
kklimondahmm.. So I've just noticed that Evolution has a new "default" signature - Sent from Ubuntu..00:02
kklimondabah, free advert is the best advert ;)00:02
nigelbkklimonda: oh, I like that00:03
svukklimonda, yes00:05
svujust apt-get dist-upgraded00:05
kklimondasvu: do you have empathy installed?00:06
svukklimonda, yes00:07
kklimondathere is a bug 621507 reported about this issue but it was supposed to be fixed00:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 621507 in GLib "glib-compile-schemas fails if override files refer to non-installed schemas" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62150700:07
svuoops. may be not00:07
svukklimonda, installed epiphany. still no luck00:09
CarlFKfresh 10.10 install, dist-upgrade, hit a web page that wants flash, used the 'missing plug-in' thing to install whatever the top/default one is (I think it is the nonfree one)  the "applying changes" dialog seems to have gone out to lunch.  I can't move it, and dragging a term window over it leaves term window traces00:29
CarlFKah, I see why00:29
CarlFKthe "done' dialog came up behind it00:29
RPG-MasterIs 10.10 going to have Firefox 4.0?00:41
DaekdroomRPG-Master, It's too late for that00:41
RPG-MasterDaekdroom: Crap. I figured... :/00:42
RPG-MasterWas just curious.00:42
DaekdroomRPG-Master, tomorrow is the final freeze.00:42
RPG-MasterDaekdroom: And Firefox is still beta :(00:43
DaekdroomWe shouldn't expect any API/ABI/bin updates after then00:43
RPG-MasterWatch FF 4 be released the same week.00:44
SoulShadowquick question: how crashy is 10.10?00:46
yofeldepends on what you're using, KDE and the other apps I'm using are prefectly stable here00:48
Aphexits not00:49
Aphexnot had a crash yet00:49
Aphexif you gonna do a full reinstall then wait 2-3 weeks til its officially released imo00:49
Aphexmy only prob is i cant get ubuntu one to work on it yet00:49
Aphexonly want it so my daughter can use the music store00:50
SoulShadowi have it running in a VM right now00:50
SoulShadowsince it's currently not feasible for me to be dualbooting between OS's i'm just running it inside vmware workstation00:51
SoulShadowit's updating atm00:51
yofelhey, 64bit flash is back :D00:51
AphexI have xp on this one but can't remember the last time time I booted it00:52
SoulShadowmy i7 loves VM's :D00:52
SoulShadowjust..it doesn't love the memory usage :p00:52
AphexI found out years ago that I could easily live without all the windows only bits00:53
SoulShadowi like to game00:53
SoulShadowand other things00:53
SoulShadowi'm far too used to windows to switch completely00:53
AphexI play a bit of wow and thats it00:54
SoulShadowwow bores me00:54
Aphexused to enjoy it but they made it too easy to help the casuals00:55
nemo64 bit flash for linux again!00:55
AphexI have quit til new expansion00:55
nemo"64-bit support — Native support for 64-bit operating systems and 64-bit web browsers on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows."00:55
Aphexooh nice00:55
nemoDoes that mean Maverick reenables it?00:55
* yofel just said that and got ignored :(00:55
nemoI'd so far skipped on using the wrapped version00:55
SoulShadowyofel :(00:55
nemoyofel: heh. you weren't excited enough?00:55
yofelprobably :D00:55
nemoI was going to install the 32 bit one00:56
nemoI guess I could install the 64 bit one in ~/.mozilla/plugins00:56
yofelworks fine so far in firefox 3.600:56
nemothen remove it once it is available00:56
nemoyofel: install FF4 man! it is all kinds of fun!00:56
yofelthat's what I did00:56
SoulShadowi dislike FF400:56
yofelnemo: I have it installed, but it doesn't support all the addons I'm used to yet :P00:56
SoulShadowit's just..weird00:56
Aphexwhats 64 bit like these days?00:57
nemoyofel: addons are an issue - but I only care about noscript and firebug00:57
nemoand those 2 are supported00:57
nemoSoulShadow: that's vague :-p00:57
SoulShadowdunno, i can't compile android with 64bit, so i can't  use it00:57
AphexI was too scared to take the 64 bit option last install so went x8600:57
Aphexonly just come back to ubuntu as the wife moaned too much about slackware00:58
SoulShadowgotta love when it sais 9 installed are no longer supported00:58
SoulShadowand so starts the upgrade :D00:59
nemoAphex: heh. slack and gentoo ain't bad, but ubuntu has grown on me00:59
nemoso much stuff just works, yet I usually can still customise and build what I want00:59
nemoplus it has style00:59
yofelheh, well, it works fine here, except for minor annoyances like flash and I would image that wine could cause issues, but for what I need 64bit works fine. it's lost a bit of importance since we got the -PAE kernel though00:59
Aphexbetween you and me im glad to be back on ubuntu00:59
Aphexjust dont tell the wife :-p00:59
yofelWB! :D01:00
nemoAphex: gentoo has been relegated to the servers at my home - well, the servers and my P133 notebook01:00
nemoAphex: w/ a whopping 96MiB of ram :)01:00
SoulShadowi just booted my XP VM01:00
nemoAphex: that one runs a severely stripped down gentoo w/ xfce4 for the desktop01:00
SoulShadowi kinda like XFCE01:00
nemoAphex: after ssh + nfs + xfce4 + seamonkey, I have about 15MiB left for use :)01:00
nemow/o using swap! \o/01:01
SoulShadowi don't think my computer is happy01:01
SoulShadowwith my vm ram usage01:01
SoulShadow73% lol01:01
SoulShadowsurprise: chrome is using 600MB01:02
Aphexstill haven't tried chrome01:02
SoulShadowi love chrome01:02
SoulShadowjust not the mem usage01:02
Aphexheard good and bad things and firefox does the job for me01:03
nemoAphex: the graphics accel for FF4 does awesome stuff on my machine.01:03
nemowell. most of 'em.01:03
nemoone it does not work on at all :-/01:03
nemohopefully they'll get that fixed01:03
SoulShadowwhy's paste not working01:03
SoulShadowi can't paste between host and VM ><01:04
nemoSoulShadow: virtualbox?01:04
Aphexdidn't even realise ff4 was out01:04
* nemo ♥ virtualbox01:04
nemoAphex: still beta01:04
* SoulShadow murders his xp vm01:06
h00kSo, does sun-java6 not appear in the 'Partner' repo anymore?01:06
kklimondait's not uploaded yet01:08
SoulShadowdoes mint menu work?01:08
SoulShadowin 10.1001:08
h00kSo...I have to wait, 'eh?01:10
kklimondaor use package from 10.0401:10
h00kSoulShadow: You'd have to check with Mint support01:10
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org01:10
* SoulShadow eyerolls01:11
SoulShadowit's a package01:11
SoulShadowavailable to install for any debian-based distribution01:11
jbroomeit's also not supported here.01:11
SoulShadowokay, i just asked if anyone had it working, was all01:11
h00kI suppose ask the package maintainer01:11
* h00k shrugs01:11
SoulShadowmeh it's a vm, i'll give it a shot01:11
nemonow if only I could get sound to work on my new 10.10 install01:17
nemoI'd be happy01:17
nemokklimonda says it is 'cause the alsa kernel module is still not available for my version of kernel01:17
Aphexhad that on my mums pc nemo01:17
nemoI checked on boot, it seems the version in synaptic is exactly between the two kernel versions I have available01:17
Aphexjust ran sound test and somehow it fixed it01:17
nemoI tried that01:18
