz merge will do that automatically.00:56
grymanThere was conflicts00:57
grymanSomeone made ubuntu-one and I still have ubuntuone, etc00:57
grymanNow it's all current00:57
MuscovyMy fault for that one I fear. :P00:58
MadnessRedi made ubuntu-one, sorry, someone asked for it to be changed00:58
MuscovyFor some reason, only page 1 of Ubuntu One is being displayed on the main branch.01:12
grymanDid you try going back and then next?01:13
grymanOr go back twice01:14
MuscovyJust topic select, then next.01:14
grymanMight be because there's no page 001:14
grymanactually there is01:14
grymanLooks like it's starting on page 1 and not 001:15
MuscovyIt's starting on 0 for me.01:15
grymanLooks like it calls 0 101:17
grymanand when you hit next it goes to 2, which isn't there01:17
grymanand when you go back it goes to 1, but it calls the real 101:17
MuscovyInserting a 2 shows the 2.01:18
grymanHere's what I see01:19
grymanubuntu one01:19
grymanchange section01:19
grymanCould not find  en_US using en01:19
grymanCould not find  en_US using en01:19
grymanCould not find  en_US using en01:19
MuscovyI'm not too worried, since that is the old code anyways.01:19
grymanThey all do that01:21
grymanYou have to click back first once on a new section01:22
MadnessRedodd, do you have the newest code01:22
MadnessRedbecause the newest code doesn't output text to start with unless you set debug to 101:22
MuscovyMadnessRed, we're talking about the main branch, not the code one.01:24
MadnessRedthen I wouldn't worry about errors in the code there, a lot has changed01:25
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
=== MadnessRed is now known as MadnessRed|brb
=== MadnessRed|brb is now known as MadnessRed
MuscovyI can't seem to add images to the tour.02:15
fieldsegreetings. Do we have any senior project members here?02:35
fieldsemuscovy, popey - when you get back, are either of you two project leaders for this?02:57
laurent_What is the default maverick icon theme?02:57
fieldseI've set up a wiki page for the volunteers list, when someone with authority to do so comes around, I'd like to get approval for it.02:57
fieldselaurent_, hi.02:57
fieldseIDK, let me check and see what I've got02:57
laurent_is it humanity02:58
laurent_My system is an upgrade not a fresh install and I have been using Faenza as the default icon set since it came out02:58
fieldseAck, just realized I'm on my Karmic system.03:01
fieldseI think it's humanity03:01
fieldseMy Maverick system is down for repair, since I was banging on it to get the cpu fan unstuck. =/03:01
fieldselaurent_, Mine also upgrade and not install - I was wondering about this, does it not change default themes, etc when you do this?03:02
laurent_Also is there a way to pass variables from the python script in to the HTML of the documents03:02
laurent_I'm adding icons to the firefox tour03:02
laurent_showing the back buttons etc.03:02
fieldseThat, I do not know. I just started learning python literally yesterday.03:02
laurent_ideally I would use the python gettheme.py thing to send the paths03:02
fieldseThis reads the GNOME theme config and sends back the results?03:03
Muscovyfieldse: I'm one of the leaders.03:04
fieldselaurent_, http://www.webupd8.org/2010/08/humanity-icon-theme-update-comes-in.html03:04
MuscovyDo you actually need administrative permission, or are you just asking?03:04
fieldse^ on "humanity" theme03:04
fieldseHey, muscovy - I am just asking to  get it a look-over and approval to start directing people to this list to sign up.03:05
MuscovyURL please?03:05
Muscovylaurent_: Not sure what you're doing, but do you need the icons? We were probably going to use screenshots.03:06
laurent_For the firefox page in code-development it explicitly labels the back forward reload buttons03:07
laurent_I was linking in the icon03:07
laurent_reinforces the message03:07
Muscovyfieldse: Looks good. :D03:11
MuscovyI'll throw some links to the wiki on the main site after school tomorrow.03:11
fieldseAwesome. I would like to make a clearer way for someone to sign up for specific task from the to-do list but I don't want to clutter it up. I figure that as long as the volunteers start piling up on the list, then "project sector leaders" can send out a shout to their entire team list when they're ready to delegate.03:12
Omegasame here03:12
Omegasleepy time!03:12
fieldseHo-kay, good night omega , thanks muscovy - I'll start emailing members from the list archive to sign up03:13
grymanLooks like the wiki is having login issues03:25
kuroqkeyerror in tour.py04:08
aksharpatel47Getting unknowntimezoneerror while logging onto the ubuntu-tour wiki04:09
fieldseNo login issues, I was just editing.04:09
fieldseTry again04:09
fieldseThere's already been 4 signups at the volunteers list, so it was probably just locked.04:09
aksharpatel47It says its a bug04:10
aksharpatel47and tells me to report the bug to moinmoin wiki04:10
mast`I started translating the available text to french, did anybody else sign up for this?04:11
fieldseNegative, we have no french translation signed up at the list yet.04:11
fieldseaksharpatel47, it may be a bug but I think it was just locked - Have you tried again?04:12
mast`good stuff.04:12
fieldsemast`, =)04:12
aksharpatel47ya. I'm getting the same bug report. And the same message to report the bug04:12
