
charlie-tcanot really, it is already00:00
CarlFKfigured.  wanted to make sure it wasn't my box00:00
CarlFKwoa.. this thing boots so fast it bothers me :)00:00
* duffydack turns down the boot00:01
charlie-tcaafter that screen of stuff, just don't hit enter. It will slow it W-A-Y down ;-)00:01
nemotheeere we go. might want to shrink the window buttons too, but this is good enough for now00:05
IdleOneBUGabundo: how do I unlock dpkg: status database area is locked by another process00:14
BUGabundofirst kill the apt task00:15
BUGabundothen remove the lock file00:15
IdleOneBUGabundo: /var/cache/apt/archives/lock correct?00:17
BUGabundothink so00:18
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:18
IdleOnethanks yofel00:18
IdleOnethat did it00:18
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IdleOnedon't think I will be rebooting for a while00:22
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IdleOneI got dependency errors now with  linux-headers-2.6.35-21-generic00:25
BUGabundowell, *you* broke the update, didn't you ?00:28
BUGabundoridding the sleeping horse, I say au revoir01:06
nemotrying out fingerprint authentication01:40
nemosudo works01:40
nemogdm works01:40
nemologin works01:40
nemosu fails01:40
nemognome-screensaver fails01:41
nemognome-screensaver seems to work, but just hangs on "checking"01:41
nemohm. doesn't really work for gdm either02:07
nemoI can log in, but only if it doesn't cancel, and if I log out, gdm needs restart02:07
nemoand polkit doesn't work at all02:07
nemowell, that leaves gksu, sudo and logging in on terminal02:08
nemosu also works on vt02:08
tukadafoondayMorning people.02:22
tukadafoondayIf i have installed linux onto the first harddrive which is now taking the section that windows wants to install its MBR, how can i adjust this without having to reinstall both OS's? should i just shrink the linux / and have it start at 200mb?02:23
psusitukadafoonday, don't do anything... grub will detect windows and let you boot it02:26
tukadafoondayhow do i install windows onto my second harddrive then? because the windows installer won't in stall without haviung that section for windows.02:27
psusiinstall winders first, then install ubuntu is the easiest way02:29
theconartisttukadafoonday, its very very easy02:31
theconartistunplug your first hdd02:31
theconartistinstall windows02:31
theconartistreplug and add windows to grub02:31
tukadafoondayi have just install ubuntu and got it how i want it, i wanted to play starcraft 2 now and i can;'t get it working with wine.02:31
theconartistyou will never be as good as me anyway so why bother with sc202:32
psusithen install windows, then you will need to reinstall grub after windows trashes it02:32
theconartistor he can just do what i said02:33
psusior yea, unplug the first drive to install windows, then plug in the ubuntu drive, and run update-grub and it should detect windows02:33
tukadafoondayI can handle reinstalling grub, however i can't install windows without changing the partition table on my first harddrive unless i do what theconartist02:33
theconartisti said unplug it02:33
theconartistit wont be able to see the first02:33
theconartistit will think it is on the first02:33
tukadafoondayHowever there must be a way to do it without removing the harddrives or deleting linux02:33
theconartistyou dont have to remove it02:33
theconartistjust unplug it02:33
theconartistthat also has the upside of you being able to use the bios to chose your OS too02:34
tukadafoondayI have a laptop which makes it a little harder.02:34
theconartistyou have 2 hdds on your laptop?02:34
tukadafoondayYeh, i do.02:34
theconartistwtf man02:34
tukadafoondaytwo 500gb drives02:34
theconartisti have one 40gb ssd02:34
tukadafoondayI want to put a 160gb ssd drive in... so expensive though!02:35
theconartisti dont game or anything on my laptop tho02:35
theconartistand can stream videos from other computer or my vps02:35
theconartist5 second boot 2 second shutdown02:35
theconartistyeaaaa budday02:35
tukadafoondayThats  a quick boot and shutdown, i think i got about 30seconds?02:36
tukadafoondaymaybe less02:36
theconartistonce unity isnt a buggy pos i will be super happy02:36
theconartistalso are you any good at sc2?02:37
theconartisti have a friend who plays on SEA servers who is always looking for someone good to practice with02:37
tukadafoondaynever played it before... just bought it yesterday.02:37
karbakI ended up having to install Maverick (command line only) on a Thinkpad W510 using the alternate installer since the normal installer wouldn't complete booting.02:58
karbakI've installed the ubuntu-desktop meta-package .. but I still only have a vanilla Gnome install ...02:59
karbakAny idea what I need to install to get the standard Maverick desktop ?02:59
karbakA theme package ? Or something else ?02:59
nemokarbak: before giving up on the normal installer, did you try a few of the kernel options?03:01
nemokarbak: like apic / acpi / free drivers that sorta thing?03:01
karbakHmm .. afraid I didn't ..03:02
karbakI do have a proper install up and running at this point.03:02
karbakIt's just that it's vanilla Gnome with a rather ugly set of controls.03:03