kklimondanemo: nah, I'm saying that alsa in 10.10 may be too old to properly support your hardware.01:21
nemooh :(01:21
nemokklimonda: I've been waiting hoping for that backports version to update01:21
kklimondanemo: you can, in the meantime, test ~ubuntu-audio-dev ppa01:22
nemo00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 05)01:22
Aphexnemo have you got the nightly repositories?01:23
kklimondaI'm not familiar with sound at all - all I can help with is give you some more options to check.01:23
nemoAphex: no? :)01:23
nemoAphex: just tell me what to do and I shall do it!01:23
nemofirst thing being to add ubuntu-audo-dev ppa01:24
Ian_corneno more sun-java6?01:24
Ian_cornePackage sun-java6-jdk is not available, but is referred to by another package.01:24
Ian_corneHowever the following packages replace it: sun-java6-demo01:24
Ian_corneI've got partner repo's enabled01:25
Aphexoops wrong one01:25
yofelIan_corne: not there for mav yet01:27
Ian_corneok, *sad panda*01:27
Ian_corneGuess openjdk will have to do for minecraft :)01:27
nemofingerprint gui is awesome01:28
nemothat guy rocks for having created that01:28
Vi0L0hi, can somebody please give me a link to catalyst (fglrx) 10.10 beta for ubuntu 10.10? It should be called fglrx-installer i gues...01:28
nemokklimonda: you know, I was watching startup this time...01:31
nemoaaaand, just occurred to me my lack of sound could be related to the kernel oops on startup :-/01:31
Aphexprobably is01:33
nemohm. now where would that terminal spam on startup be kept01:34
kklimondanemo: you can use dmesg to get the log from startup where oops should be located01:34
nemo'cause I'm not finding it in dmesg or syslog01:34
nemokklimonda: no oops :)01:34
nemojust doesn't *say* oops01:34
nemosays "Oops"01:34
nemoand I fail at case insensitive01:34
nemohttp://m8y.org/tmp/dmesg.txt if anyone cares to speculate on the error, my attempts at searching for a matching call trace are so far fruitless.01:38
nemoer. that should have gone into channel01:41
nemobug #632430 in launchpad seems same01:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 632430 in linux (Ubuntu) "ips-adjust - BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at (null)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63243001:41
nemosimilar laptop model to mine01:41
kklimondalooks the same01:44
yofelnemo: unless it's the *exact* same laptop with the same hardware, chipset and firmware versions, file a new bug01:47
yofelkernel team policy01:47
nemoyofel: hardware seems identical, laptop is very close01:47
charlie-tcaIsn't the trace towards the bottom of dmesg, [   11.851246] Call Trace:  ??01:48
nemocharlie-tca: hm?01:49
nemocharlie-tca: I did note I found it once I searched for the right thing, right? :)01:49
charlie-tcaWellll, not unless I missed it after :01:51
charlie-tca<nemo> http://m8y.org/tmp/dmesg.txt if anyone cares to speculate on the error, my attempts at searching for a matching call trace are so far fruitless.01:51
charlie-tcaseems identical means file a new bug. If the hardware is different even by version number, it might need a different fix01:52
nemocharlie-tca: I meant a matching one on google01:53
nemothen I found one :)01:53
charlie-tcaYou can give the bug number in your report01:53
nemobut. fine...01:53
nemowill do that later, since I'm already running really really late on getting home01:53
charlie-tcakernel team would prefer to call it the same on their own, truth be told.01:53
nemocharlie-tca: the hardware doesn't seem different though - just the model #01:54
charlie-tcaThat's enough to be different01:54
nemoI expect it is identical HW in a different shell and w/ slightly tweaked something or other01:54
nemofine w/ me01:54
nemomore bugs means more attention01:54
charlie-tcaJust reference this bug for them01:54
charlie-tcaThey can then verify if it matches for the fix01:54
Seven_Six_TwoI had both E16gnome and Ubuntu Standard Desktop (or similar) as gdm choices. For the first time, I chose E16gnome. I didn't like the window decorations. I went back to the other choice, and somehow got the same grey decorations. I uninstalled E16, and now gnome starts without decorations at all and I have to open a terminal (metacity --replace &) but that's irritating and I had effects on (I believe). Have I misunderstood wh02:44
Seven_Six_Twoat's going on?02:44
Seven_Six_TwoI just reenabled effects (I forgot I just chose a different driver too...) I'll log and try again. sorry to possible have wasted time02:47
trojan_spikeu can save effect settings02:48
nemo /desktop/gnome/session/required_components/windowmanager  is the gconf key if I understand02:52
nemooh. he left02:52
Kendaljahello all02:58
KendaljaI am having problems upgrading ubuntu 10.04 to 10.1002:59
KendaljaWell I decided to update to 10.10 via Distribution Upgrade and the installer is stuck with 10 mins to go02:59
KendaljaSays installed xserver-xorg-input-mouse03:00
Kendaljaand just sits there...03:00
Kendaljafor about 1 hr now03:00
Kendaljaany ideas?03:01
nemoKendalja: hey03:04
nemoKendalja: is there anything in details?03:04
nemonormally "stuck" means "waiting for user interaction"03:04
nemolike a config file changed03:04
nemoand they want you to approve the mods03:04
Kendaljawell I cant see the bottom of the install window03:04
nemoyour resolution is that low03:04
Kendaljano I am on a netbook03:04
nemoalt left click on the install window03:04
nigelberr, unity?03:04
nemoto forcibly drag it up03:04
trojan_spikeKendalja, > you'd be best getting the iso onto a disk and installing.. from my disk i still had to do a partial upgrade.. So with a full upgrade it would be even dodgier..03:05
Kendaljasays installing new version of config file /etc/logrotate.d/samba ...03:06
Kendaljathen thats it03:06
trojan_spikenot moving at all?03:07
trojan_spikedo u have any disk u can use to put the iso on?03:10
KendaljaI am getting the netbook iso now03:11
Kendaljaall I have is USB stick03:11
Kendaljais that ok03:11
trojan_spikeyea,, u can get a usb creator,, then put it on03:12
trojan_spikei had netbooks.. buh sure03:12
trojan_spikehave u tried the chrome O.S yet? its great for netbooks03:12
Kendaljano I havent03:13
Jordan_UKendalja: If you haven't closed the upgrade window yet, hold alt to click and drag the window with the mouse to where you can see the bottom of it.03:13
trojan_spiketry that,, or Jolicloud.. best for netbooks03:13
KendaljaI did that Jordan_U03:13
Jordan_UKendalja: Try clicking within the terminal output area and pressing enter.03:15
Kendaljadid that also03:16
Kendaljajust creates space03:16
Jordan_UKendalja: Try ctrl+c03:16
Kendaljathat wants to close it03:16
Kendaljait says it will abort the operation03:17
Jordan_UKendalja: If nothing has happened for a long time then it may be the best that you can do (hopefully afterward the other operations will continue). What is the exact text of the error message?03:18
Kendaljasays installing new version of config file /etc/logrotate.d/samba ...03:18
Paddy_NItrojan_spike, Is JoliCloud ready yet?03:18
Kendaljais jolicloud linux?03:18
trojan_spikeyea,, Jolicloud is ready for use03:19
trojan_spikegoogle chrome O.S has gone public too03:19
