
=== evilnhandler is now known as nhandler
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bazhangericblair looks a heckuva lot like mesula12:12
ikoniaI have thought about that, same with the BT IP12:13
bazhangseeming to be wanting help, but then just trolling12:13
ikoniathe pm's I had off him yesterday also made me feel that12:14
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, LjL said: !no es-#ubuntu-offtopic is <reply> En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si quieres charlar en español, entra en el canal #ubuntu-es-offtopic. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es-offtopic" (sin comillas) y dale a Enter. Gracias!12:42
jussi!no es-#ubuntu-offtopic is <reply> En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si quieres charlar en español, entra en el canal #ubuntu-es-offtopic. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es-offtopic" (sin comillas) y dale a Enter. Gracias!12:42
ubottuI know nothing about es-#ubuntu-offtopic yet, jussi12:42
jussi!es-#ubuntu-offtopic is <reply> En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si quieres charlar en español, entra en el canal #ubuntu-es-offtopic. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es-offtopic" (sin comillas) y dale a Enter. Gracias!12:42
ubottuI'll remember that, jussi12:42
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: !wat-#ubuntu is <reply> I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.12:52
elkywheee, i'm in visible?13:15
its-me-againhi again13:16
its-me-againi mada a royal booboo several times in #ubuntu13:16
its-me-againand got banned. i regret that i went ther several time for help with my linux mint os. that was aserious breach i kept going backand doing this from timee to tiem. i am a bit impatient adn i regret my actions.13:19
its-me-againi know that i hve been banned for this as per the rules. one day i do wish to get an unban if ever i do i will only use it to get help for my ubuntu os only when i am using it or on the live cd for it.13:20
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:21
its-me-againi also regret and am sorry that i did lie about things at times despreate for help more than respecting #ubuntu.13:22
bazhangits-me-again, but youre using mint13:22
bazhangor you were as of four days ago or so13:23
its-me-againi now realise that the people in #ubuntu get sick of people clogging the channel looking for help that they cant get13:23
bazhangits-me-again, mint support has their own channel13:24
its-me-againi use mint ubuntu and vista dn i am testing several pupy linux os on usb13:24
elkyits-me-again, there's no such thing as "mint ubuntu"13:24
popeyi think a comma was missing there elky13:24
its-me-againbazhang, yes they do. at the time  i got frustraighted waiting for help adn went to #ubuntu13:25
elkypopey, I'm not so sure.13:25
its-me-againbazhang, i know about that13:25
bazhangits-me-again, and you are still using mint, as you said just a couple of days ago.13:25
its-me-againi am just saying sorry for breaking the #ubuntu rules13:25
its-me-againmaby now i hve thought about my actions and see y i was banned i might get another chance. but that is to the descression of the ops weather they do.13:26
its-me-againubuntu is a great os13:26
elkyits-me-again, which operating system are you going to ask questions about?13:27
its-me-againi do niss going there when i cant find my own solutions for problems i have in my ubuntu so13:27
elkywhat version of ubuntu?13:27
its-me-againubuntu only in #ubuntu, mint only in #ubuntu thas it13:28
elkywould you like to try that again?13:28
its-me-againthe main version of ubuntu13:28
its-me-againoops i meant to say #ubuntu only in ubuntu , mint inly in #linuxmint-help on another entirly different network13:29
bazhangits-me-again, thats counterfactual to what you said just a short while ago13:30
its-me-againi do understand y you have such a hard policy13:30
its-me-againbazhang, i talk to much dont i13:30
bazhangits-me-again, you clearly stated in another channel that you were *not* using ubuntu13:31
its-me-againI understand the bn totally13:31
elkybazhang, ooh, where was this?13:31
bazhang##linux elky13:31
its-me-againnot at that time i have a coppy in my old computer i stopped using cause i got banned13:32
its-me-againi was talking about this other computer ok13:32
bazhangpuppy, mint debian, and windows13:32
elkyits-me-again, ok, so where do you ask your debian questions?13:32
its-me-againi use several linux os is that not allous13:32
bazhangelky, mint has a debian version now13:33
its-me-againi dont use debian but if i did i would ask in #debian13:33
its-me-againlinux mint adn linux mint debian use another network13:33
elkyits-me-again, i'm going to ask you again, what is the name of the version of ubuntu you use?13:33
