
GrueMasterFinally managed to recover my nand on my beagleboard.  Everytime I ran flash-kernel in Lucid, it would spew i/o errors writing the uInitrd.  Erased it from uboot and reflashed from mmc.  Works.01:47
GrueMasterNow testing Lucid->Maverick upgrade.  Only 11 hours remaining.  Whee.01:47
rsalvetiouch :-)01:48
rsalvetisd card is tooo slow :-(01:48
rsalvetievery task you have that include removing/updating/installing packages takes hours01:50
GrueMasterLuckily I have other platforms to do work on.  But today has been platform hell day.01:52
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lagMorning sebjan09:15
lagMorning ndec09:18
lagMorning anyone else at TI :)09:19
bercogood morning lag09:19
sebjanmorning lag :)09:20
bercopersia: looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ti-omap4/+bug/63794709:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 637947 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "no sound devices on current ES2.0 boards (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Confirmed]09:20
lagHas a meeting just finished?09:20
lagsebjan: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/55654467/dmesg.txt :(09:20
bercopersia: I don't get how to translate our daemon.conf settings into this /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf file. It doesn't sound to me we can even change this alsa.conf file either...09:21
sebjancooloney: the last patches submitted into the ti-omap4 ubuntu tree are not in a package yet. There has been a start new release, but no new package version commit. Can we expect to have this commited before the freeze?09:21
sebjanlag: high-res timers flag appears to be deactivated into our kernel config, though I can't'understand why... this might be the problem?09:24
lagSo, what do we need to do to change it?09:24
sebjanwell, fdr editconfigs ;)09:25
lagOn it's just a config option?09:25
persiaberco, At a broad level, we don't want to change the configuration files unless we're absolutely sure that we're changing them in a way that is the best set of defaults for every potential platform on which Ubuntu is installed, which makes it tricky.  I'm looking through your attachments to see if I can come up with any translation guidance.09:25
lagWhat's the difference between ti-ubuntu-<blar> and for-buntu-<blar>09:26
sebjanfor-ubuntu-<> is the patches I propose to go into the official ubuntu tree09:26
sebjanti-ubuntu-<> is th tree I use to generate images for our internal use09:26
cooloneysebjan: it is just a start new release commit, its not realy about kernel freeze09:27
sebjanboth branches are almost aligned (except for the changlog that I hack in the ti-ubuntu-<> branch)09:28
cooloneysebjan: today is Sep 15, tomorrow will be kernel freez09:28
bercopersia: thanks09:28
sebjancooloney: I was just wondering when we would get these patches into a daily image :)09:28
sebjanlag: what did run to get the error your sent me (with the high-res timers message)?09:29
cooloneysebjan: aha, i need to ping tim, who will try to bump it to 903.12 and upload it09:30
cooloneysebjan: then we got them in daily image09:30
persiacooloney, Just be careful with the metas: we had a fail-to-upload recently on linux.09:30
cooloneypersia: oh, what's issue of fail-to-upload?09:32
persiaI'll let you know as soon as I have free RAM :)09:32
sebjancooloney: it seems that we miss the high-res timers in our defconfig. lag reported an error indicating they are deactivated, and indeed they are deactivated from our defconfig.09:35
cooloneysebjan: OK, got it, thx lag09:36
bercosebjan: are you going to enable it?09:36
lagDo you want me to test and submit to the Kernel Team Mailing List?09:37
sebjanberco: yes09:37
bercosebjan: 10.10 or 24.9?09:37
sebjanberco: both09:37
bercosebjan: cool, thx09:38
cooloneylag: yeah, please09:38
cooloneylag: so if you enabled that in kernel, the alsa oops will be gone, right?09:38
* lag shrugs09:39
lagI'll know when I test09:39
cooloneylag and sebjan, i think we need to enable that09:40
cooloney$ grep -r CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS debian.master/config/09:40
cooloneydebian.master/config/armel/config.flavour.versatile:# CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS is not set09:40
cooloneyto align with other configs.09:40
sebjancooloney, lag, yes I think so, and I checked it was also active in our dev team's tree09:41
cooloneysebjan: ok, great.09:41
* cooloney is trying to enable dynamic ftrace on omap4 to debug the highmem issue.09:41
cooloneyi got some patches from Mathieu09:42
sebjancooloney: cool if this works! (dynamic ftrace)09:43
persiacooloney, I can't find it offhand: had something to do with differing ABI numbers09:44
lagI tried to use ftrace on one of the Arm boards before and it murdered the system09:46
cooloneypersia: is this one: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2010-September/012754.html09:48
sebjanlag: yes, me too, this was not supported upstream for arm. I don't know if it changed in the last months?09:48
cooloneylag: don't scare me. man09:48
persiaberco, I believe that the translation of the shellscript is fairly easy: "amixer cset name='Earphone Driver Switch' 1" would become "CTL{name}='Earphone Driver Switch', CTL{value}=1".  I'd recommend going for the "all mixer config", so that the user has everything when they want to start playing.  You'd put the configuration in a separate file in /usr/share/alsa/init and then reference it from /usr/share/alsa/init/00main conditionally based on CA09:48
persiacooloney, Precisely :)09:48
persiaberco, For the default.pa static loading: what issues have you had with module-udev-detect?09:50
persiaberco, Also, why do you want to disable module-console-kit in default.pa?  We rely on this to support user switching (among other features).09:51
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persiaberco, lastly, the changes to daemon.conf are documented as bug #62324209:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 623242 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "speex-float-1 provides poor performance on armel (affects: 1) (heat: 173)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62324209:52
persialag, Did you ever get anywhere with a board-specific driver for 637947?09:54
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* persia continues to think that fiddling with configuration isn't the best way to address 63794709:57
lagpersia: I'm in mid swing09:58
lagpersia: Apparently sound works on the 8 layer board09:58
lagpersia: Other people have stated that it works on the 6 layer too09:58
ograwho cares about the rest :P09:58
persiasound "working" isn't the issue: it's whether the drivers are correctly reporting the wiremap to userspace.09:58
lagDid you see my latest post?09:58
persiathe dmesg one?09:59
lagpersia: I don't know anything about a kernel->user-space wiremap09:59
ogralag, well, it doesnt expose the HW to userspace at all ... (in the HW tab of the settings window) so something is still wrong10:00
persialag, Hrm.  Typically all this happens inside the kernel, and userspace just works.  Let me find the right bit in the linux source docs.10:00
persiaDocumentation/sound/alsa/soc/jack.txt has a description of how the jack description works for ASoC10:01
* ogra tests the netbook-launcher fixes ...10:02
persiaBut I think the stuff in machine.txt is the missing bit, from what I've heard (I'd be glad to be wrong)10:02
persiaMy understanding is that we have a platform driver for omap4, but no panda-specific driver.10:03
persia(all this is based on hearsay: I've not dug into the kernel code)10:03
lagsebjan: What's your knowledge on this? --^10:04
persialag, Anyway, for your dmesg, were you using the mangled config fragments berco posted?10:04
lagsebjan: Who do I need to speak to for more information?10:04
lagpersia: I'm using TI's for-ubuntu kernel 'as is'10:05
persiaI'm talking about userspace config10:06
persiaThere are ways to work around buggy kernels and buggy drivers in userspace, and we have a static solution for that, although it needs work to be available if we really can't fix it in the kernel.10:06
bercopersia: thanks. For the default.pa I will check with our internal audio team as this is their recommandation I just followed. Also trying to understand if all that is needed10:08
lagI am using robclark's method - I'll send you the email10:08
sebjanlag: not much knowledge... I would say Liam (lrg) is the one. Though I am not sure if he is available this week?10:08
XorAlrg is on holiday this week10:09
* XorA has the slimlogic panda on my desk anyway10:09
persiaberco, OK.  If the kernel drivers are clean, udev should be reporting the right stuff to pulseaudio through module-udev-detect, so we would set any values we need to workaround module loading defaults with udev rules (although it makes sense to me to just set the correct defaults in the kernel modules themselves, as long as we're at it).  For module-console-kit, I've already spoken to folks more knowledgeable about audio in Ubuntu than I, and we10:10
