
rickspencer3RAOF, TheMuso hey dudes00:24
TheMusoHey rickspencer3.00:24
rickspencer3so, I am being totally aweful00:25
rickspencer3I have not even looked at the wiki for the team meeting or anything :(00:25
rickspencer3maybe RAOF is not even here?00:26
TheMusoNo idea...00:26
* TheMuso sighs. People file bugs, say there is no sound, and they have 2 output devices connected. Whats the bet that their speakers are connected to the device that hasn't been selected from the sound preferences to be used...00:30
TheMusoCan anybody using both unity and GNOME confirm this bug? bug 63812300:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 638123 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "after logout sound does not work and have to kill pulseaudio to get sound back (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63812300:46
rickspencer3TheMuso, trying01:05
TheMusorickspencer3: thanks.01:06
rickspencer3TheMuso, what are the repro steps?01:06
rickspencer3I go into Gnome, log out, and then into Unity?01:06
TheMusorickspencer3: What was given as the symptom in the bug so to speak. I.e use audio in GNOME or unity, log out, and switch to the other DE, and try using audio via pulse again.01:07
rickspencer3I'll try01:07
rickspencer3hey TheMuso01:09
rickspencer3no bug for me01:09
rickspencer3worked fine01:09
TheMusorickspencer3: Ok, I'll see if I can test myself later to be sure, but I suspected something wrong with the local system for the reporter anyway.01:10
rickspencer3but I did get to listen to some Alman Brothers, so that's good01:10
* TheMuso has a full plate today, got to get a few things in before final freeze.01:10
rickspencer3enjoy TheMuso01:12
TheMusoYeah am sure to. :)01:12
rickspencer3I've got to step away for a while01:12
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pittiGood morning07:39
TheMusoHey pitti.07:42
TheMusoBack later... Yay for getting stuff in before final freeze. :)07:57
mvokiwinote: rock! thanks yet again for more fixes \o/10:18
kiwinotemvo: thanks, my pleasure :)10:19
slomono seb128 today?12:04
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mvoslomo: I think he is on vacation12:28
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nessitagood morning! can I please have a sponsorship for ubuntu-sso-client? (merge proposal at https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntu/maverick/ubuntu-sso-client/ubuntu-sso-client-1.0.1/+merge/35482 )12:50
mvonessita: I can do that13:13
mvonessita: may I suggest to include a ".bzr-builddeb/default.conf" with "[BUILDDEB]\nsplit=True" to make it trivial to build with bzr-buildpackage?13:15
mvonessita: this way uploaders just need to type "bzr-builddeb" (or bzr-builddeb -S)13:16
mvonessita: uploaded13:22
ogradid anything change wrt the favorites category ?13:22
ograi cant create a .desktop file with Category=Favorites; and have it show up in the favorites anymore it seems13:22
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mvoogra: I'm not sure that this ever worked, but you can try adding a file to /usr/share/app-install/menu.d/my-favs.menu and add a menu similar to "featured.menu" there. I'm not sure if it will merge it or not though13:34
mvoogra: its a interessting idea to merge it13:34
ograwell, it used to work with the old netbook-launcher to just use Category=Favorites;13:34
ograi dont think we had any .menu file for it13:35
mvohm, could you try to add <Category>Faviorites</Category> to the featured.menu then?13:36
mvoogra: you want it to appear in the netbook-launcher? or in software-center?13:36
ogranetbook-launcher itself is dead, i'm not sure, it might have added a .menu file for it13:37
ograthough i think favorites are in the xdg spec13:37
ograso it should just work13:37
* ogra checks netbook-launcher13:37
ograit has a Favorites.menu indeed13:38
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ograweird, the binary packages dont ship it13:44
nessitamvo: hey there! I'll add the conf in the next release, thanks for the tip and the upload :-)13:57
alecu all14:01
alecuI meant, hello all14:01
mvonessita: thanks, my pleasure14:03
mdzhi, around?14:27
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geserdoes somebody know the reason for bug #638690?15:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 638690 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus not launching from Places menu or CLI Maverick (affects: 2) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63869015:39
pedro_geser, we got a similar one yesterday which was solved by rebooting the machine15:41
pedro_bug 63770415:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 637704 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus not starting (affects: 10) (dups: 1) (heat: 52)" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63770415:41
pedro_geser, ^15:41
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geserpedro_: thanks, a reboot fixed it15:44
pedro_geser, you're welcome15:46
rickspencer3tremolux, nice to see another "Done" on the new apps blueprint!16:01