its-me-againubuntu 10.04 lucid13:34
its-me-againand also its ok i have said my peace do you hve anymore ou would like to sk13:35
elkyyou do realise that if we unban you, the next time you break our rules the ban will be much much longer, yes?13:35
its-me-againi understand the consequences. every broken rule has them13:36
its-me-againatm as i am not using ubuntu as much as i used to but only acasionally when i boot my old computer which is about once or twice a month to store my backups. i do have problems with that setup sometimes13:38
its-me-againprobabbly due tothe face that its an old py13:38
its-me-again* p413:38
elkySo that means that despite you now being unbanned in #ubuntu, you're not going to go asking anything anyway, correct?13:38
its-me-againwell not sking much or often anyway13:39
its-me-againuntill i decided touse ubuntu on a regular bsis13:39
elkywell the ban is lifted. was there anything else we can help you with?13:40
* its-me-again sorry i am typing to fast 13:40
its-me-againnot but thanks for the ban13:40
its-me-againit woke me up i tread carefully now all over irc13:40
elkyok bye13:40
* elky starts the stopwatch13:42
elkybazhang, if you spot him asking about mint again, he's had his warning.13:43
bazhangelky, yep.13:44
bazhangqwert is the fellow who called !ops whenever he wanted help for a technical issue14:09
PiciNow hes pming me for some reason.14:10
bazhangback at it, nearly14:11
Pici<?qwert> Hello  <?qwert> ops  <Pici> Excuse me? <?qwert> Yes? <Pici> You messaged me.14:12
bazhangugh. and I just removed his ban in #ubuntu14:13
PiciPossible incoming here.  I need to do some work afk.  Hes being confusing in pm.14:14
popey14:12:03 -!- sam__ [~sam@host86-172-155-105.range86-172.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-uk14:18
ikoniawhy is qwert using maco's name14:18
ikoniawhois him14:18
ikoniapopey: yes14:18
bazhangoh yech14:18
ikoniaqwert is trolling14:18
ikoniahe's using other names as his own and hitting factoids14:18
bazhangnot yet openly14:18
bazhangalso samnotafk and the fsdfsfgds one14:19
ikoniapopey: it's him14:19
bazhangie mesula, ericblair, et al14:19
ikoniahang on14:19
ikoniawe don't know ericblair is mesula14:20
ikoniathat's just a theory14:20
ikoniathere recent IP's aren't that close14:20
bazhangseems to fit , eg the language etc14:20
ikoniabut they are on the same provider and a similar region14:20
bazhangcertainly not murdoc et al14:20
ikoniabazhang: I agree, but I'm only %7514:20
ikoniaback in 10, keep an eye on qwert, he's done the ops in #ubuntu and #kubuntu and he's using maco's name from a .in address, it's not a good combination for a legitimate "user"14:22
bazhangyep, but have to give him a chance; no pre-emptive banning14:23
IdleOnehe is also pm users in -ot14:24
bazhangseems stalkerish now14:24
bazhang<qwert> Is ther any ubottu command to know ops list?14:25
bazhangwish we could have an exception to the no idle list for a few; rww, LjL for example14:27
IdleOnebtw Good morning14:27
bazhangIdleOne, hi!14:27
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1206 users, 14 overflows, 1220 limit))14:31
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1207 users, 15 overflows, 1222 limit))14:31
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1208 users, 14 overflows, 1222 limit))14:32
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (SportsChick` appears to be abusive - 6)14:41
PiciIs qwert randomly pming any of the rest of you?14:51
bazhangnope not me14:52
bazhangrww yes14:52
elkyPici, once about 2 days ago14:52
knomebazhang, re: exception to no-idle, wouldn't it just make sense to voice them? :P14:52
bazhangknome, indeed, as they are opped in -unregged and elsewhere iirc14:53
PiciHes trying to get me to help him setup spamassasin on SuSE.  Two things that I don't know anything about.15:02
=== IdleOne is now known as IdleOp
ikoniahe needs to stop pm'ing people15:04
topyliuser wish from another channel: 'linux would be much better off without the kernel, it only causes problems'15:13
topylimeh, wrong channel. enjoy!15:13
ikoniaAnthLee is out to be an issue15:14
macobazhang: i thought rww was allowed to idle since he ops in a few chans?15:16
jpdsJesus, having someone with the nick of "look" is really annoying.15:17
marienzjpds: must be worse for that person, getting hilighted every few minutes15:18
jpds"look: can you do ... ?"15:18
ikoniabareego is recruiting for ##club-ubuntu in #ubuntu channels15:23
ikoniahow should that be handled ? he's pm'ing users in #ubuntu-offtopic to invite them to ##club-ubuntu15:25
elkyikonia, oh?15:27
ikoniaanthlee just join ##club-ubuntu and said bareego just invited him here, they only cross in 1 channel #ubuntu-offtopic15:28
PiciAnyone else?15:28
ikonianot yet15:28
ikonia15:07 < bareego> AnthLee,15:28
