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duanedesignmorning all09:50
ryeduanedesign, morningz!10:17
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duanedesignrye: have a good weekend?11:54
duanedesignrye: did you make any progress on the Ubuntu One on a server blog post?11:55
ryeduanedesign, it is straightforward to set up the client, set oauth token and get dbus running in cli, but I am still trying to mutate sso into providing me with the tokens instead of the keyring :)12:15
duanedesignrye: i have come across two people now running maverick who can sync files but their computer is not listed on Devices Tab.12:18
ryeduanedesign, you mean <LOCAL MACHINE> is only displayed instead ?12:19
* rye was so happy yesterday that he found a one-line fix for bug #63235812:20
ubot4Launchpad bug 632358 in nautilus-sendto (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "nautilus-sendto crashed with SIGSEGV in _start() due to broken libnstbluetooth.so plugin_info structure (affects: 52) (dups: 5) (heat: 256)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63235812:20
duanedesigni am trying to find the first instance where i saw it mentioned. I think it was on the forums.12:20
duanedesignrye: nice :)12:21
duanedesignhere is the second. I iam also trying to understand this OPs description of what happened when he first ran U112:21
duanedesignbug  63559512:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 635595 in ubuntuone-client "No "Add computer" dialog (fresh install, maverick beta) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63559512:22
ryeduanedesign, replied to bug #635595 with 'want-a-more-info' request12:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 635595 in ubuntuone-client "No "Add computer" dialog (fresh install, maverick beta) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63559512:26
ryei am now running a maverick vm w/ syncdaemon started through the cli.12:27
duanedesignrye:  ok great. I was doing the same on the Forum post where another OP is describing a similar situation12:27
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ryeduanedesign, filed a bug #637022 since that's what prevents us from running ubuntuone with sso tokens in cli environment12:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 637022 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone-syncdaemon should accept SSO tokens as --oauth parameter value (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63702212:54
ryebasically in ubuntu-servers12:54
duanedesignaha, great13:03
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verterokmkarnicki: hi! pushed initial get_delta support, in case you want to start playing  (and probably find some bugs ;-))16:30
mkarnickiverterok: have to leave now, will catch you later! that's great news, I'll have a look at it soon!! :)16:35
verterokmkarnicki: np, later!16:35
mkarnickiverterok: bye!!16:35
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levuChipaca: i have accepted  the contributor agreement for my patch for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution-couchdb/+bug/473616, so is there anything else i should do?17:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 473616 in evolution-couchdb (Ubuntu) "Copying contacts from Google to CouchDB (Ubuntu One) gives a non-specific error (affects: 10) (dups: 1) (heat: 54)" [High,Triaged]17:07
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duanedesigngreat levu!17:47
levuduanedesign: thx :)17:55
levuduanedesign: what scares me is that it was to easy that it can be everything^^17:56
Chipacalevu: thanks! rodrigo is on holiday, and I'd like his review before giving this the go ahead. I'll have one of the couch guys look at it too (if i can - i'm just in and am not sure how busy they are)18:35
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levuChipaca: well, if you look at the code, there shouldn't be any problems, because the functions would fail via assert if you pass NULL as second argument and my code just prevents them from failing...19:06
Chipacalevu: yes, it looks like that. I'm happier if other people review as well, for a number of reasons. One is so they know how much you rock :)19:07
levuChipaca: the only thing i could imagine is that there is a problem in the function returning us these NULL values (but i haven't touched there anything) because i don't know if a returned NULL value may indicate an error19:07
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levuChipaca: yes of course it is necessary to get the code reviewed :)19:08
levuChipaca: do you have any hints how i can test it locally what i've done? do i have to compile whole evolution?19:08
Chipacalevu: I don't think so, but I can't answer for certain. I'll find out :)19:10
levuChipaca: well i could try myself or ask in the evolution channel, its ok19:10
mkarnickiverterok: some time after 20th this month I'm moving back to Warsaw, and I aim to get my hands dirty with AndroidU1 again then. (probably rewrite it with delta by default.) you can expect me bugging you around that time ;) - I hope it's not too late for testing? yet not to many projects use delta in u1-java-sp currently, do they?19:12
