
hggdhhi rusivi00:05
rusivihggdh: hello00:05
hggdhrusivi: I cannot find your mentorship request -- do you have a date to give me?00:09
hggdhi.e., when you sent it in00:09
rusivihggdh: must have mis-sent00:10
rusivihggdh: I just sent a fresh request 2 secs ago via https://launchpad.net/%7Ebugsquad-mentorship/+contactuser00:12
hggdhrusivi: cool, thank you.00:13
hggdhrusivi: one of us will get it ;-)00:13
rusivihggdh: np00:14
=== evilnhandler is now known as nhandler
hggdhinteresting. I get a bug email every so often -- so far, so good. Then, suddenly I get 50/70 of them00:22
hggdhusually by EOD (Texas-style)00:23
nigelbhggdh: 80/20 theory00:24
nigelbAlso explained my Murphy's law of inbox00:24
nigelbhggdh: ^^00:24
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
hggdhyeeee, thunderstorm arriving00:28
nhandlerplars: Did you get the calendar stuff taken care of?00:28
intraderIs there an alternative to `recordMyDesktop` for recording how the desktop is behaving?00:28
nhandlererr hggdh ^^^00:28
hggdhnhandler: no, I did not (yet)00:29
nhandlerhggdh: What needs to get changed?00:29
hggdhnhandler: mind to update the bugsquad meeting to 1700UTC?00:29
yofelintrader: there is byzanz iirc00:30
intraderyofel, I will look that up, `recordMyDesktop` is not useful . Where should I find it, and why iirc?00:31
nhandlerhggdh: Check it out now00:32
yofelintrader: haven't used it in ages, but iirc byzanz did desktop recording00:34
hggdhnhandler: excellent, thank you00:35
* hggdh owes nhandler. Again. Pretty big tab now :-)00:35
intraderyofel, I am unable to find it - what is 'iirc byzanz'. I find lots of BMWs with that brand00:35
lifelessIf I Recall Correctly00:36
nhandlerhggdh: Don't worry about it ;)00:36
yofellifeless: thanks, my fault00:37
yofel!info byzanz00:37
ubot2yofel: byzanz (source: byzanz): Small screencast creator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.1-4 (lucid), package size 79 kB, installed size 408 kB00:37
intraderyofel, I am unable to do `info byzanz` - must have no info on it. I will try the Synaptic Package Manager00:42
yofelintrader: '!info' was a bot command, the application is simply called 'byzanz'00:42
intraderyofel, `which byzanz` gives me nothing, and the package manager shows it installed.00:44
yofeldpkg -L byzanz shows:00:45
intraderyofel, `dpkg -l byzanz` gives a whole slew of stuff, and /usr/bin/byzanz-playback is not there.00:50
yofelok, let me check lucid, I'm using maverick here00:51
yofelalso it's '-L' not '-l'00:51
yofelhm, seems like lucid only has byzanz-record00:52
intraderyofel, it does record (but no sound), The playback is by 'Eye of Gnome' - whatever that is.01:08
macoeye of gnome = eog = the default image viewer in ubuntu01:09
intradermaco, never had heard of it, thanks - it is able to see the animation by byzanz01:10
intraderyofel, how do I upload the file for your viewing of highlighting problem01:20
intraderyofel, I will add it to the bug report - let me know of another way, thanks01:22
intraderyofel, the bug is 631130 - I have unloaded a recording of the 'hightlight bug'01:32
intraderyofel, I wil try to record the problem with the scrollbar.01:33
cjaeso how can I have the ubuntu desktop installed and not have pulse ocnflicts running kubuntu 10.0401:37
cjaemy sound is always muted upon reboot and the kmix volume slider is quarky at best01:42
intraderJofel, I have also recorded the 'scrollbar problem' and uploaded to bug 631130.01:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 631130 in opensuse (and 3 other projects) "In all apps, slow UI since 10.04 install (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63113001:53
PizackHi can somebody mark bug #638540  as wishlist please?01:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 638540 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) "Incorrect use of quotes in OpenOffice dialogs (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63854001:53
Pizackoh hey, that's a handy little bot01:54
Pizackso when looking for bugs to triage should I just look through the ones marked as new or what? I'm kind of new at this02:19
rusiviCan someone please check bug 44374 for Won't Fix status?02:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 44374 in multisync (Ubuntu) "multisync can't connect to evolution (heat: 14)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/4437402:20
yofelPizack: wishlisted, and yes, we look at new bugs, if you're new to triaging, start with packages you're familiar with02:26
hggdhbug 63852402:38
ubot2Launchpad bug 638524 in coreutils (Ubuntu) "The size of a named pipe created by mknod or mkfifo always zero. (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63852402:38
hggdher, what?02:38
lifelessrusivi: hi03:51
lifelessrusivi: baltix is not Ubuntu03:51
lifelessrusivi: oh, sorry, I see the bug has too many subscribers, ignore my comment. But is triaged in Ubuntu, so Im' not sure why you're just asking on it. (https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gdm/+bug/41170)03:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 41170 in baltix (and 2 other projects) "The typical user will not know how to make some free disk space when he cannot log into a graphical desktop (affects: 4) (dups: 2) (heat: 44)" [Undecided,Incomplete]03:51
rusivilifeless: np03:52
rusivilifeless: ty for reviewing my changes!03:52
lifelessI'm pretty sure you shouldn't be changing the Baltix bug status when asking about Mverick03:52
lifelessbaltix is not Ubuntu03:52
lifelessalso, asking about triaged bugs isn't helpful.03:53
lifeless*testing* triaged bugs is helpful.03:53
rusivilifeless: hmmmm I checked out their Overview page and it seems Baltix is a language translation of Ubuntu?03:55
lifelessIt is a separate project.03:55
macoits a different distro03:55
lifelessYes, it builds on Ubuntu, but it has its own releases and so on.03:55
rusivilifeless: Shouldn't they have their own website like Sabily, Linux Mint or similar Ubuntu derivative?03:56
lifelessrusivi: they do; but they use Launchpad for bug tracking.03:56
rusivilifeless: ah03:56
lifelessrusivi: launchpad is for much much more than just Ubuntu.03:56
rusivilifeless: Couldn't they just use Sourceforge?03:56
lifelessrusivi: they can use Launchpad03:56
hggdhrusivi: why couldn't they use LP?03:56
lifelessrusivi: why would they want to use Sourceforge instead?03:57
macorusivi: lp serves the same purpose as sourceforge03:57
macoi use lp for my project... dont like cvs or svn, so why would i use sf? and git.kde.org isnt up yet...  i like bzr, so i use lp03:57
rusivilifeless: hehe I'm not trying to exclude anyone from Launchpad... just trying to understand where Baltix has it's place on Launchpad03:58
hggdhrusivi: one thing is actually very important (what lifeless already said): LP is for many other projects, out of Ubuntu03:58
hggdhUbuntu is just one of them. We have to be careful not to step on bugs from other projects03:58
