
ScottKlex79: Start of Thursday sometime.  Exact time is undefined (it's when announced), but don't assume you can do stuff Thursday night.00:05
lex79ok thanks ScottK00:05
* ScottK is updating quassel to 0.7.0 final.00:05
=== evilnhandler is now known as nhandler
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
ScottKSput: Uploaded.01:01
* ScottK even remembers to update the bzr.01:02
macouhhh 01:37
macoshouldnt systemsettings -> information sources be where i configure akonadi stuff?01:37
macoinstead it just shows stuff about HAL01:37
lex79akonadi stuff was removed from systemsettings since 4.4 iirc01:42
macohrmph. my apt is weird01:48
macoit tells me akonadi-kde-resource-googledata doesnt exist, but rmadison disagrees01:49
macoand yes, i ran apt-get update01:49
ScottKGot Universe enabled?02:17
ScottKQuassel 0.7.0 should hit archive.ubuntu.com in ~7 minutes.  I would appreciate it if someone who knows enough Italian to know the difference would check both quassel and quassel-qt to see if Italian plural forms are correct.  There were some warnings in the build log that concern me.02:38
lex79ScottK: I can check, but where should I see?02:52
ScottKlex79: Just using quassel in Italian.02:53
ScottKlex79: Just make sure you have
lex79ok I will do02:54
ScottKThe if that's good, install quassel-qt and try it ....02:55
ScottKlex79: I'm unlikely to have anymore -workspace changes, so don't wait on me (if you still are).02:56
lex79ScottK: I've just upload -workspace02:57
ScottKOK.  Good.02:57
lex79but I didn't receveid email02:57
ScottKIt's there, so it was accepted.02:58
lex79ah yes, I receipt it :)02:59
ScottKlex79: Is the oxygen change you included in the -workspace upload the same as the one discussed in http://hugo-kde.blogspot.com/2010/09/performance-issues-one-script-and-call.html ?03:01
lex79ScottK: yes and the performance here is improved, finally :)03:03
ScottKlex79: OK.  Great.  I was watching for that one.03:03
lex79me too, it's something we wanted in our final release I think03:04
macoScottK: yes03:31
macoScottK: oh wait. hmm.... maybe only for updates03:31
macowish id caught that a week ago *sigh*03:32
nixternalwonder if i can wear an ubuntu shirt to oprah tomorrow?04:12
DarkwingDuckwhy not04:17
nixternaldamn, just found out you can't...no logos, not hats04:18
nixternaldamn, i need to wear a hat. i shaved my head a bit to much this go round04:18
nixternali look like bull from night court04:20
ScottKnixternal: New mesa should be in Maverick now, so you should be good.04:21
nixternalhas it been released yet?04:22
nixternalwhat i am dealing with now is pretty bad04:22
nixternalfrack, now I am being told I can't even wear jeans04:23
nixternalyou would swear I was going to church or something tomorrow04:23
nixternaloh wait, i kind of am, oprah is black jesus!04:23
maconixternal: except that i consider jeans perfectly reasonable attire for church05:22
macoalso, black t shirts with punk bands' or ska bands' names on the front05:22
macomy dad disagrees on christmas eve though :(  i only ever brought back that kind of stuff when visiting, so one year im like "look, i have no skirts and no dress pants. best i can do is wear $brother's dress pants" to which my sister objecting (zomg! crossdressing!) 05:23
macouhh... uh oh05:29
macoi think we got problem05:29
macoyou know how we're using an old version of kmail?  well... when i open up kontact and click on mail, it doesnt embed kmail inside kontact. it opens a new window for kmail05:29
ScottKnixternal: It should be available in the archive now.06:18
ScottKapachelogger, Riddell, JontheEchidna, any other kubuntu-dev I forgot because it's late....  rbelem has some kde4libs/-workspace changes he needs pushed tomorrow for kubuntu-mobile, I'll be offline.  Good luck.06:19
\shuhm  kubuntu-desktop : Depends: kdebase-workspace-bin but it is not going to be installed ... it's build and ready for delivery..what's wrong?07:48
Nightroseagateau: seems to work out btw - thanks so much08:52
agateauNightrose: great to hear! hope you have a nice time in Paris08:52
Nightrosei sure will :D08:52
debfxScottK: re Debian Bug #596853: are you sure that bug is valid? it's not fixed upstream and I can't find an upstream bug report09:18
ubottuDebian bug 596853 in qtmobility-dev "qtmobility-dev: /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/features/mobilityconfig.prf points to multimedia instead of multimediakit" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/59685309:18
debfxagateau: the amarok patch is in the archive, have you also sent it upstream?09:43
agateaudebfx: not yet, will do09:45
agateaudebfx: thanks09:45
debfxRiddell: do you have time to review a patch for bug #624697 ?10:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 624697 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu) "Qt Docs are not formatted in Qt Assistant" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62469710:05
