
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
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nikolamwhy plugins use so much ram in xfce?09:42
nikolamkeyboard plugin 15 megs, etc09:42
Sysito what are you comparing?09:42
nikolamSysi, to nothing. I compare to common sense. Since I don't believe simple keyboard plugin must use 15 megs of RAM10:42
TheSheepnikolam: compare to gnome/kde plugins11:16
jrmyi'll have the iso downloaded shortly of xubuntu 10.04 but i dont know how to burn it on windows 712:36
jrmyim using a dvd+r for the image burning12:36
jrmywill imgburn work just the same?12:36
jrmyimgburn is what i have atm12:37
bazhangcould do, infrarecorder is the only one I know12:37
jrmyis there a wiki for this question?12:37
jrmyor even help on the xubuntu website?12:37
bazhangnot for windows, you could try ##windows though12:38
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto12:38
jrmywhat do you select with infrarecorder?12:38
bazhangthe iso?12:38
jrmyfor a dvd burn12:38
bazhangthen choose burn to disk, or right click12:38
jrmythat simple?12:38
bazhangshould be12:39
jrmyi know speed being low is important12:39
bazhangif you try to drag and drop it should prompt you12:39
jrmyi might try imgburn anyways12:39
bazhangdepends really, I get the torrent and burn at full speed12:39
jrmyok i think i might just have it verify after burning12:42
jrmyi'll just go with whatever i try12:42
bazhangsounds good12:42
jrmythis laptop i want to use it with might just really suck12:42
bazhangif you have a usb stick you can use unetbootin12:42
jrmyi really want something better12:42
jrmyyeah.. like i said it really sucks12:42
bazhangprovided your computer boots from usb12:43
jrmyi dont even think it boots from the disc drive properly12:43
jrmystupid gateway12:43
jrmyi tried to boot puppy with this computer and it didnt work, worked fine on the other one though12:44
jrmyim going to assume the same will happen with xubuntu12:44
jrmyis there a way to change ubuntu into xubuntu?12:45
bazhangwell if bootoptions dont work out, there is the alternate installer12:45
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions12:45
jrmyim running ubuntu 10.04 right now12:45
bazhangjrmy, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop12:45
bazhangjrmy, then choose from the login screen12:46
jrmyfrom the login screen?12:46
bazhangany of the -desktop packages can do that.12:46
jrmyrhetorical btw12:46
bazhangkubuntu, edubuntu, ubuntustudio, xubuntu, lubuntu12:46
jrmyso i'd have both?12:46
bazhangor as many as you want12:47
jrmyi might try that12:47
bazhangthen just choose which one to log in with each time, or set one as default12:47
jrmyand if i dont want one of them anymore?12:47
bazhanga lot less hassle then installing a whole new iso12:47
jrmyi'll agree12:48
bazhangthen !purekde  !puregnome !purexubuntu (not sure about last)12:48
jrmy!pure uninstalls?12:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:48
bazhangit gives instructions12:48
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »12:49
bazhangfor example^^12:49
bazhangpsychocats.net should have the purexfce one12:49
bazhangie xubuntu12:49
jrmyok so basically the command interprets "to have this only"12:50
bazhangwell the webpage links to instructions on how to remove the other DE12:50
jrmywhat is DE?12:50
jrmyand KDE12:50
bazhangyou can copy and paste the instructions into a terminal and then voila12:50
bazhangGNOME, KDE, LXDE, XFCE4, etc12:51
bazhangnot simply a window manager, but a suite of applications as well12:51
Sysi(desktop enviroment)12:51
bazhanglike xubuntu uses thunar instead of nautilus as a file manager, etc.12:52
bazhanglubuntu has chromium as the default browser instead of firefox12:52
jrmywell im installing xubuntu now12:52
jrmyand xubuntu?12:52
bazhangfirefox I'd guess12:53
bazhangyou can easily switch that out though12:53
bazhangchromium-browser is the package name12:53