Chipacalevu: I'm 90% sure you don't need to recompile evolution :)19:12
Chipacalevu: and also that evolution guys don't know the answer to the question :)19:12
verterokmkarnicki: oh, cool19:12
mkarnickiverterok: I'm catching up with code I'd like to have already behind me, and I should be done in few days19:12
verterokmkarnicki: no, I just pushed the first set of changes, just the GetDelta request19:13
levuChipaca: omg, ok, i have to look if my 2GB here are enough for all the source code :D19:13
mkarnickiverterok: ok then :) I'll contact you for the how-to in case I'm lost ^ ^19:13
verterokmkarnicki: I still need to implement all the generation value passing in the responses, which I plan to work as soon I get some more spare time :)19:13
verterokmkarnicki: I think the only one using u1-java-sp is androidu1 ;)19:13
mkarnickiverterok: understood :) you rock verterok !19:13
mkarnickiverterok: I'll be happy to be the first to use deltla (with Java) too :D19:14
Chipacalevu: I'd say wait until tomorrow when rodrigo will be here19:15
mkarnickiverterok: I'll try to push AndroidU1 soon to get few more features (like UDFs and publishing), and at that time I might find some time to dive into the protocol stuff in more detail. I'm really interested in how all that protocol bits work, and still have learned only a little during AU1 development :)19:15
verterokmkarnicki: oh, cool. udfs!19:16
mkarnickiverterok: yes, aq is soo waiting for it =)19:16
levuChipaca: well, i needed an motivation to mount my external hdd and move some bigger files to that one since weeks, no i have it :D19:16
duffydackis there soemthing wrong with the servers?  my client is saying disconnected all the time.21:23
nessitaduffydack: can you paste the content of ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log?21:25
duffydacknot had any problems before now (outside of maverick)21:28
nessitaduffydack: can you please turn DEBUG mode on your log files? to do so please:21:29
duffydacktho, when I looked in the client just now, I had maybe 10 or so extra computers added, after I set it up on maverick. I removed them21:29
nessita* edit the file ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf21:29
nessita* add the following:21:30
nessitalevel = DEBUG21:30
nessitasave the modification, and restart the daemon with:21:30
nessita* u1sdtool -q21:30
nessita* u1sdtool -c21:30
duffydacknow my client wont run.. just says its starting and doesnt21:31
ryeduffydack, if you have removed all the client, go to https://login.ubuntu.com/+applications, remove all authorizations for Ubuntu One for this machine, then remove Ubuntu One token from seahorse, killall ubuntu-sso-client and run u1sdtool --connect21:35
duffydacknot all the client.. I left the one I`m using now and the other laptop I have.21:37
nessitaduffydack: according to the latest log that you pasted, you should run u1sdtool -c21:37
duffydackI only removed the crud that maverick put in there21:37
nessitaduffydack: as per those log, you're not connected21:37
duffydackI ran it :(21:37
nessitaduffydack: are you sure that's the whole output?21:37
duffydackI`ll paste whats there now21:38
nessitaduffydack: what's u1stdool -s says?21:38
duffydackhow long should I wait after connecting to paste the log?21:38
duffydackconnected false, online false and error false21:39
duffydackqueue : idle21:39
nessitaduffydack: it should be immediate. Can you please first paste the output of u1sdtool -s? the whole output please21:39
nessitaso, in a terminal please do:21:40
nessitatail -F /home/nessita/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log21:40
nessitaand leave that running (press <enter> a few times to be able to visually see what's new there)21:40
duffydacki1ll use tailf then :021:41
nessitaduffydack: replace nessita with your username :-)21:41
duffydackok, its up, and waiting21:41
nessitaack, in other terminal/tab, run u1sdtool -c, and show me the new lines in the tail -F output21:42
nessitaduffydack: any output?21:43
duffydacki quit and re-ran the daemon before hand.21:44
nessitaduffydack: did you do the debug steps I asked for?21:45
duffydackjust had this added21:45
duffydack2010-09-13 21:44:54,725 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: <State: 'READY'  (queues IDLE  connection 'With User Not Network')>; queues: metadata: 0; content: 0; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=247 miss=121) ----21:45
duffydackyes, level = DEBUG21:45
nessitaduffydack: that log is not in debug mode... :-) can you show me the syncdaemon.conf file?21:46
nessitaduffydack: you have to add a new section. Remove the level=DEBUG from there and add:21:47
nessita(at the end)21:47
nessitayou can leave the tail -F running, it will survive restarts21:48
nessitaduffydack: and better use duffydack.pastebin.com so I can see all your pastes without seeing the rest of world's21:49
voytechHello, I have a question How are contacts synchronized in Ubuntu One. I mean these contacts that can be created via u1 website. Are they synchronized using Desktop couch ?21:50
nessitaduffydack: I'm looking, still no diagnose21:52
duffydackI dont know what went wrong..  Ive done nothing to make it not work21:52