aksharpatel47In the bugs list04:13
aksharpatel47I'm finding a similar bug04:13
fieldsemuscovy, aprilg >> Made minor edits to the wiki mainpage https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTour. Let me know if I need to clear these kinds of thing for future purposes.04:13
fieldseaksharpatel47, send me link to bug?04:13
fieldseOy, sorry. Well, are you just trying to sign up?04:15
fieldseIf you'll give me the information you want posted, I'll put it up for you.04:15
aksharpatel47I was trying to sign up for editing as well as a programmer04:15
aksharpatel47and translator for Indian languages04:16
fieldsename / email address? and what programming languages / skills?04:17
Muscovyfieldse: that's perfectly fine, just ask us if you're doing a major overhaul or something. :D04:17
aprilgfieldse i think minor edits are ok ;)04:17
aksharpatel47Akshar Patel / akshar.patel.47@gmail.com / Know Python, Learning GTK / Languages Known : English, Hindi, Gujarati04:18
aprilghi all, who else is working on content right now?04:18
aprilgtext :)04:18
mast`like camping04:18
fieldseaksharpatel47, okay, thanks. I'll put it up!04:19
aprilgMuscovy i'm redoing most of the text right now (converting to html from plain text). where should i push the changes?04:19
fieldseno prob04:19
mast`I joined as a member, if I want to start pushing my translations should I give you my info as well?04:19
Muscovyaprilg: unless it's change in the last hour, lp:~ubuntu-tour/ubuntu-tour/code-development04:19
MuscovyThough I think soon we should import the new code into the main branch, since it's changed a lot.04:20
aprilgyeah, we should do that :)04:20
aprilgi like how the tour's looking so far04:20
MuscovyI'll feel safer if MadnessRed or one of the coders give the go-ahead there.04:21
MuscovyMe too. ;D04:21
mast`I translated about half of the available text into french so far04:21
mast`I'd like to also program though04:21
aprilgmast` you can go ahead and contribute to the code04:23
laurent_Does anyone know if there is a way to use py variables in the HTML?04:23
laurent_Currently it looks like it's being done the other way around04:23
Muscovyfieldse, aprilg, I'm not sure who wrote it, but the wiki page specifies lp:~ubuntu-tour/ubuntu-tour/code-development. As far as I know, that's the coding branch, with writing/translations going in lp:ubuntu-tour.04:23
laurent_The HTML contain {{var}} which is then parsed by tour.py04:24
laurent_but that means it's going to require separate parsing for every instance04:24
laurent_Muscovy, currently the lp:ubuntu-tour doesn't have the webkit stuff though04:25
laurent_so you can't see how your changes look in the program if you're doing HTML04:25
MuscovyHmm, I think I'll bring the devcode into the main then.04:25
MuscovyIt's been a few hours since it's had a fatal bug.04:25
laurent_the code-dev is working fine for me04:26
MuscovyAnd I don't fancy merging between two parallel branches.04:26
fieldsemuscovy, what should wiki page link to instead?04:26
MuscovyOr perhaps perpendicular branches. :|04:26
MuscovySpecify code and writing.04:26
MuscovyI'll put the new code into the main branch right now.04:26
fieldseHokay. So, "contribute code at lp:..../code-development. Contribute writing at lp:ubuntu-tour."04:27
fieldseaite, done04:27
laurent_If a voice over is used with the tour, would it be an electronic voice?04:28
laurent_or would someone with a nice voice do it?04:29
aprilgi'd prefer someone with a nice voice :D04:29
laurent_Who has a nice voice04:29
laurent_in the trans-atlantic accent lol04:29
MuscovyMark Shuttleworth?04:29
laurent_If that was actually possible it would be amazing04:29
fieldseMaybe we can get Jono Bacon to do it.  ;D04:30
MuscovyWell let's get to UDS-O and convince him. XD04:30
grymanMan, I leave for 30 mins and the channel comes alive04:31
fieldseI'd vote for James Earl Jones, it would give it that nice dramatic pitch.04:31
mast`Ubuntu, is the father... of all operating systems04:32
MuscovyMorgan Freeman.04:32
laurent_Daniel Day Lewis lol04:32
laurent_The Ubuntu Milkshake tour04:33
MuscovyWell somebody made an edit during my 30 seconds of local merging. :|04:33
grymanMorgan Freeman for sure04:35
aprilgMuscovy i think that was me hrhrhr04:35
aprilgjust pushed a few minutes ago04:35
MuscovyIt's up now.04:35
MuscovyEveryone, update your lp:ubuntu-tour's.04:35
MuscovyAnd scream if something crashes.04:35
* Takyoji screams and jumps out the window04:36
MuscovyThanks to whoever put in the icons.04:36
TakyojiNothing. :P04:37
fieldseDamn that Freeman!04:37
laurent_So you do like it?04:37
* Takyoji checks out the repository.04:37
grymanWhat's the bzr command to update my local copy?04:38
aprilgbzr pull04:38
laurent_bzr pull lp:ubuntu-tour04:38
fieldseOh yeah, so now that I've done all this wiki-fying, I guess I need to ... actually see what the project looks like. =/04:38
MuscovyIs it pull or update?04:38
grymanupdate doesn't do anything04:38
MuscovyI listed update on the site.04:38
MuscovyOh dear.04:38
grymanAll update does is tell me I'm current, when I know I'm not04:38
laurent_All the <p> for every paragraph are kind of unnecessary04:40
laurent_tour.py converts all \n to <br />04:40
aprilgah.. i get all the space now04:40