Riddelldebfx: does it make the Qt package 2 times more hackish?10:10
debfxRiddell: yeah, have you already had a look at it?10:11
Riddelldebfx: I think it was in my history somewhere, it's not ideal but we've had complaints about the bug so I guess we should go for it10:15
debfxthere are 3 ways to fix it:10:16
debfxa) make qt4-x11 build (but not package) qtwebkit10:17
debfxb) put assistant in an own source package and patch its qmake files to build standalone10:17
debfxc) introduce a circual build-dep between qt and qtwebkit10:17
debfxhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/qt4-x11_4.7.0~rc1-1ubuntu3.debdiff implements a)10:18
ScottKdebfx: I'm not certain, no.10:19
apacheloggerdebfx: I have seen worse hacks ^^  ... if it works I am all for upload10:25
apachelogger\sh: if you are on amd64 a data package is probably not yet built...10:26
apacheloggerScottK: the mobile patch I looked at yesterday was a bit of a mess10:26
ScottKapachelogger: OK.  Please help him out with it if you can.10:27
apacheloggerI did, havent seen a refreshed patch yet10:27
apacheloggeralso upstream needs to be informed10:27
debfxScottK: we should stick with upstream then, i'll add a comment to the debian bug10:27
ScottKdebfx: OK.  Thanks.10:28
debfxapachelogger: ok, I pushed the fix to bzr10:46
apacheloggerI think(tm) that stupid command-not-found should be recommending pkcon rather than apt-get10:57
=== EqS is now known as EgS
shadeslayerapachelogger: i dont remember the context now :P12:02
shadeslayernice.. userbase got a upgrade12:26
shadeslayerdoesnt look too friendly tho... looks geeky12:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: how is that12:48
apacheloggerNightrose: wtf does it list shortcuts for the page editing pics?12:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: just dont think its looks good from a users POV12:49
apacheloggerNightrose: and wtf do these shortcuts conflict with common browser ones... such as ctrl-t12:49
Nightroseapachelogger: idunno12:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: it gives information whats more to have than that?12:50
shadeslayerapachelogger: imo the background should be white12:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: do you know if paste.ubuntu has a API ?12:51
apacheloggerblack on white is arguable12:52
shadeslayeri couldnt find one..12:52
* apachelogger preferres not having a completely white background to prevent eye bleeds12:52
apacheloggershadeslayer: if there is one there is a 300% chance of it not being documented12:52
apacheloggerlike not at all12:53
apacheloggernot even inline12:53
shadeslayerwhai ... :'(12:53
apacheloggerbecause this is ubuntu land12:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: Morpheuz has a new pastebin data engine, ive learnt some JS  to implement a paste.ubuntu backend 12:53
apacheloggerin ubuntu land documentation is not necessary12:53
* shadeslayer boo's ubuntu land12:54
apacheloggerwe rather spend time on blogging about what we do12:54
shadeslayeri bet jpds knows about this12:54
apacheloggervery possible12:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: the old paste thing is going away?12:54
apacheloggerI got a headache from its code design12:54
apacheloggerwas like Java written as C implemented in C++ IIRc12:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: no .. its a new dataengine with which you can write new backends12:55
apacheloggershadeslayer: well, as long as the paste plasmoid gets rid of its ugly backends...12:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://blog.morpheuz.cc/28/08/2010/updates-on-plasma-land/12:55
shadeslayeryeah he ported all his backends to JS12:55
shadeslayerjust requires 4 JS functions now for a new backend i think12:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/generic/dataengines/share/backends/pastebinca/contents/code/main.js?revision=1165186&view=markup12:56
apacheloggerI love the generic naming :P12:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: me too :D12:57
apacheloggershadeslayer: I do not know the underlying API but that looks very limited12:58
shadeslayeri just have to implement the same functions for paste.ubuntu12:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: erm.. dont follow :)12:58
shadeslayerjust <3 30 seconds to mars .. 12:59
apacheloggershadeslayer: from what I gather from the main.js it makes a lot of assumptions about how the remote access would have to lok like12:59
apacheloggerlemme think 13:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: since you know python can you look at pastebinit and see what API is required?13:01
apacheloggerthere is no api really :P13:02
shadeslayerthen how does pastebinit do it?13:02
apacheloggerapi is a bit of a strong term ;)13:02
