
nhandlerAny ideas on what I can do to get an external hd to mount? It shows up in fdisk -l, but if I do the mount command, there is no output in the terminal, and the terminal just freezes up (not even Ctrl+c works)00:00
Mohan_chmlnhandler: you mounted it media?00:04
nhandlerMohan_chml: I *tried* to mount it to /media/disk00:04
Mohan_chmlit to /media* ?00:04
Mohan_chmlnhandler: try on /mnt00:04
Mohan_chmljust a try00:04
Mohan_chmlnhandler: If you are in a GUI, goto users and groups and check whether the user previliges allows you to mount an externel drive00:06
Mohan_chmlin *advanced settings*00:07
nhandlerMohan_chml: Mounting to /mnt didn't do anything (it shouldn't matter where I mount it if the permissions are correct). I am marked as an administrator, so I should be able to mount external drives as well.00:09
Mohan_chmlHmmm. okay!00:10
=== pedro_ is now known as pedro3005
unam3hi, Is there any way to rebuild /var/lib/dpkg/diversions ?00:30
blasenmichever since I updated to 10.4 my machines video doesn't work after the GRUB..... I updated to proprietary video drivers as recommended by Ubuntu's update manager, but can't get it to work.... I've also reinstalled 10.4.   I can only boot using an old 9.04 disk --- help?01:12
blasenmichmust be dinner time01:14
stlsaintblasenmich: you have issue?02:24
blasenmichstlsaint you still there?03:07
blasenmichanyone here?03:08
Nautiluscan anyone tell me how to install a browser (other than FF) in 8.04 LTS?  eg: Opera, Chrome, etc04:21
Nautilusdon't see them in Synaptic, think I the common repositories selected04:22
Nautilushave* the04:22
Mohan_chmlNautilus: search for chromium-beowser04:24
Mohan_chmlsorry for the typo*04:24
Nautilusdont find it. already installed Chromium (turns out to be a game, heh)04:24
Mohan_chmlargh.! Let em find the reposoiyoties that you have yo add04:26
Mohan_chmlNautilus: http://forums.techarena.in/operating-systems/1266367.htm#post467535804:30
Mohan_chmlwait its for 9.10 and newer versions I think04:31
AndrewMCNautilus: I did the same thing (install chromium bsu [actually is quite a fun game]) but you have to select chromium-browser to be installed in the synaptic package manager04:33
NautilusMohan_chml: ah navermind... just realized FF isn't my problem because a wget does the same thing.04:33
Mohan_chmlah..! any errors?04:33
Mohan_chmlAndrewMC: he said its not detected in Synaptic04:34
Nautilusyea, I have a vhost that I can ping but when I do a wget I get a 301 rewrite/redirect for unknown reasons04:34
Mohan_chmlHmmm.. when you ping www.google.com what is the output?04:35
Mohan_chmlis it pinging?04:35
Nautilus0% packet loss04:35
AndrewMCNautilus: Really you behind a firewall or something... Although I couldn't imagine that could cause a issue with synaptic04:35
AndrewMCDid you refresh synaptic?04:36
Mohan_chmlAndrewMC: I am suspecting that his internet is not connected04:36
Nautilusi need to step away a few, pickup in 10 or 1504:36
AndrewMCMohan_chml: How could he be talking here04:36
Nautilusinternet is fine04:36
Nautilusdifferent box here04:37
AndrewMCNautilus: Go sudo apt-get install chromium-browser04:37
AndrewMCIn terminal04:37
AndrewMCMohan_chml: And he is getting full packet response to google his inet is fine04:37
Nautilus"couldnt find package chromium-browser"04:38
Nautilusbut I must step away for 10+ mins04:38
AndrewMCNautilus: Take out the -browser04:38
Nautilus"chromium is already the newest version"04:38
Nautilusthats the game04:38
AndrewMCOh right04:39
AndrewMCSearch in synaptic for chromium I KNOW it's there on my PC04:39
Nautiluschromium is the game04:46
Nautilusbut no matter, I wanted to try a second browser to debug something, but wget shows me the problem isn't FF04:47
shahanIn ubuntu 10.04, is JAVA preinstalled?04:49
Mohan_chmlHey shahan. It is not04:50
shahanMohan_chml: how to install?04:51
Mohan_chmlshahan: goto synaptic and type java 604:51
