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randomusernamehey wgrant00:35
wgrantrandomusername: Hi.00:39
randomusernameI wish I could say that I'm happy, but I'm watching Ellen on TV00:40
randomusernamewhat is up, wgrant?00:45
wgrantrandomusername: So, you need to merge your accounts. But you only have access to the one you want to remove, so we may need an admin to do it.00:48
randomusernamemerge accounts and remove the +launchpad from the email, right?00:50
wgrantWell, you'll need to leave the non-+launchpad email in your account for now.00:51
wgrantUntil we fix the bug.00:51
wgrantOr the same thing will happen again.00:51
wgrantBut Launchpad only ever sends mail to your primary email address, so everything will be fine if you leave your primary set to the +launchpad address.00:52
randomusernamewhat would happen if someone sends again a .po file with the trigger email?00:53
wgrantIf you have the address on your main profile: nothing.00:54
wgrantIf you don't: you end up in the situation you're in now.00:54
randomusernamewgrant: do I need to fix a date with an admin to do this procedure?01:12
wgrantrandomusername: I suggest asking at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion01:16
wgrantGive your new and old usernames and email addresses, and reference bug 637968.01:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 637968 in Launchpad Registry "Removing email addresses can cause mismatch with Canonical SSO (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63796801:16
wgrantAnd make sure tiagosilva29 gets merged into tiagosilva, and not the other way around.01:17
randomusernamecan't I just email them via launchpad contacts?01:18
randomusernameI don't want to post the emails over there01:18
randomusernamehey, you're australian! no wonder you're up at this time of the night01:20
randomusernameday there01:20
wgrantOK, omit the email addresses.01:20
wgrantBut use Launchpad Answers, so the admin can verify that it's actually you.01:21
prettyrobotsI just created a  launchpad account but I am unable to change my user name from the default and I am also unable to login into the help forums.01:26
wgrantprettyrobots: Your first issue is bug #63392601:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 633926 in Launchpad Registry "Changing profile name results in error: 'Not allowed here' (affected: 7, heat: 48)" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63392601:29
wgrantprettyrobots: https://edge.launchpad.net/people/+me/+edit should work OK -- it's running the latest fixed code.01:29
wgrantprettyrobots: But why can't you log into the help forum?01:29
prettyrobotswgrant: Thank you.01:30
prettyrobotswgrant: Okay. Second must have been a network issue.01:32
prettyrobotsI'm able to log in.01:32
prettyrobotsThank you.01:32
prettyrobotsLog into launchpadhelp, that is. Thank you.01:32
randomusernamewgrant: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/12544401:32
randomusernameI dunno if this is going to help01:33
randomusernameI'm too tired to write properly01:33
wgrantrandomusername: I've added a comment.01:34
wgrantrandomusername: It should be OK now.01:37
wgrantrandomusername: You might have to log out and in again.01:37
randomusernamegonna do that, and sleep01:38
randomusernamethanks for the assistance wgrant, again01:38
wgrantGreat. Sorry it took so long to get sorted out.01:38
randomusernameI will try to meet here again at the same time tomorrow01:38
randomusernameno problem01:38
randomusernameas long as it gets fixed01:38
randomusernamegood night01:39
wgrantIt should be fixed.01:39
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pooliethumper: i thought i was meant to get incremental diffs when people post more stuff to a mp, but i don't seem to get anything...05:25
thumperpoolie: abentley is working on this now05:26
thumperpoolie: not done yet05:26
poolienp, just wondered05:27
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prayiiHello. I'm trying to change my name on launchpad from phillip-ray to prayii and I keep getting the error message "Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page." when I click save. Any suggestions?07:46
spmprayii: https://launchpad.net/~prayii <== not sure what was wrong for you, but changed.07:59
prayiispm: thank you very much. =D08:05
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amitprakashhi.. while compiling desktop agnostic 3.90 i am getting a default/libdesktop-agnostic/DesktopAgnosticVFS-1.0.gir:3:1: error: Unsupported version '1.0' .. how do I resolve this?08:43
bilalakhtarAhem, the Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed bug has been marked fix committed and appears to be in edge, but still bugs aren't being auto-closed. Am I seeing it the wrong way or will the fix have to land in production before it gets fixed completely?08:53