ryevoytech, yes, contacts are being synced with desktopcouch which is not syncing at the moment, and there is a long ongoing process of making it able to sync now21:54
duffydackas I said, I set it up on maverick also, which I had issues with, with oauth etc..me not using a password...I filed a bug anyway.. so I`m back in lucid, tried to publish a file and it wouldnt.21:54
nessitaduffydack: there is something odd in that log file. What does aptitude show ubuntuone-client says, regarding the version?21:54
duffydackwhen back in lucid, I saw a whole load of extra computers added, which I removed.21:54
nessitaduffydack: I have to leave now, but, can you please file a bug attaching that last log file?21:55
duffydackVersion: 1.2.2-0ubuntu221:55
nessitaduffydack: that's really old21:55
duffydackI`m religious about updating21:55
nessitaduffydack: sorry, old for lucid :-)21:55
voytechrye : because, when i look into couchDB used by DesktopCouch i do not see any databases which could potentially contain contact data from website21:56
nessitaduffydack: I mean, old for maverick!21:56
duffydackmaybe so, but it worked from day 1 in lucid, till now21:56
nessitagosh, I'm too in a hurry21:56
voytechrye : So now I know why21:56
nessitarye: can you help a bit more duffydack? I have to run to a medical appointment21:56
duffydackI`ll play around a little.. see if I can fix it..  its nothing urgent yet21:56
ryevoytech, you can look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status - currently one-way replication is working, but not two-way, which also defeats the purpose somehow, so it is not yet enabled for all users22:01
ryeduffydack, do you have the token called 'Ubuntu One' in your gnome-keyring - seahorse?22:01
popeynessita: you about?22:17
popeyi note you tagged 633280 for natty and not maverick22:17
popeyi am not behind a proxy now, and still can't load captcha22:18
popeyso it's possible the proxy had nothing to do with it22:18
ryepopey, hi22:23
ryepopey, is there anything captcha related in ~/.local/cache/sso/oauth-login.log ?22:24
popeysorry rye I need to reboot to find that out22:38
popeydual boot22:39
duffydacknessita, ok, I have removed everything related to ubuntuone from my home, even the default shared folder, and keys as wel, in a hope to then run the client and set it up again from fresh but i`m not getting taken to the page to add the computer.. i`m stuck22:54
verterokduffydack: do you deleted all the contents of ~/Ubuntu One?22:57
duffydackIts back now tho after I ran the client22:57
verterokduffydack: and the metadata?22:58
verterokduffydack: how is back? is the client running?22:58
duffydackonly as in showing a gui for it.  its STILL not connecting22:58
verterokduffydack: ok, first stop the client22:59
duffydackI was hoping it would put me at the page to add the computer like a fresh install would, it didnt.22:59
verterokduffydack: if you delete the contents of ~/Ubuntu One, and the client connects to the server. it will start deleting all your files in the server!22:59
duffydackI dont have anything in that folder, I have other shares.22:59
verterokduffydack: and you deleted those too?23:00
duffydackits the reason I use this and not dropbox23:00
verterokduffydack: ok, good :)23:00
duffydackI have backups, its not an issue.23:00
duffydackI just want this damn thing working again23:00
verterokduffydack: so, no risk to delete stuff from the server :)23:00
* popey returns23:00
verterokduffydack: ok, please run: u1sdtool -q23:00
verterokduffydack: also:  ps aux | grep ubuntu-sso23:01
verterokduffydack: is there a ubuntu-sso-login process?23:01
verterokduffydack: ok, do you have a "Ubuntu One" entry in your keyring?23:01
duffydackit hasnt asked me to do anything, like it would normally23:02
verterokduffydack: ok, please make sure the client is actually stopped: ps aux | grep ubuntuone23:02
duffydacknormally you run the client, and you get took to the page..23:02
duffydackok login is running still.23:03
verterokduffydack: login?23:03
verterokduffydack: oh, you'r in lucid. right no ubuntu-sso-login in lucid, it's ubuntuone-login. sorry about that :)23:03
verterokduffydack: kill it :)23:04
verterokduffydack: once ubuntuone-login is stopped, start the ubuntuone preferences23:04
duffydackI`m not sure, but I think it might be using maverick U1 that maybe trashed this23:05
verterokduffydack: this looks like a local problem23:05
duffydackbecause after I booted back into lucid I had 10-12 computers called ubuntu@myhostname23:05
duffydackI never had a problem from day 1 lucid install till now...23:06
duffydackok, starting prefs23:06
duffydackgui is showing, and same old same old nothing23:06
verterokduffydack: try to connect the client23:07
duffydacki know what`ll happen, but o23:07
verterokduffydack: do you see the account information in the preferences?23:07
duffydackno, I removed all traces of it from my home..23:07
duffydackI removed this computer also23:08
duffydackI wanted to start as fresh as possible,23:08
verterokduffydack: so,the account tab is empty?23:08
verterokhmm, weird23:08
duffydackit never connected when it was all setup either.. this is why I resorted to wiping it23:08
verterokduffydack: what's the content of ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log ?23:09
