
JanCBorchardtis there a tool to compare lines of code written fixing a bug to lines of comments written on its report?00:11
Paddy_NII fear there may not be enough room on the top panel for ubuntu netbook 10.1001:49
Paddy_NIMy screen resolution is 1024x64001:49
ronocCimi: you there ?08:22
vishronoc: hey, i dint understand your comment : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/624610/comments/8 .. you are working on fixing it for Natty? and this menu-close is a temporary workaround?08:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 624610 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Media Buttons should trigger action only on button release (affected: 3, heat: 22)" [Low,Triaged]08:30
vishoh boo! i seem to have missed him ;p08:31
* vish should really stop hiding join/part!08:31
thorwilheh, whenever i consider to hide joins/quits, i'm reminded of how useful those referring to people you want to talk with are08:40
klattimerkenvandine: I can't find any entry point in vino for empathy, can you point me in the right direction?09:40
* klattimer 's eyes sore with code :/09:41
ronocCimi, ping10:42
Cimironoc: pong10:44
ronocCimi, remember what we talked about yesterday ?10:45
ronocCimi, gradient etc10:45
ronocCimi, do you know of any example code of where this implemented10:45
Cimiit's in the engine10:45
Cimibut, why you might need that?10:46
ronocCimi, is it possible to do this the transport control10:46
Cimino, too difficult10:46
ronocCimi, do you have time to take a look ?10:46
Cimiwe can't fix it in that way10:46
ronocCimi, so what way should we fix it, sorry UI is not my strong point10:47
ronoci just want to get it fixed10:47
Cimiit can't :)10:49
Cimiunfortunately, I've noticed that bug already a month ago10:49
Cimibut there's no proper fix if not making a transparent gtkdrawingarea10:50
Cimibut bratsche told us it's impossible10:50
ronocCimi, okay, so without the rgba we cannot fix this ?10:59
ronocCimi, Okay just commented on that bug and kicked it out to touch.11:01
Cimiok :(11:03
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kenvandineklattimer, you mean for the event?  look in vino-tube-server.c or vino-tube-servers-manager.c12:14
klattimerkenvandine: yeah12:14
klattimerI can't see why the name of the user isn't present12:14
klattimerthe string is produced in a reasonable way12:15
klattimerthe condition seems to be the only reason this would fail12:17
klattimerbut even that shouldn't be broken12:17
kenvandineklattimer, indeed12:19
klattimerI'm perplexed to say the least12:19
kenvandineif you look at the status icon code, it doesn't look up the alias until much later12:19
klattimerit's going to take a lot more digging12:19
kenvandineit does it when you activate the icon12:19
klattimerkenvandine: there seem to be a bunch of problems related to the timing12:20
kenvandinelook at the SERVER_PROP in vino-tube-app-indicator.c12:20
klattimereverything is written to work with borken status icons12:20
kenvandinevalue is null when it gets the SERVER_PROP12:20
klattimerthat's strange12:21
klattimersurely it should know what the server is, if it's connected to it12:21
klattimer*sigh* :/12:21
JanCBorchardtandreasn, thorwil, wers, godbyk: off to #ubuntu-meeting this time ;)12:59
thorwilJanCBorchardt: sure, but where's his mpt'ness?12:59
JanCBorchardtthorwil, I was wondering as well13:00
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godbykJanCBorchardt: If my Internet connection holds up.13:02
thorwilmpt: hi! we just started missing you ;)13:02
godbykI may be off and on -- my Internet connection is wonky this morning. :-(13:03
JanCBorchardtmat_t, are you coming to the meeting?13:05
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mat_tJanCBorchardt: hi, unfortunately swamped with other work atm :(13:40
JanCBorchardtmat_t, ok, no problem. Can you poke mpt by any chance?13:46
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bratscheCimi: If the widget doesn't draw a background on itself at all, will that fix it?  Or will it just be white space then?14:45
Cimibratsche: I don't know, we should try14:45
bratscheCimi: RGBA won't fix it though, that's for sure.  RGBA is composited by the compositor, not by gtk+.  So if you tried to make the widget transparent then you'd just see the desktop under it, not the widget under it.14:46
kklimondabah, am I the only one tired of hearing that Ubuntu doesn't contribute enough?16:03
klattimerkklimonda: nope16:04
kklimondatedg: what is the status of inclusion of indicators in gtk+? have you guys tried pushing it further after first rejection? How is the whole spec going in fd.o? Any chance to get it approved as a standard?16:04
klattimerkklimonda: I upstreamed patches over a week ago16:04
klattimerand can't see a response to them16:04
tedgkklimonda, Unfortunately the GNOME folks seem to not want to accept anything that isn't "Shell focused" and Shell hasn't decided what they want to do yet. :(16:05
kklimondaklattimer: heh, just upstreaming patches to glib/gtk+ doesn't seem enough - you have to poke them on the ML.. I think the gio patch required by unity and zeig.. still hasn't been commented on :/16:06
tedgkklimonda, The FD.o thing is held up because the KDE guys don't want to push it unless someone from GNOME agrees.  And since there isn't anyone formally in charge of that in GNOME we don't have anyone to lobby.16:06
kklimondatedg: argh..16:06
tedgkklimonda, I thought about just writing the XDG list with my @gnome.org mail address ;)16:06
klattimertedg: that sounds a great move tbh16:07
klattimerput it bluntly that it's an implementation for both kde and gnome and the dbus api is fairly sweet16:07
tedgklattimer, Heh, yeah.  Unfortunately I think I'm too well known. :)16:07
