
sinmanwas wondering if i might can get some help in this channel since I'm not getting any in the #ubuntu channel03:56
holsteinsinman: whatsup?03:56
sinmanI have completely redone my computer several times now and the trash is still showing the same things in it in both ubuntu and ubuntu studio03:57
holstein'trash' ??03:57
sinmanand both of these isn't sharing nothing except the swap03:57
holsteinyou mean the trash can?03:57
holsteinexactly mirrored?03:57
holsteinthe trash cans?03:58
sinmanit look like it03:58
holsteinwhats the issue?03:58
sinmanyes they both have the same thing03:58
holsteincan you restore from either one?03:58
holsteinthat would be kinda cool03:58
holsteinwhats you partitioning like?03:59
holsteindid you add a shared volume to /etc/fstab or something?03:59
holsteinmaybe some partition is being read by both installations03:59
sinmanabout a week ago i was doing some clean up of things i downloaded, and I moved them to the trash. I forgotten about but had to redo everything including the install and ever since I keep getting the same files in the trash can03:59
holsteinsinman: have you cleared the trash04:00
sinmanthis is fresh install of both as of today04:00
sinmani tried but it won't clear them04:00
holsteinsinman: why dual boot?04:00
sinmani want to use ubuntu for gaming, and learn programmin, and use ubuntu studio for multimedia stuff only04:00
holsteinthere the same04:01
holsteinwhen i used XP04:01
holsteini had 2 installs04:01
holsteinone that i used daily04:01
holsteinand one for studio work04:01
holsteina really minimal install04:02
holsteinlinux doesnt really need that04:02
holsteinbut, do what you want04:02
holsteinsinman: i think you should research forcing the trash to clear04:02
holsteinand then run some tests04:02
sinmani have a 1TB HDD so I figure doing a dual boot would use the space be a better choice04:02
sinmanbut why are they still there when i delete the partition and change the size of / and /home partition04:03
sinmanand this time I'm using LVM04:03
holsteinnot sure04:04
holsteinthats interesting04:04
holsteini would still research forcing the trash to empty04:04
holsteinand run some test04:04
holsteinthrow some things away04:05
holsteinand monitor the behavior04:05
sinmanthe /home is nowhere the size that they use to be before i started to use LVM (which is today)04:05
sinmani will04:05
sinmananother question the synaptic when u download from it where does it save the files at. I know someplace in the /var folder04:06
holsteini dont think you can dig a .deb out of there though04:07
* holstein looking04:07
sinmani found them they are in /var/cache/apt/archive04:08
holsteinAH yeah04:09
sinmani see a file that came from the update manager, anyway would it be safe to remove those packages if i ever need to free up space for /04:09
holsteinsinman: i wouldnt mess around in there04:10
holsteinand you got a TB ;)04:10
sinmancouldn't hurt to ask04:10
holsteinyou could do sudo apt-get clean ??04:10
holsteintheres a system janitor too04:10
sinmanyep 498GB for ubuntu and 498GB for ubuntustudio04:11
holsteinsinman: check out ubuntutweak too04:11
sinmank i will04:11
holsteintheres some interesting package management options in there04:11
holsteinif it were my box04:11
holsteini would do a 200GB ubuntu install04:11
holsteinand partition the rest and call it storage or whatever04:11
holsteinjust my opinion04:14
sinmanright now how i got the partition setup is /boot (200MB) the first LVM ubuntu with 2 groups / (65GB) and /home (150) sda3 swap (4GB) then second lvm my ubuntu studio setup like the first LVM04:14
holsteinis it a desktop?04:15
sinmanyes, it's my desktop computer04:15
holsteini probably wouldnt do LVM then either04:15
sinmani have the /home encrypted04:15
sinmantoday was the first day messing with LVM I just wanted to check it out and learn how to do it04:16
holsteini dont do anything on my audio box that would decrease performance04:16
holsteinmaybe that doesnt04:16
holsteinsinman: i hear you04:16
holsteinlearning experience :)04:16
sinmanyes it is04:17
sinmanI use to mess with linux in the past for a very short time and went back to windows. but this time I been using linux for about couple of weeks and don't have the urge to put windows 7 back in04:18
holsteinlooks like its this easy04:19
