
duanedesignmorning all09:19
duanedesignmandel: i have on my todo list today to install U1 on my windows box. Ill let you know how it goes :)09:20
mandelduanedesign, cool, and ofcourse if you need help le me know09:22
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OpenSourceWayHello world ! :)13:18
OpenSourceWayI have a question...13:18
OpenSourceWayOn the ubuntu one website. I can synchronize my contact with Thunderbird ?13:19
JamesTaitOpenSourceWay: I haven't tried it, but I'm reliably informed that there's a Funambol extension for Thunderbird 3.0.x that allows this.13:22
OpenSourceWayYes !13:22
OpenSourceWayThanks for the info ;)13:22
OpenSourceWayI go to search that !13:22
JamesTaitYou're welcome.13:22
OpenSourceWayI reregister me on ubuntu one !13:22
JamesTaitWelcome back! :)13:23
OpenSourceWayI have found a bug on Ubuntu One !13:26
OpenSourceWayI just change my email adress on my openid account and in the ubuntu one executable here is the old !13:27
ryeOpenSourceWay, you need to log out of ubuntuone and the log back in for the change to take effect13:27
OpenSourceWayOk ;)13:28
OpenSourceWayI'm a very bad user :D13:28
OpenSourceWay(with a very bad internet connexion)13:28
OpenSourceWayNo, I have the same bug (but is only in apparence, it fonctionnate good)13:30
ryeOpenSourceWay, i.e. log out of the web interface - https://one.ubuntu.com/auth/logout/ and then log back in https://one.ubuntu.com/auth/login/?next=/13:32
OpenSourceWayYes !13:34
OpenSourceWayIf you have the same problem just delete all ubuntu-one client file in /home/you/ and restart ubuntu one executable13:34
ryeOpenSourceWay, your e-mail is not really stored locally, it is received from the server using a web api call - http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/ubuntuone-scripts/ubuntuone-account-info13:43
OpenSourceWayBut if you don't restart the executable, your email adress is not refresh !13:43
ryeOpenSourceWay, that's true :)13:44
OpenSourceWay(sorry for my very bad english but I'm a young french who don't study very well :D)13:44
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OpenSourceWayMy idea about ubuntu one : At the begining, it was very bad ! That's for I left ubuntu one and delete ubuntu one package of my computer ! But now, I think the file gestion is good, ready to publish at final status.14:03
OpenSourceWayBut contact and note synchronize is not finish !14:03
OpenSourceWayFor example I want to sync my contact with thunderbird (impossible) and my notes with GNOME notes (impossible).14:04
OpenSourceWayI think you do to create add-ons to add this features.14:04
OpenSourceWayBut I think if I have time I'll go to create an "Ubuntu one lover" userbar which I go to publish on my ubuntu one account :D14:05
OpenSourceWayThanks for this very good feature of ubuntu !14:06
JamesTaitOpenSourceWay: For what it's worth, I'm hacking on a Thunderbird extension to sync contacts with Desktop Couch (and therefore Ubuntu One) in my spare time. It will be possible. :)14:12
OpenSourceWayJamesTait: Ok, very good idea ! When you have finish, I can creat a french translation (I have ever create french translation for TB add-ons) for you. I can also do a post on my blog who more than 1 000 people read.14:20
JamesTaitOpenSourceWay: That would be fantastic! There isn't any UI to translate just yet, but there will be a status icon and preferences page at some stage, so the translation would be most useful.14:24
OpenSourceWaySo I'm french and I don't inderstand all ;)14:27
OpenSourceWayBut I go to work for my school now14:27
JamesTaitHave a nice day!14:27
OpenSourceWayThanks !14:28
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mandelJamesTait, uhh self promotion hehehe15:28
mkarnickiJamesTait: did you document somewhere the way you save contacts in couch?15:45
pedronismkarnicki, http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/desktopcouch/contact?16:10
mkarnickipedronis: oh, thanks :) that'll be useful!16:10
mkarnickipedronis: how come I didn't think it was on freedesktop.org ;)16:10
JamesTaitmandel: Yeah, a little, but I did emphasise that there's the Funambol extension before I mentioned my own half-baked effort. :)16:29
mandelJamesTait, I will not give my comments about funambol :P16:30
JamesTaitmkarnicki: What pedronis said. :) I'm sticking strictly to that, although Ubuntu One has a slight deviation from that.16:30
mandelJamesTait, are u going to uds?16:30
mkarnickiJamesTait: oh.. I was asking with contact sync for Android (with Ubuntu One) in mind..16:30
mkarnickiJamesTait: so, you could say, it's not strictly U1 compatible then?16:31
JamesTaitmkarnicki: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/54685816:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 546858 in ubuntuone-servers "Physical addresses do not follow freedesktop.org specification (affects: 1) (heat: 3)" [Undecided,New]16:31
mkarnickiJamesTait: or, rather U1 is not strictly compatible with freedesktop spec16:31
JamesTaitmandel: Sadly not, not for Natty anyway.  I'll be at UDS-O though.16:31
mkarnickiJamesTait: right, thanks16:32
JamesTaitmkarnicki: I preferred the latter before I became responsible for fixing bugs on ubuntuone-servers. :)16:32
mkarnickiJamesTait: hahha ;)16:32
mandelJamesTait, well, what a pity16:33
JamesTaitmandel: Yeah, I know. :'-(16:34
* mkarnicki leaves for a while16:34
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OpenSourceWayWhat is not write : "Then press 'Alt+F4' for more help" ??21:06
ajmitchduffydack: some people assume that they'll get instant support21:24
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