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jwb_launchpad user "rusivi1" is going all over launchpad and just blindly setting confirmed bugs from confirmed to incomplete with the comment "does this still happen in maverick" or "does this still happen in lucid?"09:42
jwb_is there any way someone can yank this guy's account and/or roll back his stupidity?09:42
jpdsjwb_: He's in #ubuntu-bugs09:43
jpdsjwb_: Guess it's best to assume good faith.09:44
jwb_good faith and cluelessness09:45
jwb_thanks for the tip09:45
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gary_posterdoctormo: ping?13:19
fta2hhm, this build started 3h ago, but it's still showing "started 2min ago": https://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/beta/+build/196062813:20
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fta2definitely weird, this build is jumping from builder to builder without really building anything: https://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/beta/+build/196062814:38
fta2just jumped from fermium to louvi14:43
fta2poof, another restart, once again on louvi14:51
StevenKbigjools: ^ This build is bouncing between buildds14:53
bigjoolsStevenK: what does the b-m log say?14:54
StevenKbigjools: Haven't checked, and I don't want to break my rule :-P14:54
fta2ahh, it's finally doing something, after ~6h of bouncing around15:04
bigjools6 hours?!15:13
bigjoolsok I know what's going on15:15
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drubinWhat can we do about https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/new-background-ubuntu ? assigning ubuntu members and making mark the drafter?16:24
tgm4883yea, and why did I get an email about it16:24
nigelbcan somone please mark that as spam16:25
drubinbecause he assigned it to Ubuntumembers16:25
nigelbdrubin: admins16:25
drubinthere should be report16:25
nigelbdid some kind soul remove the ubuntu members assignment? if so, thanks16:27
nigelbok, just FYI, I'm filing a qestion for that spec to be removed as its spam and perhaps warn the user.16:28
tgm4883I'd say ban16:28
tgm4883but thats just me16:28
popeythe user only signed up today16:28
popeyso its hardly hardship for them to be warned16:28
popeynewtroll is new16:28
tgm4883popey, !16:28
tgm4883I've been meaning to track you down16:29
drubinI wasn't suggesting we ban them. Simply remove/edit the assigners16:29
popeyruh roh16:29
nigelbthere is disabled until you specify why we shouldn't ban you thingie16:29
nigelbdrubin: well, the screenshots do mention that its spam/troll16:29
drubinyes they do.16:29
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bcurtiswx_hey guys, you'll probably want to delete https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/new-background-ubuntu and ban user16:32
nigelbquestion already opened :)16:32
* tgm4883 thinks this will need to be in /topic16:32
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nigelblots of ubuntu memebers16:33
bcurtiswx_ah, so i'm like user #312 thats mentioned this?16:33
nigelbbcurtiswx_: 5th?16:33
tgm4883there will be more though16:33
bcurtiswx_lol, OK. i feel better16:33
nigelboh yes, plenty more16:33
nigelbubuntu members are /very/ fast :)16:34
popeymeh, its funny, laugh :)16:34
bcurtiswx_it is funny, but ..16:34
nigelbpopey: it is funny, but...16:34
* bcurtiswx_ hates stupid people16:34
popeynot _that_ stupid :)16:34
bcurtiswx_nigelb, nice .. real nice16:34
nigelbbcurtiswx_: haha16:34
bcurtiswx_yeah you will probably need it in the topic16:35
nigelbheh, good idea16:35
lucidfoxI could use help setting up a packaging recipe16:36
bcurtiswx_well, user is deleted..16:37
nigelbbcurtiswx_: sinzui is fast :)16:37
lucidfoxSuppose I want to have a separate branch containing just the packaging files, and then nest it. Will I need to have that branch locally out of the main source tree?16:37
nigelbI suspended the user. We need an admin to clear the description and16:37
nigelbretarget the spec to obsolete-junk16:37
nigelbbcurtiswx_: ^^16:37
lucidfoxor actually wait...16:38
lucidfoxI could add debian to .bzrignore and keep a local copy of the branch in the source tree, right?16:38
bcurtiswx_nigelb: awesome :) muchas gracias.  Back to work for me <sarcasm> woooo </sarcasm>16:38
* sinzui is looking for a losa now to remove the blueprint16:40
nigelbsinzui: sorry about the muck up with the question, I accidentally closed it :D16:40
nigelbsinzui: Thank you :)16:40
Myrttiis there going to be a short explanation about that ^? I'd like to know why on earth did I get that email16:40
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Myrttiin a blog post perhaps :-)16:41
nigelbMyrtti: someone assigned a blueprint to ubuntu members team, we all got a mail because of that :(16:41