apacheloggerI suppose it just is a http request13:02
apacheloggeror maybe request13:02
apacheloggeror both13:02
shadeslayerand it returns the URL ?13:02
shadeslayerwhat if theres a error ? 0_o13:03
apacheloggerHTTP does errors?13:04
shadeslayeroic... like 404/403/whatever13:04
apacheloggerI am not sure you can do that with paste.ubuntu since it uses a post form13:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: how does pastebinit do it then???13:09
shadeslayerit submits a form? i dont think so...13:10
apacheloggerhttp push :P13:11
apacheloggeryou do not think a lot like a browser dev :P13:11
* apachelogger grabs curl and tries13:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: because im a shiny new browser dev who has to be taught alot :P13:12
apacheloggercurl -v -d "poster=Harald+Sitter&syntax=text&content=aaa" "http://paste.ubuntu.com"13:17
apacheloggerHTTP PUSH it i13:17
apacheloggerpost ^^13:17
* apachelogger confuses TCP with HTTP ;)13:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: just use curl in JS? or can JS do that natively ?13:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: the data engine needs to do that13:18
apacheloggermaybe it does13:18
apacheloggermaybe it does not13:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: seems to be just what the provider of the dataengine does13:20
shadeslayeralso.. pastebin plasmoid doesnt work in trunk :P13:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: I am done implementing :P13:31
shadeslayeri wanted to do that :'( 13:32
shadeslayerwell.. anyways.. pastebin code please13:32
apacheloggershadeslayer: you can gladly implement it :P13:35
* apachelogger didnt commit yet13:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: so itll be just JS i presume?13:36
shadeslayeralright.. lemme bang my head against this for some time :)13:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: 16 lines of code13:38
shadeslayeroh.. kewl13:38
shadeslayerwill take me some time to figure out :P13:38
apacheloggershould you give up... :P13:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: plasmoidviewer pastebin doesnt start the pastebin plasmoid.. any ideas on that?13:40
shadeslayerunknown widget13:41
apacheloggerdifferent name?13:41
shadeslayerdont think so.. its listed under plasmoidviewer --list13:41
apacheloggeris your plasmoidviewer looking in the right path?13:42
shadeslayerhow do i find that?13:42
shadeslayerand which plasmoidviewer says : /home/shadeslayer/kde/bin/plasmoidviewer13:43
apacheloggerstrace it for example13:44
apacheloggerthough I suppose it tries to get the thing via ksycoca, so that will not yield much information13:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/494158/13:45
apacheloggershadeslayer: ldd plasmoidviewer13:47
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/494161/13:48
apacheloggerlooks like your sycoca is messed up13:49
apacheloggerI see it shares path with regular KDE :P13:49
apacheloggerrun with nonincremental13:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: same thing13:49
apacheloggerdebfx: is your qt released already?13:49
apacheloggershadeslayer: well13:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: does list still say it is there13:50
debfxapachelogger: nope13:50
apacheloggerdebfx: why does it not say unreleased then :P13:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: magical is it not? :P13:51
shadeslayerit does not now :O13:51
shadeslayeryeah :P13:51
shadeslayerbut why did it not compile? 0_o13:51
apacheloggerdebfx: should that be added to KUBUNTU-DEBIAN-DIFF?13:51
apacheloggerso that people not merge it away unless fixed in Qt13:52
apacheloggershadeslayer: because it does not exist?13:53
debfxyes, I'll update the kubuntu diff file13:55
debfxapachelogger: pushed14:03
apacheloggerdebfx: did you super testbuild && QA this foo?14:04
* apachelogger is far away from even having a pbuilder14:04
debfxyeah I testbuilt it (except the changes in debian/control)14:08
debfxqtassistant works and no additional *webkit* files are installed14:08
* apachelogger ponders writing a KCM for upstart14:12
danttiapachelogger: I was thinking too, but still have some priorities :P14:14
apachelogger!find PkgConfigGetVar14:22
ubottuFile PkgConfigGetVar found in kdebase-workspace-dev14:22
agateauRiddell: ping15:04
shadeslayeragateau: Riddell is gone for the week 15:06
agateaushadeslayer: that's what I was afraid of15:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: looky http://paste.ubuntu.com/494202/15:06
agateaushadeslayer: but he was active this morning, so I kind of hoped he would be able to answer15:06
shadeslayeragateau: oh.. i didnt see that15:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: it doesnt work.. any suggestions? 15:09
shadeslayerill bbiab15:09