karbakIt's not a deal-breaker, but I rather liked what I saw of the Maverick desktop.03:04
theconartistyou mean unity?03:05
mast`I have a bit of an issue after updating to Maverick. I'm using an ATI card with the propriatery drivers and after the first reboot I got stuck in text mode, so I purge'd the drivers and rebooted in safe mode then reinstalled the Ubuntu/maverick drivers downloaded from the ATI website but no luck. Anyone has an idea what to do?03:47
ZekeS... on a side note, DockbarX is awesome03:50
ZekeSerr wrong channel, sorry03:50
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PreZI am trying to install 10.10 ... but ubiquity is giving a bus error (core dump) when I try to launch it05:13
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CarlFKwhy doesn't middle click paste the selected text?05:19
PreZhrm.  I guess you guys don't test installation on bog standard x86_64 machines.05:22
PreZ*shrug* time to try a different install05:22
PreZ'bog standard', 'stock', 'default', 'the most common version'05:23
PreZ'not modified'05:23
VotanIs there an issue with setting it'S Picture/Nickname in empathy in maverick ? It doesmt seem to save what i enter05:40
javatexanwow 273 updates, seems like I just update couple days ago...05:41
philsfafter I updated this night, my netbook boots to an all white screen. anyone know what this means?05:43
ChogyDanphilsf: double rainbow!05:43
philsfthere were some mesa packages, and the kernel, and I tried both reinstalling these packages and removing ~/.gnome* and ~/.gconf*05:44
philsfChogyDan, what's that?05:44
ChogyDanphilsf: did you check your Xorg.0.log logs?05:44
ChogyDanphilsf: a youtube reference, just a joke05:44
philsfChogyDan, not yet, but it only happens with the netbook main interface, not the 2D one, and gnome05:45
Dinkphilsf, its the mesa package05:46
Dinkif you revert back it works fine05:47
philsfDink, should I revert it to the previous?05:47
philsfok, I'll try05:47
philsfDink, btw, which mesa package? all that were upgraded, or only one?05:47
Dinkall, for me it was 305:47
philsfDink, thanks, I'll try that05:48
Dinklibgl1-mesa-glx, libgl1-mesa-dri and libglu1-mesa05:48
PreZI'm guessing nobody knows why ubiquity is coring (with a bus error) on my x86_64 box?05:49
vlcnis there really no way to customize the panels in 10.10 UNE?06:25
AnxiousNutWhy cant I change anything in the gnome panel of unity?07:07
DementedsnakeHello, I'm on 10.10 and my Wacom tablet works perfectly. I just want to know if the configuration file's location has changed. It's not in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/07:07
graphitemasteryes I already know.07:17
DementedsnakeI'll ask again later.07:19
graphitemasterI'm having some issues here.07:43
graphitemasterI managed to break my sources, and I have no clue how :/07:43
graphitemasterW: GPG error: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com maverick Release: No keyring installed in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/.07:43
graphitemasterW: GPG error: http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com maverick Release: No keyring installed in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/.08:14
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Ian_corneMy update seems to have frozen at a samba install09:38
Ian_corneanyone else?09:38
thedoghi guys, i've installed maverick beta, upgraded, and installed ubuntu-netbook10:44
thedogwhen I try to login using netbook session all I got is a blank screen with mouse cursor10:44
thedogis there a way to fix that?10:45
vega_i also tried it out like that, and basically nothing worked, lots of crashes etc.10:46
vega_now back in regular gnome :)10:46
lotuspsychjethedog: netbook edition got some bugs on launchpad10:47
ebischoffHi people and thanks for the good work. After today's update i'm running into the hideous "Cannot get ibus-daemon's address". Any clue ?10:47
lotuspsychjecheck maverick bugs website10:47
lotuspsychjeim using livecd 64bit no issues here at all10:48
thedoglotuspsychje: in regular gnome, all works fine10:48
bobthemilkmanI'm having some trouble getting zsnes to run properly in 10.10 x64. I have it working properly on my laptop, which uses some unknown (9.10? 9.04?) version of Kubuntu x64.  I managed to install it by downloading the i386 .deb  from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/i386/zsnes/1.510-2.2ubuntu4, and then running sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture (filename).10:49
ebischoffit only appeared after today's update. is your livecd that recent ?10:49
bobthemilkmanOn my laptop, I can run it just fine by running "zsnes," however, on my desktop (10.10), I have to run "zsnes -ad sdl". Failure to use these options gives me libao errors.10:49
lotuspsychjethedog: i never tested netbook edition sorry10:49
ebischoffthedog : the problem appears in kde startup process10:49
ebischoffyes, kde10:50
lotuspsychjeebischoff: is netbook edition kde based?10:50
thedogebischoff: I'm talking about gnome-netbook10:50
thedogunity etc.10:50
bobthemilkmanNote that zsnes is an SNES emulator for x86.  Is there any way to find out what exactly is different between my laptop and my desktop that is causing these runtime differences?10:50