persiareally, really, really, really don't want to disable it.10:10
lagberco: Are you a TI bod?10:11
XorAmaking a panda/fixing panda audio conf should take about 2 hours for a kernel hacker with schematic, its really not hard10:11
persiaXorA, Does my understanding that we need a machine-specific driver match that estimate?10:12
XorAcp omap4430sdp.c panda.c edit10:12
XorAId be surprised if you needed to change more than about 20 lines of code10:12
lagXorA: Where can we get said schematic?10:12
XorAshould just be the wiring map10:12
XorAlag: bug prpplague or any of the other TI dudes10:13
persiaberco, Would you be able to hunt down a wiring map, and attach it to 637947?10:13
XorAin fact you would probably spend more time in wasted discussion here than actually coding :-)10:13
bercolag: yes, work with ndec and sebjan. same team10:14
bercopersia: not sure if I can publish this info yet. Let me check on that.10:15
persiaberco, OK.  I'm fairly certain we can't upload a driver without the information (doesn't have to be a formal diagram, just knowing what codec pins attach to what ports, etc.) :)10:16
lagXorA: Do you mean: sound/soc/omap/sdp4430.c10:16
XorAlag: yeah, I guessed at name without source in front of me10:16
lagWho is: Misael Lopez Cruz10:16
persiaI think the other name is the Xloader driver for the same thing10:16
bercopersia: understood. I will see what we can share. Agree it can be useful.10:17
XorAlag: he is a TI contracter somewhere in the world10:17
cooloneysebjan: for the bus error, did you see my updates?10:18
lagIt seems a bit of a waste to duplicate an 800 line file to amend just 20 lines10:18
persialag, The alternative is making it somehow support both sorts of HW and export that sensibly to userspace.  if you want an example of how painful that can get, look at the Intel HDA driver :)10:19
XorAlag: no reason they cant be combined with the right if(machine_is) stuff10:19
XorAlag: I was just going for quickest coding route10:19
lagWell I'm happy to take it on10:20
lagI just need the correct documentation10:20
* persia updates the bug with bits from the conversation10:21
sebjancooloney: no, which updates?10:28
cooloneysebjan: oh, not big change, just reproduce it on my es2.0 board10:31
cooloneybut it is not bus error10:31
cooloneyits Unhandled fault: imprecise external abort10:31
bercopersia: any idea for the problem of H/W not listed in the Volume Applet? If I do a cat /proc/asound/cards I see the SDP443010:37
persiaberco, Could you please paste 1) the output of `amixer` and 2) the  additional entries in syslog.conf from `kill -HUP $(pidof pulseaudio)` ?10:40
persiaI have a suspicion it's a continuation of the lack of a machine driver, but that's a guess.10:41
bercopersia: for #1 see here: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/494079/10:42
bercopersia: on my board I don't have syslog.conf. How is it supported to be generated? I see a syslog file in /var/log but nothing related to pulse when kill -HUP is done on PA10:55
persiaMy apologies.  It's the extra stuff in /var/log/syslog I want to see.10:55
persiaPlease, if you ever have trouble following my directions, ask me if that's what I really meant :)10:56
bercopersia: np :)10:56
persiaDo you get anything on STDOUT from kill -HUP on pulse?10:56
bercopersia: nothing on stdout or syslog10:57
persiabecause the pulseaudio manpage says it's supposed to dump the status report to STDOUT or syslog on receipt of SIGHUP :(10:57
persiaDid you do anything special to the system to start pulse?10:57
bercopersia: nothing special. it just starts at boot time10:59
bercosession I believe rather than boot10:59
persiaSo just default.  Is this with or without module-console-kit?11:00
bercojust verified, I'm w/o module-console-kit11:01
bercowhile i'm waiting for the audio team to respond to me as of why to commented it I can try to re-enable it11:02
persiaWould you?  I'm not quite sure how all that works together, but I wonder if there's some race condition on login without that enabled that makes things different than expected.11:02
persiaThat said, it's a complete mystery to me why pulse isn't dumping a status report, and I wonder if it's even running properly.11:03
bercopersia: pulse is difficult...11:03
persiaTake care: it can get a bit more confusing when you start looking for sample-accurate mixing and routing :)  pulse is a nice compromise.11:04
bercopersia: uncommented the console-kit line in default.pas and got the following in syslog after kill command: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/494097/11:20
persiaheh.  I knew we wanted that for something :)11:21
bercoSorry, it took me some time to do the test. I had problems to make the test but I think it was b'cos of wifi which I removed for now.11:22
persiaOK.  Pulse is definitely seeing useful syncs.  Do you still have the cardcoded default output to "mm" in your configuration?11:23
persiaErr, sinks11:23
* ogra writes a bug "Lennart Poettering is spamming my logs" :P11:23
persiaogra, Why?  that syslog stuff only appears on request (SIGHUP)11:24
bercopersia: yes11:24
ograpersia, yeah, i'm not serious :)11:24
persiaExcellent!  That means the problem is with indicator-sound, about which I know nothing :)11:24
ograronoc does :)11:24
bercoso do I11:24
ogracatch him and corner him11:25
ograhe wrote it11:25
bercowhat is indicator-sound supposed to do exactly?11:25
persiaIt's the name of the package that provides what is perceived as a volume applet.11:26
ograits the new UI tool, though it doesnt provide the sound dialog11:26
ograonly the panel item11:27
persiaOh.  Anyway, looking at the code, it seems to all be wildly autodetecting anyway, which ought just work, since there are sinks.11:27
bercook, got it11:27
* persia hugs `lsw` from suckless-tools11:29
ograthe app that pops up if you click the sound preferences item in the menu is still gnome-volume-control i think11:29
persiaThat's confusing.  gnome-volume-control is clearly just querying pulse for sinks and sources, and we know pulse has them.11:31
persiaberco, Could you try installing pavucontrol and seeing if you see more there?11:32
bercopersia: yes, I can certainly do that. Maybe after lunach ;) getting hungry...11:32
bercopersia: for the amixer settings, can't they be in a omap4430.conf file in /usr/share/alsa/cards folder?11:33
ograndec, around ?11:35
persiaberco, It would be better to have them in the kernel, in sound/soc/omap/panda.c or similar, but in the worst case, yes.  Note that both files contain essentially the same information (although I don't know that anyone here knows how to convert the one to the other)11:36
persiaAlso, be careful about naming: the wiremap (and therefore which bits you want to set as defaults, etc.) is board-specific, not SoC-specific.11:37
bercopersia: I agree with the kernel change but meanwhile I need to find a solution11:37
persiaberco, Well, you can certainly look at dropping stuff in /usr/share/alsa to help indicate how to configure stuff.  Depending on what bit you want to configure, drop it in a different place.  As long as it's correctly autodetecting based on the hardware, it ought work.11:39
persiaThat said, I expect that regardless of what ends up being created kernel-side, anything you do now will have to change yet again once there is something kernelside.11:39
persiaI'm also not convinced that the fails-to-show-up-in-the-volume-applet issue is at all related to the configuration.  I could be wrong, but I'd like confirmation from another tool (pavucontrol) to ensure it's not a UI issue alone.11:41
ograwhy does the Favorites category not work anymore13:17
lagberco: Any luck on those documents?13:25
bercolag: sorry, no answer yet. Waiting for the Us to wake up13:27
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persialag, You might try to guess based on what data is being reported by the platform driver, and what configuration amixer needs (in the shell script attached to the bug).  I suspect at least 50% of the data you need (and perhaps all of it) is encoded there somehow.13:51
* ogra goes mad trying to make favorites appear14:00
* persia looks at the build log for liblauncher, seeing absolutely no reason they shouldn't be there14:00
ograwell, we dont have any .desktop file for them yet14:01
ograi just added one 2h ago14:01
ograand try to find out since then why it doesnt show up14:01
ograi dont really care about the normal favorites ... what i try to do is to add a .desktop file that contains an apturl entry for all the TI PPA packages14:02
ograso that if you click on it, it fires up software center, shows the EULA and installs them14:02
ograseems we have that feature now14:03