ikonia15:07 < AnthLee> bareego invited me here :S15:28
ikoniaI also find it no-coincidence that bareego quit after I starte discussing it in here15:29
elkyand bareego just parted too15:29
jpdsI should so join and say that.15:36
ikoniaback later15:37
elkyjpds, except they'd retaliate even more immaturely15:43
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
topylifirst time i see this sort of trolling: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/new-background-ubuntu16:23
PiciI like the mockup.16:26
knomeyes, it's actually pretty funny :P16:26
knomeespecially when he's set sabdfl as the drafter16:26
popeycunning way to get attention, assign to ubuntu-members16:27
ikoniawhy has that not been deleted and the author deleted from launchpad16:27
popeywould have had wider spread if they'd used ~locoteams16:27
popeyikonia: it's not existed long16:27
PiciIt'll be gone soon methinks.16:28
ikoniaI assume wheels are in motion16:28
popeyits in #launchpad now16:28
ikoniaAnthLee again with dubious advice17:06
alabdGood day all ,  ikonia  Hello , when will you remove my user ban ?17:33
ikoniaalabd: when you agree to abide by the ubuntu channels rules and accept responsibility for your own actions17:35
ikoniaalabd: anything else ?17:39
alabdikonia,  you know , humbled i have accepted rules before but that "proper use" phrase in rules is not a clear phrase17:39
ikoniathe rules are clear, and you have been told on a one to one basis17:40
alabdthis is your opinion , for example see this17:41
alabd<IdleOne> alabd: you are correct in saying that you could interpret our proper use policy differently17:42
alabd#ubuntu is for support questions relating to the proper use and functionality of software contained in Ubuntu.17:42
IdleOpalabd: if you are going to quote me Please make sure you quote me fully17:42
ikoniaalabd: this is the accepting responsbility for your own action parts17:42
IdleOpalabd: I do not like my words being misused17:42
IdleOpor misquoted17:43
alabdno it is used true way17:43
IdleOpyou are a liar17:43
ikoniaalabd: the channel is logged, it was not used this way17:43
alabdthe phrase "proper use "17:43
IdleOpI am done with this conversation. sorry I butted in ikonia17:43
ikonianot at all17:43
alabdis a generic phrase17:43
ikoniano it's not17:44
ikoniaalabd: you are a persistant problem user in the ubuntu channels, you've been spoken to on a one to one basis a few times about this, yet you do not correct your behaviour, nor do you accept responsibility for your actions17:45
ikoniawhen this changes, the ban will be removed17:45
alabdikonia,  so you say "proper use" is not generic and exactly explain what it means ?17:46
ikoniaI'm not interested in discussing anything other than a.) you resolving your behaviour b.) you accepting responsibility for your actions17:47
ikoniaalabd: other than that, I will not be side tracked17:47
PiciArguing the semanitcs of the way that the rules are phrased is not going to help.17:48
alabdikonia, see if you want ban me each time for any reason , you have power of it and you can , but being honest is really hard work , i-humble have been banned in #ubuntu in last year for 3 time (methink)  only by you , and the last time is this time , don't explain in a way that my user is banned for 15 times in ubuntu channel ,17:50
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1248 users, 8 overflows, 1256 limit))17:50
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join (1248 users, 9 overflows, 1257 limit))17:50
ikoniaalabd: sorry, what you've said doesn't make sense, I understand there is a language barrier, so could you try to say that again please.17:51
alabdwhich part?17:51
ikoniaall of it17:51
alabd you say : you are a persistant problem user in the ubuntu channels  . see , being honest is hard work , my user is banned from #ubuntu in last year for 3 times (afk) only by you . . Will a user  with 2 times banning in his existence is #ubuntu channel history be abad user ?   look at the this time , i-humble am saying "proper use" phrase is a generic phrase and some could understand it contains "logal use "   , if you don't believe me we can ask a h18:01
alabdonest person  (not your friends) ,18:01
ikoniaalabd: 1.) you've been banned a few times, so yes, that makes you a persistant problem, you've been spoken to also so you didn't need to be banned, 2.) stop arguing the rules, 3.) other operators have spoke to you, if you are suggesting they are not honest then you have issues you're going to need to work out18:03
ikoniaas an aside you have been banned from other channels for this same behaviour, while this is not actually relevant to your #ubuntu ban, it is showing that you can't respect other channels rules, and have been banned there also - so it's not just #ubuntu that you have an issue with18:03