ebischoffok, let's restart. After network updating today my kubuntu maverick test machine which has not shown any problem so far, i run into the old ibus-damon process.10:51
ebischoffsorry if conversations mixed up.10:51
lotuspsychjenp ebischoff10:51
ebischoffs/process/problem/ , oops10:52
lotuspsychjeebischoff: did you check launchpad bugs on ibus?10:52
ebischofflotus: yes i did, forums too, but it seems that every single person has a different reason for running into this one10:53
thedogI've found that, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/63872510:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 638725 in unity (Ubuntu) "choosing netbook for login session results in a blank white screen" [Undecided,New]10:53
thedogit's a bug10:53
lotuspsychjethedog: i think netbook edition will fix alot at official maverick release10:53
ebischoffi just checked the maverick launchpad, two reports about ibus, but unrelated10:53
thedogme too, I think i've to wait10:54
lotuspsychjeok ebischoff10:54
lotuspsychjeregular gnome never worked better for me10:54
lotuspsychjeeverything works10:54
lotuspsychjeand superfast10:54
thedogyes, lotuspsychje, and on a netbook is very responsive10:54
thedogi'm happy for that10:54
lotuspsychjegot it running on ssd10:54
ebischoffapart from this, maverick beta is incredibly stable, if i compare to what i experienced with lucid, karmic, etc10:55
lotuspsychje4sec system halt10:55
lotuspsychjei agree ebischoff10:55
lotuspsychjelucid gave a lotta problems forme10:57
ryeanybody here running unity? It started to display only white background after the latest update11:12
htorquerye, hmm, let me update11:13
ebischoffhmmm, i filed a bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/638817 but it did not go to maverick-bugs, i think :-(11:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 638817 in ibus (Ubuntu) "KDE does not start : cannot connect to ibus daemon" [Undecided,New]11:15
htorquerye, getting a white screen, but just for a second or so (but it always was like that for me) - nvidia 6600 gt, nvidia-current, xorg-edgers ppa11:22
ryehtorque, hm, i am using an intel 945GME11:23
repeteI have a dell laptop w/ broadcom wireless and the right drivers installed11:50
repetebut nm says that wireless is disabled...11:50
repeteI know there is a file in /proc I can cat to see if the radio is on.  Anyone know which file that is?11:51
repetenm... didn't realise it was a soft key to disable the radio :-)11:58
rye(unity:2286): ClutterGLX-CRITICAL **: Unable to make the stage window 0x1a0004f the current GLX drawable Mesa 7.9-devel implementation error: Bad renderbuffer format: 2112:17
ryemy unity is not uniting12:17
ricardinhohi, my X server  is broken. Can somebody help me?12:34
om26erwhy is the topic talking about the font?12:40
lotuspsychjeanyone knows howto disable all brightness adjustment both on ac/battery12:59
lotuspsychjewhen i plugin ac power brightness dims lol13:00
the_dark_warrioMy Xorg is behaving strangely: its CPU usage is varying between 20% and 50%, sometimes it spikes to 80%. This started after I upgraded to Maverick from Lucid. Any hints on why this is happening?13:06
the_dark_warrioThe CPU is rising when I scroll text buffers in general, for instance, pidgins buffer, or a VIM buffer. If I keep crazily scrolling, the CPU goes to 95%!13:13
SwedeMikesounds like you don't have any gpu acceleration at all, you should look in your X logs and see what drive it's using.13:13
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the_dark_warrioSwedeMike: But I'm using composing, I guess my driver is OK13:35
the_dark_warrioSwedeMike: where can I look for X log files?13:35
coz_hey guys.. a bit of an issue... I have two machines  with maverick installed,.,,,,  on this machine I did current updates  on the other I did not...both runnin compiz 0.9.0  but now this machine shows this error when starting compiz 0.9.0  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/errors/error13:41
coz_the other machine also with compiz 0.9.0 but not current updates  , compiz 0.9.0 runs fine13:41
Malkavian_Hi, I tested Kubuntu Maverick Beta ad the desktop freezes;13:43
Malkavian_anyone experienced the same?13:43
coz_Malkavian_,  are you running compiz on that?13:43
Malkavian_no, just booting kubuntu (kde), opening the settings panel, changing something, like window borders and then boom13:44
coz_Malkavian_,  I had a similar issue but it was compiz related , resetting to defaults  did the trick but also installing gcc 4.513:44
Malkavian_it freezes, I can only move the mouse, but then I have to physically restart the computer13:44
BajKMalkavian_: using nouveau driver?13:44
coz_Malkavian_,  not related I would guess to your issue13:44
Malkavian_Lucid works just fine13:45
ricardinhohaving similar problems. Getting a white screen on login to gnome13:45
Malkavian_I had this problem first with Maverick13:45
the_dark_warrioSwedeMike: I'm looking at Xorg.0.log file now. Could you help me finding which driver it is using?13:45
SwedeMikethe_dark_warrio: you might be able to learn some from http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/x-config.html13:46
SwedeMikehm, I guess that one didnt show that13:47