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Myrttiright, I'd still suggest a blogpost about it :-P16:44
SpamapSsomething horrible going on right now?16:44
nigelbnah, just a troll16:44
SpamapSHave gotten oopses for the last few minutes trying to submit a bug16:45
popeyaaand, its gone16:48
nigelbsinzui: you folks rock :)16:49
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ftabigjools, what was the problem with my build?16:55
lucidfoxWhat should be the format for debian/changelog for Launchpad bzr daily builds?16:55
lucidfoxor there should be no debian/changelog?16:56
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lucidfoxWhat are stacked branches?16:59
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stgrabercan someone kill my build on meitnerium17:29
stgraberit's been sitting in a loop for an hour17:29
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geserstgraber: usually I see someone ping lamont with those requests17:47
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stgraberlamont: ^ https://edge.launchpad.net/~stgraber/+archive/with-backports/+build/196106817:54
lucidfoxI accidentally targeted the wrong PPA for manual bzr builds17:59
james_wlucidfox: because it picks the first in the list?18:01
lucidfoxyes, rather than the one specified for daily builds - I didn't notice and didn't cancel in time18:01
lucidfoxah well, I have write access to that PPA, I'll just delete the packages18:02
james_wlucidfox: so if you request a manual build it defaults to where the daily builds go?18:03
lucidfoxno, it defaults to the first one in the list - I think it's counterintuitive18:03
james_wyes, I would agree18:03
OdyXHi. Short question: do the PPA builds get requeued when stalled due to "Dependency-wait" or should I hit the retry build button each time.18:15
lamontstgraber: I assume the build has been superseded?18:15
lamontstgraber: because otherwise, it'll just try and loop again18:16
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stgraberlamont: I removed it from my PPA and pushed an older package that built just fine18:27
maxbOdyX: Yes, PPA packages do get processed by the dependency-wait requeuer. However, it may not always make the right decision, and in any case, it'll be faster to hit retry if you know you've just resolved a dependency issue18:28
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rusiviCan someone from the malone team please review malone bug 638260 for wishlist status?20:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 638260 in Launchpad Bugs "Launchpad's "oldest first" sort does not do so properly (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63826020:42
deryckrusivi, hi.  I looked at that bug earlier today, commented, and marked it invalid.  Have you since commented and want another review?20:59
deryckI see.21:00
deryckrusivi, I think what you're asking for is sort by bug id.  Why?  Bug id doesn't mean oldest.  Some bugs have older dates but more recent bug ids.  You actually care about this distinction?21:01
* nigelb can't particularly visualize a need for it.21:03
deryckrusivi, I have to leave, sorry.  But if you explain in the bug why you think bug id sort is needed, I'll consider that and consider changing to wishlist status.21:04
allquixotic_Hi, is there a way to import a bunch of bugs from a file? Something like maybe a CSV or an openoffice spreadsheet, any common tabulated data format... I find it more tedious to click all the buttons in the launchpad UI than it'd be to whip up a spreadsheet from my old bugtracker and import them en masse to launchpad.21:07
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nigelballquixotic_: what are you looking for? you could whip up a script or something for it quite easily21:12
allquixotic_nigelb: What kind of script could I write that would automatically import the bugs to Launchpad? Would I have to literally make it click the buttons in the launchpad UI after parsing the http output, or something? I'll note that I'm using your launchpad.net service, not my own Launchpad instance, and that I'm a paid commercial project on launchpad.net.21:13
allquixotic_I can already see the code before my eyes for a script to export from my old bugtracker to an OpenOffice ODS, but I have no idea how to go from there to launchpad.21:13
nigelberr, I'm only a volunteer.21:14
allquixotic_oh -- sorry :)21:14
maxbI believe there is some sort of XML format for bulk bug imports21:14
lifelessthere is21:14
lifelessallquixotic_: ^21:15
allquixotic_thanks, lifeless :)21:15
allquixotic_Looks like this will point me in the right direction21:15
james_wis the owner of the target branch subscribed to merge proposal changes?21:17
lifelessby default on new branches21:19