agateauwho is responsible for kdevelop packages?15:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: because you are not triggering success or error most supposedly15:10
shadeslayergah.. that is ild15:10
apacheloggeragateau: no one in particular I think15:10
agateauapachelogger: ok, I have an appmenu fix for it, what's the best way to get it integrated?15:11
shadeslayeromg.. what is that.. what have i  done :P15:11
apacheloggeragateau: poke someone who can upload ;)15:11
agateauapachelogger: mmm ok, can you upload? :)15:12
agateauapachelogger: consider yourself poked then :)15:12
apacheloggeragateau: where is the patchy?15:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/494210/15:12
agateauapachelogger: on my hd for now15:13
apacheloggershadeslayer: eheheh15:13
apacheloggerthat looks wrong15:13
* agateau prepares a mail15:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: whai?15:13
shadeslayerthe last regex match?15:14
apacheloggerbecause it will fail for any return other than 30215:14
ari-tczewagateau: hey! do you have a 5 minutes for discuss about konversation's patches?15:14
agateauari-tczew: sure15:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: i actuallt had it say Location: first15:14
shadeslayerbut then i thought 302 would be better...15:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: and unless I get the API wrongly in my head it will yield success even if error is given as long as the pasted content contains "302"15:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: check the API15:14
* apachelogger continues doing nasty things with qdbus15:15
ari-tczewagateau: konversation in tray doesn't change color to red while I got highlight15:15
ari-tczewagateau: it was since merge from Debian unstable15:15
agateauari-tczew: is it related to the indicator patch?15:16
shadeslayerapachelogger: i should check the cookie? ... i dont understand.. when should a error pop up?15:16
ari-tczewagateau: perhaps. but I'm not sure. I've been suggested to ask you.15:16
ari-tczewagateau: indicator applet (I use gnome) works fine with konversation15:16
agateauari-tczew: indicator applet on gnome is not the equivalent of the tray icon15:17
agateauari-tczew: the kde equivalent is the plasma message indicator widget15:17
agateauari-tczew: which is not enabled in the default plasma config15:17
agateau(or maybe it is on maverick)15:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: for that to answer you first need to know what happens on error and what happens on success :P15:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: was looking at that.. it returns the whole form on error :P15:18
ari-tczewagateau: sigh, what's the conclusion?15:19
agateauari-tczew: no real conclusion, I am trying to understand whether you are talking about the tray icon (a black konversation icon) or the message indicator icon15:20
ari-tczewagateau: I am talking about black konversation icon15:20
ari-tczewit should be red when I am highlighted15:21
ari-tczewbut it doesn;t15:21
agateauari-tczew: I just enabled it and it turned red when you wrote my nick15:21
agateauari-tczew: I use version 1.3.1-1ubuntu3, which one do you use?15:21
ari-tczewagateau: the same15:22
agateauari-tczew: weird15:22
agateauari-tczew: can you ping me again?15:23
ari-tczewagateau: ping15:23
agateauit works here :/15:23
* agateau checks in konv options15:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: and what does it do on success?15:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: returns less info and a 302 and a URL15:24
shadeslayerlol.. cnn videos work with adblock but with adblock disabled they fail :P15:24
debfxagateau: are you running kde or gnome?15:24
agateaudebfx: kde15:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: and that is why I said that you should look at the API :P15:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: whut api? :(15:25
apacheloggerthe one for backends15:25
shadeslayerwhat backends? regarding curl?15:25
debfxagateau: maybe the problem is the limited SNI support in gnome15:25
ari-tczewagateau: I use gnome and it doesn't work15:25
agateaudebfx: mmm, good point15:26
* agateau checks konv code15:26
markeyis Maverick going to come with KDE 4.5.2 as default?15:26
shadeslayermarkey: when is release date>15:27
debfxmarkey: nope, 4.5.115:27
markeyI don't know15:27
markeyouch, that's bad15:27
markeyAmarok is going to be very crashy then15:28
shadeslayermost probably will miss archive freeze15:28
markeydue to a Plasma bug15:28
debfxwe have cherry-picked some patches though15:28
shadeslayerive gtg for a while, will be back in a hour15:28
markeyyou probably want this Plasma patch then as well15:29
debfxmarkey: can you point me to the commit?15:29
markeylet me try to find it, sec15:29
markeydebfx: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=revision&revision=116902615:32