SwedeMikeit's usually quite evident in the logs, I haven't looked at this for years.13:47
coz_the_dark_warrio,  it probably is under Section "Device"13:47
BajKCan I remove pulseaudio safely from Kubuntu 10.10?13:47
coz_BajK,  kubuntu?  I didnt think kubuntu was using pulseaudio13:48
BajKcoz_: 10.10 is13:48
BajKby default13:48
BajKand it sucks13:48
BajKwell I do appreciate their efforts of porting pulseaudi13:48
BajKas I really like being able setting EACH stream's volume separately13:48
BajKworks even for every youtube video that is opened (every flash player) and things13:49
coz_BajK,   I prevented  pulse from starting up using  sysv-rc-conf13:49
the_dark_warrioThere is a section in the log saying: LoadModule: "glx" (...) Module glx: vendor="NVIDIA Corporation"13:49
BajKcoz_: on my 10.04 i just uninstalled it13:49
BajKbut my USB headset does not work when pulseaudio is active13:49
BajKfonon just displays "internal audio hardware" (on 10.10) or "PulseAudio server" (on 10.04)13:49
BajKand I can neither set individual volumes on devices (left speakers, front, center, mic etc) nor does it enable me to use any other audio device than the default13:50
coz_BajK,  yikes  well  I am not up to par with pulseaudio issues   have you also tried  #pulseaudio channel  ?13:51
BajKthere seems to be a channel for EVERYthing, isnt it? I'll give it a try there, thanks13:51
coz_BajK,  well the various channels allow for more concentrated support13:52
BajKlol, just did a dist-upgrade, now kubuntu 10.10 does not start properly14:05
BajKit starts X, the KDE splash appears, and then it crashes to console and starts X and KDE splash and crash.. all over again the whoole time14:06
King_LuiHello, where can i find the xorg.conf in Ubuntu 10.1014:09
bazhangKing_Lui, there is not one by default14:10
King_Luiokay how can i create one?14:10
kishoni get "Illegal instruction (core dumped)" for commands like cp, su etc.. any help on how to get this solved??14:14
kishoni get "Illegal instruction (core dumped)" for commands like cp, su etc.. any help on how to get this solved??14:20
bazhangkishon, su? you mean sudo, surely14:21
kishonyeah.. sudo14:21
bazhangkishon, could you pastebin the exact error messages along with the command used at paste.ubuntu.com ?14:22
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King_Luihow can i crash the x server that it cannot start at the next boot14:24
JAMD456Can I ask why the text in the yellow box is in white when the theme box suggests a font for the user when you select the High Contrast Large Print Reverse, making it almost impossible to see14:29
kishonbazhang: http://pastebin.com/yR2Z5uit14:35
bazhangkishon, there is not actual command there.  sudo some command here14:36
kishonbazhang: dint get u..14:36
bazhangkishon, sudo apt-get install packagename14:36
kishonbazhang: http://pastebin.com/1Lhv1YTY14:38
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kishonKing_Lui: what's the exact scenario in which you want to crash x-server?14:40
King_Luii use btrfs to make a snapshot from the / i wanna crash the system like delete /usr/sbin/gdm then i wanna restore it14:43
=== IdleOne is now known as IdleOp
coz_hey guys.. a bit of an issue... I have two machines  with maverick installed,.,,,,  on this machine I did current updates  on the other I did not...both runnin compiz 0.9.0  but now this machine shows this error when starting compiz 0.9.0  http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/errors/error15:04
coz_the other machine with no current updates works well15:04
IdleOpwhat do I do with the following?15:11
IdleOpdebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable15:11
coz_IdleOp,   do you have synaptic opened also?15:13
IdleOpcoz_: nope15:14
IdleOpno other apt processes running15:14
coz_IdleOp,  have you tried to reboot ?15:14
IdleOpcoz_: I'm crazy, not stupid :)15:14
coz_IdleOp,  no offense meant15:15
IdleOpcoz_: hehe no I haven't but honestly don't feel like not having a bootable system right now15:15
IdleOpcoz_: none taken :)15:15
coz_IdleOp,  try    fuser -v /var/cache/debconf/config.dat15:16
IdleOphere is full error http://paste.ubuntu.com/494212/15:16
coz_to determine the process holding the lock then kill it15:16
IdleOpreturned to a prompt with no output15:17
IdleOpI'll figure it out later15:19
IdleOpif you think of anything coz_ feel free to ping me with it :)15:19
coz_IdleOp,  I was sure   fuser -v /var/cache/debconf/config.dat  would show the culprit15:19
coz_let me try that here with sudo hold on15:19
IdleOpoh with sudo it does return some output15:20
coz_cool  does it indicate the process that might be locking?15:20
IdleOp                     root      27982 F.... frontend15:20
IdleOpsays root15:20
coz_IdleOp,  i will search this...if I find someting usefull I will let you know...althnough I think a reboot would work :)  also I am sure someone else here may have better solutions15:21
IdleOpok coz_ thanks, much appreciated15:21
IdleOpI'll be back in a bit15:22
IdleOpPM me anytime15:22
lookwith 10.10 have fixed the driver issue witht he Nvidia graphics cards?15:22
coz_look,  its not working at all for you?15:23
lookno, i want to upgrade15:23
coz_look,  from karmic?15:23
