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ScottKslangasek: mesa's in New on all 4 archs now....01:03
slangasekScottK: got it01:03
slangasekScottK: accepted now; sorry, got held up rejecting pacemaker01:54
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ScottKslangasek: Thanks.02:12
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apwskaet, when is the freeze going into effect for RC ?15:40
apw(and hi!)15:41
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robbiewapw: FinalFreeze is tomorrow15:42
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apwrobbiew, so at midnight tonight local we freeze ?15:43
apw(go into freeze mode)15:43
robbiewapw: ah...well, technically yes15:43
apwrobbiew, ok thats what i needed to know ... thanks15:43
robbiewapw: np15:43
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apwrobbiew, fyi people are saying netbook is throwing a white screen and is unusble, over on #ubuntu-devel16:22
robbiewapw: I think the latest mesa update broke it16:22
slangasekrobbiew: broke what?  the freeze?17:14
robbiewslangasek: broke clutter17:15
slangasekcertainly possible... what hardware do people see this on?17:16
robbiewslangasek: I think conversations are being held on #ubuntu-x17:16
robbiewslangasek: jump to #ubuntu-x17:16
slangasekskaet: I'm puzzled by the ubuntu release notes task on bug #552613 - what's to be release-noted?19:45
ubot4Launchpad bug 552613 in xmlbeans (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 4 other projects) "[MIR] xmlbeans (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Wishlist,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55261319:45
skaetslangasek: noted from bug it should be revisted for Natty, but when asked how to flag it so it doesn't disappear into morass, was advised to flag it to release notes as mechanism to use as workaround.  Intuitively I was hoping for a release class of "future" or "Natty" to tag it against.   Better suggestion?20:04
skaetslangsek:  agree that nothing needs to be documented in release notes on this.   Its a kludge.20:05
slangasekskaet: huh, who told you to use /that/ as a workaround :P  the release-notes project is used for tracking actual pending issues in the release notes, I would've closed this bug as invalid if I had come across it doing release notes work :)20:05
slangasekskaet: I would suggest using the 'later' milestone20:05
slangasekwhich exists for this purpose, though we are perhaps not as diligent as we should be in revisiting such issues after a release20:05
robbiewslangasek: I told her to subscribe release notes,  but I assumed it was a bug that we wouldn't be able to address in 10.10...not a Wishlist,Won't fix issue :/20:09
slangasekah, k :)20:10
skaetslangasek:  is the 'later' milestone documented somewhere?20:10
slangasekskaet: heh, probably not; I look to cjwatson for that precedent20:10
* skaet wants to check she understands the semantics of when it should be used. 20:11
skaetslangasek:  will follow up with cjwatson then when see him next ;)20:12
lamontskaet: when we're gonna fix the bug "later"... it comes from warty days, when lots and lots of things were "yeah, yeah... NOT NOW"20:12
lamontbut never really used like it could/should be, IMO20:13
slangasekI think "later" is "when I get to the bottom of my todo list, I'll revisit"... 'nuf said20:19
bjfi'm having an issue with grub-pc not installing (both a dist-upgrade and now an install from iso) is this a know issue?20:54
bjfi'm trying to install to a two disk raid20:55
bjfi'm getting "grub-install /dev/sda" failed however I don't believe I have a '/dev/sda'20:58
bjfthis is with maverick server amd64, today's iso20:59
dokogood to see all the buildd21:26
doko... buildds blocked by mozilla-security ...21:26
cjwatsonskaet: I'm not sure it's documented unfortunately.  It exists as a milestone due to LP limitations - ideally we'd just create an empty natty distroseries and start targeting bugs to it, but unfortunately LP gets a bit confused if you try that22:04
cjwatsoncontrary to what lamont said, my memory is that the later milestone was invented in the edgy cycle22:05
cjwatsonindeed you can tell this from the fact that it's attached to the edgy distroseries (the namespace for milestones within a distribution is flat): https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/edgy/+milestones22:06