aprilgok. changing. will push updates back in a bit04:40
MuscovyWhile I'm on the site, any particular edits or wikilinks I should make?04:41
aprilgmaybe we can update the branch guide?04:43
aprilginclude the code-dev branch there04:43
grymanaprilg, are you removing some of that white space now?04:44
grymanIs there going to be a way to weight the categories?04:45
mast`maybe I should slow down on french translations and wait for the entire english edits are in04:46
laurent_I think in the bazaar help I noticed some changes that needed to be made04:46
laurent_but I think it relates to the split between the code-dev and the main04:46
Muscovymast`: that would be more efficient.04:47
laurent_yeah upload your work doesn't include both04:47
laurent_but I suppose most of the coders aren't going to need that04:47
aprilggryman yep04:50
grymanSo, I did a pull, changed a typo, did a commit, then went to push, and somehow I ended up with uncommited changes?04:50
grymanOh, and there was a merge in there somewhere04:51
MuscovyThe icons in FIrefox and Places menu don't detect from user's settings.04:51
MuscovyIn my case, the Firefox ones don't even show, because my Humanity folder has been mostly dismantled.04:52
aprilghmm, can anyone help me with this 'branches have diverged' error?04:52
grymanbzr merge04:53
aprilgok. thanks!04:53
laurent_remember everyone when starting a new directory the files start at 0 not 104:54
laurent_Muscovy, humanity is the default theme no?04:54
laurent_This is why I was asking about the variables though04:54
laurent_I guess I'll need to access gconf there or something to make sure it detects the correct icons04:55
MuscovyI just tinker oddly.04:55
MuscovyBut yeah, that would be best.04:55
mast`Would there be a bit more info on the use of DBus to track the process of the tour?05:03
laurent_it will need to use dbus eventually05:04
laurent_especially if it wants auto progression05:04
MuscovyWe discussed this in the planning phase.05:04
MuscovyThe problem with DBus is we'll need to do a LOT of patching.05:04
mast`stuff like, if the user is on the open office tour the app will wait for the user to create a new document him/herself become continuing ?05:04
MuscovyFor 90% of what we want, there's a bash command, I'll grab it.05:04
mast`become = before*05:05
Muscovypgrep firefox | xargs ps05:05
MuscovyWe can use that to determine running processes, which works in a lot of places.05:06
grymanugh, did I delete the network files?05:08
MuscovyI'll get it back.05:09
grymanThat doesn't make any sense05:09
MuscovyMy disjointed speech?05:09
grymanI think laurent renamed them, as did I05:09
grymanNo, that they're missing05:09
grymanor deleted05:09
MuscovyThey seem to have been missing for a while.05:11
laurent_aprilg did you intend to overwrite the changes I made to 4_places?05:11
laurent_I renamed the networking files05:11
grymanMuscovy: I see laurent renamed them to start at 0 14 minutes ago, so they can't be missing that long05:11
MuscovyDid you run bzr add afterwards?05:11
laurent_but I think the latest revision may have had a weird merge05:11
MuscovyWhoops, my bad, pulling the wrong revisions.05:12
grymanDo you have to add? I thought you just did a bzr mv file1 file205:12
aprilgcrap. laurent_ no. waaa :( did i?05:12
MuscovyThey're in 59.05:12
MuscovyI'm heading to bed, talk to you guys tomorrow.05:12
aprilglaurent_ sorry about that ..05:13
laurent_all good05:14
grymanlaurent_: So, not sure if you want to add those network files back05:14
grymanThey're missing in 6005:14
laurent_ok I'll make sure they're there in a mo05:14
grymanWhen I wrote them I wasn't thinking about starting with 0, that's my fault05:15
laurent_all good05:15
laurent_I'm pushing it now05:15
grymanThere we go, thanks05:16
laurent_why do workspaces come first in the tour?05:19
grymanBecause the categories don't seem to be weighted or ordered05:20
grymanDesktop Configuration should come after About Ubuntu05:20
laurent_yeah it's a bug in the python sorting I guess05:20
laurent_it goes 1 then 1105:20
grymanand Networks should probably come before most other internet dependent items05:21
laurent_I suppose the ordering of the content isn't too important just yet05:23
laurent_I'll file a bug though05:23
grymanMaybe prefix the dirs with a number, much like the actual files05:23
laurent_I don't mean just the directories05:27
laurent_I mean the actual files inside05:27
laurent_it will go from 1_... to 11_...05:27
grymanI didn't notice that05:31
grymanI'm adding more info for shotwell now05:31
aprilghow do i rename the desktop-configuration folder to desktop-customization ? do i just change it locally then push the changes to the branch?05:32
grymanNo, you'd want to use bzr mv file1 file205:35
grymanYou think it really needs renaming?05:35
laurent_it's not important05:35
aprilgconfiguration is diff from customizing. most of the topics on there are for customizing the desktop05:37
laurent_the user isn't going to see that directory05:38
grymanBut you customize through configuring05:39
mast`Just wondering. The tour will "hold" while the user launches applications, right?05:39
grymanIt's just symantecs05:39