rickspencer3tremolux, only documentation left?16:01
tremoluxrickspencer3: \o/16:01
tremoluxrickspencer3: yes, I think we are in good shape16:02
tremoluxrickspencer3: still testing of course16:02
rickspencer3but still16:02
rickspencer3this is a major innovation16:03
tremoluxrickspencer3: I'm really excited about it, can't wait to watch how it evolves16:03
Sarvattwould anyone be willing to sponsor RAOF's xserver package upload? the kernel team is about to revert the disable KMS on i8xx stuff and it's dependent on the patch in it16:22
Sarvatt<RAOF> So, before I board this plane, the two sponsorship opportunities are: http://cooperteam.net/Packages/xorg-server_1.9.0-0ubuntu6.dsc & http://cooperteam.net/Packages/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics_1.2.2-2ubuntu4.dsc16:22
Sarvatthe's off at a conference16:22
rickspencer3Sarvatt so what's the situation exactly?16:36
rickspencer3RAOF has fixed the mesa problem, but the patch needs to be uploaded?16:37
mvoSarvatt: I can do that, I have a i830 that I keep around for testing and it fails badly with current maverick16:38
kenvandinerickspencer3, i don't think those are related16:38
rickspencer3I'm confused, why was the new mesa uploaded if it broke UNE so badly?16:39
SarvattI'm not aware of any fix from RAOF and he's on the plane to a conference, I'm in the middle of bisecting it right now to try to find the problem, most of the upstream developers are at the conference too :(16:39
rickspencer3should we not be reverting the mesa upload?16:40
kenvandinelooking at the changelog, there was some bug fixes for radeon from RAOF listed and adding support for new intel hardware16:41
mvoSarvatt: I can not judge 205_udev-product-ids.patch but 206_intel_8xx_default_to_fbdev.patch should be fine16:41
mvoSarvatt: but that is a cherry pick?16:42
Sarvattmvo: 206 is the result of the discussion about fixing up i8xx devices, 205 is a fix from cnd to make bluetooth devices work properly and is queued for upstream (so yeah it's a cherry pick of sorts) it fixes some multitouch devices16:45
Sarvattrickspencer3: sorry, splitting up the conversation between two channels - <Sarvatt> want me to prepare a revert to upload? I'm not confident this can be fixed in a reasonable timeframe16:45
Sarvatt<Sarvatt> I think we should wait for RAOF to pop on though16:45
mvoSarvatt: ok, I sposnor the xorg-server upload now then16:46
Sarvattif RAOF has a fix it'd be *much* preferred to go with that, KDE desperately needed the mesa update. this update broke intel the same way ATI has always been broken so I'm not exactly sure where the problem lies.16:46
kenvandineSarvatt: any idea when RAOF might show up?16:47
rickspencer3Sarvatt what channel should I be on?16:53
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devildantehi everybody! :)18:39
cyphermoxanybody has omg-broken bugs for NM that I should be aware of? trying to unbreak as many last things as possible before final freeze :)18:49
devildantecyphermox: I have a problem with automatic login, but I don't know if it's fixed, I should update first :p18:51
cyphermoxdevildante, what do you mean? with unlocking the keyring for wifi passwords and such? I was really referring to NetworkManager -specific issues :)18:51
devildantecyphermox, yes :) has it been fixed?18:52
cyphermoxdevildante, err, you tell me? I'll be very interested to know the details, do you have a bug number for that issue?18:52
devildantecyphermox, not that I know of, I'll do some searching first18:53
cyphermoxdevildante, cool and thanks, please keep me posted18:53
devildanteokay :)18:54
Chipacamvo: ping18:58
Chipacamvo: hi. do you have a minute or 15?18:59
devildantecyphermox, I dunno if it's really related to the keyring that much ; the bug causes X to crash and I must kill nm-applet to have it back running18:59
Chipacamvo: re aptdaemon18:59
devildantemvo, vish, hi there :)18:59
mvoChipaca: yes18:59
mvodevildante: hey!18:59
vishdevildante: hey!18:59
devildantemvo, vish, been a long time... hey, wait, only 2 days :p18:59
mvoheh :)19:00
cyphermoxdevildante, that's way different, yes. but does X crash completely or do you mean the nm-applet icon just doesn't get added to the notification area?19:00
Chipacamvo: seems like the non-async codepath is broken (we used a bit of that in a rhythmbox plugin), and in looking into it to fix, I now get two password dialogs19:00
Chipacamvo: let me throw some code at you19:00
devildantecyphermox, both19:00
Chipacamvo: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/494334/19:01
mvoChipaca: I noticed that as well :/ I was looking into the problem today, I think we need to revert r49419:01
cyphermoxdevildante, you lose all graphics? again, do you have a bug for this or could you open one?19:01
mvoChipaca: but let me look at your diff irst19:01
Chipacamvo: not a diff, sorry; I was working around rather than through the problem19:01
devildantecyphermox, I don't see one, so I'll post a bug with all the details. should it be against nm or gnome keyring?19:02