Paddy_NItrojan_spike, which Ubuntu release is it based on?03:19
Paddy_NIJoli that is03:19
Kendaljayou have to build chromium though03:19
trojan_spikeubuntu remix03:20
trojan_spikeim trying to think.. i remember hearing it03:20
Kendaljahave you guys used chromium or joli?03:20
Paddy_NIKendalja, Yeah I have used chromium OS03:21
Paddy_NIits not really ready03:21
Paddy_NIyeah its fast03:21
Paddy_NIHaiku is nice too03:21
trojan_spikeit got good reviews03:21
Paddy_NIHaiku has a great feel to it also03:22
Paddy_NIblazing fast03:22
vbabiy_is there a fix for the cpu usage by xorg03:23
trojan_spikeMozilla prisim and ubuntu remix << Jolicloud03:25
Paddy_NIthey use a custom netbook launcher03:25
Paddy_NII am enjoying a highly customised Ubuntu Lucid netbook at the moment03:27
KendaljaI think I will try those os' you mentioned03:29
Kendaljacan I use irc and stuff on them?03:29
Paddy_NIof course03:30
Kendaljarun anything linux based..?03:30
KendaljaI mean if I wanted to dl an app do i just dl a linux version03:30
Kendaljafor the os03:31
Paddy_NIPreferably use that systems package manager if any before downloading packages03:31
Paddy_NIwould not want to end up in dependency hell03:31
Kendaljawhich OS would you recommend I start with?03:32
Paddy_NIalso HaikuOS is not linux based03:32
Paddy_NIKendalja, for a netbook>03:32
KendaljaI am getting Jolicloud now03:32
Paddy_NIUbuntu 10.04 netbook edition03:32
Kendaljaand that also03:32
Kendaljawell 10.1003:32
Paddy_NI10.10 aint ready yet03:32
Paddy_NIplus 10.04 is an LTS release03:33
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)03:34
Kendaljajolicloud looks nice03:35
Paddy_NIyeah it is pretty03:35
Kendaljait will run linix apps?03:35
Paddy_NIKendalja, yes03:35
Paddy_NIits ubuntu based03:35
Paddy_NIshares the same repositories03:35
Kendaljaso why is it better than ubuntu 10.04 netbook?03:36
Kendaljaor not...03:36
Paddy_NII did not say it was03:36
Kendaljawell in your opinion which is better?03:38
Paddy_NIWell I have not tried Jolicloud for a while now and when I had it was in a VM03:38
Paddy_NII thought it was nice but I still love ubuntu03:39
Paddy_NIYou should really try for yourself and make your own decision03:39
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:39
qwmwhen i change user with sux, i can't run any gtk apps (they crash with "Aborted (core dumped)"), but other apps work fine. i've had the problem for about a week.03:45
Paddy_NIHey qwm have you tried throwing cabbage at it?03:46
=== shcherba1 is now known as shcherbak
Volkodavanybody tried this Square evil 64 bit from Adobe ?04:12
yofelVolkodav: works fine here in firefox 3.604:16
Volkodavyofel: did you uninstall both the player and the wrapper before installing a new one ?04:17
yofelI did run apt-get purge flashplugin-installer, but rather because I don't need them anymore than that they caused problems04:18
Volkodavi removed the nswrapper what it is called too just in case04:19
yofelthe wrapper is still installed, but doesn't seem to be used04:19
* yofel purges that too04:19
Volkodavhmm works ok so far trying in opera 10.704:27
Volkodavcpu usage is still out there04:30
Volkodavlike it always does this monster04:31
crimsun_you don't need to remove nspluginwrapper; just removing the [links to] system-wide libflashplugin.so and installing the native-arch one will suffice04:46
crimsun_the former is easily accomplished via purging flashplugin-installer, as yofel alluded to04:47
SoulShadowdo switchable graphics work in ubuntu?04:59
bullgard4How can I persuade Audacious to keep in mind the URL http://player.streamtheworld.com/_players/entercom/player/?id=KDFC and play it when pressing a key combination?06:18
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
WubbbiHey guys. I found a strange bug. I use a netbook with broadcom Wifi and it realy works good. But now the problem. When I'm in Batterie mode ( even if the batterie is very very full ) my Wifi speed is like 3,4kb/s ... it takes 5 minutes to load google.com. In Lucid I dont have any problems. Well when I put in my Charger, the Wifi connection speeds up to normal speed. I dont have to reboot, no reconnect. I just put it in and its fast as normal.07:55
WubbbiWhen I put it out again, the connection slows down. Can you confirm it? Or even help me?07:55
MarkDudeWubbbi, - what type of machine?07:57
WubbbiMarkDude: Netbook08:03
WubbbiMarkDude: Netbook ( Intel )08:05
MarkDudeSo an atom then?08:06
WubbbiMarkDude: any ideas?08:07
WubbbiCause I cant be in Charge-Mode always. My Battrie will be destroyed. I also wanna move arround etc.08:07
MarkDudeOdd, when you said that^^ I unplugged mine and it killed updating08:08
MarkDudeapparently it cant do the right speed for updates on mine - wheter unplugged or not08:09
* MarkDude cant reproduce08:09
WubbbiMarkDude: uff ... -_- thats not good08:10
MarkDudeLooking at my logfiles08:10
MarkDudesorry Wubbbi - I need to sort out what I just did08:23
MarkDudeyour issue is prolly related to acpi08:23
MarkDudeOr some power issue is my guess08:23
WubbbiMarkDude: ok so what do I have to do now`?08:24
MarkDudeCheck and make sure there is no crash log in   var/log08:24
WubbbiMarkDude: I found a pm-powersave.log ... there are interessting Lines. Do you wanna have?08:27
eruditehermithey, is there a working ATI catalyst driver in maverick?08:29
WubbbiMarkDude: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/398951/ here ... just look at line 142 for example. Sounds strange08:29
WubbbiMarkDude: Is it possible to turn off the powersave mode? May I gonna test it.08:32
Wubbbiseems to be an issue with it08:32
=== tankdriver is now known as tankdriver_
=== tankdriver_ is now known as tankdriver
MarkDudeYes there is08:35
WubbbiMarkDude: found something? ( like a bug? )08:35
MarkDuderight click on your upper panel08:35
MarkDudeAdd to Panel08:36
MarkDude*inhibit applet*08:36
MarkDudeput that on your panel08:36
WubbbiMarkDude: ok08:36
MarkDudeit will stop it from getting sleepy, unlike myself08:36
* MarkDude wishes he had something to prevent sleepmode08:37
MarkDudeIt is only a workaround (if it works)08:37
WubbbiMarkDude: Ahhh ... xD do you know the german word of the Applet? I cant find it ^^08:37
MarkDudeIll screenshot it for you08:38
Wubbbithx ^^08:38
MarkDudeIts where my mouse is08:40
WubbbiMarkDude: ahhh ok08:40
WubbbiI did ... now do I have to configure something?08:40
MarkDudeIt looks like the restricted drivers icon08:40
MarkDudeleft click will keep it from sleeping08:41
MarkDudeone more click will let it sleep08:41
WubbbiMarkDude: Its workd ;D08:41
Wubbbithank you.08:41
WubbbiMay we just fix the bug now, cause its just a workaround xD08:42
MarkDudeOf course Wubbbi08:42
Wubbbistupid powersave ... ruined my day xD08:42
MarkDudeThe bug will prolly get fixed, my guess is that its looking at a file that is blank08:43
WubbbiWell MarkDude as I come from germany ... and its is morning here ... I have to go to work now. I'lll be here later. Can you create to bug report? I realy have to go now ^^08:43
* MarkDude is almost asleep Wubbbi 08:45
MarkDudeIm srry08:45
WubbbixD ok I will come back later and do it. Np ;)08:45
