
james_wlifeless: I'm not sure why you are deeming this issue to be more important that others that there are to work on00:23
lifelessjames_w: I'm seeing lots of confusion in other teams, e.g. u1, about udd00:28
lifelessparticularly because things -like- apport are not using the designed-approached.00:29
lifelessactually closing the gap completly for a single project will be very significant00:29
lifelessperhaps I'm wrong and we have done that00:29
james_wwe have many projects which have closed the gap completely00:29
james_we.g. everything from dx00:30
lifelessdx are using recipes with standalone packaging-only branches00:30
james_wnot for all their projects00:30
lifelesswhich isn't the design approach; AIUI their packages in the distro are not full imports either.00:30
lifelesssorry, I just added confusion.00:30
lifeless*u1* are using recipes with ...00:30
james_wI know for certain that they have lp:ubuntu/foo branches that are related to lp:foo and used in recipes, because I have been debugging issues with them all00:31
lifelessjames_w: sorry for adding confusion!00:31
lifelessI do think its important that we have a bug where something is blocked.00:32
lifelessI don't think thats more important than other things00:32
lifelessbut I do know without a bug, its hard for other people without the access to do the experiment to come along and help.00:32
james_wfwiw, I believe that you have the permissions to do the experiment, but not necessarily without a bunch of thinking about how to go about it00:34
lifelessyeah, thats true.00:35
lifelessI would be / am worried about messing up00:36
james_wsure, so am I :-)00:41
james_wlifeless: you were looking at gateway issues the other day; http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/language-pack-kde-sd.html is fairly common from the API00:54
lifelessjust recently or since forever00:54
james_wsince forever00:54
lifelessok, we need to drill into this00:55
james_wless over time is my impression, but I also have multiple layers of retry to cope with it00:55
james_wgo up a level and look at the most recent failures00:55
lifelessis there any sort of make-it-break stresser you can do ?00:55
lifelesslike, have a thing that sits there and hammers (not insanely) until you get one of these, and then get the datestamp and we cna cross reference with haproxy, apache, log rotations and rollouts00:56
lifelessI see00:56
lifelesscan you please file a bug on -foundations00:57
lifelessthats a good data source00:57
james_wyou can see at around 2010-09-15 22:04:59.142456 it went wonky for about half an hour00:57
lifelessyou need to say whether its utc or bst00:57
james_wutc I'm pretty sure00:57
james_wI only ever type datetime.datetime.utcnow() for that reason :-)00:57
lifelessin the bug  I mean :P00:57
james_wI have an open task to set that up for Gary00:58
james_wI just haven't got to it as I wanted to narrow the variables by trying to only hit one front-end etc.00:58
lifelessI wouldn't worry about that01:00
james_wlifeless: bug 38050401:00
lifelessby eliminating apache and haproxy you'd potentially invalidate the test01:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 380504 in Launchpad Foundations "Handle HTTP Error 502: Bad Gateway automatically (affected: 4, heat: 9)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38050401:00
randomusernamehey wgrant01:04
randomusernamehow are things in the land of the marsupials?01:04
james_wlifeless: oh, you invalidated, you can take my comment to your new bug01:05
wgrantrandomusername: Pretty good. Is your account working today?01:06
randomusernameno idea01:07
james_wlifeless: and http://package-import.ubuntu.com/status/apport.html is what happens when you set the apport default branch by doing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DistributedDevelopment/UnderTheHood/Importer/Operational#Setting%20a%20branch%20as%20official01:07
randomusernamegonna test now!01:07
randomusernameit's working, wgrant!01:08
randomusernameam I supposed to change the email?01:08
wgrantrandomusername: It should have been working yesterday too, since the accounts were merged just a couple of minutes after you filed the question.01:09
wgrantI'd leave the email as it is, until we fix the bug.01:09
wgrantOr the same thing may happen again.01:09
randomusernameso, +launchpad it is01:09