mast`it could be interesting if the user was reading about open office and the tour paused and said: "to launch open office's word processor go to applications->office->OpenOffice.org Word Processor" then resumed after the user did so05:42
mast`and checking for opened apps would be incredibly easy05:43
grymanDo we want to walk them through each of the OOo apps?05:43
grymanOr just show them where it's at, what it does, and where to get more details information on usage?05:43
mast`probably not05:44
grymanThat's what I've been doing for the more advanced topics. Briefly mention them, what it can do, and then where to go for more info on that subject05:44
grymanSo they don't feel like you left them hanging05:44
mast`I see05:45
aprilgok :) leaving desktop folder as is05:46
aprilggotta go :) be back in a bit05:46
aprilgthanks guys!05:46
grymanmast`: Otherwise right now I'd be explaining color curves in Gimp instead of just telling them that they can get more information on usage from http://www.gimp.org/05:48
laurent_this is a tour05:49
laurent_overall it shouldn't really last more than 5 minutes05:49
laurent_it's showing the very basics05:49
laurent_the most important parts should be that they know how to launch an application, connect to the internet and most of all install software, as unless they own a smart phone, it will be a somewhat unfamiliar technique to new users05:50
mast`then I don't see the use of DBus / scanning for processes05:50
grymanMaybe later we could do a normal "starter" tour, and then a "power" tour that has more topics05:50
laurent_mast if they fail to open an application, how does the tour know?05:51
laurent_or continue05:51
laurent_ideally I don't think they should have to click next at all05:51
mast`it could open it for them on a timer05:51
laurent_then they haven't learned anything05:52
mast`laurent_: it should be safe to assume that if the person does the tour they're at least trying to learn05:53
mast`I can see that having them launch open office might be pointless05:53
laurent_yeah, in someways much of the content goes beyond a tour05:54
laurent_some of it mimics a help guide, which already exists05:54
laurent_some of it mimics content that is better suited to the Ubuntu manual05:54
mast`things like opening the main menu though could be nice05:54
laurent_my personal opinion is that the tour should be concise05:55
laurent_yeah basically teaching the basic user interface05:55
grymanWell, I'm adding content, and if it's not needed it can be cut out05:55
laurent_yeah I've been adding content too05:55
grymanBetter to have too much and remove some then not enough05:55
mast`laurent_: I agree on the fact that it should be concise, in and out in 5 minutes on average (with people spending more time on it as needed)05:55
laurent_it's easier to sort a bunch of content than not have enough... exactly05:55
grymanI still think a "power" option would be neat05:56
laurent_I also think the text should be minimal... they have just installed, a new user will be a bit overwhelmed05:56
laurent_a nice soothing encouraging voice05:56
laurent_to help them05:56
laurent_with friendly images05:56
laurent_gently guiding through their new and powerful OS05:56
grymanI guess we're attracting Windows users then?  :P05:56
laurent_no, someone who has never used ubuntu before05:57
grymanCome on, it was a little funny05:57
mast`laurent_: especially since some languages might take up more space than english... I know that going through some drafts in french I ended up with translations that were sometimes much longer05:57
laurent_anyone who has used ubuntu more than a month would probably find a tour pointless no?05:57
grymanDepends on why they're using it05:58
laurent_mast precisely, it will make translating easier and faster to keep it concise05:58
laurent_but then adding audio would require that we find people to do audio translations in every language, which may be even harder05:58
grymanSomeones spouse might use Ubuntu for a while before finding the tour and watching it05:58
grymanThe tour could be useful to schools as well05:59
grymanCut down on initial direction05:59
laurent_very good point05:59
laurent_for the translations, once everything is stable, launchpad should be used06:00
grymanOk, added shotwell tags, editing, and publishing06:02
grymanMy shotwell has almost 8k photos06:03
mast`there should be a list of precise screenshots to be taken so they can start being localized ;)06:07
laurent_I think there is talk of using open shot06:07
laurent_or quickshot or what ever it is called06:07
grymanTo do a slideshow?06:07
grymanOpen shot is a video editor06:07
laurent_the thing they used in ubuntu manual to take all the screens06:08
grymangreg@moniker:~$ search quickshot06:08
mast`that's the tool they use in ubuntu-manuel06:09
mast`oh, you beat me to it06:09
fieldseWhat screenshots are needed?06:11
fieldseCan we start a list there on the etherpad?06:11
laurent_who knows just yet06:11
laurent_or the wiki06:11
fieldseI was wondering about that - seems like we need to keep the wiki updated from the etherpad, as that's most current, yes?06:11
laurent_I'd say definitely a screenie of each menu06:11
laurent_an open networks indicator, while it is disconnected06:12
grymanA list of SS's would be great06:12
laurent_the wiki should probably take over from the etherpad now that it exists06:12