agateaudebfx: ari-tczew: konv does not pass icons by pixmap so it should be fine with gnome15:33
* agateau investigates a bit more15:33
ari-tczewagateau: thanks for your time!15:34
sheytanHey guys ;)15:34
sheytanIs the bug with nvidia drivers and plymouth still there?15:34
agateauapachelogger: just sent the kdevelop patches by email15:35
Riddellagateau: you pinged?15:36
agateauRiddell: hey, aren't you supposed to be away?15:36
Riddellless away more here and there15:36
agateauRiddell: wanted to get some kdevelop patches in, but annoyed apachelogger instead :)15:36
debfxmarkey: thanks, I haven't found any reports about amarok crashes though15:45
debfxexcept bug #54554915:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 545549 in amarok (Ubuntu) "Amarok 2.3.0 crashes when scanning my audio collection" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54554915:45
debfxbut that's probably caused by another bug15:46
markeydebfx: that's because most users don't have KDE 4.5 yet15:46
agateauswitching to gnome to check that konversation bug, brb15:46
markeythe bug is very grave though15:46
markeythere are even more bugs in Plasma that trouble us, but we don't have patches for those yet15:47
markeyI can show you a bug report though, sec15:47
markeydebfx: http://bugs.kde.org/24675615:48
sheytanhttp://mandoojs.com/labs/blobs.html This will be a part of new Kubuntu site :D15:49
sheytanYou will see :D15:49
debfxmarkey: ah the applet crashes, is 2.3.1 also affected?15:51
markeywell yes15:52
markeythe title of the report is misleading. any applet can crash, and thus crashing Amarok15:53
markeyand this probably also causes issues outside of Amarok, somewhere :)15:54
macoScottK: http://www.chuckfrain.net/blog/?p=203 this is by you, right?15:58
ari-tczewagateau: any news?15:59
agateauari-tczew: I can reproduce your bug on gnome15:59
agateauari-tczew: the fact that it blinks is kde specific:16:00
ari-tczewagateau: nice! good to hear that I'm not alone16:00
agateauari-tczew: kde implementation alternate between the normal and the "needs-attention" icon16:00
agateauari-tczew: but you should at least get the red icon16:00
agateauari-tczew: I am investigating this16:00
agateauari-tczew: could be a bug in the appindicator16:01
ari-tczewagateau: do you need a registered LP-bug?16:01
agateauari-tczew: could be useful yes16:01
ari-tczewagateau: well, which package?16:01
agateauari-tczew: that's the question, I may change it when I find the culprit, but file it on Konversation for now and assign it to me16:02
ari-tczewagateau: okay!16:02
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
apachelogger    qDebug() << __FUNCTION__;16:07
apachelogger    qFatal("not implemented");16:07
apacheloggerwin \o/16:07
ari-tczewagateau: bug 63964316:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 639643 in konversation (Ubuntu) "Konversation tray doesn't change color to red on Gnome" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63964316:08
agateauari-tczew: ok thanks16:08
* apachelogger hints to agateau that kubuntu patches get prefixed with kubuntu_ ;)16:12
* agateau takes note of the hint :)16:12
* apachelogger is wondering why pull-lp-source fetched the lucid sources...16:16
* apachelogger hates it when packages are not in a VCS16:17
debfxall ubuntu packages are in a vcs :P16:20
apacheloggeruseless as it is16:21
macodebfx: *most*16:24
debfxmaco: which aren't?16:24
macodebfx: for a bunch of packages there's just the debian/ dir in bzr, not the rest of the package. thats for the ones that fail to import, usually due to being HUGE.... such as kde ones16:25
debfxgrrr, I hate thunderbird for adding a whitespace at the beginning of plain text mails :(16:33
shadeslayerjussi: pingly...16:35
shadeslayerubot2 doesnt do bug #foo in #kubuntu-bugs16:36
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
eMyllerany chance to ubuntuone-kde work in lucid?16:43
apacheloggeryes. no, yes, no16:43
apacheloggerrather no16:43
eMylleri've installed it here... everything works fine but the tray icon is aways "Trying to establish a connection."16:44
apacheloggerwould require fiddling with the authentication foo and what not16:44
apacheloggereMyller: that is because auth is brokenish16:44
eMyllerweird, if i go to settings, it displays my user data normally16:44
yofelshadeslayer: didn't jpds manage ubot2, or am just getting confused16:44
shadeslayeryofel: doesnt jussi manage most of the bots? ( most being almost all of them )16:45
apacheloggereMyller: that is handled by a different component16:45
yofelshadeslayer: right, but ubot2 and ubot4 are managed by jpds https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots16:46
jussiubot2 is run by jpds, go find him in -irc16:46
apacheloggershadeslayer: do you have the paste backend yet?16:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: i was out for a while, i can probably finish in another 20 mins16:47
