
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
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progre55hey guys. I was setting up a node from a server installation cd, but after a restart falls to (initramfs) saying "Gave up waiting for root device. Common problems: .... etc"15:12
progre55any suggestions, please?15:12
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progre55hi guys. when running an instance, I get these exceptions (http://pastie.org/1160744) on the node logs, and it terminates. Any suggestions please?16:31
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
veenenenAre there any tools built into cloud-utils to unboot an image for pushing it to ec2?17:36
smoserveenenen, no.17:40
smoseras much as i hate un-booting, i'd be open to such a thing17:40
smoserif you wanted to contribute :)17:40
veenenenOnce I get this all working, I'd be happy to contribute it back17:41
Ankithello all18:43
Ankitguys can u just provide me a full documentation of ubuntu cloud so that i can understand it fully18:44
Ankitplz help me...18:44
Crazyhello everone18:47
CrazyI am using ubuntu cloud for setting up the cloud at my college... but didnt knw hw to move further...18:48
Crazyi have just installed the server...18:48
Crazyplz help me this is my project... plz help18:49
smoserCrazy, did you think people were just ignoring you because of your name ? :)18:51
smoserhave you looked at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC ?18:51
smoserthe easiest way to get up and running is to do the uec install from the cd18:51
Crazyhmm ya bro i have looked at it18:51
Crazyya i have installed that succesfully18:52
smoserso what do you need?18:52
Crazybt pbm is how i put my software in the cloud18:52
Crazysuppose i have to put adobe photoshop there18:52
smoserwell, it all starts by getting an AMI (amazon machine image) (or emi) up18:53
Crazyhow smoser?18:54
smoserthe easiest way to get one is probably from the UEC store (i think there is a store tab in the UEC ui)18:54
smoserinstall the lucid ubuntu ami18:54
smoserdownload from http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/lucid/release/18:55
smoserand use 'uec-publish-tarball' on ubuntu-10.04-server-uec-amd64.tar.gz  or ubuntu-10.04-server-uec-i386.tar.gz18:55
Crazyok thanks... but do you have any proper documantation so that i can learn from my own18:55
Crazyplz smoser u look to me the most helping person here...18:57
Crazyshould i really change my name, does people here help by seeing there names18:58
smoserhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/CDInstall steps you through most of that.18:59
smoserup to getting an image18:59
smoser(i was only joking. you were here as Ankit and then left and came back as Crazy)18:59
Crazyhmmm okz bro...19:04
Crazyya bro may i discuss further wd you19:04
Crazywhat i have done till yet19:04
Crazysrry for my poor grammar19:04
smoseri'm sorry, but i really can't spend much time trouble shooting here today.19:06
Crazyok smoser thanks for helping me... i will download that image and come back if any pbm will be there, thanks... bro it was my first time on IRC so dnt knw hw to go on...19:07
veenenenIt worked! Local kvm vm to live ec2 vm.19:49
smoserveenenen, wow!20:34
smoserthat rocks20:34
smoseryou used the maverick stuff i pointed you at ?20:34
smoseri'm very interested in details20:35
veenenenAfter I stopped trying to get fancy, all I had to do was start up the original image, add my ssh key and turn off text passwords. Then just did a standard shutdown. After that I mounted the img to the host and changed the fstab to the regular ec2 fstab. Used ec2-bundle-image (I had to remember to use the ext4 friendly kernel), ec2-upload-bundle, and ec2-register to wrap up the image and push it to ec2. After that, I just launched it and tada it worked21:00
smoserso why, then, did you ahve to boot it at all ?21:04
smoserand i dont know that you would have had to change fstab21:04
smoserthis is if you started from a  maverick image21:04
veenenenI just wanted to make sure it could be booted on kvm21:05
veenenenIdeally, I'd run the run the server locally to test it, and then when everything is working right, I'd shut it down and push it out.21:06
veenenenSo, while I didn't need to start it up now, I will in the future.21:06
smoserright. i understand your general interest.21:06
smoseryou shouldn't have to mount the image in the host to change the fstab though21:06
smoseryou were using maverick ?21:06
smoserin general, you'll always want to use the same kernel that the registered image on ec2 works with21:07
smoserfor maverick images, that "kernel" is pv-grub21:07
veenenenI'm using the one that's currently being used by the 32bit maverick ami21:07
veenenenI'll have to switch it out tomorrow after the kernel updates are done.21:08
veenenenMost of the time I'll have the image running, so I just want the fstab switched out when I'm pushing it. I'm just going to make the mount part of the push script.21:09
smoserveenenen, so the maverick amis wont change21:13
smoserthe kernel is loaded from inside the image21:13
veenenenoh, sweet21:13
smoservia pv-grub on ec2, and via that floppy on your local boot21:13
veenenenthat's perfect21:13
smoser(and it can be done via a floppy based loader on 10.10 UEC)21:13
smoserwhat did you change in the /etc/fstab ?21:13
smoser(you should still look at what aki was used for a given ami, but it is not going to change each time there is a new ubuntu kernel, it would only change if amazon released a new pv-grub, and we needed that)21:14
veenenenI just grabbed the fstab of one of my instances on ec221:16
smoseryou shouldn't need to do that.21:16
smosercloud-init will write those ephemeral entries to fstab for you21:17
smoserin fact, you *dont want* to do that21:17
smoserlest you run into a bug like bug 63410221:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 634102 in cloud-init "t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63410221:17
_mup_Bug #634102: t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot <server-mrs> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Fix Released by smoser> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Lucid):Triaged> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Maverick):Fix Released by smoser> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634102>21:18
_mup_Bug #634102: t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot <server-mrs> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Fix Released by smoser> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Lucid):Triaged> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Maverick):Fix Released by smoser> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634102>21:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 634102 in cloud-init "t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot" [Medium,Fix released]21:18
_mup_Bug #634102: t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot <server-mrs> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Fix Released by smoser> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Lucid):Triaged> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Maverick):Fix Released by smoser> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634102>21:18
_mup_Bug #634102: t1.micro EC2 instances hang on reboot <server-mrs> <cloud-init (Ubuntu):Fix Released by smoser> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Lucid):Triaged> <cloud-init (Ubuntu Maverick):Fix Released by smoser> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/634102>21:18
smoser_mup_, uvirtbot, FIGHT!21:18
smosersomeone needs to stop that21:18
veenenendo I run cloud-init on the img from the host before I start pushing the image to amazon?21:19
veenenenor when the guest is shutting down should it already be adding those?21:19
veenenenI just know the image wasn't booting on amazon until I changed the fstab21:20
veenenenand the error said something about sda121:21
smosercloud-init runs "once per instance" based on the instance-id21:22
smoseryou'r eprobalby right....21:22
smoserbut uncloud-init or cloud-init should not modify /etc/fstab like that21:23
smoseroh wait, maybe... you might have more luck with a newer image. i made a fix for that bug recently in maverick (monday or so)21:23
veenenenI grabbed the image today21:24
veenenenWhat's cloud-init written in?21:24
veenenenprogramming language-wise21:24
smoseruncloud-init is even more hacky, its written in shell21:29
veenenenAlright, I'll dig in and see what's going wrong sometime this week.21:43
smoserveenenen, thanks.21:47
smoserand i am very interested in your findings.21:47
smoseri really would like to have a generally functional "download image, boot in kvm, customize, push to ec2" path21:47

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