fieldseFWIW, shutter kicks ass for screenshots.06:12
laurent_though the colouring of etherpad is nice06:12
grymanShutter is cool06:12
grymanI like it06:13
laurent_a screenshot of the various installation procedures of software centre06:13
fieldseAgreed, I think that it's better to have it in one location, even if it means losing the coloration. At least the new visitors would be able to see what's up06:13
laurent_as again, that's one of the most important things for a person who is unfamiliar with linux, esp ubuntu06:13
fieldsebut up to y'all?06:13
mast`Quickshot is pretty automated though06:13
laurent_Quickshot would need to be customised for this project06:14
fieldseInstallation procedures, that's good.06:15
fieldseI'm going to start a ss list on the pad06:15
grymanOk, the boss said it's time for bed06:23
grymanI'll be back tomorrow morning06:24
mast`see ya06:25
mast`fieldse: are you creating the list of ss on Etherpad?06:27
laurent_another purpose aside from teaching the newest user how to use ubuntu would be to show an existing user the new features06:31
fieldsemast`, ^06:33
laurent_but then again the ubiquity tour in installation will no doubt do a lot of that too06:33
laurent_Silasle, there seems to be a bug with the progression of the tour06:35
laurent_when you open it, the about ubuntu chapter has more than 10 entries06:36
laurent_I'm consistently having it jump from 1 to 11 then to 206:36
SilasleOk, i check that later today06:36
mast`fieldse: I can help out with that if you want. Wanna keep the list you have there an add beside each item what the screenshot should be?06:40
mast`ie. Firefox -> How to launch it (screenshot: application->internet->firefox highlighted)06:40
fieldsemast` Hey, yes. I would like help with that, cuz I don't know what's needed.06:41
mast`I'll start from the bottom of the list? :p06:41
fieldseI've not been keeping up to speed with the writers' chatter, so I don't know exactly what they're working on.06:41
Silaslelaurent_: Also the last page seems to be in some other language.06:41
fieldseor what they're wanting "highlighted"06:41
laurent_What last page?06:42
SilasleIn about-ubuntu06:42
laurent_in code-dev or ubuntu-tour?06:42
laurent_someone added that to the wrong folder obviously06:43
laurent_but the language file are being handled in the main06:43
maheshmohanlaurent_ , are you talking to me?06:43
fieldsemast`, What am I helping with here? Are we just adding (screenshot) to end of each item?06:43
laurent_in fact it would probably be wise to take out most of the language files from code-dev if that doesn't affect the merges06:44
laurent_maheshmohan, I was talking to Silasle06:44
maheshmohanok. Can you listen to me, to solve my problem, after solving Silasle's ?06:45
laurent_go ahead06:45
maheshmohani fixed a typo in 'about-ubuntu' section. but, when i tried to commit i got 'these branches are diverged' error. What to do?06:46
mast`fieldse: I thought that was the idea. Have a list of each "article" and add what the screenshot that goes with it should be06:46
Silaslelaurent_: I get the order 0123456789,10,11,12,(13)06:46
laurent_you don't get the workspaces as the second slide?06:47
laurent_I'm getting that consistently06:47
laurent_maheshmohan you will need to type the command bzr merge06:47
SilasleWhit the latest from code-dev?06:47
laurent_what happened is someone has added a push since you pulled06:47
maheshmohanok. I will try06:48
laurent_we merged the code-dev in to lp:ubuntu-tour earlier06:48
laurent_so they should pretty much be the same, but yes both06:48
SilasleHmm, for me it's ok.06:48
laurent_Silasle, try clicking off about-ubuntu to another chapter, then return to it and see if that makes it happen06:48
maheshmohanlaurent, I merged, but, I got "nothing to do" as output.06:49
SilasleNo, second is "Ubuntu is a free, open ......"06:49
SilasleAnd then panel, aplication menu and so on06:50
laurent_have you pulled the latest?06:50
laurent_I'm not even getting ubuntu is a free, open....06:50
maheshmohanI pulled it 2 hours ago(using bzr branch command)06:51
Silasle  Yep, latest06:51
laurent_my first slide says "Welcome to ubuntu tour"06:53
mast`lp:ubuntu-tour doesn't work for me :/06:53
laurent_The second says "Ubuntu Workspaces"06:53
laurent_3 is "The Ubuntu desktop is designed to be efficient and very easy to use."06:53
laurent_what's the full command you're running mast?06:53
laurent_ok my 1_what is ubuntu is not showing at all, it's showing the 11_workspaces instead of 1_06:55
laurent_what's the full command you're running mast`?06:55
mast`laurent_: just updated with bzr pull06:56
mast`and running with python ubuntu-tour.py06:56
fieldsemast`, this is starting to look good. Much more orderly.07:03
mast`what about the remove a package screenshot?07:04
mast`either the list of all installed packages, with emphasis on the uninstall button07:05
mast`or the actual packages window07:05
maheshmohanlaurent, I solved my problem. One doubt, can I use this for contribution, or is it dead/ http://openetherpad.org/GUNcK2dx7507:09
laurent_That or the wiki07:10
laurent_try use the wiki if you can, it's more accessible07:11
mast`lp:ubuntu-tour is the working branch right?07:11
laurent_lp:ubuntu-tour is for the authoring of the text07:11