agateauari-tczew: bug is definitely on the gnome implementation side, I updated the report16:55
lex79ScottK: quassel and quassel-qt translation looks good17:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: tell me how to detect the error and im done :P17:03
sheytanapachelogger you might like this: http://madsheytan.deviantart.com/art/KubuntuLight-179343515 :D17:03
debfxapachelogger: a kdelibs patch is waiting for you in the bzr branch, coud you upload it? :)17:04
shadeslayersheytan: nice17:04
sheytanshadeslayer thank you :)17:04
apacheloggerpatch here patch there patches are friggin everywhere17:08
lex79yeah !!17:08
apacheloggerdebfx: does it have a pink hat?17:08
shadeslayerextra points to patches with pink hats? :P17:09
apacheloggerI am quite awesum!17:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: I only uploads things with pink hats from now on17:10
debfxapachelogger: unfortunately not, how do you make pink ascii art hats? ;)17:11
apacheloggerdunno, JT is the ascii art master here17:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: ...purple...17:12
apacheloggerI feel a bit weird17:13
apacheloggermaybe I should eat something17:13
apacheloggersheytan: the lightness messes up my plasma theme ^^17:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: purple? :O17:14
apacheloggerwhite on almost white does not go too well17:14
sheytanapachelogger use air :D17:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: purple is the ubuntu land17:14
shadeslayerthats what i data.match("*purple*") ?17:14
sheytanor try a dark one :)17:14
apacheloggerI like my full transparent one very much, thanks :P17:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: oi! temme.. what is the error i should look for?17:19
apacheloggermaybe it is the success you should look for, not the error17:20
apacheloggermaybe you should look at the API, as I said 2 times already :P17:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: the w3schools site?17:21
apacheloggerthe backend api!!!!!17:21
* shadeslayer stares at his screen.. 17:22
debfxlunchpad still doesn't auto-close bugs ^^17:22
shadeslayerdebfx: yes17:22
shadeslayerknown bug17:22
shadeslayerand IIRC its fix released17:22
shadeslayerbug 63552417:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 635524 in Launchpad itself "bugs are not closed anymore with uploads to the archive (dup-of: 634045)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63552417:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 634045 in Soyuz "Regression: Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed header no longer works" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63404517:23
apacheloggerkrillin got killed17:23
shadeslayeroh fix commited17:23
debfxyeah ...17:23
lex79poor soyuz has a regression17:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: im yet to understand what you mean by backend API .. :P17:24
shadeslayerlex79: its like soyuz is retarded now :P17:24
lex79agateau: menubar widget or whatever is called, doesn't work with synaptic17:25
agateaulex79: synaptic is gtk based, right?17:25
agateaulex79: what happens?17:25
lex79doesn't work with gtk apps?17:26
ari-tczewagateau: could you look at this: https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-application/attention-icon is it related to my problem?17:26
lex79agateau: File, Edit, Package, etc are not show in the menubar, they are still show in the synaptic window17:27
agateauari-tczew: most likely, ted is the colleague I pinged about your issue :)17:27
ari-tczewagateau: wow, what a rapidly response!17:27
agateaulex79: ah, most likely synaptic is running as root, right?17:28
lex79ah yes17:28
agateaulex79: so it does not see the menubar because it uses a different dbus session17:29
agateaulex79: it's going to be the same for apps running remotely17:29
lex79agateau: now I tried without root privileges and still doesn't work17:30
* shadeslayer points to bug 13206017:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 132060 in network-manager-openvpn (Ubuntu) "[feisty] network-manager-openvpn doesn't work when using x509 and private key file has password" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13206017:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^ can you looky?17:32
agateaulex79: appmenu does not work on this gnome session, need to switch back to kde17:35
agateaulex79: it works here17:36
agateaulex79: are you on gnome or kde?17:37
markeydebfx: will the Plasma crash fix be included in Maverick?17:39
agateaulex79: I wonder if this could be due to the fact that you started synaptic as root before17:44
debfxmarkey: yes if apachelogger can be bothered to upload the package ;)17:44
agateaulex79: is there any synaptic process still running?17:45
lex79agateau: nope17:45
agateaulex79: really weird17:45