WubbbiGood night ;D08:46
bullgard4How can I persuade Audacious to keep in mind the URL http://player.streamtheworld.com/_players/entercom/player/?id=KDFC and play it when pressing a key combination?09:14
WubbbiMarkDude: hey :) are you sleeping? xD10:24
redhello, I removed my laptop from its dock, now the eth0 interface is still excpeting to be the same MAC \ Device, how do I tell ubuntu to regenerate those configurations?11:45
bachi apw ... i tried installing 10.10 desktop beta 1  on a MBP5,1 (your favorite) and ran into the same problem with nouveau as reported against lucid in bug 54639311:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 546393 in linux (Ubuntu) "MacBook Pro 5,1 / 5,2 / 5,3 / 5,5 fails to boot into 10.04 desktop" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54639311:56
apwbac lovely11:58
apwbac, can you add that to the bug ?11:58
bacapw: do you want a new bug?11:58
gnomefreakit says it is fixed11:58
gnomefreaki havent gone to site. just the info from bot11:59
apwbac will see if i can add a maveric nom to it11:59
bacapw ok, your call11:59
apwgnomefreak, yeah he is saying it was fixed in lucid and now it is unfixed11:59
bacapw: the workaround in that bug worked so i could install and switch to nvidia driver.  all is well now.  (nouveau.noaccel=1 blacklist=vga16fv)12:00
bacer, vga16fb12:00
* gnomefreak goes to check.12:00
apwbac yeah i've sorted the tasks could you update the body12:02
bacapw: done.  please let me know if you want me to test when the time comes.12:38
mikehhI have a problem with Kate locking up if a file changes outside of Kate - where should I discuss this?12:53
bazhangmikehh, in 10.10?12:54
mikehhworks in 10.0412:54
bazhangmikehh, consider filing a bug then12:54
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots12:55
IdleOnesamba upgrade broken for you folks this morning?12:57
IdleOnesamba (2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu6)12:58
bazhangmikehh, just searched launchpad, not seen any kate bugs yet13:01
mikehhbazhang: I am logged into launchpad - can't find anything at the moment13:08
mikehhwhat happens is that I use Kate as my default editor, make changes, save then commit the change (via svn), which modifies the file. (more)13:09
mikehhif I dont close the file before I commit it locks up kate (ok if I do)13:10
mikehhwhen I was working with the beta of 10.04 kate would crash when I did this, but that was fixed, now in 10.10 beta it just locks up, can't do anything with it13:11
mikehhI have to end it with system monitor13:12
yofelmikehh: bugs in kate directly should go to bugs.kde.org, search there too13:21
yofel*should directly go13:21
maxbAre there any LVM-related cautions against upgrading to Maverick Beta at the moment?13:21
gnomefreakmaxb: search for your bug in launchpad. we are unable to know everything ;)13:23
maxbI do not have a bug. I am asking for vague generalities :-)13:24
maxbIf someone's been burnt recently, they might speak up and caution me. If not, I'll upgrade anyway and see what happens :-)13:24
gnomefreakwhy not skip this step since you are going to do it anyway13:25
CC12hey all13:37
CC12need help with ati drivers13:37
gnomefreakCC12: in 10.04?13:38
CC12no 10.10 beta13:38
CC12this is what iam getting ...13:38
gnomefreakneed yhelp with* means nothing13:38
CC12Error: ./default_policy.sh does not support version13:38
CC12default:v2:x86_64:lib32::none:2.6.35-19-generic:; make sure that the version is being13:38
CC12correctly set by --iscurrentdistro13:38
gnomefreakCC12: that needs to have a bug filied againsts ait drivers13:39
CC12ok ill stick with 10.4 for now thanks13:39
gnomefreakif you want it looked at a bug is best13:39
gnomefreakyou also have an old kernel13:40
CC12hmm didnt expect that..but ill stick 10.0413:40
alvinAre there people here who installed Kubuntu with encrypted home? I did such an install, and I can't log in anymore. (could log in once)13:48
Dr_WillisHmm.. did a update/upgrade. and it semed to hang on    update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/smbstatus.samba3 to provide /14:05
alvinI'm reinstalling with the new daily. Let's see how it goes14:08
jpdsDr_Willis: Samba providing root... impressive.14:09
Ian_corneDr_Willis: I had that too14:19
Ian_cornejust aborted14:19
ArayHi Everyone!!14:33
ArayNeed your help in solving an issue with Kwin. I am on kubuntu 10.10 / kde 4.5.114:34
ArayThe problem is desktop getting freezed at times. Since last 2-3 days this has happened 4 times.14:34
ArayI am on intel driver. Can I do something to avoid this freeze?14:34
ArayI am presently working with all the effects off14:35
Arayeffects = desktop effects14:35
alvinAray: Did you use Lucid before? Because I have this on my Lucid machine (with Intel gpu) too. It freezes a while. As a workaround, I wait.14:36
ArayAlvin: Yes you are right. I had Kubuntu Lucid earlier and then updated from PPA14:36
ArayYes I too wait and then it comes back but the real problem is sometimes the screen just freezes with multiple color and no key works.14:37
alvinAnd you didn't notice these freezes in Lucid?14:37
ArayAlvin: No freeze in Ubuntu Lucid - I worked smoothly there for month. But on Kubuntu Lucid I just installed and upgraded immediately.14:39
alvinIs there anyone willing to log out of Kubuntu and tell me if kdm reappears for them?14:39
alvinAray: What Intel card is that?14:39
ArayAlvin: 00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Memory Controller Hub (rev 07)14:39
Aray00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)14:39
Aray00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)14:39
alvinThere are several known issues with different types. I didn't try yours yet.14:40
ArayAlvin: Sorry, I should have use pastebin perhaps14:40
alvinFor 2 lines? Nobody will care :-)14:40
ArayActually I am on a Dell Laptop inspiron14:40
alvinMaybe that model is even certified by Canonical :-)14:40
Arayand I worked in Gnome for an year or more without a single freeze. That is why I got surprised with this freeze14:41
ArayAlvin : Should I download a beta 10.10 from Kubuntu and install from there?14:41
Araywhich might remove all old settings etc.?14:41
alvinI have a machine here with an Intel card and only X. (no gnome/kde) It crashes several times a day since Jaunty. It's a known bug (not the same as yours)14:41
ArayThough that will be a pain.14:42
alvinAray: Well, I'd look for an existing bug report first14:42
Arayalvin: Oh! that means is it Intel driver?14:42
alvinMost probably14:42
Arayalvin: I also think it's intel driver.14:42
Arayalvin: But once I tried with an older intel driver long back, that time I had no freeze14:43
alvinIntel is doing a lot of changes in their driver. It works faster, but not more sttable14:43
Arayalvin: Ok14:43
Arayalvin: but I have one question? How then Ubuntu never freezed? are they using some other driver?14:44
ArayI love Kubuntu - that is why I intend to use it this time and ready to face the freezes D:14:45
ArayAlvin: I am now working with just the desktop effects as on and all filters as off14:45
ArayAlvin: No further crash since then.14:45
Araytill now14:46