lifelessjames_w: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/64006501:09
ubot5Launchpad bug 640065 in Launchpad Foundations "appserver deployment must not interrupt live requests (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [High,Triaged]01:09
james_wlifeless: there was a deployment at that time? Was that when the cherrypicks went live?01:10
lifelessjames_w: yes01:10
lifelessand the analysis in the huge bug indicated rollouts too01:11
james_wlifeless: bug 64006701:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 640067 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "Importer doesn't like apport since we set the existing branch as the official one (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64006701:11
lifelessjames_w: thanks!01:11
randomusernamethanks very much for the assistance wgrant01:11
lifelessjames_w: are you using edge or lpnet ?01:12
james_wlifeless: lpnet01:12
wgrantrandomusername: Thanks for helping to track down the issue. I'm glad we got it resolved.01:13
psusithe main launchpad site keeps redirecting me to edge tonight... anyone else notice that?02:03
wgrantOh damn.02:03
wgrantSomeone added ~ubuntu-bugs to the beta testers team.02:03
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allquixoticIs there a way to add a custom combo box field to bugs.launchpad.net, essentially requiring users filing a new bug to fill out an extra field with a small number of pre-defined values?04:18
lifelesswe don't have an extensible schema at the moment04:23
lifelessthere is a feature request open for that04:23
lifelessyou can supply instructions for what data you want supplied04:23
lifelessand they could put that in the bug report04:23
allquixoticlifeless: Interesting. Well that and the fact that reporting a new bug doesn't work with IE 8 (the javascript for the "No, I need to file a new bug" button results in a JS error in IE 8) has basically made my colleagues throw Launchpad Bugs under the bus, considering it unsuitable for use on our project. Yay.04:37
lifelessoh, thats a shame04:39
lifelessis there a bug open on that IE8 problem?04:40
allquixoticlifeless: Not that I could tell, but there is now :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/64017305:40
ubot5Launchpad bug 640173 in Launchpad itself "Internet Explorer 8 Can't Report Bugs (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]05:40
allquixoticProbably made it in under the radar because most of Launchpad's users run Firefox or Chrome on Ubuntu, but it certainly impacts cross-platform commercial projects like mine :/05:42
lifelessallquixotic: thanks for filing that05:45
allquixoticNo problem05:45
lifelesswe actually have quite a lot of windows users in various parts of the userbase05:45
allquixoticI'm surprised that the bug hasn't already been filed then, seeing how IE is quite popular still on Windows05:45
allquixoticit's particularly visible because the principal acting of simply filing a bug is stalled because of it05:46
allquixoticit's practically a blocker for users of IE 8.05:46
allquixoticbut I think the bug is reproducible... my friend's computer has nothing in common with mine except that they both run IE 8 on Windows NT 6.0 or later (one Vista, one 7), and both of them have the same problem05:47
screen-xHi, is is possible to view a list of tags that have been added to commits in a branch in launchpad?08:22
screen-xerr s/is is/is it/08:23
spivscreen-x: not in the web UI that I know of, but 'bzr tags - dURL' will show you the tags for that URL, e.g. 'bzr tags -d lp:bzr' will show you the tags on bzr's main branch08:39
screen-xok, thanks spiv.08:40
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dpmit seems that I can only load https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu-translations/ without CSS, i.e. the page is shown without any styles. I'm not sure it is my browser or a LP problem, but I thought I would mention it, as disabling edge redirect does not work, either11:14
DavieyIs the edge css broken?11:14
wgrantLOSAs ^^11:15
Davieydpm, Interesting.. got the same issue here... but:11:15
mthaddonthe two look the same to me11:16
wgrantThey are.11:16
mthaddonand they shouldn't be?11:16
Davieyinteresting... one is the CSS the other is 40411:16
Daviey(for me)11:17
wgrantI wonder if one of the frontends is broken.11:17
