
=== evilnhandler is now known as nhandler
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nhandlertechnoviking: Great work (re: rss). We'll be sure to poke you when we are ready to make the switch00:34
akgranerjcastro, okie dokie on the open week stuff02:20
dpmgood morning all08:24
duanedesigngood morning08:26
duanedesignhello czajkowski. How is the other side of the pond this morning? :)09:46
dpmmorning czajkowski09:46
dpmhey duanedesign09:46
czajkowskiheading to a Java conference today in Cork09:51
duanedesignczajkowski: AHHH, SOUNDS NICE09:51
duanedesignsorry cap Fail09:51
duanedesignits 20c  this morning. A lot cooler then it has been. So I have all the windows open, enjoying the breeze09:52
duanedesigngood morning10:48
* duanedesign needs to make some coffee10:48
nigelbmorning folks12:20
akgranerIf anyone needs me just email me of text me via some other way other than IRC - laters y'all12:23
paultagmorning nigelb?12:29
paultagakgraner, later!12:29
nigelbpaultag: I'm confused what time it is12:29
paultagnigelb, 11:30 UTC12:30
nigelbpaultag: Ah, I got a better definition12:30
nigelbIts morning when I open my eyes12:30
paultagIt's 7:30 locally12:30
jussiI just spilt milk all over my keyboard :(12:38
dpmyou're not supposed to feed these things jussi!12:44
jussidpm: hahahaha12:45
nigelbdpm: haha, good one12:45
nigelbjussi: I'm copying this one :D :D12:47
Gjussi: did it purr as a result?12:47
jussiG: unfortunately not...12:48
Gjussi: what an ungrateful keyboard12:48
Gthrow it outside and tell it to harden up :)12:49
nigelbG: well, if he poured it well and it shorted.... ;)12:49
Gnigelb: the better the sparks, the better the show :)12:50
jonohey all14:30
Pendulumhiya jono14:32
jonohey Pendulum14:32
jonohows things?14:32
Pendulumnot too bad. Are you free for a quick chat in PM?14:33
Pendulumjono: ^^14:34
jonoPendulum, sure! :-)14:34
scott-workhello hono14:51
scott-workerr jono14:51
jonohey scott14:57
jonohey scott-work14:57
=== IdleOne is now known as IdleOp
nigelbAlanBell: thanks for subscribing me :)15:18
jcastroJFo: easy vote of the day: http://ubuntu.stackexchange.com/questions/256/does-ubuntu-have-support-for-the-trim-command-for-use-with-ssd15:30
jcastroJFo: the forum thread is all confused, some people say you do nothing, some say you need a mount option, etc.15:37
jcastroJFo: also I am selfish, I am close to getting a new SSD. *whistles*15:37
jcastroczajkowski: doing anything?15:39
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jcastroJFo: wow, so really, no user setup needed?15:46
JFonot that I know of15:46
jcastrorock and roll15:47
JFoit should "just work(tm")15:47
czajkowskijcastro: at a conf listnig to a talk on drools, sup15:56
czajkowskianyone got the link to N release schedule, looking for dates it's released15:57
jcastroapril 2815:57
czajkowskijcastro: thanks15:57
czajkowskijcastro: so what do you need15:57
jcastroI think we should remove all the junk from UDS-N and just make that the "whiteboard" page for UDS15:58
jcastrosince all the good stuff is on uds.u.c15:58
jonojcastro, dpm let's roll15:59
jonojcastro, dpm let's do skype15:59
jonomumble is knackered here15:59
dpmjono, skype or phone?15:59
dpmok, got it, sorrz16:00
dpmcan't type either16:00
jcastrook one sec16:00
* czajkowski offers cake to dpm 16:00
czajkowskicake makes everything better16:01
nigelbJFo: you've corrupted czajkowski too :p16:01
jcastroczajkowski: doesn't need to be soon, but it'll need a link back to uds.u.c prominently, because people will still think that's where to go16:01
nigelb"Its a pice of cake to make a pretty cake..."16:01
czajkowskijcastro: i'll look at it tonight when i get back16:01
JFonigelb, all shall fall ;-)16:11
nigelbJFo: looks like it16:11