rusivihggdh: Got it. I'll avoid their packages for the time being.03:58
rusivihggdh: Got it. I'll avoid their bugs for the time being.03:59
lifelessrusivi: I think its important you start looking into bugs. Not just asking 'is it fixed in maverick'.04:01
lifelessrusivi: *most open bugs are not fixed in maverick*04:01
lifelessrusivi: you are wasting many many peoples time just asking if the problem still exists.04:01
rusivilifeless: I only ask that if the underlying package bugged has been updated since the last time someone commented about it in the Ubuntu version mentioned.04:03
macorusivi: do you try reproducing it yourself first?04:03
rusivimaco: If I can I do. If eq dependent looking for reporter to test.04:04
rusivimaco: or whomever else has same/similar eq04:04
rusivimaco: equipment, ex. samsung mobile phone trying to bluetooth sync04:05
macoah ok04:05
* maco read "equaliser" ;-)04:05
rusiviI don't have one so on the reporter or whomever has one needs to step up and let us know if still a problem04:05
rusivimaco: hehe04:05
lifelessrusivi: actually its the other way around04:05
lifelessrusivi: because *most* bugs are not closed in each release04:05
lifelessrusivi: we know statistically that *most bugs still exist*04:05
lifelesswe should look for evidence from *our side* that the bug is fixed before asking for confirmation.04:06
lifelessrusivi: otherwise we're just wasting the reporters time.04:06
lifelessrusivi: I'm really glad you want to help.04:06
rusivilifeless: yes, I was flamed for marking fixed without testing myself, I have stopped doing this.04:06
lifelessrusivi: good. please stop asking 'is it fixed yet' too.04:06
lifelessIf its hardware dependent, check the driver code to see if its fixed before asking.04:06
lifelessif its not hardware dependent, check it yourself.04:07
rusivilifeless: Well I'm not just spamming them for an update. I'm just checking if fixed if new package has been pushed out.04:07
lifelessYes, this means you will touch less bugs.04:07
lifelessrusivi: trust me, you're spamming.04:07
rusivilifeless: I understand your viewpoint on this, but if the reporter has more knowledge on this issue, it seems wasteful to reinvent the wheel and try to reproduce when they are experiencing it firsthand and know what to look for.04:08
lifelesslaunchpad is totally capable of sending out a mass email to every bug that has had a new package upload asking for confirmatio that its still a bug, if we thought that was a useful thing to do.04:08
lifelessrusivi: Unless we have reason to believe that its fixed, we're *wasting their time*.04:08
rusivilifeless: Understood but not doing so doesn't get the bug addressed/fixed faster :P04:09
lifelessrusivi: I've had several folk thank me for following up on *just one* of the bugs you commented on - and I bet you haven't even seen the comment because you're not subscribed to it.04:09
lifelessrusivi: no, but if more people complain it will get you locked out of launchpad.04:09
lifelessrusivi: which would be sad, because you want to help, and I want you to help.04:10
rusivilifeless: hmmm, I am definitely trying to be judicious in my bug zapping. If someone considers it spam that a bug that is years old had someone ask if this is fixed in a new package seems duly noted but at least someone is addressing it!04:11
lifelessbut asking if its fixed is -not- addressing it.04:11
lifelesschecking if it is fixed by *testing* is addressing it.04:11
rusivilifeless: I understand your viewpoint on this but I disagree with it. The reporter does have some responsibility to fix the bug they bugged in the first place unless they don't have the capability to do so.04:12
rusivilifeless: if that's the case it's usually where the devs takeover and work on it for them.04:12
lifelessI don't think you understand how bugs in Ubuntu generally progress04:13
rusivilifeless: when I make a bug anytime someone asks for info I'm on it like white on rice, either giving them info desired or explain outside of my sphere of knowledge.04:13
lifelessyes, reporters are responsible for confirming that a fix is indeed a fix.04:13
micahgrusivi: that's not the viewpoint of Ubuntu Bug Control, if there is sufficient information to reproduce, we try not to bother the reporter unless we need more information04:13
rusivimicahg: is this posted in one of the Ubuntu doctrines I missed or just creating on the fly?04:14
lifelessrusivi: but if we don't know that its fixed, or even have reason to *think* its fixed, then we're just going to annoy the reporter and they will unsubscribe/close it - and the defect *will still be there*04:14
micahgrusivi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#Actions04:15
rusivimicahg: i'll review again sec04:15
rusivimicahg: As per provided link: "There will be a few bug reporters who never get back to you and there is not enough information for the bug to be worked on. You will also want to mark those bugs as Invalid. "04:17
micahgrusivi: *if* there is not enough information04:17
rusivimicahg: it sounds like we're boiling down to opinion, not my unfamiliarity with the doctrines linked04:18
micahgrusivi: no, with policy and this is almost becoming a CoC issue IMHO04:18
rusivi: Granted, I think you guys are the pros, I'm the newb and I try to defer to you.04:18
rusivimicahg: CoC?04:18
micahgrusivi: Code of Conduct04:18
rusivimicahg: Well I'm definitely trying to cooperate with you but you have referenced links that are vague regarding the issues mentioned recently.04:20
rusivimicahg: it's a little RTFM/gentoo'ish to be quite honest ;)04:20
micahgrusivi: one of the questions for confirming a bug is if there is can you reproduce the bug yourself (which means to try to reproduce)04:20
lifelessrusivi: the section you quoted was for 'incomplete bugs'04:21
lifelessrusivi: not 'confirmed' or 'triaged'04:21
lifelessrusivi: you are asking these questions on 'confirmed' and 'triaged' bugs.04:22
rusivilifeless: regarding triaged bugs I changed my bad I stopped doing that :D04:22
rusivilifeless: Duly noted won't happen anymore on the triaged ones :)04:22
micahgrusivi: we believe everyone's time is valuable, ours and the reporter's, therefore, if the reporter was kind enough to give us steps to reproduce, we attempt to do so04:22
rusivilifeless: I took micahg's advice and I am only focusing on New or Invalid bugs not in wishlist status without patches04:23
micahgif the triage documentation implies otherwise, please let us know where so we can fix it04:23
lifelessrusivi: I was responding here to a change to a confirmed bug04:24
micahgrusivi: this might help as well: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage/Charts04:25
rusivimicahg: duly noted.04:26
rusivimicahg: good chart04:26
rusiviIt seems a place should exist for a different type of bug zapping. Below triage'ers but above spammers04:29
rusiviHas this been discussed anywhere?04:29
