
keesis there some plan to get people off of the 2.6.36-999 kernels once maverick releases officially?01:32
ogasawarakees: not that I'm aware of.  the mainline kernels are an elective install so it seems inappropriate for us to then force them back to the Maverick kernel.01:34
keesogasawara: fair enough.01:34
ogasawarakees: but that's just my initial opinion01:35
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
ogasawaraRAOF: if your about, let me know what the final verdict is for the KMS disablement patches as I'll need to get them reverted asap to make the kernel freeze deadline.03:00
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apwRAOF, morning ... 08:35
apwdid we bottom out on KMS, i think we need to revert those today to get them in in time08:35
* smb has completed the morning scan of email08:47
smbmorning all08:47
smbRAOF, If you are around, are you the radeon guy or is that Sarvatt ? (one day I am hopefully able to remember)08:48
cooloneyapw and smb morning08:51
smbcooloney, \o08:51
apwmorning alll08:51
smbapw, https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/120327/09:01
apwsmb, apparently there is a bug in LP for the above patch: bug #56348110:00
ubot2Launchpad bug 563481 in linux (Ubuntu) "BUG: Bad page state in process soffice.bin pfn:111e42 (affects: 4) (dups: 1) (heat: 45)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/56348110:00
apwfound it while closing down tabs overload10:00
smbah right that was it10:01
amitkikepanhc:  did you receive any HW schematics during the lange51 engagement?10:10
ikepanhcamitk: maybe only blocks10:10
ikepanhcamitk: let me check10:10
amitkikepanhc: could you forward me whatever material you did receive?10:11
ikepanhcamitk: sure10:11
amitkikepanhc: thanks!10:12
smbapw, enable_mtrr_cleanup10:12
ikepanhcamitk: found three emails, forwarded.10:15
=== smb is now known as smb-afk
* apw lunches12:56
apwbah uk banks SUCK13:51
=== smb-afk is now known as smb
smbapw, Still around or went away to smash the bank13:54
apwsmb, am in the damn bank now ... waiting13:56
smbapw, Hope without a gun. :-P What the heck did they (not) do?13:57
apwthey need my id to open a savings account (bloody sarbains-oxley)13:57
apwbut the woman with nothing to do can't see me i have to see one of the busy ones13:57
smbNot her expertise. Yeah that sucks. But the id stuff if now European13:58
apwits a passport, so its not worth the paper its printed on anyhow13:58
smbheh, not sure whether the uk ones are worse but the german ones likely carry your dna information13:59
smb(I am exaggerating, but either they have started or will soon to put your fingerprints on an id chip there)14:01
=== ivoks-afk is now known as ivoks
apwsmb, i have an old one, they will be adding them soon i think prob in my next one14:06
smbapw, Me too. Will be bloody expensive to get one then. With the great added value of having an rfid chip that already had been proven to be easily destroyed if one wants to...14:09
apwsmb, that args testing kernel is http://people.canonical.com/~apw/args-debug-maverick/14:17
apwsmb it has specific debug for the mtrr thingy and alll args debugging turned on14:17
smbapw, A good, was about to ask you. 14:17
apwbe interested in the dmesg with it on14:18
smbTest with just enable_mtrr_cleanup showed the same result as before with the 2.6.35-21 kernel14:18
apwsmb, wassit say14:35
smb"smb was preempted away and just now is installing it"14:36
* smb feels like having IPI issues :-P14:37
smbapw, mtrr cleanup deemed enabled but it does not do it. bugger14:40
apwso it says deemed enabled ? but does not say deemed needed ?14:41
smbright, did not see that14:41
smbhmmm... maybe it thinks pat is better?14:43
smbapw, ^14:43
apwsmb, no it means that it decided it would not work or not required, i will check14:45
smbapw, dmesg.aa1.debug1 at the usual place14:46
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apwsmb, could you shove cat /proc/mtrr somewhere (/QUERY or a chin or ...)14:50
smbsure. a sec14:51
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smbapw, mtrr.bad@chin14:52
cassidyhi guys. I have a system freeze which is 100% reproducible. What's the best way to gather info for the bug report? kerneloops doesn't seem to catch it15:06
smbcassidy, "ubuntu-bug linux" to gather generic stuff. And then proceed from there15:07
cassidyyeah I know that, but is there a way to get info from the freeze?15:07
apwsmb, do you have an older kernel on that machine you could get an /proc/mtrr off of?15:08
apwcassidy, if its freezeing hard ie its not accessible over the network or console then not really15:09
smbapw, Not very much more, I could boot from a Lucid install15:09