jmlwgrant, that's probably it.11:17
wgrantI think nutmeg might be broken.11:17
wgrantBut I can't tell for sure.11:17
Davieyassuming it's internal proxy.. i don't think i can provide more data :(11:18
mthaddontry now?11:19
Davieymthaddon, thassim11:19
Davieythat fixed it, thanks mthaddon !11:19
wgrantOh, edge is only nutmeg, not banana.11:21
vishgrapefruit anyone?11:23
dpmpiƱa colada?11:23
wgrantThere is no grapefruit :(11:24
nigelbthe grapefruit was a lie?11:31
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deryckoops, seems I'm CHR today.13:48
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yigit_atesHi guys. I have a problem with my Launchpad account. When I try to enter Launchpad, it logs in with that account, https://launchpad.net/~yigitates52-gmail, which is generated automatically by Launchpad because of I have translated some projects with .po files in the past ( not in Launchpad). My real account is: https://launchpad.net/~yigitates52 but when I click the link, it gives an oops Error ID: OOPS-1720A1194.15:25
deryckhi yigit_ates.  I'm looking at the OOPS report....15:26
deryckyigit_ates, I can't get to the OOPS right now.  Can you not log out and log in with the account you want to use?15:29
yigit_atesNo. When i enter my username and password, it logs in with generated account.15:30
derycksinzui, is this ^^ a known issue, or should yigit_ates use the form for launchpad login issues to report a problem?15:31
sinzuideryck, yes. Since launchpad does not have login and password, there is a disconnect between Ubuntu's SSO and Launchpad's authentication rules. There are a few launchpad-foundation bugs about this. I believe the fix is to 1) pay attention to the email address you register in Ubuntu and Launchpad, and merge Launchpad profiles so that their is a one-to-one relationship between Ubuntu account and launchpad profile15:34
derycksinzui, how would yigit_ates merge these accounts?  Open a question against registry?15:37
cassidyhi guys. SInce yesterday I'm trying to submit a kernel bug (ubuntu-bug linux) but each time I submit, I get a Timeout error (Error ID: OOPS-1720F1282). any idea?15:39
sinzuiyigit_ates, deryck: login as one of the user you want to be, the visit https://launchpad.net/people/ there is a link to request a merge of the other Launchpad profile.15:41
yigit_atesthanks sinzui15:42
deryckcassidy, after the posting of the bug fails in the browser, can you click reload (maybe even a couple tries) until it submits?15:42
cassidyI tried, didn't help15:43
cassidyrah of course now it works.. :D15:43
deryckwell, at least the bug is filed now.15:44
cassidyyep :)15:44
deryckcassidy, we're actively working on timeout issues, so we do know about this issue, even though it's a pain.  It has to do with the attachments from apport.15:44
deryckso it should be fixed soon, and in the meantime try page reloads.15:45
cassidyyeah I was expecting something like that. That's really annoying, if I didn't really want to submit this bug, I would have give up since a while15:45
deryckyeah, I understand.15:45
wgrantsinzui: I'd hesitate to recommend that they merge their own accounts.15:54
wgrantsinzui: Given that merges are not symmetric.15:54
wgrantAnd the only way they can merge is the wrong way :(15:54
yigit_atesI cant't merge. Timeout problems :(15:55
sinzuiyigit_ates, if you have started the merge request, ignore the email Lp will send to complete the merge...15:55
sinzuiyigit_ates, That timeout means you have started the merge :(15:55
sinzuiyigit_ates, merge timeout when working with big profiles. some parts of one profile were transferred to the other.15:57
yigit_atesso let's hope, there will be no problem :)15:58
sinzuiwgrant, Does someone on the foundations team need to do DB surgery to fix this, or is there a code fix coming to address this15:58
wgrantsinzui: Admins need to merge broken accounts the right way.15:58
wgrantsinzui: More accounts will break until the bug is fixed.15:58
wgrantBut it is argued that the bug is not a bug.15:58
sinzuiAs long as uses think Launchpad provides login and passwords, there is a bug15:59
wgrantA discussion I had with stub earlier in the week resulted in bug #63796815:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 637968 in Launchpad Registry "Removing email addresses can cause mismatch with Canonical SSO (affected: 2, heat: 12)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63796815:59