holsteinsudo rm -fr /home/USERNAME/.Trash04:19
sinmani done that and nothing04:20
holsteinyeah, when you get something stable rockin, you'll be converted04:20
sinmanthe thing this time i'm using a completely different username than what i used in the past, so would that matter04:21
holsteinsinman: the files are still in the trash?04:21
holsteinis this lucid?04:22
holsteinnot maverick?04:22
sinmani only have ubuntu alternative amd64 10.04.01 lts and ubuntu studio alternatyive amd64 10.0404:23
holsteinyou can boot from a live CD04:23
holsteinand nuke 'em04:23
sinmanhow would i do that from the live cd04:23
holsteinbut im skeptical that this is not a symptom of a larger promlem04:24
holsteinsinman: same way04:24
holsteinjust sudo rm the files04:24
holsteinjust be careful in there ;)04:24
holsteinif it were me04:24
holsteinid boot the other install04:25
holsteinand try it there04:25
holsteinprobably google for a couple more hours04:25
sinmanbut i'm afraid even cd to the location i won't see anything like i do now, just in the trash can04:25
holsteinthen try the live CD04:25
holsteinsinman: maybe04:25
holsteinthats interesting04:25
sinmanI been thinking of doing a full format of my HDD04:25
holsteinyou got fresh installs though04:26
holsteinthat might not be a bad idea04:26
holsteinreally wipe it04:26
holsteintest it really good while your at it04:26
sinmanneed to goto seagate and see if i can download something from there site and put on a cd04:26
sinmanif i can do a slow format with 0's then I know it will fix this problem. lol04:27
holsteinsinman: check out04:27
holsteinall kinds of vendor tools on there04:28
sinmankewl on the page now04:28
holsteinand parted magic04:28
holsteinnot that you need that04:28
holsteinbut some handy tools04:28
Anvoidis there a recommend list of setup equipment to use with ubuntustudio audio production? new to field and trying to search for suggest setup that's compatible with ubuntu19:58
jussi!hcl | Anvoid20:18
ubottuAnvoid: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection20:18
jussinot sure how well maintained that is20:18
jussiAnvoid: however, most stuff from m-audio is pretty good.20:19
dkuHi all! I'm looking for a simple program where i could load up drops and quickly access them (prequeued, of course, ready to play) during a live performance. No mixing of fading or anything needed, just a simple drop player, any suggestions?22:15
dku*mixing or fading22:15
holsteindku: hey22:15
holsteincan you just que them up in a player?22:15
dkuholstein, do you know of any ones that would play instantly? (i tried out banshee and rhythmbox, but they take a split second to load the file)22:16
holsteinmaybe VLC ??22:17
holsteinnot sure about the playlist support22:17
holsteinsomething light though should do it22:17
holsteinlemme look22:17
dkuwell, it's not really a playlist, they would be played on demand22:17
dkui just need quick access to them, and for them to play instantly22:17
holsteindku: a also looke at http://sourceforge.net/projects/jbuzzer/22:18
holsteinyou can map to qwerty keys22:18
dkuooh that's pretty cool22:18
holsteinand it seemed to play right off22:18
holsteinit was probably jaunty or karmic when i last tried it22:18
dkui'm gonna try that out right now, thanks!22:19
holsteinbut it should still work22:19
holsteindidnt really need much22:19
holsteindku: :)22:19
prepHow do I uninstall Ubuntu Studio? I upgraded to Maervick, would just like it only, installed on this particular machine.22:34
holsteinhey prep22:35
holsteinjust go to synaptic22:35
holsteinand search ubuntustudio22:35
prepwhat up Holstein.22:35
holsteinuninstall whatever is installed22:35
holsteinand make sure you have ubuntu-dekstop installed22:35
holsteinshould be that easy22:35
holsteinprep: if you upgraded the packages22:37
holsteinyou should be able to just change the theme back to the normal ubuntu one22:37
prepcool. Done kicking tires on this machine. Ordering the new atom dual core in a few weeks22:37
holsteinprep: nice22:38
prepI'll wait for the 10/10 release of maverick22:38
holsteinyou mean the final?22:38
preprelease date22:39
holsteinnot sure much will change22:39
holsteini think we're past beta freeze22:39
prepweird thing is, my ubuntu one music store will not play the samples.22:39
holsteindo you have codecs installed?22:39
holsteinare they mp3's?22:40