duffydack2010-09-13 22:52:00,404:404.951095581 ubuntuone-login Starting Ubuntu One login manager version 1.2.223:09
duffydack2010-09-13 23:06:37,352:352.505922318 ubuntuone-login Starting Ubuntu One login manager version 1.2.223:09
verterokduffydack: ok, let's try to put every piece in debug logging, and start over23:10
verterokduffydack: create a file: ~/.config/ubuntuone/logging.conf23:10
verterokduffydack: and put this in it:23:11
verteroklevel = DEBUG23:11
duffydackI put that in syncdaemon.conf23:11
duffydackas nessita instructed23:11
verterokduffydack: yes, but this is for all the ubuntuone processes :)23:11
verterokduffydack: not only syncdaemon23:11
verterokduffydack: the problem seems to be the ubuntuone-login thingy23:11
duffydackok, its in both23:12
duffydacku1sdtool -c ?23:12
verterokduffydack: cool, now stop the client. u1sdtool -q23:12
verterokduffydack: and kill the ubuntuone-login process23:12
verterokduffydack: and close the preferences app23:12
verterokduffydack: also, check that it's all stopped: ps axu | grep ubuntuone :)23:13
duffydackno ubuntu anything running23:13
duffydackpgrep -l ubuntu = nothing23:13
verterokduffydack: now, let's start syncdaemon, u1sdtool --start23:13
verterokduffydack: and then: u1sdtool -c23:13
verterokduffydack: what's the content of ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/oauth-login.log, now?23:14
verterokduffydack: check if you have a new tab in Firefox23:14
duffydackchromium, nothong23:15
* verterok kicks ubuntuone-login logging :(23:15
verterokoh, chromium...I think there is a bug about it...but not sure23:15
duffydackif this was fresh install, i`d run the client, it`d take me to the page, add my computer and I`d connect it and it would start its thing.23:15
verterokjoshuahoover, dobey: do you know if ubuntuone-login work ok with chromiun?23:16
duffydackit has done before. but i`m using dev/beta channel.23:16
duffydackas I said, this suddenly just stopped working after working 100% since day 1 lucid release till now23:16
duffydackits bugging me23:16
duffydackI thought maybe the servers were down or something23:17
verterokduffydack: no, there servers are up and running23:17
verterokduffydack: this is weird23:17
verterokduffydack: you could use a beta client from the ppa23:17
duffydackI woudl but, it was working like, a few hours ago23:18
duffydackguess I could go back into maverick and try there...23:19
duffydackthat would clear up a client version issue up23:19
=== duffy is now known as duffydack
duffydackok, well, in maverick it works after I run the client and enterered the info again23:39
duffydackbut look at all those added now.  http://imgur.com/9sQjf23:41
duffydackalso, in maverick,, its saying sync complete but isnt showing any other info.23:43
* duffydack is on the verge of making a new account and saying to hell with it23:44
verterokwow, a lot of auths from the same machine23:47
verterokduffydack: that looks like a bug to me, but I don't know much about the oauth stuff23:48
duffydackyou think making it work for maverick broke it for lucid?23:48
duffydackI have 3 backups of everything anyways, so its not pain to just not use it at all, or wait and use maverick 24/723:49
verterokduffydack: no, I don't think so23:49
duffydackodd it just stopped working..no reason23:49
verterokduffydack: yes23:49
duffydacknothing new installed, nothing...23:50
verterokduffydack: nessita will know for sure, but don't know if she's comming back today23:50
duffydackI spoke to her earlier.. showed my logs etc..23:50
verterokduffydack: I don't have any stock lucid client in order to test/replicate the problem :(23:51
duffydackif no one else is having an issue then i`ll forget it and move on.. its more trouble than its worth for me23:51
verterokduffydack: I have a lucid vm, but it's running the latest nightlies23:51
duffydackI guess I could install lucid in a vm23:51
verterokduffydack: you can always use the beta/nightlies :) but it's a one way move. you can't go back to the stock lucid version23:51
duffydackbut, that doesnt fix my problem.. if removing everything called *ubuntuone* from my ~ and deleting keys dont put me back to 'fresh install' then, I dont know what will23:52
duffydackinteresting you say that......23:52
verterokduffydack: why?23:52
duffydackusing maverick, which is working, is newer than lucid build.. and using newer than lucid I cant go back/23:52
verterokduffydack: the problem is that the newer version of the client changes the local metadata format, and older clients don't know about this new format23:53
duffydackhence , me using maverick broke my lucid ?23:53
verterokduffydack: are maverick and lucid install sharing the same user home?23:53
verterokduffydack: then no23:54
verterokduffydack: the metadata is kept in  ~/.local/share/ubuntuone23:54
duffydackI took that as to mean, something was newer than the lucid new abot23:54
verterokduffydack: what I mean is: if you start using the beta/nightlies version in your lucid install (> 1.2.2 ), you can't go back to 1.2.223:55
duffydackmight setup another account anyway, its set to my msn email.. ugh23:56
duffydackmsn killed my U1..23:56
duffydackhad it a while though, but dont use msn other than for the stubborn nub on IM.23:57

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