
ballIs an Atom 230 and Intel 945GC (D945GCLF mainboard) sufficient for SDTV?03:31
rhpot1991ball: most likely03:48
rhpot1991thats gotta be close to what I had in my eee1000 and that ran SD just fine03:48
ballrhpot1991: I hope so.  I can't afford a new machine and will need a DVR of some sort, probably by the end of the month.03:49
ballIs this fair? http://potchery.blogspot.com/2010/09/homebrew.html04:25
Zinn[potchery.blogspot.com] The Potchery: Homebrew?04:26
ballI should retitle that.04:26
ballI'll be back shortly.04:31
ballAre there any nettops that work with Mythbuntu out of the box?07:17
ball...or rather ones that work well with Mythbuntu?07:18
ball...or mITX boards?07:36
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rileypis anyone using the 256 nvidia driver or are there issues12:59
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dewmanrhpot1991, did you see what I added to that?14:40
rhpot1991dewman: that it still failed after you bumped it up?14:41
dewmanwonder if I should try to restart the backend...I only did mysql.14:42
rhpot1991dewman: wont matter14:43
rhpot1991its a mysql issue14:43
rhpot1991you could try rebooting the box to make sure the mysql change takes, but simply restarting mysql should work14:43
dewmanok. rebooting.....14:44
dewmanrhpot1991, yeah reboot didnt help.15:13
rileyp is the 256  nvidia driver all good for mythtv and xbmc or are there still problems? I'm using 195 at the moment15:38
rhpot1991dewman: didn't expect it to really16:19
rhpot1991dewman: might need to wait and see what some of the mysql guys come up with16:19
dewmanno problem.... =)16:25
dewmanits not a big deal, i have plenty of other things that I should be fixing.... hehehe16:25
kth1hello guys - is there anywhere a documentation - how to use mythtv api to write plugins ? in c++/java/ruby ?18:27
Gibbyi just installed the mythtvbuntu lirc package, it gave me a configuring lirc pop up, i have custom config i want to use, what do i choose for the 2 options?19:19
Gibbyok, n/m figured that out... now how do i troubleshoot. I have 2 different irsend configs i am trying... neither working where do i start to troubleshoot?19:37
Gibbyanyone use an USB IR blaster to control a STB?21:11

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