james_wI just got email for the initial proposal (probably by virtue of being a member of the team owning the target branch), and the first comment, but then not the next two comments or the status change when the merge proposal went to Merged21:24
james_wsalgado's idea is that I got the initial because the target branch owner was requested to review, then when the second comment went in asac claimed that review, and so I was no longer asked to review it and didn't get the email21:25
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thumperjames_w: any idea why there are no official package branches for apport?21:35
james_wthumper: because there are non-official ones that are preferred, and having official ones too just confused things21:36
thumperjames_w: but we can mark any sp branch as the main one21:36
james_whowever, that implies various things, mostly that the importer will try and work with that branch21:38
lifelessjames_w: why haven't the real ones been nominated though?21:38
james_wwhich will expose some bugs currently21:38
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james_wthumper: I can make the change right now if you care about the branches and can help with any fallout21:57
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lifelessjames_w: only one way to find out about ze issues21:59
james_wlifeless: yes22:00
james_wlifeless: but I don't want to give myself more work when I can't keep up with the issues I already have22:00
lifelessjames_w: do we have bugs filed for the issues?22:00
james_wwhich issues?22:01
lifelessrephrasing: is there some sort of progress bar that I can point e.g. poolie at for being able to have apport and similar things have their lp:ubuntu branches *be* the authoritative branches22:01
james_wno, unfortunately not22:01
james_wit's a 2 minute change for me to make, within an unknown amount of work following22:01
lifelessis there a 'next bug to fix' even.22:01
lifelessjames_w: can we roll it back when the problem arises ?22:02
james_wnext bug to fix for what?22:02
james_wyes, we can just unset the link again22:02
lifelessjames_w: imagine that there is a progress bar. With bugs on it as progress markers.22:02
james_wright, but we don't have a single progress bar22:02
lifelessAll I really care about is that the next marker - the next bug - is identified and can be pointed at.22:02
james_wit all depends on which direction you want to go in as to what is next22:03
allquixoticHi, I have a commercial project on launchpad.net where I would like to allow the general public to report bugs, while still having the ability for project administrators to mark some bugs as private (only visible to the team). Is this possible? Currently I have some private bzr branches registered on Launchpad, but the bugs instance is fully public and I see no way to mark bugs as private (e.g. security vulns).22:04
lifelesswe just need to permit privat ebugs for that; I think it needs a question filed on answers.launchpad.net/launchpad to enable it22:05
* maxb is glad there's no disk quota on bzr branches22:07
maxbhaving just push 850MB of kdebase22:07
lifelesssay what22:08
maxbhmm, branch scanning is taking a while... maybe because I just pushed 82k revisions :-)22:17
allquixoticmaxb: so THAT'S why my launchpad is running so slow ;)22:18
maxboops. I think I really have tarpitted the scanner22:22
sorenmaxb: Ah, so it's /your/ fault...22:26
soren(That's another one off my christmas card list)22:26
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lifelessjames_w: well I'm saying we have a clear goal23:07
lifelessjames_w: whichever bug is stopping us using apport 'properly' is the bug to fix next.23:07
lifelessjames_w: if its filed already, lets highlight it.23:07
lifelessjames_w: if its not filed, lets file it.23:07
lifelessjames_w: if to file it we need an experiment, lets do that.23:07
lifelessjames_w: but lets not just sit here without an open bug and without apport configured properly.23:08
pooliehi there lifeless23:09
james_wlifeless: I do not know what the bug is to file it23:14
lifelessjames_w: so, we need to try and find out what goes wrong then, agreed ?23:15
lifelesshi poolie23:15
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lifelessjames_w: lets do that then23:24
TheMusoIs it known that upload.ubuntu.com currently gives connectino refused when attempting to connect to it?23:48
tkamppeterUpload server is broken. On dbut I get [Errno 111] Connection refused.23:48
lifelesslosa poing23:54
Chexlifeless: hi there, working it now23:54
lifelessis it the rollout? If so I can file an RT for future improvements23:55
tkamppeterupload server back working now.23:55
TheMusoThanks guys.23:55

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