apacheloggerdebfx: only with a pink hat...17:45
lex79yes :(17:45
debfxapachelogger: you should join http://www.pinkhatsociety.net/ (if you haven't already)17:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: what am I to look?17:59
apachelogger!info kdelibs5 maverick18:01
ubottukdelibs5 (source: kde4libs): transitional package for the KDE Development Platform libraries. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 20 kB, installed size 192 kB18:01
apacheloggerlex79: pingy18:01
shadeslayerwhut? huh?18:02
lex79apachelogger: pong18:02
apacheloggerlex79: your most recent commit to kdelibs changes the changelog entries of ubuntu4 is that intentional?18:02
lex79I'm looking18:04
lex79it seems right to me18:04
lex794:4.5.1-0ubuntu4 is the correct version18:05
lex79apachelogger: ^18:05
lex79my most recent commit is Add 2 patches and update a symbol file18:05
apacheloggerlex79: in that case consider this ranting about you not having used UNRELEASED nor debcommit -r and making it difficult to know where your changes to ubuntu4 ended :P18:06
lex79right, ok :)18:07
* apachelogger is wondering why dch changes the change if one uses dch -r18:07
apacheloggerdpkg-buildpackage makes a native package with a non-native version number18:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: i give up... 18:17
shadeslayeror give me another day18:17
* apachelogger is wondering how to make that upstart api look good :S18:25
CIA-116[kdelibs] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20100915172557-8varb10d7osz16v3 * debian/changelog releasing version 4:4.5.1-0ubuntu518:26
apacheloggerhmm.... :/18:27
apacheloggerupstart got multiple jobs and each of these jobs can have multiple instances18:27
apacheloggereach of those is accessible via dbus, however I do not really want a public dbus interface :/18:27
apacheloggermaybe privately inherit the interfaces and expose the necessary API...18:28
apacheloggerOTOH that is also bollocks should the dbus api change the BC of the lib would break too18:29
apacheloggermaybe just hold an instance of the interface in a regular qobject derived class18:29
apacheloggerQUpstartJob(ComUbuntuUpstart0_6JobInterface *interface);18:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/494332/18:55
apacheloggeryou are making things insanely complicated18:56
apacheloggertake a look at the API :P18:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: gimme your code18:57
shadeslayeri wont be able to sleep if i dont know how you implemented it18:57
apacheloggerif you add my copyright :P18:57
apacheloggerI can also just commit my code18:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: aseigo just did a post about canonical .. have a look18:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: by all means.. 18:58
shadeslayerbut i want to see it :P18:58
apacheloggeris it about how they flood planet ubuntu :P18:58
shadeslayersomething about canonicals contributor agreement18:59
apacheloggerthat is interesting indeed18:59
apacheloggerunless it is a case of TLDR again :P19:00
CIA-116[workspace] sitter * 1175729 * trunk/KDE/kdebase/workspace/plasma/generic/dataengines/share/backends/ (7 files in 4 dirs) add paste.ubuntu.com backend19:01
* shadeslayer looks19:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: will take some time for it to filter through ... can you pastebin main.js ?19:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: ah, yes, exactly why I do not feel terribly thrilled about signing the agreement brought into proper sentences ^^19:05
* shadeslayer goes mad after seeing code19:06
shadeslayerthat is frickin simple19:06
shadeslayer"Error Trying to post" :P19:06
shadeslayerand now i can go to sleep peacefully :)19:07
shadeslayercya later19:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: well, there is no way to find out what particularly was the error19:07
apacheloggereven though I find the message terribly silly19:07
apacheloggerit is the only thing known19:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: nini19:07
shadeslayerapachelogger: i was actually looking for the pasteid19:07
shadeslayerand then based on that decided if there was a error19:08
shadeslayeri shall work on paste.debian.net tommorow :)19:08
apacheloggerthat is not reliable though19:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: how come?19:08
apacheloggerwell, if they change around however you try to get the id the backend falls on its nose19:08
shadeslayerafiestas: pingly19:08
shadeslayerbug 622243 19:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 622243 in bluedevil (Ubuntu) "[MIR] bluedevil" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62224319:09
shadeslayerafiestas: please subscribe yourself to bugs via the launchpad page for the package19:09