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wgrantThe probable solution we came up with was to remove the code that attempts to "repair" LP's data from the email address sent by SSO.15:59
wgrantSince the use case for that is contrived.16:00
sinzuiThere is more going on than that though. We are now in our 5th month where login does not do as it should16:00
wgrantYes, but only last week did it start actually breaking things.16:00
sinzuihmm, I somewhat disagree since everyone talks to me first about account issues. I know that 70 accounts were broken in April16:01
sinzuiI may not have the power over SSO or authentication, but everyone thinks I do16:01
wgrantsinzui: So, in the case of this breakage that I've dealt with so far I just asked the user to request the merge in Answers. Everything worked fine.16:02
wgrantIt would be nice to not require admin intervention, but users can only merge in the wrong direction. So there's probably no way around it.16:03
wgrantWe probably want to remove the "repair" code and CP that soonish.16:03
sinzuiyigit_ates, describe the issue at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundation. Someone with knowledge can set about fixing your profile and maybe resolve Ubuntu SSO issues16:03
yigit_atesthanks, i will :)16:04
sinzuiwgrant, account renaming (active/deactivated) and preferred email address rules have been broken since June.16:05
sinzuiI think I need to setup a call with a lot of people so that I can find out if everyone is seeing this as broken as I do16:06
wgrantI know that account deactivation and merging were somewhat broken until recently.16:06
wgrantBut I didn't know of email address issues, beyond user confusion.16:06
yigit_atesbrowser says there is no page like that16:06
wgrantyigit_ates: add an 's' on the end.16:07
yigit_atesdone :)16:07
wgrantAdd a question there, giving details of your new and old Launchpad usernames.16:07
wgrantMake sure you specify which is which.16:07
yigit_atesI posted the question, thanks for your helping.16:14
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ftafor some reason, one of my last ppa upload apparently went well (as usual) but never made it to the ppa/builders. I didn't get the usual "Accepted" email, neither a reject. nada. could it be the sftp upload?16:44
ftamy upload trace shows nothing special compared to the other uploads in the same batch16:44
bigjoolsit's either a gpg key problem or a bug, I can check if you give me the package and PPA name16:45
fta(that was 13h ago)16:45
ftahttps://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa/+packages   ch 526 / karmic16:45
ftathe ppa page still shows 525 for this one16:46
bigjoolshave you used sftp before?16:49
ftabigjools, yes, for a week or so16:51
bigjoolsI can't see any sign of your upload16:51
bigjoolsnot on the sftp log or the upload processor log16:52
ftabigjools, http://paste.ubuntu.com/494821/16:56
bigjoolsfta: what's in your "ucd" dput target?16:57
bigjoolsah you're sending it to upload.ubuntu.com16:57
bigjoolsno wonder I didn't find it on the PPA machine16:57
ftabigjools, http://paste.ubuntu.com/494823/16:57
ftawell, i've been using that for years16:58
bigjoolsyou should change that to ppa.launchpad.net for PPA uploads really16:58
bigjoolsI know it works but it's confusing for people like me :)16:58
ftai sure can but it doesn't explain the problem16:59
bigjoolsI'm looking in the logs for the other server16:59
ftabigjools, that was ~2:27am UTC earlier today17:03
bigjoolsfta: I can't do anything about your missing upload while you're uploading to the wrong place, can you update your dput and try again please17:21
nigelbhrm, why can't I see imported comments?17:28
nigelbI tried on edge and otherwise17:28
derycknigelb, what bug?17:28
nigelbbug 210897 for example17:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 210897 in ConsoleKit "sudo *something which uses policykit?* doesn't work (affected: 2, heat: 5)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21089717:29
nigelbmaco says there is #14 comment, I see only till #13 and then bug watch update17:29
nigelbI tried on and off edge17:29
derycknigelb, are you in the beta testers group?  Do you get sent to edge by default?17:30
nigelbI don't think I'm in beta testers group17:30