rusiviOtherwise I'm gonna grind a while on way few less bugs instead of providing more tailored above-spam, below triaging "advice"04:32
rusiviNot triage but bug advice or something like that04:32
rusiviDoes this topic fit more a Brainstorm or is their another platform for disputing Triaging procedures?04:34
micahgrusivi: disputing procedures?  You can bring it up in the bugsquad mailing list04:35
rusivimicahg: k well do for sure04:35
rusivimicahg: I like the mechanisms set in place I just see the "advice" idea being very helpful in moving bugs forward to Fixed Release status04:36
rusivimicahg: for those who are not in a position to triage04:36
micahgrusivi: what do you mean?04:37
rusivimicahg: well the "no equipment equivalent to reporter available", End of Life release bugs, old package issues, years of inactivity, just to name a few04:39
lifelessyears of inactivity just means years of inactivity04:40
lifelessits got no deeper meaning.04:40
micahgrusivi: no equivalent equipment you skip, end of life you evaluate if the bug still applies04:40
rusivimicahg: k04:40
micahgrusivi: there should be responses on the responses page for these types of bugs https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses04:41
rusivimicahg: let me check that04:42
rusivimicahg: just installed firefox-lp-improvements holy cow this is well done!05:08
micahgrusivi: you might want to check the responses page first for the prerequisites for the responses before using then until you are familiar with the preconditions for them05:10
rusivimicahg: yes their is a small pop-up when one hovers the mouse icon over each response05:11
rusivimicahg: I'm definitely reviewing for sure05:11
micahgyes, that just lets you see the text though05:11
micahgrusivi: for the version specific tasks, once the release is EOL, the task is Invalid or Won't Fix05:56
rusivimicahg: got it!05:57
lifeless(or decline, if it was nominated)06:04
rusiviCan someone please look at bug 78182 for wishlist or triage?06:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 78182 in mc (Ubuntu) "mc should warn prior to attempting to copy a file >4 GB to vfat partition instead of crashing (dups: 1) (heat: 13)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7818206:07
micahgrusivi: can you check to see if it's still the case?06:13
micahgor rather doesn't warn06:13
micahgactually, the upstream dev is subscribed, I should ask in the bug if this is still needed06:16
rusivimicahg :)06:17
micahgrusivi: or you could ask the upstream dev, Yury V. Zaytsev in the bug if this is still needed and should be upstreamed06:17
rusivimicahg I can ask if you like no big deal06:18
micahgrusivi: I can do it, just offering you the chance if you like06:18
rusiviSure I'll ask one sec06:19
rusivimicahg: done06:21
micahgrusivi: why are you trying to use a standard reply on a debian bug task?07:45
rusivimicahg: your asking about bug 638681 ?07:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 638681 in launchpad-gm-scripts "firefox-lp-improvements does not input standard or custom replies (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63868107:48
micahgyep, just added a comment07:49
rusivimicahg: Well whether I applied a custom or standard reply does not seem the issue. I was unable to apply either to it. Problem exists in firefox-lp-improvements07:52
micahgrusivi: yes, but standard comments shouldn't be needed on upstream tasks where launchpad isn't the tracker07:52
micahgor any lengthy comments for that matter07:52
rusivimicahg: Fair enough on that. I'll avoid the debian bugs moving forward. Won't someone who works on these bugs find a custom script helpful?07:53
micahgrusivi: they're just linked, no one "works" on them per se07:53
micahgDebian has their own tracker07:53
rusivimicahg: bug 11743 does not have an upstream bug link...07:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 11743 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15 (Debian) (and 1 other project) "nvidia-glx-config suggests invalid command (heat: 4)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1174307:54
micahgrusivi: yes, someone added a task seemingly for no reason07:55
micahgor wanted it upstreamed, but never did07:56
rusivimicahg: looks like I was right for the wrong reason?!07:56
micahgrusivi: you were correct to set to invalid, just the lengthy comment wasn't necessary, you could've just said, this is an old bug and there doesn't seem to be a need to upstream it anymore07:57
rusivimicahg: I'll leave the script bug invalid unless someone else who works on debian bugs feels compelled to speak or I ever get to the point where I'm working on deb bugs07:57
micahgor something to that effect, Closing Debian bug task due to age and no bug linked07:57
micahgrusivi: debian bugs aren't triaged in LP, just linked07:58
rusivimicahg: k07:58
Tetsuo55hey everyone08:17
Tetsuo55https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/telepathy-butterfly/+bug/622777 was fixed upstream!08:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 622777 in telepathy-butterfly (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "telepathy-butterfly crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in _handle_UBX() (affects: 67) (dups: 21) (heat: 378)" [Medium,Triaged]08:17
Tetsuo55how do we get the fix on the updater?08:18
Tetsuo55sorry had to reboot08:32
thekornTetsuo55: hey,08:32
Tetsuo55so what can we do about 62277708:32
thekornI just updated the bugreport you mentioned a few minutes ago08:32
Tetsuo55ok thanks08:32
thekornin short, the issue should be already fixed in maverick08:33
Tetsuo55ok so the updates that just made me reboot should have the fix08:33
Tetsuo55then that just leaves the flash crashes and then maverick will be stable for me08:34
Tetsuo55the bug is still half open, is that normalo?08:38
Tetsuo55its still open for the other packadge thekorn08:44
thekornTetsuo55: what do you mean?08:44
Tetsuo55if you look at the ticket again08:45
thekornonly the upstream bug watch is not closed08:45
Tetsuo55yes that08:45
thekornit will be closed by one of the next automatic updates08:45
thekornbut the package task is closed08:45
thekornand that's the only important bit for ubuntu08:45
Tetsuo55ahh ok08:45
micahgrusivi: please don't close bugs just because the version reported is EOL08:53
rusivimicahg: You told me earlier that I can mark invalid or won't fix due to EoL...08:55
micahgrusivi: no08:55
rusivimicahg: Ok. What would you rather see?08:55
micahgrusivi: I said if the task is version specific (i.e. Ubuntu Dapper)08:55
micahgrusivi: if there are steps to reproduce, try to reproduce, otherwise, there's a response on the repsonses page08:56
micahgrusivi: and even Dapper isn't EOL except for desktop08:56
rusivimicahg: My mistake, misunderstood. I did notice that Dapper Server still supported08:57