lookfrom 10.04 (which i spent 8 days getting to even boot)15:23
lookso when i upgrade i don't want to loose the install15:23
coz_look,  mm  well with the kernel change in marverick the nvidia driver will  have to reinstall15:24
looklooks like ill have to spend another 8 days...15:24
coz_look,  well the nvidia kernel module will have to be updated for the kernel in use on maverick15:24
coz_look,  although I was able to install the ofifical dirver from nvidia after blacklisting nouveau15:25
lookcoz_: i'll just see if nomodeset will work again15:25
bjsniderthe nvidia driver is automatically recompiled into any new kernel by dkms15:25
coz_look,  yes ^^15:26
lookwhen the official build comes out next month, ill do a test install to see if i can get it working, Document my findings and what not, post on the forums for later help if noone has done it yet15:26
lookwell lets hope so, i don't want to loose all my work15:26
look(python source, and what not)15:26
coz_I know that 260.19.04 nvidia driver manually installed is working well15:27
coz_although current updates have broken compiz 0.9.015:27
bjsnidermanually installed?15:27
lookbjsnider: with apt-get15:27
coz_bjsnider,  yeah i blacklisted nouveau ,,,downloaded the driver  and ran the  .run nvidia driver install15:28
bjsniderthat is not the proper procedure15:28
bjsniderthe .run files are incompatible with ubuntu and even nvidia says so15:28
lookbjsnider: but it worked, therefore its just fine15:28
bjsnidernice reasoning15:28
coz_bjsnider,  works fine here15:28
lookwell miracles do happen right? bjsnider15:29
coz_acutally improved performance15:29
bjsniderit damaged your xorg/mesa system15:29
bjsniderwhether you can see the damage or not, it took place anyway15:29
coz_bjsnider,  in all honesty... I cant use a distribution that does not allow installation of drivers manually ...it makes no sense15:30
bjsniderthe 260 blob is in the x-updates ppa15:30
coz_but I wont get into that topic again :)15:30
bjsniderdid you miss the sticky post on the nvforums website where nvidia is telling people to use the distribution installer instead of the .run files?15:31
lookcoz_: you should sudo apt-get nvidia-current <----15:32
ricardinhosorry about the instrusion, is this a white screen problem?15:33
lookricardinho: no this is a problem with the Nvidia drivers that 10.04 and 10.10(might have)15:33
ricardinholook: thanks15:34
lookdo you have a problem with the white screen? that might be a driver probelm also, try booting with nomodeset.15:34
Paddy_NIHey is it possible to get indicator-appmenu on lucid?15:36
vexati0nHELP! Nautilus is ridiculously slow,  keeps freezing.... anyone know why or what i might to do fix that?15:37
coz_bjsnider,  no but  in order for ubuntu to be real usefull  the nvidia drivers available need to have current beta   the current release and three other released drivers prior to that   plus at least three legacy drivers  ... not everyone has current systems  and nouveau is far from ready15:37
IdleOpcoz_: so i tried killing that process being run by root and then did a dpkg --configure -a. Seems to have configured everything without errors15:38
coz_IdleOp,  cool :)15:38
IdleOpyup :) thanks for the help15:38
coz_limiting the available drivers in jockey to 3  is not really helpful15:38
coz_its actually irritating to have a limited choice when so many systems with just as many hardware configs are out there15:39
=== look is now known as k3rby
bjsniderwith the x-updates ppa and the regular repos you have two blob choices, plus with the ubuntu jockey installer you have dkms so the blob is automatically rebuilt when kernel updates happen, and the ubuntu installer doesn't overwrite mesa files like the .run installer always has15:44
vexati0nHELP! Nautilus is ridiculously slow,  keeps freezing.... anyone know why or what i might to do fix that?15:45
bjsniderwe always have new nvidia blob releases in x-updates within about 24 hours15:45
coz_bjsnider, understood completely15:45
coz_bjsnider,  well  I  get from your description "blob" that nvidia is not a favorite of yours ...yes?15:47
bjsniderit's short for binary blob. it just means closed source15:47
coz_I see15:47
bjsniderit's a shorthand way of differentiating between the nvidia driver and something like nouveau15:48
coz_bjsnider,   well I understand the desire for nouveau and an opensource driver...amd  has proven that15:48
coz_bjsnider,  but i dont think that is going to happen for a few years down the road15:48
lucidfoxSo, is it possible to add Banshee to the sound menu?15:55
Milos_SDIs there a way to get MPD support in Maverick sound indicator?15:56
coz_hey guys one more thing...I notice that python-sexy is not available  the reasoning i read that emesene doesnt use it anymore however compiz does15:59
vexati0nwho needs compiz16:01
coz_vexati0n,  I do and thousands of others16:01
lucidfoxaha, found banshee-extension-soundmenu16:02
lucidfoxodd that it's not installed by default, though16:02
vexati0nyeah i was being sarcastic, if i didn't have compiz i'd be sad too.16:02
coz_vexati0n,  although python-sexy is not absoilutely necessary to run compiz it does give the added option of advances search for keybindings16:03
coz_advanced search16:03
