
=== ian_brasil___ is now known as ian_brasil
cjohnstonIs there anyone around who could take a few minutes and work on updating the Contributions page for the artwork team please? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityContributePages#Artists16:55
thorwilcjohnston: i guess the only candidates to do that would be vish or myself, but the so called artwork team has an identity crisis and we both wouldn't feel well filling in things there, where we would have to deliver a positive message17:10
thorwilcjohnston: i'm sorry if that makes your life more difficult. currently i would suggest to either drop the artists section, or to get someone from the design team to write that17:12
cjohnstonOk.. Thanks thorwil17:12
vishcjohnston: its not you.. there is no "team" to write about there.. :)17:12
thorwilcjohnston: btw, is the template there your work? it's quite demanding, but if filled well, it's great.17:15
cjohnstonIt's Jono's17:15
thorwilthe flickr pool and the countdown banner contests do work and thus are a channel for "artistic" contributions. but that really doesn't fit into what the template and the other sections imply :/17:21
=== boboo is now known as coz_

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