micahgrusivi: regarding bug 85531 why would you mark it Fix Released on a package that no longer existed?09:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 85531 in libflash (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Firefox Crashes with no warning after load web page (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8553109:01
rusivimicahg: sorry, this was pre-being flamed for not checking bug fixed myself, I stopped that.09:03
Tetsuo55so ndiswrapper is a 64bit shell around 32bit binary flash?09:06
micahgTetsuo55: yes09:06
Tetsuo55does that mean that its crashes are fixable on the ndiswrapper side?09:06
micahgTetsuo55: you mean nspluginwrapper?09:06
micahgndiswrapper is a wrapper around windows drivers09:06
Tetsuo55so its wrapping the 32bit windows flash binary09:07
micahgTetsuo55: no, the 32 bit linux flash binary09:09
Tetsuo55i wonder if we can simply use the chromium built in flash09:14
micahgTetsuo55: no, we don't use the chrome flash AFAIK09:15
jibelrusivi, same comment than micahg for bug 103073. You should have reproduced it and see that it's still an issue instead of closing it as invalid.09:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 103073 in debconf (Ubuntu) "terminal used for package configuration blocks (heat: 2)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10307309:18
jibelrusivi, the right action for this bug is to 1. Reproduce (that's easy, simply configure a package with a debconf question and the dialog frontend)09:19
rusivijibel: sorry, this was pre-flame09:19
jibelrusivi, 2. The description need to be updated because it doesn't describe the problem very well.09:19
rusivijibel: I stopped it09:19
jibelrusivi, don't hesitate to ask, we are here to help.09:20
rusivijibel: ty09:20
rusivijibel: what description do you recommend?09:20
jibelrusivi, something like "debconf doesn't display which key to press"09:23
rusivijibel: Sounds good to me. Would you like me to change the description?09:24
jibelrusivi, yes please do.09:24
rusivijibel: done09:25
jibelrusivi, thank you for your help.09:27
rusivijibel: :D09:27
vishrusivi: just out of curiosity.. how many bugs did you comment on in he past one day? :)09:31
vishin the*09:31
jibelrusivi, also, you should subscribe to the bugs you are touching.09:32
jibelrusivi, this way you can follow up with the commenters.09:32
rusivijibel: ty for your suggestion09:34
vishrusivi: have you applied for mentorship?09:35
rusivivish: I did send a fresh application today09:36
vishah.. cool!09:36
rusivivish: 700+09:36
* vish checks 09:36
rusivivish: sorry that's over the last 3 days09:36
rusivivish: sooooo ~ 33309:36
vishrusivi: its nice to see some active members , i think we should get you a mentor right now..  :)09:37
rusivivish: Well if you say so!09:37
vishrusivi: i checked your lp for approving your membership in the mentoring program..  but we need some info to assign you a mentor..09:39
vishrusivi: have you read the wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors  ?09:39
vishrusivi: "How To Request a Mentor" section?09:39
rusivivish: I did, the only thing I noticed I thought I was missing was a wiki09:40
vishrusivi: the yeah wiki is important , since it needs to be filled with the time available info09:41
vishrusivi: once we know the time available , we can assign you a mentor09:41
rusivivish: Yeah, that's gonna be tough b/c I'm not looking to make such a firm commitment. I'm on a 2 week vacation (started 3 days ago) so I'm willing to go strong for the entire time. After that, I'm only going to focus on those bugs I touched/bugged personally or know how to fix.09:42
rusivivish: sorry but Canonical doesn't pay my bills :P09:43
rusivivish: jk09:43
vishrusivi: np.. ok.. i think 2weeks with amount of activity you are doing can still benefit from a mentor..09:44
rusivivish: I agree.09:44
vishrusivi: btw, its not a commitment ;)09:44
rusivijwb_: hello09:44
rusivivish: I'm not even going as far as time available09:45
jwb_can you kindly go back on all those dozens of bugs you set to incomplete and set them back to confirmed where they belong?09:45
jwb_because it's really really really super annoying to have to do it myself09:45
rusivijwb_ can you give me an example of one which should not have been marked incomplete?09:45
rusivibug 1912509:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 19125 in cdparanoia (Debian) (and 1 other project) "Package libcdparanoia0-dev pollutes /usr/include with ambiguously-named header files (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1912509:46
jwb_they all have perfectly obvious steps to reproduce which you did not bother trying before setting them to incomplete09:46
jwb_if the bug has steps to reproduce, you should try it before setting them to incomplete.  a confirmed bug is confirmed until it can no longer be reproduced09:47
jwb_how did you eve decide to set these to incomplete?  just because they are old?09:47
rusiviHonestly, I've been flamed by micahg about Debian bugs, I'm avoiding those altogether moving forward.09:48
micahgrusivi: I did not flame you09:48
rusivimicahg: jk09:49
jwb_i am honestly curious why you thought screwing up my bugs was a great idea09:49
rusivijwb_ hey sorry didn't mean to get you all worked up about it :) I'm a little new to bug zapping as you noticed09:51
rusivimicahg: this is an example of where that "advice" scenario fits in nicely09:52
micahgrusivi: I still don't get what you mean09:52
rusivimicahg: above spam, below triage09:53
rusivimicahg: sub-triaging bugs09:53
rusivimicahg: but not just spamming for updates09:53
micahgrusivi: we give guidance in here when people ask09:54
rusivijwb_ It's really not that big of a deal, your the professional and reporter, just wanted to see if this was still active09:55
jwb_i don't want to have to play whack-a-mole with all my launchpad reports just because there's a new version of ubuntu09:55
jwb_bugs should only change state for a _reason_09:55
micahgjwb_: we tell that to people when they come and ask09:56
jwb_reasons including no longer reproducible, or someone committed code that we reasonable expect fixed the problem09:56
jwb_i'm picking on rusivi but it's actually a project-wide problem of people setting bugs to incomplete for no particular reason09:57
rusivijwb_ I agree that just b/c a new ubuntu comes up, a status update should be asked for. However, regarding 19125 no comments since Intrepid, and current version in Lucid that was my reasoning09:57
rusivijwb_ please pick on me helps me learn ;)09:57
rusivijwb_ I mean just b/c new ubuntu, a status updates should not be asked for.09:58
rusivijwb_ mistyped09:58
rusivijwb_ current version = current package version10:00
jwb_ok rebooting into maverick10:00
vishbug #1189910:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 11899 in vim (Ubuntu) "Cannot recover unsaved email after system crash (heat: 8)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1189910:20
Tiibiidiiuhm, i have a doubt10:49
Tiibiidiii'm gonna report one (actually more) bug about unity10:49