mvoChipaca: there was a little bit of rework, give me a minute (or 15) to show you the new world order19:02
Chipacamvo: yessir!19:02
Chipacamvo: this is apparently based on code you threw at aquarius last year :)19:02
mvoChipaca: sorry for the trouble, next cycle the api will be less volatile19:02
mvoChipaca: I remember that :)19:02
mvoChipaca: but that code has different indents ;)19:03
devildantemvo, any new stuff happened while I was absent? I don't feel like reading ~100 emails :p19:03
Chipacamvo: i edited this from gedit inside a vm. don't want to talk about it.19:03
mvodevildante: new 2.1.20 release!19:03
* Chipaca hugs his emacs19:03
mvoChipaca: a vm? tsss ;)19:03
cyphermoxdevildante, file against X, I will reassign it to NM as necessary (this way we can get all the X logs). Please make sure you use ubuntu-bug.19:03
devildantecyphermox, okay :)19:04
* dobey begs around for some sponsorship19:04
mvodobey: what packages?19:04
* devildante kicks Chipaca, vim is the best19:04
Chipacamvo: yeah, this is for people who don't use medibuntu, which I'm not about to uninstall from my real machine to test. Hence, run in a vm. Today I can't ssh into the vm, so gedit :-/19:04
* mvo wonders if he gets fine tea for sponsoring19:04
dobeymvo: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pyinotify/+bug/63340519:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 633405 in pyinotify (Ubuntu) "Raises empty OSError when inotify_init fails (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New]19:05
Chipacadevildante: I concur; I do everything with great vim19:05
cyphermoxmvo, how does litchee tea sound for helping out with a FFe if you can, once I'm ready? :)19:05
dobeyChipaca: for great justice!19:06
Chipacammm... lychee19:07
chrisccoulsoni really need an internet connection that doesn't suck :/19:08
mvodobey: uploaded19:08
dobeymvo: thanks!19:09
devildantemvo, care to merge https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ilidrissi.amine/software-center/fixing-random-bugs/+merge/34656 ?19:11
mvocyphermox: heh :) ping me if I'm still online if you get feedback on the FFe19:12
Chipacachrisccoulson: yes, you do. I think it's in your contract, even :)19:12
mvodevildante: I have a look today plus on the "lib" crash/freeze one from you :)19:12
cyphermoxmvo: I might be ok. Just need help with this huge box of tea19:12
devildantemvo, the "lib" freeze branch is simply the patch you provided :p19:13
chrisccoulsonChipaca, yeah, probably. my connection is no good for doing lots of big parallel uploads19:13
Chipacachrisccoulson: ah! neither is mine, for that. wondershaper helps my irc not crash while doing massive uploads.19:13
* Chipaca suddenly remembers when he had to upload several AMIs a day and shudders19:14
mvoChipaca: I pushed it to lp:~mvo/+junk/u1install - I can make it nicer there too if you want, the new inline_callback/defer stuff (twiested like) is pretty neat (but a hell to debug)19:20
devildantecyphermox, bug 639810 :) I put it as Critical because "it affects a large subset of Ubuntu users", but feel free to change it if you disagree :)19:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 639810 in xorg (Ubuntu) "X crashes when NM asks for wifi keyring password (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63981019:20
Chipacamvo: yes, inline callbacks are both those things :)19:20
chrisccoulsondevildante, if it crashes when pressing enter then that's a duplicate19:21
Chipacamvo: thanks a ton19:21
chrisccoulsondevildante, it's bug 63672119:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 636721 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor crashed with SIGSEGV (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63672119:21
devildantechrisccoulson, whoops19:21
chrisccoulsonnot that19:21
devildantefail :p19:21
chrisccoulsonbug 62523919:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 625239 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 5 other projects) "X starts on wrong tty because gdm starts before nvidia driver is ready (affects: 11) (heat: 72)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62523919:21
mvoChipaca: your welcome19:22
chrisccoulsonyessssss! i'm out of disk space for the second day in a row19:22
chrisccoulsontime to rearrange the deck chairs once more19:22
cyphermoxdevildante, right... I understand what you mean now by "having to kill nm-applet". That's another bug also playing against you... one that is really hard to fix but is supposed to be on the list for NM 0.919:23
devildantecyphermox, thanks for the info :)19:24
devildantechrisccoulson, cyphermox, so is it a new bug or a duplicate of bug 625239?19:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 625239 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 5 other projects) "X starts on wrong tty because gdm starts before nvidia driver is ready (affects: 11) (heat: 72)" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62523919:25
devildanteby "pressing enter", I mean proceed with the unlocking of keyring, but I need to test, so brb rebooting now19:26