persiaIt's not driven by .desktop files directly: they come from the gconf key, and then do a lookup on the desktop DB to show them.14:03
ograthe gconf key ?14:03
ograhow would a gconf key affect .menu files14:04
ograor .desktop files14:04
ograpersia, which gconf key would that be ?14:04
persiaUnless I just read the code wrong after you commented on it again 40 minutes ago, liblauncher populates Favorites based on the /apps/netbook-launcher/favorites key14:06
persiaAnd the default list is set in /var/lib/gconf/une.default/%gconf-tree.xml14:06
ograbah, sigh14:07
persiaWhat have you been trying to do?14:07
ograwhich points to unity only14:07
ograi was using a very old netbook-launcher source14:07
persiaUgh, missed that.  Good catch.14:08
ograwhich used a .menu and a .directry file to add a Favorites category14:08
ograseems thats in the older sessings package then14:08
* ogra goes digging14:08
persiaThat was all sorts of standards incompliant, and the interface I complained about enough to learn how it was done and get it sorted sensibly :)14:08
ograi want to get that apturl stuff in befpore freeze14:08
persiaSo, I think there's some latent bug somewhere, because liblauncher still hardcodes /apps/netbook-launcher/favorites in the source.14:09
persiaTry sticking something there, and see if it works :)14:09
persialooking at http://launchpadlibrarian.net/55622759/add-favorites.diff (which was included in the last netbook-launcher-efl upload), I believe that the liblauncher location ought be compatible with the --add-favorite option.14:12
ograthats using ~/.local14:13
ograi need something i can add to our system defaults14:13
persiaIt's using local gconf, isn't it?14:13
persiaSet a couple, then ship them as gconf-defaults.14:13
ograi'll try14:14
persiaGood luck.  Stick your findings in 613612, and I'll see if I can do anything based on that in case you don't make it by EOD.14:16
ograno go :/14:28
ograpersia, where exactly do you see the /apps/netbook-launcher/favorites stuff ?14:35
ograjayabharath, what were your probs with the image ? (you pinged yesterday)14:35
jayabharathogra: They were related to long boot times at first boot... rsalveti & ubot2 pointed me to the jasper fs issue on OMAP4... I guess its a known active problem ..14:37
ograno. its not14:37
rsalvetiit should just work14:37
ograresizing takes 2:30 for me14:37
rsalvetijayabharath: I tested with yesterday's image and it worked fine, and very fast14:37
ograthen another 20sec for setting the defaults, then it reboots into the config tool14:37
rsalvetiit's weird that from time to time someone complains about broken fs while resizing the image...14:38
jayabharathok. will try the latest daily and see if that makes a difference.14:38
rlameirohi there14:38
ograthe overall install should be done within 10-12 min until it starts a usable enduser desktop14:38
rlameiroare the arm kernels compiled for each devices, or that is not possible?14:38
* jayabharath think 10-12 mins is like eternity in the embedded world :)14:38
rsalvetimaybe a problem while giving dd and flushing the writes to the disk, don't know...14:39
ograoem-config actually takes the longest time here14:39
ograjayabharath, whats an embedded world ?14:39
ograwe dont do embedded :)14:39
ogra12min are incredibly fast for the ubuntu world :)14:39
rsalvetithat's for sure14:40
ograeven 15-20 would be :)14:40
jayabharathoh yeah.. we get annoyed if our board doesent booth within 30 sec :)... we had <30 sec boottimes with OMAP2... :P (ofcourse not under ubuntu)14:41
ograrlameiro, for each subarchitecture (we have omap3 kernels that should work with many omap3 based boards ... omap4 kernels etc etc)14:41
rlameiroogra: yes i know that, but there are some especifics that dont work14:41
ograjayabharath, heh, 30sec ... u-boot takes that long to only load the kernel from SD14:42
rlameirofor instance there is a setup for the beagle board, but not for the IGEPv214:42
rlameiroogra, well, video and audio doesnt work Out the box on the Igepv214:42
jayabharathorga - thats true.. we did some hacks in uboot & we had NAND flash on those boards.. now its all SD...14:42
ograrlameiro, might be that there is a bug open for that already, if not, open one14:43
ograjayabharath, yeah, SD is the painful part ... the panda would really fly if we had faster disk IO14:43
ograbut SD somewhat restricts that14:43
rsalvetiI'm using one with an usb disk and it's a lot faster :-)14:44
rlameirowhere do i open it? on the ubuntu -arm kernel team launchpad?14:44
rsalvetiseems like a normal desktop14:44
ograrlameiro, just on launchpad against the linux package, but i'm pretty suzre there are already bugs for it, so search first14:44
rlameiroogra: thanks14:45
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lagrobclark: Morning15:07
robclarkgm lag15:08
lagrobclark: Do you know who wrote the userspace hacks to make sound work on the Panda?15:08
robclarkahh, you mean the default.pa and that stuff..15:09
robclarkI guess someone on audio team, but I'm not sure..15:09
lagWho are this mysterious 'audio team'?15:10
ograyou can probably only reach them by phone :)15:10
robclarkwell, lgr might be best to ping.. although I think he is out of office this week..15:11
robclarkI'm not sure if rest of them are on IRC much.. but I can harass them to get on IRC15:11
lagHe is on holiday this week15:11
lagThat would be good :)15:11
lagI don't really want to waste hours learning things that can be imparted in minutes15:12
lagEven email is better than nothing/phone15:13
lagBut IRC would be best, as other people can interject15:13
robclarkyeah, agreed15:13
lagCheers buddy - let me know how you get on15:13
* robclark just tries to find email thread where we were discussion audio/pulse issues..15:14
ndeclag: sadly I don't think anyone really knows (TI) what we need to do with the audio config... and we just have this dirty workaround for now.15:18
ndeclag: persia, ogra and berco have started some discussion on 63794715:19
lagndec: If I know what the dirty workaround/hack is, I can transcribe it into the kernel15:19
ograwohoo, finally !15:19
* ogra sees favorites on the launcher15:19
ndecogra: sorry man! i was stuck in meethings so far and my irc had crashed... so no clue what was discussed so far... someone told me you were looking for me.15:20
lag637947 is assigned to me :)15:20
ndeclag: cool... so I will just wait for the fix ;-)15:20
ograndec, i mailed you instead ... with the apport instructions15:20
ndeclag did you receive the default.pa and alsa conf file?15:20
lagI have seen/read that, but most of that discussion is guesses :)15:20
ograndec, seems apport has all you need15:20
lagndec: I did, but I don't know what's changed15:21
ndeclag: with our custom default.pa and alsa conf, we are able to have audio at boot (include the boot welcome sound). we are able to switch dynamically from HMDI and speakers while totem is playing...15:21
ograi think persia added some proper info how the amixer stuff needs to be handled15:21
* ogra wouldnt call that guesses15:21
ndecogra: lag: I think the *real* fix is to fix the driver. a nice workaround is to create a hard coded config in /usr/share/also/.../SDP4430, a dirty workaround is our .sh script that runs amixer config15:22
ograndec, no15:22
ndecogra: thanks for apport stuf.. i will check this. how about the PPA armel for tiomap-dev?15:22
ograndec, there are better ways in alsa to achieve what you need15:23
ograthats what persia elaborated on in the bug15:23
lagI'm happy to fix the driver15:23
ndecogra: but there are pulse config problems too.15:23
ograndec, the two changes to default.pa are in now15:23
ograand it seems the support for the config dir doesnt work15:23
ndecogra: default.pa should figure out what the output/input audio are from /proc/asound, right? today we need to hard code the streams in default.pa15:23
ograwell, there were two lines that needed changing in default.pa iirc15:24
ograthese went in15:24
ndecogra: i think you are talking about daemon.conf changes. we also have changes in default.pa to create/list the output and input streams15:24
ograwith todays upload15:24
ograno, i think i talk about default.pa15:24
* ogra checks15:24
ograbug 62324215:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 623242 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "speex-float-1 provides poor performance on armel (affects: 1) (heat: 173)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62324215:25
* ndec checks too15:25
ogragah, you are right15:25
ogra+default-fragments = 815:26
ogra+default-fragment-size-msec = 1015:26
ograand +resample-method = speex-float-115:26
ograthree lines actually15:26
ndecogra: yes, in daemon.conf.in15:26
ograsorry, my bad15:26
ndecogra: np15:26
lagRight, let's start from the beginning15:33
lagWhat is the SDP4430?15:33
hrwother name of blaze?15:34
lagWhat AudioIC/CODECs are on the Panda/Blaze?15:35