vexati0nwell i am still wondering why nautilus keeps freezing16:04
coz_vexati0n,  that one I am not sure of .... did you do current updates?16:04
vexati0nevery time i open the folder, it locks up for like 15 seconds and goes all grey16:04
vexati0nyeah i keep updated16:04
vexati0nbut this was an upgrade from lucid so maybe it's an old package stuck somewhere16:05
lucidfoxI've installed and enabled the Sound Menu and MPRIS extensions, yet banshee still isn't shown in the sound menu16:05
WubbbiHey guys. Can someone confirm the white screen that I get after logging in in uptodate Maverick Netbook? I cant use it anymore. Update on way?16:13
alexsanderit's just me or Gwibber freezes a lot?16:28
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alexsanderon the other hand, I loved to use a MSN client with webcam support !!!16:31
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vega_Wubbbi: somebody else reported that too today..16:33
Wubbbiok well tank you. The discussion is in #ubuntu-x now16:34
TheInfinityalexsander: aMSN16:43
TheInfinityalexsander: kopete imho too16:43
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alexsanderTheInfinity, I never really liked aMSN, it looks "non-native"16:44
TheInfinityafaik gnome has no native msn client with video support, sorry :)16:44
alexsanderTheInfinity, I'm going from KDE to GNOME and back since 1999, each one has periods of great releases and poor ones... lately I've been using GNOME16:45
TheInfinityalexsander: i just mix them since i started to use linux ;)16:46
alexsanderTheInfinity, check http://live.gnome.org/Empathy16:46
TheInfinityn msn :)16:47
alexsanderTheInfinity, neither aMSN...16:50
TheInfinityhuh. :/16:51
alexsanderbut video-only seems to work16:52
* TheInfinity used skype for video calls since over 2 years, so i have no overview what happened16:52
myk_robinsonIn network manager, the wired and wireless network are working, both are checkmarked. However, they are grayed out, I cannot uncheck them. Ideas? This problem did not occur in Lucid16:52
josephnexusHello everyone17:10
josephnexusjust wondering if the Funguloids package will be fixed in this release17:10
PiciWhats wrong with it?17:11
josephnexusit doesn't install17:11
josephnexusdue to failed dependancies17:11
josephnexusit's been like that for a few yrs now17:11
PiciWas there a bug filed for that?17:11
josephnexuslet me find it17:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 194686 in ogre-contrib (Ubuntu) "Error installing Funguloids: ogre-plugins-cgprogrammanager doesnt exist" [Medium,Confirmed]17:12
josephnexusit was opened early 200817:12
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josephnexussince it shows in the software centre, you'd expect it to be installable17:14
josephnexusit seems to me that the problem should either be fixed, or the packages affected should be removed17:17
Lars_GIDK wether to weep that I spend 1 to 2 hours updating packages every day, or to thank you all profussely for the improvements in meerkat I notice every day17:22
Picijosephnexus: Actually, it looks like successful builds of that package are sitting in the NEW queue right now.17:23
josephnexusPici, so it might actually be fixed?17:23
Picijosephnexus: Yes.17:23
josephnexusand it will be installable?17:23
Picijosephnexus: I suppose.17:24
yofeljosephnexus: it will be fixed, the problem was a nvidia-cg-toolkit package that didn't work on the launchpad buildds, which was fixed a few days ago, so funguloids will be fine too soon17:24
josephnexusit's a great game, and it's a shame it works everywhere except ubuntu17:24
josephnexusthat's awesome17:24
josephnexusi'm excited for this17:24
josephnexusthanks for the information17:28
josephnexuskeep up the good work!17:28
wompy_dompyhi, i just tried to update to maverick. during setting up of samba the installation fails with this error-message in the console: WARNING: Failed to read mirror file17:30
wompy_dompywhat should i do now?17:30
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wompy_dompyHi.my update to mav broke with the error: WARNING: Failed to read mirror file during the setup of samba. what should i do now17:42
TheInfinitysounds like funny bugs in samba :)17:43
wompy_dompyi dont like that kind of fun..17:43
magedragon25speaking of samba...I have been trying to install it with synaptic and it keeps stalling17:43
TheInfinityi dont have a current beta, but looks like packages are broken atm, huh?17:44
wompy_dompycan i complete the update without samba?17:44
magedragon25I am running current updates in beta17:44
TheInfinitywompy_dompy: of course you can. have fun with apt-pinning :)17:45
wompy_dompysounds like additional fun17:46
nemoOk, why is my new Ubuntu 10.10 AMD64 without any native flash? :(17:47
nemoI've got it on Ubuntu 10.0417:47
wompy_dompyi tried to update my apt-get and it says that it is not able to block /var/lib/dpkg/lock17:48
wompy_dompyi think its still the update-manager who locks it17:48
wompy_dompybut which process is it?17:48
Dr_WillisAnyone else using Deluge and have it crash every time you close it?17:50
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dajhornnemo: Adobe discontinued it.  Recent 32-bit builds run well, however.18:16