jrmyok so if i have xubuntu loaded upon login are other files still the same?12:54
bazhangif by other files you mean stuff in home12:55
jrmyok i'd have to clarify that12:55
jrmyand yes i mean that12:55
jrmyi'll also find out once i do so12:55
bazhangin future you might consider a separate /home partition12:55
jrmywell i need to eat12:56
bazhangoh yeah, nothing to find out, it'll be the same12:56
bazhangok, good luck12:56
jrmyyep getting weak12:56
jrmyhavent aten in 12+ hours12:56
bazhangsee you later12:56
strephello! anybody knows why i can't open a terminal on the desktop? i'm using lucid lynx Xubuntu? when i try it says i have no permission13:02
strepactually it says : Le changement de répertoire « /home/jean/Bureau » a échoué (Permission non accordée).13:04
strepif anyone got a clue, thank you =)13:04
Sysistrep: what you're actually doing?13:05
strepSysi nothing in particular, i just wanted to install commercial repository13:06
strepto then install skype13:07
strepi found another way to install fine, works fine, but no way to open the terminal anymore with right click on desktop13:07
jrmyok, time to try xubuntu13:09
jrmywhats the command to log out?13:10
jrmydoes xubuntu use gnome-terminal?13:12
jrmywhats that one like?13:13
knomevery much like the gnome-terminal.13:13
Sysibetter :P13:14
jrmyas long as i can customize it like how you can with the gnome terminal then i'll like it13:16
Sysican you customize gnome terminal?13:16
jrmyas in make profiles for it13:16
strephave a nice day ;]13:16
knomethere's no *profiles* for xfce4-terminal, but you can adjust the colors13:17
jrmyi liek how you can make the background transparent so you can see your desktop background13:17
jrmyhow about changing the font and cursor type?13:18
jrmynow only if i can log out of ubuntu so i can login with xubuntu13:19
Sysido you know, you can make all this "customizing" even on very basic xterm, exept maybe opacity13:19
jrmyok so with ubuntu installed as well does it cause xubuntu to run slower?13:31
jrmyok so i can have both13:32
jrmyi might delete the ubuntu files13:33
jrmybut idk if that matters13:33
bazhangnot really, but easily accomplished13:33
jrmyi do liek xubuntu alot13:34
jrmyfrom little of what ive seen13:34
jrmybazhang: you there anymore?13:43
bazhangjrmy, sorry, yes13:44
jrmyis there channels that are specific states for xubuntu liek ubuntu?13:45
bazhangoh loco channels?13:45
bazhangprobably all are okay in those, afaik13:45
bazhanglots fewer users, so less need to segregate by DE13:46
ubottuInformation on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams13:46
bazhangthere's a link on that page to the full list13:47
jrmyso is xubuntu sorta like its own thing or is it of more of a connection with ubuntu liek as far as community and development?13:50
bazhangpart of the whole community13:51
bazhangits the same stuff underneath, after all13:51
bazhangsame repos, etc13:52
jrmyso basically #ubuntu-us-mi is the place to go for me13:52
bazhangshould do, though here is fine as well :)13:53
jrmyreally depends if any of the users in my state use xubuntu13:55
jrmythough i wouldnt think there is to many differences13:55
jrmynow i just need to get a new power adapter and maybe a new battery14:31
jrmyi dont know why my friend bought a power adapter that was less then needed on both voltage and current14:32
* jrmy shakes his head14:32
=== IdleOne is now known as IdleOp
jrmyhow do i put the terminal on the top panel?18:56
jrmyyou cant drag from the menu i have no idea18:56
jrmyyeah a launcher that opens the terminal18:56
Sysiright click → add launcher18:56
jrmyok then what?18:56
Sysicommand is xfce4-terminal18:57
sdwinderhi, anyone here have any experience with clonezilla?20:57
sdwinderanybody there?20:58
=== IdleOp is now known as IdleOne
Mahmoudwhere can I find menu.xml for xfce menu?23:10
charlie-tcaWhat version of Xubuntu? I don't think the latest version uses it23:17

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