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bercolag: hrw: SDP4430 is actually another board OMAP4430 based (Software Development Platform)15:36
lagOkay s/Blaze/SDP443015:37
ndeclag: SD4430 is the name of the audio chip in our audio driver. cat /proc/asound/cards15:37
lagNow that makes more sense15:38
lagSo why am I porting sdp4430.c if the board I'm porting to has an sdp4430?15:38
ograndec, btw, i found a very elegant way for the ppa package install ... including to show a general EULA for the PPA itself15:40
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ndecogra: interesting. but I think we will have different EULA for different packages...15:42
lagDo the SDP4430 and the Panda have different CODECS? I know the SDP4430 has a TWL6040 - what about the Panda?15:43
ndecogra: i have reused the sun-java source package to make my EULA/clickwrap package based on debconf15:44
ndeclag: same CODECS. only the name is confusing...15:44
lagndec: So they have the same audio IC and the same CODEC?15:45
lagSo what needs porting?15:45
ndecogra: we can potentially present a message to mention that user is about to user a PPA that comes with restrictions... I can get an official text. anyway you can demo that to me?15:45
ndeclag: yes15:45
ndeclag: well it does not work on both ;-) if you boot a ubuntu image, you have no audio until you run our customer amixer.sh script and until you hack default.pa15:46
ograndec, not yet ... but the plan is to have an icon in the favorites category that will trigger software-center using apturl its very elegant and can show a text as html15:46
ograndec, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#apturl15:46
lagndec: :)15:47
ograi need to get your public PPA working first, and one package in there, then we can test it15:47
* ogra still waits for reply for the PPA 15:47
lagI'm aware it doesn't work on both - I'm trying to find out why i.e. what's different15:47
ndecogra: once the public PPA is armel ;-) I can push a package there.15:48
ograi'm waiting for IS15:48
ndecogra: that would be a GPL package (e.g. no debconf mess) but that should be fine for you, right?15:48
ograi suddenly have to use a new process ... that sadly takes longer :(15:48
ograanything is fine :)15:49
ograas long as a .deb comes out of it ;)15:49
ndecogra: is that really important ;-)15:49
ndecogra: the apturl is indeed really cool.. you are a lucky guy, the work is done already!15:50
robclarklag, AFAIK audio is same on panda and sdp/blaze.. both have TWL6040, tho panda might be a newer revision (not 100% sure about that)15:50
ograndec, yeah :)15:50
ograndec, about bug 631362 ... we should try to join forces to get it fixed, seem luke would accept a patch if he could get one that doesnt crash pulse15:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 631362 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "Include several configuration files (affects: 1) (heat: 14)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63136215:51
ndecogra: welll. maybe.. that would give us an elegant solution to implement a dirty workaround and move our customization from default.pa into omap4.pa...15:52
ograi dont see any other way here15:52
ograyou cant modify default.pa15:52
ndecogra: from the log the commit I am interested in, is breaking pulse... that looks weird..15:53
ograunless you ship your own copy of pulse15:53
ndecogra: well, I can modify it.. it's just uggly...15:53
ogranot in a distro way15:53
ograthe only possible solution would be to ship your own pulse15:53
ndecogra: how about divert?15:53
ograor to put up a HOWTO15:53
ograif you divert you will have nedless problems for people that upgrade15:54
ogradiversion is never a solution15:54
ndecogra: don't scream but right now, we have a meta package that makes a backup and override the file in preinst and restore in prerm ;-)15:54
* ogra screams15:54
ogralets try to get pulse fixed15:54
ndecogra: i am claiming we do everything right ;-)... no even claiming we do many things right!15:55
* ndec knew it would be a good motivation for ogra15:55
ograif i have solved the PPA stuff i'll take pulse and see what i can do15:55
ograiirc default.pa is actually a perl script15:55
ograit might even be possible to do the include from within default.pa15:56
ograand to just override the exiusting values from parsed files15:57
ndecogra: by the way, we might need stuff from universe in order to enable all omap4 features (such as obexftp). can you activate somehow unicers?16:00
ograi can try to hack something into jasper16:01
ograjasper turns  more and more into "hack around that prob" anyway16:02
ograoh, no, wait16:02
ograndec, thats only for ppa stuff, right ?16:02
ndecogra: yes. this is for using bluetotth16:02
ograapturl ;)16:02
ograit will be able to take care16:03
ndecogra: too easy..16:03
ograthe best thing since sliced bread16:03
ogra(and butter)16:03
ograndec, do you have any TI logo i could just use for the desktop icon (else i'll make something up or find a panda picture or some such)16:04
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
* ogra takes a (really needed) break16:07
sebjanrsalveti: it seems that we are missing a patch into the x-loader embedded into the daily images. Where can I find the tree for this x-loader, to check all the patches are integrated into it?16:17
ogra_acsebjan, the copyright file in /usr/share/docs/<packagename> usually has it16:18
ogra_ac(at least for packages i rolled)16:18
ogra_accopyright has the upstream tree, package version usually has a timestamp of teh git checkout16:19
rsalvetilet me check16:20
rsalvetithis is for omap 316:23
rsalvetisebjan: do you want to know for omap 4, am I right?16:23
ogra_acthats omap3 though16:24
rsalvetifor omap 416:24
ogra_aci bet sebjan meant omap416:24
rsalvetiwith 2 additional patches from robclark16:25
rsalveti02-panda-fix-ddr-timings.patch and 03-panda-x-loader-emif-1gb-support.patch16:25
rsalvetiyep, I need coffee, didn't get any today yet16:25
ogra_cmpcwow, the lag on the ac100 is unbearable16:27
* ogra_cmpc just noticed how different that conversaiton looks here16:27
lagogra_cmpc: Your lag is unbearable16:28
ogra_cmpcno, the cmpc is fine :)16:28
lagI wish people would stop using my name in vain16:29
ogra_cmpcwell, pick a better name16:29
lagHow about: lksjopfjljfslijgblsflshfjpoglpjfdlwnegiljksjllmsw?16:29
=== lag is now known as lksjopfjljfslijg
ogra_cmpcask lool, i think he has experience with bad highlights *g*16:30
lksjopfjljfslijgNow I won't have any issues16:30
rsalvetisebjan: let me know if there is any other needed patch around16:30
robclarkhi lksjopfjljfslijg16:30
* lksjopfjljfslijg thinks 16 letters isn't enough 16:31
ogra_cmpclksjopfjljfslijg, finally a nick you can easily pronounce !16:31
GrueMasterIt's that Aussie spelling that is tricky.16:31
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ogra_cmpcnahm a lot of chewing gum helps16:32
=== jigijigijigjijig is now known as lag
sebjanrsalveti: I was suspecting a mux for BT missing, but I see it into the pandaboard tree...16:34
sebjanrsalveti: I'll compare the x-loader source package with my tree16:35
ndeclag: you should use a SHA1 ;-)16:39
lagWon't fit :(16:40
ndeclag: 474bbd2a7fd32e7d0823082f313395bfc8d1531916:40
ndecogra: let me check for the logo16:40
lag474bbd2a7fd32e7d :Erroneous Nickname16:40
rsalvetisebjan: hm, ok16:41
ogra_cmpclag, are you done ? so i can move the ruler on my client back to the left ?16:41
lagI promise nothing16:42
ndecogra: so i need to give you the logo and a welcome message, right? I like the idea of the welcome message... more than the license one!16:44
GrueMasterI think lag should be known by his md5sum:  7604c463c8318ff229ca042b7bdf5d1816:44
ogra_cmpcndec, yup, that would be good16:44
* GrueMaster sips more coffee and works on waking up.16:45
lagGrueMaster: It won't allow it16:45
rsalvetiogra_cmpc: just added another fix for bug 62720116:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 627201 in jasper-initramfs (Ubuntu) "Reactivate swap file generation by Jasper (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62720116:46
rsalvetito avoid using sparse files for swap16:46
* ogra_cmpc checks16:46
rsalvetibranch uploaded and ready to merge :-)16:47
rsalvetiogra_cmpc: you made the same mistake I did when adding the code back to jasper16:47
rsalvetiwhen you commented the code, you also changed the dd line to create a sparse file16:47
ogra_cmpcoh, yeah, files with holes, i remember16:47
rsalvetithen for the latest commit you just removed the comments16:47
rsalvetiso it needs to change back to the very old dd line :-)16:48
ogra_cmpcyup, i missed that16:48
rsalvetijust tested at my c4 and it's working fine with my branch16:49
rsalvetiswap is back in the game16:50
ogra_cmpchow long does creation take ?16:50
rsalvetiaround 3 minutes :-(16:50
rsalvetiat least on my c416:50
ogra_cmpcwell, IO ....16:50
ogra_cmpcwont be better on other SDs16:50
rsalvetiI sent one patch that was applied for normal beagle16:51