cassidyapw, yeah15:09
smbcassidy, If its possible to cause the freeze after switching to a vt it may show something15:09
apwsmb, well i know why it won't clean your mtrrs at the moment ... you have a write-protect in there15:09
apwtrying to work out why it might care15:09
cassidysmb, which terminal ?15:09
smbcassidy, vt1 with ctrl-alt-f115:10
cassidyok I'll try that15:10
smbapw, So a dmesg from a lucid disk is ok? Can do that relatively quick15:11
apwsmb, s'ok not worth it, just found the change which you are being hit by15:12
smbapw, a ok. more smartness?15:12
apwmore safety15:13
apwpgraner, looked over latest pres. and it looks much better15:22
=== BenC___ is now known as BenC
ogasawarahas anyone seen RAOF about?15:37
vanhoofSarvatt: ^^15:38
SarvattRAOF is at the X developers summit15:38
ogasawaraSarvatt: maybe you can answer my question then... I need to know if we need to drop those KMS disablement patches from the kernel.15:38
Sarvattyeah, we've already switched the server to use fbdev15:39
ogasawaraSarvatt: ok cool, I'll drop the patches then.  thanks.15:39
pgranerapw: thanks15:39
Sarvattwell, xserver with the change isn't uploaded yet, he didn't find a sponsor before he had to get on the plane15:39
Sarvattbut he does intend for those to go away yeah15:40
apwSarvatt, if we don't drop them today and upload them they won't make the release ...15:40
apwkernel freeze is tommorrow15:40
* Sarvatt nods15:40
Sarvatti'll try to find a sponsor for his packages, things are crazy right now because the latest mesa upload broke unity on intel15:41
ogasawarathat's not good15:41
* ogasawara looks around for diwic and jj as they have outstanding patches we need by today too15:41
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bjfogasawara: diwic is on a walkabout today15:42
ogasawarabjf: hrm, his might have to wait for an SRU then to Maverick15:43
apwogasawara, ok confirmed the archive goes to freeze mode at midnight tonight (and thats UTC I assume)15:44
apwso even now we are going to have to stroke the arm binaries through15:45
ogasawaraapw: yep, which means I want to upload within the next few hours to be safe15:45
apwogasawara, yep15:45
apwsmoser, how much output would you say comes out before the lost information15:51
ogasawaraapw, tgardner: what about ti-omap4, is that good to go?15:51
apwnot sure that has changed has it?15:52
tgardnerogasawara, I was kind of waiting to see if the cache line bounce fix helped, but it doesn't really seem to be a complete fix. I could upload with lag's timer config patch.15:52
ogasawaraapw: I saw tgardner applied lag's high res timers config patch, so I think that's it15:52
apwlag, know of anything else15:53
smoserapw, well, http://paste.ubuntu.com/494225/ . look at line 520 and on.15:53
smoserso we get kernel output to console15:53
smoserthen, ramdisk output to console15:53
smoserthen early forked command output15:53
smoserthen exec upstart15:53
smoserat some point it disappears for 6 seconds or so15:54
* lag checks15:54
smoserso in that pastebin, we're missing lines like "[1]: X, could not write to /handler"15:54
smoserwhere X is 2-515:55
tgardnerogasawara, given lag's lack of patches for now I'll wrap up ti-omap4 and git 'er done15:55
ogasawaratgardner: awesome, thanks.15:55
smoseri wonder how nefarious "mountall: Disconnected from Plymouth15:55
smoser" is15:55
smoseras that is the message that is written to the console when all else is lost15:55
apwsmoser, indeed, so the hello world is missing right ?16:00
apwis the first thing missing16:00
smoserthe initital "hi world" gets there (line 900)16:01
smoserthe second hi world goes to a file in the filesystem16:01
smoser(and it gets there, but thats not surprising)16:01
apwsmoser, right but the one after the 'wait till / is read-write' loop16:02
apwis the first thing missing16:02
smoserno. that one goes to a file16:03
smosersee the { } >> ${out}16:03
smoserthe things missing is "echo "[${SECONDS}]: $i, could not write to ${out}""16:03
apwyou don't know that do you?16:03
smoserfor all the failures (there were 4 of them)16:04
smoseri dont know what ?16:04
smoserin /handler, i know that : "[2]: wrote to /handler after 516:04
apwthe first thing to the console after we have transitioned from r/o to r/w is "wrote to ${out} after $i"16:04
apwso we are missing 3,4,5 of that and 1-6 of the second loop plus the 'write to out after $i'16:05
apwall of that is missing16:05
smosermissing 3 and 4, 5 wouldn't be written because the /handler write would succeed.16:05
smoserand then "reports" messages up to i-616:06
apwsmoser, can you disable plymouth i wonder16:07
apwlike rename it away and see what happens16:07