mast`it looks pretty good fieldse :)07:12
laurent_for the code use the code-development branch07:12
mast`ah, that would explain it07:12
laurent_then that gets merged back while stable07:12
fieldseAwesome work, mast`! I'm about done for an evening, I think.07:13
maheshmohanCan I get the wiki link?07:13
fieldseHey maheshmohan :07:13
fieldseThis is the "todo list": https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTour/Todo07:13
fieldseAnd the volunteers list wiki page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTour/Volunteers07:14
fieldseI move that we copy the etherpad to the wiki and close it out - anyone actively working on it right now?07:14
maheshmohanfieldse, ok.thanks. I just refrred it to make a page for trash in about-ubuntu section07:15
fieldsemaheshmohan, cool, thanks.07:15
laurent_What is the correct procedure for dealing with a merge conflict?07:15
mast`Anyone thought of a way to put emphasis on stuff on screen?07:30
mast`from the wiki: The app needs to indicate to users on the screen a certain location of interest. We need some way of rendering arrows or boxes on the screen (outside of the main app window) to highlight things.07:32
laurent__my idea was a low opacity set of concentric circles07:35
laurent__but I don't think the app has got to that stage07:35
laurent__It's outside my capabilities07:35
maheshmohanone unrelated doubt07:36
maheshmohanI can't login to the wiki. I got "UnknownTimeZoneError"07:37
laurent__someone had that earlier07:37
mast`I think compiz would be able to do that07:37
maheshmohanAlso, I'm going to create a new file. so, what I have to do? pull, create file, add, commit, merge. am I right?07:38
maheshmohanis this the order?07:38
laurent__no merge07:38
laurent__you push07:38
maheshmohanwhat is merge for?07:39
laurent__when your branch and the central branch are out of sync07:39
maheshmohanok. waht to do for wiki error?07:41
laurent__I don't know sorry07:41
laurent__mast` are you editing the wiki?07:42
laurent__it's possible only one person can edit the wiki at a time07:42
mast`laurent__: nop07:43
laurent__fieldse was it you who had the "UnknownTimeZoneError" in the wiki before?07:43
maheshmohanhow I know, when my revison is accepted by the team?07:44
laurent__that was the link provided before07:45
maheshmohanlaurent, I cant get you07:47
laurent__your revisions have been added to bazaar maheshmohan07:50
laurent__is that what you meant?07:50
maheshmohanok. I meant, is it accepted? Because, It is not listed in my launcpad page07:50
laurent__it takes a while to update everything sometimes08:02
laurent__but your changes are in the branch08:02
mast`i'm off for the night, see ya08:05
maheshmohanthanks laurent. Now I have to find a solution for editing wiki page08:06
laurent__perhaps try temporarily changing your timezone08:15
aprilg1fieldse the link to the volunteers list on the main page (in the box for pages) is broken :)11:24
aprilg1how do i change that?11:25
=== aprilg1 is now known as aprilg
aprilgfieldse i meant the wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTour11:28
aprilgfigured it out :) fixed the link11:39
fieldseoh, hi. nice. So you pierced the depths of my wiki prestidigitation, eh?12:36
fieldse -> switching machines, bbl12:36
GiulioChi all13:35
GiulioCI have a problem on updating my local bzr branch from internet...13:46
GiulioCyesterday i downloaded using bzr branch lp:ubuntu-tour13:46
GiulioCtoday trying to update this folder, it shows that it's already at the lastest revision13:47
GiulioCbut it's actually 73, on my pc it's 4013:48
GiulioCand using bzr update lp:ubuntu-tour i get this error: I have a problem on updating my local bzr branch from internet...13:50
GiulioCops sorry13:51
GiulioCbzr: ERROR No WorkingTree exists for "bzr+shh://bazaar.launchpad.net/%2Bbranch/ubuntu-tour/"13:52
dakerGiulioC, do $ bzr version-info13:59
dakerin your branch folder13:59
GiulioCmmm, now i have downloaded another branch folder...because I didn't changed anything from yesterday...14:01
dakeror if you still have to old branch just do14:02
daker$ bzr pull14:02
GiulioCok thanks14:03
dakerGiulioC, nop14:08
OmegaGood day guys.14:14
GiulioCwhen can we start to translate in other languages?14:15
GiulioChi omega14:15
OmegaYou can already start.14:16
OmegaYou just make the folders for the corresponding language14:16
Omegaand start translating14:16
GiulioCfor italian is "it" or "it_IT"14:16
GiulioCwho wrote shotwell missing sections?14:24
OmegaGiulioC: You need both14:25
Omegaif it cannot find your region it falls back to it14:25
grymanI don't see a missing section for shotwell14:25
OmegaI don't know how many kinds of italian there are14:25
grymanI wrote tags, editing, and publish14:25
GiulioCah ok I saw...gryman can I modify a bit yours?14:26
grymanof course14:26
GiulioCbtw I'll use "it" for italian...because it's only speech in Italy...and a bit in Swizerland...but not so much..14:28
grymanGiulioC: Are you going to add a "missing" section for shotwell?14:29
GiulioCno, I wrote "missing" because they weren't made by me14:31
SilasleAre we using 639-1 language code standard?14:46
aksharpatel47do you think we should start a facebook page for Ubuntu14:59
aksharpatel47Tour project?14:59
mast`couldn't hurt15:04
aksharpatel47would be better if it's official though15:06