cyphermoxdevildante, sounds reasonable19:26
devildante... or not, apt-get is upgrading :p19:27
devildantecyphermox, what, about duplicate?19:27
cyphermoxdevildante, yeah, sorry, I wasn't clear19:27
devildantenp :)19:28
cyphermoxchrisccoulson, fwiw I had the same without nvidia drivers, except this morning now that I was really expecting it :/19:28
chrisccoulsoncyphermox, yeah, i've seen the issue without nvidia drivers too (X starting on the wrong VT and then crashing when pressing enter)19:29
chrisccoulsonbut i've not seen it for a little while19:29
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* vish tickles nigelb !19:43
devildanteg23? am I missing something?19:47
vishdevildante: havent you heard of the ill fated 23?19:48
nigelbdevildante: ever used irssi? ;)19:49
devildantenigelb, no19:50
devildantevish, what the... :p19:51
vishdevildante: nigelb doesnt want you to know the truth about 23!19:51
nigelbdevildante: I was trying to change my window to window 23, but failed :)19:51
* devildante is astonished by this revelation19:51
nigelbdevildante: which part? the part where I use irssi or the 23 windows?19:56
devildantewindow 23 :p19:56
* devildante will be afk for a while19:57
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Chipacamvo: with your script, the last transaction gets 'exit-failed' if the package is already installed. Is that expected?20:13
Chipacamvo: the old api seems to have returned 0 on success, 1 on failure, and 2 on 'already installed'20:16
kenvandinerickspencer3, didrocks got wind of the une problem...  and checked in with me20:24
rickspencer3kenvandine, ...20:25
kenvandinejust worried he broke it20:26
kenvandinehe did upload right before he left20:26
kenvandinehe needs to ignore us20:27
kenvandineget his moving done and all20:27
rickspencer3kenvandine, ack20:30
mvoChipaca: hm, I need to look into that, but its pretty trivial to test for that "import apt; cache=apt.Cache(); if pkgname in cache and cache[pkgname].is_installed"20:36
Chipacamvo: it's entirely possible we're doing that. Thanks.20:36
Chipacamvo: I'll have us do that if we're not, I mean :)20:36
mvoChipaca: heh .) ok20:36
Chipacahmm... we're currently checking for the ability to play an mp3, rather than for package installation20:38
Chipacaso if you can't play an mp3 and the package is installed, you're in trouble20:39
mvoChipaca: checking for that makes indeed more sense, that should be relatively straightforward, check the "gnome-codec-install" package for a gst_caps example (if you need one)20:40
Chipacamvo: I believe the code we have still works, but thanks for the pointer20:41
kenvandinepitti, are you around?20:49
mvoglatzor: hello :)20:54
glatzorhi mvo, the night before freeze?20:55
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kenvandinemvo, are you a buildd admin?20:55
mvoglatzor: how did you guess ;)20:56
mvokenvandine: no, sorry. lamont is20:56
mvoglatzor: thank you so much for your mail!20:56
highvoltageit's not like that's the sort of thing that people would admit anyway :)20:56
mvoglatzor: and the fix in it20:56
mvoglatzor: you saved the day (or the evening) \o/20:56
kenvandinemvo, thx20:57
Chipacamvo: question: what could cause that code (add repo and install, but merged into rb plugin) to never reach the "add repo" callback nor errback (given that the call to add_repo is made)?21:33
mvoChipaca: uh, a good question - so its stuck in authenticate_for_add_and_install?21:57
mvoChipaca: sounds like some craziness with the inline callbacks, you could unwind it to a normal callback/errback and see if that changes anything (sorry for not being more helpful)21:57
Chipacamvo: np. I don't think it's stuck there, because I get prompted for the password and all. I've gone the opposite way, making everything more inlinecallbackish, and it seems to be working so far (getting other errors, which is progress)22:05
cyphermoxI'm looking for a second opinion... since I can reproduce https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/network-manager/+bug/637930 on upgrading from Lucid, does this warrant a higher priority than High?22:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 637930 in network-manager (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 1 other project) "Maverick: Wireless is disabled until network-manager restart (affects: 7) (dups: 2) (heat: 28)" [High,Triaged]22:48
devildantetremolux, thanks for the merge :)22:49
tremoluxdevildante: you bet!22:49
tremoluxdevildante: trying to get your other branch in too, just close to it22:50
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devildantemvo, tremolux, thanks for merging my branch :)23:36
bcurtiswxvish, :)23:36
vishbcurtiswx: thats 4 ! \o/23:36
* bcurtiswx pats self on back23:37
devildantevish: 5?23:38
vishdevildante: nah , still 4 , i meant *channels*23:38
devildanteargh :p23:38
bcurtiswxhmm, i wonder if all the recent telepathy-* updates have been merged23:40
rickspencer3TheMuso, good morning23:50
TheMusoHey rickspencer3.23:58

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