alabdto clear a honest person 1) tell us exactly how many times my user has been banned from first by whom ? 2) while you'r reason is a generic rule , it is my right to talk about that generic rule that it can not be good reason for banning thers 3)how can i-humble be sure that an OP is not you'r friend and even is not yours? 4) about other channels , good point , i-humble don't know why my user was banned is some channels that you have came and stimulate18:12
alabdd their OP ? any hoonest person wants judge between us realy i-humble can give voucher for any part of my talks ,18:12
alabdthers = users18:13
ikoniathis is getting stupid18:13
ikoniaalabd: a.) accept the rules of the ubuntu channels b.) accept responsibility for your actions, if you want some sort of court hearing, your in the wrong place18:14
alabdi-humble have accepted rules before and am really agree with it , do you have any reason that i-humble am not agreed  ? am saying that "proper use" phrase is a generic phrase that some could not get exactly what it means really , but NOW if OPs say that it does not contain "legal use" i-humble will accept it , this is reason that my user is banned not truely18:18
alabdand if here has a administrator , i-humble will complain from you next time18:19
ikoniaalabd: the reason we (I) don't think you have accepted the rules, is because you constantly break them, you ask about legal use a lot, you ask about copyright, and citation of people for your "book" which then turns out is a home work project, ubuntu is for support discussion, yet you use it for your own personal reasons18:21
ikoniayou have been told many times it's for support use only, that's why the "generic use" agrument doesn't work, people have explained it to you personally18:22
alabdikonia,  seriously don't pettifog , just discuss about this issue and this time , those thing that you mention are related to some month ago and they were not really related to this issue , and you can not at all say this > i banned him while i saw he came after some month and asked a legal question  because he was writting a book18:26
alabdikonia,  and be sure that MMS question (this time) was not related to a book and anything else . and was not against rules18:29
ikoniaalabd: it WAS against the rules18:29
ikoniayou asked about if using the software and it's codecs was legal18:30
ikoniayou know the topic of the channel is support discussion only after you previous dealings, so focusing on this issue only you broke the rules knowing them18:30
ikoniabeyond that I won't go over this any more18:30
alabdyes we discussed before it is not required to repeat them yes ? you know and i-humble know that was a generic phrase18:31
ikoniait is not a generic phrase18:31
alabdif you are not agree we should pay more time in judge18:31
ikoniathere is no judge needed18:32
ikoniathat is fact18:32
alabdin your view yes18:32
alabdbut maybe not in others view18:32
ikoniaright, I'm not discussing this any more,18:32
alabdand judge is for these times18:32
ikoniaother users have explained it to you18:33
alabdto judge between those persons that they think they are true each one18:33
ikoniait's not a discussiong18:33
alabdikonia, yes and this is complete view of :18:33
alabd<IdleOne> alabd: you are correct in saying that you could interpret our proper use policy differently but your interpretation is incorrect and ikonia and mneptok are trying to explain what the proper use of #ubuntu is.18:33
ikoniaalabd: IdleOp asked you NOT to quote him18:34
ikoniaalabd: yet you are miss-quoting him again18:34
ikonia17:42 <+IdleOp> alabd: I do not like my words being misused18:34
alabdikonia,  asked me to quote him cmpletely18:34
ikonia17:42 <+IdleOp> alabd: I do not like my words being misused18:34
ikonia17:43 <+IdleOp> you are a liar18:34
alabdyes ^18:34
ikoniaalabd: so there you go - I can use quotes to18:34
ikoniaPici: agreed18:34
Picialabd: Stop being pedantic about the wording of the rules.18:35
IdleOphe is failing to read the part where I say his interpretation is incorrect18:35
alabdIdleOp, no am reading it and tld it before that :18:35
alabd i-humble have accepted rules before and am really agree with it , do you have any reason that i-humble am not agreed  ? am saying that "proper use" phrase is a generic phrase that some could not get exactly what it means really , but NOW if OPs say that it does not contain "legal use" i-humble will accept it , this is reason that my user is banned not truely18:36
IdleOpalabd: I am not going to discuss or debate the rules with you. ikonia knows the rules extremely well and I agree with his interpretation of them. Also the rules are not negotiable, YOU must follow them.18:37