Tiibiidiiubuntu-bug is only for ubuntu bugs, right?10:50
Tiibiidiiif that's so... should i use some apport-collect program/something to collect information about my system for these bugs?10:51
micahgTiibiidii: ubuntu-bug is for anything in the ubuntu repositories10:51
Tiibiidiii remember that the instruction for using apport-collect where present in the bug reporting page, but it seems that for unity it's missing10:51
Tiibiidiiok, but unity is a separate project10:52
Tiibiidiiso, shouldn't the unity project be used as the first stop for reporting bugs?10:52
Tiibiidiishould all the bugs be reported to the ubuntu package of unity and then (optionally?) add this also to the unity project?10:53
micahgrusivi: why are you still asking if bugs are still occuring when there are steps to reproduce?10:54
rusivimicahg: which bug specifically?10:55
micahgbug 11123110:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 111231 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Sending an attachment from the command line with a "ë or ä" in the filename does not work! (heat: 2)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11123110:55
rusivimicahg: sorry about that, will attempt to reproduce moving forward10:58
cjae 11:20
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ironicdemiseHey, sorry a bit new to the IRc14:04
ironicdemiseI don't want to sound stupid or anything, this is my first time on the irc.14:07
ironicdemiseCan anybody tell me why registering my nick won't work because my emails are invalid?14:07
ironicdemiseAs in, they are valid and irc won't accept them.14:07
Tiibiidiiironicdemise, don't know... actually i find irc outdated and crappy14:20
Tiibiidiii don't know what your email address is, but keep in mind that validating an email address is almost impossible to do correctly:14:21
ironicdemiseWell outdated it must be, but I guess it's got some uses and I don't want to just "assume" it's not worth my time...14:21
Tiibiidii(in the meaning that, almost every validator is too strict, and at the end you have to assume it works, and try that mail on the field)14:22
Tiibiidii<ironicdemise> Well outdated it must be, but I guess it's got some uses and I don't want to just "assume" it's not worth my time... <-- yesyes, that's the problem... everybody's using it ;)14:22
Tiibiidiihowever, tipically you don't register the nick with "irc"14:23
Tiibiidiiyou register the nick with a bot managed by the guys who keep the irc server online14:23
Tiibiidiithat is, the NickServ14:24
Tiibiidiilol, xchat crashed14:24
ironicdemiseaha, so do I just register the nick each time?14:24
ironicdemise(using pidgin)14:24
Tiibiidiimhn, no14:24
Tiibiidiii don't use pidgin14:24
Tiibiidiiit was quite bad for irc as far as i remember14:25
ironicdemiseyeah nickserv just shot a "invalid email" at me14:25
ironicdemiseit "seems" fine so far, but I don't know what to expect14:25
Tiibiidiimhn, i don't know... that's all it says? "invalid email"?14:25
Tiibiidiithere are no strange characters?14:25
Tiibiidiimaybe you're better off trying to ask in #freenode14:26
ironicdemiseflamm, have you tried doing your nick yet?14:26
ironicdemiseit's got a period14:26
ironicdemiseI will do, I will do.14:26
ironicdemiseWrong place entirely for the noob chat.14:26
Tiibiidiilol, for me it's not a problem :)14:26
ironicdemiseWell I expected more people to be talking here...14:27
ironicdemiseI guess I was used to the "main" rooms14:27
ironicdemisemsg nickserv register <your-password> <your-email>14:27
ironicdemise^ correct yes ^?14:27
Tiibiidii with the leading /14:27
Tiibiidiiand maybe nickserv is NickServ14:28
Tiibiidiibut i'm not an expert of irc either14:28
Tiibiidiigotta go14:28
a_okI want to report a few bugs14:31
a_okunfortunatly the howto will not suffice. as my server does not do firefox14:32
hggdha_ok: please feel free to: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MohamedAmineILIdrissi/ReportingBugsAlternate14:32
hggdha_ok: you can use ubuntu-bug14:32
drizzlehi all14:46
=== ivoks is now known as ivoks-afk
ubot2Launchpad bug 638908 in firefox (Ubuntu) ""Crash Report "data upload now enabled automatically-security risk? (affects: 1) (heat: 260)" [Undecided,New]14:57
drizzleon this one - i thought that the crash report is only sent if the user decides to send it14:57
nigelbI wonder where the video is....15:12
yofeliirc the mozilla crash reporter was turned on, so I don't think he's talking about apport15:13
yofelmeh, micahg isn't here15:13
hggdhyofel, drizzle: chrisccoulson announced we would be directly forwarding crashes to b.m.o15:15
chrisccoulsonyeah, we're doing that in lucid and maverick now15:15
hggdhI do not know if it is automatic, or there is a Q posed to the user, though (FF does not crash with me)15:15
chrisccoulsonfirefox crash reports in launchpad are basically useless15:15
chrisccoulsonthe process isn't automatic (the user has to manually submit still)15:16
hggdhdrizzle: does this answer you?15:16
chrisccoulsoni've closed the bug report with a response already ;)15:18
chrisccoulsonthat user has been commenting on a few bug reports related to the crash reporter, and posting incorrect information15:18
hggdhthank you chrisccoulson, I was going to test it (and I really like the idea of a 'crashme' addon... I used to have a special module to do that when I was support for MVS/Roscoe15:21
chrisccoulsonyeah, i can't get crashme to work in FF3.6 currently though (it works fine in FF4.0)15:22
chrisccoulsonbut, crashme is cool, i've been using it for testing in ff4.0 :)15:22
hggdhyes, just noted it does not quite crash on 3.6 :-)15:22
chrisccoulsonwe already have a fair few crash reports from ubuntu users if you look through http://crash-stats.mozilla.com/query/query?product=Firefox&version=Firefox%3A3.6.9&platform=linux&range_value=1&range_unit=weeks&date=09%2F15%2F2010+07%3A26%3A13&query_search=signature&query_type=exact&query=&build_id=&process_type=any&hang_type=any&do_query=115:27
chrisccoulsonalthough, it's difficult to tell which ones are from ubuntu users15:27
chrisccoulsoni can tell by looking at the debug identifiers and see if they match the crash symbols i've submitted to mozilla15:28
chrisccoulsonbut i'm not sure if there is another way15:28
chrisccoulsonoh, the BuildID could be a giveaway too15:28
vishdavmor2: could you add the xserver-xorg-video-   task and do an apport collect for Bug #638921   ?15:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 638921 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity displays only a white desktop on 20100915's updates (dup-of: 638808)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63892115:31
ubot2Launchpad bug 638808 in unity (and 1 other project) "No unity board but White screen after GDM (affects: 4) (dups: 2) (heat: 24)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63880815:31