nemoI wonder if gnash is becoming usable...18:17
yofel"run well"... here that's more thanks to firefox being able to survive plugin crashes now, as I still get a lot of npviewer.bin segfaults here with the 32bit one18:31
bjsniderwhy use it i say?18:34
Johannes19hat jemand nen HDA Audio am Start?18:53
yofelJohannes19: in diesem channel wird englisch gesprochen, deutscher support für maverick ist in #ubuntu-de+118:55
coz_hey guys how do i pull up only the software sources  dialog?19:13
BajKIs there something broken or why doesnt Kubuntu 10.10 start since I did a dist-upgrade today?19:16
coz_BajK,  not sure .. i know that  one of the libraries on gnome is a bit broken but it only seems to interfere with starting compiz  so I am not sure19:18
coz_libprotobuf  is broken here19:19
yofelcoz_: you don't, you open software center and open software sources from there, or you open the run dialog and open software-properties-gtk19:19
BajKcoz_: it starts Xserver, KDE splash appears and then at the moment the KDE logo should appear (the last icon), X crashes, goes back to text mode, restarts X and it cycles over and over again19:19
BajKi did reinstall 10.10 from scratch and got the same after applying dist-upgrade19:19
coz_yoasif,  that's what I wanted thanks :)19:19
yofelhey yoasif19:20
yoasifhey yofel19:20
coz_sorry yoasif  and yoasif    bad tab day :)19:20
yofelBajK: can you check dmesg and the X log? we did get mesa updates recently19:21
BajKyofel: mom19:21
BajKdunno how to switch to the console? its virtualbox19:21
yofelno idea, I know how it's done in kvm, but on in vbox19:22
WubbbiIs WLAN working fine @ your computer? On mine its very very slow! But I have 100% recive!19:22
coz_yoasif,  sorry guy  apologies for bad tabbing  and thanks again :)19:23
charlie-tcavbox will switch to any tty using your system key (right-ctrl, maybe?) and f2, f3, etc19:23
BajKcharlie-tca: ah kay19:23
BajKbut it doesnt help19:24
BajKI end at thje login19:24
BajKof the console19:24
BajKand then xserver takes over19:24
BajKand crashes and starts and crashes19:24
BajKit does not leave me at tty119:24
BajKhow can i send sysrq+k?19:24
coz_let me bring this up again... two machines  ..both maverick + compiz 0.9.0   ...this machine all current updates  the other no current updates... this machine...when starting compiz spits this out   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/errors/error19:24
charlie-tcamouse - left-click Machine on top19:25
BajKah ok i am now at the console19:25
WubbbiCan someone confirm my WLAN issue?19:26
yofelWubbbi: works fine here (intel chip, WPA2 g)19:27
WubbbiI also have intel chip and WPA2 but it load thinks with 3,4kb/s and it dont matter what. Also Web-Pages takes a lot time to load -.-19:30
WubbbiI bet its a broken driver or kernel here -.-19:30
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coz_I could compile 0.9.0 sans protobuf  but was curious of anyone else has seen this broken?19:33
dutchiehi, i think i'm seeing bug 637002, but i'm not sure of how to generate a tcpdump to compare with the one in the report to see whethe it's the same20:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 637002 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Facebook chat fails, where it worked in 10.04" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63700220:16
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anr78I'm running the beta in a Virtualbox VM. After yesterdays updates I'm thrown into initramfs at boot. I tried booting from a LiveCD to run fsck, but it complaints that the device is mounted (though it's not). Any ideas?20:58
ikoniaanr78: check it's not mounted on the livecd, especially under gfs21:00
anr78ikonia: neither mount, gparted or .gvfs indicate any "mountation"21:01
sebsebsebHello Hi21:05
KnifeySpooneyHi, does anyone know where intel gpu hangs are logged? My gpu hung before I rebooted and I saw that the program 'intel_gpu_dump' was running automatically then finished. Anyone know where it wrote to?21:08
CT1Hi.  What are the differences, advantages/disadvantages (with regards the end result) between these three ways of upgrading: 1. Upgrading from Lucid -> Maverick beta -> installing updates after final release. 2. Clean install of beta then updating in october. 3 Upgrading in october?21:11
CT1If the end result is the same, I want me some Meerkat!21:12
CarlFK#3 is most likely to work21:12
CarlFKI  booted cd, picked "install" from boot menu, now at welcome/language step.  tried to connect to a hiden wifi, seems to fail.  is there some way to open a term window to run dmesg?  or should I reboot into the live desktop?21:14
yofelKnifeySpooney: the folks in #ubuntu-x might know21:15
KnifeySpooneyyofel, thanks21:16
oneneedshelphi....i need help......just installed 10.10.....dunno how to install application .tar.gz21:25
IdleOponeneedshelp: what is it you are trying to install?21:26
oneneedshelpgot it from utorrent.com21:26
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:26
IdleOpthe above should help you21:27
oneneedshelpvery technical for my humble knowledge21:27
oneneedshelpwill try to understand21:27
IdleOponeneedshelp: then perhaps you should not be running a beta version of Ubuntu21:27