nigelbwhat the.. "16:22
nigelbUbuntu new interface and background16:22
nigelbspam from a bluprint - that's like new levels of spam16:23
paultagI saw that16:40
nigelbpaultag: LP folks are /vast/16:40
nigelbfast rather16:40
nigelbuser suspended16:40
nigelb(even though LP isn't very fast often)16:41
duanedesignpaultag: hello16:43
nigelbduanedesign: I forgot how fast and how long bt meetings are16:43
nigelbI just stepped away for a minute and I couldn't keep up yesterday16:44
paultaghey duanedesign16:45
paultagnigelb, yeah, it's pretty awesome16:45
duanedesignnigelb: heh, i sit in on the Arizona LoCo meetings from time to time. Their meetings are crazy fast.16:45
nigelbpaultag: I know, I've been there16:45
paultagnigelb, we all just mind-meld for an hour and a half and we're done for a month16:45
paultag+1 duanedesign16:45
nigelbpaultag: I also see that the meetings are still friendly for the west and crazy time for my tz ;)16:46
* nigelb hides16:46
paultagnigelb, :P16:46
duanedesignpaultag: you working? I have been hoping to get a few minutes to discuss some ideas for FGs.16:46
paultagnigelb, I always wanted to have talks on the ML or two meetings16:46
paultagduanedesign, aI have time16:46
nigelbpaultag: 2 meetings ++16:46
duanedesignpaultag: can you join -council?16:47
paultagI need to find a way to save channels16:48
duanedesignpaultag: err guess we could pm16:48
paultagnah nah16:48
jcastrobreezy reimagined: http://i.imgur.com/6IREV.png17:07
macojcastro: reminds me of an octopus17:07
nigelbthat is beautiful!17:07
nigelbits like sunlight in purple17:07
nigelb(or at least that's what it reminds me of)17:07
macoheh im seeing a scene from The Little Mermaid17:07
macowith Ursula swimming off17:08
PiciIt hurts my brain a little bit.17:08
vishPici: !  :D17:14
vishnice little spammer https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/new-background-ubuntu17:14
vishhow did he get deactivated so soon?17:14
Pendulumvish: because he tagged all ubuntu members so some of the launchpad team got it when everyone else did :)17:15
nigelbvish: I opened a question and sinzui got it within 7 minutes :)17:17
vishnigelb: oh! that was swift! link?17:17
nigelbvish: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/blueprint/+question/12553317:18
vishnigelb: that was mighty quick response from lp ;)  .. now Ubuntu members are going to click the bp link and find it missing.. and wonder "Is this a new secret interface canonical is working on" ;p17:20
nigelbvish: lol17:21
jcastro@dendrobates Loving the art of community, it's hard to believe a guy that tells very good wanking jokes can also write so beautifully @jonobacon17:23
* jcastro falls out of his chair17:23
doctormohighvoltage: Merryment?17:48
highvoltagedoctormo: Merriment \Mer"ri*ment\, n. Gayety, with laughter; mirth; frolic. "Follies and light merriment." --Spenser. [1913 Webster]  Methought it was the sound Of riot and ill-managed merriment.       --Milton. [1913 Webster], merriment n 1: a gay feeling [syn: {gaiety}, {merriment}] 2: activities that are enjoyable or amusing; "I do it for the fun of it"; "he is fun to have around" [syn: {fun}, {merriment}, {playfulness}]17:49
doctormohighvoltage: That's the one, but including a floor.17:50
highvoltageah. "Merryment?" = "Why are you rolling on the floor laughing?"?17:51
highvoltagedoctormo: 12:24 < jcastro> @dendrobates Loving the art of community, it's hard to believe a guy that tells very good wanking jokes can also write so beautifully @jonobacon17:51
jcastrojono: I am all set whenever just ring17:59
technovikingjcastro: Should I worry about ubuntu-help.com?18:17
jcastroI dunno, I was hoping elmo would take care of it (kind of slammed right now)18:18