IdleOpif you don't agree with a decision of an op please see !appeals18:37
alabdIdleOp,  maybe i-humble am not exlaining good , am saying am agree with that rule now while you say it does not contain "legal use" but before my ban i-humble could interpret that phrase and it was not for me clear18:39
IdleOpis it clear now?18:40
alabdas you said before ban you could interpret our proper use phrase18:40
alabdsure it is now18:40
alabdbut why should an op ban a user for such things ?18:40
alabdbecause he has been banned 2 timees before some month before ?18:40
IdleOpyes, exactly. The rules were given to you and explained on both those previous occasions and you chose to ignore them and continue to disrupt the channel with off topic questions about legality18:41
ikoniayou said you did not want to discuss the other times - so don't18:41
alabdyes ok no discuss required any more but IdleOp  know that those times reason of ban was another thing so i-humble was not told about meaning of "roper use"18:43
IdleOpnow I am tired of explaining the same thing to you. I am sure ikonia is also. unless I am mistaken I don't believe the ban will be lifted today. Please part the channel now.18:43
alabdand IdleOp  you are an OP and ikonia  also is an OP , so it is maybe  hard for you to judge honestly , any maybe you are friend and realy it is hard to judge against any firend  , and the only reason that you have is  ""The rules were given to you and explained on both those previous occasions """     but i-humble am saying those 2 bannings were cause of another reasons so anyone has not toold me about that the "proper use" phrase does not cation "le18:48
alabdgal use" . s18:48
alabdanyway all the thing i-humble could say , are said , it is enough as Pici  told18:49
IdleOpagreed. Now please /part18:50
IdleOpJust to be clear so I am not misquoted again. I agree with Pici that this is enough and we should not discuss this any further.18:51
alabdso remove my ban if is enough18:53
alabdbig problem of here is that someone cann't find  an OP that can judge against another OP/firiend , :) this is a world that someone insolence Koran/Quran with help of polic18:53
ikoniapeople are not judging against other ops because they agree, and the fact that you are suggesting other wise is offensive18:55
ikoniaso I suggest you leave the channel as it doesn't appear to be something to progress at this time18:56
Tm_Talabd: please don't accuse our judgement being favoring others without proof18:59
Tm_Talabd: as discussion is done for today, please part and come back later when there's something new to add to this discussion19:06
alabdTm_T, i-humble was on phone  and did not tell all ops are so ... what d you mean of new to add too this discussion ?19:10
Tm_Trepeating same arguments won't get this discussion going anywhere19:11
Mamarokthis is getting annoying...19:11
alabdyes and also i-humble can not come and repeat all another day ,also i-humble have said what should be said ,19:14
Tm_Tthen there's no point coming to repeat it all here19:15
Tm_T!appeal | alabd next steps here19:15
ubottualabd next steps here: If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.19:16
Tm_Talabd: if there's nothing else you need from us, please part the channel19:21
alabdTm_T,  you mean about 40 OPs here are agree with ikonia yes ?19:23
Tm_Talabd: doesn't matter, repeating same arguments here wont help19:25
Tm_Tproceed to next step if you feel need for it19:25
alabdsure but from these 40 ops , should only 1 op give help ?19:26
Tm_Tno, but there's ben enough of ops involved this discussion19:27
Tm_Treally, please stop now, part the channel and use the options we have told you19:28
alabdok if others think so bye19:38
alabdso i-humble should learn something from here that if a person has been banned 2 times before for other reasons and if he is told other reasons  , others can interpret some phrases but he can not because he was banned 2 times before (even in non-related issues)19:44
mneptokexcellent screen reattach timing FTW19:48
JamieBennettLinaro need a bugbot in #linaro-meeting similar to the one that is currently in #linaro. Is there anyone who could help sort that out for us?20:23
PiciJamieBennett: What bot is in #linaro?20:29
JamieBennettPici: sorry, I don't know20:30
JamieBennettPici: is there a way I can find out?20:30
JamieBennettah ubot220:31
PiciJamieBennett: jpds runs that bot, you'll need to talk to him in order to get it in other channels.20:33
JamieBennettPici: OK, thanks20:34
jpdsJamieBennett: It should be done.20:37
JamieBennett\o/ thanks jpds !20:38
ikoniawhat's today's issue Bacta21:52
BactaSorry, force of habit21:53
ikoniayeah, persistant joining to troll is a tough habbit to break21:53
=== IdleOp is now known as IdleOne

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