smoseri can try16:07
smoserapw, if you want to poke or look at the instance you can get to ubuntu@ec2-67-202-31-38.compute-1.amazonaws.com16:08
smoseri'll try removing plymouth16:08
tgardnerogasawara, ti-omap4 is in the pipeline16:20
ogasawaratgardner: thanks16:20
=== lag is now known as lksjopfjljfslijg
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=== jigijigijigjijig is now known as lag
ckinghaving fun with your nick lag?16:41
lagSee #ubuntu-arm for details :)16:42
lagogra: Was using my name in vain, so I changed it16:43
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ogasawarajjohansen: just the person I've been waiting for16:57
ogasawarajjohansen: I need your patches asap as the archive freezes at midnight UTC, ie in 8 hrs16:58
jjohansenhey, sorry I am getting the pull request together now16:58
ogasawarajjohansen: perfect16:58
apwjjohansen, fyi the lost output during boot issue is looking like its a plymouth issue; we are off the hook17:26
smoserapw, thanks.17:27
jjohansenapw: yeah I was just talking to smoser17:27
apwahh ok, i'll shut up then :)17:27
smoserapw, you have a suggestion other than just race as to why i would see it on ec2 but not euca ?17:27
tgardnersmoser, just the fact that its a race makes it somewhat random17:28
jjohansenapw: yeah it is strange, as setting the console in upstart was working for me but not smoser17:28
apwsmoser, either timing, or the plymouth support for passing on the data works with not-ec2 and not with it17:28
jjohansenso it is definitely a race17:28
apwperhaps its plymouth is unable to open the console before it redirects it or something17:28
apwperhaps its plymouthd which hit the race17:29
smoserwell, but we should then have been able to work around that17:29
smoserwith our hack of keeping the fd open17:29
smoserso, for the moment, i wont care.17:30
smosernow on to looking at plymouth. thanks apw and jjohansen for your help at redirecting my pointed finger.17:30
apwplymouth may yet point back at us i guess17:30
=== ivoks-afk is now known as ivoks
ogasawarajjohansen: thanks for the patches.  I assume that's all of them?18:26
jjohansenogasawara: one more comming, for EC218:27
jjohansenit should be in the mail queue18:27
ogasawarajjohansen: ack, /me looks for it18:27
apwogasawara, update on the armel issue, looks to be simply the packages being stuck in NEW, i've gotten an AA to sort them but cannot confirm yet its the only issue.  but its likely that was it18:47
ogasawaraapw: ok cool.  Am planning to upload in about 10min.18:50
apwogasawara, GruMaster is rebooing and will re-test the update then18:55
apwhopefully that will be 'ok'18:55
ogasawaraapw: k, lemme know the results.  I'll wait to push the button till I hear from you.18:56
ogasawaraapw: I want to do a quick test build anyways before uploading18:56
apwogasawara, best i can tell the arm issue is confirmed ok, ie. was the binary NEW issue only, so from my side you are good to go19:00
ogasawaraapw: sweet.  my build should finish in a few minutes and then I'll upload.19:01
apwogasawara, there may be a string issue with linux-meta, but that is very minor and we've got more time on that19:02
ogasawaraapw: ack19:02
=== ivoks is now known as ivoks-afk
* ogasawara lunch20:02
* ogasawara really goes to lunch20:25
hallynregarding bug 639712, i assume there is a particular reason why CONFIG_DMAR=n ?21:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 639712 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "PCI Pass Through via libvirt cannot remap IRQ's (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63971221:52
achiangrandom question, purely for informational purposes - does ubuntu and/or canonical have a test farm of random hardware for kernel folks to use?23:12
nigelbyes, they are called volunteer testers :p23:13
achiangnigelb: ha.23:15
achiangthe case i'm thinking of is, random user reports an issue; instead of kernel developer asking the user to run a test and wait (indefinitely?) for the results, the developer could just try reproducing on the appropriate machine in the farm23:17
nigelbthat I don't know23:17
achiangagain, i'm not necessarily proposing that we do such a thing -- only asking if such a thing already exists.23:17
achianglamont: ^^ ??23:17
JanCachiang: I know there is some test hardware, certainly for the hardware that's "certified" to work with Ubuntu23:31
JanCso, hardware from the companies that pay Canonical23:32
JanCa large farm of random hardware would be rather expensive I think  ;)23:35
JanCwell, maybe not for older hardware (people could volunteer their old hardware for that)23:35
achiangJanC: nod.23:50

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