oneneedshelpit is what i found on the front page21:28
oneneedshelpsometime ago i had version 9.121:28
IdleOpcan you run lsb_release -a in a terminal and tell me what it returns21:28
oneneedshelphow do I do that ?21:29
IdleOpopen a terminal21:29
jamaltaHi, is there a reason why the Me Menu won't let me post to my broadcasts account, even though I've configured Gwibber?21:29
jamaltaThe input box is disabled.21:29
oneneedshelphow to open terminal ?21:30
IdleOponeneedshelp: if you can't open a terminal without help you really should not be running 10.1021:31
IdleOp!manual | oneneedshelp21:31
ubottuoneneedshelp: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/21:31
IdleOpthe manual linked above will help get you started with the basics of Ubuntu21:31
oneneedshelpcan u pls help me now on this ?21:31
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IdleOpgo to Applications > Accessories > Terminal21:32
IdleOptype: lsb_release -a21:32
IdleOpwhat version does it say is installed21:32
nemokklimonda: still no linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.35-21-generic in Synaptic :(21:33
oneneedshelpUbuntu 10.04.1 LTS release 10.0421:33
oneneedshelpcodename: Lucid21:34
IdleOponeneedshelp: ok you are running Lucid.21:34
IdleOpNow go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware and read up on how to compile software. if you need more help ask in #ubuntu.21:34
oneneedshelpin ubuntu they told me to come here21:35
IdleOpConsider searching in the Software Center under the Applications menu before downloading from the internet.21:35
IdleOponeneedshelp: that is because you said you were running 10.1021:35
IdleOpbut you aren't21:35
oneneedshelpah ok21:36
Vardanhi all. people I have installed kubuntu 10.10 beta release and have such kind of problem. For example when I open rekonq the system says that there are some extra packages that I may need to install I click details it's showing packages names I click install, then the system ask my password I type password and every time it shows up this message "The package "" has not been found among your software sources. Therefore, it cannot be installed." what is the22:02
Vardansudo aptitude update not helped22:04
jamaltaAny clue why the broadcast input box in the MeMenu is disabled? I have Gwibber configured and working.22:48
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lupine_85hrm, I've installed the ubuntu beta and evolution thinks it's working offline and doesn't have any settings to make it working online23:12
lupine_85ah, it's talking to the stupid network-manager applet23:13
* lupine_85 reluctantly sets up eth0 with NM rather than /etc/network/interfaces23:15
cozziemotohey guys... no sun java in partner repos yet...is it coming????  yes??23:21
Dinkcozziemoto, normally comes later23:23
yofelthere is a bug requesting it, nothing more yet23:23
cozziemotoDink,  ok  and yofel  thanks23:23
cozziemotowill have to just install lucid and upgrade the system23:23
yofelerm, you can add lucid partner to maverick23:24
cozziemotoyofel, mm i could yes  that might be a better solution23:24
Tetsuo55hi, can we get this packadge updated somehow? 1.43-3 (cppcheck)23:43
Cpt_Zyphhey guys is this OCT release going to tbe the version that does not have a gnome shell?? or is that a later release?23:47
nigelbgnome shell has been there for some time23:47
nigelbonly it isn't the default yet23:47
Cpt_Zyphi was reading that the gnome shell will not be in the next release23:47
nigelbits a bit crashy tbh23:48
svuevince says: GLib-GIO-ERROR **: Settings schema 'org.gnome.Evince.Default' is not installed23:48
svuand dies23:48
svuis that fixable?23:48
CarlFKinstalled from CD, didn't get the new wallpaper.  does that mean I forgot to check "download updates while installing" ?23:49
Cpt_Zyphnigelb i figured thats why they were relasing one that is being taken out. i'm thus far been learning fedora but i would like to check out ubuntu just trying to wait for one if there is going to be a major change in OCT i might wait untill then23:50
nigelbCpt_Zyph: it doesn't work in Ubuntu, I forget why, some conflict/crash23:50
cc12hey all has anyone tried 10.0 beta23:52
CarlFKdist-upgrade = "need to get 150m of archives"  so yeah, I guess i forgot to check the box23:53
Cpt_Zyphnigelb so is there anything major in this new release that i should be waiting for .. or is it an easy thing to update to the new release next month? that way i can get practice in now23:53
kklimondasvu: is your system up to date?23:54
nigelbCpt_Zyph: Plenty, unity is coming in this release, sound menu, and much more23:54
CarlFKcc12: i have been running it on my laptop for about 6 weeks, and just installed a 2 day old daily.  so far so good.23:54
Cpt_Zyphsound menu like theme effects when clickign menus and such.. i'll have to read up on unity not sure what that is.. thanks i'll read up more.. btu the core of the OS will eb the same so learning some this month should be applicaple to next etc..23:55
Cpt_Zyphnigelb i found that link again i was reading from before https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/openweekLucid/AskMark23:56

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