shahanMohan_chml: hm.mm.... tnx04:51
Mohan_chmlshahan: No worries and hows your college going on?04:52
shahanMohan_chml: I am in University.... not in college :)04:52
shahanMohan_chml: I asked about JAVA 6 because someone is asking in a BANGALI forum of Linux http://forum.linux.org.bd04:55
shahanMohan_chml: for this I thought I could help him by asking the matter in the irc :)04:56
Mohan_chmlshahan: forgot to ask you. how is the forum going on? don't show me (coz idk :P)04:56
shahanMohan_chml: you MOHI?04:57
Mohan_chmlshahan: yep :P04:57
shahanMohan_chml: what is idk?04:59
Mohan_chmlshahan: I dont know04:59
larry21I am in search of some documentation for the GRUB boot-loader. specifically GRUB-PC v 1.9805:02
Mohan_chmllarry21: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub205:05
Mohan_chmllarry21: you can find the link of GNU GRUB at the bottom of that link05:07
larry21Thanks been there |-)  I am interested in the *.mod files... I have got the background_image and resolution and gfxterm working... but there is a lot of missleading and wrong version stuff in most of what I have found I was hoping some where there might be some up-to-date docs floating around05:08
larry21BTW I am very new to this Linux world and though loving it still grubbing around for info05:09
Mohan_chmlGood luck larry2105:09
Nautilusok, i see whats at the heart of my problem, a 301 redirect that shouldnt be happening (local dev box setup, 8.04 LTS).  First of all, what's a good channel to ask about this?05:12
larry21I am also new to all of the social media stuff... just an old BOFH and been truck driving since the last merger so I got stumbled onto Ubuntu when *P blew up over the summer with security updates...:'(05:12
NautilusIRC is far from new though05:13
Mohan_chmlNautilus: tried at #ubuntu?05:15
Nautiluswill do05:15
Mohan_chmlNautilus: have patience there. Someone will surely help you =]05:16
Nautilusyea, narrowed my issue down, now needta find the right person :)05:16
Mohan_chmlNautilus: you googled about this issue?05:17
Mohan_chmlNo one had posted anything regarding the issue of yours?05:17
Nautilusmost answers are in relation to software installs like wordpress, I'm getting it on a new vhost with no more than an index.html in it.05:18
Mohan_chmlNautilus: and what bothers you to install a new version?05:18
Nautilusit feels like a redirect I was playing with is 'cached' somewhere05:18
Nautilusnew version of ubuntu?  When I tried to upgrade to 9 it buffalo'd many things05:18
Mohan_chmlNautilus: that is which makes me feel bad sometimes05:18
Mohan_chmlNautilus: try 10.04 and It is awesome. We have 10.10 testing version too (:05:19
Mohan_chmlI will brb. Breakfast05:19
NautilusMohan_chml: Yea one of these days the 10.x LTS version05:20
Nautilusthanks again, too many tabs open, byes05:25
KimbisHej! I installed Ubuntu last night and it works really well. The only problem is my wireless connection. I can connect with an ethernet cable, but I can't connect via WLAN. I don't see any other wireless accounts either. Not sure if a driver is missing or what the deal is. I tried to add it manually, but it doesn't work.:-/08:55
seidosKimbis, have you tried ndiswrapper?09:07
seidosKimbis, do you know what wireless chipset you are dealing with?09:07
seidosKimbis, is it an rtl8180 by chance?09:08
KimbisNo, I just now got some drivers installed which wouldn't install yesterday. I'm not sure which wireless chipset I have.09:09
KimbisAha! The driver installation fixed it :). Now I can see all the wireless modems in the house.09:10
seidoswell, that was easy :/09:16
Silver_Fox_Hello seidos09:39
Silver_Fox_How are you ?09:39
seidosSilver_Fox_, good/bad.  yourself?09:40
Silver_Fox_Not bad thank you, just doing some reading09:40
seidosi am doing some writing, taking a break from reading09:41
MattJonesI'm trying to install Ubuntu for the first time, and after the install screen I get a large unfriendly black blank screen :(11:20