alvinAray: There is a difference in Gnome/KDE. KDE uses some new functions that Gnome doesn't (if I understand it correctly)14:46
ArayAlvin: I understand. I also thought so.14:46
ArayAlvin:One thing I forgot I am using oxygen transparent . Is that a reason for freezing?14:47
alvinThere are issues with nVidia drivers too, but I haven't experienced those yet14:47
ArayNo blur though.14:47
alvinLet me see. I remember reading something14:47
alvinHere: http://hugo-kde.blogspot.com/2010/09/performance-issues-one-script-and-call.html Oxygen issues with nVidia cards14:49
WubbbiMarkDude: Are you here?14:50
ArayAlvin: Thanks a lot. I will read that.14:54
mbeierlis aptitude deprecated in maverick or did I just miss it?15:18
alvinmbeierl: It is. It's left out to make room on the cd15:19
bjsniderit isn't installed by default15:19
peturiHow can i adjust the amount of volume-up\down changed by my laptops volume buttons?15:19
mbeierlalvin: ah, ok, thanks.  I'm never sure which is the preferred one anymore...15:19
alvinWell, personally, I think it's unwise. Upstream (debian in this case) recommends aptitude over apt-get in the Administration guide15:19
mbeierlsome seem to indicate aptitude, others say it's apt-get15:19
mbeierlTHAT'S where I read it!  I knew I saw it somewhere!15:20
alvinI'm getting concerned about KDM. It really is not working for me on fresh install. I simply can't log in.15:30
nemolooks like (just by coincidence and slacking) we might end up roughly syncing up w/ Ubuntu's release schedule again15:31
alvinAh, it's not KDM. It's X. startx gives me a segmentation fault15:31
nemoI have a feeling that once again, just weeks before 10.10 release, I'm gonna pleading w/ Ubuntu managers to approve the new version15:32
nemojuuust like my pleading for Lucid and Karmic...15:32
alvinnemo: New version of what?15:32
Ian_corne10.9 catalyst is out, this is not the one we want yet right?15:33
nemoalvin: Hedgewars15:34
nemoalvin: there's a few things we still wanna finish up15:34
nemobut Tiyuri has been making release noises15:34
nemoso some of the other stuff will just have to wait for the next release I guess :)15:35
delta9i updated to the new kernel on 10.10 and when i booted my machine my trackpad buttons and trackpad didnt work at all15:35
delta9how do i fix it15:36
delta9i updated to the new kernel on 10.10 and when i booted my machine my trackpad buttons and trackpad didnt work at all15:43
delta9how do i fix it15:43
delta9hi dink15:43
delta9i updated to the new kernel on 10.10 and when i booted my machine my trackpad buttons and trackpad didnt work at all15:43
delta9someone help :[15:44
delta9im a no0b15:44
jbroomedelta9: then whyTF are you running beta software?15:44
delta9cuz i want to.15:45
Dinktry a previous kernel ?15:45
Dinkif it works file a bug ?15:45
jbroomeIt's generally assumed that if you're going to dance on the bleeding edge, you know how to use a band-aid15:45
delta910.10 works fine w/ the original 10.10 kernel, but i updated the kernal and now the damn mouse wont work15:45
jbroomethen boot into the prev kernel15:46
delta9what do you think im on now15:46
jbroomebeats me, my spectral teleportation is down right now15:46
delta9dudem you arent any help, if anything you are a troll15:47
thecntr5how do i change the date format?, it says: Thu Sep 16, 16:45  and  i want it to be Thu 16 Sep, 16:4515:47
jbroomei'm the harsh smack of reality.15:47
delta9help him15:47
delta9you aere the harsh breath of an asshole.15:48
jbroomebreathe deep15:48
delta9ill smell my own farts, they are delicious15:48
delta9you should try a wiff jbroom15:49
delta9you'd like it.15:49
* delta9 spreads his cheeks and places his asshole directly over jbrooms nose15:49
delta9mmm, you like that, dont you?15:49
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!15:50
delta9thecntr, dont bother/wc15:50
jpds 15:50
LynourePici: I did not think me telling him to shut up would have made a difference, but weirdly the summon did...15:51
IdleOnePici: if i am going to be on the highlight list. Feel free to add me to access also :)15:51
nemothecntr5: I believe that is local controlled15:51
nemothecntr5: try changing LC_TIME in your env15:52
nemoto, oh, some canadian or brit thing :)15:52
thecntr5how do i do that?15:52
nemothecntr5: set an environment variable? :)15:55
nemothecntr5: wellll, do you just want it for your user, or system-wide?15:56
thecntr5it doesnt matter15:56
thecntr5as far as i see i myself15:56
jbroomethecntr5: "Invoking `date' with no FORMAT argument is equivalent to invoking it15:57
jbroomewith a default format that depends on the `LC_TIME' locale category."15:57
nemojbroome: yeah, but I'm guessing he means the gnome date widget15:57
nemowhich probably uses LC_TIME15:57
jbroomeDoh sorry.  I defaulted to CLI15:58
thecntr5steps please?15:58
nemothecntr5: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables15:58
JAMD456Has anyone been able to get the sound on the 64 bit version of Adobe Flash Square working on Ubuntu 10.10? I am having difficulties.15:58
nemothecntr5: scroll to "persistent" although you might want to read it through15:58
nemoJAMD456: I have no sound at all due to a kernel oops that I hope will be resolved soonish, so I'll be no help :)15:59
nemothecntr5: oh. to see your full set of variables, type "locale" at the terminal15:59
JAMD456nemo: ok thanks though16:00
nemothecntr5: from your date format I'm somehow betting you're on en_US.UTF-8 :)16:00
nemo(across the board)16:00
thecntr5i am16:00
thecntr5because i use everything in english from USA16:00
thecntr5my lang sux16:01
nemowhich is? :)16:01
nemohuh. ubuntu should have good spanish localisation16:01
* nemo uses the french locale w/ good success16:01
thecntr5and i use US english because brits are weird16:02
mwilliams12201good  morning.  I just got a Dell Inspiron mini with XP installed.  I installed Ubuntu netbook remix last night and can't get connected to the internet=wired or wireless.16:02
nemothecntr5: heh. they are that ;)16:04
nemomwilliams12201: don't know too much about that model, can you dump your lspci output somewhere?16:04
nemoeven w/o internet can use like a flash drive or something16:05
nemomwilliams12201: it does seem like it should have good support though16:05
nemohell, there's an ubuntumini.com website...16:05
mwilliams12201oh, that is good news16:06
mwilliams12201hold on, I have to reboot the net book-it froze16:06
nemomwilliams12201: p'raps try one of the older versions of ubuntu instead of getting all beta :)16:06
nemoubuntumini.com seems to have extensive docs for various prior versions16:06
mwilliams12201here is the lspci result:16:10
mwilliams1220100:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)16:10
mwilliams1220100:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)16:10
mwilliams1220100:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)16:10
mwilliams1220100:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)16:10
mwilliams1220100:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family PCI Express Port 1 (rev 02)16:10
mwilliams1220100:1c.1 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family PCI Express Port 2 (rev 02)16:10