rsalvetithat improves the sd performance16:51
ogra_cmpcright but it will still suck16:51
rsalvetiand it's already applied for omap4, so it should be a little faster :-)16:51
rsalvetiyep :-(16:51
ogra_cmpci wonder ...16:51
ogra_cmpcif we could create it in a tmpfs and then mv it16:52
rsalvetione way is to add the swap file while creating the image, then you move the creating to image build time, not installation16:52
GrueMasterWould it be faster to create the file during image creation?16:52
ogra_cmpc(doing the mv backgrounded)16:52
ogra_cmpcGrueMaster, it would not happen during first boot then16:53
rsalvetiogra_cmpc: but during the first boot?16:53
GrueMasterWould it need to be created at first boot if it already existed?16:53
ogra_cmpcGrueMaster, no, only mkswap'ed16:53
ogra_cmpcbut thats a really weird hack to livecd-rootfs16:54
GrueMasterThat should be relatively quicker.16:54
rsalvetiwe would only improve the installation time16:54
GrueMasterCould it be added to a package install script?  Those run during image creation.16:54
rsalvetibut not the user's time, as he would also waste more time doing dd16:55
ogra_cmpcwhy would the user do a dd ?16:55
ogra_cmpcif the file pre-exists16:55
GrueMasterduring first boot.16:55
rsalvetiwhen "flashing" his sd card16:55
rsalvetias the image would be bigger16:55
ogra_cmpcah, yeah16:55
GrueMasterThat would only increase by a small amount.16:56
GrueMastersigh.  Lucid->Maverick upgrade isn't booting into gdm or netbook-launcher-efl for some reason.  Checking.16:57
ogra_cmpcGrueMaster, but flash-kernel works ?16:58
GrueMasterNot sure.  It appears to not have loaded the new kernel to nand.16:58
GrueMasterCurrently running 2.6.33-502-omap which was what it ran prior to upgrade.16:59
GrueMasterGive me a sec to look into it.  Could have missed the kernel upgrade or something.17:00
GrueMasterNo 2.6.35 kernel.17:00
ogra_cmpci guess thats another job for apw :(17:01
GrueMasterI'm looking to see what happened.  Might have been an overlap on my mirror.17:01
ogra_cmpcmissing comflicts/replaces/provides in the maverick metapackage17:01
GrueMasterRight.  Since the images failed to build for similar reasons yesterday, I'm thinking it was all just timing.17:02
apwGrueMaster, are you saying you don't have a .35 kernel installed at all?17:02
ogra_cmpcGrueMaster, no, we have a differently named meta in maverick17:02
apwwhat linux-image-<flavour> meta package is installed and at what version17:02
apwogra_cmpc, do we ?  crap, thats no good17:03
GrueMasterapt-get dist-upgrade is saying that the linux-image & linux headers will be held back.17:03
ogra_cmpcso it wouldnt pull in the kernel upgrade17:03
ogra_cmpcGrueMaster, oh, thats good then17:03
GrueMasterwrong window.17:03
apwGrueMaster, can you get me the output from that in paste bin or something17:03
GrueMasterSwitching back to ports.ubuntu.com and updating the package lists to make sure the problem isn't pon my mirror.17:04
GrueMasterMy mirror updates every 4 hours, so it "should" be good.17:05
GrueMasterbut just in case, I want to rule it out.17:05
apwGrueMaster, ogra_cmpc is this -omap ?17:05
GrueMaster(that's the only TI image for Lucid to test upgrading.)17:06
rsalvetiand the gnome-power-manager is really leaking :-)17:06
GrueMasterapw: what do you want to see in pastebin?17:06
apwok we are about to upload the last kernel before release (barinng emergencies)17:07
apwso we need to be on this like a rash if you want it fixed17:07
apwi'd like to see the dist-upgrade output with the 'held back' inforamtion in17:07
ogra_cmpcGrueMaster, dpkg -l|grep linux17:07
GrueMasterIt is not on my mirror.17:07
apwand could i get a get what ogra_cmpc said too17:07
ogra_cmpcso we see how the meta is named17:07
* ogra_cmpc thinks it was a bad idea to pull omap into the main branch17:08
GrueMasterI meant to say that my mirror is good.  Same issue on p.u.c17:09
ogra_cmpclinux-omap and linux-image-omap then17:09
GrueMasterogra_cmpc: The reason that I am not getting a launcher is that /usr/lib/gdm/gdm-set-default-session une-efl is run by jasper.  Need some way to run it on upgrade.17:11
ogra_cmpcogra@panda:~$ apt-cache search linux-omap|grep "^linux-omap "17:12
ogra_cmpclinux-omap - Complete Linux kernel for the Versatile architecture.17:12
ogra_cmpcso meta seems fine17:13
ogra_cmpc(apart from the description)17:13
ogra_cmpcapw ^^^17:14
lagndec: Is the datasheet for the twl6040 and sdp4430? publicly available?17:14
apwGrueMaster, did we have the output of the dist-upgrade and it saying "held back"17:14
GrueMasterI can post it.  One sec.17:14
apwogra_cmpc, the linux-omap hasn't upgraded as its at 33.5xx ...17:14
ndeclag: http://focus.ti.com/pdfs/wtbu/OMAP4430_ES2.0_Public_TRM_vJ.pdf17:15
rsalvetifor the wrong package description: bug 62329717:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 623297 in linux-meta (Ubuntu) "omap meta packages have Versatile in their description (affects: 1) (heat: 169)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62329717:15
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ogra_cmpcapw, right, my biggest sorrow was that the name changed17:15
apwogra_cmpc, how has the name changed17:15
ogra_cmpcit hasnt17:15
ogra_cmpcthats what i said above17:16
ogra_cmpcapw, the description is broken though17:16
ogra_cmpcbut that doesnt do harm17:16
lagndec: Thanks17:16
GrueMasterapw: http://paste.ubuntu.com/494263/17:17
GrueMasterThe bottom has the output from apt-cache show linux-omap.17:17
ogra_cmpcapw, seems its sitting in NEW17:19
apwogra_cmpc, whats sitting in new?17:20
ogra_cmpcthe actual bianries17:20
apwogra_cmpc, ahh that would do it!17:20
ogra_cmpci dont get why only armel always ends up there17:21
ogra_cmpcall other arches (i386/amd64) seem to get just through17:21
furibondoxhi... someone knows how to enable verbose output during the bootstrap in Ubuntu Lucid 10.04?17:31
furibondoxI read some posts on the web... but all suggests to edit the grub config file. As far as I use u-boot how can I enabling the verbose output with ubuntu lucid?17:32
sebjanogra_cmpc: I checked the x-loader-omap4 source package, and it contains the right patches. Are we guaranteed that the binary from this source package is used into the daily images?17:33
ogra_cmpcsebjan, yes17:33
sebjanogra_cmpc: then I don't understand: we have an issue that could be explained with a x-laoder patch missing. When we replace the daily image x-loader with the one I build frm my tree (source aligned with the package), the issue disappears...17:35
rsalvetidifferent compiler?17:35
sebjanrsalveti: yes, probably: I use gcc 2010q117:35
sebjanrsalveti: (CodeSourcery)17:36
rsalvetisebjan: try building our x-loader with your compiler17:36
rsalvetiand then test it17:36
rsalvetihm, quite a new compiler17:37
sebjanrsalveti: right, I'll do that17:37
ogra_cmpcfuribondox, i guess you mean booting, not bootstrapping17:39
ogra_cmpcfuribondox, what HW is that ?17:39
furibondoxit's an omap 353017:41
ogra_cmpca beagleboard ?17:41
furibondoxa proprietary hw similar to beagleboard17:41
ogra_cmpcwell, you need to change it in the u-boot config then ... on the serial console17:42
GrueMasterogra_cmpc: apw:  We are also seeing an issue with linux-headers-2.6.35-21-omap not being available for linux-headers-omap.  This is holding up image builds.17:42
apwGrueMaster, yep, that'll be in new as well i am sure17:42
ogra_cmpcGrueMaster, yeah, that will be fixed if the binaries are out of NEW17:42
furibondoxogra_cmpc: what I have to change in the u-boot config (and then in the serial console)?17:43
ogra_cmpcfuribondox, you usually get the boot noisier if you drop splash and quiet from the commandline17:43
ogra_cmpcshould be in the bootparams variable iirc17:44
furibondoxbut I have no splash and quiet in my commandline17:44
ogra_cmpcin ubuntu maverick thats all a lot easier, we use a config file there17:44
ogra_cmpcthen you should already get all the output that is there17:45
furibondoxi had also to drop plymouth because it crashed during startup17:45
GrueMasterfuribondox: lucid "may" not support your hardware as well as maverick.  You might also want to try it.17:45
furibondoxmy company want to remain with lucid because the LTS17:46
* rsalveti lunch17:46
ogra_cmpcwell, mavericks kernel is surely improved17:47
ogra_cmpcas well as the image design, bootloader etc17:47
furibondoxwell... we a have a custom kernel compiled by hand17:47
furibondoxand the distribution should be transparent to the kernel changes, isn't it?17:48
GrueMasterYes, for the most part.17:48
ogra_cmpcif you have the same version the distro uses and all the same options enabled17:48
ogra_cmpcwe often have userspace bits depending on new kernel features17:49
furibondoxI understand...17:49
sutoanyone here17:50
sutowhat is root passwd17:50
furibondoxour current kernel version is 2.6.2917:50
sutoof ubuntu-arm17:50
sutoi have only access with ubuntu/temppwd17:50