out-of-handhi all....11:40
out-of-handis there any possible way one can make a IM Chat Client to comunicate with Blackberry BBM11:40
duanedesignmorning all12:37
* Silver_Fox_ is super quick ;)12:37
duanedesignthat was12:42
philinux0/ Congrats Silver13:21
Silver_Fox_Hey philinux  =) Thank you13:25
philinuxHave you banned anyone yet ;)13:25
Silver_Fox_Not yet, you volunteering ? >:)  Hehe13:25
philinuxTry your new skills out on this user if you haven't already. Resident Troll13:26
Silver_Fox_I'll probably have  a proper poke around later philinux ,  bit busy at the minute at work.  Did issue and remove an infraction though , as well as read some of the stickies13:27
philinuxOk. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=144735313:27
Silver_Fox_philinux,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157573413:28
Silver_Fox_Some light hearted humour :)13:30
philinuxJust banned my first spammer for today lol13:31
* philinux Hates spammers ;)13:31
hobgoblinwelcome back Kimbis13:57
VerminatorI need suggestions for an easy to use, FOSS, donor management system.  Any suggestions?14:31
change_of_heartThis is beginners chat :P !!!14:32
change_of_heartask me which notepad application is best and i could help you :P !14:32
change_of_heartsorry to not be of much help14:32
MattJonesI'm trying to install Ubuntu for the first time, and after the install screen I get a large unfriendly black blank screen :( I'm sure it's a graphic problem, I've tried to boot in safe graphics mode and no luck.14:33
change_of_heartWhat have you done to install it so far14:33
change_of_heartDo you mean your installation has finished ?14:34
hobgoblinchange_of_heart: this is not actually beginners chat - this is a channel for beginners to get help in :)14:35
MattJonesYep, I installed it over Windows XP, but before that I tried to install it fresh from the bios but it gave me the same black screen.14:35
hobgoblinMattJones: might be useful to know what specs you're trying to install it on to14:38
change_of_hearthobgoblin: semantics :)14:39
hobgoblinnot really - it's not a chat channel - the BT chat channel is #ubuntu-beginners-team14:39
hobgoblinthis is the beginners team help channel14:40
hobgoblinthis used to be the BT chat channel about 9 months ago though ;)14:40
change_of_hearthah :P14:41
MattJonesI have an Asus mobo, a radeon 9200 gfx card, only 1 GB ram though D:14:41
MattJonesIntel Pentium 414:42
change_of_heartfor ubuntu thats more than enough14:42
MattJonesThat's what I was hoping14:42
hobgoblinindeed - though I'd not know whether the radeon was a supported card or not14:42
change_of_heartahh, the irony14:43
MattJonesWhat lol?14:43
change_of_heartshell out for a nice graphics card, but it doesn't wana work :)14:43
MattJonesYeah lmao14:43
hobgoblinI'm not saying it's not supported - I just never take much notice of ati cards14:44
MattJonesOther people have used the 9200 with linux I just read so there should be support, my monitor is an lcd tv with vga input but I wouldn't think that would be a problem14:46
philinuxMattJones: google "ubuntu radeon 9200" It's an old card not supported by the new ati driver.14:47
stlsaintphilinux: sup14:48
MattJonesAh crap :( so no hope then?14:48
philinuxMattJones: the google search should provide answers. I went with nvidia for my new pc 3 years ago.14:49
philinuxstlsaint: o/14:50
MattJonesThat's was my exact search term a few minutes ago but I haven't found anyone with installation problems14:50
stlsaintphilinux: hows the week been for ya?14:50
philinuxstlsaint: good yeah apart from rain. got drenched last night lol14:50
stlsaintlittle water never hurt lol14:51
philinuxMattJones: google this then. ubuntu radeon 9200 black screen14:52
MattJonesLOL I just was reading through those links14:53
stlsaintwhats the issue?14:53