apacheloggerafiestas: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bluedevil/+subscribe that page he means ;)19:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: oic.. but error trying to create post will stay19:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: depends on how you check for it19:11
apacheloggerand regarding that I would only consider HTTP codes as reliable19:12
shadeslayerok.. will try other sites tommorw19:12
* apachelogger thinks the proper encapsulation for qupstart makes most sense19:38
apacheloggerQUpstart holds a map of <dbusobjectpath, QUpstartJob> ... QUpstartJob holds a map of <dbusobjectpath, QUpstartJobInstance> and provides interfaces to the job ... QUpstartJobInstance is nothing but a wrapper around the dbus interface providing control over the job instances19:40
apacheloggericons are inverted ^^20:07
apacheloggerclearly a model usecase again ^^20:08
apacheloggermy showqok is broken 20:10
rgreeningoh my... I would expect any statement with "show qok" would be broken :)20:13
* rgreening runs and hides20:13
* rgreening thinks that app really needs to be renamed20:14
sheytanNew AppGet :D20:24
apacheloggerhow are we supposed to practise our polish if people keep translating foo with google :P20:33
apacheloggerdantti: around?20:40
danttiapachelogger: yup20:41
apacheloggerdantti: for complex data underneath a model I would probably want a special function right? ... like IIRC kpk's package model has a function that spits out a Package* for a modelindex20:42
danttiapachelogger: yes, it had that, but It doesn't anymore :P20:42
apacheloggerdantti: better approach now?20:43
danttibecause I can't store the packagekit package, since applications might have their on name, summary etc..20:43
danttiapachelogger: so I have an InternalPackage, which holds the packagekit-id (string) and the name... data, a simple structure20:44
danttieasier to change if packagekit-qt changes (and it will since there is some stupid stuff around it)20:44
apacheloggerdantti: I like your new approach a lot better ^^20:45
danttiapachelogger: well if the data is not so complex and doesn't need speed ( which seems to be the upstart case, I think you should go with QStandardModel20:45
danttigeting rid of that Qsharedpointer made some operations a bit faster too20:47
apacheloggersharedpointers are evil :P20:47
apacheloggerdantti: looks like qstandarditemmodel is suited, thanks for the hint :)20:51
danttiapachelogger: yw20:51
sithlord48ello devel pplz, im using kde 4.5.1 and have an issue w/ svn files in dolphin. they are not colored filenames (on two machines) is there something i can do to get the color back?21:04
=== James147_ is now known as James147
sheytanWill Kubuntu installer have something like this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/ubuntu-10-10s-installer-slideshow-oozes-class/ ? :D21:55
danttishadeslayer: hmmm nice, I think It more about creating those pages, but maybe translations don't get ready on time21:59
* apachelogger really doesnt get what it is with those dots22:04
apacheloggerI mean22:04
apacheloggerthey are not even pink22:04
lex79it seems my typo fixes were sweet <322:09
apachelogger!find FindQGpgme.cmake23:00
ubottuFile FindQGpgme.cmake found in kdepimlibs5-dev23:00
nigelbdoes that work for any file or just kde ones?23:02
yofel!find filezilla.desktop23:04
ubottuFile filezilla.desktop found in app-install-data, filezilla23:04
nigelbI guess it does :)23:07
danttidoes pulse audio has some gui to control it? I can't make skype calls anymore because i can't see my head set23:17
nigelbdantti: pavucontrol23:18
danttinigelb: thanks23:18
debfxgrr qtcreator has an embedded copy of qtassistant23:26
danttigreat now removing pulse audio removes phonon too23:37
sheytanhow come os x doesn't support ssh in finder ?!23:48
sheytanthis sucks :D23:48
debfxwhat's finder? ^^23:49
sheytandebfx file manager, like dolphin :)23:49
sheytani installed osx on virtualbox, to sync my ipod touch and it's nothing you want to have23:50
sheytankubuntu with kde is way cooler23:50
* yofel wonders where you can get kubuntu without kde :P23:51
sheytanyofel ubuntu :D23:52
yofeloh right23:52
sheytanbut, well, i mean that kde is cool :D23:52
sheytanbut kde doesn't work without the kernel etc :D23:52
Sputof course it is23:52
Sputsomehow, some people still think OSX is a good UI though23:52
Sputno idea how that happens23:52
sheytanSput apple can advertise their products really good23:53
sheytani think that's the secret23:53
Sputyeah, and people in general are pretty stupid23:54
sheytanwhat a crap23:56
sheytani better install windows+itunes :/23:56
sheytangot a crappy app with gui for ssh, and i can't copy a folder23:56
sheytanI CAN'T!23:56
danttiwell pulse audio is not so bad, at least the microphone of my lap works now :P23:59
* Sput wonders why people still buy crApple hardware too23:59

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