ogra_cmpcfuribondox, that might cause probs for lucid17:50
sutofuribondox, ogra_cmpc :(17:50
sutoplease help17:50
GrueMastersuto: root is sudo access only.17:50
furibondoxdo you know if the nospalsh kernel parameter should be used with my kernel in order to enable the verbose output?17:51
ogra_cmpcroot is locked ... in ubuntu you usually use sudo17:51
furibondox(during the boot process)17:51
ogra_cmpcnosplash wont do a thing17:51
devilhornsogra_cmpc, sent patches for the netbook-efl --add-favorite stuff yesterday ... but was wondering, what do I need to do wrt getting commit access for that bzr branch ? Would be easier to just commit the fixes17:51
sutoGrueMaster, ogra_cmpc i use sudo but it require password17:51
GrueMasterfuribondox: If you remove "quiet splash" from the boot cmdline, you should get lots of kernel noise.17:51
sutoi see17:52
ogra_cmpcdevilhorns, we need to talk to the upstream guy, i havent seen him around yet17:52
devilhornsogra_cmpc, ahh ok :)17:52
furibondoxGrueMaster: i've not that parameter set in my command line17:52
ogra_cmpcdevilhorns, both patches applied and uploaded btw, thanks a lot, that was really fast !17:52
GrueMasterfuribondox: what is your bootargs set to?17:52
devilhornsogra_cmpc, anytime :) that's why I am here :)17:52
furibondoxrw console=ttyS2,115200e8 vram=5M omapfb.vram=2560K,2560K17:53
ogra_cmpcfuribondox, can you pastebin a log from a boot ?17:53
furibondoxjust a moment17:53
ogra_cmpcso we actually see what you see17:54
GrueMasterdevilhorns: While you have your hands in the mixer, there is an annoying random bug that when launching terminal, it sometimes defaults to the "/usr/share/icons..." directory.  Don't have a bug number offhand.17:54
devilhornsogra_cmpc, there is a few other things I'd like to cleanup in that code too (it's currently pretty messy)...dunno who wrote it originally, but it's pretty ugly and would benefit from a good "cleaning up" :)17:54
devilhornsGrueMaster, any specific terminal ? or just all terminals17:54
GrueMasterWhen netbook-launcher-efl runs gnome terminal.17:55
devilhornsGrueMaster, gnome terminal ... ok I'll have a look today then17:55
GrueMasterIt is very odd and only happens 1/3 of the time.17:55
GrueMasterfuribondox: This is the output I would expect from the serial port.  What was the problem again?17:56
devilhornsGrueMaster, ok, I'll poke around w/ it today then ... BUT I already suspect that the problem may be in gnome-terminal (just from knowing how efl handles launching stuff). We've had a similar problem in the past w/ gnome-terminal17:56
devilhornsGrueMaster, but I will look into it regardless, just to be sure17:57
ogra_cmpcdevilhorns, the code comes from a brazilian company ....17:57
apwogra, GrueMaster, those binaries have been tickled through ... i guess we need to wait for the publisher now17:57
furibondoxGrueMaster: I expected to see something like "sshd [DONE] etc..."17:57
devilhornsogra_cmpc, ahhhhh, k-s and ProFusion ... that explains the general mess of it :)17:57
ogra_cmpcapw, fine with me, i'm personally not in a hurry with them17:57
GrueMasterAh, init output.17:57
ogra_cmpcdevilhorns, hehe, yeah :)17:58
furibondoxthe init output17:58
ogra_cmpcfuribondox, yeah, looks a bit like its not running upstart at all17:58
devilhornsdon't get me wrong, they generally write good code that functions well ... just that they don't ever give much thought to others having to "maintain" it17:59
ogra_cmpcfuribondox, what is that stuff after line 297 ?17:59
ogra_cmpcfuribondox, looks a bit like you are booting a wrong filesystem17:59
apwogra_cmpc, i'd like to know if the upgrade is fixed by it17:59
ogra_cmpcdefinitely not ubuntu17:59
ogra_cmpcapw, right, and NCommander wants to build images18:00
ogra_cmpcthats why i said "personally" :)18:00
furibondoxfrom 297 till 331 there is a custom initrd18:00
ogra_cmpcfuribondox, well, it doesnt boot ubuntu at all18:00
furibondoxafter 331 starts ubuntu18:00
GrueMasterapw, I'll start another upgrade tonight.  It takes 11+ hours, even from a local mirror.18:00
ogra_cmpcfuribondox, no, it doesnt18:01
apwGrueMaster, yeah but that misses the windowfor getting the fix in the pre-freeze kernel if there is one18:01
furibondoxyes... with all daemons18:01
ogra_cmpcfuribondox, it just goes into the rootfs18:01
ogra_cmpci dont see upstart running18:02
ogra_cmpchow did you create that initrd ?18:02
GrueMasterapw: I don't know how to tweek my system to install faster.  11 hours is best I have seen.18:02
furibondoxgoes into rootfs and starts all daemons (sshd, udevd, getty, crond, etc...)18:02
ogra_cmpcyou *need* to use update-initramfs from initramfs-tools to make it work proper18:02
apwGrueMaster, yeah, i meant in an hour we can try that dist-upgrade again and see if ti then works18:02
ogra_cmpcor not use any initrd18:02
apwif it does then its likely just that that was the issue18:02
GrueMasterapw: Oh, yea.  definitely.18:02
ogra_cmpceither will work18:03
GrueMasterBut I was referring to the full upgrade process.18:03
ogra_cmpci assume your custom initrd is at fault here18:03
apwyeah for sure18:03
ogra_cmpcit will be missing all the ubuntu scripts18:03
furibondoxogra_cmpc: this is the last line of our linuxrc into initrd:18:04
furibondoxexec run-init -c /dev/console ${ROOTFS} /sbin/init;18:04
ogra_cmpclinuxrc ?!?18:04
furibondoxso it starts the /sbin/init into the ubuntu rootfs18:04
ogra_cmpcubuntu doesnt work that way18:04
ogra_cmpceither drop the initrd or create a proper one18:05
ogra_cmpcor live with the situation as is18:05
furibondoxis there a guide to create a correct initrd?18:05
ogra_cmpcyou will definitely miss configuration with the current one18:05
ogra_cmpccreate it from the running system by running update-initramfs18:06
ogra_cmpcand make sure your modules are in the right place in the fs18:06
furibondoxwe don't use loadable modules... so I have only to run update-initrams?18:07
ogra_cmpctry it, not sure it will work if you dont have a /lib/modules/... dir18:08
ogra_cmpcif you need to make modifications, it pulls its scripts from /usr/share/initramfs-tools/18:08
furibondoxupdate-initramfs -k all -c -v -b /root Nothing to do, exiting.18:10
furibondoxmay be I have to pull the sources...18:10
furibondoxanyway, is there somewhere an example of a correct initrd?18:11
furibondoxjust to see what's wrong with mine?18:11
GrueMasterfuribondox: You can check the one on our daily images.  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-netbook/ports/daily-preinstalled/current/18:13
furibondoxit seems that it does the same thing as our custom initrd:18:13
furibondoxexec run-init ${rootmnt} ${init} "$@" <${rootmnt}/dev/console >${rootmnt}/dev/co nsole 2>&118:13
ogra_cmpcit does a ton more18:13
ogra_cmpcbut yes, the init script in there uses run-init18:14
furibondoxyes, sorry I mean that ;-)18:14
furibondoxby the way, tomorrow I will look at that deeply18:14
furibondoxnow I have to came back home18:15
furibondoxsee you tomorrow18:15
furibondoxand thanks18:15
GrueMasterfuribondox: Much welcome.18:15
furibondoxogra_cmpc: I've also modified the rootstock script with two little improvements18:15
ogra_cmpcfuribondox, cool, file a bug and attach them :)18:16
furibondoxtomorrow if you want I can send the patch to you18:16
GrueMasterAnd we'd be interested in the results if you were to test Maverick if you have time.18:16
furibondoxsee you tomorrow18:16
devilhornsGrueMaster, Has to be in gnome-terminal ... reading through the netbook-efl code, and it turns out that it's using launcher_application_launch(app) to start the applications ... so it's not using the ecore_exe stuff (as I had previously thought), which basically means that efl is not launching the apps, thus not the cause18:19
GrueMasterHmmm.  Figures.18:19
ogra_cmpcwell, gnome-terminal uses $PWD18:19
devilhornsogra_cmpc, yea18:20
devilhornsthat was just my thought ... perhaps something is changing pwd somewhere/somehow18:20
devilhornsso going to look into that now18:20
ogra_cmpcand given the issue is not happening every time i'd say we have a race18:20
rsalvetisebjan: any news with your x-loader test?18:20
devilhornsogra_cmpc, indeed ... I hate races :(18:20
rsalvetiwho doesn't :-)18:21
devilhornscan't even watch the kentucky derby :P18:21
GrueMasterAwww, races can be fun.  Lots of crashes, fire, etc.18:21
* ogra_cmpc likes tham ... but only on the autobahn 18:21
devilhornsanyway, gonna add some debugs for pwd, spew them out and see if I can get this to trigger18:21
ogra_cmpccool, i think we have that bug open since two releases18:22
devilhornswow ... it's an old one huh ? :)18:22
ogra_cmpcthe efl stuff has a bunch of them18:23
ogra_cmpcbtw, at some point it would be cool to have the font size pulled from gconf18:23
devilhornsogra_cmpc, to be used for the icons ?18:24
devilhornsand sidebar ? or just icons ?18:24
ogra_cmpcbut thats in the area of future improvements18:24