chrisccoulsonso, http://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/30ab811a-97c3-41a2-8d6b-94e902100914 is from an ubuntu maverick user15:31
chrisccoulsonthe BuildID matches our i386 maverick build15:32
vishdavmor2: its mostly from mesa 7.9 which landed yesterday.. lot of same bugs..15:32
vishoh kenvandine just got to it.. :)15:33
drizzlethere are like some packages that have 10's of defects with the same title15:35
drizzleand if you opent hem15:35
drizzlethey look like all the same thing15:35
drizzleis there an automated process that groups these?15:35
=== ara_ is now known as ara
davmor2vish: Sorry I was away I can't actully add anything to the bug from my netbook as I can't login to lp from w3m an the first isd bug I filed.  if you still need the info I can grab it but not for a bit.15:45
vishdavmor2: you can login from a desktop session and run apport-collect ..  i think the bug has been duped for now since it dint have hardware info. nevermind if its the same as the original reporter..15:47
davmor2vish: there is no desktop session though that is the issue :)  It's just a white screen.  I dropped into tty but w3m has a bug that means the continue button for logging into LP isn't clickable :(15:49
vishdavmor2: you should be able to choose at login. are you not able to get back to the gdm?  if you are stuck at the white screen Alt+SysRq+K ?  that does it for me to get to the gdm15:51
vishthere is Netbook session and Desktop session available for me at the gdm..15:52
davmor2vish: ah okay 2 seconds, me misreading :)15:52
vishnp.. :)15:52
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MagicFabhi all16:10
MagicFabwhat package should a bug about the default Ubuntu theme be logged against ?16:10
popeyMagicFab: light-themes I'd imagine16:12
MagicFabpopey, thanks, will try that16:12
MagicFabactually I'll file against the affected package, and suggets to also file against theme - not sure who should fix it.16:13
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fuorviatosI'm testing Maverick in beta and have probably found a bug. It's hapening on the last update, while samba package is being configured, the whole process just hangs18:02
fuorviatosWhat category should it be reported and how to collect information on it?18:03
MichealHfuorviatos: Just get apport to collect the data and then file it18:03
yofelthat's odd, I remember someone in #ubuntu+1 having that issue yesterday, the samba upgrade here went fine though18:04
fuorviatosMichealH: Ok, thanks, but what process should I append to "apport" ?18:04
micahgfuorviatos: yes, I had that too18:05
fuorviatosmicahg: Has it been reported yet?18:05
MichealHfuorviatos: ^^18:05
micahgI solved the problem by manually stopping samba18:05
micahgfuorviatos: no18:05
micahgfuorviatos: or rather, idk18:05
* fuorviatos guess it should18:05
fuorviatosI'm reporting it18:07
fuorviatosCan I add a screenshot?18:07
yofelsure, but can't you just copy and paste the installation log?18:07
micahgfuorviatos: please subscribe my IRC nick to the bug, thanks18:07
fuorviatosmicahg: OK.18:08
fuorviatosWhat about the screenshot? Can it be appended too?18:08
yofelit can18:08
yofeljust add it as an attachment18:09
yofelif someone can reproduce that, it would make sense to make the pre/postinst scripts verbose and see if it hangs there..18:10
fuorviatosmicahg: How can I add you?18:20
micahgfuorviatos: subscribe someone else, search for my IRC nick18:20
fuorviatosHow can I stop samba?18:21
MichealH sudo service stop samba ?18:21
MichealHkillall samba?18:21
MichealHThat one18:22
fuorviatosupstart tells me "/etc/init.d/samba no such file or directory"18:22
fuorviatossorry about making it offtopic here18:22
fuorviatosit can't be killed because there is no such a process18:23
MichealHIm restarting into windows18:23
MichealHSo I can game18:24
MichealHSorry if I was no help18:24
fuorviatosnobody was18:24
fuorviatosmicahg: What is your e-mail? I found two matches by your nickname18:25
yofelfuorviatos: sudo service smbd stop18:29
micahgfuorviatos: my nick at ubuntu18:29
fuorviatosyofel: it helps18:33
fuorviatosyofel: thanks18:33
CajunTechieHello everyone! I'm signing up for tomorrows Hug Day and I'm a bit confused about the mentorship program. Where is my Ubuntu Wiki page that I have to fill out? Is that the one on Launchpad?18:35
fuorviatossee you18:36
charlie-tcaCajunTechie: it is a page you initiate yourself18:37
CajunTechieCharlie: Ok, but where do I put it? The instructions seem to sound like it's part of the Ubuntu community site.18:38
yofelCajunTechie: you open a page like 'wiki.ubuntu.com/CajunTechie' (use you launchpad name) where it will ask you if you want to create the site18:38
charlie-tcayou can use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CharlieKravetz as an example. It does become part of the Ubuntu site.18:39
CajunTechieCharlie: Great! Got it! Thanks :-)18:39
devildantehi everybody! :)18:40
* devildante is stupid, he forgot the meeting :(18:40
yofeldevildante: oh, you're not the only one that happens to :P18:41
yofeldid you find the log18:41
devildanteyofel, irclogs.ubuntu.com ftw :)18:42
yofelgreat job on the reporting page btw18:42
devildantethanks, yofel :)18:44
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araQA meeting at #ubuntu-quality in 2 min!19:58
CajunTechieHey guys, one more question: I just setup the prereqs for joining the Hug Day tomorrow and getting a mentor. Any chance I'll be able to participate or will I need to wait until I'm assigned a mentor?20:01
charlie-tcaYou can participate20:04
charlie-tcaJust ask any questions you have here, and we will do our best to answer20:04
charlie-tcaBut, please, do ask if you are unsure of anything.20:05
charlie-tcaCajunTechie: you might want to read this before starting - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage20:07
charlie-tcaIt has some really good information in it20:07
CajunTechieExcellent Charlie. I'm reading that now. I'm excited. This is my first Hug Day20:07
charlie-tcaWelcome aboard!20:14
* nigelb sees first of bugzilla mail hitting inbox20:27
* yofel got some gtk bugzilla updates a while ago, freedesktop was yesterday already20:31
rusiviCan someone please review bug 638260 for wishlist status?20:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 638260 in malone "Launchpad's "oldest first" sort does not do so properly (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63826020:37
charlie-tcarusivi: since that is against launchpad, bugcontrol can't set importance on it20:38
rusiviahhhh ok20:39
rusivicharlie-tca: does Launchpad have their own IRC channel I chould politely ask for their review?20:39
jibelrusivi, that's a launchpad bug and a launchpad developer has already set it to invalid.20:39
charlie-tcaMight be better to ask that as a question to launchpad20:40
pedro_rusivi, #launchpad20:40
rusivipedro_ ty!20:40
trond-hi room. I have a dell e4310 and when running kernel 2.6.35-21 I am getting serious screen flickering, when I'm running 2.6.32-22 I am not getting flickering...20:48