MattJonesStill reading through I'll come back if I find anything14:54
MattJonesstlsaint I get a black screen booting ubuntu14:54
change_of_heartHey, anyone know how i can launch a windows cd from ubuntu using wine?14:54
stlsaintMattJones: are you using xorg? what release are you on?14:54
MattJonesThe latest one14:54
stlsaint10.04 or 10.10?14:54
MattJonesI had to install it from windowsXP because installing it from bios gave me a black screen during installation14:55
MattJoneslet me check14:55
stlsaintchange_of_heart: you should have some wine options to open the .exe when you right click on it?14:55
change_of_heartahh yes but when i try to edit the properties of the setup.exe on the cd so i can execute it, it says read only format( im reading off game cd )14:56
hobgoblinMattJones: try adding some boot options when you boot the livecd https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Changing%20the%20Boot%20Option%20Configuration%20Line14:57
hobgoblinthere's a link in the page to some common ones14:57
change_of_heartstlsaint: ahh yes but when i try to edit the properties of the setup.exe on the cd so i can execute it, it says read only format( im reading off game cd )14:57
MattJonesThanks I'll try and tell you how it goes14:58
stlsaintchange_of_heart: drag the contents of the cd to your system and take ownership of it14:58
stlsaintchange_of_heart: chown <username> <path_to_file>14:58
stlsaintchange_of_heart: after that run with wine14:59
change_of_heartjust to my desktop or soemthing stlsaint ?14:59
stlsaintchange_of_heart: sure...make a folder titled test or whatever and drag the contents to the cd15:00
change_of_heart6.3 GB D: 25 minutes15:01
hobgoblinchange_of_heart: I assume you had a look on the wine appdb to see if it would actually be worth the trouble in the first place15:02
change_of_heartit said15:02
change_of_heartCOD 4 would work15:02
change_of_heartoh well, mightaswel try it15:02
change_of_heartseeing as i had to format my preinstalled vista because i was screwing around with operating systems :P15:03
stlsaintcod4 on computer?? pfft...ps3 FTW!!!15:03
change_of_heart:( im 16, no money for consoles lol15:03
geirhaTry nethack. Much more fun :)15:03
change_of_hearti love how help channels turn into chat channels once the right topic is brought up :D15:04
hobgoblinwhen there's no help needed or a wait while 6Gb get's copied - it turns quickly15:06
stlsaint+1 hobgoblin15:06
MattJonesI tried adding vga=771, got to see a nice ubuntu logo with 5 flashing dots underneath for a while, then the screen flashed green and it went back to the trusty blank black screen again15:07
change_of_heart2.6GB of 6.3 GB completed :)15:07
change_of_hearti should be studying for yearly exam in 9 hours D: !15:09
hobgoblinMattJones: noapic and noapci can be helpful15:09
MattJonesThanks I'll try that too15:09
geirhas/noapci/noacpi/ I think15:11
hobgoblintwo different ones - never remember which is which ;)15:12
change_of_heartonly 300 MB left !15:13
change_of_heartWho else thinks the way companies advertise USB's and Harddrive space using the decimal system instead of computer measurments is shonky ?15:13
change_of_heartbuying a 4GB usb15:14
change_of_heartcoming home15:14
change_of_heartand it can only hold 3.9 !15:14
change_of_heartwhat is this !15:14
change_of_heartyay transfer is complete15:14
MattJonesIt's shonky15:14
hobgoblinsuch is life - some of us remember drives and RAM from the old days so don't worry too much about .1Gb ....15:14
Verminatorwhy do new windows appear underneath existing windows?  For instance, I open the calculator and instead of being the topmost window, it appears just below the topmost window.15:15
change_of_heartITS INSTALLING ! COD IS INSTALLING !15:16
change_of_heartthanks stlsaint15:16
stlsaintchange_of_heart: np man15:18
MattJoneswell if I only add vga=771 I get the ubuntu logo screen, if I tack on noapci or noapic I only get the blank screen15:18