mwilliams1220100:1c.2 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family PCI Express Port 3 (rev 02)16:10
mwilliams1220100:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH7 Family USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 02)16:10
mwilliams1220100:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 02)16:10
mwilliams1220100:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB UHCI Controller #3 (rev 02)16:10
mwilliams1220100:1d.3 USB Controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB UHCI Controller #4 (rev 02)16:10
mwilliams1220100:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family USB2 EHCI Controller (rev 02)16:10
mwilliams1220100:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 Mobile PCI Bridge (rev e2)16:10
mwilliams1220100:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801GBM (ICH7-M) LPC Interface Bridge (rev 02)16:10
jpds!pastebin | mwilliams1220116:10
ubottumwilliams12201: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:10
thecntr5ubottu got mad guys.16:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:11
mwilliams12201crap, I don't understand the directionjs I am getting from channel16:11
mwilliams12201did that work?16:13
jbroomeholy crap.  pastebin16:16
mwilliams12201I think Iknow what I need to do to get wireless working, but I can' get wired to woirk either16:19
nemomwilliams12201: ouch. pastebin. yeah. well anyway let's see how support is for your card16:30
nemoI don't see either card in the list.16:30
nemonot even as unknown devices16:30
nemomwilliams12201: there isn't some sort of network toggle switch on that thing, is there? (granted, you'd still think it'd be visible)16:30
nemoI see. is 'cause you got cut off... is in the pastebin16:31
nemook. that's pretty standard16:31
mwilliams12201internet works fine inn winndows (blech)16:31
nemomwilliams12201: lol. that's a totally pointless statement16:31
nemomwilliams12201: if you've EVER had to install windows from scratch you would know that manufacturers do a lot of customisation of an install16:32
nemomwilliams12201: linux default HW support is far superior to windows - something you'll notice if you try one of those windows rescue CDs :)16:32
nemoinstalling a clean windows on a laptop is a nightmare16:32
nemomy last XP install took me over a week and I still didn't find all the drivers16:32
jbroomenemo: i see a realtek card and a broadcom16:33
nemojbroome: yeah. standard stuff - I just checked the pastebin16:33
nemojbroome: is there any known breakage in 10.10? I'm new to this release16:33
mwilliams12201I believe you-I would rather pay college kids atr local repair shop16:33
nemothe odds of both being broken seems small, that's why I was wondering about switches16:33
jbroomenemo: i dunno, i'm only runing maverick on a desktop16:33
nemodesktops still have realtek cards :)16:34
nemomwilliams12201: aight. lemme look around a bit16:34
mwilliams12201I have 10.4-just double checkedand there is no visible switch16:34
nemomwilliams12201: I'm at work so frequently AFK16:34
nemomwilliams12201: wait. you are on 10.04??16:34
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
jbroomethen you need #ubuntu16:35
jbroomecat /etc/issue16:35
apwbac, posted some test kernels to that bug16:38
nemomwilliams12201: yeah, I would have asked you that sooner but I assumed you were on 10.10 since you were here :-p16:39
mwilliams12201sorry, I miss read the room description16:40
volodyaI have kdm and/or X crashing right after login, with  NVIDIA Quadro NVS 3100M, using both nvidia's and open-source drivers. Any ideas?17:00
_Alexia_Death_volodya: Check the logs for why its crashing.17:04
volodya_Alexia_Death_: well -- which logs? Xorg.0.log and kdm.log don't contain any stacktraces.17:06
killer999I am learning packaging...Is there a specific channel for queries relating to packaging??17:21
Dr_WillisOk. lets see if i can get samba installed now.. its been.. quirky today17:22
maxbkiller999: #ubuntu-motu for packaging as it pertains to getting packages Ubuntu universe, #ubuntu-packaging for more general questions17:23
killer999maxb, thanks!17:23
maxbHmm, so ATI suck as usual and fglrx is a no-go in current maverick. Does anyone know if the OSS driver can do multi-monitor at all?17:24
trojan_spikeany1 getting a prob with wine on 10.10,, ? not accessing online?17:26
Dr_Willisyou mean wine apps not getting to the internet?17:34
trojan_spikeyea,, its only on 10.04..17:36
trojan_spikesorry,, not on 10.0417:36
trojan_spikeim thinking firewall.. buh i have none installed17:37
jbroomethey ususally default to allow all outbound anyway17:37
trojan_spikeIts got me stumped.. Have to revert to v-pc17:38
Dr_WillisHmm. samba still not installing...17:39
trojan_spikeCrossover cant get online either..17:39
Dr_Willistesting now.17:40
Dr_Williswell wine and winscp.exe works (connecting to the local lan at least)17:41
trojan_spikeany suggestions17:42
trojan_spikeu mean wire it up?17:42
trojan_spikelota hassle17:42
Dr_Williswinscp in ftp mode.. works here in wine also.17:45
Dr_Willisconnected to ftp.ubuntu.com17:45
Dr_Willis wine --version17:46
edgycrimsun_: hi18:37
nemohey dudes18:41
nemoI'd like to try out gcc 4.5 which unfortunately is not yet in maverick18:41
nemothere are 3 PPAs18:41
nemois any one of 'em a better choice to add?18:41
nemo"Ubuntu Toolchain Hackers", "Ubuntu Toolchain Uploads (test)", "Ubuntu Toolchain Uploads"18:41
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
jbroomei'd go with the most recent18:42
edgyHi, chromium-browser segfautls! what about you?18:46
yofelnemo: it's not? and what is:18:46
yofel!info gcc-4.518:46
ubottugcc-4.5 (source: gcc-4.5): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4.5.1-7ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 6704 kB, installed size 14052 kB18:46
nemoyofel: huh. I don't see it in synaptic18:47
nemoyofel: is that for x86?18:47
nemowhen I checked synaptic there was only 4.4, and no other versions listed18:47
yofelx86_64 here18:47
PiciIts for amd64 and i38618:47
Picigcc-4.5 | 4.5.1-7ubuntu1 |      maverick | source, amd64, i38618:47
* nemo <- thick18:47
nemois a separate install...18:48
nemoI was looking at "gcc" not "gcc-4.5"18:48
yofelheh, gcc is the default compiler, and that's still set to 4.418:48
nemowell. thanks.18:48
edgyany one here with experience in audio drivers? my alc888 doesn't work properly18:52
bjsnideredgy, try the #ubuntu-audio-dev channel19:29
edgybjsnider: I just ried it but no one is there!19:29
edgybjsnider: I don't think they have a channel19:31
DrHalantehre is a new adobe flashplugin for 64bits19:31
DrHalanis it already in the repositories?19:31
andlabsHi. After upgrading to 10.10, it appears my laptop's internal middle mouse button is now treated as the left mouse button, and I don't see an option in Mouse preferences to restore the middle mouse button behavior.19:42
andlabsHow do I restore the behavior?19:42
=== andlabs is now known as pietro10
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
CosmiChaosO.o chromium segfault, firefox segfault, thunderbird segault, oh happy day20:08
DrHalan64bit flash? anyone?20:24