yofelyou mean -2020:49
trond-2.6.32-22-generic is the one I am running now20:49
trond-I was running 2.6.35-21 (I believe it was, could have been 20) It installed when I did an update.20:50
trond-(and don't ask me to install it again, because the flickering was really annoying)20:51
yofelah right, missed that -22 had been uploade20:51
yofelwell, if -22 fixes your flickering then there's nothing to report20:51
trond-well, the 2.6.32-22 fixes it20:52
trond-mind the 32, not the 35.20:52
yofelerr, right, I'm getting tired, can you file a bug with 'ubuntu-bug linux' while running 2.6.35-21 and test the upstream kernel too?20:53
yofelwait a bit until 35-22 is built and test that first20:54
trond-I'll wait for that one to be built (maybe). Since it is stable now, and since this is a production computer, I'm not really that keen on upgrading to something that makes it less nice to work with.20:55
bilalakhtarAfter how many days did the bug watch updater run? So many messages!21:29
nigelbbilalakhtar: looks like you're back on your mail reading :)21:30
* bilalakhtar has been reading his mail since the very beginning21:30
nigelbbilalakhtar: how did you miss the mail about bug watch updater getting an update?21:31
bilalakhtarnigelb: when? on the BC list?21:32
* bilalakhtar discards messages that seem too much about bugs :)21:32
nigelbbilalakhtar: u-d21:32
bilalakhtarnigelb: ah, I found and joined the u-d ML today21:33
bilalakhtarbefore I was on u-d-d and u-d-a and u-m21:33
bilalakhtarand many others21:33
nigelbu-d is like the most important list :)21:33
bilalakhtarI am subscribed to a total of 20 mailing lists21:33
* nigelb stopped counting a while back21:33
bilalakhtar3 in debian, 6 for PHP, the rest in Ubuntu :)21:34
* micahg is subscribed to 21 for Ubuntu/Debian/Linaro21:34
bcurtiswxmailing lists, is there a nice program that manages those well?21:35
micahgbcurtiswx: mailman?21:36
nigelbevolution is the most geek friendly app I've seen so far :)21:36
micahgThunderbird, ftw!21:36
nisshhbcurtiswx: super-duper-mailing-list-manager :)21:36
bilalakhtarEvolution ftw!21:36
bcurtiswxlots of win here, apparently21:37
nisshhmeh, i just use gmail and pipe it into seperate folders21:38
bilalakhtarI have a total of 4 accounts, so aggregate it all with gmail (I hate forwarding, so using this way)21:38
bilalakhtarEvolution can give messages sometimes like 'Cannot open message foo' or 'Error expunging trash'21:39
nisshhbilalakhtar: well hey there mister youngest-motu-ever :)21:39
bilalakhtarthanks nisshh !21:39
bcurtiswxmotu.. wow.. im slacking21:39
bcurtiswxvish, ping21:40
nisshhbcurtiswx: its ok, we all feel bad now a 14 year old just got it21:40
vishbcurtiswx: pongo!21:40
nisshhmakes us all look like lazy old geeks21:40
bcurtiswxvish, so how's it feel to get a mention in a shuttleworth blog?21:40
* vish notes that pongo as because bilalakhtar keeps saying congo ;p21:41
* bilalakhtar thanks everyone around, especially vish 21:42
bcurtiswxqense was mentioned right along side with you21:42
vishbcurtiswx: hmm , not sure how to ans that Q..  "meh" ?21:42
bcurtiswxalso vish, I can start back up with mentoring this saturday21:42
vishbcurtiswx: cool! you have a few students already right?21:43
bcurtiswxhad, but they were removed due to inexistance21:43
vishah.. we can get you new shiny ones ;)21:44
vishbcurtiswx: i actually skipped that post as a tl;dr.. ! nigelb poked me about it..21:44
bcurtiswxah, OK.  still i think it's great he brought the hundredpapercut project to mention21:45
vishyea.. !21:45
bcurtiswxso congrats on another successful hundredpapercuts :)21:45
nigelbvish: oh, my student list seems empty ;)21:45
vishoh everyone is free!21:45
* vish checks the pending students..21:46
* bcurtiswx runs21:46
ubot2Looking for a helping hand with bug triage? Read the wiki for information about requesting a bugsquad mentor: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors21:47
vishbcurtiswx: could you update your time available ^ there ?21:48
vishjibel: you mentioned that your students havent responded either, right?21:49
vishif they havent responded to two mails> they get deactivated!21:50
vishnigelb: i missed last meeting.. so was it that your student hasnt replied yet? or.. he is not free now?21:52
bcurtiswxvish, updated.  You may want to alphabetize the list at some point21:53
nigelbvish: replied once, didn't respond to second mail to contact me or reply with intent to partcipate21:53
nigelb(second mail after 3 weeks of no contact after initial reply)21:53
vishbcurtiswx: its arranged according to time available.. but the inactive mentors were moved down, recently21:53
nisshhits rediculous how many people just walk off on the bugsquad mentors, makes me sad :(21:53
vishnigelb: thx.. deactivate..21:54
bcurtiswxvish, ah OK. I didn't move myself back up.. i'll leave that to you almighty mentor list master :P21:54
nigelbbcurtiswx: btw, I heard about the great fun you had at that fest :)21:54
bcurtiswxyeah, it was cool.  Wish it didn't have to end21:55
nigelbma co told me about the table positioning etc21:55
bcurtiswxit was my first too21:55
bcurtiswxyeah it was almost perfect, we were an extension cord away from a power supply21:55
bcurtiswxwe didn't have an extension cord :(21:55
nigelbNetbooks ftw21:56
bcurtiswxyeah, i need those just for the sheer battery life21:56
bcurtiswxso who here's going to UDS?21:56
* nigelb will be there. In person or remote, undecided.21:56
vishoooh! 3 students all in bcurtiswx's time slot! ;p21:57
* bcurtiswx applied for support. <crosses fingers>21:57
vishnow whom do i choose! o.o21:57
bcurtiswxyeah i seem to be one of the few east coast mentors in the US21:57
nigelbbcurtiswx: but but, there are people like micahg who don't seem to be away at any time21:57
nigelb(or vish for that matter :p)21:57
vishnigelb: me?  i guess you are more lucky, since we are on the same TZ ;)21:58
nigelbvish: lucky? for being around on IRC all the time?21:59
bcurtiswxi think next time canonical wants to ship over someone from the UK (aka Jono) they should make it easier on them and make it east coast21:59
nisshhvish: nigelb has to put up with you nattering on to him all day :)21:59
nigelbbcurtiswx: where's detroit?21:59
vishnisshh: the other way around ;p21:59
nisshhvish: lol22:00
nigelbbcurtiswx: east coast right?22:00
bcurtiswxbut maybe ET,22:00
nisshhbcurtiswx: you know what? why cant we have one in Australia!? :)22:00
nigelbnisshh: they did!22:00
nigelbback when it wasn't called uds22:00
bcurtiswxI'd love to go to australia.  i'll have to apply to canonical22:00
nisshhnigelb: they did?22:00
nisshhoh ok22:01
nisshhback in the olden days :)22:01
bcurtiswxthey need one in hawaii,22:01
micahgnigelb: I'm away sometimes :)22:01
nigelbor Singapore or Malaysia or Dubai or some place in Asia!22:02
bcurtiswxmicahg, meals don't count22:02
