
bjpso i decided to try to install 10.10 on my old laptop, and in the start of the install it gives me:08:50
bjp"this partitioner doesn't have information about the default type of the partition tables on your architecture. please send an e-maile message to debian-boot@lists.debian.org with information"08:51
bjpbut it doesn't say what information....08:51
bjpor anything else helpful08:51
arabjp, what flavour? the live cd or the alternate?09:04
bjpactually i copied the netboot/ stuff from the ubuntu servers and booted via pxe09:05
bjpstandard ubuntu09:05
bjpi guess i could try installing from the iso...09:31
bjpmaybe tomorrow09:31
davmor2morning all11:00
davmor2ara: you running une maverick on anything?11:00
aradavmor2, yes, but I haven't upgraded today11:01
aradavmor2, is it broken?11:01
davmor2ara: it is here yes white screen with a white arrow I was just about to chase up on it11:01
aradavmor2, I will upgrade and will let you know11:02
davmor2ara: known issue according to gord on -devel11:08
bjpi booted into livecd and the mouse cursor is invisible11:09
aradavmor2, do you have a bug report?11:10
davmor2ara: just asked gord11:11
aradavmor2, can you file a bug report, please? so we can have a place where to track the status11:22
davmor2will do11:22
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davmor2ara: temp bug till I can upload extra details is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/63887812:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 638878 in ubuntu "Unity displays only a white desktop on 20100915's updates (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]12:52
aradavmor2, thanks12:54
davmor2ara: had to file a new bug in the end and apport only gave the dependencies and general info then :(  Meh! new bug is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/63892113:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 638921 in unity (Ubuntu) "Unity displays only a white desktop on 20100915's updates (affects: 1) (dups: 1) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New]13:41
davmor2I've dupe the old one to it13:41
aradavmor2, OK, thanks13:41
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araQA meeting at #ubuntu-quality in 2 min!19:58
=== James147_ is now known as James147
=== kermiac_ is now known as kermiac

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