nemowhat about it?20:24
* yofel is happy that he's using it :P20:27
* Jordan_U tries it now20:32
nemoyofel: ditto :)20:36
nemoyofel: I hope they update the package though20:36
yofelsomeone should first update the wiki page20:36
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava20:36
pietro10Hi. After upgrading to 10.10, I can no longer use my laptop's internal middle mouse buttons as middle buttons; they behave as left mouse buttons. I don't see any options in Mouse preferences to revert the behavior. What do I do to fix this? THanks.20:41
yofelI don't know if that can be fixed, but I do remember seeing a bug report about that somewhere, can't remember which one though20:44
nemopietro10: well...20:44
nemopietro10: way back in the prehistoric era20:44
nemowhen we specified this stuff ourselves20:44
nemoyou'd add your middle mouse to the X11 mouse config20:44
nemoI guess you could resort to that20:44
nemopietro10: might be interesting to see what xorg log file has to say about the detected mouse though20:44
pietro10It does work on my external mouse though20:45
pietro10and worked in 10.0420:45
pietro10(as far as I remembeR)20:45
pietro10Dell Precision M640020:45
pietro10meh, it's not important right now, just wondering if this was deliberate (like unconfigurable notifications and the showexec in vfat)20:45
nemowell. if your xorg is not detecting the mouse model for some reason20:45
nemoit probably fails over to basic 2 button20:45
pietro10ok then20:46
nemoyou could override that, buuut, yeah. would be interesting to look at the xorg log20:46
* nemo only *has* a basic 2 button20:46
nemothen again, is a touchpad, and all the touchpad stuff is working just fine, including scroll20:46
nemothey even have the sensitivities at decent defaults for a change20:46
pietro10Yeah, I hate the click-with-touchpad feature tbh20:47
pietro10since I ALWAYS trigger it20:48
nemomy SO hates the touchpad so much she just had me disable it20:48
nemothe location of touchpad cries out for accidental movement w/ wrist while typing, if your angle is wrong20:49
nemofrankly, I hate laptops with touchpads - I've avoided subnotebooks 'cause they waste all that space just to have a touchpad20:49
nemoI'd rather have a nipple if I don't have an external mouse20:49
nemoor a couple of scrollers20:49
nemothere are a few subnotebooks w/o, like the my vaio, or the pandora20:50
nemounfortunately the first one is windows only, and the 2nd one exists in like 500 built units so far20:50
yofelheh, I'm happy that my thinkpad has a trackpoint for exactly the same reason, alsways have to bend my wrist when using my eeePC :/20:50
pietro10would it be reasonable to put in the following feature request20:50
pietro10have the update distro process detect that you removed openjdk and respect that20:50
pietro10IcedTea fails miserably for me20:50
pietro10on every Linux distro I've tried that has it20:50
yofelpietro10: file a bug with 'ubuntu-bug update-manager' as that what we're using for upgrades usually20:51
pietro10ok then]20:51
yofelpietro10: it might make sense if you file your mouse issue too with 'ubuntu-bug xorg' - xorg is probably the wrong package as I suspect the driver to be at fault, but the X team will reassign it20:53
pietro10I'll try my external mouse first then20:53
AirBenderHello guys... how is maverick going?20:54
nemopietro10: IcedTea works reasonably well for me, except w/ my dev tools20:57
nemopietro10: you know, eclipse and such20:57
nemoso, I leave it on, I just have stopped using it as the default20:57
=== boboo is now known as coz_
pietro10nemo: on Firefox it doesn't work20:58
pietro10no applets, not even Java's online version detection works20:58
pietro10better than my experience with java on mac os x20:58
pietro10I can't wait to reinstall that thing20:59
pietro10(software portability is an issue for me so I run win, mac, linux)20:59
nemopietro10: huh. really? worked for me last time I tried...21:02
nemobut admittedly that hasn't been recently21:03
nemohm. haven't installed sun java on this machine yet...21:03
* nemo adds the IcedTea one21:03
* yofel wishes the canonical devs would hurry up with sun-java6 for mav, the lucid package works fine though21:04
nemointeresting. openjdk was not installed by default21:05
* Ian_corne aggrees with yofel 21:05
nemopietro10: aight. link me to some applet that failed horribly for you in openjdk?21:05
Ian_cornealtho this ensures more testing of openjdk21:05
Ian_cornewhich isn't bad21:05
nemoI was thinking of trying that nifty NASA world winds21:05
nemo(open source and not a stupid crude bundling of google earth like Google's plugin that is not linux compat)21:06
nemoshame they haven't paid for the road data21:06
nemoyofel: one thing that doesn't seem to work quite as well in maverick - fingerprint gui21:07
nemoworks for sudo/gksudo, login, su on VT21:07
nemodoes not seem to work right for gdm and gnome-screensaver and su in a gnome terminal21:07
nemopattern there seems to be "Gnome"21:08
nemohum. works for gksudo though21:08
yofelI usually don't use my fingerprint reader for anything else than the bios PW and windows yet ^^21:08
yofelnever bothered to read the documentation21:08
Votanis there a way to change the ubuntu logo at the login screen ? like with a custom avatar or whatever ?21:13
Ian_corneubuntutweak does that21:15
Votanis ubuntu tweak available for 10.10 yet ?21:16
nemoyofel: setting it up under linux is pretty easy w/ the fingerprint gui project21:18
nemoyofel: nice gui for recording fingerprints. the only bit that was manual was enabling it in pam, which I'm guessing he didn't automate just because he wants to be sure it is done slowly and carefully :)21:19
nemoyofel: but the parts that aren't working for me apparently used to work in 10.04 ... so hopefully he figures out what changed21:19
yofelhm, maybe I'll look at it when I get the time21:19
nemois nice to just do sudo *swipe*  instead of typing21:19
nemoyofel: oh. doesn't work for that polkit nonsense, but then polkit fails at everything21:20
nemoever tried using it w/ ssh -YC or nxclient ? :(21:20
* nemo hates polkit21:20
nemosoooo frustrating to do remote support and the only way to get it to work is a VNC session 'cause polkit prevents anything else21:20
nemopolkit seems to follow the recent trend towards "just support the desktop"21:21
alvinI'm not used to apt-get. How can I see what version of the nvidia driver is installed through the nvidia-current package?21:35
Dinkif you know the package name... apt-cache policy blah21:35
alvinDink: Thanks21:37
alvinAnother question. By messing with xorg.conf (well, adding 2 lines) the Ubuntu splash screen appears. This is kubuntu with no extra packages installed. How can I get the kubuntu splash back?21:37
alvinHmm, the reason for the splash screen is probably the installation of nvidia-current21:39
alvinThis also scales down the resolution of said splash21:40
alvinWell, away with the splash! Who needs it anyway?21:42
lotuspsychjeu like maverick alvin?21:42
charlie-tcaalvin: you have the hardware drivers installed?21:43
alvinYes, most of them are in the kernel. nvidia is the only proprietary driver.21:43