jcastromaybe copyright can help?18:18
technovikingI will ping them18:19
doctormohighvoltage: Ah, :-D thanks18:19
technovikingjcastro: thanks18:19
jcastrotechnoviking: add on there that it's phishing so they prioritize it18:19
jcastroso it doesn't get lost with "my local bowling league is using the ubuntu logo"18:20
jonojcastro sorry, set now18:20
highvoltagewow that ubuntu-help site is nasty18:21
doctormohighvoltage: It just says my ip address is banned, with what looks like the old ubuntu forums theme.19:00
paultagaye doctormo19:00
paultagdoctormo, that's the point :)19:00
paultagdoctormo, then you put in the details to the site and they have your password19:01
paultagdoctormo, classic phishing19:01
doctormoHey paultag of ohio.19:03
paultaghey doctormo of Massachusetts ( greatest state on earth )19:03
doctormoOK so I know now that there are binary drivers for Epson scanners, lexmark printers and a couple of other devices. *sigh*19:04
paultagdoctormo, at least there are drivers, y'know19:04
doctormopaultag: Untechnically I'm doctormo of Vermont, greatest country in america.19:04
paultagdoctormo, Ha!19:04
vishgreat "country" in USA ! o.019:05
paultagvish, it's a joke because VT is so unlike the rest of america, and they are super progressive19:05
vishhehe ;)19:05
doctormovish: I said America, not usa. not the same thing. America is a continent,.19:05
paultagWell, that's what makes the joke work :P19:05
vishpaultag: obviously not everyone from vermont has a sense of humor ;)19:06
doctormovish: I married in, I'm a flatlander.19:06
highvoltagedoctormo: yeah but if it phishes for passwords and it goes as far as asking for launchpad usernames and passwords it could do some nasty things19:07
doctormoget into your ubuntuone account :-)19:07
nigelbtrolls are awesome aren't they? A thread talking about Linus being a US citizen ends up talking about capital murder is US vs world.  Sigh.19:42
PiciHrm.  Am I alone in thinking that http://www.ubuntu.com/ makes to too easy for a user to download the beta version?20:46
highvoltagePici: yep.20:47
highvoltagePici: just kidding, I was wondering about that too20:47
PiciI just had a user in #ubuntu say that they downloaded 10.10 because thats what they saw when they went to ubuntu.com20:48
highvoltagePici: I guess it's also important to spread the word about testing an upcoming release. it does make it quite clear that it's an upcoming release, at least20:48
highvoltageif you click on download ubuntu, it /does/ take you to the 10.04 page20:48
highvoltageI guess it would be a lot better if it actually mentioned on the front page that 10.10 is pre-release software20:49
PiciI agree.20:50
czajkowskiwhoo back21:09
* nigelb wonders if dpm ever sleeps :)22:39
=== IdleOp is now known as IdleOne
paultagdoctormo, good to see you upstream23:03
nigelbpaultag: kernel?23:03
paultagnigelb, he just posted in debian mentors23:03
paultagnigelb, about barry23:03
* nigelb goes to check inbox23:03
paultagnigelb, 14 hours ago, last post on thread 16 minutes ago23:04
nigelbpaultag: wow, nice indeed :)23:05
paultagnigelb, there should be an ubuntuers-in-debian room or something23:06
nigelbpaultag: debian-ubuntu on oftc23:06
paultaghumm, aye.23:06
paultagI should set this up for oftc again23:06
doctormopaultag: It was bound to happen eventually.23:10
ScottLdoctormo: ubuntu studio is working on workflows :  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Workflows23:41
ScottLinstead of providing a application "factory" without any cohesion, we want to focus on how to accomplish things23:41
ScottLto include the wizardpen drivers would you look at the webpage and add any workflows you think should be included?23:42

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