ogra_cmpcall fonts18:24
ogra_cmpcwe use the gnome theme management for the rest of the apps18:24
devilhornsI'll add it to my todo under the "get to @ some point" section :)18:24
ogra_cmpcand efl has alwys been inconsistent here18:24
devilhornsyea, it's generally desktop/environment agnostic in that it doesn't use any gnome/kde settings18:25
GrueMasterAre we sticking with une-efl next cycle or trying something different, like a non-clutter based unity?18:25
ogra_cmpcright, but thats a prob if you integrate it with other apps18:26
ogra_cmpcGrueMaster, hopefully we'll have GLES drivers and a fixed clutter18:26
ogra_cmpcbut i wouldnt bet on it yet18:26
devilhornsogra_cmpc, sure, but there is a relatively simple solution ... one that I use here personally (tho a bit of a pain to keep consistent)18:26
ogra_cmpci'm sure nobody will implement a no-clutter unity18:27
GrueMasterSo, keep une-efl as a decent fall back.18:27
ogra_cmpcwe still want something for the lowend HW18:28
ogra_cmpcthe question is if we will use it as default18:28
ogra_cmpcthat really depends on the hardware we will support by then18:28
GrueMasterWe should have a better detection in place.  Maybe in gdm?18:29
ogra_cmpcno, needs to happen after gdm18:29
ogra_cmpcthe question is if we will use gdm at all :)18:29
sebjanrsalveti: no, did not have time to look into more details. I have other more important issues in the pipe :( I'll look at that later.18:30
devilhornsick clutter :/18:31
ogra_cmpcGrueMaster, https://edge.launchpad.net/lightdm18:31
GrueMasterdevilhorns: But without clutter, Meego would suck.  :P18:31
ogra_cmpcdevilhorns, well, thats what our dx team decided to use for unity18:32
devilhornsGrueMaster, what doesn't suck w/ clutter ? ;)18:32
rsalvetisebjan: cool, np :-)18:32
GrueMasterdevilhorns: kde.  Oh, wait...18:36
GrueMasterdoesn't use it.18:36
devilhornsGrueMaster, but anyway, I'm not here for politics, voicing my own opinions, or even any design decisions ... choice of desktop/backend/libs, etc, etc is up to your development team(s) :)18:36
GrueMasterI just test it & file lots of bugs.18:37
ogra_cmpcwe're just poor integrators here :)18:37
devilhornsGrueMaster, yup :)18:37
devilhornsogra_cmpc, lol, I wouldn't say that18:37
devilhornsok, debugs in place ... now to see if I can get this pwd issue to trigger :)18:39
ogra_cmpci guess thats a matter of luck18:40
ogra_cmpcor system slowness18:40
devilhornsogra_cmpc, yea :( ... core i5 isn't exactly slow tho :)18:40
ogra_cmpcsince you use x86, try to run from SD and compile 5 kernels at the same time18:40
ogra_cmpcthat should get you begaleboard speed :)18:41
devilhornsogra_cmpc, lol :) suppose I could easily change the cpufreq and slow it down a little18:41
devilhornswe'll see18:41
devilhornsany clue what package provides the sounds used in une ?18:46
apwogra_cmpc, i think that -21 is in the pool, do you concur?18:49
apwGrueMaster, i think that kernel should be there, does dist-upgrade work now?18:49
GrueMasterDon't know.  Just finished pulling the rest of the package updates and am rebooting.  Will check as soon as it is up.18:50
apwGrueMaster, thanks18:51
* apw waits nurvously18:57
GrueMasterapw: Pulling new kernel & headers now.  Thanks.18:57
ogra_cmpcapw, looks ok to me18:57
apwGrueMaster, excellent, i'll let leann know18:57
apwogra_cmpc, ta18:57
GrueMasterAfter rebooting, I will retest to make sure flashing nand works.18:57
GrueMasterThen restart the lucid->maverick upgrade test again.18:58
devilhornsahhh I love having source code :) ... found the package for the sound theme w/ a little digging :)18:58
devilhornswas trying to get it installed so I could see less "cannot play sound" messages in my output terminal :)18:59
* devilhorns begs Terminal to change to bad dir ... please !!19:02
devilhornsof course, it's probably going to be like a "watched pot" and not boil :(19:03
Nekosigh anyone know what pulls in apt-xapian-index ?19:06
Nekoit's making my rootstocks take forever19:06
ogra_cmpcNeko, all package tools use it19:07
Nekois there any way to make it not build the index like right this very second after install?19:07
ogra_cmpcnot really i think19:08
rsalvetiNeko: if it's taking a long long time than it could be that your qemu got stuck19:10
rsalvetianother known issue19:10
ogra_cmpcwell, apt-xapian-index indexes all package descriptions ... that definitely takes long19:11
devilhornsGrueMaster, 50+ consecutive launches and still cannot get it to change the pwd :(19:11
ogra_cmpcdevilhorns, i guess you need to wait for your beagle for that one19:12
GrueMasterHmmm.  Might have already been fixed.  I might just be seeing it on Lucid.19:12
ogra_cmpci havent even seen it on a panda ever19:12
GrueMasterI have 6 monitors staring at me, so it does get chaotic at times.19:13
ogra_cmpcbut i think i saw it once on a beagle19:13
ogra_cmpcin maverick19:13
Nekorsalveti, it isn't stuck, it actually finishes but for karmic or so it would take no time at all once the packages are cached, for maverick roots it sits on apt-xapian-index task for like 45 minutes...19:14
devilhornswell, I will leave my printfs (for debugging) in the code so if it does happen again, at least we'll have a bit more info to go on19:14
Nekoit's inside a vm and it's not the best cpu in the world.. why oh why can't qemu be multithreaded :(19:14
ogra_cmpcNeko, cortex-a9 will save the world :)19:14
ogra_cmpcwhy are you not rolling images natively on your board btw ?19:15
Nekomarkos patched up rootstock to build native on the arm19:15
ogra_cmpcwill surely be a lot faster than qemu19:15
Nekobut it's actually slower than in qemu for the most part.. at the very least, it isn't much faster19:15
ogra_cmpcyou got the wrong HW then :)19:15
Nekomy laptop has a muuuuch better disk than the mx51 can provide19:15
rsalvetiNeko: upstream rootstock already supports native builds19:16
devilhornswill move on to the fonts19:16
NekoI'd use the server but the damn thing is running an ancient debian19:16
Nekoand 8 cores and 32GB of ram don't make a shit of difference to qemu19:16
Nekodoes qemu do smp on arm?19:17
* ogra_cmpc stopped touching qemu when rsalveti took over rootstock19:17
Nekorsalveti, is that going to hit maverick? :)19:17
ogra_cmpcits already in19:17
rsalvetiNeko: yep, it's in already :-)19:18
Nekowell maybe I'll set up a system with a nice big disk in the office19:18
Nekohaving trouble with oem-config right now, it just doesn't run on first boot.. so I get an xfce prompt and there are no users19:19
GrueMasterapw: Everything looks good here.  Updating nand from 2.6.35-21-omap works w/o error as well.19:19
ogra_cmpcGrueMaster, close the bug then please :)19:20
GrueMasterWill do.19:20
ogra_cmpcone down :)19:20
Nekohey if we got you guys a 2.6.35 kernel would you bring back mx51 in maverick? sad thing is it can only happen after 10.10.1019:20
ogra_cmpcNeko, unlikley unless someone pays for it ... but linaro might be for you19:20
Nekolinaro is being too mainliney19:21
Nekoour users can't really do much with just a serial port19:21
ogra_cmpcoh, and indeed you can always become a MOTU and maintain it in universe19:21
ogra_cmpci guess19:21
Nekothat's an acceptable plan19:21
ogra_cmpc(i dont think we have policy that forbids users to maintain kernels in universe)19:22
NekoI still have to sit down and work out how we'd build an installer sd19:22
* armin76 laughs at Neko 19:22
Nekoonce you got a kernel and all the udebs getting from there to a filesystem seems to be magical19:22
* ogra_cmpc hides his magic wand19:22
Nekowhat do you guys use to build the .img?19:22
Nekobut with some custom internal you-should-pay-for-it scripts and configs or.. just what comes in the package?19:23
ogra_cmpcwhich is only a set of scripts19:23
ogra_cmpcin fact its a lot of parted, dd and so on19:23
Nekowow debian-cd really is *debian*-cd19:26
Nekothere's not a single ubuntu task or release info in there19:27
GrueMasterogra_cmpc: updated bug 608266 with my test results.  The other issue I was seeing with the updated kernel was mainly due to corrupted nand.  Clearing it from uboot and reflashing uInitrd fixed it.19:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 608266 in linux (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "[regression] no more /dev/mtdblock devices on omap3 in maverick (affects: 1) (heat: 69)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60826619:27
devilhornsGrueMaster, (or ogra_cmpc ) in a typical unr environment, does the user have the ability to change the font ? or is this something that the designers hardcode ?19:27
ogra_cmpcdevilhorns, the user has all gnome control center tools19:28
devilhornsogra_cmpc, ok, thanks :)19:28
GrueMasterdevilhorns: You can run close to the same image in x86 by running the x86.iso in kvm or virtualbox.19:29
ogra_cmpcfontsize goes somewhere into gconf ancd can change at any time (even at runtime)19:29
ogra_cmpcGrueMaster, not in maverick19:29