charlie-tcaIt messes with the splash screen (conflict between the nvidia driver and plymouth)21:43
alvinI remember that this was also the case with Lucid. It was fixed then.21:44
drdozerI updated today, and kdm now crashes when I try to log in21:45
drdozerthat's my /var/log/kdm.log21:45
alvinThere are good technical reasons for those problems, and they can be avoided by using an open source driver like nouveau. Unfortunately, X segfaults when using nouveau21:45
drdozerwith a segfault in it21:45
yofelnouveau works fine here (well, mostly), just the experimental 3D support is crappy21:46
alvinyofel: Maybe it's not on all cards, but that paste from drdozer looks the same crash I'v been experiencing. It's impossible to start X.21:47
drdozeralvin - nouveau, as of the last day or two?21:47
alvindrdozer: Might I suggest you put a tick at "this affects me too" here: bug 64059621:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 640596 in xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (Ubuntu) "KDM: X crashes on login" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64059621:48
alvindrdozer: Yes, only since yesterday21:48
drdozeranything unusual abut your system? I'm running 2 30" monitors which means I have an unusually wide screen21:48
alvinNo, it's a T61p Lenovo notebook. The Graphics card is pretty uniaue though. Quadro FX570m (only be found in this model....)21:50
drdozermine is an off-the-shelf from PC world card21:50
alvinBut Kubuntu has been working fine (well, the graphics part) since Breezy Badger.21:50
drdozerit was fine until 2 days ago :(21:50
yofelthere was a recent mesa update, might have been that21:51
drdozerany ideas how I can at least work around it?21:52
alvinIf you have a launcpad account, please set the bug to confirmed so it can be triaged.21:52
alvinWorkaround is $ sudo jockey-text -e xorg:nvidia_current21:52
drdozernope, it doesn't seem to give me the option to confirm21:52
alvinThis might screw DPI, but that's a known bug in several distro's21:53
yofeldrdozer: click on the arrow besides 'New' in the status bar on launchpad21:53
drdozeroh cool - it's now confirmed21:53
alvinGood. I'll nominate for Maverick21:54
KukuNutdrdozer: i reinstalled my nvidia drivers and kdm now lets me login.  used to loop around21:55
alvinYes, in the meantime, the proprietary drivers will have to do21:55
drdozerKukNut: the nuveau ones, or the proprietary ones?21:57
KukuNutdrdozer: proprietary21:57
KukuNutdrdozer: i don't use nouveau21:58
drdozerseems to be stuck on "Searching for available drivers" but perhaps that is my laughably narrow broadband21:59
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
gintonicMy calendar (left click clock) is floating mid screen. Which file in home is responsible for this?22:35
gintonicnever mind. It's bug #63166422:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 631664 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu Maverick) "Clock / calendar / locations applet opens on wrong position of screen" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63166422:40
Volkodavwhat's up with samba ? does not behave lately huh //&22:52
Ian_corneIndeed it doesn't22:54
yofelhey BUGabundo22:58
yofel(you are running 64bit flash again btw?)22:58
BUGabundonot yet22:58
BUGabundoI've downloaded it22:58
BUGabundobut not installed22:59
yofelworks fine here, it's nice to get rid of those regular npviewer.bin segfaults in dmesg :P22:59
BUGabundoare we pulling it from updates?22:59
BUGabundoI don't see anything in my updates23:00
yofelnot yet I think, I installed it manually23:00
BUGabundolet me just finish my batch of updates23:01
BUGabundothen ill purge np23:01
yofelhuh? byobus network traffic info changed from B/s to bps, makes sense I guess..23:06
drdozerback again23:17
drdozerI typed: sudo jockey-text -e xorg:nvidia_current23:17
drdozerit printed out "Searching for available drivers..."23:17
drdozerand then afer a long time of downloading things very slowly, exited23:18
drdozernothing else printed23:18
drdozeris that what it was meant to do?23:18
drdozerok, just rebooted and logged into kde23:25
drdozerit seems to be ignoring my xorg.conf and only using one monitor23:25
drdozeror perhaps the xorg is set up right for nuveau, but not for the nvidia driver23:26
drdozerI've been able to enable it again with nvidia-settings23:28
sburwoodI downloaded 10.10 beta and burned the image once with k3b and once with brasero.  Booting from each CD, I got the message that the kernel was corrupted.  Why?23:32
yofelsburwood: checked the checksum of the downloaded iso?23:36
sburwoodHow do I do that?23:37
sburwoodyofel: how do I do that?23:37
Volkodavwait for release23:37
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:37
sburwoodyofel: thx.  As you can see, I'm a relative n00b23:39
BUGabundoyofel: you ever heard of bad image loading ?23:44
BUGabundolike I have 14MPx photos hear that look very pixelized23:44
BUGabundoI *really* *really* *really* *really* *really* *really* *really* hope its not the camara... and rather bad lib decoding :(23:45
DanaGSay, I wish somebody would adopt fatELF: http://icculus.org/fatelf/23:45
DanaGNifty idea -- one CD for both 32-bit and 64-bit.23:45
yofeldepends, checked the compression settings in the camera?23:47
BUGabundoits set to max quality23:47
BUGabundoSuper Fine23:47
yofel-> 40423:47
BUGabundoits 5MBs each23:48
BUGabundoyofel: should be fine now23:49
yofelthat looks like an oil painting to me tbh.23:50
BUGabundome too23:50
yofelnever seen a picture like that23:50
BUGabundosee what I'm talking about?23:50
BUGabundoof this is cam, its going back right now23:50
Tetsuo55BUGabundo:  looks like a perfect example of wayyyyy to high iso for that amoung t light23:50
BUGabundoall photos look like that23:50
BUGabundoTetsuo55: its on auto23:51
Tetsuo55try not using super fine23:51
Tetsuo55see what happens23:51
Tetsuo55maybe the auto isnt so smart, or exposure is too long, does it have a flash?23:52
the_bot_died_lashey is there an alternate installer for ubuntu 10.1023:52
BUGabundolet me do a stupid thing: format the SD23:52
BUGabundo_they_ recommend it23:53
Tetsuo55that sounds pointless but go ahead23:53
KendaljaI am using Unetbootin to make a bootable usb 10.10 and it has been stuck on 4% for like 15mins now23:53
Kendaljabut the usb activity light still is blinking23:53
Tetsuo55BUGabundo:  its cleary something wrong with the cameras ISO or shutter time23:53
Tetsuo55anyway gtg23:54
the_bot_died_lasis there an alternate installer for ubuntu 10.1023:54
yofelthe_bot_died_las: there is23:56
the_bot_died_lascan you link the torrent?23:56
the_bot_died_lasof it?23:56
* yofel doesn't know anything about unetbootin23:57
yofelthe_bot_died_las: of the daily iso?23:57
yofelwait, not sure if that even has a torrent23:57
the_bot_died_lasof the alterternate installer iso23:57
yofelgive me a minute23:57
Kendaljahow can I see in CLI if something is writing to my usb>?23:58
yofelthe_bot_died_las: scroll to the bottom and select the torrent of the alternate cd you need http://ftp.stw-bonn.de/ubuntu-cd//10.10/23:59

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