skaetcjwatson:  thanks.   an empty natty distroseries is what I was hoping for initially as well.22:06
cjwatsonanyway, the semantics are "should be revisited after release and probably attached to the next series"22:06
cjwatsonor thus I remember them being anyway22:06
cjwatsonbjf: not known, could do with a report with full logs22:06
skaetyup,  I was looking through that earlier today.    There's alot of cruft in the later queue that should probably be cleared out if we're going to start using it as the "next release"  in a standard fashion though.22:07
bjfcjwatson: it's from an iso install, how do I get logs?22:07
bjfcjwatson: note, i successfully installed to this same configuration some time ago, am trying an older iso22:08
cjwatsonbjf: text mode or graphical?22:12
bjfcjwatson: it's server, so text mode22:12
cjwatsonbjf: go back to the main menu and select "save debug logs"22:13
bjfcjwatson: ok, am in the middle of an install now, will do if I have the same problem, if I don't I'll go the dist-upgrade route and hit it again22:13
cjwatsonit could be related to the change in grub2 1.98+20100804-4ubuntu622:15
cjwatsonI haven't done a RAID test since then22:15
bjfcjwatson: an install using the daily server iso from 09/05/2010 worked22:24
bjfcjwatson: that's Sep. 05 :-)22:27
skaetcjwatson:  thanks. will use the semantics as the working definition for now.  :)   Have added it to list of topics to revisit a bit after release is out, to get it a little more standardized and integrated into the processes.22:28
bjfcjwatson: am happy to try a dist-upgrade, anything special you'd like me to do?22:29
cjwatsonbjf: a log from the current CD image would probably be better-controlled and easier to read22:34
cjwatsonwith the current CD image, put DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer on the kernel command line22:34
cjwatsonskaet: *nod*22:34
bjfcjwatson: so a new install of the sept. 05 iso with DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer on the kernel command line?22:36
cjwatsonno, current iso22:37
cjwatsonunless that's a problem for you22:37
bjfcjwatson: no problem, just want to get you what you want22:37
cjwatsonnigelb: 4222:37
nigelbcjwatson: 10101022:37
bjfcjwatson: so today's iso it is22:37
cjwatsondear archive admins who might think of processing NBS: please don't remove the -21 kernel, we're still using it22:49
cjwatson(done the things that can easily be done right now)22:52
* slangasek acks22:53
bjfcjwatson: where will the logs be?22:55
bjfcjwatson: am installing now22:55
cjwatsonbjf: "save debug logs" from the main menu will show them22:55
bjfcjwatson: ok22:55
cjwatsonbjf: or you can switch to tty2, run 'anna-install openssh-client-udeb', then use scp to copy out /var/log/syslog and /var/log/partman22:56
cjwatsonthose are the two I actually need22:56
lamontcjwatson: edgy, warty, 'tever... something ending in a 'y' :-)23:31
lamonttake my comment to be "a long time ago"23:32
dokolamont: see bug #630511 :-/23:49
ubot4Launchpad bug 630511 in python3.1 (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "Support for multiprocessing broken in python3.1 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63051123:49
lamontdoko: was getting to that one23:50
dokoI can work around it, but the main problems are the undiscovered things23:51
lamontdoko: when building for release N, the *^%&*)%)^(^_) package should really not query the underlying kernel to decide what code it should generate.23:52
dokolamont: you're dreaming, how do you intent to face reality?23:53
lamontgiven that I have no way to run other than one kernel to build all of the distroarchseries, which one would you prefer me to break?23:53
bjfcjwatson: i'm trying to get you the logs, cant switch to vt2 or any vt at this point23:54
dokoI assume that running the N-1 kernel would make things better. Can we discuss this / start a blueprint about this with the soyuz guys at UDS?23:54
bjfcjwatson: am booting from a usb key, is that mounted such that I can write the logs back to it?23:54
bjfcjwatson: nevermind, put the files onto another usb disk23:59

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