GrueMasterNo?  I do.19:30
ogra_cmpcune-efl isnt installed in the x86 iso19:30
devilhornsogra_cmpc, yea, I'm familiar w/ the gconf stuff and where it's at, etc, etc :) just needed to know if they have access to the control center or not :) (I'm not running a complete unr image that's why I asked) :)19:30
ogra_cmpcif it is, thats a bug19:30
GrueMasterI must have added it to my VM.19:32
ogra_cmpcah, k19:32
* ogra_cmpc was worried for a second19:32
GrueMasterWell, time for some lunch.19:33
devilhornsyea ... suppose I would really benefit from setting up a VM todo this stuff ...19:34
GrueMasterI find it useful to see if a bug is arch dependent.19:35
ograGrueMaster, i'm adding some completely untested code (that wont work yet) to jasper to enable the TI ppa, please test tomorrows image deeply if jasper didnt regress through that (i will test myself once i got up but four eyes might see more)20:00
GrueMasterOk.  Will do.20:00
devilhornsthink I am in love20:01
GrueMasterToday I am just focusing on package updates & lucid->maverick testing on beagle.20:01
devilhornsjust found testdrive ... this is what I was looking for weeks ago20:01
* GrueMaster breaks for lunch.20:01
ograGrueMaster, yeah, i'm just adding it so it gets easier to inject the PPA stuff later it might have to change etc20:02
ograi just want the basic functions in20:02
Nekooem-config-gtk I hate you :((20:04
ogra_cmpcrsalveti, swap fix uploaded btw20:21
rsalvetiogra_cmpc: cool, thanks20:24
ndeclag: ogra: I just came to know about Ubuntu hw summit, scheduled next week. there is a presentation titled as 'What does PulseAudio expect from a sound driver? – David Henningsson'. that looks like something I would love to see. are there any slides or video for this summit?21:10
rsalvetiGrueMaster: do you have any news regarding the omap 3 image?21:24
rsalvetimissing new images since sep 1121:25
GrueMasterrsalveti: Nope.  I don't build them.21:48
GrueMasterAnd I have mentioned it before.21:48
rsalvetiGrueMaster: yep, I know, but wanted to know if you saw any news regarding the failing build21:49
GrueMasterJust blank emails.21:49
rsalvetihaha, same as me21:49
ogra_cmpcGrueMaster, as i said in the meeting (and several times before too i think) if the mails are empty that usually means the buildd died21:55
ogra_cmpcrsalveti, ^^^21:55
rsalvetiogra_cmpc: and any news about it being dead?21:56
ogra_cmpcsomeone needs to ping lamont so he asks someone from IS to go over to the datacenter and does a manual reboot21:56
ogra_cmpcrsalveti, i told lamont but i was expecting NCommander to care more, since the dove builds happen on the same machine as omap321:57
rsalvetihm, could be because NCommander is out today21:57
GrueMasterWell, we have a dove build now.21:57
ogra_cmpcthen the buildd is back up21:58
GrueMasterNCommander reached out and kicked something.21:58
ogra_cmpcso omap3 should happen too tonight21:58
ogra_cmpc(unless it dies before agan)21:58
ogra_cmpci'm pretty sure we have a HW issue21:58
rsalvetiargh, at least this is going to be fixed when panda is out21:59
lag-mobileWould someone mind scrolling up and re-linking me to the PDF ndec did earlier please?22:12
lag-mobileIf you need to conduct a search, do so for "datasheet"22:13
lag-mobileYou all sleeping already?22:15
GrueMasterlag-mobile: http://focus.ti.com/pdfs/wtbu/OMAP4430_ES2.0_Public_TRM_vJ.pdf22:17
GrueMasterNow let us sleep.  :P22:17
lag-mobileCheers Tobin22:17
GrueMasterheh.  Actually still working.  It's only 14:18 here.22:18
lag-mobileWhere are you?22:19
GrueMasterOregon, USA22:19
lag-mobileAh k22:19
lag-mobileIt's 22:19 here22:20
persiaBah, just missed lag: Anyway, the bit that needs porting is the wiremap.  The same chips, codec, etc. are exceedingly likely to be wired up slightly differently on different boards, and this is the bit that needs adding in the driver.22:40
devilhornsogra_cmpc, well, I've got bad news, good news, and "small" bad news...which you want first ? :)23:09
persiadevilhorns, On general principles, that order sounds least bad: otherwise it's too depressing to hear the good news, or the good news is wiped out by the rest.23:14
devilhornspersia, hehehe :) na, it's nothing real drastic23:15
devilhornsjust that changing the font stuff in the efl launcher is going to take me a little more time than I had originally thought23:15
GrueMasterAs long as it is done by Friday, we're ok.  :P23:17
persiaWell, by the announcement of the freeze: the precise timing depends on when the release managers decide to send email.23:17
devilhornswhoever the brain-dead genious was that wrote it originally, wrote it so that it only listens for .gtkrc changes wrt font, dpi, theme, etc, etc ... and of course, the Appearance stuff doesn't change those, it changes the values in gconf ... so all the existing code in there wrt settings changes is worth nada23:17
persiaHow truly good.23:17
devilhornsGrueMaster, shouldn't be a problem23:18
persia(although it's quite possible to identify the author from the code, so "whoever" may be listening)23:18
* GrueMaster was actually joking.23:18
devilhornspersia, hope so ... they need a good spanking :)23:18
devilhornsGrueMaster, ahh, hehehe23:18
persiadevilhorns, Well, if you're planning a trip south... :)23:19
devilhornsso anyway, my plan is to rip all the existing conf stuff out of there (useless anyway), and make it work w/ gconf stuff23:19
=== ian_brasil_ is now known as ian_brasil
rsalvetiwell, I'm quite near them, just ask what you'd like to do23:20
devilhornsrsalveti, lol23:24
devilhornsGrueMaster, iirc, ogra said it wasn't an emergency right ? thought he said it was a "future todo" (or something to that effect) ... so hopefully it's not a "time sensitive" issue23:25
GrueMasterwhich?  The font thing or the terminal PWD issue?23:26
GrueMasterThe font thing would be a higher priority afaik, but I don't know what deadlines are in place.  I think kernel freeze is tomorrow, with pool freeze soonish.23:27
GrueMasterAccording to my schedule, final freeze is also tomorrow.23:28
devilhornsGrueMaster, I see ... ok, well I will see if I can get it finished tonight :/23:28
GrueMasterI wouldn't stress it too much.  Still need to get it tested, etc.23:29
devilhornsGrueMaster, well, I test as I code :) but I understand :)23:30
GrueMasterbut I'm not the driver here.  I'm closer to the deer strapped to the hood.23:30
devilhornswell, if you are the deer, then I must be the squirrel trying to cross the road23:30
devilhornsnow the question is ... which font to listen to ... App font, Document font, Desktop font ...23:34
devilhornsI'm thinking Desktop font ... as the launcher mimics a "desktop" in the users eye23:35
GrueMasterI would assume the same one that netbook-launcher from lucid looked at.23:35
GrueMaster(the 3D non-efl version).23:36
devilhornsGrueMaster, somehow I knew you would make me thumb through that code :P23:36
GrueMasterWell, that is where my skills are.23:36
GrueMasterI sort through source sometimes to see why it is broken.  And to learn.23:37
devilhornslearning is good :)23:37
GrueMasterWhile I can write programs, I am not a programmer.  I am more of a debugger.23:37
devilhornsimo python doesn't count as a real language, so "programs" written there don't count :P23:38
GrueMasterNever said they did.23:38
GrueMasterI actually learned in Atari Basic & Atari Assembly.23:39
devilhornsoh wow23:39
devilhornsyou go way back :)23:39
GrueMasterYea, I know.  I'm old.23:39
devilhornssame here :/23:39
GrueMasterMost of my knowledge is self taught/inflicted.23:39
GrueMasterdevilhorns: where are you located?23:40
devilhornsNew Jersey23:40
GrueMasterAh.  Opposite side of the great divide.23:41
devilhornshmm, this is interesting23:44
devilhornsGrueMaster, wrt the default netbook-launcher (non-efl) ... font changing works w/ control-center ??23:44
GrueMasterNot sure.23:45
GrueMasterlet me look on my babbage23:45
GrueMasterThe actual app that sets it on babbage is gnome-appearance-properties, but that is also running une-efl.23:47
GrueMasterBut it should be the same app as x86 une23:47
devilhornsok, but when you change the font via gnome-appearance-properties, it does change the font used in the regular netbook-launcher ?23:48
GrueMasterI'll have to boot lucid-i386 to find out.23:48
devilhornsI'd be surprised if it actually did23:49
devilhornscause apparently, according to the code, the netbook-launcher app is using the gtkrc method also23:50
GrueMasterGive me five minutes.  Have to create a usb boot.23:50
devilhornsno rush, thanks ;)23:50
GrueMasterI'm also trying unity on my netbook.  Need to install more fonts.  On this small display the subtle differences in the base fonts are not noticable.23:55
devilhornsI use the Droid fonts personally23:55
GrueMasternot part of the default install.23:56
GrueMasterand software-center/fonts is empty.  Grrr.23:57

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