hobgoblinVerminator: not sure - but you can select when a mouse moves over them - sys - prefs - windows15:18
stlsaintVerminator: you may need to check out your window bahaviour settings15:20
Verminatorstlsaint, lloking at that now15:22
VerminatorI dont see anything under preferences or admin that would control this behavior15:23
change_of_heartCOD has been finalizing installation for the past 15 mins15:30
change_of_heartCOD crashes15:32
stlsaintchange_of_heart: i had a feeling about that with wine and CoD15:38
stlsaintchange_of_heart: are you sure that the current cod was rated as working and that you werent looking at a older rate on an older cod?15:38
change_of_heartdaaaaaamn it15:39
change_of_heartsilly wine15:39
stlsaintsorry, though there are alot of other first person shooter games for linux simply in the repos15:40
change_of_hearti like playing dofus15:40
change_of_heartits an mmorpg thats linux compatible15:40
change_of_heartwithout wine or anything15:40
change_of_heartpretty sweet15:41
stlsaintalien areana :D15:41
change_of_heartill reinstall wine15:47
change_of_heartthen playonlinux15:47
change_of_heartthen try :S !15:47
Verminatortry tremulous, alien arena, nexiuz15:54
change_of_heartlol cool, playonlinux freezes :)15:55
kosaidpo im readin this classroom but idk from where ican get the slides https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDays/07102010/Using%20Launchpad16:11
duanedesignkosaidpo: i don't think they are available]16:13
kosaidpoduanedesign: ohh then thers noway to get em ?16:14
change_of_heartcya guys16:16
change_of_hearti got exam in less than 8 hours16:16
change_of_heartand i need sleep :)16:16
duanedesignkosaidpo: i would say talk to the instructor, but  I do not think ddecator is around much anymore16:20
hobgoblinthat was my thought duanedesign16:20
kosaidpook tnx guys16:34
kosaidpopeace out16:34
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
equivocateI'm about to start using ubuntu but i dont know if my laptop and external hard drive are compatible. can anyone help?16:51
hobgoblina model/make would be a good start ;)16:52
hobgoblinalso - boot the livecd see what works16:52
equivocateit's a fujitsu siemens, model ms222816:53
equivocateim downloading the livecd at the moment16:53
equivocateit's more the hard drive i'mconcerned about16:53
geirhaequivocate: If it's usb, you should be fine16:55
equivocateyeah, its usb. i've only just bought it and its saying i need to format it, and it says that I need to make a partition for linux. It's only allowing me to allocate a tiny GB allowance for linux, so I didnt know if thats gonna limit how much i can put on it16:57
Mohan_chmlheya hobgoblin. I am happy that you are back :)16:57
hobgoblinhi Mohan_chml16:57
geirhaequivocate: «It's only allowing me...»  what's «It»?16:58
equivocatethe external hard drive. I've plugged it in for the first time and i have to complete the set up16:59
geirhaThe external harddrive is telling you? Does it have a speaker?17:00
equivocatefunny. the set up just comes up when i plug it in17:03
geirhaWhat OS are you currently running? Windows? If so it's windows telling you, not the harddrive...17:03
equivocateahhh ok17:03
equivocateso if i just dont do the set up it'll still work with linux?17:04
geirhaEither way will work. If you want to install Ubuntu on it, just tell the Ubuntu installer to use that drive, and it'll format it for you.17:05
equivocateah wicked. thank you!17:06
equivocatealso, my boyfriend used ubuntu a while back, and there were problems with wireless internet and he needed to use somthing called ndswrapper or something, to sort it out. Has that been resolved in the newer versions?17:09
geirhaIt depends on the brand and model of the wireless interface. Some work out of the box, no fiddling needed. Some are just plain hell to get working because the manufacturer doesn't bother with drivers for linux.17:10