OmegaWe don't need a facebook page per se.15:14
OmegaI don't particularly like facebook.15:14
grymanEven if they're the bane of your existence, it could generate some interest15:15
grymanI don't like FB much either, but I do use it to keep in touch with family15:15
mast`nobody likes facebook :p but it's a good way to reach people when you have something to display15:15
GiulioCneither do i15:15
Omega15/9/01 is the release date of diaspora15:16
grymanDid you mean 15/9/10?15:17
grymanNever know with different date formats15:23
grymanWasn't sure if you meant 9/15/201515:23
grymanor something like that15:23
GiulioCgryman, where are you from?15:24
GiulioCin Italy we use to write date DD/MM/YEAR15:24
grymanYeah, most of Europe does15:24
mast`we do in Canada as well15:25
grymanI hate having to use Windows for my class15:26
GiulioCI have to go16:03
grymanBathroom is down the hall16:03
grymanthird door on your left16:04
GiulioCno thanks I don't need the bathroom16:04
GiulioCi have to do some homework16:04
grymanThat's what I'm trying to do now16:04
GiulioCcan i update the branch with my modifications?16:05
GiulioCI started to add some translations in Italian and correct explanations16:06
GiulioCcorrected some explanations*16:06
GiulioCok byez ;)16:12
maheshmohanGuys, what is the current status? Will it work when I pull the code & run 'python ubuntu-tour.py' file?16:21
maheshmohanBut, I found it not working16:24
OmegaAre you using GNOME?16:27
maheshmohanyes. I am. Error is http://pastebin.com/jGjhDgS116:30
OmegaTry running the stable branch16:31
maheshmohanwhere is it16:34
=== daker__ is now known as daker
maheshmohanOmega, where is the stable branch? From what I know, there are two branches, one for code and another for writing16:46
mast`code-development is for the code and ubuntu-tour for writing16:48
maheshmohanyes. I pulled from ubuntu-tour16:48
maheshmohanthat code is not working16:48
mast`I get the same error you do, with both code-dev and ubuntu-tour16:48
maheshmohanalso, can I start translating chapters now, or I have to wait for the project to finish?16:52
mast`maheshmohan: I remember seeing someone say that translations should wait until the english versions are final16:55
maheshmohanok. But, somw guy commited italian translation just now. Thats why I asked16:56
mast`maheshmohan: yeah I know I also started working on the french stuff, but I don't think I'll push anything quite yet16:57
maheshmohanBut, I think, the first chapter, 'about-ubuntu' is quite mature to start translating16:58
grymanThey were saying they would use launchpad for translations once the main content was set17:10
=== daker_ is now known as daker
SilasleHi ayortano17:52
ayortanoTo be precise, I really want to help as translator and editor.17:54
Silasleayortano: Check this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTour/ under "How to Volunteer and Contribute"17:55
ayortanoThanks Silasle18:01
kuro__will this only be "ubuntu-tour", or is there also going to be a "kubuntu-tour"18:05
ayortanoI add my name to the page in the wiki?18:08
Silasleayortano: Yes18:08
ayortanoIs ok18:14
ayortanoIm Federico Leite18:14
MadnessRedhm, I think we need a getting started tour18:48
MadnessRedthe current one, when you start give you trash18:48
MadnessRedAlso how about we move the menu to inside the html interface18:50
=== daker_ is now known as daker
MadnessRedhi a;;19:28
MadnessReda;; => all19:29
MadnessRedany new updates?19:43
aksharpatel47nothing on the mailing list19:43
SilasleMadnessRed: http://pastebin.com/jGjhDgS119:43
aksharpatel47Lots of people joining the project as can be seen on ubuntu wiki19:44
aksharpatel47what's in the link?19:44
MadnessReda problem19:44
Silaslean bug report19:44
MadnessRedneed to talk to the owner of the problem though19:44
SilasleIt's maheshmohan19:45
MadnessRedAlso Silasle, here is a quick ui mockup, what do you think?19:45
MadnessRedIgnore the spelling of Previous19:45
SilasleFirst comment, use http://www.balsamiq.com/products/mockups# for mockups :P19:46
MadnessRedok, ignoring that19:47
SilasleSecond comment, progress bar beside the buttons19:47
Silasle*Back next buttons19:47
MadnessRedbut the left menu?19:48
SilasleAt least better then it's now.19:48
MadnessRedAlso, I am going to work on our bug report :)19:49
SilasleAnd you have moved the get colors part to get_theme.py ?19:50
SilasleAh, that one.19:50
SilasleWhat's whit that annoying scrollbar?19:51
SilasleI am going to test how it looks whit treeview19:53
MadnessReddon't commit though19:56
MadnessRedalso what urls should be handled internally, and what ones externally19:57
MadnessRedshould I just say, all file:// should be handled by us, and anything else should be passed to the default browser?19:57
SilasleEverything created by us internaly19:57
SilasleThat you wrote!19:58
MadnessRedso if uri[0:7] == 'file://': return 019:58
SilasleMmm, yes or "if "file:// in uri:return 019:59
Silasle* if "file://" in uri: return 019:59
MadnessRedalso I don;t need an else after an if return do I20:00
MadnessRedI think we should spicify file:// being at the start20:01
SilasleIf your other code doesn't need an 1 returned if it's not an file uri20:01
SilasleThen you don't need it20:01
OmegaGood day guys.20:02