klattimerthe spec probably still needs some discussion, but for the most part it's a massive improvement16:07
klattimerfor crying out loud I can SLIDE between my notification icons!!!!!!!16:08
kklimondayeah, that's the killer feature in my opinion16:08
kklimondait looks great16:08
klattimerkklimonda: it's ONE killer feature16:08
klattimerthere's lots of cool stuff in there16:08
tedgklattimer, Yeah, there's some movement there.  Hopefully, we can get some discussion going at GNOME Boston Summit... we'll see though.16:08
klattimerbut what _is_ kinda missing is the ability to put arbitrary items there, and mangle with the graphics a little more16:09
klattimere.g. tomboy pins16:09
tedgFor one, I know the indicators all work in Clutter -- the Unity integration could easily be stolen :)16:09
klattimerand also doing non-standard icony things16:09
kklimondaklattimer: sure, but this one should convince everyone that indicators are superior..16:09
klattimere.g. rendering icons as a bunch of layers16:09
tedgklattimer, Yeah, and the problem there is theming.  So we hope that the GTK symbolic icons will solve some of that.16:09
tedgklattimer, Not all of course, but some.16:09
klattimertedg: I see symbolic icons solving about 80% but that 20% is still a little annoying16:10
kklimondabut leaving jokes aside - how do indicators work when you use remote X? Do they show up as expected? I remember this question from the discussion back then when you tried upstreaming it for the first time.16:10
klattimerfor instance, symbolic icons which could reference other svgs16:10
tedgklattimer, I think that jcastro is trying to organize a discussion at UDS/Boston Summit -- you should ping him with your list if ideas.16:10
tedgkklimonda, For all practical purposes they don't work when you remote X :-/16:10
klattimere.g. the mail icon, references an SVG file which has a property of <number> then what you get is a small overlay of an icon with the number in it, positioned well and appropriately16:10
tedgklattimer, I'm curious if we couldn't take an SVG over the bus that was symoblic.  It fixes the theming issues.16:11
tedgklattimer, Either that or make an library API that makes it easy to "build a temp icon theme"16:11
tedgklattimer, So then you'd have a disk area to play with.  And advanced users could do advanced things, but we could make some common things easy.16:12
klattimertedg: really there's a lot of librsvg work to be done16:12
klattimerexternal CSS and xref SVG's would solve most of the problems16:13
kklimondatedg: so this is going to be one point people cry about in every discussion - it would be great to prepare some good counterargument other than "meh, who does that anyway?".. I guess pushing dbus over the network would be stupid, have either you or KDE guys thought about it?16:13
tedgklattimer, Yeah, actually the symbolic icon guys (I think hadess, but I don't remember off hand) pushed a lot of those things into rsvg.  One of the problems is that Inkscape doesn't support drawing with them easily :(16:14
tedgkklimonda, Yeah, it's the same problem with appmenu.  It's one of those things that I think everyone would love a solution, but no one is willing to invest the time to build one.16:15
tedgkklimonda, It's hard to justify as it really has become a corner case.  Even "dumb terminals" have pretty fast processors in them.16:16
Paddy_NIHave I heard right, that there is a tomboy notes app indicator?16:19
kklimondayeah, I actually agree but there are still quite a lot of people using some old terminals for things like LTSP.. things are going to get ugly again when you start pushing it :)16:19
kklimondaon the other hand one could always implement indicators the way that they fall back to xembed (it's what notifications currently use) when they are launched over the network..16:21
tedgkklimonda, They do fallback to xembed with the notification area... but, we want to drop that long term.16:22
tedgPaddy_NI, yes16:22
Paddy_NItedg, is it currently only for maverick?16:22
Paddy_NIOr should I use the core ppa16:22
Paddy_NIlucid here16:22
tedgPaddy_NI, Mostly, I had an old patch.  But I wouldn't trust it anymore.16:23
Paddy_NIah sure thanks for the info.. I guess I can wait for maverick netbook16:23
Paddy_NII need to get myself one of those MiFi devices16:24
Paddy_NImobile broadband here so one computer online at a time16:24
kklimondatedg: I know they do.. so actually it should just work[tm], right? The remote application won't find indicator-applet, will fallback to xembed and send it over network as it does today.16:25
Paddy_NIoh yeah I just gotta say this, love the work you guys do absolutely great :D16:25
tedgkklimonda, Correct, it should "Just work" :)16:26
kklimondatedg: so it's not that big deal - lets just say that "the long term" when you believe xembed should be removed is not 1-2 years but 4-5. After all what's really important is to get the code accepted by upstream and start further work on the specification. Maybe broader community will have a better idea how to push indicators over network (which we can steal for appmenu ;) )16:28
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pavolzetor#include "libindicate-gtk/indicator.h"17:52
pavolzetorhallo, do I have to use it, if I wanna add icon?17:52
pavolzetorno one?17:56
lucidfoxDoes notify-osd ignore custom timeout values?18:44
kklimondalucidfox: afair yet18:49
kklimondalucidfox: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/notify-osd/+bug/39050818:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 390508 in notify-osd (Ubuntu) "notify-send ignores the expire timeout parameter (affected: 41, heat: 207)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]18:50
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