geirhandiswrapper sort of "translates" a windows driver into a linux driver, so it allows you to use the windows driver in linux ... which sometimes work.17:12
geirhaequivocate: You should be able to find the brand and model of the wireless interface in the manual that came with the laptop, or on the manufacturer's website.  If you can find that, we can look it up and see if it's problematic in linux or not.17:13
VerminatorEmpathy normally uses 10-20% of CPU, sometimes it locks up and uses ~60% cpu, usually on start up, but also each time, I am re authenticated on freenode.  Is this a bug, can it be fixed, is there a work around?17:13
equivocateubuntu's pretty much downloaded now so I'll just give it a go i think. My boyfriend just wanted to know! thank you for your help though :)17:15
hobgoblinMattJones: anymore joy?18:20
hobgoblinduanedesign: thanks for the welcoming mail - appreciate that this piskie does :)18:41
duanedesignhobgoblin: :)18:42
stlsaintfeel the love18:47
=== Commodore64 is now known as Commodore64_2
zkriessehobgoblin: ping19:35
zkriessehobgoblin: coming back to us eh?19:37
zkriesseIt's about time19:37
hobgoblinnever really left - I've been undercover19:38
zkriesseHow true19:38
zkriesseso hobgoblin how ya been?19:43
zkriesseWelcome Verminator19:43
hobgoblinzkriesse: same as ever19:43
zkriessetaking over middle earth all that jazz?19:43
hobgoblinzkriesse: more like eating again ...19:44
zkriesseok Im out for a few minutes19:45
zkriessehello AnPar and change_of_heart20:51
change_of_hearthello :P20:55
zkriessewazup Silver_Fox_22:31
Silver_Fox_Hello zkriesse22:33
Silver_Fox_How are you?22:33
zkriesseEh I'm ok22:37
zkriessePreparing for an Exam at Uni tomorrow22:37
zkriessewb Verminator22:39
zkriesseSilver_Fox_: you?22:39
zkriesseSilver_Fox_: How have you been?22:39
Silver_Fox_I am fine thank you zkriesse22:40
Silver_Fox_You have examinations already?22:40
Silver_Fox_Hello harrisonk  :)  How are you ?22:45
Silver_Fox_Good to hear22:46
harrisonkAm I getting to be known around here?22:46
harrisonkor is it just me?22:46
zkriesseWe're getting to know you22:47
zkriesseStart hanging out with us and that's what happens22:47
harrisonkI guess22:47
zkriesseare you in #ubuntu-beginners-team ?22:48
harrisonkthe channel?22:48
harrisonknot right now22:48
zkriesseOk, this is our help channel, the aforementioned is our team/chat/off-topic/hangout channel. If you really wish to start hanging out with us join that channel as well.22:49
stlsaintzkriesse: poke22:49
stlsaintzkriesse: meet me in -team22:49
Verminatorhello zkriesse.  Just trying to get some traffic here or what?22:53
Verminatorhow are you btw?22:54
zkriesseJust saying hi to those whom Ive not spoken to before here22:54
VerminatorI ubgraded from Kubuntu 8.04 to Kubuntu 10.22:54
zkriesseI'm fine....working on a report of a Microbe/Virus but other than that i"m just peachy22:54
VerminatorI ubgraded from Kubuntu 8.04 to Kubuntu 10.04 which seemed really sluggish and had many problems so I ditched Kubunt and went to Ubunt 10.04, but still seem to be having issues.  Anyone else experienc this.?22:55
Verminatorzkriesse, report on a microb/virus, is this for school or work?22:56
zkriesseCollege to be more specific22:57
Verminatorzkriesse, good for you.  I hope you do well.23:01
lukjadHai Silver_Fox_23:25
Silver_Fox_Hello lukjad , keeping well ?23:25
lukjadSilver_Fox_ better, and it's Thursday night! :D23:25
Silver_Fox_That is excellent news lukjad ,  you shall be 100% for the weekend. :)23:26
lukjadHope so, I really am hoping to get to a train show. :)23:26
harrisonkHow would I Zip a folder to a .zip extention?23:54
duanedesignhello harrisonk23:56
duanedesignharrisonk: right-click on the file and select 'compress'23:57
duanedesignharrisonk: it will give you the option to compress as .zip23:57

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