nigelbbut I did get sent to edge by default17:31
deryckI thought you had to be in beta testers to get sent to edge.17:31
nigelbhm, dunno17:32
derycknigelb, can you join https://edge.launchpad.net/~launchpad-beta-testers and confirm you do see the imported comment.  Then you can leave the group if you like.17:33
deryckif so, this is an ugly bug.17:33
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nigelbderyck: its an ugly bug.  I can see it when I join the team17:34
deryckgmb, so apparently even *display* of imported comments is beta team dependent.17:34
derycksee nigelb ^^17:34
nigelbyay, one more bug exposed ;)17:35
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gmbderyck, Indeed. Hurrah for multiple conditionals doing the same job. Moreover, long live feature flags.17:45
deryckgmb, this is a simple fix, I take it?  Haven't looked at the code, sorry.17:45
nigelbderyck: if you need somone to check if fixed, do let me know, happy to help :)17:46
derycknigelb, will do.  Thanks for the offer!17:47
gmbderyck, Yes, it should just be a case of looking at how BugComments get rendered and removing the conditional.17:49
deryckgmb, after you land the widget work, could  you spare a look at this tomorrow?17:49
gmbderyck, Sure, no problem. Is there a bug filed for it?17:49
deryckgmb, I'll file one later today.17:50
gmbderyck, Thanks.17:52
deryckno, thank you! :-)17:52
deryckfood is calling now....17:52
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ari-tczewlaunchpad janitor still not working?19:00
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deryckhi ari-tczew.  What did you mean?  What is the janitor not doing that it should?19:02
ari-tczewderyck: 2 days ago janitor didn't fixed bugs. I'm just interested whether is fixed.19:03
deryckah, that one.  Bug 63404519:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 634045 in Soyuz "Regression: Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed header no longer works (affected: 2, heat: 22)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63404519:05
deryckari-tczew, says fix committed and I see a production-devel branch linked, so it should be fixed on lpnet shortly I imagine.19:05
deryckMaybe jelmer or StevenK knows more?19:06
ari-tczewderyck: ok19:06
jelmerhi deryck, ari-tczew19:06
jelmerderyck: It should be back again as of early this morning.19:06
jelmerari-tczew, ^19:06
deryckah, nice.19:07
ari-tczewjelmer: ok thanks. to be clear: i'm only asking :)19:07
ftawgrant, what's the status of the ppa stats? iirc, raw logs were almost available months ago, what about now? can't find it in the api but i'm not sure what to look for19:20
_habnabitWhen updating a bug, can you add a comment and change the status at the same time?20:11
nigelb_habnabit: yep, click on the triangle next to project name in the top table20:12
_habnabitOh, excellent.20:12
elbI don't see anything on the launchpad status page, but I have a pending build which has been pending for almost 2 1/2 hours now ... is that typical delay these days?20:25
deryckHi elb.  jelmer or StevenK can either of you help elb with this question?20:27
elb(note that if it is typical, that's fine, I'm not in any particular hurry -- I've just never seen it take this long, and I want to make sure something isn't wedged)20:28
elb"a few hours" is fine, "forever" isn't ;-)20:28
jelmerelb: Hi20:29
jelmerelb: The build farm appears to be quite busy at the moment - see http://launchpad.net/builders20:29
jelmerelb: There should be an indication of how long it's going to take before your build will be dispatched on the build page20:30
elbjelmer: awesome, I wasn't aware of that page20:31
elbI was looking at the identi.ca status page20:31
elbso I can expect another 3-5 hours ... no problem, I can certainly handle that20:31
elbthanks for the info20:31
jelmerelb: The page for your build should have an indication of how long it will take for that build to be dispatched.20:32
elbso it does!20:33
elbI hadn't clicked on an individual build20:33
elbjust the +builds page20:33
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ftaall the active builds in this ppa have been bouncing for hours: https://edge.launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/stable/+packages23:16
ftaall the "i386" builds..23:17
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