prepyes, everything else is fine, bu the stoe22:40
holsteinwho knows22:40
holsteini think that is still a work in progress22:40
prepkind of a bummer, was working, as was Jack22:40
holsteinin lucid?22:41
holsteinyeah, i ran lucid early alpha22:41
prepBad thing about the HP, is no firewire or express slot22:42
holsteinit can be a lot of work22:42
holsteinreporting all the errors22:42
holsteinand trying all the fixes22:42
holsteinprep: :/22:42
holsteinyeah, that sucks22:42
prepmaybe I can wait see if someone releases a netbook that will. I asked System 76, no plans for new machines22:43
holsteinthey wont22:44
holsteini have an early mininote22:44
holsteinwith an express card slot22:44
holsteinbut thats over now22:44
prepwish someone would start a company geared towards multimedia work22:44
prepyeah, it's kinda cool. what version of tux are they running22:47
holsteintransmission is pretty much 64studio22:47
prepoh, well I favore Ubuntu22:47
holsteinprobably is ubuntu22:47
holsteinprobably hardy22:47
holsteinlike the last stable 64studio22:48
prepbut non of the cool new stuff22:48
holsteinyeah, but stable22:48
holsteinand you can pay for it :)22:48
holsteinsome folks feel more comfortable paying for things22:48
holsteinreally not a bad price22:49
holsteini think its 90 bucks22:49
holsteintry buying OSX or win + protools for that ;)22:49
prepHA, I just left Apple. Worked there for 3 months. I have been a Mac user since 98, but after working there, too much corporate kool-aid being poured22:51
prepSo there's not any USB interfaces that work well with linux?22:54
holsteini dont like them22:55
holsteinbut the zoom H4 is quite nice22:55
holsteini would have a zoom H422:55
holsteinother than that, i dont like to do audio over USB22:55
prepThat's pretty cool. I didn't know it was also an interface. Works out of the box?22:57
holsteinprep: if its not out of the box22:57
holsteinits easy22:57
holsteinand i know it works well22:57
holsteinpipeman has one22:57
holsteinover in #opensourcemusicians22:57
prepdoes it have balanced outputs?22:57
holsteinand the preamps are pretty sweet22:57
holsteinprep: its got xlr ins22:58
holsteinwith phantom powere22:58
prepOk, so how do you run out to your mons?22:58
holsteinnever really asked about the way ou22:58
holsteinas long as i can get from source to hard drive balanced22:59
holsteinim OK22:59
prepit has 1/4 out, ;-/23:00
holsteinbalanced ins23:00
holsteinyou'll never need to transfer fromit23:01
holsteinfrom it*23:01
holsteinyou can do USB tranfer23:01
prepI have to monitor out23:01
holsteinjust plug it in23:01
holsteinprep: you use headhones?23:01
holsteinthose are unbalanced23:01
prepyes when tracking, but when I mix I used powered monitors, which I prefer balanced23:02
holsteinwell, sure23:02
holsteinbut the signal going to tape is balanced23:02
holsteinso i wouldnt lose any sleep over it23:02
holsteini would look around though23:04
holsteini think we can get them under 200 US23:04
prepI'll look. That would be perfect with my new machine, Ardour Maverick23:04
holsteinits quite nice23:05
holsteinif you only need 2 channels at a time23:05
holsteinand the preamps will push whatever23:06
holsteinso you dont need any other gear if you get a fancy mic23:06
prepvery true23:06
prepthanks for the info23:06
holsteinits stand alone too23:07
holsteinso you can carry that and your fancy mic23:07
holsteinand do whatever anywhere23:07
prepI'm liking that a lot23:07
holsteinand bring the .wav's back to ardour23:07
holsteini would totally have one23:07
holsteinif my firepod wasnt portable23:08
holsteinif i just have a couple extra hundred bucks laying about23:08
prepwell looks like I found the perfect solution23:08
holsteinthats top of my list23:08
prepNow if Ardour would release 3 with MIDI. I'd be in heaven23:09
holsteinsoon i bet23:09
holsteini think there are beta's out for testing23:09
prepThis will be a great fall23:10
prepOk, I have to get ready, Tennessee State Fair, get my fat on23:10
prepthanks a heap23:10
prepbe easy23:10
holsteinprep: laterx23:11
dkuholstein: interestingly enough, my final solution was to use mc and mpg32123:22
holsteindku: hey23:23
holsteinwhatever works :)23:23
dkuyep, gotta love the ol' midnight commander ;)23:23
dkuand mpg321 loads really fast23:23

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