SilasleHi Omega20:02
MadnessRedok, I pushed it20:05
SilasleI cant pull now as i'm editing my file20:05
MadnessRed:/ pull first before you commit20:06
MadnessRedI edited ubuntu-tour.py20:06
SilasleIt right now looks like this: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4997718/Screenshot-18.png20:08
OmegaI think we should move away from calling the chapters by program name and start calling them by task name20:09
Silasle  File "ubuntu-tour.py", line 22, in <module>20:09
Silasle    if sys.argv[1] == 'debug':20:09
SilasleIndexError: list index out of range20:09
SilasleMadnessRed: ^20:09
SilasleOmega: We will have folders like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/493246/20:10
OmegaThat looks so much better.20:10
OmegaAlso, I dig that mockup.20:10
OmegaDid MadnessRed make that by hand?20:11
MadnessRedHe did20:11
MadnessRedWith gedit20:11
SilasleOk, runs20:11
MadnessRedand it you add debug to the end of the command, eg, I do20:12
MadnessRedclear; ./ubuntu-tour.py debug20:12
MadnessRedthen it will show the debug output20:12
SilasleIt's programmers day today: Make Happy Programmer Day cards using ASCII art ;)20:13
MadnessRednice :)20:13
MadnessRedwhy today?20:13
SilasleIt's the 256th day of the year (byte)20:14
OmegaOh it is? Happy programmers day guys!20:16
MadnessRedany you20:17
MadnessRedI don't suppose someone could allow me to mange bugs on the bug tracker20:17
OmegaI will grant you the necessary powers.20:17
=== Crisco is now known as zz_Crisco
OmegaJoin that group20:19
SilasleMadnessRed: Do you know how to get the treeview clicks?20:19
Omegaand you'll be able to manage them20:19
MadnessRedi think so20:19
MadnessRedactually single clicks can be difficult20:20
MadnessRedI think there is a workaround though20:20
SilasleBut double clocks?20:20
MadnessRedbut the treeview will be generated in tour.py20:21
MadnessRedwith a simple callback function20:21
MadnessRedI think that is best20:21
MadnessRedthen the entirety of tour management is in tour.py20:21
Silasleactivated not working20:26
Silasle  File "ubuntu-tour.py", line 92, in __init__20:26
Silasle    tree.connect("activated",self.callback,name)20:26
SilasleTypeError: <gtk.TreeView object at 0x9d717ac (GtkTreeView at 0x9db0020)>: unknown signal name: activated20:26
Silaslerow-expanded works20:26
SilasleAh, row-activated20:28
SilasleHmm, i dont get that20:44
SilasleMadnessRed: It wasn't that easy, i have an treeview and i can change section but not change page21:01
MadnessRedok, sorry, was not watching irc21:02
MadnessRedits active I think21:02
MadnessRedcan you push you code then, I'll see what I can do with it21:02
SilasleIt's row-activated21:02
SilasleBut the only thing i get is something like (0,7) column 0 row 721:03
MadnessRedoh right yh21:03
SilasleI'll send you an tar file21:04
SilasleThat code is an bit messed up and may look strange but it was the best i could get  :|21:08
MadnessRedok, the way that things will be organised, I think...21:08
MadnessRedin the folder21:09
MadnessRedshould be a file tour.info21:09
MadnessRedWhich should read something like:21:09
MadnessRedname:About Ubuntu21:10
MadnessRedthat way we can also have titles in the correct language21:10
MadnessRedand we can manage case better21:11
SilasleAh, you changed something21:12
MadnessRedI just uploaded a revised tour.info file21:19
MadnessRedI missed something last time21:19
MadnessRedI thinki21:19
SilasleWhat's whit my treeview?21:20
SilasleOk, bed time, bye21:24
MadnessRedok, sorry21:24
MadnessRedwas looking at the code21:24
MadnessRedI am making the tour things objects, so they store there own language a catgory21:24
MadnessRedshould make things a bit more effienct, and make creating the treeview easier21:25
SilasleYea, but now creating isn't the problem21:25
MadnessRedI know, but we need to sort out the catagories21:27
SilasleYea, that too21:28
MadnessRedwhich are kind of a dependancy of the treeview21:28
SilasleMmm, thats true21:29
SilasleWouldnt it be an idea to have the links in the html window?21:29
MadnessRedI thought about that21:30
MadnessRedbut then we need to generate html dynamically, each time the page is loaded21:31
MadnessRedit could be done but i think it would look better with gtk21:31
SilasleBut i'm really going to bed now21:34
=== daker_ is now known as daker
MadnessRedThere is a high chance of bugs in the latest revision, please test and let me know22:11
MadnessRedthats on the code-development branch22:11
MadnessRedI know that only 1 tutorial shows at the moment, thats because the others don't have config files yet22:12
MadnessRed 22:13
MadnessRedI gtg, I'll checkup when I get back for any bugs, sorry about this22:13
OmegaNo problem22:16
aprilg1Hi everyone. just got home. read through logs. yarrr22:30
aprilg1someone mentioned an FB page? what about twitter? lulz. i don't like FB tho. i deleted my account22:30
=== aprilg1 is now known as aprilg
grymanHow'd you know I just had lunch?22:42
MadnessRedI was hoping, that it would update me with the last posts, but it didn't22:44
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aprilg_awayarrr really need to sleep na022:46
aprilg_awayi'll catch up with you guys later22:46
MuscovyOh dear, 40 new messages.23:59

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