nigelbmicahg: heh, that's when we realize the world is going to end :p22:02
vishnigelb: i'm actually surprised you havent found my activity pattern yet.. ;p  but i find it odd that you are often awake at 4am, 5am .. do you ever sleep?22:02
nigelbvish: you know there is like a cycle for sleeping and waking up?22:02
bcurtiswxno they can't sleep.. have you ever had indian food.  my colon is ruined by now :P22:02
nigelbI don't have one.  I keep rotating around22:03
micahgnigelb: do you have proof?  I'm still tying to find one :)22:03
nigelbI wake up at 3 somone times, and some days I sleep at 322:03
bcurtiswxsleep schedule? whats that?22:03
nigelbmicahg: I don't.  Its a myth22:03
nigelbbcurtiswx: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circadian_rhythm22:03
* nigelb and micahg thinks its a myth22:04
* vish would think so too , but has seen micahg and he is real! :(22:04
nigelbvish: I meant the sleep cycle is a myth22:04
micahgnigelb: well, not a myth, but I"m trying to figure out how many hours in my rhythy22:04
vishah.. well , i meant micahg himself is a myth ;p22:05
bcurtiswxnigelb, wait wait. the best time to do it, is in the AM??22:05
nigelbmicahg: oh, there is a xkcd for that22:05
* bcurtiswx has to talk to his fiancee.. brb.. in 15 :P22:05
bcurtiswxok ok j/k22:05
nigelbmicahg: http://xkcd.com/320/22:05
micahgbefore I started reading regularly :)22:05
nigelbbcurtiswx: jaja22:06
* bcurtiswx blinks22:06
micahghah, I have to try that :)22:06
micahgon Bajor they have a 26 hr day :)22:07
bcurtiswxlike your mom... HAHAHAH22:07
nigelbbcurtiswx: heh22:07
nigelbmicahg: I'm running on that cycle this week22:07
nigelbI lost track of what day it is22:07
micahgit's cool, you only have to sleep 6 times during the week :)22:07
bcurtiswxtodays xkcd applies to me.. quite funny22:08
nigelbnisshh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperSummit22:13
charlie-tcaI will be there, in person or remote22:14
nigelbcharlie-tca: +1 :)22:14
vishdevildante: you are a BC member! whyyou hiding as kamusin's student ;p22:35
vishdevildante: still want to keep being mentored? we can deactivate your BC membership ;)22:37
devildantevish, noes :p22:44
devildantevish, seriously, you didn't know? :p22:44
vishdevildante: i know, does your mentor know you became a BC member?  i think kamusin even gave an update regarding you in the last meeting ;p22:45
vishdevildante: i missed the meeting , only read the logs ..22:45
devildantevish, yeah, saw the logs too22:45
* devildante was absent22:45
vishdecoder: you are a bad student! :(22:45
devildantekamusin: ping22:45
devildantekamusin: ping? ping? PIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!22:48
nigelbdevildante: *cough* use figlet *cough*22:49
kamusinI know everything ... muahaha22:50
=== kermiac_ is now known as kermiac
vishdevildante: do you want to start mentoring your own too? there seem to be a few available in your slot22:51
devildantevish, my time zone is outdated :p22:51
devildantevish, with studies, I don't have that much free time22:52
vishdevildante: ok.. i'll deactivate you from the mentoring team.. not sure you are so busy though ;p22:52
devildantevish, oh yes I am busy22:53
devildanteso busy I forgot the meeting :p22:53
vishdevildante: busy people dont irc ;p22:53
devildantevish, busy as in "only 2 hours of free time"22:53
devildante"and weekend" :p22:53
vishdevildante: i think thats sufficient enough to be a mentor ;)22:54
kamusinvish, agree22:54
devildantevish, I'll think about it :)22:54
kamusindevildante don't need me anymore :(22:55
* devildante hugs kamusin22:55
vishdevildante: oh gosh! and he is "think!"  :(22:55
devildantekamusin, I love you :)22:55
kamusinnow is a jedi of our team22:55
kamusinjust for be clear, we are friends :)22:56
vishfriends?  i thought you two were sworn enemies!22:56
* kamusin kamusin hugs vish22:58
devildantekamusin has a kamusin that hugged vish :p22:58
vishdevildante: ok , think fast and let me know.. no idlers in Mentors team allowed ;p22:58
* devildante hugs vish too22:59
devildantevish, okay :)22:59
devildantevish, after further sessions of "think!", I think I'll do some mentoring23:26
* nigelb lols at bdmurray's shameless blog ad :p23:26
devildantevish, but see my updated time slot first23:26
vishdecoder: cool!23:26
nigelbvish: fail :p23:26
vishnigelb: hate you too!23:26
bdmurraynigelb: well its no fun repeating yourself ;-)23:26
* devildante always think for a second that "decoder" is a person23:27
nigelbbdmurray: heh :)23:27
vishbdmurray: looks like you were assigned a student , any contact with the student?23:27
bdmurrayvish: no, you should really kick me out23:27
bdmurrayvish: I'm a bum23:27
vishbdmurray: ;p nah np.. you mentioned you werent available , sense dint know that :)23:28
* vish will re-assign..23:28
kamusinwell time to go home .. see you next week! yay!23:28
bcurtiswxnever, theres no possible way a brian can become a bum :P23:29
bcurtiswxBrian's the best name ever invented23:29
devildantebye, kamusin :)23:30
kamusinsee you, (remember hug Vish everyday)23:31
* bcurtiswx hugs vish23:31
vishhei! whats wrong with me? why everyone feeling sorry for me? 0.o23:31
bcurtiswxkamusin told me to do it23:32
vishhehe! kamusin ! :D23:32
kamusinsee you guys23:33
vishkamusin: why next week?23:33
kamusinwe have one week of holidays here23:33
vishkamusin: ooh! have fun! :)23:33
kamusin200 years of history here we go23:33
* devildante hugs vish23:34
devildanteWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I wanted to hug kamusin :p23:34
vishdevildante: thanks! you reminded me to assign you a student! ;p23:34
devildantevish, this soon? :p23:35
bcurtiswxvish, how do you manage papercuts AND mentors23:35
vishbcurtiswx: right now , i'm getting pinged in three channels! :)23:35
* bcurtiswx /whois attacks vish23:36
vishdevildante: oh you updated *your* wiki! , could you add yourself to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/Mentors   the list here23:48
bcurtiswxbdmurray, all the empathy (GNOME is upstream) bugs are getting LP to link comments23:48
bcurtiswxre: your email23:49
bdmurraybcurtiswx: cool, thanks!23:49
bcurtiswxbdmurray, np23:50
devildantevish, done :)23:53
vishdevildante: thanks.. :)23:53
devildantevish, you're welcome!23:53
vishdevildante: hmm ,wait i cant find you there!23:54
devildantevish, I forgot to save changes :p23:54
vishdevildante: lol! save the page!23:55
vishi noticed the lock ;)23:55
devildantevish, done now :)23:55
* devildante is outta here23:55
devildantebye all :)23:55
bcurtiswxwell, not much time for us to say bye23:55
bcurtiswxMark likes mythical creatures, narwhals.. jackalopes23:56
bcurtiswxwhat will be the next mythical creature23:56
yofelan otter23:56
bcurtiswxOmnipitent Omnivore?23:57
bcurtiswxOdd Ox23:58
yofelthat at least sounds crisp23:59
yofeland short! :D23:59
bcurtiswxI really hope PP is a Platypus23:59

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