
=== loonycookie is now known as aprilg
=== loonycookie is now known as aprilg
=== loonycookie is now known as aprilg
=== loonycookie is now known as aprilg
bilalakhtarAny newson the UM?09:23
bilalakhtar*news on09:23
bilalakhtaror the project is getting stale without ben?09:24
thorwilbilalakhtar: well, https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual  last commit 25 hours ago09:48
bilalakhtarthorwil: :D09:48
dakergodbyk, ping13:53
=== zkriesse is now known as zkriesse_away
=== mrjazzcat is now known as mrjazzcat-afk
=== mrjazzcat-afk is now known as mrjazzcat
=== zkriesse_away is now known as zkriesse
=== mrjazzcat is now known as mrjazzcat-lunch
dutchiethe !manual factoid just got used in #ubuntu+1 \o/21:32
nisshhwhat? i was excited :)21:34
jenkinsnothing worng just made me laugh for some reason :)21:34
nisshhjenkins: oh btw, when is the tex ppa going back up? its a tad quicker and easier than the script21:35
nisshhalso downloads a lot less21:35
jenkinsI left it downloading latex last night but the wifi dropped it may be a week i guess. The svn repo is very slow its 8gb on 30 kilobytes a second21:36
jenkinsit took about 40 hours no stop but i can't leave my laptop going all day at home21:37
nisshhjenkins: why was the ppa taken down in the first place?21:37
jenkinsI will let you know when it is up21:37
jenkinsthere was a bug in it and about 400 people could upload to the ppa21:37
nisshhoh lol21:38
jenkinsThe bug only effected me and anyone who wanted final versions of manual. Japanese characters in the index. But i needed to change its owner and with a new latex release there was nothing to update21:38
jenkinsit will be owned by the admin team this time21:39
=== mrjazzcat-lunch is now known as mrjazzcat
=== daker_ is now known as daker
=== loonycookie1 is now known as aprilg

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